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Magxyine of The Polynt*ian nciatioh

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Cat Corner 14 .'.:E .'7 'single-Handed' Pahi 63 build 1 5 E.:: '.: ...... ' ' . . ' . . > . ..'.'..'..'..'..'..'.'.'.'..''. '.''.'.''.''.''i.'':'.''.''.':''.'.'.':'.'.''.':.''.''.':.'.''.''.''.''.''.''.''.''.''.''.''2''.'.''.''.''.'2'22'. . . . .''.''.''.''.''.''.'.''.''.''.''.''.''.''.''.''.'.''.''.''.''.''.''.'':':'1:''. . :'::':'::'':'::1::.'':'.'' '.''.'.''.''.''.''.''.'' '..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'..'..'..'.'..':'':.. iE.! (:';:...... '..'..'..'...... '.''.''..'.'..'.'.'..'.'.'.''.':!. '.' .'..'.'.'.'.'.' .'.''.'..'..'2'2.':.2.':.:::.':.':.':.2j.':.''..''..'':')'..'...... 'g.:j':. . :..j'.:'...... 1(-,.-1 :1:1!21, jlp!:ld.- il:::;r1-,11.,1- 1;:12E!1;,1Ik .,..., ... ., . ,,. ,,., ...... :..:. :.:,, ,:.:.. : .:.: :.:.:.:.:.:.,.!:, .. ,...... , ..,,. .,,. , ,. , ,. , ...... ,. ,. .. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ..,.. ,.. ,, :. ,., : :, ,., : :. E!, :;...... :...... :. :.:. :.:. :.. ,.. :' ...... :,... .,..,. ,.. ,...... ,. .,. ,...r;2!:.;,.2. ::::: !.:...... Ilr'li 1(44j1. .-1- !(ë1Il .,., .,...'..'.'., ' '!'. ''. . ..'. .. ..'.'..., ., ., , ., .,. ., , ;.' ,. : .,'., .,, ,', . ,:, '. , . ;.i, :. E,j. :,. :,. ,.k' ., .,: :'i.,., , , ,....'.,' ., ., , .',', .,', .'.,,.''.2 ..' ., .::'..:':';:.,: ;::., ,, ., ::., ., :;: .., ., ...., ., . . :j' :.':':'. .'. '.'.'.'.'.'. .'i' .)i :(:j: :':.'... .:. ...;... ,.;. .:. ..: .:. ..: ...... :. ..: .:. ..: :. . ..: . . .:...... :.r ..k, .. : . . : ::'. t . 'i.'j.:'. j'. : .. :, : '..:...... i...... :. : 2 ; E ..'.2.E2 :; :: : : :: : : : . : . '.''.''.''.''.''.''...1' .'':.'':..'.'..'.''.'.''.' '.''.'.'.'.''.'' .' .'.. ''..'..''.''.''.''.''..':. :E:' ! '' .' .. r . .:..:...... '.''. .'.'..'.';'.''.''.' . '-1-- 1!51 1'.1 41, 12 1E11 I!:;I: 4E!, I 1!SI; 14-1 1 1r.1 41) :12! 1:14 .:E.:'.:'.: .': E. 'r...... :.;...: :..ï: .?.6:'ë.: ..E'.. :.....2 .:.. .k...... -..:...... ::. ..:. ..:. ..:.:..r...... i. :. ':. . .!:: .. !i :ië :ë :: iE y.: q:.ë:.'.. .:..:...:.: F'...... :..;...:..2:...... :.u2:.Eë!.'u':: ...... :r:::..:. .:. .:...... :. :.. ::.. :...... :.. ::.: . :. .. :.. : ...... :.....:...... :. :. .. ,.: . E.:Eë.:E. . ..ë.;:.'...... : .:...... :.. .:...... :..: .. : . .. . .: !:: 2. ': ': ' Ijj;i j j' 1Ir.jë' 1Ir.!j@' j>;*:>pj' 1N!*:'1>k 'j*r%:@j*l' j'r.l'j.j' 'IN!.Lp;#:' f lm'RK:#' j'lh*jr j'r.l'/pjle I'y.!Mp.!1 j'rA:*lj# '1r . 1i:')* ,':1E)*, '.:'.:'.'.:'..'.'.'-.'.'.'z'.'.E':.'.':J'é:: .;t: -;.' '. '.. i'. -.'. '. !.'3.''.'.'':'.', ''1 .-.'1 ''.1':i .:' '1.'.' ':'.' '.:'.' '.'-..' '.';'.' '.,i.': '!':'.'E':. i: : .': ; .1':S ':.ï E:':. : :.:r i'. :. .' .ï. ':.' !: ':'!.1'.'.'. . :. '.'. ',.'; '.lj'k. ';.'' .''':'7 .*:*'.* :*'.*:**'*:**:*.:'.':i':!') 'E:'E : : .: .: . ':':E:.'i 'E7'E'j';:j'-!j'!-j'j<.'.'j...j:.E.:..;:' 6W.j:?:'i.j-:EE'.i':':'!'!':'-!':':''.'.:....-- .'.'...'..'.ï !.'.'. . '. '. !:..:'. .'..'..'!:.!.'..' '.'' .1!':':i'E.i:::iE.; .: :E:':' ! ': ''.'7:':':':'..;'''.'.'.' '.' .. ..'.',.1..,..'..':. .' .:..:. '..'.1.'.:i. 'i.i.: ;i' E: i . y , .... .:E ;::...... , . ;. .. .:5E;j: y)i.: i!. i:E; j:q :..:!:E .:...... '.ï. .! .'. !'. .'.'. '. ..' . '. ;:'.: .!.? .!;E. .:.: .ïj. &':.; .i:.:...... '.'..i . . .;...... j...... ;, ., ;.j .j;:. . .,....y , .. . ., ;...... M o d 1 fl V t 1 O n s t () R ed W In d a -I- a n e P a d 1 2 3 .4,j.'.?),r?'.?'':??,ep))Jy1k9 ,'(.e?(ïE;: ir ; s. ;y;j;.j; .;.;yj;y; .yj.j.yyy .yyg .y.. yg.;... .j;. ,y;. j. ;..,. g;. .g., (.;gjg.;y.k;gy;, .;y$. j.yiy .ygrg.;grgjgj. j. yy.yy....y..y.... k;J$.JsyssJ (,:.:. '., >>:. .:zr.j .;: . ).;. x.: A G 2 4 Ej :E $: : : : : 5:j ; ;.j: jiy' .: $j /'ti r'jy).>, q .()E jle. ; ;.j .J,:j .; J. .: I'Fk;J .. :,. j s. )ç.:.z<.y;.).;?a.!.J);.j.jy.p. . . . -. >ZJJJJ f: . ..z : $zz '. ..'yas- +j. g. Jz ; .yz j tz ?: j g rz. :.6i :$F;f :.1 'i.: ki-:. 1 ë;K 7: .r .o k zj ; t Ez.z:pzyzaeszsj jg j.f !. f .g.( j: Fs .jj. (z j; j f :J.;j j y .:j :1 j :.,to. E:.j, .$ y s.o. j: :ljz $.,z .$, $.j q .s k.). News from Seapeopl e 26 .tZzSV' e zs g . x a. z .(# : ! j:g% . z Z.//4. *. . VVgVKE ZWZ . ' 'VV z . . 'ZZZ < .. ..gs :.j.2.$ . z.z z .' Book Revl1. 27 4:.: .,z ,..z.zyz yie.13 : z ; z s - .:% .; e zp.zp .,%zy.:. Q' '.' h'.'2 13r ë' $; tlWin%'qx $:1* f: .4, *. .g. ,)j -. . . mJx? .el:)y. -. .'v.. . .. q , . . ' . y, . ae: zzqs.x , .: j .#, (2494 4. f:*. . . kg. zb. .:. . . :Sk :.k.; ...... :.;jjk. . ..:t .,; s . ,. , x ,( .,. # . A. :.x. . ... '' + x :Jïi.kpr .!' * .k :'. 2:)...:js . .#. ;. . . .. es z . fy.;t .)vjv ' < f'es'f j$<$ .'k.;.f.. ' , ,' .).;q*. .. . . yvn. <# ;. ue y,; i ,+, t u z : # . .v.'-- &. .$ 1 f-'/ -J# . x ) . ' #, ï. $ g pJ' >@ . j c P 1994 .J '* . 4s, . ).j . I w.. ' * A j E I I L : l S : I l j cott Brow n . . Tor int Ya t Ha ur * . j j j Marl. ne Drl- ve ' . â * j I Tor int, Comwall. PL1 1 2EH z . .. : . 4 # I I I 4 - . * 4 * j @. .@ .# j j cover phot raph . . . . . J 9 I I v, ann*l n .I a .I,, . - 4 s . 4 j I j

w . Kevt. n ( ' 94 re er) , -4 . . -. ' z I I I I helmi off Falm o UK. oto by z , T/m Dea n, a/so '94 refl#er.


Page The message has come through by Because during the months of July and The disaster situation was averted sent messenger and fax from the editor August the Nodhety trade winds can bythe qualityof this Polynesian proporton that l must write for this issue a 'Jim's blow Force 5 or 6 steady, day after day. designed boat. During August, 1 Iived in column'. On deck Hanneke and Shige If you Iook up the Pilot Book you will find my ow n private w orld as the GAIA, (our Japanese W harram Builder) are a warning of wind acceleration zones overloaded by two tons, progressively making a very fancy selfsteering gear out between the islands, particularly between attacked bigger and strongersease hout of bits of spare wood that aI W harrams the Canary Islands, w here lbecause of problem, ending twith the 14 EI Guincho have in abundance. If it w orks, then the mountains, the wind forces increase crew back to their normal shore lifel at the som etime in December we shall sail - as much as three forces, i.e from Force beginning of September with GAIA hands off the helm -across the Atlantic to 5 or 6 (17 to 27 knots) to Force 7 to 8 and 60 miles 50 to 55 degrees ol the wind the Caribbean. And if Ruth, now back in occasionally Force 9. So, my friends, you from Tenerife to Gran Canarja against a England, gets a clear message from Tahiti sail out of the lee of an island at say force steady Force 8, registering 34 to 38 knots instead of an unclear telephone call, we 3. nice, pleasant sailing in a smoothish on the instruments, with occasional sail on through the Panama Canal into sea and within half an hour you are squals of Force 9 (41 to 45 knots). She the pacific, arriving in Tahiti in March/ fighting a Force 7 to 9 with big Ocean rose to the seas Iike a great living sea April to join a group of replica Polynesian seas. creature, slicing through the wave crests Double canoes, gathering there from aI at 7 to 10 knots. W ith this inspiring over the pacific Polynesian world for a Our EI Guincho group had organised experience I happilylookforward to sailing Double Canoe revival. Some dream . dem onstrations, press and TV to Tahit. However, with the SPIRIT OF GAIA it is conferences on aII the islands weeks in feasible.

During July/August of this year, we sailed from Portimao on theAlgarve Coast to M adeira, visiting every island of this island groupl Podo Santo, Funchal

Madeira, Islas Desedas, Islas Savagem. Then on to the Canary Islands, where during August, we sailed to every one of the seven islands.

From Podugal to M adeira we carried a Portuguese Research groupcalled GEO (Gruppo de Estudos Oceanic), with an interest in early navigation, underwater photography and Dolphins.

