LAG Maaseutukehitys ry is a local action group

Established in 1997, LAG Maaseutukehitys ry (Rural Development association) is a local action group with the purpose of developing its operations area in cooperation with various developer parties. The objective of the association’s actions is to create general preconditions for comfort of the living environment, good employment and versatile business activity. In order to reach the objectives, the association has compiled a local development programme for the operations area based on voluntary development activities of the residents. The association realises the development actions in line with the programme by means of various fairly small resident-centred projects.

The principles of the association are:

-Openness: projects and decisions are public, information Published by: on actions is actively communicated, membershipbase LAG Maaseutukehitys ry is as extensive as possible Edited by: -Local approach: development needs and participants from Tiina Seppälä association’s operations area Layout by: -Voluntary: needs, will and realisation start with acting Jari Partanen, Translated by: parties themselves T-Trans, Lahti, Programme period 1997–1999: Operations area: 5 municipalities, 15Ê000 inhabitants Funding: POMO programme (national funding), total framework FIM 2.69 million, total of 70 projects

Programme period 2000–2006: Operations area: 7 municipalities, 19Ê500 inhabitants Funding: ALMA programme (EU+national funding), total framework € 4.7 million, total of 142 projects

Programme period 2007–2013: Operations area: 6 municipalities, 17 500 inhabitants Funding: EU Rural Programme (EU+national funding), total framework € 6.25 million

In this final report for the programme period 2000–2006, we have compiled a project list Oulu for each of the municipalities including all the projects financed as well as give some examples of projects from each municipality. The projects presented have been selected so that they will represent the entire spectrum of projects. Naturally, there have been plenty of excellent projects Vaasa that are not presented here, but please contact our Kuopio office or visit our web site for more information about Joensuu the projects and their contents. Abstracts for all of the projects are included on our web site. Content of the Jyväskylä Mikkeli financed projects has varied immensely, and the names Tampere of most of the projects only highlight one part of the entire content of the project. In many of the projects, Lahti the managing party has been only one party among Turku all the parties involved in realisation of the project. Helsinki

Foreword What did we achieve in 2001–2006? . Arranging exc ankasalmi and th In the programme period 2001–2006, LAG Maaseutukehitys ry financed a total of 142 resident-centred rural development projects by means of ople who can ap ALMA funding. The funding framework totalled at € 4.7 million. The share permanent rura of the municipalities in the region amounted to approximately 16% of lisätä iloa ja inno the total funding, i.e., to € 810,000, and the share of funding applied by Tulokset ja vai private applicants was ca. 20%. The rest of the funding or approximately 64% of the total programme framework consisted of funding from the ja vahvistettu nuo EU and the state of Finland. aikuiset saatiin m taholta ja se on t The objectives of the programme were -offering belief in future and willingness to develop -gathering active parties and resources for development -increasing comfort of living and quality of life -creating preconditions for entrepreneurship and offering new The thoughts of the young regarding the development needs in the region were employment opportunities heard during an event arranged for schoolchildren in 2005. The final evaluation of the projects has been ongoing since the spring of 2005. Based on interviews, the participants themselves deem the projects successful. The most important achievements listed included successfulness of the project and reaching of the objectives, increased living comfort in the residential area, improved competitive ability, increased utilisation ratio for financing object and improved mental wellbeing. Another good indicator describing the success of the projects is the fact that most of the respondents would not change anything if they were to start the same project again now. The significance of proper background work and preparation were stressed. The projects have achieved permanent and continuous impacts. Almost 90% of the respondents stated that the actions will continue in one way or another after the project period. Most of the projects aimed at creating, building or repairing a site that will naturally be available for use after the project period as well. Issues were developed and are still being developed either by means of new funding or independently. Based on interviews with the contact persons in the municipalities, attitude of the municipalities in the operations area of the LAG Maaseutukehitys ry towards a LAG-type operations method is very positive. All of the municipalities agreed that the LAG has had a positive impact on their development. Especial praise was awarded to the work done for villages and activation of people and associations. The project activity has also increased the level of communalism and had an impact on the operations culture. The respondents listed creation of infrastructure, renovation and landscape management as permanent impacts of the project activity. Most of the respondents representing the municipalities stated that many of the actions carried out by the projects would not otherwise have been realised or at least it would have been difficult to obtain funding for them and thus they would not have been realised until years from now. As comes to the new programme period, the municipalities wished that new tasks and means to act as a developer of the region instead of provincial parties would be awarded to the association. Some of the most important new means listed by the respondents were enabling of corporate funding and activation of business activity. The municipalities noted that the actions will be intensified by a local actor, since the local party is familiar with the region, is competent and can better employ locals in the activity than extensive provincial parties.

