' EL PASO HERALD Tuesday, March 12, 1918. 11 Bank Building. la the First National Copyright, 1913. International News Service BY GEORGE McMANUS Die CAM. 1-- SMITH Ph. 1111. Urn, 327 BRINGING UP FATHER Real Estate and Fire Insurance. lOlOT- IT 7iEEM TO ME I - TOO DIDN'T I I I AMD VHERE OlDN'T 198 DAVIS BKOS, Phono Il I 'Wa-U-lT- ( HAVE Tnu it. 'b THAT TOO FORGET EVERT FORGET TO SbRlNtj AN UMBRELLA 24. O. BUCHOZ CO. ARE TrE THIHC I FOR30T bldg. 577. -- - VHEN "TOO Hotel Sheldon rkono WW mLn(flllTft THEM- - 1 tt TMN4- Mt UMBRELLA. WENT C- T- r SON. II GEORGE IV. CBUTCllEB J. I THOUGHT- - ' BACV- OU- Room 4. Morehouse block. Phone 989. 5r 4ETATTHE XX 7 CxUteO RIO (JKANDE REALTY CO J DRU4 tore? Ill-- It 11rl Met, Bank s c csowiu agency. Mills side. PBon lit. HORACE B. STEVENS. Real Estate and Insurance. P. W. WILLIAMS. INSURANCE. 318 First NaU. Bank Bldg. For Salt City Property. ' . BARGAIN Lota on North Oregon St Phone 771. CONTRACTORS at BUILDERS Mry size Job. Phone 2800. SALK 2 etory 8 room house, closefor in on north side. Bur direct from owner and care commission. Inquire Ekleln. 301 so. isi raso at. FOR SALC OR EXCHANGE Value $6500.00. residence property, with first class Improvements on best street ol Ciucad Juarez. Address Trader, tare Herald. POUR HOOMS and bath, sleeping oarch: on large corner lot In High land Park; S1750. S2S0 cash. Ions time on balance to euu pnrcnaser. Phone 4640J. 12700 VENDOR'S MEN NOTES for sale; part monthly payments; goon discount. Poultry Pet Stock For Sale Miscellaneous. Ready Reference Business Directory Ready Reference Business Dirtdsry iTAWKINS BROS. For Sale or Exchange Real Estate. Haeiinery, Tools, Power, EIecrxi-- .l For Sale AntoraoKtcs Waited. and 215-3- Martin Bldg. S ROCK sittings 3L25 15. fertility FOR SALE or rent. ( head horses, one 3 BUSINESS income property cost 34500. and Contractors equipment WANT to exchange Dodge 1917. pass, BARRED Adding Maddntt Key letting FOUR HOOJT BUNGALOW for Ford. No Phone 47S9. guaranteed, also cockerels, none zjzait. ton Troy trailer, 1 Ford clear, in Los Angeles. Will trade even on Sale Junk. f 1 1 player piano. Texlco features, near For & WANTED to buy Belgian and New Zea ordinary piano. BURROUGHS add, machines. 202 Mills B. Two porches, all bulltln 33500 bssls for El Paso bungaloir. lots. tOK SALE 1317 Ford truck. Marker Uo- i a. aania re. school. Immediate posses- land. P. O. Box 10SL El Paso. Yonge. 929 land rabbits. Phone 2187. Transfer - Alta Vista 1 P. K. Woods pump. largo capacity, Texas. oven gas range, excellent baker 818 sion. 5150.00. lots or auto first pay FOK type. lyiG car, good INDIAN RUNNER .duck eggs laying, HIGH Assayen LOCKS repaired, any part ot city. Safe SALE OS TKADE. special heavy FORD condition. originally coot 345. also automatic refrig- opened, combinations chaszea, Thomas, ment, balance easy. Three factory sites on Mills St street 1 Gould deep well pump, new slightly THOMAS MOTOR CO. PHONE 82. strain. 3L(9 dozen. Phone I7UJL K. l. u. erator, good condition, cheap. 