During August, we carried a Canaw Island Ecological group, at times 14 strong, caled EI Guincho (which means Sea Eagle) on a conscious awareness arousal of the increasing pollution, chiefly by tourist development, of the sealife of the Canary lslands. Now the Iesson, The Portuguese grou p w as advance, precise tim es and time of arrival! friends, I hope l have Iearned and comprised of sailors. Two of the crew Apad from one man, no one could sail conveyed, is: never trust other people. owned W harram cats. The Canary Island (nor speak English either). So l had the You are the skipper, check always group was composed of Iand people and problem of giving a crash course in sailing personally w eather conditions and therein Iay the difficulties. Difficulties that in a foreign Ianguage in m ountainous harbour situations, upwind downw ind, W harram boatownerswhowish to chader seas, winds blowing Force 7 to 9. Even shelter etc. Also check 9e7 carefully any or take eypeditions to interesting places worse, some thought they were 'experts' contracts you may sign. Never Iet it should be aw are off. or gentlemen, and as such did not have to suggest or im ply that you the Skipper do work the boat. I remem bered Sir Francis not have at all tim es ful control of the The first difficulty arose out of me Drake hanging some of his gentlem en in boat! W ell, enough said, back to building taking weather conditions on trust. I the Magellan Strait to encourage others a self steering system, so with a shod assumedthatElGuincho knewthecanary to pul ropes, and regretted I could not do handed crew, w e can loaf across the Islands weather pattern. Never assume Iikewise. oceans to Tahiti. other peoples knowledge - check! Page :$ I I l l I I l I I I I I II l l I I I I I I I l I ùI I l 1 l I I l I l i l 1 I 1l I I I I I I I I 4 II l I I I l I I I l l II I I l I l I l 1 4 1 !I I I l padicular ratio. So in a 23 1 miy every water running off a 'wayed' car! W hat the Enough to m ake you hardener m olecule needs to bond with hell has gone wrong now? The answer is two resin m olecules. lf you put in etra most Iikely 'Amine Blush.' This is a waxy blush... hardener, aIl you have is Iots of eycess residue that forms on the surface of cured hardener floating around with no resin epow , padicularly w here curing takes Steve Goodman molecules to satisfy its Iust for bonding. place in cold weather. If not rem oved, the Result - a yucky mess, not hardened neyt coat - of epoxy may not adhere 8d, Steve is JW D agent in Australl'a epoxy! If you m iy correctly, the epoxy will properly, and the 'fish eye' effect where and is building a Pahi 42. cure and give you a good result - but there the epoyy doesn't take is imm ediately are stil a few pifalls to pass in the coating noticeable If you see this happening stage. Assum ing you've taken the care to DON'T GO ON! If you do, you are going There's nothing worse! There it sits, ensure your work area is clean and to make a whole Iot of hard work for your pride and joy. The hul that has taken relatively dust free, rollers can be the frst yourself. Its easier and ultimately cheaper up many spare time and weekend hours, cause of problems. Some Npes -of foam to stop now, waste that batch of epoxy and has just had its second coat of epoyy rollers can break dow n, leaving small and fiy the problem than trying to sand over the outside. You bring your best clum ps of foam on your work This usually back the hardened epoxy of a ruined friend in to see the progress and she happens after they have been in use for a coat. Fiying it is relatively simple, even if says. 'It looks great - but what are aII those ktte holes in the epoxy?' I have been using various brands of epoxy on different boats for 1 1 years now, and distributing BOTE COTE epoxy for eight years. O ur epoxy custom ers have straddled aII clim atic conditions from Tasm ania to the depths of Arnhem Land, and Cooma to Cairns. During this time l've seen M urphy's Law work full time, with anything that could go wrong doing so for one builder or another, invariably, no m atterwhat brand nam e epoxy people decide to use, the cause of problems has not been poor product quality. Failure by builders to follow the manufacturer's directions has ultim ately been the problem This applies particularly in coating applications, where the quality of the finish is often im portant. Epoxy is pretty foolproof stuff if you do follow directions. Mix it properly and apply it in the right conditions, and it goes on well and dries superbly. But if you don't.... l had a frantic cal from a retailer one Steve & Roselie with crew Saturday afternoon saying he thought he had a bad batch of epoxy. A customer had bought some stock, and coated his project Here d was 48 hours Iater and while, or your epoxy mix starts to thicken. it can be hard work. Using a non-metalic still not dry. Could I help? The first thing If your mix is thickening, throw it out and scouring pad, such as Scotch Brite, rub I did was contact the customer, and stad with a new batch. If the roller is the whole project over with an ammonia check out how he was using the epoxy. breaking dow n, change rollers based cleaner Iike Ajax. W e have also Everything seem ed O K - good im mediately. Even 'cheapyn rollers are had good results using water with cloudy tem perature, proper application and so expensive, particularly w hen you amm onia and a little cold water detergent on. Then I asked how he had m easured realisticaly get only one use out of them (Iike Cold Power) added, and even just the resin and hardener. 'Measured?' he when epoxying. AII the sam e, its better to w ater with cloudy am monia. 'Change asked. ''W hy do I need to measure? I just throw it away than spoil your job. If the your -scourer if it starts to clog up, usually whacked in the right amount of resin and quality of coating is impodant to you, with a whitish waxy substance, which is topped it up with hardener. ' W e had don't use 'cheapy'' rollers which break the 'blush.o -Rinse the surface with clean found the problem ! Unfortunately, epoxy apad. Buy a good qual'ty roller designed water and sand Iightly before the next doesn't work this way. More hardener for use with epoxy from your local epoxy coat. This will ensure good adhesion DO ES NOT give a faster cure. In fact, it supplier. So, the epoxy has been applied between coats. Never sand first, as this may stop the mix from curing at al, or with a good qual'l roller. You have a just grinds in the 'blush'', and makes it Ieave a stick'y mess alI over your job. This clear, dry, sm00th finish, and move right harder to rem ove. You should also never happens because the resin m olecules along to the second coat. Oh no! The wet sand, as if you break through the bond to the hardener m olecules in a epoxy isn't taking in places. It Iooks Iike epoxy, the underlying glass or wood can

Page 4 'wick' moisture, spoiling and weakening rem em bering. It seems we had almost no dust around, and set the shed up so your job. lt may cheer you to know that invisible pine tree pollen from a nearby dust and pollen can't blow in from outside, thiswhole process can usualy be avoided. grove of pine trees drifting on to the hull while stil ensuring good ventilation. The Firstly m ake sure the work surface is on that almost windless day. Attracted by temperature is good, and you've had no warm , even if the surrounding air is cooler. the wet epoxy, it stuck, and the oily pollen problem with amine blush. The golden If the job is smal say a canoe, place a fan nodules released their oils in the star or glow of your beautiful wooden hull shines heater underneath. For Iarger jobs, you snowflake patterns. Norm ally, when out from under the fne surface of the UV may have to heat your work area, but still coating over a dry Iayer, I insist on a final resist, clear finish epoxy you have used, try to warm the material you are coating wipe over with solvent, which stops this and alI is right with the world. Armed with to a n acceptable epoxy curing sod of problem arising. You don't expect the knowledge of what can go w rong, you temperature. Finally, re-coat before the these sorts of problems when re-coating have made sure it hasn't and Murphy has first coat is fuly cured. Try to catch it at 'wef', but if it happens, one solution is to been banished for the day. And when the 'tacky to touch dry' stage, if conditions Iet the first coat dry, clean dow n with clear epoxy coating, who could ask for perm it. How ever. even this may not solvent and sand Iightly. W ell that's it. more than seeing M urphy's rear end guarantee a problem free surface. W e The third coat is on. Your roller hasn't disappearing out of the workshop door? recently coated the hul of a 12.8 m etre broken down You've made sure there is W harram cat W orking conditions were good, being inside a shed which was for the most part closed in. Only a one metre gap below the roofline was open to the o u t s i d e b re ez e , e n o u g h to e n s u r e ventilation but not air turbulence. The shed was clean and the day was almost dead calm. Temperature was about 35 degrees. W hat a great day for epow ing. if you have to epoxy rather than being out on the water! --rhe first coat went on superbly Our motto with epoxy is work fast, work accurately and work clean, and this always pays dividends W e re-coated attouch dry, knowing there was no amine blush, but could imm ediately see that something was wrong. W e staded getting tiny ''mini fish eyes' or pock marks. On closer inspection w hen dry, the 'mini craters' were the centre of a star or snowflake-like pattern So if it wasn't amine blush what was it? The answer tu rn ed o ut to be a I esso n wo rth ' % . - j -if 1-?' .y /' ,

/ ',j'l,' /., . .j Tiki 21 & 26 ' , yi in GRP /.(/ ! I - t. . . !i$ - K IT or SAILAW AY ,t ; $k ,, , . ''k*'

Torpoint Harbour, M arine Drive, Torpoint, Cornwall. PLII 2EH Tel/Fax: +44 (0) 1752 815800

