20 TDK HKHALU. Tucs,. Uec, 29, 1981

Latest Research Results Conclusive: Recipes from Peter DiRosa ... p a g 6 13

Cold tonight: sunny Thursday Manchester, Conn. — See page 2 Wed., Dec. 30, 1981 iJIatirltpalpr MpralTi 25 Cents Percy met O p e school Taste Palestinians due to close By Nancy Thompson Herald Reporter Superintendent of Schools James P. Kennedy will recommend closing an elementary school in June, he in AAideast said today. , Kennedy said the Board of Education planning com­ mittee will meet Jan. 7 to begin considering individual JERUSALEM (UPI) — U.S. SQB?*~t5Srder residents were assured “of my school buildings that are candidates to be closed. I The committee will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the school ad­ Charles Percy revealed today he met unstinting efforts to encourage continued with three Palestinian leaders during his ministration building at 45 N. School. Administrators adherence by all parties to the cease-fire will report on the candidates for a elementary school three-day visit to Israel because a solu­ in southern Lebanon,” Percy said. closing. The committee will then begin to consider tion to the Palestinian problem is the Earlier, Israel Radio said Percy eased which school to close. only way to attain a lasting Middle East Israeli concern during his trip that peace. Previously, Kennedy has only hinted at the possibility Washington might back U.N. Security that a school building could be closed at the end of this In a statement read to reporters before Council sanctions of the Jewish state academic year because of declining enrollment. Today crossing the Allenby Bridge to Jordan, because of the Golan Heights annexa­ Percy also criticiz^ the annexation of he said he will recommend in his proposed budget, tion. which will be presented to the Board of Education Jan. the Golan Heights as one of recent The U.N. Security Council meets nextn “unilateral Israeli actions without Tuesday to consider sanctions against 11, that a building be closed. regard to American regional interests." Israel after it ignored a previous resolu­ "A number of schools are still being considered as “In all my meetings, I have stressed candidates," Kennedy said, adding that the administra­ tion urging it to rescind the annexation tion will not recommend a specific school be closed. my concern about the current state of bill rammed through parliament Dec. 14. The first draft of the budget will include a minimum American-Israeli relations and urged a President Reagan has ordered punitive figure that could be saved by cjosing a school. That moderation of the rhetoric which has measures on his own, including the aggravated the situation further,” Percy figure will be adjusted after the decision is made. suspension of a strategic cooperation Some schools have already been eliminated from con­ said. agreement with Israel that drew a sharp itt Noting his private meetings with sideration for closing by the administration, including blast from Begin and sent U.S.-Israeli Keeney Street School and Verplanck School, Kennedy Prime Minister Menachem Begin and relations to their lowest point. other Israeli leaders, Percy said, “I also said. The planning committee will look mostly at the Percy’s two-hour meeting with Begin smaller schools in the district, he said, because the met at length with three Palestinian Tuesday appeared to have dispelled con­ leaders. other schools do not have the capacity to absorb cern in ^Jerusalem the United States students from the larger schools “I have long held that there will not be might back a U.N. sanctions bid, the radio said. The planning committee will tour the schools under any real basis for a lasting pejice in the consideration on Jan. 9. Middle East without resolving the “We came together on many mis­ The decision of which building to close will be based Palestinian problem,” he said. understandings from the past and I hope The chairman of the Senate Foreign on a set of 14 criteria devised by the administration, it will characterize the new spirit, new planning committee and Parent-Teacher Association. Relations Committee also said beginning that we are going to make in negotiations on an autonomy scheme for Those criteria will be applied to all schools under con­ the special friendship the United States sideration. the 1.2 million Palestinians in the oc­ and Israel have had,” Percy told cupied West Bank and Gaza Strip “must reporters after meeting Begin. be pursued.” Begin, still recovering from a thigh Herald Photo by French Percy said his visit to the Israeli towns broken in a bathroom fall, met Percy at of Kiryat Shemona, Nahariya and his Jerusalem residence after the Illinois Metullah on a helicopter tour Tuesday Republican took a helicopter tour of A logger’s life was part of efforts “to learn personally Israel’s northern border area with Polish union E of the tragic experience of innocent Lebanon. civilians on both sides of the border as a Tom Neubelt, a Manchester native who grew up on Strickland Street, The trip excluded a tour of the Golan at has worked as a journeyman logger throughout New England but finds result of cross-border rocketing, shelling Percy’s request. Israeli officials said and bombing.” Percy also refused to visit the occupied himself back home again in a logging operatio'n off Line Street. For a Extensive smoker survey proves MERIT taste The residents of the Israel’s northern West Bank. look at a logger’s life, see page.three. to negotiate Economy beat him to if By United Press International C key to switch from higher tar brands. Lech Walesa, leader of the shattered Solidarity union, has abandoned a two-day hunger strike and agreed to negotiate with 's military leaders, reliable reports reaching the West say. The bottom line: taste. Environmentalist loses land bid The Polish governpient said Tuesday organized op­ MERIT Beats position to martial law had crumbled but in Los Angeles, President Reagan ordered seven economic That’s the result of the Toughest Competitors. sanctions against the Soviet Union in an effort to force By Paul Hendrie They saw stopping the Economy the banks of Union Fond, as well as Economy’s deposit has been received, relaxation of military rule. Herald Reporter purchase as a way to stop further in­ larger recreation zones at each end of the board's real estate subcommittee “Today is the first day in Poland there is no strike or latest wave of research with Further, extensive unmarked dustrial development there, Berman the park. will consider the offer and set final sale Environmental activist Michael other form of tension," said Gen. Tadeuzs Szacillo, a said, since the town plans to use the But Berman said that’s “inadequate.” conditions. member of the 21-officer military council Szacillo. smokers who have switched pack tests confirm that MERIT Dworkin was thwarted last week in his money raised in the sale to Economy to He suggested one compromise might be The sale then has to be approved by the bid to buy 10 acres of town land near "It is the first day of peace, " the general said in news develop the rest of the park. to sell less of the land in the area for in­ Board of Directors. conference comments reported by UPI correspondent Union Pond because Economy Electric Berman said his client’ is not dustrial use and earmark half the money from higher tar cigarettes to , delivers a winning combina- beat him to it. Berman reiterated the threat of legal Ruth Gruber in a censored dispatch from the Polish necessarily opposed to the sate of the 10- raised in the land sales for recreational capital. . The company paid a deposit on the acre lot to Economy, provided purposes. action to block the' industrial park MERIT tion of taste and low tar when property, upon which it intends to build a development, but he said no lawsuit However, he conceded Poland 's Communist Party had recreational needs in the area are met. This, he said, would remove the lost its "credibility" in the upheaval of recent months, new headquarters. He said the Board of Directors should would be filed until the board actually Dworkin, a pharmacist,-and his obstacle to recreational development approved the sale because “they haven't . although it still “preserves its leading role. " He also ad­ MERIT Takes Taste Honors. compared with higher tar not have passed the resolution at its last raised by Mayor Stephen T. Penny and mitted an eighth Pole had died in martial-law violence. Manchester Environmental Coalition ' meeting setting conditions for the $150,- done anything yet, " had planned to preserve the land as open others, who said recreational develop­ ^ Berman and other attorneys in his Reliable sources said Tuesday. Walesa decided , leaders. 000 land sale-once opposition to the in­ ment is impossible because funds do not Christmas Day to negotiate with the government, Nationwide survey reveals space, according to attorney-Jon D. Ber­ dustrial development became apparent. firm have charged the Board of Direc­ man. exist, tors gave inadequate public notice of the reports to the West said. Instead, Berman said, the board “There's plenty of land to accom­ The sources confirmed Walesa, 38, had gone on a two- over 90% of MERIT smokers Confirmed: The overwhelm­ Berman is a member of the Beck & Should have “taken a step forward” by industrial park and land sale plans and Pagano law firm, which represents modate Economy Electric and for failed to consider properly the en­ day hunger strike at military headquarters where he is trying to reach a compromise between recreational use,” said Berman. “What vironmental impact. under house arrest, but gave up the fast Christmas Eve. of smokers reported Dworkin. those who want to save the land for who switched from higher tar ing majority Berman said Dworkin and his group horrified us was that no substantial con­ Board members respond that the The sources, who spoke to members of Walesa's fami­ recreation and those who want to sideration was given for both industrial ly. said the talks were to have begun Monday, but it was oppose the planned 27-acre industrial develop it industrially. proposal has been before the public for 3 are glad they did. In fact, MERIT taste equal to—or better and recreational uses.” months. It was brought before the not known if any meetings had actually taken place. park at the site, at least as it is now The town’s plans for the industrial The Board of Directors resolution set proposed. Economic Development Commission Military officials are anxious to have the popular than—leading higher tar brands. park include 100-foot buffer zones along conditions for the land sale. Now that last summer. leader of the 9.5-million-member union, now banned, 94% don t even miss their back their efforts to end Solidarity's passive resistance. In another rebuff for the government of the nearly former brands. Confirmed: When tar levels bankrupt nation, the Swiss Bank Corp. announced Manchester campaign pledge Tuesday in / jrich that ,22 banks — including six in the Further Evidence: 9 out of were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose United States — had rejected a Polish request for a $350 0 million loan t'o help pay interest on payments due in two the MERIT combination of low days. 10 former higher tar smokers In Los Angeles. Reagan ordered immediate economic sanctions against the Soviet Union, which “bears a report MERIT an easy switch, tar and good taste. Panel mulls housing at Ben net heavy and direct responsibility for the repression in Poland" that they didn’t give up taste Year after year, in study after Reagan ordered: By Nancy Thompson Sheltered Workshop and the presidents Director Stephen T. Cassano com­ in the past two months. • cancellation of ail Aeroflot flights to America. in switching, and that MERIT study, MERIT remains unbeaten. Herald Reporter of town unions and management group. pared the plan to the state’s, “Yankee The elderly jiousing would be located • closure of the Soviet purchasing commission, According to the meeting notice and Mac” program, which uses state pension on the top two floors of the building, • suspension of licensing for export of high- is the best'tasting low tar The proven taste alternative to The Board of Directors appears to be previous statements, the subcommittee funds to provide set-iate mortgages. which was closed as a school facility in technology materials to Russia, close to fulfilling a campaign pledge by has-discussed the possibility of conver­ Cassano said it would be a long­ June by the Board of Educaiton. The • postponement of long-term grain negotiations, Democratic candidates to convert a ting the school with the aid of the Com­ term investrnent with a guaranteeo Manchester Sheltered Workshop oc­ • suspension of maritime talks, they’ve ever .tried. higher tar smqking—is MERIT former school building into elderly munity Development Corporation, a cupies the bottom two floors. • licensing for export of gas and oil equipment housing. return for the pension fund. The return private firm with expertise in the area of on the investrnent would come from the • and non-renewal of U.S,-Soviet exchange The real estate subcommittee of the housing financing and construction. rents. • The Sheltered Workshop plans to in­ agreements. board has scheduled a Jan. 19 meeting to Cassano said then that CDC would ad­ stall cafeteria and dining room facilities O Philip Morris Inc. 1981 discuss a plan to convert the upper two In October, the Democratic candidates in its space, which could provide meals stories of the former Bennet Junior High for the Board of Directors — who were minister the project, from hiring Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined architects to renting the units. He said for elderly tenants. School Main Building into elderly all elected to the board— unveiled a plan Deputy Mayor Barbara Weinberg Reg: 8 mg "ta r;' 0.6 mg nicotine—Men: 7 mg "tar," 0.5 mg housing. to create senior citizen apartments in the project could be developed quickly In d e x That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. because it would, not be linked to federal noted that the development could nicotine—100's Reg: 9 mg "tar;' 0.7 mg nicotine—100's Men: MERIT “We believe that we have come up (he building by investing town pension provide some much-needed elderly funds in the rehabilitation. or state governments. 10 mg "tar,'.' 0.8 mg nicotine av. per cigarette, FTC Report Mar!81 with a program that can work both to the housing. Advice ...... 16 Entertainment ...... 17 Kings&KX)^ advantage of the town and to future The plan would provide money to The lack of state or federal participa­ "We have such a long list for senior Area towns ...... 18 Lottery...... 2 tenants of the building,” the subcom­ develop the housing through a pri\(ate tion would also cut construction costs citizen housing, " she said. “Its location's Business...... 21. 24 obituaries ...... 8 mittee said in a meeting notice. contractor and increase the rate of and time, because federal standards perfect. It gives the seniors a chance to Classified...... 20-23 Peopletalk 2 The notice was sent to the directors, return on the town pension funds from would not have to met. wander around Main Street. Each Comics ...... 19 Sports...... 9-12 the town pension board, the Planning and the current 6 percent range to 13 or 14 Cassano could not be readied this mor­ classroom could make a nicq little Editorial ...... 6 Television ...... 17 Zoning Commission, the Manchester ffercent, they said. ning to say whether plans have changed .ip.'irtirient."

r T ~ r THE HERALD, Wed., Dec. 30, 1981 - 3 Z - THE HERALD, Wed.. Dec. 30. 1981 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST lo 7 AM EST IF - S' - 81 3 0 .4 8 . Neubelt sets his own pace news Briefing •0810N — M—gA|i0Mt% ^ ' 7 9 /V ___(ow V Ww VOW

SAN FRANCISCO Town native likes solitary logger's life Neiditz V. ' L0 9 ANGELES

LOWEST nALLAI By Scot French members of this special fraternity Yet for some, it is the loneliness death natural lEMPERATURlS wear their membership badges in ’»0 » MIAMI Herald Reporter and lingering element of danger that Sn" ANS < jagged scars and mysterious hand V \i[ —OH. attracts them to logging, as moths HARTFORD (UPI) -- An autopsy rofNO . ’The life of a logger can be lonely ailments that can plague them are attracted to a Hame. shows Banking Commissioner David [ " ^ WAW [ / .\ 1 »wow and dangerous. The hard-driven throughout their lives. In a forest solitude broken only by I ^ ** Neiditz died of natural causes, the state J SHOW! AS ^ MOW the intermittent buzz of a power saw medical examiner’s office says. uri Wl ATMI n I OlOCAM and the creaking, groaning — thud— Neiditz, 51, died early Monday from an of each falling tree, Manchester apparent heart attack near his office. native Tom Neubelt works his lonely The autopsy waS performed by Dr. trade, a journeyman logger now Hunter fails Charles Chambers, an associate medical living in Storrs who has proved that . examiner. you can go home again. to find shark Nieditz was appointed banking com­ Neubelt works for Zulick Forest missioner by the late Gov. Ella Grasso in HfeaEfier Enterprises, which works for the August 1977. He previously served six Rossi Corp., which in turn works for MONTEREY, Calif. (UPI) - The terms in the Legislature — four as a the town of Manchester under a con­ great white shark hunter who was pulled state representative and two as a tract to selectively clear about 260 from chilly Pacific Ocean waters suf­ senator. acres of watershed land off Line fering from hypothermia has made It was during his eight years in the Today’s forecast Street. another dive but again has failed to come House that Neiditz pushed for adoption up with a shark. of the Uniform Administrative Sunny today. Highs in the mid 30s. Clear and cold BUT IN REALITY, Neubelt In spite of a rain storm, David Fisse, Procedures Act, which for the first time tonight. Lows in the mid teens to low 20s, Sunny works for himself. The 26-year-old 37, dived off beach rocks Tuesday and required state agencies to publish their Thursday morning but increasing clouds during the logger owns his own saw and other headed out into Monterey Bay. Later, he regulations and allow fiublic access. afternoon Highs 35 to 40. Outlook for New Years eve tools of the trade, and he is paid ac­ said, he swam under water for a quarter and New Years day rain or snow late at night and rain cording to the number of trees he of a mile. New Years Day. Winds northwest 10 to 20 mph today cuts. He was wearing a diving suit, but if diminishing to light tonight becoming southerly 10 to 15 If he wants his health and life in­ leaKed. New test-tube mph Thursday. sured, he must pay for it himself. If It was because of the leaks he had he wants a retirement plan, he must spent half an hour Monday in cold water provide it himself. clad only in shorts. He was pulled out by course planned “Most people in logging tend to a fishing 'boat chartered by National forecast float around until they find a good photographers, suffering from hypother­ thing,” he says of the freelance mia. NEW HAVEN (UPI) - Doctors at Los Angeles r 65 54 profession. Having worked in the A cable skidder, above, drags logs of any He is trying to catch a great white By United Press International used in wet, swampy areas where a Yale-New Haven Hospital plan to use a City & Fcsl Hi Lo Pep Lduisville c X 19 Maine woods for the Great Northern length out of the woods, where they are cut forwarder cannot go. Rick Zuiick operates shark that killed a surfer earlier this hew technique in their effort to help in­ Albuquerque pc 54 27 .... Memphis pc X 26 'Paper Co. and with several other Anchorage 01 --L5 .... Miami Bech pc X 75 p,into the desired lengths. The machine Is best the skidder above. month in Monterey Bay. ' fertile couples thi ough test tube fer­ Asheville c 41 22 .... Milwaukee cy 22 00 operations in NeW England, Neubelt tilization. Atlanta pc 53 32 .... Minneapolis s 00-05 believes he has found what he is Billinas s 09 02 ... Nashviue pc 37 21 looking for. The hospital’s program has been tem- Birmingham pc 51 28 .... New Orleans r 61 40 working on a forwarder crew,” he length. However, to save time and aren’t strong enough. "You don’t London bear , porarily stopped due to construction Boston c 42 26 .02 New York c 43 20 “ It’s extremely efficient,” he says. “The chopper is completely Brownsviil Tx.r 66 55 .02 Oklahm Cty pc 46 24 says of the six-man Zulick operation. extra steps, loggers on the Zulick have to be a Paul Bunyon," says work, but is expected to treat about one Buffalo r 33 21 .... Omaha cy 26 X alone all day, and I prefer it that operation now estimate their hauls Neubelt. "It's technique mainly. woman a week when it resumes. Chrlstn ' S.C. pc 54 42 .... Philadelphia c 44 21 It uses a cable skidder to drag full- way. It allows you to get a place and split the profits accordingly. only a hoax Charlott N.C 40 28 .... Phoenix pc ( 70 46 You’re trying to let the saw do the Doctors will switch to a technique 34 17 length logs from the woods, and a going and there’s no outside in­ LOGGING CAN BECO.ME an Chicago pc 18-02 .... Pittsburgh c forwarder. Which lifts pre-cut logs work rather than you” using drugs and hormones to stimulate Cleveland pc • X 13 .... Portland Me. c X 21 terference.” addiction, Neubelt admits. He and A graduate of Vocational LONDON (UPI) — An anonymous the woman’s ovaries to release more Columbus pc 32 X .... Portland Ore. r 40 32 Herald'photo by French onto its sides and drives them out. The ability to establish a pace i.s Dallas cy 50 » .... Providence c 41 26 crew foreman Rick Zulick formed a Technical College in Maine with a caller has confessed the east London than one ripe egg cell at a time, in­ Denver pc 32 11 .... Richmond c 40 24 As a chopper on a forwarder crew, essential to each logger’s effort to 28 14 photography business several years degree in logging. Neubelt entered grea* jrown bear scare that brought out creasing chances of successful fertiliza­ Dcs Moines pc 24 07 .... St. Louis pc This piece of machinery, called a forwtarder, picks up pre-cut Neubelt seldom sees those who work streamline his movements, to ago "just to stop talking about police sharpshooters was a hoax, it was Detroit pc 32 03 .... Salt Lake Citys 42 X the profession with relative ease. He tion. Duluth cy 06--12 .... San Antonio r 64 51 logs from where they are felled and transports them out of the the machinery that picks up what he eliminate each unnecessary move logging. It just becomes such a part 65 50 also believes he could leave the reported today. The technique involves close El Paso c 66 X .... San Diego r woods. It is used in drier areas, where it moves to each In­ chops down. and cut the maximum amount of of his life." profession with relative ease, as he Army and police sharpshooters backed monitoring of the woman’s hormonal Hartford c • 41 28 .... San Franese cy 56 52 Today in history Honolulu pc X 68 .... San Juan cy 84 73 dividual tree. r “That’s one of the high points of wood. has plans to earn a geology degree, up by helicopters were called out during levels to determine the best moment to Indianapolis c 25 07 .... Seattle pc 40 31 “The biggest secret to making Neubelt’s wife, Sarah, is ahso a in part through credits earned at the Christmas holiday when children extract the naturally maturing egg. Jacksn Mss. pc 54 X .... Spokane pc 22 07 money out here,” he says, "is to one-time logger, but she retired reported sighting a bear on the loose, Jacksonville r , 70 48 .60 Tampa pc X 61 Manchester Community College. On Dec. 30,1903, 602 people died when fire swept through the Iroquois The hospital has treated 11 infertile Kansas City pc X 2f. .... Washington c 44 26 streamline your operation right after breaking both ankles in a Yet, al least one facet of logging roaming the snowcovered wastes of Wichita c 37 24 theater (left, with canopy) in Chicago. Crowds and traffic jam the street couples, achiving fertilization in two Las Vegas pc 57 47 .... down to the smallest detail." which skidder accident. She now cares for still intrigues him. "The only thing Hackney Marshes, a recreation ground cases. The fertilized eggs were Little Rock -pc 40 24 .... in this scene at the time of the fire. CPEC reports town schools can take years of experience. the couple’s 3-week-old baby, that hasn’t lost its fascination for on the city's eastern suburbs. reinserted in the women’s wombs, but In some operations, loggers figure Gretchen, at their home in Storrs. "Genuine” bear prints in the snow me is w;atching the trees go over, ” neither implanted itself. their haul by measuring each log While fewer women work as •he admits with a smile. “1 love that. backed (ip the childrens' claim and the "The biggest side effect is disap­ and calculating potential board loggers, it is not because women 1 think we’re all little kids at heart” London Zoo advised the bear should be pointment,” said Dr. Alan H, shot on, sight. Cut ‘Robin Hood in reverse’? DeCherney, director of reproductive en­ have more midsize classes However, the Sun newspaper said a docrinology at Yale-New Haven. caller identifying himself only as "Ron" WASHINGTON (UPI) - Rep. Henry said it was all a prank performed by him remaining 90 percent of American Lottery In Manchester, only 1.6 of the Party Reuss, chairman of the congressional taxpayers. By Nancy Thompson has generally been the same, with and some drinking friends with a elementary classes’have fewer than the number of classes over 25 bearskin they had hired for a Christmas Joint Economic Committee, says the tax The 40 percent of Americans with in­ Mix-up delays Herald Reporter cut enacted earlier this year is nothing comes between $22,610 and $44j540 would 16 students and 22.1 percent have decreasing from 28.9 percent in planneid party. • Students in Manchester elemen­ between 16 and 20 students. 1976-77 to 11.3 percent in 1980-81, but a "Robin Hood-in-reverse scheme.” save an average of $58 in 199Q

6 - THE HERALD. Wed., Dec. 30, 1981 'll IK liK ItA l.l), Wed . Ifet,-. :iu. I’JHI - 7 OPINION / Com m entary Connecticut in 1981 It/s been a year of mourning and tragedy

