
Yeshivat Ohr Yerushalayim 1 5766 Year in Review

The War in War Blog By: Simcha Zacks (95)

Three years ago, I took my wife and 4 children and moved from Detroit to Israel. I moved mostly because God said Lech Lecha which meant that even though you have a good economic situation where you are, and you are well connected and you have family and it is a place where you understand the local customs and culture, it is still better for you to be in Israel. I told that to a rosh (not our , a different one) and he told me that I wasn’t Avrohom Avinu, but I ignored him and made aliya anyways. We moved to the northwestern Galil, where sababa is a way of life, not just a buzz word. We somehow found our way to the small town of Maalot, which is famous for a terrorist attack that occurred 30 years ago. We figured we were pretty safe. The Maalot community includes a Hesder Yeshiva and a very warm dati leumi community and about 20 English speaking families, who are all pretty much integrated into the Israeli community. So we became dati leumis for the most part (we still don’t believe that Ben Gurion was the mashiach, but they are working on us). I tell people that we are wayward chareidis, but they don’t believe me.

Living in the gorgeous mountain country, 20 minutes from the beach with all the nature hikes within easy driving distance, life was about as ideal as it could get. (Well I do commute an hour and a half to work in Haifa every day, but other then that). A cou- ple months ago, suddenly out of nowhere BOOOOOOOM, the region erupted. My wife called me Wednesday at work that there were some loud booms and she was nervous. I came home early and saw a lot of smoke rising from the Lebanese ridge. The air smelled and tasted burnt. There was nothing really going on throughout the night so we figured it was an incident and I went to work in the morning. When I got to Nahariya I found out that the train wasn’t running anymore- that was the first sign of real trouble. Then, as I got into the sherut to Haifa I heard some loud booms and we heard that Nahariya was under attack. The co- worker of someone I was traveling with had a katyusha land down the block from her. I made it to work without further incident, though we were very nervous. My wife called a couple times to tell me what was going on and she was very nervous that the roads were closed and I wouldn’t be able to get home. I left work at noon and asked my wife to meet me in Karmiel. I figured we could get war rations because the supermarkets in Maalot were sure to be closed. The road to Karmiel was still open and we got all our major shopping done. As we walked out of the supermarket there was a large boom and Karmiel was hit for the first time. Now I was ready- I had bottled water and canned vegetables and a small bomb shelter and I was prepared to live out the war.

Our bomb shelter is rather small, 3ft x 6ft, so with the kids we could only spend about 5 minutes at a time down there, even though I hooked the computer up and we had music, watched movies and played games. BOOM became the rule and not the exception. Maalot got a complete shellacking. One of the problems was that we also heard the outgoings. People with expe- rience could tell the difference between an incoming and an outgoing, but for us newbies it was hard to know when we were smacking them and when we were getting smacked. The house shook a bunch of times, that was when we knew that they were getting close to us and we would run down to the shelter. There were no sirens in Maalot, a guy drove around the street with a loudspeaker announcing, “All residents go to their bomb shelters.” My kids got pretty good at mimicking those announcements.

Friday we had an all clear for 2 hours so I took the kids to the park. We still heard booms (by the way boomim is the Hebrew word for a lot of booms) but since it was all clear we ignored them. We spent most of Friday downstairs, near the bomb shelter, watch- ing movies and doing arts and crafts projects. Shabbos got close and my wife took the kids upstairs one at a time for baths to get ready for Shabbos. I explained to the kids that we probably weren’t going to get hit because the angles were all wrong. Since they don’t understand physics yet, it was pretty simple to show them how it was impossible for a rocket to hit us without destroying our neighbors house. Being that our neighbor just finished the rabbinate exams, God wouldn’t allow his house to get hit and therefore we were pretty safe as well. We found out after the war that those physics explanations didn’t work as we stood looking at a hole in the ground down the block in a place that was pretty much impossible to hit if you studied all the angles, but that is a different story. Shabbos was very tense. There was a lot of noise going on. The kids were very nervous. I only left the house to go to shul.

Sunday we decided to take a day off and go do something fun with the kids to relieve the tension. The plan was to go out for the day, sleep in the Shomron (where it is safe), go to work on Monday, where stuff was set up for the kids (computers, TV, arts and crafts) and then go home Monday night. We left Sunday morning and watched the first katyusha hit Haifa (cont’d on page 8) •Yeshiva 2 Chessed Projects

Olam Chessed Yibane

Although the major part of the year is spent learning in the Beit Midrash, the Yeshiva feels strongly that Chessed should be a major component of each talmid’s time in Yeshiva, thereby emphasizing the passuk, “Olam Chessed Yibane.” During the year, sometimes through an organization or their own initiation, the talmidim went out and performed many acts of Chessed. Among those were:

The talmidim joined Nikayon Zion which encourages talmidim from various Yeshivot and seminaries to visit different areas of Yerushalayim and assist in cleaning up the garbage. The Ohr Yerushalayim talmidim went to Meah Shearim where they helped to clean up the neighborhood on Erev Shabbat. Besides picking up garbage, Nikayon Zion provided a tour guide so the talmidim received a detailed tour of the area as well. Talmidim who joined included: Jason Jacobs, Gabi Orner, Chaim Rothstein, Zev Kilstein and Adam Moskowitz.