Paqe I1lItI!$l$!ll!$llll1lllllllllll$jîb$$l!lllllllll1lll1lllllb!bîltillIlIllllllll our Pahi 31 KAPAI. On that occasion l to chase filters over the island. Moral - had hred from the deck and the spear carry a spare fiRer! Going down the coast Yet nnother shafted 2 small kinghsh! Could this be we passed Great Barrier Island where we the next instalm ent? Four shots and had spent a wonderful three days, rafted ''C ruising Enst several curses Iater they had disappeared alongside a steel Chesapeake Bay fishing ! Blame it on Diffraction or advancing (only five years old) belonging to C onst K iw i Style'' senility? Oh well, que sera, sera. Half an a friend of ours, Ian Melsop, the engineer To#y #ve y hour Iater, another splash, a Ioner back to who built Kelly Tarlton's Underwater taunt m e. l suited up. This was serious. W orld. I had a reputation to uphold. No bloody Each day we cruised out to an A destnation is a wonderful thing. If mam moth was going to get the better of excellent diving-fishing spot in his you've never been there before your this Mog-ur! Ayla merely shrugged and beautiful vessel and W endy and I had a imaginaton can do flips as you picture its went backtothe bio-dynamics. Cautiously memorable tank dive together, swim ming beauties. If you've been there brie'y in I slid off the drop ramp into the clear into a Iarge underwater cave past fish of the dark, the first night you sailed a 42R water. The kingie came under the huls. I many different varieties. l was real proud Narai with your wife, son (1 1), and father hid behind the propeller. Then am bushed of her as it was her first major tank dive (70), and the beam from the Iighthouse it! W hoomph! It ran for the bottom, my ever. A feeling of mutual exultation. It guided you in to a Ium py but safe spear just holding, Iine singing out from was mid morning when the mako struck anchorage, then you owe it a chance to the reel. W e played win some, Iose some the Iure. Both Kent, (1 1 year old picked better impress. for half an hour until l finaly got it on up in Auckland) and Leo Iaid claim to The M OKO HINAU ISLANDS Iocated board. A 26 pounder. catching this one', something Hamish 16 miles up the coast from Great Barrier W e swapped half the 5sh for some had hogged in past years! Island in Auckland's Hauraki Gulf did just ice when a Iarge launch puled up nearby. W hen I smoked it in the 15 minute that. The/re a diver-hsherman's paradise. Badering at sea is satisfying. Now as we smoker the heat blistered the paint on the That is until a Iow pressure system had not sent a Xmas parcel to my father- deck, much to my horror. However, spawned by a cyclone off Fiji stads in-law, it fell on me to find a cray or two to smoked m ako is a taste sensation. cranking up the swell and driving the make up for this Iapse of courtesy. A tank Apparently it was often preferred by the winds! This didn't happen to us (thank dke in 80 ft visibil'ty, with fish swimming oId time game fishermen to marlin. As God) when we spent two and a half days everywhere, weed of al colours, sunlight always its the people you meet up with there on our annual trek up the glorious reflecting qff aII sorts of rock and shel that tend to a trip in the mem ory. east coast of the North Island of NZ., but surfaces is as near bliss as a diver can Ourfriends Ross and Kumiko Liggins two ssherm an we spoke to told us of a get without paying a lot of money to get to from W hitianga cruised with us for a day couple of professional crayfishermen more rem ote places. I was three-quarters in their 23 ft W harram and we snorkeled who'd almost lost their Iives there. into the dke and beginning to wonder with John and Carol Adhur, travelling in W hat shelter there is 5ne until the how much crays cost at the fish'n chip their BAREFOOT. Ron and Casey condïons are such that the house boat shop when I spied feelers under a Iarge were out there doing their thing and like you're using as a base each night breaks boulder. After a struggle I came away hundreds and others up and down the one of its anchor cables and begins to with three beauties - 6lbs, 8 Ibs and 10 coast they were enjoying what must be 'watusi' (dance) on the rocks. They got lbs. The cray bag took a thrashing. W hen one of the greatest pleasures in Iife. away with their Iives and some kindling. we dished it up back in Auckland two Funny how there was no vegetation for days Iater six adults and four kids could Ed. Pik there's no picture of fàe Crays or the 60 ft up the cle ! Still, when W endy, Leo on# do the big one justice. Now there's Kingie. btlf we believe him, don't we? Hnw about (6) and I arrived, gulls and gannets were aY ays a dow n side to cruising! This signing yotlr Yends up for PCA membersNp? diving on schools of Kahawai and blue summer was devoid of wind. m aom ao. W e had to motor most The sun shone down through 60 ft of ' ever- here. Something was ' #k clear water to a sandy bottom in the bay bound to happen and it did. 3 under the automated Iighthouse. I was or 4 miles out from W aiheke keen to clim b the 200 ft to the light for the Island, bound for the top of view , but as W endy settled dow n in the the Coromandel Peninsula bean bag to read, it somehow didn't the oiI pressure gauge seem right to shoot off straight away, so suddenly bottomed out. I I 'j y :' I lay down to absorb a few rays. But not traced the Ieak to a pinhole in 1 for long. Msplashlp 'W hat was that'?p Five the oi1 filter where the exhaust t ' . 4 i minutes later a larger splash! There were had been rubbing. lt resisted no other boats, no wakes or waves. Leo aII efforts to close it up. spotted them first - three big kinWish The slow ghosting under * + . 41 cruising majes:caly in between the two spinnaker back to the island V& r. e- .-W'. hulls. Kai m oana! Seafood! Thespeargun .-u w .. . a > ,p. .. ., o , h w. z J #+ seemed to take forever but it I + < ' 6. ' - . r - ' -- came whistling out. Ten years earlier was worth the worry as we . .. . # . . while anchored in the Bay of Islands ' located a new filter next ..: (fudher north) my eldest boy Hamish had **J ... u ...... morning, having been Ioaned * +. . =- : ' - ' S-'< . > ,- seen two lsharksn between the huls of a car by a friendly mechanic

Paqe 6 IPIIl1lIIIIiIlI1I qIIIIIIlIIli1IIIIlI1IIIll1l1!1IIllIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI!IIlI ahl 31, Iaunched after eight years. Leo D&e#8 W e finally finished our Pahi 31 - No nam e has been found yet but working on it. Eight years is Iong but two beautiful kids cameintothescene, and also building a business... Finaly on August 29th, 5:00

am the boat made its way to the beach - ' and at 2:00 pm high tide, she slips into j

the water. I am very impressed by the e- hw W ,, stiffness of the hull joining system, being < ropes and al. I didn'tthink it would be that + % .> rigid. I made the beam s 18 inches Ionger * suggestions? l would Iike to find some other type ' of tiller system . It takes a Iot of space on 1. . the back net. Also my motor bracket has to be changed. Being in the middle is no good. The displacement of the water caused by the two hulls creates a 9eö Iow I water Iine right at the spot where the 1X ( , ,- / m otor is, thus being out of the water aIl , * . .-w..W ' . - 'uw the tim e. I have used the bracket % $.s, ' &>'G'x . ' > = .M A> . suggested forthe Pahi 42 and it has to be er enàt .- . . .. .g .< . k y > . u the waves. Any suggestions for both of

r . . . these problems? - L. P.S. If you have any new ideas that e. . q - u z .& 1 have been tried out on the Pahi 31, l ' #v ij k. would Iike to hear about it! Leo Duelie . . . .. 1pr. jj$x r .. . w- . . jg >ot q . 347, B des Engoulevents, Maria, P.QUe. ' u.v . . . . . j;v . 'WS J r z' ' t' x '.' ' . qrk. sVx ''.b. Tz uo' :'ï' ' . . . e. & Canada. 6OC 1YO < . A .- ( % , . ' t .Q . œ . . l ' ' vo ç . 5.. : ; .. ' Z .e% J'o Z' -.*'-4 . W. =. .' . - XX M ; -. - .f . :.

--2 months ago, I noticed that the Dolphin hulls two coats of Blakes two pack l would Iike but l suspect a Iot of people Striker was missing. (1 had obviously polyurethane undercoat, followed by two suffer that problem ! 1 hope to sail with sailed with it like this for a couple of days top coats of two pack poly. (1 wish that l Scott Brown Iater this m onth on Mannini - to no iI effectl). 1 thinkthatwhat happened had given it three top coats now to get a Pahi. l did some work on her earlier this was that the eye on the m ooring buoy had deep colour finish 1 painted it bright Sum mer and was very im pressed with clipped the striker and it had twanged off. yellow). The eytra expense of two pack the way she was built very strong and Cats do such funny things w hilst moored, was well worth it - it is a very hard, durable well finished. (totally opposite to craft around theml) I finish and has taken various knocks over A1l in alI I am very pleased with the made a new one and m ade sure that this the past four years. I think that R is about Hitia 17. She is quite wet to sail (I've just would not be Iost by driling a small hole time to give it another top coat to keep the invested in a dry suitl) when it is choppy, in it and attaching it by a small cord to the boat Iooking good. I have used VC but when condëons are right she flies cross beam , Offshore Teflon Anti-fouling from the start along and looks very graceful. She has I am pleased with the paint job I did, and R takes 750 ml to give the hulls two given m e and friends 1 have taken sailing, and it has lasted well. I pigmented the Iast good coats. a lot of pleasure. A couple of weeks ago, coat of W est Epoxy and then gave the Ihave put alloy rubbing strips under I went out on a GP14 - aren't monohulls each hull as they take a Iot of wobbly! pounding on the m ooring as it dries out. Varnish-wise I staded off using two- pack poly varnish but now use single- pack poly as it seems to last just as Iong and is easier to apply. The sprit gets a 1ot wear around the For Sale snotter. The beam Iashings have NINA M k 2 Tangaroa, Iasted well - l am stil using the very strong construction. original rope Iashings and they Iook fine. The tram poline E13,500 call Steve Iashings get changed each year Turner on 01752 822846 . ' . N. - they suffer from a great deal , v: '-. , Fs' v. - . . . .f'-< k.* ., - .s. î .ib x'+e. .#. . êp . ' n ' of wear. I increased the size of the Iashings to 5mm and subsequently had to increase For Sale 1 the size of the holes in the aft Tinker Tram p with sailing xk'T)k crossbeam (these are now 1Q'' & kit, E550. Call Steve #% diam eter and well rounded either side of the beam). Turner on 01752 822846 I still do not get enough time to sail the boat as much as


M anufacturers of Sails, D odgers, Covers R epair service Sails for TIK I range Spray dodgers for TIK I & Classic Export w orldw ide

Trevol Business Park, Torpoint, Plymouth. PL1 1 2TB Phone 01752 813312 or Fax 815465 uv .- V

