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MADAGASCAR-PAWN OF THE GIANTS By LOUIS-PHILIPPE DUBEL When a/te'T three 'months of preparation the British forces opened their attack on Madagascar, the colony of their erstwhile brothers-in-armlJ, we did what countless people throughout the world were doing that day: wo tool, a volumo 0/ tho 0?&01lelopodia and looked under M. In general. probablu no duller readinu can be found than thR tR7'1l1l li'1lP.8 of an encyclopedia. They are not meant for entertainment but for in/ormation. Tile greater is one's surprise to find under MADAGASCAR a legend of intrigue and romance, rise amt fall Of tribes and king8, and foreign plotting8. We hav8 asked our author to revive the past of Madagascar at a moment when it i.s Vd88i71D th7'ouoh itll D7'eatRllt r.7';.Jl1.R.-K.M. o ALL intents and pur European power behind the other, poses, Madagascar, ceding a move above the table and shaped like a. geo. trying to get it with LL knife graphical battleship beneath. ~""~~IP-and lying 230 miles off the southeast A TUMULTUOUS STORY coast of Africa. has been a pawn in the chess game of Money and treachery and whispers Europe's gitmts ever since that August in a king's ear all have their place day 442 years ago when a Portuguese here, as well as a certain amount captain named Diego Diaz, blown off his of hCl·oil5n1. Fidelity and h-eal5on and grandeur mix with equal portions of course to India, discovered it. It is LL big pawn, larger even than France, 980 avarice and gratitude, barbarism and miles long and 360 miles across at its cupidity, to give us a tumultuous story greatest breadth, and embracing 240,000 of energy and, though sometimes mis directed, crusade spirit- if anyone square miles: but it is a pawn never dared to write it. It is not inconsistent theless. It is a pawn in the game with Madagascar's past that events of where natives are only rooks, and a tribal ruler is a knight if he is the last few weeks have again thrown important enough; when the tribal it into the temporary glare of front situation is boiled down to a fairly pages. even balance of power between two The only way to appreciate the leading factions, one European nation Madagascar picture as it now presents gets behind one of them and another itself is to get a long way off and look 416 THE XXth CENTURY at it objectively. France has paid through narrow openings in coral reefs. heavily for this colony. Disease and Behind a. coral belt, which nature swamps and climate have attacked seemed to have designed to keep the natives as well as white men, and have world out, lay Madagascar. cost France more in men and money Natives fished in dug-out log canoes than the military conquest. on gray rivers so alive with fish they Madagascar has become truly French, did not use a line. They knocked but unfortunately that does not change bits of wood against the bottom of the the fact that IvL'ldagascar is an island canoe, and agitated fish jumped from so situated as to make it a help or a the water. Those that fell in the hindrance to Britain's trade with her canoe were their catch. colonicI' and the &15t. IL~ seizure today under the pretext of war neces FRUITLESS EFFORTS sity may presage other movements Local tribes under ambitious chiefs wherever Fr~nclJ oovereignty bas been were usually waging war among them R stumbling block to Britnin. selves with little immediate result other than to keep them under orms, AL~IGATORS AND DUG-OUTS ready to nnit,p :tg~inst the pea(!e.making The best w~y to get to the bottom intruder. of present event.; i~ to go hack to the Firat the Portuguese tried to isllmd which Marco Polo called "Mlldei coloniLe t.he i~land, t.hen the Dutch. R'ascar" lU1I'l Diego niaz discovered in During the reign of Charles I, the 1500. Tt was a large island, Africa's British attempted agricultural devdop biggest, discovered on the fenst dny ment, but 80011 gave it up. They were of St. Lawrence and hence known ~s succeeded by the French, who founded St. Lawrence Island for a hundred a port and named it after their yennl t.!1t:rcll!Lt:l-. A Ivw, level shore Dauphin. What souvenirs come back line encircled it, with few natural to a Frenchman when he sees Fort ho.rboro onve iu the purLiuu. lJaupnm today, or Port Dauphin, as it In the interior, a rough central plateau was often called, as it was practically with n tompernto dimnte, ~uLLcu wiLh wlthout tortlOcatloDB. Memories of ravines and mountainous gullies, rose hopes and sacrifices, maladies and pri to oyer 0,000 feet Abov" /!lea It:vel. vations and the sutferings