The Frisco Employes' Magazine, June 1927
lNDUSTRlAL RELATIONS SECTION QBE FR!SCO JuN ll 1927 A JUNE 1927 NO. IX T i Wear-Proof Journals a 1 The S8'( reduction in sr:lrrinq loatl, due , to friction clirriinat~on,onlc beLi~nsto ~-4 eupwss tlie value of 'I'imken-equipped rai1ro;ld c;ir journals. , 1/q. hrxe the rpaci~v,because 'I'imlicn Bearings are more than eclual to t!~ctre- mendous shock antl side-thrust, as fl;lne;ecl steel wheels race over stccl curves, cross- ings and switches. Compactly, simply, n ith al)solutcly no axle wear, A/,/, stress is mply provitfed for I)v 'I'imken material and desiqn -'I'imlien-matle electric steel; 'I'imk:-n tapered constructior,; anti Tinilten PUS1TIl'LI.Y AIIGNLD I<OI IS, considereti the gre; I)e;trinq advance since the atlvcnt of the taper principle. Journals are permanently protectecl. (;one are hot-boxes, endless lubrication, and rough stat-ring. I .her, fuel antl materials are saved. I,Tpon request any railroad mav have tlie data resu!ting from !.cars of 71'imIccn develop~nent. Tapered \Y RolIer R F. CARR, Memphis W. E. LOWRY, Hickory Flat, MI-. n President Vies-Pres. and General Manager SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING MATERIAL Strong as Ever for the "Frisco" Phone, Main 2312 P. 0. Boxomlcu 1032 MEMPHIS, TEN. Hussey-Hobbs Tie Company RAILROAD CROSS TIES AND SWITCH TIES POLES-PILING ST. LOUIS, MO. ROGERS, ARK. HOUSTON, TEXAS ------- L. Em Puckett, Inc. AMORY, MISS. HARD WOOD YELLOW PINE Lumber "WE HELP MAKE THE FRISCO SAFE" Page , C ALBERT RUSSELL T.
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