Evaluation HEMU-hanke (Project HEMU), music association Kihveli Soikoon ry, 1 January 2005 – 28 February 2006 Actions: An employee for practical realisation of the project was hired, youth café activity was started, more activity around events for the youth was arranged, cooperation between voluntary youth workers and leisure sectors was intensified. The target group was young people between 13 and 25 years of age. Objectives: Activating the youth and preventing marginalization, increasing opportunities for practicing various hobbies, developing band and youth activity, improving skills of the young and committing them in voluntary work, offering the youth an opportunity to influence planning of their leisure activities as well as establishing a live music association called HELMU for . Achievements and impacts: The project started entirely new activity in the form of a youth café and a new music association. During the project period, the youth were activated into arranging events and also to influencing the local decision-makers. The activity is still lively. Juuret ja siivet Hankasalmelle (Roots and Wings at Hankasalmi), Hankasalmi 4H Association, 1 August 2004 – 28 February 2006 Actions: Gathering a group of 6–20 young people from each village of Hankasalmi to realise a project of their own. Offering training on values, self-knowledge, interactive skills and problem solving. Continuing the work with the already existing village plans from the viewpoint of the young. Arranging excursions in one’s own village, the municipality of Hankasalmi and the surrounding society. Objectives: Raising young people who can appreciate and market rural areas, trying to make them permanent rural residents, developing the rural community, activating the residents, increasing opportunities to influence among the young, increasing joy and appreciation of life as well as assisting the young in managing their lives. Achievements and impacts: The project has succeeded in making the view of the young regarding their home area more positive as well as in improving their self-knowledge and self-esteem. Plenty of voluntary work was done during the project period and also adults participated in the activity. The project has been received well both by the participants and the media, and it has also made the activity of the LAG Maaseutukehitys ry more familiar to the youth. Murtoisten tähtikeskus (Murtoinen Astronomy Centre), astronomy association Jyväskylän Sirius ry, 1 January 2005 – 28 February 2006 Actions: An observatory equipped with good observation equipment was built on the yard of an old school in the village of Murtoinen. In addition to an optical telescope, a radio telescope equipped with a unilateral dish antenna was erected on the yard. One apartment of the old school building was renovated into a control room and a club room was turned into an exhibition room. The assemblies were automated and a broadband connection was installed in the observatory for remote use. Objectives: Renovating the village environment, promoting new activity in the municipality and village, offering new opportunities for hobbies, creating preconditions for business in the village and the municipality. Achievements and impacts: The observatory building and the necessary quipment have been acquired in the village of Murtoinen. At the same time, new activity from outside the area spread into the village. The utilisation degree of the premises has increased, and the village has received world-wide visibility and media attention. The observatory is open to the general public from time to time, and scientifically notable observations were made already during the first observation season. Project coordinator Arto Oksanen: “The most modern observatory in Finland was built in Murtoinen: the observation conditions are excellent and the equipment is top-notch. Due to the remote use opportunity, the equipment can be easily used from all around the world. The locals have received the observatory well, our association has gotten new members and plenty of people have attended the observatory when it has been open to the public. The villagers also assisted in the constructing process.” Hankasalmi municipality Sadan vuoden satoa (Harvest of a Hundred Years), agricultural association Hankasalmen Maatalousseura ry, 4 February – 30 November 2002 Actions: A chronicle of the association was compiled recording the local history and traditions. A book that can also be used as source material by local nature and adventure service providers was published. A total of 500 copies were printed. The book is deemed valuable especially from the viewpoint of the valuation for collective rural activity and as an incentive to further develop the actions to benefit the modern rural areas and their residents. Objectives: Recording local history and traditions, offering source material for nature and adventure service providers, increasing social capital. Achievements and impacts: The book gathered the traditions of the rural areas in Hankasalmi from a hundred years. In its part, the book has assisted in supporting the valuation of living in Hankasalmi as well as the collective activity in rural areas, and it will promote people to develop them further to benefit the current residents of the rural areas. Ympäristöystävälliset festivaali wc:t (Environmentally Friendly Toilets for Festivals), music association Kihveli soikoon ry, 1 March – 31 December 2004 Actions: During the project, a toilet container on a transportable platform to be used in festivals was constructed. The toilet can be connected to the local water, sewage and electricity networks. The technical and the space utilisation solutions are affordable and proper for the usage. The toilet container has been developed especially for ascetic circumstances and to endure transportation. Objectives: Improving the preconditions for arranging events for the Kihveli soikoon association and other event arrangers in Hankasalmi and the The container built on a transportable platform neighbouring areas as well as reducing the negative environmental impacts can be used as an environmentally friendly of such events. toilet in large events. Achievements and impacts: Project coordinator Liisa Kokko: “The project enabled development of a product that has not been offered before and that will serve the sanitation needs of large events essentially improving comfort of the area where events are arranged. We have received an unbelievable flood of positive feedback both for functionality and for appearance of the container. Commercial manufacturers have also been interested in the toilet.” Hankasalmen kansallispuvun tarkistaminen (Inspecting Hankasalmi Ethnic Costume), history association Hankasalmen Kalevalaiset Naiset ry, 31 March 2005 – 28 February 2006 Actions: All of the existing information regarding the ethnic costume of Hankasalmi was gathered and sent to the National Costume Council of Finland for inspection. The process included manufacturing of patterns, compilation instructions and model costumes. Furthermore, jewellery to be used with the costume was designed. Objectives: Recording and cherishing the Finnish national costume tradition, manufacturing model dresses and productifying the handicraft tradition. Achievements and impacts: The inspection process of the dress was finished and at the same time, preconditions for retaining the local tradition were created, as the patterns and compilation instructions for the dress will be available for all persons competent in handicraft to use. During the process, a representative of the applicant Venekosken kesäteatterin katettu katsomorakennus (Covered Spectators’ Building for Venekoski Summer Theatre), youth association Venekosken Nuorisoseura ry, 1 August 2002 – 31 December 2004 Actions: Building a covered spectators’ stand for the summertime theatre of Venekoski: a spectator building seating approximately 420 people (also seats for the handicapped) was built. The building includes a new, modern sound reproduction system, lamps already owned by the theatre that were installed on the ceiling and that are controlled by the sound reproduction table, as well as new toilet premises and additional storage space downstairs. Objectives: Increasing the attraction of the Venekoski Summer Theatre and use of the lakeshore where the outdoor theatre is located, promoting active cooperation and voluntary work traditions between the village and associations, increasing comfort of the living environment and quality of life as well as offering new opportunities for cooperation with entrepreneurs. Achievements and impacts: The number of viewers for each play has notably increased. The com- munity spirit of the village has improved due to the amount of volun- tary work needed in the project. Now, the entire summer theatre serves well the theatre activity and arranging of all kinds of outdoor events in the summertime.

Hankasalmi municipality Kotikäynti-hanke (House Call Project), elderly support association Hankasalmen Vanhaintuki ry, 1 March 2002 – 31 August 2004 Actions: Creating a whole new kind of voluntary support person network to promote independent life of the elderly and to avoid too early institutionalisation. An employee was hired to survey and gather willing elderly persons and voluntary support persons for the project. The impacts of the project were monitored by means of customer surveys and interviews of the family members and the elderly persons themselves. At the same time, negotiations between the family members and the support network were tested. The actions of the project managed by the project manager included training and commitment on a long-term basis. Objectives: Increasing the quality of life and life management of the elderly as well as interaction between the residents of the region. Improving safety of the living environment as well as knowledge and skills of the participants. Preventing loneliness and marginalization. Achievements and impacts: The project actually started new kind of operations based on a voluntary approach for the services provided to the elderly. The support person network is functional and the actions have been developed further with support from the Finland’s Slot Machine Association RAY after the project period.

Projects financed by LAG Maaseutukehitys ry in Hankasalmi

Kallioahon kyläranta, Kallioahon Maamiesseura ry Taiteen tyttärien taulut talteen, Hankasalmen Maatalousseura ry Itä-Hankasalmen liikkumisen ja asumisen markkinointi, Itä-Hankasalmen kyläyhdistys ry Maatilan vuosi, Hankasalmen 4H -yhdistys ry Kotikäynti –hanke, Hankasalmen Vanhaintuki ry Sadan vuoden satoa, Hankasalmen Maatalousseura ry Kisaharjun kunnostus, Säkinmäen Kyläseura ry Venekoski 2002, Hankasalmen Venekosken kyläyhdistys ry Avantouimareiden olosuhteiden kehittäminen, Hankasalmen Latu ja Polku ry Tule Kärkkäälään, Kärkkäälän Maamiesseura ry Ristimäen liikuntamahdollisuudet, Ristimäen kyläyhdistys ry Venekosken katsomorakennus, Venekosken Nuorisoseura ry Säkinmäen korsun kunnostus, Säkinmäen Kyläseura ry Säkinmäki 2003, Säkinmäen Kyläseura ry Niemisjärven Sahanlahden Kyläranta, Etelä-Hankasalmen Maamiesseura ry Kärkkäälän nuorisoseuratalon osakunnostus, Kärkkäälän Nuorisoseura ry Rajat rikki – kaikki soi, Kihveli Soikoon ry Venekosken vesihuollon kartoitus, Hankasalmen Venekosken kyläyhdistys ry Taitojen juhlaa, Hankasalmen 4H -yhdistys ry Hankasalmen partiokämppä, Partiolippukunta Kuuhankaset ry Ympäristöystävälliset festivaali wc:t, Kihveli Soikoon ry Kärkkäälän nuorisoseuratalo II, Kärkkäälän Nuorisoseura ry Niemisjärven seurantalo, Etelä-Hankasalmen Maamiesseura ry Hankasalmen ravirata Varnes-Hippos, Hankasalmen Hevosystäväinseura ry Valopirtin kunnostus, Kynsiveden Työväenyhdistys ry Avantouimareiden olosuhteiden jatkokehittäminen, Hankasalmen Latu ja Polku ry Juuret ja siivet Hankasalmella, Hankasalmen 4H -yhdistys ry Ristimäen koulun linja-autopysäkki, Ristimäen kyläyhdistys ry Luistelulatureitistö, Itä-Hankasalmen kyläyhdistys ry Säkinmäki 2006, Säkinmäen Kyläseura ry Hankasalmen yrittäjien yhteistyöhanke, Hankasalmen Yrittäjät ry Hankasalmen moottorikelkkareitistö, Hankasalmen moottorikelkkailijat Häkä Racing ry Kallioahon kyläraitin linja-autokatokset, Kallioahon Maamiesseura ry Voi hyvin kylällä, Kärkkäälän Nuorisoseura ry HEMU –hanke, Kihveli Soikoon ry Murtoisten tähtikeskus, Jyväskylän Sirius ry Hankasalmen kansallispuvun tarkistaminen, Hankasalmen Kalevalaiset Naiset ry Hankasalmen ampumarata, Hankasalmen Riistanhoitoyhdistys ry Klubi-Navetta -vaihe 1, Kihveli Soikoon ry Kesäteatterin kehittämishanke, Venekosken Nuorisoseura ry Aseman työväentalon sisäänkäynnit, Hankasalmen sosiaalidemokraatit ry

