MASON, MICHIGAN. THUESDAY JANUARY 8; 1880. NO. 2 VOL V. Tour Folks nnil Oiir Folks. The Xew Year in Mason. BuMlneNN LocalH. OUkvi'al & lluMiiicHN Directory. Nollccsfoliowing thisliead will to charged for at^ flvncnnti'norllnn ouch Inaerlloii. C<»UNTV OFMCKKS. Mrs. Miller of Howell, is the gnest of Although it was ficnernlly understood skerifr... .: :.. '• omclhl Paper of llic City. Mrs. Wni. Woodhouso. that Iho custom of "receiving" at private '.L'he best 0 cent cigar in the (iity is the Tnmsurer -•••••t Black Diamond, found only at the P. 0. Olork r,..C. 0. AValkku Chan. Barnes, now of Homer, citUcd on rosidoiicc! on, New Year's day was to be KeKlaier • J-C. Cankok Prom the Publisher. his friends in this city New Year's. omitted, all seemed bent upon enjoying ;.;•,;, ... For Salo. ,., JudKeor Prelmle M. ILCllATTKIlTOH OuriKlverllslus rules are Jino per column per an- themselves as licst they could upon the Proa, Attiirnnv ;;"','.V-,r*""''' Misfl Whoelocli of Parma, wa.s the guest A farm of 80 acres. Inquire of I 0. W. llKlHTOl, nnni. Iluallii'sa iiiiticea Hvn cents per linn for cncli iliHertlun. Kdileral notices 10 cents. first lioliday of 1880. .The day was usher­ - W. W.iHEAi.n, Dansvillo, Mich. ClfoiiltOoiirl Ueni'raj c o«TB*Nn«« of Mrs. M. W. Tauiior New Year's. Ilnsliirsa canla Jl.OO per llnnpcr yoar. 8iir».iyir A.l'. flKAliR : MurriiiKo and disilli iiotlcos Ins^irled free, Oliltuarv ed in with pleasant weather and very good Dnian MitkiiiB. Drain Oum'r Wooniinnsr. Mrs. Bobinson of Ohio, is visiting at her f .lACOII SWIT'/.OAllI.B roieenis, resolutions, cards of thanks, etc., will liere- siftigbing in the city, and from early in the We would respecifnlly announce to tho Ooronors, | s. P. llKV.Nol.n« sftcr he charKed for at the rate of tivn cents per tine. brother's, Mr. Phillip Taylor in this city. CITV OI-l'JCUllS. Corn^Hpoiideiu'ti contaiiiiiiK local neWH, Is solicited day until dark'the streets were alive with ladies of Mason and vicinity, that wn aro Mayor •!. ".SAVrils fri>in all iiarta of tlio c<>nnty, , •lo.soph Sctiddcr and wife now of Gratiot, prepared to do dross making in the latest ^ Anonyiiioila coniiininlcatlons tiut inserted under gay turnouts of all descriptions from lhe_ Uiiirk... W, M. VasViiankb.s styles, in connection wilh our millinery any clrciiinstance •• spent the holidays ivith friends in Alaic: "flyers" down lo the "oa.sy".ones. 'I'reasnnir anel Oullector P. P*'-*.''^ store, over Bartiahy's grocery. Scliool Inspooior : A.Mol.KAKK don. , i . : , , Marshal.... ...II. 0. Oai.i. - LEAP YEAR ItKC'EP'riO.V. ; 2tf JFiss .NCattie Christian'. ' street Ooinmlssloner.i ^'''>- I.OCAI.. AlVn OBNEIIAK. JVKWS. Franklin L. Parker of Ann Arbor, a The enterprising ladies of Mason, un Mas. Olll.AXllO ClMllSTIAN'. ; JonN W. Pa • ' : M.RVA prominent dealer in tax titles, ia in the city willing to be out-done by Iho ladies of any WuiKl Wiintuil I Justicesoftlie Peace .{ ' ^V.A.Tr.K Wlieat, $1.23 @ «il.2.|. '"".".'',"y."."."/.'