ABCFM Abbreviations Used in the Notes Foreign Mission Archives Of

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ABCFM Abbreviations Used in the Notes Foreign Mission Archives Of NOTES Abbreviations Used in the Notes ABCFM Foreign Mission Archives of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. CCCY Ch 'ing-chi chung-yao chih-kuan nien-piao. CR Chinese Repository. CSK Ch'ing-shih kao. HPCC Pei-chuan chi, hsu-chi. IWSM Ch 'ou-pan i-wu shih-mo. NPM National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. SKCC Sung-k'an hsien-sheng ch 'uan-chi. WTHC Wu-t'ai hsin-chih. YHCL Ying-huan chih-lueh. 204 Notes to Introduction and Chapter I, pages 1-7 Introduction 1. SKCC 3:6b; 3:4, 7b. 2. One of these "experts" was the son of Liang A-fa, the famed early Chinese convert to Protestar).tism. This boy, Atih [A -te ] , had studied under the tutorship of Elijah Bridgman from 1830 or 1831 to 1839. Bridgman noted at the time his concern and anxiety over the boy's employment by Lin, whom he never forgave for "ruining" the lad. ABCFM,South China Mission,, no. 55 (Macao, 9/7/39). 3. Taken from an unpublished manuscript by Bridgman. "The Men of China," (1853), chapter entitled "Commissioner Lin"; Elijah Coleman Bridgman Papers, Amherst College Archives. 4. For two recent studies of Wei Yuan and his work see Jane Kate Leonard, "Wei Yuan and the Hai-kuo t'u-chih: A Geopolitical Analysis of West­ ern Expansion in Maritime Asia." (Ph. D. dissertation, Cornell Univer­ sity, 1971); and Peter MacVicar Mitchell, "Wei Yuan (1794-1857) and the Early Modernization Movement in China and Japan." (ph. D. dis­ sertation, Indiana University, 1970). 5. See J. D. Frodsham, The First Chinese Embassy to the West (London, 1974),pp.~li,38,40,41,69. 6. Professor Roy Hofheinz of Harvard University, during his October, 1974, ~sit to the People's Republic of China, found that both the Hai-kuo t'u-chih and the Ying-huan chih-lueh have been identified as "Legalist classi cs." 7 . A very brief summary of Hsu's work has been published recently. See Fred W. Drake, "A Mid-Nineteenth Century Discovery of the Non­ Chinese World" in Modern Asian Studies, 6.2 :205-224 (April, 1972). Also see Dorothy Ann Rockwell, "The Compilation of Governor Hsu's Ying-huan chih-lueh," Papers on China 11: 1-28 (1957). In addition see Samuel Wells Williams's review of the YHCL in CR 20:169-194 (1851). 1. A Scholar-Official from Shansi 1. Arthur W. Hummel, ed., Eminent Chinese of the Ch 'ing Period (1644- 1912) (Washington, 1944), I, 309. Hsu's tzu was Chien-nan; his hao was .
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