Page 9 ' I I I I I II I I I I l I l l ! l I I I I II l i l i I l l I I I II i I I I (I I l t l l I l t! l I ! I I l ! ! I 1 !i ! 1 ! i 1 l i ' 1 j i !! ! ' ! i ! :! clam ping pressure - it sim ply squeezed Address as above, or phone/fax 62-361- aI the epoxy out. Fodunately the first one 752107. Happy building or sailing, Colin Letter from failed under test, so we Iearned in time and Melyana Flynn Denpasar, Bali. what not to do. Indonesia W e were a bit concerned at how C#n Flynn flimsy and Ceyible it seemed when we had the bulkheads set up and glued and Dear Scott, As you always seem to screwed to the backbone, but we needn't be nudging us mem bers for further have worried as the dilerence once the contributions for SEA PEOPLE, I thought inner laminations and sheer stringers I'd bore you alI with another episode of were on was incredible. From there on it the trials and tribulations of ''building in just got more and more solid and when paradiseo we staded planking up - with 12mm First Iet m e dispel a popular instead of 9mm ply - nothing moved. I Steve Turner R eplies m isconception! Paradise, Iike aI1 things, had the great good fortune to have It's good to hear that you are getting is a com promise. O n the one hand donated enough aircraft structural epoxy on so well with the Tanenui, Colin but do beautiful smiling friendly people, sunshine glue to build the whole boat This is shelf- keep an eye on the built weight of the and Iow prices, on the other bureaucracy Iife eypired (siy months for aircraft use) boat! 12 m m plywood gives an increase gone m ad, non availability of certain but just fine for our purpose. It doesn't of 33% in the plan king weight, the items - sailmakers for one thing - and cure diamond hard Iike regular epoxy mahogany beams are probably heavier greedy corrupt officiats.However, nothing glue so will not crack with tim ber than designed and a made of teak to stop your average adaptable and movement and produces a joint many would certainly be! (not to mention inventive W harram builder! As I said in times stronger. Its only draw back is its keruing) The Tiki rig is a very good idea, dark grey colour, so som e masking is my last Ietter. we feit the project was not W e have used it on several smal classics. m aking progress as rapidly as we had required where glue runs would be seen, Can you get your hands on aluminium planned, mainly due to the six months hot but you can't beat the price and quality! tube out there? W e use 5'' o.d. with a 10 and humid wet season - I think the first Because of the Iack of suitable pine gauge wall for both the Tiki 26 and the horrendous rainstorm hit us about ten here, I shal probably use mahogany for Tiki 28, alternatively what about bamboo? minutes after our first saw-cut. But now, the cross-beams, but the mast is giving This may sound crazy ( and maybe it is) suddenly it seems, the rains are almost me som e cause for thought. Is there, but if you can find bam boo with a fairly finished, and so is our first hull! Now I perhaps, a professional carpenter or boat parallel section around 5 or 6 inch take a Iook at what we have done in five builder mem ber out there som ewhere diameter it may just do the job! W e have and a half months - aII bulkheads made who can advise me on a suitable tropical used epoxy paint with nylon c10th for and fram ed, both backbones made and tim ber for m ast building? Teak, sheathing also with fibreglass surface assem bled, one set of stringers made mahogany, ramin, meranti etc. are aII tissue, both successfully but l suggest and the first hul assem bled and almost available, also keruing, but I know this is that you do a few samples before skinning finished planking up (it wil be complete too heavy. the boat as some cloths m ay have a and ready for sheathing by the end of the I'd Iike to use a Tiki rig on her, for its surface treatm ent which m akes them six months two weeks hence) - I think efficiency and Iack of need for sail track - unsuitable for use with epoxy. The perhaps we have not done too bad after som ething else not available here - , does technique isto givethe areato besheathed all, especially when I read SEA PEOPLE any one have any experience of using it a priming coat of the epoxy paint and Ietters of Tikis and Pahis (both quicker to on a Classic? l hear it has been used when that is dry apply a second coat build than classics) taking three to five successfully on a stretched Pahi 31 in which is left to go tacky. Spread the (80th years. New Zealand. lt would be very easy for over the tacky paint being careful to Although l don't doubt w e are me to have my sails made in Hong Kong stretch out any creases then wet the c10th probably deluding ourselves here, due in and go and pickthem up myself - avoiding through with a third coat. W hen this has no small pad to the very welcome leder customs here, with any Iuck - but from cured (it wil probably take a Iittle Ionger we recently received from Pahi 31 builder everyday experience here I'm very wary to cure due to the thickness of this coat) Bill Bishop, in Queensland Australia, of the quality of Chinese products. Does apply further coats until the weave of the who tels us he has built both his hulls in anyone have any experience etc. of Hong c10th is filed. Surface tissue is applied in 4 m onths But he's been '' down, ass Kong sail lofts? J.W . says there w as an much the sam e way but less care is up', as he put it, full time. Pretty good article some time back in Practical Boat required as creases blend in when wetted going though I must admit. Owner on the use of nylon and m arine out. The best tool for applying the paint is W e've m ade one or two m istakes, as epoxy paint as a hul sheathing medium. a small fluffy roller (usually called a everyone does, but aI found while it was Does anyone have a copy of this, or any radiator roller) but once again do a test stil easy to rectify them. One m istake information on the m ethod? Resin is before stading to sheathe the boat as w as to do with the first two or three available here but not gIass-cIoth suitable some rollers will break up in the fairly stringer scarf joints. I planed very neat 8 for sheathing. Suitable nylon fabric is fierce solvents that the epow paint often to 1 scarfs, then epoxy glued and clam ped easy to get, as is the marine epoxy paint. contains. Good luck, Steve Turner. them up realy tight, getting a beautiful Finaly, anyone planning to cruise in this P. S. Bill Bishop, N hy haven 't you looking join. Mistake! ! ! W e soon realised area, or having useful inform ation, or sent Seapeople an article about bullding that epoxy glued joints need plenty of simply wanting to contact another builder, both your Pahi hulls in four m onths ? scoring to both faces and not too much we'd be really glad to hear from you Don't forget the photo 's. Page 10 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. arrangem ent were discussed by the intuition Ieavened with alchemy deemed designer John Shuttlewodh in 'M ultihullw that the join be Iocated at the hounds, L im erick Pahi 31 magazine. He uses it on very fast (and where R is completely suppoded by the by Steve W* l? very expensivel) . On my Pahi Iower shrouds. From a scrap section 31 it works fabulously. To windward just approx. 400mm Iong two side plates were By tradition the first of May is when stick it down and forget it. W e make Iess cut. These were pop-riveted inside one the circus goes on tour. A 'First of May' Ieeway, tacking is im proved you have section to form a Mspigor' the second is a beginner, a tyro of circus. 'First of one Iess set of ropes to twiddle with when section slid over this and was in turn pop. May'' is my boat, the boat I Iearned to sail going about. W e saved a week's work in riveted. DO NOT attempt a close flt. A gap of 2/3 m m is needed for the weld to

' run in. DO NOT attempt any back-yard welding - take it to a pro', You need a proper shielded arc weld and a com petent tji. operator. You can have the job finished ) . in an afternoon - the w hole lot cost m e . ? . ,#vr . .m w. S . *j Iess than the chandler wanted for ten J . . * . .+ metres of aloy track for the back of the

. #' 4' '* lx v' .. wooden mast 1'm glad I never built. There < > . * : r is a second bonus here - you save m aybe 15 kg aloft. W hen pitching in a seaw ay 5. this operates on a Iever arm (centre of . . mast to waterline) at approx 6m , which . . 1 .0 ? on a 10m boat is the same as carrying % . your 15 kg anchor on a 1 m bowsprit! # 1 Ax. . ' * Before I appear too clever by half 1 admit . ' Q * I spent ages making coamings/waterproof e ,4 ' hatches to provide dry lockers, . j e then had to drill vents/drains in the bottom > i g . . to alow the mooring warps to drain, the ' ? . Z 7p . .+' T . . *+w. w . . j gas bottle to vent, etc. . . v. * .' p. . e a r ' # - w .% . . x ' .. v t' ! s . . . . s . : > vvsr + . > J' ' ' % .>A.. I am very happy with my ''First of Ma/', very confident of her ability at sea'' Luckily I never had to work alone. . W e cruise 3/5 handed without a deck tent. on She is a Pahi 31, sail number 32. building and gained a cavernous W e have good space in the cabins. Pahi l bought the two huiss in Mery good Iocker. There is no difference on port/ 31 is the smallest W harram to include the condition as an unfinished project, the joy starboard tack 'First of May' has an Iuyury of double bedhs. Although only of my good fodune tem pered with a Iittle aluminium mast. I bought two sections 1.6m Ionger than Tiki 26 it is double the sadness, knowing that the start of my of suitable m ast section from a broken weight - a Iot of very tough boat. dream was the end of another's. Ten m ast. A m ixture of engineering and months of very hard work followed and 'First of M ay'' was craned into the water @ * in Limerick Docks on the frst of August 1993 For the next year without Iay-up we sailed to magic places on the west coast - Snis Oirr for traditional music, Aran Mor to see the fod off Dun Aengus, Snis Mac Dara called afterthe patron saint of sailors in thewest- and m any moretoo numerous to m ention. W e sailed winter and summer and in August '94 felt brave enough to try to sail to Falmouth for the sum m er meeting The Scilies worked their magic on us W ith our resolve weakened in The Turk's Head, Bishop's Rock becam e our furthest from home. Maybe next year? 'First of May' was finished to plan with just one or two points of interest to builders. The most obvious is that there is only one dagger board. It is mounted in the starboard hull in the standard position . The pros/cons of this

Page 1 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. idea behind such a meeting is sim ply consists of soft and silty mud, so you can that, if sailing a W harram catamaran drop your anchor ever- here between A ustrian 1994 which is outfltted in order to be regularly islands or bays in the reeds or even in the trailed without too much of additional middle of the lake. The south-east is Sum m er M eet effods, needs are different from Classic closed to the public because of a fantastic by Gerald G ne r W harrams or boats assembled for natural reserve, famous for the various permanent use. bird species breeding in the reeds I've been to Texas Iast month for two Obviously there were more than only Com bustion engines are strictly forbidden weeks. I had the weekend off so I caled one ore two W harram Coastal Trekkers as well as sew age sea-cocks an d Tom Miliano (local W harram agent) to designs sailing in Austria, which were poisonous underwater coats W ind conditions are said to be among the best in Europe sim ilar to the Lago di Garda in nodhern Italy. Therefore it is not surprising to find boats and wind surfers of different nationalities here enjoying their holidays. The character of the area is strongly influenced by the Hungarian flats and the m ood is Iaid back, perhaps because of the location in the middle of aII the famous vineyards On calm days you * > better go for a bike ride round the Iake, in k $*G, 1 # < . . case you can't continue (vine celars are dangerous) take the ferry back. ' v ,) k . . 'q* @ . , j @ , , . j . . . js.r ' , & ..c .e , . & Initiation of a boat meeting was not , v > *' as difficult as expected because most people contacted spontaneouslysaid they were interested. The real challenge was m . . . *r P. ' = * ' ' getting the telephone numbers together. The rumour about the meeting spread around Iike a virus. Sometimes people knew already w hen I called. Others contacted me after they had read the note about the meeting in the Iast PCA get me in touch with other Tiki sailers in regularly trailed dow n to the m agazine the Texan Golf of Mexican region, which M editerranean during summer vacations. As the time for the meeting became is also a perfect cruising ground for But com munication between these Coastal Trekkers (rivers, Iakes, Iagoons..). sailers seemed to be sparse, although most of their catamarans Surprisingly enough there were none, - .Q < - : ...* ' . ' ' ' - I But I met Bob and Cleo Phillips building are sailing at the same Iake, the ' . . .. eo ... . k. Y .'x e . '?. *t%-ue+' -' wz' '- ' -I Neusiedlersee, Iocated n ear ' s- = -. .e# --... . in Corpus Christi a Pahi 42, which is .. *. . - .R .v .. ' practicaly finished. They have realy big Vienna. Therefore it was high time plans and wil stad next spring. Also very of getting people together for a impressive, Cleo produced alI their sails boat meeting. by herse; starting with a kit provided by The Neusiedlersee is a steppe a Canadian com pany with substantial Iake. a really unique Iake which is savings It was a real nice day there. perfectly suited for W harram catamarans. The lake is 35 km / Iong and 7-15 km wide. The z % t For Septemberz; thefirst 'W harram #; w. . Trailer Sailer Boat M eeting' was average depth is only about ONE announced to take place in Austria. The m eter, the maximum around 1.7 m eter. due actually nobody was sure who and This allows water temperature to how many would be there. W eather was rise during summer up to 25 -30 perfect, no clouds, Iittle haze, F4 SE and j > ' ' œ C, but also causes an edrem ely flat water. Around Iunch time the first two .- YM '* < ' + unpleasant, short and steep boats arrived and during the next hourthe e' A. r .-- % ..- . -. choppy sea if the wind is F4 plus raft grew wider and wider and at two , m - - . - w < . > c . e- - x . for som e hours. The south-west of o'clock there were 25 people on siy boats the Iake is Hungarian territory (four Tiki 26 and two 21's). Each Ioaded Ninety percent of the shore with W harram skippers, builders or Iines are perfectly protected by a potential builders and families, aII curious P' . * thick belt of reed So its quite easy to meet the other people and inspect their .<>< to escape the few crowded spots boats Star of this meeting was Helmut where road access to the Iake is Rieder's Tiki 26 Aura which he has builtto possible. The bottom of the lake a professional finish including plenty of