3y Mark A. Dujsuls . Good reasons for keeping C-AAed system lUnlted Press International For Connecticut residents, 1981 was a year marked by Imourning and tragedy, a bizarre connection to an problems with a statement that d is-,,, But lets look at some more down- is virtually the same but reversed. ■attempt on a president's life and the political gamut that Editor's note; The following misses the need in such a cayalier is in response to a Dec. 18 to-earth issues: With the Marcus proposal, however, ■accompanies a local election year and preceeds a manner. First, whether oT not it is ;, ■ statewide vote. editorial in the Manchester 1. Medical control —- this term the nurse or physician would have to “Medical control will immediately allow an only two percent of the patients, As was its predecessor, the year 1981 brought concern Herald concerning the proper denotes a system where a third par­ get on the phone, call the proper am­ experienced physician from another health that percentage of the patients'" lover the health of the state’s governor and the continua- kind of communications ty, in this case the Farminton bulance, and the ambulance would represents the most seriously in- " I tion of corruption investigations that brought along a system for the town's proposed Health Center, monitors all com­ care facility to he included in the transmission have to call the hospital again. When jured or ill patients distilled out of I new twist in the state’s largest city. EMS system. The Herald munications between hospitals and time is critical, the C-Med System is for bettering the care of the patient.^* the great number of patients being ^ The year opened on a solemn note as the state argued that an alternative ambulances. This is important for a as fast as the Marcus System when transported by ambulance. Proper ^ I welcomed a new governor who was sworn in during a automated system suggested number of reasons. First, it allows an ambulance would access the somber ceremony held in the state Capitol’s historic communication in these cases is •. by Bruce Marcus be in­ for the review and accountability of hospital, and appreciably faster if a 1 Hall of Flags on New "Vear’s Eve 1980. vital to survival. Second, where the vestigated. William S. Abbott is the quality of care being given to the centralized inadequately controlled Marcus System, an ambulance hospital would access an am­ William Atchison O’Neill, a political veteran and bar C-Med is in place and being used, assistant director of patient and of the quality of the in­ systems. attendant could arbitrarily “dump” bulance. owner from East Hampton, moved up from his job as even by EMT’s on basic iife support ,, Manchester Memorial Hospital. formation being passed on the radio The Bruce Marcus proposal can­ a transmission already in progress 5. PastStudy—The decision to go lieutenant governor to succeed Ella Grasso, who was between hospitals and, ambulances. not guarantee to accomplish any of with little or no.regard for its impor­ with the C-Med model was not taken runs, there is a distinct improve- battling cancer of the liver. By William S. Abbott ment in the care being given in­ Mrs. Grasso served in political office in Connecticut Tapes of these communications are the aforementioned. >. tance, Moreover, if such a “dump” lightly. R'fSS, the predecessor to the for three decades, as secretary of the state, a con- In general, 1 think The Herald maintained for review by Far­ 2. Reliability — The Marcus were done, and a patient ultimately Marcus System was examined by cluding an expansion of the skills ' 1, gresswoman and as the nation's first woman governor was injured as a result, who would the regional EMS Council together being practiced under close radio made some of the salient points, but mington and physicians charged System is untried. Apparently the elected without succeeding her husband. She never lost I feel more of the background is with jthe responsibility of main- FCC has turned down an application be responsible? I don't know the with the C-Med Model. The regional supervision. Personally, I have"' listened to a tape where the ability an election. needed. tainirtg the standards of care, to try the system out in this area. In answer but I feel the physician on council at that time included On Feb. 5,1981, Ella Grasso lost her last battle. With First, I am Concerned about the 2. Second, it is not unlikely that good conscience, I do not feel I could the call, the hospital, the town , and representatives from hospitals, the of the Hospital to access an am- ^ family members at her side, she died in Hartford perception that Manchester can con­ there will be cases that are new to support an untried system in an area the ambulance are all good can­ medical profession, the com­ balance had a distinct bearing on the ;; Hospital. She was 61. sider itself totally isolated from the or beyond the ability of the physi­ as medically sensitive as an didates, The C-Med system provides munications field, the ambulance condition in which a patient arrived Thousands of people stood for hours for a chance to rest of the region and the state. EMS cian initially involved to handle. Emergency Department, an impartial “traffic cop” feature services, the consuming public, etc. at a hospital. Finally, I would dls- pay their last respects to Mrs. Grasso, whose body lay in and^ the efforts to deal with the Medical control will immediately As an aside, I am quite dismayed which would allow a third party and As with the decision made by the pute the claim that C-Med and ^ state at the Hall of Flags. Her funeral at Hartford’s St. • critically ill, cross not only town but allow an experienced physician in the way that the proposed system if necessary a physician to make the New England EMS organization, C- medical control would be useful in Joseph's Cathedral drew hundreds of political leaders. regional and state lines. We do not from another health care facility to was installed locally. No one as of decision to interrupt a call. Med, with its concomitant commit­ less than 2 percent of the transports. Elia Grasso was gone from the state she had served, but she was not to be soon forgotten. By the end of 1981, have all the resources to deal with be included in the transmission for yet has consulted with the hospital 4. Two-way access — Under the ment for personnel tp man the National experience for Paramedics '' indicate that paramedic skills are ' at least three buildings had been named in her honor, •» all injuries herb in Manchester, and bettering the care of the patient. as to what problems we might en­ Marcus System, contact with the system, was chosen. I emphasize and a controversy over how to officially honor her was we must transport patients to Hart­ Finally, when paramedics and ad­ counter. hospital of choice is direct — punch that this was a council rather than necessary in about 7 percent of all " resolved with plans in line to place a statue of her in a ford, New Haven, Boston, etc. for vanced life support services are 3. Traffic control — The Marcus a code into the radio and you are .staff decision, and it mirrored the transports and useful in another 7-8',, niche outside the Capitol. proper care. The C-Med System is in more prevalent, medical control proposal has no regular traffic con­ “patched through" via telephone decision of the Northeast Regional percent. In this state, paramedics must by regulation be part of the C- LITTLE COULD anyone expect at the start of 1981 keeping with the New England will prevent “Doctor shopping” as it trol feature. This becomes impor­ lines. The C-Med requires the am­ Planners for EMS. The death of Gov. Ella Grasso (left) was the top story of 1981 in Among the top 10 for the year was the story of increasing Ku Klux Klan Region's decision on com­ has occurred in Los Angeles. Doctor tant with the limited number of bulance to call the base station and 6. The Need — Proponents of the Med System. But even more signlfi- that the year would draw to a close with renewed con­ cern over the health of the state's chief executive. Connecticut, according to a poll of United Press International editors. activity (right). , munications and would allow all am­ shopping is defined as: "If I don't channels the FCC has put aside for an assignment of a frequency to be Marcus proposal have indicated that cant presently, as I have mentioned, the C-Med model is proving useful On Nov. 19, O'Neill went before a special session of bulances access to all hospitals by a like what the first doctor told me to EMS use. There will be times when made by the latter's personnel. If a they feel the C-Med System would the Legislature to outline his plan for resolving a state Department of Public Utility Control, also was in the for the EMT attendants who have Other crimes as well.as corruption continued to make Connecticut and a state commission on racial harmony recognized routine method of com­ do. I'll call another" This is an these channels are all busy at one hospital wants to access an am­ not be needed for. better than 98 per­ budget deficit that had grown to $83 million. a mark on Connecticut in 1981. was established. Democratic Senate race. munication. experienced characteristic of non- time. If I correctly understand the bulance, the process with the C-Med cent of our patients. I have serious none of the skills of a paramedic. The next night, O’Neill was admitted to St. Francis In addition to clamping down on the Klan, the 1981 The DPUC, which Downey had headed, had a busy Hospital and Medical Center in Hartford after tests A THREE-YEAR-OLD investigation into the sale of Legislature took steps aimed at fighting crime by adop­ year for itself following his departure mid-way through showed he had suffered a mild heart attack. Two weeks munieipal promotions and illegal gambling in New Bri­ ting laws requiring mandatory prison terms for the year. The agency handled a number of utility rate In M an ch ester later, oh Dec. 3, he underwent a double coronary bypass tain continued, with the city’s former police and fire carrying a gun without a permU or using a gun in the cases, chief of which ended with a record $186 million operation. chiefs having been given jail terms for their involve­ commission of a felony.-'- F ' rate increase being granted to Northeast Utilities. . O’Neill was released from the hospital on Dec. 17 and ment. While lawmakers were working to make life tougher In addition to higher electric and gas bills, state returned to the state’s Executive Residence, where doc­ Violence also drew headlines with the slaying of for criminals, state corrections officials were working residents also felt the brunt of higher interest rates. The The year's AMERICAN WHEAT HELPS BUILD tors said he would spend a month to iix weeks resting Frank Piccolo of Bridgeport, a reputed organized crime to find places to keep them, housing industry remained in a 1980 slump that saw- before he was able to return to work on a part-time figure implicated in an alleged extortion plot directed at A federal judge ruled early in the year that overcrow­ housing starts hit their lowest level since records were RUSSIAN ARMIES 12 WAYS. . . basis. entertainers Wayne Newtown and Lola Falana. ding in the Hartford Community Correctional Center first kept. ■ Cancer also claimed the life of another veteran In Danbury, 19-year-old Arne Cheynne Johnson drew violated inmates’ constitutional rights. However, some state residents got a break on top stories political figure in 1981. Rep. William Cotter, a international publicity when he went on trial for the By year's end, the Corrections Department was still mortgage rates as the state offered two “Yankee Mac ” Democrat who had represented the state’s 1st District slaying of his landlord in Brookfield. Johnson’s lawyer working to implement plans for reducing inmate pop­ mortgage pools under a program that used state for a decade, died of cancer of the pancreas on Sept. 8. claimed his client was possessed by demons when the ulations at the Hartford jail and those in Bridgeport and employee pension funds to provide mortgages. In a moderately eventful year, does anything to capture The process to choose a successor to Cotter began late slaying occurred. New Haven, Better economic times also appeared in the offing as- in the year and pitted Secretary of the State Barbara B. The prison system also was rocked by inmate distur­ the year came to a close for the state's second-largest for Manchester, one story stood headlines, but in Manchester it But a judge rejected the planned defense of “demonic Kennelly against former Hartford Mayor Ann Uccello in possession,” and Johnson was convicted of first-degree bances at the New Haven jail and the state prisons in employer, the Electric Boat Division of General far above the rest as the most is one of the best places for a a special election Jan. 12. manslaughter. He was sentenced to prison on Dec. 18 Cheshire and Somers, r Dynamics in Groton. newsworthy of 1981. rising young politician to be. Mrs. Kennelly won the Democratic nomination by with his lawyer vowing to appeal the conviction. Earlier in the year. EB's feud with the Navy oyer its acclamation while Ms. Uccello defeated Colleen Howe, That was the resolution of the The race bias case helped In New York City, Gerald Coury, 26, of Torrington THE MO.ST SERIOUS was at the Somers prison, failure to meet delivery deadlines peaked with a Navy racial bias case. In October, the wife of retired hockey star Gordie Howe, in a Dec. met with a gruesome death June 27 on the electrified where more than 100 inmates were involved in a melee decision to award submarine contracts to the Groton mobilize Manchester's black 15 primary to win the Republican nomination. shipyard's only competitor. U.S. District Court .Judge M. rail of a Times Square subway track. He had been where one guard was held hostage, several others in­ residents under Frank Smith, TTie 1st District race marked an end-of-the-year chased naked into the subway by a jeering, jured and $14,000 damage done to the prison gym­ Joseph Blumenfeld cleared the in I' I'llE 'VEUI ENDED with the Navy and EB who more than anybody else has chapter in a year marked by the usual gamut of politics bottlethrowing mob of youths. nasium. declaring they had resolved their differences and the town of racial motives for rejec­ come to be tbeir spokesman. The that comes with a local election year and the year Tragedy also struck at sea, when on Aug. 9 a cabin The Corrections Department wasn't the only state delivery of seyen submarines to the Navy, including the ting federal Community group of black residents has lob­ before a statewide election. cruiser carrying six West Hartford residents sunk in agency faced with a tight budget and trouble in making first ship in the giant missile-firing Trident class. Development Block Grant funds State Rep. Thirman L. Milner defeated five-term Long Island Sound after it was apparently struck by a ends meet. . Another defense contractor also faced its share of bied vigorously for affirmative Hartford Mayor George Athanson in a Democratic in 1979. Several weeks later the cement-laden barge being towed by a tugboat. The budget adopted by the 1981 Legislature was $83 economic problems. United Technologies Corp.'s Pratt action, though so far with little primary and went on in the Nov. 2 election to become The lone survivor of the “Karen E” sinking was the agencies that had brought the million in the red by year’s end, despite new revenue & Whitney Aircraft Group laid /iff several thousand success. New England’s first black rriayor chosen by popular boat’s owner, attorney Richard Lublin, whose wife and sources including a controversial tax on unincorporated workers over the year, blaming a slump in the com- action in the first place decided vote. daughter drowned along with a West Hartford couple In short, Manchester has . businesses. merical aviation industry. against appealing. and their daughter. As 1981 drew to a close, lawmakers were meeting in Although 1981 had it's share of gloom and sadness. become sensitized to racial THE HARTFORD PRIMARY was run twice, after And now, with Ronald Reagan the first round of voting was overturned in court when Allegations of white-collar crime, such as those raised special session to come up with new ways to raise Connecticut residents also had experienced times ol in the White House, programs issues to a degree uncommon in Milner filed suit alleging voting irregularities. The in the New Britain probe, spread to other areas of the revenue or where to cut spending to cover the deficit cheer and splendor by the year's end. like the CDBG are being phased New England's middle class Democratic mayoral primary in West Haven also was state during 1981, and cuts in federal aid to the state. In late fall, the Connecticut Opera .Association opened communities. run twice, when a suit was filed challenging the handling One-man grand juries were named to investigate the One source of added revenue was expected to make its its 40tli season with the largest indoor production of the Out. alleged misuse of hundreds of thousands of dollars at the of some absentee ballots the first time around. showing in January 1982 when a law repealing the opera "Aida” ever presented in the United States, and In one sense, then, the race South Norwalk Electric Works and alleged Among the other majop stories The Nov. 2 election also saw the defeat of incumbent state's longstanding system of requiring minimum price the Rolling Stones made Hartford one stop on their 1981 bias case is ancient,history. But of 1981: the expansion of Mayor John C. Mandanici of Bridgeport, who was irregularities in the state Department of Transporta­ markups on liquor would take effect. ' concert tour: the town is still haunted by the Multi-Circuits Inc., the donation = 2 ^ ousted from office by Leonard S. Paoletta in a campaign tion. Lawmakers also wrote into law a state Supreme Court Rep. Toby Moffett, D-Conn., was married: A'ale ruling allowing liquor sales on Good Friday and in­ charges made against it while by John Barnini and Mrs. Leon accompanied by a series of bizarre incidents. University and the University of Connecticut had cham­ THE TRANSPORT'A'I'ION DEPAR'rMEN'l' also got vestigated a $29.2 million error made by the state pionship teams in several sports; and a Glastonbury the case was alive. In effect, Perhaps the most bizarre came in August when I’rodrove of Cheney Hall to the a new commissioner when Arthur B. Powers resigned in Education Department in handing out state aid to local couple had been successful in attempts to free their son Manchester was officially Bridgeport Police Superintendent Joseph A. Walsh was town, the rash of condominium offered a bribe as part of an FBI “sting" operation. October, citing a desire to spend more time with his school districts. from a Cuban prison. branded as racist by the federal conversions, the closing of But Walsh found out about the operation beforehand family. Although its members were not up for re-election, the government. Judge Blumenfeld Watkins and King's stores, the and arrested Thomas Marra Jr. The charge was later Economic Development Commissioner Edward Legislature saw within its ranks political moves preceding the 1982 state election. officially cleared the town's first steps in the redevelopment dismissed by a federal judge who said Marra couldn’t be Stockton also left state service while Public Safety COURSES FOR EDUCATORS Commissioner Donald J. Long was assigned to ad­ By year's end, at least half a dozen legislators had an­ name, but there probably re­ prosecuted since he was operating under authority of January 25 - May 18, 1982 of the Cheney mills area, the Open forum/ Readers' views ministrative duties only in a shakeup of the state police , the government. nounced plans.to run for the U.S. House or for governor, main many in the Hartford continuing success of hierarchy. with O’Neill not having made a formal declaration of Send letters to: The Manchester Herald, Herald Square, Manchester, CT 06040 Bizarre also was an apt way to describe the events region who think of Manchester Democrat? in town elections, that unfolded at Yale University after John W.'Hinckley Long’s new duties were seen as a demotion and came whether he would seek election to a full term. The Spring 1982 semester at the as a town of rednecks. the controversy over minority Jr. was arrested in Washington On March 30 and accused on the heels of a decision not to send in state troopers to C'uit’ersity o f Connecticut will be assist Meriden police during a bloody Ku Klux Klan ral­ THE STATE ALSO saw the start of battling for the The case also made hiring, the controversy over of firing the shots that wounded President Reagan. offering many graduate level courses ly in March. U.S. Senate, with incumbent Republican Lowell Manchester much more race- Close Encounters, the Pratt & It was disclosed that Hinckley, 26, had an obsession with teenage movie star Jodie Foster,, a Yale freshman, The March rally marked one of four Klan gatherings Weicker not yet an announced candidate but already for educators. Almost all ot tlicse consciops than most other, com­ Whitney layoffs, the growth of a For the above reasons, we urge all Cheney District at the discretion of This could cost each Manchester- and allegedly had written her telling her he planned to held in Connecticut since the white supremacist facing at least three challengers from vyithin his own will be open to eligible individuals munities in the region ., Even laotian community in town, the organization had made its return in 1980. The Klan held A bad deal Manchester voters to vote no on the the Town Manager. All of this householder hundreds of dollars at a • kill the president to win her affection. party, chief of whom was Prescott Bush Jr. of not enrolled in degree programs today, with the legal dispute a second rally in Meriden in July and alsoiheld rallies Greenwich, the brother of Vice President George Bush, launching of a sophisticated Cheney District Bonding Referen­ authority without even a plan or time when the town will soon be In early April, a second young man, Edward Richard­ safely out of the way, racial and cross burnings in Windham late in the year. On the Democratic side, U,S. Rep. Toby Moffett at the University of Connecticut. EMS program, the reconstruc­ dum at the special election on Jan. proposal from the developers? . called upon to spend over $10 millioii' son, was arrested at a New York bus terrninal after ■|'« llie F.flilor: notes he addressed to Miss Foster pledging “to bring to Reacting to, the Klan gatherings and other racially elided months of speculation with a formal announce­ issues continue to occupy the tion of water mains and the ac­ 12. I suspect there are several in­ for a new sewer system. The Cheney District referendum completion Hinckley’s reality” were found in a New motivated incidents, the Legislature adopted laws ment he would run for Weicker's seat and not for gover­ Courses offered . . . , attention of many townspeople. companying annoyance of bum­ F.ugeiie A. SierakoMski surance company executives who I don’t think that our town should, making it illegal to operate paramilitary camps in proposal, which Manchester voters Haven hotel room. , nor. John Downey, a former chairman of the stale In many communities, the py streets, and the beginnings of 101 Strawberry La. would be fired if they offered this become a private construction must decide at the Jan. 12 special Human Relations Commission is a new industrial park near Union type of “bonding” guarantee mortgage loan bank. Our only oppor­ \it the S rniiKS C.WII'l S election, appears to be a bad deal a low-visibility group that rarely Pond. without proper compensation. tunity to prevent that from; for the Town of Manchester. ’ ut the ll.\RTIh)RO C'.l.U/’f '.S Vote no on Jan. 12.' happening is to vote no on the Jan. 12- In the disguise of a $750,000 Bond IRELAND OIL CO. ’ .If the ,1 l '/:'K V POIS r t A.MIH '.S' referendum proposal. ... At this time of the year it is a proposal for landscaping road im­ Vote no Robert J. King \it the roR R iSC I'O S C.\.\ll’l .S' Berry's World provements, etc., the voters are 160 Bryan Dr. Leonard U. Rivard pleasure to turn aside from in i:.\i iiii.n really being asked to give the To the Editor; 350 Ferguson Road - everyday affairs and express to our in Il. \.\mi:s'/.\I U' ll. \I /:,v "green light” for two separate bond I have read, with interest, the re­ friends, old and new, sincere ap­ issues. The second and 'silent' issue III .U, L\C.///;.S'77;K cent information printed in your is the additional $17 million bonding preciation for their friendship and in li.\sr'I.Y.Mli newspaper regarding the Cheney Trojan horse to 'have the town become a District bonding proposal. It confidence. mortgage loan-holder for a group of To the Editor: appears to me that the taxpayers of Courses in . . . private developers who have yet to Manchester have a much better show us their plans. The Cheney District Referendum V memory than the Board of Directors bonding proposal, which is on the If the voters approve the $750,000 May we convey ivarni !Sew V'ear's l iltii, atioftiil . \il>niuistriitiiUi or Town Manager gives them credit Jan. 12 election ballot, is really a bond proposal, then the Board of Greetings and extend our best C.urricuhini iiful htstnicli\.>n for. Trojan horse! Directors can be expected, without Manrhpatpr Hrralft wishes for (^ood Ue.allh, Happiness The major conclusion to be drawn That referendum proposal separate voter approval, to bond the from the two prior HUD voting pretends to be limited only to having and Prosperity in the coming year l^ll^u\ltio^hll Stiiilics hisfntc- $17 million, and then loan that processes is that the town of Manchester borrow $750,000 for Celebrating 100 years I I 50% money to the private developers, tiOnal Mt'iliii Manchester accepts its respon­ street,- sidewalk and similar im­ o f community service • This may sound fine, but what Ici hnictil & .It/u/f I'il sibilities as a municipal government provements. Unfortunately, much happens if the developers default? Founded Oct. 1, 1881 OFF From all itf us at Sport & l.t'istirc Stiulivf: but the implementation plan is for more is involved. The logical course is that the town's the taxpayers to decide. If Manchester voters approve that Publlahad by the Manchester only option would be, like any other At no time should the Town of $750,000 bonding proposal, then the Publishing Co.. Herald Square, OPTICAL COMPLETE mortgage loan holder, to forclose on Manchester become a guarantor for Board of Directors can be expected' Msnchetler, Conn. 06040. Telephone the property and take over as (203) 643-2711, # 1 * “ Call 4S6-.IH.I2 a Spring l*)82 any development project, either to commit the town to borrow $17 CENTERS EYEGLASSES . » developer. Our town is not equipped Graduate Bulletin. -from HUD or the Cheney District million for apartment building use Memb«r of Unitod ProM Inter­ to become a mortgage banker for [wn/iiuM' MixD proposal. If the current proposal is national and Audit Buroau of Cir­ exception of cataract, v \ ^ " DHERS SHOP private developers. This is a job for by Hartford-based private culations. accepted by vote on Jan., 12, all the developers! That would leave the Ptrradiflfij Squats Ollicc Ciedii Progtains hanks. trifocal & blended-bifocal lenses. ^ 1B«1 byNEA Inc ,taxpayers should understand that town in the position of being a con­ D i v i s i o n oi ( ’ontinuing I liiuatiiin Our only opportunity to register TALCOTTVlLLt M3 9016 what they are voting for is not only struction mortgage loan bank for Sale Ends, Saturday, Jan. 2nd our opposition to the $17 million bon­ Richard M. Diamond. Publlehar 2 Main Si. I “Hey, give me a break! I don't like being led funding of $750,000 but also up to $17 those private developers who plan to CLOSED FRIDAY, JAN. 1, NEW YEARS University of ding is to vote no on the $75,000 bond Dan Pitta, Editor Hartford Manchester Windsor 643-7111 I back to fiscal sanity any more than you do. “ million worth of protection offered •convert old mill buildings into Ala* Qlrelll. City Editor CLOSED SATURDAY, JAN. 2. proposal. 190 Farmington Ave. 942 Main SL 144 Broad SL Open Daily %/Q Connecticut to any and all developers of the apartments. 728-5982 646-3781 683-0541 ANNUAL INVENTORY 8 - THE HERALD. Wed,, Dec. 30, 1981 THE HERALD, Wed.. Dec. 30, 1981 - 9

