W.--OClYwi^m -it-romes-tn a eonsidi*Ta!i©n of mtt«- atfldentu, So the argument s go Auto owners are likely To grum­ At RIHN rJlBATJITr ATTRACTS art mnt llnmiwltr Different Ktraratum Record PsAac* Cr*» mnbllc protection by this same the Motorist back and forth. ble and say th.it it h the aHeiits' ATTKST10S It.W largely the little things that !' !•( ii-. have tin 1 iiiiiaije II, *\< lid . record vield of po- sort of medium that Is something The business value of Insuring' personal opinion tlint fixes the rate make a masterpiece of art; it is to U* «' 1 1 duration we h'w on tato, 1 T a* in known, wai else again. Here Is a problem for your automobile,is well illuwiraicd for his vai, 'i'hi^ \* not true. Insur­ Model* for Fonr Years DNplujed tlio little thinus which make men 'H • • |n li.r. ;:Jwn 11 . n iliplii in • «I t • /u< krrmau Brothers, ILK t^ll«l* K VSVK Bt»tS :, The Aiiieri- 111 I (' *wry Bietflrtirt ro~soive. Shall ht* In t it) to Show Htiw tiimpiinj «<' women truly (in. ' > 1 mo 1 i;Jit to It 'I In Sim kl "' ' il . in 1926. The} pro- 1 by the fair that ears owned and ance can will be rated today iaki- a chant** ? lie Insured IIIN c.iu M.iju>zinc. \lli. • . M 1 int' ill 1 1 d 1 ' Lli hels on an acrt ; operated by ci'iuiiiri'riii] enterprises among the r\ac: M-kmes, I'roicitv. Bayer** Iniestnicnt house. It never hurried down. He ;are practically always insured. lL la Thu faLtuiH that enter into the What seemed to be a '•drive-' •II. t*LII>"FOKI» IHIOKAW insured his life, but his heart in I only the private „wiier who takes fixing of the rate for an autonio- throiti;|i" (if new automobiles from ph'ileal Advisor New York >'i'j (nnrt liming Maybe he COUlil i» link Hifiim.y.n liiitltod* of tmiav the mal;b~iiT a ""* fi,t fl,,"J" to a floater here recently • TVifsrSlftc Y M. (\ A. iim» (lie cash required for automo­ -fTrre irreT~Tir*rT HI r .s e I readily admit the fact i]Uit it 1H proved to he a caravan of Auhurns. Automobile School bile Insurance to hotter advantage, I better to have insurance and have ear, tin' date, the type of body, ir was raining Ijucke!^... IT lashing gale... raiiiniiK from 1925 to 1323 models. people insure their homes he is tempted to conclude. Yet In­ j no need fi;r it than | , ,i j j bum IK'r eciuipiiieuJ. number of (l m 4i t a||| The cars have all been refiuish- loss by fire. Life inisiir- surance means protection, peace of : not have it. it !•• no: denied thai cylinders and place where the ear ed the same color, a myrtle (treen. • a popular n.«se*. But when mind. There are many chances of I automobile Ijuiiirai.ee ii expensive. is used. It is Hi,, aim of the iu- ...... ,, and the puriioHe of the deiuoiisira- right off the Cape she blew... it was no night auidtii-c compamea naturally not to „„„ WJS-,0 ahow „ow Aubuni |ir0; pay mnre ihan tfce inarket value in tiH-j, lll0 buyers* Invemineiit case of 1 i, ;, anil the cost of re-'; thiM'.iuli the retention of Meueral for any man to be out driving . • • but time and the , pairs In ea^e in damans varies wllh derail fioiu one year to another. the difference'in si uu of the IteiiiH ihiu avoiding obsolction of previ- ; nu'ii.'loiU'd. When a niatiulac'iirer on* in M1C1«, •tork wait for no man , , . and all of a sudden here : "WrnT^~ouT™a "iTFw T^~TnoneT*"aT^TTiT TTTinn "KaTiie SlmUafitv Of"Tffe" ,, thorough siirvis o: ii i« maile by llnei „f tho four niiidels caused comes Doc BigeIow s Nash slithering up to the F. O, P. * the ius'iraiue wrilerH the lia'/uivu ''ini.-iderablo comment from the M classified, the rale fixed and filed •iiii-.liV'.ls who liispecfed the earn, ,. • with a squeal of brakes she stopped , .. ten gallons with tile L" .1 e Deparnueat, A; Tl'Tlivv i.iL'"i model had been driven Ines AUTOMATIC close waich ii kip; for a year; i; ; in re an 1110,0110 miles before it tltj rate proves too low JUs' raised; 'had h 1 brought hack by the fac- of 'Standard* quick,'" says Doc, "and aint it a rotten ! tiid overhauled, and the 1V""> if it proves ten) hiisli for the risk in- i'* > M volved on that particular model it model nearly 80,0tH> miles. night for the Jones's to have their first baby?''* * , . snre irf lowered. The chaining rf a wire 'It Is not neeeu.uiry for an auto'- by the manufacturer may ^iieaii hi iblle nhl 1111 factUfor to ehaiige a ear the compleie ailjustmeut of the in-1 radieaJly every nl% months or year' it,** says the genial pump man, "but I guess it's kind Winterfront surrince rate. j ai)d rush new models on the mar- One of tile thing 1 which makes | ket if the ear waa built rlcht orlgl* of up to 'Standard* to get you there" . • . says Doe, 'Insurance rate:, Iiiuli is ti\e poHni- ; nally, is ilo> policy of Auburn," Mr, bility of theft. A few years ago In­ Doniii'llaii of the Auburn* Summit ( who will nave his little joke, *Tm not a betting Witt Serve You expensive uue.d eara were «tolen '••»•• said In eommentiiiK on the and sold in tremendous mimJtoiH. | t'lU'a^nn, " j MoHt states met,jjhi;< t'ciiidltloii by '"The co-d to the huyiiiB public of | v N^ man, but 111 give odds I beat that stork.** paHuing laws reiitililni; a bill of Miinniii; lias totalled t.hotlflnnd:t of For Years : Bale before a.now lieenae was !«•! dollars'throuiih the depreciation of *S *'i. sued. New Jersey went so far an to '•'heir ear's sale value by the intro-1 * W? won't It rep j nu guwiitgabQUtF.OP. require a coinplete hlHtory of the 'duction of radical chiiiiBes in tlie; %S Tokf it nnv way you likm. To tarn* it i ear and sijjnatures of its different desloi of newer models. The.car; mrani"fullnfpou rrt"thml't'^Slmndnrf fllfllfllfl \c Motor Protection on owners from the* time of Its first wluili ihey boUKht one day often! sv Qmxolinr rteryuherr Ami tktn agaim, sale by the dealer. Tills proyedan has beeti rediieed fully one half in j #0 othcrt H fflMlu "faithful oU purmp" Thmm Cum Dictate* Automatic effective cheek on thefts made for 'price value the iiextj because the; ... . therm an (houtnnd*of "StamdarJT ctum for Yomr Car resale- However, In recent years manufacturer, radically chanped | **v%. ptunp* mtrywhmm yam motor. ~~ ~~ iVote *** , the auto 'thief's tastes have the lin.s and Keneral design of hla ! *** '«»,., Hupmobile 8 Chrjrmler 75 and 80 chanRed, Today he does not steal j ear-,'; said Mr, Donnellan. '. .- i Dodge! ksdwSix Gawliflae near, as a rule, for resale, but to', "Tlie 'curve of a fender^ the! f!a natter where yon Uie himself in outlawry of KOIUO shape of a radiator, has nothiitc to j Lincoln Pi«i*c*e-Arrow bay it, at what hour of La Salic do wiili the intrlnfsi c value or, an -Hiort, principally in bootlegginR A" For his piirposo the expensive, automobile, yet it has a great de,a! day or night, for what* , high-powered cars with ffreat to do with the Bales value, \ I ever kind of ear you drive speed are more desirable, mid thus "It h is heeii the policy of Auhurnurnv^ HEN you put Pines Automatic Illustrtumf the Font equipped with Fines Automatic Wntt automobile thefts have switched to for the last four years to prod uee \ '... you'll always find at this type of car, ('ousecjuently the no yearly models. The appearance the familiar "Standard* Winterfront on your car, you do so rate of theft insurance on inexpen of tin* I'll1!! ear is very similar to "Automatic motor protection is the only with the maker's guarantee that it will sive ears has lowered, while that on 'hat of 1!»- Improvements have pump a uniform, power* sure method of guarding your motor i the luxurious type haa raised con­ been added to the chassis, to the |ful, reliable gasoline. gjve you years of service, siderably. motor and throughout the car jton- against cold. Pines Winterfront is the only Cnllislon insurance covers Ioss/«'rally as fast as they have been And with it always A recent national survey among Winter- automatic radiator shutter on the market. sustained, hut not loss inflicted, developed, but radical changes, and is usually of three types: Full which would obsolete previous goes a smiling, court front owners disclosed due many have To be sure you get this method the auto­ ^collision providing for any dam- models, have been avoided, teous, helpful service. age; $50 deductible collision^ pro- "Consequently the Investment of teeniniHe ironrrf to 10 years and are mobile industry has endorsed—ask for it •viiling for reimbursement after the «i» Auburn buyer has been pro- still giving satisfactory service, by name. first *5u. and $100 deductible colli- teeted because the car he bouKht Hioii. Collisioii is defintwi as menu-"one day has hot been antiquated ing collision with anything, pro- the next by"a totally different, de- viriing onlv that it is acciilentai. If • signed ear. j T 1 a small boy throw** a stone through "T<> follow a successful policy of ( your windshield, that is collision; , this kmd. however, a car must bo; —It's Automatic If your car hits a stone in the road built right originally. That the 1 and your —-—spring- --i——-s broken----, "tha ——•--•t is -| earlier"""Auburn ears were bmrrr STANDA collision. If your steering gear S right and were faT advanced over; should break and your car climb a most cars meehanicall• y and i'u" telephone post, damages resulting K^ier"aTTIe1dKiirT87'e"viaenc*ed by the j Perry TV Brown because of the acrobatics would be fact that the Auburn of 1025 will! GASOLINE ! allowed, but not the steering ap­ compare very favorably with the 485^87 SPRINGFIELD AVE. paratus damages which caused tho 1929 trade. ; accident, "While Auburn has not changed 'Phone 913 Summit, N, J, '/ Property, damage covers legal lis cars radically at any time since HI 1 claims against a motorist for in­ 1925, tftP improvements have been jury inflicted .by his car on any steady aiid-Advanced," Mr. Donn- property belonging to another.. ollan said. "For instane^Hn 1988 Property damage is not an expen­ .such improvements were added as e sive form of insurance, though-H Lockheed internal expanding hy­ Is an important protection. Whan draulic brakes. _ Bljur lubricatioii 9fo new Snick is the new Style damages happen to your own car, Bystem, double re-inforecd frame, such as those caused by fire, theft dual carburet ion and dual mani­ or collision, you are pretty sure of folding. Many companies are just just what the amount involved Is, incorporating these improvements but when tho damage'"trio tho for the first time In their 1929 property of others you have very models." little \&. say about how much, you The caravan, which shows how have to pay, and it Is wise to be Auburn has protected the buyers' insured, " investment, will visit all major Probably the most important and cities in the country. There are usual form of automohilo Insiir- five ears in the caravan, and Frank ance is the liability coverage. This Sheadie is in charge. involves liability to you because of injury to persons, Tho rate is very Says Moon Will Wreck World 1 high. The agents acknowledge London—All life on this planet If" *' this, but say that it Is necessary he- will be destroyed by a collision with (Contlnued on Page Three) the moon, says Sir Oliver Lodge, but Britain's foremost scientist puts UoslnesH Inew*asing the date of this catastrophe millions Washington, D. ('.—Business Is of years hence, ..„.„.. forging ahead despite the political "6U»ANT SIXJ*<501DE LUXE SEDAN uncertainties of a presidential year, Mention the HERALD when buying mys_ th° !£cd-*?ra !,_-Jte^rve Boat;d -, ^hb«e rgvfeW fBt Augufel reports a rise in imjujitrial and trade activi­ BUS SERVICE ymm0^^y^yo\x want hm^ ties. .-...... ,. .„ I#et Tir Go, Profei«s«r ifyou want uptto-tiie-minufcsmartiiess' _lfTo be a successful tap dancerr* MORRIS OOITNTT-.jp an authority announcegi "you must „^"ewark,^^plewood „MI|!!h«riit pot'eTerytMnB you''vtrT?aJtTinter^'Our t SpringAeld, Chatham, Madlaon, work," In other words you must Convent Station, MorrtatoWB, Mor­ there's $nlp5ne di§^"» th^

VETERINARIAN^ Builder of Distinctive j Dwellings • "'Ji B«

Morrii Tirapib) «ai Middle St no.» snnnT, K. J.

