Title: Ithaca Directory 1883-84 Author:

Call no. LH-CASE 974.7 Ithaca 1883-84

Owner: Ithaca - Tompkins County Public Library Assigned Branch: Ithaca - Tompkins County Public Library (TCPL) Collection: Local History (LH)

Material type: Book

Number of pages: 206

We wish to thank The History Center in Tompkins County for access to select Ithaca City Directory years in their collection for digitization

Digitization of this material was made possible with a 2009 grant from the Park Foundation Tl OSl>CT WEHGJSE AS THE BEST

m HENRY A, ST. JOH1j ? j FIRE INSURANCE AGENT, ! Offia i and 4 West State Street, Ithaca. r 1 'van-. j\ Wilgus Block Dental Rooms, ITHACA, ft. Y. 4 All Operations Executed in i'.e Most Artistic Manner. i O

OFFICE. < OPPOSITE THE POST 0. '-<\ _nrst-Cla@@W&3?b& M^alr -sul lloum,

W. M. SANDBORN, H:-_>: )K i W.M, i CULVER, i Lrl A.ND-

Mh i~a______s. 1 T " jqp; TJR R 9 PlO. 64 EAST STATE ST"FJ*i5.T, ITHACA, N. Y.'Sablisliad 1815,

Iff h it OEA< R IV. lding* ft : IflaggiE j:-;, out and Bit Stone. Oo| i

0 Orders f_\T_:i any Point Pro_.__.ptly ^;.t.."._dr.d To.

^tyLH,riir ON S071K _niT.Xu


TREE, Bock-Binder, 4 and 5 Titus BIook, Ithaca For Reference CASE

to be taken from this room Not >- CC! <_

cc_CD" Furniture Undertak 1

Tn All its Blanches.

^Hearse and Carriages Fi

Night Calls 54 W. State St., and 122 E. Se:


No. 3 West State Street, Ithaca, N. Y.


Beginning' about May 1st,

. orH V V

Will leave the landing at Ithaca at 7 a. m., daily, Suudaye excepted, connecting at Cayuga with Express Trains east and west on the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad.

Ives' Tickets for sale at O. A. office, No. 3 Clinton Block, Ithaca, N. Y. WILLIAMS' ITHAOA DIRECTORY. ^THAGA*GUN+WOKKS_* 76 W. Buffalo St., B. J. DAVIS, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Gtan8j Pistols, A mmunition and Sewing Machine Parts. Spe- oial attention given to Choke Boring Shot Guns, Rifle Cutting and Sewing Machine Repairing. Parties wanting goods in that line please give me a call. C. J. DAVIS. N. B. Orders by mail promptly attended. ROBT. A. HEGGIE,

LHCASE 974.7 Ithaca 1883-84

* I thaca directory.

40 E. State St. Ithaca, Iff. Y.

DR. DON, 179 East Swan St., Buffalo, N. Y. Treats successfully all Diseases of a CHRON IC AND PRIVATE NATURE. Happy relief for Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, Excesses and Abuse, causing Loss of Memory, Unfitness for Business. OBSTACLES, OP MAR RIAGE, Blood Poisoning, Disease of the Throat, Skin and Bones, radically cured. Cases guaranteed, if curable. Ad vice free and private, Books and private circulars and med icines sent everywhere. Send stamp. Office hours 9 am. to 4, and 6 to 9 p m. Sundays, 1 to 3 p. m. Call or write. 11 WILLIAMS' ITHAOA DIRECTORY. DjLY JOURNAL V. (Only Daily in Tompkins County,)

Is published every afternoon (Sundays and Holidays excepted), at the Journal Steam Printing House, JOURNAL BLOCK, SOUTH TIOGA STREET.

Associated Press Dispatches, Choicest Miscellany, and a LIVE LOCAL PAGE every day.

Terms :

Delivered by Carriers, 65 cents per month. Mail subscrip tions, 60 cents per month. Single copies, 5 cents.

jje ffaca jfjeellij foarpl, Issued every Thursday, contains Telegraphic News of the Associated Press, full Market Reports, an ably edited Agricultural page, Poems, Sto ries, Fashions, Miscellany, Recipes for the Farm and House, and is a ne cessity to every


Terms : $2.00 per annum in advance.


Merchants, Manufacturers, and all Business Men should get our prices for CIRCULARS, CARDS, BILL-HEADS, HANDBILLS, DODGERS, Aud all Kinds of

Plata, giad mTmsxey Priatiag.

We do all work for the smallest profit and in the most artistic maner. WILLIAMS' ITHACA DIRECTORY. Ul JAMBS EDWARDS

HSUr* Particular attention given to Repairing in all its branches. No. 29 E. Green St., ITHAOA, N. Y. B. W. FRANKLIN, Dentist! Office Rooms over 3 N. Tioga St.

The Very Best Sets of Teeth only $8. Good Sets, $5. Teeth Re-Set, $3. Filling with Gold, $1. White Filling; Fifty cents.

Persons troubled with RUBBER, SORE MOUTHS can have new sets for $3.00. Gas of our own make administered, always safe and painless. Our patent improved Dental plates are being used exclusively by the best Dentists in all our large cities IW ALL WORK WARRANTED TO BE THE VERY BEST. WILLIAMS' IV ITHACA DIRECTORY. PAI|A SpPIf AUD TOOL GO.

(3_^=MANtTFACTtrEI-RS 0F=_5=O Presses, Dies & Tools FOB WORKING SHEET METAL,


Machinery for Making Fruit Cans

-A. S_PBOI_A.IiT-5T.

WORKS : Nob. 147 and 149 Elm St., BUFFALO, N. Y. WILLIAMS'








FINCH & APGAR'S, 60 East State St.

-PRICE, SS.50.





+T In presenting to my patrons this, my first edition of the

.12 Ithaca Directory, I do so with the consciousness of having C spared neither pains nor expense to make it the most com- i? plete Directory ever issued for the Foresi City. I have had drawbacks and obstacles to surmount which would have dis- 111 couraged most men. My only apology is the lateness of the ^ work, I shall furnish all subscribers with a list of changes Oand arrivals occurring after May 1st, without extra cost. * In addition to the usual matter found in a Directory, I Williams' 0j have added copyrighted Street Directory. In case Direc- . any inexperienced parties should attempt to publish a "" tory for Ithaca in the future, they could not furnish my sys- C tem of street directory, inasmuch as it is copyrighted espe- for the village of a _ cially Ithaca. This is valuable feature of 75 the work ; by it you can go to any house you want to find. <* without reference to numbers. q In many cases we have given tlte names of parties who *j have removed from Ithaca during the past year, and the a place to which they have removed. We have also furnished yj you a Table of Contents, so you may know where to look for any thing you want to find. We have also referred to the 0 page where the advertisements of patrons could be found. jg In conclusion, my thanks are tendered to the "Journal" "Democrat" wand for notices of the work, and to the busi- ness men for their patronage. We shall issue another Direc- 3 tory of Ithaca next year. CJ Respectfully, J. E. WILLIAMS, O Directory Publisher, 60 East State St.




TABLE OF CONTENTS. X o * n * Page m Abbreviations, 83 Alphabetical Directory, 83 9 Alphabetical List of Students, 197W Ancient Order United Workmen, 27 00 Announcement, 2o Banks, - 25 32- Census of Cities over 10,000, Churches, .... 26 J County Courts, 23(0 County Officers, - 23 S) Excise Commissioners, 24 Empire Order of Mutual Aid, - 27g Fire Department, 25-c Grand Army of the Republic, 27 o Halls, Buildings and Blocks, 30 Independent Order of Odd Fellows, 26 3 ilidex to Advertisements, 5 ~~3 judiciary of New York, 22 7+ Unights of Pythias, 28?. Masonic, ----- 26 3 Miscellaneous Directory, 21 O New York State Government, - 22 23 Newspapers, 30 r+ Postoffice, .... 31 g Royal Arcanum, 28,3 Temperance Organizations, 27' Town Officers, 24 Village Government, 24 William's Copyrighted Street Directory, 33 WILLIAMS' ITHACA DIRECTORY.

_tt o Lackawanna o Delaware, m AND w




Leave Ithaca daily, connecting with trains on the main lines o n _H l_tti.nnl.nn _-_-P+X, _-. T\ T Q TIT T"_. T*_i _0 _r\_.. "_rk /*_ t and branches of the D L. & W. R. R. for Owego, Buffalo, I 1 1ill II V Rochester,xvuuiiesier, Scranton,ocramon, j New j~^ Binghamton, Philadelphia, York, Boston, Albany and intermediate points. 0) O

-a. O

lb o


_Q 3 OS Superior Screened

(0 . Always to be o obtained at the yard at the depot.

W. R. HUMPHREY, Superintendent Cayuga Division. WILLIAMS' ITHAOA DIRECTORY.


It is the Live Men who Advertise.

Pase -tt

Alhambra House, . . . Outside front cover<

. 81 Barr Bros., Hardware, Stoves, etc., . c "

. . . 201 Beers Wm P, Livery, .

. H Bird & Belknap, Millinery and Dressmaking, 89 Bool Henry, Art and Variety Store, also Furniture, 82 o Ladies' 3- Burritt L A Mrs, Furnishing, . . . 94

Casey M, Restaurant, .... 180 qj Cayuga Lake Steamers, . . Inside front cover J

_. Christiance Geo, Shoemaker, . . . 178 Conway Patrick, Grocer, .... 177 o Crandall J W, Grocer, . . 205 g Culver W M, Hatter, . . Outside front cover'g Davis J W, Carriage Trimming, . . . 187 q, 7~ Dawson & Quick, Carriage and Wagon Makers, .

Delaware, Lackawanna & Western, . . 187 Q)

Dick James, Coal, ..... 206

Edward James, Carriage and Wagon Maker, . iii Elys' Cream Balm Co, . . . 12

- Eggleston J F, Grocer, . . . . 121

Evans Evan, Photographer, .... 159 CO

Fillingham Fred, Tinsmith, Paper, etc. Outside front cover _ Finch & Apgar, Booksellers, Binders and Stationers, 133 q Foote & Co, City Green House (Florist), . . 31 < Franklin B W, dentist, . . Outside front cover m 130" Frear Wm, Photographer, .... Ladies' Goddard S O, Restaurant, Outside front cover ~

Heggie R A, Jeweler, . . . . . i r*

Herte Jacob, Milk Depot, . . . . 20 o> Hill Homer H, Druggist, . . Outside back cover [g

Lehigh Coal . Horton J H, ag't, Valley Yard, 8 q Howe F S, Dentist, . . Side lines throughout book O " Hoysradt G W, Dentist, . . . Outside back cover

Husk J L, Hair Dresser, .... 160 Howard H, Furniture and Undertaker, Inside front cover

Lawyer and . Humiston H N, Detective, , 124 WILLIAMS' 6 ITHACA DIRECTORY.


Humphrey, W R, Coal, ..... 4

Hunt Warren, Coal, Loyal Sock, . . . 125 Hymes J H, Express, Baggage, . . . 126 Ingersoll C, Carting and Coal Delivery, . . 8 _* o Ithaca Democrat, Weekly, .... 165 o Ithaca Journal Association, .... 4

5 Ithacan, Weekly, ..... 154

(0 Ives C Ticket ag't Railroad and . 205 0> A, Steamboat, *m Jackson & Bush, Dry Goods, . . . 128 (0 Jarvis J Carriage . . . 167 m A, Painter, Jones Hezekiah K, Merchant Tailor, . . 1 69 u Lehigh Valley Coal Yard, J H Horton ag't, . 8

Lehigh VaUey House, ..... 7

Mead & Buck, Grocers, .... 142

Melotte G W, Dentist, . . Outside front cover

McClune G C, . . . Outside front cover

m Mintz Benjamin, Clothier, ..... 144 IL Nourse & Dederer, Cutters,Carriages, Harness, etc, 164 C o Paris & Emig, Hair-Dressers, ... .20 Perry W H, Contractor and Builder, Outside back cover

Prager E W, Dancing Master, .... 179

Rockwell Ira C, Lumber Yard . Outside back cover

Rubin Henry, Photographer, .... 162

Sawyer & Glenzer, Groceries and Dry Goods, . 163

Schallowitz, Lager Beer Saloon, . . . 204 Schenck and George, Sign Carriage Painter . 182

Seamon E J, prop, Tioga House, . . . 166

- o Sheldon & Bliven, Livery, ... 203

Singer Manuf I . g Co, W Allen, Manager, . 171

Spahn Mary A, prop, Lehigh Valley House, . 7

A . . Stamp, B, prop, Tompkins House, . 173

Stephens T Marble . . J, Works, . 175

St John H A, insurance, . . Outside front cover m.

Stewart Artificial . . O Henry, Stone, . 176 li. . . Tibbetts J Mixed . W, Paints, .181 Tompkins House, ..... 173 Bot' Tree J W, Book Binder, m margin outside front cover Van Droof Moses, prop, Centennial Hotel, . '185 White & Burdick, Druggists, .... 190

Williams H Cascadilla . . C, Mills, . 192 WILLIAMS' ITHAOA DIRECTORY. 7 ^ Lehigh Valley House,! a fi> (D Corner Buffalo and West Port. O 3 fi) O" Renovated and Newly Furnished (0 co^s^^^EiTIE^^^T, TTHoE depots 3 (0




z o

o (ft 3 Particular attention given to Repairing in all its branches.





CO o J. H. HORTON, Agent. Telephone Connection.


U> ICABTINe AND COAL DELIVERY t 2tJT Orders should be left at Haskin & Todd's Drug Store, 6 East State street. Telephone Connection. T H K


Turns with HALF the

labor of other Wringers, has MORE Capacity,

The Bearings of ROLLS


Its Cog Wheels are ALWAYS in Gear:


1st A Steel Spring tempered in Oil and thoroughly Galvanized to prevent rust.

2nd The Gear which gives double power and easy turning, with steady motion of the Rolls, running through larger quantity of clothes with much less labor. 3rd. Roll bearings of hard Maple Wood, thoroughly saturated with Tallow by Patented process, will not rust and need no oil. 4th Solid Rubber White Patent Rolls, made upon and Vulcanized to the Shafts made to Stick fast sure.

Oth. Improved Wood or Iron Clamps to fit round or square tubs of any thickness as may be ordered. 6th. Empire Wringers Warranted to give Satisfaction. Always give your P. O. Address, County and State. EMPIRE WRINGER CO. AUBURN, N; Y. Bankeu National Bank of Auburn. <" pa

o inger bus 3-g. CD rt- C0 P- sr _. CD s O *s=

I O a 30 v.! r~ a1 <=H

_x << CD

r+ H .. tJ' CD ~ rn _s CD *2 CD 30 B 5 m ** ^Tj n CO w H CE DO m 3 CO W H h-l

M" W M

Q CO P ^ SB erf- ? m cd 2 a

fc_ & |___j Pi -0 p -J 5 f^ p H CD 00 lT__ CD 3 C3 PJ CD K| in e+-

c& 5. B ere PHILLIPS;


Nos. 51 to 55 Washington St., near Southern Central Depot.

The above cuts represent the Best Swing in America. It is Neat, Strong and durable. It is suited to either young or old. It affords good exercise. Is safe, is always level, and the occupants propel itfast or slow, to suit themselves. Parents make home attractive and give the children home amusements, combined with healthful exercise. Bead what others say about it. Empire Wringer Co., Auburn, N. Y., March 18th, 1882. Gents:I take pleasure in recommending the good qualities of your Phillips' Patent Independent Swing. It is substantial and safe and proves to be all you claim. Allen McKain, Alderman, 2nd Ward, City of Auburn.

-(o)- Empire Wringer Co., Auburn, N. Y., March 17th, 1882. Phillips' Gents: I am highly pleased with your Patent Independent Swing folks." and consider it just the thing for the "little affording them healthful and pleasant exercise and to all it is a constant source ofamusement. W. F. Wait.

-(o.- Empire Wringer Co., St. Mary's Church, Auburn, N. Y., March 18th, 1883. Phillips' Gents: -I am well pleased with your Patent Independent Swing and find it continues to be the delight of the children of our school, and is always a means of much enjoyment to them. I highly approve and recommend it. W. Mulheron, Pastor. (o) Auburn, N. Y., March 20th, 1882. Empire Wringer Co., Phillips' Gents:Your Patent Independent Swing has given the best of satisfaction. L. W. Nye. (o) Empire Wringer Co., Auburn N. Y., March 20th, 1882. Phillips' Gents:I have much pleasure in testifying to the excellency of your Patent Inde pendent Swing as a means of healthy and safe amusement for children, and even adults who can enjoy it. My little folks are much pleased with it and during the past year, while a great many have used it, no accident has befallen any, although sometimes as many as five or six have been in it at a time. I consider it a very desirable article. T. S. Brinkerhoff. M. D. hi I Ml l|N\<'n, f^J WH\^'' [if -p



"Empire" Is the exclusive manufacturer of Purchase Gear Clothes Wringers, and is the leading style. Made in ten different sizes; adapted to small or lanre families, Hotels, Laundry work, etc ; also used in the preparation of Tea leaves for drying; and by Tobacco Manufacturers.


We hiive many inquiries of How or why it is that Empire Wringer Co. sell so. many goods, and get trade from all over the world ? Tis plain, for our business is conducted upon certain proved practical methods some of which we will mention: 1st We use only the best materials. 2nd. Employ No Convict or second-rate labor. 3rd. We send out honest, energetic, reliable travelers, who seek for first-class Merchants in every good town, and sell our goods squarely, upon a guarantee that our goods are exactly as represented. 4th. Having only first class customers,we get our pay promptly, without expenses of litigation, or vexatious delays 5th. With more than two thousand reliable customers located in the different times," parts of the world we never have "dull but keep constantly running turning out uniform product and supplying the Goods upon each order in its turn at the uni form price ruling at time of shipment. With Integrity, Enterprise and Perseverence, this system has brought business. full confidence in our plan of Having business, we guarantee our goods to meet the approbation of Dealers and Consumers. Please send for Circulars, Price Lists and terms. Exclusive sale given for specific and agreed upon plaices. All the first-class Dealers in Hardware, Auburn, N. Y., sell the "Empire" Pur- chase Gear Wringer at Retail. Very Respectfully, EMPIRE WRINGER COMPANY, Auburn, N.T. Directors Nelson Beardsley, C. M. Howlet, John F. Hemenwat. WILLIAMS' ITHAOA DIRECTORY.



