Fishes of the Eastern Part of the Indo-Australian Archipelago
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Fishes of the eastern part of the Indo-Australian Archipelago with remarks on its zoogeography BY \y\ L. F. de Beaufort EERBEEK. (With Plate II and 8 figures in the text). 13 PRAEDA ITINERIS a L. F. de Beaufort in Archipelago indico facti annis 1909-1910. X. Fishes of the eastern part of the Indo-Australian Archipelago with remarks on its zoogeography BY D*. L. F. DE BEAUFORT, EERBEEK. (With Plate II and 8 figures in the text). The collection in the of fishes, brought together during my voyage eastern part of the Indo-Australian Archipelago in 1909—1910, consists of about 1700 specimens belonging to of 9 to of these nearly 270 species, which were apparently new science. 7 I have described Rhombatractus catherinae Zool. XXXVI. previously, viz.: in: Anz. p. 250, while the following have been described in: Zool. Anz. XXXIX. 136: Gobius gobies p. (Cryptocentrus) stigmatophorus, Sicyop-Gobius (Rhinogobius) scapulopunctatus, Schismatogobius bruynisi, Sicyopus multisquamatus, terus brevis, Sicyopterus longifilis. Doryrhamphus brevidorsalis and Gobius oyensi are described here for the first time. far the of' the collected and By greater part fishes were by my wife myself, but valuable additions were presented to me Dr. P. Th. Justesen, at that time by military surgeon at But Messrs. M. J. Baarcla on, van and G. A. Maan, missionaries at Halmahera, and Mr. L. de Bruyne, to "posthouder" at Sorong, New Guinea. I hereby express my thanks these gentlemen. In working out these collections I had not only the advantage of being able to consult Prof. Max Weber's manuscript on the fishes of the Siboga Expedition, but this able ichthyo- with useful logist helped me most kindly, many suggestions out ot his rich experience, which little added through not a was to my ichthyological knowledge and I became better trained to collaborate to the work "Fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago", in which Prof. and I Weber are now engaged. I am glad to have an opportunity of thanking my esteemed master for his help and which makes the of our in friendship, prospect working together coming years a pleasant one. I will begin this paper with a systematic list of the species collected, and discuss in the the fishfauna of the islands visited and its sequal bearing upon the zoogeography of that part ot the Indo-Australian Archipelago. In the the literature is which systematic part only quoted so far, as to leave no doubt is meant. in critical the literature is species Only cases given more fully. 96 I. Systematic part. ELASMOBRANCHII SELACHII Chiloscyllium Müller & Henle. 1. Chiloscyllium freycineti (Q. G.) et Poiss. 192. Scyllium freycineti Quoy Gaimard, Voy. Uranie, p. llium malaisianum Zool. II 94. Scy Lesson, Voy. Coquille, p. 210—470 from Dec. 3 spec. mm, Saonek, 1909, January 1910. This species is only known from the specimens described by the above named authors from Waigeu. Bleeker recorded Ch. malayanum from Batjan and Java, but Günther (Cat. Mus. 412 and that Ch. Brit. VIII p. 413) proved Bleeker's specimens were indicum (Gm. L.) Ch. is and punctatum M. H. As has already been stated by Günther (I.e. p. 411), freycineti closely allied to Ch. occellatum (Gm. L.) and Ch. trispeculare Rich, from Australia, differing above the In from these species by the absence of a black, white-edged ocellus pectoral. dark much the above my specimens there are two brown spots, darker than those on body, the that fin, but they are not edged with white. These spots are not shown in figure given In by Lesson, which is otherwise correct, except in the outlines and position of the gill-slits. the fourth fifth are as the other members of the my specimens and slits close together in The second is wider than the first which is much the orbit. genus. slit one, wider than Richardson's Ch. of the dorsal fin is According to figure of trispeculare the upper border more in with the in concave Ch. freycineti, forming a very acute angle hindborder, specially is also the larger specimen, as described by Quoy & Gaimard and figured by Lesson. The is in Australian lip of the lower jaw not continuous in the middle, as is also the case the species. TELEOSTOMI Clupeidae Stolephorus Lac. 1. Stolephorus indicus (v. Hass.). indicus 1823. 329. Engraulis van Hasselt, Algem. Konst- en Letterbode p. VI 32. Stolephorus indicus Bleeker, Atl. Ichth. p. Ambon, 3 96—69 December 1909 fishmarket, spec. mm, 7. 3 70 —64 1910. spec. mm, February, 2. Stolephorus heterolobus Rüpp. heterolobus Wirbelt. Stolephorus Rüppell, Neue Fische p. 79. heterolobus Atl. Ichth. VI. 126. Stolephorus Bleeker, p. 4 60—64 from the Dec. 3. 1909 spec. mm, fishmarket at Briton, 3. Stolephorus zollingeri (Blkr.). Journ. Ind. Arch. II. 73. Engraulis zollingeri Bleeker, p. Atl. 127. Stolephorus zollingeri Bleeker, Ichth. VI. p. 2 spec. 58 and 70 mm, from the fishmarket at Buton, Dec. 3. 