TDK BALB AUTOMOBILES. OR SALE ACTOMOmT.ES. or rTQMonn.r, FOR SALE. FOB fiALfi. FOB SALK. FOR SALE. FOB 8ALE. r .Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. U S NAVY fiOODS. TENTS. XiiNTS. TENTS. TENTS. ARMT n BUT NOW. HOME FOR SALE TBNTS. TENTS. 200 16x160 D AND BUYS CAR HEADQUARTERS. J. LEV.B GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. ARMY TENTS. PRICES ARE DOWN HERE ARE SOME FINE USED Second-han- for a song. PVRiMinit. IN LIGHT SIXES. New and We sre selling working men ana KEI'LAIMED. AT $28 50. 500 PUP 7S TARPAU- SEE THESB CARS AT Big U. S. women more tents for homes' than for TENTS. A PAIR. 3.4S. AUTO CO., Ws unusually fins as- THK USEO CAR WAREHOUSE. sale on hardware, cable, tools and any purpose. LINS, 18x30. OWNEAVY CAN- THE MA.NLEY hare an supplies. Every article reduced. Every- other We are actually MADE sortment of used cars : especially GRAND AVE. AT TAVLOR ST.. ARMT GOODS FOR BALE. housing more families than any-- concern VAS r.nnn iron mvBRS. FOR priced We can thing In the house to be sold to the FOLDINO HCPMOBILE DISTRIBUTORS. for quick sale. III "public greatly reduced prices. Noth- in Portland. Our direct purchase of COTS, COTS. COTS. 3000 sell you a light six, overhauled, offers the following real bargains at UN- CANVAS COTS, EACH. IZ.SA. Alt-- I 40O0 CARS. ing sold to dealers. If you need any- 8PECTAL SALE COTTON canvas is the reason. ARMY 1920 8 passenger Hup., driven only rebuilt and wtth food tires at a GOOD USED yourself opportunity DERWEAR NEW AT 35c We have sold more tents to data this O. D, BLANKETS. FOR $3..V miles; will consider Ford lnt trade. very low price and will lake thing avail of the SECRET year in Port- n n wnni. ithom t2 TO 4. advertising Just a a- - be disposed of. Below New chocolate color march- THE than all others combined shtrtk your light car In as part payment. Ws ars not a sale. this stock must land. Why? answer Is eay. We NEW LEE UNIO.VALLS. 12 4S. NEW 1918 tires, cannot oe beat. few many we have ing shoes ..$3.5 The - Hup roadster, cord We grant reasonable terms wtth special price on cars thai are a of the articles 2.50 are not trying to "hog H all." W'e O. D. WOOL TROUSKRS repainted, and runs jiks no brokerage chsrges. down lor ale: New Lee unlonalls NBW O. BREECHES FOR looks Corns Investigated prices Wire cable, plow steel, new and O. D. blankets. 64x84-i- SJ0 of the climatic conditions are given each make a good profit and are satisfied new. and Inspect these bargains. If you haven't our New army 3.fi0 day by the weatherman, who watches with our canvas is govern- $4.75. NEW O. t). WRAP LEGGINGS FOR and selling plans, you should do so at blocks, steel snatch tackle shirts rea- that. All J1.50. SERVIOB HATS, 05o. CANTEENS wood, rubber belting, peavies, an- New U. S. rubber hip boots.. 4.25 the sky for changes. The secret of ment standard width. We invite 1918 Hup tonrlng. wire wheels, repainted Wss, Now. once. and Gray blankets sonable buying in hardware and fur- you to town, for love AXD MESS KITS FOR ROc. NAVI Is you 101 400 vils. ChamDion foraes. Champion blow commercial look all over but DIES. IS S.I T.RATHRR l.EOGINGS and our .price lower than Maxwell touring. .$ 500 t e4x$4-tnc- h is the revealing of cheap prices see our canvas . pay any of the you. ers. Champion t drills, blacksmith 300 niture of heaven don't fail to !!-- would have to for Paige roadster, 1120 It mesns dollsrs to pof Canteens and mess kits, each .50 that a lowering market offers. It is and prices before you buy your tent I3S0. PONCHOS. A COMPLETE cheaper fours. model with new motor and ben-- vises, skidding tongs, garden unnecessary you the mar- LINK! OP ABMY fiOODS WHOLB Is nose, prices. Service hats 1.00 for to follow home. Do not be deceived in buying that has not been run HERE'S YOUR CAR NOWI too and rarden at reduced O. D. wool breeches up from 100 ket. Our prises always follow the down- weight. SALE AND RETAIL. MAIL ORDERS 1917 model N Hup. ford See us before yu buy we will save duck of a given ARMY SALES The famous a thousand miles, five O. D. long pants 3.75 ward trend and you get the benefit. the. goods aa vou would a suit SOLICITED. SURPLUS tires and first-clas- s mechanical con- good tires, cords In 1920 Stephens 6 sport model. . $180 you money. CO., SAM A. MESHER. PROP. 3.1 IH.0 woodsmen's sup Bib overalls 1.45 of clothes. Do a little thinking for 1748. dition. the rear. a rare 1920 Haynes snort model A large assortment of Reclaimed O. D. wool shirts yourself Kion't merely "take it for 3D ST., CORNER COUCH. BDWY. value 1300 1S00 litis Haynes sport model ll.' plies at reduced prices. up 1.00 FIRST-CLAS- S motorcycle, 1914 Hup delivery or would make sport CARPENTER TOOTHS. from rrantAd" vnn r retting a certain Twin Indian light 1917 Haynes model TO'LS PIPE BICYCLES. weight canva because someone told taken in on a deal; good mechanical a dandy bug. Haynes 1920 model 1019 Srripps-Hoot- rosdster 850 Forged steel carpenter nail hammers, Besides special items ws splendid speeaomeier, 1H20 Hupmobile touring l'JMl 5c sweep-bo- x these you so. condition, tires, with lots of extras, each; braces. have in slock a large assortment Why pay ths large price for a new In get acquainted. Talk the whistle. Prestoliie and tank, tandem; 19 Maxwell, look at our price,. .$500 two spotlights, cord 1919 Mitchell victory model 1250 ratchet, 92 each: rafs shears, 5)o each wheel,' whether you want one for mes- Come and monthly. 2100 TJfiNTS of breeches, hats, reclaimed shirts, matter over; we will treat you nice, price only 70, $30 down,, $10 tires all around with 1919 Case, cords TEVTS TENTS. socks, mackinaws, dishes. senger work or pleasure for the little you you will Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 830 Alder. '20 Oakland six . 900 extras, special top, 1920 Economy chummy H Big reduction in price on our Hercules are rebuilt by our though may not buy. But boy? All our wheels buy if you are in the market for a tenc CAN YOIT USF. THIS? bumper, finish like 1019 Lexington 6 touring 115 brand of jiew tents. Only a few left $7.00 up. expert repair department, and warranted . 600 plenty pep 11118 8 you Tents and We can furnish any sir tent you may The finest pocket billiard table made, '19 touring hew, and King touring 20 If need a tent, now is the time Shelter halves, $1.00 and up. to oe in iirst-cias- s nainn cunumuu. pearl, power 1300 .230 1919 Hnli k sedan I"'" Double-barre- coast- - want irom 7x7 at to a Dig nouse teau in Circassian walnut, with Inlaid to buy it. is ." . 00 1918 Oldamnhlle 8 tftflrlng 973 hnr-hir- Ipii we s,iso make the black ebony and white maple, cost $1000 '18 Grant six 10x12 at I12 W each. r hraka har Wheel. nn White SO, touring, re- 1920 Chevrolet touring 490 - 114.00 each, a snap $1 50 noxffiT at tent. ana ia Drann new. win sen ur 400 "'0 Hxl4 at H. HORNSTEIN ARMT STORE, at 7x9. will any car, S ox. .$10.50 Owner. N 653. Oregonian. '17 Maxwell touring . J00 built V0 1918 Chevrolet touring 12x14 fLVSO each. 204 252 2d A strong, substantial wheel, coast- fit at...... 2000 1750 191T 6 at First St., St. 12.50 7x9, will fit any car. 10 os. $12.50 Jordan 1020, Overlsnd touring at 3J.f0 each. 7573. , er brake, moderately priced at.. at.... FOR SALE A few slightly used sewing . 