3 Congo Leaders Sign Anti-Red Pact

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3 Congo Leaders Sign Anti-Red Pact ' " '/jV'M.J I7.4W 1 hubpendent Dotty f Mdgkt hi m. SM wafer pg. % SH LOOIO luurt «wr. Main uimck FrMar. Inl Clui 7c PER COPY J5c PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 169 Pftll At Kt4 AMk M4 At AddiUOul MAillnf OBlou. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1961 BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Council Approves 3 Congo Leaders Budget Fiscal Schedule Totals $371,358 Sign Anti-Red Pact At Fair Haven FAIR HAVEN — This bor- Election Units Attack ough'! $371,358 budget for 1961i wu unanimously approved last night by the council after a Ask Members lengthy public hearing. Threat The new budget's tax levy of Be Retained $190,443 will decrease the muni- TRENTON — The state's politi- cipal purposes tax rate 17 cents cal committees have submitted per $100 assessment, although the names of two incumbents to Fades the over-all rate jumped 69 cents Gov. Robert B. Meyner for ap- to $18.16. pointment to the Monmouth Coun- ELISABETHVILLE, Ka- The principal reason for the ty Election Board. municipal rate decrease was a tanga (AP)—The three ma- The Democrats of Monmouth cutba NEW MONARCH —This jor Congolese leaders out- asked that Arthur Charles, High- get's capital improvement ap- King Moulay Hassan II, who land Ave., Leonardo, be appointed side the control of the Stan- propriations. was proclaimed ruler of Mor and the Republicans asked that leyville rebel government The largest capital improve- Mrs. John D Flynn, Asbury Park today signed a military ment allocation this year is occo following the unexpect- be retained on the board. The agreement to pool their $15,000 which borough officitls terms are for two years. indicated is earmarked for the ed death of his father, King troops to combat the "Commun- v The Monmouth board is headed construction of new recreational Mohammed V. The new rul- by Mrs. Thomas F. Morford, Mid- ist dictatorial regime" in the MONMOUTH COUNTY JUDGI John C. Giordano facilities. dletown, a Republican, ,and has Congo. The council also appropriated er is 31. lAPWirephoto) ttudiet lawbook in hit chambers, at Court House in Mrs. Gustavo J. Freret, Fair Ha- The agreement unites—militar- $5,000 for the salaries of a sum- ven, a Democrat, as its secre- ily at least — President Moise Freehold, during pause between cases. mer recreational director and tary. several assistants. Tshombe's secessionist Katanga Both Mr. Charles and Mrs. government and the central gov- Only $85,000 of surplus was ap- Jones Rips Flynn had been appointed to the propriated for this year's bud- ernment of President Joseph board to fill unexpired terms. Kasavubu with Albert Kalonji's get as compared with $114,000 in Mr. Charles took the place of Rivals For mining state of South Kasai. Giordano Plans 1960. Thus, the borough retains a Glenn Swader, Manasquan, who surplus balance of $27,476 against was elevated to Monmouth Coun- Newsmen watched the signing $15,057 last year. Nomination ty superintendent of elections, re- of the agreement at Tshombe's Both divisions of the operating placing the late Jay J. Aatfield. residence by Kalonji, Tshombe appropriations register increases NEWARK (AP) - In a scath- Mrs. Flynn was appointed when and Premier Joseph lleo of the To Quit Bench Leopoldville government. this year, with salaries and ing attack on his rivals for the Mrs. Ruth Sisko of Belmar re- wages at $128,425 (up $3,930) and Republican gubernatorial nomin- signed before moving to Florida. The agreement called for the other expenses at»$196,500 (a ation, Sen. Walter H. Jones of Candidates for membership are establishment of permanent po- $9,225 hike). Bergen last night called political selected by party chairmen and litical contacts for political and After 22 Years Two Items leadership "something that must endorsed by state chairmen prior JOSEPH ILEO, prime minister of the Congo's Leopold- military co-operation and said to appointment by the governor. be earned, not imported, im- the military authorities of Ka- Only two specific items dealing The board has jurisdiction over ville government, condemned the U.N. resolution advo- tanga, South Kasai and Leopold- FREEHOLD - After 22 years failure to appoint him to Superior posed or inherited." directly with the budget were the workings of elections at the cating the use of force to pacify the country during ville will set up an organization •s a Monmouth County Judge, Court. questioned during the two-hour In a scries-of speeches to lo- county level, counts absentee bal- to realize these objectives. John C. Giordano of West Long "I herewith tender my resigna- hearing. this news conference last week, lleo was in Elisabeth- tion as Monmouth County Judge cal Republican groups in Atlan- lots and seer to it that local Tshombe has the Congo's best Branch, announced yesterday he Richard M. Strohm, 101 Prince- ville today to sign a dramatic pact for military assist- effective April 1," he wrote. tic City, Margate and Pleasant- elections are carried out accord- organized and supplied force, an ton Rd., questioned the advis- ville, Jones referred to Sen. ing to regulations. ance from the secessionist Katanga government to halt will quit the bench on April 1 "It has been a pleasure and an army of about 5,000 men led by ability of spending $20,000 for Wayne Dumont Jr. of Warren as Gov. Meyner yesterday received •nd resume the practice of law. honor to have served in judicial the advance of pro-Lumumbist rebel troops toward Belgian officers. Kalonji has recreation when some commu- a man "rejected by the Republi- names of selected members from Judge Giordano told his plans capacity as Common pleas Court about 1,000 trained soldiers and can Party four years ago" and counties