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WEEK'S c PLETE TELEVISION PROGRAMS THE 'UNDAY NORTH JERSEY'S ONLY WEEKLY PICTORIAL MAGAZINE ß ß ß 1own and Country ..: Dinincj :. .....':--% :'"'.:.:.;:..;i :':•::;:::: Your Sensational Taste Buds ,;½. -•.';.ß ...... ... .... ß .•:½•':..:"':.:..:'::•,-.• :' :..--:';:.•:::::'•¾:;:':.;:!'"..:::'.':, :.'/•;'""'•'•:•;:i:•:;';;::.::':.:'-;..'•..:.... Who Rates The Nod ....;i'.•.. s Manacjer, 19607 ß I• It Too Late To Win The Ficjht Acjainst Communism? Complete .:..-'.:.i:?,i. ß.. :-2-•' 4>:. Short Story [..; ?•':"::' JOHNSON AND NIXON VISIT NEW JERSEY {)CTOBER 9, 1960 VOL. XXXII, No. 41 435 STRAIGHT STREET PA'F!r•SON, N.•. MUlberry 4-7880 Gift Department Living Rooms Bedrooms-- Bedding Dining Rooms Furnihlre Accessories C•rpeting Appliances ZITO STUDIOS COMMERCIAL .. NEWS .- PORTRAIT RUSSELL ZITO, Photographer 'KLONDIKE'-- The new, half-hourseries of filmedadventure SWarthmore 6-0104 dramasbased on the greatgold rush in the YukonTerritory at the turn of the century, premieres as an NBC-TV Network Mon- day night entry in the Fall. Based on Pierre Bertoffs authorita- 10-16 Fair Lawn Avmme tive book,"The Klondike Fever," the "Klondike" serieswill have fourco-stars: Joi Lansing(left), RalphTaeger, Mari Blanchard, andJames Coburn (not pictured).William Conrad is the producer. I. PARRILLO TheMan from Equitable asks- Willyou leave your famiiy a home --or a mortgage? THeODDS that you w'.'ll die before' you pay off your mortgageare 16 timesgreater than .•.thechance your housewill catch fire. Yet, most prudent families wouldn'tthink of beingwithout fire insurance.Why be without mortgageinsurance? Equitable'sremarkable mortgage repayment insur- anceplan protectsyour family againstforced sale... lossof savings...or lossof home. Costsare low for this basicprotection. For full informationcall... I. PARRILLO 200 EAST •IDG -Ke•OOD AVENUE Ril)6•OOD, N. a. 'BAT MASTERSON'-- Gene Barry stars in the title role of the popular half-hour NBC-TV Network Western-adventure series, seen on Thursday nights in a new time period in the Fall. Re. GI 5-5•12 GI 4-•891 turning for a third season, the series re-creates stories about one of the West's greatest heroes, who became a legend in his own time. Episodes in the "Bat Masterson" series, with guest stars like Leo Gordon (foreground), are drawn from authentic Letthe manfrom Equitable bring you peace of mind adventures of the hunter, author, gambler and hired gun. Page T•vo ß u Published Weekly by THE •NICLE COMP• 170-172 Butler Street P&ter•n, N.J. LAmbe• 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARRII_J.,O, Publisher VINCENT N. PARI•I•, Managing Editor Entered as Second Class matter August 24, 1926, at the Po•t Office at P•on, N. $., under the a•t of March 3, 1879. OCTOBEE 9, 1960-- VOL. XXXH, No. 41 Single Copy 10 Cents $4.00 z Year by Mail CONTENTS 'TALES OF WELLS FARGO'-- Dale Robertson returns ..for a fifth season on the NBC-TV Network, starring as the rugged and uncompromising Wells Fargo agent, Jim Hardie. The half-hour Monday night Western-adventure series, "Tales of Wells Fargo," is built around incidents in the history of the famed FEATURES express company, which helped conquer the West. Who Rates The Nod As Basebali's Manager of 19607 5 Town and Country Dining ........... 6, 7 Your Sensational Taste Buds That Woman, by Zoa Sherburne A Complete ShOrt Story 14 Famous American Taverns 15 DEPARTMENTS Editorials .............. 8 FAitor Speaks 8 Complete Television _11-12-13 ON THE COVER This week was highligh,ted by the visits of Vice President and Mrs. Richard M. Nixon to Paterson, and Senator Lyndon B. Johnson to Wayne. Nixon is shown addressing the crowd (a somewhat smaller turnout than for Kennedy) acrossfrom the .SWITCHESTO SUNDAY- Ralph Edwardsand his "This Is City Hall on Market Stree(. Johnson waves his Texas sombero Your Life" program will return to the N BC-TV Network for the to our cameraman upon his arrival at a luncheon held in his' ninth year on Sunday, Sept. 25. This will be the first season that TV's "biggestsurprise party" is.scheduled Sunday nights. honor. _._ PaEe Three THE DRIVER'S Women's Travel Authority s StopThieves! If you're a woman who uses her car for shopping,remember: take the ign'itionkey with you when you park. Otherwise, you might come back with a bundle of groceries and find A car poolmay be a com- no car to put it in. panionable and money-saving way for a group to drive to and . .