300 1918, 3 Main -' J. T. CONWAY ARMY STORE 19 Orant six Mitchell 1918 Ford touring lx0ROOFING PAPER. Another reliable make a servioe- machines at reduced prices. We are Berg & Beck, new 1917 delivery 2MI con- VATV ffOOd The Army Store Man of Ford Fresh roofing paper earn roll ah la hnv't whAdl. Pioneer headauartera for hemstitching, pleating. '18 Ford touring . 350 rubber 1200 BOO 1917 Ford delivery 1'"' -- $.50 Portland. tains 108 square feet. Including nails. value at button ana button-hole- - making. See Mitchell 1018, . looo wo 1917 Chalmers touring 7M1 8 days, motor- - THIRD AND TAYLOR STREETS. first-cla- Sewing Cement inside of each roll. FOR SALE by Penny Arcade. 26 N. Third New wheel, used us for work. Singer '17 Studebaker big six, . S00 Mitchell 191S. . 1150 950 11119 Oakland touring !"' p frnM rnnf i)7.50 new. at MR. OR MAN. . y. $1.75 per roll. St., large shooting gallery, complete, rvrl GROCERY MEAT Machine Co.. 4QJ Wash. St. Mitchell 1917. . 750 B7J 1II1S Maxwell touring $50 $2.23 per roll. the very low figure of... 84.50 slicer. $150, cost $335; also Hobart complete, floor '17 Studebaker, roadster 500 Chevrolet delivery 1918 450 375 1917 touring $ with rifles. $1000. A of over 100 dsed wheels to Dayton meat FOR SALE Soda fountain Maxwell J. LEVE. box bowling alleys, good con- full line of new model cases, card tables, dishes, check protec- Studebaker '15, 8:.o 250 1917 Maxwell touring . 1'" Three pick very tigure. $75, $210: if wise ...v. J Front Street, dition, $200. from all at a reasonaoie trie coffee mill, cost tor, refrigerators, scales, root beer bar- '19 Chevrolet roadster 500 Mitchell 1018. . 900 750 1!1S Maxwell touring "3 Between Yamhill and Taylor Streets. sharpening ma- grab, will give some terms, d- -o Henry rels, iron gates, sacrifice cash, cmdit. 1918 Chevrolet road- 1918 Mitchell roadster 8M1 Automatic razor blade bldg., Broadway 5590. 150 42.1 S75 MAIN 5198. chine, like new. $100. 2 Salmon. Maxwell touring ster 1918 Saxon six B5 Automatic card printing machine and JUNE TIME, rose time, engagement time 1918 Oakland, 650 550 1917 Hupmobile. model N 79.1 TENTS. 200 C HERS IS A GOOD JOB. outfit, with about $25 worth of stock. wtn soon be hero. This on win mane Studebaker four ..- Overland, model 1918 hevrolet touring 35 - orer- jump Joy. 300 250 1918 Studebaker 6 touring $79 a m r. with trailer, just $125. Will sell all or part; A complete line, from 5x7 to 20x30. her heart with OR 8AI.E AUTOMOBILES. hauled, and entire equipment Including any figure perfect and blue-whit- for $250. Mil 1920 Maxwell rosdster V4S Pflces lower than advertised Clearing Diamonds, next Pbons B. 217. Come down any time and ws 1017 Willys-Knig- touring bunks and cable: all summer's work In King quality ler's House for 4J can ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Portland, with Storm door. to Majestic theater. See Mountain at Manley Auto Co. will gladly show and demonstrate 1918 Willys-Knig- touring i""3 hauling piling on macs-da- road: dentistry by g Examine the quality and get house, lhey you good terms. Call Broadway Painless the combined. Burnaiue and Oak Sts. at 11th bu any used car In the 1916 Chalmers 6 touring 475 make method, without after effects. I our figure before you buy. STANLEY. are all In running order and most 1919 Dodge delivery , M3 fi!l. ask for Sherers make examination of teeth. I Folding canvas sots, single arid double, FOR SALE OR RENT Steam shovel. T..,. ,nA stanlev for sale iheap, m unusual values as priced for this Apperson touring 313 r.Evrs shoes, black, specialize In first-clas- s dentistry at rea- kit camp gasoline stoves; anything for Revolving type, oft traction wneeis. perfect mechanical condition; demon big sals. Packard 80 touring '. 1 ClapP shoes, S205. camper dependable merchandise. First-clas- s condition, ready to work. x wu--, STOP, LOOK AND LISTBN. leather lined; pr. Kdwln sonable fees. LadV attendant. Mar. the In stration given It aesirea. Sloddard-Dsytn- n touring ..... $23 both slse 7; also stiff hat. all good as DR. A. W. KEENB. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., bargains. Look at MITCHELL. LEWIS STAVER Studebnker touring 150 all for $10 Majestic Bldg. 85 Wash. 2363. ' them ail, but don't buy until you see new: cost over $40; will sell Theater 14 235 Stark. Main you COMPANY. Mitchell louring 150 or separately; girl's ground grlpper these. We don't promise some- Broadway and Everett St. 875 pat. D. B SCT7LLT CO.. DOWNTOWN LUM- LAWN MOWER, DO YOUR spring cleaning with an Apex thing for nothing and ws ars not losing Case touring hoes and oxfords, also'pr. electric suction cleaner; aemonsirmjion SS Years in the Northwest. Chalmers bug pumpa, size to 3: will take $4 lot BER STORE. 171 FRONT ST.. BET. 8, bargain, new rubber, new money on our cars. We bought for Broadway bug li'5 34 MORRISON AND YAMHILL. PHONE One only machine, that re- will prove its superior merit. Phone this 1S18 COLE ' cash. They cost us a lot and Phons 4Ii. Overland tnree pr. none ophwooq morning. Main SOIL Smith-McCo- y Elec- paint, first-clas- s mechanical condition, didn't f Main 4213- - lath, shingles, doors, $25; a heavily built machine first-clas- s we sure good cars cheap. Not a t"T ri v? r n a vxrnz Lumber. tails for $1150; , condi- sell OthArs Too NameronB to Mention. screen good-size- d going to tric Co. 116 concerning farming. fruit and windows, molding and mill work, for a lawn. Who is tion new rubber, looks like new, sell car in our stock oider than 1117 and all Low Prices and Easy Terms, tion doors, vegetable box shook a. lucky purchase $16,25. $175 PRACTICALLY new pho first-cla- We vegetable growing, poultry, livestock. fruit and make this at Stradivara cheap. $1200; 1918 Olds . in guaranteed mechanical condition. See our odd stock of sash, doors. nograph, beautiful mahogany case; spe- $050; 1015 Haynes 4 have , Dodges, Uupps, Mitchells, Farm and Livestock Record. Jackson- $10 $7.50 a condition, snap. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE, 50c a Postage we cially priced at $125, down, first-cla- mechanical condi- eiies and others. No something for ville, Fla. Month. v. Illustrated; stamps for coiieotora Co., roadster, B LIGHT CARS TO PICK GRAND AVE. AT TAYLOR ST. year; .special, 3 months. 10c w rite carry a fine line of stamps of all na month. Hyatt Talking Machine of power and speed, bargain, nothing bait; no camouflage. Just real WE HAVE Open Sundays Rvenings. CARPENTER TOOLS. , 350 St. tion, lots good FROM ALL AS REPRESENTED. snd today. tions, complete sets, packets, albums, Alder $4'i0; 1917 Saxon , new paint, honest, bought for cash, bargains at Pbons Automatio 21410. PIANO SNAP. h in res. etc. Sramna and collections WANT FOR CASH, blue-aerg- e coat, size rubber, car Just overhauled, $000. I prices that you can't beat. We 0 touring, some buy 75 is the home of all standard dJ-- 1916 Ford toned Etlari p bought ; open evenings. Saturdays and Here about 38, agid light trousers, size Garage, 2X8 11th st. Main 1002. used car specialists. Portland Auto snap Exceptionally nice Stamp Co. makes of tools, In the new and used, at be good, price; Co., Burnside, In Lowengart 1H13 Ford rosdster, grand plflno. in beautiful Sundays all day. Columbia must quality, reasonable Sales i4 T I,uxe upright 94 N. st. 2018 a real figure. buy good business suit, Y 674, bldg., cor. of Park. Open Sundays and 11116 Ford touring, extras WHO SAID BA liG A1NS mahogany case: cost $."ffl: price Iflth Phone Bdwy. Carpenters' hand cases, ve- also will 11(17 Ford touring, extras No better used cars on. the monthly. Hyatt Talk- Oregonian. evenings. delivery IMS msrket , $35 down, balance. neered and heavily reinforced on STEPHENS SIX. 1HI7 Ford roadster, tsll than our stock, for ths price asked. ing Machlnr-Q.