Tour Folks nnil Oiir Folks. The Xew Year in Mason. BuMlneNN LocalH. OUkvi'al & lluMiiicHN Directory. Nollccsfoliowing thisliead will to charged for at^ flvncnnti'norllnn ouch Inaerlloii. C<»UNTV OFMCKKS. Mrs. Miller of Howell, is the gnest of Although it was ficnernlly understood

skerifr... .: :.. '• omclhl Paper of llic City. Mrs. Wni. Woodhouso. that Iho custom of "receiving" at private '.L'he best 0 cent cigar in the (iity is the Tnmsurer -•••••t Black Diamond, found only at the P. 0. Olork r,..C. 0. AValkku Chan. Barnes, now of Homer, citUcd on rosidoiicc! on, New Year's day was to be KeKlaier • J-C. Cankok Prom the Publisher. his friends in this city New Year's. omitted, all seemed bent upon enjoying ;.;•,;, ... For Salo. ,., JudKeor Prelmle M. ILCllATTKIlTOH OuriKlverllslus rules are Jino per column per an- themselves as licst they could upon the Proa, Attiirnnv ;;"','.V-,r*""''' Misfl Whoelocli of Parma, wa.s the guest A farm of 80 acres. Inquire of I 0. W. llKlHTOl, nnni. Iluallii'sa iiiiticea Hvn cents per linn for cncli iliHertlun. Kdileral notices 10 cents. first lioliday of 1880. .The day was usher­ - W. W.iHEAi.n, Dansvillo, Mich. ClfoiiltOoiirl Ueni'raj c o«TB*Nn«« of Mrs. M. W. Tauiior New Year's. Ilnsliirsa canla Jl.OO per llnnpcr yoar. 8iir».iyir A.l'. flKAliR : MurriiiKo and disilli iiotlcos Ins^irled free, Oliltuarv ed in with pleasant weather and very good Dnian MitkiiiB. . Drain Oum'r Wooniinnsr. Mrs. Bobinson of Ohio, is visiting at her f .lACOII SWIT'/.OAllI.B roieenis, resolutions, cards of thanks, etc., will liere- siftigbing in the city, and from early in the We would respecifnlly announce to tho Ooronors, | s. P. llKV.Nol.n« sftcr he charKed for at the rate of tivn cents per tine. brother's, Mr. Phillip Taylor in this city. CITV OI-l'JCUllS. Corn^Hpoiideiu'ti contaiiiiiiK local neWH, Is solicited day until dark'the streets were alive with ladies of Mason and vicinity, that wn aro Mayor •!. ".SAVrils fri>in all iiarta of tlio c<>nnty, , •lo.soph Sctiddcr and wife now of Gratiot, prepared to do dross making in the latest ^ Anonyiiioila coniiininlcatlons tiut inserted under gay turnouts of all descriptions from lhe_ Uiiirk... W, M. VasViiankb.s styles, in connection wilh our millinery any clrciiinstance •• spent the holidays ivith friends in Alaic: "flyers" down lo the "".ones. 'I'reasnnir anel Oullector P. P*'-*.''^ store, over Bartiahy's grocery. Scliool Inspooior : A.Mol.KAKK don. , i . : , , Marshal...... II. 0. Oai.i. - LEAP YEAR ItKC'EP'riO.V. ; 2tf JFiss .NCattie Christian'. ' street Ooinmlssloner.i ^'''>- I.OCAI.. AlVn OBNEIIAK. JVKWS. Franklin L. Parker of Ann Arbor, a The enterprising ladies of Mason, un Mas. Olll.AXllO ClMllSTIAN'. ; JonN W. Pa • ' : M.RVA prominent dealer in tax titles, ia in the city willing to be out-done by Iho ladies of any WuiKl Wiintuil I Justicesoftlie Peace .{ ' ^V.A.Tr.K Wlieat, $1.23 @ «il.2.|. . '"".".'',"y."."."/.'.ii'.Vf. llA.MMON to-day. of bjr sister cities', conceived the idea of I will pay cash for 1,000 cords, of wood. V 0. IIUSSKM. AVrltu 1.S—•: (•}, tiivo ti,"! a rest.. giving a leap-year reception al thai inpdol moan businoa.s, , Call on Aldermen at Large. ^. Al'l.llAnnKU Ilia Polar of AViscousin, is spend­ South of court house. 0. E. .S.mith. Aldermen, 1st Ward ,'.'.'.'.'.*.".".',' M. Va UIJIIN ing tliu winter with lier.sister, Mrs. J. h. hotel, the DonnoUy House on Now Year's • .,' Cir.oiiilt: \V. SnArcR Plenty of ontortainnients tliis week, Fuller. evening, instead of the ordinary cu.slom of Sutllii ii|i. Aldenneii, 2d Ward """^/.'".'".""'.'..'.""ii .i.Wil.«0N Uetncinbor ilio lectiiru lo-innrrow evening.' receiving calls during the day, and although All accounts of (10 diM's standing must SCIfOOl, IJi.STJtlOT OI'KICEIt.S. Mr, Norton and .Mrs. Preston of St. .Tolins be settled by Jan,' 20th, or left for collec­ I. Keiul ''Assii'iioc's Notice" another this is an unusual fealHre in social life, the have been visitiiifj at M. Ryan's darin;,' thi:i tion. I am obliged to ask my cnstoincrs Director 1". R>'.'' ladies having the matter in charge were Assessor CIr.o. W. BnlsTo colnnin. past week, to respond promptly as I niual have money. f ; lenN Be'/.i'.K equal to the occasion and gave one of the Beapeolfnily, Pkrrv '.Hexderso.v.' machine for Trustees, V.".'.'.'.'.','.'.'.:.V.'.'.'.'.'.'. Va.s' A'new No, U Wilson-sowing .Sherill" .las. R. Dart has purchased ol most successful and ctijovable receptions [ _ II. P. II r.NiiKnsoi .saU'-f.'/ict/p. . W. F. WilliLs ot Alaiodon, his span of You WatiA Haw, the Indian, dootoi-, i.s ever bold in this city. Previous to the oc­ doin2 a big bitsinosa. You can see him and »|.'rli)iiil»(.r,llie DKMOCUAT wlii) Many ijood n!siiliitiolisha.vo been sailly .matched horses. liiivf liiisliii.«s 111 111"! I'roliiil" casion a coniniitlee of ladies took charge got. cured of all your ailmonls by call ing Ci.iirl, will liiaoir, ^Ileli, Mrs, -A. li, Steele hold the successful tick­ Head tho Detroit ./'';'ce .ZVei-s prospoctu.'i a prompt sotlloiuont. Joii.s'.Du.vsuace, . cities wore prosonl. - . - :: Assignee of E. G. Hut."r.- A, .S.N'ELL, M, ll,, llommiipalliic I'liysioiaii.and et which drew tho gohlwatoli at Berry's ill another eollniin and il'you want. tlio Dated Mason, January.7, 1880.: i2w2;: ]J, SiiriJ:.'oii. Utllee,'.'\laiii siroet, Ilrst door iiorlli drawing last Satul-day evo'nin'g. .. . host Stale pu))er'd in Jlicliigan, At nine o'clock,.this largc-assenibly.wore of iJroiit liiiildlnK, .Mason; Mlcli.' ' banqueted in the spiicious dining room subscribe for it. M'e will furnish you the >' - .- ..t-.'jltf - iJlnipter No.r.l, U, A,M„lvil l.e held at lliolr We aro inforinod that about' .10 couple hall, on Erlilay eveiiillb's oh'or lie e lliu lull of the hall .to-night. . .'i'liey are (ar superior to any Ohattcrtoti in presenting li/ly volumes and had a reception and supper al .Mrs.Stewart s, moon in each iiioiitli. Visiting r , pan Ions are'oor'. Smoke the Black Diii'.iiond, finest u cent i dliUly invited. : U. li, Daiiuo.w, 11. P. , company visitiiiL' tins city in a long tima. the purchase of;as many more, the Mason speiidingia few hours 1,in quiet enjoymont cigar in town, at P. O. cigarstorc. , A. 11. Rom;, Sec'y. , . , Union School now has a very choice, During the present year there must bo u and going homo early. Prison Wagons, Platform and «i*gic (thoiigh tint largo) libi'tii'y, and we ' htipe revolution iii the methods bf' illuiuiniiting, bnggios choaper than evir at HANK. J. .DONNELLY. they will soon be ablq.toniako .large acccs., Several young men of tins city are in as JCdsoti'a ijlectrio lamp is 'really ulr'eudy a 24if " • C.B.aMtTn's. —ri'oprlutor of Mi«— slons-to It; .' .;i ; . - -•. considerable danger of being "called homo" success.'','": '., ^ N«ttl" 'WdiMi'Varil't ' •;'; liearing. ' • ' - " ' ' und one-half mile south of Dansvillo, Tues­ MiiHDii liiiil liiKliuni Coniilv, .imd tliu. tnivolin^; piib- informed the case will be dropped, and ' Dry beech aiid nliiiple'ivood constantly on 1 lo, that hlH fioiiiiuniUousholuIiH opoii for, tlio comforl day next, tho personal property, cnn.4i.sting through respect to the parents we mention no hand and for sale. Delivered to any.parl of trtkvolorHHiH^ otliorH.. "Jeff" our, East Ahuodon correspondent ot farm stock, implements, etc. • - Pcrrv of the city. ' ''.'- ' C/.E. S.mith. ' —EVKUVTIIINfi lSX>nV.— , . t says that;Upton Hammond lost the fourth names. ..- , ; . Thn propriotorintonilH thut Iiih liouHnNhftll bo hoc- Henderson, aiiotioncor. ' ' ".' oudto anno in Oontrul JlluIiiKun, Ji- ih convoiiiont hiigor ol his left hand, by a buzz saw one rariuom. - to tho Depot unrt biiHinoHH portion of tho village. The The Eagle Hotel of. Leslie, is again open, AVo, are,in- the market fori wheat,, ami tnbles AFfl MtipplJHd with itU thu doHcaciei of the day last wcok. •' Volume one, number one of The PajKr. gftson. Qoodnccnmmodfttiouirnrtioriiuit to the public, after being closed for several have come to stav. Cuank A DuNNiKfi. IVorW.a new candidate for publici favor,', Dr. W. \V. Boot of this city, will address weeks on- account- of diptheria. ; Pour' Too nail I Uuriied Out) Nu IniiuTancol devoted to the paper interest m all itsde- THIS- tho people on tho tcinperanoe .question at children died of it ;• three children of Mr. Avoid this, misfortune by insuring your the hclta school liouaein-Bunkerhlll, ne.\t partmciils of trade, is before us. • It is McDaniels, the proprietor, and ono a little, property AT, ONCE with ino. ",.T. C. SquiER.s. published in Holvoke, Mass, and contains Sunday evening; ncicc. The house has been thoroughly Wttiittitl—itOO CoriU of Wood.' Life Ins. Co., sixteen broad ande.xeellcntly printed.pag­ -renovated and; new bodding> purehased,' In exchange-for'lioi'sesliucuig and bluck- School opened only in 'the primary'de OF MASSA.0irU8ETTS. es of:, valtiublo ircaduigi inattor...;;Success thoroughly - pa])ered - and painted and- the smithing of all desuripluinsalso carriaftv piirtinents Monday, owing to some defect to It. ' ' board or health pronounce it perfectly safe. and wagon repairinir. '-B.P.GKiFriN^- i- •I'ho Berkshire Life has the lieneflt of more than in the luninces. The other departments'i;;lit years of siiecesnfiil IniNliiesH.. •I7tf. Corner D and Okcmosstrccl. ' will commonco to-day. . ; ,i ; i . > I-! .Mrs, Julia VanEttim of this ' oily, drop­ Its huaiiu-SH is conducted on the Mutual Plan, tliua The papers of . the Chatauqua Sunday ,: „ ' ' ,Gaah' niiahliiiK members to get their Insiirancu at coht., ped a live •lollar bill on the street Monday^ School Normal Examination, held.;in,: Au­ Foriall kinds of iraw ,furs, at WebbA .i Its affairs are managed with strict economy..- .• This is-being, observed as , a yoeU of while making change for some wood, and Mead's Groat:ClotliingoHouse., , ,' /I8tf. - Its funds aro held in ccnsnrvativo'liivest'mcnis',' ' prayer in this cuy-and ;union imoctiiigsiarc gust, 1879, hivvo been critically examined;' It maintains li high siirpln's"oVp'r" ali.liahllitlos,,! . r after, wiilkingithe lenglhot Main, street; she There are fifteen personsi whoso papers; 1,000,000 Foul oi lAigt ^ ' ' It lias always paid satisfiictory-diyidends,^'' \ being i alternately held - 111 the several missed it, and returning strange-to say Its reiniliits front interest and rent alone exceed its churches each evening. , f - averago over 90 per cent on the basis of wanted, for which I will pay cnsb. found it still laying.on the walk. The deatli claiiiiN and the total iixpenaeof niiinaguiueiit, 100. The papers havo been examined .T.B.DwiwELi.. 'I'lm Insurance lawsiof .Miissacliiisetts are i so; cani- John Policy puniinelcd H, J.'Acker, Dec. streets were crowdcd'with people, but no with critical care, and the ten highest-com­ ,:"„..A.Il',-,;.:,:. . •>-:-.'':»' pielu an III pruvaiit.Llfo Iiisiiraiicii (joiiipaiilea «ri{Hn. .list,"and is called upon to answer, td-jthc inod in that Stato: from fiiilinK, consequuntly .NoNi! one wanted money. pared with each'other so as to insure abso-' "Anie" can .bo:foundiiiecond>-floor,lfir8t I-: Evr.a Oin-KAii., ..They Can No.t Iaii.. ,. \ ,> i. i charge ol assault and battery before jnstioo door-north of i post nfiiccrendr tO'give yom ': il«r"l''very policy;of tho llerknliiro Life liaa-aliso-. ) l - luto fairness." 'The'papers arc all of a high lute pruti'ciioii ugiilii'st forfeitures under tiie 'famous Hammond to-morrow. • .v.,"-••k^v; a clean, shave,, liistiolassi.haircut,',or, any- ,' .1 The tthird lecturelofvtho course-will,be order. Tho,thioo pocsoiis lo ;whoin .the pri-/.- \ lion-foriolliire law of MaHsii'cliilsotln.' Tliisisof great thing in tho tonsorialdmnj. .-, l; ;v,i35w^tt. i moment, and tliefoiU no such protection to poIicj;< givenby Prof.J. B.'&toero' of Ann'Arbor,' 'Tho W. C. T. IJ.will meet at the M. E. otf for.coinpetitiveexamniation are Mrs. Gi lioldera'Iirconipalllesof other Status, , ;,t';,. ut the Baptist church,' to-morrow.ievening.' church,'Friday -altcrnooni: (Jan; Itith) at W. Barlow,' Mason, Mich.,iL. C. Pcake, It lasuosall approved forms o( Life and Endowment. His 8ub|eetiWiU be "Tlie Lower.; Arosz'on.'^ ... People intondinjr to' purel'iase, Monii-.; policies;- '•' :,'-;i':,'' '',v./.;,''v'-;,',"," "-'',' ''.'i three'o'clock", tor the' purpose'of' electing iToronto, Ontarloi.and F. S. Thorpe, Banr meats'or tombstoncBwill.cuiiVulttheiriOira I'ayiiionta may be liiado annually, slmi-anniiiiUy, As bel has never stalked to-lUi about; the dolph, N.Y. Mrs. Barlow's;namo.islands, thrice-anntiHlly, or.quiirterly, at the wiah of. Ilia |mI< ofliccrs, iVIl are invited. > , ' interest by caUmg'on W. M. Gline, beftie ' iLower Araaaon and i as 'he is'so favorably icy-holdoi. first on^the list.:y Werjare;inot surprisedgat buying.,;, Ashe intends to stai;t,a,Bbop:M4, ;.< Hill Wilco.x'ol"Alalodon,' is li young man- 'i'lie conditions of polii;ijs are few,and sinipro,. ffiv-, known,'' to' 'our' people,' wo hope he will bo this ond.cansayithat'lhe honor icould not do away withthe agent!a;ia.per ceotjycoM- ;: iiig to tlie assured isreat frceduni of ocuii|iatioii aiul; about 2.t yearii'of a'g0|nnd' subject' to. fits. mission which.iwill,be;, giyeii,, to, the put-,,, i rusidenco.:, .'i.,'.o-)-it-.• greetcdj*yith, a full house. : To ,^do this our have been achieved- by' a • more worthy or p>>r copies of the law ami full explanaliona of iU Ho'caino to this city last Ti'iosday andv at chaser. friends will havo to make extra oflTorta, so eslcemablo lady. workiiigs, cull on or address lant accounts had not been found, although much is going on in the .city, this week. J. C. SQUIEIIS, Aseiit, Three milch cows for sale on easy teriM^; Manon, Mich. diUi^oat search has been made for him. Tbo'lecture will commence at ?:4S p, m. Local coniinutd on fih page. aiiS C. E. Suitn. tetlerea the^r wonM have hee|^j!li>ia«ljl|i/hid alre,tdjr:.Krrangcd. On inquiry she was '|i^Jicw Kenicdy for TtKttiiacUe.-^ It not been for a fear Uiat:thi»5i»b|ae;pf C6I0- infbrmeil'thiit the artist had called at (|n0han|v,(!{ounty Jjcmoiirat. Ak Alexandria clispntch. of .the ,6th .radolutended tO'lynch.tbem.l^yorc'^ti'iaL^ seven ,6'clock in tlio-niorhing; and tho Dr.;T. C. Osbpru.iii the McclicaUJrief, says Gordon Pnslia had. reported to, the Khte; yoiiiigi adyjwas forced j from lie r picas- states that hiscook came to him with a 1). 1',,WII1TM0KE, VunHSiiKu. dl^that.-AhysB^ oti:a,\\ ant: slumbers to dori J a liwiitpijiiir,-jiind, 'swollen chuck, asking for- somotliing lo sldesjiy disuoiitetited tribes and; rulers^ .'ntid ) The!Poiiii|sj;lvivnJ*>/;Bepnblican;^^ half aslcepfihiilf lUyake, sit perched .up relieve the tootli-ache,iwilliwhich she MASON, • : MICIUGAXi that the'Khcdiy; liecd |fcitr, hothllig ln'ilm| iaii straiKlit-biick chair i for! oyer van hiid been sufrciingi all niirht. He wits ToiitioniliMibeenVcalliJd^to ineoi'in Bar^ (piartei:.;.-lJU'j;ob^ the plaelrip g'f hoiir::i:aii'(rii half. Here'''tho'report'or 'oil thbiippiiit^oftsending ,liur to tt-don- on thc-4tii"of'FcbruarK''' ' (' J arins'ln'tljejiaiids of tli^ iiialconfentf, aiitl was informed llnil sovcral friends of llio tist wlioiViij^dcoprrod to liim tlutc tjioVe J. 1>. CAMEK0>9'Cli.» predicted-that If his advice were follnivcd lady Imd been obliged to submit to the was in tlie'liatiso a vial (jr'conipoiiiid' NEWS OF THE WEEKe tiuiial Kepnblican Committee, has issued a King •lolin.would soon be Ulsphieod by Tlieo- torture of having their:: lialicdrcsscd tineturoof benzoin. call for u National Coiivuutibii of the KepuU- doro's second son. ' i)oinoMtlc. over night.—S(m FmncUco Chronicle. "After cloaiisiiig the decayed loolh," llcan party, to meet lu Chicago on the 2d of J A Bliuns tclegnitu of the ."Jtli ..ssiys Tliu Sccioliiry of the Trciisury has ho says, " I siittifitted a picdjjot of cot­ •lune next, for the .iioinin&tion of icahdidalJia" itbiit In one jpr.oylneuill So'nthcnt Kiissla 7,1)90 written Senator Morrill a loiiK letter on the ton liiitwitli tho tinotiire, imd packed;it. to he supported for'President and A'l'ce-l'resl.'' persons Iiad died ot diphtheria In each of the SUrVed to Death. miljjccl. of the Ijonded liideliteiinefie of thu jv.cll.Jiilo .thc,cavity,,.hopiiig this would dent.,.,. —.—~- -.• • last, t,liree"y-eHrs.-"" ' '-r"..'. . ." Unlt*il .Siutes. lie tekcs the ground timt it sitllicc for tliu timei' iind told Iter to ; TnEoflicitil canvass of the late Louis­ Yesterday ..morning at six o'clock- would Im nnwiuc to «tleinpt I41 refUDd the ."i's AufiijSTE Hkki-tku, the eminentGcr- contO; in two or throe; ligiics if she-,, iana election was conipleted oir the 31st ult. Charles :A.'Gordon,- itged f^urtiien -yenrs.; auU ti'e: fHlllti/;duein lliu next clKhleen ninntha rhiin .iurisconsutt, died on the 5l,h. was not relieved.- I was turniiig-tvway, The new Constitution was adopted by .'59,148 •lied 'of .siiirvitlion -iit: the} rcsidehce "of In 33^ jicr cents, liiid atntcsias, a ,re«Koii why. I KioiiT THOUSAND people tixo repoi-t- vyiien she .said, it might nut lid neces­ iiiaJoi;ity, and the debt ordinance by 10,487 lii.s fiitlicr, Mr. '.f. J. Gprdoti, on Forty- the Issue would bi: uiiKiicceaiiful thut the ini- cd lo be on the verge of starvation In IJosnia. sary,, as the pain was alreiiily gone. raajorlty. f^iiirlh slrect,,Lawr«noeTille. iTho case provixl condition of the incrcuiitllc mid niiinii- Supposintf hii^ I'tiith had a large .shtiro : United .Statks Senatou ITouswn, , A Dublin (li.spatch of thu .0th .stiys is Olio of tho iiioNt remarkable on record, fncturinp interests of the country will: iilTord ill the relief, 1 would not allovs'myself of Alabamit, died at his home in Athctis on tile excitement in Ireland was increasing. A and at the same ;time. oite ,of, the sud- tiett^ir op|KirluuUies..ior lavestnieiita than to think tliiit the medicine hiid anything the inorniiig of the 31st ult. His disease was very serious alTiay lijid occurred between tho 'dost. For four wook's llid hi'd liiis lived even « iHind lieariuff » liljflier • rale of Inlur- to do with tlio cure any more lliiin so nervous prostration and fatty dcgoiioratiou of coiiflalinlary and GalHiiy peasants, during without tiustin'' the least bit of food or «st than those about to be rcfuiul- much hot Water would iliavc had. But the heart- , . ; which the latter were llrjil upon by the police. drinking a trroj) of" water. Several ed. lie: says iu repird to' Keriiuiiilo when I arrived at niy otlicc, two other 1 In tho Siiprtinie Court of the United prominent pbysiciiins, among whom Wood's blll^provldiii): for a !tX per-cent. W. H. Emiirv, editor of a Leaven­ patients were awaiting mo with tho Stales on tlie ."itli Chlef-.Iiistk-e Walte denied were Drs. E. ri. Haiina, B.' M. Hiinna, Joiiu that the bonds would not sell iit par, and worth (Kansas'! Sunday newspaper, who some slimc alllictioii, and 1 dotoniiiiiod by the iiiotioii of Senntm- Edmunds to take up .rr. P. Bier and II. H. _ Clark, were in­ that he has Rravc doubts of the (iovernmeiit'a years ago shot and seriously wounded D.R. way of cxncriniont to use tho same tlie l.c.giil-tciidcr ca,.;e ont of its regular order. terviewed on the subject, and they all aliilily to borrow money miicU lonjjur at four Anthony, was killed on the 1st In a Leaven­ rtiiiiedy. To niy agrocablo surprise, He aihled that the Court would refuse to join in .stiying that lliey have never seen per cent. To make the trial, lioweyer, ns worth saloon hy his partner. Tlie trouljie both palionts dooliirod llioinsolvos im- grunt motions to adviiiice cases involving nor licarA of ati instanco to equiil tho early as potifillilc, ho rccoiuiuends that action grew out of a quarrel over the colloclioii and mudialely rolicvcd, and bogged a vial important Constitutional rpiestioiis so long one in question. ~ iJikcn by Congress for lliclinmcdliitc issue upplioalion of certain llrmmoneys. of the tincture for future use. During as they could not be beard before a full A reporter of, the Post called upon of nniitdicr fuur-pcr-cent. loan. The uinouiit GovKiiNOli ConNKi.L, of New York, the winter 11 numbor of similar oiiso* bciicii. the bdruavod ftimily yesterday after­ of lionrts to be refunded prior to .Inly 2, ISSi, was inuiiguraled at Albany on the 1st. 