/ • -V , •*&* ; ^**;! j: Hi: ^ *;^v^.:' ' y;" ^, - ^ -1 ,,,••••, ^ " ..,. .... t\ DEVILS LAKEf WQRLD AND INTER-OCEAN Uwm® v CAPTURE BY YANKS FOR SALE—2 Registered Short­ horn Bulls, 18 month? old. Address Two Michigan Men Load In the Talt * •»• CJJSSIFIEDADVERTISING Robt. Cockbrane, Dry Lake Farm. ' ing of German .Prisoners i • 4-20-tf. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY In the War ^ If Yon Had To Leave That Selling Task To Chanee, Instead Of To The FOR SALE—Good hay in the stack Classified Ads, You Might Be Justified In Feeling a Bit near city and Sweetwater station. Washington.-'—-The first Germac Gloomy. Get the Habit! Call The Want Ad Man Apply 905 East 3rd St., Phone 57. prisoner taken by American force* RATES:—One Cent Per Word. All Want Ads Strictly Cash In Advance. 4-20-tf Contains Fertile Fields andMoun- was captured by Adam Blazlkowsk! _ tains Stored With Precious and John Co^hanski of , Iron wood Want Ads received up to 10:30 A. M. each day will be placed WANTED G. F. DREW, M. D. Midi.,' Representative James of Mlchl- under proper classified headings. GIRL WANTED for record depart- 1 ^Serumgard & Conant :: ,gan w&s Informed by Adjutant Gen­ Specialist Attorneys-at-Law ,{y\ iSy;!/ i-|"f^a ;r-*etals. •Ifillt'". ment. Apply in person.—Getts Practice Limited to Eye, Ear, Nose eral Harris. Piano Co. 4-16-3t BANGS BLOCK W.%: The men were members of company FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE and Throat. Glasses Fitted. Phone 126 jry Ford Touring 1918. WANTED—Man with team and $500 Locke Block Devils Lake, North DiMa I G, Eighteenth infantry. REBUILT CAR BARGAINS to do contract hauling.—Franks RABBI WJIRREH BF HUMUMTY The capture was made on the night ! Cheverolet Touring 1919. Devils Lake, North Dakota 1917 Dodge Touring. \ Transfer and Storage. 4-13-tf of October 27-28, 1917, in the vlcinitj 1918 Dodge Touring. ' Cheverrolet Roadster 1919. At On* Time There Were 300 Tribes of Bures, In the province of Meurtht These cars are in gdod shape—so Oakland Six Touring 1918. WANTED—Good, bright boy abodt 15 years old to learn the printers and Dialects In Region—U Sort of and Moselle. The prisoner was a com­ good we extend the same mechanical HENRY MOTOR CO. W. D. JONES, M. D. R. GOER pany mall carrier and was on his waj trade. Good chance to right boy.— Attorney-At-Law ; Three-Ring Group of Nkt- guarantee as is extended on new FOR SALE—New 5 room bunga­ Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Surgery. back to his company when wotmdtf Dodge Brothers Cars. low, enclosed glass porch, modern in World Office. 3-31-tf Practices In All Courts - ;'-vV/'! unil Marvels. and captured. Glasses Fitted I I On Sale •every respect. Address "R" World of­ WANTED TO RENT—5 or 6 room Wickert-Schultr Building —Collections A Specialty— Washington.—With various antlbol- 1,1916 Chevrolet Touring. fice. - • 3-16-6t modern house. Phone 239, City. Devils Lake, North Dakota Slater's Mother-ln-Law. " 4-5-tf. Bangs Blk. Devils Lake, N. IX j shevlc governments seeking a resting Toledo, O.—Miss Florence Dewey, HARRY E. McHUQH FOR SALE—30 tons good Hay.— place and capital at one end of the forty-three years of age, the daughter Phone 387 Lakewood Farm, Melvin & Lewis WAJNIT^D—Man for general work. range andfabolous oil hoards of Bakii of J. N. Dewey, wholesale fish dealer, FOR SALE—6 room modern cot­ Anderson, R. F. D. No. 4. Box 42. Inquire Devils Lake Drug -store. at the other, inspiring covetoiis Im­ and William Lindsay, a Milwaukee tage with garage in connection on 2nd 3-19-6tp 4-5-tf W. F. RHEA, Ph. G. D. C. O. A. HJELLE perialistic ibterest, the long line of business man, eighty years of age, street. See Davis Rubin. Also din­ WANTED TO RENT—A private gar­ Chiropractor mountains which separates Europe FOR SALE—Holstein calf for sale. Graduate of the Palmer School Tailoring, Cleaning were married In Milwaukee the other ing room set, dining room table, lib­ Inquire at 524 Arnold avenue or age. Inquire at this office. Repairing,* Pressing from Asia gives promise of once'mora 4-12 dh tf Office Hours: 9 to 12; 2 to 6; 7 to 8 day; The marriage causes a peculiar rary table, chairs, 3-burner oil stove, phone 527. • 4-14-tf. Brennan Block Basement Flyng Blk., Devils Lake] attaining the headline position It so relationship to exist In the two fam­ 4 rockers, bed springs, rugs, and WANTED—Woman for Kitchen work often has. held throughout the ages. FOR RENT—Nice furnished room in Office Phone 604 Res. Phone 679 Parcel Post Orders given prompt' ilies. The neftr Mrs. Lindsay is a sis­ other articles. 