- a'ifl Alder St. all corners, ends and sides, for FOR SALE Tan tricolette suit, size 38 90 per cent new, 1020 model 1917 Ford touring, electric starter... 3,5 Read carefully this list snd Judge for high-clas- 10-f- Shj white diamond, full FOR SALE 3 t. silent show hunvv MfrvlcR dutv. this box. reg and 40: was sell for oiue serse touring car, In fine condition 1918 Ford touring, repainted, extras. yourself. Then call us up and airanss 4. KARAT tine ox $, a 1a- -; being without an cases; can be used for any line dusi- $8.25, .priced $ 5.43 suit, size 38 and 40, $15. These suits throughout. Has some new tires and LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. Ford roadsier, " for demonstration. ou will bs ssus-fie- d of no excuse for ular at 520-2- llilS extras.... engagement ring; $100. Better get in oess. 302 Phoenix bldg. Let us supply your carpenter needs. are as good as new. Auto. 6 lot of extra equipment. $16o0, Pa"t 11(19 Ford touring, overhsuled 4(iu as hundreds of others hsve been. bright and earlv Monday morning for Anything in this line. l, nternv wanted. cash, balance easy payments. Bra'V AUTOMOBILES CASHED. 11120 Ford touring, extras..... J 1918 Overland 85 $ 750 one. Miller's Clearing Houwe for hell-fac- guaranteed claw ham exchange new phonograph for Auto Co., Burnslde at 14th. Bdwy. aoi. 1020 Ford touring, starter; snap.... 0- -0 1916 overlsnd Country Club this Will AN AUTOMO- new, 7"U Diamonds, next door to Majestic theater. 25 DROPHEAD sewing macnlnes. com mer 1.10 first-clas- s parlor organ. Hyatt Talking TOU BUY OR SELL 10.1 Ford touring, starter, Ilka 1919 Overland 90 MONEY; el''1 " cond-hand. Diets with attachments, in rood sewin Carpenter anrons. specially priced Machine Co., 350 Alder St. BILE. WE FURNISH THE 1919 Allen SEWING machines, new ani $3.00, now 2.45 OTR SERVICE WILL PLEASE VoU. coupe, revsrnlshed 873 1919 ltriaroe 5"0 no agents employed: com- order, $8 to $25: sewing machines rented Disston ripsaws, regular FOR SALE Ivory dressers, 4 single beds, 1020 Ford sold for less: ma- per month; machines cleaned and re- No douot you win una many items yuu range; OREGON BOND & MORTOAUB CO., 11,20 Ford sedan, new tires 'su 1916 Studebaker 475 plete lines of parts for all makes; 9i rugs, roukers. stand tables, Acorn 20S SELLING BLDG., SECOND FUOUH. guaranteed like 1918 4 M Main D4.fl. paired. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand ava. need among our used planes, chisels, good bargain. No dealers. 1017 BEO TOTJRINO. 11121 Ford sedan. Is Maxwell chines repaired and rented. squares as new. A 1 1919 Reo EMPORIUM. feast 2858. saws, augurs, and the like. 8403. Good tires, nearly new top. tlrea In new SEWING MACHINE Phone East you want a good 1919 Chevrolet touring, Al shape... 473 1919 Studeb.iker . 7..0 190 Third St., near Tavlor. LARGE Edison Diamond (Chlppen S 2 Mosley best of condition. If . J 759 Disc WATCHMAKER No. lathe witn practical touring car at a low price, WILLI'S SIX TOURING. 1H20 Chevrolet touring, like new.... 050 1919 Csse Six ,. felNGER sewing machines. Whites. New dale model) in a fumed oak case, use DEAL AND SERVICE IS counter shafts. In good condition. Ap- a dsndy $75 1 HI T Velle , 8.'5 but a time, In on a new AN HONEST here it 1 at $575. Braly Auto Co.. Reflnished and looks and runs fine; this 1916 Dodge touring, Homes, etc., like new. $23 to $45. New short taken ply 327 Morgan bldg., call Main 6284 car good bar Oakland 6 touring, new top! a 1919 Velle . ll.'.O Roval, Service. Davis and other guaran- model. Priced sneciailv at $225: $ week days. Burnside at 14th st. will show the real caie it liiia 1919 Veils . had and we will give liberal terms ot snap at ; 5- - $18; Sing down, $15 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma weather-proo- g 1919 Velle . 12 teed dropheads. $15 to latest 64 POUNDS No. 10 triple-brai- d f car in if you 1918 Oakland touring, cord tires.. Co., AineT take trade: -- . . HI.'.O ers, cash or time. Rentals $3 month. chine si. wire, $20: $50 new White machine, for this make of oar you will make no 11118 Overland em touring, wot 1UI9 Velle chummy. st. 6833. burglar-proo- f new (50 0 Veils . leuO Pinger Store, 103 4th Main SAFES Fire and safes, WOODCHOPPINQ TOOLS. $25; t. porcelain tub with fittings, $35. mistake by buying this one; we give ser- 11119 Mitchell light touring.... second-han- d at prices oougnt Open Sundays. 81)0 D. C. WAKHKN MOTOR CAR CO.. I'OR SALE cheap, heating plant. Rec- and right M B75. Oregonian. A vice and will take bonds'. 1918 BuUk light touring conHlssting 12. two eight, sold and exchanged; easy terms H ae There' has been little decline in the FRANKLIN B14 Hupmobile big 4 touring 850 Used car Department. tor svstem, one DIAMOND SNAP. In first-clas- s shape; good Alder si. 1917 tlrlwy. 31119. motor, sired. enormous We have touring car. . 1450 Phone one four loop radiators, h H. P. number of outfits Beautiful perfect diamond weighing top. ready to go; $lia0. terms, LEXINGTON, speedster. This 1019 Paige 60 ft. galvanized pipe, NORRIS SAFE St LOCK CO.. sold lately, and for one reason. The tireu and sport sacrlljcea. 1916 Mitchell 4 touring. Al 826 blower and 105 St. 2045. 1.38k, worth about $000; price- - $425. of course. Braly Auto Co.. Burnside at beautiful car will be 275 "18 DODGE TOURING. all In good working order. Apply 4ti3 Second Main 'boys know they get dependable merchan 350 motor perfect, cord tires in good con- Velie 4 touring, overhauled. Dodge 7fi- Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. Alder. 14th St. Broadway i01. snap 193 This hne. dependable Jims.' csr Durham ave. Phone Wdin. -. wonderful blue-whi- absolute! dise for less. dition, new coat oriental green paint and 11113 Hulck 4 touring, u In fine condition every sty; will look comput- perfect diamond, snap me Wedges, a pound $ .16 PINK SILK poplin sport suit, rize 3S. many or terms. Wlnton touring, soma buy. M0 IX) R SALE or trade, automatic full of and double-bitte- accessories; cash lino and run 10 pleaee you. snd the price is pound.- capacity; officially a stone would sell for K.O at most Mann, fully guaranteed, d price $5; black wool sweater, trimmed WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO., mi? ft 7.nMsnneer 850 will ing ?cale. 30 that axes, regularly angora, Ue 39, price $5; 9 4 .0 low and ths terms Irberal: ws tske accurate; bargain for cah, stores: my price 4.0. Miller s Ciearin sell for with white 100 N. Broadway. Broadway 4184. 1012 rlPackard 80, tires $.'75 down. hul. easy. Open Sundays at tested and Ma- $3.25, our price 1.50 all nearly new. Main 61 14. REDAN. 