Manchester 57 Middlesex 95 UConn 91 Obituaries Medicare B SPORTS \ Enfield 47 MCC 61 I St. Bonaventure 73 Maria (Marion) O'Neiii G. Barrett of New York City; and Marie (Marion) O'Neill. 61 of 177- two grandchildren. premiums A East Middle Turnpike, died The Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Tuesday at Manchester Memorial Main St., has charge of Hospital. She was the wife of John J. arrangements which are in­ O'Neill. complete. Tribe stumbles to win She was born in Brooklyn on Feb. to rise 11.2% 28, 1920, the daughter of Mrs. Mrs. Sarah A. Jones Regina (Ouillette) Girard of Pom- VERNO N - MrS^Sarah A, Jones, premium would have gone up to fret Center and the late Francis WASHINGTON (UPI) - Fueled 85,'of 34 Burke Road, died Tuesday $24,60 a month, HHS said. Girard. She had been a resident of by soaring health costs, the price of at Rockville General Hospital. She The cost of benefits under the Manchester for the past 41 years. premiums' for the nearly 29 million was the mother of Mrs. Gladys program is expected to increase to She was a member of St. Bridget enrollees in Medicare’s supplemen­ over Enfield in CCIL Kielbania and Mrs. Joyce Bennett, $17.3 billion in fiscal 1983, from this Church. She and her husband tary medical insurance program both of Rockville. year’s $14.7 billion. celebrated their 42nd wedding an­ will rise by 11.2 percent next July. Funeral services will be Thursday HHS blamed increases in the niversary last August The increase will hike the current been 20-6 (at the quarter). We better delense but we stopped points and 10 rebounds and Mike at 2 p.m. at St. John’s Episcopal program’s cost on doctors’ fees and By Len Auster Besides her husband and mother $11 monthly premium to $12.20. weren’t playing defense. Our man- playing offense,” Pearson stated. Mgrdichian 10 markers for Enfield. Church, Route 30. Friends may call . the number of services furnished, a Herald Sportswriter she leaves a son, Kevin J'. O'Neill of The rise, announced Tuesday by to-man defense was way below what There was slight improvement, The Raiders were 18-for-57 from the at the White-Gibson-Small Funeral t'rend toward more expensive ser­ Alexandria. Va.; two daughters, the Health and Hurhan Services You couldn’t fault the hustle I like to see. We were giving up a lot not much, the third canto. The clubs field, seven of their hoops on offen­ Home, 65 Elm St., Rockville, today vices and an increase in the cost and Mrs. William (Barbara) Balch of Department, comes on .top of an in­ either way but a wise guy would say of easy shots, a lot of second shots," combined were 9-for-34 shooting, the sive rebounds, with 22 turnovers. from 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial con- use of outpatient services. Health "Th e boys hustle; I haven’t had a Cheshire and Mrs. Michael crease in the program’s deductible both teams were on vacation during he commented earlier. Indians 6-for-20. They went into the tritjutions to St. John’s Church, P.O. costs rose 15 percent last year alone team like it before. But it hasn’t (Maureen) Lozier of Meriden; a that takes effect Jan. 1. The the vacation. The second quarter should , have fourth quarter with a 39-29 lead. box 2237, Vernon, and a big increase is p r^ ic te d for learned to play with its head yet,” brother, Joseph Girard of Ventura. program is also known as Medicare Or, he’d add, the Rocky Horror been phoned in. The quintets com­ Manchester’s lead swayed 1981. Calif.; three sisters. Mrs. Dorothy Picture Show had an early showing. bined for a dozen points. Enfield, 1-2 between 8 ana 12 points with the stated Pearson, "Four of our next part B. Medicare part B covers doctor Woodward of Danielson. Mrs. Cecil Raiders never seriously presenting, five games are against good teams Mrs. Stephanie W. Lanata The Medicare law requires the bills, outpatient services, diagnostic In one not for the highlight film, Cote of Killingly. and Mrs. Beatrice or giving a semblance there of, a and we must start becoming an GLASTONBURY - premium rate, plus the federal con­ Manchester High stumbled to A 57-47 tests, medical equipment, home experienced team somehow. We Benevides of Pittsfield, Mass.; and Mrs.Stephanie (Wisneski) tribution, be enough to cover win over unimpressive Enfield High challenge to the Indian advantage. health services and other out-of­ have a lot of hustle but just not five grandchildren. iChicoski) Lanata, 62, of 106 program expenses for the 12 months in CCIL basketball action last night Mistretta on 9-for-16 shooting had hospital costs. a career-high 20 points to pace the playing with our heads” Funeral services w ill be held Griswold St., died Monday at her beginning next July, but it limits any at Clarke Arena. ‘It wasn’t an UPI photo About 28.8 million people will be Manchester copped the jayvee Thursday at 9;16 a.)n. at the Holmes home. She was the wife of Stefano " I t wasn’t an artistic success, was Indians, 24-for-64 overall from the increase to the percentage by which enrolled In the program in the next tilt, 67-41. Ken Willis had 11 points,’ Funeral Home. 400 Main St. with a Lanata. it," mused Manchester Coach Doug artistic success’ field. Ron Pedemonte added a dozen Social Security benefits were in­ fiscal year, 26 million of them under Chris Petersen and Jerome Owens mass of Christian blirial at 10 a.m Funeral services will be Thursday Pearson, who saw his cagers go to 2- points while 6-foot-3 junior Kevin Polish policy hit creased the previous year. HHS age 65 and the rest, disabled under 10 apiece and Ray Warner had a at St. Bridget Churcfl’ Burial will be at 9;30 a m, from the BUckmiller 1 in the league and 3-1 overall, “ In Brophy waged a fierce battle in the Secretary Richard Schweiker is 65. bushel of rebounds for the 3-1 young in St. James Certietery. Friends Brother Funeral Homee, 82 Fair- spurts we looked like a good basket­ Coach Pearson rugged rebounding wars and came required to announce the increase in The increase in the monthly Indians. may call at the funeral lionje today view Ave., Naugatuck and then St. Adtdressing the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco ball team but we couldn’t put it away with 12 caroms. Joe Maher December. •premium comes on top of a $15 in­ from 2 to 4 and 7 to9 p.m. Memorial Michael’s Church, Beacon Falls at Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Alexander Haig said the together. I'm happy we won. was far off his game, 4-for-16 from Because Social Security benefits crease in the calendar year deducti­ contributions may be rriade to St. 10 a m. Friends may call at the Polish people are just now beginning to fight and declared that Sometimes When you play badly and the floor along, with a share of MiMK'licsii'r (57) — ■ Pedemonte increased by 11.2 percent in June ble, to $75 effective Jan. 1, that Bridget Church Window Fund. funeral home today from 3 to 5 and 7 win it’s a good sign.” in the league and 1-3 overall, after a Manchester's 14 turnovers. 5 2-3 12, Carmel 0 0-0 0, Hyde 1 0-0 2, the Soviet-inspired repression in Poland will fall. Haig's speech 1981, the medical premium may Congress passed as part of last to 9 p.m. Memorial donations to the The Indians' next court action is flawless first stanza had a dozen tur­ "Joe had a tough night, obviously, Mistretta 9 2-2 20, Maher 4 3-3 11, followed President Reagan’s announcement Tuesday of grow to no more than $12.20. If that summer’s budget-cutting legisla­ Polish Relief Fund in care of Saturday night against crosstown novers. Its first seven possession's of 1 feel he’s a very’ frustrated young Brophy 1 2-5 4, Troy 1 0-0 2, Johnson economic sanctions against the Soviet Union. cap were not in effect, the monthly Mrs. Ruth H..Barrett American Red Cross, Naugatuck tion. East Catholic at the Eagles’ Nest at the quarter were giveaways. man right now," perceived Pearson 2 0-0 4, McCurrv I 0-0 2. Totals 24 9- Mrs. Ruth Henderson Barrett, 72. Chapter, Park Place, Naugatuck, 7 o ’clock. It is the lone meeting this Manchester, however, didn’t take of his lone returning experienced 13 57. of 39 Lawton Road, died, this mor­ 06770. year between the intratown rivals. az)van*’>no it showed little if any performer from a year ago, "We Kiifii’lil (47) — Ouellette62-4 14, ning at Manchester Memorial The first quarter showed little in­ patience. It counterbalanced the needed stability and didn’t have it. Moore 3 0-1 6, Curry 2 0-1 4, Baer 3 0- Hospital. She was the widow of Har- kling of what was to follow, although Raiders’ dismal performance with Anrt niir inpxperiencc factor hurt 1 6, Mgrdichian 3 4-5 10. Scarfo 0 2-2 Retarded brief 2, M aier 1 3-4 5, Guerrerio 0 0-0 0. vy B. Barrett Sr. and before retiring Hard economic Pearson had a sign. The Indians had 3-for-15 shooting' and 6 turnovers. us." III .Mciiioriaiii two years ago she had been a 20-15 lead at the turn with 5-foot-lO "The second quarter we played Burly Steve Ouellette had 14 Totals 18 11-18 47. employed in the cafeteria at In loving memory of Walter junior guard Mark Mistretta hotter Manchester High School. Hennequin. who passed away than a Roman candle. He swished December 30, 1972. is challenged She was born in Manchester on Herald photo, by Rinto his first five floor tries and wound July 4, 1909 and had been a lifelong We often sit and talk of him, times still ahead up with a.dozen markers on 6-for-8. Manchester’s Manny Johnson (left) and Ron Pedemonte each resident. Before working at the high . When we are all together, HARTFORD (UPI) ^ Sen. Lowell Weicker, R- “ The first 5-6 minutes we got the school she had worked in other Conn., is challenging a legal brief filed by Connec­ have two hands on the basketball in rebound battle against En­ ball down court and got some easy For his memory is the only thing. from the recession ^should begin around the school cafeterias in the system. She WASHINGTON (U PI) — The recession may field’s Steve Ouellette (10) last night at Clarke Arena. Raider shots. We then stopped doing it,” Turnovers fell story That we shall have forever. ticut’s attorney general that argues the state has to be slowing, but that won’t keep unemployment middle of 1982. ^ was a member of the Manchester provide only cijstodial care for the mentally Kevin Curry (12) remains anchored. Pearson remarked. " I t should have from rising. Salvation. Army. Sadly missed by. Sandra Shabor, econorhist with Chase retarded, She leaves two sons, Harvey R. Wife, son, daughters That was the assessment of economists both Econometrics near Philadelphia, said the Barrett Jr. of Coventry and Richard & grandchildren in and outside the government Tuesday as the report indicates, “ W e’re still in a recession but Weicker said Tuesday his "friend of the court” Commerce Department reported its index of it might not be too severe a one ... W e’re brief filed in il.S. Supreme Court has two purposes. in Cougars' defeat leading indicators declined 0.3 percent in looking for at least a slow recovery to begin by "F irst, to eliminate any doubt that the Congress November. spring." over many years has strongly and consistently sup­ This was a much smaller drop than the In terms of overall decline in economic out­ ported the right of the retarded to progress to their Little men lead Boss ruling stands previous two months — 2.1 percent in when the Cougars crawled to w)thin Thurber 15 markers tor the varsity put, she said, the recession will be much less fullest," said Weicker, chairman of the Senate Sub­ By Bob Papetti September • and 1.6 percent in October — 14 points, 55-41, as hard-working while Bonnie Kilgore liooped a dozen severe than the big one in 1975. But Chase committee on the Handicapped-. Correspondent ment Tuesday that he did not have leading Commerce Secretary Malcolm freshman center Jim Florence for the alumni. RROVIDENCE, R I. (URl) - believes unemployment may hit 9.1 percent in the authority to issue an order in Oc­ Baldrige to say "the business downturn may be “ And second, to let the court and the people of grabbed 5 defensive rebounds in five MCC ’s next outing is next U.S. Justice Department lawyers the second quarter of 1982, just topping the Plagued by a rash of turnovers tober which delayed indefinitely the slowing." Connecticut know that the attorney general’s minutes to help set up the MCC Wednesday at Norwalk Community have lost their bid for another peak unemployment rate of 1975. and an inability to defend against hearing on reputed New England criminal proceedings against But Baldrige also stressed hard economic opinions are just that, opinions, which are not sup­ the fast break, Manchester Com­ scoring. Florence, who led the College in a 7:30 start. mob boss Raymond L.S. Patriarca’s I’atriarca. times lie ahead. Most elements pf the index Unemployment typically reaches, its height ported in fact by the people of our state.” UGonn to finals munity College was shockingly Cougars with 16 points and 13 Middl.’M’v (9.5) — Slack 4-6-14, just as, or shortly after, recovery begins. When ability to travel to Florida for The magistrate said the strain of which reflect the industrial economy were overwhelmed by Middlesex Com­ rebounds, was MCC’s lone represen­ Shannon 9-0-18, Mauldlin 6-0-12, Wat­ a recession begins employers are reluctant to Weicker, who has a son with Down’s Syndrome, arraignment on federal the trip and the court appearance down, he said, indicating production cutbacks, munity College, 95-61, in the cham­ tative on the all-tournament team. son 7-4-18, Winbourne 2-0-4, further selling down of inventories, and lay off workers right away. Similarly, when it was joined in his action by Sens. Robert Stafford, racketeering charges. could kill Patriarca, 73, Who suffers pionship game of the first annual Also receiving all-tournament FIdwards 5-(’ -10, Hoggard 6-3-15, is ending they don’t rehire until they are sure R-Vt., and Harrison Williams, D-N.J. By Earf Yost into their own as the Huskies dangerous and talented Thompson. U.S. Magistrate Jacob Hagopian from heart disease, diabetes and probably a further rise in unemployment. MCC-hosted Cougar Basketball notice along witli Florence, Shannon McGinn 2-2-6, Bleeker 1-0-2. Totals business is improving. Sports Editor trounced St. Bonaventure, 91-73 to UConn upped its season log to 7-1 rejected the government’s argu­ hardening of the arteries. The government has been saying recovery Classic last night at East Catholic. and Watson were Middlesex forward 40-15-95. E move into tonight’s finals against and the Bonnies are 5-3. Manchester, which shot a Glen Mauldin and Stamford UConn MUG ( h ) ) — Roberts 3-2-8, John­ Tall and ' talented frontcourt South Florida. M cKay and Thompson accounted lackluster 34 percent from the floor, guard Gene Cleary. son 4-0-8, DelMastro 1-0-2, McKier- operators. Corny Thompson, Mike Florida gained the right to face for 42 points, including 34 of the saw its record dip to 1-1 while The Manchester Community nan 4-0-8. Be) ger 0-2-2, Florence 8-0- M cKay and Chuck Aleksinas had the Huskies by trouncing LaSalle, home team’s 44 first half points Middlesex improved to 2-0, Both Cqllege women’s varsity took a 69-46 16, Facey 0-0-0, Morhardt 2-1-5, C. 4/ SIEFFERTS SAYS... been the main cogs in the University 82-62. when a 13-point 44-31 lead was teams won their season openers decision over the alumni in a Reiser 0-0-0, Hosemond 0-0-0, J. Judge indicted in bribe plot of Connecticut’s basketball success The playmaking of the little men, erected before intermission. Monday in the tournament’s opening prelim. Heidi Badsteubner had 24 Reiser 4-4-12, Tobin 0-0-0. Totals 26- going into the Connecticut Mutual Hobbs and Giscombe, stood out like Thompson/ who was immense both round, MCC topping Stamford points and U assists and Chris 9-61. SHOP OUR Classic last night in Hartford. lights on a Christmas tree. They ways — on offense and defense sentences in exchange for FBI agents said Borders UConn, 85-49, and Middlesex dow­ MIAMI (UPI) - Federal Hastings, 45, a former the outcome of the in­ Playing before a record New handled the ball like magicians, tallied 13 points in. the first 12 Senate candidate, was ap­ vestigation. He was not $150,000, the indictment was paid the bribe money England college crowd of 15,425 at ning Thames Valley, 70-57, C judge Alcee L. Hastings with Bob Cousy-like passes, and minutes as his team never trailed. pointed to the federal available for comment said. Romano and his in two installments at the YEAREND CLEARANCE The quicker, more aggressive and a well-known the Civic Center, the Huskies’ most important, got the ball into the He hit seven of 10 field goal tries brother, Thomas, had been Tw in B ridges hotel in Flying Horsemen set the tempo ear­ Washington lawyer were bench in Miami in 1978 by Tue.sday, but has repeated­ diminutive backcourters, Karl big men, particulatly a hot-shooting while M cKay was on target with six President Jimmy Carter. ly denied the charges sentenced by Hastings. Virginia, Borders allegedly Hobbs and Vern Giscombe came ly, jumping off to a devastating 13-0 indicted on c;harges of con­ € Mattel, Inc. 1979 Mike McKay and the always bullseyes in nine tries from the He is a respected Fort against him. received $25,000 in the first lead less than four minutes into the spiring to take a bribe in All Rights Reservied floor. contest. The superior depth of the exchange for reducing the Lauderdale community The indictment resulted Also part of the deal Wa. payment and $135,000 in the “ I was happy to plhy 11 guys,” a second. After the second Middlesex squad, which led at the sentences of two leader and was tbe first from an’ FBI undercover for Hastings to lift an order pleased UConn Coach Dom Perno transaction was com­ half, 42-28, was reflected in the in­ racketeers. black to assume a federal operation, launched after impounding $1.2 million of said. Ten getting into the scoring pleted, agents arrested dividual scoring totals as six players Hastings and longtime judgeship in south Florida. an informant told agents • the Romanos’ assets, the LAST column with Norm Bailey adding a him. hit double figures. Included were friend William A. Borders The grand jury began that Borders and Hastings indictment said. dozen points. Hobbs contributed tournament most valuable player Jr. were charged Tue.sday hearing evidence in the were soliciting bribes from seven assists while Giscombe tallied Kevin Shannon and all-tournament with conspiracy to commit case after Borders, the criminal defendants. CALL! nine points and passed o ff for five forward Monte Watson, who shared bribery and defraud the former president of the A retired agent posed as buckets. game-high honors with 18 points United States government mostly black National Bar racketeer Frank Romano NEWSPAPER BINGO “ What you saw Mike Vaughan do and obstruction of justice. Association, was arrested and responded to the defen- New Game Starts Every Wednesday. tonight he does in practive every apiece. Borders also was Oct. 9. . d a n ts’ s o lic ita tio n s in Continues Thru Tuesday one per family day. The elongated reserve fitted in The Flying Horsemen reeled off which the judge allegedly an awesome 22 unanswered points in charged with crossing On Oct. 12, . Hastings perfectly with the play of the front- offered to reduce the or Until There’s A Winner! the final 2>A-minutes to close state lin'es to commit removed himself from 12 only liners and contributed eight points. bribery, hearing all cases pending Romano brothers’ Thera Are 10 “BINGO BUGS” “ McKay was excellent,” Pemo matters out. In Todey’s Herald. Shown appraised and the partisan crowd The closest Manchester could Mdster would have to agree. “ It’s the best come in the second half was at 11:48 Truck burns Here Are All 10 of Them. Component with that he has played. Keyboard Component. “ This was a great team effort.” HEBRON (U P I) - State Each sold separately. Looking ahead to tonight’s feature police briefly blocked off a new year’s TV not if^cluded. nVlTTiEL lELiECTRaniCa* at 9 o’clock, Pemo fears, “ Florida’s section of Route 66 when a party headquarters big people. We have to hit the gasoline, tanker truck B o w lin g boards. We have to get the ball. caught fire. The truck’s 4,- • halt “ I said we would have to play 80 000 gallons of ga.soline did • noltemaker* minutes of good basketball to win. not ignite. • papar tableiware iNtElUViSiON 9 3 W e’ve played 40 and need 40 m ore.” A state police spokesman • bailoona Florida, with a 7-1 record, boasts said traffic was halted • atraamara Intelligent Television a front line which averages nearly briefly Tuesday in a rural ELKS — Bob Mike 156-378, Paul • plastic party glasses seven feet each. area near the Golui’ bia Ford 155-390, Travis Cook Jr. 357, Introducing the computer-based system The trio, Jim Grandholm, Vince ■ town line. Firefighicrs Hank Hebert 161-404, Joe DeSimone that can change your family’s life. Reynolds and W illie Redden work from Hebron, Columbia, 134- 382, Ron Deveaux 361, Joe Mose- with an outstanding playmaker and Andover and Colchester With the Master Component, you can play super action games sian 146-150-423, Terry Devaux 356, scorer in little (6-3) Tony Grier.'The were called to the scene. John Rieder 137-362, Joe Cataldi Sr. 0 like NFL Football, Major League Baseball, NBA Basketball, Las latter’s 22 points led the way againt Police said the truck Vegas Poker and Blackjack, and ABPA Backgammon. 381, Bill Adamy 371, Bill MacMuIlen oWned by the Republic Oil a young, inexperienced LaSalle 147-153-430, Gene Richardson 350, Co. of W illim antic had When you add the Keyboard Component, ** the INTELLIVI- team. Ernie Pepin 138-360, Hal Waldron become disabled on the SION™ System can also help you with ’professional stock Mark Jones paced the Bonnie 368. Bill Hanson 148-142-407, Ralph scoring with 20 points and Andy eastbound shoulder of the analysis. Exercise your family into shape with the Jack Doyer 150-393, Bruce Fish 150-149- Moore had 15, all in the second half. road at 3; 10 p.m. The fire 416, Dave Richards 151-403, A1 LaLanne Physical Conditioning course. Even design your own One negative note for the UConns began while the truck Grabinsky 371, Bernie Welch 145- programs with ^ BASIC cartridge. There’s a whole was the scoring output of Aleksinas. driver was calling for 135- 412, Tuffy Montineri 362. library of INTELUVISION™ programs* for your family’s en oy- He hooped just one twin-pointer in assistance, police said. ment, from learning Conversational French to Jeane Dixon's his game total of six points. No injuries wer.e Astrology ^ The way the little men perform reported. Come in today for a free demonstration of the INTELLIVISION™ tonight w ill determine if UConn will MERCAr iT L E - Chuck Barrera 144- repeat as classic champs. System. See for yourself how it can change your family’s life. 390, Pete Brazitis 141-146-392, Chuck Man dies LaSalle and St. Bonaventure Barrera Sr. 145-371, Bob Whalen 135- square off in the opener tonighi at 7 358, George Barber 157-375, Craig with another sellout assured. UNION (UPI) - A Cartridges will follow Pinney 147-148-151-446, Ken Montie Colorado truck driver died 162-140-409, Dave Berrera 136-376, after his rig and two other Get Your Cards Today from: liConn 91- McKay 8-7-23, Dick Kririjak 143-156-418, Bob Cuneo tractor trailers collided on Davis Family Restaurant, Caldor Shopping Plaza; Flower Thomspon 9-1-19, Aleksinas 1-4-6, 137- 367, Bill Sheekey 165-156-428, snowcovered Route 66 near Fashion, 85 E. Center St.; Harvest HIM Package Store, Hobbs 1-0-2, Bailey 6-0-12, Giscombe Ken Freeman 135-350, Dave Manchester Parkade; Highland Park Market, 317 Highland SI,; LaChapelle 139-145-141-425, Harry the Massachusetts border, 4-1-9, Sullivan 3-1-7, Kuezenski 1-0-2, K.B. Aulomollva, Broad Street; Lynch Motora, 500 W. Center Buckminster 143-391, Hank Frey state police say. St.; Nassitt Photo, Main Street; Optical Style Bar, Main Street; Blucher 1-1-3, B u ckelew 0-0-0, 138- 136-375, Jim Bell 145-409, Walt Deiripsey Fruge, 52, of Regallp Men's Shop, Main Street; Sleflert's Appliances, 445 s fiietoit’j UConn photo Vaughan 3-2-8. Totals 37-17-91. Hartford Road; Waslown Pharmacy, 455 Hartford Road; Diet M Si . Bonaventure 73- Hunt 2-0-4, Jacy 351, Walt Bender 352, Bill Herald photo by Pmto Colorado Springs, Colo., 6479997 445 HARTFORD RD. UUM ANCHESTER was fatally injured in the Center. 113 Main St., also Pic an’ Save, 725 E. Middle Tpke 6479998 UConn’s Vern Giscombe sails to the hoop to score two points Samuels 1-68, Stover 0-0-0, Jones 7-6- Colby 364, Rich Romano 366, John Cards will also be available at the Diet Center. 527 Burnside Lukas 353, Daryl Lukas 362, Leo mishap that occurred in Avenue. East Hartford, and at the HI FI Stereo House, Vernon TAKE I-84 TO KEENEY ST. EXIT 20, Clarke 3-0-6, Crawford 4-3-11, Cougar Jim Florence (3) lets left-handed shot tickle the twine Circle. despite efforts of John Benbrook of St. Bonaventure last night Foglia 358, Tony Vann 372, Mel Bur­ the eastbound lanes of the THE PEOPLE WHO BRING YOU LOW PRICES AND PERSONAL S In the Connecticut Mutual Classic at the Hartford Civic Center. Garbade 1-3-5, Moore 7-1-15, Ben­ against Middlesex in Cougar Classic final at East Catholic. highway early Tuesday. brook 1-2-4, Franz 0-0-0. Totals 26-21- bank 358, John LaChapelle 371, Mike Middlesex' Monte Watson’ (.12) was too late to prevent score. UConn won, 91-73. 73. Tomlinson 357, Pete Canning 135. m - THE HERALD, Wed,, Dec. 30, 1981 THE HERALD. Wed,, Dec, 30, 1981 - 1 1 Girls' basketball

