Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 01-05-1899 Hughes & Mccreight

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Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 01-05-1899 Hughes & Mccreight University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-5-1899 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 01-05-1899 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 01-05-1899." (1899). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ob Printing; hi ill Ki numerous and iirtnt Book Binding branchc don ft ihould m4 BUak t yfmk t at THE CITIZEN Jo fromadr n. ttyW t4 Room The iiBDQtERa MlLl TJZEN, M THt OlJtN ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, VOLUMK 13. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 5, 1099. NUMBER 70. from Bnnen to Swansea. The latter fnfttlV tit nnr amtilnttaa aa aan ftnA u m. MISSION. venlent will be present Immediately with HUNTS at meeting, -- -r sank after the collision this w - j- a AS; s as we are ' ' ' w" - T f ssi aax aasi rfl JhB, faV the Itouihlra yesterday off .Trevore Head. satisfied that the spetklng and ff singing will be very interesting. The roret- - Valla The Rosen Ire was abandoned In a sink- llia arlll last f mm laantt rt thlrt mln. Far ing condition Kleven of the crew of the ules, and your time will be well spent in kstmick Continne to Protest icst the DnOnesclin and of the Roeshlre were Attempts to Hake Settlement attendance thereat. New CoDsemlife Cabinet Has Falters THE PHOENIXlg s drowned. With Gillett's Creditors. I L. Hlbbard, the division superin Been Transfer of rtKKr I'ONTROVKRST. Agreed Upon. , tendent of the Santa Fe PaclOc, with headquarters Wlnslow, Is Col. (togood "ay. M Chemleallf Prepared at ha just sued the following bnlletlne: Accord General Wood ao Ovation on tlmr Was lard. Firm Holdloe Gillett's Paper Say Iosorfents Request ArtHnaldo to Waetilogtoti, Jan. 6. Col. Henry B. Recently a telegraph operator failed to His Departure for New Tor k. They Will Not Compromise. Lead ().i(ood, commissary of subsistence, who transmit message uied with him by FifM oa Americans. Welts-Farg- Tampa, o messenger, giving as an ex- served with General Miles at cuse that It did not bear revenue stamp Camp Thomas and Santiago, test lied be-fo- .e United suit Will Malntala Open Door Okie Suprtme Court InvtitlgallDg tht It would have been an easy matter for Ssa Friaclic Wilt Bold n la traalloaal the war Investigating commis- Cll this telegraph operator to have consulted To Policy la Philippine. SlaaJard Cornpaay. Exposlttoa Our la y the express company's agent and secured Patrons sion that the refrigerated revenue stamp, or called li. beef troops daring the the attention of served the ths mesaengsr to the absence of the D01B0S Or C0HGMSS. wv was better than the beef killed on eoniaot nxciii'i Missaei. temp whan business was Died with him. At AlAiXA ITRCUVO. hoof.- - He declared positively that none For failure to have given this massage And the public at melh-x- l of the beef given the soldier waa chemi- attention an entry of twenty demerit - l.irfcc. We take thit of thanking you for your 6.-- marks have been placed agairrst Eantlago rt Cuba, Jan. The cally prepared and said all the talk to Kansas City, Jan. 6 --Charles F. Hunt, the Madrid, Jan. Polavleja, forirer record of this operator. ,T ncrous patronage of ths part year and wish to announce that wc wi I soon plauatlon of the war department at this effect arose out of the fact that an of Chihuahua, Mexico, aho, It has been governor general ot Cuba and the Philip- Wanhlngton of It intontlona warding Inventor, named Powell, was permitted Mated, ha been trying to negotiate a A Pellghttil Soalal Daar. pines, and Senor Mllvela, a conservative if Se in our new qu trun and will in tin future, as in the pa', carry the largest tha tranefer of the etntorm receipt from on the Comal to test a process he had for settlement with Grant 0. Gillett's cred- Mlrs Grace Dodd entertained a very leader, have agr4 upon the formation Jolly party yonng and most compltte of up-to-d-tte the different porta la Cab fo Haven, In keeping beef in hot climates. None of itors, arrived In Kansas City to day from of folks last night at of a new cabinet, and bar been snm Jiie Dry O od ever shown in th's city ani met here by a statement from the Cuban the west. The attorneys tor the two local Orchestrion hall. The time was