4 0 or will trade for something I need. House For Diamonds, next door to four sedan, with the STAGE MEN, ATTENTION. 11117 Studebaker 4, Al. 10th and Alder ats you? paper cutter. jfetic tneater. New Simmonds crosscut saw, 7 ft., 3 of marquisette curtains, lace in- The Overland lat- 1IU3 Hup 4 touring 2..0 MOTOR C R CO. What have I need a slightly damaged by rust, regu PAIR wonderful springs, privately owned We have Beveral Packard cars fof 2U0 MURPHY A V 74. Orejronian. SPOT CASH PAID FOR sertion, two pair of blue marquisette order, lots of extras. stages 3 stage runs wll. 1914 Apperson 4 touring, starter.... DODGE KOADSTKIt. lar $10.50, our price 5.45 drapes. for $10. Call Mar. 3G53, or est model, in fine and also that bugs five to pick from. EL Y YOUR PHONOGRAPH AT HYATT'S. SHOT GUN OR RIFLE. WATER Anything for the woodcutter ma All Ideal car for Oregon weather, cool in interest any live wire. at Ford I have s Dodge roadster In perfect any HEATER. GAS R!'RNKR, TENT. at a 714 Glisan st. Apt. 34. For sale by Co., and Burn- anno Remember, we sell von model of terial saving. summer and dry in winter Portland Motor Car lulh USED CAR EXCHANGE condition run less than miles Edlsr.-n- . Columbia or Frure-wlc- k OIL STOVE, At TO CAMPING OUTFIT, Vaugban drag priced FOR SALE Yale bicycle, almost Dew, present and only owner, $1130. Terms to side. VRANSON'S I will sell at a bargain. If you VUtrola. 827-4- One used saw. - Evenings and Sunday. that up to on payments of $3 per .128 FIRST. At' TO. MAIN 4495, double and forks, and extras, ap Morrison, rrin- lO.Ofc'H) top. Open are will drive this car 10 at .....$85.00 br reliable party. Robert 191S DODGE, run miles; new Cor. Ave. and Belmont Bf Interested you Talking Co.. 350 ly 4'--'7 Goodnough bldg., 6th and Tam Union your It to you If month. Hyatt Machine EDISON Diamond Disc (modern model) ity flace. ruwy. new battery, new fenders, 5 tires, spot- (Upstairs). East 4376. ooor and show Alder St.. taken in on a larger machine, used bu il! st. .n King eight. light, bumper; recently overhauled and will phone East 8533 Sunday, or Broad- time, '.W: $10 $5 i NEW, LATEST model FULL DKESS and tuxedo uitj for sale a short for down. WILL exchange new Victrola, Edison, run less than uu miies. Simonlsed: perfect condition mechani- way 2910 Monday; for less than half price: sizes 3S; new month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 ROOFING. Grafonola or Brunswick for tailoring. owner; cord tires, 2 spots, all equip- cally and otherwise: $SW cash. See Mr, iKiln'iK mtus. ROADSTER. spring patterns now in slock. $50 to $. Ainer St. Call Mr. Alphonse, cars Hyatt Talking ment that goes with car listed at $3o00. Burke. -5 Cham, of Com. bldg.. U to 12 If you have made up your mind to Werner-IVtterso- n Co.. men's tailors, WHY AN everlastinr a&rzravation bv To lower our stock, we are offering Machine Co.. 3.'0 Alder Will give big discount for cash; inignt A. M.. Monday. buy a new Dodge Bros, roadater. come artu Washington st.. cly. . leaky rcof ? Why not a comfortabl subject to prior sale, our bst-grad- e of model, older model and balance will sell 1118 Chandler and see this one. You will euve .V' very very SEWING machine. Singer, late consider do. FOK SAilu Owner new roadster: 1U20 SEWING machine, as good as new. and durable roof? We repair Rubber roofing this week at the low drop heal, 7 drawers and 8 oak dining cash. Write If you mean business. I chummy roadster for $750; this car SACRIFICE, and still have a 24x3S, Bond, and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky figure of $1.35. - GREAT See Mr. Beach. 24l 6th SU cheap. Singer; 2 windows, glass, and wagon: will sacri- AV 6fll, Oregonian. $2000; the price I am model. ' guaranteed. Mr. up ' room chairs tea cost new over at double frames and weights. Sunday all rnois. work Main oiu. Homebullder. Ws have fitted fice for o'llck sale Eist 14"0.. 11)20 STL'TZ. asking is a bargain. For further in- Main 73'2. 14 CtT W A ir !) 17. JO. hundreds in the last season, and if you it da v. 5i0 E. 45th st. N. TF.H tan vat heating combination $500 in extras. clasiest In city, better formation, phone Tabor 8061 or Mar- Bf COUPE HAS 1U20 HUI'MOHII.B touring, cord tires, $9; tested and guaranteed: stove and bring in your list of hardware we can HOWARD stoves. sold In 3 MODEL CADILLAC mounted, wind d.flectora, COMPUTING scales, cash- - register, coffee give you a figure genuine wood or coal; used only one season; than new; last call, must be shall 702. NOT BKEN RUN 81100 MILF.H. OWNER apare tire an general store furnace coils, gas heaters install ea. ex real and a 1102 Alder, cor- offer takes it You will apotllght. bmnner, etc.: runs and looks mills, meat choppers pert plumbing repairing S(d saving. in fine condition. East days: best ou $1500 2 ACRES, all under cultivation, and l.ctvivn FUR EUROPE IMMEDIATE on easy terms. East a bargain like this. If s. like new: $K.OO. f.xtures at 226 Stark at., between First Shop. 8516. ner 37th. never get good three-roo- house and bullt-in- LY CAR IS POSITIVELY IN PERFECT Br Welding 203 Adnms st. East car at half price, see it Motor Co., Hawthorns at bth. and Secnnd desire a real trees, well-- at door." on good CONDITION MECHANICALLY. SPE- SAY. FOLKS, if you appreciate splendid EDTSON cvllnder hornless machine and 415 st. at lutn. Phone barn, fruit ynur ciirars. ave 50 per cent; 2"0 records. $0O: $20 down. todav at Glisan auto road, seven from Portland. CIAL UPHALSTERINO. INSURANCE IJIPuHT jeweiry repairing or watcn repairing, indestructible 4.1'J-:- - imivvHhI.KT RKDAN. box of GO genuine Porto Rico cigars, IF IT'S ANYTHING IN HARDWARE $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machme Broadway Northwest Mortgage Co.. 438 Chamber POLICY. PAID UP FOR ONE YEAR, lust take it fn to Mr. Miller, rlsht next o Chan- ' MUST very little, only T0O0 $.; 73. c. o d. Porto Kico Trading Co., s.-- model TRANSFERRED WITH CAR. 400 mod.'l; to the Majestic theater, and see the Co.. Alder st LOOK HERE Late sac- of Comm"rce. u'd condition, ex- box 1174, S:in Juan. Porto Rico. you PR FURNITURE, WE HAVE IT. inches, ca- dler, been run only 8000 miles, will COLE C.,UfK, a beauiy, only driven 1137 HAVE ACTION BEFORE MONDAY mllca; perfect mechanical prompt service pet. REFIUGE RATOR, 1830x42 Sunday or Monday at $11110. MOST BHAUT1FUL COUPE good tires and new apare; sacrifice FLOl'R SACKS. HMMb. sixe. laundered, your pacity 100 lbs., good as new; $2." de- rifice for miles, taken in on a model, 1921 EVENING. tra 10 100; LADIES, let the Vogue sell misfit car is in perfect condition. Call room CITY. for $smi, terms. $250 cash, bulancs In $1.50 doa.; $10 per mail orders. garments. 10 per livered. 50 N. 23d St., near Wash. Sun. or license, wire wheels with extra wheel IN rgo. Port-lan- and silently used cent 611 Imperial for appointment you see car. North-- month Mr linwy. S. Hndes. 231 hk Hooker St., on 3d Week days. and tire; should this Or. room 403 Alisky bldg., entrance LEVIN HARDWARRE & FURNITURE Mon. until noon only. tst Auto Co., lsth and Alder sis. ...