Paqe 12 . .. . .- , s . , h here more than a decade ago. shore in search of the shodest offshore The Hitia 17 w as built by crossing. As far as I know trips were ?p $., . .-x , 'x. - x .'. . . , - . ' : .* - .. xa +. .w 4:t: '# ' xx- 2F' != ' ' ' J N --'.x. .x. . l.k' .k.- - ' Meinhard . One sum mer made from here to sail in Netherlands, x jj.gj ;.j j,j, ,y,. ., .;yrj j, ;. y. jgjj :,( .y he used her as a day sailor in Czech, French, Italian, Yugoslavian, % W. ye .: .y . . u:, . . ) <.a, jk' aij g @, , g, a m.. . . q + ;/t ....x- --- . G reece, making remarkable Greek and Turkeys waters. - < I l ' . . f,/l /, island jumps of up to 25 miles. Speaking for myself, Trailer Sailing . . Thereafter he built his Tiki 26 suits my needs pedectly, because I can + ' , .v' ' ' Papalagi and trailed her down sail m y boat and relax during the ' c' / ' - to G reece for the m aiden weekends and have access during my t ' ' # ' . . voyage. M ost cats of the Iimited holidays to alm ost aI European, j ,. Neusiedlersee fleet are Tiki North African and even western Middle Y z.'- ' ' 21's, butfor nextyearwe expect East waters. If you have Ioaded your boat x' . . > Iaunching of two Tiki 26 and on the trailer R doesn't make to much pro b a bIy o n e T i ki ro a . difference if you drive 500 or 1500 km . beautiful woodwork Before he staded Experience among the group is broad You stad early in the morning and should building his Tiki 26 he has sold his banded from single-hand-trans-Med-non- have your boat sailaway either in the late advanced Pahi 42 project and he is stoppers (5 days) to families preparing afternoon or next day at Iunch tim e. currently building again , Iending a for their first trailer trip. Assem bling the boat from trailer to helping hand to a Tikiroa builder. Enforced by the circumstances of sailaway can be done by two persons in Another interesting boat was Tiki 21 #.4 having no direct sea access in Austria, 2-4 hours. M einhard Koch developed a with a fully battened wing gaff sail and but having fantastic Iakes for sailing, sim ple, very efficient method of Ioading gunwales above deck level Iike the eypedise of polycat trailer sailors reached the huls onto the trailer single handed classics, H a n s S i g n e r t ra v e I I e d f ro m Switerland to Vienna for the meeting and gave it a Iittle international touch. He has never seen nor sailed Tikis before, because there aren't to many (or non ??) in Switerland. During the meeting he was easily convinced and decided to start building a 26 and is currently hunting for a building site. In the Iate afternoon four Tiki's set sail southbound It was a fantastic view of the Tiki fleet m arching close hauled into the setting sun. At the end of the meeting everybody agreed not only planning for a June 95 boat meeting, but also to meet during the winter ( for details, contact Gerald W inkler, Oldenburggasse 53, A-1230 Vienna, 67 49 505) Interest in this g r o u p is still increasing and currently we know of 18 com pleted Trailer Sailer W harrams in Austria (12 ofthem atthe Neusiedlersee) a relatively high Ievel with regard to within 20 minutes. ranging from a Hitia 17 to Gerhard building, trailing/assembling and outfitting ln the course of trailer sailing I have Bobret ky's Tane, the first W harram during the years. Obviously here is an sailed my boats with my fam ily through excellent farmland for Jam es W harrams the heart of Venice, strolled around ideas of Coastal Trekkers between the fantastic rocky islands of ex- ! f m ore than 1 0 years ago. Yugoslavia or have anchored in canyons / . Meanwhile it has been proven at the island of Elba This sum mer we *. . . j . jthat the Tiki's are not only safe t (my wife' myself and our two girls 6 and Coastal Trekkers but also, 8 years old) trailed our new Tiki 26 (r 57, - - - - . / . slightly modified ' # . -N ' powerful .. . , , Kananaskis) to ltaly, sailed across the < e- > r vjjjs works . - ...... Oceans CrOSSerS. southern Ligurian Sea, eyplored the ' JR , - . ' sim ilar, in a smaller case, with im pressive west coast of Corsica. W e ' < '. . . trailer po Iycats . It is n ot were caught by a Mistral (F9) in the Strait ' '' ' ' .- ' unusual, sailing from the start of Bonifacio. The same gale gave Franz xs.s . . .- .s * . . x.y . k'A= 2 z- point to the actual cruising Suttner (Tiki 26 Tapioka) a hard time in . w+ . area along the direct route, nodhern Sardinia. From south Corsica ' ,' whereas atthe beginning there we sailed a straight course back to NW ' is the tendency following the Italy, enjoying nothing more than the Page 13 beauty of sunrise at sea. Next year shoufd facilities. The fee for one season is shelter. This resuKs in many cases in see us cruising in central to southern around 450 US for both monos or the Ioss of their lives. But in principle Adriatjc again after a 10 year absence. Of m ultihulls. the Iake has no objective hazards Iike this I am dreaming during foggy, dark, There is a storm warning system in reefs, currents, dangerous 1ee wet and cold Iate afternoons in fall, Iike I place around the lake consisting of shores..., however even in the middle am doing now in front of my PC. sirens and sashing Iights Storms can of Europe it takes som e seamanship. W ill there be any other polycat in the be extrem ely dangerous, because of It is a very special Iake for sailing central/southern Adriatic (e.g. somewhere the shallow water. results in and it's well wodh visiting. in the archipel of Kornati, 65 nm from m any cases in Ioosing the m ast, if the Italy or 90 nm from Rijeka, around mid mast top is stuck in the mud. July 95), somebody interested in Again and again 'Spaghetti a'la W inkler' ???* people Ieave their boats * ' Highw ag to after accidents Ghore vienna because they are tempted to walk -- 4O Km

or swi m to a .1.v ,. - - 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 > S - , n ea rby .a W # -. ' ' X z N 'IM CWU- -x p ' *= iv'S- Ax'N'- = '=- é at orn er ..w. = c .a& NEUSIEDLERSEE Atzst#a Reeds -=-- - j .:r 1uï : J-+- = = ' W harram M eet.lng The follow/ng Caf Corner should . < be read in conjundion w## the ..* . . v-..% s.-:ss M a r j n a previous are/e by Gerald. ,e1- K # Lù-ïL= 'kx- : =--w.=R .= LG.Z--Ow- ' Podersdorf Nord There are som e =JW.'-RX'X -' '. marinas around the Iake, -s.= = , -- catam aran Centre ='cœ &Sû most of them ow ned by the . * ' - nearby town and operated .crdf. PO D ERG D O RF therefore not in the .Kz .:. * N professional yachty w ay, but %tE- - # rather in a private r e oo'i s---yy45- j . atmosphere Some are close -= . to tow n, which means you M - . . y,g have to navigate some - , 'u'v - j ac;y -r n- j) 2 / kilometres in and out through t a channel, others are peninsulas, accessed along QpL- = ,( - z) .z. ' J l q, -g= - 4 - o r' a dam. Around Podersdorf L there are the only beaches at .AL' / x o the Iake, because the BORDER uyg () dominant westerly winds do - not allow the reed to grow +- M - vœ there. Therefore it has a relative high infrastructure a AUGTRIA = 7==D. q - C 'x yacht club and two marinas - . - - I Km x ucs Rsssrvs The Marina Podersdo; Nord is perfectly suited for HUNGA RY . - , à cj ssd to Public catamarans, because of the - 4 iu - slip facilities and the Iarge . # assembly and disassem bly dEpth -è 20. ' -'- p area. The site is also Iocated - * - * : a Iittle bit off the town It is - ,-- c-v . chL. the centre for catamarans, ' . / ( :! .F ( 1 predominately beach - y o -c çu .xo . .' catam arans but also some -V t - - ùTygj y .. lw- .LO = . wharram cats are bedhed ,. . v.- . x *.. k. . - - .7. h=. u ,. . -..-uy u . there. Access is Iimited to . , bedh holders, but guest boats - c .'-> -- are welcome and are o#ered weekly or monthly moorings for reasonable prices including trailer and use of the S ee also : PCA YCA R 1994 V IDEO

Page 14 . N M HI 61 . + * > > Lœ# OA 67 ' - 19,1 m L@# WI. 51 ' - 15,55 m H 0.A 23 - 8,D m . ' % d wls 5 ' . 1,37 m . .:.*r.:.$:! !?'ë!E:': * . - -. I . .. ljq/: (jj t gj j;j:jr (;jy ;! t (lr, y; G' é.:;l . .s$:j:jiqj:.!:j. jizj', :r.;y. y . . k> . ' i !:!'. 'sili .!':;' ..kr. . jj.' rktf jy:..:àj.c.':z .'aej%j. jjru . (ilj jkjr (jkj ( jjtjrjtj rj () rj jtj ) j j! (; jkj ryz ..j':1.> 'J .'.pe'-:') :' izë'jEg:'>.'.vk 4l.:j'stj)... xx Nr, j ,s jrsefià .q. q .t c .: . .:: :k; (M g)d by Ja se v yn & Fœ n/e Kxn

So l calculated the project and come to the decision that I cannot afford that boat because l am a normal worker with a Iow monthly incom e and I have nobody to sponsor me. 1 then rem em bered W olfgang Hausner, that after the break up of his ! 6 i I 1I 1 I 1 ! I i 6 i ( i (1 : t l l ; i 1 , ii 2 ; ' $ ë E F pq ! r é 1 ! f 1 2@ ; !i ; 1 i E 1 ' i ;; ' : L i : @ It l i ! i r : E i l Jp l fsingle-H anded' Pahi 63 build by Petdr Mican Ed. I have /e# this /effer very much as it carne lo me, apart from some help w#à? translation. This is Peters story, what a story, what a yacht, what a gtly/ Dear Scott & PCA, Vienna, 8 June 1994 M any thanks for your letter and the sw eatshirt. Now to my Pahi 63 project: After staying one year in the Philippines (1985) and reading the book TABOO IIl - from the Austrian Cat-sailor W olfgang Hausner I was attacked by the virus of catamaran-sailing. From that day l worked to find the best way to arrive at a perfect boat After examining hundreds of study- .t.< 'N ' ' plans from the different designers I com e 'j; to the designs of Jam es W harram and ? Hanneke Boon, That was it. M.*' 4 The designs are exactly what I had spent a Iong tim e seaching for and James W harram's enorm ous experience put m e / in good hands So, now l had to Iook for the eyact è boat, that I can build myself without help . '< from anyone, because my financial . situation is not very good. k e x . O So l ordered the design-book from l the W harrams and after I received it I .. com e to the page with the O uetalcoatl .Y . 4 j =z / * now GAIA Pahi 63. : ' e > I was electrified by the design and l feel I must have this boat 'and no other' (' ' but how I can fnance that very big boat? * - $ .' ; # t .,%, -lb , Page 15 frst boat he built a new boat, and a big save very m uch m oney and keep the place. Oh my God ! lt was a completely one, without help from others. monthly eypense to a minim um. uncultivated area without electricity and After many sleepless nights I com e There was another problem: some water. to the point. I wil sell my new car, my years before l had crashed a motorcycle In the first instance I cannot see any apadment and I wil stop smoking (double and now I can use only my Ieft arm , my chance of building my boat here, because effect money and health) so that l can right arm is paralysed. the place was very bad and I cannot have AII my friends and a concrete contract for the next years, I relatives tell me that 1 am can only use the place for stlch time as crazy and cannot even the government has no other project for . build a Iittle , so it. It was very risky for me to stad my how you can build that project and to invest money here . . very big boat? However l had no other chance, or 1 B u t ex a ctI y t h o s e m ust forget my boat. So what I will do? 1 5 ' negative comments gave speak with my wife and we come to the . me the power to work on solution, that we m ust start now with our v7M . . # my project. dream and our new future. ! ' Now came the next W e now had veîy hard work for about . ' two years to cultivate the ground, installing 1, ' s step: W here 1 should build J'' k' th e bo at i n a city I i ke water and electric and building ourselves î f ,e' $; . Vienna? a Iittle house (6x4m) and the workshop.