Hankasalmi municipality , g p , g for the test plots as well as building a road, a parking lot, a Lapp hut, an outbuilding and a toilet in the area. Esta blishing a miniature museum in the outbuilding. Members of the project’s board of creasing general kno s on a test plo t wTulokset ja vaikutukset: Perustettua tilaa on käytetty koulutus-, retkeily- ja kilpailutoimintaan. Kotaan ja aitan toisen pään sadekatokseen mahtuu h yvin koululuokka ja luontopolun varren 20 vaihtuvaa havaintokohdetta e sittelevät vierailijoille monipuolisesti muun muassa luonnon m onimuotoisuutta, metsätuhoja, riistataloutta sekä ihmisen toiminto j e n j ä l k i ä m e Toivon työstä iloa I–II (Joy and Hope from Working I–II),

Angesselän kylähanke I–II (Angesselkä Village Project I–II), village association Angesselän Kyläseura ry, 1 June 2004 – 28 February 2006 Actions: Street lamps for approximately a kilometre of the village roads leading to a school were installed, a safe skateboarding place for the youth was constructed close to a school and the environment of the village was generally cleaned up. A computer for a village office operating at the school was purchased. A Lapp hut was lighted and electricity connections were drawn to the hut. An unused cellar of the school was renovated into a village cellar for the residents to use. Objectives: Increasing security, services and comfort of the living environment as well as improving the overall look of the village and offering new hobby opportunities for the young in their village. Attracting new residents to the village. Achievements and impacts: The village road leading to the school was lighted, a place where the youth can practice skateboarding and a village cellar for the entire village were built, the environment of the village was cleaned. Solidarity in the village has improved due to the projects and voluntary work. According to the villagers themselves: “Whenever there is no snow, the skateboarding park is the most visible and audible result of the project, and during the dark time of the year, the streetlamps prevent the villagers from cooping up in their houses.”

Terveyttä ja elämäniloa liikunnasta (Health and Zest for Life from Sports), sports association Joutsan Pommi ry, 1 May 2004 – 28 February 2006 Actions: Exercising routes in bad condition were repaired and a camping cottage was built along the route to be used as an auxiliary service. Marketing of the exercising sites in the area and their use in tourism were developed by compiling a map of the already existing routes and tourism services. A ski trail groomer was purchased to support maintenance of the routes in the future and to enable versatile utilisation of the Finnish winter in tourism and leisure activity. Objectives: Promoting national health, promoting exercising, prolonging the winter activity season, offering more versatile opportunities for leisure activities, offering new tourism services in the region along the already existing routes both for the residents and the tourism enterprises, promoting opportunities of the region’s tourism entrepreneurs, increasing general comfort of the living environment as well as better utilising the already existing infrastructure and routes. Achievements and impacts: The number of people using the Joutsa region skiing routes has increased tremendously due to the project. The new ski trail groomer has enabled easier maintenance of the routes and better skiing tracks for the users. The residents of the region have exercised more and there have been exercisers also from outside the region.

Ideaverstas (Idea Workshop), Joutsa 4H Association, 1 July 2003 – 31 December 2005 Actions: The project activated the young into pursuing new interests and practising handicraft. Cooperation between various associations as comes to youth work was clarified. Furthermore, activity around dogs was developed. The target group was young people between the ages of 14 and 18, organisations operating in the region and dog enthusiasts. Workshop activity for the youth was started and the necessary equipment for working on various materials were purchased for the workshop. The dog enthusiasts were activated. Objectives: Guiding the young in using various materials in handicraft, preventing the young from forgetting old skills, promoting practical skills needed in everyday life. Developing new activity and promoting the skills of the young in designing and manufacturing products. Clarifying cooperation between the various associations in youth work in order to prevent overlapping. Achievements and impacts: The project experimented with a new workshop operations method that will continue in the future within the limits of the association’s normal activities. During the project period, a new way of presenting the hobby opportunities in the region to the young was created: a hobby day arranged by the parties operating in the region. As a result of the project, a local dog enthusiasts’ association was established.

Joutsa municipality Hanhimäen havaintotila (Hanhimäki Study Farm), forestry association Suonteen Seudun Metsänhoitoyhdistys ry, 1 May 2002 – 31 December 2004 Actions: Establishing a study farm and monitoring growth of test plots measured on the farm’s lands in various stages until the forest renewal stage, i.e., for at least the next 40 years. Clearing a nature trail in the forest, measuring the test plots, creating demonstration materials for the test plots as well as building a road, a parking lot, a Lapp hut, an outbuilding and a toilet in the area. Establishing a miniature museum in the outbuilding. Objectives: Increasing general knowledge regarding forests and their care as well as promoting forestry. Offering new framework for nature tourism Members of the project’s board of directors on and recreation. a test plot in Hanhimäki. Achievements and impacts: The idea is to use the established farm for educational, camping and competition activity. There is plenty of room for a class in the Lapp hut and at one end of the outbuilding. Furthermore, there are 20 varying observation points along the nature trail that present to the visitors natural diversity, forest disasters, game husbandry and impacts of human activity in the forest.

Toivon työstä iloa I–II (Joy and Hope from Working I–II), activity association Joutsan Päiväkeskusyhdistys ry, 1 August 2004 – 28 February 2006 Actions: The project developed actions of the association and a new service model that can be used to offer minor repair services and employ persons During the project period, a Lapp hut was built vulnerable to marginalization, especially the young. The project actions in Hanhimäki. included product development, excursions, guidance work and entrepreneurship training. The services were marketed in the surrounding municipalities. A laptop and an adequately large freezer were purchased for the association. Objectives: Increasing and improving the foundation for the association’s operations, improving the customers’ computer skills, ensuring future preconditions for food service activity. Creating a new service model and preconditions for offering employment also in the future, increasing social capital and skills, preventing marginalization and increasing living comfort in the area. Achievements and impacts: The projects have clearly improved the level of operations and skills in the association. Positive experiences were gained from the “Renovation Team” service experiment. General foundation for the association’s operations and future opportunities for offering employment have clearly improved. Project coordinator Nina Siitari: “One notable impact of the project was an increase in the number of visitors. When the association was able to offer the services of an expert woodwork instructor, interest towards the day activity and gaining employment via the activity were increased. Quality of the products improved, and due to learning new skills and experiencing successes, the visitors’ belief in themselves and their skills were increased and wellbeing was increased as well. The project also succeeded in setting work safety issues to rights. As a whole, the project was deemed so useful that a new project realised by means of employment subsidy financing, ‘Starting a New Life by Working’, was started on 1 June 2006.” Project funding made possible of employing one teacher of woodcrafts for the applying association. Savusauna rakennushanke (Building a Chimneyless Sauna), sauna association Löylyä Elämään ry, 1 March 2004 – 31 December 2005 Actions: An unusual high-quality sauna was built close to the old school of Vallaspelto that is owned by the municipality of Joutsa and used as a camp centre. The building consists of an underground chimneyless sauna, a sauna that is continuously heated, washrooms and toilets, a dressing room as well as a room with a fireplace and a home-brewed beer cellar. There are also an outdoor terrace, a pier and a barbeque shelter.

