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Qikan 11.Pdf ඾ॅఓᇕ- ઢ፩ནᏞ © J.-P. Guillermin © J.-P. ྡྷိᒦᆪ໐ఓ · 2009 ለଈ੓ / ࢒လጙ໐ THE CHINESE JOURNAL FOR SWITZERLAND · VOLUME 11 / SUMMER 2009 阿莱奇舞台 (瓦莱州 -瑞士) 阿莱奇大冰川一日游:CHF 35瑞士法郎。 到莫斯夫鲁、贝特莫峰或者艾基思峰的来回车票, 包括今日特餐 EDITORIAL ܠ૷ኔዔ ,ࡼࣗᑗ຋ᎍඣLj Dear Readersڐ༫ ቤጙ໐ࡼྡྷိ໐ఓ.2009ለଈఓ᎒ᎌቴถᎧิ୅ෂ೫ă࠭ࠎఓࡵሚᏴLjೝฤࣶࡼဟମ Welcome to the new Summer 2009 issue of Swiss Qikan. Three years have passed since the magazine was launched and we would like to thank each of our loyal readers and sponsors for their constant support ดLjঢቝ৉ᆡᒨဣࡼࣗᑗਜ਼৉ࡍᏸᓐ࿜࣪᎖ྡྷိ໐ఓࡼጙ਑ᑽߒᎧ৴಺LjᇧᆃᆸඣࡼᏭ and encouragement during this time. We hope that our magazine can be a source of information and ᒔถᆐฝ౶ྡྷိുᎊ૞Ᏼྡྷိည૚࿟ࡒ౶ৎࡍࡼܣஅᎧቧᇦă convenience for those of you who come to live or travel in Switzerland. ᑚ໐ࡼྡྷိ໐ఓLjดྏጙࢾጐݙ્എิပᆃLjለଈဵുᎊࣞଣࡼੑ྇ᔇLjჅጲᆸඣ୓ This issue of Swiss Qikan magazine will definitely not disappoint! Summer is a time for travel and holidays, so we present in detail the various festivals, the latest exhibitions and the newest tourist attractions ሶิሮᇼࡼ஑࿬ྡྷိ৉࢐ࡼཀᓗ૚ࣅLjቤࡼᐱಂLjቤࡼുᎊஶ࢛ࢀăጐ኏ᎌ੪ࣶဵݙ that will be taking place all over Switzerland. Many will perhaps be unfamiliar to you, but there will્ ሎᆐཽᒀࡼLjࡣဵLj໚ᒦጙࢾᎌጙৈဵး੝ฝࡼă definitely be something that appeals to you. ੡Ljཱུᆸඣᄰਭ One notable feature is a report on Swiss steam trains. It takes us back in time, focusing on this ancientޠࡼۨࡸLjࠃᏗ಼ဥࡼޱᏴᑚಱLjገᄂܰᄋࡵ໐ఓᒦਈ᎖ྡྷိᑬ໱૜ means of transport to give us