MenUon the HERALD whrabujinc


hands and want notulug ~Iefl un­ m Line of Oakland AH-American Sixes N. J. Battleground In done to have their ticket carried, through to victory next month In; For the Motorist New Jersey, Meanwhile the Demo-! Soon To Be Seen At Local Dealer's Presidential Fight crats arc awaiting the return of stlHucd from Page One* Governor Smith, who Is expected en, lit ihe carelessncss of con-; EDentire new line"oT"OlWInd than any other manufacturer. 7 Trenton, Oetr~tT=T««* Jersey; o~*mTEe~a Bccona trip into this" trary human nature, evidenced by (I-Anteriean Sixes, embodying ex- Among the Oakland-pioneered ad­ one of the battle grounds In the Stale In the closing days of the muiutinit!* of jay-walkers, joy-rid­ isive style and performance fea- vances are four-wheel brakes, Duco Presidential fight this year, this campaign to put the commonwealth ers and the other carefree liabili­ res consistent with the pioneer- finish, the harmonic balancer, the waek entertained United States In the Democratic column in the ties of the motoring world that har­ U-M-lt. cylinder head, foot-con­ national election this year. The ass tu,. driver's life. The hieli oehlevetnents of the Oakland Senator Charles Curtis, Republican j J trolled head rights, oil filter, air Democrats, wiio tnwe"eIeetefl five- ra^ M- art* -a Iro-dtret© the- -pro vrf - - aior Car Company, will go on dls- candidate for Vice-President, The cleaner and fuel pump. and also bia! mneroslty and leniency of iy in tho very near future, II. P. running mate of Mr. Hoover Is juries in awarding damages in "Production of the new car Is 1 the ta,t sl t, v rn these caNCft, They seem to reason lylor, of the H. F, Taylor Motor now under way at the Oakland making a two-day tour In an effort!? , « ?. * f"' , „ „ ve on ot th that -i:ne it is not an individual announced today. plants at , Mich., as fast as to swing or keep the State In the|*» » *' Inlted States Sen- tor r whit hu-i iu suffer the costs, only . I'hlle no details will be disclosed precision manufacturing methods GIn.g O.politica P. columl developmenn on Novembet orf 6ththe, I • "« » « Ending their efforts to a rich iiv!niranc#-coBipa»y^wijy-iiaUt- will permit, according %o Informa­ week. He arrived on Thursday fot ticket. New Jors for mUh d itil the public showing, the new Mr. Curtis' visit was the outstand- «*«!? —_ ^ —? "" j make the sky the limit for claims? j kkland In distinctively original tion received here from the home a scheduled speech that night at Robinson, as well as their State office. Re-tooling and re-arrange­ Camden, The next day carried him American Barley Manned i Even tho autoist .'esponslble for the; ^d different from any car now on ment of the assembly lines were north Into Hunterdon, Somerset Berlin,- Importation of American ; l"Jury .hows surprising charity. market, Mr. Taylor stated. completed several weeks ago, and and Essex counties, with sched­ harley Into-Germany has been pro- "«• ackitowlcdRes with a big heart "'Popular feature! of the first finished cars are going out to uled speeches at Flemlngton, hibited because (iovernment eiperts , ilHit it was all his fault, that the 1-Amerlcan Six will be eom- dealers with utmost dispatch so Plainfleld and Newark, The itiner­ report nn infection from a fungus, t INKT p.«ies:rtan. the guest rider or led, In this latest offering, with that they may have ample models ary called for a final address on gibbereila sanbeniettl. which Is' whoever was injured, deserves the lost of refinements in perform- on hand to assure prompt delivery Friday evening here in Trenton. poisonous to stock. Following the damages. If such a driver him­ lotor Cars of the Future wilt be tow, slender, ce and body design that will when the car Is publicly an­ Although New Jersey has for a death of pltH. investigation traced self had to bear some of the bur­ ike the car an outstanding at- nounced. number of years shown a prefer- \ the fatalities to the fungus growth, den tif the.*? payments he might letlon on the highways and find that his heart was not so "Nearly 5,000 leading newspapers ence for the Republican paYty in'Farmers were warned by radio not |ulevard> of America during the national elections, the visits of **> ?«ed stock with Imported grain, ijverflowip.g with the milk of hu­ gnceM, tike the NAS H "400Ttoday iliiK months," he said. | will herald the announcement la man kindness, AH these things *n- their display columns, carrying the both Mr. Hoover and Mr. Curtis to,The restriction docs not apply on 'The new car Tepresents the i 'grain from Texas, Kansas, Okla- ter imo the high rates of insur­ message of the Oakland Company the State in the present campaign ance- over which auto owners com­ ' ASH has achieved tomorrow's mo­ new cars of the year, to know definitely Imulative experience of more Indicate the party leaders realize noma and, Colorado, in twenty years of successful to practically every city, town and plain. tor car vogue in the Nash "400," today. that you would rather have the Nash. hamlet in the country. they have a hot fight on their Jtomobile building on the part of Well, Maybe >«t In spite of high rates, however, You only need to drive the "400"—to "Hundreds of thousands of test It is'ihf consensus of opinion that, Oakland Motor Car Company, "I have been reading some of the Every line and contour of the new steer it, park it—to know that here ii is the vast facilities of General miles, the equivalent of years of tnodel, It was pointed out, to be adequate automobile coverage'Is a, Owner service, have already been built In the new recently opened articles in Woman's Home Com­ Salon Body style suggests the fleet, Btors. panion on why people ,marry," sound investment. It Is better tOj exactly the kind of a car you've always f'lnto Its development have gone piled up by the new car on the Oakland factory—the most modern put vniir trust in a sound insiir-| clean-cut profile of the thoroughbred. wanted to own. Its new Twin Ignition Proving Grounds and best equipped in the industry. wrote one husband, **I don't be­ pooled resources, creative in- lieve the authors know why they aiiie I'liiiiiiniiy than in the blind The "400" models are big, roomy performance and casc-ot>handling are In order to assure that every detail "A complete description of the and laiiricious goddess of uood luity and experimental facill- marry," be added. "Nobody cars, hut without excess bulk, smart of Oakland and General Mo­ of construction and operation are new line will be available In the knows." luck. easily the year's most important addi­ rs engineers. General Motors Re- up to the rigid requirements of the near future when -the mode] will cars without exaggeration. They're tions to the pieasure-of-motoring, irch Laboratoriei, General Mo- engineers' blue prints. In fleets of go on display'in our showrooms." low, slender, and graceful. 'fm Proving Grounds, and crafts- six to twelve, the new cars have -k been undergoing their dally grind DUhANT IX SALES, PRODUCTION We'll give you the key to any model fen of the organlaa- DEAL WITH AMILCAR CO. |n. at this huse outdoor laboratory, You only need to compare the appear-, you care to drive. Then, ue'll listmit some climbing up grades of twenty Ten Minutes a Month ance of the "400" to that of the other to yon! • '.. .__•_• 'Particular interest attaches to "An equal measure of enthusiasm New York, Oct. «,—W. C. Durant. new Ail-American because of has been evidenced by newspaper president of Durant Motors, Inc., will keep your battery young. It's an easy habit— Tocqrd of the Oakland company men and others privileged to pre* has cabled from Paris that he has and it takes only a few minutes Yet regular calls at 9 Sedans from $885 to $1990, f. o, b, factory view the beautiful new Fisher closed a deal wtlh the Amilcar Com­ 8 Coupes, Cabriolets, Victorias from $885 to $1775, f. o, b, factory having Introduced Into the pany of Paris which gives the Dur­ the EXIDE SERVICE STATION will make a tre­ anotivo field more new features bodies with distinctive, modish ^UKhing through the deep sand Tines that mark all models In the ant car Immediate representation In mendous difference in the service you will get from : mucentd ,roads or more. , others whizilng line. France. —•— your battery. p'Keeluml n thappreciatioe new concretn foer thbowe perl or- "While the new car retains the The entire manufacturing and There's seldom much to be done—just testing the rmance of the car has been voiced name All-American Six, it does not sales organization of Amilcar with voltage, greasing the terminals, and perhaps adding Proving Grounds attendants necessarily bear more than a alight 135 dealers la at the dlspoaal of lo have been putting it through resemblance to Its famous prede­ Durant Motors, Inc. Durant Motors some distilled water. But, if done regularly, this is L,etula the World in .JMoior Car %'atne will control the manufacture and paces during the past several cessor—the first™ All-Am#rlcan you need to keep the battery in first class condi- IMPORTANT FEATUIIKS-.VO OTHER €\§H 11,1 S THEM .#£,£ jnths while the new car was car­ Oakland Six introduced a little sale of Amilcar In the United States. tion. ina an old body so that It might more than a year ago, This combination of French and Twin-Ignition"motor Aruinrn~ulnan6y^Tjtbhj B1jur~cVnTralue3 Longer wneelbasci It be recognized by visitors. American manufacturers is de­ We sell and service the EXIDE BATTERY, but 12 Aircf«ft,type-spark~ Llaur Strmtit chassis lubrication One-piece Salon "This Is the first new Oakland clared to be the first of Its kind and plugs " New double drop frame we will be pleased to service any othfif* make of bat­ Electric clocks (coders will unquestionably be followed by — High compreiiida Torsional vibration other reciprocal arrangements of tery, also. " ' Clesr vision front Houdaille and Lovejoy damper Exterior metalwara pillar posts like character which will result In chrome pUted over great benefit to the automotive In­ shock absorbers World'seasIeK steering nickel Nash Special Design bEAUTlFUL NEW dustries of both countries, Durant