' J' . ' After the first looking Itwas now already 1990 and I ordered the plans from James W harram but what 'l ) %/'' for a workshop l think the . project has collapsed com es now ? A very strong gale comes ? .' ' again on the enormous over to Vien na and destroyed m y costs for that. W hat do I workshop completely to firewood do now? After sleepless Now aI1 my friends Iaugh at me and ' .-- ' . nights again 1 had a good think, now it is finished, my project, and , i z . idea. I will com e back to a normal Iifestyle Iike *' + .-' ' I ask the municipal them . .r ' . . .,*sm . ' . . But they aIl fail and the next day l z .... , office for a working space *.s . ke in the city for a Iow rent stadto build a new and strongerworkshop x.. . y, ! t j; at j c a n ago r d and so in July 1 99O I start to build my * -NN'N ':''.X - ' . M er some weeks a boat * <- - Ietter arrived me and there I built my first hull from July 1 99O to - g #** - th e m u n ic i p al o ff i c e October 1991 with a W inter pause of 5ve . ' ogered me a place, that I months (Iike every year), because of the .* - s;n ' can uSe the next years I clim ate here in Nodh Europe The second ' . r YL . waS Verx haprv ar1d the hull 1 staded in May 1991 and l finished it . ' Vv ; . .. . . neZ daY I go to 1OOk at the in October 1992 ln the season of 1993 1 ' .. s A re . z Pëe build the six beams and the four deck-houses. Now I'm building the Lwo m otorboyes for two Yanm ar 18 hp diesel engines with the Sonic- Cat-Drives. This year I will also finish the W alkway, the Centre- deck and the Sternramp and also fnishing works in the inside of the huls. Neyt year 1 will build the two masts and the complete rig and the Iast finishing works, so that .. ' the boat will be com pleted next p I .. . - year, . , I For launching I m ust w ait . . f# *' . .o w. ..a . , a again maybe two years, because # l must earn the money that 1 need for the engines, the sails and the #. other equipment a boat needs to go around the world. Now if I look at my boat l have a great feeling and you can see, that also a handicapped man can do the same work as aI others. (Ed. This is an understatement Peter)

SO NIC I .D RW s.. Maybe some people that think they - , r', ,tj ,---suuu..y . ;.z é ------''' cannot built their ow n boat, they should p è -è7J- -t-. -- su-...u. u .4y ' - - .% - .. . read my Ietter and so they will com e also y hv .' - - - - j --j to their dream. I work completely alone, h y ; ; y.g, only with a Iittle help from my women (Ed. Excuse me Peter, I was helping with translating and almost changed this to . ZJZ Uï ? . , u- t. - --'--7 ' wom an, then realised it m ight be . ' . . Sp-...... ; éa .. correct...... ) in painting and sometimes t -*1 she helps me to hold the very Iong wood stringers or so. (Ed. OK now we know' I thought we were in the presence of number 1 disciple there, 6.3 and aII) For example the turning of the hulls I manage completely alone and also the transpod out of my workshop I manage alone w ith my self-m ade trailer. 1-- . .=. ..lW . . -1w =. ' , . -.) Assembling of the boat I can m anage + ' ..Z alone with a simple home-made crane and only for the unhandy deckhouses I need help from a truck with a crane. I tell you that, because I have heard m any times that the building of a boat needs many professional workers and machines and so it cannot be built alone

' In my exam ple you can see, that I *' 1 . even with only one hand and a bad back = .-v . you can build your boat with only basic -. . j(r 4 -- g.w k (. tools and your personal power. ln my experience of the Iast years I can see very often, that the professionals ?? are often veïy unprofessional and the workers are mostly inexperienced helpers only, that have no experience of what the sea can w * ç 9 '2:w#l i f beAwm C N do, and the results of their work recect f 1 . . . i 1r -4 !r------j .--.-- ),. j , . . : j that. z . ! &j .@ 1 ' ., iI ../' L. .. .1 l I.- .' 1k Iwa. lf anybody carefully builds his own h4-- J t.--- Page 17 - zH BT .œ*d* M oteoxum Steur:um St.ua uM boat, 1 think it is m ore exactly and strongly .lK buitt than any others can do. 1.@ T@@ #@@ T@* T@* ïe* AI* T ' c. ïD k- z So I think l have written too much and E#&g:.g*kA . I hope it was of a Iittle interest to you. bl*tml#hglnp I wil close now and hope to hear from you again, with the best regards to U U you and your team Peter Mican

&e qp ( )

. rU 2.- - L= - - -.------'----' r ,- -. ... . Ed. WeIl...... Y0u cdn close your mnuths tk;jjjj;j j-j E.q'.y g- k- , . -u:y - .- -. .. :s ... y.S-. j yli.:yqi. j, jtj .- -.' .-. .' -. -. .. c. . - P =,/1- - ' n0w , Beterleave the mdgazfne :nd gef out fn tbe Jdrdge to fn/sll that bvild project cos' whea 'her jndoors' gets (0 read tbis she is gojng fo wonder wbat yotl do nut there with your 26 half built a#er f-l - t) 4/ . v.... . xa- --..- . zU '-z ' ,= - - . - - . - all this time...... - jj j .-..- - ... jj . -.--- -. j. jj j j -. -...... j j, , s.t j j 1L l. y j yayjt Y .' 14 . yyj j, l . . .f. .. j j . j y.j .: -:, . , ykyyogy .y...... jj...... sysy . . jj<.: j;y. -. . ,.,...... ;. ya Z. s.:JrJ.t i.za x . . - .- - m. s. , gjj j , 1 ) f---=' -' :1 . 71 d-1P 7r,Q .-- . . -)-'. 1(-r-. -;-k,-. -,1 -.ZEc'. =-=-s '-Ln. cu' --; 1- .L- (L-. '- ;' ip:l ' 1 l 1. Ji ;1 ' . . - . c- 1 6- q j . sj.. . ! I e.-.J. . . -- - ' q 7 . ' 1 L i : : t! 2 ! I ! 1 1 i !l 1 !l l 1 I I I I i lI 1 1 l I l 1 I ! II I I I I l I I l k Il I 1 ! ! l 1 ! ! 1 l 1I I l l I I I I II I l I 1 I I l l l I Carolina Sounds - a relatively 04 F Iorida m o st v i s iti n g undiscovered cruising ground, shoalwater boaters rarely see m uch beyond the U SA C ruising & sandy barrier islands have kept Miam i/ Fort Lauderdale,' Palm Beach Davu Pedk commercial growth to a fairly slow pace megalopolis. But the Keys, Florida Bay, here. A fishing 'Mecca', with the Gulf the west coast and the upanhandles have I'm a transplanted Londoner Iiving Stream less than 30 miles offshore, lots m uch more than the high rise, gl'rtzy @gold in the US, and would like to offer a of pelagic species are close at hand. coastn has to offer. Anchoring restrictions catam aran owners guide to cruising in z Gulf Coast - from the Mexican are a problem in som e pads of south the US. Over the next few issues 1'11 cover border to the Florida panhandle is a Iarge eastern Florida. some of the different cruising areastin number of Iagoons & bays behind the W EST COAST - detail), that / feel are padicularly attractive offshore barrier islands, some are sandy @ Alaska - s u m m e r t i m e (for one reason or another). islets, some m angroves. A Iarge diversity temps in the sixties & seventies (yes GENERAL of cultures can be eyperienced along this we're still using Fahrenheit & miles & lb.) The US offers a tremendous variety coastline, tex-mex (Texas and Mexican in with winter w onderland scenery and of cruising areas as follows, each of the cities from Brownsville to Corpus Christi incredible fishing. Long distances and areas covers a very Iarge am ount of to Houston), then Cajun in and around very changeable weather m eans you water, and would require at Ieast a month New Orleansta city not to be missed) and really need to be extrem ely self sufficient to siy weeks to realy do justice to the the oId south in the bayous near Biloyi & here. attractions available - Mobile. 01 California - relatively difficult area to % v u) #t- @ @


* . jz: j * .o *o .% !

EAST COAST G reat Lakes - the better cruise with only San Francisco Bay, the @ Chesapeake B-ay - sailing season saling/cruising areas tend to be in the (Santa Barbara) Channel Islands and stads in Iate March and runs through upper Iakes (Huron, Michigan & Superior) San Diego Bay offering any real break early/mid November. A 100+ mile Iong although the season tends to be very from a beautiful but unwelcoming tlite estuary (up to 20+ miles wide) great shod on Superior except forthe extremely shelter) coastline. Anchoring restrictions crabbing & oysters available, wildfowl in hardy. Lakes Eirie & O ntario do have abound which I wil expound on in a future the m illions winter here, bird-watching is some appeal, great fishing especially on article. extremely diverse from herons to ducks & the eastern end of Eirie, Thousand Islands * Haw aii - beautiful exotic geese to hawks & eagles. There's Iots of and Toronto on Ontario. There are three islands BUT and it's a big one, the island skinny water here, 30-40% of bay is Iess different ways of getting to the great economy is to a VERY Iarge extent tourist than 6 feet with average tidal range Iess Iakes, but unless you have extrem ely based. If you w ant to play you've got to than 2'. strong and reliable engine power, I pay($$$$$). Expect high docking fees, @ Cape Cod - very much Iike wouldn't recom mend going up the St. no free anchoring out and high prices on nodhern European season and density Lawrence or the Mississippi. The New just about everything. No wonder some of boattraffic unless you head outtowards York State Barge Canal system is the of the native Haw aiians resent the the m ore rem ote islands. W hale watching way to go. 'howliis', for pricing them out of their own especially good. paradise.

Page 19 l can crank the winch while sitting on my Iong) For a trampoline, Birch asked his box having aII sheets and engine controls wife to make me one. She came up with within easy reach. real trampoline material instead of netting. The boat needed new rigging so we After the tram poline was cut and the R efurbishing used Stalocks fittings, instafled a seams stitched, she stitched strips on top by Co/ Kors permanent backstay (instead of running of the stitching, so if the sun gets to the backstay) utilising a bridle. Birch also stitching of the strips, just re-do the strips, fd#eznôle.'Fde ngo rsomodinenews made aII the masthead fittings, chain the real stitching is not affected. Is this a In G ftion z4ofseapeôpfe, àeœ f: àlisreporfin *11. plates, angle-bracket for the clearance clear eyplanation? ( Ed. restitching necessary for the spinnaker sock. stitched seam-stitch stn'p stltches, sure Dear Editor, LastAugtlst 1993 I found New wiring was installed, including a no problem Cor !) through an ad in M agazine a breaker control box. Electronicsr AII epoyies used were System 3, speed, Iog, depth indicator VHF and because of the different hardeners, for necessary lights, (cabin and cold orwarm weather, W e used also their navigation). The boat came with a epoxy copperbottom paint - supposed to and jib' both new. Iast 5 - 10 years. The rebuilding was fun. I added a cruising spinnaker for You get to know Iots of people who know the lightwindswe have here. I Iive on and/or are interested in W harrams. The the Hood Canal, a fjord Iike extension W harram design book went around of Puget Sound (approy. 80/90 miles several people, and one guy showed me = L

very wel built 28' Tane. (Plan M 92) in Morro Bay, California. 1 have Iived on board monohulls for 17 years but ever since a W harram Cat sailed circles round me 1 wanted to try one. This Tane came with a trailer so there was no problem bringing her home to the state of W ashington. I wanted bigger cabins. (Cutting the small cabins gave me shelves aII around from the extra deck.) and closed the gap between hulls and rudders w ith foam and fibreglass. Also the skegs were cut by about 450/0. l was Iucky enough to get hold of Birch Gerke from Port Tow nsend, W A., one of the best innovative professional builders for this remodel. He has built and owned W harrams. Birch went to work and as you can see on the photos the result was great. Birch built a box for the Honda outboard and incorporated a seat on top and room in front to stow the battery for the electric start. On top of the battery box he installed a self-tailingwinch his enquiries from England for Pahi 31 and 42. The boat is in its slip now in

' Pleasant Harbour Marina in Brinnon, and l am putting little things together Iike reef points, an 11 watt solar panel (too much for my two batteries). She sails wel in Iight airs and up to ten knots of wind she j ' ï self steers very well. One thing l have to . k' j. l correct is the rudder gap should be eliminated to 6 inches above the waterline because she still creates turbulence at 10 l *ê - 12 knots (wind speed 20 - 25 knots). . -..-. . 3 e a: . ,l %x' . w-r . In aII I am very happy with the boat * a % v ' e # >'ea-rk%k ' ' and l hope to tell you so when I plan to Y v attend the Southampton Boat Show. (1'11 be sailing in Holland's canals.) I hope the pictures explain the details enough. l enjoy reading Sea People and l wish aI1 the mem bers warm and gentle winds.. Kind regards, Cor Kors.

