W.--OClY<l«r4Mb-. SUMMIT HERALD AMD gUMMlT KECORD. SUMMIT, It, % FRIDAY, OCT. It, >wi^m -it-romes-tn a eonsidi*Ta!i©n of mtt«- atfldentu, So the argument s go Auto owners are likely To grum­ At RIHN rJlBATJITr ATTRACTS art mnt llnmiwltr Different Ktraratum Record PsAac* Cr*» mnbllc protection by this same the Motorist back and forth. ble and say th.it it h the aHeiits' ATTKST10S It.W largely the little things that !' !•( ii-. have tin 1 iiiiiaije II, *\< lid . record vield of po- sort of medium that Is something The business value of Insuring' personal opinion tlint fixes the rate make a masterpiece of art; it is to U* «' 1 1 duration we h'w on tato, 1 T a* in known, wai else again. Here Is a problem for your automobile,is well illuwiraicd for his vai, 'i'hi^ \* not true. Insur­ Model* for Fonr Years DNplujed tlio little thinus which make men 'H • • |n li.r. ;:Jwn 11 . n iliplii in • «I t • /u< krrmau Brothers, ILK t^ll«l* K VSVK Bt»tS :, The Aiiieri- 111 I (' *wry Bietflrtirt ro~soive. Shall ht* In t it) to Show Htiw tiimpiinj «<' women truly (in. ' > 1 mo 1 i;Jit to It 'I In Sim kl "' ' il . in 1926. The} pro- 1 by the fair that ears owned and ance can will be rated today iaki- a chant** ? lie Insured IIIN c.iu M.iju>zinc. \lli. • . M 1 int' ill 1 1 d 1 ' Lli hels on an acrt ; operated by ci'iuiiiri'riii] enterprises among the r\ac: M-kmes, I'roicitv. Bayer** Iniestnicnt house. It never hurried down. He ;are practically always insured. lL la Thu faLtuiH that enter into the What seemed to be a '•drive-' •II. t*LII>"FOKI» IHIOKAW insured his life, but his heart in I only the private „wiier who takes fixing of the rate for an autonio- throiti;|i" (if new automobiles from ph'ileal Advisor New York >'i'j (nnrt liming Maybe he COUlil i» link Hifiim.y.n liiitltod* of tmiav the mal;b~iiT a ""* fi,t fl,,"J" to a floater here recently • TVifsrSlftc Y M. (\ A. iim» (lie cash required for automo­ -fTrre irreT~Tir*rT HI r .s e I readily admit the fact i]Uit it 1H proved to he a caravan of Auhurns. Automobile School bile Insurance to hotter advantage, I better to have insurance and have ear, tin' date, the type of body, ir was raining Ijucke!^... IT lashing gale... raiiiniiK from 1925 to 1323 models. people insure their homes he is tempted to conclude. Yet In­ j no need fi;r it than | , ,i j j bum IK'r eciuipiiieuJ. number of (l m 4i t a||| The cars have all been refiuish- loss by fire. Life inisiir- surance means protection, peace of : not have it. it !•• no: denied thai cylinders and place where the ear ed the same color, a myrtle (treen. • a popular n.«se*. But when mind. There are many chances of I automobile Ijuiiirai.ee ii expensive. is used. It is Hi,, aim of the iu- ........ ,, and the puriioHe of the deiuoiisira- right off the Cape she blew... it was no night auidtii-c compamea naturally not to „„„ WJS-,0 ahow „ow Aubuni |ir0; pay mnre ihan tfce inarket value in tiH-j, lll0 buyers* Invemineiit case of 1 i, ;, anil the cost of re-'; thiM'.iuli the retention of Meueral for any man to be out driving . • • but time and the , pairs In ea^e in damans varies wllh derail fioiu one year to another. the difference'in si uu of the IteiiiH ihiu avoiding obsolction of previ- ; nu'ii.'loiU'd. When a niatiulac'iirer on* in M1C1«, •tork wait for no man , , . and all of a sudden here : "WrnT^~ouT™a "iTFw T^~TnoneT*"aT^TTiT TTTinn "KaTiie SlmUafitv Of"Tffe" ,, thorough siirvis o: ii i« maile by llnei „f tho four niiidels caused comes Doc BigeIow s Nash slithering up to the F. O, P. * the ius'iraiue wrilerH the lia'/uivu ''ini.-iderablo comment from the M classified, the rale fixed and filed •iiii-.liV'.ls who liispecfed the earn, ,. • with a squeal of brakes she stopped , .. ten gallons with tile L" .1 e Deparnueat, A; Tl'Tlivv i.iL'"i model had been driven Ines AUTOMATIC close waich ii kip; for a year; i; ; in re an 1110,0110 miles before it tltj rate proves too low JUs' raised; 'had h 1 brought hack by the fac- of 'Standard* quick,'" says Doc, "and aint it a rotten ! tiid overhauled, and the 1V""> if it proves ten) hiisli for the risk in- i'* > M volved on that particular model it model nearly 80,0tH> miles. night for the Jones's to have their first baby?''