Aid" to Latin America

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Aid Inter American - American News Inter (MemberPress Association for English - • Speaking people For Liberty , Cuhure and Daily Hemispheric Solidarity The For a better understanding between the Americas 4th YEAR hudSksMIAMI SPRINGS, FLA., SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 1957 NUMBER 288 a. A. SAN ROMAN C. W. SMITH 8. SMIIJH President Viee President Vice President FRANCISCO AGUIRRE HORACIO AGUIRRE Vice President and Publisher Vice President Editor and Manager Eximbank Grants Panama Antonio Ruia Fred M. Sharer Eliseo Riera-G6mez Gen. Shepherd & Mgr. Advocates Business Manacer Advt. Cire. Manacins Editor k-: - Ijß ' Published daily except Monday Entered ai second clast matter at the Twelve Million Loan for Post Office of Miami Springs. Fla., on February S. 1956. • 'nffigk rfMffi?... |>^ Economic and Military EDITORIAL Inter American Highway PRESS FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY WASHINGTON, June 22 (UP)— strips of highway: from Penonome The Export Import Bank announc- to Santiago, 64, miles; from Santia- ed today a $12,850,000 to go to loan Pa- to Guabala, 62 miles; from Gua- Aid" Latin America In order for democracy to be a living reality, It is merits and to nama to assist in completing a bala to Puerto Escondido, 41 miles necessary to surround it with the prestige it 200-mile section of the Inter Ame- from David to Concepcion, resources for proper functioning. 16 give to it all the necessary rican Highway. miles; and from Concepcion de La I DM"-*' U. S. Security May Depend on Unity Democracy consecrates freedom of the press and needs The section is composed of these Cuesta, 17 miles. I it in order to live, to be able to develop its political philo- The bank pointed out that the Hemisphere sophy. The people, therefore, should always be deeply Panamanian section of the high- of Nations, he States way is part of the 1,590 concerned about not letting that freedom perish, because a niles inter WASHINGTON, June 22 (UP)— He said that the good neighbor national road which, when complet- when there is no independent press there is no weapon Chairman of the Inter Ameri- policy with the of ed, will extend from the The nations Latin they can in defense of their rights. United can Defense Board, General Le- America was very fruitful and add- use States border through Texas and The totalitarian regimes create their own press and CARLOS PRIO muel C. Shepherd, declared that ed: We should continue backing the Central American countries to the future United security eliminate the one that is not at their service. With news- Panama City. States them up in the struggle against papers publish only what is convenient to them, from may depend on how well the uni- communism, as our own security which The bank also noted that the ty of the Western Hemisphere is is involved.” the most insignificant news report to the comments anal- portion of the highway which pas- also Speak maintained. Talking about his impresions is ses through Prlo to izing political problems, those regimes find an easier way the Central American He added that, this he Republics for reason, the countries he has visited, he consolidate, because democracy, as a movement, lacks and Panama is being advising to with was that the United States said: truth and show the path to- built the United States pay- continue contributing —Argentina the means for spreading the ing two-thirds of to the de- seems to have brok- freedom. the cost and each velopment of the Latin American en Perdn’s chains and once again ward country through which it passes to Cubans in to keep the if.SL countries in their “economic as well “liberty air is in With press freedom it would be impossible paying one-third. breathed the military” aspects. streets.” He praised that Republic Russian people, for example, confined to the political ig- "The $12,850,000 loan to Pana- as He affirmed that if is for having taken “the initiative in norance in which communist totalitarianism maintains them. TAKE IT BACK Congressman ma will assist in financing its one- it true Huge that progress is being registered congregating Brazil, Paraguay and express covering Exile at it would be possible to Billy third contribution If behind the iron curtain Matthews nearly blew a fuse. the cost in the majority the Latin Uruguay in a Conference on the related Russian pol- It was during the the of grading, drainage course of Ameri- in the newspapers view points to the debate on .base can nations, the greater part of defense of the South Atlantic.” He rights bill. Charles Diggs, Jr., and bridges, and all excess costs itical affairs, the way of thinking of these people and also civil their wealth is the property of