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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

1-5-1899 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 01-05-1899 Hughes & McCreight

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Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 01-05-1899." (1899).

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from Bnnen to Swansea. The latter fnfttlV tit nnr amtilnttaa aa aan ftnA u m. MISSION. venlent will be present Immediately with HUNTS at meeting, -- -r sank after the collision this w - j- a AS; s as we are ' ' ' w" - T f ssi aax aasi rfl JhB, faV the Itouihlra yesterday off .Trevore Head. satisfied that the spetklng and ff singing will be very interesting. The roret- - Valla The Rosen Ire was abandoned In a sink- llia arlll last f mm laantt rt thlrt mln. Far ing condition Kleven of the crew of the ules, and your time will be well spent in kstmick Continne to Protest icst the DnOnesclin and of the Roeshlre were Attempts to Hake Settlement attendance thereat. New CoDsemlife Cabinet Has Falters THE PHOENIXlg s drowned. With Gillett's Creditors. I L. Hlbbard, the division superin Been Transfer of rtKKr I'ONTROVKRST. Agreed Upon. , tendent of the Santa Fe PaclOc, with headquarters Wlnslow, Is Col. (togood "ay. M Chemleallf Prepared at ha just sued the following bnlletlne: Accord General Wood ao Ovation on tlmr Was lard. Firm Holdloe Gillett's Paper Say Iosorfents Request ArtHnaldo to Waetilogtoti, Jan. 6. Col. Henry B. Recently a telegraph operator failed to His Departure for New Tor k. They Will Not Compromise. Lead ().i(ood, commissary of subsistence, who transmit message uied with him by FifM oa Americans. Welts-Farg- Tampa, o messenger, giving as an ex- served with General Miles at cuse that It did not bear revenue stamp Camp Thomas and Santiago, test lied be-fo- .e United suit Will Malntala Open Door Okie Suprtme Court InvtitlgallDg tht It would have been an easy matter for Ssa Friaclic Wilt Bold n la traalloaal the war Investigating commis- Cll this telegraph operator to have consulted To Policy la Philippine. SlaaJard Cornpaay. Exposlttoa Our la y the express company's agent and secured Patrons sion that the refrigerated revenue stamp, or called li. beef troops daring the the attention of served the ths mesaengsr to the absence of the D01B0S Or C0HGMSS. wv was better than the beef killed on eoniaot nxciii'i Missaei. temp whan business was Died with him. At AlAiXA ITRCUVO. hoof.- - He declared positively that none For failure to have given this massage And the public at melh-x- l of the beef given the soldier waa chemi- attention an entry of twenty demerit - l.irfcc. We take thit of thanking you for your 6.-- marks have been placed agairrst Eantlago rt Cuba, Jan. The cally prepared and said all the talk to Kansas City, Jan. 6 --Charles F. Hunt, the Madrid, Jan. Polavleja, forirer record of this operator. ,T ncrous patronage of ths part year and wish to announce that wc wi I soon plauatlon of the war department at this effect arose out of the fact that an of Chihuahua, Mexico, aho, It has been governor general ot Cuba and the Philip- Wanhlngton of It intontlona warding Inventor, named Powell, was permitted Mated, ha been trying to negotiate a A Pellghttil Soalal Daar. pines, and Senor Mllvela, a conservative if Se in our new qu trun and will in tin future, as in the pa', carry the largest tha tranefer of the etntorm receipt from on the Comal to test a process he had for settlement with Grant 0. Gillett's cred- Mlrs Grace Dodd entertained a very leader, have agr4 upon the formation Jolly party yonng and most compltte of up-to-d-tte the different porta la Cab fo Haven, In keeping beef in hot climates. None of itors, arrived In Kansas City to day from of folks last night at of a new cabinet, and bar been snm Jiie Dry O od ever shown in th's city ani met here by a statement from the Cuban the west. The attorneys tor the two local Orchestrion hall. The time was merrily moned by the queen regent. The early this process meat was served the soldiers. shall maintain our reputation of selling that tha plan Is similar to on adopted firms which hold Gillett's paper deny pent In dancing. Mrs. A. A. Trimble advent ot the conservatives to power Is the best good for Ihe 'jat money. A laiproTlnc. by tha Hpanlard. when requl Won on rlta 7 that they will compromise and Mrs. W. T. Walton were chaperonse. regarded as certain. as we Washington, Jan. 6. This afternoon om get through stocklakii we will have a granl ta'e of O Ids and Uavana obtained lee than fl pi r cent of when the time for departure came It was announced by the doctors that StAHDAHU (lit, COMPAHY, To riOoVr AWRRIUAHS. requisition called lor. PuhI everyone assured Miss Grace that they Knc?s and broken assortment of a what th Representative Dlngley was much better variety of goods which we wish to close out. nena men and tiilliitntial people her My had spent a most delightful tlms. Those 0 and likely to continue to Improve. Bala lavaatlgatad l tha Batiraaia Coart I aa urgants at llutla Bant lot Atulaald ta Coat will c.t no figure in th;s n present sale, but we will Havana grown rich and pioe-pro- r were: ft sp i.k o! this later and on'y say fiat tM of State John Foster was some- hla laad Than. at the eiprnaa of tha rent of th Columbns, Ohio, Jan. 5. Ia the arga Misses Buchanan. Brooks, Hunt, Paris, Jan. 0. An official telegram re- now what worse y. watch the papers f jr particul irs T.iank'ng you ag tin f r bland. The Cnliaua and governmental ment before the supreme court to day Tyler, K tlston, Coleman, Kellogg, ceived by the F.llplno jnota here, dated yw gencro js attorney-gener- Spencer, Dodd. oiTlolahiof Santiago any tha Cur'anaof ALIIt'UfKHUt'M STEAM LAUNDRY. on motion of the to dls Saint and Walton. Messrs. Manila, Januw 4, say that Agulnaldo Hi patronage nnd aolx ting a conlinmnc j of same and wishing yoi one and all a Major Gen- miss the master commissioner and eon Hunt, Dunbar, Downs. Benjamin, Myer, has gone to Hollo Havana am re.pon.lhlo for H. Maehlnur cllf a i"lrmt-CU- m at the request of the rut i hnppy new eral Brooke' order on till ontiject. laatllallua. tlnue th investigation of the Standard Peabody, Crtimpacker, Armljo, Stevens, Insurgents there to place himself at their ft year. in. Castillo and Mayor Bacardi urgtd The Albuqnerqne Steam Laundry has Oil company In open conrt, Virgil P. Tlerney, ft hlte and Owen. bead with a vluW to their lighting the ft the ritiacoa to remain peaceful while for a long time enjoyed the reputation Kline, of Cleveland, attorney tor the AM ArtrHNOOM ktkmt. Americans, ft Gen Oil company, A waiting the reaulle of the vleit of tmong commercial traveler of doing the Standard was forced to member of ths Filipino Junta here ft We remain, yours for business, Den- some ad- Loch-ha- ral Wood and Dr. Castillo to Washing best work of any lanndry south of make positive statements and ra, Andrews Kalart.lnnl tar Mint rt asserts that the lastest telegraphlo ad ft ton. They left here for New York to day ver, but Jay Hut hi. the proprietor, is not missions. He declared In the first place, at Haw Made. vices declare t tat it the Asaerlcans in on the transport MlNslselppl. Tbey were atlsfied with letting well enoogb alone, In response to (In interrogations of the Miss Klltaheib Lookhart, who is a sist upon the oecnpat Ion of the principal accorded an ovation during (heir pataage and has adrptej "Kaeelsior" for his court, that the company will not under gnest In the city from A'buqnerque, New eltlesby the American troops, tha Fili ft Mexico, was complimented st to the wharf. The eouunuona applause motto. He has Just pat In some new the former order of the court produce with a pretty pino will re-- by faroe ot arms. The ft 8 and cheer for (loeral Wood deeply ad entirely up marblaery.whlck any books other than those already given little afternoon function at the home of ministry, It appears, claims the recogni- & B. & CO Mrs. ILFELD H. II. moved him. There were between 6.000 will enable him to do a larger amount as In evidence. In the second place, he ad- Andrews on 12th street yes- tion of Indeiendenee ot the Philippine ft o nd C,0U persona In tha procession. well as a better quality of work. mitted there was still outstanding about terday. It was a card party and In Islands. honor of the .ft The most expansive machine put In I tl7,wyX) worth of trust certificate of ooradon the parlors were ft CONUKBsRlOMtl. MATTKH. SKNSATIONAt, LI Ni HMO. ft a targe Troy mangel, which Is need for tbs standard Oil trust, which the eourt simply but effectively decorated with ft Among ordered dissolved In ISH2 pink and white carnations and palms. aaalur Boar Will ak Acatn.t Pollrj Ironing hotel llueu. the other but which the VIliaeeraiaralMeeat KacleOlly, Alaska, nr dew machine are three Troy washers, a of the Stan lard Oil company Five tables were nsed In the contest of ftWwr$;ftftftft ftuaaiielaM. yeat a Tonah. - " rut-hr- "j six handed It 6.-- Washington, Jan. & - Cnder a rpsrlal new shirt Ironing machine, a I'oker ma- his all along been trying to gel In and Is and at the close Vancon", B. 0 , Jan. Th steamer ordr the house proceeded to the consid- chine for finishing work, a Hagen band still trying The court heard ths argu- was found that the highest honors were Itnealle arilved from tha north with a by Mrs. N. re- eration of the bill presenUd by the com-niltt- niv'tilne, a body Iron machine and a ments of toth sides, bht took no action. carried II. Adsnis, who hundred ngers, all from Dawsrn. 4 ceived Ia on The first bill railed to take-o- the a dainty little picture as a re The steamer ariO.noo 4 judiciary. 0 llar and ruf? shaper ff rlMUHKK'S MSMNAUK. had In gold dust 4 ward. The secoud prise went to Mrs. ' up was that to create an additional elr raw edges and Uulslilng oollars without aboard. M Geo. Vrof inan, who was given a pretty A $ eult judge for the Sixth judicial circuit. breaking them. Daelaras Agalaat Kiaanrlua 1 laral(li sensational lvnehlnv tank nlan at psarl knife. Itlntnia judgeship with which tumor Mr. Hubb now owns a laundry plant Agalaat Trasla pspr Kagle City, Masks, December 11. Jack El EG AN r and eounaoted the name of of of may feel Lansing, Mich., Jan 5. Gov. Plngree Pink and white was the Idea carried Jolly, a saltMM.keeper Co- HOLIDAY which he well proud and one and gambler, Stale Day. Henderson, chatruiun of the which would be a credit to a city much to day read bis message to the Jolut Bo- out in the score cards and In the re llected a gtnir of tonght and wasterrorla- - freshraenta which were Judiciary committee, said there were larger than Albuqnerqne. ston of tha legislature. It Is a volumi served after the log the mining camps. A vigilance com- USEFUL. game. 7.11 ti ease pending In this district. The nous document; deals with the governor' mittee ot twelve determined men ordered L. R. llcCausland's resignation as 4 ! 4-- Jitilgea earnestly favored the bill. Monn taxation reform; declares against ex The gnests present at this charming him to leave the town. He refused. Ths oppnaed Uie bill, contend agent for Wells, Fargo ft Co., In this panlon, and Inveighs great length event were Mrs. James Cummins, Mrs next day PRESENTS (Um, Teun.) at th vigilantes hanged him to a city went Into effect yesterday and Mr. D. Dowe, lug the situation In the dl trlut did not against trusts and corporatlone. J. Mrs. Jesse Draper, Mrs Jamis tree. Ttia gamblers Immediately left the expects to leave for wiria-i- t the of another circuit McCaaslaud Kansas L fcateon, Jr., Mrs. J. K. Thomas, creation ARIZONA VaMDATkO. was laid aside with City this evening. He has not fully de- HOl Mrr. Frauk Collins, airs. Henry N The Very Latest in 4 Judge. The bill a IvAHIittoitTa. , tha (Met at Reasonable Prices! cided as to what he will do Adams, Mrs. C F. M. Mies, Mrs. TMeo KsrostTICIi. favorable recouiiueudattnn. Itnportaat DeaUlau llaadad Dawa hf fed- there, but be will probably go to work dure Deardorf, Mrs. K. IN THK HKNATR. eral Baprame Voart. James Smith, rraaelaro Will Hold aa Intarnntlonal Mc 25 doz. Ju the senate, Hurry, democrat of Ar In Wells, Fargo ft Co', ottlce. Mr. Washington, Jan. 0 An Important Mrs. S. K. Wilson, Mrs. Blacque Wilson. Kmaoaltlna la IttOI. All Silk Handkerchiefs, at each 25c. kansas, presented protest from J. K Causlaud has been oonuected with the suit. Involving the validity of county Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. K. M. Barbour, Mr 8an Francisco, Jan. 6. At a meeting 25 local olltce for the past six months, com- S. K. Mrs. doz. All Silk Handkerchief 1 I Murray, camp of the l ulled Confederate bond in Arluna, waa decided in the su- Buon, Clara Gultteau? Mrs. of cltlxens to day it was decided to hold at each 50c. Veterans, Arkansas, against the adoption ing here from Colorado Springs. HI preme court of the United States. The Gh. W. Vrooman, Miss Kirk, an Intrrnatlonal exposition at Ban Fran Smoking Jackets, from to or the proposed amendment by Senator gentlemanly qualities have made blm ease validates jaw.i.'.sH worth of bonds, Miss Leila Brown, Mist Florence Bur Cisco In 1101. opening In June. Appro- $5.50 (8.00 4 during stay In Art-ton- Kiitler, populist of North Dakota, to the many friends hi this city. Issued by Pima county, In aid of the a gert, Miss May Collins, Misses Mary, priation will be asked from the city, Silk Mulllers, from SOcts. to HI family is visiting In the east and Jean and Margaret Nelson, Miss .... $1.50 pnnslon appropriation bill, providing for Narrow Gauge railroad. It was We state and nation. 4 join In Kansas City. Kc-efers- , will him based upon a petition tor a ternian, ot Chlcora, Pa.; Miss Seeweld, of Boy's t le payment of pension to confederate mandamus H. s. $2.50 to $1,75 C. N. Crlttenton and Mrs. held upon governor Tillln. and ths guest of honor, Miss Knl(ht. 4-- ildiera. the and other territorial Lock Will sell cheap, several horses, sets ot - services at the railroad shop at the noon olUoers to to Issue hart, of Albuquerque, N. M. Hoys' Ulsters, - ... 