Objectives: Promoting tourism enterprises in the region, increasing comfort of the living environment, cherishing the sauna traditions, promoting safe and healthy sauna traditions and offering employment for a sauna caretaker. Achievements and impacts: The project enabled construction of a new and different meeting place and tourist attraction. The project has assisted in developing actions of the association and increased the opportunities to use the old school for camp activity.

Joutsa municipality Radat reilaan (Repairing Motor-Racing Tracks), motor-racing association Joutsan Moottorikerho ry, 1 May – 31 December 2005 Actions: The motocross tracks on the grounds of the Joutsa Region Motor-Racing Track were renovated to better serve users of the area and tourists. Guide signs and maps of the area were also created. Actions: Better utilisation of the already existing infrastructure and the tracks as well as increasing general comfort of the living environment. Offering additional services for the residents and tourism enterprises to use. Promoting exercising and opportunities for leisure activity. Promoting national health and opportunities for tourism enterprises. Achievements and impacts: The need to maintain the track area has decreased, safety of the area has improved due to the fact that the tracks are clearly marked, condition and safety of the tracks meet the international regulations. In the future, the area can house more motor sports enthusiasts, and local companies and associations may utilise the track in their activity. Project coordinator Jari Reponen: “The project enabled development of the activities and secured the future of the sport for enthusiasts and persons working with the sport in the region. Cooperation with local tourism enterprises has increased and the project has enabled better services for the enterprises.” Meidän Miljöö – maisema-arvojen esiselvitys Joutsassa (Our Environment – Preliminary Survey of Scenic Values in Joutsa), municipality of Joutsa, 1 July 2002 – 31 December 2003 Actions: Arranging start-up seminars, orientating to the issue, surveying the current state, arranging village visits, making elected officials and civil servants committed to the issue. A survey covering the entire municipality was compiled based on scenic values and repair needs of the residents. Objectives: Gathering information on the current state of the environment and scenic values, future expectations and repair needs in the municipality and the villages falling under the scope of the municipality. Increasing participation and voluntary actions at the individual, small group and village level. Achievements and impacts: The Our Environment report includes a list of scenic sites the residents deemed valuable or in need of renovation as well as care proposals of an expert. Some further actions based on the report have already been taken and the realisation will continue during the next programme period.

Projects financed by LAG Maaseutukehitys ry in Joutsa

Joutsan raviradan valjastuskatos, Joutsan Hevosystäväinseura ry Junttimäen ja Tammimäen patikointireitit, Pappisen kyläyhdistys ry Hankaan Erätalo, Hankaan Erämiehet ry Suonteentakasten kyläsuunnitelma, Suonteentakaset Kyläyhdistys ry Nuorten skeittipuisto, Joutsan Nuorisoseura ry Tonttimarkkinat, Uimaniemen Seudun Kyläyhdistys ry Hanhimäen havaintotila, Suonteen seudun metsänhoitoyhdistys ry Meidän miljöö – maisema-arvojen esiselvityshanke, Joutsan kunta Kansankulttuuria Mieskonmäessä, Mieskonmäen kyläyhdistys ry Tammihaaran-Savenahon 4. rakennusvaihe, Tammihaaran-Savenahon vesiosuuskunta Joutsan sotahistorian tietokanta, Joutsan Seudun Reservinupseerit ry Jumpelin kunnostus, Kostamon hirviseurue ry Saunakulttuurin kehittämishanke, Löylyä elämään ry Ideaverstas, Joutsan 4H -yhdistys ry Vesialueen kunnostushanke, Mieskonmäen osakaskunta Korpelan miljöön kunnostus, Heikki Jaatisen Kulttuurisäätiö Messut 2004, Joutsan kunta Historiikki '06, Joutsan Eläkkeensaajat ry Hankaan Erätalon jatkokunnostus, Hankaan Erämiehet ry Savusauna rakennushanke, Löylyä elämään ry Enemmän musiikista, Rock-Mani-Ska ry Joutsan raviradan kunnostus, Joutsan Hevosystäväinseura ry Vesialueen kunnostus II, Mieskonmäen osakaskunta Maapirtin kunnostus, Joutsan Itäinen Maamiesseura ry Terveyttä ja elämäniloa liikunnasta, Joutsan Pommi ry Toivon työstä iloa, Joutsan Päiväkeskusyhdistys ry Partiolaisten sauna, Joutsan Jousipartio ry Angesselän kylähanke, Angesselän kyläseura ry Nuorten aktivointi teatteritoimintaan, Teatterikone ry Mieskonmäen venerannat, Mieskonmäen osakaskunta Ura auki liikkujille, Mieskonmäen kyläyhdistys ry Radat reilaan, Joutsan Moottorikerho ry Angesselän kylähanke II, Angesselän kyläseura ry Musiikin janoa, Joutsan Nuorisoseura ry Toivon työstä iloa II, Joutsan Päiväkeskusyhdistys ry Hankaan Erätalon sauna, Hankaan Erämiehet ry

Joutsa municipality Konneveden Opastus I–II ( Guidance I–II), oring homestead association Konneveden Kotiseutuyhdistys ry, t wil 13 March 2003 – 28 February 2006 ude Actions: Renewing the logo of Konnevesi, making individual guide signs, Erä compiling a guide map for interesting companies and tourist sights in the . region, building benches on a resting place, clearing nature trails and restoring two springs. Objectives: Marketing and promoting local services, sights and culture. Improving the residents’ quality of life and entrepreneurship opportunities as well as increasing living comfort in the region and promoting retention of basic services. Achievements and impacts: The projects have developed the image of Konnevesi as a maintainer of forests and waterways as well as increased the valuation level of the municipality and the companies operating in the municipality. Furthermore, the project has made services and companies more easily accessible. The guide maps that are handed out have proven very useful. During the project periods, a new project was also planned where Konneveden matkailupalvelujen verkosto- ja tuotekehityshanke KONVE (Tourism Service Network and Product Development Project of Konnevesi, KONVE), municipality of Konnevesi, 20 September 2004 – 28 February 2006 Actions: During the project period, operating principles and rules for the network were compiled, functional sales and distribution channels were sought, product packages to be sold were created and service sector training was offered. Furthermore, brochures to support marketing and sales were produced. Objectives: Developing networking activity and customer-centred product development of entrepreneurs as well as promoting cooperation between enterprises, visibility, turnover and number of customers. There were 25 companies involved. Achievements and impacts: During the project period, the tourism enterprises took their first steps towards establishing a cooperation network. Products were tested together, services were gathered into a joint brochure, an e-commerce site was created for the companies, and further information and new skills were acquired in various training events.

Häyrylänrannan kunnostus (Renovation of Beach Häyrylänranta), rescue service association Konneveden Järvipelastajat ry, 20 September 2004 – 31 December 2005 Actions: Constructing a new 43 m2 locker room building, a pier and a diving platform as well as renovating the beach’s plants. Furthermore, a surveillance system was acquired for the beach area. Objectives: Renovating the Häyrylänranta beach as a recreation area and thus increasing the beach’s utilisation ratio, promoting the local business activity by offering added value to the enterprises operating in the area by means of improved services. Achievements and impacts: The project has improved the opportunities for practicing sports and leisure. The project improved the service supply and comfort of the region as well as the residents’ quality of life. The project also improved the image of the municipality as a pleasant and safe town that takes into account all the residents.

