No 15 / 2007 of Revista De Stiinte Politice
Nr. 15 • 2007 ---RREEFFEERREENNCCEESS--- GHEORGHE VLĂDU łESCUł (Romanian Academy), ALEXANDRU BOBOC (Romanian Academy), FLORIN CONSTANTINIU (Romanian Academy), CRISTIAN PREDA (University of Bucharest), LAURENTIU VLAD (University of Bucharest), VLADIMIR OSIAC (University of Craiova), CĂTĂLIN BORDEIANU („Petre Andrei” University of Iaşi) ---IIINNTTEERRNNAATTIIIOONNAALL AADDVVIIISSOORRYY BBOOAARRDD--- MIHAI CIMPO I President o f the Academ y of the Rep ublic of Moldavia MICHAEL R ADU, Senior Fellow , Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia, USA Co-Chairman , FPRI’s Center on Terrorism, Counter-Terrorism and Homeland Security, Philadelphia, USA YOHANAN MANOR, Professor , University de Jerusalem, Israel President , Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace (CMIP) JOZE PIRJEVE C, Professor , University of Trieste, Italy PATRIC IA GONZALEZ-A LDEA Professor , University Francisco de Vitoria, Madrid, Spain OLIVER F RIGGIE RI, Professor , University of Malta CRISTINA BE JAN, Wadham College, Oxford, Great Britain SLAVCO ALMĂ JAN, Professor , University of Novi Sad, Serbia President , „Argos” Center for Open Dialogue, Novi Sad, Serbia NICU C IOBANU President, „Libertatea”Publishing House, Novi Sad, Serbia ---EEDDIIITTOORRIIIAALLL BBOOAARRDD--- Editor in chief: AUREL PIłURCĂC Deputy editor in chief: ION DEACONESCU Editorial board: CEZAR AVRAM, VLADIMIR OSIAC, MIHAI COSTESCU, ANCA PARMENA OLIMID, COSMIN LUCIAN GHERGHE, CĂTĂLIN STĂNCIULESCU, CĂTĂLINA GEORGESCU, TITELA VÎLCEANU, MIHAI GHIłULESCU NNOOTTEE oofff ttthheee EEDDIIITTOORRIIIAALLL BBOOAARRDD RRReeevvviiiissstttaaa dddeee SSStttiiiiiiiinnnttteee PPPooolllliiiitttiiiiccceee.... RRReeevvvuuueee dddeeesss SSSccciiiieeennnccceeesss PPPooolllliiiitttiiiiqqquuueeesss was evaluated and authorized by the National Council of Scientific Research in Superior Education (CNCSIS) in the C category – periodical publications of national interest (May 16 t h , 2005) AADDDDRREESSSS University of Craiova, 13 A. I. Cuza Street, Craiova, 200585, Dolj, Romania, Tel/Fax: +40251418515. © 2007- Editura Universitaria All rights reserved.
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