(., lnju. atarter near Morrison. Main 3132. cabinet model Musola pho PHONE EAST 6621 other exlrss; $2j. Erfixnn rvlin-der- horn ma price $50. $10 down FORD. speedometer, license, NEW "SINGERS," $5 down, $3 monthly. CO MPANT, norranh: cost $0: FORD BUG. chine and 100 records, $18.50: $7.50 Expert sewing machine repairing. $6 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine windshield, top and Have Ford touring and roadster for Talking A dandy, with once; in '"universal car . down,. $:t per month. Hyatt STORE, Co.. 350 Alder St. sale: must sell at cars are best K. nniiiKji I Co.. 3S0 St. MORRISON STREET SINGER fenders, good tires. $250. with terms. of condition; liberal terms. Bdwy. 4775. Cor Grand Ave. and Ysmhlll JInrMrf Alder 882 Morrison. Marshall 721. 5 St.,' Cor. Salmon. on wheels, trimmed In CLASS Front bassinet Phone Col. 656. 1 1th and Everett. BIX IN rillaf 1TOR SALE Linen crash riding habit. sUfa picotlng rartblue and allover lace, m: also oaDy E.kLANiri CAR HA Nr.l-- 16, good style, practically new; also HEMSTITCHING. attachment Wood- - BU1CK SIX, excellent cord tires HHAl'K THIS works on all sewing machines. Price $2, walker. $2.50. Call W. Anklam, 5 wire wheels, cord HUDSON SUPER SIX. HANDS AND HAH NOT leather puttes. Call between lu ana 6307. 1919 DODOS roadster; with 2 spares, fine mechanical condi- CHANGED IN ANY 1030. personal check 10c extra. Lights Mail lawn Bpotllght; a crackerjack buy; terms $000 as my equity, bal- Here is a chance to get a BEEN AUUSHO OR HURT Sunday, or evenings. Main Hons1, box 127, Birmingham. Ala. tires. seer, Washington tion, will take completely over Order if required; can be at ance in monthly payments $50 a month. cr that has been very CALL r.Aai o.'.'. KEW electric piling. wanted (wardrobe onlv good 23d and Washington. Ask hauled and looks like new at a a buy d one-h- a FOR SALE 500 to 600 TRUNKS Park Auto Co.. Phone Tabor 1375. ' SIX This Is real sewing machine for If of coat. 100 to 120 length; 2d growth. 40 pay cash. Marsnan io.mi. owner, between 1 P. i Will consider a small car. OAKLAND absolutely In first, Call 2n36 62d aU S. E. Take Haw- ft. in onalltv: for Mr. White, the touring, good running shape; ni payment. and repainted, at and &o in length. isroaaway diamond M. ana 4 r. jo.. FOIiD tires If in good condition, for part easy thorne car. il eL PEARL and diamond lavailiere. punuj new; $1S5, terms. I4..33 Sunday, or Broadway class condlllon. Urn... snerrman. rings and some wearing appare:, very AT HALF THE ORIGINAL nearlv Phone East Co., Alder. Mr. Itlcn, $S75, weighs over 34B. FOR SALE UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. 2H1(1 Monday, and I will bring the car Auto mth and $1500 DIAMOND for THREE new electric washing machines. reasonable; most be sold today. Mar. COST. Cor. Ave, and E. Yamhill. East 471. Br.'Sdway 2 perfect. Clearing Stearns-Knlgh- t. Grand you. n't". 4 kt. and Miller's $75 each, guaranteed: 1 Jadd used elec heating stove; 1 large kltch- - Late model Five to ; to ONE LARGE roadster, model 79, Just over- '1-- J OLDSJIoniLK, g.cyl. had "P""" ! House for Diamonds, next door tric washer, overhauled. $70. Scott range, wood, splendid baker, new Goodyear over-size- d cord tires. OVERLAND o.. OVfHI.lvn TOlTF.INXi. Majestic LUMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! en fnone Con hauled; 3 new tires; need money: b dependable (our rufii t theater. Electric Co.. 5th and Oak sts. 173 urove. This Is a real car and is in perfect This tine, light, "my money out of it: will" ll BEDROCK PRICES. uaK bargain at $150. Phone Wood. 442L s new; we give want ilULTIGHAPH with complete automatic OFFICE FURNITURE. di t i o - like win amount; liberal terms; Ilka new. type In CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, FOR QUICK sale. kt. blue diamond in nl2!iiitii!-i-2i--i- 2 Beech st, terms and take ear In trade or I li.. printing attachment, iota of Bought, sold and exchanged. CARPENTERS. a. car painted when I una Jager, Bdwy. 14l(. cabinet. segments, motor, etc.; very CO., white gold setting. maranaii musty s a Victory Scout bTL'Tii Kun only tiooo miles; SUTO down bal. easy. Oven Sundays. lBlh and DESK It will pay you well to get our prices 3324 JLt!at I sell. It must be sold. LlIIEUTV six"! lute ll.od.l. reasonably cheap. 4o:t Oregonlnn bldg.' 7 Twelfth St. Bdwy. 1877. on cord tires and other worth of extras; Come Alder sts. , lumber before buying. We are mak- l.AntRS" clothes for sale, dresses, coats. Elgin, six you and see this car and make us an offer. priced at $125.1. terms; will take trsrte JlAND cultivator with aTI atLachmenis; L'SED Vlctnola, portable type, mahogany ing close prices on house bills and stan- eTtrai at $1485. It's Just what exchange for seller s contract. suits, skirts and blouses, sizes dfl ana Motor company, 41.t Oilean St.. Bdwy. 4'i2. SALE BY OWNER Ford sedan, late in. or will W ood- - gooe feather bed. oak center table, down, dard stocks and have some specials on 233-5- 5 want. See it at Weller FOR equity. Phone ca good condition, only $iu 38. For Information phone auto. touring, speedometer, shocks, 1U20 model, new, run only 7300 or house planterer'a alifhiinum darby. Phone Talking.: which ws can make especially Washington ,at loth lylu FOUD like Ul.1 c r,:,U. Oregonian. $5 a month. Hyatt Machine attractive 100-l- good $300; following extras: Big lawn or address Wood lawn gm'l after Sunday. figures. CENTURY refrigerator. ire ca ...... rr.Wl,--I.l- ear. run OIllV 4000 miles etc., condition, terms. miles; has the Co.. st. - Co., Hawthorne oth. steering wheel, Stewart speedometer, 11121 FORD touring, starter. LSbiD Virtrola, fumed oak case, in excel- RETAILERS pacity, used a snort lime; jo. nooa- new car; full equip Motor at daahllght good Pf"n.i'".. for quick sale, A B gas high-gra- runs better than a. auto-tile- ft lock, flower vase, lent condition. $10 down. $750 s gas call us up about close prices on a lawn 106; including o new com m-.-, East 'iM Co., Hawthorne $:: range, water heater, same as new, No. 1 common car- ment, " and two brand-ns- overslss tlree; must t7m..imngley Motor month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. reflector, r wheel lock. io aat of dimension A DODGE tsp, complete, 2 folding camp osnttonn huv if taken at once. A. c 1917 HUP, mechanically perfect, Gabriel 3541 ord load or lots. Pacific Milling & cneap. storage battery, cord he an d. 275 tirana sve.. cam at 8th. r.iie. Alder st. Morrison, truck cots, almost new; ttucme 6tevens, Bdwy. 1614. 10th and Wash snubbers, new -- . between 34th and 35th. Manufacturing Co. Col. 1010, if good paint. $1150; or trade for late ivniRil.l.; will ae 1015 Hudson tV KARAT, not but per- 70 st., near ave S. lngton. tires, nfi BIO BARGAIN SAFES AND VAULTS Sixth - built" cars al a sacrifice new top. new "" Herring-Hall-M- WAKE up! Beautify your lawn with Ford. Tabor 123. this "best of brand fect and full of life. $200. Miller's Oak. new or 2d hand NEW- RUUD gas water heaters installed 1091 190 CHEVROLET. will take a small car In trade; only $475. 682. Clearing For Diamonds, next door grown riowers. Jdeaomg plants now $27.50. Also any piumotng aone, you money on car. Never FOR SALE New 11120 Bulck. run price or stage car. Jru Houe vin safes for sale or exdiange. Tenets. bas- . kind oi Can save this stsge or bus. VkLLH CO.. Couch Bldg. to Majestic theater. ready; plants for porch ooxes and 4.