4 Hoar gave notice that on next Monday compel them bonds In Toledo. harness, buggies and phaetous, a large $3.75 to $5.75 reso- - hour The meeting was attended Hen of those originally Issued In Ohio. Blade. h would addrens the senate on the Ibtf. burglar aud Ore proof safe, several square lullou offered by Vest relating to the ac by a large number of the employes. This The supreme eourt of the territory denied Hamilton-Hlva-l- e Mupllala. and uptight pianos, walnut back and 4 Valises, Trunks, Gloves, (tops, Mackintoshes ami - eveutng the nual services will be held at this petition, the of fed- an 4- qulsltlou of foreign territory by the but opinion the Judge li B. Hamilton, formerly judge front bar, with large Freuch plate mir- the Armory hall. Mr. Crlttenton will f nited Htates, the aildress beiug In reply eral supreme court, whloh was handed of the Firth judicial ror, etc. I Endless Variety of Neckwear. every week district with lit ad will attend to any business hold meeting day this at 12:16 down by Judge Brown, reverses de- 4 4 to that delivered by l'lutt.of Conuectlrut, this quarters In Socorro, arrived in the city jou wish transacted for a small commis- 4-- p. m. at the railroad shop. AH the cision and for and Cattery, of Louisiana, lie announced remands the ease further last night with his bride. At noon Tues- sion' Auction aud abstracts of title a 4 to- members of the church eholr of the city, proceedings tlmt lie would address the senate In compliance with the day Judge Hamilton aud Mrs. Mary II. specialty. U. S. Knihiit, Auctioneer, morrow on the resolution offered by who can do so, are requested to take part original petition. The opinion of the in these meeting. Higgle were married at the horn of Hev. 4 Viet. court 1 based upon the authority of the Hlahast Cash tr!aae raid 4 4 J J. Gilchrist, In Las Vega. The bride For furniture, stoves, carpets, passed resolution Horton Moore, who went to Gallup act of congress of June 0, lS'.H. clotting, 4 L. CO, 4-- The seriate a direct E. is the sister of Mrs Gilchrist, and Is a WASH Si trunks, BURN Monday night to defend John W. Ray, harness, saddles, shoes etc :ig the forelgu relation committee to most lady. charged with shooting an Austrian miner Kelease or Spanish I'rlatiaen, Hart's, 117 Gold avenue, next to Wells 4 investigate the status of the claims of The newly married couple will make at one of the mines near Gallup a few Madrid, Jan. 6. The government Fargo Kxpress olllce. See me before yon Hulled States citizen against Spain, and hi their homo iu Albuquerque, and Judge selL days ago, Is expected back this evening telegraphed the Spanish naval comman-de- r buy or of e passed a bill rlasslfjlng the clerks the Uamiltou will open up a law i IlL-- here . at Manila to send two gunboats to A. A. U.-- Parties who arrived from Gallup laet Henry, who for the past year bus glglglSISISIlgliSSllil and secoud class pontollii-e- The and practice his professl'in. Tin y are night aay that the preliminary hearing Balabae and one to the Philippine Islands been iu business In Bland, is In the city, Til Mcarsguan canal bill then cuius up. stopping at present a the lintel High- AtenU lor was going on there yesterday to seek the Spanish prisoners. The gov- and morulug S CafTery made a speech on the Clarion afternoon. land. tils iutormed Thk ie1 McCAU. BAZAAR ORDERS M The man who was shot is still alive, bat ernment also requested General Bios to representative that he bad come this " Ilulwer treaty. Tup. ( Joins v. Ith their ninny L PATTERNS. hi condition Is considered critical. tsks f nrther steps to obtain the release of to stay, disposed Same time having ot his All Pattern. 10 and Ol'HN IXMIK I'tll.lL'I. Hpanlsn prisoners and remiud the friends iu welcoming them to this city. lit THE E The Albuquerque Land and Irrigation rebels Bland business lo W. K. Meyers A Co NONE Hir.HPB fUedrU. that the Spanish government will release iin-e- t CJ GINOST5 company la holding a meeting this after- The Kilo Klub will to morrow Mrs. Henry baa been in the city for some Will II ilirK ljr I iillxl atala. In lb the deported Filipinos. 201 Railroad Avenue, riilllpplita Trail. noon. The following board of directors Friday) afternoon with Mrs Bacus. '207 time past, and Thk Citixkn Is pleased to B Albuqnerqne, N. II WashliiRtoii, Jan. 5. H.mutor Fry, of was elected: A. A. Grant, M. 8. Otero, Chleaca Slock Market. Gold avenue. Kiectmn of olllcers. A note that they will now become perma- J lXX fie American peace commission, said, In Noa Ilfeld, Wallace Hesselden, M. W. Chicago, Jan 5. Cattle Kecelpts, fnll attendance I desired. Quotations nent residents of the metropolis. "Best tlX4 Oity." fie seuate committee on commerce, to Flournoy, A. Lombardoand M.P.Stamm. 6,1 JO head. Market strong, to 10 cent, from Longfellow. Alba Butler, retr Kvangullet Moody, who is holding day, that it was the understanding of the The many frit nils of G. Scottl. the higher. tary. meetings at Trluldad, has announced his Beeves, cows heifers, American commissioners that an abso- First street merchant, will be pleased to tl.0O5.ti5; and W. C. M out fort It busy y develop- lutentlon ot coming south. An effort are tiring ! 12 Texas steers, v3.:me4.nD; We InArentorv he 00ftC; ought be T lute open door policy would be observed learn that has nearly recovered from ing the pictures which he took of the to made to have the great evan Aud uutll January 10th In oril-- r to riliM oiirntoRk to th IowhhI pnwlhla wa Dry (loo.lo -- limit will aoll ot all kinds by the I'ulted h'.alos government with ref- bis recent Illness, and la up and about. lookers and feeder. 1 1.06m HO. prisoners In the county Jail yesterday. gellst stop over several days In this city. without iiroUt. Nuw h-- li an opp irtunlty to lay In a year' tipply. Notloa ths followluj: 1 Sheep Receipts, 10,(00 head. Market erence to the trade of the Philippines and Mr. Hcottl a suff.rer from Bright Pupils for china by Miss Look Into Klein wort' market on north steady. painting fiat other countries would be given the disease and at times Is very miserable. Aley. For particulars call at the drug Third street. Re has the nicest treat) Natives, $3.756125; westerns, 3.00 sains facilities as the I'ulted dtatea In Tha republican primaries to nominate store of J. II. O'Klelly A Co. meats in the eltv. lambs, - that trade. The question came up in con- candidates for justices of the peace will 8120; 11.0005.30. fiiHlleH' FlillllH'l- nection with the Informal dUcuwion of feu Window be held at 7:3" o'clock to morrow even- Kansas City Mark at. t le coast trade policy of this country and 13 lto WruMr. ing. The primaries In precinct will Kansas City, Jan. G. Cattle Receipts, Dlnplay It extension to the Philippines. Jfrya be held at the city building and those In 0,500 bead. Market strong. Only Parts the policy of excluding textile 2H also said precinct at Juatice Kibble's oOlce. Native steers, )t 0035.60; Texas steers, I.ndlm' KIMwil fubrlos would not, according to his un- Matin of Kioa quail' y K. P. Brown, the southwestern agent of $2 7&(s4 .ft&; Texas cows, S.15.3.70; of Dollars Uutnrwfa-- , Vei U derstanding, beapplUd as coun- in this the Colorado Iron and Fuel company, native cows and heifers, t2.toei.50; stjiul old stood be fore. and try. whore dollars Klaninlitte. Mule like l'untu to with headquarters at Kl Pino, Is around stackers and feeders, i 'l.0iUl; bulls, rib'niii possession of any of the mati'h, 111 vr It neck, . To on lla. town to day, the guest of the local coal 2.50uH 00. rr it. ,i - ' cut. dark color oujy. Niocly liuiK vliiivi. llattla tha lllue lir-i- A fine footwear In our t ck only a very 6. re- barons on south street. Sheep-Kecel- pts, head. Market, London, Jan. The particulars First 2,(0 I uivt'iTl unM 1 Kiohcnly 15c Ijv T" W ritiIVMV Ttn iit v trliuiMHl, :i d0ijj5.00; VI ..L.W ailai IHt ' UIVU J 'Ml I'Mttifn full Bwwp ani the garding the recent battle oil the lllue Miss Aley wishes soius pupils In china firm. Lambs, muttons, a! I.ailii' Ml have been received in dispatch painting. Inquire at J. 11. O'Klelly ft 12 Ut 4 00. walxt llnril ultli tileHla Cuderwear, lliavy to the Kxchange Telegraph Co.'a. Our January from Cairo Vhlaao Urala Markal. Kfcyptlan (Mtm appears, be Co. Col. Lewis, It when Klactliio Nolloa. Chicago, Jan. 5. Wheat May, 70 V; Clearing Sale Only 08c. Each. KliwpHl bark, pantH Kedll, last remaining N. M., Deo. Ill, 1M1. . routed Kiulr the Albuquerque. July, IVj9. and viwti to umti-h- 17, of inauirurated and we shall ' Dervish chief, killed 5i0 of his followers In accordance with chapter th May, 3i!7(.i;:l7o. hisbetn Kach .ATI NTT 0 laws of lv.M. an election of the qualitled Corn January, 35; 17 ouly 20o many prisoners. Kuilr ea- aw aa-- some splendid in order 1 and made voters of Bernalillo county is hereby Oats January, c; May, S7',o. r iff jive bargain I Bic.uiia.a, rn (ed. called, to take place on the stcond Mon- to promote rapid s.iYs. Splendid values offered in men's and Hj Iteatly Mutle Sheets and Pillow Chhoh. day of January, A D. IHte.i, being ths Ulh glavaa Mi wis MiimIIii Im-- aallur. Druwol. day of said mouth, within the several w York, Jau. 6. Money on call, womcn'a. allocs. Don't neglect to seize the opprtnnity. ot IViiperill with a I hem B, cJj top I Kaliuouth, Kng., Jan. The precincts In ths said county, for the pur- nominally, at per cent. Prime at ami iuf b hum at tottoiu. iMllm' Klbbnil riidHrwnr maila of Hoavy '".:) fal 8l.e ii by U) Iih'Iikh - Kifyptlan Cutter has lauded here with the captain pose of electing paper, 'iu'i per cent. 37- Cottoiiextra nlnely trluinml of the Peace and y 8io 7i by Inched 4-- 2 luiiUand VomU tonmti'h. Ki?h ouly and thirteen of the crew of the Hrltlnh Hue Justice HlzBUiylH)li J5o Une Constable iu each and every pre- - Sllrar and Liiii-i-t Shoe Uealere, 47J; steamer Knsshlre, from Cardiff fur St. La4, Tjl KiEalMbylKI in said county, as tirest-ribe- by York, 5. GEO. C. & GO. 52e Icini't New Jan. Silver. 5'.f CAINSLEY 1SS S. Soeornl St. Pillow BIIim by ; InchM Ns zaire, and the cantain and twelve if law. J km Hum no i, ( Imlrman. S ii Oe l.ea.1, 3.7i. ! crew of the French steamer Du liuescliu, J. C. Bamiiiiim.k, Clerk. NAIL, OSIIKH MIVKSJ HAKKITI'l, ATTKMTItfM, 8limtlii((i and l'lllnw ( aliii( TriminliiM. fnll III.I n 91 .ui.l. ul.1. I1..I.I....I...J Ol. Ilia ralr. ' i Hl of Drm Trimming, ronnlHtlu I av- tM bm in account of removal to Railroad jl or'iUynraH wlilHt'Hpparlll I ublnaclnHlHlHwiiiiif 6o nf black trinniiliiK, blafk Hllk we making great " Jt triuiiulnic. enue, January in, are HMorS'i (olorat Hllk trlimulnns, all plaoedon ruuiuaiit reductions lu price. Thk Kaih, - rilHai'liea " I-I- KS i"inr:', 20c ttttilnat Hq. a yard. Some aiujutf the lot IU South First Street. a lilKttChM fiilow I'aHluK ...Oa worth up to (UN) a yard. . lOo WA'l'CV till our Kjilrod Walclm with an abnluie thai they Mealing &1 &o emnnltt at lha Blia. Inch Your money ill pau ritinf Mion. returned il they tail lo put. (i. W. Bmlth, superliiteudeut of ma- lie 1 tu following wc cmuitr tlx fcxst wttclwt fur railroad service) H. E. FOX, I2'jc Twel. Fe Pacific, has VN chinery of the Santa rcO Indoar Dliplay. 1 IiUco Curt al iik 7 J wcl Hamilton for $25.00. posted ths following notice In regard to 50 doc Hlitithu.l Tnaulj i 1A Leading Jewelry Hlltflitly Hnllml lllll ui.u 21-Je- $30.00. from binff illaiiluvhl In wlnitowa. Elgin lor the Crlttenton meetings: House of the Inrli. S)iwml, eiicli 0 ra will lm wiiii u le- - - 1 for 0 cunt than I il- ... The Vanguard" Kmployes The Hev, C. N. CniU-- tm a ur flflil Ikll.tob r..url lT..l.l......, To Southwest. iLi regular prlif a. .fu.. ... I'limt i"nBw ana.1.. ju Kit Grucn Precision Watch, $65.00. li.ii uitil ni.rt wlin era luilillnir a uerlHS by l rol'irod lurder Oa l! of special uixettnirs In our city.ars ile Outing Flannel Night (Jowiik. liK-l Ail ul the above in heavy li'verinc lino lot bhii iaiuii4k TowbIh, oolurad bur- - watchet caei. nun luspr-eto- : Niroiis 0 aiiiireHsiUK tun riiiini;ra ui Watt b SauU Fc PiiiOr. r'nliie Line i 'j uvnr i.i dHr. SO by , tii li They ailvise us they hold I .in j auuni iniiiii a'", iNir riauiar 5e 1 I r I Ld'n lewekr, Kailroad Ave. company. will fey ".jc. hiiiI ih'o. liowiiH, whllri tiiHN last Lot Towxla, -- late One Hlfiti'liHd ndored border. Ij I f .1- Albuquerque, New Mexico. a meeting lu the machine shoo at 12 1'. 1 .... I .....1. .11 I.V 1. 1 - liiriu lur viii id. rauu kuotti'l end friaite, 13 by each JT'X7 p. m. January 5. The people ' nin. I5e 1! lor Uumundi, w atchei, I I c. who comprise this party have a world- Uneadquarleu wide reputatlou, aud 1 trust that as

'" " " ' ' ' . k.. ; trol of th Rio Grand It w. nnvAi navigable stream. Put we h GENt'INE Damiana. of little j H'k let; statesmen n N', .., hi UMPS BEER lei Just a yon hare In and Teie, 2o Years i n ti.kiv ftUl nnrnnn Imagined, that they hud a sure t'iink ..MI'Mn:sP. 1 U iii Bottle ls-- $1 00 $1.00 BOTTLE. aialnst the nurigahliity of t'e Kin .se tle with bis i rnltt-- . vrv 1 3?A Grande bec-ms- there were no eteameis ...g them $30.0 0 lu cs h I e on the river. We under-Uand- , too, that net with him over kloo.liK), If rep irts l e After iH PDVRER fie Rio Grande, for treaty purposes. It true, end the U now (radically 1 navigable. Rut we hold the state In clnsrd, nr will at Hunt return (vaV a.a? H that Kl IVhii Jan a. baNoou Bachechi Giomi. Mount Vemoa whlcj the stream has Its origin, has to K.Miiat City. .Vt'e know Calkrnla Wlco & Absolutely Pure Charles K. Hunt aud wife reached here of nothing belter to lenr the Twenty y ars ego, In ti'-;- , Mr. never Invested It with International im Gillett Is t to i wn mire than Hn,. Of Kind and EYE WHISKEY last night from Chihuahua, and thi sl lining of your throat nd I,. all i J. II. , mht was tin li ' pittance, and appropriated its water at (i worth of cattle In th United State lungs. wet Impo d Matf trass ri--r pap cfaa tartar morning Mr. Hunt left via the Banta Ke It is better than tr AT 01 Bnttl tt.50. they would of of hi know nothing. Ill feet 'o cause bronchitis and twt ii'y nine years of age, SPEC1L PRICES appropriate ti waters an for Kunsas City for the ptirprwe of wind-lu- which creditors aured I pneumonia. Only keep it THIS WEEK. ordinary stream. l( th Klo Grande homestead Is valued at lioo.ooii and In his life I I the Kitiltalds Thn up the sfTitlrs of the fugitive cattle up long enough you tirdr Is When com and THE DAILY CITIZEN not to hs reeogninl as an Interna king. Grant G. Glllett and rinsing the the name of his mother. the will succeed in reducing your roliry No. 21 i,hti4 for H,yo tlonal stream In Colorado, whv should It promise Is effected can rotivert d ul with his heaviest creditor, which Glllitt weight, losing your nppetite. This poliry Issutil on the McCKKKUlT, I'ihi.ishkhm be reccgull-M- l In New ' his property rash. bringing on slow fever and HKiHKi A Mxlro? hue been under way for two or three Into Edgewood Distilled J'llin Rakln, of Sun Antonio, was sent making everything exactly l.inil'eit I'syini n'. form wi'.h an TOM AND JERIiT Thuh. Hiuhiw Kill tor sciKNiK w eks. right for the germ of con- ov:nroMiNt to Al ili'ti a short time ago to get fill,-iji- ki accuuiuliitlon ferifid of twenty IN O Wbiskry, W. T. McCrrmiht. Run. Mgr. and City K.I The outbreaks of small pox which have Glllett hmrhsen at, or near, Chlhimhna sumption. hlihoiigh or Glllett from bis wife. Mr Glllett Mop couching anj and on which annual K ittle - disturbed a good many dur- fir more than a month, and yi'sr, tie tjnsrti.ll Quarta $1.50. PlIMI.InllKII ItAIL AMI Wfc.kLV. communities rend one uf the fske dltpatchcs, saying will get well. ing the last six are singularly miiuy persons were anxlotM to find tit mi. premium