• ' t ’. 'W\ Tribe shoots M, Canadiens end jinx ^ down Enfield held by Islanders

making the transition from junior' Off to a fast start, Manchester the second period, The Canadiens’ Currie, Blake Dunlop and Jim Nill High girls’ basketball team never varsity to varsity play. I feel they By Jeff Hasen gone in,” said New York coach Al Craig Laughlin had tied it 2-2 with scored consecutive second-period looked back as it sailed to a 59-35 will contribute more and more as UP] Sports Writer Arbour, who adamantly protested the season goes along.” the allowance of toe goal. “I can’t his eighth goal at 12:50. goals ’to guide the Blues. Klassen win over Enfield High yesterday in, Getting knocked out in the first The Islanders took a l.-O lead at notched his second goal of the CCIL play in Enfield. Donnelly had a team-high 12 say anything about the officiating. round of the playoffs by the Edmon­ 9:41 of toe first period on Denis Pot- season, tipping in a slapshot by Rick The triuippb moves the Silk points for Manchester with Lisa I’ve spent too much money on the ton Oilers last season hit the vin’s eighth goal. They made it 2-0 LaPointe at 6:23 of the second Towners to 3-0 in the league and 4-1 Christensen adding Kkrand Young holidays.” Canadiens like a resounding hip period for the Blues to go ahead 2-1. overall while the loss drops the and Tucker 8 apiece. Doug Jarvis added his 13th goal qf when Clark Gillies beat Montreal check. But Montreal left wing Bob goaltendefr Denis Herron at 14:27, Currie and Dunlop tied up Hartford Raiders to 1-2 in the league and “The only thing I was displeased the season at 3:51 to make it 5-3 Gainey believes the hurt is alrnost and the Canadiens closed to 2-1 on a. goalie Greg Millen in front of the net overall. with was the slight defensive let­ Montreal, and Mike Bossy added his Herald photo by Tarqulhlo down in the second half. We let up gone. 28th goal for the Islanders for the two-man power play, when Larry and Currie backhanded the puck into Manchester returns to the “Not. beating toe Islanders here hardwood Tuesday night against only 12 points in the first half, but 23 Robinson’s shot beat Smith at 16:37. toe net. the last two years and getting “ We played with intensity,” said Manchester’s Brian Gaskell is temporarily on top in his 145- Action was at first Manchester Holiday Wrestling Tournament Penney High in. East Hartford at B in the second half. We cannot afford knocked out early in the playoffs Montreal coach Bob Berry. “We got \or:li(|iirH 8, Klu<‘k Hu\«ks I pound class championship bout against Cheney Tech’s Lance yesterday at Clarke Arena. o’clock in a battle of two of the three letdowns if we are going to beat toe last year shook us," Gainey said out of the block quickly this year and At Quebec, Michel Goulet's hat Bouchard. Bouchard was on top at the end with a 9-6 decision. CGIL leaders. really good teams which are coming up soon on our schedule,” Tuesday night after the Canadiens then we hit the doldrums. But the trick combined with center Peter With Jackie Tucker scoring all 8 ______broke a six-game losing streak to Stastny’s two goals and three assists of her points in the opening stanza, Armstrong cautioned. last three weeks; we’ve played very New York at the Nassau Coliseum to power the Nordiques, Goulet Manchester raced to a 16-6 lead at Manchester also took the jayvee solidly. with a 5-4 victory. completed his scoring spree 23 the turn. It advanced the margin to tilt, 39-12. Carey Markham netted 12 “Definitely, the Islanders are the “We feel we have a better team team to beat this season. They're seconds into the final period on a 3 33-12 with the issue never in doubt points to pace the 4-1 young Indians. than we showed last year and we’re power play. afterwards. the champions and they’re a very, beginning to show it.” Kriiiiis 5. Lui.iiM’kH 3 Success marl^ first mat “We moved the ball much better IVIanche((ler (59) — Donnelly 5 2- very good hockey club.” ■ Mario Tremblay scored on a 2 12, Walrath 0 0-00. P.BrOwn 01-31, final score with 3:56 left in the Robinson downplayed the At Vancouver, Barry Pederson than we have in several games. We deflected shot early in the third T.Brown 1 0-0 2, Hopperstead 12-2 4, game. Islanders’ recent success over Mon­ broke a 2-2 tie with two goals in the were looking for the open man and period to give the Canadiens a 5-3 New York goaltender Billy §milh final period to aid Boston. The cutting underneath much better Markham 1 0-0 2, White 1 2-3 4, treal. lead. The shot, off a Pierre Mondou blamed himself for the defeat. Bruins' rookie center gave Boston a than we have recently,” cited Wojnarowski 10-0 2, Tucker 4 0-0 8, “This game was just like any blast from the point, hit the upper "The reason I feel we lost is other," he said. “I didn’t remember 3-2 lead at the 1:07 mark of the final Manchester Coach Steve Christensen 4 2-2 10, Young 3 2-4 8, crossbar at 2:41 but referee Bruce because I didn’t play well,” Smith who did what to whom over the last period when he scored his 19th goal tourney, Indians on top Armstrong. Wright 3 0-2 6. Totals 24 U-18 59. Hood overruled the Islanders' con- said. ”1 played brutal, I played two years. They are the champions of the season on a power play.. “Sue Donnelly and Paige Young Enfield (35) — Kaffeian 1 1-2 3, Unlted Aircraft photo tention that the puck never entered stupid — believe me, I know.” and we always try to beat them.” Pederson added his 20th goal of the 0 both played fine games for us. I was Wheeler 1 0-0 2, Keyes 0 0-0 0, the net. Montreal had taken a 3-2 lead on season on an unassisted goal also pleased with the play of our two Branter 2 0-0 4, Carrara 10 0-0 20, BIui-h 6, Wliulers I RHAM High took third in the four- Lamoureux was cited for too many Skip Arden was tournament direc­ “I didn't see how it could have Mnndnu’s short wrist shot at 17:00 of midway through the period. By Len Auster junior guards, Toby Brown and Beth Morris 1 2-2 4, Pond 0 0-0 0, Babine 0 At St. Louis, Ralph Klassen, Tony team field with 88 '/z points. The rule violations. i tor with Mark Albert his assistant. AIrcrafters contribute Herald Sportswriter whito They are slowly but surely 0-0 0, Halish 1 0-0 2. Totals 16 3-4 35. Sachems gained two individual ' “The six or seven guys I figured John Vino and Bob Tigno did a fine Successful on two fronts was the crowns. would be strong in the pre-season job officiating the bouts. Will “Red” Hadddn, general chairman of the Five Mile Road first Manchester Holiday Wrestling “I feel great, ” the excitable won or went to the finals,” Berns­ Cheney returns to duai meet com­ Race in Manchester last Thanksgiving morning, looks at 26V2 , Tournament' yesterday at the In­ Bernstein stated, “ I feel it was a tein cited, admitting he wanted to petition against Plainville at noon in pounds of Susan Anthony dollars, which amounted to $1,450, dians' Clarke Arena. tremendous effort all the way win his own tournament “a lot. We Plainville while Manchester is host and contributed by 241 Aircraft employees who took part in the Notable achievements included The host Silk Towners, with six in­ through by all four schools. There South stages rally worked awfully hard. And each guy to Bockville Saturday, also with a run. The company matched the $3 entry fee for every worker dividual champions, took team was a lot of good competition and it wrestled extremely well.” noon start. East is idie until who took part. In addition, UA contributed $8,000 to the race Three notable achievements, one by a honors with 167 points. More impor­ took a good team effort to win it.” Bernstein acknowledged founda­ Wednesday, Jan, 6, when it hosts Michaels showed class tantly, though, was the event itself, Manchester champs were Curt tion of the Manchester tourney New London. committee to help meet operating expenses. The $1,450 was runner while at Manchester High, a second welcomed by the competing coaches turned over to Muscular Dystrophy Research, national objec­ by Manchester High cross country squads Howard (105), Gordon Fallone came out of frustration of trying to to turn back East Talk about class, Walt Michaels has dis­ who were gladdened to see its incep­ llesuUs; 91 — Sblendorio (EC) pinned Steve tive of the race-sponsoring Nutmeg Forest, Tall Cedars of and a third by an East Catholic wrestler are (119), Jim Fralliciardi (138), Mark get into other holiday tournaments. Herald played it all season. The New York Jets' head tion. Meeker (CT) 3;41; nu consolation; 98 —Rick Lebanon. included in the 1982 Connecticut Almanac Walker (155), Rob Filloramo (167) “We've been trying to get into the coach has complete control of himself on the T like the tournament, " stated and Steve Farley (185). Howard Bonzani (EC), maj. dec. Sal Rafala 18*8: no section in the sports chapter. Angle Penney Tournament and others but consolation: 105 -^u rt Howard (M) pinned , Deadlocked at 13-all after one Hogan pumped in a game-high 29 sideline and foundno fault with his players in Cheney Tech Coach A1 Skinner, who pinned Cheney's Tim Fournier in 33 no one is dropping out. I see this as Manchester High’s 11 state boys’ cross Tim Eournler (CT) ;33, Jim Speno (EC) took quarter. South Catholic broke it points to pace the Rebels with Earl Yost, that heartbrpking loss to Buffalo last Sun­ saw his iBeavers take fourth place third place; 112 —Tim Boucher (R) dec. Chris country championships is the ninth greatest .seconds for the championship and being a major event for wrestlers open behind Julie Hogan’s 16 Caroline Bell adding a dozen day. He also didn’t alibi but promised that the with 70 'a points and one individual combined with a pin in 1:05 in the during the holiday time in the area. Muicahy (EC) 10-2; Mike Letourneau (M) took total in the nation. Sports Editor third place. selcond-period points racing to a 72- markers. Lisa Johnson and Daria AFC Caach af Year A man who played a big part in the success Jets would be a better team next season — crown, “ It gives us a chance to go prelim took home the fast: fall “ We're going to make this a tour­ 40 win over East Catholic in HCC Lupacchino netted 11 markers against some guys local. It is very 119 — Gordon Eallone (M) pinned Pete of track during the 1935-36-37 championship Norm Narkon is an artist as a Wood carver. award. nament of quality. Why should we Foley (EC) 2:50; Third place; John Paradis girls’ basketball action last night in apiece for East. The golfer, whose hobby is carving, tough for this lime (of day), " he East titlists were Sam Sblendorio iCT). pinned Dave Knowlton (R) 2:24; 126 seasons, Fran Leary, is tied for second place try to get into a classy tournament Hartford. East took the jayvpe tilt, 40-34. forwarded one of his masterpieces during the spoke of the crowd, which was fairly (91), Rick Bohzani (98), Steve Byrne —Steve Byrne (EC) pinned Mark Griffin (R) on the all-time list. Leary copped three in­ when we can have one of our own,” The win lifts the Rebels to 2-0 in Martha Barter netted 12 for the holiday season — a golf shoe. He's also the good sized'despite its early after­ (126) and Todd Corey (132). The Bernstein asked himself, adding 3:38. Third place:. Mark Cimlno (M) pinned captured by Gregg dividual cross country championships while a Doug Glode iCT) 3;50; 132 -T odd Corey (EC) ’ the conference and 5-1 overall while Young Eaglettes. student at Manchester High under the father of Nancy Narkon, the No. 1 golfer in noon booking, "I don't know how to latter took a major decision from he’s already planning on an eight- maj. dec. Todd Watkins 17-6, Third place: the setback drops toe Eaglettes to 0- do better but I'm pleased we got it coaching eye of Pete Wigren. the Manchester Country Club’s women's Cheney's Todd Watkins, 17-6, in a team field for next year. He’s drawn Steve Machuga tM> pinned DanGelsomini (R) 2 in HCC play and 2-4 overall. South Calliulir (72) — Torza 0 0-^ membership and one of New England’s .(tournament) and hope it keeps bout between two top matmen. 2:30; 138—Jim Fralliciardi (M) sup. dec. Jeff NEW YORK (UPI) - Forrest behind to defeat Seattle and the New The fastest fall in a scholastic wrestling inquiry about his tourney from five East’s next outing is Monday at 1 0, Bell 4 4-4 12, Interligi 3 0-0 York Jets in their first two games leading amateurs — Talk about an effortless going." Corey for his efforts was named the other schools. Boudreau 21-2< Third place: Jim McKay (R)"^ Gregg doesn’t claim to be a new ver­ match is credited to Carlos Velez of East scoring machine, has all but wrapped up the pinned Dave Turgeon (EC) 3:50. home against HCC rival Mercy High, Hogan 14 1-5 29, Smith 0 1-2 1, this season and they were pn their tennis player, who is also an accomplished "I think it went very well," spoke tournament's outstanding wrestler. “This also gives kids experience sion of his old coach, Vince Lombar­ Catholic High. The U9-pound Eagle matman National Hockey League’s most valuable 145 — Lance Bouchard (CT) dec. Brian of Middletown at 8 o’clock. LaCara 3 1-3 7, Curry 1 0-0 2, Hornik way. Cincinnati won its first Central one, Phil Hyde fits the bill perfectly — The East Catholic Coach .Santos Corpus. The lone Tech champ was Lance in a tournament early in the year, Gaskell iM) 9-6, Third place: Bruce Antonia di. But he gets the same results. pinned his New Milford foe in :06 seconds last player award again with the 1981-82 season Hogan’s outburst enabled South to 3 2-7.8. Long 3 1-2 7. Total.s 31 10-24 Division title since 1973 and its first former town sirigles champion and current The Eagle matmen took runner-up Bouchard in the 145-pound class something they didn’t have before. (ECI pinned PhilTyrseck (R)2:05; 155—Mark Gregg, a disciplinarian in the February. less than half over. Gretzky will not be in Walter (M) pinned Frank Wilkes (R) I;10, race to a 40-20 halftime bulge from 72. playoff berth since 1975. Hartford again this season and no Oiler- Manchester High tennis coach reports there honors in the team standings with where he took a tight 9-6 battle from It’also gets kids to appreciate each East Catholic (40) — White 0 2-2 same mold as Lombardi, took over 'Phird place: Pete Alosky tEC) pinned Gary which East could not recover. It was as head coach of toe Cincinnati The Bengals will play host to the Whaler games are scheduled to be telecast by are still openings for youngsters, age 12-14, to 125 points and took home four in­ Manchester's Brian Gaskell. A other and other teams,” Bernstein I^Joie (CT»: 2, Johnson 4 3-5 11, Ingallinera 0 0-0 a 51-30 reading going into the final Bengals two years ago after they Buffalo Bills Sunday in a divisional Channel 30 — Civic Center officials are still attend the Saturday morning classes at the dividual crowns. “ Itis’good reversal near the final buzzer saw an added benefit. 167 — Rob Filloramo (M) won by default eight minutes of play. 0, Caffrey 1 C-0 2, Evans 0 1-2 1, experience and good exposure in the clinched the win for Bouchard. over Mike McIntyre (R). Filloramo leading, 5- had staggered through two con­ playoff game. The winner wilj meet Notes off the cuff looking for the retired oversized jersey of Manchester Racquet Club. Hyde and Tom Olympic-style ribbons were Poor shooting hurt East's DelSignore 2 1-2 5, Palmer 0 1-2 1, the survivor of Saturday’s San Rodden are handling the sessions which in­ area, " Corpus continued, “ It was RHAM winners were Tim presented the champion and runner- U. when McIntyre suffered injury to left elbow ■ secutive 4-12 seasons and, last place Gordie Howe's and the Canadian flag which and forced to retire in second period, Third chances, noted Eaglette Coach Don­ Lupacchino 51-311, Cunningham 3 0- Diego-Miami game on Jan, 10 for Good news for Giant fans who also have was stolen last week from the coliseum roof clude videotaping — Adam Dubilitis is a E something lacking the last couple of Boucher in the 112-pound class, a 10- finishes. Last year, the Bengals up in each weight class while the top place to Ben Leyland tEC): na Ridel 1 6, Leavitt 0 1-4 1. Totals 15 10-21 40\ the AFC championship artd a berth determined man. Winner of numerous tennis years and I was glad to see Barry 2 winner over East's Chris Muicahy, . 185 — Steve Farley (M) pinned Jim Meyer ended strong and compiled a 6-10 season tickets to Hartford Whaler games. — Wes Fedorchak helped Brandeis Universi­ two teams took home attractive in the Super Bowl, tournaments, Kubilis suffered an injury to his (Manchester Coach Barry Berns­ and Tyler Dewhurst in the.unlimited trophies. (EC) 1:32. Third place to Paul Mancarella record. This season, the Bengals The Whalers will move up their Sunday night ty win the IC4A and New England Divicidn III Gregg, who was a guard and seeving arm which took him out of tourney tein) take the initiative. Overall, it class. Dewhurst won by dis­ It was a tournament rnany will (R) ;^Unlimiled —Tyler Dewhurst (R) won by produced a 12-4 record — the best in game against Pittsburgh from 7 o’clock to cross country championship last fall. The disqualification over Mike Lamoureujc (M). no tackle under Lombardi during the senior has been a three-year varsity letter- competition. He was determined to learn to was an excellent experience" qualification as Manchester’s Mike look anxiously to in ‘82. consolation. the AFC — and won the Central Divi­ 1:30 to insure for them a better attendance sion title. Green'Bay Packers’ glory years in and to allow Giant followers a change to.view winner — Only two players in the NBA have serve lefthanded and after many months of Twin Towers do job Because of his accomplishments, the mid 1960’s, has the same strict the NFL playoff game against the 49ers at 5 been with the same club for 10 years, Calvin practice succeeded in making the transition Gregg was the overwhelming choice outlook toward coaching as his o’clock - One Man’s Opinion: John Garrett is Murphy of Houston and Freddie Brown of While no longer able to serve as a righly. he Ohio State, today as UPI’s American former coach, who called Gregg, a better goalie than Glen Millen with the Seattle. Neither has played with another can manuever his racquet and uses both “the finest player I ever coached”. Whalers. — Wayne Gretzky, Edmonton’s club. •hands (one at a time) while volleying. C Conference Coach of the Year. He as Bucks top Pacers was named on 46 of the 56 ballots Navy Liberty cast by UPI’s panel of pro football writers, four from each AFC city. By Tony Favia son added 20 to lead New York. The Don Shula of Miami was second with B a s k e tb a ll Bowl foes UPI Sports Writer Knicks were down 92-87 with 7:46 eight votes and Denver’s Dan College basketball roundup left to play, but Sly Williams, who Reeves received the other two The Milwaukee Bucks unveiled had 19, then led a rally that put New votes. MIDGETS MEMPHIS, Tenn. (UPI) - their version of the Twin Towers York ahead 93-92 with 6:12 left. The Gregg, whose only other head Brian Bronhy netted 16 points and George Welsh will lead his Navy ’Tuesday niglTt, and they proved too loss was Chicago’s third straight. coaching experience in the NFL was Matt Gordon 4 to lead the Sonics to a team onto the field for the last time much for the Indiana Pacers to.han- •Spurs 119, Clippers 107 at Cleveland, was hired two years 26-20 win over the Lakers last night High-ranking teams shacked Wednesday when the Midshipmen dle. At San Antonio, Texas, George ago this week and he. began a al the Community Y. Jon Roe (8) tangle with 14th ranked Ohio State in Bucks’ -Coach Don Nelson moved and Todd Lukas (4) led toe Lakers. Gervin scored 46 points to hand San changeover immediately. By Fred Lief John's 94-89 in the ECAC Holiday the Liberty Bowl. rookie 7-footer Alton Lister into the Diego its 10th consecutive loss. Ger­ Cinque Barlow netted 19 markers tory. Tyrone Black scored 23 points Lou Carnesecca. "The real season “I’m not in the business to be UPI Sports Writer Festival; No. 20 Wake Forest topped begins next week" front line alongside 6-11 center Bob vin, the NBA’s leading scorer, had loved,” Gregg said when named. and Hank Stephenson 6 as the Bulls for LSU. The Midshipmen ended the Lanier, and the pair dominated both trimmed the Rockets, 33-21. Matt Purdue 76-68 in the Sugar Bowl At Richmond, Va.. Ralph Samp­ 14 points in the opening quarter and “There have been football,T^layers Like an unsuspecting tourist in At New York, Billy Goodwin regular season with a disappointing boards to help the Bucks to a key Paggioli (7) and Jose Hernandez (6) Tournament. son scored 12 points and grabbed 13 16 in the third quarter. The Clippers, who didn’t like me. I could go get Waikiki, WJichita State got taken for scored 20 points and David Russell 3-3 tie with arch-rival Army and now 107-96 victory over toe Pacers at Im paced the Rockets. At Santa Clara, Calif,, freshman rebounds as the Cavaliers ran their, who were led by Michael Brooks and three or four guys right now who a ride in Hawaii Tuesday night and sank two free throws with 19 have something to prove to their dianapolis. Over at Mahoney Center, the Bulls Michael Jordan scored 21 points and record to 9-0. coach, who has accepted the Freeman Williams with 19 points would be more than happy to ring was joined later by San Francisco. seconds left as St. John’s bumped' The triumph opened up a five- whipped toe 76ers, 31-15, and the James Worthy had 19 as the un­ In .another game of note. I ’CLA coaching job at Virginia. each, played their tilth game in a my chimes. The No. 4 Shockers, one of the off Villanova to win the Holiday game Central Division lead for the Bucks downed the. Spurs, 28-18. beaten Tar Heels recovered from row without starting center George “I’m in this business to win foot­ most rugged teams in the country, Festival. won its fifth straight by crushing Even though Ohio State is a two- Bucks over the Pacers. Jason Stansfield had 12 points and their scare by Penn State the Maryland 90-57. Mike Sanders had 23 Johnson, out with pneumonia. ball games. There is talent here to dropped a 60-48 decision in the Rain- “Except for winning a very touchdown favorite to win the 23rd . “ It’s good to know toat you have a Steve Kitsock 8 for toe Bulls while previous night to win the Cable Car, points and 11 rebounds for the Hawks 102, Korkets 93 win. What we want to do is put that bow| Classic to North Carolina State prestigious tournament this doesn't annual Liberty Bowl, Ohio State 7-foot power forward to play,” Andrew Marsh and Vic Felix played At Louisville, Ky.; the Wildcats probation-struck Brui((S. At Houston, Dan Roundfield hit talent together and step forward — a team that is figuring to be a lot mean a thing,” said St. John's coach coach Earle Bruce understands that Nelson said. “That’s one thing we well for the 76ers. Joe Prignano survived a slowdown and beat Notre for 35 points and John Drew added from this day on.” . tougher than many anticipated. being picked to come out on top is worked on in our (Christmas mini­ poured in 14 points for the Bucks Dame behind Melvin Turpin’s 11 25 to lead Atlanta. The Hawks The Bengals didn’t step forward — And there was no pot of gold at the not always an asset, camp. If toe inside isn’t there, then while Eric Lazarin and Mo Moriarty points and dominating inside game. grabbed the lead early in the third they almost ran. After their 6-10 end of the Rainbow for the No. 8 “Navy was a 20-point favorite and we go strong to the offensive boards. played well for the Spurs. Notre Dame, which held the ball up period and never trailed as Round- finish last year, they came from Dons, who were shocked by a 78-66 they got a 3-3 tie (with Army). They We have good offensive rebounders field tossed in 21 second-half points. to six minutes al a time, is 2-5 this 3 defeat at the hands of lightly- didn’t look good in that game," said in Lister, Lanier and Junior Moses Malone was the high scorer season — its worst start in nine Bruce. “But, they look pretty good regarded Rice. The Owls will meet GM Bridgeman. for the Rockets with 25 points while the Wolfpack in Wednesday's finals. years. to me. They’re a solid football op­ “.Considering toe entire game and Calvin Murphy had 22. At Minneapolis, Darryl Mitchell ponent." “I told the players this was their clrcunistances, - we did run the Nuggets 128, Cellirs 123 Whalers in trade game,” said Jim Valvano, coach of and Trent Tucker each scored 21 AUTO REPAIRS Welsh said his squad, which is offense fairly well tonight.” At Denver, Alex English scored 32 points as the Gophers raised their making its first Liberty Bowl No. 18 N-C. State. “When a team is “Rebounding is a definite concern points, including 10 in the fourth the underdog it's their game" • record to 7-1 in winning the appearance and third bowl showing of ours,” said Indiana Coach Jack HARTFORD (UPI) - The Hart­ single game record of nine penalties Pillsbury Classic. Jeff Collins had 23 © WE SERVICE ALL quarter, to propel Denver, The vic­ ford Whalers have dealt center Rick and 51 minutes in the box. The Wolfpack, which raised its in four years, wants A chance to McKinney. “It looked like they tory came before more than 17,000 points for Arizona. • Home of Mr Goodwrench GENERAL MOTOR prove themselves after looking so MacLeish to the Pittsburgh Pleau said he was hopeful the 6- record to 9-0, sent Wichita State to 0 whopped us. They beat you inside, fans — the first sellout at McNichols At Rochester,'N Y., Eric CARS AND TRUCKS bad on national television against Penguins for defenseman Russ foot-3, 210 pound Anderson would its first loss in nine games. outside, running and the half-court Sports Arena since Feb. 23, 1980. Renaldo O’Neal scored 16 of his 24 “Sleepy” Floyd and freshman Pat Army. Herald photo by Tarquinlo game.” Anderson and future considerations, give the Whalers the defensive Dan Issel had a late layup and two a move designed to bolster the strength sorely lacking in the team’s points in the second half and foul- Ewing each scored 14 points and • ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS “I think the team is glad they have ItullelH 129, Pistons 125 free throws to put Denver up by Georgetown withstood a slowdown another shot this year,” said Welsh, Gordon Fallone of ’Manchester High has Fallone went on to register pin triumph in team’s sagging back line. performance so far this season. plagued Ricky Pierce added 10 more At Landover, Md., guard Frank five. Larry Bird led Boston with 27 by Columbia to win its eighth • COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIRS who has a 55-45-1 record in eight control with arms wrapped around East ,2:50 for crown. Larry Pleau, Whaler head coach “ He’s a physical player, he.will be down the stretch to lead unheralded Johnson scored eight points in the points and Nate Archibald had 26. straight. seasons with Navy. Catholic’s Pete Foley in 119-pound title bout. and director of hockey operations, an excellent addition to our Rice. The Owls came into the tour­ • RERUILT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS last minute to help overcome a 41- Lakers 121, Jazz 114 said Tuesday toe trade for Ander­ defense,” said Pleau, nament with a lackluster 5-4 record, At New Orleans, Akeem Tailback Eddie Myers, who holds point performance by Detroit’s Jqhn • AUTO PAINTING At Inglewood, Calif., Jamaal son, 26, was made to give the “Although Mac(Leish) tried very one of those losses an 85-69 drubbing Olajuwon, a 7-footer from Nigeria, Navy’s single season rushing record Long. Washington took its third Wilkes scored 36 points to pace Los Whalers more “physical toughness hard here, it just didn’t work out,” at toe hands of the Dons earlier this scored 13 points in toe final 7:15 to • CHARGE WITH MASTER CHARGE with 1,318 yards, will also be playing straight win and ended Detroit’s carry Houston to the Sugar Bowl ti­ his last game for Navy. . Transactions Angeles to its sixth straight victory on defense.” said Pleau. “ In Philadelphia, he had season. • 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE four-game streak. Greg Ballard and hand Utah its fifth loss in a row. MacLeish, who will be 32 Sunday, the wings that were getting him the Elsewhere in the Top 20, No, 1 tle. Olajuwon blocked a shot in the The biggest offensive threat in Sports slate Radio] scored 33 points and Spencer closing seconds to preserve the vic­ Ohio State’s arsenal is quarterback By United Press International Wilkes shot 16-for-24 from the field. was acquired from the Philadelphia puck and I’m sure that he will be North Carolina defeated Santa Clara Haywood had 23 to lead toe Bullets. Adrian Dantley led Utah with 40 Flyers last summer by Hartford, better off in Pittsburgh.” 76-57 in the Cable Car Classic; No. 2 Art Schlichter, whose accuracy and -TV Mavericks 104, Kings 92 consistency in throwing the football (ioflege points while Norm Nixon con­ which is in last place in the NHL’s MacLeish, a Cannington, Ontario, Virginia plastered Richmond 74-43 At Dallas, Jay 'Vincent scored 17 tributed 25 for the Lakers, who have CARTER Vi l■llnl■»(luy Dartmouth — Dropped men’s and Adams Division. native, was. originally Boston's first in the Times-Dispatch Invitational; has brought him just about all of of hig career-high 41 points in the Ohio State’s passing records. BASKETBALL women’s gymnastics and sailing as- been playing without injured center He recorded only six goals and 18 round draft pick in 1970 but he never No. 3 Kentucky edged Notre Dame varsity sports. third quarter to shove Dallas in Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. They have 34-28 in overtime; No. 10 Indiana Schlichter, who is expected to be KII.AM al Clifiii'y I'rcli, 8 WEDNESDAY assists in 34 games and became played for the Bruins, being traded Lafayette — Extended by two front. Kansas City played without won 11 of their last 12. to Philadelphia in the middle of his lost to Kansas 71-61 in the ECAC C H E V R O L E T ^ picked in the first round of the NFL Eiisl Griinhv ul Bollun, 8 ' 8 College foutballi Liberty expendable following the 'Whalers’ years the contract of football coach Phil Ford, Cliff Robinson and Steve 76«rs 142, Warriurs 135 rookie season. Holiday Festival; No. 11 Minnesota CALDWELL OIL, INC. draft, hit on 172 of 324 passes for 2,- ILK HOCKEY Bowl, Navy vu. Ohio Stale, Cli. 5 recent acquisition of center Pierre MiinrlivHler v». Conuril u| Bill Russo through 1985. Johnson, who had to return home At Oakland, Calif., Julius Erving Larouche from Montreal. He played on two Stanley. Cup pounded A rizona 91-62 in the 392 yards ip regular-season play this 8 Knicku VH, Cavuliera, Cli. 9 because of his wife’s illness. Dallas h Toledo — Named defensive coor­ scored 34 points, including 20 in the Anderson, a six-year veteran who winners with the Flyers in his se­ Pillsbury Classic; No. 12 Oregon AUTO REPAIR year. Fifteen of those losses were Afirrun's Kink (W,- | lliirlforil), 8 College lioekey: Great Lakes SI rivict s 1229 MAIN ST. ;(:.’(() dinator Dan Simrell football coach. Coach Dick Motta was slapped with second half, and Philadelphia held was the Penguins’ second round cond and third years, leading all State beat Portland 61-55 in the Far for touchdowns, «. Tournunient, ESPN two technical fouls and was ejected With all his success at Ohio State, Eusi Cuiholir v». Suffivlil (ul En- Washington & Jefferson — Named off a late Golden State rush. The choice in 1975, joined the Whalers playoff scorers each year with 22 West Classic: No. 14 Alabama sunk 1 1 5 . 9 C.O.D. MANCHESTER 9 LConn vs. South Florida, for the third time this year. Kansas Warriors cut the margin to 135-131 Maine 77-61 in toe Best Classic; No. .Schlichter has not been able to bring fiHd Kink), .‘{CIO John Luckhardt football coach. WDRC Tuesday night. This year he has one points in 1974 and 20 points in 1975. TEL. 646^464 City was led by 25 points from Mike with 50 seconds to play, but four con­ 15 Georgetown took Columbia 38-26 back a win for the Buckeyes in post­ Hookey 9:30 Celtics vs. Jazza, WINF, assist and 98 penalty minutes in 31 MacLeish spent 11 years with the TliurHfluv Hartford — Traded center Rick Woodson. secutive free throws by Lionel Flyers before being traded to Hart­ in the Rochester Classic; No. 17 season play, Ohio State has gope to WPOP games. GM QUALITY WKE,STLING MacLeish to Pittsburgh for K nirks 111, Bulls 108 Hollins wrapped it up. Bernard King Anderson, who played with NCAA ford. He was expected to be Houston downed Louisiana State 73- SERVICE PARTS four different bowls the last four i 1 Islanders vs. Rangers, USA 649-8841 defenseman Russ Anderson and At Chicago, Campy Russell scored had 35 points. World Free 31 and champion University of Minnesota 59 in the Sugar Bowl Tournament; years without a single victory. (.hciu'y Tit Ii ul I’luinviliv, noon Cable Pittsburgh in time for tonight’s future considerations. 24 points and Michael Ray Richard­ Purvis Short 30 for toe Warriors teams in 1974 and 1976, set a Penguin game against Washington, No, 19 Villanova was upended by St. r

