Sept. 27, 1938. H. J. Mcarthy 2,131,538 INVENTOR
Sept. 27, 1938. H. J. McArthy 2,131,538 WAWE SIGNALING SYSTEM Filed Dec. 31, 1936 INVENTOR CAPACITY OF CONDENSER 8 N m fid. AORNEY Patented Sept. 27, 1938 2,131,538 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. 2,131,538 WAVE SIGNALENG SYSTEM Henry J. McCarthy, Danvers, Mass., assignor to Hygrade Sylvania Corporation, Salem, Mass., a corporation of Massachusetts Application December 31, 1936, Seria No. 8,532 4 Claims. (C. 179-11) : . This invention relates to Wave. Signaling Sys velope either of the metal or glass type. Suitably tems and more especially to such systems as supported within the envelope is a pentode employ electron discharge tubes of the suppreSSor mount comprising an electron emitting cathode grid type. 2. With its insulated heater filament 3; a control 5 The invention is in the nature of an improve grid 4; a shield grid 5; a suppressor grid 6; and ment. On the type of System disclosed in appli an anode or plate. It will be understood that cation Serial No. 13,047, filed March 26th, 1935. any Well-known structure and arrangement of There is disclosed in said application a System the electrodes may be employed, for example the employing a pentode tube of the Suppressor grid mount may be similar to that embodied in the O type Wherein the suppressing action is achieved tubes designated commercially by the type num 10: Without employing a conductive or metallic con bers 39/44, 41, 57, 78 and the like and while the nection between the Suppressor grid and the invention is primarily applicable to radio fre cathode.
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