w f74 2s. months Unit her hmbunl had been arrested. Khe a ;d newnpspur corrsitpomleiits especially Kor te'enty years Mr. free from fatal results. The diseaee ap to money, iVn w re 011 the lookout for ths "m ist nisg- - n send the and Rivkin ST. pears to have lost III old deadlines, and I. has ls"n pro'erlel by 107 and 109 SOUTH FIRST ever known." U-turnel with an empty grip. Mr. Hits muter n methods of treatment sem al- nlcent plunger Knsas hs kin, at Man Antinlo, recdvss and for- - mm if life assurance, and If were known only to such CLUU ROOMS. Associated Vrrm Afternoon Telegrams, most v effective In curing those who are his whereabout 1 SAMI'LK ROOM of County. p II or hN friends wa'ds all Glllett' mall since he ha been hs Iii1 di d at asy tine, h' Omelet Paper Bernalillo a.Utted by It as they have been In 'twine at tl with him largest City and County Circulation I trusted, in hiding. I re- stamping out the pst, to a vry great and relatives who coul lie family soul it mire have 1 Tbe Largeet New Mexico Circulation (l ago, Gillett 1 h creditors with who u Glllett Is ne- largest North Arizona Circulation extent, by vicsinatlou ily a week or twu after ceived n f2,M 0. Hi. we ver, he has ha I bomi reported as being In the City or gotiating are Klmore & Cooper, Charles case of )ell'w fever, aleo, the a. li d ar d In ISds. he has Mctropole, lathe I 't el. tow uThe tk'hsffer and Drake Keel. said tm K, JAN. R, IS'.R. by lawyer, C. ft It AI.Hl'gl KKIJI In healing Is m Mexico, aceom pa tiled his giln the sick alurwt of s: , K ( liihua-tins- , tint his return to Kaunas City will create the choice the following si Tin? Kim and Donu-stir- marked as the new control d splayed In Troxel, Troxel turned tip at Host ami st l.iijtioi. ami Cigars, Importrd "oldest has been d ltii;iso confusion and bring dls4ter to Thi lnhahitant" checking spread of dlxeats The where It leaked out that he had the the many operators who made c tpltal St'rved ) All l'ntrons. Ing tor the pant few day aliout the a half inter, tor 7,1)00 lu the have Pector - threatening epidemic In the south this el To xrentMint Tn I'ot One weather condition. Palaclo hotel, wti ch has for a long time out of bit flight. II V ASH Mil KIK year amounted to little, compared with cures coughs of every kind. i Aell $1,877.47 ATTKMITKH Mi ll II1R. by disiip-pear- of been owned and operated Charley An ordinsry couh s Late of the Pit your little Mil and ramie every- former violations the pestilence, and becoming a fugitive Gillett has Tn l Sill M'ltH THK I'OI JOHN WICKSTKOM, himself Since in a single night. The A the proportion of fatal case was very limit. Troxel established ks l AMI SKI IIU body prosperous and happy. It In the Is of bronchitis H I I.Y I I' I ruanagt-- r at the Palaclo, which Is twice, it siid, attempted suicide, once racking coughs I'lil.ll . 4.1 17 00 St. Elmo. con- small. Kren lu Cuba the American sol- mas- HS ritoruiKTdn. little bill that nake or break timet In Chi- in the Palacio hotel and once in the sre soon completely ins leading resort of Americans if too cerns. diers at Nanlisgo suffered few losses by tered. And, not far TnHHIKIte I A III I'OI gave rise to the mountains. H V I If death In view of the number stricken by huahua. His prenetice slong, Iho toupjis of con- ei'H M I. AMlll'N r AMU K el H I IH Kis.ak of New Tork, iHplcl in that the whim he had Ai-di- Salve, sumption pre completely Bli HI 738.12 Chahliw Mills, the most dreaded of all fevers. nitn IN ANH I if llight i In world Cuts, cured. ha been appointed a couiniisslotier ol Hush changes are greatly to In bis from the stales hs best ealee the for Snliitrt to ptM'Vpi turv ths credit Sores, K. ver Ask your dm mist for one mirlicl rtmnin deeds for New Mexico by Acting, (lor-ern- was nut far awsy. This suspicion proved Bruises, Clcers, rtalt Rheum, nimn for ;i limn it over nrignirtl tu y. of medical science, and they go fair to Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, of .fjtntforNcw Mtx'co for Wallace. correct. di 'prove ths theory, often believed In, Ciirim aii'l ail nkln Kruptlons, and poet-livel- lint the vitality of the race tends to kKM'KNFh rittilsTHAd kVK. ciires Pi let, or rut pay required. Dr. Aycr's TBI Tweuty .Teias legislature a give perl-- ct lHfHC-tlo- n slitl diminish ntiiler the conditions of modern Hsm after GtUell'e llight liecame It Is guaranteed M will convene on Tueeday, January lu. or refuii li'i. Price 2f ts Cherry jUk NEW HOME of coiiiiuiiu talk and authentic niini'T rectors! 'k The power of milter ci con- civlllMtioti. ieleting the p-- box. forsnliiiiy .1. II. U'lthlly ft Tbe New Mexico legislature will aewspapers trai-ei- l him to Chihuahua m t stalwart savages would prolwhly he had Co., Druggists. Plaster. vene at Santa Fe ou Monday, Jstiu-ar- y fie was from t lat place to 1 I ms. If by pox and yellow ee'ii lo start MACHINES 10. attacked small A Sta Man UI rire jfe Assurnucc Society rS the Hlerra M tdre niutintalns armrd If will niJ the of the fever, eveu under the same condition a About 3 o'clock last Motuiav morning action with a rill i aud clad In hunting costume. Cherry I'cctorcl The niatl route betweeu Hudson nod to nourishing and mdicl teatmnt, rallwsy whistles aniiiiii'icetl the pre nice l't'ui'8 from $.8.75 UP he was seen no more In hnyrt Ol- Bhernian, la Grant county, has baeo In ft-!- , are good revmua for - After that If yni fn rnTrrVVn riif. Till; UNI! IIll STATUS. there of lire, iind It wst readily loc In the it - t itvitit'Jil mas eve. itel fvi r hii'I ilio W d by changed, leaving Hhestueu off the route, ctseasee are more Chihuahua uutll Chris That nit leu it n 'it till, Kvery Machine itrrant the Iivlng loot most far huuse, owned by v )'( three rooniel frame Mr. n lri viii wti'w B lay he arrived at the Palaclo hotel clad !i y Kaetury to 10 years. which will hereafter end at bwn.ts. .riileiit In what may lie called freed Helen Kly and occupied by Conductor K. pt':n. ''t' f it lu of .'rri( In the same hunting costume but his 4h Tble change took place January I irritory than where they are familiar C. Kllut and family. a f4W moment JUL .1. . A, liwrll, Musi, WAl.Tf-- N. lAkKli:R5T, AIho, Wholimle uo.l Dealer !n face was covered with a three weeks' It foes of human life. In new soli they the building and emit nits were destroyed It has been eald, and apparently with gr wth of beard and his he-i- t friend (Irnrrnl MinHffr. nourish with deadly vigor but In place but no further spread of the II 4ines oc- Furniture1, Carpets great truth, that money In the foul' wis- wo il l have failed to recognize him. where they have lung been rerouted by curred, suppression lining the care Net D dom, the kuave'a repulaliou, the wise froxel was on watch at the hotel and their Veli'OHid AiU niil liirtinent ths greater part of t is population they or the railroad hose company. The Ore miil l.tMldinir, m&n'e Jewel, the rich man's trouble, tbe haetlly showed Glllett to a r om on the kill only a small mluurlty of thoee whom orlglimted in a defective flue, and ti e AI.HI KK'JI K, N. II. Clii-a- lor Cieili m limlallinrnl. potr man's ambition and the Mol of all. sec mil flsir. Th-r- e hs ws4 supplieil with il thy attack. epitik were falling on the bed occupied rhsnge of clothing and a long black Cpprsite Irmiry Hall, Fir St. Aii.imiUMt to the derlnlou of the Her- by Mrs. Flint and little son, whmtle J TllR Tenver papers are authority that beard. He kept rlotely to his room dur- At 1HMMIC TKI.I IMIUNK 4:m. man court, a man who awoke to a real In ition of her peril. 11 e drunken rills the PoMlolllce Inspector GerrgS Wa't ibrry ing the day time end at night only was emperor 1 iieceesa-rll- y lo s to Mr. Kllnt Is about and be "a sheep's head" nut h .s been removed from rilice. The can e to be wen In the ollles or bar room '"'. dangerous criminal 1 a shies ths household gisjih and all llirlr a It was that in July laft he wrote a letter to of the hotel. At such times he wore a Hue queHtlon hat been wearing a;ipnrel, a gold wstch, a ilia mm G. IIKNRV, M. D. JX'itr" thing that a star route conlrHi'tor, reiiiieeting him heavy beard and a long overcoat but Thirty Mix Vimh' fi.kiice, xhe l.wt Ten in llenver. Col. MKM ttMI.V TRKATKU Uoally setlled. iiio iil ring, valuahio keepsakes and 'V. Li A f II It curry a certain commercial traveler over t'ini-- to the chlu, so It was Initios- - A cure guaranteed In every csis uii'lHrtitkeii when a cure ts practtrtbla and of In money ted the lire. Mr. Kllut bad no .V' tx.fsrux La rtnuH'ti (i Dr. uls route, giving him the benetlt free c reoogulX't in the stranger C:.-.f.- (toesihle, moirlioea, gleet, and stricture speedily cured with Kleonl's A urfN (it once a ltd sin to ths 7 'Y l ..i Ttinolrrar' ti.kman distinction Insurance. Ills many friends sincerely r Handle-woo- d transportation. Mr. Walerbury has been debonair king of a few weeks hi - jSOICSIJ l'Jli;Uj'lU llldll'.CI.- Iteuietlies. Kecent caies iiermansutiy cureil wltiiin three days. No Cuhebs, that nobility and geutlettene go band In cattle In- eviupathlz wit'i hlra in his misfortune, 1 i.i Ilio iirvinnl nnd.inl e'ltl''N('l: till nor Copal ha used. Hpermatorrhoea, seminal losses, night emissions. Inspector for nearly thirteen fo.v. .o-- ' band; and when we eee a young aeulle-ma- n and when be temxrked that It was a r Hti' air; ii'liiilili-en- mi lit" ii somnia, deopniideiicy, radically cured. Klcnrd'a method practlnetl In the World's fear and should have been removed the till.LKTTS r. l'i l.ii; mX l.f li.Ml Hoepltal, Farls. K"fereuce over patients treated and cured kind to hi mother and gentle and tough present he y ulllliw Mtlil iiul li eiiceessfullr next day after he assumed charge of hi pretty Chrlstmat had ltn within ths last ten years. Con refer to patients cured, by permission. Investigate, forbearing to hit brother and sister, we (iiltetl' wandering since he 111 from II. ti' ago. been the recipient of, there were no dls Klt'l.l. :!., ail Ami. (lllleea, tin" Seventeenth street, near Champa, Colo. Knglish, French, Her- duties aonis thirteen year exten- A N. M. Hnar, think he bae a noble heart. the Tolled btile have not bseu Renting voice Bee. lliuititria, man, Polish, Kusntan and Kohemlan spoken. Consultation and one examination sive. He was in Kort Worth November free. Correspondence solicited strictly oonlldentlal. THB CITY COI RCIU Fcr Sant Qaus' Sake WAMTK.II, SALK, KfcNT I.UST Thi Banta Ke railway has a scheme 2 let aud registered one of the hotels. BUSINESS LOCALS. rilH lull it don't! iNni't for a J jlnt advertising of the great west- he went direct to Mexico niber or Bill. AllowMl-Mariil- ial Kaiiu there he a Chrlstiniis Hear! Don't make the H'UUmI. ex- 8 loci ranges. W hltney Co. ern roads In this couutry at tbe Paris yorta nm Slut MarhlMM. pissing through Kl Paso and arriving at children nnhappr! Din t let an Ach'ug Wanted Two or three furnished auy stove position. It Is to construct a huge relief The city council held an adjourned Chihuahua November SI, with C. K. Stove repair fur made. To tli spnil vour Chr Htiiiit Dluner anil rooms for II k lit huiisekeeplng. InUlre W hltney Co. ! map delineating the topography of the insetlng laet night with Aldermen John' Trotel, his alleged attorney. your Holiday Knjotiiii'iit (I, this ollles. : Albuquerque Foundry and Machine Works Merchants' lunch every rotfrntng at the ve il stop tne acii V anted-Hen- ts' country along the routes of the different Uou, Kleke, Tierney, Marrou, llurkhart They registered at the Koblnson house second hnnd clothing. White Klephant. Uulck without iliHcomlort-on- ce So. south Klrst street, between Conl Unes. present. K. Denver, Colorado," auu -- 4f ind Lombardo President Marron as "C. Troxel, Plumbing orders promptly attended to ind for nil mid Have the Tisith. ind l.i ad avenues. Address or rail on K I ilc-- to R. 1. HALL, Pkoimuktoh. One by one our cherished dream are presided In the absence of Mayor Clancy. "g.g. glllett, Chicago, ill." The by Whitney company, nine day, 'WKKMtV. by ordinary tourists 'dispelled. Some people make a livelihood The followlug bills, approved the men were tsken for Hlaiikets, ctmrorter and pillows In Aii experlencd hook keeper and Iron and Ilium Cititing-i- ; Ore,, Coul and Lumber Cars; Shitfting, I'lillsys. finite conversa- May Kaber, open for riigugemelit. by or by Disking liiunce committee, were allowed: from ths states, a id during endless variety. ft CHAMBERS & BAECOCK. It tjulck Burs, Metal; for Itepuirs dlspelliug them, at least ind gisui liiihhit Columns and Iron Fronts lluihlings; S.ihint-- i (nr met, they asked Old p.ipera for sals at Tim re'l.ih c; hue penuiau and m to dispel them. Nuw In citv iilliciilt tions with those they on Mill Specialty. desperate iffurt thrr lliontlit 00 ollles In large or mnnll quantities. DENTISTS. GRANT BLOCK. Local references. Address. Mining und Machinery a pal r, numerous questions concerning ths cornea forth a person who atllrms and l.aiiir' t H4Mrkty. . 410 I'. O. Kox No. till. NI'HV: SIHK UAII.KOAIi TRACK, l KIKil K, N. M. riHnk Siillivau 7 ftn Inci- Ladles' walking bats and sailors, Fill Al.lil chant" for Investment and i offer to prove that Milun purloined A. Miitiilovtl 4 oil choice of house, fi 'c. H. Ilfidd ft Co. Wanted-I- n every town, a local repre-- A. J l'rHtift 4.1 Ml dentally talked about the rnttli Industry pats-r-s paddiug car- iitiiuve; lady or g .itleiiisn; easy work, "Paradise Lost" flora an earlier writer. y (.0 7li IM lor wrapping, Wliitfif (oodpa.'.no capital rei)uired; payment -- SALOONS- W liitury l' Jiv 4U In Mexico pets, and elicit fivers, for sain at this GRiire' C. populist of Kansas are tearing M11I m- 1 if 4 fo G.llett left the city that night i n the cilice. very week. Address for particulars, CRESCENT GOAL YARD, Thi Wltilnry i n 7 iin ONE FCR A DOSE I,. M irechitl Art Co , 81 n Kliu street, Dal the supreme courts ol W. I.. Trlliiblt- - A 4 00 bound and was not. seen He ware of special agents! Ruy a steel their hair because lo siulh train HstttM llninla. . sh, Thxss. COAL-- Do- Mm. Iiuiba Kumi li:i nil from peopl.i that ure always with -. GALLUP Bt of and of the United Tuesday, November when ranee Ail. msi'ifH- .nip tt- - Hlo, .l. tbe slate Ktusas Mrv. IMMMI Kimmmv :i. oh aain uutil V THE ELK you. Co. IH.n.11, 1 W.rl hltney vurmtftn mestic Coal in use. Yard State are quallUed to pas upon and 1. W. niiiilig no he returned from the south and j dued m aUrVs maiil nf tlisi hn al, n Il I, il. For Haat. 41 4S C. A. Grande, 3nC north Uroadwsy, On farbraliii. p l reports !! Hiil -- Thf r.i .c pianos tor rent. Whitson opposite Freight Office one of the nicest in the legislation. Tbey ifintM ml I'ubiiMlilng I I ll!k at hot I. t a, sr. iith' ir..ri...r r Kins Call at IH nullify their pernicious Co Troxel the liquors and cigar 4. lime for sale. ic. - .' it Is Tvoilitr LiHlue '..t 00 Kreh Wa- a IihIc cuiupany. city and supplied with the arc now racking brain to pas a nieaa AO Ky this time It became generally Kurniehed nsnus for rent. heNt id II u en M.inn SuMlrty l'i i Klit t'laes furnished rooms over post A. J. CRAWFORD, Agent. a t lliiiors. declaring said courts are J. Kirlr dt Co 7 UO kuowu Glllett was at Chihuahua New Mexico Collection agency, e ure that the S. Kl HO that The iiliiv; newly papered and reuovated. 