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E.Klaniribix THE SUNDAY OKEGOMAX, PORTLAND. 31 AY 15, 1921 TDK BALB AUTOMOBILES. OR SALE ACTOMOmT.ES. or rTQMonn.r, FOR SALE. FOB fiALfi. FOB SALK. FOR SALE. FOB 8ALE. r .Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. Miscellaneous. U S NAVY fiOODS. TENTS. XiiNTS. TENTS. TENTS. ARMT n BUT NOW. HOME FOR SALE TBNTS. TENTS. 200 16x160 D AND BUYS CAR HEADQUARTERS. J. LEV.B GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. ARMY TENTS. PRICES ARE DOWN HERE ARE SOME FINE USED Second-han- for a song. PVRiMinit. IN LIGHT SIXES. New and We sre selling working men ana KEI'LAIMED. AT $28 50. 500 PUP 7S TARPAU- SEE THESB CARS AT Big U. S. women more tents for homes' than for TENTS. A PAIR. 3.4S. AUTO CO., Ws unusually fins as- THK USEO CAR WAREHOUSE. sale on hardware, cable, tools and any purpose. LINS, 18x30. OWNEAVY CAN- THE MA.NLEY hare an supplies. Every article reduced. Every- other We are actually MADE sortment of used cars : especially GRAND AVE. AT TAVLOR ST.. ARMT GOODS FOR BALE. housing more families than any-- concern VAS r.nnn iron mvBRS. FOR priced We can thing In the house to be sold to the FOLDINO HCPMOBILE DISTRIBUTORS. for quick sale. III "public greatly reduced prices. Noth- in Portland. Our direct purchase of COTS, COTS. COTS. 3000 sell you a light six, overhauled, offers the following real bargains at UN- CANVAS COTS, EACH. IZ.SA. Alt-- I 40O0 CARS. ing sold to dealers. If you need any- 8PECTAL SALE COTTON canvas is the reason. ARMY 1920 8 passenger Hup., driven only rebuilt and wtth food tires at a GOOD USED yourself opportunity DERWEAR NEW AT 35c We have sold more tents to data this O. D, BLANKETS. FOR $3..V miles; will consider Ford lnt trade. very low price and will lake thing avail of the SECRET year in Port- n n wnni. ithom t2 TO 4. advertising Just a a- - be disposed of. Below New chocolate color march- THE than all others combined shtrtk your light car In as part payment. Ws ars not a sale. this stock must land. Why? answer Is eay. We NEW LEE UNIO.VALLS. 12 4S. NEW 1918 tires, cannot oe beat. few many we have ing shoes ..$3.5 The - Hup roadster, cord We grant reasonable terms wtth special price on cars thai are a of the articles 2.50 are not trying to "hog H all." W'e O. D. WOOL TROUSKRS repainted, and runs jiks no brokerage chsrges. down lor ale: New Lee unlonalls NBW O. BREECHES FOR looks Corns Investigated prices Wire cable, plow steel, new and O. D. blankets. 64x84-i- SJ0 of the climatic conditions are given each make a good profit and are satisfied new. and Inspect these bargains. If you haven't our New army 3.fi0 day by the weatherman, who watches with our canvas is govern- $4.75. NEW O. t). WRAP LEGGINGS FOR and selling plans, you should do so at blocks, steel snatch tackle shirts rea- that. All J1.50. SERVIOB HATS, 05o. CANTEENS wood, rubber belting, peavies, an- New U. S. rubber hip boots.. 4.25 the sky for changes. The secret of ment standard width. We invite 1918 Hup tonrlng. wire wheels, repainted Wss, Now. once. and Gray blankets sonable buying in hardware and fur- you to town, for love AXD MESS KITS FOR ROc. NAVI Is you 101 400 vils. ChamDion foraes. Champion blow commercial look all over but DIES. IS S.I T.RATHRR l.EOGINGS and our .price lower than Maxwell touring. .$ 500 t e4x$4-tnc- h is the revealing of cheap prices see our canvas . pay any of the you. ers. Champion t drills, blacksmith 300 niture of heaven don't fail to !!