Russian Military Intelligence on Turkey Published by IDC Publishers, 2006
Finding Aid Russian military intelligence on Turkey Published by IDC Publishers, 2006 • Descriptive summary Creator: Russia. Armiia. Voenno-uchenyĭ arkhiv Title: Russian military intelligence on Turkey Dates (inclusive): 1700-1917 Abstract: Collection contains textual and cartographic materials Languages: Predominantly in Russian and French, also materials in German and English, a few items in Turkish, Italian, Greek, Arabic, Latin and Dutch Extent: 917 [i.e. 919] archival files ; 41 microfilm reels ; digital images available in the IDC Digital Library ( Order no.: RIA-4 • Location of Originals Rossiĭskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ voenno-istoricheskiĭ arkhiv (RGVIA), Moscow. Fond 450. • Scope and Content Documents containing general intelligence on the Turkish army, and on the domestic and foreign policy of the country ; This group consists of dispatches and memorandums from Russian military agents and diplomatic representatives on the domestic political situation in Turkey, Russo-Turkish relations, the strengthening of British influence in Turkey, the organization and state of the Turkish army, fortifications in the Bosporus and Dardanelles, the suppression by Turkish forces of the Druze uprising in Syria in 1852, unrest in Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey’s preparations for wars, and the construction of highways and railways in the country with the involvement of foreign capital. There are some documents of French origin: a plan of the Turkish defensive system in the Black Sea, Bosnia, Albania and Epirus that was submitted by General Vodoncour to Napoleon in 1810; a memorandum from General Guillaume from 1811 on the possibility of invading Turkey via Epirus. Water colors from the late 19th century illustrate the various different uniforms and shoulder-straps worn by the Turkish army.
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