'I'ho applied, and wove instantly roliovoil by Bishop Oiliikrt Haven, of the Jtotli- noon, and obtained frcim Mrs. Gordon Is nearly 1800,030,000, and Mr. Shennun ceremony was witnessed by a large niiinbcr of tho snmo Iroatmoiil, till o.vjiiossing ocllst Kjilsccipal Cliiircli, died at Ills lioitii! In It statciiioiit of the, which i.'< as tliinks the lime now available Is none too pfonilncnt ciliKcns from all parts of the much Siitisfactioii witli tho romoily. It'i Miildeii, Mass., on tho evening of tho 3d. follows: About three years tigo Charlie great for that purpose. State. , Dooembor I told my druggist of tlio dis­ His disease was primarily neiirnlglii of tho bccaiuo atlliolcd with catarrh of the TilE resilience built; in Wiusliingtoii ,0n the 2d Ilorton was arniigTi- covery, and rccoiiiniondod Ilmi to soli it- stumacli. He iras (lft,.y~olght years oUI. lio.'id, .•iiul lin.s 'ashington. T'hc enil- servo as a .guide In fiitiiro, but his work had stive the liid',s life, aipl liiiding that they of his iiiidortukings. jjrant*, consisting ot men, women and chil­ Foreien. lioeii |)orfoniiod under the Coiistitutioi: and ftiiloil. Dr. Bruce gave up all hopes of Not so is tho inllucnco of gentleness. dren, were niftier clmrge of the General Vas- It being reported tliiil the Ciiav had stntnles as he tliein, and he hi,s recovery. 'I'lii.s wa might be found hero and there a dissenting felt sure ho could not live longer than a else could; it is exceedingly lovely and liama, was shot, at Washington on the Ist, by signs of division, a large nunilHif of them at­ voice to the position of the Govorncr, in the coiipio of days. Uiit they wore a-slon- attractive in appearance; it wins the Miss l.iiey W. R. Ilorton, who last sniiiinor tacked the residence of thutdlplonwillston the inain it had the approval of the mass of tho ished tts ho liiigoroil oil from day to hearts of all—it is even stronger than mied the young man for tireiich ot promise .'lOlli ult., und literally sacked it. Fnsionlfit.s. I'lllsbury, ot the Slciiiilnroor little fellow's sutrcrines Miss Horton has lost a position she held iu Mr. MASKKf.vNK, of tlie Mineral De- tained at the State, and the Mayor had above the vulgar, whose chanicteristic were terrible, and the sixiry, oe Uild by the Treasury nepartment, and she claims partiiKiiit ot the Itritioh Mnseiiin, has deekknl two hundred extra policemen on duty in tho is to storm iinil rage like tho troubled Mrs. Gordon, could not fail to bring that «hc has boon pcmecHtcd. Slic ex- tiiut tlic crystolirxMl forms of carbon claimed city. ocean, at every little ndversity or dis­ tears lo tho eves of the strongest man. jwewscd regret after the sliootiiig tliut lior to be diamonds arc not tlioee gems, but only appointment that crosses their paths; John Tavloii, the Mormon, pretiched For scvoriil (l.iys after ho was confined >iui had not been a deadly one. a sIHclmis com|>oiind. it shows that he can soar tiwtiy in tho a liittor sermon at Salt Lake on the 4th, de­ to his room the smell and sight of claring that iiolygamy would be practiced in bright tttniosphcre of good feeling and Thk ftdditiontil Niitionnl-Biink clr- TfiB Tay brkljtc laf«ly blown down cooking victuals would almost mako spile of tlie Kederiil Courts. He ii.«serled that live in .continual sunshine when tdl etilatioii is8uc7,870; it was the duty of the saints to obey the coiu- for hours at a time. It fimtllv afTeetctl A CAPiif. dispatch, received in Jton- ness, and driven about like maniacs amount retired, $7,rtl'J,7tJli net increase of laatidmonts of God, regardless ot the statutes him so much tliitt tJie cooking was done don on the momtng of the lat, sitys the Ma- iii the sports of their passions. Tho banlj circulation during the year, $lS,9twi,- of their euenvies, and leave the results in Ills in the house of a neighbor. Every­ homnicdftits were abnndoiiing the, city in most favorable situations iu life, the 103; total amount of Nutional-llaiik circula­ hands. A request on lii.s part for the jieople thing he desired, even to the choiccxt crowds, feiirlng that some rctrltHitiON telcgrtim of the 1st says it Jepiirtincnts. ' ho wa.s a most distressini; spec est man's the noblest work of God,"» TiiK siispousion of tlie Groccr.s' Bank, been ascertuined that if the Afghan tacle. He continued to get thinner and wlien 11 little son of tho host spoke up Kew York City, was aiinounccd on the Ist. rebels hail whipped the British they would Fashion's Miseries. thinner until he wius a more skeleton, and said: "It's not true. "My moth­ The failure was caused by the suspension of. have stipulated, as a basis of peace, for the and it is said wa.s drawn up like a little er's better'n tiny man that was ever History gi\'cs an account of how ,1. l.loyd Haigh, wire manufacturer, the bank return of the Uritisli to India, a promise that old man. His voice became a husky made." many hundreds of years ago, ladies de- tioldiiig from tSO,oao to (llOO,000 of Ills paper. the Atnccr should be restored, ntid that two whisper, and it was with the greatest Uritlsh offlcors should bo delivered to them voteil from throe to six hours to the ar­ Ak orator, expects fair sailing when Gen-kual Hatch iind party reached tlilliculty that he could tJilk at iiU. At as liostagcs'for the tiilflllincntofthc promises'. ranging of tlieir hair; and it certain ho has boforo him 11 sea of upturnotl Indian Creek-on the 31«t lilt." ' night he seemed to sleep,very well, Tlie sweeping* British victories ileprlvedtho Queen was known to leave her couch at btit the moment he. awoke he com- faces.—0. Picayune. TiiK published stutomont of tlio coin­ liisurgent,s ot an opportunity to present tiieir four o'clock in the morning that she, 'monced to beg for something to oat or age executed at the United .States Mints dur­ cheerful propositions. might have her hair dressed by ten. drink. On soverid occitsions ho would ing December, 1879, is as follows; Gold, THE MARKETS. One can easily imagine, while gazing tell his mother that during the night ho 5flO,StMI pieces—vatiie »fi,4S7,003; sliver, S,3S4,- It is stated that tho ex-Empress Eu­ upon the portrait of tlic beautiful' Prin­ had such a beautiful drciiiii about grand Nbw YoiiK,*Juiiuary 8,1880. 200 pieces—value *3,il,5S,033; minor coinage, genic will soon pay a visit to South Africa to WYESl-OCK—Cuttle $7 00 (a$iOM cess Liiinualle—the stanch fricnil of the suppers where he could eat with the 8,103,'250 pieces—value »31,43a. Total coin­ mark the spot where the rrince Imperial was Sheep...... ,.i ;...i:4fiU (Ts : 5 75 unfortnnate Mario : Antoinette—how greatest of oaso. Then realising that it age, 6,078,.3l9 pieces—value |iS,870,4(56. killed by the Zuhis. lloKs. '4 IW (Tb 5 30 niuoh time could bo consumed in the wa.s onl.v It dream he would burst out in FI.OUU-Good to Choice 0 30 ta 8 fiO Tub receipts from internal revenue M. DE ^/ESSKi's, the promoter of the art. Looking at these facts as a thing wheat-No. 2 chie»ifo 148 Vji 14it sobs. Tho other day ho asked hor if COltN—Western Mixed...... ai'/iTu IIMW for the six months ctidiiiR DecembcrlU, 1879, Panama Canal, arrivcil at Aspinwall on the of the piLSt, they only provoke a feeling they would have a good dinner for. him OA'l'S—Wcstorn.Mlxed,...... fill (in 5IS4, were »C1,500,IB1, and from customa $87,713,- aoih lift. of surprise, antlctiusc one to wonder if in Heaven, antl being answered in tho llVE—Western ia> MBW', 750. . such, indeed, was the fashion of the I'OHK—Mess...... 13 70 Ci 13 00 A London tlispatch of the 2d says allirmative, said he wanted to go there. I.AIID—Steam 7 SO m 7 UU XiiK Treasury Departnictit paid Si,- tlie country between the 'Votga and Don was times. And yet to-day the latlies of On Christmas and up; to ithe time of CHEESE .' : 08 (ii 13 AVOOI.—DomesticFlocou..;.. 4'i W , 68 , 727,,'>20on account of arrears of pensions dur­ fumine stricken. Many persons had already San Francisco aro not one whit behind Ids death his agony was heartrend­ .• (.-.'-•-• s - :-. CHICAGO. ' perished. their sisters of past centuries in subniit- ing December. ing. He appeared to be criuiy IIEEVES-Extra.....$.••. 00 (5i $5 S5 TiiK publib-del)t statement issued on Mitt-JAME.S McLean, the person •who tirio;' to - the groivtest discomfort, pain for water only toward the •'4 worthy of ropotition, if only to show tho when statistlcN of articles dealt In were posted turn home, leaving the measure to take its ing, literally of starvation, while he was miseries and tribulations ot which Diime Jlod-Tlpped Hurl W~M 0 hi centals. The provision men tore down tlie chances...... -. surrounded with food and drink. He Fashion is tho cause. Tho gentleman ), Fine Green.... ti'/,f(4 7 tables of receipts,' and the grain men re­ A MUTINY took place in tho pri-son at was in full ]>osses8ion of his seuses until liiferhir.:..;...... r> ta W, said tliat on Tuesday ho spent tho even­ iCrookod.....;... - 3 fiS 4'/4, fused t rostinir against the others consider it a sort of cancer.— Lilth....,...!..,,,,S!15 fa SIW, A ShiiiKlCB. ...2 60 (it 275 a few-days ago - shot and mortally woiuideil of thirty robbers, and in « desperate engage­ headboard, ot tlie bedstead.: To his PiUsbHrgk Pout. her father, and then shot herself In her ieft ment gave them aiieh a dnibbtng as the aur^ DALTIMOltE. hurried . inquiries as , to what, terrible CATTLG-Bcst...... ; $4 ."iO (a $.1 !«!•{• temple, dying almuatlmniedlatelv. Tlvors will never forget; ' After Ave of the niniction lind befallen ' her, she, quietly Upon the guarantee of a State bounty Mctliiim...... 1: •>..i•.. :i It ISWia 4,ISJi- Gbnkral Hatch left Luke City for highwaymen-had; been skilled., and . many oxplainiid that she had been having her of one cent porpound for the first seven HOGS-Good..... 6 75 (» 7 00 SHEEP 4 00 • (» 5 .W , rort'Garland on.the Sd.,,'IIc ta stated to have' wounil^, those able retreated in a .very pre­ hundred thousandpounds ofbect sugar liair dressod- for vthe: f«llowing night: • EAST LIUEIITY. expressed the.opinion that the >Vhlte KUer' cipitate manner." One of the l«da;ro-' The same day, Wednesday, the reporter made each season, a' Portland ,(Mc.) CATTLE—neat $6 OO, (a| $5 ,S.1 mnrderer'swould''not be, atirreiidered until, ceiTed'painful iMjnrles.'•' called upon a lady of, the haut,ton,:and company have expended fifty thousand ,Fnlrto,Good...,;'....;..;. ^4 25' 5' 4 SB.' dollars, in: machinery, and disbursed) HOGH—Yorkers...... 4 fiO (» 410" after ttie return of the Chlcfa from Wkahing- "«A DISPATCH'of thi!i 4th says'the-River 1^ one whom she know was^.to ,.be at the Pbllodelphlaa 6 00 $ • fi lii. ton. 'He thinks tliat' Ouray was altogether 8elne, in Krance,;'had ovarflowedlla: banki. same bull. Here she found the coiffure fifty thousand (lollars more among the BHEBP-llMt...... ;...... too IA' fiSCr •Idccn in bl« decire' to - tturender them; and aud eauawd immeuac domaite.'. - < : . farmers for raising the beots. - Common8 110 « 3 Ml real. guu.:i:-;he,.^said, ^presently,:I lit onoe swept away from thorn all an­ page,, and wh:it. do you think was U:'U ij i f t ARIETY! JlX|»;HDMblWi. p- know where it;isi Just,; you istavjjhere ger.and idl fear;" and iii their'coii'imon there? 'Spent it' iilU' Then 1 it'niinulaitill I'folch it."',: ]jj f, itnguisli- they clasped ctich other in laughed; and, of eourso, wo' gave up —Many mon become rountl-should- , Aiid ho-r!in,"out of the room, and lo- tlieir arms, and on his( father's breast the aceomit-book racket on tho spot, by Bred by ciirrying trouble. D. P. WIIIT.NKDUK, I'unusHEn. tiirned almost itnmcdiately vyith a long tli'c hid wept his helirt away. mutual consent. Yos, sir, I've laoon. : >—Bed .is considered as a warm color, rcvbryer/Hvliioli he ,tviiileil iiltor him on Wo leitrn,byexperionee; indeed; but there, tmd I know what domestic econ­ and yet in a cold morning red noses aro MA.sdN, " ; tho ground.' i ' i ' t'J-J-' how much the happiest are tlioy who omy moans, I toll you. Lot's have a tipt to be cold. " O Norman, it will shoot iiie," cried irlitlior wisdom without her sharp and eigiir."—Kxohamjc. —" Aro you a WitU flower?" ho asked. .Elsie, rtithor torrilicd at the siplit. : .; bitter teaching! And slio "replied, "No, I am a wall, -•! MODICHS -.PnOIDQAL. ' ' Iftit Noniiiuro.vplainod" to hor, with Fl'om tho day on wliioli lio .shot lii.s KKIilUIOUS AKii) K1)UCATIU>'AL. sir." Then they widlzod. , " I nsks viiur pnnhin, nin'nm, I'm siivf!, lint siioli an n])pearnnce. of knowing all little sister, NPrinaii Foster was novor —An Irishman says .ho can • see no —The Anglican Church costs Eu- •;i'(.'l'm,' thu ibior siM wlili,', about wlitit ho wti.s saying, that guns all eiilil'oly liglit-lioartod boy again. earthly rciuson why women should, not I thiiiii.'lM I'd mako so liold n.s lii Ijoy a sunt never wont oil'by tlioniselvos, and that How oollld lio" ho wholly hlippy any gland .'?o8,000,000 11 year; 1>\' \'mir tiresliiu. , b'j alloivod to beoonie medical men. mol'o when his rookloss pliiy had Inkoii —The Free-Will i.iaptisls will oole- I'm onlv n friondloss,trump, mn'nni, and yiiu indood, it iiooilod very strong hiuids lo —It doesn't hurt a good man to have nrci a lady true; = , , mako thorn go oil'tit all, tliiitElsio, who tho light and gladness out of that otliur bl'iilo thoir colitonary hi 18S0. A Ijli. of lireail nail an honr's rest Is nil that I liis charaolor invostigatod; noitlior docs little .joyous lifo'i" . asks ol'you. , always boliovod wliaiovor Norman told —Tho English Woslcyans have riiisod it hurt ii gold coin to try its ring on tho lior,' and who, besides, was not iiiitiii'al- Tlid look of Elsie's shriliikcn f:ico in noiirly .'JI,000,000 for mission iuid odu- cotilller. •"I saw ihoKPntlomnn lioyomi, ,nn. ; Sohools ill Indiana has luoroased from more couiplotely upside down lliati :i Ami 1 wiuHh'n.'ii If my imiihCT, iil'tur all llio lain I'liiig in his oars as ho iiovol'Ijot'ol'o Sho had boooino, ovon by thtit time, 18.0, with 2!.!,000 .soholiifS, in ISfiS, to kot'tisono c.\-j)lo.s"ion.-^JV. 'y. Jlcrald. i linmi I'vu diiiio, , . : • • . .O.'iO schools, with 5,'),000 soliolai's and WoiiM ljo Iho lli-st to woiooiiio and liioss hor iiiil lioal'il, and as ho novor iiflorwiird tho doiil'ost thing in all ijie world lo —.-Viiacroon killed by a graiio- .'5,.'iOO toiioliel's. iruniu son'/" , i \ :, • ^ , all his lil'ii^l'iirgnt. ^; lijtii, and sho rolnaillod doai'or to' liilli snod. . '.riiore may bo mail}' men nowa- " ifilt by," snkl tho ooinoiy iimtroii, ,ftS,,ulio • • In a mo'mout lie was oli his foot iigaiii, lliall all other |iooi)le ii.s long as lipooit- -^Tlio City Solicitor of Ihi.slon has diiys who have 'gottolra\yiiy with the si*in;r!iil Iiio tiuipio liouril: with his I'liuc us wliito as doiith. Of lintifld to live. I'liis groat iloeiilod tlial'tlie Sollbol Conimittoo Ciiu- seed, but the jilico lias lUiorod tliciu. -" fnim ilw iilnity In our limisuliold wo oiin iiiiil blessitig 0111)10 olii; of tbo injury not eontl'acl with t.enohors for thoir ^^•^,'ll It iiioul nifuril: oinlrso, lie know i|nlle well what ho iliid —rromisos for to-murrow aro all I'voii leiy Hint lms 1)001111 wiiiiclorer from done. . ,: .•:.:.... ;. thai he hiul done licl', tImt, to liiaUo up services for any term of years; their right ill . llioir way; but. tho man wlio piiihs i»f irulli mill !di,'lit. "Elsio!" ho triod to giis]); but thcfo to llorfor wliiit lio had robbed lior ot, oloclion \yill probably, lllcrcl'oro, coii­ rorliiips .'iomij iliiiiigliifiil mother iimy tfiyo sllool'siit lnush-anil-milk to look for him 11 iiioal to-iii(fht.", ., , i ; caino no iinswoi'. Iltidilloil togotlioi'on ho irave hor the ilovolion of his whole tinno lo be anlliial. elliokon-pio may have to till up ou.eolil tholloovin a little lion|i, i|iiilo'still, and lil'o? — It is vojioi'lod that llie Kov, Robin­ water. • I .' s •".Sit l>y," .lairl tho , farnior, klinliy;" lioi-o's with the,rod blood that oozoil out upon He hail boon rough • and willful aiul son Scott, D. D., is .abpul lo resign llio ploiivv uinl lo spiiro, —riirllcll, tho Irish agitator, jiro- tho oivrpot iili'oaily boginiiing lo stain rookloss until now, but the thing that \\'o'vo room I'nr a wuiiry slnmn'or, us woll as I'l'osidolley of thu MoLliodist collogo at nouiioos Ills nanio with tho iicooiit on lie hud done lo her chiiligoil him, 11 viu'iini oliiiir. lieriifotty golden luiil', little Elsie lay. Belfast, Ii'oliuid. This ooUogohas boon tho lirst .syllablo. Ho wants to keep tit —.\ml now wi,' Ihiiiik Tiioo, i-'iilhor, i'or tills, '.riioro \vliH no tiooil for Norman to go lliroiigli tho. silll'oring and roniorso it I'Oiit y u loil by eonti'ibutioiis from oui'dnliv hruinl, Tiir, and not, sound his own ncll.—Dc- Ilroiight with it,: iljto tuiollior orcaliirii. For nil Thy ia)iintcoii,i inorolos uboiit our for liolp, for ovorylioily Ilnd heard tho Anienoaii A. 'elliodi.sts. I roil M'rce J'rcss. . titldo sproml, repol't of, tho giln, lmd" iu a few, soconils He bcoalne a porl'oct ktiigllt to this fra­ —'.riio now do Jiirtn'rc of the Prince­ AVo know, dour Lord, how ol'ron wo morit —The woman who is oxoeodingly alltllo liousoliold Iliul rushed ililo ihe gile little sister—patient anil gentle, 'i'li\' roproof, ton lieuiew by w lich it-has become un- swcot t-o oilo'.s face and is very bittor lliirwou.-k 'I'lioii MOW loliloss us mill llio fooni, lilld there wii.s li gl'olit Ililbbub of wise and tender. 'I iliinominiitioniil (Iocs not suit many behind ones back may bo said to boiir u'Uosi lioiioiitli tills rool": voioos, alld orio's, and latnotitiitions, bill She novor grow strong: the shock .Ami will 'I'tum, Lord, romomlior wo glvo tliorougho;(>ing rrosbytoriaiis, and tho false swootiiods against hor neighbor.— thodllly words that Norman Iloal'il wol'o sho bad borne luul boon too great for 'I'lifo oaniost, iinilso, l^rcHbyLtrian l!ci;iew, edited by Drs. t^ilcnbciiuilU llcraUl. , -. hor ever lo rally wholly from it, and in 'I'ho prmllMUi who loft lis for sin's nlliirliiK tho piloolls " j\ly oliild, mj'olilld!" that Hfiilg'o, of rrinoctoii, luld- Bl-iggs, of —.