On Shushan Purim, twenty talmi- dim visited Shaarei Tzedek Hos- pital and twenty talmidim visited Hadassa Ein Kerem Hospital. The idea was the initiative of shana bet talmid Moshe Knecht, brother of alumnus Yosef Knecht (99). The talmidim visited older patients, playing guitar, singing and dancing with them. In addition, they deliv- ered toys and mishloach manot to young children.

Melave Malka at Rav Sosevsky’s house

Chill & Grill with Rav Koenigsberg Tiyulim3 Over the course of the year, the talmidim are given the opportunity to see Eretz Yisrael from north to south and develop a love of the Land. The talmidim gain much knowledge during these tiyulim by listening to Rabbi Yehuda Landy, a Rebbe in the Yeshiva and one of the most experienced tour guides in Israel.

The day after arriving in Israel, the talmi- dim visited the Kotel and Ir David. After Suk- kot, the shana bet talmidim went to Nachal Kidron and hiked to Beit Shemesh. Other tiyulim included: Skiing on the Chermon; hik- ing through the Banyas, Nachal Arugot and Nachal Zaki; visiting Meiron on Lag Baomer and the Kotel on Yom Yerushalayim; swim- ming at the Dead Sea and the Ashdod beach; dinner by the shores of the Kinneret; touring Rosh HaNikra, Ein Gedi, Masada, Eilat, Qumran caves, Miztpe Rimon and Tzipori; and dav- ening at Kever Rachel and Mearat Hamachpela.

Old City Shabbaton- Melave Malka Shabbatonim

In order to fully experience and learn about the many different communities in Israel, the Yeshiva schedules many shabbatonim during the year. Some of the areas visited included the Old City of Yerushalayim, Tzfat, Bnei Brak, Beit El, Kiryat Sefer and Ramat Beit Semesh (RBS). The RBS Shabbaton was hosted by shana alef rebbe Rav Barak Saffer and included a special panel discus- sion entitled “This is Your Life.” Panelists included alumni Ari Rosenstein (90) and Rabbi Kenny Weinblatt (94). In addition, this year’s RBS Shabbaton was enhanced by a number of young alumni who joined, including: Elie Berkowitz (03), David Warman (03), Dov Chastain (04), Yoni Hanwerger (04), Chaim Mazel (03) and Boruch Ritholtz (03).

In addition to the above Shabbatonim, the Yeshiva holds special Shabbatonim with featured speakers in the Yeshiva. Speak- ers included Rav Hanoch Teller and Rav Motty Berger of Aish Hatorah. Parshat Beshalach was very special as Reb Natan Gamedze, Prince of Swaziland, joined the Yeshiva and talmidim for Shabbat. Reb Natan shared his interesting story of his path to . His grandfather is king of Swaziland and while Reb Natan was studying at Oxford, he began taking Hebrew classes (by profession, he is a linguist). Through reading of Tanach in Hebrew, Reb Natan began to explore Judaism. In addition to Tanach, he also learned the Rambam’s Mishne Torah and Moreh Nevuchim. After converting, he moved to Israel and currently resides in Yerushalayim. On Motzai Shabbat, there was a special Melave Malka concert with Shlomo Katz. End of the Year Banquet4 Ohr Yerushalayim closed out a very successful year with its Annual Banquet which was attended by most of the Rebeiim. Opening remarks were delivered by Rav Sosevsky who encouraged the talmidim to maintain their kesher with the Yeshiva and Rebeiim. Rav Schechter made a siyum on Masechet Sota in memory of YOY alum, Abba Schlussel Z”L (87). He was followed by Rav Sosevsky who finished Masechet Pesachim.

This year’s banquet included a number of talmidim who made siyumim: Shana alef talmidim David Frankel and Yaakov Ungar finished Masechet Kidushin and shana bet talmidim Shlomo Ber- man and Daniel Goetz finished Masechet Moed Katan.

During the banquet, sefarim were distributed to those talmidim who participated in the B’kius and Hasmada Contest. Bechinot were given on Masechet Kiddushin which the talmidim learned this year and on Hilchot Muktzeh, which they recently learned with Rav Balanson. Points were given based on one’s grade on the bechina. The Hasmada component included points for seder attendance over the course of the last week of Yeshiva. Each talmid kept track of his own attendance.

The following talmidim received Sifrei Mussar: Baruch Cohen, Aaron Frager, Doniel Kret, Scott Levson, Daniel Nadel, Gabi Orner, Jeremy Pasternak, Chaim Rothstein, Victor Wang and Yaacov Wexler. The following talmidim received either a set of Mishna Brura, Ktzot or Shita Mekubetzet: Justin Gershon, Jason Jacobs, Dovid Karr, Rafi Katz, Ephraim Kupferstein, Moshe Kreindler, Aharon Mendlowitz, Justin Richter, Avi Rothschild and Michael Schechter. The following talmidim received a desk- top Shas: Jeremy Beck, Joshua Blachman, Daniel Goetz, Avi Klahr and Leon Mayer. The following talmidim received a large, twenty volume Shas: Mordechai Borensztejn, David Frankel, Natan Lindell, Elchanan Milgraum, Mendy Norowitz, Aryeh Pelco- vits, Matthew Rahmani, Reuven Rakovsky, Michael Reich, Daniel Rosenblatt and Yaakov Ungar.

Chanuka Chagiga

Purim Chagiga

Simchat Beit Hashoeva •Annual Dinner 5

Yeshivat Ohr Yerushalayim held its Annual Dinner on Motzai Shabbat February 4, 2006. Alumni, parents, friends of the Yeshiva and friends and family of the honorees filled the gala ballroom at the Keter Torah (Roemer) Shul in Teaneck, NJ.

The evening began with a reception held in the shul’s atrium. Classmates who hadn’t seen each other in a long time had a chance to reunite and reminisce. Alumni also had a chance to greet and talk to the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Sosevsky, and the , Rav Wagner. For this year’s Dinner, Rav Avraham Feldman and Rav Yeshai Koenigsberg, two of the Yeshi- va’s very popular Shana Bet Rebeiim, were flown in. Many alumni appreciated the opportunity to catch their Rebbes up on the latest news.

Once inside the beautiful hall, the eve- ning began with opening remarks from the Dinner Chairman, Dr. Brian Kalb (90). A video was then shown of the evening’s first honoree, Chaim Mayer Sabo (95) and afterward, Rav Koenigsberg presented Chaim with the Alumni Service Award. The lights were then dimmed and Moshe Gluck (96) spoke of his experiences at Ohr Yerushalayim, after which he received the Alumni Service Award from Rav Sosevsky. Dr. Kalb then presented Aryeh Sheinbein (95) with a small gift of appreciation for his role as Chairman of the Classes of 95 and 96. A video tribute was then shown honoring the YOY Classes of 95 and 96. The tribute included video taken at a small class reunion, video of YOY alumni in Baltimore and Israel from 95 and 96, pictures sent in by alumnus of their year in Israel and current pictures of alumni and their families. The loudest applause was reserved for a video clip of Rav Dovid Schechter wishing Mazal Tov to all the honorees.

After the main course was served, a video was played of Rav Shmuel Rothman (95) discussing how his time at the Yeshiva affected him and his decision to become a mechanech. He was presented with the Rabbinical Alumnus Award by Rav Feldman. The final honorees of the evening were Alan and Wendy Gerson whose son Yossi recently completed one and a half years at the Yeshiva. The Gersons expressed their Hakarat Hatov to the Yeshiva and especially to Rav Wagner who spent much time learning with Yossi. Rav Wagner presented the Gersons with the Parents of the Year Award. The evening concluded with dessert and benching.

There are many people who need to be thanked but a special thank you goes to the Dinner Chairman, Dr. Brian Kalb and to the Vice Chairman, Marc Rosenbaum (94), who put in much time and effort to ensure the evening’s success.

The Yeshiva would also like to thank ALL the evening’s sponsors: Shlomo Kimmel (91)- FullService Personal Injury Law Firm Simon Rosenfeld (96)- Inter Capital Resources, Financing Consultant Seth Dombeck (97)- Real Estate Law Hamasrek Winery JAD Design - Graphic Design Nachi Troodler (92)- Paul Revere Public Relations First Financial at River Edge - Loans for Homes, Michael Sabo 201-646-0030 ext. 303

For more pictures of the Dinner, please visit the Yeshiva’s website and click on the Dinner menu button.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at next year’s Dinner- Motzai Shabbat February 24! •YOY Scholarship 6 Campaign

Dear Fellow Alumni,

Over the last two decades, Yeshivat Ohr Yerushalayim has been at the forefront of educating American post high school stu- dents studying in Eretz Yisrael. The intensity of Torah learning we experienced at the Yeshiva remains with us even after we left the halls of the Beit Midrash. The Yeshiva’s alumni have made great contributions to communities in Amer- ica, Canada and Eretz Yisrael through their high level of idealism and commitment. Many alumni have gone on to become Rabbis, educators and dedicated professionals who have not shied away from positions of leadership in their communities.

Many of us are aware of the tremendous burden Yeshiva and day-school tuitions place on parents. This is no differ- ent for a year in Eretz Yisrael, with the current tuition for the Yeshiva being $15,000. Many students request schol- arships to alleviate the financial pressure. The Yeshiva, after carefully evaluating these requests, finds it nec- essary to distribute over $250,000 in scholarship funds yearly to needy students!

Because you know full well the significance of “the year in Israel,” the Yeshiva started a Scholarship Campaign, which offers you the opportunity to establish or contribute towards various scholarship options. In addition to being a quality chessed opportu- nity where you will be both helping out needy individuals and supporting Torah and Eretz Yisrael, it offers you a chance to give to others the wonderful opportunity that you had. We are sure that even if not in your own case, certainly in the case of many of your close friends, their year in Israel was made possible by the generosity of the Yeshiva.

The Yeshiva does not turn away students and deny them the opportunity to study in Eretz Yisrael because of financial considerations. Hence, scholarship funding has led to a great financial burden on the Yeshiva; we are therefore request- ing your support of the Yeshiva in contributing to serious Torah study in Eretz Yisrael. Enclosed you will find a list of the various Scholarship Funds to which you can con- tribute.

Thank you in advance for your support of this worthy project. Your commitment to Torah learning and Torah institutions, espe- cially one where you personally gained so much, is greatly appreciated.

Wishing you and your family a pleasant summer,

Rabbi Ben Sugerman (YOY 90) Doron Goldschmidt (YOY 94) Co-Chairman, YOY Scholarship Campaign Co-Chairman, YOY Scholarship Campaign

Below is a list of available scholarships:

• General Scholarship Fund Donations to this fund will be distributed amongst the incoming talmidim.

• Talmidei Ircha Kodmim Fund Contributions to this fund will be earmarked for incoming talmidim from the donor’s home area (please indicate city). This fund allows the donor to help both the Yeshiva and needy families from their home area.

