SP-717 Cryosat 2013
ANALYSIS OF THE IN-FLIGHT INJECTION OF THE LISA PATHFINDER TEST-MASS INTO A GEODESIC Daniele Bortoluzzi (1,2) on behalf of the LISA Pathfinder Collaboration(*), Davide Vignotto (1), Andrea Zambotti (1), Ingo Köker(3), Hans Rozemeijer(4), Jose Mendes(4), Paolo Sarra(5), Andrea Moroni(5), Paolo Lorenzi(5) (1) University of Trento, Department of Industrial Engineering, via Sommarive, 9 - 38123 Trento, Email: daniele.bortoluzzi@unitn.it, davide.vignotto@unitn.it, andrea.zambotti@unitn.it (2) Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Application / INFN, Italy. (3) AIRBUS DS GmbH, Willy-Messerschmitt-Strasse 1 Ottobrunn, 85521, Germany, Email: ingo.koeker@airbus.com (4) European Space Operations Centre, European Space Agency, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany, Email: Hans.Rozemeijer@esa.int, Jose.Mendes@esa.int (5) OHB Italia S.p.A., via Gallarate, 150 – 20151 Milano, Italy, Email: PSarra@cgspace.it, AMoroni@cgspace.it, PLorenzi@cgspace.it (*) Full list and affiliations attached in the end of the document ABSTRACT surroundings housing. The sensing body, from the locked condition, has then to LISA Pathfinder is a mission that demonstrates some key be released into free-fall to start the in-flight operations; technologies for the measurement of gravitational waves. as a consequence, the release into free-fall of the proof The mission goal is to set two test masses (TMs) into mass is a critical aspect for these missions, since it is a purely geodesic trajectories. The grabbing positioning necessary step to start the science phase. Different and release mechanism (GPRM) grabs and releases each technologies are nowadays available to perform a release TM from any position inside its housing.
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