of exile, Most famed of its peaks is Tsi-afa not only of men but of wives and javona, "t1lat Which the mists cannot daughters and mothers who came here climb." from France through t.he centurielS amI to whom France owes Madallasear! The lowlands were wowed, well Fort Dauphin is now the most Euro watered. and fertile. but sultry. Malaria pean city and the 8out.hernm08t on the infested them and swamps dotted them. island. The months between November and April were hot and rainy, subject to NATIVE CONQUERORS thunder and hail, and at regular intervals a typhoon-sIze hurricane would Old records and songs and legends arrive. There wcus DO snow in Mada hnndcd down in the Antaimoro tribal gascar. language, but in beautiful polished Arabic script, have preserved the Alligators abounded in its waters history of Madagascar better than the along the coast of the Mozambique spoken records we have had to content Channel. Dawn broke over rivers and ourselves with in the study of Pacific valleys that were cloaked with a thick islands. According to these, the partial gray mist, and as the mist lifted a conquest of Madagascar by the Saka world of birds came to life, like lava in the seventeenth century marks enchantment leaving a sleeping wood. the first great tribal ascendancy on \ aves rushed with tremendous force the island. Lake Itasy. spreading like 11 limpid jewel among J\'ladaga~eal"s m:>untains. There ure JIlUlIj- such luke" j 11 the h ighlutld:J IUaliagascar, Afrlca"s Largest Island Typi~al old native storehouse , \ \ Radama I, J',]adagas!:ar's greatest king. Ranavalona lIT, the island's last reigning Though his uniform W:1S French, he managed queen, under the starbedecked crown of the to checkl1wte France fn'llI 1810 to ]gZX Hova,;. She died in exile in 1917 Rulers of Madagascar Rasoherina. Queen of the JJovus from 1,~63 Rainilaiarivony. brilliant Prime Minister who to 1868 aft"r hpr husband Radama II had remained in power by marrying three queens been strangled in his pala!:e in succes!1ion I •i \",t,(?} .\ ~ -It . '-1-'"" ..., '. MADAGASCAR-PAWN OF THE GIANTS 419 Then the Hova tribe, in the central idate Hova authority, outmaneuver province of Imerina, rose under their the French, and still leave a loophole king Andrianimpaira to challenge the for Britain until Radama died and the Sakalava; and before the Hovas fell, Princess Ranavalona mounted the removed by the French in 1895, they throne. had conquered the entire northern and central provinces. The West was nom The story of Madagascar under inally under their authority and only Ranavalona has striking parallels else the Southwest was free. where in history, when the death of a native ruler too much under foreign The word "conquered" has an abrupt influence is followed by a wave of way of covering and ending the sagas anti-foreignism. Missions were closed, and songs and civilizations of a people. native Christians killed, property con To look between the lines that precede fiscated, and foreigners so badly treated the word "conquered" would take in general that in 1846 the French us through battles as numerous and British together bombarded Ta and, to the mstave in re Madagasy, prisal. as important as the Napo QUEENS leonic wars. TAKEOVER The mad A romantic king Radama ruler known II.nextinsuc as Radama I ~ cession, was ascended the killed in his throne of the palace in 1861 Hovas in (rumor had 1810, and it, through throughou t a weakness thenexteight- ;0 for European een years his mistresses) tall figure, and was suc head in air ceeded by his and swinging ambitious asaber,threw wife, who a dashing proceeded to shadowacross draw up trea Madagascar's ties with history. France, Brit- ain, and the United States during her A BRITISH ADVISER five-year reign. He had the stride of a conqueror and, unfortunately for the sake of Gradually a Madagasy nation was legend, his overstrong personality has forming. Consulates and embassies and drowned out the story of the connivings recognition abroad were the ultimate of the British adviser attached to him, goal of the Hovas, but they bad for a man named Hastie, who was the gotten the chess game of the giants. Lawrence of his time. Following a Up on the northeast coast, France policy used by Britain at a later date was protecting a king of the in handling sheiks and princes else Sakalava. True, France had a treaty where, intrigue flourished at the court with the Hovas, but this did not of Radarna. Hastie had the king's stipulate the recognition of the Hovas ear and, in consideration of various as rulers of all the island.