Enya Lexicon Parma Eldalamberon 17
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A New Q(u)enya Lexicon Parma Eldalamberon 17 By David Giraudeau http://lambenore.free.fr A New Q(u)enya Lexicon – Parma Eldalamberon 17 Introduction The aim of this document is to give a synthetic view of the Q(u)enya corpus in Parma Eldalamberon 1 17 (PE17). It was not designed to substitute itself to PE17 and must be read together with PE17. Availability The following statements are a slitghly different version of those in the Hiswelókë’s Sindarin dictionary2, with the kind permission of Didier Willis. Status: free. License: This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works License, version 4.03. Additional limitation of scope: Quenya or Qenya, as one of the languages invented by J.R.R. Tolkien, is his artistic and intellectual property. The editor does not claim any intellectual property on the Q(u)enya language itself and, as a whole, on this lexicon, beyond the editorial annotations, the arrangement of entries and the interpretations appended to these entries. The above-mentioned license applies to such elements only. J.R.R. Tolkien’s texts and books are copyrighted by the Tolkien Estate and/or Tolkien’s publishers. As of yet, this material is not approved by the Tolkien Estate or Tolkien’s publishers, and is henceforth an unauthorized Q(u)enya lexicon. This material is however provided under the editor’s assumption that compiling, arranging, analyzing, standardizing and annotating entries in order to produce a lexicon for a language, even if it is an invented one, does not violate the copyright of the inventor. As set in the above-mentioned license, no derivative works can be made from this lexicon. Notwithstanding, this material is neither a verbatim reproduction of information from Tolkien’s published works, nor a simple rearrangement of such information in a different order. Many entries are deduced from indirect evidences (such as compounds, inflected forms, etc.). As a consequence, some deductions might actually prove incorrect or inaccurate when new information is published. 1 <http://www.eldalamberon.com/parma17.html>. 2 <http://www.jrrvf.com/hisweloke/sindar/online/sindar/dict-sd-en.html#>. 3 <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/>. 1 A New Q(u)enya Lexicon – Parma Eldalamberon 17 Abbreviations note(s) BS Black Speech quote(s) c. Lat. circa (= around, about) cognate(s) card. cardinal number See also CE Common Eldarin * Reconstructed form according to John CFH Carl Franklin Hostetter Ronald Reuel Tolkien CG Christopher Gilson xxx * Reconstructed form according to xxx CJRT Christopher John Reuel Tolkien (cf. bigrams and trigrams listed below) coll. collective deduced from conj. conjunction < comes from cp. compare > has evolved to dat. dative declension << replacing def. definite >> replaced by DG David Giraudeau (?) or ? shows doubt du. dual 1. 2. 3. word functions ed. edition, edited 1a. 1b. 1c. word with same function but different EN Exilic Noldorin occurrences EQ Exilic Quenya abl. ablative declension esp. especially abbr. abbreviation, abbreviated ethn. ethnonym (a name of ethnic group) acc. accusative declension excl. exclusive Ad. Adûnaic fem. feminine adj. adjective, adjectival FA First Age adject. adjectival declension Fam. familiar adv. adverb, adverbial ff. Lat. folio (= and the following pages) aff. affix Fr. French Agr. Agriculture freq. frequentative all. allative declension fut. future Anat. Anatomy gen. genetive declension aor. aorist Geogr. Geography app. appendix Gr. Greek AQ Archaic Quenya ibid. Lat. ibidem (= in the same place) Arch. Archaic Ilc./Ilk. Ilcorin/Ilkorin art. article incl. inclusive Astr. Astronomy indef. indefinite aux. auxilary (verb) inf. infinitive Bot. Botany instr. instrumental declension 2 A New Q(u)enya Lexicon – Parma Eldalamberon 17 interj. interjection pl1. general or group plural (cf. PE17:62) intr. intransitive pl2. particular or special plural (cf. Jur. Juridic (lexical field) PE17:62) KE Kor-Eldarin Poet. Poetic Kh. Khuzdul, the dwarvish tongue poss. possessive Lat. Latin PQ Primitive Quendian lit. literally pr.n. proper noun Ling. Linguistics pr.p. present participle loc. Locative declension prep. preposition, prepositional masc. masculine pres. present n. name, noun prim. primitive N. Noldorin pron. pronoun, pronominal Nand. Nandorin Q Q(u)enya nom. nominative declension R Rohanese nt. neuter rel. relative N. Noldorin S Sindarin Nold.Q Noldorin Quenya SA Second Age Nu.Q Numenórean Quenya sg. singular Obs. obsolete sc. scilicet (that is) OE Old Enlgish SP Sôval Phâre ON Old Noldorin suff. suffix OQ Old Q(u)enya superl. superlative Ork. Orkish