f-i - THE HERAUD, Wed., Dec. 30. 1981 ■riiK lll•,l(Al.ll. w-'j . h 'l :vi I \ Recipes and Menus 5 ^ Scoreboard FOCUS/Food TV'Movies/Comics 0 Beard on food UTAH 11141 Emporia Classic Quebec. P. Stastny 24 (Pichette), 12:lf.. Danlley 13 14-lS 40. Poquette 2 04) 4, (Opening round) Scott Sartor and Rob Ciraco tallied Arkansas CoHege 61. Abilene Christian 6. Quebec. Cloutier i7 (Hunter), 13:04. 7, Wilkins 6 04) 12. Green 4 04) 8. GriffiOi 11 Quebec, P. Stastny 2T> (M^ Stastnny), versus West Hartford with Korey 1- 2 23, Hardy 1 04) 2, Schayes 2 04) 4, r.4 Basketball Emporia 9T<, Kansas Wesleyan f>l 13:f2. Penalties-M ulvey. Chi, r;28: Fuellhart and Doug Wilcox drawing Nicks 4 04) 8, Duren 0 04) 0. Robinzine 3 WHO AM I? Richard, Qufe. 9:37; Muivcy. Chi, 13:20; 2- 3 8. Callage 2 1-2 5. Totals 48 18-2 114. Far West Classic assies. Vinnie Sica in goal played Pittsburgh f-f.. Tennessee M Hunter, (^e. 14:41: Dupont. Chi. major, LOS ANGELES 1121) 17:23; Frcyer. Que, major. 17:23; well along with Scott Drummond, Johnson r. 3-6 13, Wilkes 16 2-3 34, Iowa St. 1®. Wisconsin 79 Oregon St. 61. Portland Ki Zaharko. Chi. misconduct, 17:23; Lacroix. Paul Senkow and Jeff Morin. Brewer 3 0-1 6. Cooper 6 3-3 U), Nixon 11 Que. misconduct. 17:23. 3J 2r, Rambis 2 2-2 6, McGee 1 1-2 3, Idaho'61. Oregon 62 Gator Bowl Tournament Third pertod-B. Quebec. Goulet 20 (P. Fuellhart had a three-goal hat trick Jordan f. 1-1 11. Landsberger 4 04) 8. Stastny. Cloutier). 0:23. 9. Chicago. McAdoo 0 041 0. Totals 63 15-21 Ul. (Opening round) against New Milford with Ciraco Different kettle of fish Ludzig 1 (unassisted). 6:1,f. Penalties- Utah 27 31 23 33-114 Virginia Tech TT. ^ s to n Coll. 70 and Morin. adding two goals each NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOC Jacksonville 19. Texas Tech fj8 Secord, Chi. minor-major (misconduct). Los Angeles X40 23 23-U1 0:12; M. Slastnv. (Jue, major. 0:12; and Erik Nordgren, Mike By United Press International Threeji)oint goals—None. Fouled out— Great Dane Classic By James Beard Eastern Conference None. *10101 fouls—Utah 24. Los Angeles (Opening round) Mulvey. Chi. I;i0; Tardif, Que. 1:10, Mannebach and Steve Mezei one As to sauces, one has to be very Atlantic Division 23. Technical-Nonc. A-14.392 Ouffato f3, Manhaitanvilte f>l l20T) Marsh. Chi. 2:37; Dupont. Que. 6:f:i: careful to Complement the fish in W L Pet. OB Holiday Invitational Marois. Que. 16:21; Dupont. Chi. 19:21. apiece. Jason Pellegatto had two There is no doubt in my mind that Philadelphia 21 6 .778 — (Championship game) Shuts on goal—Chicago 7-lH I—29. assists and Senkow and Wilcox one to learn to cook fish properly is to question, not overpower it. To be Boston 21 7 ,7fO NEW YORK 11111 Gtassboro St. i7. Rutgers-Camden S2 Quebec l9-22-lQ-f l. presented with a piece of fish New York 14 ir ,483 8 Russell 10 4-4 24, Williams 7 5.6 19. Inbank Classic Goalies-Chicago. Esposito. Bannermah. apiece. Circuits is now 8-8-2 in the learn to love it. Most people who are Washington ’ 12 Ifp .444 9 Cartwright 2 3-4 7. Richardson 9 2-4 20. (Opening round) Quebec. Bouchard. A-lf.227. CHC and 12-10-2 overall.- indifferent about the culinary swaddled in sauce, and overcooked New Jersey 10 18 3T/7 IP t Smith 7 0-1 14. Webster 2 46 8. Newlin 1 Navy ®. Providence 6f. SQUIRT B delights of fish are that way because to boot, is an insult to any fine Central Division 36 5. Lucas 3 36 9, Knight 2 1-2 5. Iron Duke Classic Hartford 10 0-1 palate. However, a |delicate, well- Milwaukee' 20 8 .714 — Carter 0 06 0. Totals 43 2564 111. (Opening round) St. Louis ‘ 141-6 Wolff-Zackin nipped Wallingford, it has been served to them in­ Indiana 16 14 .f.33 f. CHICAGO 1108) Davidson TT. Duke 73 First period—1. Hartford. Stoughton 28 4-3. Scott Senseney had two goals differently cooked. It’s as simple as made emulrified sauce of hollan- Detroit 13 16 448 7'z Greenwood 9 l-I 19. Wilkes 3 16 7. William and Marv T-8. Auburn 49 ( Francis. Mcllhargey). 3:4f,, 2. St. Louis. daise, bernaise or au'rore served on Atlanta 12 ir^ 444 7*i Gilmore 2 76 H. Lister 4 36 11. Theus 5 Las Vegas Holiday Classic Kederko If. (Brownschidle. Sutteri. 4:2T. and George Russo and Mark Peter­ that. Chicago 12 18 400 9 )i-7 16. Sobers 6 56 18. Dietrick 2 06 4. Loyola-Marymount 84. Miami (Ohio) 82 To me, the good old I'enalties-W esley. Har. 12:f0. Kot- son apiece for the winners. Goalie I remember giving a cooking class the side or under certain fish before Cleveland 6 22 .214 14 Wotjlridgc 0 2-2 2. Blume 5 06 10. Kenun I Championshipgame) days were the 1970s. I sopoulos. Har. l7:30. Brendon Wheeler kicked out 16 it goes to the table is an admissible Conference r 06 10 Totals 41 25-30 108. Nevada-Las Vegas 83. T^xas A&M 76 became a pro sports Setond porlod-3. St. Louis. Klassen 2 in San Francisco three or four years Midwest Division •New York 33 27 20 31-111 Ixibo Invitational .'L al’oinle. Nilli, 6:23, 4. St. Uuis. Currie shots. and welcome change. c. 3 ago, during the course of which a ' W L Pci GB Chicago 34 2127 26-108 (Opening round) celebrity thanks to my 11 (Dunlop. Turnbull). 9:46, ,f. St. Louis, San Antonio 18 9 667 — Three-iKunt field goal—Sobers. Fouled Fordham 77. Penn 73 (20T) innovations and meth­ Dunlop 6 (Zuke. Babych). II:® . 6. St. PEE WEE A photographer was on hand to take Of all the fish sauces, beurre Denver 14 14 ,r«) 4‘a out—None. Total fouls—New York 27. New Mexico W. Marshall 70 ods. During games, I I.j)ui.s. Nill 9 (Zuke). 19:44. Penalties— Fogarty Bros, bowed to West; ■ H i pictures for a local magazine. One blanc may be the finest. It's a sim­ Houston 12 17 .414 7 Chicugo 30 TechnicaF-Sobers. A—9,347. Medgar Evers Christmas Classic Mcllhargey. Har. 3:32: Howatt. Har. Hartford, 7-5. Brian Frawley, Rob; of the dishes we happened to be Utah 10 18 3fi7 8*1 (First game) used to seem calm, 10:Xl Fettersson. StL. I8:47.«» ple blend of butter, shallot and white Kansas City 10 18 .3fi7 8‘i Kean fJ. SUNY Oneonta 48 though. I traveled wide­ Third period--?. St. Louis, Petlers.son Monaco, Danny Arcenas, Steve- preparing was a rapid saute of wine that gives me great satisfac­ Dallas 7 22 241 12 DETROIT 11251 .. (Second game) Jones 5 34 13. Tripucka 6 86 20. ly to study techniques 14 (Klassen. LaPointei. 10:4.r, Penallles- Heavenor and Tim McElroy tallied sweet and tender little bay scallps. tion both to rnake and to savor. The Pacific Division Jersey City 1®. Medgar Evers f4 — including the Soviet Kea. StL. 0:11; Pavese. SlL. major. 3:26; Los Angeles 24 • 7 .774 — Benson 4 24 10. Long 14 1315 41. Milwaukee Classic for Fogarty’s. Tim Martin had two; tricky part is that the butter must ■ Thomas 6 8-12 20. Tvler 2 06 5. Johnson Gillen. Har. major. 3:26; Howatt, Har. Seattle 18 9 667 4 (Consolation Championship) Union. 8:38; Nachbaur. Har. 12:22; Hart. StL. assists. The photographer was offered a not melt, but remain an emulsion. I Portland 16 11 .r-93 6 2 06 4. MokeSki 0 06 0. Hubbard 5 26 (.'al-Irvine 77. E. Tennessee St..7T. lf.:2f.. Golden Stale 16 12 ,57l 6*i 12. Lee 0 06 0. Totals 44 36-48 125:. "■ PEE WEE B sample, which he consumed with prefer to use a small, heavy, WASHINGTON 1129) Mar<|ueUc 74. Arizona St. ® XJOA zxaN v it p aq sios Shots fm goal-1 lartford 3-6-7-16. St. Phoenix 16 12 .fi71 6*/* Music City Invitational 0«I» 9H » n n lino U uis 8-10-7—2f. Regal Men's Shop split a pair last every evidence of delight. He then enameled cast-iron saucepan. Try San Diego 6 21 ,222‘. 16 Ballard If 3-4 33, Haywood 6 11-11 23. (Consolation game) Mahorn 7 3-4 17. Grevev 0 1-2 1. Lucas 5 ftimriS OJM ot uw Su Goalies- Hartford. Millcn. St. ■ Louis, weekend, topping Wallingford, 4-3, asked what he had been eating. On Tuesday’s Results Drexel 72. Austin Peay fi7 »PITiiMRMV and falling to Simsbury, 6-1. Brian being told “bay scallops,” he was Washington 129, Detroit I2f; .lohnson 3 f6 11. Collins 6 2-2 14. Terry 0 Vanderbilt 72, Alaska-at-Anchorage ffl White tallied in the loss while Chris absolutely astonished and confessed exquisite a piscatorical thought as sole with foie gras puree mixed with San Antunio 119, San Diego 107 06 0, Roland 3 06 6. Wills 0 2-2 2. Totals Pillsbury Classic (c) USl NEA. Inc. Montreal 122—6 77jW 9Q New York 111. Chicago 1® Montana St. fl. Army 36 NY Islanders 211-4 Reichardt had two goals and Jeff that he had always thought he didn’t one can stumble upon. truffles and roundels of foie gras Dallas 104. Kansas City 32 Detroit 28 29 3&-I2rt (Championship game) First period—1, NY Islanders. Potvin 8 Allen and Mike Horn one each like them. Yet, for all that, in almost all surmounted with slivers of truffles Beurre Blanc Atlanta 102. Houston ® Washington 37 31 27 34-129 (Troltier, Persson). 9:41. 2, NY Island­ Minnesota 91. Arizona ® West modern-day restaurants and most Denver 128. Boston 123 Tlirei^poinl goals—Tyler. Fouled out— Rainbow Classic ers. (Jillies 11 (Carroll. Marini), 14:27. 3, against Wallingford. Jeff Rothman, A little questioning 1-evealed that on top of crepes, lemon juice and Los Angeles 121. Utah 114 Jones. Benson. Grevey. Total fouls— Stanford 67. Seattle Pacific 6f. Montreal. Robinson 6 (Acton). 16:37. (Consolation round) UCLA 90. Maryland 67 Dave Molin, Todd Carlson and Skip homes, one gets an indifferent piece chopped parsley. "Pooh to all that,” I White Butter Sauce for 8-10 ser­ Philadelphia 142. Golden Slate 13Ti Detroit 33, Washington 34. Technical— Hawaii 84. Bradl^ 73 Penalties—Acton, Mon. 7:f0; Langway. the poor fellow thought that a Wednesday's Games Collins. A -8,843 Washington 87. Pacific 71 Mon. 10:®: Tonelll. NYI. 10:®; Tonclli, Beaudoin drew assists. Brian of overcooked, dull-as-dishwater says Davidson. "It is plain wasteful vings) Michigan St. ri. Fullerton St. f-0 . y°‘ Wyoming 73. Illinois-Chicago Circle fi3 scallop was necessarily one of those • All Times EST) (Semilinal game) NYI. lf;01; F’ersson. NYI. 16:32. ■ Oatway was in goal. nasty, deep-fried, tough little pellets fish. Recently, I was in a very well- to convert what would have been a Detroit at New Jersey. 7:3T< p.m. PHILADELPHIA 142 No. Carolina 60. Wichita 48 Second period-4, Montreal. Laughlin 8 known New York restaurant where 1 San Diego at Atlanta. 7;X p m. iLallcur), 12:f0. f.. Montreal, Mondou 16 BANTAM A hiding within a sturdy carapace of delicious sole into a mere plinth for Erving 12 10-10 34. B, Jones 6 8-8 18. (Championship game) ordered a piece of striped bass Put ‘/i cup dry white wine, ‘/i cup New York at Cleveland. 8 Of. p.m. Dawkins 7 3-4 17. Cheeks 6 f.-T. 17. Hollins Michigan St. f.l, Cal. St.-Fullerton fO (Robinson. Lapointe). 17;®. >6, -NY Purdy Corp. topped West Hart­ breading, as normally served in a mound of 100-franc notes.” while wine vinegar, 'k cup finely Washington at Milwaukee. 8.30 p.m. 2 8-12 12. C. Jones I 8-9 .10. Toney 7 4-6 (Semifinal game) Islanders. Trottier 17 (Bossy. Potvin). ford, 5-2, but fell to New Milford, 2- countless lackluster restaurants. stuffed with a fish mousse. 1 Houston at San Antonio. 8.30 p.m. 18. Mix 4 4-4- 12. Richardson 1 0-0 2, No Carolina St. 60. Wichita St. 48 19;f2. Penalties—Laughlin. Mon. 2;f<4; received some delicious, almost Time and time again 1 have heard chopped shallot, '’/■i teaspoon salt and iJenver at Kansas City. 8;X p.m. Curelon 1 0-0 2 Totals 47 48-f6 142. Richmond Invitational Trottier.'NYI. 4:3f.; Acton. Mon.‘L*):3B; 1, last weekend. Brett Factora the theory that fish has to cook until a grind of black pepper into a pan Boston at Utah. 9:30 p.m GOLDEN STATE 13T. (Opening round) . Bourne. NYI. l.f:36; Engbiuin, Mon. tallied versus New Milford for Pur­ 1 might add that the young man in foamy mousse, ringed With over­ Portland at Phoenix. 9:3T. p in. King 13 9-14 3T.. Smith 3 0-0 6. Carroll 3 Jam es Madison T4. Virginia Common­ Hockey 19:16. question has since become an cooked bass that was tasteless and it flakes easily with a fork. and reduce oVer brisk heat to about Philadelphia at Seattle. 10:30 p m. ()-7 12. Free 13.7-10 33. Gale 0 2-2 2.' wealth 46 ■Third period—7. Montreal, Tremblay 17 dy’s. Factora, Matt Cleary, Rob 2 tablespoons. (There should be just Thursday's Games enthusiastic cook with a definite crumbly. This was only one of Twaddle! If it flakes easily with a Komar 1 0-0 2. Brown I 0-0 2. Williams 2 Virginia 74. Richmond 43 (Mondou. Laughlin). 2:41. 8. Montreal. Tedoldi, Kyle Bockus and Steve fork, it is overcooked! The problem a mushy glaze in the bottom of the I No Gaines Scheduled i . U-2 4. Short 11 8-8 30. Hassett 4 04) 9. Rochester Classic Jarvis 13 (Napier). 3:19, 9, NY Islanders. Yamarick had the goals against bias toward fresh fish! And I several recent unfortunate Totals r.l 32-43 13ft, (Opening round) Bos.sy 28 (McEwen. M errick). 16:04. suspect that he was a meat-and- experiences in topflight restaurants. is, as in cooking fowl, that people pan.) Philadelphia 37 37 30 38-142 Niagara 71. Utah 64 rj Penalties-Sevigny, Mon, served by West Hartford. Dave Royal was in are so afraid of undercooking it that ATLANTA atB> Golden Stale 29 39 34 33—13T Georgetown Columbia 26 Shutt. double-minor, f.39; Trottier. NYI. goal for the weekend split. potatoes man once. Apparently, not only do 90 percent of double-minor, f ;39; Engblcjin. Mon. game they overcook it, and as fish goes on Drew 10 r-9 2f.. Roundfield 14 7-8 3f,. Fouled out—Smith. King. Hassett. Free. Senior Bowl Tournament NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE BANTAM B There are few things in the realms all restaurants overcook fish, they Hawes 4 4-4 12. Macklin 1 0-0 2. Sparrow Technical Foul—Hassett. Total fouls— (Con.solation game) By United Press International misconduct. f:39; Picard, Mon. 9j 32; cooking for a few minutes after you Cut 12 ounces (3 slicks) well- 4 (M) 8, Johnson 3 2-2 8. Rawlins 0 1-2 1. I'hiladelphia 3T Golden Stale 39. Three- No Carolma-Wilminglon 80. Grambling Wales Conference Morrow. NYI. 11:®, f R.T. Coachworks took a pair from of gastronomy that equal perfectly also oversauce them, so that the Shot.s on goal-M ontreal lO-H-0—3D!'N'NY remove it from the pan, this is very chilled unsalted butter into 24 slices. Matthews 3 4-4 10. Wood 0 1-2 1. point goals- Hassett. A—13239. T2 Patrick Division .. Glastonbury, 4-3 and 3-1,- last cooked fish. Impeccably fresh defenseless fish is masked with a Remov^he pan from the heat to McMillen 0 0-0 0 Totals 39 24-31 102. (('hampionship game) W L T Pts GF GA Lslanders 6-8-8—22. Columbia River salmon, either a cloak that is too rich, too cloying, easy to do. But consider the fact that HOUSTON »93» American U 70., So. Alabama 66 ,\Y ■ Islmdcfs 21 10 f. 47 lf6 12T. Goulies—Montreal, Herron, Sevigny. weekend. Dan Senkow, Art Parker, most people love Japanese sushi and cool a little, and quickly beat in 2 HaVes .3 0-p 6. Willoughby 1 0-0 2. BOSTON (123» Staten Island Dolphin Holiday Classic Philadelphia 22 12 1 .. 140 129 NY Islanders. Smith. A—If.l®. thick steak or a whole fish poached Maxwell 4 f.-B 13. Bird 12 2-4 27. Parish Keith Roushon and ^tett Malucci too multi-flavored. pieces of butter with a wire whisk Malone 9 7-10 2T-. U avell 6 2-2 14. Reid 3 (Opening round) Pillsburgh If. If 6 :« 137 140 to a juicy tenderness, is a triumph of sashimi, which is only raw fish, M 7. Garrett 4 0-0 8. Murphlv 8 f.-r 22. I 12 3: Archibald 7 12-18 26. Ford T 0-0 Staten Island >i2. Rhode Island 19 NN' Rangers 14 17 f :0 12f. 144 each had a goal in the opening win I am certainly not alone in dis­ after all, and very delicious. ' until creamy. Then beat in the Jones 2 0-2 4. Paultz 2 M f .-Totals 38 16- 10. McHale 8 0-0 16. Robey 2 2-4 6. <('ham|)ionship game) Uashinuion 10 23 3 23 137 lf.4 while Kurt Fuellhart had two goals cookery. Striped bass from Long liking pretentious fish cookery; Alan remaining butter, piece by piece, 27 93 Henderson 3 24 8. Ainge 2 0-0 4. Clirr 1 Hamilliin 71. Trenton St 62 \Janis Division Island, whether it be baked, poached Atlanta 27 18 29 26-102 2-2 4. Fernsten 2 24 6. Totals 47 28-46 Sugar Bowl rournament Minlreal , 19 8 9 47 ITT. 107 and Jerry Rothman one in the latter Davidson, a former British am­ The Canadian rule of thumb (or over the lowest possible heat, until Houston .1 23 22 24 24- 93 12:1 i('on.soIatiun game Huston 21 10 4 46 146 116 win. Steve Gallagher and Dough or broiled, has few equals in the bassador to Laos and writer of the should I say fin?) for fish cookery the sauce has the consistency of Three-point goals—Murphy. Fouled out DENVER (128 »■ Wake Forest 76. Purdue ® Bnlfalo 19 10 8 46 144 iir world. A Dover sole, carefully - None. Total louls—Atlanta 21, Houston English 13 6-6 32. VanVewoghe lO 2-2 • ('hampionship eame) Ouebec , 19 If f ^ 1® Shvonski played well defensively. most elegant, witty and erudite works very well: 10 minutes per very heavy cream. Lift the pan off 24 TechnicaP-Houston Coach Harris. A— 22. Issel 6 rj) 17. Higgs 3 f.-6 11. Dunn 2 Houston 7;i. Louisiana State 69 llailfonl 9 18 9 27 1221® Steve Cavallo was in goal for the grilled, is an emotional experience. books on fish cookery, is most each inch of thickness - ■ or fractions the heat any time it seems to be get­ 12.640. . c 24 6. Mc Kinnev 7 0-2 14. fJoncrezick 1 2-2 UNI Holiday Tournament Ca pbell Conlcrence ECHO two wins. Properly grilled or baked, dentex 4. Ilorges f 3-J 13. Roche 3 34 9. Rav 0 (('hampionship game) Norris Division amusing on this subject. In his thereof — no matter how the fish is ting too hot, and do not add more 0-0 0. Totals fO 28-:r 128. Neliraska T3, Northern Iowa 42 W L T Pts GF GA Hockey Ma v e r ic k s (“denton” in Spanish —a fish with a “ North Atlantic Seafood,’’ he cooked. Remember that fish fillets butter until each piece has been in­ Boston 37 27 30 29-123 Yule Cup Classic Minnesota 14 !() 12 40 Iff 129 steel-blue back and silver sides MILWAUKEE U07) R e s u l t s The Mavericks battled South speaks of a preWorld War 1 require very quick action indeed for corporated. Serve at once with your Denver 37 37 30 24-128 • Consolation round) St Louis 17 17 4 :« 140 149 found in the Mediterranean) is as Ma. Johnson 10 2-3 2 . Lister 2 1-4 fp. • Total fouls-Boston 27. Denver 33. - (.’hicago 14 13 9 37 Windsor to a 4-4 tie. Silvain Beau­ Frenchman who suggests stuffing fish: it can't wait. l^ n ier 8 (W 16. Moncrief "8 8-9 24. Upsala 93. Rutgers-Newark 62 161 Iff. truly succulent results. 'I'hrcetminl goals—None, Technicals— Montclair St TT. Widener 72 Winnipeg 13 17 8 34 i:i9 1® doin had two goals and Chris Steven­ Buckner 4 0-0 8. Bridgeman 3 .3-3 9. Boston Coach Fitch. Bird A—17,668. 'Toronto C’utchings 0 0-0 0. Mi, Johnson 4 8-9 16. 10 16 9 29 lf3 164 son and Todd Carlson one each for East Delroit 10 21 6 26 12f 1® E Winters 3 04J 6, (’rompton 0 1-2 1 Totals Smvthe Division the Mavericks. Jeff Allen and Sean 42 23-32 107. Tue.sday's College Basketball Results Albright 19. Middlcbury TJ Herald photo by Pinto INDIANA (961 Bentley 72; Southern (;onn. TT. Edmonton 24 8 6 f4 221 143 Church cookbook By llnrted rress International VaiK (luver Ransom drew assists. The Williams f 0-0 10. Banlorn 2 7-6 11. C. Tourrornenl Results Blomnsburg 82. Md. Baltimore 73 13 17 8 34 137 143 MITE A Johnson 6 0-0 12. Buse 8 O-I 17. Davis 8 C.W'. I*ost 67. .New York Tech 61 Calgary 12 17 8 32 148 172 Mavericks came back for a 5-3 win fXll College Tournament Los Angeles 13 20 3 Peter DIRosa of 451 Vernon St., mixes up one of his favorite 44’ 20. Carter 6 0-0 12. McGinnis 3 0-0 6. (Consolation game) Clarion 78. W. Georgia 7fi 29 lf2 182 Tri City Plaza had a successful ove,r Avon. Ransom had two goals Eastern College 67. Alvernia f.7 (OT) ('olorado 8 23 6 22 lui101 uir179 Italian recipes. Some of them were handed down by his Orr -1 0-0 2'. G. Johnson 1 1-2 3. Knight 1 Oklahoma. 73. Oklahoma City 63 weekend with an overwhelming 16^) and Ed Moore, Stevenson and Alex 0-0 3. Townsend 0 0-0 0. Totals 41 12-16 (jannon (?, Kv \Veslevan 63 , ' (Top four in each division qualify tor Arkansas-Little Rock ff;. Western Indiana (Pa.)‘a). W, Va, Wesleyan 66 Stanley Cup playoffs.) blanking of Southern Connecticut Rodriguez one for the winners. John father, some by his mother and others are strictly his own. 96. Illinois 82 Maine 61. Alabama 77 Tuesday's Results Milwaukee • 32 24 26 2f^l07 (Championship game) and 7-4 triumph over Longmeadow, Peterson, Alien and Carlson had Indiana 30 2023 26-96 Mercy 72. (' Mass.-Boston 69 Quebec 8. Chicago I Lamar 63. Rhode Inland fil Merrimack 86. Suffolk Gf. . Montreal f. N Y. Islanders 4 Mass. Terry Toebler had five goals, assists. Derrick Taylor was in goal Three-point goals—Buse. Knight. Fouled Arrowhead-Coors Invitational • St. Louis 6. Hartford 1 'Happiness like potato salad' oul-Bantom . Total fouls—Milwaukee 17. New Harn|»shire (^)ll. W. Clark U. 76 Andy Gagnon, Tim Ger, Ed Diaz and for both outings. (Consolation game) New Haven 9f.. Sacred Heart Conn. ® Boston f.. Vancouver 3 C Indiana 30. Technical—Milwaukee bench. Your neighbor's kitchen Western Washington 78. UC San Diego Wednesday's Games A-9.1®. 76 Duihnipiac k l Virginia St. 91 Mike Rodriguez two apiece and So. Florida 82. I^Sallc 62 (All Times EST) I Championship game) •N.Y. Islanders at N.Y. Hangers. 7:X Derrick Moulton, Joe Konrad and Stanislaus St. m. Minnesota-Duluth 61 St. Michael s 48. Nichols 46. By Barbara Richmond Stockton St Southeastern U. 7T. |Mn. Steve Blair one each in the initial KANSAS CITY (92) Best Classic Alabama 77. Maine 61 liSI 40. Uilea 3T. Washington at Pittsburgh. 7:3T. p.m. Herald Reporter I>oder 2 2-2 6. King 3 4-6 10. Douglas 1 Vermont 71. St. Peter's T6 Si. Louis at Toronto. 8:0T p.m. win. Tim Geraghty had three goals, 2-8 4. Drew 6 6-9 18. Woodson 11 2-2 2fi. New Hampshire 64. Delaware f2 ^Bowling Blade Glass City Classic ^ South Chicago at Montreal, 8:0F. p.m. Moulton and Toebler two apiece in Have a church supper to bring a K. .lohnson 1 1-2 3. Grunfeld f. 6^ 16. E. Kentucky f9. Indiana-Southeast If. Hartford at Winnipeg. 9:(r p.m. the win over Longmeadow. Brett Ijm perl 2 2-2 6. Whitney 2 0-0 4, Totals (Consolation game) Kentucky M. Notre Dame 28 (OT) Boston, at Calgarv. 9:3f p.m. covered dish to next week? Is your 33 2T-39 92. Yale 82, Bowling Green 78 lOT) Kentucky St. TT. Jackson St. 74 Philadelphia at Edmonton. 9:3f p.m Silveripan had two assists and Diaz club hake sale coming up soon and DALLAS (104) (Championship game) Memphis St. 61, Mi.ssissippi fl Lus Angeles at Colorado. 9:X p.m. and Konrad one each. Kevin Millen 9 Bristow 0 0-2 0. Vincent If ll-lf, 41 Toledo 71. Illinois f.l Morehouse 66. Dillard W Thursday’s Games you want something new to Nirnphius 0 2-2 2. Davis 6 3-4 If. Turner Brooklyn ('ollege Holiday Tournament Midwest Minnesota at Buffalo^ was in goal for both wins. prepare? How about that Girl Scout 8 0-0 16. Spanarkel 4 6-7 14. Kea 0 (H) 0. (Championship game) Air Forct*^ :6). (.'ornell 36 Tonmto at Detroit CUNLIFFE AUTO - Art Cunliffe John Jay 61. Brooklyn College T8 MITE B banquet coming up? Blackman 2 2-2 6. Lloyd 1 04) 2. Cooper 3 Auguslana 71. Morningside 64 Ed'iionlun at V.incouver 2-3 8. Totals 39 26-3T. 104. (Consolatiion game) Horst Engineering fell to Colum­ 162-155-441, Mike Nicholson 153-179- SUNY New Paltz 1®. Pratt ffi Baldwin-Wallace 87. Defiance 8K30T) Why not turn to the minister’s Kansas City 19 27 19 27- 92 Capital 81. Indiana Tech ® bia, 5-0, last Sunday. Chris Senseney 441, Don McAllister 158-158-440, Dallas 23 19 29 33-104 Cable Car Classk- wife for help. (Consolation game) Centre Ohio Dominican 72 Chicago 001—1 in goal played well along with Gregg' Frank McNamara 166-438, Emile ‘•7 rhroe-j)*nnt goals—Woodson. Fouled out Dakota St. 7T. Southwest Minnesota f/6 Quebec 2 f. 1—8 his first love Gloria Swensen, the wife of the --Cooper Total fouIs-Kansas City 31. Penn St. 14. Texas Chri.stian 49 Tolman, Craig Ough and Sean Roux 174-433, Gabe Szabo 150-430, No. Carolina 76. Santa Clara ft? Dickinson 9f.. Northern Montana 94(OT) First |>eriod—1. Quebec. Cote 6 (P. Rev. Norman E. Swensen, pastor of Dallas :n Technicals-Kansas City Coach Dyke 94. Wilmington 70 Stastny. Pichette). 0:f-8. 2. Quebec. M. Allard. Travis Cook 159-422, Carl Bujaucius Id ■ Filzsimnions. Dallas Coach Molla 2. A- Cabrillo Classic Trinity Covenant Church, on (Opening round) ' Franklin & Marsn. 79. Gettysburg 6f. Stastny 20 (Cote. Pichette). l4;f/0. 9Z11. Hiram ®. Bluffton 64 Penalties—Fox. Chi. 3:01; Frycer. Que. SQUIRT A 151-415, Pat Irish 152-415, Dave Hackmatack Street, has a whole Temple 8f.. Florida 81 Huron 81. Rocky Mountain (Mont. I 42 lf:39. Multi-Circuits took two last Castagria 409, Scott Smith 403, Pete By Barbara Richmond cooking is a blend of all of that, San Diego St. 77, Baylor f4 Kenyon 81. Case Reserve 71 Second period—3. Quebec. Goulet 18 plus adjusting things to please his . collection of tried and true favorites Color Country Classic weekend, nipping West Hartford, 2- Wojtyna 397, Larry Seretto 163-394, Heraid Reporter Kings 60. Christopher Newport f2 GMaroiS. P. Stastny). 1;®. 4. Quebec. family. she turns to when she has to bring a SAN DIEGO (107) (Opening round) Minot St, 77. (.'arroll (Mont.) 74 Goulet 19 (Lacroix. Tardifl. 7:24. f. 1, and blistering New Milford. l6-l. Dan Vignone 152-392, John Ortolan! Brooks 8 3-f. 19. Bryant f-' 2-2 12. Claremunl-Mudd f9. Fresno-Pacific fj Someday Peter DIRosa Jr. of covered dish. Montana St. fl. Army 36 157, Dave Dynes 156. DiRosa comes by his love for Whitehead 4 .3-4 11. P. Smith 7 0-2 14. (Connecticut. Mutual Classic Mount Union 9f.. Geneva 79 Some of her very favorites are in­ Taylor 4 34 II. Douglas 3 2-2 8. (Opening round) 451 Vernon St. wants to create his cooking quite naturally. His Chambers 3 1-2 7. Williams 9 0-0 19. South Floridairida 182. LaSalle 62 Muskingum ®. lycbanun Valley ® ■ own cookbook. And he has the ti­ father was a former mess cluded in "Favorite Recipes,” a Wiley 2 00 4, J Smith I OO 2. ToUls 46 (Connecticut 91. St. Bonaventure 73 Nebraska f3. Northern Iowa 42 tle picked out already — cookbook compiled by the women of 14-21 107. Dayton Invitational Nebraska-Omaha 74, No. Dakota ® Herald Angle sergeant in the U.S. Army Air SAN ANTONIO <119) Florida St 76.‘*No Carolina (Charlotte Northern St. 78. Mayville (N.D.) 67 “Gourmet Cooking in 30 Minutes Corps for many years and then her church. Mitchell 8 0-0 16. Olberding 3 f-6 11. *3 Ohio Northern 72. nndlay ffi Herald Sports Editor or Less.” The cookbook is in its second prin­ iChampiunship game) Ohio St, 63. Washington bt. 64' went on to manage commercial Corzine I 0-0 2. Moore 2 0-0 4. Gervin 21 Ollerboin 83. DePauw 72 Earl Yost keeps on top of START THE NEW YEAR 4-6 46. Bratz 1 1-2 3. Hayes 4 .24 10. Dayton 77. Hofslra f.4 Does that sound impossible? kitchens. His father, a Florida ting so you know the recipes have to Phogley f 1-1 II. Banks 6 2-2 14. Rains I Rio Grande 81. Marietta 72 (OT) sports in his regular be good. It’s available at several Evansville Holiday Tournament So. Dakota 71. North Dakota St. 70 DiRosa said it isn’t.- “ To nrie, resident, started the dry cleaning 04) 2 to tals f2 lf-21 119 Murray St 71. Eastern Illinois 70 Tri-Sl 92.- Kalamazoo fJ column, “The Herald local stores: E.A. Johnson Paint San Diego 27 34 2fi 21—107 f E(CA(C Holiday Festival cooking is one of the easiest businesses that Peter operates. San Antonio 34 31 23 31—119 Wabash 72. Wittenberg 46 Angle," on the daily sports things in the world. I think some Store, 723 Main, St.; Bibles and (Championship game) W ooster'44. Calvin 43 RIGHT! The younger DiRosa likes to 3 Threo-poml goals- -Williams, Fouled out St John s 94, villanova 89 pages. people are afraid to try things,” Books, 840 Main St.; The Front None Total fouls—San Diego 2Tj. San experiment with French, Chinese Antonio 21 Tc< hn ical-P Smith, A-9.843 he said. and Mexican dishes. "But having Parlour, 465 Hartford Road; West- DiRosa is minority leader on ulcers I tend to stay away from town Pharmacy, 455 Hartford Road; NO and El-Mar Ceramics, 149 W. Mid­ the town Board of Directors, a the Mexican food,” he Said. Player member of the Republican Town dle Turnpike. It’s also available at Committee and secretary for the the church office on Hackmatack sentenceid STICKER Manchester chapter of UNICO. HE’S TRAVELED all over Street. It sells for $4. H e’s also a m em b er of the world. That makes it easier One very popular dish that Mrs. Manchester Rotary Club and to cook ail kinds of foods, he said. Swensen often takes to church 0 CINCINNATI (UPI) - On a recent trip he and his wife Cincinnati Bengals offen­ formerly a social studies teacher suppers is her asparagus casserole. SHOCK Eileen went to a Hungarian ”It’s a good thing to bring to suppers sive tackle Mike Obrovac at Manchester High School. He now operates two dry cleaning restaurant in San Francisco. "I’d and it’s very simple to make,” she was sentenced Monday to c ' \ o 9 never tried Hungarian food said. thtee days in jail and fined establishments in town. What he HFRE!^ really likes to do is cook. Asked if before. It’s a type of food I’d like Another standby of hers, baked $l|,000 in connection with he enjoys cooking more than he to experiment with. It’s very pork chops, also appears in the his arrest last month for BRAND NEW 1981 ESCORT spicy. They use a lot of lamb and cookbook along with one for peanut disorderly conduct while V enjoys politics, he answered: intoxicated. x t o \ e h i "F o ^ doesn’t talk back.’’ veal and a lot of paprika,” he squares, another bet good for church 3 DR. HATCHBACK said. suppers and food booths. However, Hamilton •o o T Before he became involved in County Municipal Court From wheel drive, front disc brakes, 1 .BL CVH engine. Inside SALE PRICE politics, he did a lot of cooking. The recipes he’s sharing with Not only is the cookbook full of un­ 3 0 ^ Fri. hood release. 4-spd, overdrive Irans., halogen head lamps, “Then I had a lot more time and Herald readers are ones he put usual recipes but it’s also full of Judge Barry Isaacs said steel-belled rad. ply Urea, folding rear seat. 4-wheel Indep together himself. They are dishes Obrovac will not have to ,daV January 1st susp. movable package tray, inertia seal Pack release, color made everything from scratch. some unusual household hints, in­ he had eaten in a restaurant and cluding gardening hints. It even has serve the three days until >doe^ o o /i keyed carpeting, rack and pinion steering, maintenance free But now I’m so on the go 1 have to 1:00&7:30 battery, duraspark elec. Ignlt., day/nlghl mirror, bodyside find shortcuts, so over Ihe years wasn’t able to obtain the recipe. a,complete diagram explaining how Feb. 8. which will permit , d a l paint stripe, bumper rub strips, elec, rear delroster, trim $5430 An enterprising person, he put to carve a turkey properly. It has a I’ve created or' discovered sub­ Obrovac to practice with rings, vinyl Insert bodyside moldings. Slock # 1209 LIST them together with what he buying guide to/help the cook pick the Bengals for the ?30 Happy PRICE; ISB56. stitute ways to make fancy \daV '.3CL New Year thought was in them. out fresh vegetables and fruits. playoffs. • o o H meals. Some of the food com­ THIS OFFER EXPIRES SAT. JAN. 2, 1982 panies have made it easy,” he His “Chicken Saltenbocca” is It also has an unusual recipe for Obrovac was arrested at tT < )a V 1:30 a m. Nov. .30 near a added. usually “ Veal Saltenbocca” violet jelly ,made with real violet Anyone who can read can when it’s served in restaurants. blossoms, an explanation of how to favorite Bengals' “But veal is very expensive and nightspot. Police said the become a good cook, he says. substitute one'' ingredient for a " chicken tastes almost the same,” another, a guide to the proper use of 6-foot-6, 271-pound Obrovac closj,e beans in tomato sauce gredients. Chill 4 hours or there has been a “54 percent increase in commuter spaghetti demption muat be ahown upon iwjueat. Cuatamer n u o t ppy a a la ta i I f btl. special training in human relations. In addition, airmen, any Coupon «oid i f taxed, prohibited, or reatricted by law; C w h value 1 cup cooked small shell more. Serve on lettuce. flight activity at Logan gnd a 117 percent increase in Cola Pickles T who complete basic training earn credits toward an 1/20 of Ir . L im it one per purchaae. Offerexpim July 31.1922. macaroni This kitchen-tested recipe commuter passengers.” ' 23-OZ. CAN FORTHEHOLIDAYS-A&P associate degree in applied science through the Com­ 1 can (about 8 ounces) makes about 3W cups, 6 The report suggests that the air traffic controllers Marriage Licenses munity College of the Air Force. tomatoes, chopped servings. strike, which has brought about special Federal Avia­ She will now receive specialized instruction in the ac­ tion Administration rules to regulate air traffic, “may Princella Cut Yams 89*^ CranberiYSaiice 2 r , 9 5 *^ counting and finance field. She is a 1981 graduate of □ QS21 .SOTITM Harvard budget balances have the most substantial impact on the future course of Valley Head High School, Lenox, Mass. deregulation.” PRICES EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 2 7 .1981-JAN. 2. 1982 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT SALES AND TO CORRECT TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (UPI) — Harvard University, •Gustave Liappes Jr. and Lora Lee Orcutt, both of The impact could cancel some of the gains the in- ITEMS FOR SALE NOT AVAILABLE TO WHOLESALE OR RETAIL DEALERS Ragu' it a regittared trademark of Ragu’ Fboda, Inc. reporting a $329,000 budget surplus and an endowment of Manchester. Jan. 16 at South United Methodist Church. dusti7 hns made in the last three years, the report Robert Kenneth Butterfield, of 127 Vernon Road, Supermarket shopping tips more than $1.6 billion, says the future stability of its financial aid program could be in jeopardy because of suggests. Bolton, and Anna Lotretta Shells, pf 48 Gerard St., Jan. Martin Sloane explains how to save money ai, the David W. Davis, Massport executive director, said 16, .St. James Church. tightened federal regulations. since deregulation New England travelers are paying 35 grocery store — every Wednesday and Saturday in his Harvard, which closed out the fiscal year ending June Harley Joseph LaMountain and Sharon Louise Porter, “Supermarket Shopper” column in The Manchester' percent to 46 percent less for a Boston to New York CALDOR PLAZA BURR CORNERS, MANCHESTER both of Manchester, Jan. 1. Herald 30 with a balanced $450 million budget, released a seat U» - THK HKHAU). Wed.. Dee 30. 1981 THE HERALD, Wed.. Dec. 30. 1981 - II. looker' a jolt X P E O P L E PHIL ROURA«TOM POSTER W h a t w e re TV W ednesday