a taste of what rail travel was like for people in the last century. You may ᑚৈ࿟ৈီଗ৵಑ࡼᏥၒ৔௥Ljૄᆜࡩဟཽඣ߇ᔬ૜ޱࡼ༽ஶăጐབྷิᒀࡸྡྷိᎌৈᑬ already have heard about the Swiss Vapeur Parc at Le Bouveret, but Switzerland also has many other ໮ቃ૜ޱ৛ᏊLjࡣ໚ဣྡྷိᎌৎࣶࡼ࢐ऱဵభཱཽུඣᑞဣᄏዩ߇ᔬᑬ໱૜ޱࡼᄤവছሣ museums and places where you can enjoy a ride on a real steam engine. Since most of these train services do ໐ᒦᆐ not run all year round or require pre-booking, interested readers will be sure to make a note of the opening۾૞݇ᇕ਍ăᎅ᎖ݙဵཝฤఎह૞ᑗገူሌᎾࢾLjჅጲᎌቭབࡼิጙࢾገჄࢾᏴ times of the steam railway lines presented in detail in this issue, in order to avoid a wasted journey. ิሮᇼ஑࿬ࡼ৉ৈᑬ໱ᄤവছሣఎहࡼ྇ᔇLjభ໻ᅺܰഔሆጣ੄ࡇਭ೫ă In addition, music festivals of all shapes and sizes will be taking place throughout Switzerland this ৉ᒬࡍቃಢቯࡼፒಘஂ૚ࣅLjစᒗᆸඣᎌ஑࿬ summer. We have gone so far as to present a selection of new musical ensembles, so those of you withێࠥᅪLjለଈᒦLjྡྷိᎌ੪ࣶ࢐ऱ୓௟ ቤࡼፒಘᅍᄏLjᇶઢፒಘࡼิጐገਈᓖᆸඣᑚ໐ࡼྡྷိ໐ఓ೫ăጐ኏ิᒀࡸྡྷိဵৈ૥ a taste for music will have an extra reason to read this issue of Swiss Qikan. You may be aware that Switzerland is predominantly a Christian country, one which has played a central role in the history of ࣓୴ࡼਪଜLj๏ᒴࡼᔎ୴खᏎ࢐௓ᏴᑚಱLjሚᏴᑵᒋᔎ୴খুଜଝऑᆪࡦ޹500ᒲฤᒄ religion in Europe. July 2009 marks the 500th anniversary of the birth of Protestant reformer John Calvin ଔLjጙᇹ೰ࡼཀᓗ૚ࣅਜ਼ᐱಂ્્࣒ጙጙሶฝ஑࿬ă and to commemorate this event, a series of festivals and exhibitions are being held up and down the