• Abba Schlussel Z”L Fund This fund was established in memory of YOY alumnus Abba Schlussel Z”L (87), a most popular student who succumbed to leukemia eleven years ago. This scholarship fund has been earmarked for students who exemplify Abba’s high aca- demic level and outstanding middot. • Rochelle Shapiro Z”L Memorial Fund 7 This fund was established by Alum- nus Simcha Shapiro (91) in memory of his mother. Donations to this fund will be distributed to needy students whose parents are in chinuch (Jew- ish education) or the Rabbinate.

• Rabbi Joel S. Cutler Z”L Memorial Fund This fund was established by Alum- nus David (90) & Marilyn Cutler in memory of David’s father. Rabbi Cut- ler was a Rebbe and youth leader who devoted his entire life to the chi- nuch and well-being of the youth of Staten Island. Donations to this fund will be distributed to needy students from Staten Island, NY.

• Rabbi Feivel Wagner Z”L Scholarship Fund The Yeshiva has established a Schol- arship Fund in memory of Rav Shmuel Wagner’s brother, Rav Feivel Wagner Z”L. This Scholarship Fund is intended for needy incoming talmidim who require assistance paying tuition.

• Kollel Stipend Fund Each Kollel member is paid a monthly stipend. The Kollel members not only add to the serious atmosphere of the Beit Midrash but also study with our talmidim. Contributions to this fund will assist the Yeshiva in paying their monthly stipend and allow it to expand this all important educational enhancement program.

To donate online via credit card, please go to www.yoy.org.il

To donate via credit card over the phone, please call (718) 268-5059

To donate via check: Please make checks payable to: American Friends of Yeshivat Ohr Yerushalayim

Please send checks to: Yeshivat Ohr Yerushalayim 72-46 137th Street Flushing, NY 11367 •Alumni 8 War Blog- cont’d from page 1

as we neared the city. At least we think that’s what it was. There was a boom and smoke com- ing up from the side of the mountain and the radio announced that Haifa was just hit. We had a great day in Kiftzuba, a fun place for kids near Mevaseret Zion. They gave us a 50% discount for being under attack. We slept in the Shomron and then Monday went to work as planned.

Monday was a full day. I got absolutely no work done. We are on the 5th floor and we had to go to the bomb shelter in the basement 5 times. In between going up and down the stairs, my kids would come to my office to visit. We were planning on going home still because we had no other idea of what to do when a friend in called and offered me his in-laws apart- ment for a couple weeks. He said he had a place I could telecommute from, if that was possi- ble. So I got permission to telecommute (a source of consternation later on) and we headed down to exile in Jerusalem. I came back home a number of times. Once I brought someone from the US with me to give out toys in bomb shelters. The look on the kids’ faces made it well worth it.

Lastly I want to push aliyah. Kollel folks have an excuse for living in the states because kollels don’t pay very well here, but as for everyone else - there’s money to be made in the Holy Land - and this is God’s own country.

Ephy said I only had 1000 words and I’m well past that already. I blogged all the details on a daily basis on my blog, http://rock- ofgalilee.blogspot.com and you can go and check out the archives, if you are interested in knowing how we survived the war. If anybody wants to get in touch with me, friends from the old days or just new people who have some reason to drop me a line, feel free to email me at [email protected].

Alumni Shiurim

Sivan, the month of Kabbalat Hatorah, was commemorated with a number of alumni shiurim.

Rav Wagner delivered a pre-Shavuot shiur to alumni in Ramat Beit Shemesh on the topic of Ameilut B’Torah. The shiur was hosted by Ari (90) & Aliza Rosenstein.

On Thursday night June 15, Rav Yeshai Koenigsberg delivered a shiur in the Five Towns. The shiur, entitled “The Man and Lechem Mishne,” was hosted by Moshe (96) & Shana Gluck. Over 15 alumni attended including: Ari Wartelsky (93), Chaim Sabo (95), Ari Gellman (94), Lior (04) and Eytan (99) Kamkar, Eli Alony (96), Judah Hulkower (98) and Avi Popack (96).

The following Tuesday, the Yeshiva’s Alumni Association arranged a Lunch and Shiur in Midtown Manhattan. Steve Smith (93), of the law firm Brown Rudnick, arranged for a conference room to host Rav Sosevsky and nine alumni. Those in attendance included both older and younger alumni: Yehuda Bloch (94), Shimmie Muehlgay (91), Eli Feldblum (99), Harrison Newman (04), Rabbi David Blum (93), Alan Schuchatowitz (86) and Moshe Gluck (96). Rav Sosevsky spoke on the topic of Business Ethics. Lunch was provided by Dougie’s in Midtown and was arranged and delivered by Yaakov Hersh (05).

On Wednesday night June 21, a Leil Iyun with Rav Sosevsky was held in Teaneck at Congregation Beth Abraham. Many alumni attended the double shiur: Rav Sosevsky discussed in his first shiur the Parameters of Competition in the Workplace. Following Maariv, Rav Sosevsky delivered a shiur on the topic of The Israeli-Arab Conflict in the Eyes of Chazal.

Other shiurim held during the year included two shiurim delivered by Rav Sosevsky: a pre Rosh Hashana shiur in Beit Shemesh at the home of Steven (88) and Shoshana Arnold and a shiur in Baltimore held at the home of Rabbi Mordechai (93) and Allison Soskil. Returning Alumni9 Over the past year, many alumni visited the Yeshiva both by themselves and with family members. The Hanhala and Rebeiim were happy to see and catch up with them.

