1991 Kokusalpaahcatours I
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National Pubicalion^ oUhe JapaneM Amertcan^ Clli»n(i:«^PacificEatabtshed 1929Citizen(75c Postpaid U S.) Newsstand: 25 cents (213)626-6'd36 Friday. February 8 199 News Japan firms still The Gulf War: yeas and nays rated high in U.S. Staff reports chanvomm of the Ug«l Fund As the Gulf War goes on and D^te (heir sometimes nega tive image, Japanese fums are still regarded by many as the most de sirable employers, according to a Ruderfinn Inc. survey repotted in becomes more protracted, “From my own background with the Vietnam War, I was a recent edition of Japan Times. Among Japanese Ameticamdie In the survey of 1.200 Amer hoping we would negotiate and sentiments are mixed, accordiag icans. 55 percent said they would try to see if we could work out to an, infomial surv^ by Pacific. actively consider working for Citizen. things, particularly using the foieign-owned Hrms. Jt^anese United Natiems.*’ Uyehara said. Emilic Iio, of Denver. Colo., firms were singled out as the most for instance, doesn’t approve of “1 see homeless people and people laid off^m yobs and it’s destnbie en^pyerrby 38 percent, U.S. involvement inaMiddle East ft^lowed by British firms at 19 per not quite clear to me that oil war. *^y fim reaction was one cent, German at 14 percent. Scan should be such a predominant of astooidunent. Then, it was dinavian at 11 peicOTt. Frend) at issue. We haven’t done much to kind of acary. It was inevitable be 7 percent and Mexican at 2 po-- cause Bush knew the talks preserve it. I’m not sure whether cem. we’re fighting for the people of woito’t work. It was just a nuBer Those who chose J apanese firms of time.*’ - Kuwait or just for the people of wMiih. Ts not to protect our as desirable eti^rloyers accounted - lio, 26. president of the Mile- "Our organization should for 62 percent of males surveyed, Ch^iter of JACL. says. “I "ii’tnMicieiraitiMue. rights as portrayed In the monitor this ctose/y. If H's 4S percent of «4iich had less than an act of...aggression ...but not against don’t aifirove of it beernne we’re media. We never pro left unchecked, it could be a college education with 43 percent always trying to help olherooun- the Uhited^^. In Kuwait, there earningless than $40,000 peryear. tected anyone else's right similar to what happened betore, so vi*ty now? Its TTic survey also showed lhat of to the Japanese Amer way. There is„^udi a sqiaration those who re^onded positively to rTrisharTrishi Muiakawa. 26. not even a democratic icans. I'm very wary. It’s the idea of working for a Japanese between the wnitfay and common youth chairwofium for govemment" vary possible." firm. 44 percent were living in the people. That bothers me. and a Los Angeles resi- southern part of the United States “Our nation is going down eco dmt. is strongly oppe^ to the where Japanese fums have made nomically. The government is not Trisha Murakawa Alan NIsM »y. “I don’t approve of the war. large investments. doing arming about social ser liupport ourtrtxips but not the vices. There’s a terrible fracture war. Bush says we’re there to in our own society.” Numbers Increase heip the govemroent rtf Kuwait. I don’t believe that. Why do we Alan Nishi. 35. a Sroramemo. Group mulls war opposition among Aslans, care? It's not the govemment. Calif.. residen and board member >^y don’t we (get involved of the Northern California-West- Paclfjc Islanders em Nevada-Pacific Distrkt. says The Chicago Chapter of the yetfl with) Lithuania. Estonia, JACL will meet at 7:30 p.m.. The number of Asian or Pacific he hasn’t yet decided whedier or said Rev. Mike Yasutake. com- Nicaragua. Guatemala. Chile for Wednesday, Feb.' 13. to dis Islander families increased by 87 per not he approves of the war. “It’s rnittee member. that matterT’ cuss a resolution against the cent in the y.S. during the decade hard to say. Part of me says we The chapter is also concerned Murakawa believes oil interesu Gulf War. according to Dave of the 1980s, aocordii« to the Census are what’s driving dp war effort. should be diere. I have mixed feel that an unisually hi^ propor- Igasaki. dui^ president. tioiT of minorities ire on the Bureau. FamiUes with an Asian or “Bush was onele ofI the first to put ings. Part of me xays we should The resolution, as proposed front lines. Pacific Islander householder rose an oil conqiany in Kuwait. We're take a more diplomatic way out of from 818,000 in 1980 to 1.5 million by the otganizreion’s Human If tile resolution finning for Bush. It’s not to pro it. I fed we’re cau^in between “ in 1990. White fanulies grew from ■ RandyHarano.4].Intermoui>- Ri^ Committee, will be dis- would be sent to the Whitt tect ri^ as potlreyed in the cureed among chapter mem 52.2 mUboo to 56.6mflIion. *«»Kk tain District Council govenxir and House and Congress. media. We never protected anyone bers. families from 6.2 millian to 7.5 mil else's righu before, so why now? The meeting will be held at lion. and Hispanic families frtxn 3 Sm WAR/kwQB 7 *nhe resolution is to oppose the Chicago chapter office, It's not even a democratic govern million to 4.8 millioa.' ment in Kuwait.