12:35 EVENING EXCLUSIVE! (D Adam 12 Coburn: Film 1:00 top sounds N*wt ^ Super Pay Cerda ^ Charll«*t Ang«l« ® Peopia Tonight An hour of GD Tie Tac Dough personality news, interviews and ® PKA Full Contact Karat# ^ W ednesday ^iews Liddy: He's calling (ContinuesFroniDaytlma)Cailfomia 0 Entertainment Tonight Lightweight Championship from San Scott Bale (pictured) stars in 1:05 ^ s e . CA (D Charlie Rose Show was sabotaged ®Movl#*

- 18 - THE HERALD, Wed.. Dec. 30. 1981

THE HERALD. Wed.. Dec. 30. 1981 - 19 Region Annie — Leonard Starr r> o A r e a t o w n s Highlights !SJ ~THEBE’SfiOT HaL,YB)H~THEY M OST ca v e IS SURE THEBE IS. MARE EBlYOO NOT YET-BUT I Astro-graph T’ BESOHEiPraef MOSTLY PEAL OOPEj HOOKEPUP WITH POPE LEGYU.. IF THESE PAY TAXES, YilLL WHEN I ’M Crossword A n d o v e r REflSONTHESe ■ s o THEY’BE ALWAYS POPE, ISN’ T IT? SUCKERS WANNA TURN TOBO? fSd O M il / inUAIBP > B o lt o n / C o v e n try Chief praises force SUYSABE RMN> K\Pm OFF EACH ™AN’ THERE THEIR 8RAIN5 T’ UNT, YOU FOB OWEK ASHELLAS POESN’T SEEM WHY STICK US PHOTBCTIOH, EVatYBOPY ELSef r 86 ANY WAY TeXPAYEKS EAST HARTFORD — Police Chief Clarence A. TOBO O’STOPPIfr TH’ TA8. 43 Swift aircraft Answer to Previous Puzzle Oacamiwr 31,1M 1 ACROSS Drumm praised members of his department warmth than you pxude. Don't (abbr.l M M a "u T 7 ’Tuesday for their success in burglary crackdowns It's quite possible that In the spare even an ounce of charm. 44 Tarzan's mate year lollowinfl your birthday 1 Oust □ □ E 0 1 0 "r The praise came in the daily bulletin which will GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) Your 45 Compass [• 3 you'll be doing more traveling 6 Abduct la E 8 8 1 8 E 0 [I chances for success today are point a be distributed today to department members. In than you’ve done lor some very good. You know. Instinc­ 12 Video’s |¥ E 8 T 0 L m c H M 47 Edible a tn Wrong number the past month the crackdown netted 10 arrests for lime. Your trips may not be tively, to save your trump card predecessor IT 0 N M 0 1 ■ 13 Ample 50 Guardian N C L P E burglaries, robberies and major thefts. Chief long ones, but they'll produce for the critical trick. A T T S i lP many pleasant memories. CANCER (June 21-July 22) 14 Nosy 53 Duplicator a E E u L ct R Y E Drumm said those apprehensions resulted in the m CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Knowing how to deal with peo­ 15 Attired 54 Inner c 8 A ■ j E a □ 0 R N 55 Trying age i T E T A R M E 0 clearance of 30 of jthese crimes. There's a good chance ol hear­ ple on a one-to-one basis is the 16 Milk- ' 1 L 3.H 56 Captured " A M 1 1 brings lawsuit In his bulletin message the chief didn’t single out ing from someone today who is secret ol your success today. associated R. N 3 57 Donkeys E E 1 L 1 R 7 Important to your plans. Once You make everyone feel they Motley’s Crew — Tenrfpleton & Forman 18 Snatch 7 E any one person for praise but rather credited E A IM E T E E M you establish communication, • can discuss anything with you. 19 American a 1 8 DOWN E N T D E E R 1 c cooperation within the department’s detective divi­ things begin to dick. Find but LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Thera's Indians more ol what lies ahead tor yoii S T E w E R D 0 N A sion and uniformed beat officers, who do a chance someone will be 20 Apiary dweller E In each ol the seasons follow­ Interested in teaming with you 1 Errors against SNET preliminary burglary investigations. He also said 22 It is (contr.) 40 In case not ing your birthday by sending because ol a talent or skill you DRUMK6 DON'T 2 Business 21 Ghostly /''KNOW/ eU M M Y, you I' m n o t a w 25 Automotive so­ the public helped. lor your Copy of Astro-Graph. possess. It could be a good group member 23 Article 41 Never (contr.) KEALLY 5HOULDi5TOP ALCOHOLIC WHAT'6 THE h a v e t o 6 0 TO Mail $1 for each to Astro- opportunity. I ciety (abbr.) 3 Prepares to 24 South (Fr.) . 43 Scandinavian C O V E N T R Y - A local bail bondsman is suing a phone DIBlNWN&--y0U'Re „,I'M A . DIFFEREMOE TH'MEETIN6&/ 26 Actor Ferrer 26 Singer Peerce Gyap^ Box 489, Radio City VIRQO (Aug. 23-Sapl. 22) An . publish 44 Jibes company for $7,500, claiming that clients who called his Station, N.Y. 10019. Be sure to AW ALCOHOLIC ^ 28 Biblical king 27 Smells Image of fairness emanates DRUWK- 4 Movie 46 Rotisserie phone number from the Hartford area were instead Hospital hosting party specify birth date. Irom you today, drawing others 29 Unhappy ^ 5 Judge’s gown 28 Spread for skewer switched to a company in the city, causing him to lose AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) to you with the warmth ol 30 Brought up ‘ 6 Nail container bread VERNON — Following a tradition started six Your insights and hunches friendship. Practicing the gold­ 32 Japanese 29 Distress call 48 Minutes of business. 7 Senseless years ago, the Human Services Department of today are worthy of serious en rule is your source. robe 8 Copperfield’s 31 Curvy letter court But the phone company. Southern New England consideration. You may be able LIBRA (Sepl. 23-Oct. 23) 35 Doctrine wife 32 Actress Novak 49 Ballerina's Rockville General Hospital will sponsor a New to derive Intuitively something Something beneficial you can Telephone, claims that his clients didn’t dial “ 1” before 36 Osiris’ wife 9 Bumpier 33 Same (prefix) strong points Year’s Eve drop-in gathering ’Thursday from 10 you’ve logically overlooked. do for the family may present calling long distance. No recording was played infor­ 37 Regrets 10 Lifetime 34 Central U.S. PISC ES (Fab. 20-March 20) itself today. Because you don't 50 Relative p.m. to 2 a.m.- in the hospital cafeteria. 39 Source of 11 College 38 American ming them that they had failed to dial “ 1.” Instead, the Larger crowds hold more treat It as a chore, It will turn 51 Compass The event is intended for those who wish to light degree (abbr.) Indian calls were automatically switched to the Hartford com­ appeal lor you today than out to be fun. point celebrate the holiday without consuming alcoholic being with a small. Intimate S? 42 Dress style 14 Increased by 39 Apennine pany. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) 52 Color beverages or who wish to be part of a mutual sup­ group. You'll want to be out You are especially charismatic |sl.) 17 Pounds (abbr.) inhabitant The suit has been pending for nearly two years, and a where all the bright lights and today. YOU don't call attention port group. More than 200 people attended last 11 judge recently tu m ^ responsibility for clearing up the people are glowing warmly. to your person by doing any­ Winnie Winkie — Henry Raduta and J.K.S. 1 z 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 matter over to the state Department of Public Utilities year. ARIES (March 21-April 19) In thing so spectacular, but just Guests may drop in at any time and if possible, areas where you’d like to by being yourself. Control. 12 13 should bring snack foods. Sandwiches, coffee and attract attention, you'll gain SAQITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. However the plaintiff, Edward J. Bradley of more by underplaying what you 21) In situations today where music will be provided free of charge. The depart­ IT'S ALL / H y 15 Geraldine Drive, feels the matter should be settled in can do. Others will then trum­ something of value's at stake, 14 ment staff wili also arrange transportation home pet your abilities and accomr fiAULT.''lSHajLP court, according to briefs at Rockville Superior Court. your shrewdness Is quite keen. for area residents who may need it on New Year’s plishments. You seem to know in what HAVE CAUEP IT 16 18 He objected and asked that the case be returned to the TAURUS (April 20-May 20) By places or persons your oppor­ E ve. TO you R ■ docket. being friendly end cordial to all tunities He. ATTENTIOW.' 19 20 . 22 23 24 According to the briefs, the problem started in 1977 today, you can elicit a greater (NEWSPAPEn EMTERPniSE ASSN.) ■ ■ when bail bondsman Bradley allegedly began to notice Donations help needy 25 2 7 ’ 28 that some of his clients’ calls were not going through. ■ TOI People calling from the Hartford, East Hartford and EAST HARTFORD — Donations from residents NO SENSE CRYING ...ANP GOODNESS 29 30 31 West Hartford areas were apparently being switched to KNOWSLONS M and civic organizations made it possible for the OVER SPILT MILK.' TOU MAY ■ ; w » r . m ig h t t a k e - the K.R. Gram Co. in Hartford. Investigation, his town’s Social Services Department to distribute Bridge FI(?ST, WE'LL HAVE TO HAVE TO 32 33 34 lawyers claim, proved this. Because Bradley works odd SET THE WATER AT THIS T/ME OF toys, food baskets, canned goods and gift cer­ THE R AN T 1 hours, his iawyers claim, when the calls were switched MAIN /?£PA!/^P... ^ y e a r / 36 38 39 40 41 tificates to 138 needy families over Christmas. WHILE REPAIRS ARE _ to the Hartford firm, K.R. Gram’s regular hours were The families had ali requested help. Sandra R. e BEING MADE, J ■ 1 1991 #r Cfxaoe T< over. with Mike Gottlieb, Walde- 42 44 Phillips, director of social services, said many of mar von Vedtwitz or Louis The effect was that the caller thought nobody was the famiiies who received help are on welfare. “ I L 1■ Watson, she was always the Levy’s Law ^ James Schumeister 45 46 48 49 home. felt East Hartford residents did themselves proud NORTH very sound half of the part­ Bradley repeatedly contacted the phone company, he #KQ5 ■ with the generosity they showed,” she said. nership. 50 51 52 53 claims, and sent a letter through an attorney to the YKQ1097 She was also the greatest DPUC. With still no correction, he filed suit in April of ♦ K3 expopent of the Culbertson /x-ya #874 'Yaunde'ANN, this 54 55 1980. system which she knew bet­ IS 1 WANT TD Shelter closed WEST EAST ter than anyone. • The two sides bandied back and forth for about a year; THANli^OUfBJeTHE^ #932 #86 In today’s hand we show 56 57 Bradley, claimed they were liable, and the phone com­ TOLLAND — The Tolland-based area shelter for VJ8643 # 5 Jo using the grand slam PEESENT ______- 1c pany said there was no evidence that his clients were battered women, sponsored by the Hockanum #J #109178341 force, im eh is still called (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) dialing right. Valley Community Council, has closed because of Q10 6 2 #93 the “ Josephine” by some “ It strains the limits of legal argument to contend staffing problems and an anticipated cut-off of SOUTH British writers because she that the telephone company should have liability funds after Feb. 28. #AJ1074 actually invented it way, w ^ back. ■ because the plaintiff’s clients lack the„capacity to dial S everal area w om en pleaded fo r y ears to have the #A2 ♦ AQ Her five-notrump call his telephone number, states one brief. shelter established. It was finally set up in an un­ #AKJS asked her mrtner, Louis ' S N E T D istrict M an ager R ich ard Stahl goes on to state disclosed location in Tolland last March. Council of­ Watson, to bid seven with Vulnerable: Both CELEBRITY CIPHER that if the phone company were to correct for Bradley’s ficials said that 13 women had used the services of two of the three top honors CiJrtxtty Clph. cryplooruni w« crMtad from quotltlon. by tlmou. pboptb. (Wl Dealer North and Excb l« t . In lh« dphbr itand. fw inothbr. rcKtoy'x efuv.- k • q u tli P. client’s alleged failure to dial “ 1,’’ equipment would the home since it opened and only one woman was in spades and Louis did as she had asked. have to be modified. One method, he claims, would take still at the home at the time it was decided to close Weal North Eail South ‘BCTTPABWFSZ SFZE 1# Pan 2# Jo won the diamond lead 18 to 24 months to install, and cost about $225,000. it. They said that one was ready to move on Pan 3# Pan 5 NT with her ace, drew trumps Captain Easy — Crooks & Lawrence Another method would cost $4.5 million. anyway. Pan 7# Pan Pan and went after hearts. ’The 5- The program was designed to allow a woman to Pan 1 break meant she had only EGWYH WY SWIP OCJ BFY BCJYE stay for months while they received counseling, 12 top tricks, but Jo found A5 EOON M ARB YOU iooked for jobs, and made arrangements for their the 13tb on a squeeze. She THIS MOUSTACHE SURE ABOUT Opening lead: #J cashed all her trumps dis­ THIS? future. ©ROWS IN -. CY ICA F GFKKO PYLWYH. EGP Schvvebel is out carding a heart and a club Women who need this type of facility will be from dummy, led her queen referred to similar shelters in other areas. of diamonm to dummy’s Herald photo by Tarquinlo By Ofwald Jacoby king and discarded her t h i^ and Thomas is in and Alan Sootag of clubs on the queen of hearts. Man hides gun In case No discussion of women Jo had a perfect count on Ice in the Notch bridge players would be the band since West had WINDSOR LOCKS — A Gainsville, Fla. man was complete without mention­ shown three spades, five COVENTRY - Abbot scientious, and accessible. arrested at Bradley International Airport Monday ing Josephine (Jo) Culbert­ hearts and a diamond. He Schwebel, after moreUhan Bolton Notch has taken on some of the attributes of a glacier these days, as these He’s just right for the com­ after he was allegedly caught trying to board a son. She won the 1930 was marked with four clubs, osix years as town counsel, icicles show; m un ity.” commercial jetliner with a gun in his briefcase. Vanderbilt, but bad retired leaving just two for East. is out under the Town When asked if pending Police said he falsely claimed he was a police of­ from active competition Since West had to retain the Council’s new Democratic heart jack he bad to come suits with the town would ficer. The man, Joseph Tobia, faces a mandatory before the Spingold was first leadership and Daniel played. down to two clubs and the Alley Oop — Dave Graue now be held up until La­ sentence of one year in jail if he is convicted of ’Thomas, former town at­ Jo was the perfect partner club queen was sure to fall. ment becomes acquainted carrying a pistol without a permit. He also may (NEWSPAPER E m E R P R IS E ASSN.) torney for Willimantic and for an activeJve expert. PlayingPlayihi It's the season to be ioily, with them, Dunn said "that face federal charges, state police said. at present Willington’s and whole matter is under dis­ Priscilla’s Pop - Ed Sullivan Y'W ANT : MORE, E H ? Manfield's counsel is in. cussion.” Frank M.Dunn Jr., coun­ Lament charges $50 per cil vice’ chairman, said hour. WHAT CRAZY FRENCH REAU.Y? but doc has word to wise LAUNOeiTEO £t FINISHED today Thomas was picked THING HAVE VOU FRIES.' THEY’RE because of “ extensive N M 2 B FOR US THIS MY experience in municipal Kirghizia TIME, STUART? F A V O R IT E ' ______V By James V. Healion Dwyer urged asthmatics to be sensitive to the onset of law, recommendations by TABLECLOTHSTO OEAUTIFY YOUR CRYSTAL. SILVER 6 FINE CHtf«A.... Kirghizia is in the United Press International fatigue, and to guard against the tendency to push too the people he worked with, UNENS ALA SWISS^.... eastern part of Soviet Cen­ ROCKVILLE hard during the holidays. and he has the reputation NEW HAVEN — This is the season to be jolly, but tral Asia, on the frontier of • 10 Harlow St. • At parties, they should watch for exotic recipes for being effective and con- some specialists warn injury or pain rarely take a Sinkiang (western China). masking ingredients to which they are allergic. Most The people, once nomadic, . VERNON J___ holiday importantly, the should take preventive medicine as in­ now breed cattle and TTTnTin^^F * Vernon Circle Shopping Ctrl First, there's Dr. John Dwyer, asthma specialist at structed. MANCHE8TER horses and grow tobacco, Yale University School of Medicine. Dr. Robert Raffauf, plant chemist at Northeastern CHOOse swtss QUAUTY WITH coliFiocNCC* 521 Middle Tnpke. • To report cotton, rice and sugar "The holiday season is one of the prime times of the University in Boston and a member of the American area news beets, ‘ year when asthmatics let their guard down,’' says Chemical Society, says decorations like misteltoe, D wyer. poinsettia and holly berries are harmless and enjoyable. To report news items F’or one thing, they sometimes overlook winter But if a child or a pet swallows them, they can be hazar­ in B olton, Andover and iviqinam inajj r AtAPETHEM weather — step outside from a party, say, take a deep FROM THE dous. Coventry, call or write breath, and undergo an asthma attack no easy thing LA R G E S T Mistletoe berries contain the chemical tyramine that Richard Cody at The MT. VERNON to endure nor to watch. POTATOES I can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, hypetension, Manchester Herald, "Asthma is a 24-hour, 365-day a year disease. Asthma COULP I vomiting and even cardiovascular collapse if ingested in Herald Square, P.O. attacks are hard to treat but not so hard to prevent," DAIRY STORES n large quantities. Box 591, Manchester, .said D w yer, urging prudence.. If any part of a poinsettia is swallowed it can cause C T 06040 ; telephone 643- 244 Broad St. 653 Center St.l ^ ^ He also said a substantial, percentage of the 8 million abdominal discomfort or nausea. The milky sap from 2711. Manchester Manchester ? S asthmatics in the United States are not doing well the plant's leaves also can cause irritation or dermatitis SALE ENDS JAN. 2. 7982 cn o because they do not take their medicine as instructed in som e people. even though recent therapeutic advances have made it He also suggests parents be wary of tinsel because it You’ll be pleased with the OPEN NEW YEAR’S DAY. JAN. 1st that much easier to control asthma. contains lead and tin. Angel hair is spun glass can cause fast results you’ll get with One of biggest was the introduction this year in the much itching if it gets into the skin and eyes. a Classified ad! Whether LAND 0’ LAKES United States of Proventil albuterol, which is inhaled Ramon Pardon Jr., director of engineering and field you’re advertising to hire, and available only by physician's prescription. operations for the Hartford-based insurer, Aetna Life & rent or sell, the Classified BUTTER 4 ^ / T gT s'" "This method provides a more rapid speed of onset, Casualty, said statistics from the U.S. Consumer ads can get the job done. longer action and less side effects,” Dwyer said. Product Safety Commission showed 5,500 eye injuries "One inhalation takes effect within 20 minutes, opens related to toys occurred in the United States last year. the airways with minimal effects on the pulse rate and Almost 70 percent of the injured were under 15 years lasts a minimum of four hours, and up to six hours in old. RentThe some patients, " he said. There are basically two kinds of asthma, allergic Rug Doctor. asthma, which most people suffer from and intrinsic asthma. In both, the air flow is interrupted. In the first, The original “steam" because of allergies to external stimuli like pollens, FLETCHER GLASS CO. carpel deaner with animal hair, lint, certain fumes and stress. The other is Ovfr J5 Yeort 0^ t u fM o t iK E n lof MANCHtiTEW Ihe Vibrating caused by infection. COMPLETE AUTO QLA88 8ERVICE Brush. WINDOW GLASS • MIRRORS • GLASS Claim FURNITURE TOPS • PICTURE FRAMING Upholilery Pam per Yourself ^ • FIREPLACE & DOOR MIRRORS • TUB ENCLOSURES • SPECIAL WORK Spend A Night At The Inn Place Immaculate, comfortable, tastefully decorated rooms for * business travelers • vacationers • honeymooners Cable Color TV • waterbeds • gel beds • queen-size posturpedic beds • in-room coffee • fO miles Irom downlown Hanford All M]|or Credit Cards Accepted Sssex Ihotox dv! 20 - THE HERALD, Wed.. Dec. 30, 1981 'lllh lll'.KAl.D w. il Ml rini 2i Church cookbook has more than recipes B U S IN E S S /classified ronliniii'il from pii^r I .‘1 crumbs. Bake for one-half hour at yolks, vanilla, water and dry in­ ‘A cup finely chopped onion Serve over rice. 5 servings. This 1 teaspoon vanilla 350 degrees. gredients, Put into a 9 X 13-inch pan. V2 cup chopped green pepper sauce is also good over pork chops 1 cup brown sugar sandwich filling recipes, easy steps Press chocolate chips on top. Beat 1 cup diced celery or chicken. Bake at 350 degrees for 'A cup walnuts to making a perfect pie and menu Baked Pork Chops egg whites and add the rest of the 1 small can pimiento about 1 hour. suggestions for dieters and much brown sugar gradually. Spread on 1 large or 2 small carrots, coarsely Sift sugar, flour, baking soda and more. 1 can onion soup, undiluted top of first mixture. Sprinkle with grated. Shipwreck salt, twice. Beat egg. Add the dry in­ The cookbook also has verses 1 can celery soup, undiluted peanuts. Bake at 375 degrees about The dressing: 1 cup sugar Picnic Casserole gredients to egg and fruit cocktail. from the Bible sprinkled around >2 cup water 30 minutes. 1/3 cup white vinegar Add vanilla. Stir together. Pour into 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning Contributed by Mae Johnson. Income-splitting can help among the recipes and some words Combine ingredients for salad. 8-inch square pan. Sprinkle with of wisdom such as, ^‘Happiness is teaspoon sage Bring sugar and white vinegar to a 1 cup sliced, raw potatoes brown sugar and nuts on top. Bake like potato salad — when you share ‘ 1 teaspoon jiepper Violet Jelly boil and pour over salad, adding 1 cup chopped onion at 350 degreee for 50 minutes. Serve it with others, it's a picnic." 1 teaspoon paprika celery seed, if desired. Chill for 3 to 1 cup chopped celery with ice cream. Another concerning recipes states, 6 lean pork chops This recipe was donated by 4 hours. « 1 lb. "A reeipe that is not shared with Mix first seven ingredients in 9 x Frietha Lawrence. 1 cup minute rice others wilT soon be forgotten but 13-inch baking pan or casserole. Violet blossoms Quick & Easy 1 cup creamed corn (small can) Seven Minute parents meet tuition costs when it's shared, it will be enjoyed Then place pork chops on mixture. juice of 1 lemon 1 cup yellow eyed beans by future generations. " Bake at 350 degrees for one hour. 1 pkg. commercial powdered pectin Shrimp Creole 1 can mushroom soup Chicken Casserole The chops do not have to be browned Infusion: Fill any size jar with 1 can water And with thht little piece of ad­ Contributed by Mildred Smyth. While the cost of higher education is wiping out the vice, here are some recipes we will before putting them in mixture. violet blossoms. Cover with boiling 2/3 cup chopped onion 1 cup buttered bread crumbs free loans structured under the so-called Crown case. water, put lid on jar and allow to Shirley Lee contributed this lifetime savings of thousands of families, you can — share with you: ■A cup chopped green pepper Butter a large casserole dish (at recipe which is a good one to share The name is taken from a 1969 federal court case, which steep for 24 hours. Strain and dis­ least 3-quart). Layer ingredients as through certain tax strategies — actually receive a year held that an interest-free demand loan from parent to ‘A cup chopped celery with all busy homemakers. or more of free college tuition by simply “giving” the Peanut Squares card spent violets. 2 tablespoons butter listed. Meat will be in center. Y o u r child is not a taxable gift. Asparagus Casserole Jelly: To-2 cups of infusion, add Season each layer with pepper and money to your children. 1 cup shortening 1 large can tomatoes 3 cups cooked chicken, diced The tax-strategy is called “income splitting.” Once M o n e y 's Crown loans are similar to Clifford trusts in that you juice of 1 lemon and 1 package com­ 8 oz. can tomato sauce salt. Bake in 350 degree oven for l ‘A 3 oz. can french fried onions can give your children the earnings from your capital 2 cans asparagus spears, drained '2 cup white sugar mercial powdered pectin. Bring this to 2 hours. Serves 10 to 12, used primarily by the rich to reduce their tax bite by 1 can peas 1' 1 cups brown sugar 2 cloves garlic, minced 10 oz. pkg. frozen mixed vegetables transferring funds from their estate to a lower-taxed W o rth without giving the capital away. But the biggest advan­ just to a boil, then add 4 cups sugar. 2 bay leaves lO'A oz. can cream of chicken soup tage of a Crown loan is that you can reclaim the loan at 1 can mushroom soup 2 eggs Bring back to a boil and boil hard for Agnes’ Charles Gameros relative, it can be a valuable tool for meeting tuition Sylvia Porter 1 tablespoon cold water 1 teaspoon salt 'A cup milk Billy Flake any time with no tax penalty. 