X 0) Business Directory. 3

o The names of patrons only are in this department of the Directory. The g

benefit to be derived from the business compilation is given exclusively to those _ who pay for it. v<

Advertising Signs. Artificial Stone. CO Stanford. & Gager, S Tioga STEWART HENRY, 114 E a cor E Green Buffalo (see adv page 176) X Agriculture. Artists. o Ithaca Manufacturing Works Beardsley Jefferson, 7 Linn 51 Lake Purdy Albert J, 15 W State m Post & Sharp, implements, Atttophone Works. Auburn cor Franklin D cor Adams Reynolds & Lang, 17 and 19 Dey 3 E Green Bakers. m* Stephens 0 T, 10 & 12 W State CRANDALL J W, 43 E Sen ST Waterman & im Treman, Co, eca (see adv ) m 13 15 17 S Cayu Potter Frank D. 7 W plements, State n ga. Whiton John L, 5 and 7 W Williams Bros, 104 W State State r* O Architects Banks. CO N Tioga Dale A B, 119 See Miscellaneous m Wood A B. 4 Bates Block Barbers. Miller Build o W H, Library o ing See Hair Dressers Art. Barrel Manufacturers. BOOL HENRY, 69 71 E Bostwick Hermon V, 12 E State (see adv page 82) Clinton 10 WILLIAMS' ITHACA DIRECTORY.

* Bending Works. FINCH & APGAR, 60 E O Ithaca Falls Steam Bending State (see adv page 133) O Works J H Ward prop, 39 Boots and Shoes. Lake flj Brown John E, 46 E State (0 Bill Posters. Christiance Ralph C, 66 E Norton & Conklin, 15 W State <0 State Kittrick William, 15 E State GQ Billia, ds. Phillips & Schermerhorn, 7 N Aurora ^-Doherty T F, over 16 E State Prager John H, 5 N Tioga Stanley C M, 14 E State Blacksmiths. Tappenden George A, 16 W " State V Carr Peter O, 25 S Cayuga Wall P, 12 N Aurora Q Casterline Julius A, 92 E - State Bottler. W Grim n Wm H, 143 W State Slattery Dennis, 30 S. Mead > La Point & Niver, 24 W State ow O Boarding Houses. Bottling Works. 1 Bement Lewis H, 9 W State Collins J H, 16 S Aurora Coon Kate Mrs, 47 N Tioga Bowling Alley. Wright E C 22 E Mill . Mrs, Prager John H, 5 N Tioga l_L Boarding and Sale Stables. Carpenters, Contractors and C See Livery Builders. Boat Builders. Campbell & Richardson, 18 - Taber B F, 63 W Seneca Linn Pleas- q Sweazey Charles H, 16 Oltz & Smith, rear 17 E Green ant Smith John, 40 Huestis P Boats to Let. Randolph Frederick P, Cas 10 Jarvis Wm, Steamboat cadilla Ave ^ Landing. Carpets. to Book Binders. Marsh & 57 and 59 E 5 Andrus & Church, 41 E State Morrison J 62 E

JARVIS J A, 204 W Seneca Whiton John L, 5 and 7 W (see adv p 167) State Carriage Repositories. Crockery and. Glassware. NOURSE & DEDERER, 13 Marsh & Hall, 57 and 59 E|H W State (see adv State p 164) J"f MEAD & (see adv Cayuga Lake Steamers. BUCK, page 142) ~m WILCOX T D CAPT, 22 W Rankin George & Son, 42 Eq Seneca (see adv inside front State ig cover) Cutter Clothing. |5 Chemical Co. Phillips Albert H, 26 E Stated1 Forest City Chemical Co, 118 Dancing Master. QJ W State PRAGER ED WARD W,(see Cigars. adv page 179) m See Segars Directory Publisher. Clock Works. WILLIAMS J ED,60E State 3 Ithaca Calendar Clock Co, Ad Dentists. Frank ams, Auburn, Dey, Fowler A H, over 56 E Statejr lin Tioga" Franklin B over N W, j-*" Clothing. (see adv) See also Merchant Tailors HOWE FREEMAN S,l Bates

Catarrh Putney George E, 108 W ._* State o Schuyler 76 E State o Geo W, Scribner Rogers, 13 N Tioga a WHITE & BURDICK, 16 E (0 State (see adv p 190) o Dry Goods. (0 Ellis Elias 52 E State a M, Harris Samuel, 52 E State III Hawkins, Todd & Co, 22 E State hay-fever JACKSON & BUSH, 53 E mm State (see adv Messes. Hasko. & Todd, Druggists, Ithaca, p 128) M T.: I have suffered from Catarrh to such 33 E State an extent Kenney Levi, . that Ihad to bandage my head to (/. quiet the pain, I was advised by Mr. Theo- Kenney 26 E State " Elys' Tillott, dore Brown, of Ithaca, to try Cream Marsh & and . Balm. When sufferme with Cartarrhal cold Hall, 57 59 E li in the head, I have never found its equal. " State C. A. COOPEB, Danby, Tompkins Co., N. Y, Morrison James 62 E State > Messes. Haskin & Todd, Druggists, Ithaca, T, N. Y.: Last winter I found positive relief 32 E Elys' Quigg James, State from Catarrh with Cream Balm, having "been troubled for years. I have no doubt a SAWYER & GLENZER, 204 ^ thorough use of Cream Balm will cure a large _- W State (see adv majority of cases. p 163) E. D NOBTON, Ithaca, N. Y. Stephens J W, 78 Cascadilla g I can, from the testimony of those who Warner used Ca- Seth & 56 W State mm have it, confidently reccomend it for Co, ~ tarrh, cold in head and HayFever. Dyers. Q) EOGEES SCRIBNEK, Druggist, Ithaca, N. Y. Elys' Dunton F N Aurora cor \J Our customers speak highly of Cream B, Balm. We confidently recommend it. m. GAUNTLET & BROOKS, Druggists, Ithaca, O N. Y. Wright R J, 19 S Cayuga Ith- ^ Messes. White & Buedick, Druggists, aca, N. Y.: My daughter and myself, great Elevator. sufferers from Catarrh, have been cured JJJ Elys' by -O W Cream Balm. My sense of smell re- Esty W, grain, 180 W n stored and health greatly improved. State _ C M. STANLEY, Dealer in Boots and Shoes, 3 Ithaca, N. Y. Halsey Henry, (grain) 174 W " Messes. White & Buedick, Druggists, Ith- Seneca Elys' _ aca, N. Y. : I can reccommend Cream C Balm to relieve all persons suffering with Engineers. O Rose Cold and Hay Fever. I have been a sufferer from the same complaints; have had Beatley H G, (gas and great relief by using the Balm. I have recom- hy _ over 4j mended it to many of my friends for Catarrh draulics) 7 N Tioga tn and in all cases where they have used the 5? Balm freely have been cured. Express Companies. V T. KENNEY, Dry Goods Merchant, Ithaca, N. |_ Y., Sept. 6, 1880. United States and American, Messes. White & Ith- _ Buedick, Druggists, Manager, A B Whitlock, 8 jgaca, N. Y.: I recommend to those suffering (as I have with Elys' S Tioga .2; been) Hay Fever Cream f\ Balm. I have tried nearly all the remedies and 2 I could find, and give this a decided preter Fancy Variety. it- ence over them all. It has given me tome- *.T diate relief. BURRITT L 30 E T* A, State C. T. STEPHENS, Hardware Ith- Merchant, (see adv page ^ aca, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1880. 94) ^ ^" Herson M Apply by the little finger into the nos Mrs, 12 S Cayuga trils. On receipt of 50 cents will mail a Rogers Nora A package. Sold by all Druggists. Mrs, 39 E ELYS' CKEAM BALM CO., Owego, N, Y. State WILLIAMS' ITHACA DIRECTORY. 13

Fish. Furniture. Randolph D, 36 N Aurora BOOL HENRY, 69 and 71 E VAN DROOF MOSES, 167 State (see adv page 82) W State (see adv page 185) Carpenter John D & Com-_ Florists. ings, 13 N Aurora "h HOWARD 3 W Decker Wheeler B & Son, H, State" [see adv inside front cover c Lake n corporation line and page "* FOOTE W J P, 37i E State 137] [see adv] Gas Fixtures, Gas and J Flour and Feed. Steam Fitters. o if Buck S B, wholesale and re Jamieson & McKinney, 9 SJ tail, 10 1-2 S Cayuga Cayuga q> John E. 11 N Aurora Goewey Glass Works. O Noxon L F, 21 N Aurora Stephens J W, 78 Cascadilla Ithaca Glass Co, cor Third O and Franklin * Founders. Washington Glass Works, g Reynolds & 17 and 19 Lang, near steamboat landing *< E Green O Treman, Waterman & Co, 13 Grocers. ? and S Cayuga 15 17 Andrews & Aldrich, 7 E Williams Bros, 104 W State State Fruit Evaporators. Bentley Ephraim J, 107 N o 118 W Cayuga Atwood Herman M, 3 State Bundy Charles, 24 Farm Fruit Grower. CONWAY PATRICK, 6 S II Cayuga [see adv page 177] Elliott Charles A, 249 E State CRANDALL JOSEPH W, 00 Fruits. 43 E Seneca [see adv] X Andrews & Aldrich 7 E State Crozier & Feeley, 1 W State o Westervelt John C, (whole Culver Thomas S, 125 N Au sale), 8 N Cayuga rora Davenport 48 First m Furnishing-Gentlemen Bros, a EGGLESTON J F, 206 Sherwood Charles R, 47 E m State [see adv] State m) Frost George 88 E State r* Shepherd & Doyle 58 E W, and 83 a State Eddy (0 Goldsmid A 106 W State Dobrin 65 E State W, Theodore, Greenley Fred T, 41 E Seneca m Furnishing-Ladies. Herson Mary Mrs, 12 S Cayu Burritt L A Mrs, 30 E State ga Dobrin Theodore 65 E State Jackson E S, 72 E State Rogers Nora A Mrs, 39 E Johnson Edward K,2 W State State Johnson Fred D, 34 N Aurora Shepherd & Doyle, 58 E Marsh & Hall, 57 and 59 E State State WILLIAMS' 14 ITHACA DIRECTORY.

McWhorter Lockwood S, 2 Moore Henr}', over 38 E State and 4 E State PARIS & EMIG, basement MEAD & BUCK, 14 W Sen Ithaca Hotel (see adv) eca (see adv p 142) Hats, Caps and Furs. 17 E Mortimore & Pursel, Culver W 64 E State .tt M, State O Willson W M, 51 EState o Naughton 20 N Aurora Bros, Internal Revenue. Sammons 93 E State a Patrick, Sanford Luther J, 12 S Auro Wilcox Sam'l H, deputy (0 ra col, 18 N Tioga V 4-1 SAWYER & GLENZER, 175 Iron Founders and Machin- $ W Seneca and 204 W State OQ (see adv p 163) Reynolds & Lang, 17 19 W _r>Scott 70 W Mill Green 111 Wm, Shepard Moses, 8 W State TREMAN, WATERMAN & Slattery Dennis, 30 S Meadow Co, 13, 15 and 17 S Cayuga o Stephens J W, 78 Cascadilla Williams Bros, 104 W State x Terry Fenimore C, 20 E State Hardware Cutlery. Thompson R E, 29 W Mill CO BARR 27 E State (see Wanzer D 3 N Aurora BROS, H, adv page 81 Warner Seth & 56 and 58 li. Co, Charles J & 68 W State Rumsey Co, C E State o Grocers (Wholesale). Stephens C T, 12 W State Winton & Stewart, 9 11 N Treman, King & Co, 1 and 3 Cayuga E State o Stowell J C & Son, (whole- Hardware Saddlery. sale, 17 19 21 W State Heggie J M, 73 E State O Gunsmiths. Hotels. Aurora fl Dresser J H, 22 Hudson . Hotel, Bullard & '"ithaca Gun Works, 76 W Lasher, Aurora cor Sene "5 Buffalo ca E S Cayuga House, C W Cook, "K Hack and Livery. prop, W State, cor S Corn V> Beers W P, 9 S Tioga CENTENNIAL HOTEL, Mo ^ Seaman D J & Son, 12 and 14 ses Van Droof, prop, 167 V W State W State [see adv page 185] Z SHELDON & BLIVEN, 23 Clinton House, S D Thomp Aj S Tioga (see adv) son prop, n Cayuga, cor W Seneca Hair Dressers and Barbers. ^ Exchange Hotel, Eugene U. Allen Wm H, Bates Block Wyckoff, agt, 22 W State Beebe Freeman C, 21 E State Fall Creek Hotel, Nicholas HUCK 60 J L, basement E Rundle, prop, Lake cor R State (see adv page 160) R ave Johnson Geo A, over 2 W Ithaca Hotel, A Sherman, State prop, E State cor S Aurora WILLIAMS' ITHACA DIRECTORY. 15

LEHIGH VALLEY HOUSE, Lawyers. Mary A Spahn, prop, cor & 12 N Tioga O Almy Bouton, 9 Buffalo and W Port [see Baker James L, 11 Library CO adv] Building Martin House, 15 and 17 S Boardman D, Library Build o Aurora, C A Bush, prop ing fi) Patten Morse (0 House, Patten, Burns T W, 40 E State o prop, cor E Buffalo and Dean David. M, 7 Library 3 Brindley Bld'g fi) Reed's Inn, Julia A Reed, Davis Geo B, 41 E State prop, 154 W State Day Chas G, basement Li St. John's, Thos Carty, prop, brary Building fi) 173 W State Ellsworth Perry G, 18 N Ti (0 TIOGA HOUSE, Mrs E J Sea oga mon prop, 26 N Tioga (see Ferris & Dowe, 1 2 N Tioga advp 166) Finch F M, 18 N Tioga (0 TOMPKINS HOUSE, A B Samuel over 22 Halliday D, o Stamp prop, Aurora cor E State Seneca (see adv Hodson Devoe 18 N Tioga &T p 173) P, (0 Twist's Hotel, A Twist prop, HUMISTON H N, 29 E State CO 41 and 43 S Cayuga [see adv p 124] 3 Household Goods. Hungerford A A, 13 N Tioga o Meriit, 2 Build Middaugh E S, 12 S Tioga King Library ing Insurance Agents. Lyon Clerk's o Marcus, County fi) Benjamin G V, agt Central N Building. 3 A and R 3 Sprague Newman Jared 12 N Tioga Y, A, T, C Block Noble WN, 12 N Tioga CD Burritt N Tioga Smith 4 N Aurora Abel, 18 Bros, a Grant H J, over 14 E State Smith C L, over 5 N Tioga o Gray & Wood, 4 Bates Block Tibbetts Frank E, over 5 N 3 Phillips FW.5E State Tioga Post & Rhodes, 11 N Tioga Van Cleef Mynderse, 18 N ST. JOHN HENRY A, 2 W Tioga State (see adv outside front Van Vleet DeForest F, over 41 E State CO cover) Wood C C, 6 E State Wagener Edward A, over 10 N Tioga X Jewelers. Warren & Tichenor, 14 N Ti o 54 E State Brooks Fred W, oga Brown Collingwood B, 34 E Wilcox S H, 18 N Tioga m State Burritt Ed J, 50 E State Laundries. D Burritt J C, 80 E State Wright R 19 S Cayuga (D J, 3 Clark 56 E State Uri, Leather and Findings. r* HEGGIE R A, 40 E State [see CO Soddai-d 91 adv] Samuel, E State WILLIAMS' 16 ITHACA DIRECTORY.

Liquors. Quick & Tuthill, 103 W Day Loren [wholesale] 9 N State Aurora Reed Joseph A, 38 N Aurora Fury John, 14 S Aurora Scott Wm. 70 W Mill o Smith C 5 S Aurora o A, Livery and Boarding Stables Stephens Philip, 8 E State m Barber & Co, rear 41 E State WORTMAN & SON, 16 N CO Beers W P, 9 S Tioga Aurora [see adv page 195] V & 25 E 4- Genung Beardsley, Merchant Tailer. CO Green See also Clothiers EQ Seaman D J & Son, 12 and 14 Baldwin J G, 31 E State . W State Griffin George, 9 N Tioga 111 SHELDON & BLIVEN, 23 S JONES HEZEKIAH K, 15 E Tioga [see adv] State [see adv 169 Lumber. p o Straussman H M, 48 E State X Hollister T & Son, 22 and 24 Millinery. S Aurora BIRD & 21 (0 King J C, 170 W State BELKNAP, E State [see adv Rockwell Ira C, 180 W Seneca p 89] BURRITT L A 30 E SAGE HENRY W & 13 MRS, c CO, State [see adv N Tioga p 94] o Van Houter Chauncey A, 49 Mills. "co S Cayuga HOLLISTER T & SON, plan o Machinists. ing, 22 and 24 S Aurora Davis B J, 76 W Buffalo [see adv] .___ Hull A flour and __ Dresser J H, 22 Hudson M, feed, 93 o Fall Creek Reynolds & Lang, 17 and 19 Lake, it E Green Kenyon H R, planing, cor W Port and Treman, Waterman & Buffalo "co Co, 13, WILLIAMS HOWARD 4-* 15 and 17 S Cayuga C, Cascadilla c Williams Bros, 104 W State prop Mills, Uni o versity near Linn [see adv] Marble and Granite. Q Model Maker. (0 Beers & Goodrich, 21 E Green Clinton C M, over 8 N Aurora CO STEPHENS T J, 11 S Tioga co Dresser J H, 22 Hudson [see adv p 175] Musical. Mattress Makers. Autophone Works, Dey cor 10 (0 Northrup J, S Tioga Adams Mason. Ithaca Organ Co, W of Inlet Gardner Ira M, 150 N Cayuga Musicians. O Meal Markel. Wright E C, 22 E Mill II. Wright T 22 E Ferous La Fayette C, 12 N F, Mill Plain Music Teachers. McAllister Bros, 6 S Cayuga Candee Henrietta, bds 235 E McCrea & Reed, 7 S Cayuga State WILLIAMS' ITHACA DIRECTORY. 17

News Dealers. EVANS EVAN D, over 74 E Ackley C Miss, 19 E State State [see adv p 159] FINCH & APGAR, 60 E FREAR WM, over 40 and 42 j State [see adv E State [see adv p 130] fi) p 133] < Percival R C, over 29 E State RUBIN HENRY, 15 and 17 E State [see adv page Newspapers. 162] See Miscellaneous Physicians. Notions and Fancy Goods. Barney Elfred R, 11 E State " Wolff M H & E, 86 E State Beckwith George M. 15 WH Buffalo Orchestra. Brown J Watson, 74 E State E C Forest City Orchestra, John R, 10 W Sen- Wright 22 E Mill Gregory leader, eca e> Painters. Lacy Mary W Mrs, 54 Ng Blakeslee Amaziah, 46 E State Geneva 3

Clapp C, carriage, 103 W Lewis James A, 20 E Seneca ___. State Morgan E J & Son, 2 and 4 E 3 Cft 72 Tompkins State DeCamp Lewis, a JARVIS J A, carriage, 204 Northrup John A, 29 State Quar- *? W Seneca (see adv v 167) Newcomb J Wesley, 23 SCHENCK GEORGE, 26 E ry n Green (see adv p 182) Parker S J, 11 Parker 14 Paints. Peck S H, E Seneca , Sackett Solon 19 E Seneca- TIBBETTS J W, 137 W State P, Van Cleef C E, 49 E State I (see adv 181) p White & Kirkendall, 54 Paper. EO State < Andrus & Church, 41 E State Winslow John, 11 E State Enz & Miller, wholesale, 15 W Mclntyre Dwight, 59 E Mill State Plane Manufactory. Fillingham F, 40 W State Steam Sincebaugh John, 53 N Au Plumbers, Gas and rora Fitters. CD Jamieson & 9 So Pattern Makers, McKinney, ~ Cayuga O Curran W C, 39 Farm Photographers. Potteries Beardsley J, 7 Linn Macumber & Tannahill, 1 Eagles S D, 154 N Cayuga Railroad ave WILLIAMS' 18 ITHACA DIRECTORT.

