The Facts Oakland

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The Facts Oakland — M.- ■ ■ ii■ .. ■ ■ ■ ■ mmm ■— .. cent over the best week ia 1925, Chat ! || H ® y |l Mf m f», K ^L ting on more workmen, production is ended April il. increased. Last January when the Says That Newspaper “That the motor PRODUCTION UP driving public ap- new conveyor w>s instilled, T. B. proves of the value Best of Dodge Broth- CAR 125,600 OF Cooper. Says Racing Ford ham, works Manager said: -Now Advertising Pays ers-Motor Cars and Giaham Brothers nil we ha\ e to do to get more pro- Trucks is strongly indicated the BY PULLING LEVER by duction is to pull that lever another (By The Associated vast sales record made in the first Is An Exact Science Tress.) RISING quarter of 1926 when weather condi- EASTJtORU, Monn., May 1.- OAKLAND The lever of the Delro- Each successive OUT as orders for production week, News tions throughout the United States papers probably afford better j Light Company, the largest nfknufnc- Frig da ire electric refrigerators roll- results in were not propitious,” declared Mr. By Earl Cooper exact the profession of speedway advertising the laundry of refrigerator- in the ed in, the lever was advanced until f Jesste 'The most variable factor in has become, it might be turer eterjrtc business than any other medium, W. Bennett, Dodge Brothers Deal- spetd- racing world, has been set in tha last last week, when it rested in the last A. of few Sales Record Set er. way racing today is the driver. The* pointed out that drivers are striving Johnson, Galveston, Texas, 6-54 Series of Line j notch. notch end workmen were stationed performance* of which the cars continually for such a small differ- president of the National Laundry in First lever the of a as closely as thfv could stand, tac Quarter Has Remarkable thentsedves are capable can be deter- | ence in time as a tenth of a second This governs sj-ed Ov.Tnrs association, told visiUPg which metal re- entire* length of the plant. who are of New Year mined before each race almost in j per lap on the 1 1-8 mile ovals. They conveyor belt, upon iaumirymcn attending a Demand their or inabil- frigerator cabinets are built, a* the General Motors has to thtee-day meeting here. He *• >• ■ UNCLE SAM term* of exact science. realize that ability arranged said wW: HAS NO ^ >c to achieve this mean the moves through the plant, supply the 1 telco-Light company he believed the laundries, in r_ —t?7- To illustrate ho\T entificnlly ity may assembly spite a of n mile with to care of the newness of DETROIT, Mick,. May, 1. — Retail difference between winning or los- which is quarter long. additional space for in- thier business Car number 125.000 in the famous on a of UCHTING a race. Workmen and mater al are grouped creased production, to he available large scale, were more k* Dodge Brothers Motor t ar TROUBLE ing giving 6.54 series of the Oakland was Six, To on either side of the belt for the ! 1st, 1927. i service for the dollar than M Graham Brother? Trucks by »*h, a. Host !o wear, is Ingenuity Taxed Limit January any turned out on April 23rd at the Oak- impervious The in fact the entire various operations in construct on of othr business in the world. mlert in the rn*te$ letaftM in the today v*st?d on practical"?/ ell rafter engines, Whore Congress would be if the land factories; Pontiac, Mich. the refrigerator cabinet. '•tod from January 2 to April 3, caii The ir.idel 6.S4 Onsli-d c'so race cars of today, are practically IfJF.REFORJJ, Kng.—A one-week l ghts went ot$t is a When this car left the line, the MS, established another phenomenal possible pre- introduced the permanent tar. tl* identical. To achieve this split- By advancing the lever a not h, j campaign against rats resulted in dicament that troubles not our Un- total production of Oakland auto- second difference in a Herald merd with a total of 70f>P9 units u* 't :ib!rumrn‘ panel and the p; r- speed, there- speeding up the conveyor and put- i 20,Out) rodents being poisoned. Try Classified Ad cle Samuel, said Ernest Sadler the mobiles had reached » compared with 51,318. a of approximately ie ted ait*'vatic control. fe- fore, it is necessary that the race gain local apnrk Exide dealer. For, though the 425,000. Incidentally, the same day driver vital consideration to or ST per cent over.the same nd vitally, .r was the frit LaVirnd give regular supply of current be in- the 125,000 car of the G.54 ser es was triod in 1925, may Six pioduced with L-head *ngiu*», re- factors which would be considered <35&> terrupted, there's a trusty Exide on turned ont. the total day’s produc- even in most Th:* high reeord ffai made in the placing the overhead valve type prev- negligible experimen- ghar-1. An Ex-de Int^rry has played tion was 433 ears—the largest in the tal work. detail ice of bad v ather conditioat, which iously used. Every pertaining its part n national affairs in Con- history of the company. The record 'availed ai! The popularity of the 6.54 series throughout sections of gress since 1916. On 21st oU each July ,wa» short-lived, however, as it ha* re- it Cnsted States during almost the is proven by the fact that that vear an Exid« battery was in-* 'succeeding day is establishing new- itire period. * mained unchanged since it was first You want all of these stalled in the capitol power plant high marks for Oaklund-Pontiac Shipments from the introduced, with the exception of cer- factory