LOCATION: WFP Tukul Conference Room

DATE: 25 September, 2014

CHAIR: George Mvula, FSL Area Cluster Coordinator

AGENDA: The following was the agenda of the meeting:

1. Introductions; 2. Review and endorsing previous minutes; 3. Recap of the FSL Partners meeting; 4. Key challenges to humanitarian response interventions in Jonglei; 5. Partners’ presentation of county level information (planned versus actual) and where; 6. Presentation by SAADO on elevated Hunger Situation in Twic East; 7. Presentation by Oxfam Intermon on Urban Livelihood assessment in Bor Town; 8. Review of gaps per county; 9. Briefing on the IPC report September 2014 and implications on response programming; 10. AOB

Monthly Updates from Partners

Church and Development

Key achievements in the month of September:  Trained 150 women headed households on construction and usage of energy efficient stoves (Rocket Lorena model).  Trained 300 fish folks (277 male, 03 female) on fish processing and preservation, this also involved construction of improved fish drying ovens using local materials.  60 households trained on village savings and loans association methodology and equipping them with startup kits.  400 beneficiaries from Bor Town registered and verified for unconditional cash transfer.




Plans for October  600 households in Bor targeted to receive ganny bags and assorted tools for construction of secondary dykes around their homesteads  Cash transfer to verified 400 vulnerable households  Post cash transfer assessment in Bor main market and other markets in the Payam.

Catholic Relief Services (Jonglei Food Security Programme)

General Food Distribution:

CRS has been doing general food distributions in Bor and Twic East. The following is the breakdown for August and September 2014:

Month County Number of Type of Quantity of Beneficiaries Beneficiaries food distributed (MT) August Bor 29,112 IDP/returnees, 606.65 RR/FFA and model farmers Twic East IDP/returnees, 40.75 RR/FFA and model farmers September Bor 63,406 IDP/Returnees 934.02 Bor and 6,884 DRR/FFA 199.63 Twic East Twic East 1,489 Model farmers 20.64 Total 100,891 1,801.64

Under the Disaster Risk Reduction initiative in Bor, CRS is supporting food for asset activities such as road clearing (Pagook-Mayen road) and construction of flood protection dyke in Mac-deng. So far, a total of 90.48MT of food has been distributed under the initiative.

CRS has also conducted post harvest assessment in Malual-agorbaar village where it was noted that a majority of farmers have harvested ad are preparing for a second crop (ground nuts) while cassava is doing well. In Kondai, farmers are currently harvesting but are not planning to plant for the second crop.




Challenges/constraints • Bad roads between - Bor as well as inaccessibility owing to heavy rainfall affect staff mobility and distributions in Jalle, Mach-Deng, and Kolmarek; • Inadequate sanitation (absence of latrines) at distribution centers; • There is lack of nutrition package for children under 5 years in Payams which were allocated to other agencies.

Plans for October Under the DRR/FFA component, the following will continue: • Rehabilitation of dykes, opening of feeder roads and support to agricultural production in Bor and Twic East, • Opening of feeder roads and support to agricultural production in Uror, Pibor and Pochalla Counties, • Continue with food distribution in Bor and Twic East counties and, • Identification and formation of farmer producer groups in all the counties mentioned above.

NRC The following is the update from the NRC:

Activity Location and Target beneficiaries Remarks Identification and : registration of Target: beneficiaries a) 500 HHs of Internally Displaced Persons 500 HHs (IDPs) were (vegetable seeds) b) 100 HHs host community registered  The selected Internally Displaced Persons were from community of Twic East and 100 HHs from the host Duk counties communities were registered  Host community selected were from Anyidi and Makuach Payams Identification and Bor County: registration of Target: beneficiaries (fishing a) 500 HHs Internal Displace Person 500 HHs (IDPs) were community) registered b) 100 HHs from the host community 100 HHs from host  Internal Displace Person selected were communities were registered from community of Twic East and Duk counties  Host community selected were from Anyidi and Makuach Payams