-- would have to for Paige roadster, 1120 It mesns dollsrs to pof Canteens and mess kits, each .50 that a lowering market offers. It is and prices before you buy your tent I3S0. PONCHOS. A COMPLETE cheaper fours. model with new motor and ben-- vises, skidding tongs, garden unnecessary you the mar- LINK! OP ABMY fiOODS WHOLB Is nose, prices. Service hats 1.00 for to follow home. Do not be deceived in buying that has not been run HERE'S YOUR CAR NOWI too and rarden at reduced O. D. wool breeches up from 100 ket. Our prises always follow the down- weight. SALE AND RETAIL. MAIL ORDERS 1917 model N Hup. ford See us before yu buy we will save duck of a given ARMY SALES The famous a thousand miles, five O. D. long pants 3.75 ward trend and you get the benefit. the. goods aa vou would a suit SOLICITED. SURPLUS tires and first-clas- s mechanical con- good tires, cords In 1920 Stephens 6 sport model. $180 you money. CO., SAM A. MESHER. PROP. 3.1 IH.0 woodsmen's sup Bib overalls 1.45 of clothes. Do a little thinking for 1748. dition. the rear. a rare 1920 Haynes snort model A large assortment of Reclaimed O. D. wool shirts yourself Kion't merely "take it for 3D ST., CORNER COUCH. BDWY. value 1300 1S00 litis Haynes sport model ll.' plies at reduced prices. up 1.00 FIRST-CLAS- S motorcycle, 1914 Hup delivery or would make sport CARPENTER TOOTHS. from rrantAd" vnn r retting a certain Twin Indian light 1917 Haynes model TO'LS PIPE BICYCLES. weight canva because someone told taken in on a deal; good mechanical a dandy bug. Haynes 1920 model 1019 Srripps-Hoot- rosdster 850 Forged steel carpenter nail hammers, Besides special items ws splendid speeaomeier, 1H20 Hupmobile touring l'JMl 5c sweep-bo- x these you so. condition, tires, with lots of extras, each; braces. have in slock a large assortment Why pay ths large price for a new In get acquainted. Talk the whistle. Prestoliie and tank, tandem; 19 Maxwell, look at our price,. .$500 two spotlights, cord 1919 Mitchell victory model 1250 ratchet, 92 each: rafs shears, 5)o each wheel,' whether you want one for mes- Come and monthly. 2100 TJfiNTS of breeches, hats, reclaimed shirts, matter over; we will treat you nice, price only 70, $30 down,, $10 tires all around with 1919 Case, cords TEVTS TENTS. socks, mackinaws, dishes. senger work or pleasure for the little you you will Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 830 Alder. '20 Oakland six . 900 extras, special top, 1920 Economy chummy H Big reduction in price on our Hercules are rebuilt by our though may not buy. But boy? All our wheels buy if you are in the market for a tenc CAN YOIT USF. THIS? bumper, finish like 1019 Lexington 6 touring 115 brand of jiew tents. Only a few left $7.00 up. expert repair department, and warranted . 600 plenty pep 11118 8 you Tents and We can furnish any sir tent you may The finest pocket billiard table made, '19 Chevrolet touring hew, and King touring 20 If need a tent, now is the time Shelter halves, $1.00 and up. to oe in iirst-cias- s nainn cunumuu. pearl, power 1300 .230 1919 Hnli k sedan I"'" Double-barre- coast- - want irom 7x7 at to a Dig nouse teau in Circassian walnut, with Inlaid to buy it. is ." . 00 1918 Oldamnhlle 8 tftflrlng 973 hnr-hir- Ipii we s,iso make the black ebony and white maple, cost $1000 '18 Grant six 10x12 at I12 W each. r hraka har Wheel. nn White SO, touring, re- 1920 Chevrolet touring 490 - 114.00 each, a snap $1 50 noxffiT at tent. ana ia Drann new. win sen ur 400 "'0 Hxl4 at H. HORNSTEIN ARMT STORE, at 7x9. will any car, S ox. .