1909. 97 Clupea L. 1. Clupea (Harengula) atricauda Gthr. V 245 C. Harengula melanurus Bleeker, Nat. Tijd. Ned. Ind. p. (nee V.). VII 426. Clupea atricauda Günther, Cat. Brit. Mus. p. VI 106. Clupea (Harengula) atricauda Bleeker, Atl. Ichth. p. 9 —155 W. Ceram. March 1910. spec. 139 mm, from Kairatu, 1, 2. Clupea (Harengula) moluccensis (Blkr.). Nat. Indië IV 609. Harengula moluccensis Bleeker, Tijdschr. Ned. p. moluccensis Atl. Iehth. YI 107. Clupea (Harengula) Bleeker, p. kunzei Atl. Iehth. Yl 107. Clupea (Harengula) Bleeker, p. B 130—135 December 1909. spec. mm, Saonek, 7 52—132 1910. spec. mm, Ambon, January 2 1. spec. 120 mm, Kairatu, W. Ceram, March 1910. 3. Clupea (Harengula) schrammi (Blkr.). schrammi Verh. Bat. XXII. Bali 11. Alosa Bleeker, Gen. Bydr. iehth. p. schrammi Atl. YI 109. Clupea (Harengula) Bleeker, Iehth. p. 2 circa 74 and 140 from the rishmarket at Ambon. December 7. 1909 spec, mm mm, and February 1910. 4. Clupea (Amblygaster) sirm Riipp. sirm Neue Fische Clupea Rüppell, Wirbeith. p. 77. VII 255. Sardinella leiogastroides Bleeker, Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Indië p. Atl. Iehth. YI 102, Clupea (Amblygaster) leiogastroides Bleeker, p. sirm VIII 383. Clupea Günther, Fische der Südsee, Heft p. 7 circa 50— 3. spec, 150 nun, Buton, fishmarket, December 1909. Siluridae Paraplotosus Blkr. Elongate, tail tapering, head depressed, mouth transverse, rounded in front. Lips thick, with papillae and vermiculated folds. Upper lip very prominent, perforated at its underside near the mouth opening by the anterior nostrils, which look downward and a are surmounted anteriorly by very prominent caniculated lip. nostril slit between and in front of which Posterior a eye upper lip, a of nasal barbel. A supramaxillary barbel near the end the upper lip, a rnandibulary barbel below the corner of the mouth, two mental barbels between the rnandibulary barbels. Eye not covered by skin. A short behind with and dorsal, beginning the origin of pectorals, few rays a A second united with the and spine. dorsal, caudal, the mouth strong long beginning Fig. 1. View of and of albi- before origin of ventrals. It is many-rayed as well as the long anal lips Paraplotosus labris (C.V.) from below. which is with the Ventrals 12—13 fin, also united caudal. with rays. n nostril. Pectorals with a spine and 12— 13 rays. Maxillary teeth conical, with t teeth. barbel. md mandibnlary rounded tips and arranged in two rhombic patches with rounded lateral barbel. m mental edges. Inframaxillary ones in two aproximated semi-crescentic patches, teeth the anterior row strong and conical, the posterior ones molars. Vomerine molar, on the a crescentic patch, hinclermost the stronger. First branchial arch with a finely crenulated membrane along the innerside of the horizontal branch, which bears 22 gillrakers. The third branchial second and arches with a series of long cartilaginous processes, covering the confluent base of the gill-laminae 011 the sides facing each other. Gillmembranes in the middle, 98 only the anterior portion of their confluent part connected with the isthmus. Branchiostegals 9—11. A dendritic anal. very conspicuous organ between anus and albilabris The genus Paraplotosus was proposed by Bleeker for Plotosus C.Y. with the la following words : „Cette espèce est remarquable par position des narines dans la lèvre supérieure même au milieu des clés papilles labiales, par la disposition dents intermaxillaires, très convexe et la par son profil par gran- deur des bien yeux. L'ensemble de ces caractères pourrait conduire à voir y un genre distinct, qu'on pourrait nom- mer Ichth. II Paraplotosus". (Atl. p. 100). Bleeker never a of' and con- gave diagnosis the genus tinued in his later papers to call the species Plotosus 2. Inner view of second branchial arch Fig. albilabris, as was done by most other authors. of Paraplotosus albilabris (C.V.). Günther however Brit. Mus. V (Cat. p. 26) included this in his he in the of species genus Copidoglanis, although says diagnosis the genus: in He did of the of "nostrils as Plotosus". so evidently on account presence a membrane along the first branchial arch. By the pecular position of the anterior nostrils and by the of a dendritic behind the is from the known presence organ vent Paraplotosus distinguished species of Copidoglanis. By the last named character it approaches Plotosus and Cnidoglanis. It differs both of Plotosus however from genera by the position the anterior nostrils; from the by presence of cartilaginous processes on the second and third branchial arch and from Cnidoglanis by the gillmembranes being free from the isthmus. Moreover it differs from with which of Plotosus, genus it is most related, by the situation the second dorsal fin, which originates before the origin of the ventrals and not behind it as in Plotosus.