* * , . snre irf lowered. The chaining rf a wire 'It Is not neeeu.uiry for an auto'- by the manufacturer may ^iieaii hi iblle nhl 1111 factUfor to ehaiige a ear the compleie ailjustmeut of the in-1 radieaJly every nl% months or year' it,** says the genial pump man, "but I guess it's kind Winterfront surrince rate. j ai)d rush new models on the mar- One of tile thing 1 which makes | ket if the ear waa built rlcht orlgl* of up to 'Standard* to get you there" . • . says Doe, 'Insurance rate:, Iiiuli is ti\e poHni- ; nally, is ilo> policy of Auburn," Mr, bility of theft. A few years ago In­ Doniii'llaii of the Auburn* Summit ( who will nave his little joke, *Tm not a betting Witt Serve You expensive uue.d eara were «tolen '••»•• said In eommentiiiK on the and sold in tremendous mimJtoiH. | t'lU'a^nn, " j MoHt states met,jjhi;< t'ciiidltloii by '"The co-d to the huyiiiB public of | v N^ man, but 111 give odds I beat that stork.** paHuing laws reiitililni; a bill of Miinniii; lias totalled t.hotlflnnd:t of For Years : Bale before a.now lieenae was !«•! dollars'throuiih the depreciation of *S *'i. sued. New Jersey went so far an to '•'heir ear's sale value by the intro-1 * W? won't It rep j nu guwiitgabQUtF.OP. require a coinplete hlHtory of the 'duction of radical chiiiiBes in tlie; %S Tokf it nnv way you likm. To tarn* it i ear and sijjnatures of its different desloi of newer models. The.car; mrani"fullnfpou rrt"thml't'^Slmndnrf fllfllfllfl \c Motor Protection on owners from the* time of Its first wluili ihey boUKht one day often! sv Qmxolinr rteryuherr Ami tktn agaim, sale by the dealer. Tills proyedan has beeti rediieed fully one half in j #0 othcrt H fflMlu "faithful oU purmp" Thmm Cum Dictate* Automatic effective cheek on thefts made for 'price value the iiextj because the; ... therm an (houtnnd*of "StamdarJT ctum for Yomr Car resale- However, In recent years manufacturer, radically chanped | **v%. ptunp* mtrywhmm yam motor. ~~ ~~ iVote *** , the auto 'thief's tastes have the lin.s and Keneral design of hla ! *** '«»,., Hupmobile 8 Chrjrmler 75 and 80 chanRed, Today he does not steal j ear-,'; said Mr, Donnellan. '. .- i Dodge! ksdwSix Gawliflae near, as a rule, for resale, but to', "Tlie 'curve of a fender^ the! f!a natter where yon Uie himself in outlawry of KOIUO shape of a radiator, has nothiitc to j Lincoln Pi«i*c*e-Arrow bay it, at what hour of La Salic do wiili the intrlnfsi c value or, an -Hiort, principally in bootlegginR A" For his piirposo the expensive, automobile, yet it has a great de,a! day or night, for what* , high-powered cars with ffreat to do with the Bales value, \ I ever kind of ear you drive speed are more desirable, mid thus "It h is heeii the policy of Auhurnurnv^ HEN you put Pines Automatic Illustrtumf the Font equipped with Fines Automatic Wntt automobile thefts have switched to for the last four years to prod uee \ '... you'll always find at this type of car, ('ousecjuently the no yearly models. The appearance the familiar "Standard* Winterfront on your car, you do so rate of theft insurance on inexpen of tin* I'll1!! ear is very similar to "Automatic motor protection is the only with the maker's guarantee that it will sive ears has lowered, while that on 'hat of 1!»- Improvements have pump a uniform, power* sure method of guarding your motor i the luxurious type haa raised con­ been added to the chassis, to the |ful, reliable gasoline. gjve you years of service, siderably. motor and throughout the car jton- against cold. Pines Winterfront is the only Cnllislon insurance covers Ioss/«'rally as fast as they have been And with it always A recent national survey among Winter- automatic radiator shutter on the market. sustained, hut not loss inflicted, developed, but radical changes, and is usually of three types: Full which would obsolete previous goes a smiling, court front owners disclosed due many have To be sure you get this method the auto­ ^collision providing for any dam- models, have been avoided, teous, helpful service. age; $50 deductible collision^ pro- "Consequently the Investment of teeniniHe ironrrf to 10 years and are mobile industry has endorsed—ask for it •viiling for reimbursement after the «i» Auburn buyer has been pro- still giving satisfactory service, by name. first *5u. and $100 deductible colli- teeted because the car he bouKht Hioii. Collisioii is defintwi as menu-"one day has hot been antiquated ing collision with anything, pro- the next by"a totally different, de- viriing onlv that it is acciilentai.
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