$10.50 Owner. N 653. Oregonian. '17 Maxwell touring . J00 built V0 1918 Chevrolet touring 12x14 fLVSO each. 204 252 2d A strong, substantial wheel, coast- fit at... 2000 1750 191T 6 at First St., St. 12.50 7x9, will fit any car. 10 os. $12.50 Jordan 1020, Overlsnd touring at 3J.f0 each. 7573. , er brake, moderately priced at.. at.... FOR SALE A few slightly used sewing . 300 1918, 3 Main -' J. T. CONWAY ARMY STORE 19 Orant six Mitchell 1918 Ford touring lx0ROOFING PAPER. Another reliable make a servioe- machines at reduced prices. We are Berg & Beck, new 1917 delivery 2MI con- VATV ffOOd The Army Store Man of Ford Fresh roofing paper earn roll ah la hnv't whAdl. Pioneer headauartera for hemstitching, pleating. '18 Ford touring . 350 rubber 1200 BOO 1917 Ford delivery 1'"' -- $.50 Portland. tains 108 square feet. Including nails. value at button ana button-hole- - making. See Mitchell 1018, . looo wo 1917 Chalmers touring 7M1 8 days, motor- - THIRD AND TAYLOR STREETS. first-cla- Sewing Cement inside of each roll. FOR SALE by Penny Arcade. 26 N. Third New wheel, used us for work. Singer '17 Studebaker big six, . S00 Mitchell 191S. 1150 950 11119 Oakland touring !"' p frnM rnnf i)7.50 new. at MR. OR MAN. y. $1.75 per roll. St., large shooting gallery, complete, rvrl GROCERY MEAT Machine Co.. 4QJ Wash. St. Mitchell 1917. 750 B7J 1II1S Maxwell touring $50 $2.23 per roll. the very low figure of... 84.50 slicer. $150, cost $335; also Hobart complete, floor '17 Studebaker, roadster 500 Chevrolet delivery 1918 450 375 1917 touring $ with rifles. $1000. A of over 100 dsed wheels to Dayton meat FOR SALE Soda fountain Maxwell J. LEVE. box bowling alleys, good con- full line of new model cases, card tables, dishes, check protec- Studebaker '15, 8:.o 250 1917 Maxwell touring .
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    Methodist Community House Well Filled Last Friday Evening, When Members of the Congregation and Others Gathered to Say Farewell. A most iiUci-esliiig foot ball gomo is s(^edule^ fo^this afternoon at 4:00 There was a large gatljering of the heipiuute. Mrs. Nagle has ably met o'clock, wheim’lymouth an^B^arbom members of the Methodist eongrega- e v e ry requirement, and will be greatly The First Presbyterian church of High school/cams meeLntJon the grid­ tlon and oUf^r friends at the Methodist inis.sed ip the church and social circles •PJymofth, was crowded, to capacity, iro n a t i b J tourist,aa^, in the third CompiUnity House last Friday eTening, of the village. last week IVednesday nighff^September game of taes^ai^^ for the locals. to attend the farewell reception given Uev. and Mrs. Nagle were the re- 23, wbeiT -Miss Geoevmira M cClum pba Coach Coatta has been giving the in honor of Rev. and Mrs. D. D. Xagle, c-ipients of the very best wishes of all IxHianic thfe b rid e J n Harry S. Mc­ bicals .some strenuous practice work who were about to leave for their new I present for a happy^and successful Clumpba of Amsi^dam, New Y'ork. during Ihe past few days, and the home at Strathnaoor, where Rev. Nagle The ceremony jw&s performed by the teaia.js_^ splendid condition for the has b^n assigned to the j>a8torate of p astor. Reff. ^ C o n g e r H atliaw ay, who coiite.st7i»Ik^--a(t^oon.
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