1 cup Cheddar cheese, grated 1 rninute. Pour into sterilized jars Swedish Deiight bills. Here’s how: As an example of how a Crown loan works, say you Place one can of the asparagus 1 teaspoon vanilla ‘A teaspoon oregano You, as parents with savings for your child’s college and seal. celery salt to taste Contributed by Agnes Birge. Combine chicken, thawed manage to save $25,000 for your retiremen} nest-egg. 3 2 cups flour spears on the bottom of a casserole. vegetables, soup and milk. Add 1 education, would transfer the savings to your child. You make an interest-free demand loan to your college-' Mix peas, soup and cheese, placing '1 teaspoon salt IV4 lbs. cooked shrimp I cup sugar Interest and dividends on that money would be taxed at 1 teaspoon baking soda Saute onions, green peppers, 1 cup flour cup french fried onions. Pour into Pair promoted bound child If the loan is made early enough, the in­ one-half of this mixture over the Sauerkraut Salad I'A quart casserole. Cover and bake your child’s marginal tax rate (probably zero). As an asparagus in casserole. Layer se­ 1 pkg. chocolate chips • celery in butter. Add tomatoes, 1 teaspoon baking soda HARTFORD — Two Manchester residents have example of the advantages of income-splitting, John terest and dividends received bn the principal well may cond can of asparagus and the 1 cup peanuts This unusual salad recipe was con­ tomato sauce and seasonings, and 'A teaspoon salt at 375 degrees for 45 minutes. Un­ be enough to pay all tuition costs. You. the parents, can cover and top with remaining been promoted at The Travelers Insurance Com­ Costino, a tax expert with the accounting firm of ’Touche parents who wanted to use their savings to build a tui­ remaining mixture over the top. Top Cream shortening, white sugar tributed by Carol Turner. simmer for about 40 minutes. Add 1 egg ■ panies in Hartford. Their appointments were an­ Ross, cites a co'uple with a joint taxable income of $45,- and should demand full repayment. You do not sur­ 2'/2 can sauerkraut, drained cooked shrjmp just before serving. 1 medium can fruit cocktail onions. Serves 4-5. tion fund but still recover the principal for their own use render control over the money for 10 ycar i; you can de­ with buttered bread or cracker and half of brown sugar, add egg nounced by Edward H. Budd, president. 000 a year (43 percent tax bracket). was the creation of a Clifford trust, If this couple invested $15,000 a year at 10 percent in­ mand its repayment at any time without a tax penalty. Charles W. Gameros was appointed assistant The mechanics of a Clifford trust involve the transfer If you're contemplating the use of interest-free de­ director in the casualty-property personal lines terest, they would have $855 after taxes each year, of property to a trust fund for the benefit of the children mand loans, get professional help, Constantino urges. Pears fop off dish department apd Billy P. Flake was named assistant which would grow to a substantial sum in five or 10 for at least 10 years and a day. If other tax-law criteria The tax savings from this plan significantly contribute director in the corporate planning and research years. But if they gave the money to a child, the amount are satisfied, income paid to the children-beneficiaries to your child's education Your money works lor you department. after taxes would be the entire $1,500, which obviously is taxed to the children. The trust principal reverts to rather than the IRS. Why pav more taxes than you have Gameros, who received 'a bachelor’s degrees would grow to a greater sum. the parents at the end of the period. to? , ' For DiRosa from Bates College and the American Graduate Under the ’81 tax law, you can give your children up to The catch is that the parents would not be able to get School of International Management, came to'The $10,000 a year ($20,000 for a couple) in 1982 without ("Sylvia Porter’s New Money Book for the 80s, " 1,328 the money out until the end of the time period. Legal pages of down-to-earth advice on personal money Travelers in 1970 and in 1977 was named super­ paying a gift tax. help costs $250 to set up a Clifford trust. The drawback with gift-giving, however, is that management, is now available through her column. Sweet-sour turkey winner vising marketing analyst. He is an Alumni Isn’t there any simple way to give money to your Send $9.95 plus $1 for mailing and handling to "Sylvia Educational Counselor for AGSIM and a member of parents have no control over the money once the gift is children? Porter's New Money Book for the 80s." in care of this cooking is snap the Phi Sigma Iota National Foreign Language made. Yes, there is. newspaper, 4400 Johnson Dr., Fairway, Kan 66205. Society. Gameros lives at 89 Sycamore Lane, In past years, the popular income-splitting method for You, as parents, could use the technique of interest- Make checks payable to Universal Press Syndicate.) . By Aileen Claire fresh pears in season. 2 cups bean sprouts Heat oil in heavy frying chicken bouillon, V4 cup Flake joined The Travelers in 1970 in the cor­ NEA Food Editor 1 package (6 ounces) pan or work over high honey, ‘A cup wine vinegar Gonlinued from piigc 1,T 3Cfo degrees for 30 minutes. Place porate actuarial department and served that Turkey pear sweet and frozen pea pods, thawed heat; add turkey, reser­ and 2 tablespoons cor­ remaining mozzarella cheese on top department as senior planning analyst and in 1977 Those who enjoy Chinese sour a party because it serves a lot of and bake just until cheese melts and was appointed planning administrator. In 1980 he 3 cups cookgd rice or ving marinade, stir con­ nstarch. people. food are familiar with the crispy rice noodles stantly and saute for about then serve. was transferred to his present department in the sweet and sour dishes, ' 1 soy sauce Vi cup thinly sliced green 2 minutes; add water HIS RECII’K for “Beef Pizziola same capacity. A graduate of the University of Oyster lovers usually made with pork, 2 tablespoons dry sherry onions, optional Sweet and chestnuts, bean sprouts, Siciliano” is one that his father Beef Pizziola Siciliano Houston, Flake is married, has two children and chicken or shrimp and lor apple juice) Sour Sauce pea pods and pears, Weights originated and Peter changed London broil or flank steak lives at 60 Hilltop Drive. pineappie. 1 tablespoon cornstarch stirring continuously for somewhat. His father spends a lot of Two systems of U.S. time making things, so hb changed it 1 green bell pepper, chopped Have you thought, 1 clove garlic, minced or another 2 minutes. Add 1 onion chopped finely however, of sweet and sour pressed In a small mixing bowl, weights and measures so it can be made more quickly. thoroughly combine soy reserved marinade anti 1 clove garlic chopped may get morsels turkey? 3 thin slices fresh ginger exist side by side, with "It’s a meal designed for budget­ Sales rep picked sauce, sherry, cornstarch, Sweet and Sour Sauce; 1/3 cup red dry wine A tastefui blend of turkey root, minced or 'A teaspoon cook until sauce is roughly equal but separate conscious cooking because you can 1 can crushed tomatoes with the sauce is ground ginger garlic and ginger; add legislative sanction; the use a cheaper grade of beef and cook Richard W. McNulty has been appointed sales turkey and marinate for 30 thickened. Serve hot over 1 teaspoon Worcestershire s^uce heightened by the use of I'l cups turkey or rice or crispy rice noodles. U.S. Customary System it longer,” he said. He likes it 1 teaspoon salt representative for footwear products at Lydall water chestnuts, bean chicken breast or thigh, cut minutes, stirring oc­ and the Internation because it’§ a whole meal In one ■Inc., Colonial Fiber Division in Manchester. casionally. Prepare Sweet Sprinkle with green onions, 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning all year Vound sprouts, frozen pea pods into thin strips (Metric) Sysem. pan. McNulty will be covering Pennsylvania, New York and Sour Sauce. Pare, core if desired. Makes 4 ser­ 4 whole potatoes (small ones) and rice or crispy rice 2 fresh pears vings. Throughout U.S. history, His” Baked Pasta a la Forenzi,” and Maryland. noodles to add a crunchy 2 tablespoons peanut oil and slice pears and assem­ the Customary System has Is easy to prepare — but very tasty. Brown steak in frying pan for no more than five minutes each side. McNulty has been in the shoe industry for eight texture. Topping off this 1 can (8 ounces) water ble with all remaining in­ uiitl Sour Saiirtu been as its name implies, This recipe he made up. He said years and was formerly a manufacturer’s represen­ By LeRoy Pope OYSTER LOVERS always have chestnuts, sliced gredients at cooking area. Mix to g eth er *A cup customarily used. Remove steak and place tomatoes, dish is the inclusion of he’s had something similar in pepper, onion, garlic, wine and tative. He is a member of the Central Pennsylvania UPl Business Writer resented not being able to get their Italian restaurants in Hartford and , Shoe and Leather Association and the Two/Ten favorite delicacy from May to Worcestershire sauce in pan. NEW YORK — If the world’s New York, but he never was able to Simmer for 15 minutes, stirring Associates. September, an attitude typified by the obtain the recipe. He put it together McNulty is a graduate of Duquesne University of diminished oyster industry is to be Supermarket shopper frequently. revived much of the new supply will have outrage of an English Cockney who got with what he thought was in it. Place steak in roasting pan. Add Pittsburgh, Pa. He and his wife, Deborah, and their oyster dyspepsia in summer and com­ two children reside in Hanover, Pa. to come from aquaculture in such all ingredients over top and spread tropical regions as Hawaii, says Dr. plained to his doctor: "Do yer mean to Chicken Saltenbocca tell there hain’t a ‘r’ in Orgust?” E out. Let cook at low heat, no higher Taylor Pryor. 4 boneless chicken breasts, than 300 degrees, for 45 minutes. And that could bring a bonus for The present oyster shortage is acute Send foreign object to makers remove skin Add water periodically to keep seafood lovers — fresh oysters all year throughout the western world, Pryor 1 egg beaten with 1/3 cup milk moist. Manager named ‘round, even in the months without an said. Even the English, who have 1 carton Italian-style bread " r”. ^ managed their oyster beds better than Baked Pasta a la Forenzi most countries, are suffering. , crumbs HARTFORD — Donna L. McCombe, of Vernon, Prybr already has succeeded at his By Martin Sloane a foreign object, be sure to free jar. Several weeks 1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese 1 Ib. ziti Systemculture Seafood Plantations at In the United States, government give the company the later she used the net- has been promoted to figures show the supply has dwindled Shoppers occasionally 1 medium sized eggplant, peeled 1 carton (‘A lb.) of fresh riccotta branch manager for Kahuku, Hawaii, in shipping fresh Clip ‘n’ File Refunds product dating code found weight statements from 1 lb. fresh -mozzarella cheese, 1 small can mushrooms oysters in the off months to New York steadily for years and has decreased find something unexpected on the package.’ This is the the two jars to send for a the Northeast Office alarmingly since 1972. Oyster imports C in the packages that they diced 1 lb. fresh mozzarella cheese, and European cities. series of numbers and coupon worth 75 cents on Fry chicken breasts and eggplant of United Bank and rose sharply in the early 1970s but they Personal products (File 1 1 -B) buy at the supermarket. diced in small pieces Trust Co. letters stamped on the can her next purchase of (sliced thin), in oil after dipping in THE SECRET, he said, is to grow the also began to dry up in the late 1970s. Clip out this fiie and keep it with simiiar cash-off When Diana Voisin of 2 eggs, beaten Microfossils studied or printed on the outside of chicken. egg then bread crumbs,' Fry until, Mrs. McComb'e oysters in brackish water on land instead U.S. oyster harvests were up 2 percent coupons — beverage rcfund offers with beverage Edgewater, Md., found a the package; this code 2 cups Italian sauce joined United Bank "My savings added up to golden brown. Drain off excess oil While cooking ziti (no more than 8 of in the sea and to control the environ­ to 49.1 million pounds of meat (shells dis­ coupons, for example. Start collecting the needed black "thing " in her identifies the plant at more than $2.50,” she says. in 1976 and has held a ment so it never changes and the carded) in 1980 but that representeij only Scientists are a big part of the current domestic oildrilling boom. Janet Eckel's cake, she wrote to and let stand. minutes) at low heat, prepare ric­ number of branch proofs of purchase while looking fpr the required which the product was “They made it a pleasure Place one layer eggplant slices on cotta by placing in large mixing bivalves never'spawn. It is when oysters $70.1 million. Chesapeake Bay, the Gulf Nufer, for example, is a paleontologist with Exxon Co., U.S.A., who refund forms at the supermarket, in newspapers the company: "Enclosed is made and the date it was to try this new product, and loan-related spawn that they become watery, dis­ of Mexico and the Pacific states the wrapper and something bottom of roasting pan which has bowl. Add beaten eggs with the 1/3 assignments. She is a identifies ancient microfossils found in rock samples from drilling wells. and magazines, and when trading with friends. produced. which turned out to be been covered with Italian red sauce. cup milk. Add garlic salt and onion colored and inedible. produced the oysters. More than 48 per­ Microfossils aid in determining ancient environments and age of Offers may not be available in all areas of the coun­ that I found in your cake, This information allows excellent.” graduate of Pryor grows his seed oysters in a cent of the 1980 harvest was produced by which I presume is not part Cover eggplant slices with more salt to taste. Add diced mozzarella Ellington High geological structures which may hoid oil or gas. try, Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. the company to track down Ms, Evans and other sauce and some mozzarella cheese. separate hatchery and there, of course, some type of aquaculture rather than The following refund offers are worth $11.31. This of the standard recipe. other packages that might cheese and mushrooms. Mix until School and is readers whose smart­ Next place a layer of chicken blended. the parent oysters do spawn and produce harvest of wild oysters. In general, the week’s offers have a total value of $24.90. Would you kindly let me be similarly affected. If -presently attending the babies. shopping experiences breasts on top of eggplant and cover Place ziti, drained, in baking dish. cultivated oysters were of better quality B o iiiih ! TliiM <»ffrr doe->n*l require a form: know what it is and how it possible, send the foreign Williams School of appear in this column with more sauce and cheese. Then Cover with ricotta mixture and stir He told United Press International his and fetched prices 9.9 percent higher SU BACK UtOM BIC SHWKIt. I'.O. BOX got there?" object along with your receive a copy of my refun- Banking. She is also than wild oysters. do another layer of eggplant and throughout. Add 1 cup of sauce and method of growing oysters around the I.'I.'IO. .Xrlinglon fleighu. III. 60000. Ht‘eei\e 11 Back came a reply from letter. One big black ding magazine, the a member of PRYOR TOLD UPI demand is so the company: "We had cheese and cover entire top with mix. Place remaining sauce on top. Professional calendar for the market won’t work in »l refund. Send the words V.5 Bie Slia\ers' "thing" is worth a thou­ National Supermarket Sprinkle with grated cheese and brisk he can afford to pay an air freight from the front of two paekaties and the ri'gisler some difficulty identifying sand words! sauce and sprinkle with more Secretaries Inter- the colder climates where wild oysters Sh()pper. Write to me in parmesan cheese. Bake in oven at bake for 30 minutes. are harvested and large numbers also charge of 8 cents per oyster (in the shell) reeeipl. K.xpiresMareli .'ll. 1082. the foreign material that care of this newspaper. hational and the to dupply New York restaurants from his The following offers require forms: you found in our cake. Smart sho.pper award American Institute are grown by aquaculture. But he said However, it was identified The Smart Shopper there are enough suitable areas to ul­ Hawaii farm — and even higher freight CLOSE-UP Eraser Male Pen Offer Receive two Full capacity Donna McCombe of Banking. charges to Europe. Eraser Mate pens. Send the required refund form, as carbon from our oven. Award goes to Erlene timately help ease the demand on The situation has been cor­ Evans of Mogodore, Ohio. depleted oyster beds. Pryor recently .was presented with the the back panels (showing the words-"Lever Manufacturers rarely Cutty Sark science award in New York Brothers ") and weight designation from two Large rected It was gracious of She decided to try La operate their.plants at full Pryor’s work at Kahuku has caused a you to bring it to our atten­ Sauce, a new product for by Science Digest magazine and in Oc­ Size 14.6-ounce); Family Size 16.4-ounce 1 or Super capacity. The preferred Connors gets job lot of excitement in Hawaii because it tober, at the Anuga Food Fair in West Size (8.2ounce) cartons of (/lose-llp, regular or tion." cooking chicken. When, her rate of output is 85 percent promises to create an important new in­ Germany, one of the world’s biggest an­ mint, and 25 cents for postage and handling. Along with the explana­ favorite supermarket to 90 percent of capacity. EAST HARTFORD — United Technologies’ Pratt dustry for the state: It also has some nual food exhibitions, he received an Expires F’eb. 28, 1982. tion came a check for $2. doubled her 25-cent But this goal is often unat­ & Whitney today named John W. Connors to the seafood lovers licking their chops on both award for introducing the most impor­ DENTUREZE-BLISTEX Free Product Offer. "They have a very good at­ coupon, the cost of one jar tainable due to high prices new position of vice president-PW202X engine sides of the Atlantic. tant new food product of the year. 3 Receive a free package. .Send the required refund titude toward consumers," was reduced from $1.25 to for raw m aterials and program for the Commercial Products Division. form, a portion of the front label, carton end flap or says Ms. Voisin, "and I ap­ 75 cents. goods, waste demands, Ahmad K. Altaf - Registered Pharmacist Connors will be responsible for determining preciated their prompt When she got home, she empty tube from UenturEze Regular or Quick For­ shortages of supplies or Announces Opening of market requirements for such an engine, in the 2700 FEi mula and the register receipt with the price circled. attention to my letter." cut the words "Italian lowered demand fpr the 20,000-30,000-pound thrust class and will represent I B«aull(ui for •malll Have you ever opened a Style” from the front label products being manufac­ I mochino thop. Chonoy I Specify type wanted. Expires June 30, 1982. Pratt & Whitney in negotiations with potential air­ I Mills aroa. f DX TOOTHBRUSH Refund Offer. Receive a $2 box of breakfast cereal and and sent for an offer of a tured. frame manufacturers, possible joint venture refund. Send the required refund form and four found a big chunk of wood CROWN PHARMACY I partners, and major customers, according to -8228 front panels from the cartons of any DX inside? Probably not. PRESCRIPTION CENTER Commercial Products Division President Donald C. But that’s just what 0 Toothbrushes. Expires Feb. 28. 1982. “ IFe C are ” Lowe. GILLETTE-ROSE MILK Offer. Receive four happened to Rita Walsh of A native of Boston, Connors received both THE WATKINS CONDOMINIUM Gillette Daisy Razors. Send the required refund West Chester, Pa., when 208 West Center St. Manchester bachelor’s master’s degrees in mechanical Buy - Sell form, the Universal .Product Code symbol from she bpened a box of Crispy engineering from Massachusetts Institute of The former Watkins Furniture Store Building Rose Milk Skin Care Lotion and the register receipt Wheats and Raisins. She 649-0312 Technology in 1947 and 1948, respectively. with the price circled. Expires April 30, 1982. wrote lo General Mills )in • Stamps is scheduled to be renovated into a prime of­ LAVORIS, Refund Offer. Receive a $1 refund. about her discovery. (LESS THAN ONE MILE FROM SHOP RITE/KMART PLAZA) Send the required refund form and the "conventient A few weeks later she Gold- Silver fice condominium. This historic downtown received a check for $1.13 WE ACCEPT ALL THIRD PARTY INSURANCE PLANS Plastic Bottle" sticker from the fronts of any two STATE WELFARE Su-Deb Coin Co. Manchester landmark can be purchased in 12-ounce or larger bottles of Lavoris. Expires to cover the cost of the ■ J a r m a n , cereal and. a coupon for a Our Independence 747 Main St. March 31, 1983. DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE Manchaater, Ct. condominium unit increments from 760 MENNEN Pre-Electric Refund Offer. Receive a free box of any size or type 75-cent refund and two 25-cent coupons. Send the of General Mills cereal. COMPLETE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE OFFERING is Ifour Savings T u « - S a t . •:00-S:3a square feet. Ah owner will not only save "They really care about T h u r III S:00 required refund form, the Universal Product Code 060^0 BRAND AND GENERIC PRODUCTS OF HIGHEST QUALITY symbol from hhe Mennen Skin Bracer Pre-Electric their customers," says Ms. at "The Consumer's Insurance Supermarket’" Join your friends and money in rent l)ut qualify for all owner benefits Shave Lotion and the register receipt. Expires Walsh, "and with service J. Garman Clothier will be HUDSON AND OTHER NATIONAL BRAND VITAMINS the innovative new money-saving concept for all your April 30, 1982. like this, I will remain a life • health insurance and annuity needs. More Ben­ neighbors in support of and other incentives as a result of The customer." ^ closed Saturday, January HEALTH a BEAUTY AIDS SURGICAL SUPPLIES efits Without Paying More. Let us tell you more. Call or NEW FREEDOM ANYDAY Free Offer. Receive w rite for our free brochure. Manchester Memoriai Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981. For a a free package or $2 in coupons. Send the required Manufacturers are eager 2nd, to give our staff a well- 10% Senior Cttizen Discount on Prescription Purchases refund form and the brand name cut from any to hear from consumers deserved rest. Probate Court is open Hospital’s $3,000,000 Com-r detailefj brochure please call J.D. Real Estate brand of panty shields or liners. Expires March 31, who find foreign objects in Over and Above Our Low Prices for conferences with the their products. Often, it is judge from 6:30 P.M. to munity Fund drive. Cornpany at 646-1980. This is an excellent op­ 1982. We will reopen Monday Every Wednesday - 10% Discount for Senior Citizens Here is a refund form to write for: Hillshire a letter or a phone call 8 P.M. on Thursday Please send your contribution to m morning, January 4th, at 9 on every Item in the store. nights. Appointments portunity for you and your business. Farm Oktoberfest, Kahn s 3241 Spring Grove Ave., from a thoughtful con­ Manchester Memorial Hospital Cincinnati. Ohio 45225. Send a stamped, self- sumer that first alqrts a.m. Your Locol RoproBOntotlvo suggested. Night addressed envelope with your request. This $1 offer them to a condition that Let Us Fill Your Next Prescription. telephone number: 647- Building Fund We will be glad to quote prices before PAUL GOODIN INSURANCE a g e n c y 3227. P.O. Box 1409 expires Feb. 29. 1982 requires investigation or Have A Happy New Year. 357 E. Canter St., Mancheatar, Conn. . correction. we fill your prescription. William E. FitzGerald Manchester, Conn. 06040 . , J.D. REAL ESTATE COMPANY 646-3633 Judge of FTobate 1 3 J Real Estate St Investment Brokerage When you report finding ______' 1911 Ths Consumsr's Itiiuranc* Sup«rmarii«l Corp. 646-7086 22 - THE HERALD, Wed., Dec. 30, 1981 THE HERALD, Wed.. Dec. 30, 1981 — 23 ADVERTISING ADVERTISING RATES DEMHJNE Classified 2711 22— Condominiums Minimum C harge ’, * LOOK FOR THE STARS... NOTICES EMPLOYMENT 23— Homes tor Sale 35— Meating-Piumbing 46— Sporting Goods 56—Misc. for Rent 15 Words 12:00 nooo the day 24— Lots-Land for Sale 36— Flooring 47— Garden Products 59l-Hoin»»/Apt». to Stutro before publication. ^ —Losi ano Found 13— Help Wanted tS —Investment Property 37— Movirrg-TfucKing.Storage46—Antiques 30—Services Wanted 49— Wanted to Buy PER WORD PER DAY 2— P«fsonais • 14— Business Opportunities 26— Business Property AUTOMOTIVE Look for the Classified Ads with stars; stars help get you better results. 3- -Announcements' 15— Situaiiori Wanted 27— Resort Property 50— P r o d u c e Deadline for Saturday is 28— Real Estate Wanted D A Y ......