-2- accept as part pay- 2000 miles; $1800, terms; good discount fine for KRNEST Buahong Co.. phone Broadway 12t2. East been run. Will Ford w WILLAMETTE MOTORS CO., 50-l- kets, at Betz floral shop in the central Call Mar. J074 for cash, C. A Jones, hits balmon, 41 4, J OR SALE machine, Ice GUNS between 3d Yam- FERTILIZER. ment. Give some terms. 1O0 N. Broadway. Broadway fin Richmond suction cleaner. and 4th and manure, top soil, de- - mornings or evenings Wash. 8 new cord tires. n Paint, BOUOHT. SOLD. EXCHANGED. hill, Don't forget our greenhouses on Cow or horse also 11121 BIG SIX. condition; ieuu. tsrma. Call 52S Kenllworth st. A RDS, livered any place East 7646. wii.i, rind vour car on the floor. BEAUTIFUL, Bulck sedan, 1020, finest equipped, Cont. ch BEAUREG Williams ave and Cook. w,it HoOO of speedster, , only 702 St. Vancouver, Wash. S. oii n rat if at our snecial price. condition, only run miles, lots motor, driven MOO miles, a Mar. erLEXDID Remington Main 05X1OO-K- ABSOLUTELY perfect, along U. rifle and ammunition your opportunity to save red seal $ ; 7 . may Oakland six at $573 is equipment; oar. Sacrifice CHANDLER. 5 $ 50 down. $4 a month. Hyatt PILES can be permanently cured wJtnoui witn fine blue color, for sale; bargain. Call 315 Worcester It be this new one. Woodlawn 5907. beautiful and powerful new pnint. new top. Talking Co.. 350 St. that extra white sr. car. See it at Weller Motor S1000 over a my enulty, balance terma you '18 Machine Alder operation. can or write ur. uean for $175; most any store would sell It bid lust the per cent of leaving town M;iO cash, set- Second company, Washington at 15th LATE model Ford touring, with starter. mn. v...... 5 cord tlrea; OKNTLEMAN'-- S diamond ring. Tiffany and Morrison. for $300 and never bat an eye. Miller's CHILD'S bed, springs and mattress, $5; ran nanoie. t r. ensy on balance, hast ting, karat, blue white; remarkablj Clearing House for Diamonds, next door gas S3: oil stove, SEE THE Har.ev patent outo bed. 115. on Decker steering wheel, electric horn; roadster; a beautiful terms FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners: Plate. hsroaa-wa- v first-clue- s Call eve- i.imr.RTY or shop, thoroughly fine stone. AK 657. Oregonian. any, to Majestic theater. $7; electric heater, $3. 6208 93d S. B. display at Studebaker salesroom, car In shape, $uo0. vi. mH inin. vet economical; i17 VElTE. Just out boc; delivered: guaranteed st St. Agents wanted. nings. East 518. equipment will accept small car In good condition, wain. 2 bed, ma One genuine coat. $30, and Burnside tlrea. Dalnt and ab hi.rt Mar-- SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED. FOR SALE trunks and brass FOR SALE leather Residence 6S E. J4th sL South. Phone CHEVROLET. touring. solutelyir the beat; sn exceptional buy. trade, a bargain, tt N. .la si Guaranteed work done by experts. 193 THE ROYAL APPAREL EXCHANGE will hogany chiffonier, ladies' apparel, black d leather, used only a few 350 give terms; MOTORS CO.. n.M. new or gar- garage, 1 AC 504. Oregonian. Tabor 3249 will sell for and Just WILLAMETTE! shall 4th st. Main tt33. sell ladies slightly used lace for dress, 2 doors for times. In snape; oargain, N. Broadway. - Broadway 41 4. 1U1T. for sale by owner, en rug 12x12, 1 rose tug 6x10, more 1917 MAXWELL. overhauled and line a inn per- VOR SALE Rug. sideboard, morris chair, ni t3504Trrlsons lots DIAMOND, platinum cluster, a mw; worth see this. Phone Bdwy. 4825. RPHKOKTER. Hn. bs.tVrles, n.w tires, absolutely on your household goods. 284 Park st. Mar- quick 403 Ex. uimunM imm). new window drapes, bed springs. Phone RUGS washed floor with Hamilton- $750, $350 for sale. Stock 1917 Maxwell touring. Here's a real my 1020 Chevrolet, with two '10 In perfect condition. 3 fect: engine Just overhauled; vac-uu- shall 1003. WILL sell Late model Tabor 5f;ti Beech electrio carpet washer; also bldg. bargain. $225, terms. Woodlawn 80.3 tires, shock absorbers, besides tires, sreclal baked paint Job; 7 0 4 East Madlaon at. 4045. PETERS-BAB- M, extra cord OLADK'LA bulbs, 30 choice mixed. ?1 ; cleaning done. East $75 SUIT for $12: street dress. $3; spring between 12 and 3 P. nearly new top. for $5oO spot cash; ex- terma Call Marshall 101 for demon-s- t hiiukuN limousine, csnnol De toia irnm 12 75c. T. A. Drews. 1025 N. SWEET canned fruit, fiber rugs, wicker CARRIAGE WORKS. styles; navy; 14 or small 10. K 651, r.Ad "EIGHT. condition. AJ 6)4. Oregonian. t . ,.V e 14350 new. will sell for different. 846 ciniT cellent ra Ion. K. 23d st. rocker, lady s shoes, size . Aioina HARRISON 8T. Oregonian. the car for a stage. Our prioe is A 1017. ROADSTER, excellent $2130 and give very reasonabla lerms. iu Carriages, ts Just HUPMOBILE. T520 STEPHENS avenue. cheap; also Invalid independent electrician wires by owner, new abso- classy road- oon w n .h. V'K REPAIR everything electrical, call chairs for rent or sale. LICENSED COMPANY. For sale batteries; cord tires, original finish, a w is and deliver service. Hy nson Electric Co., nxE LARGE gas ranse with 5 burners and 3 rooms for $12; o for $20. Guaranteed WELLER MOTOR lutely perfect. Engine just overhauled, ster, can be bought at a bargain. Phons REO SIX. completely overhauled 62 6th st. Telephone Broadway ovens at cast out a 1 PARCEL safe with strong box for sale to pass Inspection, woonlawn diVl. Washington at lth. 11100. 710V4 E. Xladlfon Mr Ehrett, Northwest Auto Co., 16th repainted In our own shops, spaclal iw bl ioria. rake mm. and 1 CA DWELL CAMP TABLE. Montavina car. cheap; aLso one smaller safe; must be OLIVER typewriter, just like new, only PAIGE. SIZE this one up 1018 Dodge Bros, tour- and Alder ats. Broadway price and terms. Northwest Auto 0, sold. ex- condl-tlo- Bdwy. Mr. Ehrett. 6x6x42 folded. 30x40 open, supports 500 SEE PAGE 50. Saturday Evening Post of $27 30, $10 down, $3 a month. Hyatt ing car, oversize cord tires, new top, fil-- roadster, In perfect IMh and Alder. 14. KLINE FURNITURE CO.. Co., st. touring. 1918 model; nev $850. Call care; U. 8. royal founds. 650 Thurman. Broadway 3460. May 14. Portland orancn it 4 5 Hawthorne. 102 Taylor. Talking Machine Alder cellent mechanical condition; has had excellent CHANDLKH aJiapatch. If 1st. Near mechanically perfect: must sacri- 15.1 N. 22d st., cor. Irving. cover, bumper, fcl. -- - VOR SALE Set of dictionary ot the Phone East i.m. FUR CHOKER for sale, latest style, cost paint, Marshall 5,24. Sunday at cords, spare tire snd real Bargain. - iood- - KARAT diamond ring, a stone with B : Bdwy. I7H7. fice: terms. A absorbers; cash or terms. Mar Cur Co. Bible, 5 volumes; fries $25. Ptione FOR CORRECT time call Main 3579; fof tinge to will sell for garage on tn BRAND NEW CARS AT PRICE. ehock land Motor tnat blue mat is nard find, .DArzm for sale. Best Brand 4120 in I'ort- - lawn 2203. .scientific watcn repairing see juuer, next beautifully cut a pick-u- p DROPHEAD Singer sewing machine, good - Brand new Chandler. shall fiTtlTZ sal, -t roadur and rare at Do not delay. speedometer, tr -- . -- door to Majestic theater. - west side. new Dispatch Chandler. roadster, starter. H n a . 