'iiiio re-ten- tly 1 r, .ver Kux's Jewolry etore, rharge An eminent HEISCH 4 BETZLER, Proprietors. without Jurtdtctloa in nuch cases and K. W. Il...m 4 and at least one of his heaviest creditors. Kor Kent One of the large front New Telephone No. 161 1 ttu I liei kinutin IH .'III n ithlrg iliiles the account is collected. euactuiente of their Schiii'ffer, for Mexico to pay the Coil-liv- er Old Telephone No. 25 cannot overrule the W. J. I U 60 stalled s;i'ul: " Oil Moms ut the Oohleli Unix rooming house rutroiisand friends arecordiully '4 4ft King up the New Mcilcr) collection C. A. Iluil..ii mlHi-in- g He and a Leave oroer-iTrimble'- stable1 legislature. HUnt-liHri- cattle king u visit. Nicely fiirnlhlied rooms. Initilre at Ural & Supi-l- Co IH Uil Agency ( Ant' .1. telt'phiiiie 4H2I. com-positii- )n. Invited to visit "The Klk." mil' and is truly ;i woiulcrlul weet ave- W. I.. Triiniil Ik Co Mil 7S I'lukertou detective reuced Chihuahua tell us hlimi', that you 'Lie Kuosevelt," ou KuilroHil old In (I. W Mii.jiiu (twu bill.) fill UO totuh uccoiiiit Jamkh W. Uahtwu k, an timer li.'Ct inlier 4, uuthiug resulted from is nue. 209 West Railroad Avenue A. J. MHluy IV OO but want collected. It J. STARK EL. New Mexico, died I OO Nicely furiilHhed rooms hoard. Colorado and northern K J. I'i. A Co '470 their visit. In the meantime Glllett had Do you need any ui.derwear for eltlier with Hi. Vluieut's hospital, Hauta Ke, Mon KlrcUic Ltlil Co.. 7 f0 Nature's rcmetly in almost Mrs. li. K. Hopkins, proprietress, s.l) at J. k. iiayiu-- at 70 remiived to the hunts of a Mnxlcuu men, women nr children, you can gel Painter and Paper Hanger. Kih south Third street. P. BADARACCPi day rurnlng. He enlisted In Company I liutnaa k :iiM 00 woman and persons who knew him by any kind you want at Itrtdd's. The efery wasting tlisease." CliallfM Lylt-- I Ml prices are all right, loo Kor Kent A stilto of rooms or three O, first Colorado cavalry, at Deuver, in J. N. Ilityiira. 'Jill 00 une morning MiMC'ITM). tight saw him leave early Scott's Kmulsiun cot'iains I rooms housekeeping Ap- tlKliKKS XMl, and was discharged lu WA ou ac J. K. Il.iyma II ho Cost stile continued one week more. 'iiruishe lor Wry Finest Wiucs i. W. F.ilnirr IH'O OO in hunting costume In the direction of I'sliiliTi and enters have kept lie ply at til) south Hroadway. 209 EAST RAILROAD AVE. J. Kortit-- 1 I H (HI rarj oil and Cigars. eouut of disability. His pension applica it Co the pure combined with furnli-he- l,itiors II. Scliuit III HO ihs mountains. hack. Att'inl sale and muks iiioiiey. Kor Kent Nicely rooms. No. No. 70,tV3l, la now pending bufore tion. Water Mily Cu.. I.V.'iil OO He was juiued by Gov. Ahuniada's In- Golden Kills Dry Goods Co. hypophosphitcs, it rebuilds IW.'i uorth Second street. tHerlllliil and Tiji-ra- s K. J. I'ual & Co.... l:t Ml PIONEER UAKEUY! Tliinl St, Ave. tbe department In Waslilugtou, but the - Keail Golden Dry Goods com h.u-- . Mrs Jouesaud Mrs. Vutaw. II Km.,..- rt m terpreter, named Heidelberg, traveling the Rule tissues, pension will come too late to help bliu J. T. Jiilinaton 00 pany's ad. To save the expeuse of re- worn enriches the Kor Hunt Klve-roo- house, cheap hy HtiiiT, dk 1 In a wagon. He told Gillett he bail ! k J. I'uat Co jn moving s'iM'k to their new location, thin hi' giKHt RALI.IMiniMUM, I'ltiil'lUKTDItrt. Mrc-tri- yoti only; lu repair, all newly Ifcer daring his life time. His ouly relative Litiht Co.. U IHI chart of the way to reach Grove's ra.u h, blood, invigorates the nerves, Atlantic Hall Klrt-in- I HI linn I offering bargain lu all Hum of Apply K. now living, m far as known, I hi I. in lit Co.. 0 apered and paintetl. to J. HCHNKIHKKALIX. I'rois. Aiiinlii.... Sir, i'o a secluded gleu In Lis Blerra Madre 120 dry good. drains and Wftltlinji Cakes a Specially! c stops wasting. 1 7 ft lift-roi- father, who, at latest accounts, resided l.iulil and-tha- t Cool Keg l ilrautilit; Hie lineal Null 1 miles from CblhuaLaa, Glllett Kitraordinary opportunity to supply Klivtllt .lu it Ci :ia7 no Consumptives, I) i ve Ueslre I'atronage, and we In Michigan. .11 r huiiy Co 'J H i was to accompany hi in. He conducted your fall and winter neodn at a mere abet ics, rat SMla, Wine mid the very beat uf 0 First-Clas- s 'I'he 00 Anything In tbe store at a reduc Kor M Guarautee Ilaklng. KOTKNT. K. 1 Ml trlUe. ile Ilrick house with three lots; Liitnoni. Uive uaacall.' A VIOOHOl' J. Ainnjii 4 the cattle king to the ranch, and there he 5(1 pale or thin people, or nurs- TeU'ffi orilt-r- i lllli-d- . f Hank 1I oil tlon of from lu lo percent on ait'ount c mice uroperty. Knqulre at &otl north itih miliciteiliiint pronitly mas maeting of citizen living ut Cuininerce tor weeks. K All HuAll AVRNI'B, Al lll'yl'KHalK. At a 'I bt- J Oil rrumtuid of removal. Golden Rule Dry Goods ing mothers, should remem- Kcurth street. " In the lower Psuasoo prevluct, Lincoln bitui-- v Co 7fi ItKTl K.SKIi TO ('HIIU AUI A. ('umpnuy. A.J Maloy I... til II J ber this. I)u a An elegant liar, furniture and fixtures a7iT walkeu7: W. li.TJIlMULK& CO., eouuty, at which nearly every reslduut I, K Kiihn 17 UO J Glllett soon weiii led of his life on the Are you In need of a new ledger, Jour not accept f r Hull', st your own price. These L. C. Wsnlwell H Oil nal, canti book or siHclally ruled blanks otiKUially coet 2,Cii. he wan present, the following resolutions Albuiiii-igut- t,ua Cu lo no remote ranch aud kept up constant com- substitute. hut can Second street, lietweeu Itnilroad and L. II a 411 of any kind? Or perhaps yun have a pile I if Tors .Ian. as atiove statetl. Fire Insurance were unanimously adopted and will be Sirrn ami $i .' , ii'iitli' i'l I munication with Troxel. Meantime all ilriii'i;ili. Copper . A lillli'ii :i bo of mitgnztnes that need minting, it so. V. Kniuire of 11. 8. Knight. aveiiuss, 1 SHUT llllWNr, New Mutual forwarded to the territorial legislature Ciyntal lev Cu no nl bail purchased a part luterent lu bindery and get II, I., York. Secretary Building Association. 1 HA iron call ut Thk 10 a. at of every of Hairy Lee htttiiritsy, at in., the city tuilld with the signature citinu the Palacio and oecome assistant man- prices. Rest workmauship, prices 0. K. 1 llor-ie- s Mules Isiught exchanged. A W. for 15 was re . ing, will sell to the hiiiheHt liidder one and and bill of O. Htrong NiiiIi-ii- tlltlr mt J. V. Kitlilrliliie' l.uiulier tunl. the precinct: ager. It Is also said that Glllett formed All kinds of tiled 'il ruling, bluuk bisik niv pfiitv, years old, with a white Livery, Sale, Feed und Transfer Stithies. ferred back to the claimant with Instruc- Ailitii)uerile, N. M, D.'O. Ill, Ih'.iH tu "Wt the uuderslgned voters of Lower a partnership with Hunt fur the ship- work, mngazine bindliig and badge stitr hi f rel cad and lioth hind feet white. Fenaseo, prectucl rut. 6, county tions to preseut It to the county. stamping ilnus In the tiest ptstslhle man In i.i'CnrilHiiim with ehupter 17, of ths Thus. .McMilliu, city marNhtl. Lincoln ping of to Cuba, and the Urm Gall at Headquarters for do hereby protest agslust auy divlsiou of The police committee reported that cattle that ner at lliKUTi.KN lilmlery, Uome in iiws of istil, a i election of lh uuallllixl Beat Turnout in the City. shipping our couuty, believing that a dlvlniou at they hail found Marshal McMlUlu ' re. Is dolug quite a large business, and eee samples and price of work be voters uf lerimliii'i county is heiecv for ttviir Ver. Leather, Harness, Haddles. Saddlery, rualsrially damage l,ui)0 fore ordTlng elsewhere. All rorreepono- - nil to en Hie i Mon An Wki.l Kkmkuy. the preseut time will port for December to be correct. as many as head weekly. Troxel v, thke si coll Old ami Third hattdlery llardwere, Ctit Holes, Hlust Addr. V. L. TRIMBLE St Co , our interests. We prefer to reuialu lu aa agent eiice concerning this clats of work care lay of J inusry, A D. IH.m, being the '.'tli Mrs. VMiimIow's Hoothlnir Hyrtip has Nails, HameH, t hulas, W hiie. Collars, The report of treasurer showed a ac'.i'd (iillett's in these Albuquerque Mexico. eouuty, our couuty re the fully attended to. 'ay or suid lU'iiith, -ii Nw Uucolu and lliav traiiNactliiiis, and a large quantity of within the sereral iixmI for over llf ty years hy millions hwett I'adH, Caetor Oil, Axle lirease, main as It is. but iu the tveut that our balance on hand January I, W.i, of ;uvi'tncts In t herald county, for the ptir-i-i.- i it iuoimhm Willie H ietoil Coach till, I'utu Negro, Kuitdy belonging to lor llii'ir cliililren twill 111.' ti In t II..H H.I.....II of baggage Glllett bad been An Kutrprlaliif llruFBlat, uf eh ctiug (I r- . neighboring precinct or auy part the tn, with t'crfect eiicceHN. It soothes the Harvester I. Neatsroottlil. I.urdOil, ii..-- i . ..r I...H..I il.. i , eouuty lie put luio tue uew propossa stored at the Palacio for weeks. There are few men more wide awake line JiHllce of the l'eace and lillil, gums, allays all pain, Harness (111. Linseed Oil, Castile Soap, I. I.. I I f . I in K r i Imi- A. The city attorney submitted an opinion softeiis.the tW VI till. ., li li II it t il r I illa- county of bucrauiento, then we prefer, TUUXKI., NOT (.II.I.KIT. and enterprising than J. II. O'Rielly ft Oi.e Ctnistktde in Hicli itmi every pre Mires wind colic, and Is the tiest remedy Harness Knap, Carriage Hpouges, JtilwHirt U r iii iiilUiuiii. 1. C. I iliii... and so twtitiou, mat our precinct ue at In which he held that the 0. dining Co., who spare no pains to secure the net lu raid county, as prencriheil li) Is pleasant to the taste. Chsmnis Skill, iliirss Medicines. Boa linn, nrilMli.-- ui ul..'i- Boms persons believed for a time that lor diarrhoea. It IIMU ..I.IMIII. tloll "f III lit .III . 111111 rt l . tached to Chaves couuty, Kuswell, the car was subject to license. best ut everything lu their line lor tlieli law. Jkm KiiMKitu, liairmau. 'old hy druggiNts in every part ot the iltmHSClOM"'!' Ci. N"ii .IriiiKi-ul- Troxi I and Glllett were the earns, but It C. K, I'rlccH tlio IiiuH(... couuty seat of said couuty. being our Ordinance, No. K, amending the li many customers They now have the J. IIai.I'Ici hi. Clerk. vorld. Twenty-live- cents a bottle. Its wioiiioiNiiri.o niolaj mj Itruvsi.w, town, over the best roads, our Is a over two wseks ago valuthl agency for Dr. King's New Dis He ask T l iii lilnui .rrfiiPHr, uearest cense ordinance, was adopted. stated that little v.tliin Is Incah'ulatile. sure aud Illgheet Market I'rlce I'aid for Hides k1 dy covery for Coughs Im ..kin,... ..4ili. . Iif present place of bum net, trading and Gilbert Casey received flOO to deliver Consumption, and lrliie lriHlil. 'or Mrs. Wiuslow's Houthli.g Hyrupand and Hkiiis. I. nr I imiiiiiw, Marshal McMillln mails his report on remedy ' 1 t'lr.-iiU- 'iit uu shipping anil our nuttiaral topographical to Gillett, which had arrived from Colds. This Is the wonderful have just recovered from the second a Im no other kind. r.tu,. auu gwigrupical point. the number of slot nmohlues running In letter that Is producing such a furor all over ittuck of la uriiuie this year," eays Mr. Wool Commission - City. Is supposed to have in ''urtuer. Vie are uualteiubly op- the city that were not puylng a license. Knutas This the country by Its many startling cures. Jsmes A. Jones, pulillHlier of the leader, Call lor llnuiiiirt rrllliHrlfiM. Tli Klr put proposed eomiUHUceiueul of the aiisoiutely cures Uexlu, case I used primarliis fur the iiomlna of runiiivu.1 to lluf IroMjl Dosed to bnlug Into the new The report was referred to the city attor- been the coin it Asinma, riroiicmus. Texas. "In ths latter lieiuisTutic tin Recount iv. eouuty of Hacrameuto belug separatod promise transactions. Hoarseness and all affections of the 'libtuberlatu's Cough ltemeily, and tlon ot candidates fur precinct olllcers, to rhos. F. KELEHEl.j entie, January lu, we are making great ney fur an opinion as to whether slot Throat, and Lungs. Call the iw, only lie ou lis lield Iroiu Alamogurau auo otner towus mere In these negotiations Charley Hunt Chest at think with couidderahle mi'i' l.e voted at tne election lo reductions in prices, Thk Faih, of by a high rangu of uiouulalue and hav muchiues, where the prize wers paid In alsive drug store and get a trial bottle ing In bed a litlls over two days agolust timidity. January ti. will he held lu pre- 4ml Railroad Ave., Alhuijiieritie. 11J rloutn Htreet. as go First log no lulerettUt In coiumun with the trade aud not lu cash, were subject to has acted a between for Glllett free or a regular size for 5oc. and f UKV t 'li days for the former attack. I lis sec- cincts l'i and 2d on Haturduy evening I Ity creditors, was to cure or price I 'd would have .lanuKM d at ' u ck, l tlie follow VM. ACIIAKI All, It KaM llie ( lillilr.o poopls of that section." llwni or ln't. and his Kiiiihs lie liuui nitivil refunded. mid attack am eali'ti ch lie Il eil'ltily HS Ped Hi tlie llret hilt for iue niacin: Chitmherlatn'sCough Heme,))' has saved I. TUB aLfcrUAUT lit All-- II u. Hie council then stj mrim the line of this remedy, i I had to I. In pre liict t'll at No. '2 hoe houip, on CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. the lives of Ihoueaiids of croupy children. It U tbe Klepuaiil iiutte tsd In sImhiI six hniirN after being alrnck Until avenue. It Is ahsi without an equal for colds aud Cro.'kerv and ghvwwsrH. Whitney Cr. I was WHKKI.KK'j ( KIKir HKTWKKN Llaui company Is maklug active prcpara KUPORT OP THIJ CONDITION With it, while tn the tlrxt ciie ahlc lu preciud IJ. at hisik aud ladder whooping oough. to attend to liililliess aliout two dsys lie house, ou north hi fond street. I, AM SILVKIt AVK. Is contracting ul li tious to reeume work and Awarded op thk fore getting down." Kor sale hy all drug- Mtlll'I.N Ti HUSKY, mi' it i rmcai rKKtci , for a considerable amount of forolgn ce gists. Clialrman County Centrsl Committee. I.tH'ki repiiired. key ui'ide and all kinds Honors World' Fair, ot repniring done. A l lf. Sl I'urlmlt, lirajrou, fulal or ineut, saj) the Kl Psho Times. Thii ilghtst a. Itemoval sale Is now going on at the M'tnr i.'i,lur, Kr... the Knglleh company (JoM Medal, Midwinter Fair. NATIONAL BANK il, Kiiii.t. would luillate that FIRST Hrjr (IihkIs Hotvit Goodt our Will cheap, hortes, sets of 'lolilen Hule coiiipHii)'s etore. In order to Introduce excellent believe of - sell several any bas ras4iu to that the decision harness, biiUKies ami phaetons, u htrge Such prlt'i's as thejr are unking ou their Bi3 HI work we will make to one sending DiX- Albuquerque, New Mexico, Kv Can't Beat us a Life Slr.e I'ortrait Free of l'n supreme court will lie favorable to ImrKlur nmt lire proof Hafe, several Hiiiitre iitire uew stock will aitoniNh ou. Monrtt Trictt. a photo I k) photo th oompauy. aud uptight piano, witlnut hack and rjthiiig in the Htore at cut priciis. Cliitrire. .small promptly returned. k i, l8gH. lurgn plate, mir- not nilie this opKirtuuity. Kxuct likeness and hiidily artistic Uuieh "The guest Ion at issue," said a member at Tin: ci.osijtir hhsim:ss ii.clmi!I front liar, with Kreui'h your ror, ett). I will alleiid to any Iniiine! Hutes isi the Atchlnon.Topeka Punts Kiiarnuleed. photo at once to Klephant Rutle "is an HKStlliKllfcS. r.ul-roit- ('. L Mauki AKT I'll., of the eouipauy. you wish traiiHscted for a fin all couiiuls-hIou- ' Ke ruilwikv itnd ths tianta Fe I'ucillc Favorite. iiai. state-righ- HIS Kim St., Dallas, old t qusntioir.wewaut to know I.iiiri I it.routill 7lti,ir.7 K'j Auction snd ut'Htracts ot title a are chesp-o- ne fare for ths round Tetas. , Vfl I H', Mm lliinili.. Si 'illitli-i- ht) Hf lull H. partlcu-lurs- . SJtie No Mexico has authority to control k, . air spodalty. II. Kmi.ii r, Auctioneer. trip. Afk ut the ticket cilice for If li.iniiiii iIoiim-- e ii.iin i e iiiiiri-- IIII.OWI '4li iii. I'uiiiii'. -- W. K. 