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ANOTHER HORROR. FARMERS' CIAJB, AMERICAS time they have paid too much attention, to NORWALK GAZETTE, REAL ESTATE. RETURN TO NORWALK. The Horse's Prayer. MUSIC. HE subscriber, having returned to Norwalk, DRUG INSTITUTE. the trotting of a lot of worthless geldings, BUKJAXO OF AN IMMENSE HOTEL—GREAf PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY M33*1*6, Dan-f —Six Rooms, Pantry, Closets, T bought out.the Blacksmitliing business at the FELIX GNIEB, M. D., PERLEY LL. GLINES Going up hill,, whip me not-; ? ? In the dim and distant ages, which for any real use were not worth their • *-» ncill. ctc.,iiluasantly situated,and con­ old established stand known as "Lamb'B Shop," This paper was read before jBplub, April shoes. Instead of risking so much money on "I.OS3 or LIFE—.THRILUXQ INCIDENTS. veniently arranged for a small lamily, formerly Main Street, is now fully prepared to do Dru gists & Apothecaries Coming down bill, hurry me not; - ' The philosophers and sage3 nccupiod bv T. T flames before the entire building had been de­ EDWIN C.. LLOYD. «LlNhS,-nn experienced Pharmacist With his Though the harmonies they stirred stallion—possessing bone and substance, with knowledge ot Chemistry, and care in ihe prepara­ With sponge and water, neglect me not; Many thanks for your invitation to prepare stroyed. The hotel was full of guests, and A. H. JBYINCrTON & CO. good trotting if a trotter—a horse w th tion ol .Medicines, generally, we teel confidant all Of soft, dry bed, deprive me not.' Must by mortals be unheard. a paper on the "Horse Question" as embraced- the building burned so quickly that there was ~ To Rent. | those who favor as with their orders will be well intelligence, that would at once win the eye, great loss of life. The first estimate was 250 A. II. BYINGTOHT, J. B. Ei&s,E&s, G. N. ELI.9. 18 7 7. pleased. under the general litads. Different breeds, < So some lives that silent seem ; and if necessary pass the inspection by a Ger­ but later dispatches place the loss at about Tired or hot, wash me not; '-• - crossing breeds to produce particular results ; 'I FARMERS ASD HORSEMEN As the shadows in a dream, man or Russian Government inspector. Any 50, although the number is not definitely as­ A Coal Yard in Complete Order BUY YOUR Should know tlia.t we keep a full suppiy of Veteri­ If sick or cold, chill me not; Subscription $2.00 per ye»r, in advance. May be sweetly sounding keys ' or qualities, thoroughbreds, fancy strains,and association adopting such a course, with the certained. If, under the circumstances, the . ..•*. ' > FOB BUSINESS. nary Medicines and are prepared to Ml prescrip­ With bit or reins, oh! jerk me not; the Uni­ number does not exceed 59 it may be regard­ tions for Horses and Neat Cattle, from Clater,' In celestial melodies, _ : breeding for profit-in this section of presumption that the liorse would be in the Single Copies 5 Cents. Sheds, Scales, &c. Capacity fov storing 5,000 tons Provisions, . Blaine, Delafossc. Moirond and other' celebrated And when your are angry, strike me not. ted States. I am afraid that what knowledge ed as fortunate. The stores in the vicinity Apply afc the ollicc cf THE A. E.SMITH'S SONS' authorities. Though the music in their tone • hands of an honest, capable man, devoted to were filled with the dead and wounded. POTTEJtYOO. lml3 Reach the ear of God alone: I posscss.on the subjects named is so meagre his business, would in a few years introduce The fire was discovered at 1:25, but before Groceries, Our stock, among othen*articles, comprise the So long as cheap work is what people de­ as to make it scarcely worthy your time or * Aclvcrtising llates : • choicest Perfumes,Soaps, Colognes andflair Oils, H. B. G. in the WatcJuiian. a,new source of wealth to their members, the fire engines arrived the entire upper sto­ To Rent. also Lrushes, Combs, Chamois Skins, Sponges, mand, there is no use in grumbling when the attention, but what I have is at your com­ ries were in flames. At 5 o'clock the scenes Four lines 01 less, 1insertion Se cts.; 8 times SI 00 Horocstcad formerly llie residence of Pure Glycerine,Bird Seed, Fancy Articles,Patent instead of their mares, as is now often the rpHE Poultry, Medicines, Cigars, etc., etc. 1 cheap products fail us. Whether it be dams, mand. Of the first four points under the in the immediate vicinity were indescribable. One Square, one insertion, - - - - - 1 00 I Ucorgo_. w. i'lalt,... .Esq., on lthoton Hill* within case, dropping worthless colts and fillies, The excitement was intense. The windown - DO ten minutes walk of depot South Norwalk* Conn. Also Choice Liquorar Wines, Ale and Porter for or sewers or houses that fall; or food that lrems crowded ^ut last week. general head I really know nothing, except Per week, for continuance, - - - - Nice Country Home, containing 17 Kooms, Bath Medicinal purposes. possessing neither shape nor strength, and in the upper stories were crowded with, men One Square, Six Months, ------7 oo room «&cj, all in good order. i?arm House, Hot CROCKERY AID GLASS WARE makes us-sick; or bridges that break; or boats that I believe the American trotting horse to and women whom it was impossible to save. At the close of the funeral exercises of Mr. often inheriting diseases rendering them at " " one year—with paper - 15 oo that go to pieces, it is all the same. To get the be one of the most useful animals known, A few were rescued by ladders placid on the - 2f> 00 Frnite, Nuts, etc. St. John last week, Dr. Mead remarked to a five years old onl£ fit to drag out a miserable Fourth street portico, but on the other three Two " " " " . proper thing a proper compensation must be not Exactly in the light of ai racing-machine, Three" " " " J •- • 30 00 summer, or for the year. Possession immediate­ Family Groceries clerical brother. I hat he had now been a pas­ existence in a brick yard. Such an association sides the longest ladders fell far short of the - D Oo ly. For terms, apply to FIS given. Good engineers who charge fitly ^or but as a useful domestic animal, one capable Quarter of a Column, one time, - - (Fresh, Salted and Canned.) CHEAP FOR CASH ! tor in Norwalk forty years, and had during would accomplish at least one object for upper windows. Peter Blow, son of a form­ - 50 00 GBtlltUE M. iloI.MES, or E. P. V»EED, their labor, and who do-solid work, are de­ of being used for every purpose known, ii^ er minister-to Brazil, was.sleeping on the 6th One quarter column, one year, - - StlS Norwalk. Conn. The undersigned having purchased llie slock oi that time attended at the burrial of over two which" it was organized. Not only would One hull Column, one time, - - - . 10 00 rided by the ignorant and left often idle to sit pleasure or in business. It is a breed capable floor, and succeeded, after strenuous exer­ goods lormerly owned .by llie Sovcrigns of Indus­ thousand persons. What a solemn comment­ the members of the association benefit by the tions, in escaping with his life and a broken One half Column, one yehr, - ? - 80 00 To Rent. (Opened or in the Shell.) try, and lilted up the store with an entirely new by and watch the work of their inferiors of an immense amount of work of. a certain Pull Column, one time, - - - - - 20 00 stock of tioods, is now offering to the public aB ary upon man's mortality. j services of their stallion, but new interests arm. The building was six stories in height, small cottage S rooms opposite residence of good an assortment ol' crumble away. There is no- fun in this for Full Column, rfne year, -. - -. - - 15000 CIaAMS,C^C kind, especially light draught work; that would spring up in the vicinity. Every and Mr. Blow thinks the majority of inmates A J.PANTON, Esq., Broad Kiver. Large gar them, but there is profound mortification in when "hitched" to a country wagon or carry­ of th6 two upper stories perished. den and plot of ground wit'h it. Rent low. ' ALSO CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, The demand for the Ferry Memorials last breeder would naturally endeavor to show One inch space constitutes a square. 12. Apply 5 JIOBICRT ELLS. it for the country at large. • It verges'on the all will jog along fast enough for all practical The fire originated in the store room in the Vegetables o^tfl Kinds, Provisions, Flour, Teas, Sugar, Spices, Ac., at llie week was very large, and the supply has the best stock, and in course of time "horse basement, and was first seen coming through Special Notices M percent, advanec onthe "very lowest market pricesi'or cash- Goods deliv­ criminal to trust our power, both water and purposes, while, as a whole, ninety out of a To Rent* (Freeh and ^peiI I ered anywhere about town iree of charge. Call become exhausted. While in Washington fairs" would become one of our most inter­ the ground floor near the office^ • In ten min­ above. ** ' and try us, it will hie for your advantage. steam, and our whole domestic safety by rea­ hundred can be driven from one end of Man- esting spring and autumn holidays. Buyers utes it had ascended the elevators and rotun­ OUSE corner of Elm Street and Franklin son of our sewers, to any but thoroughly our senior by special effort succeeded in da, and spread itself over the sixth floor un­ Local Notices in Reading Columns," 25 H Avenue; south side-of Elm Street. Possess­ Canned Frviits, GEORGE CARTER, hatten Island to another by any man or wo­ would be attracted to the neighborhoods that ion givenlmmediately. Ground lloor$13 a month. competent persons. This is done, however, securing a large number • in - addition to the man with average intelligence. The improve­ der the roof. This floor was occupied by the Ceata pdr line. : '• The place has the Borough water and a fine well, BREAD, PIES, CAKES, &C., &C. Lynes' Block, Water Street, opposite Railroad excelled i^tny special breeds. So.ne coun­ employees of the hotel, the largest part of lltt' • EBENEZER 1IILL,. Elm Street. Crossing. . 11 everywhere, and the natural results are comparatively small quantity furnished to ment of this class of horses is worthy the Yearly advertisers rcstriete't&to the business AT our State Congressmen, and they have been ties would Mcel in carriage horses; others in whom were women. The fire spread rapidly, contemplated at the time of contract, but are per­ mourned as strange and unnatural. From the attention of farmers everywhere, not only filling every room and hall with flames and freely distributed to local families. The saddle houses. One would become famous mitted to make monthly eh inges of their adver­ To Rent. DEMMON & NEWCOMB'S, planning of great works to the execution of from the merely human point of view, but smoke, and the scene was.one of the most ART of a House,(three rooms) right in the Till Sewing Machines Repai ed. eagerness with which they are sought after „for its chestnuts; another for bays, blacks or tisements. lage. Kent S1U per month. Possession given their details, the penny-saving, policy—the because it must eventually be the sourq$ of terrible description. Frantic women and P 53 & 55 Man St., Norwalk. All .kinds of Sewing Machines by men of all parties shows in what esteem grays, as Lincolnshire in England is famous children ran throusrh the halls, shrieking in Marriages and deaths Inserted gratuitously. immediately. Enquire at Jhis ofllce. Repaired and put in petlect run- most costly in the end—has become the char­ great revenue to this country. 1 . for its roans. the most heartrending manner, in their wild Obituary or"Funeral Notices 15 cts. per line. ing order. Every machine guar­ acteristic one. "Economists" cry extrava­ the late Senator was universally held by his Therefore the fifth point of youf invitation, anteed to run as g-jod as new. Or­ A few words more OH the subject of stal­ and desperate efforts to escape. The smoke All unusual cuts and devices 25 per cent, extra To Rent CJieap. ders left at S. lv. Stanley's News gance at the mention of expensive methods, fellow citizens. •'breeding for profit," is a subject which I was so dense in some of yie halls that the gas CHAS T. LEONARD & SON .Office, or sent to me by mail will lions. Farmers and breeders cannot be too WO BRICK HOUSES and ^Tenement of eight DEALERIN receive prompt attention.' but cheapness and sham bring their own con- -tliink every farmer in the /United States jets were extinguished, which rendered egress T rooms, on High Street. Also Brick Store on You can't teach our frieild Captain Shum- particular to what they breed their common­ even to those familiar with the building a easterly side of Alain Street.. Enquire of • J. Grnmao, Jr. eequences-r-Hartford Courant. sliojuld give most^caeeful and thoughtful at­ ALEX, SS. GIBSON, 3mll • way of the Litchfield Enquirer, apything est mares. Cheap seryice by some big, peri­ matter of difficulty. The fire department was 10 N. WOOD, 3i Main Street. O O A Ij , tention j more especially that class owning or on the spot promptly, and hundreds of people Organist of the First Congregational.Church. about target shooting. At the officers meet­ patetic, soft-looking brute, with a pedigree A fool-traveler in Alabama writes to the workipg a farm. for which; I* required the congregated at the scene ready and willing to . Teacher of the WOOD AND BRIGI, ing in Bridgeport, Friday last, twenty-three that is said to run back for a century or two, To Rent. Pianos for Sale. New York Times, that in the Black Belt, im- labor of four,, six or .eight horses, half of render any aid possible. The density of the Ptan'o-Forte, Organ and .Hnqical officers practiced at the target, and Shumway should be especially avoided. In fact, it smoke in the halls drove many guests back IIOUSEupon the top of the'hill above Bene­ N'thRiverBlue Stone,Lime, Cement provedr lands can be bought on time or for which should be mares. In the little travel I Composition. Adict's Hat shop. V^iil be rented to one or two ALSO One New Weber and One New led the left flank, 'making 4 out of a possible should be made a criminal offense for any into their rooms, and they rushed to the win­ gOod tenants at a low figure. E. J. HILL. Chickering Pianos, cash, at from $2.50 to $10 an acre, but the have had during the. last few years, I have dows as a means of cscape. Ladders were Box 379 P. O., NORWALK, CONN. CEMENT PIPE FOR SEWERS, WELLS ARB 25. His familiarity with the "shooting man to "tramp" through the country with a titles are complicated with tax sales. Land noticed that very many farmers possess fine- raised as soon as possible, and many women CHIMNEYS, AKEN in pxchange lor other property, will be stick" perhaps gave him an unfair advantage stallion claiming a pedigree which is plainly and children with nothing but their night To Rent. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. T sold at a great sacrifice. For particulars can be rented at from $1 to $3 an acre. looking, big-bodied mares, many perhaps a J. Belden tkirlbutt, . address immediately or enquire of over his competitors. Capls. Lever of Stam­ false. But what would be better, in my esti­ clothes on were thus taken from the burning The pleasant residence of the subscriber with Water St.. Norwak. Conn 11 GEO. R. CHOLWELL, High Street.. Living is much cheaper than at the ^North; a trifle coarse to critical eyes, but not one of building. Some fainted from fright and otn- barn and choice friyt,corner'of Me r win and Aca­ ford, and Mead of Greenwich crowded him mation, is that the several State governments demy Sts. Possession given about April 15. garden, with a little care, supplies abundance uncomfortably close. Cupt. Kingman cap­ which could not, with a little care and judg­ ers sank exhausted to the ground from ner­ 9tf Apply to THOMAS G. OSBORN. for the table. The houses are generally of should take the subject in hand. No stallion vous prostration. A fire escape was the tured the other flank, scoring 22. ment, be made to produce a good percentage Attorney anil Coisellor at Law, CARRIAGE MAKERS. one story- and unattractive; some are large on the capital invested in her without any should be publicy advertised without 'first means of saving many lives. OUSES AND ROOMS TO LET, VT. W. CLARE, •having been duly examined by a competent While this work was going on some fright­ poora No. 4, [np •talrs,] - H H. FITCH, 51 Main Street. and airy, and some are merely frame build­ The Norwich Bulletin, Meriden Recorder great loss of time as far as usefulnesss is con­ ful scenes occurred. "One man who had been MULLiNGS STILLY, ings of two or four rooms. Few or no clos­ veterinary surgeon, and if any pedigree is » ' CAZET'fE BPIIBIXC. and Middletown Constitution have all re­ cerned. occupying a window on the Walnut street STORE TO RENT. Practical House aal Sip Painter. ets exist; the rooms are large and high, and • The natural tendency of the wealthy classes claimed it must be vouched for by proper side, became desperate at the seeming delay Succcsaoi s to S. P.TUTTLB, ' GRAINING, MARBLING, GILDING, KAtSO- cently "come out" in new type, and the Dan. proof, the evidence of which shall be duly in effecting his escape, and tore the sheets EMILY V.D.PARpEEjM.D., M1N1NG. Plain and Dccorative PAPER. remarkably bare when unadorned. Fire­ bury Neves is preparing to do so. Sorry they of our large cities since the war has been for from his bed into strips and tied them togeth­ THE VERY DESIRABLE STORE MARSHAL STREET, SOUTH NOR WALK HANGING. FURNITURE Re- places are common, and piazzas are generally show and display in horses and equipages. set forth in the license that those controlling {Graduate of N. Y. Medical College foi Women, painted and Varnished." "•(!. were compelled to "show evidence of pros­ er. Fastening this improvised rope to the • Cor. MAIN it MARSHALL STREETS, Corner Wall and Wa.ter §treets, 41 MAIN STR-EET, -(3m9)- NORWALK. broad and inviting. A. fence, or the remains The light skeleton wagon is rapidly giving the stallion shall be compelled to exhibit. No window sill, and disregarding the fact that it Would respectfully inform the citizens of Nor­ perity" and renew in these hard times, but horse should be licensed for such public ser­ SOPXH NOSIVALK, CONN. Norwalk, now occupied by I). S. Curtis. Enquire walk and vicinity that they are prepared to of one as a suggestion, surrounds. an acre or - way to the heavy phaetons and dog-carts for did not "reach"more than twenty feet he let omce Hourfl, until9 a. m., andtrqm 3 p. m.j»At- Notice. then they probably bought to better advan­ himself down, hand over hand. The men be­ of JOSEPH I. LYNES. two containing a few fruit trees, commonly gentlemen, and to stylish carriages and vice that does fiot come up to a standard to tention to all classes of diseasesincidont to a%en- Build Carriages and Wagons EING desirous of changing my business, I will tage than possible to do when type is in bet­ be prescribed by a State agricultural board. low who saw his position turned away their eral practice of medicine and surgery. Fam­ B sell at a bargain my house, containing 12 peaches, pears, figs, some grape-vines, and coupes for ladies. Already we have a four- heads to avoid witnessing the sickening event ilies supplied with Homajopathicremedies. To Rent. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. rooms, situated in West Main Street, Ndrwalk, ter demand Of course the care must not be all on the part References by permissionS. Lilerith'al, M. D., within two minutes'walk ol the Bridge. Also plums; and rosebushes, jessamines, ivy, and in-hand clul), one member of which followed that was inevitable. Finally he reached the Particular attention paid to REPAIRING in al of* the liorse—the mare at least should be Prof, of Theoryand .Practice, N.Y. city; Clemence rnHE STORE now occupied by Selleck Brothers, my business at Cannon's Station. There is a Post other ornamental plants live through their Two young ladies were dreadfully frighten­ the English style of driving a public route, end of the sheet, and then for the first time Lozter, M. D. Dean of College, N. Y.: Alfred K. J. from April 1st. Also a house on Main Street, branches of the trade.. Oflicc and Railroad Station connected with the healthy, of good size, and properly taken he seemed to realize his position. He stop­ Hills, M. D.,Prof. Materia Medica. 3m23 near the resilience of E. Quintard. One SECOND-HAND ROCKAWAY, and one business. Inquiry may be made of me for terms neglect in token of what was and what might ed on Thursday last, up Main street, by a nearly the whole summer season, with a fair 5tt E. QUINTARD. NO TOP BOGGY, for sale. Iy2 at Cannon's Station, of 3AS. MITCHELL, Nor­ care of at all times. ped, thiew his head back, revealing a ghastly EYE AND EAR.—W. R. OAKES, M. D., be. No farm buildings, as barn, stable or bare-headed crazy man running after them. promise that he will do the same this summer, walk. I hereby forbid allpcrsonstrustinganyone Personally, I would even go further in the face, and swung slowly to and fro, swayed by Occulistand Aurist, has his Ofllce corner on my account, as I will pay ho debt contracted tool-house, will- be found-f but plenty of Such a character certainly ought not to be with more Or less opposition from others the breeze which the roaring flames above Wall and Water Sts., where he'may be To Rent. Are you going to Faint? by anyone but myself, unless I give a written matter of horse-breeding, and would like to found every day from 9 o'clock, a. m., to order. JOHN W.UENOUD. cabins for. negroes will be on the place. permitted to roam our streets, as the most anxious to §Jiine in the same sphere. Now, created. His limbs swung around convuls­ 9 o'clock, p. m , for-free consultation. Besides HE elegant residence known as the "Dimon USE see the establishment in large agricultural ively a3 though to catch upon something, then Cannon's Station, March 15th, 1817. 