—Auctions MISC. FOR SALE RENTALS EDUCATION -62—Trucks lor Sale 3 D A Y S ...... 13q: day's deadline is 2:30 MISC. SERVICES 40— Household Goods 52— Rooms lor Rent 63—Heavy Equipment fof Sale Friday. FINANCIAL 16— Private Instructions 41— Articles lor Sale 53— Apartments lor' Rent ' 64—Metorcycies-Bicycles 6 P A Y S ...... 12(t Put a star on Your ad and see what d difference it makes. 19— Scnoois-Ciasses 31— Services Offered 42— Building Supplies 54— Homes tor Rent 65— Campera*Trailers*Mobile D A Y S ...... (t Phone 643-2711 0—Mortgage Loans 20— Instructions Wanted 32— Painting-Papering 43— Pels-Bifds-Dogs 55— Olfices-Stores for Rent Homes 26 11 33— Building-Contraclmg 66— Automotive Service 9—Personal Loans * 44— Musical Instruments 56— Resort Property for Rent HAPPY ADS $3 00 PER INCH 10—Insurance REAL ESTATE 34 —Roofing-Siding 45— Boats & Accessories 57— Wanted to Rent ^ 67— Autos tor Rent-Lease Telephone 643-2711, Monddy-Friday 8:30 a.m. to, 5:00 p.m.

Homes*Fo^Sale*” 23 Homes For Sale 23 Building Contracting 33 Apartmenta lor Rent S3 Apartments lor Rent S3 Offices-Stores Autos For Sale 61 to r Rent 55 DENNIS AND RUSSELL VERNON-ROCKVILLE - MILLER - Remodeling, On busline. Brand new additions, roofing, rec three room apartments - NEWLY RENOVATED HlanrI|fBtpr Brralh 310 square feet office rooms, paneling, gutters, Extra large rooms with refrigerator, carpet. Cen­ . W. FISH REALTY available. Main Street or / homcs/^ ^ h^ aluminum and vinyl siding large closets. $300 per trally located. Adults only. installed year round. month. Security and No pets. Security deposit. location with ample 243 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER parking. Call 649-2891. Telephone 649-2954 or 649- references required. $295. Telephone 646-7^. 'Your Community Newspaper"^ 1421. Available January 1st. Telephone 875-1128 . 9-5 149 OAKLAND ST., second Reconditioned Qae Savers NEW LISTING Healing-P lum bing 3S Monoay-Saturday,laay-S floor five room apartment. $330 plus utilities and ‘W e Buy, Sell BASEMENT STORAGE and Repair" SCHALLER PLUMBING- M AN CH ESTER - Two security. No appliances. AREA with dirt floors. HEATING- Water pump Tenant insurance. 9-5 b^ rooih apartment at Sun­ First room 1814 ft.xlS ft.; T IM M o RIARTY’S Help IVanfod 13 Help Wanted 13 specialists. Also, weekdays, 646-2426. PLEASE READ ny Brook Village. $440 in­ second room 23 ft.xl5'/2 ft. SILK TOWN MOTORS remodeling service or cludes heat, not water, $30 monthly. 649^717. YOUR AD repairs. FREE appliances and air- FOUR ROOMS - large sun- MANCHESTER 3 CiMiltiad adi ara takan ESTIMATES. 649-4266. porch. New kitchen 643-6217 conditioning. Ideal for Wanted to Rent 57 ovar the phone aa a con- older couple. No pets. appliances. Heat, hot ^ r c H o s i n a water. Garage. Security vanlance. Tha Herald la HELP WANTED Household Goods 40 Damato Enterprises, 646- GARAGE TYPE 1971 THUNDERBIRD - and references. No pets. reaponalbla for only ono In- 1021. BUILDING for automotive excellent condition. Low CIRCULATION DEPT. Adults preferred. 646-3414. corroct Inaertton and than USED repairs for leading national mileage. Needs battery. only to tha alze ol tlip REFRIGERATORS, MANCHESTER - Deluxe company in the $650 or best offer. VERNON - heat paid, original Inaartlon. Errora WASHERS, RANGES - one bedroom townhouse. Manchester area. We need Telephone 646-3409. three rooms. Call now. which do not leaaon the CARRtER NEEDED Clean, Guaranteed. Parts private entrance, patio and 3,000-3,500 plus sq. ft. Capitol Homes, 523-5598. valuo ol tha advertlaement at Downey Drive area. & Service. Low prices! full basement.Includes Please call collect, 1-401- 1970 CHEVY Nova, 6 cyl., p o w e r i n .1______■ A /- heat, appliances, carpeting will not bo corractod by an (Fountain Village) _ B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main 724-8198. good on gas, stereo, TELEPHONE 647-9 and air-conditioning. $430 MANCHESTER - Spacious additional Inaartlon. or MANCHESTER $65,900. Street. 643-2171. excellent running condi­ 6 4 7 -9 9 4 7 . IMPECCABLE monthly. No pets. Damato four bedroom apartment tion, looks good. $1,000 or Articles lor Sale 41 Enterprises, 646-1021. on second floor of two n AUTOMOTIVE best offer. Telephone 289- young Raised Ranch located in one of family house. Centrally 5098 after 3 p.m. iBanrhrstrr Manchester’s finer areasi 3 bedrooms; For­ MANCHESTER - Newly located near schools and on G r e a t e r iKaurhfstpr decorated one bedroom biisline. $375 monthly plus Autos For Sale 61 I mal dining room; Fireplaced Family room; 1974 GRAN TORINO - Car apartment. Access to shop­ utilities. Security deposit. lirral?) is in good condition. Has Laundry room; Office and much, much ALUMINUM SHEETS ping centers, buslines and Telephone 646-7726. SURPLUS JEEPS, CARS, HpralJi A/C, P/S, P/B. $1200 or more. Quality throughout. Perfect condition! used as printing plates. .007 schools. For further details TRUCKS. Car Inventory best offer. Call Marc at >lanch^ter. thick, Mx28t4'^. 50c each, please call 528-4196 AVAILABLE January 1st. valued $2143 sold for $100. See it now! 643-1996. $180 PER WEEK PART or 5 for $2.00. Phone 643- between 9 and 5 pm or Two bedroom, IVi baths Similar bargains available. 2711. They MUST be picked after 5 pm and weekends, , NOTICES ■TIME at home. Webster, townhouse. Appliances, Call for information, 602- Trucks tor Sale 62 NEW PAY SCALE America’s foremost dic­ 643-1591 872-9153 up before 11:00 a.m. only. 649-7157. private basement and heat. 941-8014, Ext. 7816. Phone tionary company needs $400 a month. Security call refundable. INTERNATIONAL - 1975, Lost and Found 1 home workers to update SEASONED oak firewood EXTRA large two room ef­ deposit required. Phone Adverttee m w e for sale - for deliveries call four wheel drive, 8 ft. bed. WE NEED ... local mailing lists. All ficiency, wall to wall, heat, 647-8529. LOST: Willie’s Steak Mummi ( VKMiY George Griffing, Andover. parking, appliances. $260 Heavy duty suspension. ages,, experience un­ MANCHESTER EJiO. BANK REPOSSESSIONS Never plowed. $2600, House area. December RN's/LPN's ' CtV« HOKr - Sain pike mt incou 742-7886. ^curity, references. 646- Homes tor Rent S4 necessary, Call 1-716-842- $200,000 Family Campground, 98 aae$ FOR SALE Telephone 228-0462 or 742- 23rd, woman’s Amitron Home-Health Aides 6000, Ext. 5063. | limHs incrtated Do you quelHy? CeU 649- 1642 after 5 weekdays. Digital watch. REWARD. 54.900 CoL, fvepUce, 4Bd-, aJum. uding 6906. ^ Homemaker/ 456V2 MAIN STREET - six The following automobiles Call collect, 429-8562. “POSSBIE OWNER FMAHCMr SpKioNS 3 OFFICE I / / HVAC ESTIMATOR-Sales 65.000 Cape, full Bunt, immaculate rooms, $400. plus utilities. have been reduced for quick H e r a ' * ' ■” J V e e Companions Bdm Raised Randi with covered porch MANCHESTER designed sale. Motorcycles-BIcycles 64 Person, for. HVAC In­ 138.000 9 Rm.. Col., new consUucliotL COPIER No appliances. Tenant in­ Personals 2 to provide.home care overlooking i «e0 meintawed laun] Lew SSO's. for efficiency, one 1976 • Pontiac Trans-Am, 8 dustrial Ventilation Con­ financing surance. Security. 646-2426 “VEJtSATRE ENTERTAMOT CENTET'in this it A 3-M Copier, Model bedroom. $120 monthly, cyl., 2 dr. coupe. $2700. 1979 CM-400 T, Excellent Call or come in for tractor. hiXpen Experienced in all weekdays. This is almost $1200 un­ MANCHESTER Pawn . 95.900 R. Ranch. 4 Bd., t*. Oean lives here 4 Bdrm Car. CoL plus many other custom 209, lo r $150. May be c'apitol Homes, 523-5598. condition, asking $1100. phases.ph ases, Duct design, der NADA. average broker will buy or give Information, 643-9515 foatMres! Askim $108,900. seen at The retail. 8900 miles. Call 528-6849. pricing, installation. Full 140.000 4 Bd. Split Ranch. Family Rm. loans on gold, silver or ‘YimCR FMANCMG AVAiART-Ono or two Manchester Herald $225 S P E C IA L - ^ 1975 - Buick Skylark..6 cyl., 2 S i n c e 1 8 8 ^ * diamonds. Licensed and AIDE AND ASSISTANCE benefit program. Salary 145.000 Unique UUt Forest HRls, financing family bom possiilo, 8 rets phis 4 car garage. during regular Manchester four rooms dr. coupe. $1800. bonded. 649-73.7.1; 9-5, OF N.E. CONN. INC. based on capability. Send $74,900. business hours. available now. Capitol 1974 - Honda Civic, 4 cyl., 2 dr. You’ll never know the 149.000 Old Col., 4Bd, full Bunt Homes. 523-.559R H°mes, 523-5598. hatchback. $1000. oa<%>* of our readers 388 Main St, Manchaatar resume to Box DD, c/o The RIGHBOSHDOO PACM6E STORT-buswess Phone, inquiries Homes, 523-5598. power of Classified until Monday-Saturday. 210 Pine 1974 ♦ Oldsmobiie Cutlass Herald. 155.000 Ten Rm., Col, 4-5 Bd, fireplaced Ul only — good sales and good income. $39,900. Street. welcomed. COVENTRY - Four room Supreme. 8 cyl., 2 dr. you use it yourslef. Call OFFICE HOURS CENTURY 21 LMDSEY REAL ESTATE EAST HARTFORD four $400. Needs engine. ' 109.900 Private setting id this 6+Rm.. Col., Please call house, appliances, wood today to place an ad. Mon. - Fri. d -4 rooms, first floor and 1974 • Kawasaki Motorcycle, Announcements 3 HOLIDAYS OVER? Bills Sell Hnancing stove. ^75 plus utilities. EOE/AAP to Pay? Make good $$$ 643-2711 more. $250. Capitol Homes, SOOcc. $800. 94.400 Reduced R. 3 Bd, fuU Bunt, Security deposit. selling Avon. For more in­ sndaskforMark 523-5598. All automobiles are sold (as NOTICE FLEA MARKET: Every Owner financing Telephone 646-2972. is). They can be seen at the Sunday 10-5. Coventry an­ formation Call 523-9401 or Services Ottered 31 PUBLIC HEARING 88,500 Ranch. TRm., 2 fireplaces, BOARD OF DIRECTORS tique center, 1140 Main PART TIME - Work at 889-1296. RocUedge section. SNOW TIRES Like new SIX ROOM APARTMENT SAVINGS BANK OF Street, Coventry. Dealer home on the phone ser­ H78 X 14 on Chry. wheels. for rent. $430 per month MANCHESTER TOWN OF MANCHESTER, MERIUU LYNCH R U LH CONNECTICUT space available. Telephone vicing our customers in EXPERIENCED NURSES $60. Old cape cod school Ius utilities. Available Ofilces-Stores 923 Main Stroat, Manch. „ BARROWS CO. anuary 15th. After 5 p.m. Notice is hereby given that the n^erchan • g^ers 742-9698. your area. Telephone 456- Aide to take care of elderly 358 Burnside Ave., EJl 289-6881 desk adj’d. $18. Telephone § to r Rent 55 Board of Directors, Town fff B-B UPHOLSTERY. telephone 649-3554. 0876 or 528-6631. man daily in private home. 643-6777. Manchester, Connecticut, will hold of our red •MAINSTREET” is com­ References required. Custom work. Free es­ a Public Hearing at the Town Hall timates. Will pick up and WORKSPACE OR CADILLAC - 1976 - Coupe ing to Manchester on New P A R T T IM E Telephone 643-1264. SNOW TIRES '-two E78-14. HEBRON - two bedroom, STORAGE SPACE FOR D eVille - 72,000 m iles. Hearing Hoorn, 41 Center Street, deliver. Please call 646- heat and hot water. Manchester, Connecticut, Year's Eve, Call Connec­ SALESPERSON to sell I 1 BUSINESS Laramie, trail cutter 78s. RENT in Manchester. No Good condition. $2700 or advertising J 2161 after 5 p.m. Tuesday, January 5. 198|2, at 8:00 ticut Sound Productions. subscriptions door-to-door HOME HEALTH CARE Tubeless, . studded, Carpeting, storage, cellar, lease or security deposit. Best offer. Telephone 742- 644-0691. with newscarrier two Workers needed by agency and SERVICES whitewall, used. Asking parking. No pets. $375 p.m. to consider and act on the Reasonable rates. Suitable 6800 - Keep trying. following; im portant to the evenings a week or Satur­ servicing 10 towns east of COMPLETE $40. Call 643-5291. monthly. 649-2871 or 228- BOOKKEEPING, Payroll, for small business. Retail Mortgage Loans 8 days. Salary plus com ­ river. Previous experience Services Offered 3414. Proposed additional appropriation 31 Payroll taxes, accounts and commercially zoned. GOVERNMENT missions. Call Circulation as nurse aide preferred. Call 872-1801, 10 to 5. to Bond and Grant Fund 9-932 — receivable, accounts Antiques 48 SURPLUS CARS AND MORTGAGE LOANS - 1st , Manager, Manchester Car essential. Mileage REWEAVING BURN ONE BEDROOM first wastewater treatment facility payable, invoicing, general TRUCKS NOW Available (design of modifications and ad­ 2nd; 3rd, ALL KINDS, Herald. 643-2711. reimbursement. Day time HOLES. Zippers, um­ floor apartment. Quiet SrSourrjaders ledger, balance sheet and WANTED: ANTIQUE Fur­ through government sales, ditions) Homeowners and Commer­ hours only. Part time brellas repaired. Window area. $400 including heat. inventory control. Small niture, Glass, Pewter, Oil under $300. Call 1-714-569- ...... $86,456.00 cial. Realty state-wide. available. Good fringes. shades, Venetian blinds. Telephone 646-0505. and medium size business, Paintings, or Antique 0241 for your directory on to be financed by Grant payments Credit rating unnecessary. Telephone 643-9511. Keys. TV FOR RENT. references if necessary. items. R. Harrison. Craft Magic how to purchase. Open 24 from the United States En­ Reasonable. Confidential. Marlow’s, 867 Main Street. vironmental Protection Agency NEW YEAR'S VACATION Hourly, weekly or monthly Telephone 643-8709. hours. Quick arrangement. LEGAL SECHnARY • 649-5221. and the State of Connecticut ALVIN LUNDY AGENCY. begins now: Sell Avon and TECHNICAL ASSISTANT rates. Cliff Meyer, 646- Department of Environmental start saving! Cali 646-3685 3647. Wanted to Buy 49 100 Constitution Plaza, Stono 90 wpm; experienced in BRICK, BLOCK, STONE - Long or Short AUTO LEASING RENTAL Protection.' or 523-9401. use of automated typing Hartford. 527-7971; Concrete. Chimney CASH FOR YOUR Proper­ - Oldies But Goodies evenings: 233-6879, 233- equipment, training will be Proposed additional appropriation provided on Four Phase Repairs. “ No Job Too ty. We buy quickly and con­ Limited. Rent-A-Car. to Educational Special Grants, > '6885. PART TIME Proof System. Small” Call 644-8356 for Painting-Papering 32 fidentially. Tlie Hayes Cor­ $12.95 day, 100 free miles. Fund 41 for Vocational O perator. H ours, 2-5. AS degree, plus two years’ estimates. poration. 646-0131. Automobiles bought, sold, Educational Programs Help Wanted 13 Experienced preferred. experience or in lieu thereof INTERIOR PAINTING, rented. 323 Center Street, ...... $31,056.00 not less than four years' legal Manchester. Telephone to be funded by Grant funds from Will train right applicant. experience. Excellent fringe over ten years experience, PAINTERS. Paper 647-0908, Ask for Bill. the Connecticut State Department Equal C^portunity benefits including parking. low rates and senior citizen of Education. hangers. Experienced. Call Employer. Contact Linda Slartine salary: $13,273, Call discounts. 643-9980. Mr. Campbell, 647-8724. Maselli, 646-4004. 525-9311. Ms. Neil. to M&M P&H, Manchester RENTALS Proposed additional appropriation y o o r business. sc'h^ulc sleno.testing. 649-2871. Small repairs, INTERIOR AND to Ekfucational Special Grants, remodeling, heating, ,'m// CHFA IS AN EQUAL EXTERIOR painting, Rooitns lo r Rent 52 Fund 41 for staff development at OPPORTIMTY EMPLOYER M-F baths, kitchens and water paper hanging, Carpentry Manchester High School heaters. Free estimates! ...... $1,477.00 Work. Fully insured. J.P. ROOM FOR RENT OR to be funded by a Qrant from the Lewis & Son, 649-9658. FULL OR PART TIME C & M Tree Service, Free Roommate wanted. State of Connecticut. Telephone 643-1699. James R. Store Clerk needed; all estimates. Discount senior Building Contracting 33 shifts for local 7-Eleven citizens. Company James R. McCavanagh, Secretary Food Store. Some cashier Manchester owned and FARRAND Apartments for Rent S3 Board of Directors experience helpful. operated. Call 646-1327.. REMODELING - Cabinets, Benefits include insurance, Roofing, Gutters, Room MANCHESTER- One and Dated at Manchester'! credit union and profit • LIGHT TRUCKING - Fen­ Additions, Decks, All types sharing. Apply in person at cing, Attics, cellars: gar­ two bedroom apartments Connecticut hS>tts w?*" of Remodeling and available. Centrally this 24th day of December 1981 180 Union Street, Rockville ages cleaned. All types Repairs. Free estimates. advertising _ Part-Time or call 875-9553. EOE. trash, brush removed. located on busline near Fully insured. Phone 643- shoppi^ center and 035-12 Picket, Split Rail, 6017. OLAN MILLS STUDIO - Stockade Fences installed. schools. For further details Correspondence Burr Corners, Manchester call 649-7157. e ve ryd a y ^ ^ 528-0670, ROBERT E. JARVIS - is taking applications for Remodeling Specialist. 118 MAIN STREET - 3 and WINTER SAVINGS Secretary part time delivery person. LICENSED DAY CARE For room additions, Work hours Monday- HOME - Will watch your 4 room heated apartments, k itc h f IS , bathrooms, hot water, no appliances.. AT ftie tiered. We have immediate openings for corre­ Friday, 5-9 p.m,; and child or infant days. Call roofing and siding or any PHOtO-OUIDE Saturday, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. 646-0262. Security - tenant in­ spondence secretaries in bur Personnel- home improvement need. suran ce. 646-2426, 9-5 EXCLUSIVE Lynch Hourly rate plus delivery Telephone 6434712. J Administralion Department’s Central fee.- Telephone. 646-5798 BABYSITTER weekdays. Word Processing Transcription Unit. Monday-Friday, 10 a.m- AVAILABLE, Martin 1980 Cutlass L/S <6995 LEON CIESZYNSKI MANCHESTER MAIN noon or 5-7 p.m, Saturdays School area. Call after 3 BUILDEjR. New homes, Part-time days for at least 5 hours or eve­ 10 a.m.-noon. EOE-M/F. p.m. 649-2094. ST R E E T - T w o room nings 6-10. additions, remodeling, rec apartment. Heated, hot 1980 Datsun Pickup ^5595 rooms, garages, kitchens water, appliances. No pets. C-304 HARD WORKERS: Full S N O W P L O W IN G . - remodeled, ceilings, bath Responsibilities include transcribing from and part time. Steady Commercial & Residen­ Security. Parking. 1980 Celica GT L/B <6995 recorded telephone dictation at produc­ tile, dormers, roofing. Telephone 523-7047. Recycle colorful birthday Advertiser® 643-27U, for work. No lay-offs. Ear­ tial. Manchester. Residential or commer­ 8264 and holiday greeting tion speed. Review own work and correct f0>18 nings to $250 per week to Reasonable. Free es­ cial. 649-4291. cards to make these at­ errors. start. Telephone 646-3936. timates. Call anytime 646- MANSFIELD CENTER - 1979 Grand Prix S-J <5895 Call Pam at The H ’ gee Woodsedge Apartments. tractive items — bowls, EOE. 5489, 646-1327. vases, tissue cover, by Must be able to type minimum of 45 DESIGN KITCHENS, ONE MONTlf’S FREE This versatile style fea­ cabinets, vanities, counter tures a choice of three simply cutting out sec­ WAREHOUSE - Young, RENT. Newly renovated, 1979 Honda Civic <4595 words per minuje and possess good lan­ DICK’S SNOWPLOWING - tops-, kitchen cabinet fronts lengrths. . . a ^ o c k topper tions and lacing them to­ dependable person. Must country setting. Two gether with twine or guage skills'. ' Parking lots, driveways, custom woodworking, for pants, dress veraion- have car. Immediate work. bedrooms. From. $ ^ ' (o ■ yam. This was a popular apartments, stores, colonial reproductions. and floor length for eve­ 1978 Toyota Cressida <5495 If you qualify, please call Priscilla Pelldt at Mornings approximately 9- sidewalks, sanding. 646- $325, includes appliances ning time. craft of the twenties, and J.P. Lewis 649-9658. and parking. 429-1^0, 233^ 277-7519 or Mary-Ellen Rogers at 277- 2 p.m. Ask for Fred, 649- 2204. No. 8264 with Photo- will be an economical and » . l d 9199, 9660 or 232-0761. fun project today. 1978 Toyota Corona Wagon <4795 8529 any weekday between 8:00 A M. and ELECTRICAL SERVICES Guide is in Sizes 10 to 18. Size 12,84 bust. . . smock, C-304 has pattern' 3:30 RM. B & B liloving and Hauling. - We do all types of Elec­ A TWO AND ONE HALF 394 yards 46-inch; dress, pieces; full directions. RECEIVING-Stock clerk. Local or long distaticp. 647- trical Work! Licensed. Call ROOM APARTMENT 414 yards. TO ORDEII, toad $ 1.10 fa r aaeh 1974 AMC Gremlin X <1995 7:30 to 4:00. $3.75 per hour. 8365 or 633-0106. after 5:00 p.m., 646-1516. Telephone 649-8648. AVAILABLE. Heat, hot 70 0* * t s , 11.50 for each jaoOlSf **■ O"****" water, appliances. Kran"’ ' 00*7*1" ANNE CABOT HOUSEWORK WANTED: TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY References; Security. Call 1974 Merc. Comet <1995 The Difference POSITION FOR PC Board Friday and Saturday only. itti einNEn Maiicfmlor_ Harold Residential & Commercial after 6 pm, 646-3911. tho Mwchwlar HmM is Downtown. assembler. Experience Experienced. Own Construction. Remodeling, <190 sii.'if Aiaarlcai mandatory. Apply in per­ tlM X«a.' of laitrlcn Now York, N.tT oom 1973 Chevy Nova Rally <1995 At The Travelers. transportation. Ironing home improvements, ad­ EAST H ARTFORD - 2 Now York, N.T. 100M filat Naaia, AOdrais with ZIA son at Phoenix Audio also done. 649-5007. ditions, bathroom & IS"* *e

1 ■