. Printers Book and Job Sandborn W M, 18 E State SCHALLOWITZ 18 O Andrews & Church, 41 E C, lager, O State S Tioga [see adv] 5 GREGORY WARD, Ithaca WINDSOR, E W Prager 1 Clinton Block [see Democrat, over 69 E State prop, q [see adv p 165] advj ZINCK 8 N ITHACA JOURNAL ASSO- THEODORE, Aurora [see advj (Q CIATION, 8 10 12 S Tioga [see adv] Seeds. Norton & book and +J Conklin, Stephens C T 12 W State ~ job, 15 W State Segar Box Manufacturers. C Produce and Commission. Elliott 29 E Green q Wattles C S, 5 S Tioga. Thomas, Smith Wm Aurora M, 15 N Segars, Tobacco, &c. U Stowell J C & Son, 17 19 21 > W State Andrews & Aldrich, 7 E State Livingston & Public Schools. Selover, manu q facturers, 18 N Aurora mm Foster Luther C, Supt Public Platts A H & Schools h N Tioga Co, manufac . 604 turers and 10 E & dealers, Real Estate Agents. State \H Atwood Edwin S 72 W Buf- Prager John H, 5 N Tioga falo Stewart O L, Martin House Burritt Abel, 18 N Tioga Wolf Reinhold, 25 E State Grant over 14 E Manchester _ H J, State C W, manufac "= Gray & Wood, 4 Bates Block turer and dealer, 82 E State O McElheny T J, 58 N Aurora Sewing Machine Dealers. .-Post & Rhodes, 11 N Tioga "g Titus Charles M, 53 W State Northrup J, general agt, 10 Si Turner Ebenezer T, Prospect S Tioga CO Hill Dresser J H, repairing, 22 Restaurants and Saloons. Hudson JJ, SINGER MANUFACTURE Atwater Benj A, 8 S Cayuga ING CO [The] W I ..CASEY M, 23 E State [see Allen, manager, 4 W State m\ adv p 180] [see adv W Goddard Samuel O, 29 E State p 171] CO Grant & Wardwell, basement Sheds and Stables. 10 S Aurora

.-Moon H W, N Cayuga cor Shirt Makers. 3 W Seneca Sherwood C R, 47 E State 5,Norton I W, 122 W State Sign Painter. h- PRAGER E W, 2 N Cayuga "" [see adv] SCHENCK GEORGE, 26 E Roat Frederick, 44 E State Green [see adv] WILLIAMS' ITHACA DIRECTORY. 19

Shoemakers. W A Anthony, manager, over 7 N Linn See also Boots and shoes Christiance George, 56 E Sen Ticket Offices. eca Bruner Louis F, 6 Farm Ives C A, 3 Clinton Block Mooers James, 22 Farm Phillips F W, 5 E State Prame Albert B, 200 W State Tinners. X Steamships. BARR BROS, 27 E State [see 9 ag' < Ives Charles A t, 3 Clinton adv p 81] Block N Tioga Fillingham Fred, 40 W StateJ11 Hoyt L N Aurora _. Sign Makers (Novelties). A, 17 Jones Chauncey W m Stanford & Gager, S Tioga cor Rumsey C J & Co, 68 E State E Green Treman, King & Co, 1 and 3 J Steamboats. E State CD CAYUGA LAKE LINE, Undertakers. o Steamboat Landing [see adv o Baldwin C R, 19 N Aurora y~ inside front cover] 13" Carpenter J D & Comings, Stenographer. and 15 N Aurora Jf Wyckoff Wm O, 51 East HOWARD H, 3 W State [see % State adv inside front cover] fi) Stoves. Upholesters. See Hardware " Bool H, 67 and 71 E State Stoneware. Carpenter J D & Comings, 15^ Macumber & Tannahill, man N Aurora 2 uf s 1 Railroad ave HOWARD H, 3 W State [see < * adv inside front Tailors. cover] Northup John, 10 S Tioga 3 See also Merchant Tailors O Park Henry, 49 E Mill Variety and Fancy Goods. 3 Parrott John & 17 E E* Son, Rogers Nora A 39 State Mrs, State Phillips Albert H, 26 E State Rothschild Jacob, Boston , Tanneries. Store, 86 E State CD CLERMONT 38 Esty E S & Sons [Humboldt] WIXOM S, 3 office 58 E State E State [see adv] CO Telegraph. Veterinary Surgeon. Western Union. 2nd floor Brown Moses C, 18 Centre Wilgus Block, H Smith manager. Whitewashers. Telephone Exchange. Guinn Geo, 84 W Clinton Ithaca Telephone Exchange, Tyler John H, h 9 Wheat WILLIAMS' 201 ITHACA DIRECTORY.


CO ffl 178 North Aurora Street.

111 Families, Hotels and Restaurants supplied with

O x


Orders for of Milk attended to. I first-class _Q any quantity promptly keep

^milch cows, and intend adding choice stock to the lot. a "Z Parties dealing with me will be attended to regularly, promptly, and supplied with pure, unadulterated Milk. o

m. O

m, 0)

-Q n First-Class! 3 Cm

Proprietors :


.5 Ithaca Hotel. "5




CHESTER A. ARTHUR, of New York. qJ President of the United States. Salary, $50,000.< GEORGE F. EDMUNDS, of Vermont. a $8,000." Vice-President of the United States. Salary, THE CABINET. fi) = Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, of New Jersey, Sec. of State. Charles J. Folger, of New York, Secretary of the Treasury. 3 Robert T. Lincoln, of Illinois, Secretary of War. William E. of New Sec. of the Navy. T| Chandler, Hampshire, " Henry M. Teller, of Colorado, Secretary of the Interior. Benjamin H. Brewster, of Pennsylvania, Attorney-General, r X FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. 3 Commenced March 4, 1883. ^ P* Senate. George F. Edmunds, of Vermont, President of the Senate. 00 fi) New York, Elbridge G. Lapham,Lapham, oiof Canandaigua. {ft Wajjner Miller, of Herkimer. 00 Republicans, 38 ; Democrats, 36 ; Eeadjusters, 3. ZZ, o House of Representatives. q Democrats are in the majority. Twenty-eighth District F includes Tompkins county. Member, S. C. Millard, of Broome, a very estimable gentleman, and one of the few Re publicans elected when the Cleveland tidal wave swept the State, 22 WILLIAMS' ITHACA DIRECTORY.


Grover Cleveland . Governor. David B. Hill Lieutenant-Governor. Joseph of q B. Carr Secretary State. O Ira Davenport Comptroller. m Robert A. Maxwell Treasurer.

Leslie W. Russell *. . . . Attorney-General. {Jj Silas Seymour State Engineer and Surveyor. + A. Barton Hepburn Supt.[Bank Department. 2 Isaac V. Baker Supt. of State Prisons. James Shanahan Supt. of Public Works.

_r JjJ Commissioners of the Canal Fund. 1> This Board consists of the Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary Oof State, Comptroller, Treasurer and Attorney General. Commissioners of the Land Office. CO This Board consists of the Lieutenant-Governor, Speaker .of the Assembly, Secretary of State, Comptroller, Treasurer, m- Attorney-General, and State Engineer and Surveyor. 5 State Assessors.

John S. of _ Fowler, Auburn. Commodore P. Vedder, of "Jg Ellicottville ; term expires March, 1883. One vacancy. The O above, with the Commissioners of the Land Office, constitute ~a Board of Equalization.

c_> 4> THE JUDICIARY. "" The Court for the trial of impeachment of State officers, is composed of the President of the Senate, the Senate, and the Judges of the Court of Appeals. ,u O y) Judges of the Court of Appeals. The Court consists of a Chief Judge and six Associate Judges, who hold office fourteen years. > William C. Chief Syracuse. <0 Ruger, Justice,Justice* Z Charles Andrews, Associate Syracuse. Charles A. Rapallo, Associate Justice, New York. CO Theodore Miller, Associate Justice, Hudson. m. Robert Associate Herkimer. O Earl, Justice, George F. Danforth, Associate Justice, Rochester. Francis M. Finch, Associate Justice, Ithaca. Edwin O. Perrin, Clerk, Queens. F. Stanton Perrin, Deputy, Albany. H. E. Sickles, State Reporter, Albany. Terms of the Court of Appeals.Regular term, January Williams' ithaca directory. 23

with such recesses from time to time as the Court 16, 1883, 5"~i, may direct. CD Supreme CourtSixth District. CI) Otsego, Delaware, Madison, Chenango, Tompkins, Broome, Chemung, Sohuyler, Tioga and ^ Cortland counties. (D Judges. Celora E. Martin, Douglass Boardman, David L. | Follett, William Murray, Jr. O 3 fi) o S CD fi) w TOMPKINS COUNTY. 3 CD County Officers. rt- Marcus Lyon, County Judge and Surrogate. O Philip J. Partenheimer, County Clerk. fi) Barnum R. Williams, Deputy County Clerk. CO Clarence L. Smith, District Attorney. J. K. Follett, Sheriff. t E. P. Bouten, Under Sheriff. George H. Northrup, Treasurer. * O 0) 3 Court Officers. Marcus Lyon, Judge. 5 George Justice of Sessions. _ Monroe, " John J. Miller, Justice of Sessions. Philip J. Partenheimer, Clerk. 3 B. R. Williams, Deputy Clerk. CD J. K. Follett, Sheriff. E. P. Bouton, Under Sheriff. T| " C. L. Smith, District Attorney. W. O. Wyckoff, Reporter. CO H. L. Beach, Assistant Reporter. Ralph Shepard, Crier. * * Supervisors. Ithaca R. A. Crozier. DrydenGeo. M. Rockwell. O Danby John E. Beers. GrotonA. G. Chapman. CD Caroline James Boice. Lansing David Crocker. ;2j. Newfield Randolph Horton. UlyssesLevi J. Wheeler. S" Enfield-D. W. Bailey. J* "WILLIAMS' 24 ITHACA DIRECTORY.


-tt O Town Officers. o m R. A. Supervisor. "* Crozier, F. C. Shepard, Town Clerk. C. G. Day, "] ** W. J. Totten, I TllsHrp_. th Ppar f-Justlces otof me reace- Thomas W. Burns, A. A. Hungerford, J John Com. of Highways. u Linderberry, George H. Baker, Overseer Poor. Robert Harvey, Tax Receiver. Samuel B Beers, ) Luther Lewis, > Assessors. Peter CO Kline, ) C. M. Bliven, ) |J Alex. Minturn, > Excise Commissioners. M. Mertens, ) James S. Cody, Elihu _ Hilderbaandt, James Kelly, Constables. E. C. Marsh, Pat Murray, la O

*m c VILLAGE OF ITHACA. o O co President C. J. Rumsey. co CO TRUSTEES. O First WardA. W. Goldsmid, Patrick Shannon. J, Second WardFred E. Illston, Jacob R. Wortman. Third WardCharles Ingersoll, Seth Wilcox. r- Fourth WardJohn B. Lang, E. M. Latta. Clerk . Charles E. Whitlock. P Treasurer C. A. Hart. " CollectorJ. S. Gay. AssessorSam uel Livingston. Street Commissioner H. M. Race. Cemetery Keeper WILLIAMS' ITHACA DIRECTORY. 25

Police Albert Norton, Chief; Lewis Breiten- becher, John N. Illston, JohnW. Connelly, D. C. Norton. I Health Commissioner fi) Health Officer John S. Kirkendall. ^ Board of Trustees meets every Wednesday evening. o c

H ITHACA FIRE DEPARTMENT. CD CD Chief Engineer S. S. Gress. ) First Assistant Adelbert Schryver. Second Assistant E. E. Robinson. 2 Treasurer Isaac Randolph. fi)

Company Officers. Sec- Protectives Levi Kenney, Captain ; E. K. Johnson, ^ retary. Rescue No. 2 W. R. Boys, President ; John Norris, Sec-,5 retary. 71 No 3 R. H. Treman, Foreman ; A. H. Phillips, Secretary. gj Sec- Eureka No. 4 C. H. Hillick, Captain ; W. J. Conway, retary. I Cayuga No. 1 F. Burns, Captain ; Tom Kane, Secretary. Q Torrent No. 5 H. L. Haskin, Captain ; E. S. Hoagland, < Secretary. jS Sprague No. 6 John Campbell, Foreman ; George Sho ler, Secretary. q Cataract No. 7 Wm. Hirst, President.

Fireman's Board meets at Village Hall, Monday evening zT. succeeding first Wednesday of each month. CO

00 fi) Banks.


_tt O BaptistDe Witt Park, Rev. Robert T. Jones. , Baptist TabernacleCor. Utica and R. R. Avenue, Rev. F. CQ Dusenbury. and Rev. Alfred T. w Catholic Cor Geneva Seneca, Evans, O Rector ; residence 60 W. Buffalo. jg Congregational Cor. Seneca and Geneva, Rev. C. M. Ty- f)Q ler. cor. __ Episcopal, St. John's Cayuga Buffalo, Rev. Dr. A. *g B. Beach. - Episcopal, Christ's ChapelCliff Street. " C St. Paul U. Campus, Rev. Charles Babcock. O Methodist Episcopal Aurora and Mill, Rev. A. W. Green, O Pastor ; residence 70 N. Aurora. Methodist Episcopal State and Albany, Rev. Milton Ham- Jjjlin. !> Methodist Episcopal, colored Wheat street. " " O Wesleyan coloredRev. W. C. Ely. X Methodist FreeTioga near Farm. Presbyterian De Witt Park, Rev. M. W. Stryker. CO Union Chapel North Aurora street. Unitarian E. near Parker. Ul Buffalo, c o


a 5 I. O. O. F. Jj Ithaca Lodge No 71. Meets every Friday evening, at Odd Fellow's Hall. P. J. Partenheimer.

.2 Iroquois Encampment No. 16. Meets 1st and 3dMondays Fellow' "O in each month, at Odd s Hall. P. J. Partenheimer, Secretary.

_- CO (0 MASONIC. Fidelity Lodge No. 51, F. & A. M. Regular communica- 3 tion first and third Tuesday of each month. A Phillips, CJ Secretary. *- Hobasco Lodge, F. & A. M. Rrgular communication 3 second and fourth Thursdays of each month. >, Chapter No. 58, R. A. M. Regular convocation - second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. A. B. ~ Wood, Secretary. St. Augustine Commandery No. 38. Regular conclaves WILLIAMS' ITHACA DIRECTORY. 27

first and third Thursdays of each month. A. B. Wood, Secretary. Ithaca Council No. 68, R. & S. M. Regular assemblies second and fourth Monday of each month. T|


TEMPERANCE. X Union Lodge, I. O. of G. T. Lodge, Nos. 295 and 177. Meets O at Titus Block every Wednesday evening. < Temperance Headquarters and reading rooms. Meeting PI every day at 3 p. m., in Deming Hall*. R. C. T. O. & B. Society. Meets twice every month, (Sun- 00 day) in Gregg building, 10 West State. ji}, Women's Christain Temperance Union. The Society was CD m organized by ladies belonging to the first order in society. They have increased in numbers and zeal. They have en- 00 5" countered obstacles which to timid minds would have been in- surmountable, and the cause surrendered to the demon of O intemperance, but their bravery of heart and firmness of-iF purpose have led them on to conquer. They hold their 3. meetings over 29 East State. 0) CO SL ~ MISCELLANEOUS. A. O. U. W. Meets first and third Tuesdays of each month 3 at Deming Hall. "O E. O. of M. A. Meets first and third Thursdays at Deming o Hall. E. S. Tichenor, Secretary. < Fel- Forest Citv Grange. Meets every Saturday in Odd 3 low's Hall. E. Van Natta, Master of Grange, H. S. Wright, 5 Secretary. 3 G. A. R. Sydney Post, No. 41. A. A. Hungerford, Com- William Senior Vice C. W. mander, Maynard, Commander; __ Hausner; Junior Vice Commander; C W. Schutt, Adjutant; W. H. Officer of the day. Meets second Herrington, every O and fourth Tuesday at Deming Hall. JjJ Ithaca Farmer's Club. Meets at Library Hall. Isaac J. 3 Frazier, President, T. N. Kellogg, Secretary. *. Ithaca Ladies' Benevolent Seciety. Meets in Library Hall. CO Knights of Honor. This organizaiion, although in its^ incipient stage of existence, is the most stalwart infant* on record. It has lodges in almost every town in the Union, numbering its members by thousamds. Its object is mutual benefit, relieving its members in sickness, and at the death of a member the beneficiary receives two thousand 28 williams' ithaca directory.

dollars. Regular meetings second and fourth Thursday m every

_tt evenings in Odd Fellow's Hall. Knights of Pythias, Cascadilla Lodge, K. of P. Officers, g E. viz: C. CF. L. Brown; V. CA. M. Parrott, M. of S tt J. A. McKinney; M of F.F. S. Howe; K of R & L. S. L. Hib- w Mackey; P.J. L. Baker; Alt. Rep. to G. H. M.