3ml2 Wood is abundant, for either fencing or fuel. serious consequences might result from the while these may be luxuries that .our forefath­ the eye and ear, the doctor treat's successfully all T Place,'' pleasantly located on West Avenue AVERILL'S districts of National or State stud farms sim­ he let go, and groans went up from hundreds sorotulous and catharrhal diseases of the lungs, one of the most desirable places in the Borough of Lumber, at from $10 to $12, is to be had at fright he might cause, however harmless he ers would scarcely think conducive to a as he whirled round and round, and finally windpipe and throat, some of which are often pre­ Norwalk, is utfered to rent on moderate terms. A CARD. ilar in character to the imperial haras of disposing causes of blindness and deafness. Gall Also, a large Carpenter Shop, located on Arch I would remind mjr friends and patrons that I neighboring mills. Stock will live all the may be in conduct. In this case, the terror republican form of government, it is a state struck on the stone flagging with a sickening Street, on the Bonton property. Will be rented Germany, Austria (Hungary) and Russia, be­ anil seethe statistics of cases, testimonials, &c., CHEMICAL PAINT! am still in business, doing Millinery and Children's year, on the native grasses in summer, and of the ladies was only redeemed by the com­ of affairs that every farmer possessing the thud. He was carried to a saloon across the at the office as above. Charges for scientific ex­ very low. For full particulars enqure of Dressmaking, and Stamping, and shall'continue lieving that with proper economy and thrift street and died in a few moments. Two other amination ami treatment always moderate. No 6tf JAMES FINNEY,Real estate Agent. THE BEST IN THE MARKET. the same until further notice. the cane-brakes in winter. Labor is abund­ ical denoument. One had run one way and means should assist all in his power, for it not charge for consultation. Call for a circular. 46 MRS. U. L.McLEAN. all money invested would pay amply in the men jumped from a fourth-story window, one Itisraorebeautilul,morednrable,lowerin price, ant at from $10 to $12 per month, without •the other in an opposite direction and disap­ only means horseflesh, but it means an in­ of whom seemj not to be dangerously injured is all ready for use, does not wash by rain, best Norwalk, Nov. 13th, 1876. long run. Of course, under our present po­ For Sale. wood preserver, is water and lire prool, and is the board. Mules cost this year' $100; cows, of peared, so that for a long time, they were un­ creased demand for hay, oats, corn and other while the other expired in a few moments. A CIIAllLES W. MANY, best for general uses, either for wood, iron or litical system, such an idea is Utopian, but it woman in a fifth-story window on the Fifth A COTTAGE FOR A SINGLE FAMILY, new, brick buildings, anyol' the tin rsl residences in reasonably good breeds, $40; sheep, com­ able to find each other again. products of the earth. . $ convenient, well located an lino's, foot of support to an industry that can be made so C. B. COOLIDGE, rooms, with pantry, closets water, gas, &c., lot Danbury depot is especially muddy on all will continue to exist to the end of time is sill, safely descended by it, A "tnan named about 80x200 lect, with choice variety ot fruit. Washington Street, SOUTH NORWALK. petted them; they have been taught to de­ productive. J. E. Wilson jumped from a fourth story DENTIST.Possession given immediately. For terms and EXTREMELY LOW PEI0ES, spise labor, and depend upon others for a such occasions, and our authorities ought to nearly as certain. Consequently it behooves further particulars enquire ot window and was killed. Andrew Ensman ,r Successor to AT provide some means of having that one, if no D. S.BARTRAM. living, and are perfectly helpless. If misfor­ those in a position to benefit by such ideas to The new postal cards will not be issued on and Mrs. Scott met their death in the same Dr. Asa, Hill, Norwalk, April 2d, 1S77. 4tl4 13. SC. Ziookwood'a. others, kept free of deep mud. Probably a C. H. DOUGLASS, tune comes upon their friends, as it often make the most of the fashion by raising the first of May as expected. All bids were way. WALL STREET, NORWALK, dollar a month paid our lamplighters would At a quarter past two, or about three-quar­ does, their case is hopeless. The most for­ horses fit for the work, and he who excels rejected and new proposals will be advertised Office over A Desirable Furnished House to Let v accomplish such a result ters of an hour after the fire was discovered, Manufacturing Confectioner, lorn and miserable women upon earth belong will be the one to make the most money by for, and the time extended in order that suc­ the entire roof was ablaze,and the flames rap­ C. 3. Grainaii's Dry Goods Store. HE subscriber offers his House, containing 12 Keeps constantly on hand a large variety oi 13" Gas administered for extracting teeth with­ rooms, furnace, gas, Borough water. Also on to this class. It belongs to parents to protect it. When Mr. Bennett returned from Eng- cessful bidders may put in new ' machinery. idly descended to the lower stories. A half- Tpremises, qn excellent well of water,a tine garden, J. P Haoford & Son, There are about four hundred and forty hour later and the floors and interior walls be­ out pain. • r their daughters from this deplorable condi­ lai£ in 1875 he brought out with him two But two or three manufacturers can make the with asparagus and strawberry beds, apple, pears, worthless, mangy curs roaming the streets four-in-hand teams, one of roans (a very fash­ gan to fall. The roof soon fell in, and there grapes, and other fruit in abundance; large barn, Pure Confectionery tion. They do them a great wrong if they proposed double-tint cards with present fa­ is now nothing left of the hotel except the joultry house aLd yard, wash house, &cm &c. Having rented the store occupied the past year neglcct it. Every daughter should be taught . which ought to be either called • in or exter­ ionable color) and one of golden chestnuts, Possession given on short notice. For farther Always Fresh and of the Best Quality, at by Mr. (i. O. Kceler, they will open on cilities. >; Walnut street front and posts of the Fourih AT HARD TIMES PRICES, particulars enquire of to earn her own living. The rich as well as minated. After the terrible experiences of that cost him well up in the thousands. and Fifth street faces. The loss on the build CHARLES T.LEONARD. . Wholesale and Retail. the past few months in the way of hydropho­ ing and contents will be from $750,000 to For Cash — No Credit! Norwalk, Feb. 12th, 1877. 7 the poor require this training. The wheel of Hard work in New York and Newport quick­ THE STORY OF TWEED, All work excuted in the Best Manner, atniy ofilc9 • Also a superior article of bia no such risks ought to be tolerated by any ly used up the foreigners, and one or more $1,000,000. The amount of insurance is not THURSDAY EVENING, April &1h, fortune rolls swiftly round—the rich are very The narrative of the flight and wanderings yet known, but the Boston companies have Corner ot Main and Washington Streets, For Sale. likely to become poor, and the poor rich. community. Let the dog laws be thoroughly visits had to be made to Kentucky to find of William M. Tweed as given in Harper's SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. $57,000. A House and Lot, in a healthy location on ICH -CREAM, A very nice market for the sale of , Skill to labor is no disadvantage to Ihe rich, and inflexibly enforced. horses to suit Mr. Bennett's somewhat fastid­ Weekly, has all the interest of a novel. None An early dispatch stated that Kate Claxton, T. E. SWIFT, 1>. D. S, Fair Street, above Catharine. The House is of the conjectures as to the manner of his es­ ISJILnearly new, well built, conveniently arrang­ SODA WATER,with truitsyrups, and OTTAWA and is indispensible to the poor. Well-to-do ious taste. Having set, as it were, the fash­ the actress, and who was oue of the survivors ed, and will make a comfortable and pleasant BEER,drawn trom Matthews Patent Steel Foun­ "We read of a faithful missionary of the cape were so wild%s the reality. We have of the Brooklyn theater disaster, jumped J. HARVEY BETTS, tains. . parents must educate their daughters to work; ion, other gentlemen of means and-leisure had scores of improbable theories to account home for a family of average size. ThelotrunB American Sunday School Union, who has from a window, but a later dispatch states Wholesale and Retail Dealer in , back to the river. There is a well of excellent Poultry, no reform is more imperative than this. .just died in Illinois, after sixteen .years of followed Mr. Bennett's example, and I know for his mysterious evasion from the sheriff, that she had sufficient presence of mind to water on the place, and Borough water in the 'raits, Nnta, fine Imported and that nearly all the horse-breeding localities but no romancer ever thought of such an au- wet some to vei3 and" wrap them around her Street. Price low, and part of thu money can re­ faithful service in that State, in Arkansas and daucious transaction as a regular contract with main on mortgage.' A -line chance to secure a Domestic Cigars. in Indiana. During that time he has organ­ were scoured by agents and speculators to head and face and then walked and rolled GROCERIES, home. Apply at GAZETTE OFFICE. 3tl liuiii and Crime. a gang of professional robbers to receive his dogp stairs. With the exception of some Ko. 31 Main Street. ized 271 new schools, made over fifteen hun­ find suitable horses. When Mr. DeLancey body in front of his own door at a certain Fish, j: The startling fact that eighty-four thous­ dred address, and set in motion influences bruises she was not injured. . She lost her FrovlsioES, Floir, Grain, Feel, fc, For Sale or Exchange. An Elegant Ice Cream Saloon and Kestauran and three hundred and ninety-nine cases which have reached directly 100,000 persons. Kane first began his daily trip to Pelham and minute on a certain evening, and to deliver it wardrobe and effects. for Ladies andGcntlemen. .His works do follow him. His name was D. back, he found great difficulty, in obtaining in good condition at some point within the A young man named Charley Keenan per­ Wilton, Oonn. nE Large, Elegant and Pleasantly Located were brought before the police court in New jurisdiction of Spain. Yet that seems to have ished by suffocation while attempting to res­ T Divelling of the subscriber, on East Avenue; G. H. DOUGLASS, Proprietor. York city, we get from the annual report of M. Alter. horses that suited his ideas. He did not want been the method of his going away, and the J^DWARD P. WEED) House has lo rooms, with all modern improve­ Fruit, This paragraph, copied from the Congrega- cue Tl friend. Miss Frankie McLellan, a ments ; about two acres ground attached. Will the board of police justices during the last to pay fancy prices, but he wanted horses subsequent chapters of the story are quite member of the Olympic theater company, in DRtTGG-tST be sold at reasonable price or exchanged for New GEORGE WARD SELLECIi, iionalist, refers to one who, for several years, sound in every respect—not the heavy animal as lively as the introduction. He spent three Wall Street, opposite Noripalh Opera House, York City property. Apply to or address AND year. This is one .to twelve of the whole attempting to lower herself from a fourth GEO. W.-ORAM, Box 452, Norwalk, Ct. has been supported, in part, by the annual that my lady vises for fashionable calls or to months on the top of the Palisades, looking story window of the west wing,fell a distance A large and -well selected stock of Hasconetantly AND ' CEMENT PIPE FOR CHIMNEYS, DroplnandseeasinOP newstore, 7] From, the New York Tribune. The above item, from the Evening Post of the interest every man and woman has in that distinguished attorney, any longer, and Opened or in the Shell. been in the east wing of the building, only Square and Round Cement Pipe, with plain and. Vo. 9 MAIN STREET. The C orani ercial Value of Health March 30th, relates to a member of one of the raising young stock, would be such an agree­ when the only chance of saving a.few frag­ sixteen are known to be saved. The most GENTS' FURNISHING EMPORIUM. ornamental tops>, for chimneys; have a more perr ments of his estate was to get away to some feet draught, and are. cheaper and better than oldest families of Westport and Fairfield able variation ip the daily routine of life as intense excitement prevails throughout the Main Street,Norwalk, Conn. ALSO - ' A SALARIED DOCTOB. quiet spot where the lawyers could not reach city, and a deep gloom has settled on the com brick; also I would request the attention of (Greensfarms),son of the late William Henry to at once become a pleasure as well as a him. He weighed 280 pounds when he start­ D R A IJi PIPE, Jesup and grandson of Ebenezer Jesup so munity, business being utterly at a stand-still. TO THE LADIES: any persons ivlio contemplate Very few people can afford to be sick. profit. ed, and he weighed 1G0 when he landed at The best in the Market. Warranted to give satis­ The rich man may not mind the expense ; long and widely known in Fairfield county. Another feature of this breeding, interest Vigo. How much he had fallen away in Mrs. Mcliean, faction, and from 25 to 30 per cent, cheaper than building to the very desi­ ure Milk from our own Dairy. othermspeott during his connection with Mr. any other.' Manufactured and lor sale by the man in moderatecircumstances can neith­ Rev. Henry Griswold Jesup was formerly should not be overlooked, and that is the The new eras which have been dawning on North Avenue, is now ft#y prepared to execute CHAS. T. LEONARD & SON. rable stock of er afford the time nor the expense, and the FieldTOnnot be learned; but it is certain that various portions of the country, with great J. P. HANFOKD. FRANK HANFOBD. pastor of the Congregational Church of Stan- chances this country affords for being the the melancholy aridtiepleted' personage whom allordersin poor man has no right to be sick, for his ill­ energy, at the rate of ten or twelve a day, for t t ness must be prevented at. the expense of wich. • basis of supplies for European governments the sheriff received from on board the Frank­ the last year or two, have not spared Galves­ i i STAMPING Spectacles to suit all kinds ot Eves lin last November was a very different man society, lest it spread, and do .much harm. to obtain horses both for cavalry and artillery- ton ; ana the announcement is again made Now in my Yard at Norwalk. MILK. MILK. The very rich and the very poor patronize Our corset shops are greatly hindered by from the old Boss, who once faced so boldly that a-grand and glowing future has just Monogrames.Crests, Sc., Stamped to order,as AGENT FOE " the difficulty of getting whalebone or its sub­ purposes. Horses have recently been shipped well as plain stamping. Call and sue specimens. '.HI HE subscriber would announce to the citizens the doctor at ihe slightest symptoms of illness an outraged public sentiment and the minis­ opened up before that enterprising city. This I am now prepared to tarnish in llie line ot of Norwalk and South Norwalk, that he has the one can pay the doctor, the other goes to stitute, "prepared horn," which is imported from Canada to England for domestic purpo­ ters of the violated laws. He sat down in time it is by reason of' a first shipment of LAZAKftS & .UimitlVfe Tmade arrangements to have the whole product of from Germany, the art of preparing it not be­ the dispensary. The middle class man ses. They found a ready sale, and were his prison and wrote a letter to Charles O'Con- beef from Galveston, by steamer, for Eng­ ORWALK INSURANCE co., ... the dairy of Mr. SAMUKL MAUViN, of Wilton, avoids the doctor as long as possible, and ing known in this country. much admired; and no longer ago than last or in which it must be confessed the.*e is a land, via New York. The Galveston News N NORWALK, CONN. CELEBRATED PERFECTED . one of the neatest, cleanest and best daily in New touch of pathos. He had done with lawyers. SHINGLES, England, and he is now prepared to furnish PITRK permits harmless attacks of illness to grow And to think that our clerical friend Bacon autumn, that distinguished young statesman intimates that it is nonsense to think of send­ Charter Capital - $500,000 MILK to those who may desire for the low price to formidable disease, and often only calls of the Derby Transcript should let out the " I am an old man," said he, " greatly brok- ing cattle overland to New York, and con­ Paid up Capital - 100,000 of SIX CENTS l'EK QUART, until September 1. and turfite, Lord Rosebury, said in my pres " en in health, cast down in spirit, and can SPECTACLES & EYEGLASSES. —BOTH— No better Milk can be had in any market, orders help when it is too late. verting them into lean, blue beef here, when WM. C. SKKEET, Pres., GEO R. Cowr.ES.Scc'y. In every thousand men and women there secret that the ladies of his town have had to ence that he thought the domestic horses of " no longer bear my burden." He offered people will get it'at Galveston 'fresh, fat, Also, a large assormentot'CrJSXUISfe FAltA respectfully solicited. My Milk Wagon will run BOLD or PEBBLE SPECTACLES the only kind SHAYED PINE and CEDAR, through the principal streets ot the town every is always a certain number, say twenty-five shield their waists with horns, all around ? the United States were among the best that an unconditional surrender of all that he had healthy, and-luscious, as if it had just stop­ ever yet produced that do not tire the eye, that morning. (J KO. W. JENN1NUS. who are sick. This sick-rtte being known, left, and promised to give Mr. O'Conor what­ 7|7T:\'A INSURANCE Co. of HAItTFOBD. Wilton, Conn , April 2<1, 1H77. 3! 14 he had ever seen, and he thought eventually ped from cropping the rich and. nutritious gives a clear and distinct vision,and makes weak it is easy to reckon the commercial value of Presentation of a Sword to one of ever information he needed to continue the grasses of our unrivalled pastures.' The ZIli Incorporated 1S12. Charter Perpetual. eyes strong. Warranted for live years without And of.Sawe# Shingles there would be a great demand for them. purification of the public services "Nothing oflense. S'pcctal attention given to fitting near health, and from this it is possible to estimate the President's Suit. Mews foresees a concentration of the beef Capital and Assets, $3)052,880.19 sighted people. A large assortment ol the money cost of keeping it. This must be taken in connection with the could better illustrate the.change in Tweed's trade at Galveston, and remarks that 'the ter­ Insures against lo.-s and damage by Fire,on terms CHURN WALIIIXGTO-N, April 5.—Major C. C. Snif- Suppose a thousand men and women in one fact that he was one of the original movers condition of mind than this proposal to reveal rible horns and hoofs of the dreaded Texan adoptuil to Uiehazard andcousistentwith the laws OPERA and FIELD GLASSES The S. K. & Co., neighborhood paid each ten cents a week to fen, so well known and highly esteemed by the sacrcts he had. guarded so stubbornly and steer will np longer furnish the Northern lo­ ot compensation. COWLES & MERRILL, Milk Pans, Milk Pails, all who have had occasion to visit the Presi­ for the investigations to the deterioration of Sole Agents for Norwalk and vicinity. AT a fund. In a year they would collect $5,200. so long. ' | cal, famishing for an item, with food for the Suppose they paid $4,000 to a good physician dent's house, was this evening made the re­ horses in Great Britain, and wrote the report same.' The prospect, in fact, is altogether Weed's Jewelry Store, Butter Bowls, But­ cipient of an elegant sword, presented by his THEODORE E. SMITH, for bis services, on demand, for a year. made|o the House of Lords on the subject. The Bridgeport Standard says: "Dr. Clia3. of the most dazzling and elaborate descrip­ UNDER THE OPERA HOUSE. The Curtis & Co., Would it not be a cheap bargain for them associates at the Executive Mansion. The P. Uhle, of Norwalk, who has been for sev­ tion. presentation was made by Col. William H. I know him to be an admirer of the products DEALER IS ter Ladles,&c., and a good thing for him ? A good mcdical and industries of the United States, and that eral years the bright and interesting corres­ And other Brands. Also, man could easily undertake to maintain a Crook, the disbursing clerk, who was replied pondent of the Standard, is compelled by AT to by Major Snillcn, both speeches being in the country has in him a'friend who will not The treasury department believes that the thousand people in good health, as far as na­ his health to. leave for the west, going to HARDWARE, ture would permit, for -this sum, and he the happiest vein. The affair took place at hesitate a moment to call the Government's Colorado. Dr. Uhle is one of the best news­ entire amount of the four and one half per H0T0GRAPHY Sawed Spruce. E. K. LOCKWOOD'S. the Major's residence, and the affair was de­ cent, loan will be taken before the meeting of would still have $1,200 left to pay for the attention on the markets of the United Sfates paper correspondents we have ever met, and Cutlery collecting. He could hardly be_ expected to void of anything of formality, being credit­ is authorized to act in that capacity for us congress in December. One hundred and Also a Large and Thoroughly Seasoned Lot oi Soft able alike to the donors and the recipient. should England ever need horse-flesh for her thirty millions of the amount have already call each week for the dimes, arid a collector wherever liis wandering footsteps may lead ;AND.'•• ERPETUATES For Sale. would be Major Sniffen is a resident of Long Hill, cavalry, artillery or transportation corps. been placed, about half of which is subscrib­ P needed. This would only • amount him, and our readers will be fortunate if his nit to $5.20 a year for each patient nnd- would That the continental governments may event­ ed to in Europe, leaving seventy millions to Agricultural Implements. Bay Horse, six jears ol»', «minC " V" :;tSi .V-W •