throughout the state. Leopoldville. (APWirephoto) to Gov. Robert B. Meyner in a Judge and County Judge for near- (See FAIR HAVEN, Page 2) an undetermined number of hit out at former Secretary of letter which by implication ly a quarter of a century. armed Baluba tribesmen. The Labor James P. Mitchell as one stressed for financial reasons his "I am constrained to say, how Leopoldville forces number about who "has never sought elective Second Decision Dae displeasure with Mr. Meyner'i ever, that the emoluments for 7,500 but are scattered and poor- Township office before or held any parry many of these years have been in ly drilled. leadership position." ---•• adequate to save money for i The Communist-backed regime rainy day and the benefits upon Votes Pay The three meet in the April U Red Bank Area Has 3 School of Antoine Gizenga is believed to Flood Threat retirement for a County Judge primary. Dumont ran unsuccess- have about 7,000 troop3. They and his wife are insufficient to Increases fully for the nomination in 1957. have made steady advances in Is Abating warrant continuance in said office Jones said the GOP should Budget Elections Tomorrow taking over areas of the Congo just for the sake of continuing." FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — An nominate a man with broad ex- and at last report were less than The judge said that therefore ordinance was introduced by the perience in state problems. Three Red Bank area school Only in Ocean Township has erning body for action within 10 300 miles from Leopoldville. In South he has decided that "while in good Township Committee last night "There are some people who budgets which were defeated at the budget been cut — by $26, days. As a military agreement was health" he will leave the bench raising the salaries of five local want to destroy the incentive of the polls Feb. 14 will go back to 400. Shrewsbury and Eatontown If the governing body, acting •igned, the rebels were reported Associated Press officials. are submitting their budgets un and take up the general practice Republicans by introducing the the voters tomorrow. in consulation with the Board of withdrawing a spearhead pointing The danger of new flooding in of law with his son, John C. Gior- The township clerk was raised false notion that this very expe- changed. Education, is unable to certify a toward Leopoldville. the stricken areas of the South- dano, Jr., in Long Branch. to $2,200, an increase of $200; rience should disqualify them for The fiscal measures will be pre- Should any portions of the budg- figure to the county superinten- UN spotter planes reported land lessened as the Weather Bur- Because he is a Democrat, tax cpllector, $2,250, up $250; elective office," Jones added. sented in Shrewsbury, Eatontown ets be defeated again, they will dent of schools, the entire mat- Antoine Gizenga's leftist troops eau predicted rains today would Judge Giordano's replacement building custodian, $840, up $120; "There are some who want you and Ocean Township. be sent to the municipality's gov. ter will be passed on to the state pulled out the base they set up be less than had been anticipated. must come from the same party. overseer of the poor, $600, up to believe that a candidate who commissioner of education for fi- in Luluabourg, leaving their ad- But the floodwaters receding But Governor Meyner has been $100 treasurer $960, up $120. has never lost an election should nal action. vance units stranded. Thus the from the hard-hit inland cities The salary of the newly created be pushed aside for a candidate warring with county Democratic 9 The municipal governing body military threat to this capital posed a threat to areas farther leaders in recent months and the post of tax assessor's clerk was who has never won an election.' seemed to have faded away—at gouth which have not yet ex- can pass the budget as it is, or thought of reaching an agreement set at $1I100.
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    http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt5j49r1vz No online items Sheet Music collection, 1890- (Collection PASC 147-M) Finding aid prepared by UCLA Library Special Collections staff; additions by Peggy Alexander; machine readable finding aid created by Caroline Cubé. UCLA Library Special Collections Room A1713, Charles E. Young Research Library Box 951575 Los Angeles, CA, 90095-1575 (310) 825-4988 [email protected] © 2012 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Sheet Music collection, 1890- PASC 147-M 1 (Collection PASC 147-M) Title: Sheet Music collection Collection number: PASC 147-M Contributing Institution: UCLA Library Special Collections Language of Material: English Physical Description: 569.5 linear ft.(1139 boxes) Date (inclusive): 1890- Abstract: The collection consists of popular American sheet music dating from the mid 19th Century through the 21st Century. The collection continues to grow. Finding aids will be updated periodically. Physical Location: Stored off-site at SRLF. Advance notice is required for access to the collection. Please contact the UCLA Library Special Collections Reference Desk for paging information. Restrictions on Access COLLECTION STORED OFF-SITE AT SRLF: Open for research. Advance notice required for access. Contact the UCLA Library Special Collections Reference Desk for paging information. Restrictions on Use and Reproduction Property rights to the physical object belong to the UCLA Library Special Collections. Literary rights, including copyright, are retained by the creators and their heirs. It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine who holds the copyright and pursue the copyright owner or his or her heir for permission to publish where The UC Regents do not hold the copyright.
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