^Graham, H. M. Martin, Secretary. Ill Royal Templars of T. Meets second and fourth Monday ^evenings in Odd Fellow's Hall. J. Wesley Tree, Secretary. O Sons of Maccabees, fifth Tuesday evening in Odd Fellow's I Hall. Sons of Patrick. The object of this is . Friendly St. society CO to diffuse instruction, remove prejudice and dissension, and to provide relief for indigent members. Richard Kelly, ** President, John Kelly, Secretary. Redpath' >> s Branch of the National Land League. Organ ized December, 1880. T. J. Kennedy, President, Patrick ^"Conway, Secretary.


Name. This was organized the fifteenth of q Holy society January, 1882, for the purpose of correcting the evil habit of and all moral of the q profanity diseases tongue. C. Leary, B. J. Nov- ^President; Kelly, Secretary; James S. McNamara, O ice Master.


_____ 3 OS Incorporated and Stock Companies. C Ithaca Autophone Co. Auburn and Adams, H. B. Horton, O Secretary. Ithaca Calendar Clock _C Company. This company was or ganized in 1866, with a capital of $100,000. B. G. Jayn, Presidenf, F. M. Finch, Vice President, C. H. White, Secre- |-tary; Henry M. Durphy, Superintendent. Capital, $150,000. Ithaca Gas Company 11 South Cayuga. Ithaca Organ South bank .5 Company inlet. H. Wegman, O Superintendent. This is one of the most indus- It' flourishing JE tries in the State. s goods are in great demand and have " a National reputation. < Ithaca Telophone Exchange 9 North Tioga. W. A. An thony, Manager. Ithaca Water Works 11 South Cayuga. WILLIAMS' ITHACA DIRECTORY. 29

Cornell University.

BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Hon. Alonzo B. Cornell, New York Cioy. The President of the University, Ex-Officio. His the Governor of New ?< Excellency, York, o His Honor, the Lieutenant-Governor, c The Speaker of the Assembly, The Superintendent of Public Instruction, H The President of the State Agricultural Society, CD CD The Librarian of the Cornell!Library, Hon. George W. Schuyler, Ithaca. 3 Alfred S. Barnes, Esq., New York. jd Hon. Charles C. Auburn. Dwight, CD Hon. Hiram Sibley. Rochester. Hon. Stewart L. Woodford, New York. D Hon. Samuel D. Halliday, Ithaca. 2 Hon. Henry B. Lord, Ithaca. jj> Hon. Erastus Brooks, New York. *< Hon. Douglas Boardman, Ithaca. q_ Hon. Amasa J. Parker, Albany . Hon. John B. Williams, Ithaca. O Mynderse Van Cleef, Esq., Ithaca. 21 Hon. Samuel Campbell, Oneida. ~~ Hon. W. Ithaca. Henry Sage, 3 J. DeWitt Warner, Esq., New York.

OFFICERS OF THE BOARD, . Henry W. Sage, Chairman; William R. Humphrey, Secre- * tary; Emmons L. Williams, Acting Treasurer. _ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. O Henry B. Lord, Chairman. Samuel D. Halliday, ^ Andrew D. White, William R. Humphrey, pi Henry W. Sage, Douglas Boardman, George W. Schuyler, Mynderse Van Cleef, tt Josiah B. Williams, Emmons L. Williams, Sec'y. J* CD CO tt Cornell Library. O O OFFICERS. ?~ m A. B. Cornell, President. W. R. Humphrey, Librarian. B. G. Ferris, Vice President. Miss Mary Mack, 1st Ass't. R. B. Williams, Secretary. Miss S. G. Hollin*k-orth, 2d do D. F. Finch, Treasurer. John Mack, Janitor. 30 WILLIAMS' ITHACA DIRECTORY.

TRUSTEES. A. B. Cornell, E. S. Esty, B. G. Ferris, L. C. Foster, R. B. Williams, A. B. Beach, * D. F. Finch, J. H. Selkreg, g W. R. Humphreyf. E Pastors of the Churches, Ex-Officio. " tt Superintendent of Schools, ' ' to Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, President of the _g Village, " (0 Chief Engineer of Fire Department, tt '_ _r> Ul ^ Public Places, Building's, Halls, &c. q Alpha Delta Phi Chapter House, cor. Buffalo and Spring. j Bates Block, Aurora and Seneca. County Clerk's Building, No. 8 North Tioga. CO Court House (Tompkins County) East Mill, De Witt Park . Cornell Library Building, cor. Tioga and Seneca. !* Deming Hall, State, bt. Tioga and Cayuga. C Dewitt Park, coi. Mill, Cayuga and Buffalo. O Fair Grounds, intersection Titus ave., Clinton and Meadow. Firemen' s Hall, cor. Seneca and Tioga. CO Gorge, Fall Creek. Gregg Building, West State, near Cayuga. j? Jail (Tompkins County) 17 East Mill. m Journal Hall, 8, 10 and. 12 South Tioga. Masonic Hall, Tioga near Seneca. \- Military Hall, Library Building. ^ Odd Fellow's Hall, State and Cayuga. O Post Office, 11-13 East State. m Reservoir, South Hill. Station House N. E. cor Seneca and gjj (Police) Tioga. The Home, Mechanic and Aurora. > Titus Block, 13, 15 and 17 West State. Washington Park, Varick and Mill. ^ Washington, Buffalo, Wilgus Hall, S. W. cor. State and Tioga. CO

|j^ Newspapers, Periodicals, &c. CORNELL ERA (Weekly), conducted by the students of Cornell University. CORNELL SUN (daily), by students. CORNELL REVIEW (Monthly Magazine), conducted by the Literary Societies of Cornell University. WILLIAMS' ITHACA DIRECTORY. 31

DEMOCRAT (Weekly),Ward Gregory, over 69 East State. 5 ITHACAN (Weekly), A. Clapp, 41 East State. O g> ITHACA JOURNAL ASSOCIATION, publishers of Ith- aca Daily and Weekly Journal, Job Printers and Book Binders. John H. Selkreg, President; Charles M. Benjamin, o Vice-President and Cashier; George E. Priest, Secretary andO) Treasurer. 2 3 fi) Post Office. my Eron C. Van Kirk, P. M. Office hours from 7 a. m. to 8



m Entrance to the Large Green Houses on East State St.,"" next to Tompkins County Bank, and on East Green St. O CD

FOOTE & 9 W. CO., CO

Ithaca., _V.Y. Proprietors, f* WILLIAMS' 32 ITHACA DIRECTORY.

S. Population of Principal Cities of the U. Census of 1880. Akron, Ohio 16,612 Hempstead, N. Y 18,160 Paterson, N.J 50,887 Albany, N. T 90,903 Hoboken, N. J 30,999 Pawtucket, E. 1 19,030 Alexandria, Va 13,658 Houston, Texas 18,646 Peoria, HI 29,315 Altoona, Pa 19,716 Holyoke, Mass 21,851 Petersburgh, Va 21,656 Alleghany, Pa 78,681 Hudson, N.Y 8,789 Philadelphia, Pa 846,984 __BAUentown, Pa 18,063 Hyde Park, 111 15,716 Pittsburgh, Pa 156,381 O Amsterdam, N. Y 11,711 Indianapolis, Ind 75,074 Pittsfield, Mass 13,367 q Atchison, Kan 15,106 Jackson, Mich.'. 16,105 Portsmouth, Va 11,388 10,927 Ohio _ Atlanta, Ga 34,398 Jacksonville, 111 Portsmouth, 11,314 mAttleborough, Mass... 11,111 Jamaica, N.Y 10,089 Poughkeepsie, N. Y. . . 20,207 Auburn, N.Y 21,924 Jeffersonville, Ind 10,422 Portland, Maine 33,810 120,728 Pa ,_ Augusta, Ga 23,023 Jersey City, N. J Pottsville, 13,253 tf> Aurora, 111 11,825 Joliet, 111 16,145 Providence, E. 1 104,850 Q) Austin, Texas 10,960 Kalamazoo, Mich 11,937 Quincy.Hl 27,275 +_i Baltimore, Md 332,190 Kansas City. Mo 55,813 Quincy, Mass 10,529 flj Bangor, Maine 16,857 Keokuk, Iowa 12,117 Eacine, Wis 16,031 iX Bay clty. Mich 20,693 Kingston, N.Y 18,342 Beading, Pa 43,280 UJ Belleville, 111 10,682 La Crosse, Wis 14,505 Eichmond, Va 63,803 Biddeford, Me 12,652 Lafayette, Ind 14,860 Eichmond, Ind 12,743 18,396 _ rBinghamton, N. Y 17,315 Lake Township. HI.... Rochester, N.Y 89,363 Ill Bloomington, 111 17,184 Lancaster, Pa 25,769 Eockford, 111 13,136 ^ Boston, Mass 362,535 Lawrence, Mass 39,178 Eock Island, HI 11,660 5 Bridgeport, Conn 29,148 Leadville, Col 14,820 Rome, N. Y 12,045 Brookhaven, N. Y 11,544 Leavenworth, Kansas. 16,550 Rutland, Vt 12,149 O Brooklyn, N.Y 566,689 Lenox, N. Y 10,249 Sacramento, Cal 21,420 Brockton, Mass 13,608 Lewiston, Maine 19,083 Saginaw, Mich 10,525 X Buffalo,!.. Y 155,136 Lexington, Ky 16,656 Salt Lake City, Utah. . 20.768 Burlington, Iowa 19,450 Lincoln, E. 1 13,765 Salem, Mass 27,598 ,m. Burlington, Vt 11,364 Lincoln, Neb 13,004 Sandusky, Ohio 15,838 W Castleton, N. Y 12,679 Little Rock, Ark 13,185 San Antonio, Texas... 20,561 Mass 52,740 N. Y 13,522 San Cal m Cambridge, Lockport, Francisco, 233,956 |B Camden, N. J 41,658 Logansport, Ind 11,198 San Jose, Cal 12,567 " Canton, Ohio 12,258 Long Island City. N. Y 17,117 Saratoga Springs, N. Y 10,832 Cedar Rapids, Iowa. . . 10,104 Los Angelos, Cal 11,311 Saugerties, N. Y 10,375 C Charleston, S. C 49.999 Louisville, Ky 123,645 Savannah, Ga 30,681 Chattanooga, Term. . . . 12,892 Lowell, Mass 59,485 Schenectady, N. Y ... 13,675 Chelsea, Mass 21,785 Lynn, Mass 38,284 Scranton, Pa 45,850 "~ Chester, Pa 14,996 Lynchburg, Va 15,959 Shenandoah, Pa 10.148 TJJ Chicago, HI 503,304 Macon, Ga 12,748 Shreve_)ort, La 11,017 W Chicopee, Mass 11,325 Madison, Wis 10,325 Somerville, Mass 24,985 O Chillicothe, Ohio 10.938 Maiden, Mass 12,017 South Bend, Ind 13,279 Cincinnati, Ohio 255,708 Marlborough, Mass. .. . 10,126 Springfield, HI 19,746 N. H .^Cleveland, Ohio 106,142 Manchester, 32,630 Springfield, Ohio 20,729 "J6 Cohoes, N. Y 19,417 Memphis, Term 33,593 Springfield, Mass 33,340 Jr Columbia, S. C 10,040 Meriden, Conn 18,340 Stamford. Conn 11,298 Columbus. Ohio 51,665 Middletown, Conn .... 11,731 SteubenvUle, Ohio 12,093 ^ Concord, N. H 13,838 Minneapolis, Minn.... 46,887 Stockton, Cal 10,287 ^ Council Bluffs. Iowa. . 18,599 Milwaukee, Wis 115,578 St. Louis, Mo 350,523 Covington, Ky 29,720 Mobile, Ala 31,205 St. Joseph, Mo 32,484 Dallas, Texas 10,358 Montgomery, Ala 16,714 St. Paul, Minn 41,498 J Danbury, Conn 11,669 Muskegon, Mich 11,262 Syracuse, N. Y 51,791 *J Davenport, Iowa 21,834 Nashville, Term 43,461 Taunton, Mass 21,213 Dayton. Ohio 38,677 Nashau, N. H 13,397 Terra Haute, Ind 26,040 (11 Denver, Col 35,630 Newark, N.J 136,400 Toledo, Ohio 50,143 Derby, Conn 11,649 Newburyport, Mass... 13,537 Topeka, Kan 15,451 Q Detroit. Mich 116,342 Newburgh, N. Y 18,060 Troy, N. Y 56,747 Des Moines, Iowa 22,408 Newport, Ky 20,433 Trenton, N. J 29,910 (0 Dover, N. H 11,687 Newport, E. 1 15,693 Utica, N. Y 33,913 H_ Dubuque, Iowa 22,254 Newton, Mass 16,995 Vicksburg, Miss 11,814 Jl Baston, Pa 11,924 New Albany, Ind 16,422 Virginia City, Nev 13,705 TO East Sagninaw, Mich. . 19,016 New Bedford, Mass... 26,875 Waltham, Mass 11,7U TT Eau Claire, Wis 10,118 New Britain, Conn.... 13,978 WallkiU, N. Y 11,483 O Elizabeth, N. J 28,229 New Brunswick, N. J. 17,167 Warwick, R. 1 12,163 I Elmira, N. Y 20,541 New Haven, Conn 62,882 Washington, D. C 147,307 4J Brie, Pa 27,730 New London, Conn. . . . 10,529 Watervliet, N.Y 22,220 Q) Bvansville, Ind 29,280 New Lots, N. Y 13,681 Waterbury, Conn 20,269 a_ Fall River, Mass 49,006 New Orleans, La 216,140 Watertown, N. Y 10,697 . Fishkill, N. Y 10,732 New York, N. Y 1,206,590 Weymouth, Mass 10,571 |L Fitchburg, Mass 12,405 Norfolk, Va 21,966 Wheeling, W. Va 31,266 Fond Du Lac, Wis 13,091 Northampton, Mass... 12,172 Wilkesbarre, Pa 23,339 1_ Fort Wayne, Ind 26,880 North Adams, Mass... 10,192 M'illiamsport, Pa 18,934 O Flushing, N. Y 15,919 Norwalk. Con 13,956 Wilmington, Del 42,499 |, Galesburg, 111 11,446 Norwich, Conn 21,141 N. C " Wilmington, 17,361 Galveston, Texas 22,253 Norristown, Pa 13,064 Winona, Minn 10,208 Georgetown, D. C 12,578 Oakland, Cal 34,556 Woburn, Mass 10,938 Mass Gloucester, 19,329 Ogdensburgh, N. Y. . . . 10,340 Worcester, Mass 58,295 Grand Eapids, Mich . . . 32,015 Omaha, Neb 30,518 Woonsocket, R. 1 16,053 Hannibal, Mo 11,074 Orange, N. J 13,206 York, Pa 13,940 Hamilton, Ohio 12, 122 Oshkosh, Wis 15.749 Yonkers, N. Y 18,892 Hartford, Conn 42,553 Oswego, N. Y 21,117 Youngstown, Ohio 15,431 Harrisburgh, Pa 30,762 Oyster Bay, N. Y 11,923 ZanesvUle, Ohio 18,180 Haverhill, Mass 18,475 I__* '*nl II.


A few years ago, most diseases were thought to have their source in the stomach and nervous system, but it is now positively known that nearly every disease can be traced directly or indirectly to the Kidneys and Liver. Rheumatism, female complaints, debility, malaria,

heart affections, brain _.nd lung disorders originate in these great blood purifying organs,

and these disorders must be treated through these organs. One of the most notice

able results of the acceptance of this theory is the putting of a vast number of nostrums upon the market, which but a few years ago were lauded as specially and only adapted to the stomach, but since our SAFE KIDNEY AND LIVER CUREthe great Kidney, Liver and Urinary Specific has won such popularity, they are now paraded as Kidney and

" medicines." Liver This is a plain, unblushingfraud. The proprietors of these nos trums know they are not especially adapted to the kidneys, liver and urinary organs, and their claims are a hollow pretension which the public'should denounce. Until the Safe Reme

dies were introduced, there were no remedies known to medical science which had anyfixed power over tlie Kidneys, Liver and Urinary organs. After a long series of scientific experiments, the only Herbs which have absolute power over these organs were discovered. They were carefully combined and proved by expert chemists, and they form the preparation which cured Mr. H. H. Warner [seepage 30] and have restored thous

ands to health. Indeed, all medical science for the past ten years has scarcely relieved so much suffering as the SAFE REMEDIES have in the past three years. As a result of this

the demand has been so great from all quarters that we cannot fill our orders. We do not

therefore, so much desire to increase the present demand as we wish to warn the public

" " against using pretentious medicines for diseases of the Kidneys, Liver and Urinary organs, for as the rare herbs Vvhich compose the SAFE REMEDIES are known only to us, and as we consume the entire crop of Europe and North and South America, it is plain that the SAFE REMEDIES cannot be successfully imitated. The fact that these pretenders copy from us proves them to be imposters. They adopt namps

and claim purposes similar to those of the SAFE KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE and other SAFE REMEDIES, or they offer a spurious article which they dishonestly assert is made from the same formula, simply to make sales that would otherwise be impossible. BEWARE of such unscrupulous persons and their nostrums, lest they inflict last ing injury upon you. See to it that the word SAF E Trade Mark.

and our (an Iron Trade Mark i mm. .lira you get the Genuine WARNER'S Safe) is boldly imprinted on all SAFE KIDNEY AND LIVER our manufactures and receive no CURE, SAFE DIABETES CURE, others. See also pages III. of S/FE NERVINE, SAFE TONIC Cover, 1, 20 and 32 of Pamphlet. SITTERS AND SAFE PILLS,

The certificate of Prof. S. A. Remedies Lat I ch are the only

M. Ph. LL. which timore, A,, D., D. lufactured by us, and

page proves the of superior [ 6] purity the regarded by all as SAFE REMEDIES. Read this gg|p^i Standard Specificsthe ONLY kind Pamphlet carefully and you can rVj'&lWSQYJ^'IjS effective Remedies of the

-^_v_s_/ tell whether not^*^ -*B_ very readily or in the market.

Rochester, N.Y., U. S. A.

