Mingkaman Spontaneous Settlement Population Count South Sudan Displacement Crisis Awerial County, Lakes State, South Sudan January 2016

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Mingkaman Spontaneous Settlement Population Count South Sudan Displacement Crisis Awerial County, Lakes State, South Sudan January 2016 Mingkaman Spontaneous Settlement Population Count South Sudan Displacement Crisis Awerial County, Lakes State, South Sudan January 2016 Summary Methodology group discussions, which provide further information about displacement Lakes State Bor Town In November and December 2015, a large influx of IDPs arrived in Mingkaman Primary data was collected from every shelter inside the established site (see trends, reasons for leaving area of origin, means of travel, and the possibility Jonglei State Spontaneous Settlement, Awerial County, Lakes State. The majority of new map below), between 24 December 2015 and 4th January 2016. of future arrivals to Mingkaman site. arrivals arrived from Jalle and Parker Payams in Twic East County, as a result In order to quantify recent population change, households were asked about Limitations of violence. Others had migrated from villages in Bor South County. the number of people who slept in their shelter on 13 November, and 13 Population figures are those reported by households, and therefore may be Mingkaman This factsheet presents key findings from a population count of Mingkaman December 2015, and whether they expected other relatives to arrive. When affected by recall bias. Despite site sweeps and return visits, it is possible that spontaneous site established site, conducted by REACH to provide updated population figures vacant shelters showed signs of habitation, these were also included in the some households may have been missed by the data collection team. at sub-sector level. Biometric registration was last conducted in Mingkaman count and were assigned the average household size of their sub-section. It is important to note that this count provides a population estimate for the by IOM in February 2015, and showed a population of 71,625 individuals. Household-level findings are complemented by qualitative data from 8 focus established site and does not include newly settled adjacent areas. Key findings Demographics Established site population by sub-sector Central Equatoria State 48% male 52% female as of 13 December 2015 Established site population: 2+13+9+11+13 3+18+9+11+10 2% 0ver 60 3.1% Lat: 6.044 Long: 31.510 as of 13 December 2015 52,942 13.2% 18 - 59 17.9 Note: this estimate includes only the population of the established site and not newly settled adjacent areas. 8.8% 12 - 17 8.9% 11.2% 6 - 11 11.2% New arrivals to established site: 12,019 12.8% 0 - 5 10.9% 13 November - 13 December 2015 Average household size: Proportion of children: 5 aged 0-18 64% Receipt of humanitarian assistance Displacement trends Primary areas of origin of new arrivals: of households present Twic East County, Bor South County, 15% reported having received Jalle & Parker Payams Multiple villages the last emergency food distribution Push/Pull factors affecting displacement: 15+85z IDPs from Twic East County IDPs from Bor South County fled violent attacks on 13 travelled in search of November 2015. They fled humanitarian aid. Many had Future Arrivals towards Mingkaman in relatives or friends already search of safety and aid. living in Mingkaman. IDPs from Bor South and Twic East County are likely to continue to arrive in Mingkaman until at least the end of Displacement Route: January. IDPs travelled from Jalle and IDPs travelled by boat of households present reported expecting new Parker Payams to Maar by from villages in Bor South 60% arrivals to their household in January 2016 foot, travelling onwards to to Mingkaman. Mingkaman by boat, or across During focus group discussions, recent arrivals reported that the highlands on foot. relatives in Bor South County and Twic East were planning to travel to Mingkaman in the coming weeks. Relatives of IDPs Future Intentions from Jalle and Parker Payams were reportedly saving money The vast majority of IDPs Some IDPs intend to stay in in order to make the journey south. from Twic East County Mingkaman indefinitely. intend to stay indefinitely in Others plan to return home Mingkaman. after the food distribution. mp man For more information on this profile please contact: CCCM CLUSTER REACH Initiative: south.sudan@reach-initiative.org CCCM Cluster: cccmsouthsudan.coord@gmail.com.
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