' . P .;r '.ik r - -'F G - . r ..r ,u'. @j q <- . ' ' ' ' TP . .' ): (Keep us informed on the copperbot. . *' . ---...... w. *. G-. # 'm .*, q.'4 ) j . .+j. 4. . -. u* . j , .j! - . , a Iot of m embers are using #, feed-back , - ê ...s. I . x / ; y x * 4 would be nice, and do sign up aII those

' > . peopleyou know interestedin W harram s, # I we need the support! Ed)

' , z . , '' .t ; . i .

. , î . . l j / * ' q * * k ' I JI . l . ! w .,* .W %w ' . w ! . *


# im ' y.x ' : qso'y. .- . .-...... : I # -, -.,. wul? . w z . . j -. . > '' >Y '- 2- - . -'-A' N .. x. . r . - - . . 5 ! / A j ' ' * j - - . . . . ' * . xu . # , . . m. . < ..x . - i x A < . e , I ' m y .6 - . y . ; $. z vj y ç' - % - a A4 , / ) .j j - - , j,.: /j 4. '. ! ' j . !

' Xsx . %y e

Page 21 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. cruising. Although I had been on father's to Fowey, returning to Plymouth for an Tiki 26 for the odd day sails I had never excellent m eal in the Barbican on my 'Slippery Sam 'sf before spent a week on a Cat. 1 was bidhday. W e joined in the rafting up in 'reared' in a W esterly 31 yacht but never Cawsand Bay on the Saturday before Sum m er really enjoyed the heeling so 1 appreciated sailing for home. The Tiki 26 is good fun 8y the Se' ez S/rhard * // Rue, and f/le lrïY the stabil'ty and speed of this boat. W e - cam ping afloat. lt has the bare Mz% Geot (Tiki 26, GRP) left the Exe at 9 o'clock on a beautiful necessities but, of course, should I find 'Slippery Sam/ made two cruises sunny m orning, fairly flew round Start myself cruising for a good while l think I this year. In the first, to Poole, we called Point and entered Plymouth Sound at 13 could bring myself to enjoy the comforts at Portland, W eym outh and Lulworth. In Poole we were m ade most welcom e at the Haven Banks Club where m oorings can be hired at a very reasonable rate. To hnd this Club keep to starboard after entering Poole harbour', the Club House is the Iast of the buildings on the harbour side and is built out on stilts. On the return from Poole to Portland, sailing close- hauled in approx. F5, the eyebolt holding one side of the mainsheet bridle sheared. This allowed the mast to move forward until the lee shrouds became taught. The resuR of this was two splits in the top Iamination of the m ain beam each side of the mast step so next year we will have a new beam and l have already fitted U bolts which I am sure wil give no trouble. W e kept a reef in for the rest of the trip. Even so we were still faster than most boats we met. My son, Geoft has written about our second trip. In August Iast year I was at the helm of an Avon iniatable, com plete with 4Ohp knots at 3,30 p.m. - cedainly the fastest of the bigger Cats, som e of which are now Mariner outboard engine, up the Berbice trip I had ever made in a sailing boat. on their way to the winter sunshine. Only River in G uyana - on a Raleigh W hat is the equivalent of jet Iag on a Cat? one thing failed to work - my nose! My International Eypedition - definitely The next morning we beat the three miles bidhday cake had been hidden aIl the different from the River Exe and father's or so around to the Yealm against a time in a hull! M y introduction to Cat 4hp! The purpose of that trip was a round strong w ind and sat out a rather cruising was a happy one and I hope to do 160km journey to the 'Iocalp market for unpleasant hoolie before the weather more next year and go further afield, food. This year the River Exe was the settled down for the rest of the week Perhaps when my student days are over start of my introduction to catam aran during which we relaxed, swam and sailed father will buy a bigger Cat?

1994 'Slippery Sam ' Cruise Area

River Exe pool

Fowey pj # ym outh portjand

Stad Point

Page 22 resulting in approxim ately the sam e overhanging superstructure is fastened lMIil1llIIIIIIll1Illjiii!!lII1lIIIII1l1tIIililIIIIIIIl1lIIIlIlI11ilIlIlIlIlIIlII overall dimensions as a Tane Nui. Each under the suppoïng knees; this creates odlficatlons to hul has a m axim um beam of 3ft. 6in. and a secure stowage area outboard of the the original cabins etended down to the gunwale Iine rather than the ;at surface R edw ind, gunwale each side. Lousy English w hich would have resuRed from placing it sum mers, bruised elbows and m ild on top of the knees. This area is fudher a Tane : cl au stro ph obia prom pted t h e enhanced by a 6in. vertical rise in the modifcation. The basic structure, main cabin side before R starts to Iean inward. PA RT l - TH E CA BIN be'ams, m o untings etc. rem ai n The companionway is in the after end of Dave Barker unchanged. the cabin on the hull centre-line. The overall Iength of th e c a bi n The only modification to the hull itself of a ''TRaendew ibnudt' wwitha sin bcureilta sfreodm frteheb oplarnds, remains at 8: but now the superstructure was the removal of a 4: long section, extends l8in. beyond the again on the inboard side, from the inboard side of the hull gunwale down to the middle stringer. Into giving a m a im um this gap, 'sitting' on the stringer and running fore and aft la seat has been 1G. u-..tv Wi dth Of 5ft. at . ' deck Ievel. The built. The base is lft. ------u nderside deep, protrudes - - . --- '-' panel of outboard by t h e ' l 'A

. I

% x . o - 1* .

* 6in. and is suppoded A' by knees, underneath, e.'-' z' z' ..- ; pg.z z.z inside the cabin. The A . .,.' r : yack oj jjjg seat jSW .z' to the original gunwale Z .: line jjjcjy proyides a , W ' I z' slight Ieaning angle. l x. The protruding 'box' l ,.z' z. Created bythe seat has l .' been stream lined atthe . I forw ard end an d is l -. ... some Izin. above the t. .à Waterline. y ym oo; jnfjjj jnot i 7 ShOWn) flts beM een the seat and the oppos:e side . / f the hull to make up pad . r. . . +>. ... o

' i 'e * h Of the bunk which extends t ! -) $ 9j , ' :/k y , forward underthe deckhead. qi ' ! . . .. , yjjjs jnjjjj can also be Nxed at f ( 2* ' : ' --'* - - a higher level to m ake a table / , . *. . Or hinged down Out Of the way. t > '- z ' . , t, zc: .s. Look out for Pad 3 - The . ' '' * . xs ' ( . - w . Cockpit, Part 4 - The Engine ' . , k.-t.. z ' Room, and Parts - The Rudders, al1 of which wil come free with Pad 2 G he Main Beams.

- ' . . Jm, ,. u.. ' . .'. ' Page 23 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 rlIIIlIII1IIIIIIIIIIIllllllllI1IIIIIIIIIIlIIlI1I11IIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIlIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlir1l1I1III11III1IIIIIIIIlIIIIIIllIlIIilllll11I1IIIIIIlIlIIilI1Illl1 The Polynesinn C ntnm nrnn A ssocintion.

* * *

The 1994 Annual General Meeting of Sailing secretaries reports. Tim Other business. P.C.A. Annual the Polynesian Catamaran Association Forrester was in Norway and sent his Video. Tim Francis had previously raised was held on Saturday 17th Septem ber at apologies. He repoded that the U.K. the idea of m aking videos and the the Star Hotel, Southam pton and was sum m er m eetings had been very com mittee had decided to produce a tape attended by 23 members and guests. successful with Iots of sailing and Iots of each year which would contain material Video tapes of the Iaunch of Gaia and Tiki fun Unfodunately Tim was being sent to sent in bythe m embers in much the same sailing were shown until business staded ltaly for a couple of years with his work way that the magr ine does. at 18.30 Chairm an Steve Turner and so would regretfully have to stand Steve Turner announced that the welcomed everyone to the m eeting, the dow n. Dave Hender also sent his first tape was to be available in April and m inutes of the A.G.M . held in 1993 were apologies and resignation, Dave has urged m em bers with video cam eras to taken as read and therewere no questions sailed away on 'Big Tiddles' his stretched send in tapes of sailing ,building or any arising from those m inutes. Tiki 31 and at the tim e of the A.G.M was thing else w hich m ight interest the In his Chairm an's report Steve said in Spain and heading south! m em bers that it had been a difficult year for the There followed a general discussion Scott Brown then spoke of m aking Assc. with a major reorganisation and of the way the P.C.A. might grow and P C.A. videos of a'how to' nature showing the retirem ent of several com m ittee activities which might be undertaken. An the best way to rig and sail our boats. m em bers but from a Iow point at appeal was made yet again for magazine Adrian Honeybill said that anything which Christmas '93 we have bounced back to m aterial and the im portance of including helpedto m ake our members betterskiled a position of real strength both financially pictures with text. Cat Corner adicles was wodhwhile and in membership num bers. This newly were especialy requested. Tim Deacon and Scod Brown then found prosperity is allowing the P.C.A. to There was a break for food and the drew the winner of the POSTCARD expand it's activities in various directions meeting reconvened at 19.45 with the COM PETITION, the sweatshid went to which we will discussing Iater. election of officers Anne Honeybill w ith a card from The financial report was given by acting treasurer Adrian Honeybil who presented Mike W ynn's accounts and balance sheet for the year ending 31st Result of Election March 1994. Adrian went on to say that w ith good housekeeping the finances were in good order and thatthe subswere coming in steadily at about three to four Steve Turner Chairman hundred pounds a m onth. The sales of back issues of the m agazine were greatly Scott Brown Editor increased and the centralised holding of the stock was m aking m arketing more successful. Sandy Turner Secretary Secretary's report. Since Chris Sands retired Scott Brow n has been Adrian Honeybill Treasurer/Administrator overseeing the secretar/s function. Scott repoded that m em bership was strong with a Iot of new mem bers. M embership Tim Deacon Sailing Mem ber stood at 349 paid up, 175 from Iast year still to renew and the m em bership confidently expected to top 500 fully paid David Barker Sailing Mem ber m embers by the end of the membership year. Scott then went on to his Editors All Committee M embers can be contacted report He told the meeting that we are through: now publishing three full magazines each PCA O o ce, Torpoint Y acht H arbour, year and thanked Adrian for producing no. 24. In future, he continued, we plan to M arine Drive, Torpoint, C ornw all. publish the mem bership Iist separately PL54 2EH from the m agazine thereby providing several pages m ore of interesting reading in the March issue

Page The New Committee, Sandy Turner is hiding behind the camera!

