~*/T~HTANK Ml'846~1 13
r ., ,,.- j' '..o.t", ". /; J t.". ..:-,1,1' ! AAR#640 U i Ii AF!ER ACTION REPORT \ .:~*/t~HTANK ml'846~1 13 d) Sept 43 thru , ' \ 1 July 45 f . , . , , I . i (, ! f , ) i {: ./ J ::-\~., \ -r:His DoCm~T IS '!rlE PRqPE,RTI,'Of\"ANDi·SHOULD BE RETURNfl.l TID, ;\:-~.f' ,,' " I,,:" / .' . (. I; , 'V\Il !,nfE 'C~A$SIFIED'DPCUUENT SECTlPE, IN'f'ALLIGEUCE DIVISION, S-2, , \ ' BUI~n~G T-5, (T-1782);.· , I I 'I~, i ," ': I, " , \ ( ',~ ". ,I :<, -' i, . I f t;., I"' ' .... ,; -, AFTER ACTION REPORT,-' 95TH~"Fm.n ,/' ARTnwty,BA.TTALION FIFTH ARMORED DIVISION 1 AUGtJST~ 1944 tbru 9 -MAY, 1945 t THIS DOCUJmNT IS THE PROPERTY OF, 00 smum BE RETURNED TO " I THE CLASSIFIl!D DOOUMENT SECTION, INTELLIGENCE DIVISION, S-2, BUILDING T-5, (T-1782). / .,. ~,- o o -...,..._. • - ~- •. ---"r•. 77S1I,TANKBN.. 20 SEPTEMBER 1943 TO J- JULY 19Q5 J . , .-' ' V _J'- "-..::' _- ,'I CA.~CELLFD BY-AUTHORITY OF THE ADJUTANT GENDlAL w.....lLC....--. b T o-ft--. t .-rh r- ~".t-. DOWNGRADING COMMlll~.z ~ ~..Lj(..tbl .............................. ~ } A , .J .. J 3 O.1io~1'~. U&1" .....17 of "111. oraai_tioa.. 10lfi w. w~ .. / Major. CaT'alrr. /, _ T CbnnaDding~ . 1-Ino1. Ino1 - UD.1t,S£eto!7 with supporting doc\III.cte (loA 4yP). v '/ .. ---....-. ---If 1'.,/ '" 1· .. --.......,1 .- CHltONOlOGlCAL HISTORY " The 1st Battalion, )6th.ArIIored Regiaent, 8th A1'aorell DLTis10n was activated at Fort Knox, Kentucq on 1 April 1942. It was a licht tank organization wi~h the u1n dut7 ot tra:1Di.Dg cadres tor tlle tom 1ng of armored units .
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