.ii'.Vf. llA.MMON to-day. of bjr sister cities', conceived the idea of I will pay cash for 1,000 cords, of wood. V 0. IIUSSKM. AVrltu 1.S—•: (•}, tiivo ti,"! a rest.. giving a leap-year reception al thai inpdol moan businoa.s, , Call on Aldermen at Large. ^. Al'l.llAnnKU Mi.ss Ilia Polar of AViscousin, is spend­ South of court house. 0. E. .S.mith. Aldermen, 1st Ward ,'.'.'.'.'.*.".".',' M. Va UIJIIN ing tliu winter with lier.sister, Mrs. J. h. hotel, the DonnoUy House on Now Year's • .,' Cir.oiiilt: \V. SnArcR Plenty of ontortainnients tliis week, Fuller. evening, instead of the ordinary cu.slom of Sutllii ii|i. Aldenneii, 2d Ward """^/.'".'".""'.'..'.""ii .i.Wil.«0N Uetncinbor ilio lectiiru lo-innrrow evening.' receiving calls during the day, and although All accounts of (10 diM's standing must SCIfOOl, IJi.STJtlOT OI'KICEIt.S. Mr, Norton and .Mrs. Preston of St. .Tolins be settled by Jan,' 20th, or left for collec­ President I. Keiul ''Assii'iioc's Notice" another this is an unusual fealHre in social life, the have been visitiiifj at M. Ryan's darin;,' thi:i tion. I am obliged to ask my cnstoincrs Director 1". R>'.'' ladies having the matter in charge were Assessor CIr.o. W. BnlsTo colnnin. past week, to respond promptly as I niual have money. f ; lenN Be'/.i'.K equal to the occasion and gave one of the Beapeolfnily, Pkrrv '.Hexderso.v.' machine for Trustees, V.".'.'.'.'.','.'.'.:.V.'.'.'.'.'.'. ...Tlir.ae.-.- Va.s'Okti.as A'new No, U Wilson-sowing .Sherill" .las. R. Dart has purchased ol most successful and ctijovable receptions [ _ II. P. II r.NiiKnsoi .saU'-f.'/ict/p. W. F. WilliLs ot Alaiodon, his span of You WatiA Haw, the Indian, dootoi-, i.s ever bold in this city. Previous to the oc­ doin2 a big bitsinosa. You can see him and »|.'rli)iiil»(.r,llie DKMOCUAT wlii) Many ijood n!siiliitiolisha.vo been sailly .matched horses. liiivf liiisliii.«s 111 111"! I'roliiil" casion a coniniitlee of ladies took charge got. cured of all your ailmonls by call ing Ci.iirl, will <lo 11.1 II liii'iir l).v r«;- wrecked this wnoU. , \Y. L. Beobe, now of the enp;ravine es- of triiniiiine the'dining room, halls and at the Clark lionso." 2wl (iminlhic .riiilKii tJlllill.iii'loii to liiivo nmii- prllitlnir (lolHi III. Lllls nlll<:n, tnbli.shmont of Cornell it Fuller, Grand parlors of the house which they did in an Don't forget tlio donation (or^ Uev. Loo Jloynl llupids, i.s visiting friends in this city. ll. HA V.Sl-S, Allorne.v lit leiw and Solicitor in I'lO.M.Wcdiiosday nvfinine;. , arli.slie manner, with evergreens, mottoes, Take your furs to Webb & Mead's Great .. (Miaiieery. IJiilleclons a spociiilty, Olllce in etc. "Onr yoar, 1880," being ono, wo sup­ Clotliiiig Store, and got your casli. 'I8t( A Tho quarterly returns just made by Capl. liftrVow Ijliiclv. -'*'f The Doiiiiully Hoii.se hiirii, , is siiroiilini; pose to remind ilio gonllomen that,they Cbuncy, shosvs that Co. Iv of this city con- Iiigliniii Cn. Aicrlmilliiml t^ocloty.' II. I". IlKSi.r.aso.v. (tr.o.F. Iliv. very hist this wiinn weather. must wail for an invitation. ICach lady iii- ENi)I.