The diving platform was intensely used right after it was built in the summer

Konnevesi municipality Sirkkamäen lahtivaja (Sirkkamäki Game Warehouse), village association Sirkkamäen kyläyhdistys ry, 1 January 2005 – 28 July 2006 Ilomäen Erän lahtivaja ja kota (Ilomäki Game Warehouse and Lapp Hut), hunting association Ilomäen Erä ry, 1 December 2004 – 28 February 2006 Actions: Both of the projects aimed at building premises for storing and handling game meat that will meet the modern hygienic requirements and include a cold-storage room. The project managed by Ilomäen Erä ry also included building of a Lapp hut to the village. Objectives: Increasing opportunities for leisure activity, promoting hunting, making handling of game meat easier as well as increasing future vitality and operating opportunities of the villages. Achievements and impacts: The projects have improved The game warehouse built by local hunters in Sirkkamäki operations and cooperation opportunities of the hunting village. associations. The proper premises and equipment will promote the hunting hobby by prolonging the hunting season and offering safety and comfort for the enthusiasts.

Hiihtomaa Lapunmäki (Skiing Centre Lapunmäki), sports association Konneveden urheilijat ry, 1 June 2003 – 31 December 2004 Actions: Creating an outdoor exercise and sports site for children, the young and families with children. Earthwork and landscaping took place in the area, and a Lapp hut, a lean-to and a ski jump were built. Furthermore, safety fences, lighting and an electricity system were installed. The target group of the project were children, young people and families with children living in Konnevesi as well as other persons who will use the area for recreation. Objectives: Offering new exercising opportunities as well as improving comfort of the living environment and attraction of the region. Achievements and impacts: The project enabled development of the area into a sensible outdoor exercising and winter sports area for children, the young and families with children. The project created a new kind of service in Konnevesi that will also bring more tourists during the slow winter season. Chairman Pentti Pakarinen: “We were positively surprised with the popularity gained by the area; there were plenty of young people sliding their sleds already in the spring of 2004. A Shrovetide event was arranged in February 2005 and in the winter of 2006, Lapunmäki was an important

Projects financed by LAG Maaseutukehitys ry in Konnevesi

Hytölän kyläympäristön kunnostus, Hytölän kyläyhdistys ry Kotikylä -hanke, Sirkkamäen Kyläyhdistys ry Hiihtomaa Lapunmäki, Konneveden Urheilijat ry Kisälli, Konneveden 4H -yhdistys ry TYKE - työväentalon kehittämishanke, Konneveden Työväenyhdistys ry Heikinmäen retkeilykota, Istunmäen Kyläyhdistys ry Paikalliskulttuuri ennen ja nyt, Konneveden Kotiseutuyhdistys ry Nuorten aktivointihanke, MLL Konneveden paikallisyhdistys ry TYKE - jatkokunnostus, Konneveden Työväenyhdistys ry Häyrylänrannan kunnostus, Konneveden Järvipelastajat ry Ravistus, Konneveden kunta Moottorikelkkailun kehittäminen, Konneveden mk/ua ry Sirkkamäen lahtivaja, Sirkkamäen Kyläyhdistys ry Ilomäen Erän lahtivaja ja kota, Ilomäen Erä ry Kopse, Konneveden Ratsastajat ry Komeetta, Äänesseudun Metsänhoitoyhdistys ry/Keski-Suomen Metsänhoitoyhdistys ry Konneveden opastus 2003, Konneveden Kotiseutuyhdistys ry Konneveden matkailupalvelujen verkosto- ja tuotekehityshanke KONVE, Konneveden kunta Konneveden opastushankkeen jatkohanke, Konneveden Kotiseutuyhdistys ry

Konnevesi municipality Nisulan kylän kehittäminen (Developing the Village of Nisula), village association Nisulan kyläseura ry, 1 January 2004 – 28 February 2006 Ruuhimä imäki), v Kotise iation Ruu , homes ring the p kylä kui associa ion Toiv summertim s: The lled with a n t w a s p u r c h Ruuhi a n ere is a wi 1.9.200 sed. Du school a dings and the surround Toimen ka. ilometres. e Local C history. Increasin voidaan ice hockey Actions: In order to establish a cooperative water society, a survey was conducted by interviewing real estate owners. Furthermore, a village house was renovated and local history was recorded. Objectives: Increasing the village’s service supply, recording the local history and improving comfort of the living environment. Achievements and impacts: Due to the renovation project, the village house is now a functional and pleasant site offering versatile services. The survey for establishing a cooperative water society has been finished and there are preconditions for establishing a society. The village traditions have been recorded for further use. Huikon vesiosuuskunnan 2 ja 3 -rakennusvaiheet, (Construction Phases 2 and 3 of the Huikko Cooperative Water Society), cooperative water society Huikon vesiosuuskunta, 1 May 2002 – 31 December 2004 Actions: These two separate projects have enabled constructing of new sewage and water pipeline network extensions for several households from the already existing networks. Objectives: For both projects, the objectives were increasing the preconditions for living in the region and the basic services offered by the village, offering households drinking water and a sewage treatment system as well as creating preconditions for marketing living in the rural areas. Achievements and impacts: A total of 4,200 metres of new extension lines have been built and a total of 12 new households have been included in the network. The project has also promoted marketing of the region as a place to live. Annually, several new detached houses are being built in the village of Huikko. The most notable impacts of the projects are renovation of the village environment, increasing of basic services and improving of the quality of the environment. Huikon kylä viihtyisäksi (Making the Village of Huikko Pleasant), village association Huikon kyläseura ry, 1 May 2003 – 31 December 2005 Actions: Renovating a village house, cleaning up the environment of the village, building a playground and an ice-skating rink as well as compiling marketing materials for the village. Objectives: Increasing the degree of utilisation of the village house, improving the village environment as well as improving general comfort of living and the service supply. Achievements and impacts: The village house was modernised to better serve the needs of the residents, the village environment has been cleaned and a playground has been built for children. In the future, the village house can more easily be used for various meetings and events and the house The villagers have renovated the former school of Huikko into a public meeting place. will be easier to maintain. The village of Huikko in Toivakka was named as the Village of 2005 in partly due to the active projects. This way, both the village and the projects have received positive attention in the local media. Toivakan kylien markkinointihanke (Marketing Project for the Villages of Toivakka), municipality of Toivakka, 1 August 2005 – 28 February 2006 Actions: Web sites for the villages were created and updated, a brochure for each village was compiled. Furthermore, a seminar on living in rural areas and excursions to example villages were arranged. The villagers were activated into selling land. Objectives: Creating preconditions for marketing the villages as places to live and improving communication of information in the villages, promoting cooperation between the residents and the villages, acquiring new residents to the villages and improving comfort of the living environment. Achievements and impacts: Positive feedback on the outlook and attractiveness of the brochures and web sites has been received. A new marketing product for the villages was attained from an idea competition arranged for the local residents and enterprises: a key fob with the web site address on it. Toivakka municipality Hyvä elää Toivakassa (Good to Live in Toivakka), Toivakka 4H Association, 1 May 2002 – 30 April 2003 Actions: Based on questionnaires sent to all the households in the municipality, village plans were compiled. A part-time project manager was hired for the project. The needs that came up in the village plans were further refined into project plans. Objectives: Compiling up-to-date village plans for all of the eight villages in Toivakka. Striving to make the residents committed in active activity to develop their villages and comfort of the living environment. Presenting project ideas and further refining them into actions.