'I hi l Atreiit. 20S COLII AVENUE. in the wators paislug through ths territory. I iiiti .l Sl.ili-- Hnililb diitl I'iriiiltllll 'iIh :,') im i, w e are aiithiiri.-'- to every on mh J ami luililtt H!.,.i:r,' hu No healthy tieiNon need fear any " gimritntee we tiuderstaiid several CREAM t aii Hit Inch rcale, 5 cents. Imllleof Chniutsriiiu's Cough Itetusdy Of courtst that coiiw'iUiiices from an attack ol u C'Anll KKHir KH I 1UI.IIH7 flu Fruit of Loom muslin, cents. ...iu)r,Li;us.. he New Mexico paper and a uumber uf peo kl Is grippe It prnpiTly It is much to its represented and if nut eallsfae. tr'll. ;ei cuIh'o, fi lory after two thirds of themmtenta have pie made anses of themselves In trying to Tin t.,lMii..;i'VM l,:l the same as a severe did und reiinre ll Bhi Si. i It iintln heeii usetl, will refund the moiieytothe uavi-gabl- e precin,iv the shiiis tri'iitiiienl the Hio Grande was nut l i A ii i i l s M. Moors, real eetate, iiiNirauce, r i ahow that MING ni- luietly at hniiie and Ink Cliitiuhrrlniu'e J. BLACKSMITH SHOP tm u,t. there is no hettcr llieiliciue Kl I as l.iaiiN, nmnairer Altuiiierijue Ahilract iiui'li' fur colds above I'aio. understand ... . I r,o m o no as fur a vers la grippe, and whooping Cil'lUl Slink t:ough Iteinedy dlreled New 'ph lie, No. 'Sii. Sit. do fur treaty purposes s.iri-li- ioiil I'iiiIui. :ii,uh H'j recovery i' nn'Biiy. etiiigii. I rice z lillil ii'i." pur tiullls. Try well asytu that uu cold and prompt and cumidete t in iiUiiiini An iiiiiil 1.I.I.IHIO dy II drug- s iuth Hfcolid street. it. All druggietH. have a perfect right to U'I'iimIi i nufi-.i- i o is sure to follow. Kor sals h llo'.l ( twocuuulrles t uu yoiiraccoiiiits an I we'll collect oiiit'r II ,f M'l,ltn gists. deolar that a pralrlo Is au of salt ooet nothing. New HorseHhiieing a specialty. W re Au A v. (ill A Pert Or is: Crtaa ol Tartar Poafer. their or It'll you iion rll. water; aud I uuderetand that fur the Total I.IIIMII Ul Mexico Cullectluli Agency, fustotliue pairing and all other kin I of lllackiiuilh liutthey laiidO. K. 11. W. Cllllds A iutrgalii lu carieis fur the remainder - WARS TUP STArjT4WTy work guarauteed. cigar, at Hurl Jones', purpose of securing International cou- Total.... l b of this uioutu at Vay Kaher'a. bus 40. ' XS99 MINING AT ANDREWS. erowil eontlnaed to com. The enter-tA'nin't- trict Inspector of rnstoms for Tnele gam, Unless for In th U. amtiure wis mtj and where Mat's per.ect knowledge of rrroprf tirecao- - 3. DEFOSmm. feature ail right, In some quite poor. NEWMEXiCOf.EYSl C-ll7- v tionaaTr taken, the Spanish language serve hi in well, First Properties Owned br ibe Andriw' The program wa an extensive one death will lurk and He ha been down with the fever In ths in every home. HIbIdc la Mtrra unaty. every piece waa rendered. V It the fnot-atep-a la, LA Kit A . hospital at Santiago, but dot ht recovered of hns- - T. N Hltich had an Ice hnue built this W. From t B. Conmh, of IKtumwA, Iowa, came b.ind, wife end Doponltory lor the ftuta I Olle.1 the Iptlc. National wek and with the congealed lux- rliildren like. 1W0 MILLS Lewi Luts ha been can lined op from Albuquerque, where he h been 4 nti'l If OUIATIO. ury for the ue of hi hotel next t his If the hnshand rrlfic the Atfhlnon.Tiv etimtuer. bt d the paet week. slopping for the past month, and regl I an amldlions Contractor Kenney did the erecting of f )ickit ft Sftntt Fe Rilwjr Mrs. Tom Davis tered at the Claire. H continued north man, the the Ice bonne. ha been quite sirk for Companic. Relative to the progrr of mlolof and th pant few week. over Ihe iKwver A Uio grands to Hooper, Bank, W hile at Holbrook Rev. P A. Slmpkin milling operation at Andrew, Major Fireman Dtwtl-r- , who w btdly whre he think of buying a ranch. Mr. received the sal Intelligent that H. V. ALBUyUKKiJIJE. N. M. Uewellyn aald to a New Mexican repre- burned In aa accident at Limy a few CiKiiub I on of many desirable Imml Robertson, the editor ot the Nugget at sentative: week ago, is Improving rapidly grants who are removing from the east OKFICKR3 AND IURKroiW. Placervllle, Cat., wa dying, and left for at the J real, ral anit "The cyanide mill la doing good work hospital. to Interest themselves In the great south Anthnrlssd CaplUl IS.000,004 .lOf llt'A 8. ft AYVllLDJ rreddenl that placs. Mr. Robertson, Is a brother-I- n west. and la ruuulng night and day. The Mrs. I.oo draft died at Walnut Rldg, TT'i" S 'lags he mar feel nn M' wl sm Vice Presldeot THE EXCOLBCE OF SYKLT OF FIGS law to Mrs. Slmpkin. ill raid Capital, Surplus A. A. KKKX - plant n tijnlpped with up to dale ma Ark., on Saturday She leave BASTA 1 It COt'RT. fimZZ T" t1"" reiisis- last. a PI!twi-tH-F;- u ' ciT-c- from I (In not K H. Harlow, who rivtlgned hi p ra t his anrll'roflta IIT5.000 00 KRANK WcKKK A!staut Castiii r only to lhi originality and chinery and the aeeay office' and labora Mr. flriff I a brother Mrs. Il the district court for Santa Fe . A t'ldlacretion. bat. tf U I . A. A. liHANT simplicity of the (vrntliinntion. but aluo tory I flneet In the) Laat tion a mister mnchaale here some county the followlug proceeding were ' Then he will the territory, John Pare and Mr. Kd. Moore. Suffer totlm rare and f k ill with whioh it in week ago, I again back and has the had Tuesday from headache, toe of nnctite, loos month the mill produced t'l.ut). There are two big enterprises morning: ef alrrp, Insnitnd- - In th drowal-B"- a manufactnriHl by mii-nt'li- r nnder nwmnntr, rrorrwa epent same position, which hi many friends, Case No. 4 Roaty durin the tiny Slid ral known t "Senator Andrew recently a construction Involving a large total In Hi, 8. 8. v. Green et Rem "out tlio C'At.inmNn I'm Mvurr are no doubt pleased to San-Jul- e trclinc. If these conditions are i ek the and he hear. Air. al, civil; Judgment by default ren The at mine, will return m ney changing hand and In two mag wai Beirlecird, Bank of Commerce, Ok only, and wo wtnli to impri'Mt nixm who Oiled the position slmot iiiit serious malady may temporarily, L. be Ihe , It Berv-ou- a ALBUQUERQUE, II the tmportnitt of r the again January 30 and prepare to con- nlilcent business b'ock of something dered the plaintllT. H. Ortis fur the breqnrt tlv la anm N. M. ha been tranferrad to a like position disorder or drrid cimsumption. Dr. true and orltfinnl rvnu-rly- . An th duct operation on a more extensive at plaintiff. Raretow. ltkel!0,(X)eplce. Pierc' Oolden Medical l)icovry I the (Tannine S.yrnp mamifaotnriHj acl- - The many Gallup friend of Case No. 2H7B, Territory New of Yi I' rale than ever. Ilia fearleea and There are from twenty-thre- e to twen of Mei beat medicine for men. It Capital, $100,000.00. Mr. flmjule are give th- - npp-tlt- e, by tlio C'At.iroMMiA Km Krmip Cc. ti title management of alTaira ha . regretting that the Icovs. Manuel 1) Ootiltle and Fidel edjre tn make difratioo been ty seven patienti at ths railroad hospital, J. c A uuly, s knowiiNlirr of that fart will powers that be will not let him remain nd aaaimllation perfect, tnv iirm-.n- the IMSl M DKAKT3 VAILAHLK IN ALL PAHTS OF TIIK WORLD. pmlllle of grand reeult and demon- th largest Hons ties, murder; brought to Santa Fs liver and purines and milch'- - th- - .wist onr ia tho wortUlpiw na, we number that ha been there hlood. Solicits Account and Trr to Drpoaltor Kvery Farilltv avoiilinif with are glad that he ha a good It la r. strated beyond doubt that all the eectlon at one time In the history of tue hospital county on a change of venue from Ber- the arrrat blond nd tons stent with Profitable Banking. Imitntlnnx mn nu fart ii ml by other par position. It rur s r, p,--r cenL of all caaee auo-e- r nalillo county, Ilea. Tlio hlifh Mundinff of Cali- needed wa deep mining to Inaure Jndge 8. K. Booth Is down from tlie came op for trial. The of chronic or lin;-rina- bronchial, the . throat fornia Kio Nmrr Co. with tho mpll . At Drat many people endeavored to A MAanulil DEPOT, KIlMlwthtown country, glad enough to jury was empanel! and witnesses were and lung affection-- DIKKCTOKS AND OKKICKKS' All too font-tet- M. 8. - T. A. frequently, dcith disra the (IrRsn, I'realdent. It P. iti W. 9. MTBICRI.Sa, Caahkrr. cnl profT.lon, and tlio aat iafact Ion dtecouraga him, but he poeeeeeed aulllcl- enjiy this One atm highly sworn. Finical entered appearai re of w ife, eiiaT. iepire and the in the guise of weaknea HfiLOMott Litwa, tUirep tlrower. A. M. IU.A( K WSI.L, llroaa, whU-- the jrrnniim Nyrnp of Fltra hat go with C. A. Spies W. B. and diaense of Hlarkirell Co. etit nerve to ahead deeplte thin, and be Lsrgest Riliwiy S atlon to the World elated over the activity which the mines and Chllder for the delicnte and Important W, A. MAXWSI.I., Coal. Wll.t.lAM MelsrosH, Sheep (T'Ti'n to millions of families,, make ore ins tlmt hear the burden of wifehood tniwer. In ronacqtience, ha detnonetrated that he t RflJtOB. there are showing. He ths prosecution. The defense will be C. K. Wauiim, Msnnser Hrran, lllactwell A 1. C. the name of tho Company a minrnnty proudly exhibits and maternity. There la an nnf illinx enre to. ItAi.I.sinoB. Lumber. mora matter represented by Hon. T. B. Cation and K for I of pxcrllrnc- - of Its la knew about the than did The largest railroad stat'on In the a i') nugget from the new gold strike In disorder of this nature. It I)r. the remedy. It Pierce' Favorite di- Depository for Atchison, Toptka & Santa Fe lilt ad v leer. world wa the Astec. V. Chaves. A large number of witnesses l'resctiition. It act Railway. far In advance of nil other liixntivea, thrown open to the public on rectly' on the sensitive onrn concerned, an It aU on tho kidney, liver ant? "The Improvement during the new New Year's day, when trains began to It I with great pleasure that the have been summoned tn the case and the mnkins them strong, healthy nod vigorous. bowel without Irritating weaken year Include a gaaollna holnt trial will probably lart the remainder of It fit tor wifehood and motherhood. or for the leave and enter the new South Cnlon sta- Optic announces to the public the new are ng them, nml It dix a not week They aold nt all medicine atorr. GROSS pripe nor Trlppe mine and greater ore reduction tion In Rnston, Mass. that our former townsman, I.mlwig II I hiring early childhood death lurk In BLACKWELL & G? I n nanwatn. order to (ret It beneficial I In the I'nlted States court tor every comer for these frug.lo fitcllitie. The Trippe fitrolHhlng all Here are soma facts sta-tio- ftdd, will soon return to u for good, ths Innocent. V(I effeet., plenne reuietntier name of about the new and Th mother only protect her hstir by NCORPO RATED.) the if the ore naed at preeent, and the First judicial ilistrlot, the grand and cn U ) Company under make this place hi home, he having acquiring aome prjetlcjl medical knnwf-ei-l petit Welt-a- re. I)r jrt uud operations are being conducted It Is the largest one In the world, build hon ght out the hardware business of 1), Juries wers empaneled. Jacob i Pierce's Common Sense Medical CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. er whs appointed ot Adviser Imparts this knowledge. Vat a under the auperTleion of the well known ing, W'liiterullX, hi foreman the grand paper-covere- d sheils and yard Immediately con stork, fixture and good Copr send i one-ce- WHOLESALE GROCERS AN ritANCIM!, mining boee, Pete Towneend. Thla prop thirty-fiv- e jury. The court also made the following stamp, io ravtr cwl of only, to r-- nected covering acre of land. will. mailinr Kt. nr.w . Dr. k. V. Pierc- - V. Ul tili.k. erty la lochted about a mile from the The roof ot appointment: Jose Sandoval, John Mor- llufhilo, N. Cloth the shed alone cover fourteen binding V utainfrs. AND WOOL mill, giving a dorn-hll- l haul tor th ore and a halt a res. rison and Mlgnel Baca, plaintiff, and DEALERS. 