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.. V , KBT PRESS RUN THE WEATHER AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Forecast hr 0. S. Weather Bareani for the month of October, 1028 Kew BarcB . S tate C o v » Slembex of5,205 the Audit Burean ot M. ' Clondy today; fair ^ d colder to> _________ ' ClrcnlatloBB___________ - t r morrow. */ VOL. XLm., NO. 31. (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1928. (P. O. So. Manchester, Conn.) PRICE THREE CEN'iHi KLAN GIVEN BRITAIN m As Hoover Sailed on Good-Will Tour DEATHBLOW ♦ * ' 1 SS N ,.S S U. S. INSPEaOR SAYS REDUCE D E T S'* ^ V s s w ^ ^ BY DECISION FORffliHANS 5 x - f SHIP WAS SEAWORTHY U. S. Supreme Court Says May Do So to Strongmen SSSS.S ^s. Says 68 Life Belts on Vestris Order Must Name Mem Their Ties With A rn ica ; AS S< ^ Not Guilty” Verdict Were Rotten So He Threw bers, Reveal Oath and Conference Early Next p i p t ' ' For Stewart Expected Them Out; Lifeboats, and Report Finances. Month. Washington, Nov. 20— The per-<*>nings Bailey, presiding, indicated Everything Else Were in ■Washington, Nov. 20.— The jury trial of Col. Robert W. Stew he would instruct the jury it was up to them to determine whether a Knights of the Ku Klux Klan to Paris, Nov. 2().— Underneath an art, Standard Oil magnate, proba apparently calm surface a keen majority of the total membership of Best of Condition, Wit day faced the prospect of waging bly will come to an end today, and the committee was physically pres diplomatic struggle Is in progress some bitter political battles for its that end probably will be a verdict ent when the' alleged perjury oc today over the extent of ground ness Testifies at Prohe. life as the result of two U. S. of “ not guilty” . curred. to be covered when the internation Supreme Court decisions defining Charged with having sworn false Although the minutes of the al reparation commission meets ly to the Senate public lands com hearings re.ord eight of the fifteen its legal status. New York, Nov. 20.— Edward next month to settle definitely the mittee about his possession of Senators present on each of the The court in two cases, one occasions, the government admits Keane, government inspector ot amount Germany must pay the Al $759,500 of the profits of the Con , from Kansas and one from New tinental Trading Co., a fly-by-night that several of them were "present steamship hulls, who was the first lies. by assent” only. Bailey ruled that York, has decided that state gov concern that figured in the oil witness today in the new investiga German Foreign Secretary Strese- to make the committee a competent ernments have a power over the scandals, Stewart won a tremend mann’s Reichstag speech brought ous victory in .the closing minutes tribunal a physical majority must tion into the Vestris disaster, con organization that is bounded only be in attendance. into the open some of the Issues of his defense when Justice Jen- ducted by D. N. Hoover, supervising by the limits of the exercise of po Inspector general of the steamship lice power. that have been dealt with so far THERE IS NO DOUBT inspecticn service, testified that 68 only in diplomatic exchanges. THAT HE IS RIGHT The double-barreled blow at the of the 691 life belts on the ill-fated organization in effect provides that It has been understood for the STATE ELEQORS past week that France had virtual Boston, Nov. 20.— Professor liner were rotten, and were thrown it. must not only bare the secret of ly agreed not to try to link up war Harlow Shaple^, of Harvard, who out before the ship left on her last Its oath and name its members but debts with reparations, but the oflfi- PREPARE REPORT deals in figures that have half a voyage. also, if a state Legislature decrees, cial announcement in Berlin that dozen commas in- them has just Keane, who spoke with a broad make a complete financial state Germany would oppose any at discovered that the center of the Irish brogue, testified he had been tempt to consider the two problems universe is just about 266,297.