ྡྷိ໐ఓཱུฝႲဟࡻࡵ࢒ጙ၄ࡼുᎊቧᇦᎧᓾ೯LjᏳࠨᇧᆃᆸඣறቦᒜᔫࡼดྏถࡻ country, which we will introduce in this magazine. Once again we hope that you will appreciate the meticulously researched content of Swiss Qikan, the ࡵิࡼཱྀభăิభᏴ৉ࡍྡྷိുᎊ௜LjખཽݫᄦLj৛ႊጲૺ৉ࡍଗศອ࿜ࢢ඾ॅჃནᆸ publication that keeps you up-to-date with first-hand tourism information and news. You can pick up a ඣࡼఓᇕLjྙਫิ࣪ᆸඣࡼఓᇕ൸ፀLj༿ࠅࡉ৊ิࡼ຋ᎍLjཱུჅᎌሯৎࣶ೫ஊྡྷိࡼખ copy of Swiss Qikan for free in Swiss tourist offices as well as Chinese restaurants, businesses and souvenir ཽ຋ᎍඣࡻࡵৎࣶৎࡍࡼᎁૉă shops. If you like our magazine, please tell your friends about us, so that all Chinese people who want to get to know Switzerland can get the most out of their stay. ೶ข Lin Na (ő ೕቲᐢݡ (Publication Director) ๡࠾యज෤ (Patrick Favre ྡྷိ໐ఓ G © 2009 ® ő ᓍܠ (Chief Editor) ஄๏ጌऑለ໋ጟ྿ (Joëlle Chapuisat) ྡྷိᒦᆪ໐ఓ ő ঃᓍܠ (Vice-Editor) ྠഘ༴ (Evelyn Frei) THE CHINESE JOURNAL FOR SWITZERLAND ő ፝ၮޣ (Printing) ྇ดᅧ዇჊ํᅠ፝ၮޣ (Imprimerie Atar Roto Presse SA, Geneva) ő ਓস (Publicité / Anzeigen / Advertising) : Atsuko Kojima, Cosette Buttex, Marie-Elodie Steiner 2009 ለଈ੓Nj࢒လጙ໐ · VOLUME 11 SUMMER 2009 PIM Ꮵࣅᒎฉ, Tel. +41 (0)22 774 32 21 - Fax +41 (0)22 774 38 84 - E-mail: [email protected] ő खቲჅ (Publisher) ő ᓟষ଑ᑗ ዇፝ၮ৛ႊ (Japress SA) ྠഘ༴LjᚋଛଛLj೶ขLjਜ਼ેഁLjರਊᓿ 341, route de Lausanne, CH-1293 Bellevue / Genève (ཚჅᎌLjᆚளखቲჅᄴፀLjணᒏᓞᏲ(Not to be reproduced without prior notice to the publisherۈ Tel. +41 (0)22 774 32 21 - Fax +41 (0)22 774 38 84 - E-mail: [email protected] ਋਒ᎊಂ SIGHTSEEING ྡྷိࡼᑬ໱૜ޱ ྡྷိᄤവᆀ඼මLjᄋ৙ࡼ૜ޱᒄു߹೫݌ปฃĂ ৈޱሥLjᏴጙৈ࿤ᆈሆຸവࣤࠎሆဟႥ126፞ಱ ࣢᏷ࡼ3000ඳቲ߈ࡩᒦLjิ્ள಼ࡵჅᎌ࿍ମ૜ ܹ੡೰ޱĂલ஘೰ޱࢀஶ਋೰ޱᒄᅪLjৎభᄏዩ৵ )203৛ಱ*ࡼଗഺăࡺਪĂගਪࡼᑬ໱૦ޱጾࡉ ޱਜࡸࡼᄂ࢛Ljऻޟ঱ࡼቓຸLj঱ଦ༙Ljዘᓹ༡ܚ ࡼࡸവਜ਼ࠃᏗႹࡸăᔢᒫLj჈્ࡒิࡵࡉกಱࡼ ཱྀۅ࿟ሱ၊঱࡭ගအĂᔬᏴ඗ᎌ ࡵ୻தࡼႥࣞăጙޱLj݀Ᏼޱ಑ࡼᑬ໱૜ ࡼႥࣞ Chaulin.Chamby݇ᇕ਍Lj਍ᒦᎌ޾೰ਈ᎖ᄤവޱऑ۰ႅ࿍ࡼቤሎహ໮ǗऎSPA ᆐᑚဵᑬ໱૦ڄሥĂંᇢޱࢻঙࡼ ቶࡼܭᒄുĂௌᓣᒄുĂ୉ቲᒄുᒄಢࡼᄁᓤቲ߈Ljৎݙ ૵ሢă ໭௥ࡼᐱອLj৔ᔫ၀Ljཝ๏ᒴᔢລೡᔢᎌࡔ Ᏼऔလီଗ ᄤവᏥᏲ৔௥ࢀăޱອă ᑬ໱૦ޘ۾፿ႁᒑဵ૥ DŽBlonay.ChambyDžᄤവ݇ᇕ਍ǖ܌Ⴥན ݚ൜ด࿠ޱด཮૦ۻ໚ဣဵᎅ፞ਪཽᄂಱᆒᇝయ ᒦఎဪޱ࢒ጙݝᑬ໱૦ )RichardTrevithick*Ᏼ1804ฤ2Ꮬ21྇ᒜᐆă ࡔă1960ฤࡔ෣Ljီ ࡝߈Ꮦ15ॊᒩᒑᏴ5Ꮬ10Ꮬࡼቩ໐ങĂ྇ሶᎊఱ ࡼள଍቉ፄݣᔗጲ ஏ࿟྆཭ᎌဧ፿ᑬ໱૦ ఎहăྙਫᎌᅍᄏLjభጲᄂܰᎾࢿLjጐᏴ໚Ⴧࡼဟޱᒄઁளਭࣶฤࡼখ஠Ljᑬ໱૦ Ᏼ࿜ጓ࿟ࡼ፦Ꮵဧ፿ă༛ᒤĄဥ࢑ॆညDŽGeorge ޱᔫ࿜ጓᏥᔫࡼਪଜጯ ମఎहăwww/blonay.chamby/ch StephensonDžᏴ1829ฤᒜᐆࡼ૜େ੓ܣဵ໚ᒦጙ ೨೨ᇄଂăࡵ೫औလီ Ᏼ۱ගޱă ଗ෣Ljᑬ໱૦ޱৈᔢᐁᏴ࿜ጓ߅৖ဧ፿ࡼᑬ໱૦ ᅲཝჾთLjᒑ્ମᒦᏴᄂܰۻ࿟ጯ۾ࡼႥࣞଗഺဵᎅ፞ਪࡼ4.6.2Mallard ᒴૺ๏ᒴ૥ޱᑬ໱૦ ๝ࡼവሣ࿟ቲᔓă෥ᇝহ྆ᎌڔჅࠎሆă1938ฤ7Ꮬ3྇Lj4668੓Mallardᅗᓹങ ᆐᄤࡸධૺᎊఱ ੪࿩೟ࡼᑬ໱૦ޱᏴມᏐࡼ࢐ऱᏥᔫă፝ࣞᐒள LjࡣሚᏴ჈ඣᒑ્Ᏼహ໮ᇥۡޱࡍ೟ဧ፿ᑬ໱૦ ࡼ࿍ཌᏥᔫă *Blonay.Chamby(܌ݚ൜ด࿠ ᄤവ݇ᇕ਍ *Blonay.Chamby(܌ᆡ᎖ൣླှࡼݚ൜ด࿠ ᐶLjᏴൣ܌ᄤവ݇ᇕ਍ဵጙৈ஑࿬࠭ݚ൜ดᐶࡵ࿠ ླઌ๧ጲ࿟ቲဩ15ॊᒩࡼSL೰ޱࡼ݇ᇕ਍ăᏴᑚ 4 SWISS QIKAN SIGHTSEEING ਋਒ᎊಂ . Franches Montagnes Lausanne Echallens Bercher Kaeserbergෝቯቃ૜ޱ݇ᇕ਍ ࡼᑬ໮૦ޱ ᄤവሣ ᐶࡼ଼߂Ljᆡ᎖ॷಱۤޱ࠭1993ฤఎဪLjᆡ᎖ྜ౯ஹดࡼFranches. 2009ฤࡼ6Ꮬ28྇Lj8Ꮬ30྇Lj9Ꮬ20྇Lj10Ꮬ CFKဵKaeserbergෝቯቃ૜ ಌLj௓ถሱ၊ࡈ߇ྡྷڭᒳ(Fribourg) এதăิᒑገઔॅလ ᑬ໱૜ޱߌᏲ೫ၫጲ໻ଐࡼ߇ఱăཱུ ྇ਜ਼ Ꮬ ྇Ljॊܰᎌᑣ࣪ᑬ໮૜ޱᆐᓍᄌࡼ ăፐᆐᎌ঱ࣞࡼሢᒜLjઢޱቃဟࡼྡྷိෝቯቃ૜ۍࡉጙৈޠ Montagnes 25 12 6 ࠨăۂඛ႐လॊᒩఎጙޱă೰ޝᆸඣభጲഌ൒ࡵྜ౯࿍ཌࡼᔢଛज़ඎăᏴඛฤࡼᇋ ു߈ă࠭2000ฤఎဪLjᑚᄟᄤവሣᄰᆁFlonࡼऱ ፩໕Ⴖጲ࿟ࡼࡍᒰྜྷ Ꮬ࢏ਜ਼လᏜ࢏ᒄମLj૜ޱభጲ৊ཽඣᔖ፿౶ཀᓗ૚ ሶLjጐਜ਼ਪଜᄤവሣਜ਼ਪଔᄤവሣሤೌăऱܣ౐அ ࠎဪཽMarc Antiglioሌညਜ਼ଆၣနJacques