-V Texas newspaper states that wiivs. broke ill a wild shriokfl-om his lnother's hor weakness lie used to cal-o for hor Union Tlioologicid Seniiniiry; with the Oh, liiojs lilm, wo biisoooli Thou, iinil ioail "Mr. Daviil Bastrop was lliroMli against liim to Hint homo lips. and wait upon hor with tilovo that never eo-pperalion of the fiioiilties of Lane a tl'oo, serious illjuries resulting." tyiioroiill llio woiik iiiiii wuiiry iiiiii erring Was Elslo iload? tiroil. luios miiy oonio. and otlinr suiuinariea, is lo bo started This loaves us in utter luioortaiiity as to Tlloy lifted hor tip softly from the Ho had almost taken hor life aw;iy, Oil I li'uil him lo 'I'liy prosuiieo with uionniy during .Janual'y. wliotlior Bastrop-,or tho tree was iu- hiinds, nnd thuii groiliul. The blno oyos wtivo shut, and and so Ilo gave hi,s owli life up-to llor, Our I'lioil sliiiU liu us miiniiu, throiiKli Christ. —Tlio iMi.ssion Board of the Evangbl- jiiroil. ; Why can't pooplo bo more, px- Iter liltlo faoo wtis white:exeopt for tho and they grew to love each other with LiLirLord, Anion 1" ioiil oliitrcli of North Amerioa (Gorman pliqii?—.AWoji Post: stains of blood iijion it; but Norman a love that was passional in its great­ Methodist) re|)orts that tho hoalhon •'Ainoii!" 11 voloo ro-oolioos. Tliu tramp Is hoard her give one nioatii and tlilit sound ness. —Kmerson says a man ought ,to fund now amounts to 1*27,Clo, of whicli Ifiiiio, mill ilioro of |)iiili was tlio first thing that soeniod When many years had p.assoil, and carry 11 pencil and note down tho A sii'iiniror,. is stumiiiijr liiRartaonts only !5;5,,')21J was . o.xpondod last year ou tliiiiights of tho momotit. Yos, and one whilio ami fair; • to bring his own life back to him. they were loft "alone, they noitlior (if the iliipiin MLssion, the only heathen short pencil, devoted exohisivoly to Tho pul,-^loil form is siriilKhtunod, nor l,s Ilo hlid never uttoroil a word as they thom married, but lived logothor till inission the Board litis. This mission, tliei'o i\ny i rnoo tlioy gl'ow almost old. She was ti littlo that use, would hist some nion wo know Of iiiikumiti lioiirii illsiruisliiK ilio |iluiisiiiit, came hiifrying into the room. Some of only' rooontly estiiblisliod, reports 17 about two thousand yoiirs, iind thou , muiil.\" fuoM, ' tho sorviin'ts began toiitiostion him; one (Icljcato tiling, and ho was tall iuid moinbcrs, 7 catccliumoiis, and 100 have the original point on.—Burlingtoit .Miiilior;" ho plouds, " I'oi-kIvu mo. I'vo lived took him by llio tirm and shook him strong. Ho used, oven when she was my lii'o iimnv; scholars in Sunday school. ipiito a woman, to can'}' hor about in JIawk-Kiju. I'vo i.'tiriioil an lioiiost minio, I'lithor, tuid rotlgllly; bill ho neither moved nor aii- iiiid broiiKht it biiok lo yon, SWOfOll. his arms. —One hundred and thirty persons llm hull I boon a truiii|) this iilh'lit, nnd yon The Huiiliiig rower of the Iinaglim- Ho only stood by his mother's side Tlioy came to hayo the same thoughts arc required in-Vassiir College to wait litul tiikoii 1110 ill. thm. Your words of Christ inn oiiml'ort would Inivo (his motiior, who in her anguish never about" most tilings. They wore very ou the girls and attend to the estate. sin'od u soul from sin." spoke to him), clinging to her gowli. happy, Ihotigh ho perhaps was tt liltlo Aiid tliese are but a handful to the —Mm. M.h. A'ii)/m;, (a IMniit I'lWiiMiI Triliiiiii; Tho records of modical priictice are graver than other people. But sho was numbor who wait on tho girls outside and grasping it light in both his hands. full of illuslratioiis of the iiilluonco of as bright alwtiys its a bird. the college with tv view of attending to "(Jh I wi.sli I was dotid! I wonder if the iniagimilion, for good or evil, over the estate of—of their deceased fathers. I shldl bo able Iodic!" "What have I over ,tp be sad about?'' the functions of the body; and philoso­ she sometimes siiid to hii'ii. "I might —Keokuk Gale City. Ceutainlv t.horo is no teacher like The poor young heart in its mistiry phy finds ill them a key to the wondcr- was piLssionalely crying to itself.- ' have hiid all kinds of trouble if I luul ul persistouee of many popuhir .fupor- e.vpcriencu, though the lo,s,soii,s tliat she •—Whon you soo a man with a gun on It was almost half an hour before a been like other jjiomon; butnowlhave stitions. The firm belief that tiny dis­ toaolios us arc often very liittor ones. his shoulder and three dogs at his doctor could be got, and when ho came none. • You never let me bear iinylliiilg; astrous physiological , cvoii death "You will iioyor loarircaution, iiiy heels niiikiiio; iicross the country, you lliey ciirriod Elsie out of Normaii's yoii never lot me want anything; 1 itself, will .surely follow, a given actor Ijoy, till yrin do yourself or somebody needn't foci biid for the rabbits. Ilo'll sight. have only to live, iind enjoy, and be oootli'roiice, is very apt to bring ab(jiit- a ini.schiul','' Mv. l''o,stor litid saiil miss ft crow ov two, find a few fro'/ieii content." An hour later Iho little bliio-eyed, tho dreadful calamity;, and every irepe- to his ,son Noriiiaii !i htindred times. ; .ipplbs, f.all into a crook, and retiirii yellow-haired child hiy ( on hor And soshe did live—all her innocent, tition of the seeming soqiionco of Norinaii wti.s always doing some wild homo, ; believin;^ that he hits hail » bod, asleep, with hor mother's hand in quiet life—hardly ever seeming to oatiso and efVect tends to corifirhi and or roekless tiling:—cVmibing the highest thundering big time. the things that sho had lost, like a troos in vllo giirilon tit the risk of break­ hers. .strengtlicn the niischiovous belief. As oiigod bird that does not know the —"Peter, what are you doing to that ing his nc'L'k; wading in the river be­ And her mother, silting at the bed­ a moiins of counteracting'Uiis tendency world, ivnd has no longing to spread its boy?" asked a schoolmaster, "He yond Ills doptli; ridiiig bare-backed on side, was looking al her with a look its of perverted imagination, oliarms for. wings. ,, wantod to know if you take ten from his father's hoi'so; playiug with, tlie if hor heart would break.' " O my El­ averting evil often iilay a rciilly bcno- seventeen how many will remain. . I licrco oUI watcli-dog that siiarled;atid sie, whoso little foot will never mtvke "Sllewas tho oentor of till tho world ticiid iiiirt. The protcctioii is its took ten of his apples to show him, and .showed liisioutli tit every one who tried musicon the floor again," she wtis mur­ to mo," Norman Foster sidtl once, when imaginary iis tho dreaded iivil; but, as­ now he w.nxts nio to give'em biick." to caress him. ' ' muring over her through her bitter (loath came at Itist iind parted tliem— suming a belief in tho fictitious diuiger for it Wiis she who went lirst. "She was "Well, why don't you doit?" "Cbs, , Norman liail no brotlici's, but ho hiul tears. —a belief strongly tending to make everything to mo—mother, and .sister, sir, ho would forget how many are :i little sister ciiUod Elsie, tliroo yciir.s For Elsie was not dead, and did not the datigor roa]—tho charm substitutes and wife and friend in onii." left.":;. . , , : ,., yoitngcr than hiinsolf, of whom ho wits die—but she was lamed for life. The a more hopeful belief, and tlie danger —When a life-insurance agent pomes very fond. There wtis nothing tliat lio shot liad gone into hor right log a little He was not thinking of tho bittorness ceases. in and tells us tliat only last week ti liked iicnov tlinn to imvo Elsie, as he below the thigh, shattering it to picoos, that had mingled with his love for her A curious illustration of this action iniin in,surcd witli him- for i!tSO,000 and and tho surgeon had had to cut it oil'. onoo when ho .spokp so; ho had ccti.sod ciillcil hor, "till lo liimsclf," and though of the mind is reported from SanFrah- perhaps then to dwell on the harm ho ])iud one premium,'aiid to-day he i.* ho wasso wild tmd wilful when ho played " It might have killed her; Ictus cisco, in connection with a case ,Pf had onoo doiie her, tmd Intd come only dead and his family has:the money, it tdono, 01'with other bOys,yet it wiis pretty think how much more unhappy we transfusion of hhiod. An tiged negro, to remember thitt they had widkod all doesn't ,mako us any more anxious to to SCO how'gpntlo iiiiil kind he^could bo might have boon," Mr. Foster said, as al the point of doiith, w:is saved by this through tlieir lives together, like chil­ insure, tliongh it inay bo a convincing whcii Elsie Vyas Ijls Jjilayihilitoi^an^^ how he bold his wife in his tirms, and tried o))oration, the • blood—about oi^ht dren, hand in hand.—Qeoraiuna M. avgiimcnt in favor of the 'bciuities ol ho would give tip his own wishes to do to comfort hor. "If she lives, wo can ounces—being • taken from his wile's Craih, in YouMs Companion. the systcni.'-^7ios(o?t Po.s'i. • the tliiiiigs she asked him, aiur would boar :vU the rest. Thank God! Thank iirni. Tho man recovered, but the iiovor spcitk'a rougli or impatient word God!", •; : ." woman went into a curious declino, —" Do animals havefun?" asks somo unobserving individual. Of eourso they . to her. •'••';',,;;'•• • • The father and mother wertj tvlone to­ How Site Kept aii E.vpcnsc Account. against which tonics iind nourishing "Norman is !vlw»ys'g6bd wlieii he is' gether ill Elsie's room; they had iioith- food were of no avail. At last the do. When a cow switches lior tivit with Elsie,'! his mother often used gliul- er of llioin yot spoke to or even seen "My dear follow," said Lavender, piiticnt confided to tho doctor tho across tho face of tho man who is milk­ ly to s:iy: tin'd she only.spoke the truth; Norman. , ; ^ " it's all very nice to talk about econo­ secret of her. iulment, which kept her ing her, stops along jiist two ytvrd.i iiiid yet it waS'Elsio,wIio'iu Norman hurt "Whore is he'J" Mr. Foster tusked, mizing ivnd keeping a rifflit rigid ac­ from resting day or night. "I tell and turns to .see him pick up' his stool •on tliat sad day of which goiti ' to after a lonoj while;, and the poor moth­ count of bxponses and ttll that sort of you, doctor, ''she said, whisperlngly,' and follow; she has tho most amused tell yon, whoil in his bohl play ho iRdii" er almost sliiiddcr'ed as sho anSwcifcd: thing, but I've tried it. Two weeks "its that blood of mine tho oltl man - is expression on lior faeo possible, tmd if she can kick over the milk-p.til slio thing thiit lie neverlU'torward forgot, or "I don't know. I know nothing ago I stopped on my way home Satur­ carrying about - inside - of him; aiid, grows pbsitiyoly hilarious. forgave liimself for iis long as ho lived. about him," she hurriedly said. day night; and I bought just tho gay­ doctor, when; that old man comes .back,,. Tho twochildreri had beeii sitting one, "Ciin you tollme where Norman is?" est little llussia-leathcr; cveam-hiid I want you to give mo my blood back." --Jiliss Gamboge," says Blixen to morning with thoir mother in tlio'"din-- ho wont out presentlj' itnd itskod oho of paper itccount boPk j'ou over saw, and Tho dpctor, seeing that the woman that interesting but rapidly-iulvancing ing riiom, talkingliiiid jlooking.'.iatjpictr the servants. • a silver pencil to match it. I said to would hot bo,appeased unless' ho com­ lady of forty-four, "I ilbclaro you aro ure-bopks very happily, till, tiftpr.a good "I think; ho\ is iii tho garden, sir," my wife, after supper: 'My dftir, it plied with Jier request, promised tb re­ looking quite charming—a regular while. hiid,,p;i;s,scd, pnolof 'tlie .servants the woman answered; tind theii Mr. scorns tp mo that it costs us a lot of turn the, next day, first,informing her twenty-Olio bloom and spirits. You came to the door, and.toldiier mistress Foster went iiito the' garden and called money to keep hoiiso.' bf the ilahgors of the operation,, and .can't,bo a diiy bvorthivt iigure, if I'iri li that somebody,wimtotlhei'. i,if,i,'.i'; him; • Ho know iti.wits;liisduty -to see "Slio sighed and said: : *I know it that it wiis resorted to only in the most judgti." Miss Garabogo lots oft" a show­ " TliehJl iiiust'.'ii)nd''jwi-up ..itiiirs, my tho boy and talk to him. " Norman!" (loos, Lavvy, butl'm sure I eiin't lielp urgent cases. She woulil hbiir of no er of Smiles, aiid says, " Now, Mr. Blix­ little Elsie,'':Mrs,>Eostors(iid.'''.;j j ho called loudly, but itwas only after it. I'm just as bconomical as J can be. oxjihinationsi but dehiitiidod that the en, you do sity such insinuating things Uut at tliiitjNoririiHVcxclaiihcd, ';0h, he had rupoatod his nitmo twice that the I don't spend half as much mpnoy for operation, be gone through,,with. It -r^-antl then you guoijs,ages, s^^^ no, let us stop hero. >rU take iciiro of unhappy boy pame., , , ., , ciintU' as you do for cigars.' was accordingly done.tho next .day, the —I'lio owners; of a clothingrm.iking Elsie.'^ :. r.x .A'.S:. \'' Ho came, nbtidiivlng to look into his "I never take aiiy notice of person­ doctor taking from the miin ivboiit liiiH firm ill Bbstiin,employ thirty-live girls, And. ho had takon'good care of Elsie father's facei' and: thijfathnr in siloneo alities, so I sailed right ahead. 'I be­ iih oiincb of blood and transfusing it into the woman's veins,)! After tlio who contribiitcd twenty-tivo dollar.s on .so often that his mother once >ut his hand'upon his shoulder, and led lieve, my dear, that if we wei'o tokeop oiieration tho woman brightened up -Tlmnksgivlng Diiy and gave each of tho replied, "Very well. Ainuso. her, and fdm back, into tho house. - a strict account of everything wo perceptibly, saying, "I'll bo all right two inomhers; of" the, firm a pretty, al­ bo kind to hei'i .ind I dare say I shall bo Ho tbok-him into his study and elosod spend wo could toll just whore to cut now, doctor." And that the operation bum, occupying a^ half-hour in getting back very soon," And rising, up, she thovdooi'.i "I must 'punish him, but down. 'I've, bought you a littlo ac­ did prove a success was fully denion- ready and 'making tho presentation. wont iiway without tho least anxiety, how: oitn.I punish hiinr''ho was think­ count book, and ovoi'y Monday morn­ .striited by tho sick woman, who began The fellows took the gifts with ready litnd loft the two children ftlono\;.;, r , ing to himself: "Imust speak to hinir ing I'll give you .some money, and you work a few hours afterward, declaring smiles,'itnd on pay day 'deducted ifrom They were nearly always happy when but what can I say?" It sooraod so use­ can set it down on one side, and then, that tho" doctor was a wonderful the wages of the girls' timcmonoy for •they wore together, so they began to less, almost like mockery, to use words during the wook, you can set down on man, and now that she's got her own the half-hour tlioy had occupied in giv-r play, and for a little while everything: of: ordinary rebuke, to him—to trout tho oUior side everythinj' you spend, blood back again she was all • right."— ing the album.s. ' ' «', went perfectly well. -< • ;:, i him Its if the ^feeling toward him in his and then on Saturday night we ,can go Scicntijic American, • - --"How it does remind mo of my They played at being horses first, and heart was one of common anger. over it and see just where tho money courting days!" exclaimed' Mrs. Gooi)- Normiin let Elsie: 1 whip hinviao hor For a few momonts ho stood silent, goes and how,wo can boil things down a little.' iiigton,:reinnrkihgv the blushil thttt.- the hoait's content; then thoyi:played at with Ids hand, still on Norman's shoul­ One of tho marked oftects of the delicately-turned eomplimont .of, Ara- boing bears,,and thntgamo. wont„quito der; then ho tried to .begin to.speak, " Well, sir, she was just ilolighted—' revival of business is tho employment minta's young man had brought to tho harmoniously, too;;anthen ftNorman but a knot came into his throat, and the thought it was a first-rate plan, and the of an unusually largo numbor of'chil-; girl's cheek. • " In those liallmrd days, .said he: would; bo a soldier, anJcas 'Elsie words would not oomo.^ There only pocket acoount^book was lovely—rogn­ dron in,tho - Massachusetts mills.: iThis when I was-yonng'nnd perueptible.-how was alwivys very niuoh delighted -whoii came instead of; thom' the sound of a; lar David Copperflold; and Dora busi­ fact; keeps the ipolioo. busy, in. prosecut­ frustratodi,-fool:whonr-Dttuicl !;Norman made himself a'soldiori', sho sat great rising sob. , ,, , i- ness, i Well, 8ir,i the »noxt; Saturday ing owners who, are violating the com­ paid mo acondinienti as; ho always waa oui the grouiidi and laughed nnd clapped night we got through' Slipper, and. she paratively new law which defines the Tlio boy.; lookodisiiddenly, uplin a adoiiig! Yes,'' she continued, stoi>> : hor hands with pleasure; as he marched brought out the account book as proud conditions under which children fmay ;reat terror and anguish; Iio'had never pingto brush off the tear that trembled mpand;down tho roomj with;;tlje;p6k'er as possible, and handed it over for in-, bo put at such work. ' , . - n his life before seen Ins, father weop. nt the tip of her attenuated nose;'''yea; lield like;a gun against his shoulder. | :•.. 'spootlbn.' On one side was,,"Koeeivod Ho looked up almost wildly into the' Daniel; was one ofa thousand.! And:ha ' '; Only it doestt't 'miiko a' good 'gun, from Lavvy fifty dollars.'. That's all The writer whose pen Is his shears Is white and

