

Convention A Genuine to Ensure Welfare, Security and Democracy

University of Roma Tre – Department of Political Sciences

Aula Magna – Via G. Chiabrera 199, 00145 Rome

The appeal A genuine European Union to ensure welfare, security and democracy was promoted by , Yves Bertoncini, Roberto Castaldi, Stefan Collignon, Anthony Giddens, Ulrike Guerot, and Miguel Maduro. It was published by some of the main European Newspapers including Le Monde, El Pais, Corriere della Sera and many others. It is open to further adhesions at www.marchforeurope2017.eu

14: 30 Welcome address Mario Panizza, Rector of the University of Roma Tre Francesco Guida, Director of the Department of Political Sciences

14.45 First Session Chair: Roberto Castaldi (eCampus University, CesUE) Speakers: Jüri Ratas (Prime Minister of Estonia), (former Prime Minister of ), Markku Markkula (President of the Committee of the Regions), (former , former European Commissioner), Alain Juppé* (former Prime Minister of ).

16:45 Second Session Chair: Fabio Masini (University of Roma Tre) Speakers: Alberto Alemanno (HEC ), Giuliano Amato (Italian Constitutional Court), Susanna Cafaro (University of Salento, Group of Lecce), Ettore Greco (Istituto Affari Internazionali), Guillaume Klossa (Movement 9 May), Alfonso Iozzo (Centro Studi sul Federalismo), Jo Leinen (European Movement International and Spinelli Group), Kalypso Nicolaidis (Oxford University). Other signatories of the Appeal.

* To be confirmed.

Academics, students and citizens who want to participate must register at www.marchforeurope2017.eu. Only registered individuals will be admitted into the room, according to the availability of places. Registration does not guarantee the possibility to enter the room. Admission to the room will start at 13:45. The Convention will be in English. No Translation available. Journalists willing to attend, must be accredited via www.marchforeurope2017.eu before March 23rd. After that date, access can be granted only sending a request to [email protected] and [email protected].