Cherbuin ૺჇࡼᅍࣩLj࠭ఎဪਖચ৩ႈࡵᑞᑵ୓Ⴧඣࡼಯሯঈᓄဣ ࣅLjஉ૕Ljᑑఎ્ፇLjఎల૞໚Ⴧࡼᄂܰ፿ᅆă૜ ࡼୣᄰᆀጐถ೔୻ሚᎌࡼᄤവছሣLjਜ਼߃ှࡼୣᄰ ሚLjጙৢઔॅ೫လ໕ฤࡼဟମă ሥLj3ৈᄂܰࡼᓍݫ ሣവLjݙ௉Ljৎభጲೌ୻ᆁCHUVLjVennesਜ਼ Fondation des Chemins de fer du Kaeserbergޱಱથᎌ30ଂৈᔭᆡࡼݫᄦޱ ਜ਼ጙቋ঱ອᒠࡼௌၺࢀࡗࡍଜࣞਭጙৈᎠ౐ࡼുᅆ Épalingesऱሶࡼࣁ۱ᄤവࡼছሣăᑳᄟ24໻ඳࡼ Impasse des Ecureuils 9 1763 Granges-Paccot ဟ਒ă / . / ᄤവሣᎅྡྷိൣླࡵ Ljጙᄟᄂܰݙᒇ www la traction ch LEB Bercher Tel +41 (0)26 467 70 40 ୻ೌ୻ਪଜᄤവࡼছሣLj௓ဵᆐ೫ተ߅࠭ൣླᒗ www.kaeserberg.ch LjᎅᎆᑶছሣܟCheseauxৎ౐ࡼୣᄰᆀ൥ă࠭۱ ጙᒇዓ࿼ࡵYverdon.Les.Bainsă Ᏼ6Ꮬ28྇Ljᎌ෗ᆐ«ྡྷိज़Ⴃ»ࡼ೰ޱLjࡵဟ઀ ऑ۰ႅ਌ࡼዝᔔᔝăڄᎌ౶ᔈ 8Ꮬ30྇Ljᎌ෗ᆐ«ගᆜ»ࡼ೰ޱLjࡵဟ઀ᎌጙᒬ ᄂܰ໅჻ௌࡼອޞ૦્ă 9Ꮬ20྇Ljᎌ෗ᆐ«ௌਡ»ࡼ೰ޱLj࠭Bercher߲ खఎहൣླࡼऱሶLjጙവ࿟࣒ᎌፙအࡼᄂܰ৙።ă 10Ꮬ25྇Ljဵ෗ᆐ«ฉ৿»ࡼ೰ޱLjࡵဟ઀ᎌ৉ ᒬਈ᎖ฉ৿ࡼޘອă ᔢઁࡼ12Ꮬ6྇Ljဵ෗ᆐ«ဓป৵౯ႅ»ࡼ೰ޱLj ࡩဟ઀ᎌਈ᎖ဓࡦஂࡼཀᓗ૚ࣅăwww/leb/ch SWISS QIKAN 5 ਋਒ᎊಂ SIGHTSEEING ဝ࡜ख़ ୐᎖1893ฤࡼ಑ါჃࡸਜ਼ሚࡔછࡼ಄ޱ୓ิࡒ Ᏼ࿟ጙৈီଗLjࠎቤፀဤਜ਼݈खࡼ፾໮ဵ৴ᇎᎊ ᆐሶီཽᐱာࡩဟࡼདࣅଆၣLj࢒ྯཌࣤࡼਜࡸ ஠ቲ೫ኀআăऎࡩဟLj࢒ܣ1900ඳࡼဝ࡜ख़ࢻăᏴᑚಱิభጲᄡᆃࡵ ఱ๢ࡿဝ࡜ख़ࡼࣅೆ౶Ꮞăࡩ཭Ljกဟཽඣ࣪ቤူ དࣅᓤᒙᏴ૜Ᏸखညઁڰࡵ਱ ၂ጐ્ᏼ౶ຒຶᒄࠤăᔢᒫLjᏴ1893ฤLj ጙཌࣤࡼདࣅᓤᒙধধ୐ੑLjઁ౶ଂளኀᑵLjጙᒇޞऑ۰ႅ࿍LjᏴ༻ಌࡼ྇ ᇕࡼڄ10ຢઌݒਜ਼100৛ಱᅪࡼ ࢅ೎ࡼహᒦ۾Ljऎ ৔ᔫࡵஙᄖăࠥᅪLj૵௥ᇢ፛ೆ༦߅ޱᔇಱLjથభጲᒗजਪࡼᆼႅ஄࿍ਜ਼ࡺਪࡼ੨྽೶ă ཽඣઔॅ೫150ᅺࡼྡྷိजಋ୐໦೫ࡿ࿍ਜ ă໦߱࿸ሯੑࡼޱནࡔ೫࿟ೝৈཌࣤࡼਜޱĐཽඣ๘࿟ဝ࡜ख़DŽStanserhornDžဵᆐ೫ቢ࿝ ᏴࡩဟLj150ᅺభဵጙৈݙቃࡼၫ෹ă Ⴣࡸ಄ ᎅྯৈჃࡸᔝ߅ă࠭ጙఎဪLj ኟᓞभࢢଐચᎅ᎖ᓾ஘ݙᔗऎᆚถဣሚLjᔢᒫᒑ୐ޱቢ࿝ăđࣶฤ༄Ljጙৈဝ࡜ख़ ୐߅ࡼဝ࡜ख़ਜཽܰۻज़ஶLjऎݙဵ ޫဓᑗᏴ྇଑ᒦቖࡸăᒙ࿽ᆇँࡼဝ࡜ख़ࢻLjభጲ Ⴣࡸܣᎅ࢟ೆདࣅLjᑚ࣪᎖ࡩဟ྆ၢ᎖ᑬ໱ਜࡸࡼ ᐆ೫ጙৈ໋ᄰभࢢă လฤઁLjဝ࡜ख़ਜࡸ৛ႊݤೆࡍᐐLjᒫ᎖୐໦ྯ ޱཝLjਜڔऑ۰ႅ࿍ോਜ਼လৈྡྷ ฤࡔ౶ႁLjభႯဵጙৈቤ௟ăᆐ೫ཀྵۣڄࣶ৛ಱೌ඼໦॰ࡼڻᄡᆃጙ ઌݒLjᓧ౭ࡼज़ஶĂኤಸࡼઔ਱Ljᑚጙ༤ཱུ࣒ࡿ ᒜᐆሌग़Durrer.Gasserਜ਼FranzJosefBucher. ೫ጙᔭ঍ಸჭશࡼ࿍ࢻभࢢă୐ᓔနᎧ৔୛ඣጙ໦ိ ඣဧ፿ࡼਜࡸ ไೆLj୓भࢢ୐ᐆᏴ࿍ࢻ࿟Lj݀୓෸ါߌᏲஉ৩ሆཽۻ࿍ᑗ࿾࿾ࡼჿᔡ໚ᒦăሚᏴLjဝ࡜ख़ޫဓᑗݙᏳဵ Durrerखී೫ጙᒬᒇࡵஙᄖથ ᒙᏴጙৈᏌተࡼદદኟᓞࡼڔۅᇄ༽ࡼࡍ૜ᅔ ࡼด၀ስጙ఩ᑜᒿޝࣖࡼቲᑗLjඛฤለଈᏖᎌ100000ࣶৈࡿ࿍ᑗLj ᒜࣅᇹᄻ཭ऎLj1970ฤ10ᏜLjጙ৲ భࡻࡵ൸ᔗăܣ೫ു਍ਜ਼ၢ᎖࢒ྯཌࣤࡼࡿ࿍ᐶLjᔈࠥጲઁLjဝ ຳგ࿟LjᑚዹLjఱཽඣࡼቢ࿝Ꮇᆃ့ ܰۻᆐቢ࿝ධཽࡼज़ஶऎ౶ࡵဝ࡜ख़ࢻLj૞ᑗĐ્ ཽቢ࿝đă ࡜ख़࿟ܣఎဪ೫ቤࡼဟࡔă ĐRondoramađࡦည೫ăᒙ࿽ܪ঱1900৛ߛࡼ 6 SWISS QIKAN SIGHTSEEING ਋਒ᎊಂ ࿍ࢻ࿟ࡼടࣶ౯൨ኟᓞݫᄦᏴቩ໐ᇋࡼᓈ਒ᅵݫ ᒄᅪLjᄋ৙ࡼဵᔈᓐါࡼᑵᄻྡྷိᒦݝ࿍ཌගအLj ᑚጙ࢛႒ઃ੪੝ࡩ࢐ཽࡼᆞాLjᒲጙࡵᒲᇋࡼᇍݫ ဟମಱഴᄖᔭጬଂઃ࣒ဵ൸൸൸LjᎌབࡼဵLj໚ᒦ Ꮦ8߅ᔧᎎࡼఱཽLj࣒ဵࡩ࢐ཽăAelplermagronen ᑚࡸᓍገጲዳࠪᆐ๼೯Ă೼࿟ሧเ໦ိᎧฆᎉLj ऑ۰ႅ࿍ࡼධཽज़ Ᏻࡈ๼࿟ాঢ௾ଛࡼັਫบࡼᅭᏜቯፀࡍಽෂᓹڄStanserhorn࿍࿟LjᏴྡྷိᒦݝ၅ᔭĂᄴဟጐဵᆎጙ RondoramaभࢢLjᎂሔ࢐ቢ࿝ ࡼኟᓞݫᄦಱ༵༵႕႕ࡼሱ၊ዛ༄௾ගࡼஶᒘLjဣᏴ ஶ೫ăඛᒲᇋᅵ࿟࿍ࢻ࿟ࡼടࣶ౯൨)Rondorama* ဣ৖ݙభ඗ᒄᅪLj໚ဣࡩ࢐ཽლೕࡼ໚ဣৎဵ࿍ ઌ਒࿍ྻᒮᒮ፱ۧࡼۻဵཽညጙࡍಘူăᏴਓসᒦLjു਍৊ๆိඣ኏ํLjభ ኟᓞݫᄦથᄋ৙ᎌᓈ਒ᅵݫLjࡍᔈ཭ᅪଝᓈ਒࢛࢛ ࢻ࿟ุஸ༹ቤࡼ໮ᇦጲૺ ጲĐࠃᓹၻ๳Ăݙછᓥđ༵႕࢐ሱ၊߲྇ගஶă ࡼ಍ർፀஹă ගੑણஹă 1900৛ߛࡼ࿍ࢻLjဵുཽቢ࿝ྡྷိ Stanserhorn-Bahn-Gesellschaftڰ፿᎖ཝஶभࢢ୐ᐆࡼ෸ݢݝॊਜ਼ᒇ஼ᆐ10ඳࡼᓞ ဝ࡜ख़਱ ๤ဵᎅࠅᄻࡼ෠ݟൔདࣅᓤᒙ౶དࣅࡼăཀྵۣ೫ ᒦݝஶᒘࡼੑ࢐ऱǗ࣪ࡩ࢐ཽ౶ႁLjᑚಱᐌဵჇඣ Stansstaderstrasse 19, 6370 Stans Rondorama43ॊᒩดኟᓞጙམࡼႥࣞăᑚዹLjᎊఱ ඛᄖ௡્ࡼૹ੝࢐࢛ǗᏴᆸLjᑚಱᐌဵጙ౞ࡩ࢐ཽ Tel. +41 (0)41 618 80 40 ည૚ෂඎࡼ௾ଛབྷࠀă www.stanserhorn.chޟ྇ 1900ඳࡼྡྷိĐ࿝ஶᒦቦđĊĊڰభᔬᏴ਱ܣඣ SWISS QIKAN 7 ጳၣ ART ऑปHans Erniࡦ޹100ᒲฤĊᔫອૄ৻ᐱڅጳၣଜੈႅိྡྷ ᐱອࡼ࢒ጙݝॊLjᄏሚࡼဵጳၣଜᐏዹ࢒ጙࠨᑊ ࡵჇࣖᄂࡼጳၣज़ৃࡼਭ߈Lj໚ᒦLjᎌ࿟ৈီଗ 30ฤࡔ෣໐Ljጲጙቋ௥ᄏᏄႤᔝ߅ࡼߥሷઙ૞ࠅ ᄻࡼቆስઙă႐လฤࡔࡼဟ઀LjHansErniᎌઙ೫ ጙቋሎᆐཽᒀࡼᔫອLj݀༦ᆸඣཱྀဤกቋክણါࡼ ᓍᄌ;൫Ljෲ༫ਜ਼ਰᔇLjᏥࣅLjଆၣऱෂࡼLjᐵ ᑱLjᑶᒤ૞ણஹă ᔢઁࡼጙݝॊᐱອLjૄ৻ᐱથ۞౪೫ጙቋጳၣଜ ࡼ੪ࣶࢿૡ࡝ࡼᔫອLjᎄ໚ဵጙᐽᒓުࡼ૒ઙLjࠀ ຾፜ᅓăۻ᎖ᑶᒤࡼᏇፐLjᏴ1949ฤࡼဟ઀ᔢᒫ ऑปᇄጧဵྡྷိᔢᒀ෗ࡼڅ1909ฤ߲ညLjੈႅ ಪ໐ମLjჇဵگጳၣଜᒄጙă࿟ৈီଗ30ฤࡔᏴ လฤڭጳၣଜLjჇጐဵጙᆡᏴܭHans Erni © Hans ߥሷጳၣࡼᓎ෗ࡔ © ॊᔇஉ৩ᔈઙስDŽ1946ฤDž ᒦથଖኚᒜᔫࡼሚࡔጳၣଜă ၇ࠎᔫᒦLjᓍገᎌࢩႨLjࢩరLjၗࡼ Erni © Hansޠऑปࡼڅ ᑵᒋጳၣଜHans