Alas on, Ingham Co., Mich. the unveiling of Iho Thomas statue has The Murder Itocord. BAST OR WEST been turning his ntlontion to tho monumeat ,SUBSCRIPTIONriI..''0 PER YEAR. 21 Cll PIECES: crop. Tliore arc low things so much need­ Via the Michigan Central, tr.Tho'mnrdors and atlouipts to murder for jon i>iri^Ti!v«. ing the attention of the Agricultural De- tlic hist iiiontli and the pa.s't year in Miehi- Koriftlv by Tlie material ln oiir.f olitiiiii; department Is all new parlmont, whose head odicial has accom­ FOR 30 CTS. aitil of,tlie latest styles, Onr eorri'spondeiice wltli giin have boon as follows:, HI. J. nirniiAT, Kvory iimnboriif Uldiiirilnon'ft Muniurtl 1loiir» lltl A::tHit, MuHoii. Mich tliu times ami we gnaniiilee wiilsreirtiuii im lo sl,vle plished siicli ,'iiiomoiiloiiH resiilUs hitherto. Eriim ,'iiniiary to >'oreiiil>er ., 1)1 and ipiallty of work, (.Irders left witll us will he al- coiitniiiM 1« clKii<:ti |fk*i:f*.-<, hy tho hrni mjuipo"'"''* For Di'ceaibor '....,.,..:.... ., 1> l.^iiileil te pnuiiplly and accordliiR to coiitraet. 'I'liere is a great demand tor monuments, Aiiii-iicu tiiiir Kiirupo. Tlui. nuiiithty lit (>h>t;iiiitly |irlt)lml, hiiH III) oiiKntvml covttr In two cfWifn, und Ih un I). P. WHITMORK, Puiii.t.sitER, A MCtNTH Kn'tniiii..M'd. a day » wbiob is growing year liy year, and there Total for tile year t)7 ^'iii'nt^ tl>>i nuitih: Ih uritlroly really docs not seem to be any good reason Hi)|Hiruli', uiid thiiH can hit bnnnd ut uny tlmi? into u not riMiuirt'd ; wn «ill tiait .vimi, ^Xvii Soptnmbor 19, 1878, and tho following is (innk. Thfl Holnotionit comprUn SotiM wilh (JhoruM, wi)nii)n, hoyrt and K\v\it niuko inoniiy ^^•^'•t RlaNon. nilcli.. Jnn. l»HO. why wo shouldn't raise our own monuments nr at wtirk for nn than at iinylliInK cUi'i4, Miindu-H, M»'/.urKiiH, Nootiinti!)*, oio., utl oT .Vnniher foryeiir ih'nM thereafter : TiO M-hli:h cun ho ))hiy<'d on tho I'fiino or Or^nii; In fiuU, carr Ko ripltt. al. TImksii \v)iu nrii wUu win* mu> ihjfi Five years ago, wlion Georao P. Lewis oy that has been wasted ia irottinE; up a Niimlierfor l8T,l,iis aliovo il7 jiirtl thn |ihtc«n you wonUl purchHHo ut thn iniiHiuMti'rt'H noiicti will tittnd nw ihuir aihlrunscM al oncn and suo fur ;iri i»r4U cimtHimch, \Vu havo wnhl many Ihinirtand for thcMimilvi'ii CoHily onItU ami tnrnm fron. Now run for Congress on tho Doniooratio ticlcet lot of half fiiiialiod and imperfeot affairs Total for two years. ; t,|T MitiKl" niiinhcrd ftu-2ri ctM each, hiu in ord.irthaliivury jHthntinm. Thnhtt aln-ftdy at w*irk aro laying np Increase of the seeniul over tlia Ilrst year 47 phiviirin Iho Unltuii Statoit and Ouniuhirt may hi-i. larfin HMinn of nnini-y. AddniuM TItllK A CO., I»iirt. ill the IOii,'lith IJislriot, tlio Repahlioan can- lor cveryliody to poke fun at. When tho ihh . nniK«/.in't i*""! J»dKL' ol' iln incirltrt, wo will hind, Mainti, 1 invito the special attention of the scn- vassors throw mil Iwonly-sovon , votes cast obelisk which is destined for this country (itinil two nnuihnrit poHtpiiid for only MOctn* J-'itt'h timonlaliats aiul the moral suasion humani­ number ciMilHiim la 35opiucort; rucflvo «•! lor George F. Lotiin. And these sntno arrives, Commissionor LeDuc will confer a tarians to llio.He flicls and figures. porttpjihl lor only :IO«In or tun ;ic • rtliiinjw. AU who Ht'ndSl.Ml now,,will rocfivfi th« twolvo nunilmrri of (!ftiivn.ssers aro prnljalily horling about great favor upon all who aro in need of I also invite the attontion ol all my road- )H80 antl Novniuhiir ami Docunihor nnnihurH'of '70 C. A. NIMS, era to the Ibiir following propositions; frrt!; alnn « choico nf mw dnllar'n worth of shou-t Maine now.—.Freu I' monuments if he will suggest some method nniUc from our lint of MoToriil hnndrod pitpular 1. Capital niiiishtnimt for murder was StlWIIohls tho Port" in of grafting which will prove siicceissful, ph'COH. abolished in ^ ii.-higan by the code of 18-10, Tho overt act conrnitloii by the Repiibli. and insure a kind of mnnument that shall and tliorefol'e since tliat tiino thu horrors of GEO. W. RICHARDSON & CO., DANSVILLE, MICH., cans of .Miiiiio, by en con ra.; ing and n.ssist- look finisliod and he pleasing to the eye. ibis punishmonl, as a rcslrainl upon iho :i7 tkmpm: rrAcK, iio.ston. And liHri ijiaity onlarn for work in hutli liig aiob law against tho lawfully constituted commission of crime, have been entirely The most tnagnifiociit and costly private louHo nuinth)n in what papor you «iiw thitt. fiOwfl withdrawn from iho minds of the people, aiithorltios of tho Slate, gives them an iil- residence in Washington wiis partially de­ and especially from the minds of the gen Light and Heavy (iludo of criminal reboUlon and loaves stroyed by fire Tuesday night. "Castle orations that have grown . up since that lliem no defeu.»1.1pm, <) lupin Blanlcets and Brushes. party : tion of visitors.' It coat about $250,000, our Stale of Micliigiiti, Mich i;lty U li.'i II 111 7 40 11 ;iu "Wo should ho glad to be reminded of •1. I have the statistics of Franco before Niles Uj.l.'i V2 I.lpin ll 00 l'2 4aaln and tho furniture over f 100,000, to say Kali i7,oo..,. ...,l'2:l;lpm I 111 111 'J« 2 '28 oao loading Republican paper which saw me. This crime in that nation, under tho ..... l'J« '2 16 11 10 :l 18 nothing of the fino paintings and rare works Battle Ureek,. anything wrong in tlie eoniuet ol the Re­ itilluonco of the guillptino, has steadily de­ Marsliall ., ti tj.'i :i 110 li:)7 :i 40 Graton's Rubber Oil and Con­ ;! L'l 4 1-2 turning Itoiirils of 1871!, anil it is onr im­ of art, many ot which arc a total loss. creased during the present century, from an Alliion 2 h 11 /ID fackson ar ...... ll 411 .1 (10 l'2l5a ni -t M densed Harness Oil, pression that the only Repnbliuan visiting average of 120 a year till it is now ie.aa Mr. Hayes and Secretary Evarts lately Jackson lv„...... :i 1.1 4 ti.'i 1'2 60 6 fHl Ktateamau who coiuslruod his instructions than an avcnige of twelve capital punisli- ,\iili .Ai-tiiir,.., .1 I'll i III •JIM li 2,'-. siiapended iheir search for somebody to Vpsilaiili,...,. .1 '24 '2 20 li 41 lltoriiliy'and went South concerned to ob­ inenta per aniiuin. Yes, France, with .1 ;i7 Detroit, nr.,.,. 1148 0 SU llllli 5 UO tain the truth and a fair count—Gonural take the ' Russian nii.ssion, to iiiiliilgc in a about 38,000,00(1 of poopli! has, iiichidiiig A C*(M»(I iinil Comi'lol*) .Stuck of lliinioriH Biirlow nl New York—lins os'or sinoo been spirited argument upon the siibjeel of dress all that aro not discovered, probably leas WESTWARD. Giioilft nnd I um lionml tlint iMtnplo hIihII stations *Mail Pay tKveiilng tPacIflo abused lij tlio loading Republionn papers than one-half the murders und aitempta to trikdn with mil iT kochI, sqiiar«i work und coats. The great f|uestion was, whether Express Kxpross Kxprens fMlr ilimllni;; will liiduciM tliiiiii io do no. as a iriiltor, a siieali and a tJonfedorate murder tban has the State of Michigan 7iiOain ',) i),1a m S 10pm , 0 .'lOp m swallowtiiil.i or frock coals were the proper brigadier, in spito of the (iict that ho was with only I,ijfl0,000 of people. What has Vpsilaiili 8 20 10 48 8'25 lU 10 Ann Arbor 8 10 11 00 1138 11'2U •shot to iilocos in battln under the Union thing for New Year's reoeptions. Mr. let niurdorcrs and aasasaiiia looso in .Michi Jackson, ar 10 14 ! 12 12pin 1101) l'2 4llam. (lag. 'I his may show the tone of the Ro. Illvarls held that frocks were good enough gun That very ubnlitioa of capital pun Jaelison, Iv HI 20 12 ir. Ill,') , ]2 4fi Eepairing Done Promptly. publican parly to bo higher than that of isbinent thirty-three years ago did it. The Albion 11 U4 I2ri() . 11 ,V.I 1 '20 for hiui, but Hayes wanted the Secr.'jtary Marshall;...., II,10 I'M 12'2,1ani 140 the rienioeriiiie party—hut if it does, what j^uillotinc ia probably, the easiest (bmi of of Slate to understand that bis receptions ll»ttle(Jreok I2ll)pln 1,1.1 12 50 2 02 C. A. NIMS. are wo tti ibinh of the American people, a ( oath a man can aull'or, and yet there is Kalamiwoo 1 1,1 2117 1 ilS 2 4;l clear majority of whom are IJemocrats wore just ns high toned as any receptions. nothing that atrlkoa terror into the miiid.s Niles :i or. 4 07 ;i so 4 1.1 .Hich City 4 so fi 20 4 M n lo-dayV" Tho swallow-tails won the day. Piio.vo. and fooliiigs of Frenohnion a.-i that form of OhicaKo, ar :., 0 SO 7 40 . 7 SO • 8 00 City and Country AWkB Rejoice. e.xeoHlion. I'lie very King of: Terrors tlilANB KAPIUS \tW KALAMAZOO K.XPIIK* aeeala to preside over that instrunioiit, as loaves ileuiolt IIlIo p, m,, arriving at Grand Itapids )Ta.shin^(ou I.ellur. 10:0,1 II. 111. and Kul)imii'/,oo ti;2,'i p ni, "Iiiiiiiortality of the Hmil." a salutary reatniiiit agiiinai this crime, oa- HE'l'URNlNO, leavnaOrand Rapids 11:00 a. in. and pooially in view nf tho integrity and cer­ Kalotnazoo . .10 a. m,, arriviiiK at U.ntrolt .lAN-.1880. Ma, Ehirou.—I noticed in your last tainty of the French criminal administra­ •Sundays exooptod. XSaturdayiiand Sunda'ysex cepted. -(-Ualiy. tion. •: • The capital is exceedingly dull, political­ week's i.iane an nrtielo on the "immortality R. W.BECKER ly, and during the rece.-is we have had noth­ of the soul." For the benefit of those There ia no doubt about it. Wo are go­ sAGiAfA^ nirisipw. ing wi'ong, and 1 hope, however unpleasant ing to discuss bill the Maine diflicully. As who are troubleii with doubts advanced by the task may be, to bring, back the public NORTHWARD. Uio fuels relating to tho sitnation jn that Has o; eneil a Viral-Class orrorists, I would refer tlioin, not to any mind and the policy of .Slate logislation lb Stations. ;Mall SaglnaWitHayGity Througli Stato become bettor known hero, much nd- learned Dr., but riithor to the fountain-head a healthy condilion on the subject. Express ' 'I'l-ulBhl iniratioii is o.v))resscd for the conaeientious of Iriitb. - , . Levi Bishop. Jackson,Iv 7 OOam 4 1,1pm 9 4l)ani Itives Junction , 7 25 4 40 10 lio and courageous co'u' of Gov. Garcolon "The words of the Lord aro pure words." Leslie 7 38 ' 4 50 1107 Maaoil iS 0'2 6 15 -, IS 00 and his greenback coiincilincn,, wliilo tho "The law of the Lord ia perfoct." Holt sir. . , 5 28 12'i1 hot-lieadod action of Hlaine and company, The Sun far 1880. I*ns'liig,ar„,.... 8,'10 '5'45 1 on This cannot be said of the writings or North Lalisini;.. S :is ; 5 B» 1 05 •11 ondoavoriiig to incite mob vinloiieo.iseon- FeeiliilBoiii Sila opinions of any man or nunibor of ineii, llath 8,17 r. 10 . ;, 140 . Tim Self will deal ,wltli the events of tko year 18S0 LainilsburK 11 20 0'28 2 20 detnncd^iy all thinking inen. Had the however wise and holy tliiiy may be. To In Us own 'fashion, now pretty well iindiii-stoo'il liy Deiiniiigtoii 0 4tl S45 •3 10 ' Domoeratio inajorily who elected Tilden in oyei-.vlmdy. Ki-niii .Iiiiiiiai-y 1 iinlil lleceinlirtr til it D Ji M: Ilrossing 0 .12 : 0 57 -1 3 46 (In the old Cook hnriif south of, Conrt IlonAn, ; err is human, God and bis truth are alone will lie,conducted as a nuwspapor, M i-ltteii la tho Eng­ Owosso *J .1,1 ' , 7 20 , 4 15 187G adopted snob a course when they lish iitiii^naKe, and printed fur the people, infallible^ First, is it reasonable to sup­ Oakley's „...... 1018 7 15 5 15 ' Ah n nnwiipapei-, Tile .Su,'4 hiilleveH In Keltinf? all the St Uliarlii«...... '...lo4S sa» 0 45 were counted out, and three Stales stolon now. of the world proniptlv, and presenting It In tho A9a ST,, MASON, MICH. pose that God created inaii an immortal SaRinaw City II 28 !l ll« 8 15 . most iiitelligilite sliapo—thu ilupu that will enable its from them by moans of perjui'y 'and for Cast Saginaw.....11 lis 0 1(1 a 30 being and yet has never informed us of (ho readers to keep well alirojist ol Ihoaffe ivilh tho least uiiproiluciive e.xpen - the year isau to chastise the tli-st-class;' Iiislriict tile Wlwnnkoe.- 7 0S - -i i . . 5,18., ; • , ?) 44 a guide in'inlorproling'lho law; ' they deserve V Should we deem it right second, and discountenance thu third. All hotisst West Hay City.,. fiSS 5 I.S , 9 OO men. with lioiiondT.A..OIile»ai the White 1-lonsp. 'To hear iho chief back-. Tho your'lastl. will' Ini'oho'in which no patriotic bo given in soriptuluito ibo doctrine of tho American can atford to ohisn hia eyoa to piibllcalfalra. Cr and adviser of Madison Wells in New It la iiapossiblu to;.h'o]-ato.,the iinperlancD uf. tile rdsurrectirtnift'Oiu'the deiid; if the soul is as 187'J,,and the man who cliielly political ovnnts wlilcli it lias in stofe,-or thn iiocnssity of resolute,vlKllancA on 'tllo'parl of ercry'cili/.en who capable of hap'piiioss or misery without the: beiiufitpd by that monstroiis, fritiid, prato ilesli-eri to presurre;tIio tiovei-nliient Hlut tlie foitntlers Flirt ifayiifi, Jackson &; Sagiiia Rw.' R body as wiib it'? ,",Tlic.apostle. Paul, is tho gave ns.' 'rlie debates and iicta of' Con^roas, llio-iit ' svbout oulrasrilig the voters, is enough' to taraiicfa of th'fi press, the exuilini;'c6i)testaor the PORTLAND CUTTER only writer in the whole bible who. makes Usprnilicnn and fii^mouraiic partina, now noarly.eqiml make a niulo shed tears, Hayes said the ill streiiKth throUKlionttlui coniitry, the vai-yinKdrltt SHORT LINE^ ' ''Til* BtmngMl Slolcli In •Hetonca. .VIm use of llio word immortal or tiiimurtahti/." of public iieiitlmniil,' will all beiir directly and ef­ Other day that the "fraud' would: fail, be' ^ , 75 miloHBhortoiit lo Onlah, Ught, ebeapar >o< mon dnrabl* thM fectively upon tho twetlty-fiJtirtll 'l*rflaiiiAlitial,,ulec-. -:eUMrSIM,;,l ,11 tliick,skinned fraud deduce this couolusinii I men'n'nouUat all, either before or after rupt, nitravaKant anil' int r'ent; Ailmlnistriilioii ni- 'totiM, • Orar,->:,> Ho corlaiiily don't Jiidgc others by; htmsell. death," "Ho speaks of it as an attribute ST. -laOVIS. ;KANSASj^/TEXAS', Uiwaril illslodKlnK tliu gaiiK itiid lii-oakinK its power. ' A. A. ABBOTT A CO., f TliBsaino iiinir aru'iiow IntrlicniiiK la lestore-tluilr .fft! didn't refuse to take tho seat to which ,,..;. ;.ni I Aiid:»ilpolnta Wcal.i 1. -. ,,li: ; ••, of,the King eternal (1 Tim, lil7.)V„ "He leader anil placiia ii-oin which they wnra aO« Wnbuah Av»., ClilGiMP>. ftiiuilier was elected. The,,cheek; of this, declares that he is the only possessor of it,' driven iiy the indiKKiUion of tho poopie. Will they ::::. l/lroel'Route to.BALTIMORK, .>'(• '> eiicceeii / Tim coiiiIiiK year will hriii;; tlia answers to man would paralv/.o a • book agent or a' (I 'Tim'.'fitlG,')" ' "l-Io' prosenta it'iis art' Ob-' Ciieaa : munientoiis .ipuisiitina.: .-fHi tiun will ho on .iiaiid'to aliroiilcio the facts as they are.ilovolopedi anil WASHINGTON. lightning rod peddler. p!ct which men ai'cto seek alter by patient to nxiiihit the >| clearly and fearlessly in .their reiu- IMIHiADGLI'H IA i AND NEW! YOKK. It IS said that aii:cllorl will be made in ooiitiiiuoiica III ,wull-doiiig (Bom, 2:7.)'' lions to expediency and rlichr,!' Uir,-,- . I , Time 0»ra in:KflreetNi'V, 30tli, 1871*.' , Thus, wilh H-iiiilillor phliosophicai gam] humor in ,"Ho speaks ol;,it.ns revealed or brought to aouTil ,";' - : «AIl ilxi'ittaai ACCOM Congress, aller the recess, to abolish' the lookuiK at Ihe minoraflalrsof life,and In great liiliiK-s Bay.Cily,.lv.... . i-»,'l;iii guH,is,pruparoi|:to.writo a: truthful instructive, and at thoaatna tliiioentertaining history Orand Itaplila.. 1 40 12 15p m the institution is one of, tho most.cxpensive "He defines the period when it; shall'-be of 1880 I ' I Detroit.-.., ...',7 .00 ,; Ann Arhor.,... •'8 "40 • ;; Our i-atea of aiiliacriptlon roinain iinclmnRed. < For ''..'.',,..„,.,,, put on by the saints of,God,,and fi.Yel! itat i'S 00 tt in l'1I'5e' Jl- 5 05 ' and least useful luxuries ..the Govornineiil tlis |iitlly SU.N, a four-piiKe shoot of twenty-elKliI col .lachson ,tho rcsurrOction when Christ, who is our umns, Ihe prlco liy mail, post-paid," Is- «(l ceiits a Jonesviiie:,.,... 1 7 10 , ml oti.p ra 7 10 has oa hand. ' Very little practical, benefit .Hunkers ,. 7 27 7 45 month, ur •a,ff0 a /ear ; or, liielndinx thu Sunday; V' , ^ AKING Readingll:..'.','.. 7 111 '"'V27'-'" "• '8'10 to the agricultural industries ot the coun­ life shaU ap'pear (1 Cor.; 15:5'2, U't;: Col. paper, an eltcht-paie alioet of ilftyrsii cnlu.nns, tho price iaOf etnta * month, or •T.oO a year, poatnge Angola';...-..'?.-. • ISS'l i, i 2 1« 0 40 try can. bo: set down to the credit of this, i(:-L).','.' . . „... . . ' paid I' ^VHturloQ 0,11 ii 50 , , JO-46. .. Aiihmii June. .1 05 -the Sunday edition of, Thi avD.-ia ,klsi>. furnished 9 87 II 20 institution, while Its printing billsiand Other : • rllxcuRennoiif: I::toll'i:you thatt however aopei-ataly at •t.SiO* year, puatnge paiil,. ,, i 10'20' '" 1 55 12 41 a m Indinnnpulis,.., r> 25 p m .to 15 * • e,40ip m POWDER expense ^Items' are :enornious/ii-It is pro­ full of these doetrincs diuman books and ; The pricaof.tlie Wiciiit,rSVBi,'eightpit«ea,fln3P-Bis nliiinns, isvSlta year, paiMg*laiil;,' fur olutuot Ciiiciiinatli....: fl 65 ; ,, ,: havo the work'for which this'de­ human sermons may jbc,.God's book doci; .ten.aonding S^O.Wa will aoiiil an eitra cnpyifreo,; . Louiaville..... 11 00 ; •8;80a;m " '; iti \ % , "' St Liiiiis....;..:; '•'7- 30 »m< •7 10 ' M,/. not, contain,them: v Therefore;.castiinway AitilrJaa^ «. W. I.SOLAKU, . partment was origiiially designed; perform-; d under tho, dirtiction of; some olhor;De- wnrraHM lo' tin UlrMt s*tlirtetlM.'i lAih Accaminadellon selnK nnrtli dollr. except Vondey bibles carefully' iind , prayerfully.: , See,' rInn vWhila,. or .lullad,.llrtatol, Owd ' partnicnt—tho'Interior for instance.".l>.n (.ounia, ' 8.K nooraii.' ' by this movement is to get rid of LcDuc, l'rw.'and Oon' Uantger. Qeu'l Tiokut Agent OO TO L A N SI X « A M) B U Y


douciiKii—Paukku. Docoiuber 2'ltli, 1871), hy Kov. G. D. Loo, Mr. \Vm. H. CHAS. BROAS. Gotiohoi- anil Clara O. Parker,

We desire to call attention to the fact that in Every Department of Our Establishment we have a Great Variety of lluf.oii—Wilson. Deo. .•ilal, 1870, by Goods, Especially adapted for Holiday Gifts. Uov. G. D. Leo; Mr. ClinrlcR E. Burcli of

Wehhcrvillo aiui .Sadie Wilson of While -IK Otllt- -IX omi— -IN OUR— Oi;U STOOIC OF Oak. • FURNISHING DEPARTMENT! \Vu liiivu »,ltHrKU,v»rii)ly of goutlu HAT and CAP DEPARTMENT CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ! riANMV—OaiioKN. Dec. ;U,st, 1879, by YOlitils', Boys' and Cbildreu's Clotbiiijr MiiiUblu for jiislio(! S. W. Ilaminoiid, Marion Handy Wu arti Hhowlnff an Ktogrtnt him o( CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. WE HAVE A LAJIGE STOCK OF and iMahle Oaborn, all of \nroliu.s. IS COMS'X-BTB ! NiickwtiHr of itll iiliii{M)H, color And f|iiAlity, Fiao Soft Hats, Tho latest "racket" on the farmers is the Silk ami Linnii lUmlkurctiiifn. Overcoats and Ulsters! Fine Stiir Ilals, "oensus.lalcing." A gentlemanly follow Kid Olovcrt, Cloth CJlitvt>H, Fur Top Glovo/i, Medium Qnnlity Soft Hals, It win jwy you lo look throuRh our stock and R*t Ami ovory kind of t;IOTa Unit iA (loalrufjlo. OK Ahh QVAUTIKS. drives up with blanks lor statistics of the Melliini (Jiiiillty suit Ilms, Ki4r Miiffa, oiir prices before yon liny. Wo inisre|ircaoiil farm—bu.shels of wheat, number of cattle PolUr Hats, ,Stlir and Soft. Ilo(tlt»ry of KIORrtiit finality, Wo will gimrantoo to tthow yuu tho FIriettt, Iriir^cit raisoil, acres under cidlivation, etc. He- CiinliKaii .TnckotH, Those hata aro Bxlra 'Valiin tor tlie price. no goods. Alt sooila marked la And moHtiloHlrnblo line of i Iween the talilo.s nnd tho foot of ihc piife'C, Udiiilurwniir, Slili-tj*, plain llguroH, CoIInrM, Ouffit, SuBiiomlorH, CAPS OF ALL STYLES ! whoru the fanner Higns hia name attesting A'HllHm, Ouann, limbrollA*, etc. the Htatumenl, i,s a blank space, whoso cx- All of tho tii'Ht gnoilH nt tliR From the Finest to tiio Clicapoat, and At Prices i.stonco is accounicd for as nirording room r.OWKST rOS8IIIT.K PKIOKS t that defy Compiitltlon. In tho City. ' ' ONK PllICE OKLY J for iniscollaiioous inforination. In a month inoru the farmer rovcives notice from a CHAS. BHOAS, 135 Washington Ave., Lansing. ncighbcirinx bank that his note for $150 i.s