Dr. Sclienck's Standard Ueraedles. ©till Fellows' Dedication. Mitchell says the beef market is tough. CITY NEWS. : The Business Revival. The standard remedies for all diseases of the ft-4 ;? 7'4 Gold is looking up again. It reached 106; LViTite Peter L. Gigue, Norwalk Gazette. In nothing is the sure prosperity in business Wednesday Evening will be big with inter­ BY OUB LOCAL BEPOBTKRS. lungs are SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP, showing itself so plainly as the rapidly grow­ est for every friend of the Odd Fellows. on Saturday. SCHENCK'S SEA WEED TONIC, and ScniNCK's Their new and gorgeous hall in the Centennial Our saloons will soon drop oysters and put Bev. Mr. Diossey, chaplain «f the 28th MANDRAKE FILLS, and if taken before the lungi ing increase of our exports. Our ocean Regiment Connecticut Volunteers during the are destroyed, a speedy cure is effcctcd. FLORIST, ^Tuesday, April 17tli,1877. in ice cream. • „V?-, '-•> : ^ steamers now leave our shores heavily laden Building is to be then dedicated asannounced late war, was in the city on Thursday last, To these three medicines Dr. J. II. Schenck, of with American products, instead, as was the by us last week. The admissions will be by Get ready for the steamboat and excursion and called upon some of hid companions of Philadelphia, owes his unrivalled success in the Union Avenue, North of Xoriculk Cemetery, Higli School Town Meeting. case till within a few months past, going over card only and the ladies will have to coax trips'to Gotham. Co. G. Many reminisences of the war, and treatment of pulmonary diseases. DEALER IN each Odd Fellow to make himself even by New York restaurants are advertising especially of Port Hudson (which place he The Pulmonic Syrup ripens the morbid matter A town meeting of more than ordinary im- light and returning freighted with our pur­ has visited) were related. He is under the strawberry shortcake. in the lungs; nature throws it off by an easy ex­ Greenhouse, Hothouse, Bedding, • portsnce is to be held on Friday next, to act chases from abroack In the one article adding one on the interesting occasion. The impression that the city is growing very pectoration; for when the phlegm or matter is ripe The next term of the Misses Brockway's -IN THE— and Vegetable Plants, upon a report toflfc made by the committee of meats our export trade has suddenly address of Dr. Lynes, reviewing the history slowly. a slight cough w UJhrow it off, the patient has appointed to prepare a. plan for a single of the Lodge, cannot fail to be of engrossing school commences on the 23d inst. Burglars are at -work in and around the rest and the lungs begin to heal. Grape Vines, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Flow- grown into enormous proportions, as the fol­ er,n« Shrubs, Bouquets, and Uagkcts of Flowers, interest, but the benign influence of its many Prof. D. N. Camp, Republican, was elect­ City. On Tuesday night Mrs. Smith who To enable the Pulmonic Syrup to do this, TTigh School in the town and a discontinua­ lowing statistics prove. The effect of this lives in the house owned bjr Ira Seymour, on Wreaths, Crosses, and all othev designs in Flowers ministrations to the sick, and dying, and Schenck's Mandrake Pills'and Schenck's Sea to order. Grading and Jtefitting of Cemcterv tion of our present system of several half­ new trade with all Europe will soon be felt ed mayor of New Britain, last week. Monroe street, near the railroad track, was Weed Tonic must ue ireely used to cleanse the Plots promptly attended to. 3ml« way grades of a higher order, attached to the in every part of our country. charities to the widows and orphans can nev­ There will be no R in next month, but awakened by a noise at the window ; rousing stomach and liver. Schenck's Mandrake PiiiB act hec husband from his sleep, established schools. The committee was the The exports of fresh beef continue to in­ er be fully known, till the beneficent history strawberries will answer just as well. he proceeded to on the lirer, removing all obstructions, relax the MISSESBROCKWAY'S the roOm, and as he opened the blinds saw gall bladder, tlie bile starts freely, and the liver is most thoroughly competent that the town crease. The quantity shipped to Great Brit­ of Our Brothers' Lodge is made by the Re­ April has only thirty days, but it has fivfr- two men run across the yard. Having no SELECT SCHOOL cording Angel above. Boon relieved. could secure, and they, after much labor and ain from New York and Philadelphia in sparking nights and five washing days. means of defence, he concluded not to follow Sohenck's Sea Weed Tonic ia a gentle stimulant FOR YOUNG LADIES & CHILDREN the most careful consideration, are prepared March amounted to 6,7(^,855 pounds, valued them, but in the morning traced them by and alterative; the alkali of which it istsomposed Will open this week 1 case of fine Straw Willis Wood, aged 19, was run over by a their footsteeps in the dirt to- and around the NOBWAIiK, CONN. to present their plan. It is, in few words, to at $590,085, making a total in nine months of The High School mixes with the food and prevents souring. It Hats, in Black, Brown and White, at 53c Shepaug train at Hawleyvillc, on the 7th,and nursery. Diplomas awarded to pupils successfully com­ establish this High or Classical school at the 29,908,810 pounds, valued at $2,076,884. If the re-organization of our public schools assists the digestion by toning up the stomach to pleting the English Course. Music, Languages, killed. A new kind of moterial is now being much worth 75c each. Drawing and Fainting. French in charge of a na­ Over River school house; to reduce expenses is to be carried at the town meeting, the a healthy condition, so that the food and the Pul­ From "a statement published by the Bureau of E. C. Stedman, a Yale graduate, will deliv­ used for a top dressing on some of the streets monic Syrup will mako good blood; then the One case of fine French Chip Hats at $1.18 tive Professor. Also an accomplished teacher of of the other schools and confine them Statistis, it appears that during the twelve measure will require the attention and sup­ of the City. It is called 'Coal-ashes' and Elocution from Tale College. A limited number er the Phi Beta Kappa poem, this year, at old probably is used for its cheapness, and not lungs heal, and the patient will surely get well if worth $1.60. of pupils received into the family. Summer Term practical, business instruction, and thus effect months ending February, 1877, the exports port of its friends. No matter how good the care is taken to prevent fresh cold. commences April 23,1S77. Send for Circular. Iy25 plan is, it will not carry itself. It will not Harvard. 'Rah! 'rah! because it is better than good gravel. One case Children's School Hats at 47c a saving of our present total taxation for of bacon and hams were 442,034,773 pounds; Mr. & Mrs. O. E. Trowbridge have again All who wish to consult Dr. Schenck eiiher pro- Dr. Fitch's Hillside School for Boys is full, 75c each. school), (which has swelled to the enormous of beef, 66,383,576 pounds; of pork, 65,683,- even make itself understood without the aid been afflicted by the death of their little boy feiBionally or by letter, can do so at his principal despite the " hard times," and a most excel­ ofllco, corner Sixth and Arch Sts., Philadelphia, figure of nearly thirty thousand dollars pei 118 pounds; of lard, 223,978,442 pounds, and of somebody. No reform, no improvement, and that, so so»n after removing to their new A very large stock of fine French Flowers, no good work of any sort was ever put lent educational institution it is, too. home. They have the sympathy of friends, every Monday. ^ Silks, Ribbons and Ornaments. finnum(, by several hundred dollars. Iu fine of tallow, 86,587,491 pounds, of the aggre­ Schenck's mcdicinc3 are sold by all druggists Plows! Plowsl and the consolation of Knowing, that they tlie committee believe their plan will result gate value of $96,177,766. Of the above, through by sitting down and waiting for Ilenry Seymour, Esq., is erecting a tene­ We have the largest and cheapest stock of have "another harp attuned in heaven." . throughout the Country. 2ml0 Be sure and call at the NOB WALK FOUNDRY, in more thoroughness and efficiency in all there were shipped from New York 236,872,- somebody else to act. Those who believe in ment house, on the hill above and in the rear John Bodwell, Esq., who for some years Millinery Goods in town. before buying elsewhere. We will make it to having the worth of whatever money is paid has been a resident of New Jersey, has re­ your interest to do so. otlo the older schools, with a single collegiate 227 pounds of beef, 37,734,580-pounds -of of his own residence on West Avenue. JUST RECEIVED! EMANUEL, WALL STREET. for schools, as well as those who believe in turned to his old home, where he expects to —BY— CIISTICI S.E. OLMSTEAD & Co., Props. grade, for the benefit of such as desire higher pork, 160,340,491 pounds of lard, and 57,045, By order of the Postmaster General, all having good schools, ought to come out and remain during the year. scholarships, and all at a less cost than our 916 pounds of tallow. It is not generally inails will be weighed for the next thirty days Major Chas. E. Doty's son is suffering with YAN HOOSEAR & AMBLER present system. The only point of differ­ known that in addition to the large quanti­ decide this issue; for in truth the plan pro­ —all mails, therefore, will be weigh mails. that insidious disease, diphtheria, and at Biggest Stock of Bath Tub For Sale Cheap ! posed is now in danger of defeat—chiefly this writing is considered dangerously ill. Enquire at the GAZETTE OFFICE. ence among our school men who have paid ties of fresh beef which the United States is Seven days, seven hours and ten minutes— Carpets and Oil Cloths from the slurs cast upon it by those who once Remember the sociable of the Burnside most attention to the whole subject, is as to sending abroad, nearly as much more must the quickest time on record,—was made by Guards at their armory this Tuesday evening: Ever shown in Norwalk. the mode of selecting the Superintendent. be added in the shape of canned beef. Our committed themselves to it in every detail. If Capt. Crowe was not elected major, he is Pfices Way Down!! One man does not want to have his district the Germanic between Qijee»stown and New BROTHERS But this difficulty may be easily avoided by exports of food are increasing every trip near­ captain of the Burnside guards, and may meddled with by a superintendent; another York. well feel proud of his command, and they of REMOVAL! enacting that he be nominated by the State ly ; and now we are not only feeding Europe The Daily Graphic man continues soliciting doesn't know what is going to become of him. Eitra Quality Tapestry IMls superintendent of schools. Thus all evils with grain, but are providing it with these subscribers, and hopes warrant him in Let every man who possibly can, attend One Dollar per Yard. himself. These arc sufficient reasons why t In Bankruptcy. as the years go by. ship is open to all men of good moral charac­ suburbs ; another new dwelling is soon to be iS" Mrs. Betts has now an elegant and Trimmed Bonnets and Hats al­ Bankrupts. ) ed and part of the department rushed Out, ter, whether members of a Congregational choice selection of both French and Ameri­ Pursuant to an order duly made, will be offered erected thereon for Philip Marquand. But a ways on hand. for sale at Public Auction on the premises herein- Methodist ministers may be good beggars o nly to find it a false alarm. church or any other, or not church members. can Flowers. FLOUR, alter described on Wednesday, the 2d day of May, few vacant lots are now left on that street. 1377, at 2 o'clock, p. m., all the right, title and in­ for the church, but they are also free givers. All such, desirious to join this association, are Mourning Bonnets One of Geo. O. Heeler's horses made it Anthony Comstock, special agent of the P. i®" Headquarters, at the old stand of Children's Sxyits terest ot the estate of the said Lewis Hubbell & They have just raised among themselves the cordially invited to attend this meeting. The Made at short notice, and all work done in the Co., to two certain parcels of land, lying and being lively for a few minutes up Main street, last O. Department, who is just now making it Demmon & Newcomb, for Fresh Fish, of all latest and most unique style, at her rooms, GRAM in the town of Norwalk, Ct.. and described as fol­ sum of $12,260 for Wesleyan College. Rev. question for bebate is as follows: Does a pro­ lows, viz:—First parcel, bounded northerly 150 Tuesday afternoon. Geo. Mills was loading so hot for the New York lottery swindlers, kinds; Vegetables fresh every day, great care Ko. 33 Main Street, Norwalk. Mr. Jones is reported as subscribing; $150 to. fessional life furnish more and better oppor­ feet on Warren street, so called, and westerly 100 up some empty boxes into a lumber-box was in town last Friday. It seems he had taken in clnsing, and cleaning fish. feet on Fair street, socalled. Second parcel, near this object. In addition to the above amount tunities for doing good to others than a life AN1) FEED. $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4, the above, and bounded westerly 60 feet on Fair wagon, at the old store foot of Main street, run one of his vile culprits here into our town. Closing Out Sale! street, and running back about 225 feet to the Nor­ Oliver Hoyt gave $40,000, a New York man spent in business of auotlier kind ? •ST Hair removed without pain at "G. A. * walk river on the west, being lot No. 2, as desig­ when the horse took fright and started up so Brig.-Gen. W. R. Smith has issued orders To Consumers of Groceries! $5, $6, $8, $9, #10. nated on a map of property of James E. Ells, on $25,000, and a Brooklyn woman $6,000. It suddenly that Mills and the boxes were Franke's. Fair street, made by Eli K. Street, and on file in would seem unnecessary to call upon preach­ A NEW BUSINESS ENTERPRISE.—Negotia­ for the annual May parade of the Connecti­ The subscriber will sell for the next Just received this day several the Town Clerk's office in said Norwalk. Said precipitated to the ground, while the horse •ST We offer a Bargain in Black Silk at property is incumbered by a mortgage to the tions are now in progress with the Provi­ cut National Guard. The parade for drill 13 DAYS, ers to contribute from their slender salaries, with his heavy wagon careered on up Main "Norwalk Savings Society" of six hundred dollars dence Bolt and Butt Company, to remove will be by company, but battalion drill may $1.40. Earle & Smith. His entire stock of with accrued interest thereon. The right, title to such institutions, when such liberal be­ street, striking against' and demolishing a Cars of Com & Oats. and interest to be sold, is the equity of redemp­ their monster manufactory to the Norwalk be substituted in cases where no extra expense iHT Go to Comstock Bros, for your Spring CHILDREN'S SHIRT WAISTS. tion therein. quests are made by wealthy lay members. light buggy standing in front of Doty's meat GROCERIES at COST Iron works establishment at.South Norwalk. is involved. t Also will be sold at the Public Sign Post in the market. The owner Mr. Whitlock of Silver Suits. * Borough of Norwalk, at.-3 o'clock, p. m., of the It is to be hoped the arrangements in contem­ Stiles, the milkman, met with a mishap same day, all the book accounts, notes and choses Mayor Ely has become an authority in the Mine, was thrown out under the ruins of his Chips, Straws, Tuscans, Leghorns, As he is closing up his Grocery Business, having KINDLING f000 W tlie Barrel. in action of every kind belonging to said estate. Poultry Journals of the country, as his plation will prove effective as it would large­ last week at Brotlierton's corner, near Union engaged in the sale o4 AGENTS FOR Terms made known at time and place ot sale. wagon, but he pluckily held on to the reins Shade hats, and all kinds of Fancy Braids at brother has in the Horticultural and Agri­ ly augment our population and business pros­ Factory ; his wagon giving a sudden lurch HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IM­ JOHN H. SMITH, Assignee. and kept his horse, a spirited young one, Mrs. Betts'. PLEMENTS, PAINTS, OILS^&G. South Norwalk, April 12th, 1877. perity. ^ |g| % to leeward, he and a lady companion was FRUITS of all kinds in their Season cultural lines. But the Mayor must have a from running. In the meantime Geo. Mills which he ofleri at lowest Cash Priccs, at the old care to-his laurels as our own Mr. Chas. E. thrown out, but fortunately escaped any iJST Go to Demmon &Newcomb's for Fish, stand on Main Street, next door to C. B. D'Artois, recovering his feet had inn up street after his ST. Louis FIRE.—Another horror is detail­ South Norwalk. Every kind of Goods usually kept in a first- Morison & Hutchinson's St. John has the hen-fever somewhat and is serious injury. and Vegetables all kinds, Oysters, Clams, etc. steed, which he overtook and climbing up ed on .our outside in the burning of a monster GEO. C. SCOFIELD. class Grocery Store always in Stock. already reading up authorities and experi­ The London Marionettes did not exhibit into the hind end of the wagon, seized the hotel at St. Louis and the cremation of an <8T New lot of Hamburg Edgings and In- t. menting with the various choice breeds of Saturday evening, the attendance being very reins and stopped him just in time to avoid unknown number of its guests. Such a ter­ sertings, at Earle & Smith's. gallinaceous birds. "We have been there our­ small. We have no doubt the company another collision. Mill's deed was heartily rible calamity ought to have been impossible Clover, selves and can fully realize how much more would have given a good performance—prob­ VEGETINE. Fine Dress Shirts. applauded by all who saw it. and yet how many hundreds of equally dan- •ST" Comstock Bros, are selling for $8.75 fascinating than profitable the pursuit of this ably better than the average, as they had over REV. J. P. liUDIiOW WRITES : gerouPhuman hives, in the way of combusti­ Men's Business Suits, all wool, same quality Timothy, occult science is. More than once have we seventy figures and eight performers. 17S BALTIC STREET, BROOKLYN, N. Y.,) • Notices are posted up at the Union Co.'s ble factories and hotels and tenement houses, of goods last year brought $12.85. Nov. 14,1874. t been disheartened to see our neighbor's factory notifying their workmen of a further fill the land. The only one redeeming fea­ H. R. STEVENS, Esq.: . ,, We are selling frowsy dung hills give their owner an egg a Pioneer Sociable. IS" Spring Overcoats remarkably low, at Dear Sir—From personal benefit received by its Red Top, reduction in their wages. ture in this sickening .horror is, that the first Owing to previous engagement of^lusic, use, as well as from personal knowledge ot thoee day, while our stall-fed $25 trios, wouldn't Comstock Bros. whose cures thereby have seemed almost mirac­ The new boilers will not be set and ready reports as to the number of lives lost prove the Sociable of the Pioneer H. & L. Co., an­ ulous, I can most heartily and sincerely recom­ give us more than «n egg a week. But then, mend the VEGETINE for the complaints lor AND to start up before the first of May. All is to have been greatly exaggerated. The nounced for Thursday evening, the 26th.. CiT Mpes, Ruchings, Crapes, Ornaments, after all, there's fun in it, and we hear our which it is claimed to cure. idle at this factory at present. number of victims so far found numbering will take place on Wednesday evening, 25th. and all Millinery Novelties at Mrs. Betts'. JAMES l'.LUDLOW, Late Pastor. friend Oram has also been slightly struck The two cross formers, (wool machines) Calvary Baptist Church, Sacramento, Cal. Garden Seeds only thirteen. •STNeck Ties and Bows for Gents, all MRS. A. SOOTT, with the disease. just completed at the Union Co's Mill for a : £sT Remember the auction sale of the Al­ styles, qualities and colors. A very rich InformsherolclciistomersnnA the Public at large, gentleman in Germany, were shipped by the Norwalk is specially favored in the matter fred Malloiy place, Tuesday, April 17. 2t AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. that she is now ready to rcccive orders lor Fire Police. assortment of long, Satin and silk neck ties all made, contractor, Mr. G. G, Bishop, on Saturday, of Clothing and Furnishing Goods stores. At the annual meeting of the Fire Po­ and scarfs—the finest in town—to be sold at by steamship Neckar. They are fine pieces No better establishment can be found in a 6r Ribbons in all the new shades and col­ VEGETINE lice, held at their rooms on Wednesday even­ bargains, call at C. S. Lockwood's, the Main SHE RESTS WEMj. Good Butter & Cheese MILLINERY, of workmanship and will reflect credit upon town of this size, than the two stores conduct­ ors at Mrs. Betts'. ing last, the following officers tfere elected Wamuslta Muslin, 21 Hundred PITTING, STAMPING, American mechanics in general and Mr. John ed by the Messrs. Comstock Bros. Their street Tailor. SOOTH POLAND, Maine, Oct. 11.1376. for the ensuing year: President, Joseph W. Modem housekeepers are in their element Mn. H. B.STEVENS:—Dear Sir— . A SPECIALTY!" PINKING, STITCHING, &c. H. Aiken the builder, in particular. They stores are models of neatness, and filled with 1 have been sick two years with liver complaint Wilson; Captain, A. J. Meeker; 1st Ser­ at this season—cleaning house and adding Striped Silks, very desirable, at 85c and during that time have taken a great many Linen, For $1.25. —AT THE— are to go to Gingen, Wurtemberg. the best goods in the market—stylishly cut geant, Charles Olmstead; 2d Sergeant, Geo. fresh decoration. [H. M. & J. T. Prowitt are Earle & Smith. 40| different medicines, but none of them did me any cr REMEMBER AT jgi and well made. The managers are, to the good. I was restless nights, had no appetite. Howe Sewing Machine Office, N. Ells; Secretary, Ferd-B..Smith; Treas­ fully prepared to render them prompt as­ Since taking the VEGETIN E I rest well and rel­ The daily Union prayer Meetings are to be manor born, and gentlemen of character and •JsT Fancy Dress sffirts for only C5c, at ish my food. Can recommend the VEGETINE Up stairs —next door south of Congregational urer, Daniel C. Nash; Investigating Com­ sistance, and their painters, kalsominers and 85 and 87 Main St. We are fully aware that there are IChurch, SO ITH NORWALK. continued this week. enterprise, with whom it is a pleasure to Comstock Bros. for what it has done for me. mittee, T. S. Stout, Charles E. Brown, Chas. paper liangers are already as busy as bees. Yours respectfully, MRS. ALBERT RICHER. unlaundried shirts in the market re­ N. B.