for speed, performance and endur­ t ance. i REAGLE GARAGE - An Amilcar won the 200-miie race at Brooklands this year, also the Thomason Battery Service 176 Park Avemte Phone 1165 - Summit,' N. J Grand Prix at Rome, and on Sep­ 172 PARK AVE, TeL 942 SUMMIT, N. J Telephone £umm/te!24& tember 2 broke eight International (>mn '•Vitf records at Paris, it was stated. -FOUR DAYS ONLY- MONDAY to THURSDAY, OCT, 29 to NOV, 1— First Time At Popular Pricts


e Cream DeJge Senior Sis with GARY COOPER and a Special Cast Three Presentations j3aUy of jrhis, Pjcture,, 3, 7 and 9 p. m. thslfidmtry Special Matinee Showing for School Children and Students, Thurs., Nov, 1st, at 3.45 p. m,

HwtmeWeS ay et l^JM^MMotor Froiiction pay for in the iprinff. Damage that can iw be Drink Milk from the Farms totally avoided. ^to^lfoiir Home Pines Winterfront stops the damage oj Your radfetor U a heat waster. It wai put there for that purpose. If efficient, it throws away 1$% Cold is Too Serious a Menace to 40% of the heat of the fuel. At 60* Fahrenheit Buy Your Milk there is no heat to spare—yet heat waste continue* toGuessAbout through the radiator. That's why motor tempera­ from a Raw Milk Dealer ture must be controlled at the radiator, where heat waste occurs. OLD strikes at the heart of your motor lies the biggest reason why ywt, fob, must Pines Automatic Winterfront completely covert C at.&j" Fahrenheit. And during the choose automatic motor protection, if you the radiator, and remains closed until the motor months of cold it exacts a toll of millions want to avoid the damage of cold. it warm enough to operate without damage to vital parts. The shutters "fhW~tegkY~"td Open, from car owners who think thty czri guess •automatieaily. allowing the entrance of exactly Summit Raw what to do about it. Some wait until zero enough cool air to maintain a scientifically correct temperatures—and "guess the car won't Why not leave this vital operation to the temperature! • „ Dealers Association freeze." Some cover the radiator discretion of the driver?, Because the motor When you park yomr ear. Waterfront tUuei com* makeshift devices, and, at theasjejj ojheatx fletety whUe your m0tar u rttil Iwt, Yam COMHOI -«wAfe ,*ar jnanufacturer-knows that the driver uutk away and forget it. There is no chance far BALDWIN, C,m ft W.R, FLORHAM FATtM "guess it's time to uncover," Others wait fui iht jmcH-BMjwiluiy alroheh And billforgetss uf. uiillluujHe knowt tuuls thadt thLue, nationaml in ltw repaio ifr Siimtp iff thv fit it sign Livingiton" fliauison others, with a means of protection at hand, drivets-didn*t forget. Today, when he im- of cold weather With a Winterfront on yene ear, you "wam-m^* Tel. Livingston 111-8! Madison-2— park and walk away—forgetting completely in seconds. The "choke" habit disappears because proves^he makes H impossible to forget. Science ha* placed the blame ior thefd tsl fio noirti for it. Y^ttr niotof itftftf tlttif Mfft* KNOLLCREST FARM ~ttie dangSof"cold, --•—-_——;- —- all premature motor wear on cold—freatest de­ and easier, wtth less battery strain. You enjoy a BUDDHURST FARM S*e that the jkmtterytmlmy s New-Frovidence:' stroyer of motor life and emcieiiey. At 60 ^Fah­ noticeable saving oi ga»o!|ne—your car Is warm ehatham Thus the great national apring repair hill renheit your motor i# under heated* That'i when inside—your motor runs with summer Tel. Chatham 2387-2390 Tel. Summit 1186-W ; builds up and up to a staggering total. cold strikes the first blow. v?4 and flexibility. Theie ears need automatic motor proltctiom— Yot» get the warning signal in coughing, spit­ NOE FARM the makers of these famous cars, or they wouldn*t,have it Your our CANOE BROOK FARM H ting noises and delayed starting. You reach for Winterfront is easHy instalhJ Summit lisan you have yaurchojee^of two ways, We*ve '^e same kind of protection. Unless the: the "choke," and instantly a flood of raw gasoline ^irSumniitWl^ Tet;1s!adiH«r33^ shutter on^yoW cat'works antoinatKaBjr, " nirt "ic**old~TBeti1: OiHiwaihed away Hoat" Wewfll emMp-jrottr car witH a K«« AoWBtttat-- Motor Protection—*, positive, dependable, glass-like surfaces. Met»l_grinds against metal Winterfront in a few minutes. Moderately r "* ^ou-cannot possibly get full protectiott at a terrifitf'^peedi^produTctng^ricttotr^^^n^^^^^^ it wilt^pay^for itself many-time* over- antomatic method that guards your motor against cold. Thus, when you buy a radi­ can stand. Eaceftive dilution follows, _ fouled give you years of service. Thermostats are . _ ^ ^JJkteibtttori^f Grade A Raw Milk with scientific accuracy,..' v ator shutter this, year, be sure it is spark plugs, extreme carboniiation, corrosion and , anteed. Accept no substitute. There is oaty «•*; They1 chose tiw latter, And in their choice siwiK. These grcit wak^ tell youlhatr rapid^cynnder wean ;This^^he-damage-yow automatic radiator ahtitter Oo the market, Produced by 4M-487 SPRINGFIELD.Aytt^ 'Phone 913 ^aimilv N. J, Tested Cattle Perry5^ fe^m * i% i^d

I.I J ;• " I rir. pftrrw** . Snn'-iSiSC: ^Mtunt fnvKV THE SUMMIT HERALD ANB SUMMIT RECORD, SUMMIT, M. *Rtt>AY, OCT. Ml •fflr" •"•"•"•J s -i... a Summit the opening of Gates Avenue verv rmnlern question And the Joe Catalan©, will be the Empire Bnpike, thence along f„i|„W| I-aii'V.r- -applied In this Mono- Theater's bill starting Sunday mat- from the westerly end thereof in a *"_ l^Hware. I-aUaw „ , , IritesOTPost- w ester 1) direction to Madison Av*- •rn Railroad wcst.-rlv t<> |r iaiK Maxsoo Subpoened Newark Theatres Ui'ilwji: Mujer feature *h.»w tlia» 'nee. Oct 21sr Miss DIX is one of nut. and to provide for the assess­ produced and Irving n., , , ' -"—- A in!, ill. IOU'J l» to t>i c n H l.*v tost thereof ujun land* Springfield Av.nu. . .spi, , The aklH and Mrs with which the Hie i^n n - i!ii'iineh< * JK I:I no ,'nd she promise*, a. show of speed In the vklnlty thereof benefited IW easterly to Wtldnm \\T Arricane Conditions In Florida To Davis Committee tlwrehj and tcmpiftully Ui ilnaiu* droh Avenue northerly t,, u i production of "Tin Pan Alley," the pinl'loii t> vove the ii'ii-ur-' TTT""~TTtnt cTaWTo reward her friends and tin *atn< Road. Whtltredg* ft,,,a , J tti It <>rdaln< «1 lo thJ Common j Pernwood Koad F. rim a _ Details i*f post-hurricane enndi- on a winiewhat elevated highway — striking play with Claudtstte Colbert jm t.n 1. «•• a vpchrv nizt,-! Movie- .o u.ak? new admirers While MIM Trenton, Octi 17- When tbeCaseiand John Wray coming to the '.I'P mi-iul iiju JJIII in ;m> -et- DlX wjll be srar Of the occasion she '""U"' H »f th" <"H> «f Nomnill numu.int | northerly to Morrln TUMI .II MHii Florid* wmtm recently rr- l»hicli wan very narrow iinrt ey-tend,J Committee takes a vill ha%e^»lejMiPPOrr_in_a-caat ^'j^^nfi^ffZn^ .^ • ?'.^_n»,to w1*rl»- tn l"'m d fnr aboul Bl3a rcecas from TBroad Street Theater, Newark, for «.t..l -mini picture lo be j re . *n.o4 Ward. Flrat I»l«trtri_i "tor tan Amos A. Fatter a resident! •bPI£_J LlbAJ»iifi ~^~bad been r , i J the Payli Committee opens on 12, baa been iuj»«tH#d aad^-oinp:^: (" in :i H mney and UI t 1-l^ht, and singing chorines, Sharli, Hindu '' * l »i«n>plei>«entii thtreto and aniornJ- place. Auti>nu>t>l!i> Hrrnw I IMag at Green! temporarily repair**! allowing one bers" Motor t'o , 517 Spring cd IH evlilont cil by the array of ex ( I r> lit.:. . I.I are ihe In aill'nei t m, , ,, r f I \ [them. The Case Committee 'has dame expert, will be an added fea- ,""' T1 ", ' " , - , , Bi'Sinnlns at intern, tii.,1, Springs, FfaL Mr. Poller had Way traffic but niUcs of the road pertH In every department eoin.ei:- i • I'I* \u>id iillc bill Diht i J to lie In 1-e had been washed out and one foot 'been repeatedly queHtloned as to ™,, . . .^ . i.l Th.it (.nt»i AMMIUI' In" iiprni d .lines of Morris A\ttr ,h dlmtlou.au-rjn j to,. Mndlno thereon fA\ 'i»d and ('onipa'iv MI. K(\ for i width of fifty <.V>) feet, being U ) lines ProBpeet Hire, t «,, i lafrted In marsh and pretty deep of the counties controlled by Re- c jtiilil.rii I di'nioti * ra'ini; a.iob.it f•. • Hot Itii', oftorln™ I'KMUM, OHIHN \\t fc that bad escaped the destruc- part-—----*y aaw tbe- worat destruction tli ularlj dt.i(iIbid at follows. *" "~W~ ft.^ U ej*t.rl> t !• ported to be •K-ruiinliluR the elec- {^^1^^ responsible fur I'll" ti.'i a'Kl niUbical ciKcr.ain HKt:iN"MNU at n point In the eenttr Shacks bad bean washed up on the V^ OP.MN \.\i\i; io -undertake as M A\enue. HiirliUfflsld Awi o. , * tloii reglatrailoii lists for Irregu- two of Broadway's biggest jiutti- - ru I M^ied I^Jtell. as 'lloiui,' line of «;atf u[ Wonderful prepress had been road and had to be aboved back to 5 >' « rh t-"yhl,» nt 11 as-ij-, mc i ml thtrtof .IK now laid nut and dvdl- southerly ti> Morris Awnu larltlea. Senator Ca«e and his He- e« last season. "Tbe Road to lionf ' * i' '! SJITITMII, the opining of ,» IUVI all*\ allow for e^ver^ one wav traffic At , T «..inii'- i:o\^lt> turn a ad li^m !£,»•, II«,HIJ ho >li« MM bound, d on the nonb <2) South SI digreiH ,T1 minutes west a whose bones were totally they intend to stick to their pres* a (o-r.t l\. siu^lii' and (lancIiiK Wenman Mrtjs., J12 Morris u,t and iu.u^ii tij lii.Kireni Ainu- and distance of 187 61 feet . thence (3) «n n BeKlnnlngf at luterw-ulon ,," destroyed and who were"en^-d nndlns them but were unublc to „, tl , „ _^, , » ins with tht* street of lllu3io I off • •n^ mrve ID the riKht the radius of whli h bur bcm eat line ot attack In Hudson. sorlrjjrfiild Aunu , ,i,>d to pro\ l»r« wai no dryi Tiitt Dttv^Coi6ml4t«e^«peeted to Br<,adway. — t>— — Is f>2ii/.ni/.nt of tin tout tin r»-- Street. thfeice a.l»nfr rolluJr t it , fcowerer, find rooms about aevenJ ' "**»»«bj« for thirty or (hear Stata Banking Commissioner Then C'lauck-tte Colbert and Joha M, c I).