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Gipi^6^S-!Ii^Sis ACTION AGAIN DEFERRED, REAL RED BANK famed Weeklis Entered at Stcond-Oltii MitUr »t tba Pott, ; VOLUME XLVIII, NO. offle* at Red Bonk, N, J, under the Act of March 1, 1870. RED BAkK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1926. $1.50 PER YEAR.; ' ..gipi^6^S-!ii^SiS :aph left $4C0.' Mr, Bergcn's SURPRISED ACTION AGAIN DEFERRED, VILL OF ANNIE E, COOPER. ouse arid lot was left to a nephew, HEBREW BALL NETS $800. WATER StlPPLY WANTED.I ON^NNIVERSARY. IRE ON HIS BIRTHDAY. REAL SILVER FOR THJ1| Bergen Burk, Tho sum 'of Mr. and Mri. Arthur'G. Eichclbach MONMOUTH STREET WIDEN- 14,800 was left in trust to tl;o NNUAL MASQUERADE DANCE Have Unexpected Good Fortune. ATONTOWN MAN'S ' HOUSE IEQUESTS TQ LARGE NUMBER MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP FIRE- ; FIREMEN '•_, T^iHAV;Ei;Xj 2Ct/tp^|| INC QUESTION I*AID OVER. : 'nrmers' nationnl-.bnnk -of- Allen- .. HELD LAST WEEK. 7-Mrr-and-Mrs.-* Arthur "HrEsciiel- DESTROYED W FIRE. '""'" • fHAT'J3'"FiREPRpbF.'*;'.''V-.0f^ L ---f- OF -'-RELATIVES;- ;.:' j ••----, wn, the income, to bo, paid to Mr, MEN ASK FOR CISTERNS." bach of West Front street were Improvement! on ,Oth«r Street* 'um> of Money Left; to Several ergon's niece, Georgina M. Burk. «•• Given by the LnJim' Hebrew The Eight Fire Compnniei of the called away from home last -aturday, March 13th, was the Union Company Will Buy a Re»l •' " Ordored Mado end Action Taken Nieces and Nephews—Wills of 'he Allentown Baptist church was Society for the Benefit of the Township Join in Making Request Wednesday night on a. pretext and Birthday of Elzie Chaflin and Honoit-to-Goodnen Silver Loving Cup, Not a Fake Loving Cup Liko -Vwith ...i.}R»B«ciI---'to. .Sewera ^and Fair Haven and Rumson Women ft-$200andTTsimilar sum was left Hebrew Bchool—:Prirei Awarded to the Township Committee—Not when they returned they found the That Night His Home and Wnter on Several Thoroughfarei. are Probated'.: '".-'•.•,.,'•;'•'"'• i Kate Rock. L. Bergen Burk was for Coitames and Dancing., Likely to be Done Thu Year. house well filled v.'ith guests who Everything in It was Burned. the One That Burned Up. '; So:^ ~ jActidn, on the maltor of widcri- Miss Atinie E. Cooper, \vlio died :ft ?200 to bo held in trust nnd An .attendance of 30^ persons The-eight fire companies of Mid-had gathered to Kelp celebrate their Saturday, March 13th, was, the , Union fire company ia going toT;.^ •injj Monmouth street and paving ' short' time 'ago at' the home of he income used in coring for the. nd profits of about ?8O0»vero fea-. dletown township want a more ade- twelfth wedding anniversary. A >irthday of Elzio Chufiin of Eaton-, buy a silver loving cup; It will bii.••:'..;:'.'• ;tlmt. stroet with concrete was again er: niecc.'Mrsy, Ella ,.C. M. Van- Tergcn. burial plot. Bequests of ures of the annual masqu'rade ball quate, water supply.' To this end merry evening was ?;ient in danc- own. So far as this year is con-a real honost-to-goodnoss silver cupj' laidovcr by tho Red Bank commis- runtof Conover, lane, in Middle- 100 each Vero made to Mabel Bur- iven.last .Wednesday night at St. they asked the . Middletown town- ing, feasting and in other attrac- erned it is -a date that tie will re- not tin foil orsomo kind bf^ifnltn-J'I; sioners Monday night. Mayor Wil- own township, made her will "May is, Howard BcrgiSn, Rachel tfer- ames's'hall on MOnmoi th street by ship committee last Thursday night tions. Mrs. Eschclbach . received nember without pleasure. His tion silver. Tho new cup^will r«»: •. liam H. R. Wliito stated, that the en, Lidio Howell, jVlico Perrino, ie ladies' Hebrew society. The to put waterproof cisterns in each many fini!~gifts. Tho "s.ul-priscrs" ousg caught fire that night and it place one which was destroyed by;f.i- 6th, 1010, and a codicil to the will r were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Riddle, 1 'Commissioners wanted.time to con- Idith Russell, and Caroline and oney will be.usedto support the of thef village centers of the town- viis completely destroyed with all heat two'weeks ago at a mpitgaga IBK. executed May 28th, 1924. Mrs: Ella Glidcwcll, Carl Dietz, BUIOV tho question from qvery angle Miss Cooper, loft.a/large number of enjamin Hagoman. Two hundred iebrew sdiool at Red Bank. The 6Mip~und in some outlying places. ts contents, causing a loss of burning celebration at the com-- v beforo 'taking notion. Ho did not ollars each wero»left In trust for iancc program contained many ad- These ' cistern's could readily be" Clifford Jordan, Miss Ethel Gol 17,000 on which there was' only pany's firehouse. The