merrily moned by the queen regent. The early this process meat was served the soldiers. shall maintain our reputation of selling that tha plan Is similar to on adopted firms which hold Gillett's paper deny pent In dancing. Mrs. A. A. Trimble advent ot the conservatives to power Is the best good for Ihe 'jat money. A laiproTlnc. by tha Hpanlard. when requl Won on rlta 7 that they will compromise and Mrs. W. T. Walton were chaperonse. regarded as certain. as we Washington, Jan. 6. This afternoon om get through stocklakii we will have a granl ta'e of O Ids and Uavana obtained lee than fl pi r cent of when the time for departure came It was announced by the doctors that StAHDAHU (lit, COMPAHY, To riOoVr AWRRIUAHS. requisition called lor. PuhI everyone assured Miss Grace that they Knc?s and broken assortment of a what th Representative Dlngley was much better variety of goods which we wish to close out. nena men and tiilliitntial people her My had spent a most delightful tlms. Those 0 and likely to continue to Improve. Bala lavaatlgatad l tha Batiraaia Coart I aa urgants at llutla Bant lot Atulaald ta Coat will c.t no figure in th;s n present sale, but we will Havana grown rich and pioe-pro- r were: ft sp i.k o! this later and on'y say fiat tM of State John Foster was some- hla laad Than. at the eiprnaa of tha rent of th Columbns, Ohio, Jan. 5. Ia the arga Misses Buchanan. Brooks, Hunt, Paris, Jan. 0. An official telegram re- now what worse y. watch the papers f jr particul irs T.iank'ng you ag tin f r bland. The Cnliaua and governmental ment before the supreme court to day Tyler, K tlston, Coleman, Kellogg, ceived by the F.llplno jnota here, dated yw gencro js attorney-gener- Spencer, Dodd. oiTlolahiof Santiago any tha Cur'anaof ALIIt'UfKHUt'M STEAM LAUNDRY. on motion of the to dls Saint and Walton. Messrs. Manila, Januw 4, say that Agulnaldo Hi patronage nnd aolx ting a conlinmnc j of same and wishing yoi one and all a Major Gen- miss the master commissioner and eon Hunt, Dunbar, Downs. Benjamin, Myer, has gone to Hollo Havana am re.pon.lhlo for H. Maehlnur cllf a i"lrmt-CU- m at the request of the rut i hnppy new eral Brooke' order on till ontiject. laatllallua. tlnue th investigation of the Standard Peabody, Crtimpacker, Armljo, Stevens, Insurgents there to place himself at their ft year. in. Castillo and Mayor Bacardi urgtd The Albuqnerqne Steam Laundry has Oil company In open conrt, Virgil P. Tlerney, ft hlte and Owen. bead with a vluW to their lighting the ft the ritiacoa to remain peaceful while for a long time enjoyed the reputation Kline, of Cleveland, attorney tor the AM ArtrHNOOM ktkmt. Americans, ft Gen Oil company, A waiting the reaulle of the vleit of tmong commercial traveler of doing the Standard was forced to member of ths Filipino Junta here ft We remain, yours for business, Den- some ad- Loch-ha- ral Wood and Dr. Castillo to Washing best work of any lanndry south of make positive statements and ra, Andrews Kalart.lnnl tar Mint rt asserts that the lastest telegraphlo ad ft ton. They left here for New York to day ver, but Jay Hut hi. the proprietor, is not missions. He declared In the first place, at Haw Made. vices declare t tat it the Asaerlcans in on the transport MlNslselppl. Tbey were atlsfied with letting well enoogb alone, In response to (In interrogations of the Miss Klltaheib Lookhart, who is a sist upon the oecnpat Ion of the principal accorded an ovation during (heir pataage and has adrptej "Kaeelsior" for his court, that the company will not under gnest In the city from A'buqnerque, New eltlesby the American troops, tha Fili ft Mexico, was complimented st to the wharf. The eouunuona applause motto. He has Just pat In some new the former order of the court produce with a pretty pino will re-- by faroe ot arms. The ft 8 and cheer for (loeral Wood deeply ad entirely up marblaery.whlck any books other than those already given little afternoon function at the home of ministry, It appears, claims the recogni- & B. & CO Mrs. ILFELD H. II. moved him. There were between 6.000 will enable him to do a larger amount as In evidence. In the second place, he ad- Andrews on 12th street yes- tion of Indeiendenee ot the Philippine ft o nd C,0U persona In tha procession. well as a better quality of work. mitted there was still outstanding about terday. It was a card party and In Islands.
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