\ and he "Flapper Fol- .^-BtUUinii land. In th, \idnil> tin r. .ir to a point. tUence (4^ North "I dejereen tints. )I0rris ,Aunu <,rt 4"» iilllil)ti-H went u dlHtiiue of 91 ">S foot Chestnut Avenue. Chestnut ^ •Ilea below at Lake Worth and al- f y miles. The bodies were ' Edward Maxson. Democrat, testi- Wray were aJ;med for the Iea-1-t a Manual burlc^aue oflTc.r to tin ( i-itirl, ildt line of Madiyon nil im ilu M urit northerly to ^prinsriFjii \ thotutb hm Judged th» pjac* to be ,ercniatcd. Around tbg lower Okc*c-I fy lH»fore it this week to answer MIHB Colbert: who became famous \\i nu< Springfield Avenue casi.rli t ,, th. C'oMiilion 2 Th «t K'> mm h of the lands In- anoot half the aire of West Palm « district the estiinate of: the attacks which have been ("nun II of the t',l\ of Suminlt pursuant ft W R R , U, L K W v j teach reported that It «?eme to Kim place. Kim j,] t- In gettlnK back to palm n«ael„ ters, Sir, Maxson, however, seat Act i om . ruing AIunli Ip.ilUki). .ij)- pritiei, Ini tntllled "Morris Avenue erij to Mountain A\. New A\enue westerly to ilnntinu W0T (na n «rjl isuiuiii mi'ru.s thereto mid amtni Ji rsej Hindi liv John J Kinli, f'lvll Montvtew Itnad and Mom\. ' -1 •Tea In thla smaller city the Red SHOWS inciitn tlirrei.f Cnalne. r and Hurujor, Huininlt. X. J.innJu,,^ southerK to 1 .n < Uc > r, Croa* had agreed to recondition I Th.itaiuu alIo\ -lpnroxlmatih ilx- b,...rinK d.il, February. 112R. on file In j*™ ^d,T u„* *f *?.,.,'' V , teen Highland A\nm< or rnlon, he and tht same l» herelit I *?? ^ - *- . - P'?" *' 1 BO Insurance and were unable to «i>uroxli)nt.ij In ilu. n.Uldl. <>r tl« ai i > |iu d am) that the bnlaiu e of the i. t A ,U d L y 1} 1 rebuild. Hundreds are living in him k-"..i bounder.n |.d *"on ih' c a''"nort h ^'-^fleland xnutdh i.ndinnd r, ,1,state required for pmK- !f. *\ , r'''"'.I *i V., i',"" tents sent by the Red Cross and clined to grant, but announced In '"u," r "" -*" »"h «-h« ln lij iiurchast, eirt or dt-HirJIj d aa followi nam. (h. CII> Cl, rk l.e and he her.l.% , P,lft<^ "how room. MIOHH <. of posit vaults In Trenton and New­ Pi He and bis companions. Mr. those with whom they came In con.* In "Tin Pan Alley" include Norman \ i' • rit ^'•unians iin-wntu thi intern i UKlil^NIN'U at u point In the -weit- Is dir.< ted to .srtlfj said map, tuKithtr i«« Aienue a ark hanks. Mr. Maxson will be . Foster, late of "Night Hostess" and irl> »ld(. Hue of IlerchwocMl Itoad dis­ with n mux of thli ordinance dul> it- I „ HcKliinlnjr at lnters«-etl.,n -f . Skyer and his son, had Intended to tact The American .Magazine, t. n 1! Mii'vlml Oomi'di Mjirin r lm Hiibpocned to appear on the 26th of i "The Barker"; Peggy Allenby, the tant 140'»» ft^t north from thi north- f( slid to the Hoard of Assessor! of the I »"•-• ° *- MrM and I> I >, •tart for the lower end of L_ike the nHintlu • rlv Hide line of .Springfield Awnue Cit) of Samrnlt. \fy n •„,,honr*' nlon» f"""»i>^ • Okeechobee but were told that they £he Supreme Test distinguished American actress, Kd- u».it ""uih'rh t of HuchttooU Road, thence <1) a|»ng Cwvld not yet thromsb on account | gar Nelson, Marcia Manning and "Hit the Deck" herebv Is approprloti d for the purpose P'*'« . *->'" P'a north 8« of tarr>lnB out said local Piiprmi A\enu» '• Mountain A\. mi< w.v,- «C the high water. He then bended not you really want a thing, try! Wherever there Is a boom there with OfEEMK SMITH and riJARLE.S dearies 40 mlnutts \vt»t. a dlstann of ment J.Montvlew Rond , Mont\l \ l. „.t , Vast for the north end of the lake have been made by Yellentl. I'I Il< KKI- anil lotnpom of 73 .'SJ SI feet to a point In the eanterl) 5 That rbe eost or said Improvement Mont\U» Itond pnnlu«d * mi , giving it up.—The American Maga- is usually a good deal of bunk.— nldu line of Highlan l dH Ayouuesai1 d point- d on the lands In the t 15° tea north of north Mil. and then came down the east shore zinc. The American Magazine. I'opslar I'rlee Mat*. y» ed. and hat. %,\»l Vt° ""."" :l° & measured ^ha|l ," ..ss HS, "Hit the Deck'* at the Shubert along tha easterij uide Iln« o,f High- ' Hr-lnltj- thereof benefited thereb> MJlenslde Awnu* . 150 t,. t j, - \VK <->t ; Jark Desspsey In ( lanf d Avenue from the north side line c ^»ld Imiirmproveinoii t shatl be ten-'and parallel wi north FW.- Im- *'. Theater week beginning October "THE BUi FIGnT," -. Springfield Avenue, thence <2_> poraril_ y financed by borrowing money,sid_ e Aieaue easterly to iSv If' 22nd, with Queenie Smith and Chas i *V!SR tfl* ".fH1 ,",df line T- Hlahlanind'd ': arid- Issuin- g "fro" m "ume'toTlme temiw-]«' r' »»utl...... i side lin. e of —...Morn- .\ „ A\enue soutft J dearees 02 tnlnuus ran notls h, .trine Intei.st at not .i-|lr»0 feet south of and parall. I Pnrrell heading the east. t l tllnce f ,so fo l to The coming of Vincent Youmans* ,^ . ' ,^ " ," f 2 P°P»t. lei^dinir five i>er <%) i>»-p»>ir* an-'«idan- i line of .Morris Avmu thence (3) running- c ist.rly and paral- nurtl said niu.s to In iXeiUI»sl\bj tli. (to .M~ to Morris Awu. of Beeecnwoo " a- -'Wad - , thence (4) alung , ters In r» SJM et to raid notes to hi d. - | tttiuing north on an imiiginarv to the play patrons of this section.; the IitKni rfL " ',_T .J. . » Oeethwoo^^^ du iI termlned b> the Citj Treasurer ilnterwitlon of B'auvolr and - There seem3 to be a keen apprecla- 1 HF^iiVrv.-/tet t0 the 1>0lr,t °r I>,ftLt.^. ' °' I 7- 'r,1,B <>rdlii.uu.. e nhnll take iff., t I A^enueflA^en l . Sjlvan Avenue north.r Vteek BrgiBBtas; Tkli Woaday Mjfci • iwflli.Ir . J ^ immedlatelv In the manner pro\ Idi d | WalnuW»lr t Strut. Walnut SU.u tion for plots of the sailor and the 1 1 tne ne ,,, ft, ,Hnd ^.T.. J?^ i » "> s and real t,j law ii WalnuWalr t Stmt produi.d * »-;. rh • sea that is common everywhere, j f"**° ftetel^4l';> for the making of Btld I Notlie Is H. rel.j- «;iv«n that tin | L & W It lt,l>. I. UM 99 and In this instance the story is so improvement be acquired b> the City , foreaoliiK orillnam e was Introduced for i westerl> ti» |>otnt of l>erlniuju,' "Tin Pan Alley" %',.'. we"*"* w cordomnatlon J rJr„t n.idins- u a r.Kular me.tlna of Herund Wsrd, >..«rlk lilsirlrt—[ attractively set forth by Herbert! v ji3ni. n Lpo- ,,n thrii.e . 'rti'^V^passaget o"~f . tillV""* . or— - ', t"-*•„o" Comm.» I'IOI"".n! .Counci I'linoil n.'helmd on Tufsdnlui-iMHv. . Inir place, Community Hall I "The Home for Service Fields, the author of the book, and dlnan^e the Citj Clerk be and he here- ' evening <>. tob, r 16th, l'»2K, and tint Place I I. \l DKTTE with JOIIV d,r t cd t0 1 ^i* f J[ «ertify said map, to- , auid ordlnanc.e will be aubmitUd for Beginning nt lnterscftion <' so embellished by Vincent Youmans,. ( OLBI KT V BA1 aether with a «op> of this ordinance, ,onsIdiration and final passage at thi line of Morris Avfmre with « l*\ I ! the composeM with such a delight- «,,~.JI„ r ., r i duly attested b> him to the Board of next r«t;ular meeting of the Common theme aloiiR following i.npr "aeflsors of the Cit> of Summit .Council Jto be h< Id "U Wedm sdnv ivc- : ful musical score, that it has won i,laK,d ln ^^ »•->"*««•> City f.lne southcrlj. mum That the sum of 16.000 1H' and It nlnw, Xovemlier tth. 19J4, . nt the Ctty northiirly to 130 feet north <' • ; Its way at once Into th# liking Of lt^ , Bar*. Mats. Wed. * S«t„ i*. t» |1J«..... hewl»>> IIs appropriateappropriated "foforr ththe purpospurpose ' HallHaft, aat"V'oHoek:"att S o'clock, at ;'j;iinwhich' timtlw*e and side line of Olenalde Awnu. , i audience wherever It haa been ^ ../,~™oicarr>jni g out aal~...*d .IIKH I. . Improvement plac?<- e anj persona whos..e land. s mn> be W<,k Oct. 2\ "Trial of Mary !)•(• a 1 the coat of a,d north of and parallel to n< - 'i ' i shown. The company will present " l? . . . " improve- afTeeted therebj or mho may- be Inter­ I hie of Glenslde Avenue fri.n ment shall be assessed on the lands In ested therein will l»e Riven an oppor- ISO feet south of south "-Id. ai» It here with all of its elaborate ef-, the vtelnliy thereof benefited thereby j tunlty to b. heard conn rntng such or- e Mprrls Avenue, 1J0 fiet bouth feets which makes the production | Said Improvement shall be tem- dlnane- e and parallel to south side line . f v McNAMARA one of the largest now on tour. i porarily financed b> borrowinjt monej Dated Octol>er 17th 1918. ris Avenue westerly fo Mountain \ and Issuing rrom tlmu to time tem­ FRKDHJRICK C KKNTZ, MM', Mountain Avenue norllii r') «Q — I porary notes bearing Interest at not 12-14 City Clerk Morris Avenue, continuing nunh -What is wrong with oar present EMPIRE exceeding; five r*r centum (5%) per an imaginary tine to Inttrs. i ti - annum, said nptes to be executed b> Benuvolr and S>ivan Avenuis. --i ienerallon? —.-- — *^ THEATRE *-• FUNERAL HOME "Our Dancing Daughters," com­ the .Major and CIt> Clerk, the other A venue northerll to Walnut Mi.