—All kinds of Sewing Machine Needles, Next we are to have another sharp trade. They have wan the confidence of tlie Witness of the above. tailing as low as! 75 cts. and $1.00 Oil, and Attachments lor sale. 36 J. Taylor, Geo., B. Gregory, Geo. F. Belden; One skillful man with a pot of paint will CsT No b^l dozing, nor big flsli stories, but MB. GEOUGE M. VAUGHAN, Medford, Mass. contest between Yale and Harvard boats. public by fair dealing and have deserved the made from the same muslin, but will Finance Committee, John Cotter, Geo. N. work a wonderful change iu interior appear­ come and examine our stock of Fish, Vege­ not compare, we claim, with Mori- There is a run on the Suffield Savings Bank decided success which has invariably greeted Ells, Mark Harris. The company seems to ances in the course of a few hours, at a little tables, Fruit, &c., before purchasing else­ son's as regards fit and make. Cause, mainly, lack of confidence in itstreas­ their efforts, Read tlieir Spring announce­ cost, and the paper hanging will beautify a IMPORT! \T be in a flourishing condition. where, and be convinced that you have struck urer. ment. Decorate YjiAes. room in'short order for a very little money. the right spot tose#the scales fly, at Demmon VEGETINE Mr. Sturges, of Wilton, proposes' raising f. » TO A recent San Francisco journal lias a long The Prowitts have a splendid stock of new & GOOD FOR THE CHILDREN. one thousand chickens this season for market The Steawboating Campaign. Newcomb's. We have all the Late Styles of article descriptive of the works of Deming, patterns which ladies will delight to ex­ BOSTON IIOME, 14 TYLER STREET, ) purposes. Commodore White is going to keep even Mrs. Betts now offers a Superior Stock BOSTON, April, 1876. ( Palmer & Co., the "Mighty Millers" of that amine. H. fl. & J. T. Prowitt of Millinery Qoods to the Ladies of Norwalk H. B. STEVENS:-Dcar Sir— FARMERS city. The firm has a capitalof $100,000, and Prowitt has just repainted Homer Merrill's with the hard times again this season, by put­ . • • We teel that the children in our home have been Miss Clara Randle is visiting old friends in greatly benefited by the VEGETINE yon have so Have just put in an immense new stock of the mills work up some thirty-five tons of pleasant house on France Street in an attract­ ting on our route, next Monday, the staunch and vicinity. town. Mis. Geo. H. Randle is in Chicago. kindly given usfrom time to time, especially those LINEN COLLARS. AXD grain daily, or nearly eleven thousand ton; ive manner. and popular steamer Americus, and at the C3" All wool Black Cashmere for 70c, at troubled with the Scrofula. W ith respect, Douglass's beer fountain continues to re­ Mus. N. WOICMELL, Matron. annually. The machinery is moved by an Capt. Crabbe is now with Holmes & Keeler last year's rates. Only think of it, thirty-five Earle & Smith's. spond to all demands, and his ice cream was engine with 135 horse power capacity. The and Geo. W. Raymond with Geo. O. Keeler cents to New York or Brooklyn, or fifty cents WALL PAPER GARDENERS. never better. "STComstock Bros, devote tbeir entire base­ Our Stock of , trade of the firm extends to the islands of —a fair exchange. for an excursion ticket to New York and re­ AND Miss .Carter recently had her pocket book ment to the Trunk trade. the Pacific, and as far as the Amoor river in April showers have not been very moist, as turn. So long as the steamer line is so well stolen from her reticule while shopping in VEGETINE Asia. Two young gentlemen well known in yet. The only clouds that we have expe­ managed and such unusual efforts made to ac­ •^'Children's Hosiery and a full line The subscribers have 011 hand a supply ot New York city. cheap, REV. O. T. WALKER SAYS : Norwalk, Messrs. Ward Smith and Charles rienced are clouds of dust. commodate and please the people, White's Window Shades, Peter Guigue is ready to supply plants and of styles. Earle & Smith. PROVIDENCE, U. I., 164 Transit Street. Scarfs and Ties A. Maybury are connected with the Mills, The Steamship Leo from Havana for Nas­ line will not onlv maintain all its old-time H. R. STEVENS, ESQ.: . - Of Rich and Varied Designs, at sau burned at sea on the morning of the 13th, popularity, but win liosts.of new and admir­ flowers to all who desire, at his nursery, •ST Comstock Bros, are agents for Morison . I feel bound to express with my signature the Farm and Garden and we believe one of the proprietors was high value I place upon your VEGETINE. My inst., when 30 miles off shore. Three per­ ing friends and supporters. under "The Rocks." & Hutchinson's fine Dress Shirts. lainily have used it for the last two years. In also formerly a resident of this town. nervous debility it is invaluable, and I recommend sons are missing. War in the East is now regarded as inevit" LOW PRICES. Coughs, Colds, Crowp, Bronchitis, Influ­ it to all who may need an invigorating, renovating Is'.the Finest and Largest in-Town. Some dastardly scoundrel threw a stone The arrival here of Rev. Mr. Williams, Dr. Charles P. Uhlc, having relinquished able. Its extent cannot be prophesied with enza, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, Pains or tonic. ' O. T. WALKER, ' The very best in use. any degree of certainty. Soreness in the Chest or Side, Bleeding at the Formerly Pastor of Bowdoin Square Church, Call and make yonr selections early, and have through the front window of Mr. S. Yan newly assigned to the Pastorate of the 2d the practice of his profession here, removed Lungs, Night Sweats, Liver Complaints, etc., cur­ Boston. yotu* house put in order before hot weather. Hoosear's residence, last Friday evening. It M. E. church, is delayed on account of the his family to his old home in New Jersey, on Mr. Stephen Stanley is pulling down his ed by Dr- S. D. Howe's Arabian Milk Cure lor Also in Stock GROUND PLASTER, old barn, and will erect a new and better one Consumption. HEADQUARTERS FOR was thrown with such force that it tore a hole dangerous illness of his wife. Tuesday last. This action was rendered al­ We can deliver to all Stations on the Diinhury & Chas E. St. John has been making exten­ n the rear of his house. TUB LADV OB GENTLEMAN SofouiixisKS at through the curtain and passed though the most necessary, the precarious condition of fashionable sea-side resorts or spas, may rest as­ VEGETINE Builders' Materials, Nonvalk and Shepaug Railroads. sitting-room to the dining-room. Mrs. Van sive improvements in building new poultry the Doctor's health compelling him to seek The propeller City of Norwalk seems to be sured that GLENN'S SuLrnuK SOAI' will furnish NOTHING EQUAL. TO IT. doing a lively business. Freight often accu­ them certain protection or prompt relief from ir­ Hoosear was entertaining several visitors in houses and yards. Mr. St. John has tlie most rest, and change of scene and climate. Dur ritation of the cuticle, no matter from what cause SOUTII SALEM, Mass., Nov. 14,187G. Hardware, Trunks and I GROUND BONE, the room, but no one was hit. extensive variety of fine fowls of any person ing his stay in Norwalk he won hosts of friends mulates faster than she can carry it. arising, and prevent tan or freckles. Sold by all 1£R H STEVENS * druggists. HILL'S HAIK AND WHISKEK DYE, Dear Sir—I have been troubled with Scroiula, Pure and Fine Ground. in town. and succeeded in building up a large and le- At the Savings Bank convention, last week, Black Or Brown, SO cents, . Canker and Liver Complaint lor thiee years. Paints, it was voted to require interest on loansat the «nnn,r ir/t/irl llTllll T AOMMANCED Hereafter there will be a horse car down The children are said to be so ordeily and muHrative practice. As a physician he was For Liver Coidplaint and its various Traveling Bags. rate of 6 per cent, per annum, semi-annually. Russell Coe'sPhosphates, every morning at 5:40 connecting with the quiet at the Over River School, that rats come faithful and devoted to his patient?, kind and symptoms. Billious Headache, Sick Headache, uuu BUH uomg v* . Glass, A series of five art lectures are to be given Janndice or Green Sickness, Bilious Colics, and aider there is nothing equal to it for sucn com­ early morning trains on the New Haven road. out from their hiding places and run around gentle but firm in his treatment ar.d constant Bilious Fevers, use Dr. S. D. Howe's Arabian Liver plaints. Can heartily recommend it to everybody. at the First Congregational.lecture room, by 2115 Yours truly* MRS. LIZZIK M. PACKARD* FISH GUANOS, What a pity there couldn't be one up also, the rooms. It must be a model school for in care and attention, winning the respect Pills. No. 16 Lagrange St., South Salem, Mass. Oils, &e. Prof. Loomis, commencing Wednesday eve'g. from the 3 o'clock p. m. express out of N. Y. discipline. and esteem of all. In society he was a pleas­ And o'.lnr Fertilizers, warranted pure. Ihe Best A long stretch of picket fence is being con­ NERVOUS DEBILITY. ;• • '' ••aod only without the present detention of passengers. ant and agreeable gentleman, ever cheerful Vital weakucu or depreMlon ; a weak "The fashion editor of the got his structed on the division line between the subjects and costumes very badly mixed in and courteous. He takes with him the best exhaustedleeling.no energy, or courage, the re- Lilt The following persons have been installed as places of Moses Hill, Esq., and ex.-mayor E. ault ol mental over-work, ludencrctieua 1MB & S1HN PAINM wishes of the community of which he has so VEGETINE Sure Death & Cure for Potato Bugs. . his wedding report, last week. The excite­ P. Weed, Main street. or excesses, or some drain upon the system, is Done to your satislaction by good workmen. n officers of Concord Division, No. 2, S. of T.: long formed a part, for his speedy restoration RECOMMEND IT HEARTILY. Also a General Assortment ot ments incident to a wedding wcro probably always enred by HUMPHIEV'S HOMEOPATHIC Agents Tor tlie Insurance Building,* "W. P., Miss Kittic Loomis; W. A., Josie to health and usefulness. His plans for the W. B. E. Lockwood, Esq., is quarrying SOUTH BOSTON. too much for him. stone at the upper end of France Street, to be SPECIFIC, NO. 28. It tones up and invigorates Pryor: R. S., Wm. A. Kellogg; A. R. S., future are not yet matured, but he will prob the By stem, dispels the gloom and despondency, James A. Quintard, a brother of ex-Mayor ^Dear Si^-I have taken several bottles of yonr Jewell's Hardware, Iron, Carriage Geo. W. Belden; F. S., R. L. Ells; T., ably settle in some other State and resume used in his part of the proposed improve­ imparts strength and energy,—stops the drain and VEGETINE, and am convinced that it is a valu­ SOUTH N0BWALK, Walter C. Quintard, died at Boston, on Sun­ ments at the lower end of the street. able remedy lor Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaint, Lewis Hubbell; Chap, Geo. Nash; C., Miss the nmctice of his profession. We cheerful­ rejuvenates the entire man. Been used twenty and General Debilitj of the System. I can hearti­ day, at the age of sixty-two. Mr. Quintard yeara with perfect succesB by thousands. Sold by Parts, Paints, Oils, &c., Jessie Pryor: A. C., Miss Laura Loomis; O. ly cinncnd him to tlie people of any place .Our enterprising grocer, G. O. Keeler, is ly recommend it to all sufTerers from the above Leather Belting, 45 Main Street, was a native and for many years prominent dealers. Price $1.00 per single vial, or 85.00 per Yo S., E. O. Keeler; P. W. P., F. 8. Fancher. in which he may decide to become a resident. himself again. lie has a fine store, plenty of complaint.. ^^®PARKER. At IjOwest New York Price?. citizen of South Norwalk. package ot live vials, and 82 vial of powder. Sent The Doctor intends to return here again soon, room on three floors, a great variety of goods, by mail on receiptot price. Address HUMPH­ All Sires, at Manufacturers' Priccs. NORWALK, OT. The Blue Glass rage is weakening. What Mr. Charles F. Raymond, has always ta­ in order to further settle his business affairs &c. Call and see his new place of business, i REY'S HOMEOPATHIC MKMCINK Prepared by next? ken great pridein the appearance of his home­ before finally leaving this section of country. The Pioneer H. & L. Company will give CO., 561 BROADWAY. NEW YOKK. Iy48 H.M.&J. T. PROWITT, Wm. C. Street & Co. Ladies, examine the varied assortment of stead on Knight Street, and always "keeps it • -c • another scries of Sociablcs, commencing 26th For Nervous Debility, Lost Vitality, Uri­ H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. nary Diseases, and Broken-down Constitutions, 18 Water Street, Norwalk. goods advertised by Mr. Emanuel. in excellent order. He has just re-painted Saturday, brings a terrible strain upon the inst. They serve to keep up interest in the world is challenged to find the equal of Dr. S. D. 47 MAIN STREET. Norwalk, April 9th, 1877. 4 * •, W. B. Bartram, Esq., now " soars aloft on the house, and is now at work upon fences, average schoolboy's mother, as well as unon company. May dances be more frequent Howe's Arabian Tonic Blood Purifier, it builds Vegetine is sold by all Druggists. you right square up. , 2115 lie Eagle's wings." &c. his own pantaloons. » than fires. ' .WESTPORT.fe.«. I' WESTON.-* B. M. & C. S. Prowitt, Norwalk Gazette. Some friend of travelling humanity has The large hall of the W. M. I. was dense­ been digging those troublesome stones from ly packed last Wednesday evening, the oc­ casion being an entertainment given by the Footers Hat Stores DRUGGISTS, the side path of the depot road. That road, - I-'":.#? Tuesday, April 17th, 1877. Cor. Main and Wall Sts., Norwalk, By jfryenmoe Wa:.Tyf fejy,,B fS by the way, never was in better condition Welcome Division S. of T. It consisted of And you will find everything to suit in tlie Hat Lino. StttfftS! than now, thanks to tiic enterprise of • tliose^ charades, declamations,' tableaux, solos, DEALERS IN who caused a horse railroad to be built, there­ duetts and trios on the piano. The whole '"5. Fairfield County Items. 3D RUG . 9 by securing a capital grade. was under the direction of P. W. P. Wm. r ALL THE Mr. S. R. Saxton awoke one mornin^last H.Crofut. The acting persdns were Mrs. SILOATS MADE TO ORDER wilton. J. Miles, Miss Louise A. Jarvis, Miss Nettie Popular Patent Medicines, FINNEY A BENEDICT: I CHEAP F0R CASH, Onions are receiving more attention from week and found a hornet between the sheets , - VT -w»»Vjr*« and warranted to fit. • « Plant, Mis.3 Ida Lee, Mr. Charles Lee, Mr. our farmers than usual, greatly to the regret of his bed. It has not transpired that Mr. PERFUMES, SOAPS, POMADES, H. Chapman, Mr. Homan and Master A. J." bx BRUSHES, COMBS, MIRRORS, Y ,„of those boys who will be obliged to weed S. was stung by the business end of said insect. Z . ^ . Are still on hand at their m AT THK Jeasen, who preformed their parts very well, ; ALL SHAPES AND STYLES, .lis-"!'-?'! WALLETS, DOLLS, CARRIAGE : ?them. IIS; Mr. H. R. Treadwell has a marine curiosity vm & SLATE SPONGES, SODA "ill • ii ill-Si# especially Mr. Homan in the role of Johanna. The Belden's Hill school commenced on from the waters of the West Indies. It re­ 6- WATER, MINERAL Messrs. Slater and Valencia declaimed with a For all Ages and Conditions of Man, . ^ rv the 9th. Miss Laura E. A. Chapman begin- sembles the round clam so common here, the WATERS, ROOT good deal of pathos.- The solo on the r BEER&GINGER . >» Z )X 'inS her fourth consecutive term as teacher. difference being that, surrouHK the hinge ijE THE LOWEST OASB PRIOES WALL. STREET GROCERY, piano, (Vaiistions on Home, Sweet Home,) ALE.- II '!J : ' S. H. Ogdeq, Esq., is taking a trip. of the clam are petrified horns^whicli give it Fine Bath (Bleaclicd) Sponge, a the appearance of having been deagucd and was performed with that skill for which the sSouth. • performer (Mrs. C. A. Cole) is so well Good Silk Hats for $4.50. •" Specialty. . To famish all in want of M .Thehuge piles of wood, ti'iiber and ties created by some Satanic agency. know, The duett, (Overture" Poet and SHERWOOD'S BLOCK, at Wilton -depot shows that the -woodmen Mrs. Stewart of Greens' Farms has had an m Peasant) Mrs. Cole and Miss L. Jarvis, was A GREAT SUCCESS!' . .. have not spared the trees. experience with servants. • She took a Large Brock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. played with much effect. There was a solo ? .t The Hurlbutt street school hous^t is being from some New York Intelligence office. In FLORIDA TONIC BITTERS FINE FEED, FL0UB and G-RAUT, 41 Main Street ' also by Miss R. Jarvis and a sweet little song Old Silk Hats Made Over into Present Style, moved. It is rumored that it is to l)e raised the bargain it was stipulated that the'girl This article has been placed into the market by by Miss Hattie Jarvis as well as several REUBEN HOYT, formerly of this town, who has :'rh^ up and the lower part fitted up as an: exchange should stay one week on trial, and if her work furnished such excellent remedies, as J. SHERWOOD, Proprietor. quaTtetts by Misses Lee, Hull, and Mrs. A. for the benefit of capitalists''and others in was satisfactory, to remain permanently. The L, P. FOOTE, Practical Hatter, _and- also girl didn't suit and was so informed by Mrs. S. Jarvis, Lee, Nalencie. Time and space - that locality. ' forbid to enter into the details ; sufficient to HESBITT'S COUGH SYBDP, S ANNIE SL0MAI respectfully informs the The annual meeting of the Mission Band S. Later, Mrs. S. was taken aback by the Wo; 3 Lauder's Block., , rschools and the Musical community of Nor­ say, that the whole affair was a most credir CAMPHORINE walk, that she will visit their city on Thursdays,. will be held Friday evening in the lecture girl's demanding pay for a whole month. The for the purpose of giving vocal instruction. table one and will be long remembered as a SOU H NORWALK, #s®ti~ CONN. AND Classes formed. Apply by letter to her residence room. It is hoped that there will b>e a large demand was refused and pay for one week splendid episode in the history of the Divis­ S. E. Merwin's Hams, Pork and Lard;' 83 West 35th Street, N.Y. 4t»14 attendance both of members and Jill others was tendered: The girl hadn't the conscience ion. By the way the newly elected W. P- Valshian's Diarrka Eemsfly. : .interested in the eause of missions. to accept that, and consulted a Westport law­ V Notice. It is pleasant to the taste, and can be used in yer with view to compelling Mrs. S. to pay of this division is not Mrs. but Mr. S. M. HE inhabitants ot the Town of Xonvalk, are cases when a mild topic isdesired. Give them all - If those skillful individuals vrlio have T hereby notified and. warned that a Special a trial. For sale by DOOR MATS, the whole. The lawyer in a polite note in­ Comstock. Our dear friend most stoutly Town Meeting will be held at the Town Mouse, in CAR PETS1 CHOICE BUTTER & CHEESE, , ; . spent- so much time and money seeking after denies that such a lady exists here-a-bouts said Norwalk, on FKIDAY, the 20tli DAY OF H. M. & C. S. PROWITT, ,; /perpetual motions ^vould - attend, a Wilton formed Mrs. S. of "the small claim in his APRIL, 1877, at 2 o'clock, in the afternoon: The Best EXTR A SUPER INGR AINS, CORNER DRUG STORE. hands for Collection," urging, in the usual and we have ho right to disbelieve him. We To hear the report of the Committee appointed ' j town meeting they would find the ir desid- at a meeting holden on the 20th day of December, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, form of words, her immediate attention to apologize for having inadvertently made such 1878, to consider the propriety of making some GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. and a line assortment of , erata. the matter. This missive resulted in causing a mistake. chango in the method of running the public Ldtell,; ® ! Cannon's Station is scmawhat excftted over schools. H.M.&0.S. PROWITT WIMSK'WilsM the girls' summary expulsion from the prem­ The prayer meeting at Mr. Miles Bradley's To take any action sucli meeting may choose Have a full supply of the BEST SEEDS. . the remarks of a sarcastic correspondent. was a very interesting one and largely at­ upon such report, and vote to establish and main­ Mr. Geo Betts has completed the cellar for ises without pay of any kind. The irate rep­ tain a school of a higher grade, within the Town, BrinckerhofF's Jjjjelebrated Crackers. resentative of the Emerald Isle now "got her tended. if thought best. And in case such vote is passed, •i.11 his new house. to appoint such comniittcc as the law requires, TUBEROSE BULBS, BASKETS, Etc., dander up," and in order to get even with We must not forget, that as regards flow­ and any other committee and officer that may be The adjourned town meeting was Iheld on deemed necessary and proper to carry out more V. & 5 Cents Each. -- <•-;<•••? ''•>' :'t.. .-J' ers in churches Weston is not a wliit bshind Select Teas, Qaffees .and Spices of the best quality, , ** > C, r m the 9th and was well attended, Lockwood Mrs. S. took s«issors and ripped up several eilectually the purposes of such a votfe, and to Two years ago, we had the same kind of AT its neighboring towns. Both the Episcopal transact any other proper business that may be Reed, ; Ferris, Esq., occupying the chair. The articles of clothing, and to make domestic brought before such meeting, whereby the rec • DOUBLE BULBS, f- *. xm. 8 ruin more complete poured a coal hod of hct and Congregational churches had beautiful ommendations in such report may be adopted and and at that time sold several hundred which gave ; •^•.minutes of the last meeting were ncad and floral displays on Easter Sunday and a mag pntinlo operation. AND OTHER STANDARD MAKES, AT general satisfaction. "• * And all Goods pertaining to a First Class Grocery.; E. E. LOCKWOOD'S. approved. The subject of tax-collec tor%and cinders upon a whole washing of clean ironed JOSEPH P. HANFOKD, ) under garments, and in addition gave expres­ nificent boquet (the gift of Mrs. Jarvis) WILLIAM H. FJS11RIS, } Selectmen. ' unsettled books was called up and considera­ graced thexommunion table of the Congrega­ PI,ATT PBICE, ) $1.00 BEB YABD\ H. M. ft C. S. PROWITT, ble discussion followed. The allusion to sion to a kind of language not taught in Sun­ Dated Norwalk, April 9th, 1877. DRUGGISTS. Mrs. H. L. McLEAN, day Schools. The last seen of the girl, she tional' churcii last Sabbath. The latter lady IP WALL STREET, OPPOSITE SAYINGS BANK, NORWALK, CONN. " "Uncle Lewis" favorite old ox created con­ rtjW'A-j- wnrm continue Hfer_. f | was without a dime, trying to beg money with indefatigable zeal.got up also a rag- Us siderable merriment. It was finally decided, 1 enough to pay her fare back to New York. cutting party at the parsonage where busy, JST&mr Patterns! T,v"! S? ^ however, to abide by the vote pasned last The tramp nuisance never was more per­ fingers were employed in preparing the rags Millinery Busmelir Jl fall, and tax-collectors will be obliged to plexing than now. It is no uncommon thing foi a new carpet. Some sixty ladies and . The same as csual, daring the - therewith comply. A motion wa.s made FPc Mean "Business® ? gentlemen assisted. '^ and carried that the collector of the list of for some kind housewife to'be asked by strag­ People here are anxiously waiting for the T. COUSINS 1871, read the names of the delinquents on gling louts, "Will yez be kind enuff to giv a •AT—- FALL and WINTER ^ time when' the Americus will,,begin her AT THE his books, which, however, he refusejd to do poor feller suthingto eat," a dozen times in a trips. - . and will sell her stock of Goods \ in a pointed manner. The motion wi-as then single day, and some families who live from $1.00 BEB YABD. Mr. Edgar Scribner has broken ground for rescinded and the load laid on the' selectmen hand to> mouth, yet aire charitably-disposed, NEW YORK the erection of a new wagon house. It will AT COST I 4 who acquiesced. A vote was passed; to pay have been put to their wits ends to feed them­ • • ' . - • I selves and answer the calls made on them look like a little village here by-and by. road makers $2 per die'm, which is $1.75 TO THE LADIES I from outside. Many of these tramps are bet­ RM:' - " : TOX WES Spring Styles M £S more per day, than some of them are worth. We now take pleasure in calling your attention to. A. M. Read, Esq., offered the following ter dressed than they, of whom they ask'almsj lift I T TJII TTV j ft JOT 1• 1 ouronr large anaand weuwell selected stock ofor and it is known they take all they can get DANBURY. resolution whicli was passed unanimou sly Barnum's show, Monday, May 7th. . SHOE STORE but eat only that which suits them and throw . Resolved, that we tender a vote of thanks More petty burglaries. "Goods Reduced this Day to Cost & Less." Spring Millinery, to our selectmen for their untiring efforts to the rest away/ Impudence enters largely into E. T. Andrew's son Johnny, fell and broke * save our town from the needless expense of their manners, and gratitude for favors is the his left arm in Bethel. 