Fables Which L•Re- Ent a Summary of the Finance and Commerce of the Unit
INDEX THIS Index contains no reference to the Introductory 'fables which l•re• ent a summary of the Finance and Commerce of the United Kingdom, British India., the British Colanies, the various countries of Europe, the United States of America, and Japan, and various other matters, as well as Additions and Con-ections ; nor will reference to such topics as Gold, Wheat, &c., be found otherwise than under the producing countries. AAC AFG ACHEN (Prussia), 829 Achaia, 920 A Aalborg (Denmark), 725 Achole (Uganda), 174 Au.len (Wurtemberg}, 915 Acklin's Island (Baha.mas), 264 Aalesund (Norwu.y), 1064 Aconcagua (Chili), 676 Aargu.u (cu.nton), 1249, 1251 Acre Ter. (Brazil), 659 Aarhus (Denmu.rk), 725 Adana (vilayet), 1266, 1275 Abaca Islu.nd (Baham&l!}, 264 Adelaide, 281, 312 ; University, Abu.ngarez mines (Costa Rica), 714 313 Abbas Hilmi, Khedive, 1287 Aden, 99. 119 ; boundary, 99, 12 Abeokuta (W. Africa), 230 Adis Ababa, 563 Abercorn (Rhodesia), 192 Adjame (Ivory Coast), 807 Aberdeen, 19; University, 28, 29 Admiralty Island (W. Pacific), 863 Aberystwith College, 29 Adolf Friedrich (Grand-duke, Meck- Abeshr (Wadai), 797 lenburg-Strelitz), 888 Abo (Finlu.nd), 1163, 1164, 1186 Adrar (Spanish Sahara), 1229 Abomey, 808 Adriu.nople (town), 1267 Abrnzzi e M.olise, 946 - (vilayet), 1266 Abuua. (Coptic), 664 Adua (Abyssinia), 564 Abyssinia, area, 663 lEgean Islands, 924 -army, 663 Afghanistan, area, 567, 568 - books of reference, 666-6 : - army, 568-9 - commerce, 664-6 - books of reference, 570 - education, 664 - commerce, 569-70 -gold, 564 - currency,
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