Those who came with family members included: Steven Pudell (89) who came with his daughter Shoshana who was celebrating her Bat Mitzva with a trip to Israel, Meir Zimand (89) visited with his son Asher, Aryeh (00) & Raizy Yanofsky paid a visit and David (85) and Shulamis Teiler came along with their children, Meshullam and Avi- gail. In addition, Jacob Licht (88) and family visited the Moshav and took a tour of the Aron Garfinkel (87) learning with his son Hamasrek Winery. Yakov Chaim in the Yeshiva’s Beit Midrash. Mazal Tov to them and wife/mother Esther Many alumni visiting Israel for Sukkot came to the Yeshiva for Yom Kippur to on Yakov’s recent Bar Mitzva. join in the davening and hear the familiar tunes and nusach of Rav Sosevsky and Rav Wagner. In addition, the Baal Koreh was Chaim Sendic (99) who came to the Yeshiva with his wife Bracha. Among the alumni who joined the daven- ing were: Ari Sendic (02), Ari Resnick (02), Josh Schulman (03), Shmuel Sokol (02), Allon Waltuch (03), Ari Lockspeiser (03), Moshe Vanounou (02) and Uri Orenbuch (04).

During the year, alumni who were visiting Israel came by the Yeshiva to say hello and see the campus. Many others, especially during college intersession, came to sit and learn in the Beit Midrash and reenergize themselves. They included: Daniel Uretsky (00), Josh Bernstein (03), Yehuda Krinsky (00), Surly Dancziger (04), Binyamin Cohen (04), Shimmy Orner (04), Yaakov Faitele- wicz (04), Moshe Winograd (04), Yaakov Kilstein (04), Natan Nussbaum (04), Aryeh Shapiro (03), Elie Norowitz (04), Yaakov Baum (95), Rami Albelda (03), Chaim Dienstag (02), Yitzi Weiss (03), Mitch Schneider (99), Mark Weissman (96), Michael Frohlich (04), Michael Riegel (02), Rabbi Josh Blass (91), Akiva Grossman (90), Josh Cooper (97) and Daniel Simons (97).

Last but not least, Columbia grad student Yitz Brilliant (98) came for extended stays twice during the year. Besides sitting and learning, Yitz shot footage at the Yeshiva which will be used at next year’s Dinner.

Rabbi Feivel Wagner Z”L

The Ohr Yerushalayim Family was saddened to hear of the sudden passing of Rabbi Feivel Wagner Z”L, brother of the Yeshiva’s Mashgiach, Rav Shmuel Wagner.

Rabbi Feivel Wagner served as the Rav of the Young Israel of Forest Hills, NY for almost 25 years. Before that, he had served as the Rav of the Young Israel of Greenfield in Detroit, Michigan. He was also a member of the Vaad Halacha of the National Council of Young Israel.

Rav Feivel was known as a talmid chacham whose counsel was sought by many. He delivered over twenty weekly shiurim in his shul as well as giving a regular Halacha shiur at Yeshivat Madreigas Haadam. He spent his one Sabbatical in Eretz Yisrael learning at the ten hours a day and delivering shiurim all over the country.

An overflowing crowd attended the levaya in the US which was held at the Young Israel. The Mas- pidim were Harav , Rosh Yeshiva of Mir, ; Rabbi Joseph Grunblatt of the Queens Jewish Center; Rav Shmuel Wagner and Rav Feivel’s son, Rabbi Chaim.

Rav Feivel’s aron was flown to Eretz Yisrael. The levaya was held at Har Hamenuchot where friends, former congregants and the staff and talmidim of the Yeshiva were in attendance. The maspidim included Rav Yaakov Levovitz, Rosh Yeshiva of Shaa- rei Bina; Rav Shmuel Wagner and Rabbi Chaim. Rav Wagner sat shiva in the home of his mother in Yerushalayim. Many alumni living in Israel came to pay a shiva call. In addition, many alumni abroad called during shiva or sent Rav Wagner E-Mails of con- dolence through the Alumni Office.

To listen to the Hesped Rav Wagner delivered in Eretz Yisrael, please see the Audio/Video Shiurim section of the website (under the Torah menu button).

The Yeshiva has established a Scholarship Fund in memory of Rav Feivel Wagner Z”L. This Scholarship Fund is intended for needy incoming talmidim who require assistance paying tuition. For those wishing to donate funds to this scholarship, please see page 7. Please continue to daven for 10 RINA SHIFRA BAT RIVKAH a very sick 4 year old daughter of an alumnus

YU Chag Hasemicha

On March 26, Yeshiva University held its Chag Hasemicha. Among the 150 Rabbis receiving Semicha that day were eight Ohr Yerushalayim alumni: Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn (97), Rabbi Paul Gelb (92), Rabbi Maury Grebenau (97), Rabbi Judah Hulkower (98), Rabbi Jonathan Kessel (99), Rabbi David Leichter (98), Rabbi Aaron Levitt (95) and Rabbi Daniel Stein (95). The Yeshiva wishes them much hatzlacha in their future Limud HaTorah and in disseminating their Torah to others in the future.