duo. lie knows nothini; of the note, "but IHortKAgnSMlit. l'i»rtlfi,s Out of Kini)h>ymeiit"Woulil do invesligatiou .shows that llio ''census-taker" .Husnn Alnrkcts. Default baviiij; boon nmdo in thn condltintiK of a Woll to Kenil the Following: WIIKAT-Kxtra Jl 21 No 1 8I.2;i No,'J, » BLACKSMITHING! Cfirtain iiicir(K»K<* "itdo hy Kmina A. HcimlJjicJv ii* luiB lillod in the blank with a promise to IIAKI.KY—Porcwl,51.00 .{il S (Jharlcft 0. Ilolfo, diitod >Vhriutry 18th, A. D. 1I17II OATS—Mixed ao celiti.whlti! M |ior biiahol. nnd recorded In llin oOlco of tho KoRintiT of DiM-dt jiay, which being now in the haad.s of an One of the best ways to make inonoy is OOKN—SlielledS per hundred ; in ear 2.'i c. Having opunoil ft ithop JiMt oppurtito Moad'd for llio county of 1 n;;ham - and .Stato orMirhl- innocent holder, he paid by llic un­ lo secure an agency for tho sale of an arti­ OhOVKUSKKD—S.|..|0 @«4.ri0 per buhhul. . Kan, on Ihu ISih day of Fohruary, A. 1>. lh7ti,lN TIMOTHY SKK1)—»2.S0 (lD cle that is indispenaabln in every family, f. mill, and|haTln}( onf^KK"') tliu itorricoN,ot libiT 40 of mortf^aKtx, on pitfio 41)4, on which inoti- lucky diipii.—J'h:. BEANS—S0.7.''ifa>S per bushel. Ka^'i) lliiiru In clainiinl to bit duo at tho iliilo of ll;i« and for wliicli there is a great demand. POTATOES— ;lll cents per liushnl. iiollcu tho num nf flvo hundred and r(oV(tnty powpr of Falo wu nioroly extract the principal facts from venience sells il at sight to every hou,se- IIUKSSKI) PORK—J.I.OO.lSl coiitiiim-d in Riild iiiorlKiiK"i "Hd tho htalnio in mik-U TUKKRVS-Scls, per lb. county, T nni propnrod to do all caiomadn nnd pi'ovidiid, nollcL* in hoiidiy kIvoii that llin secretary's report: keeper ; it is made of brass highly polished OIIIUKKNS—llri'ssiul (St Ucnnlspnrit) on iViliicti Mliuro Iho circnl^ much interest nianirested. The club li,s- great that the proiirictftrs were unable to court for luKliani comity In bohlon,) Ihif pn-mi;;!* deiici'lbi-d in oald tnorlKa^'i), or ho ninch tlii>ii-ur iih mamiraolure them fast enough to (ill their toaeil to the reports of the aooretary and You Should Take it. hIuiII ho nuccrtHury to pay tlu* lunoiint duo on hiiIiI orders, hut thoy now have increased facili­ niort^nt^b, with ton por cunt Internnt, and nil b-mit tro.'iaaror, auininnrizing the principal fea- ties for tuniini' them out, and are prepared coHirt, togotlior with an attonmy'rt Too of Iwonly-livo turea of the work of the paal year, and dolluri covenanted for thuvoin, iho. pn-niittcH tiriiiK; to nil all orders as soon as received with ii Ill Point off Ji^xcitlloiivo It Ih iriifiUi*|»i»iiH«tl, In connoctlon tlinrnwilh I havo K dffiuribdd in mild niurtgap;o nH all tlnil ci" Houth-wortt fntctioiial qnurtor {14) of t^vr- rresldent—A K. Wooil, Vevay. KTfry mun hIioiiM inalto his liani« iw comfortuhle tion nnrnbor iiluotdiMi (lU) in ' town numliur tw>> y'J.) I'or the coining fall aud winter. Wo advise Vice Prraldenls—.la«. Kullor, Voray ; It J. UiilKht, iinil iittntctivn ii« pDH.tllilo.' • •* Wliore I am proparal to nianiifaotiiro or repair north, of raiiK" tniinboront? (1) wont, (Vovay) Iiik* ALileilon, Wia. M. Wiilil), Anmllui. you to write to tin! OiiuiScai.k Works, 125 A . cHKftHliiil rfiinlHltn li> Hint onil ia a rooiI ham county, Slali* of Mlcbican. nawHpiioor., Thn itoniaal of auch ii'nuwdimpor not •JteoiirdlnK S'-iiriitary—i-^d. Swont, Vevay, tiatod Alution, Novcnilior 18; t.S7!). and I'27 Central Avenue, Oinciniiati, Ohio, only initilU h) thn riniiiK ffun^nuion » liivn of homn, Cui-ii..sinindins Sui'.retary—Willis llnrton. (Jii.Mti.titi 0. Koi.k'K, MortKatfi'n. (or descriptive eirculiirs and terms to hill irt u cunhtivnt Iriijwiilivrt to iniproTnmetit, Simply Jons C. tSijuiKUH, Attorney for MortK''K*'"- 47wlTt Tri'iisin-fU'—0. 0. Marsh, Alairduii. na an nilncutor, itiitl ii.siilo from all ullifir oontijilora- Wagons, Carriages, Colliers anil Sleiglis New Munilmrs t^xecutive Uoiuinittoo—W. Asa Agents,mentioning our paper. tlonn'iin purmil Hhuiilil h)r»(;'> taklne htto hU fumlly ninrtjsHRoSalM. Uowe, Vuviiy', U. J . luillon, Anrelius. Thk J>ktuoit Kukk I'iiksa. , ON TIIE SUOntliaT NOTICE. Dofault having b<-uii niadn in Iho cundilioiiH of vi Next batarilay Mr. hyou rends n paper For tlifl .V(iap,18SU wo Iiafrt to ofTf^f tho stnndanl certain .MiurtKaKu. uxocuti-d by Kmnia A, Jtonatlm-I: foattini.H which havo inailo TnK Fukh I'rkhii lha mnfit on the care and prolita of sheep, which Ooiumoii C'diiiicll L'roccudluirs. to John K. Thayor, bnariiiK-dalo tlio .ciKhtiMuiili diiy pnpiiliir journal lu iho workl, uml Mith mioh adili- of,'li'obruary, A, il, 1870, .and rt'OtirihtU (Ui tln-'I.Sih tionHuHwill provo of sptiolal inloroitt to Bliclilgai (ori'iciAi,.] day of Kebruary, A. V>. IH7ll. in ibc odico ol" ilio IIi-k- will Ijo followed by a iliscussion of the sub­ renrttirH, bitur of OflodM foi- tho county of In^bam, titiito of Aihtro.sfliiiff nioro'partloiilarly the farmer, wo take ject. Maso.v, .Iav. 3, 1880. Good Work and Fair I'rivus t BlicblKan, in libur 40 of iiiorl^a^ori, at pti^o 4ii:i, oxtrniut* paltiH lo prociir** complotn anil accurate nmr- which Hiiid nn)t'tKaKo wanton thn 'J7th day oi' Octnbi-r., .•Vrrangcmenls are nearly porrected for Council met in regular session and was koL. rojmrtH, Vhoy, onthracii farm proiluctH of nfory A. 1>, 1«7U, duly aHflipni-d by tho Knld .(olin F. Tlmyor- charaotor, Inclndini; livn xtock, Tho qitohitions, called to order hy Mayor Sayers. Uoll HRNUY CHAPIN; to Cluii'loH 0. Itoli'd, wliicli riiiid iiriHignmojit WWH, nit tho coming Stnte institute to he held oorrcctuil to tho ilayof pnliHcutlun, from alt tin' loail- tho2*>th day of Oclobi-r, A. IK 1870, m:uid.'inuwhoro, will bo found lii'TiiK Khhk I'iikhh, the Diiiljj Jovnuil, an advertisement of the WinhcMto boliourd aiid Ih hound to uny and proTOi virtno of thn KliLtulo in Hindi cjiki- miuir and pri»vl(ft'd, allowance at footing : Wa miKhl rnfer to tlio two ntont roceitt and torrlblo that on ^Vi(/ii,v, thn VMh tlni/ ixf Fchniary, A, H IftfiO, jit (lisiwttrM in.Michigan—thO| .Vlriati grand iitand hur* liftt helidfitho lloL'SEKEKrKit, piil.ili.slied ill Miiincapolis, Otis Fuller, priiilinK iioticus' „,, $ ,1 70 oiiii u.'clock in thu utturi'tioii, I nhnll iiidl at ;inbh(: rur and the Juiiknon railroad aucliliMit—a« ' e.xamploH, nucliini, to tho hlKlK'^^ biddrr, at ilio fmnt Minn., sent her luhlress to the publishers, 1). P, Wliltmore, pilatinp; notices and council rolnforforctid on frof|imnt occaHiomi hy HCCoiintM of proceedhlKs V, 94 duor of tho Court llotiHo in tho city of .Mhmo*, Iiik- Rroat piililic ovuiihi whioh Th^: ' Wekklv Faric ruKiitt Imni county, iVIlcliJ^ait, itltul bt^iiif;; iho pliico whoo by postal card, and received in reply their Albiiit L, llhodos, as nlKht's watch '28 (XJ hun luU) hufuro ihf roaUorn In advancu of Iti uottim- Best Meat Market, K. Dulcher, making 111 rods for lirldKe , 10 00 Ihn circuit cuiiit for Inf;l>»in county in liuldun,') [iiu new pictorial preiiiiuiii list. In three days paraHiJU. ' ' • ' pruiiiiHuii dfticribrd in »aid mortKagi% or iii> nincti Which report was iieeepled, and claims Ni> nowttpapor Iiuh Wlfjhtor or nioro intulllf^ont ihorcuf m ttlmll bo nccnsHary to pay tho nmuiint jIuo she had earned Scribtier'a Monthly and «diturl«l cuiaitioritM on tho loiidiuK (uplon of tho. dtiy. To bo found (n Muaon. Ho a practicalllutclier and allowed as recoiuinended. on fiald inortKaKo with,ton por ciuit iiituivttt nndull Nouu nurpiiM^ it In uaudor ; Moii'otiiual il in ntor< logal cuHi.i, loKothur with un uttorm>y'n footd' iwoiit^v- Harper's Ijazar, for one year, and a new has thn boNt taittflfor thu Markot lltminoitii of unv one U.S'FINISIIKI) llliSINKSS. . , iiry nlnrit; nt'iio itpproaoh It in Hpico, Apurkln und llvu dollai'H covonanttMl for tliorcln, Iho pn'mii'ftf vifttuiiy; • ., . , '•.•,,•• ;• ].,•.!.'••,,. • cashmere dress. Her husband thinlis that man to bofound. Kvory iininialthatitartii tho hoof ht'In^ dottcrlbod in mild mort;;Hf;u art all Ihut cctlfiiir On motion the Bpeciiil as.sessinont roll lu i-orri'HponJ«nci!, by iti suporlor, oxcolhpioo, hai pk'co or parcid of liind 'riitmitnd in Ibu townnblji'Of attracted K'"<--at utlontlon', and in IliU nMpnoial ilopart. was 11 good iiivestinent. 'I'lie Hoiiskkkep- whicli llio council were to review iiiid con. nndchuwH thnijuld,can bo found In tho Hkambloi at Voviiy, county of InKl)i>iii 'i»d Stal'u of .Mlrli^im, niont Tin; Tnr.v. IMtcdi Irt ucknowhtUgoil to iitand at iindknuviii and iluHcril)*!! nil'fulbiwn : Ii'oi i,v>rj^.liL tilHHtall, dally. Ainu, Kogncut up from the (ilr.« of ft Kit is ail nduuralily illustrated inoiithly, (inn this oveuiiigi was laid over until iio.\t tho Tory friiiil. (48) nci'cri of bind oil' fi'inu tho north nnd of tho w(.>,>r' Uoadum of TriK Fkek l'itK8.s wlll.rocoivo tUniugU neat, sensible and practical, and every lady meeting, Imru toft motOfftiid haTuur to auitthi) kftttv. liiilf (!^) of Itio HiMilh'WDtit fnirtlijiiiil (lunilcr \,l't\>,''* it» columns an intoIUitiblu Itltia of now boukii of wwr- Ht'clion nniiibor nlmdoon (U») in'iown iiumlii'r two li') . UyAhl. Sliiifer— ahonld at least send (or a sample copy, it M iliuy Hr« from tlmti tu timu pnhliHhod. Liboral north, of rango nnmbitr ono (I; wciti, ^Yoviiy,)'lti«^ Resolved, That tho common council of oxtr4i;ta and dincrintinuting .rovJows appoar ovory ham cniinly, Slatn of Mlchifran. which is sent free on a])pliuatioii. Address wook. POiriiTRY AKD fiAME. tho city (if Mason deem it advisable to va-' IJatt'd MiiKon, N"ov»'iiilior Irtlb, 1870. Aitontlon in BlTfii to hliioricnl loplM. and Hrtlclcji Cn,:itu:ii U.Hoi.rt:, Afninnvti uf .Uoii-rnp-o, UiiclieyePiiblisliing Co., Minneapolis, Minn. cate and abolish one tod in width on the htiTiiiic Hptjoial rotoronco lu our own Stulo ar* in prO' JouN C, Squikhh', .Vttorncv fur AKnljiUi-o. , *17w1U east aide of I'Jiistslroct adjoining Iho cem- pumtlon. Pouitrv and Qamo adorna the hooks In his shop 'TIIK HbUskllOLD.'* Itoul I'lstato TninsuctioHN. elcry grounds, and that the eouiicil will iiuiet oil tho Dili day of [""ehruary. at seven Kvory i.sKiioof The Wisiati.T Kiikk i'iiKH.i in accom- arllh delicacies frgui Saliaages up to the ptiiiloil liy "Tlio llouHfduilil," a Hnpplomont ilnvotnd to o'clock p, in,, 111 the council room to hoar The followiuu: is a list of the traiisfbra of Mitfiial juiil ijonii'^tlc lopicfi, Howor ciilturt', tJ»noy work, A CUR tojlnt ami ooukinK t'ecuipti and houttohuld nia(l«ri real e.statc where the conaidoratioii was' and consider any olijoclioiis thereto. K<)ii*-nilly, It i^ furiiJMliod witlioiu oxlra chargfs and Spiced and Pressed Seef IS $-100 or over, reconled in the oHiee of the Adopted as lollows : Yeiia, Aid. Wilson, overy piirchaHor or linVmcrihtT to TiiKe Fhri I'tuM OR NO PA register ol'deeds ol' iiigliaiii county for the. Peek, Harbor, fiiissell,' Sliafer, Vaughn ht oniitlod to ri'ooivo a copy, > i, lomiiii IIP, all nuiHt concliido .that Till WnKkLV Hoth uf which are doliciouif and uneqiialed,la weciioiuliiig .lull 2,1880 : (i i nays, none.- . , . Voii can atop that, tciialnct, liuckliiBCoiiKli with fir. FiiKK Vwv.m anil "Thn UoiixuIibUl'^—a Hnppliimuiil this Market Smith'sUiiiirh .syrnp,."i..hiivt. .veor uttnif.v it-imKlt.d. A. is. llhikoly'lu Cl. E. Siiriiii 00 ac on sue ll'i, Mer- llESOMtTIOS'S AND N'KW BUSIN'KSS. '. which iiminipdhlcff rvory Inkuo—thtni^h ftirnUhoil . Willi siiqli a llhenil oift'i-, will nny pcrauii coiilliiiw lillmi, «'J,li.'SO. • • •..'.' •' l"K«tlior tor» your, ct>mp»ro In ilto amonnt ami toCollBh I (.'OUfThlSpIll Blow I Wli. ei.. .oel v.bisi„ti. Tlturoli Ford to LtiraieTerry, h / of n,w i<^ ftiid, On motion ol Aid. Sliafer, Win. W. Root oxcullonco of i:uulIAN FKAZKL. itislructed to notify'tlie ciiysurvoydr agaiii and Cheat, .such iia Cousli.i, OiliH 'PleklhiK .11 rin' 1/f, sec'A Leniy,88011. • • ' lloiisolioltlV to^fotlior iiro furaUlicd ut Throw., lloainenesa; ABihnia, CJuiiwy,.lli'oiieliill.-', A.ill.iMorse 10 ,1. K. liai't, w i^of n aco IS, of the hibor to be pcrformdd on Elm strcel. Maaon Jnlyao.lSTS. : CTcnp und WIloopillKt'ollKll. W.iili'.;!;.nl ''.i'. "-.i'^^. nii.iinlud wllU .Nlghl SJWC»»S. !s siiofell!;- COlUi'i'""* and >v,><|oi; 11 e.|/J, sue 14, l.iiroy, t.'i,'J0O, Uy Aid. IJarher— , Lillian Ohase to lluMollu Sleailniiia, a of a e'/^, by II, .Sold by .iyrua;Iiits'iir.M) cl.s, Uesolued,'nm\. .lohn II. Savors, Win. II. - ;1 'flonit lbiod.'.\t',eld|l", St)'n',-J sec 11, Willii»iimlon,'tfI,SOiX'^ LibnrkI promliimrt. omhracinK^yoarlv iiuh!n;riiitit>'iH .A, W, V'uiiiJoo/iir, Id lliiihort VaiiAilkoii, Ji u X ef' niemiii-.n, yweei l)rc,;lli, liavner and. Wm. W, Root he and ihcy arc to Ih9 V4ri»nrt miwazina*,. bIc., .uro .givuji fur.clubs ToiMsjiPiic! [5oill|il ,Sl».'t'P anil C'I'ai' i.'uvn- » w'/i, ai'c 17, l.ockii,$l,iiUu; hcruliy.uulhoniicd to e.\-iiuiiuc any budding, AddroH* iGllovH.ta : • . , i!ox:iin. 11*^0 Dr. Sn'l h'.M ;-.i[:.l- Ituiijaniiii Oi-eeiie to Will, II, Pnit/s SO lie of lie'. firiKi.'. ll'.uiKl l-iiriiler, .U li fr'I l^', "see ;'), Slockliiid^co, it'll), ,* •j.'r.,,' used (or. public asseinulagos in said eit.y Jjnotncurii for ail IHh. lml:l:o THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, .The filatl llouto from i CornolliiN AUbuy lo p, X, Uatuiima,a o.J^ of n w)-^, whonever..ii|iplicalioii. shall he inadu to ll'IKwiiivo nro wo uriiiiinevii;-, .ec'-I, Aarnliiis, !>l,-.:ut) :;:' •':detiioit; JiioH.-M-t, iiiliiilAVii ofl'er, ill Rood fiiitli. ,1. It. Hitler lo .1. II. Luwli, n w i< of s w>f. HOC them therefor hy iho owner, person, society,, DANSyiLLE TO MASON; sam to' any porsioi aiiilcivrl' 12, I.<»lio, S700. nt' coriioi'iilion having.control ilici'eol ; hikI. l|,\vllhrtlseni«ofihei3Js:4,L!Tt:, IlnvfnK Ixien dlncoutlnuod, thn imbiicrlhor will (Cf Xidts;-:, .whli^li M tlriieiy,. A.s. Peek to N. .\ Diiiitilni;, several pikrcuti on sees ceriily that the suniu is well aiid.auHicieiiUyi and I'A Uiuiiid»(;ii, 5'J,(llNl hercaftor run a vohluiu ovf r.tho'road daily CHdiidayn . • ' will nnreiiriy. i and Fourth of July oxcoittodj fur the:.i:uuvoyaiicu of If fIB hlM tlTIT'tiKUH,' indicated hy a eniilod, A. 'I',' itorlou lo N; A.:liiitiiiitiK, several:'{mrciiU ftn provided with uiciuia.ol ajieedy.egress lor paiseiiKiri, uxpt-HiN, . uud troightH, at icaiiuimhla toiiKue,,roul.hreutli, poor iiiipotlte, Irenueiil liciiu; necM t anil I'i, iiiieiidaui., $S,(Ha>. ..;.';] aaaeniblikges, in :case. of, or, sinldon PATENTS. , Marcus Ituem lo Andrew lluurs, w.l^ of ii w V^, aec ratfM, loavhiK Danrtvillfat olKtit o'clock ii ni.and 111, Inghnii'i,'St,WIO. " • ' - •"'••I..,' alarm,land. to perioral such other diiiics as arrlvlhK at'Miuon at or before 10 ft;:tn., and rntui'ii- K.A. liihmann. Solicitor of Aaierican anil;Fni"i)!ii iOK »t nnuh tlniea eaqb day, an Hhall' heiit uroinoto ih* Wni. lll./i,«oc required.of ihuiu_ hy .not. No..:22G: ot. tlio 'akiB tTaprlcloiiji aiipetlti'.'imlii'lM inenm'inii.. . riitenta.Waahlniston, (i.e.. AI|.lMialMiiiia caiinccted c.invriiienceof the public. OKO. W. GLYKN. liiKhiini, M.Ooo. ,,, . i,, , • , ' with I'aluiils, wliiither iMifoio thu I'atiiiit Oltlce or.the i hlRi, wlilidi al lliiieii,elittiiKea to alioiildera, lm:ak-. 8UM10II lllWS,(lf,,.187i(i; . •i-icj ...... M..! Dauvvilk.Mich July liit, 187 ' „. 'Iftl.8l09l. nppearini! in.the Term ef PimplcB, Bolt.'f, ,, Jiio.;l)iiiislmeU: to Mareethis. Speor, a of „ i.^ of son, Puektillarbei',' lliiasully Shalei'i.Vitughn Dlntohaa, ulcera, Scrolkilu, Salt Kheiim, Ilhi'iinia. a w sec Uti, Alaiedon, |S2u. , LEISURE hours: ' tlHm.Laiueiiem,'or Hwiilled Julntit, reMil I f 10111 .rj vr .Ine. Dlllisbank" to lluralio'Every,'w J/jJ'of o of a' —(> (1 nays, none.; AH i, ,(.•:;.•. n.,;' emA coiulllloii m the lllo<»l, rer wlnoli Dr. Sniitli'a' KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE! A- MAffiuJnit. ofv ChoiOBi.XtlorAitiro Tor IV '/f, sec :w; .\liiledoii, SS;i0.r. ,i > J'1,) •The city.pound master niitdo u reporl.for- HtlllliiBl»'l«'Uiirivulod;' li'slioiild be nw.d bv ell-wbo Wiley .lliilsoii.lo 0. Ju. Ileiiliolt, a e fr'l li of ti w, ^^^^^Ts aiirn to cure npavina, Spllnla, Oiirh; ,1 .',,.. li'.',, ..'.itllU.PeUplOi-.i't'..''..''.M • ••, ,..;.,.',.-^ .nt.ud.nine(ileiiieittn. Itroiuovm all uiiiialiiral iinlnrKe- llio tho oiitlm ayateiii. Hnlil by PriiifuistH for 7.^ utH. > SoyiiioiirFostur to i,;:,'Alaleiloii, SfiOO.; ; received: therefor.; i On motion • - the -.Bamo ^^•^^H icjiihI for any iHiiieiicsii on beast or iitan. —BT— 1 • '"MIBAV'S NPKCiriC .Ml!I>ecl'NM:...": ^ .' L. .M. Puliiils to .lames UakeH, a e of s w t^, hoc ^^•r IV has cured hip Joint lameness In a imr- .IV.X.MEKSIIONiftiCO., . I; U,'Whral- «elil',=Sl).W. ' • • ;:ill':-,.*'.. . was nocepted; andthc clerk .ordered to ^•H^^^H'on who'hud aiiircrvd^.l^/years. Also TRADE MARK. .t^;i>u, «rutttTRADE M/^SK. KnKllKli Itiiiif Aiidixnv Liiultir tu:Aliilviii Shuweniiikii, s yt % »t place thuuiiiiouiit irecoivcd 'to .the contiii- •^.t. i^i'.iirvd.rlMminatlsiii, coriia, frost hiina or •••h, r >: ; ! I, „ i 111 UruiKlMTiiy, N. T.^ : w tf. secM, Whealtleld, S70U. ^aiiy lirulsea, cut. or lamt'iieaa, it haa «ily.!..Aii iiniail. guntifund. I i The publiHhefH of thU'Pnpular MaKiulnn havn d«- 0. Warner to O, 0. anil Elliii F. Warner, a]/, of iiu equal for niiy l.tumish on liiirsos, ' 'Send tor llliia* lllKOUru:lor.Velii.r teriMined t'i Kivu more Koud, InterominK and.lnairiict- i llal'w.Wrukll<.Slt,'^..! |lil8|b^''^>:l iiel< rarntiiil. Williaui'A'iDo.', Agents, itlft lotboiMibllc, for th» yoar 18S0, who will )>r«»nt' HW.JiJ, aeo lit, ItolUi, KWll, :., |.: City Clerk. liitrii.rd atraot, ilolruil,. Mick.i ,. :i,,i . i tlirouKti Oil* coliiiunH of tlio .Maffiuinu, Oritfina) Arti- "•-s-Kma-i fulluw,. aa !«.. He.'.^^ . 0. U. M.'WkIrk lu M. orifactttnd^J''uct^m,^tltc.,^etc.1 ^'..'t' JMlOnTuinffAbiiaii ;'iiail.(i«sof;,iir<),jo(i.:r,;;;,; : Jaa,lWi>louU to AluiuullouiHvlit Inl7, hikl), Daiis- DCIiGinMQ" Kvery wound :nr.':liijury, .niren NolwitbfiluniUiic. tho iiicroaaod nuttay of money I'.i.o: i':...M.T,\leuiorjr,:lInlvnr."i"'"V.iir;vl'-"-:.' rbl19IU.n».|iTaceldunt,ur any illsuiuo, un­ which thin rendem neocesiary tho subacrlptlnn price- aiil hcMltudoV I'atiiln thn 1liir1i,iPliiini.Kilnl'iVlrl>.fn . .nii.h,'llariies .k S|inrrow tu J. S, looker, lot ID, hlk Inventom atiil^eAtentee|i "> ' titles li Moliller uf the late war, to a pension;.'. All nen- uMhtf MftKfttOie remalna Iho •ftme./r .•;!! r ; .,;!>! PreiMturi.Old'A|ir,iind manytothur lilsiMri'^' ll'iat: .1, 11,; II. I. S »itit}{iiii 114011 Mt 4]at«' laart lo Innntly»r C'lioautiiptioiiHiid:a Pr ilimi Sliould send lor iiiNtt'iictions,. tcriiifl. rofur Oc;r TIENM9. fl.|j(my.e«rorft0,<:ynt»f«reii,inomh«., nu«h,.lUriiiin 4 Siiarrow tu.Muiiraii FrieKol, Iota Iti of dlaclmrjce '.irtleatli ut hsoldier.i.AU'untitlml.aliuuliI W(i eorid a trial euliicrlptlon of.threo: mouthi with ,Or*r« i4K»*riillp>rtl«ularahrniir paiiiphl>.t.wlii'dr tnd 17, lilk -i, II ,11. and.S. add , LaaahiK, iin.iO. oncoH, etc., ,to Edson BiotUers, Solicitors aplily lit once.: Tliuiiaanils wlioare now ilmwlng unn.' fthftndiomepremium foriilO eenta; .v ^v*^ i : r.:);' w« ilMirn lo aond rreoby niKll to ovary one! I'Jtv'i-'.TI^ii slon ftre-antltled tti Hn'liiRreHan.'tiolilleri iini^wlilowN W.'W.'Miitthuwa io'l.^ll."niirtliI i.'i.ii " ami Kind pay. P»cli«pre,.or»li imokHRrarorlAI'arnill heBcinifriti nish tho; same ,toi/Aou< c/*ar/;c,, Edson punslrtiia.i iTIiouaaiids nro yet entitled.tovboiiniy but. . U, l>. ,UK. U. liellf to Will. J. Ueal ptlut ,1, bik it'.!, Por fui-tlier pnrtlcuUra and agenta* « ranrlpiorthe iMi)ni«yl.vaddri'f»liiir:'.'i'; f I.