- Starting Madar Matlaee, Oct. fist niattera In respect to said notti to be registry And Election walnut Street and Walnut Street i~] ing to Loew's State Theater in determined by the City Treasurer. duced easterly to D„ U ft W. P. 1. ; Newark, for a week starting next. Mutual Burlesque 7. This ordinance shall take effect Notices F»., L. A W, K. R. easterly to Rshs •. ! Monday, shows two sides to this immediately la the manner provided by Valley R. R.; Rahway Valley P.. ' MABPIX and her law. • southerly to Morris Avenue; Mnr.J Notice la Hereby Given that the CITY OF sirMMTT Avenue easterly to point of iKBlni!,' A Fully Equipped Establishment j Bomb Refuge In Bertia foregoing ordinance WHB introduced for first readina; at a regular meeting of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Thai Seeoad Ward, Fifth BUtrlct—r ; I Berlin—Germany's new chan- "Flapper Follies" the Common Council held on Tuesday the District Boarda of Registry and place. Hose Co, No. 2, corner el l*o"i I cellory, a four-story building, will evening, October llth, 1911, and that Election in each district of the two and ABhwood Avenues. Daily Matinees—Lad Its JSe. said ordinance will be submitted for fwards of the City of Summit, will alt Beginning at Intereeetlon of rff,»j i have a bomb-proof cellar capable consideration and final passage at the a""t th**"e" place"*—*' name""'—d* bBlow•"••—•, o—n *»—Novem— ­ Una of Morris Avenue with City Ur| i of withstanding heavy artillery Are. Big- Boxlas; show Tharsday Mukt. next regular meeting of the Common ber Sth, JOM. bet wean ,tlje hours of thence along following center lir,,« This feature of the new building Council to be held on Wednegday-eve^ 6 k. m*. and 7 p. fen, (Eastern Standard Morris Avenue westerly to Ft.ihsr. has called forth interesting com­ ning, ?fovemher 7th, i»2S, at the City Thfee) far the purpose t>f conducting a Valley Railroad; Rahway Valley K- 7 Summit Ave. Phone 1367 Hall, at » o'clock, at which time aafl General Election for.. roadnortherly to TX. L. & \V, II K ment and questiou, place any pcnionn whose lands may be, Mljftt ora of, the, Pxjsklant,, and Vlce- P. L « W, H. R easterly to City I. affected thereby or who may be inter- Presldent of the United States. IS Morris Turnpike ; Morris Tumpi* .Aad That's ested therein will bo given an oppor­ noutherly to City Line in Mui tunity to be heard ,eoneernlngr suen or­ A Oovernor, Street i - Morris 'Street southi rly "The two big political parties are dinance. f A United States .Senator. — point of beginning. fightin.' fer th* fanner vote Jest like Dated October 17th, 1B2S. A, Member of tho House of Repri- FREDERICK C. KENT^ sentatlvea rfrom tbjiLWIth:: i lot o' distant relatives over th* FREDERICKjLrf FNT7 1 •w^'^^ ^-^BajHm.i^s™uwons^Hh^i- hoarded thousand of a dead rs- Broad and New" Streeta. Kewark. City Clerk Foi|r Aaaetnblymew, TOW.tSHIP OF 8I'HIM:FHLI) cluse," 5aya Abe Martin in Farm 4 Week fomaseMelaa; MoaSay, Oct. « FESt>IXr.i-j Ui •aaajaaaaj Parely ladlan Met Summit, the. opening of a new alley NOTICE IS'AIAO GTVENV That tbe field will ait nt the plnrrs named I*! »J American Indiana, before the ad­ with Joan Crawford, from Summit Avenue to Iteechwood followlttk place* hgve beeri ahpsen far oh November 6th. l'.»2S. bitvcn vent of the white man, cultivated -"" On the Stag* Road approximately in the middle of the meetings of the- Board of tteglatry hour* of 6 a. m. and 7 p. m. (Ka«t.-| CilNTON 4 ROONET the block* bounded on the nortfc and anPrimard Electioy ann dan dGenera Tor thl e hMdlnEMeeUoAg oaf to-the; Standard Time) for the pun-os.' eight native vegetables. These In- and their Lights Club Orchestra south by Deforest and Hprlnrfleld wether "with a brief description or-the Conducting a <}ener.tl Kleetlon f'.r "'uded beans, corn, peppers, pump- 1 Other Big Acta—I Avenues, and to provide for the as- boundary lines .of each election dia- ^lectors of the President and Vi' kins, squash, tomato, potato and Contlwmt* I1.S0 a. m. toJJ^-ni. •essment of the eost thereof upon trlet. , : Prealdent of the United States. sweet potato.—Farm & Fireside. lands in the vicinity thereof benefited First Ward, Vlrst Blstrlct — polling A tlovernor. - thereby and temporarily to finunee place, store In Masonic Building, A Lulled States Senator. the same. Springfield Avenue. A Member of the House of H-r''" '.Be It Ordained hy the Common Beginning nt Intersection of canter eentatlven from the Fifth Congri in r. Council or the City of Summit purtiuapt lines of H|>rlngftold and " Woodland al District. to the provisions of an act entitled "An Avenues; thence westerly along tnt* Four Assemblymen. Act Concerning Municipalities, ap­ lowing center lines: Bpringrield Ave­ A Register of Deeds and MortR.if ~ proved March 27th, 1917, and the sev nue to Delaware, Lackawanna & A f!oron*r. eral supplements thereto and amend- ! Western Railroad; Delaware. Lacka- Twe Member* of the Township COT.-I ments thereof. tfannn & Weatern Railroad to Mt. mttfeer . 1. That u new alley approximately. Vernon Avenue: ML Vernon Avenue Two Freeholders and Justices of i: sixteen (16) feet in width be opened ' to City line In Paasaic-Itlver: thence Paace. from Summit Avenue to lleechwood i northerly, oaaterly,- and southerly Election district No. 1 Is all »r II"' Road, approximately In the middle or.along followzlos^center -lines: Passaic .portion of the Township lying c.i>-ttr. the blocks bounded on the north and I River to River Road; River Road to h and southerly of a line beginning -5fSJi "hy l>eForest Avenue and Spring- ' Morris Avenue; Morris Avenue ' to the Boundary of Mlllbum Toan«l fft'io Avenue, all in accordance with ' Norwood Avenue; Norwood Avenue to i and thenre running along th»' eru' the plan rwepwred by the City Engineer I Crescent Avenue; rreaccnt. Avenue t«- line of Main Street to the center I :ind now on file in his office, and more Woodland Avenue ; Woodland Avenue i of Morris Avenue; thence aUr.p t| iP^'eulaxly deacrilted as fullaws; ; to »h» point of b-glnnlng. center line or Morris Avenue t<. ti | BMTINN1KO at a point io the weatr \ First Ward, Heeoail B1*lrlet—Railing junction of Mountain Avenue_^_thej_ ' crl>lJlnP °l 8ummlt Avenue 125.4i_fe«lJ_pnu^^A*>to»B©bt»e abow^rno»i.4»-tiWH*'"- alMig *Se e>nter Tine of MbUntaln Ai«-| uueih^tK-from the Hrtememion or th* W if"H. M. <:olfln, 3U Springfield nue to the Mountainside boundiio >><• . northerly Wne. or Springfield AVenur Avenue; The polling place for Election dl-"'!' 1 wltbJJka westerly line of Summit. Ave Beginning at Intersection of center Xo. 1 Is the Board Room In flfe Mir nue,. meinured. along the said westerly , Hues of Woodland and Creacent Ave- clpal Building on Trivetl Auu ( f H d mmlt , ""*" „ ' ,? L 1 5» Avenue ; Uienoe | nuea ; thence westerly and northerly South. (1) north 89 degrees 4J mlnutea west »Un>g following center lines; Crescent Election district No. 2 Is all of tin remembers Si r ,n ,h t r, r i?„."i.^ H » J r«^V r i' "It ? Avenue to Norwood Avenue: Nor- section of the TownshipJi'inc wc-5t' . i^'^StJSr*."?.-" IrVJS^JflS: *«** Avenue to Morris Avenue; Mor- and iiorUTerTy'of said" line. from the "northerly line of Springfield rls Avenue to River Road; JUver The polling plate for Election distn. Avenue measured along aald -easterly Rond to-City Lino In Passaic River; No. t is the vacant store corner < a window ^ne of Bieihwood Road; thenc£_jfjrj_ thence northerly, easterly and souther­ Morris Avenue and Keeler Street. | northerly along said easterly "line of ly along following center lines; Paa- R. II. TREAT. I Beechwpod Road 16.13 feet; thence (3) sale River to Morris Turnpike; Morris 12-14 Township Cl. rk south H9 degrees 43 mlnit;, east and I ^rVpUcP e to Fernwood I^ad Fern HERE'S a moHc cheerful ado parallel to ?a,d first mentioned above I wood Road° 1^15^ RS ' then": TOWNSHIP OF HEW FBOVII»E>«f course and 16 feet distant therefrom to westerly and southerly along follow­ the westerly line of Summit Avenua; ing center lines: Ridge Road and , NOTICEf IS HEREBY GIVEN, Tin' Tto ttiis picture, however. For thence (4) south 0 degrees 15 minutes Ridge Road produced to ItaWthnrne the District Board of Registry si-'il west along said westerly line ot .Sum­ Place; Hawthorne Place to Its north Election for the Township of >'• . in the very next instant die re­ mit Avenue to the point or plaice of intersection with Beachwsed Road; Providence will ait In the poll")?! BEGINNING. Beeclfwood Road to BellevU* Avenue; place |n Columbia School In *"lll 2. Thnt the necessary lands and real Bellevne Avenue to Woodland Ave­ Township on November 6th, 1!'-'. called that all the woodwork had estate necessary for the making of said nue; Woodland Avenue to point of between the hours of 5 a. m, nnd • Improvement be acquired by the City beginning. • b. m. (Eastern Standard Time) for th<- recently Wn varnished with Discriminating Hostess by. purtrtwuMu.girt or condemnation. Wraf War*. Tklrd BUrrlel—Polling purpose of conducting a General Ela­ S. Upon the passage, or this or­ tion for dinance the City Clerk be and he here­ place, tnlon Ifoae Co. Headquarters. Devoe Aquaspar—so th^re was by Is directed to certify said map, to­ Summit Avdoue. Electors of the Prealdent and Vin" Knows that the Constant Quality gether with a copy of this ordinance, Beginning s^t Inleraectlon of center Preaident of the United States. duty ^attested- by him to, the Board of lines of Woodland and- Bprlhgfleld A Governor. no need to worry Assessors of the City or Summit, Avenues; thenoa along following can­ ter lines: Springfield Avenue westerly A United States Senator. and mfinemewt of 4. That th* auto, -of .gsoo be and ft to Delaware. Ltckivuna Ik Weaters A Member of the House of Repre; (Evm%fitrainedbi)i\mtwct*rit hereby Is appropriated for the purpose Railroad; Delaware, Lackawanna A sentatlvea from the Fifth Congressional of carrying out said local improvement W*,lerJ!!'_Jli,»Uro«» eaattrlir to Baech- District. M , 6, Thag the eqajt.. of said Improve­ Four AssemblxsMn. w wouldn't injure Aquasparl P»lfMk ment shall be.aaaeaaiyf, on the laSda la wood Rohd; Beechweod Road north, the vteJAHy thereof benefited thereby. •rly to Its south Intersections with A BeiHster orDaeds sod Mortgages. Hawthorne Place; Hawthorne Place ,«., Said improvement shall be; tem­ A Coroner. varnish on furniture or woodwork porarily financed by borrowing moner easterly, northfrly and westerly to anind isauihustii—u from*— . Utp" e to time temnor- • - - nnd Tlial Two members of the Township Com­ mittee for threeyears gear.s each. —outdoors or indoors!) 4MMM ^^48fe^t_ . _-- — ^.venuet ; HaJle- -flPa T—**— —•*•••- "n "•" mil iinil siSn jtuuuu ill lfm'"gg' V" Av**£? Weaterly to Woodland A Freeholder. Canadian ceedla•eedlnsFr five per centum (5%) par an- ^V?»"»