A Visit with Jack Benny 0Lddmeradio "»Act.R,~ 'DIGESJ' S.,S: .., ~ ~ Old Time Radio No
No.141 Summer ZOU $J.75 A visit with Jack Benny 0ldDmeRadio "»act.R,~ 'DIGESJ' S.,S:_..,~ ~ Old Time Radio No. 141 Summer 2013 "'Fled Allen is tnaklnz cr.acks <1 bo111 ~ bar,g on lht Dt ~nis Day Sho'fl The Old Time Radio Digest 1s pnnted r11,, i lfY is 50 l ltt>n tt/lh mvy_ BOOKS AN D PAPER published and distributed by trery timt he opens his mr:1uu RMS & Associates SOmobo(fy mails • letter. 1ulle 1ii, Den,,;~ :show toniRbt- Allt.11 We have one of the largesc scledions in the USA of out of print Edited by Bob Burchett lt'On't be on it! books and paper items on all aspects of radio broadcast in~. Published qu,nlerly four I1111es a year ------------------·---- ·------· ·--------- -------- One year subscription 1s $15 per year - -- Hooks: A large asso11ment of books on tlw history ofbroacka~ting. Single copies $3.75 each radio writing, stars' biographies. radio sho\, "· and radio play~. Past issues are available. Make checks t;;/.. payable to Old Time Radio Digest. ~,s- Also hooks on broadcasting tcchniqul.'.s. social impact l1f radio etc .. Business and editorial office radio RMS &Assoc,ales, 10280 Gunpowder Rd ~ phcmcra: Material on specific stations. radio scripts, Florence. Kentucky 41 042 advertising literature, radio premiums. NAB anmwl reports, etc. 859.282 0333 -·----------·--- ----- bob burcheU@msn.com 6:30 P .M. ORDER OUR CATALOG Advertising rates as of January 1, 2013 ( Jur last cmC1lop, (/12.'i) 11·11s issued in .lufi- .'O I IJ ,md incl11dt•~ o\'l't ./Ofl ,1,•111< Full page ad $20 size 4 5/8 x 7 i11c/11d111y, n 111,e vart,'I)' o.f 1/em , 11 ,, hav1- 11e1·,•r 1een h<'/<,re p/m, cl 1111111/w, of Half page act $10 size 4 5/8 x 3 0/djal'orite.1 that ll'l'/'C llfl/ i11cl11ded Ill (//{/"'"'' colalug Mo.\/ / (('Ill.\ Ill lhi' Hall page ad $10 size2x7 ('(l/(l/og are still (Jvtlllahlt:.
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