Rabbi Paul Gelb was recently featured in an article in YU’s Chavrusa Newsletter on pages 22 & 23. To read the article, please visit Yeshiva University’s website at www.yu.edu

Alumni Filmmaker

Yitz Brilliant (98), a graduate student at the Columbia University School for Film, recently won the Book Video Awards Competition and was awarded the chance to direct a commercial for the new bestseller: Stuart- A Life Backwards. In addition, Yitz also won Faculty Honors at the Columbia Uni- versity Film Festival for his script: The Pirates of Pinsk. We look forward to seeing the movie in the- aters someday!

Mishloach Manot

For the first time, the Yeshiva’s Alumni Association offered alumni and parents the opportunity to purchase Mishloach Manot for Rebeiim and/or talmidim. Options offered included sending Mishloach Manot to the entire staff or individual Rebeiim and/or to individual talmidim. In addition, one could write a message to the Rebbe/talmid which would be attached to the Mishloach Manot. Many parents and alumni took advantage of this opportunity to send Mishloach Manot to their sons/brothers and used the message box as an opportunity to express their Hakarat Hatov to the Rebeiim or send a personal message to a talmid. All the Rebeiim and talmidim who received the Mishloach Manot were very grateful.

Website Additions

A number of additions and changes have been made to the Yeshiva’s website. The most visible change is the website’s homepage which has undergone a minor facelift and now includes recent pictures which will be updated periodically and banner ads for alumni businesses. The Online Photo Galleries, which feature pictures from years past, can now be viewed in album format. A monthly calendar has been added to the Upcoming Events section. The online store will soon be updated: all shiurim that were offered on cassette tapes have now been converted to MP3 format. In addition, over 250 shiurim, by various Rebbeim on many topics, have been added. The online store will boast one of the only online “Shiur-Mix” options which allows buyers to choose which individual shiurim they wish to purchase rather than only being able to buy CD’s by a specific Rebbe or on a specific topic.

Upcoming Events

The Alumni Association is busy planning events for the upcoming year including shiurim in Baltimore, Chicago and , class reunions, Melave Malkas, Shabbatonim and more. The weekly E-Mail and monthly E-Newsletters will keep you informed as to the dates and locations. Looking forward to seeing you there! •Mazel Tov 11