1 Uarlana F. THR DAILY CITIZEN to bo treated. he ore production of the It ha eont about l4.0OO,(itk), Kroin the San Juan County Index. Sena Interpre'er for the Ileatlijuarters tor Diamond C. Soap, Curtice Bros. Canoed Trippe laet month wan Mio ton of mill- To make room f A Dual 100 grand Jury. Kansas Term, of atilMrrlillnu. ir It mr than 2"0 certlUcate conveying acres MEL1NI $ E&KIN, Goods, City Making Powder, Sulphur, ing ore ear of Pally, Ijr mall, nne f n no and ell of refractory ore, building were torn down, untne of t lem San Juan county land wa issued to H0.1WKIL, Wool Sacks, Stoneware. laily, by mail, an months a ou which wax ehipped to the Kl Paeo dne new business Kdward L. Smack from Iboletila Liquor tnd C'gir Dealfrt lijnly. by mini, tlin-- f 1111111111 1 f,o structure. tie United States lmly. liv mail, line iiniiitlt hi) mlter. Three eight hour ah I ft are be- Th station Itself contain II flee n land office at Santa Ke. From the Record. AND (WLR JK.KNTS KOR Houses liutly. by rarrirr. line month ?A at Albuquerque, East Las Veas and Glorieta, New Mexico. r ing worked, and lu addition to the regu- ml'es of A meeting of Reeves Meekly. hy ira I. fr S tracks and thirty mile of rail. members of the Masonic Jj. left last Satnrdav across I UK I A V t ITI-K- HI ill llViTI'il II lar ore production, i lf , the ahaft being There are Sit "clearing" switches and fraternity of this vicinity will be held In the plains fur ths end ot the Pecos Valley the i il y at Ihe low rule n( 'in renla ier or fur ?r rents r month. hen airl monthly. Mink to a depth of l.ntX) feet. It I now 3.11 "fouling" switches. Astro for the purpose of making arrange northeastern, and thence by rail to Mi 1 a ttiuve lit any oilier lieae nit are tlian down 21o feet. According to the eetl- - Tits ment Canyon City, Jaily paper In Hi lerritmy. train shed will hold iH ordinarv It orgauis a lodge. io answer to a teleirram E3J.3VEO mate of Prof . George Robin, thla prop p uwenger car at one time. Rabbit huutlng Is a profitable and an announcing the death ot his father, the ST. lVKKTISINil KATHM made known on erty now ha s joO.iKX) worth ot ore In Twenty eight thousand people can take exciting sport in this vicinity. The boys wnicn occurred last Friday. Bottled in Bond. SAMPL3 AND CLUB ROOM. Hlmn at the oltii s nl pulilk nliiin. apli Vglit ready for treatment. seats at one going out Into the At ths Roe-- lull ollire la one n( the heat time la the ears lu the train h'lls for load of annual commnnlcation of I'llkt'lTIZkN and all kinds of lob 'A deep will eoon be etarted on shed on the street level. a:id more in the wood have killed as many as thirty In an well lodge No. 18, A. F. and A. M, held Finest priming la rinmnl with nrutiit-s- and a. low- Kl Oro claim, Whiskies, Brandies, Vines, Etc., ed pniea. fie on which the cyanide under the other. The plat afternoon. Tuesday evening, Decembs 27, St John's 'I IIK CITIZEN HINDKKV ia complete plant la altnated. The preeent develop- form will accommodate more than 10. J. U. Vanderford, of Sheldon. Mo, ar nay, the following officer were installed: and well litn-i- l to do any kiiul ol binilinii' J ment ot the Kl Oro conel-l- a of a 2iK)-fo- 00(1 people at one time. rived In town, and I looking over the K. A. Cahoon, W. M.; J. 8. W.; K CITI.kN will lie hanillea at tjir ntlire. J. Jatt. TH will be lollei-te- i.y II II. hi f and 0 feet of drift and tnnnela. Thirty two express tralu cu be nn country with a view to Investing or lo- R. M. Parson. J. W.: Charles Wilann . or Lan be paid at the othce. I hecpe a.lotm are now being ron- - I aded one cating. He has been In Trea. ; W . II. Coegrove. 8eo.: A. H. Rorka- - JOSEPH B iRXETT, lalierehy given that on tela Riven at time. correspondence PEOPBIETOa. NllTK'K upon Ilia Iitikm will ducti d on cuch a large scale that It la The city ot Boston gave up streets and with Ju lge Pendleton tor some time and fellow.8.D.i F. H. Calfee. J. D.; W. M. not lie lioiiored miles ,r lously rndoraed In tlie proprietor. found luipoaalble to do any cuntoui mill whart properly to the assessed value of I an advance guard of several who are Karmer.S. 8 ; W.P. Chlsum. J. B.t Oeo. HO xv9t Railroad Avssg. AlbaquorgB. 'I'MK la on sile at the following work. Ia fact, the Chirter Oak mill, aliout 1 4,0 K receiving In return tw l.kely to come from his section to loctte T. Davis, Tiler. A llllN my: S. K. MfJ ),;. lilaeea in Hie Neweotner. KKt-fo- Kalliowil avenue; tl.iwley'a New lit pol.rtonllt which wan recently purchawd by Sen- new wide street', making tha In this couuty. At tlie conclave of Rio Hondo Com- - ESTABLISHED H71a rWolwi atreet; A M 11011 At i'o.'a. iNo. ilwr, ator Audrewri, will be atarted running In net cost of th enterprise to Henry Peck retire from the Durango, mandery No. ft, Knights Templar, Mailrosil aemie,andt. llarvey'a Katma Hoiiae the city held al the depot. lanuury, the preeent ore supply being tl,21M.:i24 1ft. Artec & Karmtngton stage line next Saturday eveulng. Dec. 84. the following 'I'lIK The tree hat of TUB A ClTIKK en Nolli of Hirtha, too large for the cyanide mill. After de- The granite eagle on the top of the week, having sold hi interest to W. L, offirers were duly Installed: John W. L. B. PUTNEY, rlineriiln. Ileallia. I'hnu'h Servnea and velopment work on the mine waa pro front ot the depot was carved from a Crandall, of Flora Vista. The people Poe, K. c: K. A Cahoon, 0.; Wilson, KlJtert:illinientH where no admission larharuetl-11- diss. - l.lil-- A M.(.KH(.III. rr.rd far enough to warrant the single block which weighed twenty along the mall route will be sorry to ' ; W. U. Cosgrovs, Reliable- Kililora anil I'ntilialiera. ton. Tras.i old and innure sufficient ore, a nn li- It took four granite cutter three month learn ot Mr. Peck s retirement and hope Recorder; J. W . James. PrelaU: 1). H. Ilow'a yonr l.nngr ter will be added to the two mill now to do the work and the figure now wete-h- he will remain In the county, even it in Cla k, 3. W.; W. M. Atkinson, J. W.i J. H. you aay r Athnu. some Mathews, Well. I'te Kill aomethlliff owned. twelve tons. other line of business. Standard Bearer: W'. A. Flnla. good ana Wholesale' tliein, Groeerl that ia lor "The preeent equipment now Includes The clock nnder eagle larg sword Bearer: W. B. Prairer. Warder; that rough, too. the is the elLV B.K nil t . riR iiti.aM the Qneat ore freighting outfit la the est In the world, the dial being 14 feet In Oeo. T. Davis, Sentinel. Prom th" adjacent mntiutalna alTnrila ftbUtbwiMit. A general merchandise store diameter. It Is warranted br Its makers rrom the lndeendelit. PLOUH, GllAIN & groat relief, It uot alolutn pure, wlilt-- Is operated In conjunction with the uot to vary more than one second a Vv. a. Griffith bat disposed ot the well- - rum the Keg later. We handle everything in our line. A STAPLE : Ih do, a It lia Btiatched uianj Mrs Henry complete GB0CKB1ES. It liable tn mines." month. known and popular Deltuouleo res- Frits eame down from ths Illustrated price list sent free riiO VISIONS. '.rir from dealh'n dour, Nome of whom are in Frits ranch, below Lincoln, and la visit uiNin application. I ll K LOW K.ST Lots a Sptclsllr. Npeak for ttirtnxelvM The properties owned and controlled The station Is the llrst one In the taurant In th s rl y to Mr, Jacob Reid l'RICKLi Cr Ts u Foaad Sratkwtst. our nitdrit to ing her LHJI UR HOl'SK In the west, (inlern leTt Walton 'h drtiR Htore will by Senator W. II. Kdward Include the world to provide for a new suburban linger. father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. at 111 SOUTH rillST MTRKKT. rmrelVB In their turn hh taut a Trippe, Kl Oro, Kreeuo, llomeatake, Dona, power, Dr. F. V. of I. N. Bailey. attention surface motive such a electricity Cantwell, Trenton, N. J ALIU'Ul'KRtjL'K, N. M, Hal-a- m hit fat aa the ran procured, I'ror-perlt- Corona and several other or compressed air. reached Silver City last week looking for F. O. W'hlteman. son of Adiutant Ren. Farm and Freight Wagons Which ih a hIiiWi toil hum pr rem W claltuH, aggregating about 2(1') acre, It has taken eighteen mouths to bu'ld a health resort, ami may decide to locale eral hlteman, arrived bers from Albu 11. it. H IIITC0J1M. RAILHQAD AVENUE. j ALBUQUERQUE. N. M located In the Lai Anlmaa mining dis- the new South I'nlon station. The here permanently. querque, and has accepted a position wltb i Hepuhilean tall. trict, Sierra county, Judge Parker and foundation of the structure are seventy Siveral members of the Silver City tne Koawell Land and Water company. 12 Ths many of The lepnhllcana of precinct and W. S. Hoiiewell are directors In the An- feet below the level of the streets and lodge ot Klk will visit Santa Ke on the friends Colonel and Mrs. jr. o ) nn I. ('Ilia cll will meet In prliuitry neit drew concern. land whlob it covers, and besides loth lust., to assist iu the Installation of II. Klllott Will be triad to learn that MEAT MARKET. Krhlay evenlntr, at 7::i'J o'clorlr, Jan. tl, the NatlY atad work neceeeary to the new lodge at place, boys they will return from Otis to Roswell, to lv. Hi, for the pnrpoee of Helectinx canill-dale- a The auncesHful operation of these make room for the that and the kik.lMn, live, within a week or two, for jiiHtlcee of the peace and ri properties la very gratifying to the min- nnin statlou the tunnel out ot the city are now arranging to be ticketed so as and will AH kinds of FichIi ami Salt Cklaaf pri- to be locate ou the well known Garrett for the above iireciiictH. The ing men of New Mexico, tor it teuda to to the southwest, owned by the Boston returned borne safely. farm at Meats. -:- - -:- - . Lmmbar lid he held at mary for prerlnct will prove the ric linen of large mining and Albany Railroad company, One ot ths most suocesful musical or- - the head of ths northern canal. KIIiIiIu'm precinct a has been Steam Sausaye Factory. Pnildluf fapar in, itmr JuMtirn otlkte, ami for ganlxttlons William Sanders, the cattleman who 12 building. diatriut and enhance Ihe value of numer- doubled in width Its entire length, in Silver City is the mando- Moarsiaatoca Mls,Hr at the city killrd flui K. A ill HliKlX, ous nnaller holding, In addition to necessitating the destruction of scores of lin club, composed ot Riy Bayne, Prof. another stockman In Socorro MASONIC TEMPLE, First St. and county Lead Ave., Albuquerque. Chairman Central committee. largely swelling the mineral output of One buildings and the rebuilding ot a Koch, Ned Abraham and Miss Belle Had- - sotus months ago, has secured T1IIKD STRKKT. dis. The young people change of venue to Chaves oouiity, and War Hnlwren Opalu ami Kranr. the territory. dozer great steel bridges where the have attained a win probably bs tried here JOHNSTON & A Parht rorreHHiinlHtit lia" net the streets cross the tunnel. high degree of pruflclehc, and render at the next EH1L KLEINWORT, Prop. MOOKE'8 How to frevnot I'naumoiita. term ot court. rumor Ml ut that war la pnni hie be- In addition to the main entrance, ac- mime very sweet music. Famous Stages Leave - You are perhap aware that pneumonia W Ho M. for Hiiaiii Knch an ottt- J. ilson, of tween and Krance. alway a cold or from an at- cess to ths trains ou the street level is Solomon Kilhiirn, ths aged fa' her ot Lincoln conntv. Ind.. (Miiie la believe, hfciiiirie the two reeult from hard to ot During epidemic provided from Cove W illiam li, and John Klluurn, who re who was here for ten dara vlsltlmr hi JACOB KOJIHElt&CO EVERY TUESDAY MORNING hake lieen fur year on tack la grippe. the street, Sumner street oountrlea tin of few year ago when so son, who Is a cadet atanahtetsier nt and Uaa'w In UHiiully Intimate tetttiH. Vuu not tell la grlpjie a and Dorchester avenue. To the left of cently cam to Silver City from Missouri la the military Insti- rati many canee resulted In pneumonia. It tute, Jemez what will happen between nallotin, but the main entrance on Sumner street, and on a visit to bis son, has been quite werl left for home highly pleased with ITgTFor the waob-erve- d the attack was never Resort. yon tell what will happen when a that the splendid resnlts of the Wagons, ran I Chamber-Iain'- s almost lu the center of "he head ot ously ill for several days with lieail climate and a followed by that n wane when d'Kpeiitlc taken lionti'lter Htouiacn the tral-l- og Livery, Kefil and Bales 8tables. Cough Keniedy was used. It coun- tracks, Is the general watting room, 05 trouble, and ou account of his advanced received at the Institute Carriages, Hot- llitlera. Ilia health will improve. Hie HACKS to any part ot teracts any tendency of a cold or la by 22o feet age, 7 1 years, his condition Is grave. the health of hi son, who came here last - lbs olty for only 25. apt'eiite win route turn, itta moiiin and twenty eight feet high. grippe to reeult In that dangerous August In very poor Buckboards! Old Tt)llion No, 8. Nw Telopbons No. 1 U will tante badly In the uiurntuK. He The office on one twenty-fou- While In Silver City recently, B! hop health. not It Is the beet remedy lu the world side eon Ulna r The Rest KaxU'Mi Mit'lc Vehicle. will not be Mihjift to (Hrif epelle, and Keiidrlrk assured the "tuber ot for bad colds and la grippe. Kvery bottle windows and Is 12 by )i feet. It Is iu the HIl.LSXOKU. COPPER Bet. Ida head Will tie clear. Ilia nipn"lnti Fine Horsc-Shoel- uf Specialty. Springs. iVEIUB. Seconl anl Thl'd St warranted, or by acceaHlhle from Kptsrnpal congregation th t lis expected will be more afrrteahl. and IiIh htlloim f sale all druggista. the train house and i lot k will illaapiKar. Ilia blotal will be waiting room. The remainder of this shortly to appoint a rector f ir the Silver From Sierra Conntv Advocate HiiilsfactlonniiaranWd In All Work, AiiihnrlBMl to laaue ttomla. Repairing, purl lied and hla kiduejM aliniuUted to side of the larger room is occupied by City and beiulng char: s ii. ronjunc.ioti, During his visit heie last week, F. K. Puliitiuj and Triiiiiiilng AMERICAN The Texas railroad commission has lioue ou hhort Notice, : : : : : perrorui their wniK proier'y. All iheae the bureau of information, telegraph whlih would have tvtvlcto l,iij Hit re Karle, purchasing agent of the Kl Paso tuinKH are accompllxhed by the mttera. authorized the Pecos Valley & Northern Shop, Corner Copper and First SILVER B. RUPPE, and telephone offices, and an Inside en- every other Sunday. smelter, bought nine car load ot ore for Ire. St., Texas Hallway company to Issue $iI27,(KK) I'arMverlng Agaluat lllmrulllea. trance to the sub station. A. A. Rurdirk, who Ih enif! .! ou the January delivery, AI.Hl Ql'Kimi'K, N. M. ot bonds on the ninety four tulle of their TRUOO. MInh Cora A. Taylor, teacher at Ihe Other rooms on the main Moor are a re- lime kiln fi rce, w,t an as to Negotiations are bending for ths sale A mad completed and the commission's en- Acotita Indian achool, arrived lal hiRhl tiring room for women, 22 by feet; sustain a severe rut on the r t'lt leg Sat if the (iarlled mine, which In years rast PROFESSIONAL CARS, PRfPRIPTinHQI gineer has gone to luspect It. If It cornea SI'l In thin city nn a bmliieH trip and reg-- 1 women's lavatory, 40 by 44 restau- urday afternoon by drill slipping The was one of our heaviest gold producers. 1 feet; t bNH. 1 I I New Mexi- up to the spactikatlou the eouimlsslon Aft wound t, IIISIIOP IHSHOe. IILUu III UllUs .ti red at the I'alure, ja the rant. by T.i feet; barber shop, as by is quite sinful Dr. A. II. Van Hon. Silas Alexander, of Hjcorro, If the 1 LIGHT. I will order the bonds registered. 42j 11 tlMiKOHATIIIC PHYSICIANS AND can. feet; smokiug room, H7 by oil ' t; nam's Clete dressed tho ii Jury. mle Is consummated, will receive Id.Kto aiirueoDa. Uealdeiue. No. N.irih cool. I h.r-i'- ' I lilrd aliret. New telephone No. flat. Ottl i au Mira Taj lor bait for the pant year or I Su Two Mexicans became for hla 'e TUB MOIIkKN MUTIIKK ivatory, by 70 feet; proel room, 42 by hilarious Satur share of the property; VV. 11. risirn 17, WhlluiH biiildniu. Near teleplioue atalna NapraaamtM R lLRDADJWEiUg AND SBC01D STBEET. loa. Mrs. Marion Hi. Imp, M. !)., two been laboring under marked dillicul Has found her ones are Im- i t feet, day nielli, and iu the course of a wordy BuchoT.of this place, W olllre tint little and carriage offices, kitchen. fs,uon, and J. , Krank f. Hi.liop, M l)., S.ximi y Hipaar Bac4 tieit In teaching the youthful Indian Idea proved more by tha pleasant Syrup ot disputa one nit the over heud Z houra. 