6l"PER!OR kitchen range, two beds and $275. Miller's Clearing House for Dia- as new. 14S3 Fern st. $9000 per month. Best auto paint shop 1454, FORD $."l.v, terms, ., - See these cars. Terms. Tabor shocks, etc., flna condition. ft . two springs; also two stands. Auto. itn'UERWOOD typewriter, wardrobe trunk. monds, next door to Majestic theater. DIAMOND, lH-kt- a snap at $275. B in the city In connection. AR 598, Ore- 611-6- new- Bllllngaley Motor Co., Hawthorns at con sewing machine ana gentleman s gold SALE National file bookkeep Oregonian. rnn Ian. PAIGE 1020 touring, five cord tlrea, lino FOHD touring, good machanlcal -- -- FOR credit perfect condition; $1200, East u. OFFICE safe in good order. First reason - watt h. rJ nan st. air. Jia. ing system, latest out: flrepToor: cost complete mahogany jewelry store sample ot tne oargain you win ly painted, 8th. dition: a gooa uujr. 250-to- SET OF JUST a Woodlawn 8167 or 412 New sedan, leas vi -- new, n I terms. Owner. BY OWNER Ford driven st. able offer takes It. oregonian TIRE PRESS, almost Sigh $150; best si's em for store or market fixtures. Felix Bloch, 334 Washington st. bldg. Broadway 2823. tire, bumper, mercial complete. Sett on time. 430 Board of Trade than 750'miles: new extra 1&1H touring. atari-- "STAR A STAR" shingles direct from mill. motor Phono 275. 300 Wash. St.. Vancouver. oil aiar. Don't miss it. Weller Motor light, first-clas- s FOR gAl.b. Ford CHEAP Almost new blue flame stove. touring big 4. In very absorbers, dash - Call Taylor-stre-- t dock. Main S065. Burnslde st. Wash. company, Washington at 15th. HUPMOBILE the shock HW'3. iit$nuiiii-- $ " glass tank. Tanor 8n. throughout; a demon- condition. Phone Tabor 1W7. SAFES, trucks, scales, coffee mills, cheese ash REGISTER, safe, platform scale. PRINTING PLANT Good Job and coun Overland, first-clas- s condi- beet condition ruhhr. Tabor electric mill. 148 First, near try news outfit, no machinery, invoice A SPANISH leather bed davenport. painted as stration will convince you. Bllllngaley pTJk SALE Bulck touring car, newly ally pfffoct. cutters. 4S Front st.. near Pine. Hcbart E. 5,Vh N. tion Want 'my house first CO.. overhauled, new top, cord CHEVROLET. mchanl. M orrlson. about $700, for $275; no junk, but owner 200 2d St., cor. Motor rtawtnorne at otn. cast painted Just -a VACUUM for rent. S5c per day, payment. C. G. Irwin, 824 between 8.80 and good ruDDPr an cleaners borders, has no use for It. Dr. Cliff Ackley, a. TRUNK, nearly new, with straps, sizs 2892. 1017 REO SIX, overhauled and newly tires Call Sell. o axtrwit. Pllwood SMiSH. delivered anywhere. Wdln. 3495. FLOWER plants for tubs and 24, 22; price $10. 22 E. street. Tavlor. Main car a bargain, 4;30 Sunday. f boxes. 13S0 Sandy blvd., between 50 and Wash. 88, 8th painted, a fino at real 00 touring. urms jui- - SMALL Wilkey China Kiln, less than half and heater, $25. easy terms. Call Mr. Docksteader, touring. WIS. fair condition; good 0VEK1.ANI 51st. TaDor wig. tlilO BRUNSWICK Talking machine, in GAS RANGE speedster. 1920-2- 1 series, perfect 1400. FORD aioiwr price. Does perfect work. Tabor 4011. case, new, Main 59JW HUDSON Broadway llngsir wn.T. nxrhnmro new nhonogran-- for tvne- dark mahogany practically oonaiLlon. lino CAR EXCHANGE. East ViCKER baby carriage, good as new, hail writer. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 for $115. Special terms of $10 down. $5 Jewel gas stove cheap. ii,Tabor 2B.-- ' SAVE $300 ON NEW CHANDLER. RUADHTER, 5SO0. Monday. right: terms. $900 credit, good on any model Ccr. Grand Ave, and E. Yamhill. F.ast 4T1 FORD price. Wdln. Call A'.der st, a month. Hyatt Talkmg Machine Co., E. First N. money, so 1 am oiiering Will sell 8.V Alder St. GOT TO get the Chandler, for $800. Monroe Golstein, Bl'ICK SIX at a trgain. excellent 1H15. rTlce si i. FAIR inside sliding doors, 3 Vax7, track KODAKS. A DIAMOND cluster ring. 8 diamonds set m v Hiioann suvei - iaiS paint good, new cord all yhone Dunn. yr"w ood 183 Hdw. Phone E. 2305. sell, rent and exchange -- KT. 0 PERFECT white diamond, a ziBb, company. Washing Elks club. condition, tlrea o and Wo buy, ko in platinum, iia. fnone tanor with Weller Motor around with 2 extras. terms. Don't ALL GOOD tires and apare, buay .shape, very cheap. Sandy, 3tf Washington st. stone worth hail again as much as the - FORD touring. 1818. fair condition; good 14W). - - ZA YTON scales in fine dak. price, at $423. Miller's Clearing House 1 KARO gas oil stove, new. 407 Colum- ton at l.itn. miss thla. Call St. George, Bdwy, pass, otuaeoaaer Inquire Monday at 46 N. Sd st. 53c E VULCAN gas range and water heat- bia street. FOR SALE Ford auto, good mechanical Uri?VIVERSAI. gonlen. good Ta- foi Diamonds, next door to Majestio CAR EXCHANGE. OAKLAND six, good condition: owner BRER-TIRE- er, as new, for half price. Cor. Cyc. cur. ... E. perfect motor. 111 VELOCIPEDE, $12. J3C theater. 12 VOL. AMER. School of Law, order, siao m""z. Cor. Grand Ave, and Yamhill. East 471. sell; sacrifice at $450. terma 30 UNFINISHED bug. nw bor 2484. te I3?r0: no trades. Aioina. must -- . GARFIELD AVE. dahlias, 8 ornamental or $12. Tabor 2920. iiiyu touring car, lust like new, Grand ave. iNortn. nr.r uumaiug. tires, new sianur. some extra show cases, cash regis- FIFTEEN shrubs ROADSTER, 18. recntly over fsskx snwp ' HAVE ' collapsible buggy, good condition. to any 191H perfect tor ELECTRIC TOASTER, never been used. 20 assorted hardy perennial flowering BLACK ttord -. w $1350; will give reasonaoie terms TOR SALE Ford, mechanic! ter and card tables. reasonable price. Long-branc- - r..r Rgu'ar $5 cash. Marshall 442. plants, $1 postpaid. Joe Smith. h. 172 Knott st. hauled: must seii renponalble party, wain, oaio. condition; Bargain . -.- ..-. ,.n iuiV:il.LL autumoOUe. in fine i.hai. 2S7H First street. East 5R1H. good lot. X 0U, GOOD LAVYNMuWtR for ale, $4. Auto- Wash FOR SALE as fixtures for house, CHEVROLET touring, 1918, good mechani Tabor "S91 sale or will trade for eye at your horn, Never been used. -- 524-3- ARTIFICIAL futd mahogany case. $15. Call Woodlawn 2700. NEW OAKLAND sedan. vu u Ufcve purchased Orij:on Ian. matic Write Barclay Optical Co., 454 Bar-cta- $50 COLUMBIA Grafonola. cal COQuluan; win l tu. ivruim. BRAND-NE- Ford. an $3. in good condition, tor ju: siu aown. so adding machine; snap. 312 for only viwu. Grand ave. isortn. nfar nurniine, car and will discount with easy 19 HI I' touring car, in good condition; GIRLS bicycle, in good condition. Denver, Colo. BURROUGHS appointment.. other will tak- - part bai- - 5ui3. a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., Stark St., Main 5549. for FOR SALE Under, Willys trrms. Phone East 178. private owntr. cah, WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL 350 Alder St. ell my late model Ford roadater. l.rm... i ... - good $6. Mar- - SHOTGUNS. HAVE two electric washers, your choice, I MUST Knight, Al conajiioa, ibkb iikih macnino luiiU Ford touring, almost new. electric anrf BABY bugy. condition, KINDS OF RIFLES. ETC. table, 4x8, fully equipped and in automatic tfJ957. UOUIIK rar. nw li.p aliU 0 shall 2S3. apt. 26. BEN S BACKMAN. 110 THIRD ST. POOL cheap. East 1110. 