>iiKhiK,.l70a. ' Brothers . iH A\ well-known'utid successful don't know It. Feus In nil casna only tUi.en.: Bond THK OltAV MHniCTN'K CO V ' two sTAMPa fiiriiewlawa: tilnnkacnd' Inalnicilona lo btamp to Ihe publliihora. V;"" : : / llarrlett'A! Hill tii''aek, lots 0, lu. II »niMS, hnn of: hirjrn fCxptiricncOf ihuvin;; bcou cs- ' '.: 'No, IOM«h»nI»'ninek,l>iii'ii»)r,:lM'i<:ii„. nud n of 7 anU «, hlk a, Muan, tl,IX)U NAT. WA1IU VITy,(iEH.VLU; IT.a.'ULAiM ArruiiKliy, W.XVMEIwnONAOO,/' I ' A9-loldin;MMoi by ulldruf^istnnud'evi>ry\vliei'a: Bux S8S, Wwhinntun l>. C. J. 0, CANNu.y Heiilaler, ablished in IStiG. 4Gtf. - Ill DruMdWAy,N;Y. ^ :kykll«MaMla»adretiinilr«|ci!iats.''<-i'«: :.>,!,'..'..>;.- fi charBea of fraud, corriiplhiii and Intlmldalion UL>ec|)(itiii of ]'AriH!ll nt Kcw York. k Letter from Mr. PllUbury. In Ciiuiborland County the town of sent in to thn-Govijrnor and Coiinciran lit tho pulls Hiieh lis wimM bo linpoaalble.with that Ixidy in ibo oiiitohos of u liupiihlionn inii- HftiTison; which cast a large,opposition, ailidavit, saying they signed the return Ni;w IcnuJiiniiaryl. The following letter from Mr. C. F. Jorlt.v.! Jl Is Ihls H'hioh Dlnliioiaiid hln viamt majority, was thrown out because ,thV in blank tuid did not know what it con­ About 8,000 people ns.soiubluil nt tear oven iiiOrii ihiin iholossof tbo Statu, ^ow I'illsburj-. cue of the Maine Deui'qcratic whole iniiubor of voto.s.waS'iiot incpii'-. tained;'that it wa.s not sealed or signed Miuli.son Sqiiiiro Gtirtfon to-"ni<;lit to toii. fortho nrtitllnio Mnino has ii Logl.slntiiro ahio Icader.s aiiil advisors of Governor Gar- mid willing tu imouvor tho cormptlua whioh foriiiily lo law; The Portland c'iiso has in open town-mooting, as t,lio Constitu­ tier n public woleonie to Cliai'lus Sluw- celon, appeared , in , the Washington ha»;rtoBa8od. lis olH'.oii.H and ilusti'uyod the beuii discussed at leiiglli in the papers. tion requires. Tli'i) Council ooiilil do iirt rnnioll, 'I'lio c'atliuriii<,' «-ii.s :i mixed freodoni of the biillut within its limits. Wo roi'i: ,•„,:,•' •• limy ox puot this work to Bo dune iiallioiniigli- Tho Constitution doelares that llio So- nothing but disregard'tho return alto- Olio. 'J'liorc con il be soon lliu lionost i.Aurur.sT.i,' Jlo., BeclTi.—To tiik. Kiutoii of Iv and IIS fearlessly as Iho Giivornorniid'Cunii- •riiv. " I'i'" I like your pnslllnii In regard leetmeii "S/KIII make a list of the num­ gotlier. There was nothing lawful about nrfisaii siltin"; iilonj^.sidu liis tiioro foflu- cll have dune thoir duly; iinii, even fiirlhor, tu tho ilB,'giil tloolnratlulls of Mr. Hayes of a thill, this Leglslaiiiro will pass Hiieh laws a.s ber of persons voted for, with the lutm- it. , •, I n;iU! iit'ii;lil)or, who nioviid in a liiirlior >iirposo lo reoogiii'/.e Iho suonml ur nnlslilo .shall iimko iiniinssihio the repelltluii of Ma .ogisiatiii'u,. If urgaiil'/.i'il, By ItepiiBlloiins of boi' of votos for each person a^raiusL his In I' County, the return froiii cifolo of life. Tlioro wii.s. .also « ei'liiio iigiiinKt li'oo govuriiineiit.' 1 Ihe state; -'^'ho aBsurilllynf aitempting to oi>. uiuiio; .•ill/ill make a fair roooi'il thoroof Ncwbtirg camo in with no mark upon it sin-itikling of lliu politiual olii- This I.s tho ".rovoliitlun" thiit(vlll lie elfooled giuil'/.e siieh hjLeglslntiii'O, pri of nairgmil'/ing to .sliiiw where it caiiio froni." It could iiienl., iind many . Itulics oceupiod In Maine, aniliill good ultlzoiis will I'ojniudat It If atlomiileil, will Bo iip|>aronl By o.Taiiilnii- in open town meeting, elo., and s/iaU IIS siii.'oess. only,bo ascerlaiuoti from the ciivoloiio. .sotU.s ill tlui balconies. Tliu ooiiiiiiiUoo liuii nf Ihn i'nllnw'iag miinnrlHes; My Iho Ilo- transmit ti copj of tlio list lo the Soore- vised .Stiiliiles, oliiiiitur ;;, sootinii til. il Is |irn- What troubles tlic Maiiio Kepnlilican tiiry's odloo, etc ,, and tlio Council, As tlie cnvelopo is no pai'tof tho rotiirn nppoinlc'd for liu; iiiifposu cscorlod Ui: vldeil Hiiil, the Isi.'creliii'y ni'State Hliiill. un nr 11 and Mr. I>illoii lo i.lio •,rur(lon. knaves jiist now is tli'iit tlioy iiro in Bofnro llio day proooding Iho mouling nf iho from tho list of roturiis,'.s/tiiW ilelermiiio it had to be rejected. 'I'he o])posilioii (laiiaur, as the ,0/o6i; points,.put, ,of„.aii Leglslaiiiro, I'lirniali tn the Sooriilary uf iho who is olecijbiT.^'Jiv Portlanil tlioyidid Iind a majority of thirty-live. Carmel liiiniLMlitUcIv on their inilraneo :i cheer preoeillngSonnto, and tho Clerk of the prooed- \V!is I'ai.scd'al llio (loorwliicli spread' inveslig-atioii' Svliioli, 'will . bverwhclni liig Huiiso of llepiTsoiiliiIlvos,, oorlltloil rolls,- not mi'iko iip' a Coiistitii'tioiial rctiirii, was rejected boeaiise there were moro nlonti,- iho biiildiiijiMiUi! wililliro.. The llieiii with infamy and probably send a iiiulor soul nf tho State, nf iiiiiniis and rosl- nnd the Council could not recog­ ballots than voles. It was Groonback • leneos of meiiiBei'.^-elool to iliolr rOiiiiuotivo by sixty-six-; majority, rrcnlissgavc no tiiidionee wii.sfranuu wiMi c.\cilciiii.'iit. number of tluini to iho ])eiiilcntiiiry.— hollies, aeennling lo Iho ropiirt nf ,iiio Hov- nize it, thorofore,'a.stvreturn at all. Tlio nicit shottled lliuiii.sulvos hoarse nnd Die Indianupolin Snnlinct. ornnr nnd Chiiiioll, and roiiurt viiciiiiolos, .if action pf/tiioB6iird.of Mayor aiul Aldor- whole iiiiinbor of liallot.s' cast. It liail any e.xist. Ily eliiiiili'r:!. soeliun 11:1, lin^ Soorit- liidi(!.s waved Ihuir liiindUofcbiiif.s. '.I.'hu nieii ill i,'oi'(.latiil, nflcV , ilioy h;ul forty opposition majority, ' but was •iiryuf iho iii'eoi,'(llng Muiiato shall call Iho Sen- band slriiL'k up "Aiild Laiifi; Syne," and SyiKip.sis of lliii 0|iiiiiiiii Iiir'i tiic'.Miliuc atnrs-i.'loel, tu urilor, and froiiiitlio roll, fiir- ascertained that their rcliirn bore thrown out., Winn wiis Ih'i'own out be­ ib was sumo lime Ijcl'ori; lliu o.xuiluinoiit !Su|ii°eiiie Court. iilsliod him oall I hiili'iiiiiiies, and If a iiiioriim on its face , tlui ' word' "scaltiiring;" cause it had more bidlots, than votes. resijunil ho shall iiro.slili: until Ihoy are ipiiill- siili.sidud. ,liidj;-o Gildur.sloovo presided liwl anil a I'ri.'sliloiil Is oloctoil; If nn iiiiiiniin is conclnsivo .proof tliat the}' did 'There'wits an oppo.siiion majority in iiiid inlrodiiued I\lr. I'tirnull, who duliv- 'J'he followino; is a .siinimiiry of tho appear ho .sliiill, uri'Side, anil Iho Soniitoi'S-oleel not believe the return wa.s Coiistitii- this town (ifsixt.y-llireovoles. , .Kdd'ing- lu'csi'iil, shall mljimi'ii i'rnin day In day, Imf- ured 11. sonicwliab h;tiy;lhy address on answer uf the •Justices of llie Maine Sti- ton, GreenHchl I'liid i\lcilway, all gavo, shiill tnmsniilno laisliii'ssi o.xoc'pl going In tu tioiiid, for thoy mot in extra sos.sion l.lic land refomi.'iLioii in Ireland, ulcsing pi'ojiie Court to the intei'ro'n'i'ilm'ies siib- onnveiiHnii In till viieiiiiolos iinili a ipinriiiii ai>- and eorreclod their record as that opposition majorities iind were, all poiiraiid are i|inilllli.'d iiiula i'l'o.siileiil Is eleul- ;us follows: miUed Lo them hy. tJovenifii' fJaroeloii. ;i;,'i'Ood (it'ccisely \viIII lliu I'Oliirii, and coiiiiled ont without di.Seriminal,ioji by od. Ily ehiiiitor ;;, .secllnii.lCI, tlio Clork,'uf, the '.I'lio ipieslioiis are indicated "in llie aii- lireoeillng llniise has tlui siiiiio |in\ver nnd ilii- then sent A. A. Stroiit to Augusta llio C'oiineil. ' ' I imii iMilv, In (Miiu.'lii.sirm, n.vpvess niy con- swei'S.S'ivciiy iTlio ripiliion; ••ivliieli ia.oii- tliw IIS logai'ils orgaiil'/^atlnii uf the llimse trnni viol lmiH ihiii till.' Hull! hii.'* o'liiiu n-lioii vliiliH-y iVltli .11: copy of the amoiided record , IirWashington County several im­ lii'oly'to' th'e'posilinn 'l;al;en ' liy iiii,.niBors-uli,'ol as iB.'li'galiMl In Iho .Sci,- i.s nhoiii tl) iTiiivii till) o.vui'i liHis of lliu Irish I'oliirvuf tlie iirueedlng .'^eiiiilo In Iho preoed- with instructions that he have imllioi'- portant errors .were I'oi'ind 111 tlie re­ |ii'ii|ili. Ill iliclr liiiKl.; 'I'huliiiiiilwrb.iiiK I.s iiikui the doveriioi' ;iiiil Ids .Cuiiiicil, was a iiii- iiig siiullun. Ily chaiitor:!, soellim i.','i, no |)i!i- turns, '.l.'lii! Ch'errylield , rctitrii wa.s iBn wiill, mill, IliiiiiKh viilii iitii.'inpis niiiy Bo il.y lo substiliitu a copy of this aiiiemled auiiiioiis one, and wiusiiiiriieil by.Jiiil;;'cs Kuii.shall Be iilliiwetl .Io.'A'uIo or In tiilco liiiiilii frnilMllliu In Hum I o . lulsiilroel |iilliBu any ; ]>iirt, in organi/.utIon of oillior Bniiioh rouoi'il for the orij^iiial return which sigiietl by an alien, ''l.'lie lioard of Si)- iipliiiiiii to hnlsli-r Jip-ijiir o.\|)lrlipf, sysioiii, I .A pp 11;ton, - Will tun,-, 'Uarro\s-s, iJaii forth, of'riio 'fii.'gi.sliiMiro Its II iiif-mBor unless hi.s ain'ocd exactly with tbo orio'inal I'ueoi'd. kiotmoii who mado'oiit the retiirii was eiiiilhlioiilv liiok fiirwiiril In tin; llnio whoii iIid: Pelei's,;Libbey;uid 'ryniiiiiils.'- •'• name iiiipeiirs in the eertlllod rnll of thnt never !ijo;iill.y organized., 'Thei'el'oi'H Illliir ol sVi'll in Iridiiiiil iiiiiy, us in (iihur fn.o Branch. Iliidor the t.'nnstlliirinii, iirtlolo IS'. Tho Council could do iiutliiiig' bill; lo i.'iiiinirios, rciip llm Boiiiilll nf hiM u.\i)rlli)iia J, 'I'lie Huveriior iiinl tjniincil lmvu no aii- |)iirt l, section 5, it Is iii'ON'iiieii thai tho lists reject this liUciulud imposition on Ihu neither the rultirii or the niceliii.f;' could mill liiillil lllr nvsillt ilnwil tii his clillilri.Ml, llini'iiy t.n nrilur a liuw t'luellnii wliuli Iln |)j'ui)or of voles which aro llrsl o.viiniiiioil B.v Hie llnv- people of the State. '.I'ho Council, in liave'bocn,'. Froiii the town of 'I'lmn I Bi'ilci-o ilinrmio MTOiil Hti.iii luwiinl Hio reliirn is imiile. 'i'liu liniise may sunt, iiieiii- erilnr and C'oiiiiell shall llllllll>' Bo laid IieI'Dro t'ri^fvldni (if Iroliiiii! u'ill huvo liouii iiimle; -Ihiit Bci'R w'liu'hii\'e 111 fiuii boon elooti'ii; even if no llio lloiiso of lleiirosonliiHves, wiiu are liiial Ciuivtussitig the returns, cannot,go out-• Daiit'ortli; till! riiLui'iis wcri! for Clias. Wll .sliiill liiivi' pui 11 mill.Ill Hill uuliin of rot nan 111. all is, in alio, I o iheSuu rotary uf .sihio. juilgos nf will) am eleetoil. Arliole IX., soo- side of tli'cm, to cslablisli. equities and lliilfo, while other towns in the ela.s.t t.iMii nf I'hiwlisli iiilsnili; .[iiiipliiiiHol, roiiKivoa jV IteiM'oseiil 111 Ivu'Ih nul:^ Id'Bo doiirivinl uf ills tinii I. pruvidos Hint ontii uf nllioo shall Bo iiil- seal, lioeiiiise imiiiiol|iiil ullloers have falloil to niinlslori'il In .Soiuiiorsiind lieprosoiilat Ivos liy correct the fiicu of Lhu returns by had it Charles; .-Vi I'liilfe.. Tho. Council ; • nil' iif till' i-'riiiilC'Sl liiiiioilfiiiuiils to :tiii; union do tiiolr iliiiv. iil'iill nlii.ssrs mill all rellnliins Ihuro LKi'eiil. np- llio GnviM'iiur and Hniinoil. •' parol evilloiico. 'L'licy can only vo- were obli.gcd to stand .by the rotitriis ~. 'I'ho (?nnslltiiliiai mills I'lir ri'liirivs which 1 Shuulil Iho ilopiililloiiiis atteinpl a dual f.og- lihiiisi'J; mill Hull \nj Hhiill hiiVfi Ihi) uf ceivo evidciicu to show i'el.iii'ii.s are I'ogai'dlcs.s of, the feeling of Mr. llnlfo I'Vorv Irish luuriot in nil iijru.sri)nll/.i;il Ihiil Iho Mliall Bv I'ugiiliir III all es.seiiliiii iini'lieiilai'S, Islaliiro Ihey would have no eorlillod rnll froiii nriintfo mill Hiu Kromi iiiiiy liii iinlluil [ohoursl, mill which iriily i'i;|ii'osonl: Hie I'liois Ihoy imr- the t^ei,'retiii'.v nf Htalo, no seal of yiiito, no forgeries, except in the case of ooiiiil.y or the l{.fi|uiblicaii party, or tlio tit- purl tu set riH'Hi. lliil iiiiieli of iliii Cniisi 11 u- I'riiicsiiiiil. mill CiiHiollooniililuil III work tii- I'JIork ol' the pi'oooiliiig ilonso, no Secrotiiry of tempts of iMr. C'lirran, prominent Uo- Hnnal reiiiiln;iiiual:s l«-,,mori.'ly dlfeotory.- • 'I'ho' ollieei's who- arc not Conslitittional of- " got iiur fur I ill.'iroiiil it I' i holrouiiiitry tiiiiplnii-so], the lU'ooodliiir.Soiiiito in oall tlioni tn nnlor, nu t.'iMIS 1.11 nrlonMlnes^.not,-iiiiii-In iloprivo 1 ho pei> licors. .If the Ahiyor anil AUleniien of miblicaii,, to patch up the rceoril. in mill llim nil uiiusu limy o.vlst lo provuiit .iiii.v returns tn Be siiliialitoil ifi olllior Briinoli, and ple (if tiio rlglit, nf siiirriige nr ri.'iii'iiseiiiiiiinn ulassuf our oiniiMryiiieii friim ilnlim tluilr no l.loveriior or Coiinoll to iidniiiilstor, tho Portland can eorreol their ruconii and Keiitiebeu County tho town of Albion I'nr rnrniiil orrnrs. But, tu iivnlil siieli a resiilL. llUIElO.] purl'uuHy'ciilijil, il is in aiilnr Iho (.'niistitii- JiOglsliiliiri.i nf ISTii iii'O true, lio^-nliidliig and ber oieclioii by that correotoil record, Clerk did not sign the return, and the 'I'lie band Iheii played the " llocky linn II) .sni)|)iy the ilelli,'ii..|ie.v as cnrreully as voBiiBlo, Thoy wllp iiorfnrm thoB" iliitlo.s as piissllilo. If ilieri! is aii.ei'i'ii|. In tlio rotiiriis. It thoy can elect Kopi'esoiilativcs or C/ironiclc i.s of the ojiinioii ih.'tt Aiiguslii Road, to i.liiblin," l.o which, the iiiuli-' reipilred By law, and Hio iiaiao nf nn man will shuiild Be eui'ri'oleil By cuiiiiiarisniMVllii Iho Bo called Unit dues iint, iippoiir on oortllloil cliiiiigo the result of elcclhius at will. anil .•jovcral other places in tho same otiee "l;opt lime witli tluiir feel;, and diiiiliuiito siiiloini.'iil nn reuur'l, whioh reunril list. -V Li'gislaliiro urgiiiil'/'.oil imlsldo tiieso Hail the Council allowed this correc­ county ought to have gone the same Lheii .IiidfTO Gildcr.sloevo inlrodiiccil is iniiilo fur- o-YiicIly' such ii inirpuse. .In Iirovisiuiis, and in- uppusillon In Iho ConHtilii- regiird to this, tho rtliiiiifo of IS77 tlonul l.ogisliitiire, cnnlil hiiv'oiiio moro'ilogai tion, thoy would havo established ;i road. John Ii. ililloii, who was rocuivod with is niily iioriiiissii'u. But. it is a le­ standing than nno nrganl'/od fruni'ii iooBjIii' pi'cceilont which iiiiglit bo tbo soiireoof In York County tho Towu Clerk did prolonajod tipphuisu, and, tifier o.xpress- gal imi.xlin tiiiil wlion piitilie liilorosis the st,i'i'^ils. If llio I'roslilenl Bus Indeed d^;i- are cnncurnoil, siioli |)oi'inlssinn liuoniiies man- torinliiml in iiih'iinoe lo rt-ongni'/.o a Ltiglsla- untold iri'ognlarilics. Tlio jiroperly not sign, the ret'urn from the town of iiir; ^jveiit o-ralilU;iitioii at iho warmth of^ ilalnry, miil Is ii onmiiianii, ololhiMl In. tiirollnis organI'/.oil, and gii'cii iissiiranoos tu oonstitiitcd body to deal with the Lebanon, and tho whole number was the reeujUion in Lliis eoiinlry, .siiid: hiiigiiiig'O of (.'niii'losy. "'I'lio liovi'fiinr mni lhal-oll'eet, and thoroBy ;glven iinuntonanoo Cniiiiell are iiinind By stiiliiti.'. It Is mmnlatury aiid,iiiioniiragomoiit;lo, ovli-ilisposod porsnns Cfpiitios of the case is llio Legislature, not given in this town. Tho iiowspnporrt sliito thnl tlio.hiiinl i,oagiio iilinii tlieiii; it iiii]>iisi's a iliily In the iniBllo j^vBn ai'i! trying'By iitoeiiillary .appoiils In in- nut the Council. Ill Somerset County tho Clork in tho in lii'liuul hiis imlv npKniviituil thi.villsti-oss fif that must Bo perriinaijil. Wiiothur thi.i not re- 'aiiuni'iilo iiiijiroh.v Iind vinloiieo in this Sliilo, Irish iiuuiile. \^'o tiiko tho llrsr oiiiiiir- ferroii tn oiini niveiiL'S tho Cuiisiltiitloii in-al- Be lias assiiinoil ii roarful rii.iimnsiBilit,y. In Iho case of Farminglon, the, whole: town of Fairlield .sent in two sots of ro- tHiiliy Jn oiirroiM, this sliiluinuiil. '.riio liiwirig oral e\'I'lun(;o to lie,'roeolveiB to shinv nnmbpr of ballot.s did not a,.iri'eo in any tiinis, oacli return contradicting tho I,mill' l.ciu.'uci tins iKiliiiilly ruiiillli.'(l li.v tho Inientlnii of tho volurs In'oiisrIiiK thoir Ills ull'iiri.s rcMl.s In Iho ii.vlom of AIIIKl,- vtilos Is annltiur part nf the sttitiito wtiioh we way (With tlio votes cast for'tliu sgvei'al other, '.rids fault iiiailo a change In tliii r.O0. Is thai likoly lu iiivifriivalo tho Vours truly. P.. I'li.i.snoiiv. are iinl niiw oalloil upun tu o:inslihjr. Ifiin- candidates. The Council, in throwing Koprosoiitalive district, and it is impos­ ili.viros.s nr Irish Icniiiitsy Oiio of uiir onnstilutlnniii ill Iho iiillor respeot thai wniiiii out this rctiirn, only ftillowcd the law Ki-i'iil'1'is Is in i'nroo Irish imiillnrilH not all'< the iionstihilluniilli.v uf the nllior sible J'oi' us lo see' wluit blame attaches In iln thnir iliiiy. IVo saw thn only way lu seimrato anil Inilopoiidoiil iirnvlslun." and did what the lieiuihliciiiis. have tu tlio Council on tliis account. 'Tlio, HIIVO I ho ]ic'ni)ln was tn out olf Hiolr sii])iill(is 1 tirconbnck Organ*s Stittciiiont of the friiin liio liiiiillnril.s, wliu will tlioii Bolluvo done many times before. U the whole case of Skowhegan has boon fully dis­ II.,,Wliiloluwiis miiy liavii soyeh' Soleoliiioii, Case, .i,;,',' llioro ls a fmiiino, anil the rusull has Bonn they iiiimbcr of votes duos not eorrosiioiul cussed. Here the evident intention of ailiiiil thai Hii' illsiross. Ovor tlvo hiiii- most nf tiioiii liiivo Bur 'tiiroo,'iiiiil' tho .signii- tiiro of l,wn nf those Is siilliulimt. In Hie ciiso with tlio ao;gregat,e vote for Iho several the Kopiiblieiin party was lo make such • lri'il Hmusaiiil iiioii hiivo tiiUuii inirt In niir , For twonty-tlii'eu yo;irs tho Kopubli- of lloiii'iis of ;\liloriiicii, ,a iiia,iurlly of a candidates', tlio'ii who can toll which is a vote that it coiilii bo distitigiiislioil iiii'Oliiitrs In Irolmiil, whero this spring Ihuru fliinnim, thniigh iinl a iiinjorlly uf' thii whnio, canpjirty has tnailc ; laws for' counting will III) iwn luindrcil mid IIfly Hiniisaml puu|)iu Tight, or whether either is right!" It is is ouini>utoiit 111 not. If a Bare miijurlty uf a oiit and has " coiintotl biit" liiitil iiiially fromidl others; for the purpose of con­ •^villmiit fonil, and-Aiiiurloa eaniiut fu^^d thom liiiuriim sigii.s tiio ruliiriis, ll is nnt. tho Biisi- the iiaturitl supjiiisition that iicithor is trolling, the voles of till) i)))eratives iu., Inr mure than a I'uw wveks, iiiiil By oiittliiK- nlf iiess of tlio llnvoi'iinr and Coinieil tn iisiiorlain it i.s csiught in Iho trap it .so skillfully right, and that in either ciiso the re­ till- siijipllos the prodsiiru they, ii.s well iih niir- wliorher iiiitre than a (iiiuriini wore pre.soiilur conslriicted for others. A few partisan the .several nianufactories tim! work- .selvos, will liring to boar uii Iho auvoriiiiiuiit lint. . ' . , , turn is bad. Now Sharon was ibrowu slioiis in that place, who, it was kiiowu, will iiriiu; relief. papers oall tho present action of the •I. It islniinatoi'liil wholhor Iho roliirii.s from out because the return had all the Govornorand Council "a steal." But would vole in opposition to the Hc|)ul)- 'i'lie following , resolutions wore a oily show thn vote liy wards or nut. It is nut Selectmen's uanios signed in one liaud, iiooi.'H^iiry thai onoh oiindliliito'.s niinni shnnlii we considcir it a. rather niii^rnilieont 'licans if they bad an opportunity. The -.idopted: clearly sliowiiig upon tiio I'aeo that it Be (111 the rotiiras. pnu'liiod that tho vutes piece of business for a " blathorskito" vote Wits ])riiitoil in iloiiblu coliiniiis, , retiii'iieil as seaitvrlag, huwover adiloii nr.siilv f{i:,vhleii priiilnoos this sulfiirBig needs ii ohangii; nut, . Two sigimtiiros wuiiiil bo oiioiigh lo oor- Nowbiu'g, Coriiith; audMeilway. The In llaiieook County several opposi­ Greenback place, was thrown out be- ' that niiiiiey fur Iho imrohiiso uf fuinl, riu'lani! laln oiisu.s, and ihe prosnniplioii Is in favor uf tion towns wore not countoil by the cause the 'return did not cbntaiu tlioi tho I'otiirii. '- '/ Council confined tliom.selves .strictly lo nilinuul I'nr the allllutod pniir are in'oded at Governor and Council. Tho town of wh()lo iiuinborof votes given, Soarsport, once; anil lhal, lioyuiid and liesldi.'H this prim­ , s. j\ por.snii lull a oltl'.'