603 E. Rio . M. w. 397 Key Shop. 204 N. Stanton. Ph. 1545. FAA.VK E. COX paved. Easy terms or will trade for resi- shop worn. buy Dodge car cash, bo a No. L Box 351. BECKHABTS ASSAY OFFICE San M. compressor. WILL for ilust Grande. 7B. CI- - oox a-- Phone- 6425. 219 Capita Bldg. dence property or valley land. V". New 19xS Clayton air bargain. Address 85 care Herald. HATCHING eggs from fine Rhode Island buggy, Francisco St. Phone P. Langrhlln. Herald business office. diamond drill. F P.ocks 31 set- - SALE Windmill, Studebaker a BIG INCOME. oirner. Sullivan sale. 207 South Reds, 3L19 setting. Barred trees, cedar plants, pink baby MatfasRen-r- 25 ACRES near Ysleta on pared road to S In. CentTg"! pump horiz. atyle A. LATE model Bulclt for tlng. ynone snaai. cottonwood AucSoneers. We can sell you one of the best pay' Z IC. M. hay presses (power) alfalfa Stanton Phone 2802. rambler, shasta daisies, honeysuckle, exchange for seven passenger auto and Z. & WANTED to buy a thoroughbred gams Mrs, MATTRESSES made to order and reus apartments in Paso at a big Practically new. car leas chrysanthemum and dahlia bulbs. A- lag El cottage. special. FOR SALE New Cadillac driven cock. Also any kind laying bens. Phone Verde, W. - WILLIAMS. AUCTIONEER. vated. Dosang A wellborn, pnone ssis. bargain this week. Call at office for KBAKACER ZOBK & MOVES. man one mania on pticu buccm. p. Steffen, Val Office OrndorfT Hotel 3S12R. after 3 m. ' loddt. 3560W MAKERS OT MATTKKMSKS. repairers, further information. 302 Caples. Phones 68 and 9E3 ALDRICH Quintuple! pump 4x12 In, ar- sacrifice for cash. Fnona Illi. Office phone 6226. Res, phone 411 1935 and 1979. IIEAD CO. motor drive. any battery Guaranteed. THOROUGHBRED White Wyandottea. Housekeeping Rooms FnrciilittL renovators. Phone T. E. A -- WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE ranged for direct WE repair eggs for setting, rnone 2212 Myrtle. Clark Mattress at Bug Co. Bldg. hone 3120 following: 2 Cameron Sinkers No. 5 and No. 9 B. EL PASO BATTERY STATION. cockerel and Anto Accessorlef :i Mills For all or part of the Modern 3455, 4422W. 7 room house, now renting at S40: cood 1 McGowan boiler fd. pump Inside packed 310-1- 4 W. San Antonio St. Phone FREE rooms. Phone 553SW. GENUINE SACRIFICE. 7x5x10 In. or ex Metals and Minerals SJOOO. S3750. S Bun- small business and rooming house; also FOR SALE One ton Republic truck in SIS PEK month. 1505 Wyoming. Arrrrw wrkitked tv tmr. sell Cost Boom Brick Columbus. 1 Smith Vale boiler fd. pump. as..--. tors, brooders, selling out. Langs chicken change large stock of land and house near All valued first class condition, 8750. I'Cone fror--t rooms. 1013 N. cara of all makes: galow. Full Basement. Glassed & P. 1 Gales sample grinder No. 3 styls S. G. TWO Florence. In rubber and METALS A MINERALS C- O- BUYERS at 38500. would consider sood farm for 1J02 N. Stanton. repair parts; we deal 334. t Lots. Corner. Lawn, Garage. Built part. Y. 65. care or (AUIs-Cha- WANTED to buy one dozen Barred HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 806 E. Missouri Paso Auto Wrecking Co. Ph. 210 San Francisco St. Phone a ilcraio. No. 7 3 In. EL PAbO Automobile laundry Have your metals. El Quicksilver. Me- m Features, Hardwood F. Beautiful 1 B. F. Co. Cnpola blower Rock hens. Phone Address .Mon sekee-pln- rooms. 