Entered according to act of Congress in the year I-ibrartu _BS2, by H. H. Warner & Co. . in the Office cf the BTTHIS ILLUSTRATION Is a MESSRS. H. H. WARNER Si CO.

unpre* Tfiree-quarter fac simile of the beg to thank the public for

front view of WARNER'S SAFE cedented patronage, and their

KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE bot effort will be to retain success by

tle, which is of dark amber glass. deserving It In every particular.

The legend, under the scroll bear The distinctive features of this

" Cure," ing Kidney *e Liver and Fourth Annual Pamphlet are the

above "For S2000.00 Prize

B r i g h t's Dis Enigmas, Pic

-i. e. ease, , tures of the

"This medicine is President and

not genuine if the Cabinet, and of

private six cent the recent Vic

Revenue Stamp tims of primary

over cork repre and secondary

senting safe and Bright'sDisease

negro gathering and facsimile

herbs be broken, Autographs. ? GENU IN E IF , .__jJ-"-irrfTNOT THEmIvaT^J^ 'OVER CORK tampered with or yj^ZCZtW'frllAf REPRESENTS!* The high MS HER ' ^~ ' 'ep: ?t:E!?i stand o 1 missing, BRIGHTS DISEASE ing on the label, is those whose tes-.

in RED INK. t i m o n i a I s are

The rest is black published is

on white field. unprecedented.

Letters on Safe Ten Million

v.'hite on black Copies of WAR

ground. NER'S SAFE


LIVER CURE HEART DISEASE On the back RHEUMATISM. IMPOTEh.CY, OTHER DISORDERS CAUSED BY ra MELANCHOLIA & BOOKofPRIZE LIVER 8.C.&C of this bottle I DERANGEMENT OF THE KIDNEYS. well before usin t in coo] place and shake the bottle ENIGMAS will Keep 7'3]r!E$IZ~' and all others ^T___T___T* ~^S light "tablespoonfuls Dose., wi* 1zziles,,oon/Ul . Six to be published equal amnmit"p"ijpjp'{J"?*'* except the Safe used per dta/.Unicy be diluted with, an warZiorcolefnulkZcTuUetn. clear, time ofthestz,mfhorrmM^MU^^-."f-^PtZZShts ! year. ofimiation this Pills be/on or eawig. M case is blown take smallerdoses unld. ""*"' llabltUoclue, especially in exjreme cases, \ kind must net lie the Stomach .. improved. Drugs

often no pain, a person will never suspect the Kidneys as the cause of his ailment. Hence it is that physicians say that next to consumption Kidney diseases produce the greatest mortality. kid- Situation and Diseases. There are two ' neys, situated in the small of the buck. One is immediately below the liver, on the right, one below and behind the stomach on the left. All the blood passes through them, aid is relioved of its surplus water and uric acid waste, which flow down the ureters [see Fig. 1, 3] into the bladder. In common diseases the Kidneys are congested or inflamed, coi-fcracted, granular, lardaceous, putty-like, fatty, enlarged, and in chronic Bright 's disease tho urine bearing sub stance the Kidneys is eaten away, and show.-. as tube casts and cell matter in the water. V/hen the Kidneys are in a healthy condition, only the Fig. i. 0- water oozes through the blood vessels into the urine ANATOMICAL VIEW OP THE ABDO-_rN_L_. REGION. tubes and passes away. When they are inflamed 1. Kidneys 2. Liver (in outline) 8. Stomach fin out ; ; the walls of the blood vessels are soft line); 4. Bladder; 5. Ureters; 6. Artery. by disease, ened and expanded, and the albumen or life of the THE KIDNEYS AND THEIR DISEASES. blood escapes, _thusindicating albuminuria, * nephria, or Bright's disease. [See page 7.] During the past year over 60 per cent, of the The uric acid fluid often while in the Kidneys, prominent deaths reported have been of Kidney deposits the acid as gravel, and when this passes disorders, primary or secondary such as pleuro down through the ureters [see article on Calculus] pneumonia, paralysis, heart disease, pneumonia, it causes that most intense anguish known as apoplexy, blood poisoning, rheumatism, convul Kidney colic. Sometimes these gravel stones will sions, etc., etc. This is a startling fact. Kidney entirely fill up the mouth of the ureters, and disease gets fastened in the system before the unless dislodged, the body will swell up with victim is 'aware of his real trouble. The accumu the accumulated water, and convulsions and lation of waste matter in the blood clogs the brain, death ensue in a few hours [See Calculut article.} makes liver undermines the nervous The weight and pressure in the abdominal region the ..torpid, system, makes proper digestion and assimilation often closes up these ureters and many an expect of the food impossible, end these things completely ant mother has died in convulsions before the " " " upset the constitutional vigor, and invite and new face appears at the door and the new floor." foster disease. No other organs have greater influ foot is heard on the The surest safeguard ence in maintaining health, none other so uniers- against these evils is the free use of "Warner's ally are out of order, and over none have physieians Safe Kidney and Liveb Cure and Warner's less real power. [.See testimonials.] Safe Pills. [Seepage 20]. The purpose of the Kidneys is to remove the Symptoms. Kidney diseases are indicated waste of muscular exertion and of improper when there is a scalding sensation in passing water, digestion and pass it off through the urine. If red or white brick dust and mucous deposits in this work is not wholly done every day, then the water, a suppression or scanty flow, dark col ,( malaria," the blood becomes a poisoned stream to carry ored urine, great muscular lassitude. disease and death to every part. The lungs frequent one-sided headache, neuralgia, cancers, remove the carbonic acid, the Kidneys the uric heart palpitations, back ache in the loins, swelling acid, and the liver the biliary acid poisons from of the amkles, dropsy, loss or fickleness of appetite, the blood, and there will be little disease when each all forms of rheumatism, female irregularities, of these organs do their natural work. Neither nervousness, sleeplessness, hot and dry skin, furred organ can do the work of tjie others. Ifc is a pecu tongue, impotency, bronchitis, pleurisy, peritoni liarity of nature that a person may readily know tis, chills and fever, fitful diarrhoea alternating when the lungs or liver are. diseased, but because with obstinate constipation, sour stomach, heart Kidney disease has no symptoms of its oivn, and burn, convulsions, etc., etc. [Seepage 11.]

Do not expect to cure long-standing diseases with two or three bottles of the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.

TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PRIZES. THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS (S300. ) for the suc cessful solution of Nine (9) of them only. TWO HUNDRED for Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure Prize AND FIFTY DOLLARS .9260.) the successful solution of Eight (8) of theitftmly. Enigmas for 1883. TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS (JSdb.) for the success ful solution of Seven (7) of them only. Messrs. H. H. Warner & Co. beg leave to offer the ONE successful following: paee.- for 1883. to encourage the spirit of HUNDRED DOLLARS C$100.) for the research people. of the solution of Six of them only. arrrong the .Nothing kind has (0) ever before been presented to the puniic, and their sole SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS (875.) for the succed ful object is to develop interest in the various topics pre solution of Five (S) of them only. sented. Following al'e the FIFTY DOLLARS ($50.) for the successful solution PRIZES AND CONDITIONS. of Four (4) of them only.

TWENTY -FIVE for the successful ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS (SI ,000.,) for the suc DOLLARS (825.) of page 3. cessful solution of all the Ten (10) following enigmas. solution Two (2) of them only. [See ] fZT Be Sure Yon Get the GEWTTINT. Warner's Rafp TTidno-iT a-nA T.ivor flnre WE HAVE CURED THE WORST CASES OF k&IGHf'S DtSEASS.

Treatment. The intensity of these symptoms Ing as a Dhysician and one of our most respected citi zens. We can truly as to the truth of his suf depends on the nature and duration of the kidney testify fering and euro by the use of Warner's Safe KtOMET disorder. In acute Blight's disease [a-liich see] they and Liver Cure. FAIRC-IILD BROS. , Druggists are very pronounced, and in chronic Blight's dis ease they come on gradually, one by one, until the His Consumption Originated in His Kidneys- system entirely gives way. It will bo noticed that N.Y. I <0c- Buffalo, , May 1, 1888. believo it these symptoms are the commonest complaints, 1 o a fact that thousands of cases of so-called con and instead of treating the effects, wo should at sumption can bo successfully treated by simply onco address the Kidneys, and by curing them, using Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Curie remove the cause. But physicians admit ct' they ' ' as directed. I wa.. cue the given to for up have no specific kidney disorders, and they ' ' die persons had every symptom of the last cannot remove the cause. Warner's Safe stage of consumption bad cough of four yeara Kidney and Liver Ci-re and Warner's Safe night etc. standing, sweats, chills, , etc. A season Pills, however, are specifics for every form of south did no good, and tho fact was the case Kidney disorder, and if taken as directed and in th<- looked discouraging. I took Warner's Safib sufficient quantities they will boa] very worst Kidney and Liver Cure, and in three months disease to which these organs are subject. I regained over twenty pounds, anil my health Neglect of Kidney complaints is always fatal. was fully restored. [Sec page- 37, 1st col.] If you have any of the symptoms mentioned, do

" came." not wait for them to go as they They never will. They may disappear during warm weather to return with fatal force and fury in the Foreman Buffalo Rubber Type Foundry. cold and stormy months. Keep tho Kidneys and liver free ami in working order, and Is Endorsed by the Grand Worthy Templa*. there will bo no impure blood, and without Allegheny City, Pa., March 0, 1883. 1 hava impure blood there will be no serious and disease had attacks of kidney complaint off and on for suffering. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver the last two years, and often I could not sleep Cure and Safe Pills restore and sustain these at night. I began the use of Warner's Safe organs as ni other known remedies can do, and Kidney and Liver Cpre, and after the third this is tho secret of their uneoualied success. dose all pains left me, and I feel all right again,

What the IVIayor of a Fashionable City Says. Newport, R. I., 23, 1883. I have used Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure for urinary difficulties, and can recommend it as a successful medicine. Like Causes Always Produce Like Results;. Central City, Dak., Feb. 17, 1 88.'?.Kidney' difficulties in 1830, me much trouble, but Warner's Safe Kidney and Hon. Liver Cure quickly and effectually drove it away I

Why a Prominent Physician Praises It Highly. Wis. March 1882. For more Marinette, , :!, He Couldn't Have Been Much foir' Worse Off., than years I could not sleep more tlian 0. Nov. A Cleveland, , 3,2, 1881. number ot one-fourt". of the night. I would bo obliged to years ago I accidentally from a building, and get up sometimes seven or eight times to void my hurt my back. Last June I used Warner's Safjs urine. I also had severe pains in tho region of Kidney and Liver Cure and Safe Pills, ant' tho kidneys, but before I had used one-half dozen now I can sleep all night without being obliged to I could sleep all night and not get out of bed. arise to urinate. I was also rid of sinking, death Tho pains left my back and I now feel that I am like spells every two months by the same remedy. a well man. and that I can recommend Warner's I would bo as cold as ice, and would be completely SaetS Kidney and Liver Cure to any suffering prostrated for two days. [See page 26. from diseases of the kidneys. ]

O, ^{pppZ7o-7stA^%^./C\

Being Intimately acquainted with L'r. Jones, we take -' pleasure in adding our testimonial as to his high stand- Clevei'd Grays, 371 Prospect St.

The yreatest cni^nsr., hr_ii^._i tho biggest prize, is how to preserve a Hound mind and a sound bfrTy,

Three Answers mustbe sentfull prepaid to CONDITIONS. y by mail, II. II. Vv'ARNER & CO., Rochester, N.Y., between June [Every Condition will be strictly and literally required.] Hthand Answers received beforeor July 15th, 1SS3. ^_3_cJ One Defects of spelling, punotuation, and the general after those dates, or those not fully prepaid, will ho neatness of the appearance of the answers will bo taken ruled out of competition. Four Into consideration, always, in making a decision. Thefull name and full post-office address must written with at end all the ansivers. . Two be ink, of The answers must be written in English, with Five ink, and on one side only of Note Paper. The enigmas must be numbered as they n SAFE KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE IS SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA.

It Seldom Fails When Taken as Directed, The Reason He Recommends It so Highly, 1881.I East Saginaw, Mich., June 38, 1883.I Bridgeport, Conn., June 11, have Kidney and Liver Cure have had a great deal of trouble with my kid taken Warner's Safe a - benefited. It is splendid neys, but four bottles of Warner's Safe ______and been greatly key and Liver Cure made mo feel like another remedy. /) i ""

tztJc rf(rajz

Diabetes was n hopeless disease until Warner's Sale Diabetes Cure was given to sufferim lnimnnity.

given herein. A paragraph must be Six made of each Competitors must be residents of the United question in each enigma, and a paragraph must be States of America, and Dominion of Canada. made of the answerof each question Seven in each enigma. jy JVb correspondence on the subject uriU bt RHEUMATISM IS ALWAYS CAUSED BY KIDNEY POISON.

The Experience of the U. S. Senate Messenger Recommended by Member of the Legislature. D. C 1883. I have 1882. Washington, , July 1, Thomasville, Ga., Feb. 7, Warner's used Warner's Safe and Kidney Liver Cure Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has proved a great and consider it a valuable very remedy for kid benefactor in my family. Three bottles cured me liver and bladder difficulties. ney, completely of very annoying Kidney disease.

\^^A Hon.

Messenger of the United States Senate. Member of the Legislature. Delivered From Terrible Wonderfully Pains. When the Most Eminent Physicians Failed. 1883. New York, May 13, I have been most Detroit, Mich., Nov. 38, 1 88 i . For a numlier wonderfully delivered from paroxysms of many of years I have been tho most ' suffering enervating unendurable torture by Warner s Safe Kidney pains across my kidneys. At one time I was 'aid and Liver Cure. Its virtues should be known up for seven weeks. I have had the most 3mincnt to all the world. physicians prescribe for me, but without av.ul, until last summer, when si* bottles of Warner's: Safe Kidney and Liver Cure entirely cured me

Former Pastor 1st Presby. Church, Kansas City, Mo.

Results." "Used With the Most Gratifying z^/rmJ Fall Mass. , June 1883. I have ^WWS River, 37, Of the firm of A. H. Piper & Co. used Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure with the most gratifying results for liver and Recommended because Known to be Superior kidney troubles. R. I. Providence, , July 6, 1882. I have used Warner's SafeKidney and Liver Cure viih marked benefit and can cordially recommend it. Proprietor Wilbur Hotel.

Six Bottles Fully Cured the Hamilton Banker.

O. I Hamilton, , July 5, 1883. owe it to six bottles of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Of Hopkins, Pomeroy & Co ,Coal Dealers. Cure that I am now free from all aches and pains in my kidneys and liver, after suffering two years. The Opinion of a Well Known Organ Builder. Mayor's Office, Washington, N.J., July 8; 1882. I have never had occasion touse Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, but from obser- \ atian of its effects on others, I have taken great Of Shepherd & Curtis, Hamilton Bank. pleasure in recommending it to my friends who Heartily Endorsed by the College President. suffer from such difficulties, as I consider it. n valuable for 1882. remedy those complaints. Athens, Tenn., July 6, I have had re lief from Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cube, and can heartily endorse your medicine. Hon o^&$fM Rev. r^s ^-efeezzC&Cm~ S. T. D. Beatty Organ and Piano Manufacturer. President of the East Tennessee Wesleyan University. What Bishop R. T. of Said. Has Afforded Him the Utmost Satisfaction. Wilmer, Alabama, Mobile, Ala., March 8th, 1882.My father, Honesdale, Pa., January 13, 1882. Having Bishop Wilmer, requests me to say that Warner's used WaJ-Ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has been taken by I have entire confidence in it in diseases for which two members of his with beneficial results. it is prepared. family

Rev. y (3t w&t4szrzrcibiV. d. Pastor First Presbyterian Church.

Always take the Safe Pills with Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure end other Safe F.eme:

considered at any time, and any instituted will oar aule citizens of Rochester will superintend the impartial from competition. selection of one name f.-om each successful class ; they Eight The names of all who successfully answer will notify those who A'in the prizes, and on the tvritte.n t".vo, four, fire, six, seven, eight, nine and ten enigmas demand of the successful ones only, endorsed by the respectively, will be classed together, and tliree reput- judges, tho money will be paid by H. H. Warner & Co.


Warner's Safe Remedies Seldom, if Ever, Fail. Used It With Perfectly Satisfactory Results.

Jan.. 1882. father was June 1882. I have used War Chicago, 111., 25. My Erie. Pa. , 6, quite seriously indisposed from Kidney disease ; ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure with per but upon using Warner's Safe Kidney and fectly satisfactory results. Liver Cure he was entirely cured.

Rev. , Pastor First Unlversalist Church.

Principal oC Lakeside BusinessTJollege. SAFE REMEDIES ABSOLUTELY PURE.

After of Afflictions. Fifteen Years Trying The general prejudice that exists regarding the fifteen medicines is based almost Providence, R. I., July 5, For use of proprietary solely yours I had suffered from Kidney difficulty, bloody on the fear that they are injurious compounds, etc aco took four bottles but greater evils discharges, . Two years I which cure for the present, bring of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and in their train. H. H. Warner & Co., however, all their it completely cured me. I am 80 years old. not only assure the public that Safe J> ' Remedies are pure and wholesome, but they are absoutely so, and can be taken with perfect safety, cZulasv^4 oULziS-U as will be seen by the following evidence from the Bourbon Street. Capitalist, 50 pen of S. A. Lattimore, Ph. D., LL. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of Rochester, and of a Grateful Minister. The Gratitude Very one of the analysts of food and medicines for the 111. June 1883. For years I have Board of Health of the State of New York : AmboY, , 12, been seriously afflicted with kidney disorders and UNIVERSITY OF the effects thereof constipation, biliousness, dizzi ROCHESTER, Chemical Laboratory. ness and intense headaches. But after using eight bottles of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Mr. H. H. Warner has placed in my possession Cure I am a well man. the fortnuke of the several medicines manu factured and sold under the general designation '- " REMEDIES." -tr_ would be strings of mucous ; the odor was very Consultation Free. Describe your symptoms offensive. My head ached constantly, my miniUely, by mail, if there is no physician at hand breath was very bad, and my appetite was gone. who can tell you what your disorder is, and The first two bottles of Warner's Safe Kidney H. H. Warner & Co. will very gladly f'Tnish and Liver Cure made me deathly sick, but gratuitous counsel from their regular medical while on the third bottle my water began grad advisers. For Five Dollars in advance, chemical ually to clear up, until the sediment and bodily and microscopical analyses will be made of sus pain entirely ceased. I have taken tweirty bottles pected urine infallible tests for kidney, liver and and ten bottles of the Safe Pills, and feel a bladder disorders. Urine must be sent by express, thousand times better. [See page 22. ] in clean and tightly corked bottles, enclosed in a box of sawdust, and that passed on arising in the morning at least two ounces is the best. Always Engineer Providence & Stonington Railroad. state how many pints are passed in 24 hours.