10 to IS a. in. aud I and 1 Haroia'fI No srMlattlrava, lunch counters, new other the illars, ot La Vega, line lo stands, etc i(ion. S p. m till Ktgs, when In need of the laxative elTect mat-oafar- i. Mutuil Idopboos 143, lltwqiwfiM, R, In to rtlioot. Her prwlticiWMor woe din lu the upper part of the main building with a beer bottle; Intllctitig a severe cut At the time ot hi death, over a year urn, I. of a gentle remedy, than by any other. KASIEKIIAV pilnxed for mine, and an thin former Children enjoy It and it belteUls them, are offices for the terminal company and on the left side of the head. Dr. A. II. tgo, Owen McDonald possessed several KAhrKIAV. OhKICK and rraldenee No.4l'iwrat Hold tacher wan popular In certalu circles a tthe true remedy, hyrup of Kigs, is d the railroads which will use the station, Van Cleve alleudtd the wounded man. very valuable mining claims here. For Telephone No. 2. I UIil houra new by the California Kig Syrup permitting them to abau'on their pres- a toU a. m.; 1 :4o to U:Souud 7 to u p. in. prejudice wah created againit tlie (ieoige Richardson, the popular black- itue reason his heir allowed those to Ij. B. Co. only. ent offices altogether. ka.leidsy, U. U. J. 8. Kaaleldav. M. U. which It U rxiuirlng time to smith at the (i ildcn Hlant mine, was so slip through their linger by failure to OH at. CAFE1 . W. M. ZEIGER u. II U. overcome. Owing to thin tlie total at UAI.1.M-- to 'hotel unfortunate a slip and full while do annual ilil ii,. arrivals. asaemebl woik aud the OHKU KIIOI . and from Si t Qdatice of achool chlhlrett In lleceruher, working iu the mint) la. I week, severely claim were located by others. One of to U Hii and lu.m 7 to H p. m. (ittke OUICKEL BOTHE, Props. Kjiiiii the tileanal. and reaideie e ii'40 weal liold avenue, to M. v.i, waH but two. However, tlie average BTTHI.IC8' bruising his right shoulder, aud tempo- them, known as the Kmplre, on K. at. (Sufcwtors Kit INK JONKS.) Mr Ueorge Harney and family left for KI'HOI'KAN. which attendunce lotit niou'.h waa eUht- -a Kid. II. Rowan, Los Angeles; rarily Incapacitating him tor work, lu- considerable work was done, siiuwa 10 KlagstalT, where she will join Mr. Barney Tho. K. a UtMTlaT. marked gain. Jones, Madrid, N. M.; Kd. Kiown, ll II. Sowers Is rapidly bringing Mr inch vein ot ore that assays $ 17.1 per ton. M. J. Alger, U. U. B. Finest Waiski s, ImpirUd and Domsstic tVioej aod Ih and make her home. Needles; W'. K Coates, Kansas City; (ieo. again. Colics Aa there a local hcIiooI population of Richard around The now owner will put a force of uiln AKUIJI) Hl.tICK, oppoalte Ilfelil Ik..' Work od the rew well for th t railroad ncniiHier, al ; tieo. ( Mlii e hours: M a ni. lo I K :ao p. m. ; I :S0 2 k), Mite Tayloi'ri la-- k may lie the better aiucneii, i. II. Kim ' me louesi aoi uieo:si uraa: of Lager Served. bail, New York; Kitroatrlch. Han a a m a r w, er to work on It next week, p. m. to ft p m. A mi .in ..lie telephone No. company is progressing near the round J. Hill Appoiuimciita made by niml. appreciated. 8li U ruiilldeut that ere Kranclsco; W, K. W. R. Mr. Isaac Knight very house. and Adam, delightfully long the parents will aetid their children navou; j. rreit. rowier, Allddletown, From the New entertained a large ll HNAHIt si HIIUKV, BilliirJ Hall ia the Mrs. M. who seri- congregation of . Territory. to kcIiooI and not lit thini grow up In J. Carman, bis been Ohio; I.. Skinner, Chilill; bail Ricardo ATTOKNI-.Y-AT-LAW- Alhuqiirniue, N. Collar, Alarid has been appointed frionds at her Lake Valley home ignorance, mo that the attetnlance will ously 111 tor U im- Chicago; K. Ii. Mctiee, )enver;Nat. Cohn, Christ aitention aivenioall huai. several day a Utile jailer at the county Jill, vice William neaa pertaining to lit, profession. Wdl pral- Increane rapidly In in now on. There San Krancisco; Henry Ahelas, K. mas eveulng. The otily thing that proved. Denver; Breuden, resigned, ine in all eourta ot the teirltury and before the Finest and Uest Importedand Domestic Cigars. haa heen coiii'lerahle Htiiatllaix In that M. Hurt, Chicago; Joseph Hiho, llema-lllla- ; marred the pleasure afforded was accl L ulled stulea land utiles. . (iregory Page waa busy during the country, It haa now about dlnup-peared- K. P. Hrown, A. Hon. W'.S. Hopewell, ot llillshoro, but Kl Paso; Klehue, J. after dent to rUnta Clans, iu the shape ot Mlas WILLIAM l.t.K, llrst of the week harvesting the Ice crop K. Cook, Socorro. attendlug l. the nteetlug nf the eapltol re ."s smile McKiuney. She TT( H S K I. A W. mice, 7, N. He tilled was approach rrsim SMITH PREMIER for next sumiuer's trade. his UUAND CENTRAL-- . bulldiug board In this city last week, re- T Annuo buildiutf. Will practice In all . . . TO CI KK A t ill. II IN OMK lA lug the tree and acoldnutly stumbled, the courts ol th territory, Ice house with a Uue quality of Ice, some Dr. A. K. - Take laxative Krouio Quinine Tahlete. Rranven. Kort liavia- J turned to hla home In Sierra conn:, and one of the lighted - of being lialley, Thos. K. Hutchison, Los candles igniting her JO III. HI O.N a SlhlUAL, aw i All driigglata refund the money if It it tweli inches thick. Angeles; Immediately li ft fur New York, where he la Kiiclnriwcl by John Rogers, luihniiiiable co. turns. Tliunks to the TTiiKNhYS AT-I.A- AlbUMuenjue, fifj'i lalla to cure. The geiitiwie L. H U Wilder A: LUvhV colored tntns'rels ot James Jons m, Jr., .Suva N. '!, nun. will rem tin several weeks, presence of 'V M. i ittn e, roouia ft and S, Kirt Natfoual THIS HANKS, CU V aierritt, i.amar, Colo. mind and Instant actlou of Hank building. each tablet. Kort Uigate played to crowdel houses Cupt. Hunker, of county, who HOTKI. HIGHLAND. ban J nan II. L. Roper, who Hinotlit reJ the flames by here on Monday eveulng last. Tlie large is In grand LAWYERS, Look Into Klein wort'" market on north John D. Kinder, 111.; K. Cum-tiling- this city ou th jury, was rt li, W. u. IIK VAN, 111 Decatur. throwing a portler curtain around her. opera wu led to guards AT-I.A- i Third atreet. He hua the ultteet frtieh house the Chicago; K. II. Stone. Kl 1'asoi W. marking this morntug on the loss f ,11 l -- HNr Y Albuquerque, N. and Busiiifss Men. LiSaw Miss Nannie w,V) but slightly blistered. i ii. lillli e, National Hank building. ruiMtUt In the rltr. when the curtain rolled up and still the K. Anderson, W . T. Hewitt, Vegas; much good water in his county because rir.l vi rs nary curler, .Mrs. Anion Kohlltx, there were not mari within reach to KNAHH W. I.ANUV, liernaiiiio; li. u. Hamilton ami wire, So- Trie Best Advice 4 TTliKNKY-A- LAW. room a and 8. N, N. W. ALGERh spread the several Que rivers up there I T. Annuo buildlna, Albuueiqur, N. M. corro. iVu irivo you when you have I Agent (or Mexico. over the sou, these rwers do not run cn Nw Keeping Cloao Tali. pure, moon ami ant ullln tnl w K. W. DOItSON, dry, If there wa ( - Best in City aud a comprehensive scrofula, rhi'iiiiiiitiHiii, ITuWNKY-A- LAW. Mine overKuli- Also for Ittsst III II.IUNd and LOAN' ASSOCIATION. The power rn'iirullii, Asotit ths the me motive department ot a A a ery ertnon tfris store, Alhilqueritiie, N M. system ot Irrigation In Kau Juau county tiu rli or iIim-m-o- , railroad keep an accurate double entry any Idooil i. t t.i would be ' Saisii-uiill;t- ths results marvelous, Hood' tlio One Tl ; I account with every locomotive and every . vn V TO HAT IS WHAT HI It STOCK OK The foot ball game on Monday between Hlooil I'ui-iuVr- This liii'ilii liie nn .irrv BTOCK ti'OK HAI.K. MONK LOAN car, so that the manager or master me- LUST V'uOR KHi IKS IS the rlty and Indian school teams result- W licit nil other fail tn do any poi, JVaJt ArjO MANHOOD W chanic ran tell in an how . guarantee every pair. Instant much ed In of M t 0 j: J Giro l,:iS(urvNialsl i aid a victory j for the Indians Hood's Pills mo In U s. ..U'jImm. vain our Men's fair Weil mi Pine has it has cost to maintain and repair it, how the nil J(e or cic.u i The Lots are much encotiragsd by ilio-iiu- n II r.oof. A iKr..ij,.M Uod k.,,14,,. LlkALkatl IN given this dinner lulls, aid ,v. V' SSWfV BtMISt entire HtiHrHi'tioii to our ciih many nillm it ha traveled and how llM Ul.k la ml rlL. m.U - tomers. We bate them ill all Htvles, victory, and are regaining the Interest Hur () Ur tW yiith (ly nMkl 0QO pet many cars or ton it has hauled. A aim-- ! coin, square mid Kreuch tires, Itce and znt iu the game they had before itlahMl Hull Prlraa Pi.1.1 . tkzL k pt the LIQUOBQ mid ciiiuiitas. I ry you liar arc mint is with every freight For furniture, stoves, carpet, clothing, GROCERIES and them a'td will contest with the Alhipuer'ue Indian Iwnsi mr4Kl e., CHalo ttum CsKlS. like litem. and passenger car. The Pullman com-- ! ih.. team- A of trunks, nariiesH, saddles, mIkhs, etc FLOUR. FEED. PROVISIONS. We have I tort-(i- number the player In the JOHW V. MIUHV. Allmquanius, N. M. the irgeit and belt as i aoy, for example, ran tell you , i Mart it iiohl avenue, uexl to Wells 1 1 previous contest declined to flit of Kelt Mnw tor l ul ei an any morning the exact participate HAY AND CRAIN.n: 111 earnings of III I 111 .1.1 Kargo Kxpree oitti'e. See nie Iwfnre you Having a large stock of fancy good 1'lr.hlreh the city. Ihey are iiiiiiiii-farlille- d ..a thhi - ... Ihlt ...null! liiuti.riul' , ,M. l.u.l, I.. every sleeper or I.ll.a lllllll left from holidays, I by Alfred l al(ii of i xlkfei-lill- parlor car In service, I.. ...u..l ..I.... I .1... buy or sell. the will sell them at OF Ill goti nou inn noya HOW ee FKEK DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS THK,CITY. New torn, mil 1'iey are the how much each cost originally, and how nn', greatly reduced prices as I do not desirs In the world. bdter. The hot water heat Inn nlaiit for the to carry them over until next year. H. ilnest much has been expended iu I Imported French and Italian Goods. la&) Mat I'lersol, one of th Rough Noa llfeld will I Installed by Rtiijie, Second street and Railroad ava- maintenance and repairs. Riders from V aula Ke, has been heard from. He A.d.imiuvin liieyaiuieii will lea il tin. Sol Agonta for San Antonio Lima." ' Ilrlng your magazine and 203 Railroad 4u. & Old papers cheap at TliK Cm.hfi fo is now located, at Mauxauillo, Cuba, uiulel of beauty and comfort. niusiotoTHI A. SIMPIER CO. lice. t'lnK.N ollice aud have them ueatiy where he U holdiug down a Job aa dis Uaa tlttiug au I pluiuhiug. W htttiey Co bound lu book form. New Telephone til. Hi, US AND 217 NOiiTH THIRD St Tlttf fMTIVTc'V It Ik believed that h wm LUIUlITmillTJlilJI iMimminiiinriHii lfAILl mlBUW. TA lfct een Of her bought a Al HI (jl Kl.yrK. JAN. jt )SWlirant, where aha railroad ADVANCL ursei tor ainnqnerqne on lueenay iiigni. A. A MALOY, a known, aha did not eome to J. My instructions from Chase A far uuLiuua. Sanhutn we are authorized to sell 1Mb city. DEALER IN tr.d Mocha C'oflte at ihe Thr Citizkh print on the Inalile ,to SALE. CleanUp Sale. Iava uig prices: day a long article from the Kl Paso llrald, which give, anme Interesting ')prn toffee it. ,.40 (tt'.s. seta about trip the of Charles K. Hunt to Kvrirything at fir a'ly RediictM Trie during this ale, which will open Staple nn rmn 40-ct-Dt coffee at ... 3 S ' er.U. Kansas City, and that paper stste em True to rur t at ililiahed policy lo. 35-ce- nt coffee at, , halically that Mr. Hunt ha been era .30 ctcts. 1 Si II on, nil good" e .tu'rtninlno; to and Fancy ct c .) 30-- nt tflee it ... 2 5 t enia. powered with authority to make a MONDAY, IJJilG. lit S'l-lett- . III -. with the creditor. Client ami lait Th'fty ltys, W are offering New Ho isviiiilil gtssls, which the people C ;u h :tt ,nr it, vc coffee ut .- . 20 ttnta. lh: it tl nt miri. to li nratlliln f ir one 1 1 (111 llielr w.nt Althotiah this C the g cat le plunger. Mr. nuke ev.n .tie 'lt inclule everything In o ir stire. on ai'oount of lack ot space, we areun-- ! will n w bfjin to so'il it nil (f ID. CLODTUIEK Hunt pained thrrugh thla city en route le to mention only a few ardclr here. AGENT FOU north on Tneeday night f tir I. ft o ft. ii tli! wjty of 114 I. Ballroad l!., Aliaqojrqna.I. I. Ihe do poisoner la again abroad In the CLUH HOUSE CANNED GOODS, and. Heveral valuable do? wet e dis D'ess Gods. Ladles' Capes in covered lying around In different placer None to Equal, Now. If ev. r. I the t'nita bnv tlipm. UOIIEY L H 10 yesterday. ime of the owner, think Wa have ai Inimense trk nnrethan Cloth and Plush. 1 they know the person who la responsible we care to mea-u- r time Winter Suit?, HELL'S SIMUNKS CREAMERY NUTTER - are to help us from doing this, we Canes, flrat-cla-. sto, for the killing- and hi. action, will be ion Double Clo'h fur tiluinted, On pianos, fnrnlturs, will make 11 wt your while. All onr Tli Fanioti. without removal. Also on carefully If ha la discovered It rtl honest 42.110 value now $l.0T diamond. watched. I ree (iojds re In wsl 25 Der c nit Bring Cloth - Jewelry, Ufe Iruturanos poll-el- tlreen Astrahau C'api wa watohe. will go hard with bim and he will he ing our K) Trout deeds or any trod secur- l (i now f I Ulsters and Top Coats. very punished to the full extent of the law. 'i c. D'caflKxh ti i'e. IU.ui Cloth Cap. Navy 17 . 118 Railroad Ave. Albuquerque, N. M. ity. Terms moderate. (i The Whitney company received a tele :(. hresa mils to Xlc. :to yards nfaiy Print $1.00 toe. Sergei and Kancy Weave to Sic :f. lnrli prtTcale per yard 6c. graphic order for a hotel range from SIMPSON. 8.V. Silk Wu p Henriettas ise. h Kruit Of Ixoiu 6c tl. Messrs. Rletcher A Myers, the proprietor Underwear, . log Booth Second street, Alhngner-qua- of the Albemarle hotl, which burned New Mexico, nf door to West-er- Ladies' and Misses' Corsets. it yesterday, and aent .it up on No. 21 laat E- Union Telegraph oflloe. If you wanta lorg Waist Corset - POST & CO., ulght, ao the prospecta are that the Jackets. J. we We orerhot ffht In this have It. Wool Shirts, Etc hoarders at the hotel did not hare to go inraelve. II you want a Pliort Waist Corset B. A. SLEYSTEli, morning. line, hut as two wronra iniilie one without their breaktaat thla we dn't ws have It. glit, have mad no our mind not to wnnt a High Corbet Mai. Lnna and wife, of Lo over. we If yuii Ita'k Capt. rrv tliriii Therefore, are we have it. pawed up the road for the nYring tli"in at actnal Kitstern HALiDWAIiE. MA tiuas, terrl cit. you want the Corset Vte tha clicup'nt tip. ir llet tot 1.1 capital night. The captain i hve tlifni froiu Maileve It. 1 last wnnls. Oitlr one example as a first have and t'atls PRICES 'I rininpxoti'slil tve Kitting C rset. AT REDUCED i on a ot Valencia county' repreeentatlve A good B3T1IE. idea. cloth Jitckef, wll male, II. C. P. 1UI 12.5') Vteal ohaudleC. and and HOT WATER HEATING i the lower boo, of the approaching all silk lined, worth now 5.oil. Military Coret7 APPARATUS, hOTlST PDBL1C. territorial legislature, and la favorably 4 c. Corset now 25c. l'.irticulnrs in o next iMio. Talepbona No. 174. mentioned In connection with the speak HO Yard of any P.lttta 1. ir Automatic ti c. Cors" t go at . . . . n i c. STEAM HEATING APPARATUS, 14 BLOCK ership of that body. g i HHc. BOOMS II CKOalWKIX h Pfrcale per varj 6c. $l.ooc irsots at Word cornea from Bernalillo that there 1.25 Wive Kitting Corset... 