3-19-tf. Great Northern Hotel 3-30 tf Attention ! Made up of 400 miles of majestic ter of Mrs. Herbert Lindsay, her hus­ Baird block. Enquire at Phone 33. Devils Lake, North Dakota peaks, in three ridges, the Caucasus band's daughter-in-law. Through her HOUSE FOR SALE—Eight room 4-17-tf WANTED—Man for general work. stretches from northwest to southeast marriage to Lindsay, Mrs. William house, modern, garage and barn in FOR SALE CHEAP—1916 Studebba- Devils Lake Drug Co. 4-3-tf like a petrified wave, whose north­ Lindsay now becomes sister's mother- connection. Good soft water well. ker Car, six.—Geo. M. Juergens, 824. ~n good location, close in. Enquire WANTER—A Chambermaid at the DR. T. E. McLEAN Ladies & Gents Hats !| eastern face mounts to the snow crest, in-law, while Lindsay la his own son's East 3rd St. 4-14-tf Westetp Hotel. 2-7-tf DENTIST but whose southwestern front, facing brother-in-law. 611 2nd street, city. Phone 480. FOR SALE—Page light six touring Cleaned, Pressed and toward Turkey, seems dashed into 3-26-tf WANTED—Waitresses at Great Office in Locke Block car. 1918 model fully equipped and Phones: Reblocked •countless precipices' by the titanic FOR SALE—First class up-to-date, cord tires. Phone 239. 4-5-tf Northern Lunch Room. 2-28-tf We Shine and Dye all Color forces of nature/says a bulletin from Office 42 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS well equipped Beauty Parlor. Good WANTED TO RENT—Five room mo­ Residence 118 Shoes the National Geographic society. FOR SALE—First class snare drum. dern flat. Phone 239 City. 4-5-tf Notice is hereby given that sealed location, good business, and no Will sell cheap. Call at World of- Devils Lake, -t. North Dakota The Caucasus is the most interesting competition. Far particulars write Cozy Slioe Shine rabbit warren of humanity on the proposals will be received by the fice. 3-31-tf FOR RENT Board of Education, Edmore, North Mrs. I. Glerum, Glerpm Block, De­ Phone 744 globe. For uncounted' ages various vils Lake, N. D. 4-l2-tf HORSES FOR SALE—Good horses FOR RENTkOne lot 140 feet long peoples sifted through the secluded Dakota, up to the hour'of seven (7) from 4 to 8 years old.—T. Nien- and 25 foot square.—Chas Saunders DR. G. J. McINTOSH valleys, leaving N a fraction of their o'clock P.. M. April 23, 1920, for the FOR SALE—Chautauqua cottage, 3 hius, 6 miles west and l-2_ mile 702 Ea-st 5th st. Physician and Surgeon number in some remote spot, so that erection of a school biuld'Hg for the rooms with screened ic porch, in­ north of .Lawton, N. D. 4-16-6tp 4-21-ltp Office in Baird Block - at one time El Aziz! said that there village of Edmore, North Dakota, ac­ cluding lot, $275. Phone or call FOR RENT—Four good rooms 14x16 Telephones: Office .61; Res. 7 cording to plans and specifications FOR SALE2—Seven Room, modern were 800 tribes and dialects In the.,re­ Mrs. E. W. Mooers, Bangs block, house. Call 903 Moore avenue. everything in first class condition.—| Devils Lake, North Dakota "HaveMcDonnell Do It* gion, 650' miles long and 100 miles prepared by Shannon, Boyd & Boyd, Phone 407. V ( # «• 4-12-tf. Chas. Saunders, 702 East 5th st. broad, which he called the "Mountain Architects, Jamestown and Devils FOR SALE—Seven passenger Buick 4-21-ltp Decorating of Languages." Lake, North Dakota. ' s- Six Touring car, in good condition. FOR SALE—Grant Six roadster, Straby spoke of 76 races of men, Each proposal must be accompanied FRO RENT—Modern room at 81ft Auto ainting Fully equipped. Enquire New York Phone 167, Slorby and Berg'Studio, Hill Ave. City. Phone 314. 2-18-tf DR. W. F. SIHLER some of them armed with poisoned ar­ by a certified check far at least five Cash Store. 4-13-tf 4-17-tf. Physician and Surgeon Signs rows nfnd wearing skin shoes with (5) per cent of the proposal as ,a guar­ FOR RENT—Furnished room, hot Office over Manns—Phone 167 spiked soles. Troglodytes they were anty that the bidder will enter into S75S SALE—or will trade for land, water heat, electric lights and bath. Call ... 500 horses or cattle, a seven passenger FOR SALE—Extension dining room Res. Phone 133 and are. The Caucasus Is a sort of contract and furnish bonds according table. Call 771. 4-17-tf 905 Sixth street. 3-30-tf Devils Lake, North Dakota three-ring group of natural marvels to law, otherwise, to be returned to auto, in good running order. In­ LOST compressed between Europe and Asia, quire the World office. 3-31-tf FOR SALE—Lots 31 and 32, Block the bidder.
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