in the for u se in emergencies. production. r*t three tain refinements, such as balloon calendar month, of 1926 After in Con- serving faithfully During the first year of the Fisher wind- established a new operation tires and one-piece high mark gress for 15 this Exide was years, of the company, 1908, a total of 735 on The Landau *h a total of shield closed models. next 80,351 unite as com- and in car retired a new one elected. features cars were turned out less than 300 Sedan and Loach were added to the your iwd with a 59,378. gain of 20,975 or It has a in- prevented pood many in excess of a typical day’s produc- line in the latter of 1924. Body Duco Finich Four Wheel Rnkn'Tl I pe* cent over the same in part of the ... period terruptions electric-light ser- tion the ... Advanced Sia-Cylmder Engine Harmonic Balancer 11 W25. at present time. The present Oakland series was an- v ce in ... Full Pre^ureOiling ... Automatic Spark ( .Air IP the capitol building. Since the out of the 6:54 and of bringing nounced lute in July of last year, Cleaner... Ijglu Dimmer on Steering Wheel. .(XI Filter 11 Shipments Dodge Brothers Mo- Current fro at the lo- power plant, series, the Oakland has had new .. Interchangeable Mata Beanng*.. Glut i imminent Panel >r Cara and Graham company reflected the influence of the 1] l rated five blocks away, runs <19 ele- fFishtr * Briber*.Trucks its greatest Each succeed- i ► the | growth. administration. The Harmonic Bal- satisfy increasing demand of ■ vators and lifts, lights 49.7 -ft eloo- ing year's has been greater vi- ****** dealers output ancer which eliminates torsional during.month of I trie hulhs in the runs capitol group, than the previous year. The famous bration, oil filter and air cleaner how much should latch reached the highrsf ever I a d point sh-washing machine, operates po- “True Blue Travelers,” the first of im- you rcurded in the were the principal mechanical history «>f Dodge ! tato-peelers and reduces ice-box tem- the 6,54 scries cars, left the factor- provements. But entirely new Fisher Wither*. Inc., with a gain of 50 per peratures. Even pencil sharpeners ed 8, for all sec- new added much to to obtain them? < »«* September 1923, bodies and colors over the corresponding month of have been motorized. pay tions of the country, where public the beauty of the line. The price KHi. This total wap 4460 compared Ith demonstrations of the new car were reductions, ranging from $70 to $.".50 2972 In .March. 1925. mail order Oakland Six. $1021 to $1291, The Oakland Six not embodies one of revelation. given, particularly to show the value created a sensation in the automo- only every A substantial increase has been of the four v bee! brakes, p ondered tive field and caused the factories to these advanced it not lade rack week in retail sales engineering features; only of (By The Associated Press.) Oaklan ! three COOrEF lin'dsll5f'n'i c!^"hZ(oufi Brothers by nearly years ago. be pushed to the limit to supply the fO|\KL reveals smoothness and todge Motor Cars and Gra- HI J All prices Central beauty, power, RNLEY. Eng.—Unable to locate Oakland was the t ii ex It’factory. speed, *fti Brothers not only among demand. be i.tly correct, Trucks thus far in Motor* Time Payment %..tes, cars — it the body of her father, Edward White- first five ears in this to this demand has been as near as human stamina but li.6, fh- !*te«t country How great ability can make it, unsurpassed by expensive weekly(fgeapd being v.ho had heretofore the hare been head, drowned, his daughter adopt four wheel brakes, hut was may be guaged from the fa< t that in if the car is to to the combines these essentials at the minimum cost.
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    -• • * • :. *~V • . ->>W~ ¦: - ¦> v j •- ¦ * i - ‘ v.\v: ¦ -AUTOMOBILES.^., THE SUNDAY STAR. WASHINGTON. D. C., JUNE 24, 1923-PART I. ROOMS, ETC. 27 FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOE SALE—AUTOMOBILES, FOB SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR HIRE—AUTOMOBILES. WANTED—AUTOMOBILES. 1 BENT Continued. Camtlaaed. Ceatlaaad. Cwrthww* CoßtinHa Coariaaed. 5 BOOMS—FUBNISHED. FORD sedan: (rood rendition: SSO eaab pay- Continued- SKUAS. 102t*; good tires, splendid von- FORD TOURING, 1017; good tires; car In FORD truck, new, dump body: reasonable; by ment, balance monthly. Addreaa Box 340-V, FORD condition; cash, $80; USED CARS WITH • 1387 22nd ST. Urge, nice fur- tlitlon; $276; terms desired. 65fl Pa. ave. flrst-clasa mechanical THERE ISNO day or week. Adams 378. Htar ofllce. N.W.—'Two If ¦mall weekly price, luttrTell RISK nished. cool rooms, second floor, next to bath; ».e. Lincoln 8613. payments: $75. SERVICE RENT A KOI H FIVE passenger car, nothing older housekeeping; FORD TOURING date 21); starter. 5 A-l CAB. oU li*bt private family FORD COUPE, late 1032; B good tire*. bumper wheel, CHEVROLET SALES CO. WITH A DRIVE IT YOURSELF. than 1921; atandard make; muat he willing to North 2861. appearance and tires, new battery, large lock steering take 1018 part, payment; ami other extras; excellent In full guaran- Bulck roadater aa mechanical condition; $383; terms can he ar- ventilating windshield: rebuilt: BONDED The cars offered below are in Corner 14th and W N.W. give full partlculara. Addreaa Box 297-V, 46 C ST. N.W.—For light housekeeping: teed; cash, $75; monthly, S2O; price, $275 Fords, Dodges, • bedroom, iaaged.
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