Half the sudden deaths are really rauscd by hidden Kidney diseases, which disorder the entire system.

office on cent United State- Nine No person can compete for place in more than address receipt of a three postage [Seepage one class, nor can more than one set of answers be stamp. 31.] credited to any one name. Enigma No. 1. Biblical. Without my Second my First could not be formed ; Ten Tho names of the prize winners, the correctans Without my Tiurd and Fourth, no cook would long wers to the enigmas, and the certificate., und names of remain ; the judges will be printed in H. H. Warner & Co.'s By Fourth and Fifth a bad man once was warned; Against ten centuries strove in vain. Pamphlet for 1884, which will be mailed to any full post- my Whole, [See foot note, pug* 10.]

25_TBe Sure You Get the GENUINE Warner's Safe Nervine and Safe Pills.. USE WARNER'S SAFE PILLS WITH ALL THE SAFE REMEDIES.

BRIGHT'S DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS. it has obtained a hold on tho system, the patient Dr. Pancoast tells us, by the gradual failure of ' The Christian at Work calls Bright s Disease strength, by pallor of the face, pufflness imder the Malady," "The National and the New York eyes, nightly swelling of the ankles, frequent desire Graphic points out its alarming prevalence, and to urinate especially at night, shortness of breath, asks in the name of the public what can be done suffocative asthma, by feeble appetite or constant ' ' ' to stay its ravages. During tho past year the effort to 'gorge his appetite, by frequent periodic mortality from this disease has been as high as 33 unaccountable headaches, by the failure of perspi per cent, hi this country, and physicians seem to ration, by frequent attacks of midnight chills and have no appreciable power over it. It prevails fever, by increasing wakefulness and nervousness, mostly in its chronic form, between the ages of by vague feelings of unrest and evil apprehensions 30 and 00, and as it has no constant symptoms may begin to comprehend the dreaded fact that of its own ik often develops suddenly and quickly he is in the toils of the monster. In other case." runs a fatal course before it is recognized. no premonitions whatever are giyen, and the victim goes from a condition of vigor What It Is. Bright's Disease is a disorder suddenly and good health to one of and which manifests itself by the consumption of the suffering weakness, indicated suffusions. tissues of the kidneys. It may lie dormant in the by convulsions, coma, lung loss of both flesh and system for years, it may bo inherited, or it may strength, scanty bloody covered with persistent froth and full ot be contracted by imprudent habits, exposure to urine, utter failure of the progressive the weather, and great and prolonged nervous sediment, stomach, of the followed strange mental strata. It has three stages of degeneration the watering blood, by hallucinations the result of the poison in inflammatojy, the granular and the waxy, and kidney the brain pains in pro two forms-J,1acute and chronic. It is characterized excruciating the heart; duced valvular disorder of the left by albuminous mine, of high gravity if scarce, by ventrical, general suppression and low gravity if abundant, but otherwise, Dr. flitting inflammations, dropsy, of and in a few hours after the latter W. H. Thompson, of New York, tells us, it has no urine, symp tom unless the flow ii_, restored the symptoms of its own, but has the symptoms of appears, by use of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cuke tne commonest diseases. In this disease the and Sake death is inevitable. [See page muscles of the blood vessels and urine tubes have Pills, 2.] become paralyzed by congestion, and without Complications. Chronic Bright's Disease may nerve power to control their the albumen iibi for years, with its tips and downs, but it is or life of the blood escapes, while the urea, pro surely fatal unless thoroughly routed from the duced by the liver, the uric acid and the waste of system. About one-third its victims, says Rob muscular exertion all poisons remain in and erts, die of uremi. loisoniiig (in convulsions or by destroy the blood, giving the victim the char diarrhoea), many _lie from watery suffocation, acteristic palid hue and glassy staring eye. many from gangrenous erysipelas in the legs, thighs and one-filth perish of Symptoms. Bright's Disease may exist in the genitais, secondary pneumonia (which disease is almost always com system for years, says Dr. Roberts, before the con plicated with heart ditions arrive when it shall show itself. Acute kidney disorders), disease, intestinal phthisis comes on and is char pleurisy, apoplexy, ulcerations, Bright's Disease suddenly, " and paralysis. The duration of chronic BrightV . acterized by chills, fever, headache, nausea and Disease varies from two to depend vomiting, tenderness of the kidneys, btfikache, hot twenty years, on circumstances. In chronic Bright's and dropsical of ankles and ing entirely dry skin, swelling eyes, Disease' the blood becomes and is full of stupid expression of face ; the lungs fill with watery uric acid poisons, waste matter and white watery humor, and a corresponding falling off is urea, corpuscles. This altered condition of the blood noticed in the quantity of the urine, and when produces the dropsy, lung, brain, etc. effu totally suppressed sudden death Is very near. heart, sions. The digestive organs are always The urine burns in is of high nearly passing, gravity, disturbed,' accompanied vomiting or diarrhoea. dark color, is filled with albumen and flakes of the by inflammation of the hmgs and heart substance of the kidneys and mucous and gravelly Secondary disease break out at period of the disease. matter. The disease proceeds very rapidly, the may any vitiated blood enervates the system, the digestion Treatment. Warner's Safe Kidney and and assimilation of food are impaired, pleurisy, Liver Cure is a specific for Bright's Disease. have, no other and bronchitis, heart diseuse, pneumonia, or fatal Physicians specific, thousands

./.em it with success diaiThoea may set in, aiid then recovery is quite of are prescribing gratifying impossible, unless Warner's Safe Kidney and in their daily practice. It is the nly real specific Liver Cure and Safe Pills be resorted to. known to medical science for this disease, and we Chronic)^right's Disease begins slowly and solemnly warn our patrons to be sure they get the impeieptibly. Some months or even years after Genuine Article. The Safe Pills should bo uscd

menstruation and is invaluable in c!;nn;:e of !!_>, Warner'_r Safe Kidney and Liver C-are regulates

ter- 4.If the name of a certain play have its initial and in Shakspeabe. No. 2. Enigmas minal letters reversed, the altered title "will expre.^ its best quality ? 1 . -s:Tho title given by Prospero to a character in The Tempest were more suggestive of aristocracy had it 5. What proof is contained in one of the plays that an added final letter ? its leading male character was a soprano singer? '* The name of the leading personage in a comedy 6.In what drama does a prisoner offer, in himself, contains two familiar English nicknames ? material for a play ? 3 In what comedy does a patronymic charade by our 7.What was the first mail matter received by Silvia author produce a very witty gentleman ? from Verona ? 8 FOR DIABETES USE ONLY THE J^-SAFE DIABETES CURE.

Cromhie is a member of my congregation. 1 always connection therewith off tho Mr. Will in to carry as m a was with him the day he was reported dying accumulated poisons. These remedies arrest in and nurses. From a per condition by his physicians I consider his statement flammation, reduce congestion, restore the liver to sonal acquaintance with him of credit. A. R. BARTLETT, promote the separation and pass every way worthy activity, gently Pastor of M. E. Cnurch. age of urine, reinvigorate the paralyzed blood 1882 We take great vessels of the kidneys, build up and repair the Birmingham, Mich., June 22, pleasure in the testimonyof Mr.Crombie, wasted substance of regulate diges substantiating the. kidneys, Disease we and as proof of his recovery from Bright's revive healthful nutrition and assimilation store and is required tion, would say that he is a clerk in our hard as of us. of keep the bowels open, preserve the balance to work every day and all day as any food, WHITEHEAD & destruction of red MITCHELL, of blood elements, arrest the Druggists. corpuscles in the circulation, quicken nervous and thus cure the worst cases energy, permanently Disease Often Follows ^Childbirth. '' '' Bright's of the incurable Bright's Disease, if taken June 1883.For the as directed and in sufficient quantity. Hartford, Conn., 15, precisely child past seven years since the birth of my I have suffered severely with kidney difficulty. The Advice of a Perfect Stranger. Timely From an analysis of my urine my doctor said it Birmingham, Mich., June 32, 1882. Last was half albumen and / could not recover. I tried December I was suffering from severe headaches, various doctors and medicines without permanent and my body was badly bloated, while my strength relief. Two years ago I began the use of War ' had nearly deserted me. An examination of my ner s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. I have urine, after hearing all my symptoms, showed to taken perhaps 70 bottles and have constantly im the doctor that I had Bright's Disease of the Kid proved. I do not bloat any more ; the pains in,. con neys. Detroit doctors, after examination, my back have ceased, and I can now ascend stairs firmed this opinion. The water contained .albu without difficulty. I can cordially endorse War men as well as casts, and after boiling had the ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, Safe appearance of custard. It was currently reported Nervine and Safe Pills, as I have taken them that I was at the^point of death, but contrary to all with the most beneficial results. [See page 6.] expectation I rallied somewhat, and continued to drag out a miserable existence for a few more weeks. One Saturday night, however, I was in the most alarming state. I had been growing 8-1 Wooster Street. worse all the time : my urine was red in color and at least half blood ; I was so bloated that I could Bright's Disease Comes on but SuKeiy. not see out of my eyes ; was \ such pain when I Slowly

.I been moved that it seemed as though it would take my Waterloo, N. Y., June 13, 1883 had life. Well, on this Saturday night, after having troubled for several years with occasional painsin been "confined to my bed for three weeks, my suf the back, dizziness, headache, loss of appetite and fering became so intense that I lost my reason. other disagreeable feelings of the urinary organs, The doctors said I could live but a few hours, and but paid no attention to them, thinking that it during the night the nurses called my mother (who amounted to nothing, as I was then strong and in had become worn out by watching) three times to apparently healthy. This spring, some time see me die. The Detroit Post and Tribune re the month of April, I was taken very violently porter announced that I was dying of Bright's with pain in the back and around the loins, This met the eye of a in a and all the symptoms of what is now Disease. lady , headache, ' stranger to us, who wrote urging us to use at once, known to me to be those of Bright s Disease of Warner' if I was still alive, s Safe Kidney and the Kidneys. I visited several physicians, all of Liver Cure. The doctor said he had "no faith whom told me that I had Bright's Disease. I ' ' in such stuff, but that he himsetf could do took their medicines for some time, also other pro for nothing more, and we miglit do as we pleased, and prietary medicines that were recommended the medicine was begun. I commenced to im the cure of Bright's Disease, but all to no purpose. prove slowly but surely the unusual swelling My weight went from 308 to 1 70 ; my lips and subsided ; the pains left ; tho urine became more mouth were parched and my tongue coated so I and more natural ; my strength returned, and could hardly speak, and it also gave me great pain to-day I am apparently in perfect health, and and inconvenience to urinate. I gave up to what doing a full hard day's work. My case with its I then considered to be my fate, which was to die ; cure is well known in this region and Detroit. I but hearing of your wonderful Warner's Safe began .dietedvery carefully. I used twelve bottles of Kidney and Liver Cure and Safe Pills I the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, three of the taking them according to directions. I was com Safe Pills and two of the Safe Nervine. pletely cured, and to-day I consider myself a well


For n^rvoita headache, here ia nothing like War- tier's Safe Nervine. Be sure and get the genuine.

10. tho s An early aspiration of Romeo is, to be that, which, Find reference to a female connection of

should its letter to the left (which means "to the authoress of Uncle Tom's Cabin ? , right," ) he erased, the decapitated word would express 11.What gives an epicurean flavor to the folk in the spirit of the entire play ? fairy An' Midsummer Night's Dream ? 9. old hit of sian,?, common to England, having {illusion to her nobility, is suggested in one of the 12.What section of the bard's complete works con comedies? tains the greatest proportion of unfamiliar words 1 CHRONIC CASES REQUIRE PERSISTENT TREATMENT.

It is the Only Specific for Bright's Disease. Bloated, Black and Prostrated with Rigors. S. 1883.I have Anderson, C, January 13, Arltnoton P. 0., near Providence, E. L, July used four bottles of and Warner's Safe Kidney 1883. For the jmst three years I have suf ' G, Liver Cure for Bright s and it was ' Disease, very fered with Bright s Disease, so pronounced by two / C- beneficial. r^? of the best physicians of Providence. I bloated ^^ lien.

mZ4S greatly help any case of genuine Bright's Disease . if taken persistently and as directed. STzlTE OF MAINECamden. March 28,188S. Personally appeared the above named K. P. Thomas, and made oath to the truth of the above statement, by him subscribed before me. D. D. S. CHAS. K. MILLER, Trial Justice.

Many cases of apparent consumption are only second ary effect-, of disordered kidneys, liver and stomach. sWhat is the title of a play which is the longest and lG.v-Find the most a-sthotic line in Shakespeare. the. niost alliterative f 17.One of the plays which, like a neglected garden gives us a proto U.zzgf what exafct waydid Shylock intend todetermine bed, has in it more dirt than flowers, his pound of flesh f type of Doctor Mary Walker . 15, What proof that the Forest of Arden was once an 18.The name of what play contains four-fifths of island. Shakspeare ?

'Pictures of the GENUINE Warner's Bottle and Caddy, on Pages 1 and 32. -S? 10 YOU NEED NOT DESPAIR 1 Kfc YOU CAN BE CURED!

Stages. Continuous Abscesses of the Kidneys Cured. Cured of Bright's Disease in its Final 1883.I believe 1 Camden, Tenn.. July 7, 1883.In the fall of Chicago, 111., July 14, who 1873 I was first attacked with Bright's Disease inherited Bright's disease from my father, From a I was weak and of the Kidneys witlj severity, resulting in two died of it. boy puny, for dyspepsia [which large abscesses. What I suffered no tongue can fifty years ago was doctoring from and tell, being confined for seven Weeks, and I was so frequently comes kidney disorders], sick seasons life. weak at one time I could not hold my head have had many during my long did symptoms of up. In July, 1878, 1 was again laid up for weeks Ten years ago only, however, but I did not know what by another abscess, which continued to discharge kidney disease appear, was for fhe 'years after. legs pus for twenty months. My third attack was in the cause My dripped February of 1881; the pain was very severe for bloated, my water away constantly day v.-us either enormous weeks. Finally, the result was another abscess, and night, my appetite with digestion or I had running for months. My fourth aud last attack correspondingly poor, One when en rotate to the Board was the 1st of October, 1881 ; I could not tell none at all. day, of Trade I fell as if though the anything about tho severe suffering 1 endured ; I rooms, sunstruck, and I did not recover consciousness had the best doctor in our county to attend me day was cool, One of the most celebrated doc with but little relief. Two abscesses were running for many hours. tors of the told I had Bright's for months in fact they only ceased to run after I city my family could not get well. I got out began to use Warner's Safe Kidney anjd Liver Disease and again, but in November last had another pros Cure, which I am proud to say has, I believe, however, Bright's disease in the third restored me to perfect health. tration indicating stages. I had casts and albumen in urine, lost forty pounds, my legs were as large as an ele Rev. phant's, and were covered with eruptions of hot patches. My skin was harsh and dry in short I Baptist Minister for 40 years was hopelessly sick. It was under such circum use of Safe The Great Mystery Satisfactorily Explained. stances that I began the Warner's Kidney and Liver Cure. In March the disease Lima, O., Sept. 37, 1881. About three years came to a , indicated by universal rheuma ago I began gradually but persistently to lose needle-like pains and a sensa [He- in my heart, strength and health. had the symptoms tism, tion as if every vital organ was being pi.iled out described in tho Bright's Disease article]. I con of me. I then used the Safe Pills also, and in sulted physicians anil was treated, for various a few weeks was an entirely well man. I can now diseases, and received but little benefit. An ex sleep on my left side which I have not been able amination of the urine revealed nearly one-third to do for 40 years, owing to heart disease (which albumen. My physicians, at last pronounced my seems to have lost its intensity since I recovered affliction to bo Bright's Disease. As a last resort of the Bright's disease). lam 75 years of age I began to use Warner's Safe Kidney and and feel as werl as ever I did in my best days. Liver Cure and it cured me. 'QArfryi/Zz

liver. There is a frightful mortality onions yuMic n:.:i, | caused mostly 1>y long disordered kidneys and

19.What evidence that Clarence's frightful dream . Enigma No. 3. Geographical. about JCnights of the Eoad . first- Of prominentcities and of the world my of TV an towns SO. In the Second Part Henry discover instance nyyttiird can be found in Sweden ; my second inJapan; where the laws of chess are expressly violated ? in-.Mexico; my fourth in South America -"my nrtam. United 21. suggestion in this pamphlet of a .tie Find a peculiarity Siberia; my sixth in France: my seventh in of a dangerous character in Julius Caesar. States ; and my eighth'in Turkey. !.Find a quotation from the tragedies in adescriptive The initials of the above in regular rotation name a wnilo article ofthis pamphlet ; where found in the plays? city that often rivals the capital of its country, cape of tbe Note. above the co must the terminals in the same order name a In _ol1-g tbo nt-3tnnt, som.timefi, needs b_ goverUGil tythe Willi- of wi.r_A instead _f i.rthogr_i)liy. western continent.

tW Be Sure You Get the GENUINE Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. ^ WE HAVE MANY THOUSANDS OF SUCH TESTIMONIALS. li

