Life of St. Vincent Ferrer
THE FRIAR SAINTS SERIES Editors for the Franciscan Lives The Very Rev. Fr. OSMUND, O.F.M., Provincial, and C. M, ANTONY Editors for the Dominican Lives The Rev. Fr. BEDE JARRETT, O.P., and C. M. ANTONY ST. VINCENT FERRER, O.P. Ttivc* of tbe Triar Saints Editors for the Franciscan Lives : The Very Rev. Fr. PROVINCIAL, O.F.M., and C. M. ANTONY. Editors for the Dominican Lives : The Rev. Fr. BEDE JARRETT, O.P., and C. M. ANTONY. Dominican. Franciscan. St. Thomas Aquinas. By St. Bonaventure. By Fr. Fr. PLACID CONWAY, O. P. LAURENCE COSTELLOE, O.F.M. St. Vincent Ferrer. By St. Antony of Padua. By Fr. STANISLAUS HOGAN, C. M. ANTONY, O.P. The four volumes as above are issued in cloth, price is. 6d. each, also in leather, price 25. 6d. net each. St. Pius V. By C. M. St. John Capistran. By ANTONY. Fr. VI NCENT FITZ- [In the Press. GERALD, O.F.M. [In preparation. The following volumes have also been proposed : St. Antoninus of Florence. St. Bernardine of Siena. By Fr. BEDE JARRETT, By Miss M. WARD. O.P. St. Raymond of Penna- St. Leonard of Port- fort. By Fr. THOMAS Maurice. By Fr. ALEX- SCHWERTNER, O.P. ANDER MURPHY, O.F.M. St. Louis Bertrand. By St. Peter of Alcantara. By the Rev. Mother MARY Fr. EGBERT CARROL, REGINALD, O.S.D. O.F.M. LONGMANS, GREEN AND CO., 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON, NEW YORK, BOMBAY AND CALCUTTA. SAINT VINCENT FERRER O.P. FR. STANISLAUS M. HOGAN, O.P. WITH FOUR ILLUSTRATIONS A .
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