Achievements and impacts: Village plans for all the villages were made. The project leaders were positively surprised by the considerable number of responses to the questionnaires. The project created a background for other projects realised in the villages of Toivakka. Due to the project, village associations were activated into developing their operations and seeking funding for development actions.

Kotiseutukeskus Toivakkaan (Local Centre for Toivakka), homestead association Toivakan Pitäjäseura ry, 1 April 2004 – 31 December 2005 Actions: The yard and the buildings of an old vicarage were renovated and new equipment was purchased. Due to the project, the area became a Local Centre for Toivakka. Objectives: Renovating the old vicarage and a veteran dugout into the Local Centre for Toivakka, renovating the buildings and the surroundings, developing foundation for operations, retaining valuable local history. Increasing the utilisation possibilities of the area in arranging parties and in the tourism business. Achievements and impacts: Due to the project, condition of the area and the buildings has improved and their utilisation possibilities have become more versatile.

Ruuhimäen liikuntapaikat (Sports Sites in Ruuhimäki), villagel association Ruuhimäki-Seura ry, 1 September 2004 – 31 December 2005 Actions: During the project, a track that can be used as an exercising route in the summertime and a skiing track in the wintertime was cleared and levelled with a machine. A layer of sawdust was spread on the track. There is a wider section of approximately two kilometres close to the village school and a narrower track of approximately five kilometres. New sideboards and lamps were installed in the village’s ice hockey rink and the dressing room building of the rink was renovated and painted. Objectives: Increasing comfort of the villagers and promoting exercising as well as activating the villagers into joint activity and voluntary work. Achievements and impacts: The opportunities for exercising have been Due to the project, the exercising opportunities improved and living comfort in the village has increased. in the village of Ruuhimäki were improved.

Projects financed by LAG Maaseutukehitys ry in Toivakka

Hyvä elää Toivakassa, Toivakan 4H -yhdistys ry Perinnepolku Toivakkaan, Toivakan Pitäjäseura ry Viihdy järvellä, Iso-Huikon kalastuskunta Huikon vesiosuuskunnan 2-rakennusvaihe, Huikon vesiosuuskunta Huikon ampumaradan kehittäminen, Toivakan riistanhoitoyhdistys Huikon kylä viihtyisäksi, Huikon kyläseura ry Vihijärvi -projekti, Rutalahden Kalastuskunta/Osakaskunta Nisulan kylähanke, Nisulan kyläseura ry Kotiseutukeskus Toivakkaan, Toivakan Pitäjäseura ry Erämajan laajennus Toivakan Paskolammella, Toivakan Metsä- ja Kalamiehet ry Ruuhimäen liikuntapaikat, Ruuhimäki-Seura ry Huikon vesiosuuskunnan 3-rakennusvaihe, Huikon vesiosuuskunta Toivakan kylien markkinointihanke, Toivakan kunta

Toivakka municipality Leivonmäki kansainvälistyy -esiselvityshanke (Preliminary Survey Project “Globalising Leivonmäki”), municipality of Leivonmäki, 1 August – 31 December 2005 Actions: The project gathered several important parties in international activity to prepare a global strategy. An excursion and negotiation trip to Scotland was realised. Objectives: Finding out the possibilities for international cooperation in Leivonmäki and planning a piloting project. Compiling a globalisation strategy for Leivonmäki. Achievements and impacts: The globalisation strategy for Leivonmäki was finished and an international project focusing on a local national park and nature tourism is being planned. Kansainvälistä toimintaa suunnitellaan Leivonmäellä kansallispuiston ympärille. Rutalahden kehittämishanke (Rutalahti Village Development Project), youth association Rutalahden Nuorisoseura ry, 1 August 2004 – 28 February 2006 Actions: In the development part, the village plan was updated, a web site for the village was created, the village was marketed as a place to live, material for a village book was gathered and an excursion was made. In the building part, two real estates were renovated, yard areas and the village scenery were renovated by making similar mailboxes for the houses and a skateboarding ramp for the youth was built. Furthermore, a digital camera, a village mobile phone and a miniature tractor to take care of the ice in the local ice rink, for example, were purchased.

Objectives: Improving the condition of the buildings and yard areas, adding their utilisation degree, offering more places and opportunities for leisure activities for the young, reducing the energy consumption of buildings by increasing energy efficiency, improving the comfort of living and the scenery in the village, acquiring new residents, increasing attractiveness of the village and activating the residents. Achievements and impacts: The condition of the buildings has been improved and there are more opportunities to use them. Marketing of the village has been improved by the web site and a new brochure. The village mobile phone has proven a functional solution for taking care of common issues and communicating information. The project has offered new opportunities for leisure activity and it is more pleasant to live in the village.

Leivonmäen lentoparatiisi (Leivonmäki Aviation Paradise), aviation association Pitkävuoren Liitäjät ry, 1 January – 31 December 2004 Actions: Extending a towing track at the aviation site of Leivonmäki from 1,000 metres to 1,500 metres. Improving the foundation for activity at Leivonmäki by removing trees from around the site and building towing poles at the ends of the field. Using an old peat removal area in a new way. Objectives: Improving the opportunities for practicing and competing with hang-gliders in Central and Southern Finland by developing the Leivonmäki aviation site. Achievements and impacts: Quality of the sport and safety of the site were improved, increased use of the site will increase the utilisation degree of services in the municipality. Project coordinator Mika Pousi: “The Leivonmäki Aviation Paradise project was a very successful and necessary project from the viewpoint of the operations of aviation association Pitkävuoren Liitäjät. The longer towing track has enabled more active flying and competition activity, especially now that it is difficult for us to use the Tikkakoski Airfield for our operations due to increased air traffic.”

A hang-glider and its pilot ready for takeoff.

Leivonmäki municipality Pyryn talon kunnostus (Renovating Pyry House), sport association Leivonmäen Pyry ry, 1 September 2002 – 31 December 2004 Actions: Modernisation of the house’s kitchen, replacing hall floor, repairing windows and doors. Painting the exterior face, ceilings and floors, and installing an electrical heating system. Adding a canopy above the main entrance to improve safety. Cleaning the yard and adding new plants. Objectives: Increasing the utilisation degree and improving safety of the building, making the village scenery more beautiful and clean, improving the service level of the village and the municipality as comes to premises being offered for use. Achievements and impacts: By this renovation project of the traditional village house, the opportunities for using the house were improved, leisure activity opportunities for the villagers were increased, the service level of the village as comes to meeting places was improved and general living comfort in the village was improved.

KYKY – Kylät ja yritykset kehittyvät yhdessä (KYKY – Villages and Enterprises Developing Together), municipality of Leivonmäki, 1 January 2005 – 28 February 2006 Actions: Developing and marketing the villages as well as joint products and services of the enterprises. The project also realised an updating process of the village plans, guide signs and web sites for the villages, a joint brochure for the enterprises, service training and excursions to example villages. Objectives: Improving comfort of the living environment, increasing cooperation between residents and enterprises in the villages, offering preconditions for business activity, developing tourism services as well as improving external image and communication of information for the villages and the enterprises. The quantitative objectives were: updating the village plans, creating a functional web site and guide signs for five villages as well as increasing the number of visitors to the local national park by 5,000 visitors in 2005, creating a cooperation network for enterprises and producing three new product packages to be sold to tourists. Achievements and impacts: The project objectives were reached and some even exceeded. The project was able to create new contacts between the villages and the entrepreneurs. The training offered by the project improved expertise in service and products as well as offered a basis for further development of original service products.