*ltSON ,t DAY, Allorliieys ami Coiiiiselnrs sisls of til men, rank and (ilo, u.vclnsivo of The annual mooting of this society, for at Law, Oalceover. Elisl Naliolial Bank, Mil- H Wehavo a new cutter we.wil sell cheap yilod hor own jiartnor, conducting him to the purpose o( olocling oflioers for the en­ BOM, MIeli. ' the ei;;ht men discharged since,the first of or Inido for a (lat bottom iboiit. and fi-om tliodanoo, taking him to supper,' suing year, and reeoiving reports from thn W. HAM INlONl), ,IiiKticn<iI'ilie Peace. Ollice lii October.- treasurer and secretary, will ho hold at the S. old locution, Ibiiith door wesl of Dniinini,' A asking him to dance, etc, and sudloe to ilovvartl'h. The "sinners" are iiiaking preparations Court House in Mnaoii, on Thursday, tlio • B. F. Bico of thhs city, was yesterday say, the gentlemen, is'ore as blushing and lor a masquerade party in the near future. loth inst, al one ,o'clock p, tn. , TirONKV TO LOA^• oil Iteal EsliUe Suenrlly on deolurod by the probate court of this coun­ modest as sixteoii-year old inaideiis.- , ""'Gi.:o, ^\^ BaisTor,,|Soci'otary. ll.l. oiisy terms, I't County Olerli's olllce. U. C IValiter, iiireiit. l.t Thnro willbe live .Sniuhiys in .l?ebruary ty, an indigent, insane person and ordered About six o'clock ilio gliests began lo ar­ to llio asylum. Hia insanity is probably Jf yon waul a linn ilailavored cigar, get ;r ll E.S'l!V l.;(«lH,,M. D., Pliysieiuii ami .SniKeon. iie.\l, snluothing that occurs hut onco in 2!) rive until (Ifly couple and a few odd ones, the Bhick-'Diamond, at llib P. 0. Jr.L.CnllC'i atresidoiicw, oil Miilii sireel. years, but lonlporary. making about ono linndrod and ton por- Notice Goo. W. Glynn's advertisement,'''' ll. .1. IIAltVEV LYO.N, l'liyslolaii, Snrneon, el.c, K you want 11 good cigar, read the lo- D will hlleiMl all culls, iilly or coiiiilry. .Nli^lit calls There will bo iiirold fashioned donation soua, wot'O prosonl, and iiiidor: the inspiring (Miswer,.,l 111 tlie olllce, over iMoaeli A' Rose's t'orni- eiila;Oflbo P. 0. cigar stol'o,iti another' at the M. li. church next Wednesday even­ AtiHlifllcu'M Nutlcu. liire store. inniioiiods of tho Mason orchestra of ten column, Notice is licrcliy given to all who are iii- ing, Ibv the beuelit of tlio pastor, .Rev. 0. pieces, the'parlors and halls wore ringing nC'l'Olt A. ll. OASlI'llELL, lMiysieian, SurKoon, debtod lo Mr^ 111, G. limit of Ibis city, lo Aceoiiolier niid (iyiiecoloKlht. I'llllee over II. llomenibor the annual inocling of tho D, Lee. Supper ' will be • served in the with the ohoerfnl voices of tlio happy D call at tho store of Mr, Hunt and .settle M. Williiiiii'sticui^Hlore, .Mason, .Ilicli .'\gricullui-iil Society for t,ho election of of- basement from seven to ten.\ 'Everybody crowd, A iniijority of.our loading fami­ their acoounts w.illioul delay, as all. debts l', VA.N'llllSEN, HEN'rlST, visits Wllliinislon ficors next Thursday. ' - invited. lies, iiieluding the pqinp and style of our duo him.must be.paid imniedialoly in order iliesoc.ml and loiirtlKWeilnesiluy and Tliiirmlay A that,Mr.
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