mortgago'' ol'atiyes,- principally: nieces and iarvey and Betty Burk, to bepaid way, Miss Viola Mitchell, -Mr. and say just when action would (be lephews, all-of them she crtiseihents solicited from business filled with watei- pumped from the mall insurance. which had stood against'; the; urc>-' • taken, but his manner indicated, > them when they aro of age. en and a considerable sum was motorized fire engines of the town- Mrs., Victor Go'odridge, Miss Mar- house twenty years was paid, and at, '. made 'cash bequests. These bc- homas B. Cole .and Charles Me- garet Laurenson, Mrs.. Edith Log- -Mr. Chafh'n is employed at Camp 1 thnt,several weeks might ejapae be- [ucsts were as follows: calized from these advertisements. ship, na is done at Nayesink, where Vail. About six o'clock Saturday the celebration the mortgage paper'-, ;;; llow were.each left $50. The test tho firemen of that place rece'ntly gett, Mr. and Mrs. John Gorman, fore anything, was done. Costumes of various design-': and night he and his family'left in an was placed in the cup and burned; ^ To Mflrcarct-P. Cooper, a niece, $G00. f the estate was left ua equal made a cistern attlieir own expense. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Aumack, Mr. Several stroet improvement ques- 'I'o Mlnnlo K. Cooper, a. niece, JGOO, olors were vorn by many dancers. utomobil'- for Newark. About The paper was not very big, butitlib; ; hares to L.. Bergen Burk and and jlrs. George Clark, Miss Wil- fire was too niuch-for tho eup. Tho'. tions wcro settled,. Warren H; To .Elluboth-P. .Coo'por,-a rlece, $000. I.o first prize for' the best looking The firemen want the cisterns bclmina , Eschclbach and Chnile nine o'clock the house was discov- 'I'o. John. F. Cooper, a. nephew, $[j00, eorgina M. Burk. Tho Farmers' cup turned rod hot, produced,; ; Smock, tho borough attorney, whs ational bank and L; Bergen. Burk ostume was won by Miss Gertrude placed on the sides ^ little used and George Gray. A feature of the ered to be on fire. Tho blaze was. 'to Alexander D. Cooper, a nephew, lnder tremendous headway before flame and then disappeared, leaving ••;•>' . authorized to- buy throe properties B00. fere appointed executors," .ibovsky of Shrewsbury -avenuo. roads and on other public proper- party was a very large and attrac- ties; b was noticed, and from the outset only,the handles and tbo wooden; : .'for'the town for ' tWo extension of 'i'o Frank C. Cooper, n nephew, JliOO. 'or the most oririn<il costume the tive wedding anniversary cake ! Mechanic street from ItB^iiresent To Mary C,\M. Hyde, a niece, S6O0., Mrs. Mary V. Conover of Manal- irst prize was awarded to Mrs. Charles Thome o£ Leonardo was made by Miss Margaret Laurenson, ,he firemen realised the futility of base. •' /';;•: dead-end terminus to Hnrfiabn ave- .To Katharine M. YonBrunt, a grand- eorge Lilley of Red Bank. Martin the spokesman for Hie firemen. He ;rying, to put it out. It was supposed to'h'nvp been av:.; ilccc, »000.. ijinn left all her estate to her who arranged tho party. nue. The properties aro,those' of To George £. Murray, n nephew, 5100. laughter, 'Charlotte Mr Conover, _eckcr captured 'n first prize for said there was nbt a single hydrant The house was on College place, silver loving cup. Sllortly before' :'': Mr, and Mrs, Goorgo Grover,' Am Tci Gertrude W, Murray, a grand-niece. tating in tho will that all her other he funniest attire. Others who Tn'the whole township and that with hear th.p Eatontown schoolhouse. Christmas in 1924 it was offered as *: broso Matthews arid George Pies 1200. ' ' - , hildren were married and com- on prizes were Ghavlts McKelvey, the tow'nship becoming more and ELKS ELECT OFFICERS. The schoolliouse and several houses a prize to the organization having ton. The Grover'house will have To Carrie C. Anderson, a niece, S300. !ortably provided < for'. The will 'red Mundon, L. B. Coagland, more thickly settled the need for .nd othsr buildings were threat- the largest number of men in lino :.: To George D. Cooper, a nenhewf S2S0. Harold A. GiblirT^ill be New Ex- to bo moved'lind .the town will pay To Tliomns II, Cooper, a nephew, $100. •as executed fifteen years ago l?st lernico Coagland, Mary GfOrla Ap- an adequate water supply was emer- ened, but due to the good work o£ at a parade at Red Bank., The fire for this the land, the To Annlo D. Patterson, a niece, 3&00. Movember. ilegate, Minnie Shapirr, Harry gent. He said the cisterns would alted Ruler at Red Bank. the firemen thi! lire was kept con- department won the cup and in turn' expense being ? 1,500. Mr. To Dcsald 1), Cooper, a niece, JGOO.
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