Staff 1993 Rabbi & Rebbetzin Wagner upon the birth of a grandson, Rabbi Steven Miodownik upon Shraga Feivel being appointed the Rabbi of Rav Balanson upon the marriage of his daughter Eti to Congregation Ahavat Achim in Yehoshua Heineman Highland Park, NJ Rabbi & Rebbetzin Landy upon the birth of a boy, Eliyahu Adam & Lauren Melzer upon the Rabbi & Rebbetzin Lopiansky upon the marriage of their birth of a boy, Yehudah Yosef daughter Simi to Tuvia Leichter Rabbi Aharon & Sima Liberman Rabbi & Rebbetzin Koenigsberg upon the marriage of their upon the birth of a boy, Shmuel daughter Chaya Shulamis to Avraham Pindres Nechemiah Rabbi & Rebbetzin Yerachmiel Cohen upon the bar mitzvah of Avraham Eliahu, Ephraim & Elana Sudwerts upon the their son, Yitzchak born in Jan. 06 to birth of a boy, Avraham Meir Paul (93) & Amy Avi & Aviva Vogel upon the birth of a boy, Myers Judah Aaron 1987 Paul & Amy Myers upon the birth of a Aron & Esther Garfinkel upon the bar mitzva of their son, boy, Avraham Eliahu Yaakov Chaim Ari & Randi Wartelsky upon the birth of a boy, Yeshaya Shalom 1989 Avi & Shira Blumberg upon the birth of a girl, Leah Dina Adam & Masha Weiss upon the birth of a boy, Yosef Ephraim Scott & Estee Farrell upon the birth of a girl, Chava Miriam Shmuel & Shana Hook upon the birth of a boy, Ariel Mordechai Rabbi David & Chana Rochel Blum upon the birth of a girl, Michael & Leah Lieberstein upon the birth of a boy, Nachman Perel Sarah Rabbi Ariel & Shira Benmergui upon the birth of a girl, Leah Eitan & Devorah Fish upon the birth of a girl, Talia Ruthie 1994 Dr. Ari Eckman upon being 1990 accepted into a fellowship Rabbi Ben Sugerman upon in the prestigious Diabetes, receiving the Educator of the Endocrinology and Metabolism Year Award from the Weinbaum Department at Johns Hopkins Yeshiva High School in Boca University Raton Dr. Ari & Nechama Eckman upon Rabbi Ari & Yosifa Glazer upon the birth of a boy, Noam Amir the birth of a boy, Eliyahu Rabbi Kenny & Aliza Weinblatt Menachem upon the birth of a boy, Eliezer Dr. Jonathan Altmark Rabbi Ben & Rebecca Yehudah (94) with his three Sugerman upon the birth of a Chanania & Miriam Orent upon the daughters, including girl, Temima Basya birth of a boy, Yeshaya Moshe newborn Ayelet Tova Temima Basya Sugerman, Reid & Naomi Shapiro upon the Sam & Elana Garfield upon the birth Chaya born to Rabbi Ben (90) & birth of a girl, Eliana Yaera of a girl, Daniella Kayla Rebecca, June 06 Rabbi Yehoshua & Deborah Marc & Beth Rosenbaum upon the Marchuk upon the birth of a girl, birth of a girl, Etel Miriam Sara Leah Doron & Shira Goldschmidt upon the birth of a girl, Rena Tirtza 1991 Rabbi Ari & Leah Cutler upon the birth Eric & Jana Zimmerman upon the birth of a girl, Kiera of a girl, Nava Tehilla Dr. David & Shula Barnett upon the birth of a boy, Mordechai Dr. Jonathan & Sari Altmark upon the Rabbi Netanel & Batsheva Gralla upon the birth of twin girls, birth of a girl, Ayelet Tova Chaya Elana Etel and Talya Bracha Jason & Mira Aronson upon the birth of a girl, Ashira Tehilla 1995 Ariel Gralla upon his marriage to Leora 1992 Abramson Rabbi Seth & Judi Dimbert upon the Avi & Deneira Goldenberg upon the birth of a boy, Gedaliah Zachariah birth of a boy, Daniel Menachem Tzvi & Shari Gherman upon the Rabbi Moshe & Miriam White upon Akiva Netanel, born birth of a boy, Hillel Yitzchak the birth of a boy, Yisroel Nochum to Aryeh (95) & Ari- Micah & Rachel Katz upon the birth Dr. Chaim & Ariella Herman upon elle Sheinbein of a boy, Hillel Menachem the birth of a boy, Moshe Aryeh Dr. Eyton & Diane Marcus upon the Dr. Hillel & Shoshana Isseroff upon birth of a boy, Mordechai David the birth of a boy, Elazar Menachem Gedaliah Zachariah, Rabbi Wesley & Jessica Kalmar Chaim & Rishona Sender upon the birth of a boy, Eliezer Dov born in February to upon the birth of a girl, Eliana Rabbi Aharon Moshe & Rachel Ciment upon the birth of a boy, Seth (92) and Judi Chaya Noach Akiva Dimbert Shmuel & Nechama Luxenberg upon the birth of a boy, Aaron Aryeh & Arielle Sheinbein upon the birth of a boy, Akiva Evan Leibowitz upon his marriage to Jill Feder Netanel David & Yehudit Polansky upon the birth of a boy, Chaim 12 Yossi & Sara Babani upon the birth of a girl, Mira Rephael Ayton & Ayelet Lefkowitz upon the birth of girl, Shira Chava Daniel & Shayna Feldman upon the birth of a boy, Yehuda Leib Jonathan & Nadine Teitelbaum upon the birth of a girl, Aliza Mitch & Naomi Schneider upon the birth of a boy, Akiva Kasriel Sarah Yitzi & Miriam Mendlowitz upon the birth of a boy, Aharon Rabbi Zev & Chaya Weiner upon the birth of a girl, Malka Simcha Zeesil Zachary & Elana Wolf upon the birth of a boy, Efraim Rabbi Josh & Naava Hess upon the birth of a girl, Esther Malka 1996 Yisroel & Sarah Zuckerman upon the birth of a girl, Shoshana Shimmy Rosenfeld upon his marriage to Lieba Ickovitz Leah Dr. Jackie & Lisa Fleischman upon the birth of a boy, Doniel Eliyahu & Meryl Feldblum upon the birth of a girl, Aderet Orah Yehuda Rabbi Ami & Ariella Neuman upon the birth of a girl, Devorah Jonathan & Yaffa Walzman upon the birth of a boy, Gavriel Alta Henya Simcha Dov & Elana Smilow upon the birth of a girl, Yakira Bracha Rabbi David & Devora Greenwald upon the birth of a boy, Yosef & Tova Knecht upon the birth of a girl, Talia Kayla Tuvia Gabriel & Rebeka Boxer upon the birth of a girl, Anna Ruth Avi & Chava Popack upon the birth of a boy, Noach Ahron Chaim & Bracha Sendic upon the birth of a girl, Chaya Esther Ari & Nechama Frohlich upon the birth of a girl, Baila Adina Aaron & Ita Tomaszewski upon the birth of a girl, Tziporah Rabbi Doniel & Chana Tisser upon the birth of a girl, Tzipora Shayna Eliezer & Haviva Bulka upon the birth of a girl, Tzirel Nechama 2000 Dahvid Irom upon his marriage to Chana Bertram 1997 Moshe Kohn