- ment for public inspection. an inspector of hulls for 17 years. together indicated that Germany 112,000,000,000 miles from the When he told of his long experience It was generally agreed that the Is not yet sure of a French posi departure of President-Elect Herbert Hoover for his good-will tour of South and Cen No Messenger to Be Sent to earth. This means, he 'said, that with shipping befora entering the court’s decision yesterday in hold tion. tral America. Mr. Hoover, indicated by the arrow, has entered the launch of Admiral William V Pratt the earth is off center but only U. S. government service Hoover ing constitutional the Walker law Rhineland Occupation commander of the U. S. battle fleet, for the trip out to the U. S. S. Maryland, on which he and his party are Washington Under the 47,000 light years off. Prof. asked him: of New York, which requires the There is also a divergence of sailing. Admiral Pratt is shown in the center. Shapeley states that the center “ Were you ever the captain of a Klan to file with the secretary of opinion over Rhineland occup.i- of the universe is situated in the ship?” state its oath, by-laws and member tion, France has shown a willing New Act. constellation Sagittarius. “ Yes,” replied the witness, “ for ship, coupled with the Kansas case, ness to bargain with Germany, of seven years I was the captain of a has dealt the Klan a staggering fering to hasten evacuation of Ger PLANE CRASHES IN 6 MOS. British ship.” blow. man soil in return for compensa HOOVER PARTY Hartford, Conn., Nov. 21.— Con “ Did you inspect the life boats No Comment tion. Germany does not want the LABOR WILL FIGHT and life preservers on board the In the absence from the city of Rhineland occupation issue consid necticut is taking steps to clean up Vestris?” asked Hoover. Dr. Hiram Evans, imperial wizard, ered in connection with repara KILLED 53 AND HURT 276 ENJOYS FIRST the November election. A call was “ Yes,” answered the witness. “ I the Klan’s G. H. Q. here declined tions, but to have reparation set did so.” to comment on the court’s action. issued from ibe Capitol hero to tled upon the basis of the German AGAINST MACHINES Hoover asked: “ Were you com The Kansas case, decided two financial and economic conditions. day for a meeting of the State pelled to do the job hastily?” years, had almost been forgotten LIVING WAGE England’^ Stand In Regulated Flying Only DAY ON OCEAN Board of Canvassers to be held on Plenty of Time Despite the growing fraternalisra November 28th to make an official (Continued on Page 3.) IN N. Y. SMALL The witness replied: “ No, I had between France and England, there canvass of the vote. The Board of A. F. of L. in Convention, De four days in which to do it while is a disposition in some French Seven Were Killed, First Canvassers consists of Ernest E. the liner was in port here. That was quarters to believe that the Eng $8 a Week Not Enougli for President - Elect > Mapping Rogers, of New London, state ample time.” lish, in order to strengthen their Official Report Discloses Food and Clothing for a Girl. treasurer;. Frederick M. Salmon, of mands Higher Standards Keane said he spent the first of ties with America, may consent to "Westport, state controller, ami the four days going over the life STOCKS CONTINUE drop all reference to war debts-and New. York, Nov. 20.— The:-a Out His Good Will Tour; Francis A. Pallottl, of Hartford, preservers and testing each thor agree to reduced annual pilyments Today. was material for a pathetic O. Secretary of state. oughly. by Germany. > Henry story -in testimony giv Reads Detective Stories Presidential electors who were “ Altogether I examined 691 life TO SOAR WILDLY It has been expected that the in en today to the association to successful in the November election preservers,” he said. ternational ' commission might be promote proper housing condi New Orleans, La., Nov. 20.— Washington, Nov. 20— America’s v.nll meet here on January 2, next, “ Were any of them found to be able to meet either in Brussels or tions for working girls. In Spare Tiine. i to certify the vote in Connecticut Delegates attending the annual con in Unsatisfactory condition?” asked' Berlin.ln» the first week of Decem first official aeronautical casualty It related to the high cost of f9 r president and vice-president. vention of the American Federation Hoover. ber. As a result of the new maneu list, made public by the Commerce boy friends, omitted luncheons, They are to act this time under a “ Sixty-eight of them were found New Fortunes Made Daily; vers the meeting may be delayed. of Labor today went into the second Department today, showed that for second grade silk stockings Aboard U. S. S. Maryland, At new Act of Congress, a copy of to be rotten and were thrown Germany wants American repre and bleak bedroom quarters. which has just been received by day’s ssEsion after receiving notice sentation on the commission and the half year from January I to Sea, Nov. 20.— President-Elect away,” replied Keane. Old Traders Amazed at Jennie Marock, a file clerk, Governor Trumbull and by him from President William Green that Keane arose from his seat from may obtain the support of Eng July I, 53.persons were killed and and Phyllis Krieger, a student, Herbert Hoover plans to announce land in an effort to bring this transmitted to Benjamin W.