504 Mesa. 4388. 22 Leon St. K. Trachterberc prop. Platinum. Gold. Silver. Eagle 12 H. (mounted). cara washed while you wait; cars csueu nil THREE hoi non Minerals of a Elect. Fixtures. 1 portable boiler w. tana. save money. We buy. tallic and Metallic . 6 4 In. dbL screw. for and delivered, zoo kss. rn. n. MNGLE housekeeping room. 618 Kansas. HKF.rKEn ititoL description. ash $200. BaL 355. Mb. Incld. Inst. BONQCHXO GRANT ACREAGE. drill columns HATCHING EGGS UT1LIIY White exchange cars, makes. Large McCART. A- -l Bar heated. sell and all AIKEN at BAIR One mile beyond Tslcta on bltullthlc ROBERT Jr LATE model Dodge condition. Wyandotte. Singre Comb Rhode Island HOUSEKEEPING and bedrooms parts. Highest prices paid for rub 221 Mills Bldg. El Paso. Texas. gain. Leaving city. Must reu oy ido' 417 N. El Peso St. Phone 7855. stock Ph. 3227. 815 Martin Bldg. road to Socorro, close to lnterurban. 4759. Beds ana wmte iegnoms. ber, metal ana scrap iron. Meats Ten aero tracts or more. Good soli, 359 h. p. Allia CcaL cr. corns, c to 309 day evening. Phone ROMAN'S POULTRY FARM. llftlWPTTVFPKr. mnmn rlnx In. 40SXL STAR AUTO WRECKING CO. BEST RESIDENCE BARGAIN EVER ready 3200 per acre, K. u . a. t uen. ;v v. irs. .a. FOR SALE Oakland Six roadster, good Texas. Wyoming. Phone 457L Phone 3498. CHOICEST In city. PASO. to farm. Prlc Stirling i Tslcta. Overland and meats the OFFERED IN EI. good terms. 159 IL P. water tube be!r. condition, driven less than 5090 mues. hatching HOUSEKEEPING: bedrooms. 5L59 up. KRETCHMAR3 STALL CITY MARKET. " Room Bungalow, strictly modern, Ton can do business In the city and 259 IL. P. Feed water heater. Telephone 534 rr.ni fdk eggs 75 H. P. D. motor 229 V. 709 R. P. Bred to lay. Rhode Island Red 9L25 Phone 3413. Automobile Repairing double garage, sidewalks, curbing etc enjoy country life. C WOULD consider well located lot, prefer rates, 75x120. not a house, CHARLES B. STEVENS, M. 293 Amp. 3 Panel Switch board. ex- sutler. HOUSEKEEPING apts. summer Mercantile Agencfes Lots This is just 1 (El on Hueco or near Austin Farlc In PADZNS RANCH. SPECIALISTS In our tine, a reputation for ;t Home. can sell you this so 102 Fioaeer Plaza. Phone m&ka Ttm Crusher Paso Fdrr.) change 1917 Dodge. Phone 4759. close In. 8252R. Garage,. 133 is a I 3, T. Davenport locomotive 35 In. ga"gs. Phone S32J. Tsleta. rooms, single skilled workmanship. Toltelk A. G. DUN C(X Mercantile reports. XI ou 31000 on The low 7ti 15 touring HOUSEKEEEXNO and in pt. can clear it. 10 tons Za is. relaying raus. FOR SALEZ Model Overland HATCHING eggs S. C White Leghorn. 200 591 Mesa. Phone 493L Florence. Paso office. 691 Guaranty Trust Bldg. surprise you. Terms. car, and. lights 3250 3L50, per 100 8. suite, close in, price will 1990 R. R. tics 5x8x8 in. New. electrical starter egg strain, per 15 58. C sleeping porch. Call TV. F. Kirby with TO SELL Ott TRADE.
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