.on iiiuy Bo a Soloet- tlio lace of the returns. Thoy tlearly miiiwlo/oi'lii, and land Ihe luwii as euniplole- ary laill, fiiiiils are iii.'eili.'ii lu strengthen tho liadtlio right toi attack the validity of Otis was thrown out because tlio votiirn in Waldo County, scut in a rolurii not ly iis-if he worn a Soleoiimin di: ./iiri,'.. So fur iis hands uf the Irish Land League in their slriig- tile iiiililii: are oiiiu;ei'iiL'd, the nets of a tie any returns which woulil have given the wasniado up iiiid signed by one per­ .sealed upas tho Coiistilution requires. gie iigiiiiist liiiulluril in(.iiiii|)nly, and IBat.uinre- fortn riilloer aro as valid us Ihuso of ii ile jtirc Groenbaekors'several additional, nicm- son. Jackson was thrown out because it did fiire, wo suggest, lo ii gonoruii.s piiBlle, while olliiior, reiiieiiiliering the pressing clalnis \um pre- lier.s in tlio House, and overthrown tlie; Two planttitioiis wore thrown out bo- not contain tho whole number of votes si'iuoil I'nr relli'l', Hiore is an uBIigatiuii lu alil il. Ill the eiiso nf imirkod Ballots, Solootinoii result in Aubnrn and the entire county given. •Freedoin iuul Islesboro, botli. In Ihu iirevontinn nt' a reoiirrence . nf such have tho rlghl to ru.iool them when olfereil, liauso not properly signed iind attested. i;laiiiis, nnd this liiltor oiin unly Be olfoetod' By But tlii.1 slaiiito I'orlilils Iho rojuiilimi nf a lial- of Aiiilro.scoggiii. But tlie only cliange Thoy were botli ]!>emoci'atic. From an-' strong opposition towns, and giving, the I'oiid.liistMieiil of llio lanil leiiiiroof Irehiiid lut iil'lor It has Biioii roooivod liilu tho liallut- large majorities, were thrown out be­ liu.\. The Soleotiiioii havo no Biisinuss In re­ made in Androscogfrin is in the Lisbon other town tlio roliirns wcros_igned_by a euuieiiii>laU'il liv llio Irish l.iiiiil J.emriio. cause the whole number of votes was t. 'that siiB.sorlptloii li.sis Bo al oiiuo optrnod, port, the iiialter of marked tialiots tu Ihe linv- district, whore fraud, i.^ .so plain on the' clerk pro tem. Cranberry l.sfc, a 'Dom- oriior and (Jouiioll, ami I he hit lor havo un right n llnanoo coniinlilooj soerotarle.s iiad troiisiir- face of ovisry return that it W'tis impos­ not giyon., Moro, , opposition, .towns In pay liny iiltoiilhm lo suoh report or lefoi- ocrntic-Greoiiback plantation, was ers iippuliMeil. nnd Hint a formal aiidoariiesi oiloe. , . sible to count thoso places. thrown out on account of irregnlarities. have boon thrown out tiiiin Ropubli- aiipi'iil Be made tn nid in tho grmid iiohlovo- ean, a fact wiiicli was not known to tho iiieiil of giving tho Irish ponpic a living in III. Thoro oaii ho no groiind I'or rojoollng Iho Beside i all these, many allidavits Had the opposition towns boon all right, liielruwu land, rcali'/.ing, tho idea given uttoi-- word "dittu" or,"du" orillsrogai'ding tho dots Council, as they made hp , discriniinii- or iiiarlcs that nru la oommon u»b us thoir siiB^ wove sent in to the Govornor and Coun­ there wero fatal tlcfects enough in tho anoo tn By .Mr. Varaoll on his arrival, of giving tipn, until they wore compelled to look Ii'Olniid n plaoo ainuiig Ihir Natlnii.s of the stiliite. cil proving beyond doubt. that, neither Uopublioan towns to give the opposi­ tho matter np, on' iiccoiint 'of the .tor- earth. Ill nihor words, " Ii-eliuid for tlio Iriah, 11. Tim Govoriior tiiid Coiiiioil have no right Li.sboii nor Webster had any record of tion tho entire county, but tiiore were and Iho for lyeinnd." to rojeel returns ua thogrutiiid tliiit tho.v'aro rilUc a.ssiuilts niaile upon thciii by tho, not goniiliie, iilijootioii in wriiing is the election'proceedings of any kind. also many defects in opposition towns. The receipts nt the bo.v-ollioc wore press of the Ropiibliciiii party. Tlio presoiitod to llioiii dooinriag that any or all This wius iidinilted before the 'Connoil' 'Tliorofore the .Republicans got every nlioiit .'Si2,liOO, which will be transferi'iHl the signatures aro not goiiiilnu, or that tho fiict, liijwbver, thiit'in ciwting p.t thist rotiirii hud lieoii nlluruil sirioe It. wiia. miido, !by the To«'n Clorkof Webster, amr by olHcer except two Representatives, in­ to tlio treasurer of, the Irish Land long of towns, tiic result aft'ectedthe then aulioo shuiild ho givon to tho'parties lii- ;oiie of tlio Selectmen of Lisbon, in evi­ cluding all the county otliecrs. And in toreslod, and In iiivosiignliiiK tho ease the lj(>aij;iio, tind ii.o the Executive Coiiimit- t\\o ftice of tills noble and patriotic ac­ Republicans more than tho opposition' Governur ami Couiioil should bo govoruod liy dence. At tlio e.xaniiiiation on Andros- teeluul raised by subscription: funds is somotiiing; accountable ohly, to Di­ the usual nilos of oviiloiioo. ^coggin .County onicoi's,.it further ap- tion on the part of,tho Council Rcpitb- iieecssiiry to defray tho expenses of tho vine Providence, for wo aro sincere in- 12. ; lu eiuso of diiplloalod roliirn.s, tKilh in ;po:i,i'cd that liftyj^fiyo names 'w.cro'addod lican hirelings not only deiiy that there I'ecoiilion, any balance they may htivo the belief that this inetliod.was ttiken nrnpor form, tho llrst roooivod must bo tho ;to'tho check list'in'Lislioii' on'olectiori; tii'o any such cases, but also donoimco will bo added to the iibovo amount. Basis of tho not ion of tbo Govoriior mid Coun­ by tho Riiler .of all punish cil. It dofootlvo, thoy can tio oorrootod ho- idiiy, and all those men, oi-ncJivrly till'tif 'them as thieves. the Rc])ublicati liarty'for its proltigaey oordlngtotho stntiitos. lloturiis must buvo ;thein,'wore bought to vote the llopubli­ In Knox County, •Vinalhiiveri wtts • €nrrjlii(? Out the L«w. thoir full Dtroet If thoy are inl<>lllt(lbli), Ineplto to duty, and tiie miserable methods it of triviiilllrregiiliirltios. They arc iiiotto lio ctin ticket. Proliably there never was thrown outon accoiint of irregularities, took to .secure vote.s.-The result'is a sot- If the llcpublican rascals of Maine strangled' By Idle teohnloolltlos, 'nor ' thoir a more fraudulent election thiin. the one, although it gavn one hundred and nine moaning destroyed by oantlnus orltloiem. back to bribery. Tlie pivrty that keeps were iirairio doi^s, with, their tails in a in Lisbon. Auburn has ,not had a legal Greenback liiajority. The return from in power bv starving men, and: thnn :slool-triip, thoy could not squeiiUotidov meeting this'yoitr, uin'd sbotild be tlibi'- Matinieiis wiui sent in signed and scaled --The extraordinary statement tliat buying their vote.s, the heavens will •or to less purpose. They,feel the law's joughly investigated; and'probably will but not a vote wtis given. It contained Mr.CKobert Packer, wliilb 'traveling iii overthrow.—J«ns;Vbf(5d for;' T'iis pliviuiii: must have boon a; •.'sediment in the Nebi-aska to Manch Cliunk, Pa;j by tel­ tion was thrown out. It wiis itnOppo­ to perpetrate frauds; and tins wiis done tion, With several others, in Dickey's quiet waters 'when the rivers wore egraph; thenco it was telegraphed to sition plantation, and ;by''thro wing it'out by tlio loaders Avitii a profound disru- district that woi-o strongly Democmtic- blocked up below with ieo. When tho the Sayrei ollice of tho Pennsylvania tho opposition two. county'oflloors. Riird for all law, V human and divine. Grcenback, came so near defeating him barrier was molted away.a channel was Canal iVs Railroad-Company, of whicii The Representative return ; from New The Globe says: , . tliat his majority of several Hiundrod worn through the silt, leaving the flncly- Mr. Packer is Siiperinto'iidcnt, and Castle read E. K.. Hall and alllv other last yoarwiis uut down to seven votos, commimited clays on tho ' neighboring 'J'ho inoHt cnooiiniirliiH' foatiiro of tbis roanlt from there it was transmitted to Mr. towns in the class sent in returns bear­ this,year. Atfroil Cushnian was seated hills 08 wo now hnd them.!' ia the ovidoiioo whioli it given thnt the throats Packer's iiouso by tolopliono, falling ing the naiiioofEdwarilK. Hall.^ Tho of tho Itadioiil UoniiBlionna hiivo tand iioetloot instead of John Uurniiam because il list Council is not responsible. Tlicycould in divartiiig tho Governor iind Couiioll from short of the first report of the tele-' of votes was" not sent in with there- not count the votes i of E. K.i Itall for tho porforinimco of thoir ilnty.- At every stop phono's porforinanco by somo 1,990 The Medical Press says it is tho worry, Iho liiw and tho Coiistltiitioiiliiivobcon atrletly turns from the several ' pl!intiition.s, miles and a fraction. • Edward K. : Hall according .to i the de­ I'ulluwod, Hiid tho Kxuoiitlvo has not liopn dc- about wa,ys Iind means that,kills; doc-, which is ospeciallyi'Toquirodi by the cisions.of the courts. . The Council had torred from obeying the Inw by nil tbo rritntio tors themselves aro worried to.idoath: by oIl'nrtH nt intiniidiition> which Mr; Dinino hns Constitution. The'sumo wiw true in' no.desire to override tho courts, lionco —A.inothod 1ms been discovered for pecuniary troubles. Thisfis an opinion iiiiiile through his piirty iis fully followed • in this can vims of tho rotiirna.i votes, from' places'where':' the 'rdnirhs was thrownout.bocause the^rotnrn did an easy,thing, to give ndvicpv which'is nnd nothiiiK bus been duiio that.will not stand loaf. The whole secret consists'in: wore legal.- The: returns,from,Little­ not contain the wliolo number ot, votos .'lis loiful nnd oquitnblo uiidor.thici oloaoHt suru- steaming the leaf boforo steeping. By hard to take, but,wo commend thisnied- ton; a strongFusion town, did not give cast.' , tiny. TUoor5'of " I'ovoiutlun'; v.whloh Ululiiu, this process, itiis said, fourteen piutsof. ioal'counsol as'good to begin tho year nnd his followers huvo raised is .found tu bo thoiwholo',nunibcr'of,vriitod. . 11 . • ;' • • thrown out on account of irrogularitios darkost'night has a momfng; and worry Ilut tbi* ie only tho boglniiliiK.ot tho end. Lako plantation .was tlirowni out'bo-' in the returns. Tho voto of Stoneham , With tho I,-ir.slr-.My riaiiEhter tias Imoti alltlcteil with nasal LIVER CqMPLAINTS.I] catarrh, alli-ctloii ot .bladilrr and kidneys, anil Is a vaii. It IncIuihM r^o iinies for one lianil, iroeier-' tlie false impression, of beneliting their premises, and Ihereliydrive both sons serumtiuis dIatlieslK, and, after liavlni: uiiiausted ;hi| 'clsoK for Hnirrrliitf, HOk'niileil pieces for Io.s.ioiin, ami akin and tile iiiosr eiiilnteit iiliy,siclaiis of Selaia, 1 a: istlpatioh anid JPJIes^ : -ahouti40liyiim'ruuesaiiduli'«s. all with lull auit condition.—AWiaHiyc. aiid • dauglitci-8 froni 'tho homes that lasl n-snrtwl to Ineiise er jollr VKdKTINK fKlthoii ,>.,plala.aiructiiiDa.i., , should be loved' iind cherished. Pa­ I'liiindence). and. to my ureal aiirprlse. niy ilauitliUir IT HAS —JJr. Footo, in \\\» IteiililiMonthly toie li»« iM-en rodori'd lo healtli. 1 wriiu this as a almule Johnson's New Method for Thor- rents should remember thai the world January, says one of the best ehost-pro- act of Jiisllee anil not a.s an atlvertlsliiit lueilluai. •uKli Hiis.^, Is for Chord. Oleu and Sacred Music, moves tmd that young,jieople, like to ni-tiip..ctiiiiir. 'i'. K. callikh, m. tt aiidlspubllsliMl for»l. They, are not, slow to percoiyc anil jis to have three or four thicknesses and |l.IVEn,TnB BOWBM AND. coiniiionds Itself to cleritrmen by tlio nillitloiis diiti^ adopt the "liew wrinkles" of this Vegretine. acier of Its ejoiti'iit^*. and to all Touiperaiico people. placed over tho chest and buttoned INBVS AT TUB HAMB'TIMX. , l*y tliu eicellence uf Its iKNitry and niiialc. lolographio and tolophonio age, tind uiider th» overcoiit, clouk or sack. Bmbum It olMhM* tha •ysMmc. Stud for Sptcimm Vopy - • - oonsef|ueiitly,Wisli_to bu'|fiilly iipiti the Worked Like a Cliarm-Curc* .tha polaoiraua humera that d«*«lep«l —To make niock btickwhctit cakes, n7V.l4-<> ''D«U>~ (»o rta.) sells very ranhlly tiiiies'iii all inalt(ir.s pcrtiiimng tbi'riiral lln Kldnnanil Urinary diaaaaaa. •Il>l warm : one .qtuu't skimmed milk to Salt Illieiiiii anil EryKi|iclaa. Wnite JtObeS. provlna mat U ls appn>cluted tasto aiid jidbinmeiit. TluT'yoiiiig ihtiii lleusnM*. Jaundloa, Oonetlpatlon,! as the "swivtest Siiiiday School SoiiK liouk ever the tempcrtiturc of new niilk; atld imiM. or In Rhaumatlam, NauralBial or womjin kojit eoiistantly at work on a niaile.-" stml for SfiKUnen Ciiiiu. one tetispoonful dairy salt and three MIL H.... s'/ii^j^r '^'•' • ' JandPamaladlaordara. ., ' farm which has noialtraotions will soon • Hear .sir-one learaico liut fall iny IltUo lior had l llKSKNT VOUIISKLF with n NEW TKAn ." (••.OU), aiid'ri'cof.u ten ilmua Uiat on to the consistency of real buck­ If«ia4u4 eaahaaeaiky aaUrr^pald;' amount In itofid iniisic, all tlio news antl vuluabU» parent hive, and fortunate indeed will Ucliil,''""ra'ljertIseiiient in „™ nancrs. 1 piircliaswl two wheat cakes w.itli graham inotil;' in l.e in which MItdait evar known, eur» try, skill and eoiisoipient power of pi-o- ICINU My little boy had a Scrofula sore break out oa fowls usually liiul their food, and con- Ills heail as lai-Ku as a (luarler of ailidlar.and It wont MALARIAL DISEASES^ iliiclion and aoommil.alion, devote far down his face from luie ear to the olher. iimlor Ids nock, seqiKintly is'not very ciilicing to them. and was one sollil iiia.s.s of sure. Two tMittles of your HEADACHE, BILIOUS* too littlo altoiition to boautifying tlioir To please their jiidatcs Ihe charcoal vaJiiablo VEOKTLNE cuinpleHily cured hini. NESS, INDIGESTION an* homcstoads. They approoiaiu tho ad­ Very resiiocttully. ,MilS. U. n. THATCIIKR. should be in ideces nbotit the size of a FEVERS. Theia vantages to their families of jiltontion grain of coi'ii, anil if these tlru sli-owed De&orest's lloily, to such matters, but are so absorbed in about their (puirters they will I'cadily luoiioy-golting that lliey neglect to pro­ eat thereof. Corii l)nrnt'nn the cob anil Ve^etine. PILiLiS vide ilhoso eoiiiforts liiwl ploasiiros ojisily the, which, consists almost en­ jrona ujp lhathaiytte. i: m and rattpra haa,1tl h t. obliiiiiablo. Thoir linos have fallen in I'llKI'AllKD IIV tirely of the gi-ains reduced to charcoal THE URGES? IN FORM, loie luftarinf from gan«r«| dabllity an< pleasiint places, but they by no nicans narvoutnaiiitnaia.. Sold byrall Druggittt. and retaining thoir perfect shape pl.aood II. 11. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. strive to render those places iiicroasing- before them'make a niarkod iiiiprovo- ly plojisaut or' such as they might and Tho Largest In Circulation, .nnd the ment in tlieir lioallli, as is .shown by tho .slioidd bo made—havens of rest tmd highor color of their combs and thoir Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. Beat In Everything that onjoyinciit, with iillractioiis within and sooner ])rodiioiiig a greater tiverago of witlioiit. For exiunple, the llowor gar­ makes a Magazine eggslo a flock tliaii before.-^iViK^ir// den, lawn, and shade tuid ornamental C.GILBERT'S Jow'.niil. Desirable. trees about the dwelling, should be so —Olio of the rules of '-our house" is arniiigod and cared for as to proseiit an lo mako the "lioip," both on the farm attractive appcaranoo; and this may bo neniorest'a Monthly Ma«n«lne pnwenia a Rraml coin- bliiatlou of the onU'ruitnliiir, tliu aseral anil iHiaiUifiil, STARCH and in the liouso, rospotisiblo for the easily and cheaply done, for it requires Willi stories, t.Hsays, ikkoiik. fashl, •/'hUa. *ft - | ibnttlna linttlo. . HolHold d iited. If the "men folks" have not Slie 2012(1 Inches, to each siilswrlber, tioat-trce. Or by alldnioikti.' 8«*nt bf innil by J.T. 1 wtiys , good-niituredl3- received. Not sullicienl enterprise or taste to outer When mounted on au-utclier and canvas nwly for - long ago I overheard a new arrival in InK.wltlioiit sddlUonal charao, Uie Hiiliscrlber paylna for Uio UlUHLV 11^ upon this important matter, lot them llio kitchen remark to my housekeeper: the cimt of Irai by eipresa.- Or a seloAhm ABENTS, WANTED LUSTUATUU and on- furnish the requisite means to wives, fit tliu tft'oat tour ot "Madame's rule is a good one about Tlie Nloiaacii la SIrenKllicncd, from twenty oUier valuable preiiiiunia. Consolatioii'i dauglitcrs and sisters, and tho hitter Is truly a btiauUfiil aiul artistic picture, i I'prwMinUnif a breaking dishes. J was at a place two 1 lie liver nviilated, the tinwela put In pniiier nnler. the will soon show what can bo done to- lilnoil cnriclHsl ami iiiinlint and thu iiurvoiis syauiiii ran- Iinistrsteniothor, liinr'itrlef cohsolwl by aitroupofan. years ago, when there was the same gelK, one of whom liears her child hi Us anus, 'riie ciirliwlili-:^, Wtwlth and Wonditra stlia»blii tanilly .iRpHii, tir* A itilllloii jKMiiilu want ir. i'hl:* 1h the* inle, and where I broke somo dishes. mwlli-liio atHi aafeKuanl airalnst illsease, which Is, inoro- pictuni la full ut aontlnieiit, anil Uin copies have all Uie tifiil;—and, after tdl, the ladies are iN^t irhniictf of yuiir llf« to makn iiionvy. lluwarti or Ihil, mind you, I liavon'l broken any over, a lunst aunwable and eltettlve apiu-Uier ami a ror- boauty, ojcelleuce and cliarm of tho ortmnal. both In "rAtcliiHrniiy" litiltHtlotiK. ihvr INHI [iakhh. iTtim* most interested in m:ikiii<^ both the in­ color ami trratnient. so that« cannot dlsUiianlah only M. ,N*iMl forClrculiUK cuiitiiliiliiu A full dmct1tv< .since. Some girls slam the dishes (Hal iMciillarly ailaptwl tu Uw wants ut the iikmI and Uiein apart CVinililiim one ot tlai most liiterentinu, ar- Uon of the work: Ami our f itrn t<«rniH to A^Hiitrt AdrtIltl.'i^ terior and exterior of tiieir dwellings liiliim. NMtluaiAl PublUhlns Cu., CIi1l'iik(i, 111. umund, and doii't care whether thoy UaUc and valuable parlor pietiirea ever pulillshnl '(and pleasing alike to kinsmen, friend,s, jind Fur ante by all DriiKBlsIa and Dcalera break 'em or not. I guess if tlioy had aenerally. formerly sold at the aft atom for ten dollara). Splcn. strangers.—N. Y. Observer. 