Khumani Iron Ore Mine Final Rehabilitation Plan for 2018/2019 Report Purpose Providing the client and Regulatory Authority with an understanding of the Final Closure Plan for the mine. Report Status FINAL Report Reference EnviroGistics Ref.: 21814 Departmental Ref.: NC 30/5/1/2/3/2/1/070EM and amendments 2007, 2011, 2012 Report Authors Tanja Bekker (EnviroGistics) MSc. Environmental Management Certified EAPSA; SACNASP Reg. 400198/09 Ferdi Pieterse (Globesight) BSc. (Hons) Environmental Management 4 June 2018 PO Box 22014 | Helderkruin | 1733
[email protected] 082 412 1799 086 551 5233 ENVIROGISTICS (PTY) LTD 6/4/18 KHUMANI IRON ORE MINE 2018 FINAL REHABILITATION PLAN Departmental Ref: NC 30/5/1/2/3/2/1/070EM and amendments 2007, 2011, 2012, 2016 Project Ref: 21814 Version: FINAL Author Tanja Bekker is registered as a Professional Natural Scientist in the field of Environmental Science with the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP) and is also a Certified Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) with the Interim Certification Body of the Environmental Assessment Practitioners of South Africa (EAPSA), a legal requirement stipulated by the National Environmental Management Act, 1998. She is further certified as an ISO 14001 Lead Auditor. Her qualifications include BSc. Earth Sciences (Geology and Geography), BSc. Hons. Geography, and MSc. Environmental Management. In addition to her tertiary qualifications, she obtained a Certificate in Project Management, and completed the Management Advancement Programme at Wits Business School. With more than 14 years' experience in environmental management and the consulting industry, she follows a methodical and practical approach in attending to environmental problems and identifying environmental solutions throughout the planning, initiation, operation and decommissioning or closure of projects.