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Philip~· ·.Tec.Hnicai Review DEALING WITH:' TECHNICAL PROBLEMS .':RELATING, to the PRODUCTS, PROCESSES and INVESTIGATIONS of , ,N.V No. 9, p; 253-284 - SEPTEMBER 1941 , Philip~· ·.Tec.hnicaI Review DEALING WITH:' TECHNICAL PROBLEMS .':RELATING, TO THE PRODUCTS, PROCESSES AND INVESTIGATIONS OF , ,N.V. pmiJ:ps' GLOErr..AMPENFABRIEKEN EDITED BY THE RESEARCH LABORATORY OF N.V. PHILIPS' GLOEILAMPENFABRIEKEN, EINDHOVEN, HOLLAND SEVERAL TECHNICAL PROBLÉMS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW SERIES OF TRANSMITTER VALVES ,by'E. G. DORGELO. 621.396.615 • ' The.useof shorter and shorter radio waves involves a steady decrease i!! the dimensions of' the transmitter,valve;. When' it is at the same time desirable not to decrease the energy dissipation in the valve, various partsof the valve become relatively more heavily loaded. 'An indication: is given-in -this article ~f how several technical problems connected 'with tlÜs"u'resolved in the case ora new series of Philips transmitter valves. Introduction '. : Under the influence ,of the rishig" standard' of the' wave lengths of a few metres, many of the ad- 'performance required in the field of television, a vantages of the pentode connection al-e lost (for great, demand has '~arisen'in recent' years tor trans- a detailed discussion of the advantages and dis- - mitter valv~s which can work-with high efficiency advantages of triodes .andpentodes we=refer to an on the wave lengths of 5 1'0 6 m 'used in teleVision. article published earlier 2). While at 'l9nger wave The existing types c~ula to some extent be used lengths screen grid and, suppressor grids function for such 'wave lengths, but usually worked at low as shielding cagé due to their constant potential, efficiency, and, moreover, they ofteninvolved great and thereby make special decoupling measures difficulties in the design and adjustment of the (neutrodyning) unnecessary,' at very short waves transmitter. this is no longer true. The self-induction 'of the con- In connection with this an entirely new series of n~ctions forms such a high impedance at these , transmitter valves has been developed, which is frequencies that the screen-grid alternating current , suitable not only for long waves but also for, the causes. the potentialof the screen grid to yary ap- short waves mentio~ed above. In appearance this preciably. type. of valve differs from the older types mainly A solution of this is to connect two valves in in its much smaller size. This small size was neces-' push-pull connection and supply the corresponding sary on the one hand to diminish the transit time ,electrodes together through a single line, so that effects, and on the other hand to make possible a' the alternating currents cancel each other in' this better adaptation to the transmitter by smaller line. There then: occurs no A.C: voltage along these electrode capacities and smaller self- and mutual connections. Between the common connection and inductions in the connections. each of the electrodes, however, there remain con: " The series of valves now developed 'consists of nections which are not in common. These connec- I four triodes of about 250; 600, 1 200 and 2 500 W' rions mayalso still have too much impedance at , telegraphy output 1) respectively, three pentodes very short waves, so that recourse must then be had -of about 200, 500 and 1 000 Wand a push-pull to reducing their Impedance with the help of series pentode also of about 1000 W (se~fig. 1). 'resonance. The filament connection also must often The application of the push-pull principle was be tuned in this way (seefig. 2). justified by the consideration' that otherwise at These precautions are, however, at least with wave lengths of a few metres;not yet necessary when the 1) By "telegraphy output" we mean here the maximum two electrode systems are assembled in a single bulb output in class C adjustment. With this arrangement, the control grid voltage is so strongly negative that anode current flowsfor less than half a, period. 2) J. P. Heyboer, Philips teehn. Rev.; 2,257,1937. , I 254 PHILIPS TECHNICAL REVIEW ve. 6, No. 9 Fig. 1. Photograph of a series of new transmitter triodes and pentodes which were devel- oped on the principles set forth in this article. The output in telegraphy adjustment. class C, for the series ofpentodes (lower row) is, from left to right: 1 000,1000,500,200 W, and for the series of triodes (upper row) it is 2 500, 1 200, 600, 250 W. and joined with the shortest possible connections. A particularly compact solution is obtained by surrounding the two cathodes and control grids with a single screen grid and suppressor grid (fig. 3). This c.oncept is realized in the push-pull pentode PPB 3/800 which can work entirely without extra tuning to the shortest wave lengths which it can reach (2.5 metres). For the fundamental requirements which every transmitter valve must satisfy we may refer to an earlier article in this p eriodical "]. In addition to a b 392J5 the points touched upon here, which are connected Fig. 2. a,) Diagram of two pentodes in push-pull connection. with form and manner of construction of the mod- The parts of suppressor and screen grid connection not pos- sessed in common are tuned with the help of variahle series ern transmitter valves, the requirement of small capacities. The regulation of the filament impedance is by size also raises technical problems which will be means of Lecher systems of the length '/2 À. As oscillation discussed in the following sections. circuits in anode and control grid circuits Lecher systems are also used (length '/4 À). b) In the push-pull pentode PPB 3/800 only the grid and anode circuit are tuned. The filaments are connected with very short connections inside the valve. Furthermore there 3) H. G. Boumeester, Philips techno Rev., 2,115,1937. is only one common suppressor and screen grid. , ,. '.. ' .... ."i. " .. .' .. ..... I SEPT),i:MBER 1941 :NEW TRANSMI'ITîm VALVES 255 " J' , .. _ •. ~', '" .,' ~ I> ~.. ' .. ." ""-,,: .