Next Pan  Distribution of beneficiary items (vegetable seeds, tools and fishing kits);




 Training of selected Agriculture Community Workers to assist vegetable farmers in the fields in terms of field management/agronomic practices in order to maximize productivity;  Training of groups of vegetable farmers in their respective locations

SAADO SAADO made a detailed presentation on the livestock sector. Of more importance was the trend in market prices of steers and cows, the presentation highlighted that there has been an increase in prices of steers and cows between April and September 2014. The graph below illustrates the point:

Common diseases observed for livestock include the following: east coast fever, trypanosomiasis, black quarter, flukes/internal worms, foot and mouth disease, contagious bovine pleura-pneumonia and peste des petite ruminants amongst many others.

SAADO has carried out vaccination and treatment campaigns in Bor Town, , , Anyidi, Makuach and Jalle.

Challenges • Limited access to cattle camps due to bad roads and location; • Negative community perception on some vaccines and drugs; • Irregular movement of animals, from county to county;




• Unpredictable and limited funding leaving out key livestock related issues e.g. public health.

Gaps Key strategic gaps exist in livestock industry such as: - Re-establishment of Bor marketing centre and veterinary clinic - Renovation of slaughter houses and butchery; - Improvement of waste management and; - Training of more animal health workers to improve animal health service delivery.

NPA NPA is implementing food assistance activities in Old Fangak, New Fangak, Pochalla and Pigi.

Food distribution for September:

County Number of IDPs Old Fangak 20’300 New Fangak 18’315 Pochalla 54’414 Pigi 9’405

Total amount of food distributed is 1 210MT.

Constraints There are a number of strategic constraints experienced by NPA in implementing their activities. These include; - Limited staff movement owing to insecurity - Poor communication facilities and; - Inaccessibility (cancelled flights, etc).

In Twic East, NPA has been supporting farmer groups through a revolving fund scheme. So far, 40 percent of the funds have been disbursed.




Table xxx: show total amounts disbursed to producer groups in Bor County

Total Target amount in area in S/N Producer groups SSP feddan Achievement

Women sugar cane and vegetable production 1 group 15,500 30 20 2 Bor women self-help farmer group 15,500 20 22 3 Deutoong (1) farmer group 15,210 30 20 4 Deutoong (2) farmer group 15,400 27 21 5 Abierbeek farmer group 15,500 20 16 Baidit Community Agriculture project farmer 6 group 15,500 21 20 7 Chileu women producer group 9,300 25 15 8 Seed multiplication Centre farmer group 9,207 30 18 Total 111,126 203 152

JAM Working with WFP in providing food assistance to Pibor, Bor, Duk and Twic East. A total of 54 493 beneficiaries have been assisted in Bor Town where the distribution is in progress. Problems with pipeline (road inaccessibility) have affected deliveries in Twic East.

Constraints - Space: the distribution space in Bor is too small for the population that comes to the sites. The issue has already been raised with the RRC for action.

ACTION POINT: WFP, JAM and RRC to discuss and resolve the problem.

VSF-G - VSF-G is supporting beneficiaries in Bor and Pibor through food aid and livestock based assistance (meat distribution). - VSF-G is also targeting 400HHs with fishing gear - 40 Community Animal Health Workers will also be trained to support veterinary services.

Presentation by SAADO on Twic East

At the request of the Cluster, SAADO made a presentation on the state of food security in Twic East.

The presentation raised the following points:




- SAADO has been supporting crisis affected populations in , Nyuak and Lith Payams. A total of 35 465 people had been supported by July 2014. - Nutrition packages (comprising CSB++) were also distributed to 1690 children in all the three payams.

Gaps SAADO has been approached by government/local authorities to facilitate identification of support for the following Bomas (Aliet, Baping, Lualjokbil, Pakuor and Pageer. These areas last received food assistance in July 2014. The population that needs assistance is estimated at 11 500 people subject to verification.

