ON THE HORIZON topside paint update 12-volt fridges practical websites Canoe-stern cruisers top-notch handheld VHFs Boat Buyers on the Prowl pocket cruisers? Down market draws out the bargain hunters. o you have any reviews/rec- Dommendations/etc. for pocket very so often, I find myself cruisers that would be appropriate Eboat shopping and turn for a couple on Chesapeake Bay? to the reviews in “Practical Years ago, we sailed our FJ on inland Boat Buying.” I’m looking for iron , which should be lakes in Colorado and enjoyed it a trailerable, 20- to 26-foot, closely inspected before very much. We are now looking for- easy to rig, singlehandable buying one. The O’Day 23 is ward to retiring in a few years, and boat—and fast wouldn’t hurt a logical starter boat. Own- we would enjoy getting comfortable either. I am a beginner, think- ers seem generally pleased, with a fixed-keel boat. Lately, we ing about the Rhodes 22, giving it Fair to Good rat- have enjoyed daysailing around An- Tanzer 22, O’Day 23, or Bal- PS advisor ings on the water. Watch for napolis, Md., in a Rainbow 24 and a boa 26. Did I mention I didn’t delamination. The . We are now looking for have a lot of money to spend? ubiquitous also comes something with a cabin and with its own cheering/advice section. that is safe for us to take on some Al Otman You might also add the S&S-designed overnighters, for example, from An- Lake Superior, Minn. Yankee Dolphin (see below) or the napolis to St. Michaels. I don’t be- PY23—two of our favorite trailer-sail- lieve we are interested in racing or Of the four you suggest, the Rhodes ers—to your list. that we would do much trailering— appeals to us most. We have very If getting soon is your goal, however, it might be nice to have few serious negative comments from don’t settle for a fixer upper, or you’ll that option for storage. Rhodes owners on file. heT hefty Lyle wind up like us (see photo, above Hess-designed Balboa is a worthy right) with all kinds of maintenance Tom Gargan gunkholer, but the boat is heavy to hobbies that don’t involve time on the Fort Detrich, Md. tow, and it is hard to find one in good water. Here are some criteria worth

condition. The Tanzer has a loyal fol- noting: a reputable design, solid sup- You might consider some of the boats Photo by Tim Busse lowing and active owner’s association port network, meticulous previous that came out of an appeal to read- (www.tanzer22.com), something we owner, and a sparkling survey. Hope- ers for trailerable pocket cruisers. like. It has a big-boat feel and a fixed fully some other readers will chime in That query netted a wide assortment with their views on of recommendations including the the best trailer-sailer 22-foot Falmouth from Sam for a Great Lakes Morse and Co., the Bruce Bingham- beginner with your designed Flicka 20 or Compaq 23, pre-requisites. the Nor’ Sea 27, and for fans, the Corsair F-24. There are many less-expensive coastal sailers Tim Busse’s to include. Our comes Brigadoon, a lovely to mind as a contender, as does the Yankee Dolphin Pearson Triton. Again, we stress the (Hull No. 102), importance of a well-kept boat and awaits its next a stellar survey. We expect our other mission on Lake readers will have plenty of sugges- Carlyle, Ill. tions in this category as well.