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Dave Barker Adrian Honeybil Scott Brown Tim Deacon Steve Turner

Quiberon.t Don't forget to send your card INIIEIM E 1 993/1 994 1 992/1 993 next seasonl) Pounus Pclufnds The affiliation with M.O C R.A. was Subscrlptlons. entry fees arlcl sales 3531 68 38/9.04 discussed, the consensus at the m eeting lnterest received O.Z8 0.54 was that the British members were beder Adverttsrg revenue 21O 00 represented by the R.Y.A. and that the 3/42.46 expense was not justifed. The business closed at 20,50 and Ei XP tc N D 1 1 U RE Pnntlng 1 9 /5.00 2* 0.00 the social m eeting continued until Iate Postage and envelopes Z1 5.20 693.02 that evening Edrtor expenses 12/. 12 1 00.00

' * Secretary expenses 90.97 SOO.OO I lonorar i urri 1 00.00 Subscrlptlons (RYA & MOCRA 214.70 Bank crharges and retum ed cbeqtues 1 O BS 75 7 r AGM / EGM and boat sMow 40.00 21 6.25 Ref unds on standlng orders (3) 60.00 :)ë * :' :(j 31 72.99 361 4.02 . . q( Starplus for lhe yaar 569 4V 6S 56 3742.46 3679.58 - . E li E.! lj. -r)l-l j- iljtt . plll l BALANCE Si IE ET AS AT 31 3 '93 - i ) )-l .q) . lkjllpj @ @' l. ( t )ji l .t- - Balance at bank -t-loyds deposlt 227.03 46.25 1 E è l. )ljy -p(p l l.) j ir. -t-loyds current 1 O7B. 2 1 776.65 -Glro /59 18 Q 1 5. 1 S ' :j i ' . jj ' I jjr j, .! j !iEpE( (1 ) j ( . ë : Cneques anU casn ln Mand 1 O7. 1 O 6*:4.00 , ,(ë # )# 2 1 7 1 S2 1 6O2 05 Less credtlors E i .:7 ' : ( j' ( . j r k r l l ) )'t').tEt-k tët(.y-. .-, jlj-y-alialij-lqijEl 1:)1. .y . .( .j '. . q q q. . j;jy j j.y y . . . , ...... uu ( . . j. jl j gj: NFT ASSFTS 21 7 1 52 t 6O2 05 rg ..: . . ... jg . . g. .j.j. j # g. . .. (ë - 11i1(r( !) 1) 1j( E gq j jy ( ' ;) .' y;- - y q . k y1-).( . . Represeoted by 1602 05 1 S:V 49 . ).:. ( : ( i : : .( :(r)yt y .jjjy. .. E. ).. .. Balance brougbt forward 569.47 65.56 Surpltus foe the year 24 7 1 52 1602 OS

K4l K.h WYNN '1 rerssur-

Page 26 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. Phil & Pat 05 N ew s from Seapeople N ETH ER LA ND S have set off from W ales in their Pahi Edo Berentson (Narai Mk2) 42 'Nimanoa' with their 3 children . A has been cruising the Nodh Atlantic Decem ber '94 Atlantic crossing was for a year and intends crossing to the planned and then some time exploring C A N A D A Caribbean in January as part of a the intra-coastal waterway of the USA circum navigation. W e hope to get adicles Ed. Phil h:s dropped his membenhip fprtlle Ed Beard and photo's on his preparations and period of the cmfse, says he may re/o/n on tbek W rites that he was surprised to find eyperiences. retum. 'Seeclsdshdme, weloseup-to-datecnlisiag his workplace in 'Scott's Bit' (mag 22) he fnf0,, they Iose updated confr f l/sfs...... tells us that Gov't are set on automating 38 Lighthouses on the W est Coast, his (Triple Island) may be one. There is a Paul Usher great outcry from the user groups..... A new member, Paul is thinking of building a Tiki 26 or 30 and asks are poly- Andy W hitehead tunnels a good idea as a temporary Andy is building an ORO , and says building, or should he wait for summer he would Iike to hear from other ORO and just use a tarpaulin? builders and ow ners. He is not alone in Ed. l don'l thivk there is any doubt that the feeling far away from other enthusiasts. (tlnnel is preferable if yoar bvdget stretches to it Andy can be reached at: Paul, many membeœ have vsed antf swom by Boy 1 13, Cobble Hill, British Columbia, them. VO R-ILO. U SA F IN LA N D Andy So/m oda (ORO) OlaW Harkonen Andy writes, 'having previouùly built Olavi, a new member this year writes a Hinemoa, I bought plans for a Tiki 21 to ask 'Anybody checked out a bicycle S ITZ ER LA N D about the time they first came out but wheel approach to connect the two hulls? Valentino Fr/es never built it, the geography was wrong. Leads or access to inform ation of Valentino, another newcomer to the Then 1 moved to the shore in Connecticut experiments, studies or research including PCA has boughta M k4Tangaroacurrently saw an ORO advedised and drove the 5 technical data w ould be appreciated ' in the W est Indies. hours to view it. The owner had somehow Replies via PCA office. conjured up a full moon/drifting foggy Ed - well I'm sure alI y0u cerebral penple ot/t mist setting for the boat which made it there have a Iot fo s:y on this, words of two T H A II,A N D Iook like an apparition from another time. sylsbles f0 ekplain to the editor pleasel The owner needed to sell and it was the Andrew carr (...., .., .,..) Ed. Andrew l1:s h&d three &ddresses fn end of the season 1 sailed it down, about di6rent parts of the w0#d, dnd is unlikely fo get a 25O mile passage. alone and ecstatic, br k fo boat-building ford fewyean but wmte the during the first week of September. G ER A N Y folloafng which l'm svre will be of use...... M y request is for any information '1 struggled initialy to m ake decent about interior improvem ents on the ORO Bemd Frfe:oes layout. I have some ideas, they change Bernd, a new mem ber this year has fillets as the colloidal silica was not easy , bought a Tiki 31 'AREG' from her builder to miy. A Iocal epoxy distributor m ade a but l need to reach an optim um Iayout. I am sure there are mem bers who have and is aiming to set off back to Germany filleting mix far better than mine, The in late Decem ber weather perm itting. way he did it was to blend the fillers in made good im provem ents that l would Theyachtis being renamed 'Morgenwind'. advance by adding them to the resin in never imagine. I'd rather not finish the a mechanical mixer. I was able to im prove project and then see something a Iot the smoothness of my fillets by adding better l'd Iike to see them now the silica to the resin and blending to a 1/ So folks, how about it? Send any sm00th paste with a drill and paint mixer Iayout info to this offjce and / shall pass them on to Andy, and if I think there is attachment (cheap at the Iocal diy). 1 could have saved much annoyance if I som ething special, m ay publish it, had discovered this sooner.' sketches/photo's are the best way to get it across. . , .. .. . 8d. W Andyhas useda PC CAD program to draw some of his m ods - / have U K reproduced som e of Peter Mican's /5 his David Greenwood X angaroa) arf/c/e - are any more of you using PC's & David a new member this year, has would Iike to send me a disk with your nearly com pleted his huls and says 'only plans/ideas?...... joining and rigging to go'. III11IilI1lI11II1lIl1lllll11IIII1IIIII1I1I1III1IIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIII11llIlll11lI1IIIIIIIIII11lllIIIIIIIIIl1IlllIII1IIIIIIl111ll1IIIIIIIIll11I1IIIIIIIIIIlllI1lll11I BO O K R EV IEW S Refit & Sail Sàyve Tutner Join MANNINI'S ref!t team in spring, com e back for a week M U LT IH U L L sailing in the Summer Rinn V O YA G IN G Scott Brown 01752 815800 BY THOMAS FIRTH JONES Dedicated to Ruth W harram , Tom Jones second book, ' M ULTIHULL For Sale VOYAGING' is a guide to small and Pahi 31 @ E7,500 medium sized cats and tris', written by a & Tiki 31 @ E8,500 man whose practical approach is m ore Ring Paul Cobb than equaled by his breadth and depth of 01271 850640 knowledge. In part one Tom looks at various aspects of m ultihull design and construction which he evaluates in the light of his considerable experience designing, building and sailing multihulled FO R SALE craft. Pad S o deals with voyaging, with chapters on preparation, self steering, Ducati IS20 single cylinder air- TAKING TERRAPIN HoMc by Mar#n W lson. heavy weather, etc. Tom writes with a cooled engine, 20hp with 2:1 fnr Not an account of an epic voyage, pleasant, anecdotal style m aking this gearbox weight 300Ibs approx. there are no harrowing tales of storms bookagood readforanyoneand essential Unit overhauled and complete with and shipwreck. This book is the story of reading for those planning any sort of m ounts and silencer. a fairly uneventful cruise in a 26' Heavenly multihull voyage. E800 wil haggle. Twins catamaran. It takes us through the M E Crofts 16 St Bernards House, F r e n c h c a n a Is , t h e n f ro m th e Multihull Voyaging is published in the LJ.S. A. by Sheridan House at $27,50 Hook Road, Surbiton, Surrey. KT6 Mediterranean across the Atlantic to and will be distributed in the U.K. in the 5BL Florida following a well worn groove. However the book is very far from boring, new year by Adlard Coles. it paints a realistic picture of the cruising 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Iife and offers a valuable insight into Iong distance sailing on a sm all catamaran. The D itty Bag W ork/sail The first chapter is highly recommended Two m embers frtting out hulls reading for anyone planning to 'do' the of 51 foot classic would welcom e French canals and the book finishes with anyone who would be seriously some useful ideas and checklists, which FO R SALE interested in sailing with them in while not necessarily definitive, would return for working with them now. provide useful guidelines for anyone Nat Barkwill, Staple Barns, NEW Tiki 26 Trampoline for sale Staplake Lane, Starcross, planning a catamaran cruise. E1 12 + vat + p&p. Rinn JW D TAKING TERRAPIN HOME Exeter.Ex6 8QT Mathew W ilson Paradise 01872 864792 Cay Publications P.O. Box 20 M iddleton CA 95461 U.S.A. $14.95 > . a -- . . .-- x . N -'. .'>-* f-# . .-. .. --- * From John & JIl Heath, , t-ex-* -a.?-. - -4. - - . - currently on the Ionian . --- * 1* .%- . 1 ..ee I - - . . . .w . . & ., I - Sea In thelr # . . ..z- ., x .s. . > . - - y ' . . y s ayoa Mk4 -- - >, . . . wg . v J a j . j . . . . yjn yang . *> < - . . 1œ ). j. j y l . -: ., s.,. o &. eN ...... ,.,. ,... - '*'-' e. . . *- @. P# * . e7 - * @F $* N . .j $ % c )- 4 < 4. . . i. *'----.-... #

. ,/4.p u- x . à, :.. j' Jj. -'< -x''.-w. Sy r . . .j . k - jx .* a, vJo .z- ;. .I .,. @ë .v I %

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