'cm to |iay for tlioj- would bo iiiore did liiducr-meuts for Aaeiits. send Wh cuiita In atamiai for s|ii«iiiicn copy of luaitaalne, ora puslal card lor AGENTS. READ THIS. careful;" and I was quite of Iho .same particulars. Addrau We will pay Aaenlit a Salary of 1100 tier month and' mind. It is sfniieliiiios woll to know VS.OO .nadi! from '.l.'l €enls. •tiwiiawi, or allow a laraa comink-ilon. to soil onr now- aiHl wonderftil liivoiitloiiN. I*'|. oimn irtnit nv. anti. .Saii^ - the opinions of hired help on household 'i.*. rents'worth of Ci ilt-K*i, tadakaek |>MiM**aklN • uct a per cent. Iiicrcases (|nalltv''iO i»cr cent. Wa. ITEaat 14tltgt.. W. Y. 'ftaiylia aa*. llaMk* Ilka >.*|le aa.laaitiMk. %u Iteaiitify Kiiral Homes. I'rcvcnts butter from bucoiniiiK riineid. Makes July, .-Vnirust and Winter butler uqnal to bent Much :vs has boon .said and written .lune,prodncti: Sold only, lii.boxcs, by drug­ A WEEK ill your own toun. Ternia anil of hilo years ou the impoilaNco of ren­ gists, fjrocers and ireneral storckci'ners. Send RAGS! $66 fr> iHiint free. Aildr'a II. llallotiiiCo. .Portlaiiil.Mia. dering rural homes attr:ictivo, the sub­ sl,ain|) for "lliiits lo Ilnltcr-Makers.^' Ad- dres.i, Butter liii|)iovem«iit Co., Uiiltalo, N. Y. KOM'M'n «MAI>Kn HANI>-U»UK t*- ject is by no moans e.\haii.stod, and is of B the l*lniiorrlc« »«..10. WILtjlUD progress and impro\'cmeiit. Intca everr liinctlon to more liealtlilUI action, M. WIXII) ll CO., aueccasora tu .1. Kiiiory. UhlcMiio, 111. Cure. "The chati(fes wroii);lit by this rem­ andtbuaa" " " Olio of the groatest drawb;icks to Cents per Pound edy," aivysKev. llr.;Harvey, "seem, but littlo 1, u PLAVRMa nv VKti.isr. 'o>:t.i.w,. American fsirm life is its monotony. To leas than miraculous." - Pu,Q, UlIITAMOa MA1II.IO, (profnwioiial or ty, etc.,ani cured by me «a«a Mllm. - It la brea"k u])'this niouotoiiy and brightpn ffl'^natelir) wild aildrvss, and hear of a iffiwt In-. u%''qiiaiaiinqualad iiaaa Van AppetiaeXppiatiaerM^r and ^ Reaular.Tonlc, nPHemlttance proniptlr on receipt ot stack. - l/l 'W.uon. paor. JOSKi-H .siNUKii, Chicavu, in. iiiid render- more attriictivc our' rui'id' It la a medicine which itaould ihj In evRry. IlBADACiti!;—There are various causes for fkmllr. and which, wherever,uaed, wiU,Bava, headache,,as dei-uni;eineiit'of the 'clieulutiiif; AVlinlL'ealo and retail. Send forprico-- rcsidciices sliouhl bo among the special' pay nient or many doctors'bllla lint (loaibiaentC.O.n. Wliriuiailii luonlor.. - Bottles «r two slies i prices M mbU and - KIMBERLY.CliRK&CO.i aims of who appreciate the bene­ system, of the dlfjeslive bri;aiis, of tiie'nerv-: HAIR KUUHMIAM, aiM W. ous system, etc. Vk(1i:ti.m( can be said to fits of a well-ordered and beautiful aorWARNER'S; NEBNAHi WIS. he a suie reincd.y for Ihe many kinds of liead- SA" Itvli- 'rb«4»l.l»i:i also the best cduili med- is, and has been for man}' j'oars, few lcln« BaM ainali.-kattu' Srkd postal card for Sample Cony of oMm .SAM I'"-' farmers' sous willingly remain at home CHi »'l'ZU fiye AtnlwaisS-riNsow hOii, I'ortlaiiil.iMe. ia«l»rraB»klat tiiiuo to be the case, all over the land, iiiaaaiala. AIIHCHeyolyerH. .Illustnitcd Catalogue -, until more attention is given to making THE CHEAPEST BOOK II THE WORLD r BIIHO free. Qreat Weatorn Oun Worto. l-ltlahiintlt. oiir riirtd homos more pleasant :ind at- tt7()X"WEEK. »13ii diiy lit home easily niitdo. AKU 816 Costly outnt free. Addr's True h Co., Auaiuta. Ma. traelive. Indeed, unless f. aUmh a iivw artieiH with wiilcn yon can collimoney, made more onticiiig and cnjoyablo' in .'dilIV Adrti-ess liiio. Van Saniti, MIddletawni'tkihh.' . A; N. Ki Ml 1.751. various ways, young men of spirit, am­ bition and taste will naturally seek vil- higo tmd oily occupations, with a pros­ \,;;.E!y':liYPIA 'liuSHy pect of luiving jdcasant •siirrounilings.- This little boiit takes'liie learner. ttiriauili'liAiiK nivla- lon. KiplanaUuiis aiid UiuMislinple ;Unt ateiai which Such being tho conditibn of' mliiiy" Golden Medical Discovery siiaiioiit theniaelvi'H'-natuially tu tlieHuUiil ut the lu- agricultural liistricts (of course, there struotor, liavu been uiultt.5il; but the (imaiUons on the aro notable exceptions), itbeeomos thoi tables are coinfifeK, and, tlin euuiiplcs are au camfully Sr. riarea'i Odidan Hadleal OUen'rarr enraa alliiuBara, it aluty of farmers who regard tlio welfare made up that when tlie IllUe uupll Is ablnto uhtain, ruiToct •^••^"Y" 1' wunrtSi the wii •le'i^^ lilt.wUI; *Mnqaar«l't>yMlhi^ and would retain tho society of .thoir <,Aptily to Uie author, MM liroiMraifset. l!lliab<>lh,'N. I, children to devote spociiil attontiori'tb .lU(k, inalla, Catiaa*.' VTIIMHia unfaiiilllarwitu theinliiutia) ot llt«rarr •walllaga. «taUra,ar,nilfkj the cmbeUislimeut of their homos and A wort at iiaairt'S .il .iiiibRahen.wllf bg^jrew^^^^ tho, tcstlieties of rural life -, jtlon and nubllcauoi,- i o—f their by Itaiioy'i., II rou 'Ml duDTidro iiklB, ar -Taliewlth'brawa: «jMia<'|! Oiilde tu AiiUiunlilp, K»en eiperlnncwi writiini Ire-. anfaca er bad,^ J mouth, Internal heat er efiliia' Thoy should not only sec to the styli)- lornialloniiaerul and Ibi auf|raUan.i < ijueiiUy And Ita tnli allernalad^wlti eoiiled, jrou_ira iulTerlnc frsai,! ordilil Ih* liMl iiaiidy,!i;.«t aani y bookseller or by mall. _.., braMrElrar. or "•illaiuMwa." Aa.» r of dwellings and immodiate siirroiind- J£S8C UANNKi X ll CO, ll» Maauu 8t, Jt. Y. •ueh eaAi.Or. Plaraa'a Ooldaa! UcxIrosriiplMN* , V«rr hindtnmcir •atniMil Olieotarr kaa ne/ennal, aa It afkeli nerttel and radleat eurai.- ' < • I < > ings, butnia' Will Iw wni i* om* cddriM forFtflrCanU. Ordtt households. Among other bssontials, it is imijortant to supply tho library WILDBS * CO» Arck Baetaa, Mm*. slielTos with perioilicals and books eno.D.Or • .'a>.Hieeisii ' "'j'''-.' i.'-^ J-!• iJ-«!•••..• •••••ii;-,,i' CITY BAKERY CORRESPONDENCE. ^ A Imdirnr 'was;.see'n in ' tlio w;oods south ' Orersoer—l>an II. Rico, i >r ;'; Oontritiutlons lo to tills departnieiil ot.ltio paper Lu'cltirer—Amos T, (.nun, ofjheroone day last week'., ' " : AND • - ' OT9«,'lleltepUln-liaiiin< Hi»f em > ^. f j" HENRY PETERS best wishes of the hogs that found their RESTAURANT! eiiulriltutora, iTiwiaurar-liarrhia AUUolt,- CntiiinDiilcAllfihs'nmst heaccompaaied tiy the,an* g«rcl»ry—C»leh Tliompaun. \ k. way to our potato pit, but wo can't laugh Would renpecthiUy knnouiicn to Iho, people ofMii- IkMP'a Mme.atkarwiaii thoy will recvir* neallanUun. Oai« KfepAr—laaac tfliw'n'. ~' ' * (•oa and Tielalty that ha li«aa|i«ned • new lUMt Ani>«yilioii> contrlbiitloni are, lu all cuaaa, *t once ,Cerrt--ili».l>»rrl»«,Abbotl.—, .a » worth n cent.', V \ •aafipiMl lothn wiMtelmskot. f maiket; :l'o'moiia'-Mni; law Sloan. 'Ui'- ' i 'Soon spring will come but wo ihust ex­ ;f lor»—Mlaa Kv«:Bllnn: ; 'y, .-,5 ;! •,,.1 , "' , Bread, Rusks, Cakes, Pies, My^AaalaUtil steward—Mn, X. W.Moon.' pect a March of .Tl days. WliiiatllolU. :^'J s:'i;.sv,K'r:r; ••••Phu.i,; ,J Crackers, etc., Uouiiii AND Heady. In Checkered Front, Ash St.,

Jan. 5, 1880. 'White', Oak; VThcr* ho il pi-opNrn^l tnitarfn yoii wUh J |, •• 1'-."!••'•'; 3rroiiu;MIIlTUlo; Professor Calalian orgnnized a singing

•cliool at the Wostsato scliool^liouse on ;!'''•: ""'^ .. ' --Jan. 3,'li880.'-' A froib Htock of Wntliie.sdaj'ovonins, Dec. ,' ' .;.Wni? atidj Gharles;^^^ 8ons|Jbf Items arc scarce lor the coiriiheiicomeiit Of All NUTS ANI) COSFECTIONEltY, L, Srjuiur.s anil wife aro visiting''friends Alleiti W., wore home on nivisit lust 'Weeki of the new year. The Urgaat iind he.1 atock lu tha citx, alwaya on hand hf,Hillailalo. , j' •'; JiThe snow has gone''aiid"leaves "lis j: Several of the younpatcrs, and soriiethat -AT- , The school in, liio Ciuiwoir (iiatricl'; is wheels'ngaiti.',,,.„.',,,; ,. ...f..,' i--:.. • are not .so young, enjoyed riding down hill onANOES, ll.AKANAH, riNIS- Bgiiia pro/jro.s.sing (inely. It has been clos- iMr.nnd Mrs. fjcvi HiiUoek intend toigp New Year's dayi ' ^ AVi'I.KS, »nd all Troplcial Frnlla lu tliL'lr Miaaon. vA on iiccouiil of di]itUerin.': Eva- Ackers to'Ohio thi.i week on a.visit."/:' - - ' s^j ]i. Woocihouso's mill iS: nearly ready to LOW PRICES. is loiiohor, • ,,' e, '.1^a'P'; ';,J; II.'Potter,' 15sfii,'-niadq'_ one,' o.f twoj run, It Willi bo by the time we ijei some sleighing, so bring along your logs aud • Ocnrgo \V, I'helibS rocnntlykilled a'.pig .ran. 2d. • Mr. .htincsTj...Harlow and ,:Mi.')s Canned Gfoods a Specialty ! nhoiil ai.v moiith.s old that weighed, when I^settieUiillock.vWewishthcm' prosperity, got li rat-class lumber at reasonable rates, None but the Best Stock ilrcBsed, iui pounds ; il was of the Poland hapinoss'audlong life.' T, .r, Diclcerson lias" gone-to Ijiipcor Tobaccos and Cigars biCLll lJlo(l;^Mr.':'ciiai;les .C'astcr,'of tiiis'phjco, countyj.jviaitingi bis •. unelo,j Mr; Cliarlea Purchased. There i.s not niuoli dissatisfaction.main- Doc.'^'ilft'i'lSyS, oT^'rcatie'er.' 'lie loavIra.'-Willard Ackerson.of Chel­ Thtlliruo liiglicatla'x-piiyovs in, tdwn-are here,'bill] hope wis uiay meet liiin •agiiin sea, are visiting in town; PERRY HENDERSON, as iollows: .f, tti Daljiii pays $285.29 ; \i. ovor tho river where there is no more sick - Schools in this town are in the best con-

W. Owen, $2,')ri.8'l j'riiKr, Goo. Bcanian, nesa or death. dilioii llioy'.'imwbq^'irtiV'a.loi|ig,,,M'nio. The (Successor to A. T, Henderson,) — DKALEK TN— $211;..''.;!. i.M.: ..„••,.. >" X.T 'l,Mie:ioivrishi|'i;b'oa"rdJ6f''lhi3 l'ownVi;s'noti- general report is as lollows : District No, lied lo'iue'e't'(br'tlie 'piirpos'o' of ])utliiig a one ia tiuiglit by Eugene Stdwo, auporintoii- .k'itelilHirif.. new road through, souili of hero tho l-Hli. lent''nf .Iosco;' and'' a'ifradiiato d( the

The election of ofllco'rs o( the literary State Noriiiiil school-; ho has about -10 Jw fi, 1880 .society will be held'noxt'Sntiirdayevoniiig. chplnrs ^enrolled ; .• ibp'v'ages'; paid lire linsiiinss at a stand still; cause nuid. ' ,i Miss ,lennie,La(lnor is home from Macon iiboiil 1J:W ]ier moiilh. 'Qiiiirtorly incetiiig or.tho.U.'iH.' .'cHliroji', on a visit. She intends to go back and Uia.triei, No)'t'wo'^is't'augKt* byj^^^ Eferylii nsoallf iJi Id a M-cte Harilini, ufWaterlon, on thn M and-'lthinst..-- „•] 1 ''-i ^ 111 u _ .1 -1 ..1 stay uiilil spring. of ^Ivyii'don, jWashlenaw county ; thoscliool CDOK si-ovES, • Will. I'ord ot Munriottii', the day .before Myron Corwin, while buntiii'.: a ; short asjiilways ibi'cnT very ..roughb'i'if^Jie '.'gets Sew Yeai'.s, was called upon by.ii yonng PARLOR STOVES, time ago, his gnu bursted and all lie found along'iiiooly with about liS scholars ;'' the tniui, supposed lo bo n relativ(>,'-who irisist- 'BUILDERS' MATERIAL, of it was a few sliver.i in his arm and about wage? piiidiaro about the same as No, one* tf-l upon hnving..ii hearing in:the matters rof , AGRICULTURAL TOOLS, ; si.-c iiiolios of the inir/.zlo of tlio gnii'. District'No.'throe is a jvery small, school, •Jioliiliiy' fi.'iings."'" Uooi'ii Was at'onoo Jfr, aiid Mrs. Skinner froiii Teeumseh, llieic being only li.acholar^, but Miss Ida TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, inuilo, i'or him in the laiiiily aiid if Kb'lives are visiting in this part of the town lUindiis ot',;;Stoekbridge,',;,is teaching a very will ' proljiihlv suecccd ' to 'Ihc'' estate, At Rock Bottom Prices. Ileuioinber tho social I'^'iduy night' at' .f. succds'si'ul'school. She receiy'os throe dol­ TVVi^jlij. nine pounils. , .' I.l. Potter's; only five cents. lars per week. ';--;.'::!'• .:^'-'"'V.'n,. ' Jlrs. Ooorgo Southwell of "coon bill,' TINWARE: Our Stock is Unsurpassed! Win/iWilcq.'C q'fj'Pi'nlcncyi,is;visiting his District No, six, Miss A. A.- Pcase-'pre- Iloiirietla, oii.lhe':iIsl liad.a' cancer roiiiov brother .lanies \V. .1. 1,1. P. sidea ; v.ahe is teaching .one of; tho best Wo employ ono of the host Tin Smiths in Contral Michigan, and liavo Every ' cd I'l-oiii her broasl |,iy Dr. Connnl of Lay selioolsiin' town ; about '10 scholars ; the • • Facility I'or Doing , , ' ton's. Uor (ifenorallioalth being much iif- con3lderatlon.lSl^2,'; per month, (cclod, tlio'result,of lh'6 pp|)eriit.ion,ciyu ,n6t ROOFING AND HAVE TRUOGHING District No. seven IS. C.'Brower, cx-su- ii3 yet bo dolcrniiuod., (i ;j ;,; „ i\ ,Tak. li,l,HSO. periiubn'dbiitfof-,'; White Oak,.inslru'ets, and , In the Quickest and-Boat Possible Manner, and '' ' Caluh StiloSj.wh'o ,,diod.';iiere ,^last .iwcok, Cliri.stinas'and Kew ''Yiiiir's''-liave come the sehool needs no •further rooomniencl. AT PRICES THAT MKriT COJflt'EriTIOJV. was buried in llio''J<'itclilnirg'cein'ete'ry'"6n and Ho ri3cejvea,._ii_bonr!F27''i)crlliot tho 31 stall. ."A stranger; in a'stransQ ."i'adedllkoa wroalh of nildatalovo. 86?" If yon wail t good good,s and low prices, coino and see nie, firat door woat of Oily in''inbont'tho .same number ol"sctiolors.-> ITuul." • ' Yet oiu tliey railed," . Bakery, Maple street, Mason, Mich. Diat;rict--^No. .iiihc, Michael .yVaters of The grist'mill stools' oonipany meets! .to llpw many good resolutions''have ' bec:n PEBHY HENDEESON. Loroy, tenches alJ'ovA 'lO'scholiirs ; the wag- Btglit 111 Pivxon's.-lmll.^/, Sloclc'-^oqrti.fio^^ taken only,—to,bo broken ?. m , c.s.paid are'S2S per inoiiXh'.'. ,'.., [.'.'_ ,. . irill IJo•issued.-; Aboiit'SSOO^cf §1,000^'liiil "..ttcy. Mr. Bruce of Lotikc,,'occupies''.'the .District No. 10, I'licodoro Weston pre­ already been pledged;,',.; , , ',' . , pulpit at the Presbyterian church every two THE CELEBRATED sides ; there arc about ,U scholars and bo 0. A. Titus ia quite sick. , weeks;'' ' ; ,','.,'. ' '•' '' receives ip;-iO per month'. Miss Carrie I'^tehcU 'received iv $Co.OO The young' poople'of: Okoinos • have ' or- District No. 11, or the Millvillo school, gold wiilcli as II. Chi'ist'iliaa iiro'soht; '' cani'/.od a debatinjr. society, and .havo dis­ is taught by lill'E;'Holmes of Stockbridgc; • •,::. , ,•- 1: '.>•' j ISpecial. cussed seyoval questions.' 'Thoy meet bverj igons Wcdiiciiday. evening. . • he„i:ccoivi;^s. jJiiO,^ jnojUh loi^ gmdiiig

DniisvilUi. Geo. Walker, son of K.'AViUkor of ' tins iiboiitttha.8iitne:,v.unib''orvjot2 miuds'i^through place, rolunied,New .Year s day, iiftar an lheir'vario''u3;stii'diog.«i .l'>'.'^ ..r'' .\ !>•• v,; < , v; vvo _,-Jan.,5 ,^18.80., absonoo'of ri yeiiVa in tlib West aiid'South. ''The other numbers, four.jfut, "'eight,' 12 AT COST! ; Stephens of Mason.'i'spuntil p.iJi'tion .:.Qiieer imi>;,ilj? t;,Ifr ih.erOjis one good iind4.! lire.fractional nnd.ibcloiig to. other 'of last week with'Mr. Car'penUr^s. people. . road in town, squio,j)athm,aslor-,or comiaia- towns. j?iOur siiperintondeutj W. J. II. Aek- ! Mr. Chas. Caster died ou the morning of sionor (whose on,ly.'*^am,biti6n ,iHs|i to:*(>redi orson', gives, no'lcartificiiles but to tlioau GRIFFIN'S PLATFORM WAGONS itlie Isl of .laiiuary, The rtiiieral'waslliefel liiinsolt with"sliftO against'tho"town)''.'Will who' deserve"thonii.'thereby giving alljlho Ihu lollowiiig dftyiit the iM.-lil. cliiircli,-•. (j do liis,„ulnipsl_,to .spoil it aiiii|l^^,leavo a bad districts a chnntie^tosut' qualified teachers; The Best and Cheapest in the Market. Miss Allerton and Miss Moulton ate w ilh road., nog|ecU;J''j (or,,yciirs.'.,...'..'jBut>Jjeoiiar'd hedins .visitcd'riill the-ischools'inl town-«and

uH'miain and hard ill work.1 .said.ilel'thcro,bG mad,!L.and>ihis 'word- was was pleased ;to'find Ihomjall •improvin ore nine' or,: • i-j.-v (contains(7i>'Spills',')'50''~ceiits. Wttshlonaw county, were visiling.,in this Sample,package. contaimng.''pill8,-Hfrec, thing Warranted! When invited cat,.Newl Y«5r8 nt.alldrug s'ores, orbjriaddrogaing.'propri. place last week. ^ _ ^ •liniiot,don't forget,tp tell your .wife .aboiit ctoi.Fu'd F, Ingram, ypgilaiiti, Mich.i !f ;ND>debate Saturday night on-occount of Shop on North D Street. R. F. GRIFFIN, it until tlio Sunday following.. Such thiiig.s For silo'ii/thi-, city by 0. W. Pnlstcid. bad weather and'no quoru'm present.'. i(8ttcee««or to B.F. Bix.&Co.,) •ni simply grand,—for, the liiiBbaiid,...,,,> The^l'cei!,i.'m*i has u .larce. ciroulation inn. bth Mr.s. Alwood and diiughlor leave MASON, MICH at ofTico and grows, m'orejipopular -fiir Albion. ,, , , .x every wcuk. May U fiver eontinucftti be as BEECH £;fi:ge, Lust Sunday evening. Leap Yanr'-first intepttiiix iin d. we hope, success..wjll^atlend Mudo Its Appuamncu lu oiiriindstl '>^,f>!j M ,'—Proprle'tori oMlitl-'. -T H E- the olEirts'of the cntcrprisingpubliBJiors; Mr. ITofVinan has been cleaning house at Willie Mttgoon returned Iroini'"Dexter :m;a s.o N •Bw store. • • : •,, u,;, last week." • ' :' ,:.'•".;,'. Mi'.,>)usaop can bo found at lii,s sawjniU. lildcr Stowe preached at this school Kcw.iiiucliinery and,ready Iirst^.cluss. GBOCEBY houw on^Siandiilf evening."' T ' , work. •• ' , . ' ' ^ \Uxo.. ^f 1 • . ' • ' ,Wo: roceiTca'.».,jpJQasfttitV(collj from p. tho •!Ar«ic?,,»gent^last week..''j ' '^"'i { AND Is thePlace to Buy Mr.'Hiram Perrr.of^Fltehburir,Vft» vis Jam. 6, 1880. itingifricndsihcreiSunday. ,.'i,-.,!i'i —Manufacture— - Tiic hell swings to andfra^vagain in'.dis. ?Lo'8t-T-'aonietimo''betwcen' Friday, andjto- triul No. one,,wock,s,rest. , (iaj,,whnt::Iittlo lenow 'wo . hiidi '"Anyone Farm Implements Jas.Woiginan has rented • tho"hftll»over who'willretHrii'the'isotne will muke'^ghid Iiis store to the Gi'iuigc. and Good; Tomp- thoiheartBiof'Our'8aw..inillmen./i • 'li " OF EVEUY DESCBIP'rioN.' Inis. •Mr.'M..Oils and .wifo..of iDo'nsv.ille, .were: AND Klioot those booLs! en,.George., ? IU town visriing.lfriciids on. Sftitlrday;V''.'( They also.Biannfiicture nnd.sell tho jiiatlj .•West has blown lus palerit. Iblower out Mr and Mrs'.-'P.;;'Coul5on",of ; Ilenrictla, culehruted cfjiis shop and gone back jo the '6^ were visiting'lrionds Inst'weok in this place.* Ot bellows. The old way la tho best, > vNot John the Baptist, but .Ijqli>u™lU(»..ta.\-; PROVISIONS. Ti. Kuppert is turning out several sot ol galliet'oi'>wilUiooncoiil|''on jili^b^^h'aTC not .iWhicbinrsnonatniolall^kiinj^of lraii,''ara alinple . ..\.u „.i*! i,i». ..'f.i tf.,!-:»«.j^'f.j nircharness. ' ' , " a receipt i^'»nd^d(^pIt.'you;fOT/»6^^^ j ;• >'and'dnrable,'eaia'tliira^l«ralietljuiwnj.are ! , Sh'aw, ft .\yo,od' ara,',(;oing,,inj.exton8ively • 'Our, phristn>a^'t|ee.'(wB«iWr(Jely/tt^toi|ded i ij'l I'^wtrriinttd Mrincloiigor.tan'j'da aiarjt>'.^.,.( : oil'their ':pfttoiit^'dnnd^'rollor.^''''It'-toolt'tlic: ftnd,«250>worth of^preseivTs loolced'^ nice oni ^^74 yithiul^iiflrtliaa aayiStter Ul K prixoat tho Lansingitair-liistifall.Mi .rM*,>'\,i the.treoi;,';/The presents' weW'nico and alli » W,Si»y'1tf'«i*, ;,>ui;)ii-,,-iini^;:aJ^.atiii;':

Caleb • Thompson .^wrtS-cloolod director •oceived Winoth'in'^\''''Mrs-.'-E>H."Angolljro-' They have po::,Equak|i j 14 t-i^ for tho township of Delhi, for the Farmers' eeived a bible' worth' $12; LowLs' Morse' ' ' Exc'elinEvei^WoW! Miitnal Inusranoo Co. of this countv, was presented with a live chicken.' Cull lit our shops, aouth aid* Mapla Street, hofora Delhi grunge No. 322 of P. of II., met G. P, Bailey was somewhat surprised M. A. S'WEET puiabaalBi. BEKCU * PkCk