*; Woodland AvenUf southerly mitteA Justice for etw oro thyearse Peace. . nysa, ,aa(4 no*e* to, ba- eMeeuted^by Sw tojvolnt of beginning. W. C. B.TJSSO. Mayor and City Cleric, the other,, mat­ 11 U-14 Borough Clerk „ifjK^r^*JSt 'iF »Wfa«J-*olll»g ters In reshecMo aaM mot** to be dw* place, Old city Hall. Summit Ave termlned by the City Treasurer. second floor. •OKOtJOa OF KWrfMoTlDlME 1. This ordlaane* ,shaU take effeet a, rmtnedlatery In Uu manner provided by iiS*'" !P *1 lataraectlan ef canter NOTTCt; IS HEREBT QIVEN. That llnee of Beecbwood Road and IMIa- 1 Notice. Is Hereby Given that the c the District Board of Election for th' rojTCojBKtOrjUsane* was Introduced for 11^. f* ***»rna * Weatern Rail­ Borough of New Providence will sit ia first reading at a regular meeting of road, thanca aioiux following canter rthe polling place In Borough -Hall *n Meets lEvery Social Need the Common Council, held on Tuesdaw -?«•/„ ^'tr*'* La«*awanna A said Borough on Novenfber Sth, l?-v- ev u ,>b r t Wesura Railroad easterly to Irving between the hours of • a. m. and -J fi *»^v^ * J,'i* *' »M. and, thsl "J3 Z3*W- »mng PJ.ee pVo- said orcfiaahce will be «uhmltte|l for I V,n r W oi- it tcpnblican Legislative Investigators I l'» nu Iaai.ue nn«iiiK at i 1 b\ tin luril l.eafcui ihapt Re-Building Baltusro! Road Springfield News of Varied Interests link Mis Mark M lb i h u 11 ss 1 h thi t "owlnp int mln i •- b HI (hurgi Siibjui v i Mi-s. s Mn in \ Chlsholtn \Ib. Pounding Away At Democratic Groups M k s \ ,i Mi M'nd" Vtt i It l.i id h^ll.abi h LajUJe) Maikaii in il It x Mil u T on nli \ Ku h School, Civic and Church Activities ^ 1 H mi 1.' 2 ^is^*s i • Ho mid Mi i H.riha Kami ill \ inn L l eom.ik i d a lit tailed stall ise Committee Delving —Personal Mention I uiiiis *i "\ ii i' at 7 I • o lik tin i i i imp - t| of Mr .tint Mis Into Every Phase of in« nt t*> tl ll Hi ll t III III I lit I 'li III I i it t i s t,ii tin p IJ;I mu lilt "w into t \ 11 \ nil i i ju n iii t'lj of tin H I M>V\ aid 1 RIDAY by II >ok t i li Ml \ iti ui Nt w \iirk will b. < nuiit\ I ti, h i* i» (s In i n ^oiiM' dei'ns, Monls i\inue, Spriuu- Munli ip.il I uihlli K ii v-us dt^ldttl I t n up li I In \w tl t ii o th l'i ikt i of tin i \ i ning *«rt [Democrats Turn On Dear o\ii th , it iitv j,mulls t > find out fi.ld o r in apt 1 bus for ltuMG»rpo < U il,t Hie i la s will In IIIM b 1 •^1 ^i I PHI \ S 1 P1S( Ol'VI ii i\\ mm I tl li ii In t n p id- of t oii\ i \ nit tin Itnii'lli rark Hit-1' iiit tuih as In foi nn i it us tml >1 i - ui'i Millhurli \ J did It w is liiinlh hitii'fjil out ^ isltiii"- \urs* *M n It e in Sprint*- Si liool *. mli i*s from SprlniJit 1 1 tn * nu 1IH\IIIK tin In t t i t i ml I s llu 1 U Jib klninn ri i in Tr i*on O.I 17 llu two U. Hi t t in i led i mplo' i i oil IK Id din. t K nt ltt»-tlii I'ark hthoil it i i ml ut tin i out It di i ill II l\ ( ii mu inn ^iitidn\ m irn ipublli in Iigl litni CmnmUUt < "ii 1 t fn tin unlit lioiiw Tiny rin pupil havi bi t n ushiK ihi Hill Will III f« t( ll lis ill! 1 IMtl o Ink ( linn 1^ Si bind Th in nun iti m of a \isitin^ 1 '< oiitlim. (1 to pound aw u at tin alt in in ili mt t s and lit Ijn t i I'ublii S, i^ut bus *.lnii* tin op* ii i i l Mid en Mm.Ui ^m iin \ I . o i lot k 11 ii n i otnln^ i ni i i \ui ii opi Instil Id ba I \l)emut i am. St UP orpuiii/H'ion <>t l 1 di i ipil iii i 1 h lug nu n T iuj, of Ji £ail tfim but for \arliAs in I f I'-* LIK th 1 ardb \ n t' t I, un I S ll a nl ili dilution ot IiKlnorUU b( n t I t i I b\ ibi apriugfleld r [thrnii|th iM irdl\ltluil til minis iilid 1. V. I 11 i i II ]ili \t i i a iJhi s t'lis d.d not pro\i al o t* ills 11 i I i K Iin lit tor will In In In* i] i ii nl! i nun I to in t r 1 n i t 1 nt Niunk thiptir of Hi ('ii HiMaitoM One bus hi i 11 ime i*iil K m i n Mi i i m f tin si r\ b i issisted tn this viiik llu loniiiiltH i. ht.nl <1 r >*V' , by Stuti Si l.itor CUM* of S inn. l i* $wt ip^.n\ f ii tl is purpn i an I I i HUM 'I hi mow In*, Misiiin _J» Kl si si ms on Mond \ an 1 i nun 1 i- i I till 1(1 111 it tl't (Olipill lull of till NlljJllKllllOOll I 1 1 i 1 i U ill\ s i\i,,. at 7 '« i i in i twi titan! k lb d tiaji^^o^-iiiK Uxc pupil", lo \s i t ktii up x.iih tin mis nl in 1 - » -.ft^. ^. ^£ jTTii'rsila> piubii; In » ~\Y\ m 1 K' V it i i in ol MllSuin *<< *"K' ^»«l-r 1 k Ui s ( Vnkolm I)ounlas. < ! Il M i I. -i \ < 1 \ . >S' I in illi I" u k M -. i itla' . llu ii ai I il In iius .1 ,1 I i s\ I b Mi I "ft J1I IMII s .K'niiii tii lo i In !< i t \ nu ut ii tin i vki win mudi It'si i ( ii . t ( lmi t ti Sh u t i \ n ,1111 t ;1 ti ili \t 1 tlm l\ 11\ i pt.Mil from Spinvlit t' In in a li adt i 1 ii \ i li u i w i i II I sill list ihi adtli is, V fCIiy ami Hid ion Ci nntj .ml .i • i \v la d i\ I nu t fin"- of thi i ul in Mi i I mi s ,,, „ 11> i n i I ul ll " i o' who aii i in lining tlitir stmlns i >l I 1 i i i i si ill bt hi Id i I tin *It.inkiiig I>i iiai mi nt Iiuisiir. tun s i i i 'i s t II ii I it on inir liir I i i ii i l wa i V I it 1. !i» w i i i< - ltr ih i 'i i ' 1 <_ i < il i li l ii KosilK I'n,. Hit,h bi'iml p ' ll I III A ll„ 111 MlS.I , Coiiin i II of v. huh S Ut i i i o I'll I'I t li i I'liin Mr, N ( Mi ( i irb 11 J Iillt md Mi 11 u II i ii 11 t t n nl i .-iiiinii ii/ 1'iiiKipul Fn 1 I >< d t t i 1 i i I'IU il i ai I li h r MK 1-. ii liivi ol ( lout ( s i i M I'll, '•• til Si'l II DHLs att. mini hi i -* i I 1 t illlsi i i ii In I d ii tn mi l 1» i limbs >i mi unit i d thlt In hnl I D *s nli li i i i i \ s ii nt t I lth 1* ti io. t\ -. triiiiit ', ...1 Ml -, ^ ill II ii m |in ti a iii th I \ w M I'll llu h 1 Haiti t il tlit Case < j nml tn lo t I up 'in Ob i li md \---ii»i i,i mi and Mis > ss I v\. I ll I 1 I I I 1 1 lb s>tiit mt St t 1 li 11 H ul I Ili llu] I St 1 1 d by the lulls 11 nlei i il li\ Li\ IUI'M lists tn IXtt 'iimic (Jua'it) of It) Ua) in Mention \ 111 S, 111 I IS SI Mil ] < •'! I) I! ir tii (li lirman of the l pi. si ntt (1 ll till I l'ltlS III) I b -. 11 111s t 1 I m re< t suj JoiLjh \ Dtar uf tin Ni v Ju i\ I'ouilry Mr ml Mi-. Jams Kis i r ol s MIS S'U In In al It< J ( rois 1 ndi r Uii 1 M M ni'iiiii 1> >\ 11 I tin do s /1 ni of s' ri < 1 n Court of hriois mil \P|it il In i 1) > i ] in hi i ' 1 iii i < Shin I IL a \ it thi m uLti ( in tl I*. Vt llillLS ll 1 i»,lit in 111') 1 Lippmaaa. I 11 \ ( I nu Vis d n 11 s n li for sirvuis on Siimln , nil hull iii i leu i • i i n lp \ nu to li N nihilhood \ soiiatiou $1 .lr i id Mr \ H Tirwi'ili cU>» I>( ar is Llu edllur ol tlu Ji i 111 ( '111 llI!rMll ' llhlt Iliaill ill * i ( t ' II ill i id Mi (1 ib kjl I \ I 1 tl'l f iwl I Mlll'l (11 ami d. u li11 r Hihiii hivi n.uiiud \I* ll. I 1 lid-- t.li the Hpy C li v Journal wliitii lias In n llntl i 11 iiit nts Tl i in xt 11 t 111! He Mun (Al »>iiMiuM loii i' lias bun killt d Sp ni^ii Id tins bi III^ thi aiira^i HI thi ir lionii ii South Mnpli a\t I < am I- rnt.i II ssill bi In ltl on tin llmd lhur 11 ll II 1 Ml bi(ti r]> a»'i(k''ii li< II )(. ' ri mn (tit\ in ii 'id In Fmil (.i.isi i m i i t of mn \i it Pi i sons who a* ( urn iftn > liintiii tiip li Midfoid JUDGE n l' IS if \(l\ lll'lt 1 • il .si n-n b.Tsme l**«i and the ha.nl of the Ji_it,c> <"il> lb ).i i it i ^) tinur ihi. to will piv thi J am < M it to the 1\ mi 1 Ul SS 1 ll lit t l'i mi)inhl\ buslines nn i m oi H. 1 i SS 111 I I ll .s 1 ili«>n and went Up : Ma>or is btUt\cd to hd\i. b< i i lm( U l^kt IK uiui Miur I hi mil uul ti II < on i ill Oih« i * *iill giM ue Asv sun and Mi Kiank K AI« i li Itnvoitli laagui Soiiils s is Pi ill , S 1 S I . t ' . ' •" .1 ss llln- ut: of the M< lkrinoit lttn i Tv o \i ii , filial 1 t'l I 1 of till l)rl 1st 111 III i niiii to tin i fin nu ill i in uni \ nl si 1 pfluikii .MIIUI ai < oinpan i li For Yourself 1 1 ago whin the Ji rsu\ Journal man­ In ' 1 1 it .1 1, ( \i mug ill tin li i un 1 1 s II t SS I til I 1 I' ..l-i.o>t kill f nth. f ii i ,'> In id i ml Uti nipt i n i ( ami the dtstltuli will of b> Mr ami -Mis M Hvrbe t Hu 1 agement was futndly to Mr Hu'iii1 till ( rinv illi IJ i> l" MI • \\ lit 11 h 1 1' I 1P> tl I I In. - \. r Ji;aln. I to In • 1 i to on nil If H ii' 1*1 iiiinsi niiiw f r< t sirvue That is „lns nl knlir -nt, Tiieiiil\ mo • ii 1 r u i Ilium 1 s In nit ut was in ih iii,i of 'in 1 1 lid Ml I mid his organization drwiiiui I 'S ll , I'll 1)1 1 IT M1M1' If till till (1 in ai i oi ilani ( wub tl)e regulations olid to ItoM isfoiil t'n , where th , 1 11 1 in ti 111. \\ t 1 ll 11 i I 1|_ 111 till lllSt IK ( (It till 11 I ii He le»rB« Moore named Editor I)t.ar to tht. is i \i r or o obi U i bom \ ill oi tiiiliht lualib mil slug f oi mu la t MS nl Mr and Mrs A J lli«lnl\ w 11 v 1 is 11 I 1 11 h 1 1 thi li - I 1 It p id n diniM Spiiiiiiiv Plan < 1 1 ' i> t ml I ll IS 111 1 I fr 1 1 1 \, Krrors Cimii In n* li as a L,»j Jiidf. lie li'ittli ami if tilt bid I old, Id bv ua 1 inal headiiuarkrs of the Airs Hi mh was formeilv Mis, 1 i tin in isiiui l ,iI Ut ll blip • it tr 1 • •... ti.. Hut a ?4 art engaged in Jii«lh< llw leM of ircslUy killed pouhrj i» Oie ,- a bird is ytuiliR the windpipe is' been called and is In attendance on avenue Is visiting her sister at Pol - .Mr. ami Mrs. IIraily. A :i j, '.'•> 'p'.u r. "and Court of Krrurs. 1:1ml aiiil easily moved: in me ' s ill.u'i tl .'i 1 1 .a year old huye black feet. From necessary calls will ho made on Lalayelle I ilk I, Pn„ and A. H. Toeb- Niirierj Itlijijai" • v • .-. ' . A ti> make tion by Assemblyman Barlson, the proposed addition to the church, l)i:b me •'fllil " ut 0 .»iit!i t then up to three years of age, the Sundays and holidays. Mrs. II. J, terman of Philadelphia, were week­ ;",.'.i >uur neighbor A uncial hour followed with re- A lass in a nautical In mil'? l)n<< m "Il7:nil pill T ll Democrat, of Hudson, another feet become pink and after that Pfltziiiger, gradiiaLLE„nurse, has been end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett n m d icb: ml planning freHhmenls served hy the committee. Was nipped on the toe by a clam- "Kiiui . ' '»1ccki r member of the committee, replied: with the Neighborhood Association ..'s. .it of h-.ni while h« they Krathially turn jiray and dull. T. Spinning. " ; The annual fail 4-011 vent-ion of the let, "I have not had time to read the for a year and a hall and is a resi­ •, in..'