101 libs6i best extra C Sugar, 17 lbs. Prunes, , $1.001 consisting of all the very latest shapes in building the new road 8' Belden's Hill, and exception rather than the rule. There was'a In Bethel, Geo. I. Ferry sold to N. E. See­ that they use all honorable means to defeat ley. of Newark, the Isaac H. Seeley home­ mmm —AT—- 9 Granulated* "si FineBaisins, f.15 Straw and Chip Hats, time when one could palm off five out of six Adjoining the Norwalk Hotel, 1 any such unnecessary expenditure of the stead, ten acres called Starr Meadows, thirty- m'-- 9 " A " 1 New Haven Hams, only .13 Silks and Bibbons, Flowers, Feathers, Ornaments peoples' money hereafter. of them upon the head selectman, bat that two acres known as the Trowbridge lot, and Dr.A.J.FLAGG'S and all Novelties. - CENTS. Good Eatable ButteG, 22c Finest Cheese, ^ « .18 This indicates considerable change in long since ceased. Encouraged by kind treat­ twenty-three acres called Little Field, twenty- Wall Street, NorwaLk, popular opinion; a few years since the ment they impart the glad tidings to others two acres at Mire Hill, all for $5,000. Mrs. Wilmot Fawcett, The News has donned its new Spring suit, COUGH| LUNG No. James' Bloctt, selectmen were instructed to lay out the and the result is that, as spring opens tramps nnd is wonderfujjy improved in appearance No Finer TEAS for the money in this town. , Water Street. Belden's Hill road, and now the present fairly swarm, and like the grasshoppers of Mr. Green succeeds Mr. Morris as organist BleacM and UnlacM Cottons ISSK. K,. BARTBAH, will do Millinery the West are likely to eat up every green and of the First church. £3 3T 3EL XT 3P . is .tile place where you will find anew and M for her friends and the public generally, at Board is lauded for efforts in trying to defeat' . At IiOAV Figures, at ^ her residence on HIGH St.,: 3t*14 . living thing. Happily, at this juncture, an When they auction off pews in Danbury full line of |8 l"bs. G-ood Tea for $1,00. this measure. One fact ascertained i rotn a churches they give a free collation. Next short report of the selectmen, was that the. ingenious western man's disclosures as to they will be giving chromos to every buyer A SAFE AND SURE REMEDY. , ; Good New Orleans Molasses, at 58 Cents. ^ town.has entertained during the year ending What he knows .about tramps, and liistsug- of a sitting.. April 1st, 447 tramps at an expense of gestive remedy, for the evil, may be oppor­ Mrs. Gregory, aged 99, is seriously ill. i Unu & Sun's, The locomotive "Norwalk" was rim out Washington Street,- LOBENZO DIBBLE, Jr. B ; $221.50. This shows that tramps appreci­ tunely quoted. Local and State papers please Saturday, after undergoing thorough repairs, Tlic Con»li and Lang Syrup . : : Ladies, Misses, f copy. Pe says, "In the language of the Is the remedy that during the past fifteen years ate Wilton and the accommodations provid­ and the "Lockwood" is now in the shop for has won for DR. FLA66 an extended reputation Soutli Norwalk.. ed for their comfort. How the tax-payer tramps, the letter H on the front gate post repairs to the boiler. as a SPECIALIST for THROAT and LUNG Dis­ A will appreciate the expense incurred re­ means that the residents will give the caller a The Danbury & Norwalk railroad have eases, After so many years trial it can be truth­ For Sale at Public Auction. commenced to put the Miller coupler and fully said that it has NEVER FAILED, even in Childrens, Mens, mains to be seen. Among the remedies hand full of grub! "S." that he will get ia the WORST CASES. It is purely Vegetable, and HE Beautiful place belonging to the estate of E platform on their eats, and the air brake is to its effect upon the system is at. once soothing T Alfred'Mallory, will be sold at Public Auction THEO. HARRISON, suggested was a tread-mill, and also a "wood­ seat at the.table, "S M" that he will get a be added as soon as possible. and Tonic. : . on Tuesday, April 17th, at 3 o'clock,p.m. Said place is situated within one minute's walk of t|ie en amphitheater wherein the tramps should "square meal," and "G E." that he will got Mr. Collier, the road master of the Danbury business portion of Norwalk, and cqmmanding a G- .. : . . WITH ( " AND be forced to run whee]barrow races for the- the "grand bounce." Now that the secret is & Norwalk railroad, is making preparations magnificent view of the harbor and Long Island • *Youths&Boys' to straighten the curve just below Sanford's It fill to a Common Cold ' Sound, consequently making it one of the best lo­ amusement of Wilton sports. Messrs. J3rown out, let every house owner hie himself to his station, known as woodpile curve. The cated places in Norwalk. The House contains 12 A and Chichester will please accept thanks for gate post and dig in letters deep and that can­ road now runs in a sort o'f horseshoe line, In a lew honrs, not by drying it up,but by rcmoy- rooms with water and gas, barn and all other out­ ing it from the system. TRY IT. buildings, Fruit in abundance and first-rate gar favors. , WILL TON. not be misunderstood the mystic sign "GB," and it is to be built directly across from one It will Cnrc a Chronic Conull by sooth­ den. Size of lot 120 feet front and rear and 275 II. B. WIGrHAM I GLASS WARE T Here, at last, is the complete solution of the end of the shoe to the other. ing the irritated parts, and strengthening the sys­ feet deep. The place is suitable for any gentleman The Baptist Society contemplate tearing tem. doing business in New York as- it is within one . " • NEW CANAAN. • ••' minute of D. & X. R. K., and Horse cars and one BOOTS and SHOES, VT ; tramp problem, acting upon this advfbe sev­ down the building south of the church, and hour and a' half of New. York city. Terms At the old stand of J. P. Hanford, would announce to his •l M -jfj '.U -i ' On Wednesday afternoon last, while Syl- eral Golden Hill people have placed the let­ erecting a new building on the site.—News. it Will cure consumption of payment, one-half can remain on bond and v»nus Seeley was engaged in trimming apple ters "G B," on their gate posts, and a percep- mortgage. Sale to take plaoe on the premises. If friends, and the public generally, "that he has recently re­ STAMFORD. ^ 13. Even alter all other remedies have tailed. In the stormy the next fair day at same hour. For fur­ trees, he fell from a ladder on which lie was tible.diminution in tramp visits has been the earlier stages of this disease it will effect a speedy ther particulars inquire ol E. BEARD,Esq.. at of every description. A life-long experience E. K. Lockwood's. S 4 The past winter was the healthiest known Norwalk Lock Co..'Sonth Norwalk, or JAMES- in the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, in all standing to the ground, and was injured so result. Cost of painting the letters is little or and certain cure; and it many cases of advanced MITCHELL, Real-Estate Broker, Norwalk. ceived several large invoices of goods, and will be glad to in Stamford for twenty years. Consumption its effect has seemed almost miracu­ Norwalk, April 2d, 187T. 3tU its branches, enables me to give to the public that he could not move. Assistance soo n ar­ nothing, but the saving of food, not to men­ lous, restoring to full strength and perfect health an article that will give perfect satisfaction, Joseph Gray's place was mortgaged to Sol­ those whom physicians had given lip as incurable. The premises can be viewed at any lime upon ' , ; show them to all wishing anything in the M rived and he was carried into the house, and tion temper, is immense. omon Lockwood, of New Canaan. Joseph TRY IT. « ; Y application to JAMES MITCHELL. and at the Boarding & Day School, ' several doctors were called in. The .spiral Mr. Giles Potter, agent of the Connecticut failed to pay. and as the property was about to pass into Mr. Lockwood's possession, Jo­ It Will Cure Catarrh Auction Sale. " FOR YOUNG LADIES! column was found dislocated, and lie suffer­ State Board of Education, visited the district seph commenced tearing down the house and . v * Lowest Possible Prices. TERRACE PLACE, HIGH ST., NOBWALK. ed from internal injuries which caused his schools of the town last week. He was ac­ barn. He was arrested and held to bail in More effectually than other anyremedy, by simply HE DWELLING HOUSE, and lot coiner of Spring Term will commence March 5th. Facil- : ? removing the canse TRY IT. T Arch- Street and Franklin'Avenue,Borough of BOOT: AND SHOE LINE. ities for the study ot the Higher English Branch- '• death on Thursday morning. His fu.-neral companied part of the time by Mr. Dutton of the sum of $200. It will cure Bronchitis, by allaying all Norwalk belonging tbthe estate of the late Maria es. French, German and Magic; thoroughness in ' was attended last Saturday, Harmony Dodge the Union School South Norwalk. Mr. -Pot­ Aunt Polly Bassett appears Thursday even­ irritation ot the throat. TRY IT. Boutonwillbe offered for sale at Public Auction, iv • j;- every department. For particulars, call or ad- - ing at Town Hall. It will cnrc Asthma, affording immediate on THURSDAY,. April 19th, at 2 o'clock, p. m., dress, ^ •' H! U conducting the services at the grave. He ter's Mission consists in examining the .elief and a perfct euro. TRY IT: ISrooms, suitable for one or two families, is con­ We shall sell our Goods ^ MRS. HARLEM, Principal. The Odd Fellows give a Calico Ball, April venient to either ot the villages, Norwalk or So. Ladies' French Kid Button, Was 33 years of age, and highly esteemed! by structures in which public schools are kept, 26.—Postal Card. Norwalk, and but about three minutes from horse railway. A portion of purchase money can re­ his friends and neighbors. | Hand-made, our own make, -warranted, $6. f ^Dr. FITCH'S *: ' and 4(>orting observations to the State Board. A large schooner from Providence lies at It Will Cure Ulcerated Sore Throat. main on mortgage. For further* particulars en­ ; The long contested case of L. M. Monree vs If a School house appears to him too small anchor in the outer harbor, loading with oys­ quire on the place of T.L. S ANFORD, or As Cheap as they are Sold in any Store in Town. ters for planting on the- grounds off the city TRY IT, if' * BURit BOUTON, Branchville. FAMILY SCHOOLfor BOYS. the town of New Canaan has been settled, the for the number ofscholars, or too dilapidated Norwalk, April 2d,-i§77. 3ti4 named. Her capacity is 8,000 bushels, and IT WILL CURE IiOSB of Voice, Night HE WINTER TERM -Will commence on town paying §s9 and $31 costs. for their comfort or convenience, he so indi­ she will take aboard that number, purchased Sweats, Hectic Fever, AND ALL Symp­ T WEDNESDAY, JAN. 3d. A gentleman of •; Our aim is to sell good several years'experience in fitting boys for College RIDGEFIELD. cates to liis superior, and ere long district of our oystermen and taken from their toms of Consumption. TRY IT. For Sale or to Let, CUSTOM ,WORK, "farms." On Wednesday she was half load­ has been engaged as Assistant; ' Wm. O. Seymour is again in Ridgeiield, committees are appraised that that they must For every affection of the Throat and At Cannon's Station, D. & N. R. R., a very desir­ DR. J. C. FITCH, Principal. ed. The periodical advent of one of these Lungs it only needs a trial to convince the most able COUNTRY PLACE, containing 13 acres of IN BOTH HAND AND MACHINE Norwalk. Dec. IK, 1876. ' and was at his post Sunday as Superinten­ enlarge or repair, as the case may be, or lose vessels makes lively times for the oystermen, skeptical ol its wonderful curative properties. land, improved by a superior TWO STORY AND ATTIC DWELLING, anctrtli necessary out-build­ ; . .-4W; ,l.r« dent of the Congregational Sabbath-school. the public money. ./ •; -.t\ who work early and Jate until the "foreign" ings and henery in thorough' order. Abnndarce • SEWED, A SPECIALTY. GOODS AT THE LOWEST FIGURES. a'M «S»» , REMEMBER THAT IT f. f---' 4 ••• Rev. Mr. Burr of Southport, supplied Mr. A fact! That, since Henry McDorinOugh craft is filled nearly "scuppers to." The of choice fruits, berries, &c. Terms easy. Call K'?j price paid by this boat averages $1 per bush­ on or address L. GAMBRILL, The Largest Assortment left (ffi taking prescribed medicines and put URES flOLDS, 2m*J5 Cannon's Station. w Teller's pulpit Sunday. el ; some inferior oysters being purchased at White Gaiters and Slippers " ^ p We are prepared to get up all kinds of ; ^ * Rev. Wm. Ross is the new Methodist min­ himself under the influence of blue glass, he 75 cents per bushel, while the best command URES |B0UGHS, has improved perceptibly in bodily health. ister. Mr. Merwin goes to Brooklyn. $1.25. None sold are over three years' ATARRH, To Rent made to order at short notice. All Goods The death on Wednesday and the burial growth, as they are for transplanting. ES IJATARRH, Mr. Teller has given up house-keeping, HE subscriber offers to rent her place on Main marked in Plain Figures, and at the Lowest c rtES ASSUMPTION, . Street, Norwalk, opposite the Fair Grounds. Custom Work at Short Notice, and is boarding with L. H. Bailey. Friday of Mrs. Joseph Lockwood, removes • GREENWICH. T Market Prices. A perfec tfit guaranteed and DR. WM.M.LADD, a leading Druggist of Clare- House new, commodious and convenient. Bor­ E. Olmstead of the N. Y. Journal of Com­ another of Westports' more than octogena­ ough Water. Will rent the entire house, oreither every pair warranted. j - » \ ^ Easter day Rev. B. M. Yarringtqn com­ mont, certifies as follows: the first or second stories. Apply to the owner mence was in town Friday. rians. Mrs Lockwood was in her 89th year. pleted the 38th year of his rectorship of For many years I have known Dr. A. J. Flagg on the premises. CLARISSA WILLIAMS. 2tl5 and at Reasonable Rates. REPAIRING done in the neatest TOILET' SETS, Compo Engine Co's officers for the year are: Christ church. as a successful practicing physician, and can as­ We have had the pleasure of seeing the sure the ^public that his representations relative ...... Foreman, John S. Jones; Assistant, F. B. While attending conference at Hartford, to the Cough and Lung Syrup can be strictly re­ plan of L. L. Yalden's house, that he is to burglars stole "a valuable watch and some lied upon. It has been used in his extended prac­ DO NOT FORGET manner €nd with promptness. 5 i v h AT - build. It is neat, ornamental and convenient Morehouse; Foreman hose, Jas. Mills. tice -with marvellous success, and I know it to be .-.•'•urr. •> -v j ~ , • .. .? -S ' money from Chaplain S. M. Howland. The all that he claims for it. "SHIRTS MADE TO OMR!" —cottage style. Foster Brothers of Danbitry, Vigilant Engine: Foreman, E. Wheeler, watch was valued at $185. WM. M. LADD, M. D. Assistant,. Peter R. Foote; Foreman hose, Thos. W. Olmstead has been chosen presi­ ,.x:. T. C CIS S' have the contract to erect^it. • , - - CLABEMOXT, N. H., September, 1875. • Greatly. Reduced Prices, I Jno. Flynn. dent of the Y. M. C. & T. Association. F Nash & Mead are putting an addition on Stamford has little prospect of steamer DR. LAGG—My Dear Sir: —Your Cough and A gust of wind struck W. J. Wakeman as Lung Syrup has proved a great benefit to me, GO MAIX STREET, their store. Titicus appears to be prosper­ communication to New York this season.— i jiving relief from severe Coughs and Soreness of C. S. Iiockwrad, AT- he fppd on the peak of a barn he was assist­ Advocate. ;he Lungs, when all other remedies and physi ing. cians had failed. 1have never taken a medicine MMSh# Store, Smith Keeler of South Norwalk has paint­ ing to raise. In his fall he caught a beam morepleasant to the taste.or more satisfactory ta­ DARIEN. • ils results. MRS. LYDIA WILLEY. THE MAIN STREET fit - • ^' E. Ki&oewtdm: ed the stage scenery in the new Hall. with one hand, and though far from the ' w nil street. ground, held on till assistance came. Those The New York State Centennial Building, Prepared only by Mrs. Pat; Haggerty has bought the John purchased by Col. Vincent Colyer has arrived Halpin place. who have been on the frame of a barn before at Contentment Island, and will soon be put Dr. A. J. FLAGG & CO., NORWALK, CONN. John Leason has bought the barn and lot the timbers are braced will comprehend the together again. 3y6] Claremont, N. H. near his house, of Sam'l M. Smith. danger Mr. W. was in. Dr. Hawes's building was recently slightly FR1CE SO CIS. Soldby all Drnetslsts. damaged by file. . - N.B.-We also keep on Land a full assortment - The amateur entertainment and oyster Judge of Probate E. J. Taylor has com­ " Is still Agent for' menced the study of law. of supper is to take place Wednesday evening. BRIDGEPORT. One-Third of Life is Spent in Bed. i . Several persons have been bitten by dogs If stormy the next fair nigjit. Doors open E. Beers Peck will move to California, Morison & Hutchinson's at 7. Performance to commence at 7:45. during the weelt. As yet no cases of hydro­ starting on the 25th. Westport Bedding Manufactory, LE ATIIEl^pD FINDINGS. ...., ESTABLISHED 1870 . FOR-BOYS. From Harper's .Magazine for May we phobia are reported. James C. Loomis has been elected Presi­ jDress Slilrts. Leather of the best Oak and Hemlock dent of the Board of Education. quote the following in reference to our re­ Our citizens will be pained to learn of the XjSS'S Tannage, by the side or piece. death, Tuesday April 10, at Hopewell, N. J., Mrs. Pauline T.. Seeley, youngest daughter All-orders will be promptly flllod. Careful spected townsman, D._ L. Adams,- M. D. of P. T. Barnum, died in New York, on T.F.LEIGHTON, A. B., Principal. - of Mr. J. V. D. Kelly, a former resident and measuring and a perfect fit in- all cases guaran­ Winler^Term* Ends March 25tli. "The border line is not well defined, but I Wednesday last, of measles and diphtheria. teed. lmla RUBBERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION knew I was in Connecticut, and that after business man of this place. She was buried in Bridgeport. Plows and. Bolsters, Boys received at any time and charged from . v, The Standard has' been daily yelling "Kill date of entrance.. School rooms in New Bnilding • riding half a dozen miles further I should The most pleasant social features charac­ Church and Hall Cushions,Ilair and Husk, Excel­ -- K"F,PT ON HANDi '^ riV; -' opposite National Bank ol Norwalk. f •>>/: terized the visit of the parishioners of Memo the spitz" for a month past-, but now says sior and Cotton Top Mattrasses, constantly on come to the village of Ridgefield, the home that ' stringent measures must be taken to hand and made to order, any weight, quality, Lumber of all Kinds Among.the patrons of the school, arc - y;. S- - rial Church to the house of their rector, Rev. no deviation in Prices. W. H.Earle, Esq.,. W. S. Moody, Esq , ^ of my old friend and school-mate, Daa. put a stoptothe despicable business of dog shape or sizedesired. HTcnry Hungerford, Esq., TV. Randel smith. Esq. A. N. Lewis, Thursday night. The house 1 ' Adams, where a hearty welcome awaited poisoningphat i§ going on about town." )ld Mattrasses repicked & renovated |^;gAT VEtlftm. E. W. Stuart. Esq., - A. S. Ilamcrsley, Esq., -K ''» originally built for a rectory by the late Rev. The steamer Bridgeport is having new John P. Beatty, Esq., A. H.Byhigton. Esq., £ . me. COR. MAIN AND CANAL STS., L.J. Cm lis, Esq., • W. B. E. Lockwoody but you,' he said to me not long ago, overtaxed stiength, or protracted illness, has a _ ' AApril 10th, A. D. 1877. Are you going toJ3urope this 50th thomand in pres*. 504MI more. Agents liwwirf;.-.'wanted lf0^ Esq., the worthy Weston Postmaster, notic­ ' IT DISSOLVES DANDRUFF, prevents bald­ D GENTfi' fOBfflSHING GOODS. Mca or Women can. earn f 100.00 a month. "di-culan '— most depressing influence upon the mij|^breed- Estate of FREDERICK ST. JOHK, late ol >or­ ' - AddrcKa A. 1>. WosTuiKOToirft Co^ Hartford*OOnn*•rlfnnL Atniu . and that only once. It was when you threw ing in last Week's GAZETTE, that mail carrier ness, and retards grayntss of the hair. walk, in said district, deceased. ing an abject melancholy nearly aitin to despair, the spit-ball at old Colton, and hit him square, Lockwood had laid himself out, on the Wes­ The Court of Probate for the District ol Nor­ ' " ' Of the Latest Designs, at . and the enforcing the abandonment of cherished Physicians speak of it in high terms./. walk hath limited and allowed 4ix months from r Wanted. on the top of his bald head- I always missed ton egg question, sends a sample of what can projects and high hopes. Happily, the enfeebled the date-hereof for the creditors ot -said estate to BUY YOURTRIP TICKET AT GAZETTE OFFICE. be done about the Weston Post Office. Prices—25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per SITUATION as Night Watchman. Dy a coin system, even in extremecaees, is susceptible, of in- exhibit their claims for settlement. Those who petent and reliable American. Go