*’ the war in a way in which we 5415 N. Clark St. InformatiGn: Married-couple families mkle up MORE GULF VIEWS: Is For Grayce Uyehara. 71. JACL can still siqiport our trtxips there Dave Igasaki. 312/2944525. 82 percent of all Asian or Pacific Japandoing its8har8?/page7 Eastern District Council governor. Islander families in 1990, a aligia decline from 1980. The proportion of Asian or Pacific Islander families maintatned a RITUAL—Lord Hideyoshi (Tsutomu Yamazaki. male householder with no wife left) watches Rikyu (Rentaro Mikuni) perform tea sent in 1990 was 6 percent, v ceremony. the propoftioo for female family householder with no husband present was 12 percent. "Rikyu” rundown DIRECTOR: Hiroshi Teshigahara CAST; Rentaro Mikuni as Sen-No RItyu and Short takes Tsutomu Yamazaki as Hideyoshi THEATERS, DATES. TIMES: MORE VANDAU8M ’Another case Uncoln Plaza Clnama. 6th and Broadway, New of vandaiisn has hit tlK Aruons JAa Yotk City. 12:40.250.5:05,7:20,955. daily. office in Oendale. Aiiz. This tune, how Nuan Theatre, 11272 Santa Monies Blvd.. West ever, die damage was reported as giaffid Los Angeles, through Thursday, Feb. 21. 5:10, widiou-racial overtones. On Oct . 9 of 7:30,950,’weeknights; 1250 and250.weekends. last year, vandris paiaed "while supreme’' and a fwaaika symbol on te Kabuki Thaatra, 188i Post St.. San Francisco, JACL biiiidh«. The lecea inesdenr^ opens Feb. 22 cwred on the I9ih or 20lb of Jnuay. RUNNING TIME: 116 minutes Mice believe the two oimes ate unte- HELP WANTED • A imiaiid pique « the site of Mton httiuiieni Cmp new Pvker, Aiiz., is cunentiy bdq Power and art clash in Teshigahara film pUnned. Si^pon »ssludofformerinters ByMB* Bk^hanl S—— ■ _ _ * _ ' min'taearchfarah«nhit»hMi<n/man's search forabsolutebeauty. i. : events. It is as it was in Renais im tod friends. Infoanaioa: Kiyo Stto Editor ••Wkyu” is also the film that sance Italy when Machiavellian VocniCB. 9163634884. Movie review marks (he reoira of JapMese direc princes rukd at the same time men It has all the eJements ofclassic tor Hiroshi Teshigahara. best MORE MMHIART8 . Am> btt to- ambitious 16tb-ceatury JapaneK and women of arts and letten pur conflkt. Power that is extravagant. known for his oaucb acclaimed and sued noWer goals. It is as it was ■DUMod iB equity puRtuae in toiqm lord and a Buddhist priest whose ta. a oew oDoptoy oettd by Kyodo Alt diat is pure and ceremony that* laodmarii film, “Woman of tiie in 16th-century England when is ^Niitual. lea ceremony embodies the highest Dunes." made in 196S. And his 060}. of Tok)o. The creiqiies ioi»d form of art and cukuic. Henry Vm clashed with Sir » opto toypm nB-owkeis Arotyboot PMieoctt has paid off with the right Thomas More. It’s a film that unfolds the disin- It's the story of one man’s need ^ with the right touches. i^nting relaboeahip between u for iteohite power and aiwiher it’s a story that rings of historic 8MRBCYlVpae»7 >~PAaRCCngEW,ftWiy.fthniwyi,HW MtowlwMtoton • Chwo* «Mt UM OT Irani ptg> IFYOU ARE MOVING/WISH TO SUBSCRIBE Good4>ye, good luck Meetings CHI1«I for □ 1-Yrt26 □2*Yi»:$48 aS-YralTI - JACL ^y.s^oztp: • In oarerito. Foiolon; U8»t UO «nre p« yrer. Chaeks p>y*l. B: Ihlelllc CItIren, »41 E 3rd a. Lm AtsrtK, CA (0013 ES^3S=SSS2sS5H SHORT&SMALLMENSWEAR Duuds. FOi TMI MOFEtSIONAL HAN. .veniiy ( $cb t Soer Con r )i • a to •« to Oca to Baas. provkfe redress fv JjfwicK Amenctns. * ryljna.ltoA"wJDtTiHarf, Prindfn] spedxr was Donald L. lotoo fop Srto uotsigri. Ctotor M Vto tato Haya^. former actiog JACL ratianal TV reporter Sondra Gin Yep reoeivBs e g* tram JACL Sacmtienlp diiccttr. wte spoke on *1^enKnil)eir Who Chapter Prasidert kSn Smwnn si a recent meeting henortng We Are" locai media personally who is mowng on to hew dutas at a KEN& EratLosA Ftatosoo station. Chapter honored Yep jan. 26 at a speciai YoasL' 2555 STEVPC CREEK BLVD LCaOUTHEKFA sum 2*9 VAUEY FAB SH0e?^Q CENTER SA.VTAOARACA9USO SECCM) LEVEL NEAR lAACYS PH0»€ 4M'246-2in PtoK'SSiSS: Disoia Cowidl.