1.00 of Loom 6c. $1.75 (ilove Kitting CoreeH 1.40 AND HOT AIR FURNACE 9, great rejoicing at the home of Krutl 3Hnch Krult ... I or 10 cent dim, Hilw, the general merchant. Yeatenlay, SHIRTSbare yooe alilrt laondtled And boat on lima. a boiiQcing baby boy waa added to tbia honaahold, Ktnll la decidedly ISIMON fur-nish- ed IM AlfeiaaeraM Strata Laansry, happy and STERN At For business buildings and residences on. of Die happleet father of Bernalillo CO. Tm CiTir.KN aenda congratulation. The Railroad Avenue JAY A. HUBftS. h ROSENWALD BROS. C'othier. comploto and installed. Estimates 414. Triple Link Rebekah lodge No. 10, L O. K t, a change BtfjiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiJiiiirniiijiijjjiiiijiiirmTrir CALL, AT i. will meet from cheerfully furnished. THE ie old meeting oight, Inetallktion ot illloera, and a lunch will be the attrao-- LOCAL PAHAGRAfHS. thla waa th. highest bid he waa given 221 PEOPLE'S STORE. tive feature ot tbia first meeting In VU. the trnnk. Beside, a supply ot actor's West Railroad Avenue. W. R. contained promls . (UIUULAND BUILDING.) Mrs. C. C. Hall, who waa here with her R. and W. Adam, ot Raton, arc artloles, th. trnnk a ory for $1,000. FRESH GROCERIES. husband the pant two day, left laat in tha city to day. note FRUITS. VEGETABLES ight for MiHeourt. where aha will vlalt II. J. Ramer, the cattle man at Hol- - C. II. Thomas, ths postofllce Inspector brook, la In elty . and a warm personal friend and admirer MAY J. A. (SKINNER, relatives and trienda. Kn route, ahe will th. FABER, T. Y. MAYNARD, top over a day with Topeka friend. W. K. 'nderson and W. T. Hewitt, ot of Postmaster Grunsfeld, will arrlv. In k Prfcss Courteous TrsataMat. Lev aai y. city evenlug. By way, The bounty corumlaHlonerit after a short Laa Vega, are In the city the this ths Tur In It New Year note, loadver 4lon thla morning adjourned until tha 0. h. Brook, live stock agent, Is In Kl Grant Building. Albuquerque, N M. Watches, teutly failed to wish Postmaster Gruns HUh lnnt. Pedro 8. Martin haa t on re Pasg on business connected with hi. feld a happy, prosperous new year. He ..The Claire.. apiiolnted Ian I tor of the court houne for Clocks, ha made a model pustmtster aud de- l.e enuing two year.. K. B. Booth, street e SANTA FE'S the Second tailor. serves credit for his work, even from rK take pleasure hi announcing tv tl public. Unit we will occupy our Headache and weak eyea cured by who was at Kl Paao on a visit, returned ' NKA SldUK IN TI1K U'lANT Hflt.l'IMI en llHllrrad Ave, on "Diamonds, CENTRALLY LOCATED such thorough republican sources as Thk wearing spectacle, If properly arijnxted. city last night. LEADING tithe Citizen. HOTEL. 4pectaeleH acientmcally fitted to the eyta Vrs. Mary Kucker and Mrs. Anton J. H O'RIelly & Co. have opened op a .Jewelry. Fire I'root Strain licit. tt low price, by Prof. MoCaun, at Dr. line Kot'llts, registering from Bernalillo, are complete laboratory In connection with Berry's drng etore. at the Hotel Highland. their wholesale drug store. K. G. Abra- - Monday, Dec. 19th, 119 S. Second, tor Mr Street, Albuquerque. Tha January term children at Mr. A. 11. Knapp, mother of Mra. M hum, a manufacturing chemist from Mil W. C. BUTMAN. tValton's dancing academy beglna on W. Klournoy, Is reported quite HI. Sua waukee, arrived In the city last night A' s we are equip I'd wit1) w 2 o'clock, and for that an Kntlrely V and Kxtrns ve line of REAL ESTATE. Saturday afternoon at 1 suffering with the grip. and will have charge cf th. laboratory. lulta on nest Monday night, Jau. , at VCRNISHKD KOOMi KOR KKNT, Bid. H. Bowen, who thrived In Albu Frank J. Primrose, tha well-know- 710 o'clock. Hugs, Rent. Collected. querque year, ago, la stopping at Sturgaa' sheep buyer ot Trinidad and Denver and Caipots, Matting, Linoleum, The new officer, of the Woman'. Relief Rotate Security Kuropean, regtep rtug from Lo. Angeles. who Is also Interested In th. wool scour E Money to Loan on Real 'orp. and the O. A. B. will be Installed TI-I- Fruuk Neelttnd, a health seeker, went log business, Is In ths city. He was d the K. of P. hall t. A banquet Window Shades, CASH UOlc with Mutual Automatic Tflepboo. Co., to Kl Paao last night In the bop. ot de- noticed around with V. P. Kdie, a local oe served after tha Inatallation cere-- CKOMWfcXL BLOCK. vlll riving greater beueflt In a lower alti- sheep bnyer. this morning. Telephone 435. nioDlea. AndaURGK AN! HKAl'TIFI'l. AaS'iKT.IKNT of GROOEfU' tude, i l delivery team became Good room and board for two or three A.Co.'s First-Glas- s BALM frightened near railroad night Lowest Prices, Goods. ORANGE oung men working In town who have J. C. Spear, grand master, I. tl 0. F., th. last ot New Mexico, to his home In and started to run away. The driver fPal)lo U tai and NEVER heelH; $5 per week. W. K. Rawllna returned Curtains, Portieivs, Covers, NO. lure on to line, and succeeded In SEW Tlil.M'IIONH 151. ' I HAS FATI FD. Cilt Postal Telegraph company. Gallup laat night, after a few days very hell th. unuibv pleasautly spent in thla city. checking them before any great damage OPPOSITE write to MRS. I. M. GARRETT, Rltuatlon wanted by a atrlotly honest illll SOUTH SECOND STKEET THE POST OFFICE. M. W. Mills returned to Hprlnger laat waa don. Upholstery :inl Drajjory Goods, House, Albuquerque,. N. M. ioler Bwe lUh man at any kind of honeet Arlington . night, after remaining in tha territorial ork. Writ, to Qua. Anderson, Allison IVK, TUB rLOKIST. TUB metropolis several daya. II. waa accom louse. Comforters. Pillows and Kor cut llnwers, palm and holly for the SHOEMAKER panied north by H. C. Longwell, who was HIanket, K. moral aalaw , L.H. Young man of good appearance aud holiday. 305 Weal CoU Avenue next to Fint also her. on business. n as. ths ri.oHisT. We want to clear out our entire stock lablta wanta board and room with nice of National Bank. ot made a second Co. chlnaware, lamp, glassware, porce- jrlvate family. Addreea, K. U. A, thla The board education Household Linen?, Th. lain and everything liable to get broken Second Hand Furniture, failure at trying to get a quorum last Kresh Oreen Bean. while moving to our new store. W. are lew tod (lice. Kresh Orten Peas. night. Trustee Hopklna and Harsch All of wi I LOW KST PRICKS! now fixing up building formerly STOVU ARB BODIIIOLS 600DI. Bee our dreea patters and the big redue-Io- n wYe'i InolTer.d a' ths Kresh Caulitl iwer. th. and Clerk McDonald were the only ones by Kuppe's pharmacy and expect Kepalilna Specialty. on them; $13 pattern for $160, H Kresh Califoriila Pears. to have it In readiness about th. loth of putting in an appearance. A'i r ci 11 r i of Kresh Oysters. B. A Co. tt h'ghii lis rut fiv our cuttomers and earnestly January, lu order to dispose ot the goods patterna for 3. etc. llfeld Ki ne package dates. tor ehip-mon- t. W. who gave testimony In : "1 Ii l!i In time, we price Kornltitre stored and packed Ijtdiea' (. Strong, 3fe ko lc;tinp h ful ir s'neti a of ths public In we are Imported l.truhurger, Philadelphia have iuda that will cape, children's jacketa, allk Highest prices paid for second (ion rales case In Santa Ke yesterday, uiitke them move. It you need anything give-awa- y the cream raucy or houseliold gouds. klrte. wool eklrta, etc., at aud teu other brain! lu our Hue aud examine our stock, tuuri returned to th. city laat Ulght. Mra, 'riH TUI'LY, cheese. coins prloea, at the Phoeuix. many but if wn have everything needed In a Strong, who accompanied him to Santa Pumper nlekle and other household at present, come anyhow. Joseph Rlbo, the general merchant of . lellcusle Just lu. J. O. GIDEON, Ke, also returned last night. Ve ( MAY & FABER. Your purchase ahead ot time will prove Bernalillo, la at Bturgea' Kuropeau to o a good investment. stock la moat Sole Kl Pato Graphic aaya: Miss Kath HnllilKjr, Our Dealer in Furniture, Uj. The ll.ill.Uf. complete. An enrly snlectlou nisaus Agent leon Adams, a popular teacher In Albu Kresh Kish. Atlantic fibster. ism Holiday cigars In hoxe ot twenty five much. TDK KAIH, Stoves, Granite, Glats, lur Ileet on earth, Oideon Queen cook stove each Jones', 2"" Hailroad avenue. ' querque public schools, went home on Bulk Oyster. I'ucille l.obst- rs, at 1 1H South Klrst Street. the Sim south Klrst street and Queens ware. See It at the Santa Ke yesterday morning. Miss Florida Shrimps, Cralw. M.on i JoncV. G1DE0I . ht In one week we move Into our new Hotel Mlillanit. J. K. Cook, nf Socorro. Is among the Alamogordo ('linns In Miell. JAS. L. HELL Vt hi leon the street car Adams visited friends at Shell. Blue Points in tell 'em to lei store room, and up to time of removal Kent-Fin- est Bought, QUKEM Kor restaurant In ths , Furniture lute arrival at th. Kuropean. during the holiday. Knncy Mackerel. Fancy Codllsh. rou ciT at Junes'. In order to clear t'xO everything in our store will be sold at city. None but responsible parties need COOK Kani-- cost, (iolden Dry Oood Sold and Exchanged. Twenty Qve per off dree. good. of of Salt Klsh of all kind. IH'iili rs in FhiihIv and ny to night I am selling below cost. absolute Hide apply. Mrs. Albright, Art Parlors, 113 ceul The trunk J. 0. Ring, Greater Company. STOVE, Knaenwald Bros. company W bile on IUII road aveuueglve me a call. north Third street. Highest Prices Paid New York Vaudeville fame, (irorciics l.ace curtain and portieres left from Beat in the Headquarters for Pea Food. If yon want to aee your money go up In A new and big stock of lamp. Whit which waa attached by the stranded stock of llfeld Bros., sold at cut tire W World. smoke, call aud so. me. the ars obliged to continue our cost for Household Goods. ot the company in this city, was wile prices at May St Kaber's. is Impos- i Co. playera Bi iit Jonfs. sale for about one week, as it 205 SOUTH FIRST ST. Sewing by th day. Addreaabox 132, sold at auction at the city buildiug yes Highest cash prices paid for frrnltnre sible for us to remove. Painter aud Atten 1 ctrpeuters have kept u back, (ijlden elty. Wrday. T. N. Wilkerson bid 4D, aud a San Joso Market ailvance Inventory sale ta and household good. Automatic phone Bros'. 171. T.A. Whittkn. Itule Ory i jod Co. ALBUQUERQUE'S LEADING UNDERTAKER Always Good's People Agents For wantj fnc feopl e STAMOARD PATTERIS The Greatest House Furniture Like and Unmatched ffl Rill P Values. Mail orders TP The Most Reliable of Storo in the Southwest" Filled Same Day LIU All Patterns Made. DRY GOODS COMPANY. Sure to Please. 188S 1809 AaTtHJls) sUlQ F.G.Pratt&Co.l nnru COFFEE. (ioil colTi-e- . like ours, I so necessary, OUR REMOVAL SALE! DIAISBI Iff that a lireakfatt without It is only halt a STAPLE tad FANCY GROCERIES Taking meal. There's so much in a really line Stock. cup of coll re a meal that it makes half S14 ot itself. Vt e iiinke a Miiut nf currying 8. Second St. , Ulll.boro Ordera the tluest MiH-ha- Java anil Hruziliun You are LAST WEEK TheTrade Crramrry Batter noucitrd coffees in our stis'k. The dignity of our Bat on fcartli. breakfast tiihle niu- -t be iiiiilntalued. to of hatever liecouies of the gold or silver Invited Event standard, the purity and supremacy of CITY NEWS. the rolT'C standard must be preserved. Attend. the Year. - in our lionet! Furnishing I be, (ui tl ImmI S cmut einiu- lat tows j Until January 10th everything Kor ourselves, we are for coitoe, and LAST CHANCE -- takaaaa, HmmKmf am th. Corr." our prime A-- l coffees are for the public of AllaiiiieriUe. Best ranges on ths market. VYhltuey Departments will bo sold at a Co. lgr.e wr Honor luatsllallou. cuts Ixjse from profili, when, in many in- Chlldreua' clolhiug at special sale Thr Idles of th. Hegree of Honor In- When a Whole Store stances it ignores cost, in its one great desire prices. Hosenwald Bros. stalled their new 0 111 cers at ths A. 0. 1'. to reduce stotk in a limited space of time, then if that store is honest in iti stitements and intentions, B. In- W. hsll last night. llawley. n ill Highest prices paid for gsnte' clothing th j buy ii; public ii p it intv pusn-ssio- of a immey-- s iving oppirtui ty sd n'. tl Out they can alf ird stalling olllcer, outdated. The following at Hart's, 117 Gold avenue. to pass it lightly by. are ths olllcer of ths lodge: Prloea cut on everything during Past Chief of Honor-M- iss Kate Harsch. f)i one week to olfjr every dolar of its inveutory KoHeuwald sale. Bros. Chief of Uono- r- Mra. Alice (ienter. Proposes surplut sc noiable se, at su;h a re- - Wanted-Positi- on a This Store bookkeeper by Great Reduction. l.ady of Hono- r- Mrs Anna (irey. thict:oi from refju'ar price tli n prolils will be wiped uit, and on many items, cost will bj hut s'tfht of. young inly. Address XXX, Chief ot Ceremonies Mr. Amino a 1'e in We're honest alotil it ! We a-- e in earnest ab tut it; we 111M11 mike this mem rab'e. Facts olhrte. Whltcomb. ti the sliap- - of figures, will t.-- you 1110 e emph Hie illy th 111 all the w rdy eloi len: 3 in the world, juit Hea the silk that were slightly dam- Kscorder-Ml- sa Kate Harsch. jiMt Ii we in this matter. aged bv water, that are selling mi cheap Klnancler Mrs. Kachael Johioin. how honest, iw earnest are Weld s. Alll-ton- . at Itceive- r- Mrs Ktla nur iiioney-savini- i Sale; joti lo A of I'sher-M- is AgiMla ; full line furniture, granite, gltw. .ink. We Ask You to Attend 1 oTiivtre th pi inted st.i'enjinlJ made and quei' Uldeou'4, eolith Inside Watchman MIh Kmc r s 9'5 Mill the ite-n- alwtit wSiih they are mule. If f Mind cnrrcd, th ;n we ak y iu to bay and buy liberally, First alreet. (Itltalde Watchma- n- Mrs. lirlttenleln. livt Tne These 1 hari es, lur ( bv:uin reas wh, do not often occur. Thi will week. alveit'nei The beat plan, for good, Juicy steaks Company. After the IliHtallal loll, the iiieinls i of Whitney ccs will hold gtvil d irino; that week. pi and roasts aud all kinds of meats, kept the order sat down to a bamiiet given in honor of the new t Dice-- . In a first class market, at Kleluworta', This Sale will he c out imictl Tor one week longer. Mr. T.J. Cochran, ot Heuver, haa ar- ATTENTION. Kverything at absolute cost at lioldeii rived In ths city, aud will remain during MAIL ORDERS HAVE PROMPT Itule llry (loots company, for one week tha wluter with her mother, Mra. 0. K. only. The opsirtunlly of a lifetime. ARE YOU INTERESTED? Hopkins. Coins aud investigate. P. w (leorge Hchuater, ho own a ranch Head (iohh-- Utile isriiii-n- t Oi l ier; AND SAl.l:Sk(M)MS, 317-11- 0 South, Second Street. the adver a few miles from Mitchell, N, M , ar- ou fourth page ot this Ishoh. It will in- 115-1- S""1" ir Sirwl rived lu th. city fn in th. west last WOKKSMOI'S and lll'.AVY IIAkDWAkli, terest you aud you mouev, Cariuits, niattings night. He Is lu search of hi wife, who ' snl lluoleiiiii ut greatly reduced puces. May A. Kabvr. 1 if t his home last Tuesday aud has not