-VSJ, I . jr. BC. OT T El XI ? s - • --""feS regulations as may be presented by the asso­ part thereof, without the written Consent of lected to leave a duplicate notice of any CONVEYANCES. Our yew York Letter. ciation with the approval of the superior the mortgagee, and without informing the7 meeting of said district with the clerk of Nortralk Gazette. court. person to whom he sells or conveys that the- such district at the time required by law, DRALBB in DANBURY & NORWALK R. R. HALL INLONDON—TWEED—WHAT TILDFN IS same is mortgaged, [he] shall be punished. and in all cases where the annual meet­ WIST EB ARR ANGEMENT. S. ISTRICT or NORWALK, SS. probate court, DOING—AN EPIDEMIC OF CBIME—FASIIIOXS *-'3)2fi'j " '"•*• SEC. 5. County treasurers shall annually on by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, ing of any school district has been AVING laid in n full supply of Iee,of excel- ...... CommencingDecember II, 1876. .J*? D April 5th, A. D., 1877. the firtit day of January, pay to the county heretofore held in any other month than lent quality, we are now prepared tb receive Estate of JAMES GORMAN, late of Norwalk, —EASTEE. f^V- , "5% Tnesday, April l 7th, 1$7?.^ law library associations in their respective or by imprisonment in jail not exceeding 6 ordArsH from old andiiew-customers* we propose .YF'V'. DAILY TRAINS ' in said District, deceasccf. NEW YORK, April 9,1877 m months^ " the months of June, J uly, August, or Sep­ PIANOS,ORG AM, '' Leave Norwalk Bridge » The Conrt of Probate for the District of Nor­ counties, such a sum, not exceeding three to sell.at reasonable prices* and shall endeavor to wife'" ' I? • - DEAR GAZETTE :— hundred dollars, as the county commissioners Approved, March 9, 1877. , tember, the acts and doings of such school give satisfactory service to all, as in yeaw Piwt. At For walk, hath limited and allowed six months l'rom nUC ACTS OF THE STATE OF COSMCTICHf districts, if otherwise regular, shall not for 2 JI ™'') Danbury and intermedial e the date hereof, for the creditors ot said estate, Oakey Hall has been found, and it is as 1 deem necessary and proper. All sumsso paid stations. o exhibit their claims for settlement. Those who ® '!K* -- ": r*m»& iLtHe Jtnnirr teuton *r »&« : House Bill No. 232. f either of reasons aforesaid be invalid, but the wrote last week, lie is in London, and the shall be applied to maintain and enlarge such MEL<|pEONSi|j At 1103, a. m.j on Mondays only, for Ridgeilcld. neglect to present theiraccounts properly attested * General A«eml»Ijr, 187*. of the courts and,citizens. ~ CHAPTER LIV. same shall be, and hereby are, ratified and within said time, will be debarred a recovery. libraries, for the use An .Ast relating-to the Taxation of Dwelling confirmed; and all taxes laid-at any such All persons indebted to said estate are requested reason for his being there, is what I said. He SEO. 6. The treasurer of a lawlibrary asso­ FAIRFIELD SHEET MUSIC,&c^ to make immodiate payment to was complicated with the Ring, though lie -: v * " '• [Published by Authority] :, ciation, before receiving said money, shall Houses belonging to Railroad Companies. meeting to defray the expenses of such school Leave Norwalk Bridge/of South Norwalki; - PATRICK H.DWYER, ) Acting Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- At7 33, a. in., 108,5 53 p. m. \ "^|-|"g| ri C -I8#te"#li|H«.*]; -slpj?%' give a bond to the state of Connecticut, With Bentative%ln General Assembly convened: district, and to pay the indebtedness of the 3tl5 JEREMIAH TIERNEY,| Executors. has so covered his tracks that he has been -• V < S OHJU*te JDOrtn sureties to the satisfaction of the county com­ That any dwelling-house belonging to any same, or for any legal purpose, shall be valid Leave Danbury for Norwalk. • • A living for some years in tolerable security. pg; ^gi • An Act concerning "Fugitives fropi Justice. missioners, for the faithful application there­ and legal and binding upon such district, and Wall Street,Norwalk,Ct. ^ hi 630,a.m.,; 1200 m., 4 45, p.m. - Tax Collector's Sale. m&si?• ?"'••"lCSS Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepre- .railroad company Shall be set in the list and The return of Sweeny, and the consequent of, and that he will make a return to them be liable to taxation in the. town where said upon the inhabitants and tax payers therein. Freight Train at G 10 p. m. OTICE is hejreby given that;the undersigned, r? sentatives in General Assembly convenea SEO. 6. This act shall take effect from and JOHN W. UACON, Supt. nnder and by v,rcue of a certain tax warrant, disclosures of the inside secrets of that gigan­ 1 ^feS - Sec. 1. When any person is found in this annually under oath, of the manner in which dwelling house is situated, notwithstanding ISEXT DOOR to S A TICS BARK N I &,1 after its passage, and shall not affect any suit " executed and signed by proper authority, tic swindle could not but involve him and put state charged with an offence committed in all such applications arerriade; and' of all the fact that the same may be rented to, or now pending. , c k . • IEWY0RK.NEW HAVEN &HARTFORO RAILROAD [directed to the undersigned, commanding another state or territory, and liable by the moneys paid or recove^t thereon by suit occupied by, an employee of said railroad I keep a large stock of instruments on hand,and Trains leave South Norwalk for Neiv York at to levy and collect of SAMUEL NEWELL, him in the same category of the worst of the shall be for the benefit df the said law library- company; and the amount paid for taxes on Approved March 7, 1877. < r;. 125, (Washington Exp., via. Harlem River). 3 47, and other persons named in the rate book, on the constitution and laws of the United States to sell them on Monthly Installments. Everybody (Exp.), 414, (Exp.) 6 00.* 6 34,* 7 34, 7 45*, (Exp.) list to ebid warrant annexed their several propor­ lot. This, with social complications, which, &*-' • r be delivered over upoir the demand of the association. h ' any such dwelling-house or houses, shall be oan have a Piano or OrgM.{££,ii?f^ 9 28,* 10 50, (Kxp.) A.M., 123*. 2 50,* (Exp.) 4 30, tions of the sum total as therein stated, said sum in plain English means that he has been keep­ Approved March 7,1877. ; deducted from the sum required by law to be Sooth Norwalk Conn. 1 (Exp.)5 O.'i, fi 3G,iExp.) 100,9 43,(Exp.)P.M,i^or New being a tax or assessment agreed upon by the in­ %£b Afsfs I CxecutiTeJofiSJifclt othisrstiite or territory, any NEW ADVERTISEMENTS^ habitants ol the town of Norwalk, regularly and * -jadge of.i&e:Ai^lbrioircourt, «pon the info* paid by such railroad company for taxes to Haven, 133, (Exp.) 6 49, 9 01, 9 34; (Exp.) 10 48, A. ing women other than his wife, and has been :• '-'f [Honse Bill No. 128.1 : . " " • 'lis"1 K V • , SOLEAdJffi^FOB THE CELEBRATED - - M., 1211, (Exp.) 1 45, 2 IS, (Exp.) 4.04, 419, (Exp.) 'egally assembled, to wit:—On the 21st day ol ?' JT, mation of the state attorney of the county tlin afafo CHEW-SMOKE 615, 6 46, 10 36, (Exp.) & 113li, (Exp.) P. M. For December, A. D., 1874, met forthe purpose of pro­ living secretly an exceedingly disreputable ; S " "' » where such infor.nation is made, and any CHAPTER XLIII. | Approved March 7, 1877.] , Springfield, Q 9 34, (Exp.) A.M., 12 11,(Exp.) viding for the indebtedness of snid town list ol life, while attempting to keep up the status An Act in addition to an Act relating to the WEBER PIANOS,- '< \ ~ 1874, levies upon and will sell at Public Auction, city or'poWee'tSdurt b'aving "criminal jurisdic- 145,4 19, (Exp.) 6 49, 10 3fi, (Exp.) P. M. Express at the premises herelnalter described on the 6th of a gentleman, all of which he knew while i£<' v'SMtibd, uponthe coihplaint of the proper prose* returns of Officers of Corporations. .MATCHLESS Cask Capital, $200,000.00 for Boston, via. Springfield, 9 34, A. M., 1211,419, day ol Jnne, A. D.. 1877, at 1 o'clock, p. m., so • V ^7. 7; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre­ • ' • L "'H and 10 36, P. M., via. New London; 2 18 and It 36, the world was in ignorance of it, but which 5 Xv*->•'•" • 1>: cuting officer of such court, may issfle a war­ sentatives in General Assembly convened: FINEST PIu« TOBACCO STANLEY & SOX'St P. M., via. Air Line K.lt.,1 33, A. SI., and-2 18.P.M. much of the following described real estate of rant to arrest the person charged and bring An Act to amend the General Statutes in Re­ in 3* TAKE NO OTHER. being about sixty fee; front and rear, and one V^f'" 4- him before the authorityissuing such-warrant, enteen, of the general statutes (page 280), is • lation to the Reports of Savings Banks. Assets, Jan. 1,1876, $336,112.78 Branch. . hundred and liity feet deep, and bounded as fol­ surface, so weighed upon him that he prefer­ 6& *, f'Vi Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre­ I-OR SALE BY ALL DEALERS or some other authority empowered by this hereby amended so that the same shall read as sentatives in General Assembly convened: £acW~ IN PLUG. QHOVESTEEN & FULLER'B, . ^ [Published gratuitously for the convenience of lows, to wit: Northerly by land now or formerly red to get out, abandon everything, and go act to issue the same, to answer such infor­ TV .9. HANFORD,President, of Alexander Austin, easterly by land now or for­ ifi'- V follows: SECTION 1. The directors, managers, or THE PIONEER TOBACCO GO. BROOKLYN, N. *• the Public.'] merly of Alexander Anstin, .southerly by high­ into exile, rather than face tbe friends who mation or complaint as in other criminal The president and secretary of eveieii trustees of saving banks shall annually ap­ . H, n.TURNER, See'y and Treas. HAINES BROTHER, way known as A venue C., and westerly 6y land cases; but before such warrant shall be issu­ corporation, having a capital stock ai (TCP a week in"your own town. Terms and $5out- of Isabella Nasli, as will raise tbe sum ol" Three had so long stood by him, deceived by <3* • point not less than two auditors, who shall JO.D lit free H. HALLETT & Oo.,I,ortiand,Me. NorwalkHorse RailwayTime Table. dollars and fourteen cents,($3.14) that being the ed, some pefson shall make affidavit before not required *by law to make other annual not be directors, managers or trustees thereof, COMMENCING DEC. llTll, 1876.' his assertions of innocence. And so Oakey fe. *- -it-*. ttye authority issuing the same, to. the facts OCExtra Fine mixed card# with name10 VASE d SON, proportion of tbe said Samuel Newell, of the sum (->-'/)• -V£ returns of -a similar character tosome state who shall examine the books, accounts, and ZQcts., post-paid. L JONES &Co., Nassua, N. Y. total in said list together with the charges of levy, Hall,ex-Mayor of New York, ruler of the de­ necessary to bring the case within the provi­ officer, shall annually, on or before the securities belonging to such bank, and make Dr. C. H. Kendall & Son, LEAVE NORWALK. So. NORWALK sale, &c. JOHN F. RAYMOND, J#: - sions of this law. "• £» C >y a Week to Agents. 810 outfit free. Tax Collector, list ol 1874. mocracy of this city, and the head and front fifteenth day of February or of August, a sworn statement, showing the true condi­ tpOOoipl I i>. p. VIOKERY. Augusta. Maine. TS. and will furnish at Bhort notice.: Dated at Norwalk, April 2d, 1877. Sec. 2. If upon the hearing on such infor­ lodge with the town clerk of the town in tion thereof, on the first day of October of 615 a. m. N. Y. & N. II. Accom. •j 35 A.M.; of the respectable portion of the clique that t|| /terms lree. TltUE 4 CO.. Augusta. Maine, various depart­ " Call and see them. 705 New York Accommo'n 7 25 " Tax Collector's Sale. has plundered %BW York so long, is in Lon- . be satisfied upon-due inquiry that the person signed and sworn to by thepi, showing a con­ office of said bank, and an attest copy for ward­ ments carefnlly RS. CONDIKLLY'S SALTATION FOR 725 N. Y. Express 7 45 " ; OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, don in disguise, and the mere sport of a arrested is a fugitive from justice, and that dition of its affairs as nearly as the same can ed to the bank commissioners on or before THE H Altt.—the best and only safe hair re­ and thoroughly 8 05 825 " >;-# under and by virtue ot a certain tax warrant, M executed. Ex­ 9 00 " • j, dulyN executed and signed by proper authority, cheap actress who will hang to him as long the proper authorities- of such other state or be ascertained, on the first day of December the first day of November in each year. storative in the world; warranted free from lead, tracting teeth 8 35 New Haven iiccom'n m territory intend and are about to make a de­ silver, lac sulphur, and nil deleterious drugs, and OLD INSTZVCMEITTS-. 910 N.Y.Ac.&N.H.Ex. 9 35 •« and directed to the undersigned, commanding as he has any portion of the monev he stole, or January, or on the first day of June or SEC. 2. The treasurer of each savings bank positively restores the grayest hair or whiskers in with Gas a spec- 9 35 10 00 " . Jif I him to levy and collect of JOHN SHEPHERD, mand upon the executive of this state for the July next preceding the time of making such on or before the first day of October in each four days to its original color —not all sorts of col­ lalty. Office, 10 00 1025 " and other persons named in the rate book, on the and will desert him the moment it is gone. return of such person, he shall be required, ors. It stops the hair from tailing, and makes it Lauder's Block, Taken in Exchange for New N. Y.Ex. & N. II. Ac. 10 50 «' list to said warrant annexed their several propor­ certificate, in the following particulars, to year, and oftener if required by the bank com­ cor. Washington 1025 Oakey Hall passes into history as an excellent if charged with an offence: bailable in the state wit: 'The amount of stbek actually paid in, crow, and leaves the scalp perfectly clean and nat­ 1050 1115 «' ".V-rr tions ol the sum total as therein stated, said sum missioners, shall transmit to them a sworn ural. Send stamp for circular. The ingredients A Main sts.,Sonth 1125 New Haven Express 1155 " being a tax or assessment agreed upon by the sample of a man who has opportunities, but or territory where committed, to recognise in showing the amount paid in in casluand in statement of its condition, containing the par­ to make'eighteen ounces, no extra expense or Norwalk, Conn. TUNING ANDREPAIRI C 1155 1215 p. mi" inhabitants of the town of Norwalk, regularly a reasonable sum with sufficient sureties to other property, separately; the cash value of ticulars required in the annual statements of trouble in making-, sent, postpaid, on receipt of ?1. 12 35 p.m., 12 55 " and legally assembled, to wit: On the 21st day ot who preferred present pleasure to permanent appear before such judge or court at a future its real estate; the name, residence, and num­ banks and trust companies to commissioners. Address ANNA COS NELLY, 27-Bond Street,N.T. 12 55 " New York Accommo'n 125 " December, A. D., 1874, met for the purpose ol success. With ability sufficient to command day, and to abide the order of such court or at home. Samples worth 15 Done at short notice.2s* > ; - ' 125 " New Haven Accom'n 1 45 " providing for the inddbteciness of said town list ber of shares of each stockholder ;tHpe SEO/3. Sections six and fourteen of chap­ to C. W. Burritt v 2 55 " N.H.lSxpress. 2 20 " of 1874, levies upon and will sel1 at Public Auction judge : and in appointing the day for the ap- $5 $20f^TIXSON ft Co., Portland, Me. 4 any place and any position,he permitted wine, amount of its debts; the cash value oiTts ter two, part three, title seventeen, of the .V.'i-. The Wober Piano.5^;^$ 2 30 ' New York Express 2 55 " at the premises hereinafter described, on the 6th pearance of such pnrson, a reasonable time personal estate 5 • and the cash value of its generalJtotutes, are hereby repealed. Price Twenty-flve Cents. i- -'V 305 «• 3 25 *• 1 day of June, A. :D., 1877, at 2 o'clock, p. m., so women and the attendant pleasures of the , gSMj'.r Has Removed 335 •' N.H.AC.&N.H.Ex i 05 '• • mucli of the following described real estate ol shall be allowed in which to procure the war­ credits; which certificate the town clerk shall Appilfi March 7, 1877 \ j Mi A few extracts from the neat number received 405 «• 4 30 «' ; John Shepherd, situated in said town ot Norwalk, moment to lead him into excesses, which has rant of the executive Of this state for the ar­ by the most eminent musicians in the UnitedStates New York Express record at length in a book to be kept by him Newspaper * ! is® To No. 4 Phoenix Block, Wall St., may not be inappropriate: 440 " N. Y. Accommodate >n. 5 05 " r containing two roods more or less, and bounded ended as it always has and always will. I rest of such person. for that purpose. • J [House Bill No. 77.] * 1 " ' Foot of Mill Hill, where with increased facilities 5 05 «« 5 25 • ,r as follows, to wit: northerly and easteriyJiy high­ Sec. 3. If such person does not so. recog­ CHAPTER LVI. ,1 .- he is prepared to do I have never seen a Piano which equals the We­ 6^5 " 5 45 • i way, southerly by land now OT late ot John A. cannot commend to the youth who read this . ("Approved, March 7, 1877.] , Advertising ber Pianoforte. Geo. F. BrUtow. 5 55 N. H. Accom'nf 6 15 " Partrick and westerly by land now or late of a more instructive example. Honesty and nize, or if the offence with which he is charg­ An act relating to the Election of Officers of -P LUM 33 I N O , The Weber Piano occupies justly the first rank 615 t. •New York Express 6 85 " Louisa Byxbee, as will raise the sum of Seven ed is not bailable in the state or territory [HOUSE BILL No. 2G70 • •' Corporations. OXE HUN DRED AND "NINTH EDITION. in all its branches. Also special attention given amongst the Best Pianos. J. JV. Patliton. 625 N, Y. & N. H. Accom 6 45 " dollars and'six cents (87.00.) that being the pro­ decency, in the long run, always pay better where committed, he shall he committed to CHAPTER ±LIY. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre­ Containing a complete list ot all the towns in the to Tin Boollng,Tlhand Sheet Iron Work andf Job­ The Weber Pianoscannot possibly be surpassed. 645 7 05 «• portion of the said John Shepherd, of the sum sentatives in General Assembly convened : United States, the Territories, and the Dominion bing. Gas Fixtures of all kinds kept on hand: 705 7 25 " total in said list together with the charges of levy, than thesummer pleasures that follow a career the county jail in the county where such proj An Act to amend an Act relating to insurance 8. B. Mills. 7 35 sale, &c. JOHN JT. RAYMOND, ceedingsare had, and there detained until the Companies. Whenever any corporation of any kind, of Canada, having a population greater than 5,000, - Norwalk, April,18"G. • I used the Weber Grar.-f. Piano because Iconsid- 7 65 " •'•'XZk like Oakey Hall's. Such a summer is always either private or public, except corporations according to'the last census, together with the :8 05 r' 8 25 " '' Tax Collector, Ast of 1S74. day appointed for his appearance, in vlike Be it enacted by the Senate and Honse of Repre­ names of the newspapers having the largest local er it the best in the world. Harry Sanderson, ,825 •• • - 1 8^5 • Dated at Norwalk, April 2nd, 1877. followed by a long and very dreary winter. manner as if the offence charged had been sentatives in General Assembly cojwreired: having a stock capital or proprietors of com­ circulation in the piaces-named. Also acatalogue SILVER! SILVER 1 The Weber Piano possesses everything that can 9 05 «• New York Express' . 9 25 ' Oakey Hall will, in a year from now, be bor­ "That section eight, article five,cnapter two, mon fields, or whenever any association or­ of newspapers which are recommended to adver­ be wished for in a Piano. Geo. W. Morgan. 925 '« 9 45 «« Tax Collector's Sale. ""committed in this state. ' tisers as giving greatest value in proportion to The Weber Piano ranks loromost amongst (he rowing a dollar or two from chance Americans SeSNis. If the person so recognized or part seven, title seventeen, of the general ganized under the laws of this state, shall R® THE ONLY WAY OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned, statutes, be amended so as to read as follows: have failed to hold their annual meeting* or rices charged. Also, all newspapers in the United bestinanutactured. William Mason. in London to pay for the miserable bed he committed appear before.such judge or court ttates and Canada printing over 6,000 copies each The Weber Pianos stand first amongst the splen­ N under and by virtue of a certain tax warrant, "No insurance company shall limit the term to legally elect officers tlifereat, and no pro­ issue. Also, all the Religious, Agricultural,Scion- To protect your cash receipts from THIKVES is NOW FOR YOUR WATER PIPES. duly executed and signed by proper authority, will be sleeping in. And such men always upon the day ordered he shall be discharged tide. Mechanical. Medical, Masonic, Juvenile, Ed­ to intrnst them to MILES'ALARM TILL M'S , did. Pianos produced in this Country. and directed to the undersigned, commanding him unless he'is demanded by some person au- within which any suit shall be brought vision shall be contained in its charter, arti­ Clara N. Brinkerhoff. Wm. Glover Sc Son, to levy and collect of. MARGARET SAUNDERS, against it to a period less than one year from cles of association, or by-laws, or provided by ucational, Commercial,- Insurance, Real Estate, end in that way. J-atf J % m ithorizedby the warrant of the executive of Sporting, Musical, Fashion, and otherspecial A ten years' experience satisfies me that the We­ Are ready to put in your WATER,STEAM or GAS and other persons named in the rate book, TWEED State'to receive him, or unless, such a the time when the loss insured against shall law for such contingency, a special meeting dmss journals.; very complete lists. T.ogcther ber Pianos are unapproachable.