
PART TWO. SAVANNAH, C.A.. SUNDAY. JUNE 28. 1890. PAGES 9 TO 16. BANKRUPT SALE. The Stock Of H. NEWMAN, 555 Cherry Street, MACON, Bought From the Sheriff on Last SVlonday at 3© Cents on the Dollar.

‘Vln New n has >'ears been . ?:. ™? f?r 01IC of the leading merchants of Macon, catering to the very' best trade, enjoyed always , of and the reputation of hav- ing one of the choicest and best selected stocks in that city. Being aware of these facts, and always on the alert for SPECIAL BARGAINS, we awaited our opportunity and made one GRAND OFFER tne stock, for entiie which, under the circumstances, the sheriff could but accept, ami it is therefore oar good fortune to offer this stock at just one-third its original cost.

" 1,1 the seaso the Dry Goods' Fancy Goods and Millinery line, and the SALE OPENING TO-MORROW L?CK "‘U bc an opportunity that seldom offers to obtain CHOICE, NEW, DESIRABLE and GOOD GOODS AT SLAUGHTERED !rirPRICES- WOOLEN DRESS GOODS. . WHITE GOODS. LADIES’ SHIRT WAISTS. MILLINERY. GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHINGS. SHOES AND SLIPPERS. Njw All kinds of high-class As Sold Before. A of An chance to large lot great vari- exceptional TRIM MED HATS AM) HON VETS. Here’s where the men Elegant styles, perfect fit, Dress Goods, Novelties in Phenomenal values in ety—Victoria Lawns, India buy Nice, Stylish, Well- This has been one of Mr. come in. excellent wear* all and and wool Fancy Striped and Checked Made , Checked Nainsooks, and Good-Fitting NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, collars and cults at- LADIES’ DONGOLA, patent tip, <*>( *7 mixtures, Kai Newman’s best depart- tached, neat patterns, full sizes, laun 0 45,. Ties / O changeables, Mo- Kais, the new Cable Dotted Swisses, Checked Waists. All this season’s dered, Newman's price 65c, our prico LADIES’ DONGOLA, patent Up, Oxford Ties, hairs, Fancies, English Cord Kai Kais, ments, devoting special at- pairs, Persian Taf- Dimities, English Long goods in the new checks, MEN’S LAUNDERED SHIRTS, with white about 175 value $2.Ci, our Uf4 ct E bodies, bosoms of , , Cheviot, price 2paxwO Checks, Shepherd Plaids, fetas,Checked , tention to it, catering to separate reversible cults, splendid as- in Bro- Cloths, Mulls, Organdies and stripes, figures, plaids and and link LADIES’ RUSSET Oxford Ties, full stook, sortment of colorings, Kewmiin’juQ- fiexlble soles, worth $250, all pilco 50, our price 0 .7 ourgKf 7- the colors and combina- cades and Warp Printed Persian Lawns. Persian and Dresden pat- the best of trade. It is, $1 U prtep 01./o tions MEN’S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS, best French LADIES’ RUSSET Oxford Ties, so much in vogue this effects. WHITE CHECKED , assorted terns, made with bishop therefore, especially replete Percale and Madrus Cloth, desirable pat- about 150 pairs, value $3.00, sale 4 patterns, Newman's ,c, •>_ price <■> KAI KAI WASH SJLKS, about 303 yards, price, 61 our terns, colors warranted fast, New season. va- price OC >*41 stripes sleeves, backs, man's price $1.85, our pilee CIC rious and colors. this seasons! 5, shirred same with New and Desirable Goods, and OXFORD TIES, ladies', spring heel, goods, Newman s price 45c, our patent price.. AOC INDIA LAWNS, tip. toe. SILK GLORIA, la all colors, 40 Inches wide, 30 inches wide, very E„ WHITE UNLAUNDERED SHIRTS, opera about 50 pairs, <3. f fine, Newman s price 10c. our price ..OC material and some white worth $2.50, sale price <3l*7U very desirable and serviceable goods, /, r overflowing with the chic bosom, reinforce 1 front and back, with Newman s price, 89e, our price SWIVEL SILKS. cuffs, patent gussets, Newman's price 75o,>a MISSES’OXFORD THIS, russet, 1 27 inches wide, a splendid Wash Silk, in choice VICTORIA LAWN, 40 inches wide, New WS- collars and in Lawns, r spring $2 quality. -pi. Oxl / novelties heel. combinations man's price, 15c, our price 4C of the season. SILK CHALLIES, light grounds, Frenohman- and colorings, New-fO, man's price 56c, our price A.7C Percales, Dimities, Cam- MENS UALBRIGOAN DNDEBGS. MISSES’ DONGOLA, patent Up, spring ufacture, delicate Dresden and Persian ef- WHITE long INDIA LAWN, striped, various 1,000 STRAW SHAPKS, usauitud Myles. l()c SHIRTS, and short sleeves heel, Oxford ties, $2.00 quality, fect colorings, Newman’s price, 98c, r

gefods worth 10c, 12!4c, 15c, up to .18c 77 - HAIR CLOTH, Imitation, good quality *^C yard, Ob CORSET COVERS. LADIES’ ALL SILK VESTS, New- 4 Or- Cambric, Nainsook and Mull Edging, a at GOWNS SKIRTS, mans price, $1.25, our price *,/L (1, REVERSIBLE . 38 inches DOYLIES, DRAWERS, Newman's price sc, our price -l*C wide, very reliable goods ir\JC lace and embroidery trimmed, OUTING , light summer very fine material, full cut sizes, drawers of LADIES’ Ai-L SILK VESTS, extra fine FIBRE CHAMOIS l‘2c Cambric, Nainsook OC and Mull Edgings, [t- Checked, all linen, weights umbrella style, gowns with yoke quality, Newman’s price, $2.50, va < 8(t Newmun s price 10c, our price TfC JACQUARD MOHAIR, 33 inches wide, hand- per dozen 400 ofinserting, our price .. tucks and ruffle A grand lot of goods, LINEN some goods, weaves pat- ~( Edgings fancy and i ~ DAMASK PRINTED DIMITIES, PRINTED LAWNS, 12*C Nainsook. Swiss and Cambric and terns, Newman's price 980, our price.. oUL DOYLIES, all linen, pure;r„ about 600 dozon of them, none wor:h less white, each. OC PERSIAN LAWNS and 40 INCH | /„ insertings, Newman s price 2Jc and l&e, n _ BATISTES, per yard JA7C than SI.OO, will be sold in one lot at (j ART DEPARTMENT. PERFUMES AND SOAPS. our price 9c and ■ C BLACK HENRIETTA, all wool, 36 inches NAPKINS, all linen, full size, assorted ~ q BUTTERMILK AND GLYCERINE SOAP n „ Mull, Cambric and Nainsook Edgings and In- wide, extra quality, Newman's price, QfE_ patterns, per dozen OaC ORGANDIES, Batistes, Dimities, Mulls, EMBROIDERY SILKS, wash colors, per box OC TOc, our price OOC a sortings, Newma’n's price2scand30e. ,

! SPECIAL SPECIAL ! For Charge Customers. For Charge Customers. All goods purchased on Monday and Tues- All goods purchased on next Monday and day will be entered on July bills. Tuesday will be charged from July 1.