on- voiced hopes that other South Ame- in regard to those govern- the negro congressman from De- ol concrete surfacing exclusive of rican imitate the attitude of the government, cement,” the bank said. Meeting Here ly a ten per cent of their families. countries the exam- But, Russia there is only one troit was speaking. Diggs was nam- ple. ed, would be different. as in Earlier credits by the bank to He declared that in these coun- of ing some of the counties in the Exilied foes of President Fulgen 4 —Brazil, he said, “was always a party, which is the one in Power, the political life the assist other countries to complete tries there is not a middle class United States where he said no eio Batista will hold a meeting at* country,” of the United States” and country revolves, exclusively, around the whims of those the Inter American Highway have “as in our although he friend negroes were registered to vote ten o’clock this morning to unite! added that countries like Argen- has “a brilliant economic future”. who, from the Kremlin, contrive to draw the road to fol- by been: due to intimidation white peo- their efforts and turn words into! Mexico are creating, He added that he was particularly whole, immense, subjugated people. ple. Congressman To Costa Rica, $9,540,000 tina and low to a When Diggs in- on organized planning against the Cu thanks their progress, impressed by the progress of Sao think press cluded Madison County, Florida, November 7, 1956. to economic There are persons who, erroneously, that ban leader. a middle class. Paulo, which is being transform- newspapers only. This Mr. Billy exploded. He To Nicaragua, $2,000,000 on Dec- freedom should be the concern of almost Shepherd made these declara- ed rapidly in one of the greatest of rushed to the phone in the cloak ember 28, 1956. Dr. Carlos Prio Socarras, form- Hemisphere. is a grave error, because, if it is true that the lack free- Tampans speaking at a center of this room and called his friend, Curry To Honduras, $1,850.00 on Feb- er Cuban President ousted by Ba- Cancel tions when luncheon dom of the press annihilates the newspapers, it is also true by —Uruguay has a government si- Merchant, Jr., editor of the Madi- ruary 6, 1957. tista in a bloodless coup in 1952, tendered outstanding press that such annihilation is extremely harmful to culture, pro- people in this capital, where they milar to that of Switzerland. He son Enterprise-Recorder. “How Those loans and the one an- will speak at the meeting schedul- added that the Uruguayan people gress and democracy in a country. This means, without nounced today brought Flagler represent newspapers, magazines, many colored voters are registered to $26,- ed for vlie Theater in think in the same way that the problem of freedom of the press is of fun- 040.000 the total of loans made Flagler Visit news agencies and radio and tele- doubt, that the in Madison County?” Congressman St. to Cuba people the United by the Export Import as- vision stations. of States. damental interest to the public and that, therefore, every- Matthews almost screamed. “More Bank to TAMPA, Fla. (UP)—A progressing highway. The announcement of the gath- June 22 Shepherd —Chile and Peru are body, not only newspapermen, is under obligation to strug- than a thousand were registered in sist in building the group of Tampans last night Later asserted he has well; but Bolivia, The bank pointed ering said that representatives of call- proof, during trips Ecuador and Pa- enforcement of everything which permits the press the last election, and several hun- out that Pana- off trip Cu- found his to La- raguay gle for ma already completed five exile elements “representing ed their scheduled to are stumbling with econom- gua- dred voted,” was the prompt an- has these ba’s Annual Cigar Festival after tin America, that the United States ic difficulties. He added he to develop within an adequate regime of democratic sections of the highway; some 25,000 anti-Batista” followers an- was im- swer. Mr. Billy rushed to the floor Puerto other group of Technical Aid Program and the pressed by personality rantees. David, in this country, more than half in local citizens be- the of Para- only a few moments after Diggs Escondido to Anton to the involved in what de loans made by the Export-Import guay’s President, General Alfredo side of the Canal Greater Miami, would be present. came was had finished speaking. He “bor- west Panama cribed as rebel violence in Cuban Bank have lent a “valuable assist- Stroassner, who “is his west of Panama City, and Penono- a giving rowed” a minute of time from Con- Miami, with its large Cuban popu- town. ance” to the majority of the Latin country progress and guidance.” me to Anton.
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