—Jo/iii Zundel. on the list to said warrant annexed, their several occur. [Approved, March 13, 1877.] for that purpose may be called by the persons with a complete list of over 300 German papers Patent Safety... PIPE, at very short notice and at as low a rate-as proportions of the sum total as therein stated, has got tired of being followed by the law judge or court shall find cause to order his printed in the United States. Also, an essay upon anyone. WROUGHT AND CAST IRON, TIN- said sum being a tax or assessment agreed upon whose duty it is to call the ' annual meeting, would call especial attention to LINED, LEAD PIPES, &c., of every size and de­ by the inhabitants ot the town ol Norwaik, regu­ and is making a compromise. He has told appearance at some future day when he may [HouseBill No. 190.] advertising; many tables of rates, showing the scription. PLUMBING in all its branches. be required to recognize or be committed und and shall be called by such persons whenever cost of advertising in various newpapers, and Money Drawer, larly and legally assembled, to wit:—on the 20th all he knows about his escape and the swindle, CHAPTER XLV. requested so to do by not less than ten or a everything which a beginnerin advertising would day of December, A. D.. 1875,met for the purpose detained as before. An Act in addition to &n Act entitled "Civil like to know. Address (JEO.'P. ROWELti ift Co., of providing for the indebtedness of said town list and a very interesting chapter it is. He lived SeC. 5. All recognizances taken under this majority of the members of such corporation V* > SOLI) AT THE ESTY COTTAGE ORGAN ot 1875, levies upon and will sell at publicauction, Actions. or association in writing, and such notice 41 Park Bow, New York. in a fisherman's hut in New Jersey; he lived act shall be taken to the state,-and if the per­ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre­ , Undertaking! . at the premises hereinafter described, on the 7th shall be given of such special meeting as is Vpo ADVERTISERS.—Send for our Local Fairbanks' Soale Warehouses, , Beautifully finished in black walnut and day of June, A. D..1877, at 11 o'clock, a. m., so in-theEverglades of Florida;- he went higher son recognizing fails to apj)ear according to sentatives in General Assembly convened : O THE PUBLIC! Anyone wishing myservices much ot the following described realestate ol Mar­ the condition Of his recognizance, the same SEOTION 1. Xhe defendant or defendants in required in calling an annual meeting, .and at 1*List . of Newspapers.)erg Sentfree onapplication. 311 Broadway New York, jj rosewood,combining nioreperfectionsthan in the Undertaking business will find me at garet Saunders, situated in said town of Norwalk, and yon, a fugitive and wanderer up and such meeting the necessary officers may be GEO. P. ROWELL ICO., 41 Park Row, N. Y. Tthe late residence of my father, 55 Main Street, or shall be forfeited, and like proceedings shall any civil action may give notice of any coun­ 1 2 MIUe any other in the world. Has taken more and bounded as follows, to wit: beginning at a down the earth,till, sick and tired, he want- elected* m ' -I Street, Boston at Demmon & Newcomb's Store. point on the Wilson road, so called, at which be had tajn case otother recognizances taken ter claim for damages arising out of the trans­ than ONBf nUNDRED AND FIFTY GOLD MED 11 GEORGE H. RAYMOND, Agent" the fence running north and south meets said ed nothing so much as to be allowed to quit ^p- in criminal cafces; provided, that ft the person action on which the plaintiff's claim is based, Approved, March 7, 1877. For sale by.leading Hardware Dealere. ALS AND FIRST PBEMIUMS, at Fairsand Ex highway, thence running northerly as the fence charged recognizes, or is committed, any per­ wherever a cross action would lie on the sub­ hibitions throughout the United States. now stands, to fences separating said premises his wanderings and settle down to a quiet life ject matter in controversy, and may recover ; V - ' • [House Bill No. 257.] - * . <-*" ,:ff V'Vp^ i Bobbins' Starch Polish. from premises of Daniel Hoyt, thence running out son authorize by the warrant Of the execu­ • •''•-* CHAPTER I.VTI. They are endorsed by theliighes tmusical easterly as the fence now stands-about one hun­ of jail. He has been hunted up and tive of this state, may at all times take him a balance exceeding the plaintiff's claim, to P. D. Lorell & authorities. V,n - dred and twenty feet to bounds set in thcfencc, down the earth, branded as a criminal, till, any. amount found due,-which is within the An Act to Confirm the Election of Officers into custody, and the saipe shall be a dis­ of Towns and other Officers, to Confirm frOWDA SHINE) thence running southerly in a straight line to weary and faint, he wanted peace. And so charge df the recognizance, and not to be jurisdiction of the court in which the case js 233 Pearl St., and 118 JolmSt., - Certainly the best I ever heard. I [ bounds set in the fenco standing on the old high­ the doings of Assessors and Boards of Re­ ITBW TOKIC, ' • ' Geo. W.Morgan way, about one hundred and sixty feet trom place he permitted himself to be taken, and came deemed ad cscape. tried. of beginning, and thence running westerly as the EO. 2. This act shall affect no pending lief and other Officers of Towns and School Manqfacturers ot Lamps,Chandeliers. Glassware. SEC. <5. The judge or court before- whom S REMOVAL! Head-light Chimneys,and also the Sole owners of It is vocal,which is the highest praisethat wall now stands, along the old highway to the home, made his statement and accepted Districts, and to Validate the Acts and such person.shafl have been examined and re­ suits. [Approved March 7, 1877. ill' the celebrated Drummonil Burner and Chimney. can be bestowed on any instrument. place of beginning, as will raise the sum of seven terms. He turns over to the city' all that is cognized or committed, shall immediately stsrg, •• Votes of School Districts. This was the only UIJITNEIT and CHIMNEY that dollars and llitcen cte($7.15) that being the propor­ ; Be it enacted by the Senate and Honse of Repre - G. B.Seymour, Mustea I Critic N. Y. Timet. tion of the said Margaret SaunderB, ol the sum left of the money he and his coadjutors stole, cause written notice to be given to the state Vfc/ ,v- [House Bill No. 157.] sentatives in General Assembly convened . ^ received the - -total in-said list together with the charges ol levy, attorney of the county where the examina­ CHAPTER XLVI. •SECTION 1. In all cases in which the offi­ DIPliOMA AJTD MBDAIi Theyarethebestreedinstrumentweha-ve sale,&c. JOHN F.RAYMOND, and will be permitted to go out and live un­ An Act Confirming the Election of Justices Tax Collector, list ot 1875. tion take* place, if the proceedings are not cers of any town in this state have been elect­ at theCentennial Exhibition lor its Pumxr and met with. Dated at Norwalk, April 2nd, 1877. 3tl4 molested. The great king is-now a poor old had upon the information of such attorney, of the Peace and Judgies of Probate, in ed by ballot, and no registry list or copy of BRILLIANCY OF FI.AME. G.& J. JI. Odell,Organ Builders .N. Y. Towns and Districts .in wliie!i Electors's Owing to its GBBAT MERITS and SALE, there man, with no money to speak of and no of the name of such person and of the cause such list was used at the meeting in which have been many SPUMOUS <3IIIMNETS pnt upon It is the neplus ultra of reedinstruments. 1 Tax Collector's Sale, power, a past. that he'dares not look back of the arrest, and the said state attorney, in Meetings were not duly warned. such officers were elected, and the names of thp market under that name; as onr title has been Be it enacted by the Senate and House ol Repre­ Prof.E. L. Baker OTICE IS hereby given that the undersigned, upon and no future at all. There are a thou­ all cases, shall immediately cause like notice sentatives in General Assembly convened : the persons voting at such meeting checked sustained by the Courts in every instance, we N under and by virtue of a certain tax warrant, to be given to the governor of the state or warn all persons rrom selling ot using any chim­ J> contains sweetness and power In an duly executed and signed, by proper authority, and sand draymen in the city who are better off gf SECTION 1. In all cases in which the con­ on such list or copy as then required by law, ney under that name unless^manufactured by us. directed to the undersigned, commanding him to territory, or to^the.state attorney.-or to the stables of any town have neglected to warn such election, if otherwise regular, shall not SelleckBim, Each chimney has the word "DEIIMMOXD" plain­ unjsual degree.—He®. Bishop Simpson, M levy and collect ol JAMES B. CORSON, and other -than he, and who could not afford to change ly stamped in the base. WE ASK A T1UAL OF judge of the criminal court, of the city or any electors' meeting held therein, in the for the defect aforesaid, be void, but the E. Church. i persons named in the rate book on the list to said places with him. county of the state or territory in which the manner provided by law, the election of jus­ same ,is hereby ratified and confirmed; and ITS MERITS. For sate by all dealers throughout warrant annexed, thcireeveral proportions of the f j-i offence is charged to have been been commit- all acts done by tlie persons so elected as the country. Language fails in adequacy to convey a sum total as therein stated, said sum being a tax WHAT TILDEN IS DOING. FC " tices of the peace therein, and of any judges D3*CHIHNETS MADK lu BLUE, OPA L fair idea of the perfectly enchanting power or assessment agreed upon by the-inhabitants of ted. •*- •• of probate'in-any district to which such town aforesaid, otherwise legal, are hereby vali­ tbe town of Norwalk. regularly and legally as­ Whatever may be the upshot of it, there is IT Approved, February 88, 1877. ; dated; and in all oases in which collectors of HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR AND R tJBY GLASS."EG 3ml3 of thisinstrument.— Independent. sembled, to wit:—on the 20th day of D#ecmber, belongs, if otherwise regular and in conform­ A GREAT DISCOVERY. A. D., 1875, met for the purpose of providing for no doubt that the arch conspirator, Tilden,. ity to law,shall not for that reason be invalid, taxes of any town have been appointed^ by Vastlysuperior to anything of the kind •' . '[SenateBillXo.§4.] iVi-V'S'; ' " . V • " ^ * By the use of which every lamily may give their the indebtedness of said town list of 1S75, lefies wishes very much to make another effort for ..." but the same shall be and hereby is ratified the selectmen thereof, and not otherwise, fl £ '•' t '••}? ,-j • 3'I "Universally Approved." have ever played upon.— Wm.A. King. Linen that brilliant polish peculiar to line laun­ upon, and will sell at public auction at the sign­ CHAPTER XXXVIII. post in Norwalk, at South Norwalk, so called, on the presidency. He never intended that the and confirmed. such appointment shall not for that reason be THE NEW PORTABLE dry work. Saving time and labor in ironing, more • lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprc- void, but the same and all acts done by such TheEsty Organs are without a superior. than its entire cost. Warranted. Ask lor Dob­ the 7th day of June; A. D., 1S77, at 10 o'clock, a. verdiet of the joint commission should be • sentatives in General Assembly convened: Sec. 2. This act shall take effect from its New Centennial Building, WASUSTAND prevents Geo.Jardtne, Organ Builder,N. Y. bins'. • m., so much of the following .described property zX- Whenever any railroad company has mort- passage. collectors, otherwise legal, are hereby vali­ absolutely SKWKK GAS­ consisting of one oyster lot of James B. Corson, iinal, if it was adverse to him,- and had the dated and confirmed; and in all cases in which ES in bedrooms. Saves Dobbins,Bro.& Co.,13 N 4th st.Fhil %foresaid, to wit:—One certain oyster plantation ^aged, or shall mortgage its railroad, pursu- Approved, March 7, 1877. - .- . >j: CARPETS trom ruin. No • No tremolo has yet been invented that administration of Hayes been less popular he at any electors' meeting, any person has been will in any way compare with this for bfeau- Sold by DEMMON & NEWCOMB, Procers, Main in said Norwalk, in quantity two acres, more or aht.to law,to secure itsbonds, andliasinclud- pitchers or wash bowls Street, Norwalk. 41 less, and bounded northerly by plantation of Fla­ would have commenced proceedings long ago • ed, or Bhall include in said mortgage all or any [House Bill No. 94.] declared elected to any office at such , meet­ needed; nothing to break tyofe Sect.— ~\Vm. A.Johnson,Orfianbuilder. vins Clark, easterly by plantation ol Legrand Jen- ^ ! part of its rolling stock, locomotives and cars CHAPTER XLTII. ing, who was appointed and acted as box- no sloppingot'water, but. nings and Walter Hoyt, southerly by plantation of in the supreme court. It is certain that he an insiant supply when­ It is not merely thefiesi.bulit is the only William E. Reynplife. and westerly by planta­ r* '-r whether those owned by it at the date of said An Act relating to Taxation'of Corporations. tender of the box in which ballots were cast Where they will be pleased to see all their old. ever wanted. No plumb­ has gone-so far ais to have skilled attorneys, Be it enacted by"the Senate and House of Repre­ for such persons for such office* his election, mechanical reproduction ofthehuman voice ? . THE HARTFORD tion of Herman IScers, as will raise the sum.of mortgage or those thereafter to be • acquired sentatives in General Assembly convened: customers and as many new ones as will -be.: ing or pipes. Applie'4 three dollars and thirty-seven cents ($3.37), tbat draw up the papers necessary to contest the if otherwise legal, shall not for that cause be pleased to call. They have one of the finest anywhere. Send for cir­ which has ever satisfied me.—Ben. H. O. being the proportion-of the said James B. Corson by it for use upon such railroad, or both, such SECTION 1. Shares of the capital .stock of cular. Address , ^ mortgage shall be deemed valid and effectual', v.oid, but the same is hereby validated and stores in the State, and intend to keep it Riggs, Presiden tof Northern New York Musi­ of the sum total ia said list, together with the election, and proceedings will be commenced any bank, national banking association, insur­ confirmed, and- all acts done by such officer, cal Association. slEAM BOILEfi INSPECTION! charges oi levy,sale, &c. ?! as respects all the property therein included ance, turnpike," bridge, or plahk road compa­ stocked withas ~;k-•••-!'' JOHN F. RAYMOND, if the temper of the public should change, as aforesaid, and may be foreclosed in the if otherwise legal, are hereby made valid. Portable Waslistand Co., J Tax Collector, list of 1875. and become adverse to the present adminis­ ny, owned by any resident in this state, shall SEC. 2.' In all cases in which the assessors 5:;: J. H. POTTER,Norwaik. AND Dated, at Norwalk, April 2d,1877. 3tl4 same manner as ordinary mortgages of real be set in his list at its market value, in the 706 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. tration. Tilden staked his all upon the pres- . estate; and the record thereof in the office of of any town in this state have added to the town in which he may reside; but so much list of any person making a sworn list, any I i PARASOLS. - • Insnfaiice Company»>.' idency, and has by no means relinquished the secretary of this state shail.be a sufficient of the capital of any such company as may r Copartnership. v: record and notice to protect the title under property owned by him, and liable to taxation HE stale and Sombre Sun "UmbreUas and Ugly his hopes. Beaten at the polls, beaten by a;, be invested in real estate, om which it is as­ in said town, without legally notifying him COWLES & MERRILL, CASH CAPITAL., .@500,COO HE subscribers have this day formed a copart­ the mortgage notwithstanding such company sessed and pays a tax, the assessed value of T Canopies, superceded by TASTlf & DAINTY nership under the firm name of Wm. C. Street joint commission of his own making, he still may remain in possession of ail or anypart of thereof; and in all cases in which the asses­ Fine an AssoM of Ms PARASOLS, in all the' Fashionable Shades of Agents at Nor walk, Conn., Issue Policies for the ft Co., and will continue the Hardware, Iron and such real estate shall be deducted from the sors have omitted to compare or Sign, or re­ Color to .match the dresses. Everything NEW SSUES Policies ol Insurance. Aftcrcarefnl in-, T thinks he sees a way, through the courts, to - the mortgaged property. market value of its stock, in its return to the and in accordance with the SPRING FASHIONS. following Insurance Ccm oanies: spection ot the Boilers, Covering all loss or Paint business, at the old stand of W m. C. Street, turn, date or make oath to an abstract of the I No. 18 Water Street. 4^. gain the ambition of -his life; and he will. ; •; [Approved February 28,1877.J assessors. Gracetul'in shape, charming in style and coquet­ ^Etna, of Hartford, Ct., , $4,047,37807 damage to Boilers, Buildings, and Machinery aris K.W?" WM. WBTREET, assesment list of their respective towns, or to tish in size, they crown with a Acting coronet, the Hartford, . - • . ; 1,587,51900 inglrom - WM. H.SMITH. make the effort if he gets the slightest show.. J i ; (House bill No. 121.) r SEC. 2. This act shall . take effect from lodge the same in the town clerks' office in loveliest toilet. At wholesale only by the sile and after its passage. Manufacturers, DAWES A FANNING, 98 and 130 Phmnix, *' ^ ! . 1,081,18984 Norwalk, April 2d, 1S77. 3tlo If President Hayes' policy makes the slight­ , F \ - CHAPTER XXXIX. said town, on or before the fifteenth day of People's, ol Middle own.Ct., 248,87486 tApproved, March 7,1877.] . as can be found in this part of the County* Franklin St.-, N.ew York. STEAM BOIER EXPLOSIONS ! est feeling—if any party is formed against * An-A^t Relative to the ^Construction of December in each year, or having lodged it Home of New York, •*?. » 2,723,20652 ^ Commissioners' Notice. J an Act therein named. there on or before that day, have neglected and to sell as cheap as best quality of Goods Phosnix, Brooklyn, N. Y., " , 1,545,55710 him, Mr. Tilden proposes to move on him WHEREAS, by an act passed by this (General [House Bill No. 98.] '' t - can be bought anywliefe. We are receiving HOARDING. Continental of New York, ' 1,427,49621 J. HI. ALLEN, • ' - " President HE subscribers, appointed by the Conrt of CHAPTER XLIX. to sign or make oath to it until afterwards, International, 829,47600 C. ITI. BEACH, - - Viee-Presldcnt Probate, for the District of Norwalk, Com­ through the courts,and try what legal chican­ ? r Assembly, approved July 9, 1869, the same or have omitted from said abstract the list or direct from the Mills, west., LEASANT ROOMS and Good Board can be Westchester, of New Rochelle, N. Y.f 453,93032 T . £>5 being chapter'one hundred and twenty* An Act Concerning the Planting of Trees and P had \vith the comfort of a home, at moderate Springfield, of Springfield, Mass., . , 579,78000 I. B. PIERCE, - - " Secretary missioners to receive, examine and decide upon ery can do to make him president. The pa-:, Tax ^hereon. part of the list of any person; and in all cases prices. Apply at my residence on Prospect Hill. People's, Worcester, Mass., 600,00000 the claims of the creditors ot the estate of ISAAC eig'at of the acts of 1869, shares of the in which house lots not exceeding two acres C.J.GRUMAN. W. G, IINEBCR6B, Agent CHURCH, late ot Norwalk, in snid district, de­ pers were all prepared some weeks ago, at' Be it enacted by the Senate and House or Repre­ Franklin, Phiia., Pa., • 3,268,81839 ceased, represented insolvent, hereby give notice ; i capital stock of trust companies were made sentatives in General Assembly convened: have not been assessed and set in the list sep­ Commerce, Albany,N.Y., 264,42400 that we will attend to the business of oif said ap­ Tilden's"house in Gramercy Park, and are" - * subject to all the laws relating to the tax That whosoever shall plant any land in Narragansctt, of Providence,R. I., 754,947 00 Officeover the First Nationa Bank, cor.Maih'and arately as land, and in all cases in which the Not only tlie best but the Cheapest. Andes, Cincinnati, O., 1 1,250,000 00 BankSts., BlUOGEPORTiCONN. 23 pointment at the late dwelling house'of said Isaac now in Washington, to be used if occasion on bank stock, and this state not heretofore woodland (the actual assessors have not signed the assessment list READ OUR PRICES. Home, of Columbus, O., 438,44734 Church, deceased, in said Norwalk, ®n the 15th WHEBEAS, doubts have arisen as to the prop­ value of day of May, A. D., 1877, and on the 1st day of June offers. Morrissey is in it, but fortunately, if which at the time of planting does or lists of their respective town or to.wns col­ Porter House Steak, - - - - 20c to 22c Alemania, Cleveland, O., 295,000Oo A. D., 1877, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon oi each of er construction of said act, and certain not exceed fifteen dollars per acre)'to timber lectively, but have signed the same individ­ Sirloin, ------18c Liverpool, and London, and Globesepa­ said days. it goes into the courts,the case will be beyond • trust companies have, under said act, re- trees of any of the following kinds, to wit: Roast Beef, finest quality. - - -. - • l£c rate fire assets, 5,055,10500 Said Gom-t hath extended, allowed,and limited ually for districts or societies in said towns, Flour by Car Loads Pork and Sausage, ------15c North British and Mercantile, do do 2,104j508 00 the reach of money or the peculiar influences - turned their non-resident stock and paid chestnut, lccust, hickory, ash,'catalpa, white the time for the exhibition to us of claims against and in all cases in which the assessors^ have Patronize the market ot GEO. LOW, Ag't. Queen of Liverpool & London, do do l,355,b60 00 said estate to eleven months from the 1st day of which Mr. Morrissey knows best how to ' i taxes thereon to the treasurer of the state, oak,-sugar maple, European larch,white pine, not signed any assessment list; and in all Water St., opposite Leonard's Co?l Yard. Imperial, of London, do dflif5.313,665 00 July, A. D., ls7B. as is provided in the case' of state banks, or spruce, a number not less than twelve-hun­ cases in which the assessors and board of re­ - And othe'rCompanies,Stock and Mutual, in Con­ Dated nt Norwalk, the 2d day of April, A. D. 18i <• wield. and otners have returned and paid taxes on dred to the acrc; and after such plantation \ necticut and New York. WI1.LIAM M. RAYMOND, 1 Commis- CRIME. • lief have omitted to set the taxable property Horsemen Attention I •ttu EDWARD W. STUART, I Bioners. said stock to treasurers of towns, as is pro­ of trees shall have grown on an average of of non-residents in separate list; and in all including the GEORGE R. COWLgS, HOMER 5IERRILL There is an epidemic of crime, which has vided in case of National banks; therefore, six feet in height, the- owner of such planta­ cases where the persons making the assess­ HE Thoroughbred Stallion " American Boy," Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- -v 4 will stand.l'o rthe coming season on the prem­ Commissioners' Notice. taken, this week, more than usually horrible tion of trees may appear before the board of ment lists were appointed by the selectmen Tises of his owner MRS. GEOHGE LOW, on the - sentatives in General Assembly convened: relief in any town in which such -plantation HE subscribers, appointed by the Honorable features. A frail woman, an inmate of a SA • SECTION 1. All taxes so paid as aforesaid in of their respective towils; and in all cases Westport road. The Stallion is Pure Black Hawk Court of Probate for the District of Norwalk, of trees may be located, and on proving the and Messenger Bi eed.and for style and beauty has Wm T fashionable house of ill-fame up-town, was good faith, whether to the' treasure* of the where the assessment list has been added to, no superior. Terms Reasonable. GIFT BOOKS! Commissioners to receive,examine and decide up­ ? state or of the town, are hereby validated herein-mentioned conditions, such plantations majle out, or altered, .btefore the board of re- Celebrated Invincible Brand on the claims of the creditors of the estate of JO­ visited by an unknown man one evening last of trees shall be subject to exemption from SEPH D. LASSEN', an insolvent debtor oi Nor­ and confirmed as lawful and sufficient pay­ liefiiave equalized and adjusted the return walk, in said district, assigned in trustfor the ben week. What' transpired in the room will ment of taxes due from said companies. all taxation whatever for a period of ten and assessments of their towns; and in all efit of his creditors, hereby give notice, that we w. E. QUINTARD, ' " s Skeleton in Armor, never be known. The man rushed out, and; SEO. 2. The returns BY trust companies years next thereafter. cases where the assessors of any town did not will attend to the business of our said appoint­ [Approved March 7, 1877.] Best Minnesota Patent, which cannot be beat ILLUSTRATED. ment, at tbe office of William S.Bouton jn the city was lost in the darkness,—a moment later the and the taxes on non-resident stock of said give notice to all persons to hand in a written of South Norwalk, on the 31stday of MdM1877,and companies now required by law to be made or printed list of all taxable property belong­ for quality. Also, Kiieral Undertaker, on the 30th day of June, 1877, at ten o'ciWk in the woman appeared at the head, of the stairs. Senate Bill No. 51 ing- to them on the first day of October, A.D. forenoon of each of said days. - and paid, in all eases, to the treasurer of the CHAPTER L. POSITE HO&SE R. R. DEPOT, I'i-- enveloped in flames. She was dressed for the state. - Approved, March 7, 1877. 