T. (John Ronald Reuel) Tolkien Orn. Ornithology TA Third Age oron. oronym (a toponym for mountain or tr. transitive hill) v. verb, verbal OS Old Sindarin theon. theonym (name of a divinity) OT Old Telerin topon. toponym p.p. past participle v. verb, verbal p.t. past tense Van. Vanyarin part. partitive declension Val. Valarin PE Primitive Eldarin voc. vocative perf. perfect tense vs. versus PHW Patrick Howard Wynne Zool. Zoology pl. plural 3 A New Q(u)enya Lexicon – Parma Eldalamberon 17 Bibliographical references LotR The Lord of the Rings (no specific edition) MR The History of Middle-earth, volume 10, Morgoth's Ring, HarperCollins Publishers PExx Parma Eldalamberon4 n°xx TSxx Tolkien Studies5 n°xx VTxx Vinyar Tengwar6 n°xx Standardization {ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ} ă, ĕ, ĭ, ŏ, ŭ → a, e, i, o, u {ā ē ī ō ū} ā, ē, ī, ō, ū → á, é, í, ó, ú {â ê î ô û} â, ê, î, ô, û → á, é, í, ó, ú {ä ë} ä ë → a e {k} k → c {χ} χ → ch {q} q → qu {kw} kw → qu {þ} þ → th {x} x → cs Note: inflectional forms, etymologies, gloses and notes are not standardized. 4 <http://www.eldalamberon.com>. 5 <http://wvupressonline.com/journals/tolkien_studies>. 6 <http://www.elvish.org/VT/>. 4 A New Q(u)enya Lexicon – Parma Eldalamberon 17 Entry’s layout Here is a description of the entry’s layout: ranking associated forms etymology & decomposition 1a. entry, du. dual, pl1. plural1, pl2. plural2 (inflectional form) {k} [< etymology] function lexical field glose. main entry standardization note(s). quote(s) ‘quote(s)’. cognates. E external dating. I internal dating. [references] see also Ranking: it is used for homonymous entries (as given after standardization). The first level of ranking (1. 2. 3. ...) is given according to the function of the entry (noun, verb, etc.). The second level of ranking (1a. 1b. 1c. …) is given according to any difference in their associated forms, etymologies and/or gloses. The order is based on the external dating. Standardization: it gives informations on the process of standardization applied to the entry. Dating: the “external dating” is the primary world one, whereas the “internal dating” is Tolkien’s legendarium one. References: they are given in the most simple way, in order to avoid any complicated form (such as EQG for PE14, or NGS/NN/QN for PE17). 5 A New Q(u)enya Lexicon – Parma Eldalamberon 17 Note on reconstructed forms: the asterisk used to symbolize reconstructed forms also indicates the identity of their author, thanks to the bigram or trigram that precedes it, the bare asterisk being only used for J.R.R. Tolkien: * = J.R.R. Tolkien, CG* = Christopher Gilson. ❧ 6 A New Q(u)enya Lexicon – Parma Eldalamberon 17 only used of the Spirits before Creation, or of those unnamed who are A not concerned with it. X c. 1957 & prob. c. 1967. [PE17:149:178] aira {ă} [< AYA] adj. holy, sanctified. it clashed with aire sea (< X 1.1. a [< ad] conj. OQ and. T. notes that “Old Quenya a before n, m; GAY(AR)) which became osbolete. c. 1960-67. [PE17:27] airon X a/al before 1; as before s.” (PE17:41). c. 1960-67. [PE17:41] DG X 1.1. aire [< AYA blessed] *adj. c. 1955-60. [PE17:146] 1.2. a [< OQ ar] conj. and. T. notes “Old Q ar before vowels and r 1.2. aire [-] adj. holy. … tintilar i eleni ómaryo airetári-lírinen. ‘… (only analogical before r/l = d, ’ = g, v = b); a before n, ñ, m, 1, h, hy, the stars tremble in the song of her voice, holy and queenly.’. X prob. c. hw; as before s, t, p, k. Late ar before l, ñ, m, n, h etc., later before t, p, 1964. [PE17:67] k.” (PE17:41). X c. 1960-67. [PE17:41] X 2.1. aire- [-] n. holiness. between 1955 and 1967. [PE17:67] 1.3. a [< ad(ă), ad < ADA alongside, by the side of] conj. and. this form was 2.2. aire [< airē < AYA-N treat with awe/reverence] n. sanctity, holiness. in older Quenya than the more generalized form ar. It was used before X c. 1957. [PE17:149] the surviving consonant combinations ty, ny, hy, hr, hl and before ñ (< ñg), and l, r, þ and s.In written Quenya, ar was usually used in all 2.3. aire [< GAY(AR)] n. Sea, esp. The Great (Western) Sea. it X forms. prob. c. 1964-67. [PE17:71] became obsolete owing to clash with airă holy, sanctified < AYA. X X GAY(AR) << AY(AR). S gaer. c. 1960-67. [PE17:27] ear 2. a [-] particule imperative particule. A laita te ‘praise them’. between 1955 and 1967. [PE17:102] airea {ë} [< AYA-N treat with awe/reverence] adj. holy. applied to X X persons. c. 1957. [PE17:149] á [-] particule imperative particule. á care añcárie ‘try harder’. c. 1967 or earlier. [PE17:93:167] airetári-lírinen [< ? + ? + LIR + ?] adj. & n. & n.& instr. in the holy T. notes that “the piling up” of this compound acas, pl1. acsi {k} [< AKAS] n.