upon his marriage to Talya Grunberg Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn upon Dovid Sukenik upon his marriage to Racheli Rosner being appointed rabbi of the West Evan & Tamar Twersky upon the birth of a boy, Zalman Side Institutional in Hillel & Rivkah Efron upon the birth of a boy, Chaim Aryeh Manhattan, NY Adam & Chanie Cohen upon the birth of a boy, Dovid Yonah Chaim Jaskoll upon his marriage to Josh & Blimie Berkowitz upon the birth of a girl, Shifra Esther Robinson Mordechai & Shoshana Diskind upon the birth of a girl, Esther Aderet Orah Feldblum, Yoni Baron upon his marriage to Malka born to Eliyahu (99) & Rena Lapin Warren & Devorah Benderly upon the birth of a girl, Eliana Meryl, April 06 Seth & Suries Dombeck upon the Rifkah birth of a boy, Shlomo Menachem Yoni & Elana Greenberg upon the birth of a girl, Gabriella Rabbi Avi & Chani Sapir upon the birth of a boy, Shmuel Sarah Yoel & Chumi Bertram upon the birth of a boy, Yechiel Simcha Noam & Ilana Waltuch upon the birth of a girl, Ahuva Chana Rafi & Talya Rosenstein upon the birth of a boy, Yechezkel Avi & Chaya Milgraum upon the birth of a girl, Chava Elisheva Avrami & Romy Tabacznik upon the birth of a boy, Zev Avi & Yehudit Gelbein upon the birth of a girl, Sorah Tzipora 2001 Amitai Barth upon his engagement to Sarah Epstein 1998 Yehuda Frager upon his marriage to Aderet Block Yitz Brilliant upon his engagement to Shira Sheff Uri Gottlieb upon his marriage to Rachayl Ehrlich Rabbi Judah & Judy Hulkower upon the birth of twin boys, Joshua Aboody upon his marriage to Hilla Alouf Yisrael Zev and Akiva Mitch Hoberman upon his marriage to Sara Chana Rudolph Shraga Meshulam Rapps upon his marriage to Talia Fishman Aryeh & Bracha Blumenthal Avi Pinsky upon his marriage to Adena Miller upon the birth of a boy, Aaron Ginsberg upon his marriage to Debbie Lax Eliyahu Yakov Peretz Robinson upon his marriage to Mintza Estreicher Shalom & Aviva Kovacs Adam Felsenthal upon his marriage to Sarah Topper upon the birth of a boy, Elan Nathan Suffin upon his marriage to Tamar Silverberg Eliezer Yoav & Sarah Elan upon the birth of a boy, Menachem Yosef & Miriam Katz upon Ari & Aleeza Deutscher upon the birth of a boy, Natanel the birth of a girl, Tzipporah Simcha Rivkah Meir & Lisa Sherman upon the birth of a girl, Perel Serach Greg & Elisheva Kalutsky Hillel & Sabrina Kamionski upon the birth of a girl, Daniella upon the birth of a girl, Chana Laura Chava Elisheva Milgraum, Eric & Shoshana Sigman born to Avi (00) & Chaya, 2002 upon the birth of a girl, May 06 Daniel Posner (02) upon his engagement to Suri Neger Samantha Naomi Seth Schmulowitz upon his engagement to Ailie Cooper Simcha & Zviya Loiterman upon the birth of a girl, Devorah Chaim Dienstag upon his engagement to Suri Berkowitz Josh & Rachel Shapiro upon the birth of a girl, Elisheva Chaya Erez Edery upon his engagement to Rena Blaustein Yechiel Leipnik upon his engagement to Dina Gershonowitz 1999 Gershon Hecker upon his marriage to Faige Reichart Y’didya Levin upon his engagement to Mazel Aghapour Shlomo Lovy upon his marriage to Malky Feder Nathan Rudolph upon his engagement to Riqi Fein Ari Sendic upon his marriage to Shani Brizel David Sussman upon his marriage to Rachel Sara Blima Avrami Groll upon his marriage to Dina Tendler Simpser David Gast upon his marriage to Beracha Aryeh Elie Bodner upon his marriage to Rachel Pearlman Effie Markovitz upon his marriage to Erica Stock Michael Friedlander upon his marriage to Devorah Wolfberg David Mazlin upon his marriage to Rikki Kroll 13 Yochanan Eskanazi upon his marriage to Yaffa Wasserman Moshe Bittan upon his marriage to Sharona Cohen Koby Milgraum upon his marriage to Rivky Reinitz Zach Swigard upon his marriage to Devorah Samuels Elliott Samson upon his marriage to Jennifer Schulman Adam Marell upon his marriage to Renana Zombek Moshe Birnbaum upon his marriage to Keren Salamon Reuven Stein upon his marriage to Raanana Matanky Shmuel Sokol upon his marriage to Chava Ahouva Attal Evan & Limor Rubin upon the birth of a girl, Leah Chasya Pinny Farkas upon his marriage to Yael Freidman Eli and Chaya Nina Waldman upon the birth of a boy, Amichai 2004 Yehuda Jeremy Ginsberg upon his engagement to Penina Davis Yair & Dina Zuckerman upon the birth of a boy, Mordechai Eli Daitchman upon his engagement to Nomi Schapp Yacov Yosef Steinmetz upon his engagement to Devora Klein Ezzie & Serach Goldish upon the birth of a girl, Elianna Rachel Moshe Hans upon his marriage to Lani Rosenblatt Shmuel Pepper upon his marriage to Shira Berner 2003 Sruly Dancziger upon his marriage to Esty Siff Ari Lustig upon receiving the prestigious Orthodox Union- Ethan Baraff upon his marriage to Miriam Roth Institute for Public Affairs- Legislative Fellowship for 2006- Aaron Weisman upon his marriage to Chana Davis 2007 Aryeh Shapiro upon his engagement to Shani Weill 2005 Rafi Lefkowitz upon his engagement to Esther Berman Meir Milgraum upon his marriage to Natanya Jungreis Solly Hess upon his marriage to Sasha Lantsman


The Yeshiva expresses its condolences to: Yehoshua Auman (04) upon the loss of his brother, Shmuel Eric Zimmerman (91) upon the loss of his brother, Adam Meir Zucker (89) upon the loss of his brother, Eli Scott Farrell (93) upon the loss of his father, Stanley Feivel Elfman (03) upon the loss of his father

Hamakom yenachem etchem betoch she’ar avelei Tziyon v’Yerushalayim.

•Bruchim HaBaim

This year, the Yeshiva welcomed a number of alumni and their families who came on aliya. They included: Moshe Friedman (94) Eli (90) and Tzvi (92) Gherman Rabbi Avi Perlowitz (90) Rabbi Moshe Rosenstein (94) Eliyahu Feldblum (99) Chaim Sendic (99)

The number of YOY alumni currently living in Israel is now over 80!

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