\,. '-,, c) -Bûlb··.· ':, "', ..'. :0;" • ,~••. I ••: ... ": ,< •. ..... ;.... l·'-· .~. -.7 .... .' '" ti • ~ ; '<. • ,'T ';.~ " ;;...... ., .' The' fact that great po~er is' dealt WIth ill a -. f', t .• ,c_g,"f .. ", , '" :,' .1"1. ~~all: el~ètr;dè •syst~~ ' making t~e ....--.,. 1- i-_" ,.. ., ... ~ .... coveririg, .t~e valy~, t.h!,!·b~lb:~ either very large • I 0,£ in 'diamet~:I:' or .9f.!;t' kine!.."?l glass which does hot t-a • r easily .soften. ,W~e~ hárd glassïs;use~,the bulb. can .' < ' ',.~ be 'made quite narrow," so that'~short leads 'ivith '; .~.... ~,. .' . ,~. '~ligltt s~ff:'a;;d m:utu~i"U;_d~?ii~i{are ~btain~d .. The 'p . t ~"- üsé'of this .glass át "first prescntêd.difficulties because '. ~. ., .. of, th,e dact that "the' existing .kinds' of hard glass . " t-a' becàme'" slightly .cO'nducting, 1 especially .at the .. high' ;-orking temperature. here- prevailing, 'so that . pàrticularly .the 'fused-in leàds were elèctrolytically " attacked, By making-use 'ofnèwly developed' glasses and a fusing-m' tèchniqûe borrow.èd -fróm the quartz l ....'. ~J92J6 , .: '. ~amps, hó~ê'v~f; it was. po~s~le ê~tir{!iy~to overcome Fig. 3. C~osssection of the electrode system of thc push-pull' .k pentode PPB '3/800 .• The shielding.between -the two halves. these .difficulties, 'will rbe described in the fol- of the ánode prevents. electrons from the .righ~-~~ndcathode Iowing, .' " " , , " . J.~ , ~,' • • from reaching the left-hl,lnd anode, and wee versa. ., " i 1~~~~l~;~--''-r-r-r'-r'--''~r,M:~''-''ï'-;~-r-r-'-rII~ , .Fundamental differences between the modern .and .;W W~-J.-J.'-h++-1-+"::'·-I-HH4-++++-t-+-j-L-+-TI e !:t older types of~alves' " .' ,,:,,1_7~'--J.-=+":""t:'.:j'~'+-HH-=+-·'+'-H--I'p..f=""'=t~:£':~:::'#~~l1~'1=A ..: :We shall here ,fiFst mention those 'parts of a valve, ~ .to which specialattention must- bè paid, ap.a)3:tè~ .n, . ~ ::;:~v .. discuss two of them in Înoi:è detail. ; '., ': . ~" .' ;~,.' '.-1P;:::'=+·f--+::..--<q..v_:.+,...:'F .. :j-+-•...:;~.J++i+."-t.._.-t-+-t-j-H .;~:_.~ • ._ ~Pv . ~4" < ~ , :. ,-.0, a) G;i'ds;,)[nd ái!:ode t ~,'~. -Small 'diniensions ·mean smallaurfaces, aD;d,tlirls with a given power a high 'speéific. dissipation, It is therefore necessary to use,for the electrode system a material which can withstand high temperatures. " Fig. 4, Output of a PPB3/800 valve as a function ofthe wave Nickel and iron are less suitable because of theiÎ: length. It may beseen that Tt is more advantageous to lower fairly great volatility; molybdenum, tungsten and the anode, voltage' to a definite limit at short wave lengths, ." since the Iosses.In the circuits of the transmitter increase too tantalum are better. In the·new series of Philips rapidly with the voltage. In connection with this effect it is valves molybdenum has been used exclusively desirable to construct valves for short wave lengths for a relatively }ow ~node voltage. ' for anode and grids, and all connections are clinched with molybdenum rivets or welded directly. ~) Getter' b) Cathode , Another result of the high temperature was thé ,..1 difficulty of maintaining ~ sufficiently high 'va~u~ .. ~. ~~\ The high working temperature, which-in the case ',. ,during use. Ordinary' getters such as barium and of the anode may amount to 800-900 °C, prevents magnesium could not he used here for various the use of anything but pure or thoriated tungsten reasons. Asid~ from the great .hindrance to the' .for the cathode. Oxide cathodes would he too much heat radiation formed by the mirror deposited on overloaded due to heatingfromthe other electrodes. the bulb wall, the mirror also constitutes an un-" Considering the high emission of thoriated tungste!l desired and' badly reproducible capacity with re- compared' with pure tungsten (about 70 mAjW spect to the electrodes.
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    This article was downloaded by: On: 04 Oct 2021 Access details: subscription number Publisher: CRC Press Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG, UK Power Vacuum Tubes Hand Book Jerry C. Whitaker Vacuum Tube Principles Publication details Jerry C. Whitaker Published online on: 13 Mar 2012 How to cite :- Jerry C. Whitaker. 13 Mar 2012, Vacuum Tube Principles from: Power Vacuum Tubes, Hand Book CRC Press Accessed on: 04 Oct 2021 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR DOCUMENT Full terms and conditions of use: This Document PDF may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproductions, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The publisher shall not be liable for an loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. 3 Vacuum Tube Principles 3.1 Introduction A power grid tube is a device using the flow of free electrons in a vacuum to produce useful work [1]. It has an emitting surface (the cathode), one or more grids that control the flow of electrons, and an element that collects the electrons (the anode).
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