In addition, farming inputs, fishing gears and nutritional response for IDPs are needed.

During the discussion, it was mentioned that JAM, Oxfam, VSf-G and CRS will be able to cover the gaps identified while it was also learnt that LWF is already providing fishing gear in the mentioned areas.

It was therefore agreed that SAADO liaises with these partners and report back in the next meeting.

Presentation by Oxfam Intermon on Bor Urban Livelihood Assessment

The objective of the assessment was to get a general understanding on factors affecting access to livelihood opportunities for people in Bor town.

The assessment found out that over 49 percent of the interviewed population are hosting others, 39 percent are returnees while 12 percent are IDPs. The HH size has gone up to 9.3 persons per house.

The assessment found out that 72.2 percent of the interviewed HHs in Bor town have an acceptable food consumption score, their main source of food are the market (35 percent), relief food (29.7 percent) and own production (23.4 percent). An estimated 56 percent of the population interviewed spend their income on food and related commodities. The study found out that over 53 percent of the HHs are already practicing irreversible coping strategies that



FSL JONGLEI COORDINATION – MEETING MINUTES may compromise future livelihood; no HH was found to be using distress coping mechanism.

The crisis has had a negative impact on the livelihoods of the people in Bor town especially with regards to three key livelihood assets (human capital, social capital and physical capital). NGO partners therefore ought to target these areas in their programming in order to ensure effective assistance.

The following are the limiting factors that affect livelihood activities in Bor town according to the study, lack of assets/equipment, lack of financial capital, insecurity and natural hazards amongst the top four.

Lastly, the assessment captured the following recommendations from the respondents: provision of shelter and NFI, inputs and training for agriculture activities, provision of food assistance and supporting income generating activities and training in business management amongst many others.

AOB The Area FSL Coordinator shared with the meeting the IPC results as approved by the government.

Emphasised on the fact that the IPC analysis indicates that there is no famine in the country. Drew partners’ attention to the food security situation forecast of January - March 2015, where an estimated 2.5 million people may fall back into destitution should the current humanitarian support be stopped or reduced.

Date of next meeting: 21 October 2014 at 10:00am at WFP Tukul Conference Room.




Attendance Registration Form

Telephone S/No Name Organization E-mail Address Number 1 George Mvula FSL/FAO [email protected] 0922001699 2 Yasuyuki Misawa WFP HSO [email protected] 0920010267 3 Chol Stephen Deng SAADO [email protected] 0956945097 4 Henry Wani Busi CRS [email protected] 0955029909 5 Francis Gicheru SAADO [email protected] 0912059067 6 Gummat Abdallatif WFP [email protected] 0955137511 7 Adalei Broers ACTED adalei.broers’acted.org 0954534653 8 Chol Gabriel Biliw JAM International [email protected] 0955692760 9 Moses Chitui NPA [email protected] 0955057529 10 Deng Matthew Garang NPA [email protected] 0955413376 11 Johnson Achuk Bol MoA [email protected] 0955439222 12 Mabior James Ngang CASI [email protected] 0927332239

13 Acacio Jafar Juliao UNHCR [email protected]

14 Maximiliano Verdinelli Oxfam Intermon [email protected]

[email protected]; 15 Abraham Gai VSF-Germany 0955874244 [email protected] 16 Atem De Gak Atem MoAF [email protected] 0918925737 17 Yohana Mayol Pach MoLFI [email protected] 0955983299 18 Geu Wunthony Gak MoLFI 0954261001

19 Christopher Knight WFP [email protected] 0912446935

20 Aleyda Valda OCHA [email protected]



FSL JONGLEI COORDINATION – MEETING MINUTES 21 Richard Luguma OCHA [email protected] 0922473102 22 Odego Angelous NRC [email protected] 0954351583 Church and 23 Wani John [email protected] 0956396445 Development