THE LIVER AND ITS DISEASES. symptoms are greatly aggravated by cnanges of weather, by a malarious climate and by physical It is only within the past ten years that medical excesses. This is a formidable array of symptoms science has begun to comprehend the great gland but not half has been given only tho leading one:-. known as the (iify. and to r.nderstand Liver, 1, 3), Enlargement of the Liver is quite a common how important are its functions. supremely complaint, and it frequently produces all these Prof. Charles Murchison, M. D., in 1874 took the symptoms and in addition great soreness, dropsical medical wprld by surprise wheij, he elaborated tho swellings, shortness of breath, (the Liver crowding theory of Claude Bernard (1800) and showed that into the lung cavities), and acute pain in the the functions of the Liver were : heart. Jaundice, yellow or black, is caused either 1. To form glycogen, which contributes to the by nervous shock or by gall stone obstructions in animal to tho nutrition of the blood and heat, the bile duets. Malaria and sewer gas seem t. tissues and the development of white blood cor have a paralysing effect on the Liver and cause puscles ; 3. To destroy albuminous matters in the much of the prevalent torpidity, and in low and food and to foi-m urea which the kidneys carry off ; new countries fever and ague seems to have an 3. To secrete bile, which acts as a cathartic and especial afdnifcy for this great organ. When the arrests putrefaction of solid waste hi tho bowels. temporary torpidity becomes chronic then all the Too great a formation of glycogen either pro symptoms are intensified. [See Liver testimonials'. duces corpulency, or, if there lie a low state of Treatment. Warner's Safe Kidney and the system, diabetes niellitus. If the albuminous Liver Cure and Safe Pills have complete matter is not transformed and urea is not formed, mastery over functional or chronic Liver diseases, then the blood becomes poisoned and produces cancers, abscesses, jaundice, etc. They restore brain and heart troubles. If the bile is not pro power to the Liver to separate albuminous ele perly secreted, dyspepsia and female disordei-s and ments and convert them into urea, disgorge the structural changes in tho kidneys are and caused, over-loaded ducts of the neutralize tho its'Liver, a general break-down of the constitution follows. lithic acid and prevent further formation, Biliousness is almost univei-sal, either through strengthen the kidneys for their purifying pro improper personal habits or inheritance. It by and " " cesses, then the distressing effects of torpid is caused by torpid Liver so-called. The most Liver, jaundice, malaria and the thousand ills in serious disorder of the Liver arises from its in their train are effectually dispersed. They restore to dispose of the albuminous elements in ability the fluids to natural condition and repair the waste food. Furthermore, if the Liver pormits. through of Liver and kidney tissue at the same time. They its torpidity, certain digestive ferments named are compounded on the theory that a medicine to peptones to cuter the circulation, then blood be efficacious in kidney and Liver disorders must poisoning of the most dangerous order occurs. have equcd power over diseases of both organs. Symptoms. Inability of the Livei to take care They have been tried in thousands of cases, aud

of albuminoids biliousness, is indicate. I by wliite the best confirmation . the soundness of the or yellow coated, or swollen tongue, bitter taste in theory of their compos_.ion is the fact that they the mouth, acidity of stomach and intestines, hare cured when all other remedies have com constipation, the stools being very feted, of a pale pletely failed. Liver disorders require long and yellow or drab color, loss of appetite, yellow faithful treatment, and our patients must not complexion, fat covered eye-balls, disinclina expect to be cured by less than a dozen bottles each tion to exertion, burning palms and feet, fore- of Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and Safe Pills. headache, flushed face and drowsiness after meats, great depression of spirits, constant brooding over The Most Natural Cathartic Ever Made. one's physical and frequent deposit of N condition, Binghamton, Y. , May 13, 1883. I have lithic acid gravel in the urine. Secondary symp had Ulcerated Bowels for many years and they tom! are skin irritation, scalding; patches, lightning have been much swollen and very constipated. flashes of acute pain in left breast and backache Physic and enemas were alike painful aud power just behind the Liver, pain under the right shoul less, except in vory large doses. Ir> August, der, neuralgia, cramps, sick headache, defects of 1881, I began the use of Warner's Safe Pills, sight and hearing, dizziness and convulsions. fairing four at a dose. They scattered tie enar- Biliary acid has a direct paralysing effect on tho uious collection of gas, released me from, anxious muscles, and especially on the heart, producing pain and oppression, permitted reireshing slum low blood pressure with rapid, feeb.'.e pulse and ber, and stimulated my torpid Liver and bowels so frequent palpitation ; sometimes-the pulse is slow naturally that I had free, abundant passages end und irregular. Melancholia, irritabilityamountLig no more distressing sickness of the stomach " " to pure cussedness, complicated with distress giving me always a new lease of life. [See page. ing dyspepsia, chills and fever, exhausting sleep 14]. lessness the latter half of the night, accompanied wifh nightmare and frightful heart pains, are M~6^d&C^l^Lz_^g marked indications of torpid Liver. These Cor. Sdnd and Susquehanna Sts.

Warner's' Kid- Cure and Safe Fills. Black yields readily ts Warner's S;_.*e j ncy and Liver 162. 1. 69. 179. 36. 4. 46^.87. 13%50. Enigma No. 4. American History S.My 58. 73. 38. 184. < 9. 18. 174. 82. .00. 120VJ83,

I am composed oJ92 letters. 192. 72. S 2 .?<. 121. 54.154. 40. 157. 191 was prominent in the early days of 1.My 2. tl. 190. 8. 126. 37. 177. 24. 71. 16. 75. the country. 23. 10. 41, 186. 120-..53. 25. 62. 7. 29. 4- *? 3. 178. 109. 189. 26. is asimportant event in cDlonial history. My 5U 165. 16. 151. 39. 13 FOLLOW ALL PRESCRIBED DIRECTIONS FAITHFULLY.

"Feeling Better Than For Fifteen Years." A Blessing to People in Malarial Districts. 1881. Cush- June 1883. Bradford, Pa., Dec. 10, Mrs. Kansas City, Mo. , 36, Moving ing is taking Warner's Safe Kidney and Liv- from the state of New York to the western with Malaria and gen y.n Sure for torpid liver, etc. She says she is country, I was attacked feeling better than for fifteen years before. I am eral debility. I had lost all appetite and was about. had tried a great ta.ung a little of it also, with good results. hardly able to move I bettered many remedies, but nothing my con Rev. (iL<^U)^P)^kn^pjf D. D. dition except Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, which seemed to help me right Member Genesee Methodist Episcopal Conference. away, and I feel as well as I ever have in my life. It is a blessing to people in this malarious Malaria! Malaria!! Everywhere Malaria!!! country. My best thanks. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 16, 1881.I was af flicted for over a year with kidney and liver duease, brought about, no doubt, by our ma zfpzl.($Vf^/&i>tzw larious climate. I suffered a great deal. I tried 1 1:. Urand of William & Co., Hardware. a number of remedies without receiving the Preventive of All Kinds of Malaria. slightest benefit. Last summer I concluded to Sure 111. 1883.I have give Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure East St. Louis, , May 30, a trial. I began taking it in July, After I had had an obstinate attack of malarial fever and physicians' taken five bottles I was entirely cured. Every have tried a great many and other do me good one ought tp know about it, especially in this remedies, but found nothing to any m alarious climate. except Warner's Safe Kidney and Liveb Cure. Three bottles of it have eradicated all malarial poison from my system. It has also ZaSc cured my whole family of that dreadful poisonous disease. It is a sure cure and preventive of all Manufacturing Druggist, 906 South Seventh St. kinds of fevers and malaria. [See page 6, ]

The Case of a Naval and Marine Veteran. Hew Bedford, Mass., June 38, 1883. For ihe last twenty years I have been a great sufferer F,x- of Peace. from a diseased Liver, and dysentery, contracted Justice the twenty-four years ago. I have in the East Indies Famous Case of Florida Malarial Poisoning. under of the best been treatment (considered) 1883. July 15th, In 1875 physicians in Australia and even Woodstock, G., Europe, China, Lawrence Co. H. Y. I moved from Canton, St. , , under the treatment of Dr. William Gull, of to Florida, on the St. John's. The stumper fol Ouy's Hospital, London, but never received any lowing the first winter I was attacked with I rmanent relief . For the last three years my malarial fever, and gradually grew worse in spite Liver and stomach have been much out of order, of all that the best physicians could do, until and in February I was taken very badly with the 1880, when the physicians told me that I could dysentery in Peru, from using theimpure water on not survive another summer in the south, so I the coast, and on my arrival in Victoria, British took up my residence at Upper Sandusky in Columbia, I was in a very low state. I put myself Central Ohio. The change did not werk the under the treatment of one of the best physicians desired end, and when the e itreme warm in Victoria, i-eceiving but little aid. From there I weather of last summer came on, 1 grew gradu went to Tacomo, Washington Territory, and there and had given up all hope when I began the use of Warner's Safe Kidney and ally worse, began Wa_jmer's Safe Kidney and Liver Liver Cure. Before I had. finished the third and it cured one of the bottle all the trouble about the kidneys appeared Cure, completely me, worst cases of malarial poisoning on record, to have left me, my Liver had discharged its when no physician or no change of climate could superfluous bile and brought my bowels into regu was saturated ' ' ' ' do anything for me. I completely lar action ; my skin hove off its saffron hue and with malarial and skin was like returned to its natural life-like color. Since then poisoning my the saffron, so you may see what a severe case I have been constantly changing my diet and page medicine had to contend with. [See 1 1 .] water without any apparent effect on my restored bowels or Liver.

Rev. Captain (P^ZJt^crfo*. Pastor of Universalist Church, Member of Columbus, 246 County St. 0., Post, G. A. R.

escape- Children many diseases, if their kidneys and li-ver kept in perfect condition while growing.

43. 68. 101. 187. 21. 180. 5. 32. 175. 31. 143. 5.My 131. 28. 84. 182. 61. 173. 57. 117. 7. 141. 44. 152. 9. 140. 103. 185. 80. 167. 85. 147,,, 14. 113. 56. 3. 168. 99. 36. 176. 77. 93.122.

principle' 55. 138. 47. 171. 133 is a man and a 181 gave fame to an American soldier. dear to American hearts. 136. 17_.V>8. 102. 6. 123.105.118. My 15. 156. 104. 124. 52. My 64. 172. 70. 106. 73. 163. 20. 91. 127. i.6. 23. 98. 33. 119. 62. 130. 19. 44. 170. 92. 114. 150. 120. 51. 112, 49. 160. 161i 88 had an import-apt bearing upon the result 125. 6 is a measure that had great influence upon of the revolutionary struggle". the fortunes of the wpublio. PROMPT TREATMENT ALWAYS MEANS PROMiT CURE. _u

The Only Absolut Specific for Malaria. Neutralizes the Liver Poisons in the Blood. Nov. I R. Have used Cleveland, Ohio, 34, 1881. have Newport, I. , June 33, 1883. ' been greatly troubled this past season with mala Warner s Safe Kidney and Liver Cuke. It ria, A short time 6ince I began the use of is an excellent blood and liver regulator and, a Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and neutralizer of blood poisons. Safe Pills and I am improving right along.

Librarian People's Library.

Four Bottles Fully Accomplished a Cure I used four Hamilton, O. , July 5, 1883. have bottles of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Sup't. ^ of Transportation, L. S. and M. S. R. R. Cure for malaria, severe headache, biliousness,

Constipation is the Bane of Woman's Life. etc. , with success. It is a great remedy. 1883. Greenwood, S. C. , March 31, My wife was taken, in Nov. 1880, with frequent inclination to stool, with very little action from the bowels ; nn almost constant disposition to United States Express Agent. pass the urine, which was done with great diffi and small at a The culty very quantity time. Commended by a Well Known Manufacturer. pain accompanying the discharge was excruciat Rochester, N. Y., July 34, 1883.I have ing. She had tenderness and pain about the used Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure small of the back. Any exertion resulted in and Safe Pills for occasional functional dis almost entire prostration. Sho was for sonio orders of the and Liver caused presum time treated by three skillful physicians, but ably by excessive application to business; as my without any perceptible improvement. About physicians all say I am perfectly free of organic one year ago she commenced the use of Warner's disease ; they have acted with the most gsatify- Safe Kidney and Liver together with Cure, results of all preparations I have ever Warner' ing the s Safe Pills, keeping them vp to within taken, and I cordially commend them as worthy three or four weeks ago, when she felt she was of the very great confidence given them by the well and could do without. Sho has tried pills of various kinds, but has never found any that meet her case as well as the Safe Pills.

Of the flrni of S. F. Hess & Co.,Wholesale Tobacconists. far. Z/T^Ztz Pronounced Hopelessly III, but He Wasnt. Methodist Episcopal Church, South. O. June 1882. When I was Burton, , 38, quite young I was afflicted with tho Jaundice. as a from Black Jaundice. Black Stove, Nothing being done for me, the functions of tho Columbus, Tex., March 33, 1S83. Five years Liver and kidneys became gradually impaired until ago I had an attack of Black Jaundice, which my stomach broke down, and my whole syi tem left me black i < a stove and in a broken down yielded to the disease, and for twelve years I ha^e condition. I could neither drink coffee nor eat been a sufferer from dyspepsia. In the meantime I bacon, butter, or any other greasy substance. took much medicine but received no permanent I was afterwards afflicted with hemorrhage of benefit. Most of the time for the past five years the kidneys, and from that time my life was one I have been able to work but little in my pro of agony. On several occasions I was pro fession. Last fall I had the ague, followed by a nounced at the point of death. I had tried severe sickness of typhoid-malarial fever, during all the doctors and all the medicines that it which timo I was attacked with acute inflamma was thought might be beneficial, but in vrin. tion of tho kidneys, which for many months The first bottle of Warner's Safe Kidney and threatened a termination of my 1 fe. For some f twenty- Liver Cure, however, stopped the flow of weeks my pulse ranged from 40 to 1..0 ,. blood froii the kidneys, which had been un four hours. My physician pronounced my case effected a. I took four checked for years, while seven bottles hopeless and I must dio. Last January perfect cu e Jaundice also. It is now nearly bottles of Warner's Safe Kidney and LrvEB of but- change the two yeaa-s since I was cured, and there has been Cure, with but a little for better, no return of the malady. after using sixteen bottles I have regained mj _ health. ZS/ti/ttt Proprietor Tooke Hotel. Attorney-at-Law.

Warner's Safe Reniedie*. Be on your guard against good-for-nothing frauds and substitutions of

7. 146. 1'i5. 43. 116. 15#} 90. 190, .My 1.1. 63. 12. 72. 164. 60. 153. 134. 142. 45. '89. 50. 86. 108. 94. 46. 103. 147. 14. 145. 155. 42. 171. 50. 95. 135. 10. 24. 136. 81. 18. 155.100, 186. 162. 35. 143. 183. 82. 76. 149. 21 was very advantageous to 97. 126. 110. 74. 64. 169. the Union. 87. 104. 184. 6. 113. 179 is a naval engageinfc 8.My 107. 66. 34. 188. 68. 2. 157. 144. 67. 9.My 107. 193. 84. 27. 140. 91. 4. 126. 37TO. jtag-Ba g_.^n Ynn n<_t th* ftT.TSTTrTWT! Safe Nerving and Safe Pills. ..SL SPECIFICS. U WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES ARE STANDARD

Attacks of Malaria. A Specific for All Forms of Sick Headache. Constantly Recurring been troub 8, 1 883. I have 1883. wife had Chicago, 111., July Ky. , May 4, My attacks of Malarial Cadiz, led with constantly recurring a sufferer sick headaches and from been great from secure perma and have been unable to any as to con- fever, torpid Liver, having attacks so severe Warner's Safe Kidney nent benefit except by her to her room and bed for two or three ihie gave the required relief. and Liver Cure, which lays at a time. But since using Warner's 3afe Kidney and Liver Cure and Safe Pills she is free from them altogether. [See page 18].

Ainsworth & Co. Of the Book firm of Potter,

BITTERS.The WARNER'S SAFE TONIC generations andj-womvn of past undoubtedly Sheriff Co. men Trigg health to the anr-al cus owed the stability of their The to Master all Mysterious Maladies. with vegetab.o Jitters Way tom of purifying the blood 1883. sure for In cathartics. Nature has r>. remedy Ilion, N.Y. , June 38, December, and malaria. I consulted aim of science should be to 1881, I was troubled with every disease, and the congestion o'f the Warner's Safe Tonic t physician, who said I had And it. A few years ago, an 'Aver, but -his medicine failed to give me any Bitters were experimentally compounded, by admit- another physician who to tho latest and elief . I consulted eminent practitioner, according matter science. are ed that he dicHJBot know what was the most accepted facts of medical They eight bottles of War free from all rfth me. By tho use of purely vegetable, are "perfectly substances." mer' s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and Safe poisonous and deleterious relief and feel act Ills, however, I experienced great Taken with tho SaFS Pills, they directly and rid uite as good as new. upon the secretions of the stomach liver, bila which the system of the malaria and fatty the blood has accumulated during the winter. strengthened Tho liver is gently but effectually for the labors of the summer, the heavy feeling, ook-keeper at Remington's Machine Works. bil Sewing drowsiness, languor, lassitude, constipation, backache and headache disappear, Phfsician Converted. iousness, piles, he Skeptical another twelve Fully and the system is fortified for 1883. A wretched Rochester, N.Y.-, Feb. 15, month against constitutional organic disease. was produced a .nditionof health for years by What these Safe Tonic Bitters cannot do for a >rpid constipation, can accomplish. Liver, causing dyspepsia, person, no Bitters in the world hot and depression of not a drink. >adache, dry jkin, spirits, They aro an unfermented medicine, chills and .Howcomplexion, sleeplessness, havo received as such special exemption by au- They traveled everywhere exhausted all medicjna'i ver. I the government to be sold as purely ; orized expedients but to no purpose 1 I com they are a safe, vegetable, old-fashioned en began Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver pound, and challenge all comparison ire, and soon experienced a sort of physical PILLS. volution. My skin got a better color, my ALWAYS USE THE SAFE With all rer resumed its functions. I no longer had to of Warner's Safe Remedies it is absolutely neces headaches ensure ouse the bowels with cathartics. My sary to use enough of the Safe Pills to tried the WITHOUT .appearedwith my dyspepsia. I two generous passages each day. afflicted with cure, be 'ect of the remedy on my patients the us of the Safe Pills a cannot and it stood vege iney, liver and urinary diseases, guaranteed. The Safe Pills are purely '.ry test tnus showing remarkably uniform table, free from all mercury and poisons, experience most veer. I therefore from my own aro made after the prescription of a Brit for all diseases of the hesitatingly assert that ish army surgeon in India, where they were very Ineys, liver, stomach and urinary organs which effective and we^e specifics for every form of

. I believe Warner's and amenable to treatment, fever, chills, malaria, etc. As an alterative fk Kidney and Liver Cure surpasses any purgative they are unequaled. They do not gripe of physicians. nedy within the command the bowels ; they are safe to take and leave no evil effects behind. The Safe Pill supplements the curative elements in the Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and other Safe Re. 'edies, and no other Pill has this power. The use of any

Ex- other pill with the Safe Remedies may be very of Detroit, Army Surgeon, Med rruerly Mich] testimonials^. ical Lecturer, etc. injurious. [Sec Kidney and Liver

are and and Liver Cug. .vel and Calculus readily dissolved removed by^Vnrncr's Safe Kidney

!7. 93. 137. 69. 14. 132. 122T57. 22 became Enigma No. 5. American Politic^. 'ell known duhy|t>h war of the rebellion. I am composed of 231 letters. My 115. 72. '192. 17. 78. 161. 62. 89. 99. 6, 85. 142. 53. 127. 57. 90. 159. 68. 65 1My 9. 207. 38__ 1.-T4. 4. 22. 79. 25. 108jJ0. 39. 21. 121. 13. 153. 81. 26. 10. 42. 627*8. -as the beginning of a great career. 5> 16. 189. 40, 114. 33. 100. 35. 99. 195. 186. of Whole is an extract from an anniversary poem 5.4- 175. 28 is an important event in the history y an Americas author. the republic.