Viihtyisä Rutajärvi (Pleasant Lake Rutajärvi), fishing association Leivonmäen kalastuskunta, 1 May 2003 – 28 February 2006 Actions: Committing people living on the shore of Lake Rutajärvi into long-term realisation of actions that will assist in reducing the pollutant load from catchment areas. Learning restoration actions by participating in them. Arranging information meetings, improving the level of basic knowledge, arranging training in restoration actions led by an expert, purchasing restoration equipment (an open fyke net, a raft, a motor, a trailer and feed platforms) that can be used to make sure that the restoration actions continue in the future. Objectives: Increasing comfort of the living environment and recreational use of the lake, stopping eutrophication, improving the water quality and the fish stock. Awakening the interest of the residents and committing them to taking care of the lake in the future. Achievements and impacts: The project has restored the local environment by means of many concrete actions. With the equipment purchased, the restoration actions can continue also after the project period. Recreational use of the lake has increased and condition of the lake has improved. Restoration of the Salmela Canal has improved the connection between the eastern and the western part of Lake Rutajärvi. The value of real estate in the area is expected to increase due to the improved state of the lake.

Removing coarsefish with the open fyke net on lake Rutajärvi. Projects financed by LAG Maaseutukehitys ry in Leivonmäki

Potkua kylään!, Leivonmäen Maaseutuseura ry Leivonmäen musiikillinen näytelmä, Leivonmäkiseura ry Tukka putkella, Leivonmäen 4H -yhdistys ry Letkaliiterin kunnostus, Rutalahden Nuorisoseura ry Pyryn talon kunnostus, Leivonmäen Pyry ry Viihtyisä Rutajärvi, Leivonmäen kalastuskunta Teemme tulevaisuutta, Leivonmäen 4H -yhdistys ry Leivonmäen lentoparatiisi, Pitkävuoren Liitäjät ry Rutalahden kehittämishanke, Rutalahden Nuorisoseura ry KYKY - kylät ja yritykset kehittyvät yhdessä, Leivonmäen kunta Leivonmäki kansainvälistyy esiselvityshanke, Leivonmäen kunta

Leivonmäki municipality Napakymppi-hanke (Project Bull’s-eye), archery association Luhangan Maastojousiampujat ry, 1 February 2002 – 30 April 2003 Actions: Expanding an already existing field archery track and building new parts, offering safety training for organisers, compiling a brochure and a web site as well as arranging an excursion to Scotland to the World Championships of 2002 in order to obtain a similar competition in . Objectives: Developing field archery and offering preconditions for globalisation of the association’s actions. Offering preconditions for tourism that is expected to increase due to more effective utilisation of the track, and promoting business opportunities of the local tourism enterprises. Achievements and impacts: The project succeeded in establishing international connections, communications and a track system. In the summer of 2003, the European Championships in Field Archery were arranged in Luhanka. Due to the project, the preconditions for arranging domestic and international competitions also in the future are good.

Luhangan sotahistorian tallentaminen (Recording Military History of Luhanka), veteran association Luhangan Sotaveteraanit ry, 1 December 2004 – 28 February 2006 Actions: Gathering the war history of Luhanka from archives and by means The project also enabled acquiring of three- of interviews as well as describing the impacts of war at the home front. dimensional targets for the track. The information gathered was compiled into a war history archive of Luhanka that can be further edited into a book or into some other format. Objectives: Recording local history, mediating information to future generations, improving the knowledge of the locals in the history of their region and increasing the locals’ interest in studying their roots. Achievements and impacts: The project enabled recording of an extensive body of local history that had been scattered or forgotten. This information was archived in an electronic format both by the municipality of Luhanka and the provincial archives. In the future, the information can be used to publish various works and to study the local military history.

LuhA:n ampumaurheiluhanke (Shooting Sports Project of LuhA), shooting association Luhangan Ampujat (LuhA), 15 June 2003 – 28 February 2006 Actions: Modernising a shooting range area as comes to the shooting sites and the traffic arrangements. Modernising winter practising sites and equipment. Arranging an excursion, activating the youth to start shooting as a hobby and studying responsibilities connected with the shooting sport. Purchasing necessary equipment and an air gun for practice use. Objectives: Increasing general knowledge in the shooting sport and in safety of the sport in the region, especially among the young. Improving safety of the shooting range and increasing the utilisation opportunities of the already existing range. Achievements and impacts: The project has enabled development of the shooting range into a functional unity that better serves the current needs. Modern and safe premises are a precondition for continuing the operations. The youth were activated into starting shooting as a hobby during an event called “hobby day” by presenting the operations of the association to schoolchildren in municipalities of Joutsa and Luhanka. A shooting range in Hankasalmi was also renovated. A view of the shooting range of game association Hankasalmen Riistanhoitoyhdistys.

Projects financed by LAG Maaseutukehitys ry in Luhanka

Luhangan kulttuuriresurssit, Luhangan kunta Napakymppi, Luhangan Maastojousiampujat ry LuhA:n ampumaurheiluhanke, Luhangan Ampujat ry Kesä 2004 -leiri, Luhangan 4H -yhdistys ry Iitinmäen osto ja kunnostus, Sarvan Erä ry Leponiemen venevalkama, Suur-Kärmelahden osakaskunta

Luhanka municipality Laulavan Mörön retki- ja luontopolku (Hiking and Nature Trail of the Singing Spook), village association Syvälahden kyläyhdistys ry, 1 January 2002 – 31 December 2004 Actions: The nineteen-kilometre trail realised by the project combines village centres that are otherwise geographically separated. Old footpaths and village roads were preserved and improved. Campfire sites were built along the trail, a Lapp hut and an outlook tower were built. Guide signs and maps of the trail were made. The village plan was updated. Objectives: Improving comfort of the village community, retaining and improving the natural scenery, familiarising people with local history, increasing interaction and strengthening cooperation between village communities, promoting solidarity as well as attracting new residents to the region. Achievements and impacts: Due to the project, visibility of the region in the media has increased. People have come to travel the trail also from further away. The village association has arranged several guided trips on the trail on foot, by bike and on snowshoes. During the construction projects, old masters taught traditional working methods to younger people.

Rantareitti-hanke (Lakeside Route Project), village association Sumiaisten kk kyläyhdistys ry, 1 January 2005 – 28 February 2006 Actions: An outdoor exercising route close to the Parish Village on the shore of Lake Sumiaisjärvi was created. The renovation and building sites were: a trail, a footpath, a harbour, a canal, lakeside area, guide signs and an information board. Objectives: Improving the comfort of the living environment, cleaning up the scenery and improving the opportunities for leisure activity and exercising. Achievements and impacts: The project created a pleasant outdoor exercise route in a central place in the parish village. The improved village environment will increase comfort of the villagers and tourists as well as offer new exercising opportunities. Saarikkaan ja Mäkelän kylien kehittäminen (Developing the Villages of Saarikas and Mäkelä), village association Saarikkaan kyläyhdistys ry, 1 January 2004 – 28 February 2006 Actions: A sauna was built, the surroundings of the local village house were landscaped and an outdoor exercising trail was renovated. A new canopy, a platform for milk churns and a rail fence were built on the grounds of the village house, bushes were planted and the surrounding forest was cleared. An additional trail was added to the exercising route by clearing a path and covering it with sawdust. Objectives: Increasing comfort of the area, improving image of the village, offering new exercising opportunities and developing the surroundings of the village house for more versatile use. Achievements and impacts: The village house and its surroundings are now a functional unity. Utilisation degree of the house has increased. The landscaping actions have improved the image of the village; tourists will now have a more positive image of the village. Leikkipuistohanke LEIKKISÄ (Playground Project LEIKKISÄ), village association Sumiaisten kk kyläyhdistys ry, 1 June 2003 – 31 December 2004 Actions: A playground was built in the parish village, the situation with the already existing playgrounds was evaluated and the necessary improvements were realised. Objectives: Improving the opportunities for children to play in the parish village, offering new recreation opportunities, improving the services offered to families with children and their comfort. Achievements and impacts: The project has increased cooperation between the villagers, various associations and the municipality of Sumiainen. At the same time, visibility of the village association and general living comfort of the residents have increased.