6104. on trade. Phonft starter, new tires; will sell reasonabla slV loiinns laid, cost siuuu; win aenver ana set up an offer. Call Tabor good give Ilhera! terms. Tabor 47'ir. $50. McUonaM, W.4 am si. wood, hauling will save you money SACRIFICE $50 fur throw, 2 yards long, car. 1918 DODGE delivery, screen body. In and tlrss. .bta WRECKAGE LICENSED electrician for $225. K 6o3. Oregonian. MODEL Maxwell touring Will jtiusseu at in con- Vain Kill or mrving. Tabor 3643. on wiring ano supplies, oa. $10, Main l18 - condition, car a. jiaier, i. 181H CHEVROLET touring, good aei:. A beautiful Circassian walnut 73. sell or traae ior ngui Belmont. $41.5. Talbot UUllUE In goort runnnf FOR SALE SALE Portable chicken house, $15. - own.. 7th and dition. Se Hurd at Ciwr, 1116 lourin. bargaius. Koom 412, FOR SALE State bread and sweeping! bedroom suits, od sitn sc. 'labor FOR about, tan roadster, 1I20. Guaran Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. Kast U8. orilr, cheap; must bs sold lody. Tsliol 204 Columbia st. hog feed. East 4635. Tabor 5400. new, wheels, H1W7. for 25S5. FORD touring, like wir3 i , touring car, good condition; riding r, teed conaition. nun iuvu in iua iuvv 190 FORD il COMPLETE camping outfit for saie cheap, BABY oriole basket for sale, cheap, new, FOR SALE Lady's mink coat FOR SALE English habit and bumper, speeaom-L-- iuuy rash or terms. Spllwood 332S. and some extras: some cash ana VllTCllELL Ab.olumly rnarunli'.rt. W. 405 Clay -- t. Main 6421. $15. Call Tabor 317. part boots. Marshall at bargain. 464 E. Ankeny. starter 8th any tlm.. Tina la a rral l,ar- - or exchansre for used roaoster and WILL sacrifice new Moon coupe, ffood terms. East st. M2 FRACTICA1.LY new Martin Yale bicycle, good condition; bar- eas-h- Call room 520 New Perkins hotel FOR SALE Wood and coal range, cheap. CHEVROLET roadster, with delivery - sain. Mr Wnodiswn automatic BOY'S 1920 -. -- -. only run mi miiea. matte me an oner. FOKD coup, starter, Bhock absorU- reel. $2.50. 122 2d st. gain for $30. Phone Marshall 3250. practically Tabor 037H; in oiitttro, u- bodv. l enditloo UNIVERSAL RANGE, bed, peneci uwi Tabor 7(ia. ers, mechanically new. Call Main 1H17 I'OHU lourlns . 3A, today. Tabor tutt. rt:trl Wa. h BOY'S bicyclsv $10; couih. sewrag e. W ILL Mil piano for $200. Call Marshall new, cost $60. will taka $30. Inquire EASTMAN kodak No. practically new. he sold 8, 1917, in good shape; 2U7 IRth ft. near Jefferson. j 4 v. st.. -- Mam bug, cneap; might COLE good shape; 1375. 150 range. 31S4. 110 Olympla St. East St. Johns. Phone 5otn. SPEEDY Franklin $650. lov union ave., cor. xie.raoni, LIGHT six Chalmers touring: cord tires, Full!) with alarter. ONE RAG RUG..4x5Vi tent, nice for bath CEMENT LAUNDRY TRAYS, guaranteed. SPLENDID toned square piano, only $70: A of drums for sale. 264 14th sL trad xor omeioiuB new top. $3!.'.; terms. Bllllngsley Motor mton. ror llplmont, mtM;r. room, 322-1- 3 3106. dv reasonable. Phone Auto. Factory 314 E. Washington. $20 down. $5 a montn. Hyatt Talking Main 1919 DODGE roadster, looks fine and rung Co.. Hawhorne at T7 FORD roadal.r. rtne condition, Co.. 3B0 st. master six. just ". Ka.l .tl.M.. DEEP yellow silk sweater, cheap. Tabor SECOND-HAN- tents and covers for sale. M.xrhlne Alder GRAY sulky. $5: folding breakfast table, Chalmers fine, a aanay ouy. laioou at tjasey. BY OWNER, 100 Ford sedan, new tires, mminl.M. rimr. 226-7- stage run. 92 North Tenth. 4460. Facinc lent s .wnini v p.. . u. i iat at. FOR SALE Genuine reed sulky, white $3. 1119 E. Lincoln. Auto. the car fora Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. East 8118. extras: 'cheap for cash. Broadway k7. LATK mm Msswsli. nka a n.w ar, satia LaOIE.S' riding suits, tvoota. bathing suits, ELEC vacuum cleaners sold, exchanged. enamel, new tires, in. Wdln. Io4x. WOODSTOCK typewriter No. 4, excellent BUG, NEW body, top and two new tires. FORD BUG. S150 cash; think of It! only 42 Flankers. tlr.; r.n. t.rma. Woodlawn M'7.. organdy drsew; ed. Tabor v5. repaired, nay rtrnt.g.v, jiain vvi. FOR SALE Casa register, safe, adding condition, for sale or trade. East 0452. sale or traae ior pi-- .o onimuu. SloO. aUillingaiey Motor (.o., nawmoro DuDGE touring, 4 good tires, spotlight PHIVATELY ownsd Ford tourliiK. Ju IN ATTRACTIVE machine, showcase, sj jst st.. near Asn. A LAVALIBR. never worn. $15, FORD BUG Classy little car; $75. ave. at 8th. East 0. and 1921 license; price $4.".. bee Mr. '.' Phone Main 7HS0. 1APER cutter. Golding. hand BARGAINS USED ttnwy. 249 Oth St. Main 73"2. ov.rliaul.d. lever, fnr sale. 403 Oregnninn blilg. 1132 Gtlsan St. Tabor 2825. SPANISH leather davenport, $40, cost $70. or exchange for fur. Woodlawn 4373. Gliaan St. HUDSOX touring, fine condition; good Beach. XTE model Franklin and Maxwell In first-cl- a cneap you lOlfl DODGE. $10 MA. S bicycle; for sale. 512 Harrison 256 Market St. GENUINE Spanish leather couch, brown, MITCHELL condi tires, win eeii ix nave casn. Al condition. rh,'a. 4'. Multnomah. . frame tires WOODSAW East st n o.--i oon awn Tn Al shape, good tires; price $1000. do not leak, good condition. 45S 13th st. Call evenlnga MUST sacrifice grey top shoes and navy $35. 583 E. Broadway. tion, tail at r. w 10JI CHKVROI.KT tourlna. llllfl Key touring, SALE! Velie touring car, good tlrea, R 13 Overlook blvd. at. XioNUMENTS. grave slabs, guaranteed, rug cleaning, 15 per cent on bine suit. laoor zina. 185 SACKS of potatoes. A. R. Rogers, R. F. LATE Ford with starter and other FOR -. roadater at '0 BHmont $5 EXPERT off rviiin-uit- t. touring car, tent stove, other ar- up. Factory 103 E. May Second-han- d gas D. No. 1. Hillsdale, Or. extras: 4:i.. lanor .w,, term- f omrr FORD and Firat st. phone orders until 22. Bdwy. 1200. OR SALE fixtures and Ir; for sale tourist camp ground, LEAVING city. Mu.t aarrlflra our 191 gas range and burners. Russell street. made to order, trimming and re- CHEAP Ford delivery, no further use toh 1914 FORD car with delivery body for ticles; al Grant wooniawn n...i. water heater, good NEW AND electric washers. The HATS C. Portland. m modeling a specialty. Bdwy. 3243. it. Atlas Woodyard. 7 Front st. Hie. proHnwty. aT hape, $17.50. Tabor 1060. Maytag Co. Phone E. 13!. DROPLEAF table, $5; reed rocker. $ti. 629 !.. FortW delivery with express 61'ECIAL 0 fltud'hsker machine wheel roadster, cheap. 5 miles to 101S MAXWELL touring car for bale; WANTED Appiy FOR SALE Handsome ivory reed baby FOR SALE New wooden adjustable chiro- - 47th street. 1 22 HIGH POWER Savage rifls, like new. WIRE -. bof!y. L. Mann, 2KS N. 1th st. rondi'ion. ,r gsllon, lots or speed, 4itu. bargain. tsawy. i1 carriage. A I condition. Tabor 3663. pacTtc taoie; reasonao.e. auio. ais- OR SALE Oliver tvpewriter and folding $45. Tsbor 254. the labor sedan, new 11117 BTUDfeliAJTER 4, Al Condition. self-et- a delivery, good condition. $350 liooo CASH huys late mod. OR SALE aa radiator. $1200 ring, cot. oaii East nn. DRESS FORM for sale: Perfection, good OVERLAND iter, $200. FORD Wdin. 10 X ncd the money; 134. AuU W. CaJI SACRIFICE value diamond 1 Oregonian- - If tax. en is weesu a. -- aw condition. Phons Xabor 801 L carat. 0 pta tor $600. Tabor eiltt. CiioICJ Uttiili Xor Kale, $1 doz. Seil. i:o. condition. hona AUrahali 60, Km, 4. in aio uia