Erniࡦ޹100ᒲฤᒄଔLjᆡ᎖ ჳᓹࡼෲ༫ਜ਼ਰᔇDŽ1964ฤDž ઙਜ਼ਂფࢀăกቋᓍᄌܚᓤLjڔഐ྽ှࡼᓎ෗୐ᓔLjഐ྽ᆪછ્ፇᒦቦKKLด ႁීLjᎪᒼహମࡼ ऑปࡼᒰࣶᔫອᒦఘࡵڅࡼഐ྽ጳၣ݇ᇕ਍᎖2009ฤ5Ꮬ24྇ᒗ11Ꮬ4྇ ৎဵࣶᒬࣶዹࡼLjᔈ1930ฤମࡼߥሷ፝ሷ๡ᆍླྀ ᒇࡵஙᄖLjᆸඣభጲᏴ ऑปᏴ ጙৈ௼ࢾෂ࣪࿷્ᓍᄌਜ਼ညზᓍᄌზࣞࡼሚࡔጳၣڅۻਈ᎖ጳၣଜHansErniࡼည༄ᔫອૄ৻ᐱ" ߥሷਜ਼ࠎᐆᓍᄏज़ৃࡼᔫອăથᎌLjێ໐ମ௟ ୓த250ୈࡼᔫອభᆣဵHansErni80ࣶฤ౶ 1937ฤ୐ೂࡼྡྷိAllianzጳၣଜᅍᄏࡼᔫອLjᎌ ଜࡼಯศLj࠭Ⴧࡼጙቋႁݙ߲෗߂ࡼࡼᔫອᒦ௓ถ ऑปࡼ൫యႈᓍፃಯศLjጐᄴဟဧჇݙڅጳၣညዄᒦ૞ᆐཽၚᒀĂ૞ᆐཽரშࡼჅᎌᔫອࡼ ੪ࣶਈ᎖ᑔኧፀፃᓍᄌࡼLj࿷્ਜ਼ᑶᒤᓍᄌࡼࡼႨ ᄏ્ࡵă ࡔܭᔫăჅᐱᔫອᒦࡼጙࡍೡ࢛ဵHansErni᎖ ೯ᔫອă഍ᅪLjଆၣಢࡼLjపኧಢࡼLjᄏᎹਜ਼ᔈ཭ ถ࡛ࡩጙቋᑶঀࡼࡔܭă ऑปጐဵྡྷိᔢᎌᑱፇࡼጳၣଜᒄጙăڅऑปᔫອࠎ ᔢઁLjڅ90ඳĂᄌᆐĐྡྷိĊ ಢLjစᒗဵፒಘಢࡼᓍᄌLj࣒ጙᒇဵޠ1939ฤᆐਪଜᐱಂࠎᔫࡼ ଣ྇ਪଜđࡼܚઙă ᐆࡼ౶Ꮞă ໚ဣLjჇࡼ੪ࣶ૒ઙLjࢩరᔫອ࣒ဵᆐ೫न࣪ࡩဟ 8 SWISS QIKAN ART ጳၣ ጟ० • య౵ፐ (Yves Klein) ጳၣᔫອૄ৻ᐱ ᑴ௎྽೶DŽመာLj1983ฤDž ᆡ᎖ྡྷိፀࡍಽᎫཌࡼപଝํጳၣ ࢒ጙࠨࡼጟ०Ąێᇕ਍Ljᔢத୓௟݇ య౵ፐ)YvesKlein*ጳၣૄ৻ᔫອ ᐱăᐱອॊݚᏴ߃ှࡼ੪ࣶ࢐ऱLjᎌ ጙݝॊࡼRotrautUeckerࢩႨᔫອă య౵ፎ)1928.1962*ဵजਪ60ฤ ࡔቤሚဣᓍፃᑗ)NouveauxRéalistes* ᔢ༄ᆦૺᔢခපࡼጙᆡጳၣଜă࠭ 1950ฤࡔ໦ఎဪყᄀ࡝ྻ૒ઙLjೝฤ ઁ࿾౸ྻ߅ᆐࠎᔫࡼਖ਼ቦLjჇ୓ᑚ߂ ᒄᆐIKB)ਪଔయ౵ፎ౸*Ljဧᇕᒠછ Paris Klein, ADAGP, Yves © ඗ᎌᓍᄌࡼ౸ྻ࡝ྻઙDŽ1957ฤDž ࡼ࿾౸ခපྻݨီஏᇄሢࡼ౫ᐱă ೟ހಪࡩࡔጳၣઙಊಱ௟ቲ «ཽᄏگৎ༄ᆦ࢐1960ฤ 3Ꮬ 9྇Ᏼ )Anthropométrie*» ᒄࠎᔫဟLjጲൡๆෝᄂएඣࡩ૚ઙ܊LjᏴPierre Henryᒎિᓹయ౵ፎჅᔫࡼ «࡝ࢯୣሰཎ»Lj݀༦ᎅ࿽ᅇ࿾౸ߩ੿ྻݨࡼ ăጐ્Ᏼࠥࠨ*ۅዝܭࡍ७ઙෂ࿟)ᅸྦྻڹൡๆඣ୓࿽࿟ᒄዕ೯ኹ፝Ᏼ © Hans Erni © Hans ᐱಂᒦᐱ߲ăᑚᒬᔫອ޵࢏ࡼৎቤᐆቯጳၣLjऎఎࠎጙᒬ60ฤࡔ෣໐ཽ ჇჅࠀᏴࡼᒳăᑚࠨᏴഐ྽ጳၣ݇ᇕ਍ᒦჅᐱ߲ࡼᔫອ඗ᎌளਭྀੜࡼ ඣჅ߂ᆣࡼ «਋ศጳၣ»Ă«࿽ᄏጳၣ» ૞ «ཏᄏጳၣ» ጙᄴࡉᒗࢻ ܤተ૞฼ཎLjऎ࣒ጲᔢ߱ࡼᔫອᏇඎᐱာ৊ࡍଜLjளਭறቦᄞኡࡼ੪ࣶ ࢛ă1961ฤLjᏴजਪᅧႅ၂ዩჅጲᅧႅࠎᔫ «૜ࡼࢩర»Lj୻ᓹጲ૜། ዩࡼᐱອጐݙ્ཱུิࡇਭăހ၂กቋ «૜ࡼ૒ઙ» ஐᓐ૜ࡼཽᄏޞ ඣၚᒀࡼᔫອ્࣒৊ᆸඣࡒ౶ݙ࿩ࡼரᇶăཽ Kunstmuseum Luzern Museo d’arte Lugano Europaplatz 1, 6002 Lucerne Villa Malpensata, Riva Caccia 5, 6900 Lugano Tel.