Projects financed by LAG Maaseutukehitys ry in Luhanka

Autioiden tilojen ym. kartoitus, Sumiaisten kunta Laulavan Mörön retki- ja luontopolku, Syvälahden kyläyhdistys ry Hyvän olon Sumiainen, Rautionmäen Kyläyhdistys ry Leikkipuistohanke LEIKKISÄ, Sumiaisten kirkonkylän kyläyhdistys ry Saarikkaan ja Mäkelän kylien kehittäminen, Saarikkaan Kyläyhdistys ry Rantareitti -hanke, Sumiaisten kk:n kyläyhdistys ry

Sumiainen municipality Tupasvilla – käsityön kehittämishanke (Cotton Grass – Handicraft Development Project), municipality of Leivonmäki, 20 November 2002 – 30 June 2004 Actions: Handicraft based on natural materials was developed by gathering and communicating information and experiences in productification and quality requirements of handicrafts. The opportunity to turn a hobby into a profession was created. The target group was handicraft experts and enthusiasts in Leivonmäki and the surrounding municipalities. The actions focused on developing the products and manufacturing techniques, experiments and evaluation, arranging excursions and hearing from experts. Objectives: Developing handicraft based on natural materials in the region. Improving expertise of enthusiasts, creating cooperation, learning from each other, developing new handicraft products around swamp tourism. Establishing one new company. Achievements and impacts: The skills of the handicraft experts were increased by various training events. Tangible results of the project were fairly small handicraft products that can be used as auxiliary products in swamp tourism. In the future, the products will be marketed by a cooperative, “Artupas”, established by the project. Cooperative Artupas participated in trade fair in Helsinki.

Kahina – kaitafilmit arjen historian tulkkeina (Kahina – Cinefilms as Interpreters of Everyday History), cinema association Keski-Suomen Elokuvakeskus ry, 1 July 2003 – 31 December 2005 a Actions: The idea with the project was enabling recording of cinefilms l found in the region into a high-quality digital format that is easy to use m and best serves all of the interested parties. Cinefilms from each municipality were recorded and documents were compiled, the compiled documents were presented, and the copies and documents were archived. Objectives: Securing that the everyday history and cultural heritage saved on cinefilms will be retained to the future generations. Achievements and impacts: The project has created province-wide enthusiasm in cinefilms, cinefilming and retaining of the films. The filming and recording method tested by the project will be used for saving films also in the future. The project was a piloting project and a springboard for other similar projects realised in the region. During the project, training in the use of various cinefilm projectors was offered and spare parts for the old devices that are hard to come by were sought. Luontomatkailukartastohanke (Nature Tourism Atlas Project), LAG Maaseutukehitys ry, 1 February – 31 December 2003 Actions: A brochure including maps of the nature tourism sites and companies in the region was compiled. Cooperation was promoted by joint excursions and seminars. Objectives: Developing cooperation between nature tourism enterprises operating in the region and promoting the region’s nature-based image. Achievements and impacts: Layout and realisation of the Nature Tourism Atlas were successful, and the edition was quickly handed out. The users wished for a new edition of the brochure and also versions in other languages. On an excursion in a Viking village in Eura.

Projects financed by LAG Maaseutukehitys ry operating in several municipalities Typasvilla – käsityön kehittämishanke, Leivonmäen kunta Kyläpiika esiselvitys, Maaseutukehitys ry Onni asuu maalla, Sysmän Kehitys Oy Luontomatkailukartasto, Maaseutukehitys ry KAHINA - kaitafilmien tallennushanke, Keski-Suomen Elokuvakeskus ry Toimintaryhmän aktivointihanke, Maaseutukehitys ry

Entire region New regional development programme for 2007–2013

A new customer-centred development programme that also includes search for funding for rural development projects in the next programme period of 2007–2013 has been compiled for the municipalities of Joutsa, Luhanka, Leivonmäki, Toivakka, Hankasalmi and Konnevesi.

The programme has been compiled in cooperation with the residents, enterprises, associations and municipalities of the region. A total of approximately 700 residents participated in the preparation process. Based on questionnaires, interviews, village events and meetings, the development needs of the locals have been gathered and written as various actions in our local development programme called “Rural Development 2007–2013”.

The most important objective of the programme is retaining the vitality of rural areas and improving the conditions of the local residents. This includes retaining of services and securing their availability, creating new opportunities for working and livelihood, improving opportunities for leisure activities as well as increasing the region’s living comfort and attractive power. Another important objective of the programme is increasing voluntary actions, activeness and opportunities to influence among the residents so that local democracy will be realised in practice. When local and international meetings and cooperation are increased, tolerance and valuation of one’s own region will also be increased.

VISION: In 2013, we will live in a rural area of multiple opportunities where we can influence our lives. Our region will offer us livelihood, a pleasant environment to live and natural everyday life in local human-sized communities.

Our strategic motto: Development always starts with people!

Most important actions to be financed: Action Priority 1: Developing business activity 1.1Increasing working and business opportunities 1.2Utilising local approach and resources in business activity 1.3Offering preconditions for cooperation between enterprises and global cooperation Action Priority 2: Cherishing living and natural environment 2.1 Pleasant environment 2.2 Opportunities for leisure activity 2.3 Promotion of living in rural areas 2.4 Local service models Action Priority 3: Reinforcing and activating local communities 3.1 Interaction between residents 3.2 Acquiring new skills and training 3.3 Recording and utilising local culture 3.4 Action possibilities for the young

2007-2013 LAG Maaseutukehitys ry Municipality of Hankasalmi Keskustie 41 FIN-41520 Hankasalmi Tel. +358 (0)14 840 0321

Executive Director Tiina Seppälä Tel. +358 (0)40 755 5115 [email protected]

Join us to influence local development actions!

You are a part of the developer network of our region. We can reach the best development results by cooperation between the municipalities, residents, enterprises, associations and financiers. The objective of the LAG Maaseutukehitys ry is to be a link between all these parties and to take into account the local needs in the development actions. The more parties or residents join Financial Manager the association, the stronger a developer network and Anja Kauppinen communications channels we will be able to create in Tel. +358 (0)40 538 9180 our region. [email protected]

The members of our association are clearly supporting members. We strive to actively communicate up- to-date information regarding rural development to our members. Your membership is important, because it will secure the extensive membership base of the association that will be a precondition for supporting regional rural LAG-type development projects also in the future. The Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry gauges the public acceptance of LAGs by means of monitoring their number of members, for example. Therefore, our objective is to become an association with at least 400 members. You can join the association on our web site or by contacting our office or one of the Best regards from the Board members. In November Board of Directors 2006, there20. were already 450 of us members. of the LAG Maaseutukehitys ry !