- null will you Edward C. Townley was In Roch­ Newark District Epworth League Hut being refined, ll.ll.l letter and therefore will not act dent of Springfield, During her I) il» mi .un 1. 11; .iii- it von die thaa Offers Auto to Pay Fine ester, N, Y., this week on a business will lie held tomorrow ufternooi^ Willi 11 Purliuii 111ir.1l. In s das n n- Tipon it until I do so, Whatever New York— Renj. Mnckofskv | term she has made numerous nurs- Dub me p I . ins i'!l l..ui' u a d: trip. I and evening tU-Jjhe Central Meth­ She" utter not es 11 (hii.jUb t' . II l.i' was the purpose of the missive, startled a traffic maslstrato who|i»K visits here and made many I'll nu.ii 11- Ii 11.1111. -- T m thin-, tall c o Mr. and Mrs, John D. Leo will en­ odist Chut'uh; Newark, The afier- A. L. nl. .,' 1. i n this committee will remain stead­ had fined him SS by offering to friends in this community. If the tertain the Good Time Card Club ily at Its present undertaking until miiui HOfffnyn will cousisj of an aif- 0 K\t "v day. a }, l> il leave his ear which lie said cost ffrowth of the service warrants It, i at their home in Tooker avenue to­ 1 ilreMis by 11^, Poling and depart men­ Many a rli'd SV(. its lip. I'n>l«srted by Poirrty the undertaking is completed." him nnlv S4. The court BUEpended ! another nurse will probably,Jje em-: morrow evening, 111 u tal cmifi'ieiUes will follow. Supper to see ih',; dear •t. The Case Committee this week was the sentence and exprosBd atlniir-t-PlW'P^- " "» the aim of the Neigh-- old in. Say I'm fa.', no longer fb III" h ir. :i are buying planet. Mrs. II, E. Cray of Morrison road, will tie served by the Central M- K- o Puffy, paunchy, 1 hurniieHs, they can fly i«> and from throwing the spot light on certain his nerve in trying to j borhnod Association and of the lied , who has boon ill a week, is recov­ at ion for : League chapter. In the evening at N.-v.v we I ve the UiH.ut •minded Hut, to nouillc n:y njale conceit. work, if any. The world is condemnation proceedings in Hud­ Cross to make available for any ering. rf ! make It run. 7.:U> a pageant entlttwif * I^V't*ftlrt-jtr7epTfoiil operator wlui aistasii Never dub me "liarml. ws!" ^af.-r for the poor man every. son County and seeking to find out family in the two towns a first class i Miss Harriet Spinning of Morris who profited by them, It found Travel am! Study visiting nurse service, and asks the turnpike has returned from a that a mysterious name Henry S. As mere amusement, a_ wa_ y of co-operation of all the residents and week's vacation at Flaibush. L, I. ol ne Kebaugh, was involved in several Hpcntjinsr t)l(, BenFon travel is one i * *- physicians practising In the Mrs, John King will entertain at wti of these transactions as the o^aer-r0tMMJmHt frlijtieai. md expensive i *- communities. The bencflts In cords at her home tomorrow eve- : u aJU and the committee was aeeking to cornmotions we^caii-ffl^tr4n^nt'i^ '^'^ * ^ttnaral welfare which Tjftrg~tor the benefit—eH*ride—< »f learn whether he is a flctitions real wo)id The American Magazine. follow in the wake of such a serv­ Battle Hill Council, No, 17, DaUBli- estate dealer being used by poll-' ice cannot be estimated, and it is ters of America, , ticians interested in selling the city Flftj-Fifty Lawn hoped that a widespread jiae of it A daughter, Elinor Angelina, has' and county property at good pro­ A division o£ laVior makes for a will be made in Uils township. Mrs, been born at Overlook Hospital to fit*; Chief Counsel Russell E. Wat- .happy race. Legislators pass the Clarence B, Meeker, Mdfril avenue, Mr. and Mrs. George A, Roessner of' tchairman: Mrs. Paul Prince, South son. of the Case Committee, this RpCod laws and the'motorists P&ES 78 Springfield Park, j week denied that the $75,000 ap-'them up,—-Farm & Ftrcside. I Springfleld avenue, and Mrs. Hors- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Laflin an­ propriation voted the committee by ter, eonstltute the Red Cross eom- nounce the birth of a daughter on the Legislature has all hoen spent. In the Ntonc Ajfp. miffeo on nursing,»mnd one or more j 5iondav at overlook Hospital. Mrs So far about flB.OOO has been laid From the maxims of a caveman of them will attend the monthly Laflin was formerly Miss Edna out for investigation costs. Mr. Faint elout ne'er won fair Iady- meetings of the Neighborhood Asso- Schramm of Brook street, "WatBon—d«4^1»r«d—that wJi^n-the Faxei & Fireside.— — elation'a ..committee. on_nHutlIn&i__, —-MlaB-7-Jo««ph4ne—Brill had -as guests over the holiday and week Ho Other Cars in the Worl end Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn ~DT Brown of Irvington. Miss Emma Kesslej has returned to hep honigin Short Hills avenue possess Trom a, delightful motor trip to Delaware Water Gap, Valley Forge and other places of Interest in Pennsylvania. Miss Kcssler accom­ panied friends from Roselle, ! TTfs. Benjamin D. Warner has rc- these SAFETY FJ^ATUREI i turned from Overlook Hospital, where she was a patient, and is able to be about again, William M. Cqajjcfjr.filurned today 1.. Woman drltght in the t#ftje of «•- from a business trip in Phila­ curity irialjl(efl by the new and iintas- foliGiowHie delphia, / ingh rrmponMiv&^Synero-Meah SiUnt- Mrs. James .Morrison of» East Or- Shift Tran*nti»tion.. -ange has been visiting at-42ie home 3 . . The new Duplex-Hechnnlcat Sy»- of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. tem •/ Four-Wh*ml Brakm-mi* m g>nl Lawrence Morrison of South Maple and excluwlvti Jeaturm of tafety and RFCRMAJVCE avenue, -._,,._., contfot. """ ""7""' I_ Mrs.. George W. M'eOrath enter­ ft. No Impact from ttlck, nldltfEjLr fxill, tained her bridge jjlub Tuesday eve­ orfufnt coitUion, can shatter GSfrUlut- w _ ^^*. ^ P ning at—her home/in Sevefha avo- LmSuUa S»curity-Ftate Gla*». - -- Tnie: Those preWnt included MTS, J^g^^n^ MiirriHfTin^lVIfs y*jllji*L 1_ Uiehardsoji, Mr»rAle^ 1*1 Ferguson^ Jkfk. Mrs. Sara McAdam^Uc-i. Honald Leacn.^Mrs: ^T^ Swisher, Mrs, W B. Smith, Mrs. Richard Horner, Mrs. Robert Harmon, Mts. Fred Weppler _a»d- Mrs, Russell J. Put- zinger. Prizes were won by Mrs. Swisher, Mrs. Harmon and Mrs. 'X, i. Wepijler. > ••' ' I .• • Ret/John SJ Burton Is expected windshielils are equipped wi|h< to* be present and address the Boy fpHE new and LaSalle* are Scouts at the meeting of Troop 66 ••- characterized by three revolution-- Labile Seeuritv-Piate €laM—>asi tonight in the James* Caldwell ary new safety features of Inestimable you may forever..dismiss i ?* WING brilliant account of their mod- lubrication. Steeldraulic brafces-*-witli School, value to every motorist. mind any concern •liasBSjl^ataa| j I cm design—ui speed, acceleration Va-inch clearance—elimuiate 4tkg; _•». An outbreak of ehickenpox by flying glass fragmesrta. C among children* of 4 to 6 years old lit time of emergency there U no more and to*dAIUty—the new 1929 Century «qu«^T yet give instant control when Occurred in the township this wceltjL vital safety factor than the new Ride or, better slilL drive m 1 needed. Hydraulic /fifteen cases being reported to the CadUUf^LaSalle Sydcro-Meah Silent-Shift Transmission lac or a new LaSaOe and you realize at models are everywhere winning acclaim for Board of Health by the township they diner from all other ears. R« physician, Henry P. Dengler. The which permits quiet, easy, instantaneousdrifting of sears performance as* scintillating as Adt? style children afflicted are Mary McDon- In the maze of city traffic or on mountain roads—at any perfection of control and a and driving ough, George Smith, Richard Yea- speed—without pausing in peutral—and without the advance them far beyond and beauty. Hupmobile mechanical ex­ ger, Henry Peterson. Robert Fell- test— foot own comparisons of tbe slightest suggestion of dashing. The tremendous advan­ These new and advanced cellence reaches new bdgm bt the powerful man, Fanny ZoecagniAi, Teresa tage of this remarkable transmission can be had only Century's greatest values. Drive a new' Donoto, Virginhi Day, Bobcrt in the new Cadillacs and LaSaJUes. , In and LaSalle and an still Century Six and flight high compres­ Moody, Lewis Huntington, Duane why these ears appeal so strongly 1929 Century Six or Eight today, q Fotty^ Smith, Alvina Schaffernoth, Fleanor The second great safety feature Is the new braking these new features for yoauraeu. Any sion engines. High' Smith. Helen Dagues and Miriam twa body and equipment combinafuxuv Richards. system. No other ears nave equal braking protection, dealer will provide you with a eae. Just because no other ears have brakes so powerful, so posi- I«^punity, with ample protection d ,tam >wA Battle Hill Council No; %mt Jr. 0. 1 »liBrfinTtp ?« «« fa^ Six of the •^jy**tr«j».i"ipMK«HMKrti«i»itiinii' i" th * lltB 111 atthm; su ml tut "like In §ilp and au ILW^JUIISIHU by extra heavy Century, J1345 to $1645. Century Eight, "Municipal Building, to the slightest pedal pressure. For these cars and these o- v LaSaltm is now priced from $329$ vibrarion dampers and advanced $1825 to #2125. AU prices L o. b. Detroit. uLlkeChireke^ alone are equipped with the new Duplex-Mechanical System o/EftWu^sjs Four-wlieel Brakes. $3295 upi all prUm* /. FIRST PRimBYTJERIAX Dmaten irelcome butlnrmm on Utm Rer. Dr, ,G«o. A. Liggett, pastor. The third eaata hi the fact that all windows, doors and Payment HlWWWHVTmCBMl* Sunday School at 9M a. m. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Christian Endeavor meeting at 7.30 p. m. The topic for dlscucslon will be, Mtt9fr3UBi)m—Law-- Increase - Froc- dom"? Rom. 13: 1-8. CADILLAC LASA: $IX&£IGffT Election of officers for the enau. Ing year will take place tonight at a buslneaa meeting of the CbrisUtui Endeavor Society in the chapel. JUM Daisy Rohan, the president. Wright-Sperco Motor Co. Will ft* In charge of the nt««tUig. SALES and SERVICE J. E, GILLIES, Branch Manager METHODIST EPISCOPAL - ROT. John S. Burton, pastor. 31 UNION PtACE 'Phone 1700 SUMMIT, N. J; 5 UNION PLACE TPHONE 2142 Sunday School at 9.45 a. m. *.£_ '. L - Sunday morning serrlce at 11 I'-VfV THE SUlmiT HERALD AND SUMMIT RECORD, SUMMIT, N. J. TODAY, OCT, 19, 1928