-•.:i::']•, ....•. frorn work but a crowded car can create special problems •or a driver unless both he and his '.- .e.. ee rider• follow the rules of car pool conduct. < :::::::::::::::::::::::J' These rules are d;vided into two sections; one for drivers, the other f.or passeng.e•s. Because each member of a car pool alter- nates in these roles, all should know and Eellow both sets Common sense? 0œ course, but. rules. ]eaving th• key in the car is the number one reason tha• a• a•tomo- For dr•vers; smooth poreation of a car pool requires you to' ..-.• bile is slolenin the Uniled Statesevery ,. 'DAN RAVEN'-- Skip Homelet (right) sta•"•, as a lieutenant two and a half minutes. Establish a well timed route .. So don't make it easy for car of detectives' in the West Hollywood Sheriff's Offic3, in the title thieves. Here are some other tips role of the NBC-TV Network's new full-hour Friday night mys- with a sa•e p;ck-up point for to help you protect your car: tery-adventure series, "Dan Raven." Each episode will have a each rider. Make sure you 'stop popular showbusiness personality as guest star, wi•h Paul When you park, close the car a.t a point out of the main traf- windows and lock the doors. Anka (left) and other headliners slated to appear. Setting for Don't leave packages, luggage or the series will be the jumble of nightclubs along I-ioiiyv½½;d's tic, and one that will allow your _ other valuables in sight inside the famed •Sunset •trip. passenger to approach and car, even if it's locked. Put them in tor your car in s&fety. the trunk compartment. If possible, park your car in a Allow plenty o• time. Even garage or in a parking lot with an punctual people are sometimes attendant. unavoidably late. Time the route If you do park on the street, don't leave the car in the same spot for and allow an extra five mihutes long periods..Try to keep to well- •o•' each rider. In rainy or icy lighted areas. weather,be sure to allow plenty Don't leave a duplicate set of keys "hidden" in the car. Smart thieves of extra time because of advers'e know where to look and there aren't driving ,conditions and slower many good hiding places anyway. traffic flow. Even the hub cap gambit is over- worked. Give thought to seating ar- Finally, write down your car's rangements. Load the car so that engine serial number. Police find it invaluable in identifying stolen cars. riders getting off first won't have to crawl over others to step out on the curb side o• your' car. 'JERSEY FACTS Don't •ver'ioad. A •-•hould not include more members than 133 New Jersey firms recently received prime government con- can ride comfortably in the tracts totaling $94,836,931.00. group's smallest car. * , , I• you're a passenger, observ- ance o• the •ollowing rules c• Outdoor sportsmen in New make the trip safer and pleas- Jersey have the opportunity t.o anter for alI- enjoy some 240,00.9 acres of Don't .distract the driver. Avoid State-owned hunting and fishing .. areas. excited discussions o•-•gum'en,ts which might take his attenti,on * * , off the road. And don't call the Ne•v Jersey boasts a 120 mil•e driver's attention to scenes along stretch of fine be.aches along the the route unless you're certain Atlantic and some 60 resort it's safe to do so. towns. These, plus mountains, lakes 'and woodlands make recre- Nevercarry bulky packages or o•n newspapers that cut o• the ation the State's largest single driver's vision and that crowd source 'of income. other rid'ers. , ß 'PETER LOVES MARY' -- Starring Peter Lind Hayes and Mary Healy as a young married couple who must divide their time • on time and don't upset Rofighly"one-tenth of' the coun- between showbusiness careers and suburban family life, and fea- scheduies•y •ing la.te:If you try's .indus,trial research labora- turing (foreground) Gil Smith and Merry Martin as their children, ß..plan to be ab,sen• one mo•ing, tories are located within N'ew the new Wednesday night, half-hour domestic comedy series adds romantic zest to the N BC-TV Network's Fail fare• Also in the be su• to c.•l up the night be- Jersey's borders• cast is Bea Benaderet as their housekeeper. fore •d inform the driver. 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