~=:..___'- Chef De Cabinet
UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES POSTAL ADD RESS - ADRE SS E PO STAL E : UNITED NATIONS, NY 10017 CA BLE ADDRESS -ADRESS E TELEGRAPHIOUE : UNATIONS NEWYORK EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL CABINET DU SECRETAIRE GE NERAL REFERENCE: 6 July 2011 Dear Professor Guarnieri, On behalf of the Secretary-General, I would like to thank you for your letter dated 30 November 2010, inviting him to attend the 32nd edition of the "Meeting for Friendship Amongst Peoples", a cultural festival to be held in Rimini from 21 to 27 August 2011. - The Secretary-General appreciates your kind invitation. Unfortunately, I regret to inform you that he will not be able to attend the festival, owing to prior commitments during the said dates. Nevertheless, allow me to take this opportunity to convey his best wishes for a successful event. Yours sincerely, ~=:..___'- Chef de Cabinet Prof. Emilia Guarnieri President Rimini Meeting Rimini rD' ~~ rc f ~ o/1 ~ r1 ~ 1 J"l.\LJ 4 2011 J~ EOSGI CENTRAL ~ c \t/oR/ooL.. t .. Mr. Ban Ki-mooll . Secr~tary-General United Nations ""' Hciidquarters S-3800· ~ -. - ·-. · :--..:~ 'ofll' :::'•"•···. • •;,:,,-\. ~ ~ .·u ol ..,.,. , ..• "! :· -~ . "":' .1., . ._ 1• • , ,. '"~..·' New York NY10017- USA EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL Rimini, November 301ll, 2010 ... Dear Secretary-General, it is with great pleasure !1:\at I would like to fuvite you to attend the XXXII edition of the Meeting[9r Friendship Amorteqt Peop,les that will take place at the Rimin.i Fair Center from Sunday. Augpst 21 n through Saturday, August 21'·5, 2011 . · The Meeting for Frie1uiship Amongst Peoples is held annually since 1980 during one week in the second half of Augu.st a.t the Rimini Fair Center, and is the most important and most atrended cultural festival in the world: more than 700,000 visitors, 130 conferences, 35 shows, 10 exhib)tion.s, and an average of almost 1000 joumali.sts accredited during the last eclitioJJs.
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