?. fin others too deleterious an effect; food showM be considered health* X* •f FNI II IfermlB* Derper i is 'attributed to oertaia food* with- jful «r harmful. > / Disturbances of the body may be Is Important to know how tt.. , :. tloii, The vegetarian thinks that' and good health,' Dr. Friedenwald aulta are gained.—The At'nii,,. caused by taking too much or too moat Is poisonous, deadens the concluded. Magazine. Of 9 and II Years-Beginmng Tomorrow little food as well as by a diet that moral faculties and may even pro- i i#, badly balanced, says Dr. Julius Perhaps All Are Right A T-lBjr •( the FaM Friedenwald. writing in Hygeia on due e rancor. Other faddists believe | iiiiiifli Parents of boys S and 10 years of age la given a m«>al>#rship card la should restrict one's bread to j Some people think the radio la a Uninterrupted tituettoes not ,,;, "The Food We Eat," one age, •• well as the boys ihen>-'lh* Prep Club, a name signify! RJ: toy. some find tt a blessing, to Itself In our modern world -TV Many persons cannot live nor- whole wbekt bread, while still ? selves, will be interested 1B know* the purpose of the club. to give the American Maeagtne. „. ._..... „ mallj artiie lirei became they do others depend on a fruit dicL ilhera It >• merely nne more nuis­ 4hat a new eluh far boys of that lads a good tam** ot-c' ance and yet others make It a cause /.llir eal activity which will help prepare not eat enough. They go on for only uncooked foods, •tad rour itema of Interest t* , m age will open, it* program in the them f»r fuller pirflcipatlon in y«afs losing weight and attempting I "The modern study of dietetics and a crusade.-—Woman's Home tha lUERALD, --*««« t, Y. M. C" A.' tomuf row such programs In coming years. * to overcome the disability by isk- lias taught us to be cautious In Companion, A number of parents have ex­ Member* of the r.ob. are permit* ed ' la*T drugs without reallilng that drawing conclusions as to the value fooastuffi.' No single form of Mention the HERALD when buying pressed a dastre 10 ijare Rome ac­ IB tSe "V"building Saturday B^ra-Ttaey are suffering from malnutri- of *-—•-•••'*- v-„ ,i«„i, #„•,«* l| *v^^*ll Hlli, tivities in the V" for boys of the lags oBly. beginning at »J«> o'clock , Men. which could be corrected by — above mentioned ages, and the: and closing at 12 B^OB, and their ] proper feeding. | Boys' Work Committee of the as- program la so arranged that It wUl j The disturbances most frequent- flHIIlIlIHIHIMM luiiuiuiiiiiniiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuitittiiiiiiiji ,;„,, J,„ ... .„., ,„„„»; •°el*Uon •*••** • need some ! Ir no way Interfere or conflict with Ur caused by overeating are obesity, g V At a meeting of the Boy*' Cabin"' " m "uu *n^ on months ago for work to be done fori the other members or^ their eajoy-! *»•*. diabetes and kidney and liver S ....._..._!• tt* •Mil of >«ur ay noon, the date of Novrrn- numbers they are urged to younger boys in Summit. j ment j trouble. A diet consisting mainly 1 I •••»# rleuliia; Mid re. Ird was definitely ovUied upon Mr YVfiiM.er know. .i After some *t«dy *a* ^repara- ! The prograaa will eoBsist of gym- ^ food of low crboh'ydrate and fit » firmlshlairt Let us clean "the Tall newspaper cami»«i«n, I tion*inn , it wa*s planneniann*idt tIoA organisnr«nii>e a• Miimnssiumn exercis«»#(••e ananrdt gamesnmM, swim-<*!m-' contentcontent, such as vegetable«. fruits,. S milk, is = 'aw* It was also decided' that rl.e v Ilrri of the Jersey Central I club of 9 and 10 year old boys, be- mi rig, and a elnb mertiBg. which, J«"an meat and skimmed Ua repair }«ur usually rc'commended to bring S ywofJts •h>uld br used for a IHW A.- Light Company is the most', ginning October tOth. The club will include games, contests, so- """ **"** * about loss of weight In obese per-'J Sftaue tabic in the hoys' lobby. Thf addition to the Dormitory •• opens tomorrow with a small but; cials, talks, occasional BBowies, etc. at the "Y." Mr, Her* is here-- Intensely interested group ready tof Application for membership emn sons. ' S ktew and tjip* of Bam" purchase. liv extended official welcome wtth begin and with ma Ay inquiries in*' be made at the "T" office any day. Dr. Friedenwald warns against S Will, of ('fur^e, d'jwnd un-m 'hi [lit- hope that he will enjoy his life dicating further growth in m»m-' Those planning to Join shoBld do so • the dietary fads so prevalent today, S Electrical Contractor •amount of money canted .by "hi- bership. j soon so they will get thr benefit la wi( instances too great benefit, g RUGS :ii the "Y". eaaspaign workers. Robert \Ycl«he _—o— For a small fee the boy of this of the full season's program. la skaaiBoolBg (hem we WM elee'ed by his fcllo*-ran;!!'• Anoiher preliminary Hi-Y meet- Member* to"*'"the office o? Com-.. and Dealer iuc wu held,, at the "Y" Wednes­ Rico. •se oily soft brushes and fAAader-in-chief of the Campaign, day evening at S o'clock to further less. pure water aid soap, Xo •ad he 1* already at »ork planning discuss plans for the fall and win­ Red Cross rushes aid to Florida. Coolidge to ignare Anglo-French Russell kit organization. It *.n«- abu vo:cil ter program of the club. J 3 BEECH WOOD ROAD | harmful drugs permitted! and won't change oar policy. ri Incorporated to continue the plan of fmiuiiii 'h ——o-—- team with the- litjt rmord to a pood Allies and Germany move to end !§ Telephones: Office, 464 ^ Residence, 286-R i 4$ years la bailnesRi reparations, debts and Rhine is­ Dollar volume of business In­ •mow. Briefs—Very Brief sues. creased In week ended September we aiast know feow I ^--=^=0- • . i sth. The Young Neir.* Work Cnmmit- Mat Millflii projects charting of' Europe plans to ask our terms • —^ o —• ung lee. Jame^ Downes.- chairman, will .aliiailir by airplane next year, for cash settlement of debts, ; Spain is reported seefhiag ye: •old a meeting Monday ereniiiK M despite nippisg of TevolnuanajT Electrical Appliances .the "Y". at 7.45, to t>i»n *»ro:;ram plot. j Construction JancoYius^on Ti">olid?f proclaims week air From 50 to f§^ persons believed •ctlTitics for tin* »in;cr. OctilKr T;U as Fire Prevention 112-120 ARLINGTON ST, killed in tornado at Rockford, fit. Wireless Sets and Parts of All Kinds 9 i \\\'ek. LlMiriUJiei . It Highland Ave, MemrtkHd Mitehell 1335 Tomorrow nior.niag will see the i -o— Dislike of something old, is easier TeL 1722 Summit euear AA/f ttMotsr oufer opening of the new Prep Club for Hur.ricano dead put at 250 to j Hurricane leaves many dead and than the discovery of something younger boya at the "V." 'I'hysit-a! l.oiHt in I'orto Rico; 700,000 home- much property ruined In Porto;new^The American Magazuse. examinations will be- given between ^iiMtiiuituitummtfHiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiitniiuiiiiiuuiiiiiiMiiHttiiiiiiiuiiiiiH |" $ and 9 3'\ the.- first Ry.m class wijr be at 9.30, iiwim*ninR at 10.30 ami |„ «lub mwi«s*t 11 o'riockv:

The $uhday Srhof.l Athletic As- •oclation will hold a mei-tln? if- j Bight at S„a'tloch to iTi*eu.vs iilaflN. Cor the comliic season. paTticularly tkd swimminp nu-et which is to be K- the first < ve'it of the fall program, r ffyf An opportunity will goon be given for intere«u'd men to gather •t the Y. M. C. A. to discu&s-lB a Mrie» of mt'i'liKR^ the topic: "What It Means to bt a Christian." Tin- Further Development ••bject will be ts-hied in a practi- cal way. and with very t-apalik' leadership Anyone in!- afternoons at . 3.15 ALLEN & ALLEN, LFA-INE & ENGLANDER, A'clork. Two Important rommlUees policy of sponsoring progressive .\*J Benin ar J, Hmtbmmdt Hrigtu. X. j 620*24 Mmm Avnut, Pmitait, X. were named. One of these i* *»;i' BAUER BROOKS COMPANY, HARVEY R, LINBARGER, '"fanatitutlon, with C'eorpe Mclrj- lit I-utmi; Street Rmk-WMf. H.J, 197 Xmh A%t,, PUnfitlJ, X, J, ;jtoah as chairman, those -servim; and modern ideas, recently an­ t BEOGS U GHT.IN, 1m,. "WALTER^^JACINTOSH; . with him bulng Thomas nandall, 2* £, PaJiiaJt jl^f,, B*zlrt'jmJ, X, j, 14 Xtrthficid RiMd, Wttt Oramgt, X, J. .Cfcarirs VanderhfK»f, and Hichard tMine. The other is the initiation nounced the inauguration of Statte- F. A. BlCKFRT, THOMAS MACMEEKIN, i i+0tt& Induction— committee, with 1X7 tri/xm BmiJimg CmmJtm, N. J. 27 Vmu Avr,, Crmnford, */, /, KaJph Taylor as tliairman. his. as- wide Sgency Service. LEROY H. BtTNNn-L, MANSnELD & SWETT, he., •faUnts being James Hogg, Ches- 400 #*/*»-«*• £%»„ BttlirrtlU, N. J. 2 DmrmmA Btmd, M*p/twA, N, J. nsfar Lambert and John DleU. These K. «Mtntittees wiHTeport nmtt Wed- BUSH BROTHERS, MARTIN REALTY COMPANY, at 3.15. , As the largest Title and Mpirq|age 48 Brut Ckmrrk ftox*. £. Or*nV, N, I, 39 Bnmd arwf, gltm^lM, N. J. SEELYD CADE, MARTIN-WHS, lmt,% The newly organiicd .Boys' 701 Ehant SavMwf. Ashny tmrk,N. J, 155 MmptmntJ Me,, Umplnv^d, NsjL

mended to your confidence. WAJ.TER B. HOWE, /»„ LOUIS W, SHAFFER, /«»,, 4 / x • . I- '• dfNMumm Street, Prtmemm, N, J, 725 Maim St., Hmetttumei, X, j* ./ EUGENE E, HUGHES U BRO., THE SMOCK AGENCY1, Any facility available to you at our S MM Scvtt, «Mf* Qrmmgt, X. j. 124 Sun J Strnt, ImJttmmA, M, f, EUGiNE A, KEU.Y, ROBERT H, STEELE, 354 Mmm Strvt, E*# Onssav, X, /. ••93 Summit AvrjUiimmrt, N. fj Main or Branch offices is available at ANDREW G, Kust, EUGENE V. WELSH, I /M&mt/b&M*., frvntglm, N, J. 143 Mtrrii Strmt Mmrritt^m, *J. the offices of these men. GBOIGE F LACOMBE, WHrTE-PACH, Ime, 1634 ffn&ul Jtt».t M&SmMmf, X. J Bnmd mmd MtcbmnkSts^A Bmmm, N.J. LAPHAM-NEW COMPANY, I»., C, A, WORTHtNlgrf ON, Asr. 39QmmWm,, Batkmjmt, N. J. 344 E. Hm0 ft., Tm&, X. i Your Title Insurance and Loan Ap~ I^JIIEN tc HERMAN, iw, CHARLES G. Z^iHN, plications are respectfully solicited. r«MMl Nmt'l Bmmi MUg., Tmmtt, H,J, HMmngu BUg., L^ngom, ft. I

E GUARANTY COM Broad and Bank Stmts EBzatetk, N. /. I Jfrwart, New Jersey .-, 4- imar'1 ,.|i-ii