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  • Art, Crafts and Design As Themes on Swiss Stamps Richard Donithorn
    Art, Crafts and Design as Themes on Swiss Stamps Richard Donithorn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Art, Crafts and Design as Themes on Swiss Stamps Zumstein catalogue numbers are used throughout this document. The compiler would welcome answers to the queries (??) highlighted and any other corrections/additions to the text. Painters and Painters' works on stamps . Z243 Historical Subjects Definitives – Based on painting by James Vibert – 'The Oath of Union'. Z244, 245, 246 of Yr.1941 Historical Subjects Definitives - based on paintings by Ferdinand Hodler showing William Tell, 'The Kneeling Warrior' and 'The Dying Ensign'. The latter two?? from the painting 'Rückzug aus Marignano'. Z247 Historic Subjects Definitive – Based on painting by Niklaus Deutsch 'The Standard Bearer'. Z511 Portrait of Alberto Giacometti by Hans Erni . Z513 Portrait of Le Corbusier by Hans Erni . Z565 – 567 Europa theme: Painting – 'Le Mönch' ('The Monk') - Ferdinand Hodler, 'Still Life with Guitar' - René Auberjonois, 'L'efeuilleuse' - Maurice Barraud . Z627 Portrait of Paul Klee by Hans Erni . Z637 Swiss Arts and Craft Centre 50th Anniversary . Z638 Centenary of the Swiss Art History Society . Z651 'The Parish Clerk' by Albert Anker . Z725/26 Europa theme: 'Protection of Nature & the Environment'–Man/Woman's heads by Hans Erni . Z769 Swiss-French joint issue - 'Meta' by Jean Tinguely . Z802 Portrait of Angelika Kaufmann by Hans Erni (also appears on Liechtenstein Z750) . Z804 Portrait of Frank Buchser by Hans Erni . Z827 Sketch of statue of Christopher Columbus by Vincenzo Vela . Z828 – 830 Comic/Graphic Art – Bernard Cosendal, Phillippe Chappuis, Yves Robellaz . Z848 – 851 Women artists: Pictures titled: 'Work No. 095' by Emma Kunz, 'Great Singer Lilas Goergens' by Aloïse, 'Under the Rain Cloud' by Meret Oppenheim, 'Four Spaces with Horizontal Band' by Sophie Taeuber-Arp (see also Dadaism stamp in Yr.
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  • History of the Arts in the Olympic Games
    INFORMATION TO USERS This manuscript has been reproduced from the microfilm master. UMI films the text directly from the original or copy submitted. Thus, some thesis and dissertation copies are in typewriter face, while others may be from any type of computer printer. The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the q u alityo f the copy submitted. Broken or indistinct print, colored or poor quality illustrations and photographs, print bleedthrough, substandard margins, and improper alignment can adversely affect reproduction. In the unlikely event that the author did not send UMI a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if unauthorized copyright material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Oversize materials (e.g., maps, drawings, charts) are reproduced by sectioning the original, beginning at the upper left-hand comer and continuing from left to right in equal sections with small overlaps. Each original is also photographed in one exposure and is included in reduced form at the back of the book. Photographs included in the original manuscript have been reproduced xerographically in this copy. Higher quality 6" x 9" black and white photographic prints are available for any photographs or illustrations appearing in this copy for an additional charge. Contact UMI directly to order. A Bell & Howell Information Company 300 North Zeeb Road. Ann Arbor. Ml 48106-1346 USA 313/761-4700 800/521-0600 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission ofof the the copyrightcopyright owner.owner. FurtherFurther reproduction reproduction prohibited prohibited without without permission.
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  • BOOKS ABOUT ARTISTS Catalogue 72 – January 2013
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    HELVETIA PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN Founded 1946 President: Claude Mistely NEWSLETTER – DECEMBER 2013 www.swiss-philately.co.uk Secretary: Neville Nelder, Little Pastures,London Road,Stroud,Glos.GL5 2AT Email: [email protected] Tel. 01453 750825 Editor: Richard Donithorn, 10 Park Drive, Felpham, West Sussex, PO22 7RD Tel. 01243 583237 SEASON'S GREETINGS ! THE 100 th ANNIVERSARY OF THE FIELD POST IN SWITZERLAND 1889 – 1989 ARTHUR WYSS Translated by Eric Lienhard from '100 Jahre Feldpost in der Schweiz 1889-1989' published by Swiss Post. The Helvetia Philatelic Society thanks the author, Arthur Wyss, and Swiss Post, Bern for permission to use the text material and illustrations in an English translation. All copyrights remain with Swiss Post. Thanks to Eric, our vice-chairman, for his painstaking translation which will appear in several parts over the next twelve months. Fig. 1 Fig. 2 1. Before the Existence of Field Post (FP) The lexicon defines simply: "FP is a branch of the postal service which ensures the postal connection between the military and home as well as within the military". Thus it is at the same time the communication channel between the army and the people as well as between the individual troop contingents. The military transmission of orders and reports at the front by means of mounted couriers, pigeon post as well as optical and acoustic signals – these days mainly by wireless – does not belong in this category and remains excluded. Basic military post existed in antiquity, in the Middle Ages and in recent times. In 1425, during a military action in the Eschental, Bern maintained for a short time a messenger service to Domodossola with stations in Meiringen and Münster (Goms).
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