1876; and in all cases where such assessors Legend of Sleepy Hollow; Said Court hath limited and allowed three An Act in addition to an Act relating'to In­ r •S^mers attended to day or night. Residence months from tlio date hereof for the exhibition to evening in rich robes of a. combustible ma­ and boards of relief did not give legal' notice' • ;-I". ILLUSTRATED. :V;-. us of claims against said estate. 9 r 'w [Qonse Bill No. 136.] solvent Estates. of the time and place of their meetings, Main Street,3 doors from Union Avenue. The ONLY BLACKING.'that meets thi Dated at Norwalk, this 31st day of March, A. D., terial, and the flames had completely envel­ ' I Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre­ CHAPTER XL. sentatives in General Assembly convened: where they did not , take the oath required St. LOUIS AND MICHIGAN FLOURS. demand for a quick and brilliant polish. 1877. oped her. She had just time to exclaim, "He An Act in addition to an Act entitled Private SECTION 1. - All debts due to any' laborer law; and in all cases where any such board a x : Bryant's National Ode, :.i 4tl4 MARTIN S. CRAW,| ) Commission- £ " BIXBY'S BEST" • WILLIAM S. BOUTON, f ers. set me' on. fire with a match," and fell, and ? Property, being Chapter vi, Part 1, Title or mechanic for personal wages from any of relief have added to the list of any person ILLUSTRATED. abto2ule/y nourishes and preserves f/te before relief could rcach her was burned to .. 18, Relating to Lands. insolvent debtor, whose estate i3 in settle­ any new item of taxable property actually Quintard's Furniture Rooms _ leather. v Be it enacted'by the Senate and Houee of Bepre- THE 1HLDT0WBB Commissioners' Notice. death. This was followed by another mystery. . ment, for any labor performed for him with­ owned by him, without giving the notice re­ S. II. E:XDT & Co, 173 t IX Washington Ct E. Y« HE subscribers appointed-by the Honorable . sentativei in General Assembly convened. ' quired by law; and any case where any will be found a complete assortment of -That:whenever a testator; in.his last, will in three month? next preceding'the assign­ Whittier's, Longfellow's, and tlie Sold Sy] T Conrt of Probate, for theDistrict of N orwalk, One of the oldest and richest firms in the city is ment, or the institution of such proceedings such board of relief have raised the amount Commissioners to receive, examine and decide that of the Jewitts, lead manufacturers.. The and testament duly proved and! appointed, FURNITURE, AO., I STALFORD & STODDARD, Grocers, Norwalk upon the claims ot the creditors of the Estate of shall have authorized the.executor to sell all in insolvency, shall be allowed by the com­ of the list of any person, without giving suoh CURES! other Leading Poetical Works.- THOMAS HOWLEY,an insolvent debtor, of Nor­ junior member is a nephew of the senior, and. person notice of the increase so made, and or anyt^trtof his real estate, and such exe- missioners on his estate, and paid in full by HUMPHREYS' 1ncl adin g everything tisu ally found in a first-clase walk, in said district, assigned in trust for the ben­ the trustees to the amount of one hundred .the amount of said list is hot in fact excessive establishment, at Prices to suit the Times. Also, Blue" efit of his creditors, hereby give notice that we is a peculiarly excitable man,so much so lhat cutor shall have refused to accept said trust, HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS True will attend to'thebusinessof oursaidappointment or shall have, deceased before the settlement dollars, before the general liabilities of such or unjust; and in all cases where any mem­ Been in general iPwr twenty years. a large assortment of ^ Miscellaneous & Juvenile Works. is it was deemed advisable by his partners to. debtor are paid. ber of the board of relief has omitted to sign at the Office ot William S. Ronton, in the City of of said estate shall have been completed, and Everywhere proved the most BAFR CHR0M0S, PJgTURE FRAMES, South Norwals, in said district, on the 24th day of buy him out, and4he papers necessary had SEC. 2. That chapter sixty-one of public any assessmenUlist, or abstract thereof, after :: REAL May, 1877, and on the 23d day of J line, 1877, at 10 ' an administrator'with the will annexed, or SIMPLE.ECQNOJflCAl, lli EFFICIENT # A. SELLEOK,' o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. been drawn. Thursday morning, an explo­ de bonis won, shall have been appointed to acts of 1876 is hereby repealed. the same shall have been examined^: and cor­ LOOKING GLASSES, &c. SEO. 3. This act shall take effect from rected by such boafd of relief; and in all cases mertlclncs known. They are Just what Said Court hath limited and allowed three ihonths sion was heard in "the private office, and the . settle such estate, such administrator, by and the-people want, saving time, money, Glass Platescuttoanysize. Repairingdoneinthe WALL STREET, X ORWALK. from the date lieroof, for the exhibition to us ol the date of its passage. '• -/ t p in which the town clerk of any town has not beskmanner, at short Notice. Also, old Hair Mat- claims against said estate. room was dicovered to be on fire. The em­ with the stdvice and consent of the court sickness and goffering.: Kvery single trusses over as good as new. of probate in the district in which said estate [Approved, March 7, 1877.] % ' •- transmitted , to the comptroller of public ac­ Made solnblo by Dated atNorwalk, in saig district, this 24th day ployees of the house rushed to the room and - counts, an abstract of the lists of such town •neclne the well tried prescription of of March, A. D„ 1877. „ . is in settlement, may fell such real estate as Patent Process. MARTIN S. CRAW, I Commis- found the senior dead, the junior mortally ., [House Bill No. 99.] - •:-& : by the first day of March of each year, such an eminent physician. > E. QUINTARD'S SON. II SLLMM For Sale. 4tl3 WM. S. BOUTON, f sionefs. said testator authorized his executor to sell, CHAPTER LI. Noa. Cnres.. Cents. • wounded, and the other member badly. and the deed of such administrator, executed assessment lists shall not, for any of sueh POINTING PRESS, TYPE, &c , for sale Pacfci in Patent An Act concerning the Election and Powers causes, be adjudged void or defective, but. 1. FeveVs, Congestion, Inflammations, . . S3 A cfieap. Address, H. A.GOLDY, Stamford,Ct., reudy-raado woimded and unconscious. There were re- . in due form of law, shall convey the title to of School Visitors in Towns having Union 2. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, . . 25 Notice. said estate to the purchaser thereof. the same are hereby ratified, and confirmed, . 3. Crylnc-Collc, or Teething of Infants,. 35 WM. NDCKWOOD, volvers and Knives on the floor, and the frag- . . Districts. and made valid a'nd binding npon the town 4. Diarrhoea, or Children or Adnlts, . . 85 BAGS cxd SOSES. In accordance with a petition very largely sign­ All deeds heretofore executed by an admin­ ire Ton Fond of PnpMn Fies? ed, and presented to us by the Citizens of Nor-, ments of a hand grenade^ which doubtless - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre­ wherein the same Were made; *nd all taxes 5. Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic, . . 35 " (Successor to GEO. H. RAYMOND St, CO.,) walk, for the suppressing ot the selling ol intoxi­ V istrator with the will annexed, or by an ad­ sentatives in General Assembly convened : . 6. Cnolera-Mortnis, Vomiting, .... 35 — m had exploded, killed the; two and wounded ministrator de bonit non, purporting to con- SECTION 1. Whenever in any town the which have been* or shall ^hereafter be, laid 7. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, ...... 35 DruiiEY's .: The only cating drinks on Sunday, we do hereby give notice and imposed according ton said assessment 8. Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache, . . 25 GOLDEN. that all persons having a license for-the sale of the the other. It is all a great mystery, " vey the real, estate which said executor would school districts have been consolidated under -9. Headache's. Sick Headache, Vertieo, . 35 Furniture Dealer, "Truo Blue" same, found gnilty of selling, in violation ot the have been empowered to convey under the the provisions of the acts of 1856, 18(57,1869, lists, may, • notwithstanding, J)e levied and 10. Dyspepsia, Billons Stomach S5 PXJMPKIN Sunday Law, will be by us reported to the County Doubtless young Jewett, the nephew, did the V; collected. Commissioners, with a request that their license will of the testator^ if executed in other Ve- and 1872, and such towns may have hereto-' 11. Suppressed, or Painfnl Periods,... 35 No. 36 Jllala Street, Norwalk Makes splendid pies. work with the hand grenade, for there are no fore abandoned, or shall hereafter abandon SEO. 3. In all cases in which a rate hill 12. Whites, too Profnse Periods, .... 35 be revoked. , , spects according to law, shall be held good heretofore made out for the collection of any 13. Croup. Cough,Difficult Breathing, . . 35 It is put -up in 3 lb _au ndrv. The law requires that Grand Jurors shall dili­ pistol or knife wounds on the bodies of him- and effectual to convey the same. «; such system under the provisions of said acts, 14. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions. . 35 cans, ready tor use, gently inquire after, and make complaint of all tax has not been made under, the hands of 15. Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains, . . 35 ©UNDERTAKING.!! and is superiortoany crimes and misdemeanors that shall come to their Self, his uncle or the other member of theygy Approved, March7,1877. '-v£-, those persons who have been, or who shall be In the market. No knowledge, to the court having cognizance ol the elected school committee of such union dis­ the selectmen of any town or of'a committee 16. Fever and Ague, Chill Fever, Agnes,. 50 firm. Two such singular crimes seldom oc-j|g'; \ . of any other community, according to the 17. Piles, blind or bleeding, . . . . 60 At my store fonnd a large assortment ol Water is used in its TRY Of. offense, or to some Justice ol the Peace in the VK:• [HouseBill. No. 248,] hf -re tricts, shall be and remain the membeis of preparation before town where the ofl'ensc is committed. J Bclden t ' 18. Ophthallny,1 and Sore1 or WeakT Eyes,. 50 all kinds of cur in one week. \ .\+, • ' CHAPTER XI.L the board of school visitors of such towns, provisions of an act for the assessment and 19." Catarrh,- - acute or chronic. Influenza,-* " GO canning, and it is Btxby & Cox 173 (i 175 WashingtonSt Huributt is the prosecuting officer appointed by An Act to Validate the Defective Acknowl­ collection of taxes, and acts amendatory there­ therelore richer and the County Commissioners. ! 4. S WHAT WILL BE WOBN. " 5 .1 with all powers and duties of school visitors, 20. Whooplng-Cough, violent coughs, 50 COFFINS, CASKETS, Sold by JOSEPH 1*. HANFORD ) edgement of Peeds. of; and in ajfc cases where the selectmen of 21. Asthma, oppressed Breathing, . . , 60 more economical than GEO. WARD SELLECK, Grocer, Mam Street. ? for the terms of one, two, and three years , 60 and everything necessary for the interir.entol the the-wet, sloppy goods V S'v i- CHARLES W. SMITH, } Solectmen. Ligfivcbeviots, and plain bunting at fifty' 1 Be It enacted by the Senntc and House of Repre­ any town have made their rate bill from the 22. Ear Discharges,- Impaired hearing, heretofore ; -J; l'LATT PRICE, ) sentatives in General Assembly convened. respectively, to which they have been or may 88. Scrofula, enlarged glands, Swellings, , 80 dead. Residence at C.T. CORNWALL'S, France offered to CJUND250. to GEO. V. ROWELL & Co:, New cents a yard, are the popular choice for suits, - j be elected in the same manner as if they had . assessment list made out and corrected by 24. General Debility, Physical Weakness, . 60 Street. R1 the public. One can 53 York, for Pamphlet of 100 pages, containing Norwalk, Aiay 26th. 187 of any town have neglected to sign such rate S3. Epllepsey, Spasms, Bt. Vitus* Dance,. 1 00 FOOT OF HILL HILL. ishmcnt in the country. Now for your orders of silk galoons for trimming has brought out SEO. 2. This act shall take effect from and bill; and in all cases where the warrant has 84. Diphtheria, ulcerated sore throat, . . B0 SACRIFICE! Let me have them atonce. WM.B.SWAN. after the day of its passage, and shall not [House Bill No. 15-2.J 85. Chronic Congestions and Eruptions, 60 an inexpensive wool galoon brocaded in col­ CHAPTER LI I. '' R been made out and signed and attached One for 2 or 4 persons, CarryaWstvle, and some­ triSlTING CARDS Bread, Rolls, Pies, Cakes, Crullers, Ac., baked Norwalk. May 1.1876. 8 affect any suit now pending; S FAHIIT fresh everyday. Everything made out of good ors, which is quite as handsome for ordinary An Act relating to the appointment of Tyth- to any rate bill by a justice of the what woAr, but in good order, will be sold for less materials,and by careful and competentworkmen. Approved, March 7,1877. - • Case, Morocco, with above 33 large vials and than a fifth of its Cost. ! purposes. The bunting dresses almost put ingmen. peace, gueli rate bill shall not for any Manual of directions, $10.00 ENGRAVED TO ORDER. Try our Bakirg. . .[HouseBill No.47.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre­ of the reasons aforesaid be illegal or in­ Case Morocco, of SO large vials and Book, fl.00 A SINGLE-SEAT TOP BUGGY, O. B. D'ARTOIS linen cut of thought, as they bear endless . • CHAPTER XLII. sentatives in General Assembly convened : valid, but shall be good and valid .to all jn- Miner & Stevens make, very light runnine-cost WEDDING ENVELOPES Inrnished, Stamped crushing without wrinkles and will not nom SECTION 1. The members of any church These remedies are sent by the case $500 will be sold for S126. with Monogram, or- Plain. OUTSIDJB KMVE* An Act Relating to County Law Libraries. tents and purposes as if no such irregularities single box or vial, to any part of the LOPES supplied. Town Record Books, ..V *• is ready and prepared to act as ' dust, while quite thin enough for our^rapri- Be It enacted by the Senate and House of Repre­ or organization instituted for public religious had existed, and as if the same had been made country, Tree of charge, on receipt of An entirely new Stivers Jump-seat buggy for 2 worship which is. not connected with an or 4 persons—very easyrunning—willbe sold much cious climate up to the dog days. But • sentatives in General Assembly convened: out under the hands of the selectmen or com­ rlce. Address . _ .. . _ less than its cost, Enquire at the office.of the stylish, a bunting dress needs mueh rufflin SECTION 1. The attorneys at law admitted eclesiastical society may at its annual or at mittee, and signed by them as provided by E[nmphreys' Homeopathic Medicine Co. NORWALK GAZETTE. WEDDING and VISITING CARDS Town Order Books, ;§ri any special meeting duly called for that pur­ Office and Depot, 562 Broadway, New York. anddrarierv Twenty yards is a moderate to practice in the courts of this state and res­ said act; and all- warrants heretofore granted For Sale oy all Druggists. allowance lor a suit, short, and showing the ident in any county,may organize themselves pose appoint two or more tythingmen who Printed in the bestmanner,in latest styles, at tbe FOR- - .for the collection of such a tax, and all bonds, J. M. HOYT, S. F PJCOK and G.C. ST1LLSON1 office-of the - - trfct and anWeUsitis the last caprice by the name of the law library association shall be sworn. Probate Records, notes, obligations, or other securities given South Norwalk. Sermons ; v , to wear the skirts. : for Biich county; and when so organized, SEO. 2. Tythingmen appointed by any by any collector ~of taxes for security, collec­ F. REGNIER anil H. M. & C. S. PROWITT, Nor­ Weddiugs,Ball s, Partieaor Festivals phall be a porporatioir for .the purpose of ecclesiastical society, church, 'or religious walk, Agents. . NORWALK GAZETTE. EASTEB. « tion, or payment of such taxes, or for the > ** Bank Books, and to lurnjsh any and everything required in his holding and-maipgine thelaw library belong­ organization may be chosen from persons faithful performance of his duties, shall in The churches vied with each other in the ing tpHcation of seven 1 lished a notice of the time and place appoint­ that I can be fonnd at the Store No. 51 Main Street attorneys at Jaw.TOU^ent itiwi^ini inay call a r' • House Bill No. 52. " < ed by such collector for the purpose of receiv­ formerly occupied by myself, and latterly by CATERER & CONFECTIONER, as appropriately by making the he«ts of' CHAPTER LIII. - Messrs. Stalford & Stoddard, where I shall take th%ir poorer members glad with serviceable m meeting for the jmipoiie of isucborganizatior, ing the taxes of such town, in a newspaper pleasure to wait upon such as will favor me with jjfc;: By-Laws, Blank Books, by giving noUcci thereof at any eeneral bar An Act Concerning Mortages of Chatties. 52 " ? SOUTH NORWALK, CONN. T;, ;;; gifts. One church voted that every member Be it,enacted by the Senate and House of Repre­ jMinted in the county where such tax is to be 'their patronage. HABVEY FITCH. 8TEAM PRINTIN0 OFFICE I WITH PAINTED HEADINGS aieeting, which meeting shall m nolden dur­ sentatives in General Assembly convened : IRlected, but has published stud notice in an Norwalk, Jannary 29,1877. should be given on Easter morning,a package ing a' mrm of the superior court within twen­ fesmas -, containing a pound of coffee, a.pound of tea, SEOTION 1. Whoever with a fraudulent adjoining county, such publication in an ad­ W;: ty days after the calling of such meeting. ; : Briefs, &c, Ilii 1FOR-"GOOCM five pounds of beef, four pounds of sugar, intent to place mortaged personal property joining county shall b9as good and effectual ?S 1 :>•' Printed and Bound! The clerk shall preside at such meeting until beyond the control of the mortgagee,removes and valid in every-respect, and shall have the -?~rL"(4 -- ' Shipping sni Merchandise Tap, and fifteen yards of calico. Of course this a president of the association is chosen. of conceals, or aids or abets in removing or same effect as if the same bad been published NEATLY PRINTED AT SHORT in the mostcomplete and satisfactory manne was all paid for by the rich members, but as SEO. 3. The officers of auch association concealing the same, and any mortgagor of in a newspaper prfnted in the county where Printed or Plain, they filed out of the church, every member, shall be a president, secretaryi treasurer, li­ '•-NOTICE, AT THE Job Printing, low rates, at the - • . _ / ' rich or poor, took the package he or she was: ? such property who asSents to such removal such tax was or is ta be collected. iii? -vKiiatti'.: ..sHuy/.-r' - - brarian, and a library committee tj> consist of or concealment, shall be punished by a fine SEC. 5. In all cases in which the warning all sizes andstyles can be hadat the' "-* By the Dozen .or Thousand, at Manufacturers' entitled to. The poor members were not put ^ out of countenance, and the rich ones sent . three persons, whoSe duties shall be defined not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by of any school district meeting has -been post­ Gazette Job Prlntfnir Office. GAS2BTTES PriceS, at the • ? by th& by-laws. imprisonment in jail not exceeding six ed and given, but for a shorter timqgban re­ GAZETTE their packages afterward to the poor that they v-vit'K- :-v SEO. 4. Every inhabitant of a county in preferred. It was very neat and cOTaderate. ggg months. quired by law but in all other respects in obtain YPE Steam £rictiog Office) Norwalk,Ct GAZETTE OFFICE. Fucrao. gpi which such "an association is organized, may EO. 2. If any mortgagor of personal conformity to law; and in all cases where the MACHINISTS METALmTt at the 4 ; S eiiRnomia ;VK Steam Printing Office, " LovrRates^Ot . ®.• »| ' ' -Ijgj* use the books in the library, subject to such property sells orconveys the same, or any committee of any school district have neg­ m

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