CALCULUS, STONE, OR GRAVEL. The elements of the urine, on the other hand, " may be precipitated "or Pmn in malting water, scalding sensations at deposited in tho " the neck of tho bladder bjadder, or they may " form around for- and the extremity of the any "eign urethra, frequent desire substance, like " to urinate with inabil blood clot, hair, mu- ity to do so, or tho pass "cous, etc., or cork ip " age of the water invol the bladder [seeJig. 3J. Fig. 3. " When untarily in drops ; sud the stone has a den stoppage of the "center of uric acid [see fig. or of oxylate of " 5] lime [see fig. origi- flow ; painful itching 10], the probability is that it "nated in tiie sensations; kidneys, but in the bladder if it is mucous, " " phosphatio. It a matter bloody, red or white is of record that eight brick dust sediment in times as many stones have a uric or oxylate of the urin.d ; involuntary nucleus, kidney origin, as of phosphatic, of blad der and the diS- escape of seminal fluids ; origin, indeed, if kidneys "not ordered th^re would Fig- 2. nervous anxiety over the probably be no phosphatic, loca_ distress ; great agony succeeding successful calcareous or lime urination ; frightful paroxysms of pain originat stones or calculi, be ing in the back below the kidneys and running cause the uric acid held diagonally towards the bladder ; swelling of tho in solution in healthi.ul parts ; cramps in the legs and scrotum ; a disa urine would neutralize greeable, heavy, bearing down sensation in the the tendency of the rectal region, all these or any of these symptoms, hraejo form Stone in we are told by tho celebrated Dr. Sunuel D. tnebladder. Therefore unmis Fig. 4 Gross, LL. D. , D. C L. , Oxford, Eng. , every case; of uiinary takably indicate Stone in the kidneys or bladder. Calculus originates in or is aggravated by disor- kidney^- After a time, if the cause "of the disease is not clei d and this makes operations by reroov-id, the urine burns like a stream of liquid instruments very dangerous. tortures unus fire, ; any Prevalence. Calculus disorders prevail most ual exercise aggravates the pain ; the sufferer among those under thirty years of age, laying has to lio down in odd positions in frequently the foundations of constitutional weakness which order to urinate at all the water is thick and ; is often most developed in after years. The dis ropy ; the whole nervous system breaks down ; ease exists in all parts of the country, and resists the constitution is seriously weakened, the with great obstinacy tho best medical treatment. patient becomes thin and wan, with a distressed expression of countenance, the pulse is weak, Appearance and Position. Most urinary the skin dry and husky, sound sleep is stones have a central nucleus of uric acid [figs. almost unknown, digestion is disturbed, the 4 5] showing a distinct kidney origin ; the stomach is frequently sourTthe bowels are con remainder are in general phos stipated, the extremities are always cold, and in phatic. A cross section of uric the last stages night sweats come on, diarrhoea acid stone will show a concentric sets in, and death at length puts an end to tho layer [fig. 4] formation; some terrible agony of Stone in the kidneys and bladder. times these layers will alternately Calculi,'' The Cause. "Most urinary says be of uric acid and phosphates " kid- The uric acid stone Dr. Gross, above quoted, originate in tho [fig. 1 0]. is '' neys, from which descend into tho bladder the hardest and rings as it strikes they Fig. 5. [through tho ureters {see fig. 1, 5), if not too large, the urinal. Phosphatic stone, on Uric Acid Center. in which the passage fright the contrary, is very soft and event, being blockaded, Cystine and crushes to powder Acid ful dropsy sets in and the patient may dio within Phosphate easily. " Coverings. or Gravel are brown a few hours], where if they are retained for any Calculi "length of time they gradually increaso in size black, pink and red ; phospja^ie, white and gray " produce' and ultimately more or less obstruction. in color. In shape they conform to no known rule,

I_e#p the kidney** healthy, nnd the nervous prostrn- tion of the change of life period is happily escaped.

3. Mf 130. 45. 137. 72. 105. 2. 94. 27. 18. 83. 1. 81. 187. 89. 92. 14. 206. ?12. 96. 21. 79. 140.307. 144. 20. 166.50. 130. 87. 34.199. 120. 211. 98. 102. 191. 3. 152. 17. 177. 153. 113. 124. 88. 111. 178. 52. 69. 120. 60. 7. 190. 36. 180. 81. 172. 194. 158. 9...129. 135. 224 132. 55. 67. 97. 82. 225. 133. 66. 44. 37. 47. is th_> name and, date of a well known political 75. 147. 139. 160. 85. 74. 203. 120. 78. 222. gathering. 5,.,184. 47. 167. 68. 73. 122. 41 are terms of 5.My 137. 204. 192. 227. 143. 215. 76. 140. reproach that were applied to a distinguished states 18. 119. 59. 19. 224. 63. 114. 144. 231. 188. man. 8. 39.156. 150.13. 168. 40. 62.2<26. 14. USg. 8.My 141. 70. 53. 136. 77. 11. 151. 95. 30. 42. 90. 126. 190. 17. 196. 82. 84. 93. 54. 154. 2% 56. 108. 81. 6. 115. 86. 200. 49. 2.5. 73. 169. caused intense political excitement. 33 describes a valuable national negotiation. 10Q. 169. 82. 6 My 76. 203. 20. 197. 196. 4My 146. 101. 58. 104. 168. 109. 155. 225. 133. 26. 85. 117. 119. 108. 225, 107. 208. 12. 116. 118. 171. 15. 173. 91. 61. 179. 165. 223. 173. 179. 210. 106. 123. 213, 220 is a task 51. 185. 170. 65. 174. 71. 23. 64. 80. 131. 81. favored by political l'u^ 16 ALL PURELY VEGETABLE, FREE FROM ALL POISONS.

some being round, smooth or rough, and prevents further calculus accumulations. restores the con thorny, like pudding stones [fig. &], It builds up the wasted kidneys,

.stomachand liver i.i mulberries [fig. 10J, and some very stitutional tone, renews the and flow irregular and covered with sharp health, regulates the separation of and points and edges [see fig. 7], Stones, water, and effectually removes cause effects. when in the bladder, usually, if free, settle in the lower bay of the blad Spreadingjthe News of Physical Restoration. as seen in o, fig. 2. Some 1883. der, New Brunswick, K. J., June 33, I times lodge in tho position they afflicted am doing all I can to induce those with A, fig. 3. Sometimes also they kidney, liver, or bladder difficulties, to take become attached to the coats of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, as I the bladder, and frequently are consider it a glorious remedy for those complaints. wholly enclosed by false mem branes or sacs, as in B, fig. 2. They also occasionally lodge in Fig. Rev. C^TVL___>^ (Be the urethra, taking the form of '(X^zi^^tzy fig. or in the substance of the prostate gland. 8, Member of the N. J. Conference of the M. E. Church Their presence in the bladder for any great length of time occasionally pro Gravel and Liver and Kidney Disease Cured. duces paralysis and numbness of that Chester X June 1883. organ as a rule are an Roads, Ohio, 14, , but they active, For the past few years I have been troubled with constant and terrible irritant. a disease of the kidneys and Gravel. After Diet. While Warner's Safe taking taking about seven bottles of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure (and Safe Kidney and Liver Cure I feel wholly relieved. so as to have at least two move Pills, Every sjpring I have been very much troubled ments in Acid Calculus, abstain daily), with my liver, with tho exception of this one. from the use of acid entirely fruits, This improvement I also attribute to the same drinks and in Phosphatic Calcu foods, ; remedy. lus, exclude as rigidly all foods and drinks containing lime. In other Rev. respects follow the directions on the Pastor Presby. Church. Fig. bottles of Warner's Safe Kidney Liver Cure and Safe Pills. [Seepage 20]. Treatment. The paroxysms of Stone and A Very Precarious and Painful Condition. surgical required are the operations utterly past ~ " Taunton, Mass., July 1, 1883. For the because prostrating, three months previous to three weeks ago, I suf are un they wholly fered terrible pains in my back, caused by Gravel and tho sys natural, At one time they were so intense I was com tem cannot brace itself pletely doubled up, and carried to my house. I againsfrsuch shpcks. To felt as though I wanted to urinate all the time, remove uric acid Cal but could not pass over a spoonful of water, and culi a crushing instru then only after great effort. After taking War ment is introduced ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure I passed a through the urethra, stone or crystal as large as a pea. Since that time I and if possible the stone have considered myself effectually cured. is grappled with, pulled out or crushed. If too large for this operation, the body is cut into, the bladder opened and the Stone removed by the && Assistant Marshal and Captain, Taunton City Police. linger or instruments ! If the Stone is calcareous acids are injected through the urethra to (lime), Stricture of the Urethra Caused by Stone. dissolve the Calculus. Neither of these opera,- Va., Oct. 4, 1881. I have suffered tions, it will be seen, is directed to the cause of Abingdon, for the last three years with stricture of the the disorder, they merely get the present effects urethra, urinating at all times w-ith difficulty. out of the way. The effective cause remains in Last a physician relieved me after a the kidneys and it cannot successfully be removed spring long operation with instruments. After using War exoept by Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver ner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure I passed a Cure which in connection with the Safe stone from kidneys. Since then I have felt Pills allays all inflammation, scatters con my comparatively well. gestion, heals the wounded and bleeding lining of the ureters, which are torn by the constant passage of gravel [see figs. 7, 9] from kidneys tc Wadder; dissolves the stone already formed

exertion produces liver poison. If mental headache, yo'i may be jsure your blood is full of kidney and 7.My 221. 203. 219. 94. 99. 28. 229. 73. 8.My 23. 124. 142. 181. 140. 198. 75. 225. 45. 162. 22. 72. 157. 50. 119. 105. 52. 205. 200. 201, 202. 29. 115. 103. 228. 190. 185. 159. 83. 43. 12. 15. 196. 120. 182. 215. 110. 170. 111. 134. 230. 81. 25. 186. 147. 125. 160. 67. 209. 119 is the name and residence of askillful 91. 102. 138. 217. 144. 229. 92. 193. 223. politician. 218. 142 is a man and a measure. SEE OUk PRIVATE TRADE MARK, WHICH IS AN IRON SAFE. 17

ase. He Had Given up Every Hope of Relief. H e art D i se Th Heart, kidneys and liver are supplied with nerves which are sympathetic, Springfield, Mass., June 29, 1881. For a closely and continued disorder of the latter involves long time I have been troubled with kidney dis- any surely the former, nervously as well as physiologically. More ,ase and Gravel. Last March it so developed that over, the retention in tho blood of the nitrogenous poi * almost gave up in despair. I have taken quan sons which the kidneys should encourages the tities of prescribed remedies, all of no/ avail. remove, formation of tumorous chan I began to use Warner's Safe Kidne? and weaknesses in the blood nels of the which and without Liver Cure, and the terrible pains gradually Heart, eventually often the fatal which carries so disappeared, my water passed me in quantities, warning produce anurism, off thousands year. Feebleness of Heart and my gravel pains were completely eradicated. many every action and compressibility of pulse, says Dr. Pancoast, is one of the surest indications of a diseased condition of the kidneys. Of 400 autopsies of victims of kidney

disease described Dr. .Roberts, 210 had sympathetic by large' Heart disease, and this proportion, as it is, is 53 State Street. borne our in other facts of record. Since the restora tion of the kidneys and liver to health so very much Suffered for Ten Years from Terrible Gravel. does away with heart disorders, the latter are itotalways primary diseases, but secondary to disease. 1881. kidney San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 38, I have Therefore, to reduce the tendency to heart troubles it is to give great attention been suffering for a period of ten years with con necessary to the kidneys and liver. Heart disease is a very common corn- gestive attacks of the kidneys. I passed Stones plaint of mothers, especially at the critical change of ranged size head of a pin to a that in from the Fife period, the duties of maternity having compressed good-sized pea. When the stones passed from the the kidneys and forced the Heart into an activity that leaves it and exhausted. Dr. kidneys into the I experienced intense weak, fluttering Dickinson, bladder, an authority on Heart disease, says that 43 per cent, of of ureters. [See cut pain along the course the theeasesOf granular disease of the kidneys he observed and article on Kidneys, page 3]. The dischargo had hearUdisorder, and Dr. ?Iahomed shows that in stran- >ersons from all causes, above the age of one of the stone was usually attended with dying 50, in every two and sixty-two-n.undrc.dths had granular of the neck of the bladder. I consulted guary disease of the kidneys. It is safe to say that 40 per cent. some of the best physicians of this city, two of of the eases of Heart disease are dependent on some form of or liver disorder. In ail the cases men whom make kidney disease a specialty. They kidney tioned, Warner's Safe Kidney an-d Liver Curb and could never be cured. After the told me I taking Warner's Safe Pills can be taken with the greatestthis' fourth bottle of Warner's Safe Kidney and advantage, both as a preventive and cure, for in respect as in so perfect liver and Liver Cure I passed four stones without any many others, kid neys mean perfect freedom from Heart affections. since which time I have had no further pain, " trouble. See testimonials on Kidney,Liver and Bright's Diseases. * * ? I W


ren are such An Unusual Experience of Suffering Ended. subject, a,s measles, scarlet fev^r and various other blood disorders, often leave the kid Nov. 1881. A few years Detroit, Mich., 30, neys in a weakened and dangerous condition. Indeed, after an which injured back and accident, my very many persons have fallen victims of chronic I began to be troubled with kidneys limbs, my Bright's disease, caused by scarlet fever when they and bladder. I was examined emineat physi by were "children, but which had lain dormant for many cians and it was agreed that I had Stone in tho years. These diseases weaken the blood-purifying bladder. Two years ago I was obliged to undergo organs, and they are frequently most dangerous, on four operations. Each time stones were taken well" this account, when the child is in the "getting from me from the size of a walnut down to'that period of an acute disease At such times, and of a bean. Tho tortures I underwent it would be indeed all through the growing period. Warner's Safe impossible for me to describe. After the opera Kidney and Liver Cuke can bo administered with per fect safety and effectiveness, as it is purely vegetable tions I did not improve and soon was as " substances." much, and free from all poisonous or injurious badly off as ever. I could not pass my water When the age of maturity approaches, it should be except in drops. I often passed pure blood used generously and regularly, as it Is conceded to te unequaW as a tonic for preparing the system for the to the amount of a vessel full in eight forty duties of manhood and womanhood. Tnis is really a hours. About a year ago I began taking critical period, for it is then that constitutional weak Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, and nesses, if there be any, will show themselves with fatal unless the kidneys and liver perfectly do their in a short time I began to pass dissolved stones. effect, duty a.nd cleanse the blood of inherited and acquired passed since your about I have taking remedy impurities. For children who are pale, weak,of imper fifty of them. Now I am cured of Stone in t__o fect circulation and weak heart action,who haveurinary etc. and who are distressed bladder. It has done wonders for me. incontinence, gravel, , by the aching of the joints and imperfect digestion, loss of appetite or unnatural craving of food, and by extreme nervousness and irritr^'ity, Warner's Safe Ridkey ZZ[Zz4^<^ c^^^L^i and Liver Cure and b*. 3 Pills are unequaled, and can always be (riven with good results after any of 140 Cass Street. ^ the customary ailments of childhood and youth.

If your kidneys and liver were in perfect health. Hard study would nof*">e a weariness to the mind,

9.My 212. 16. 189. 176. 127. 34. 90. 168. 61. 171. 5tf . 149. 161. 216. 163. 191. 222. 179. 214. 27. 81. 119. 98. 52. 132. 77. 151. 196. 84 177. 164. 86. 126. 24. 200. 118. 160. 46. 31 evhs that have troubled American politics. is a statesman and an orator. are three ftly "Whole is an extract from a speech of the greatest 10. 209. 110. 148. My 145. 117. 130. 91. 58. of American orators.

***,-' -a aa ti^j ^m tj^t. riAT.CT;nt,-Ar /vf T7wiTi_a. Ron Paa.n TTT nf flnver 18 ALL SAFE REMEDIES ARE SCIENTIFIC PRESCRIPTIONS,

THE DISEASES OF WOMEN. Treatment. It is useless to attempt the cure of female diseases until the primary cause is Constitutional to though dor tendency disease, corrected Instruments and violent acids treat mant through childhood, frequently shows itself only the effects Warner's Safe Kidney and suddenly when the young woman is blooming into Liver Ccre attacks the cause and so removes t'.io condition preparatory to motherhood. Many the effects. It renews the work of liver and n maid never reaches and moro majority, many neutralizes the acid causes of inflam out a painful and life as an kidneys, drag distressing cuts off the poison of " invalid." mation, supply tumors, It is absolutely impossible to sustain cancers, abscesses these horrible outbreaks are the physical life of woman, if the blood is filled simply efforts of the system to get rid of the with and liver poisons, for, instead of nour kidney poisoned .blood which the kidneys and liver and strengthening, fret and inflame ishing they only have not removed rouses the fluids to healthful the vital oi-gans. Kidney and liver weaknesses activity, reinvigorates the uterine muscles which, are often inherited, often follow scarlet fever, having become paralyzed by long continued inflam measles, and other blood diseases, and they mation, hare lost the power io keep the organ in always provoke and encourage fe_nale weaknesses. position restores the falien member to its right Symptoms Constipation, piles, sleeplessness, place, and when these disturbing causes and effects muscular fickle nervousness, weakness, appetite, aro removed, the constitution_d tone is _*ccoveral periodic headache, peevishness, swollen ankles, and health regained. [Read }>ages 2 and 6]. " blues," cold feet and rheumatic neuralgia, pains, "When the change of life period arrives, unless numbness of the Irregular menstruation, legs, the kidneys, liver and blood are in healthful con unaccountable swelling of the abdomen, bearing dition, women are unable to bear the nervous down sensation, scalding, scanty or profuse urine, shock, and they either lose their reason, or drag ache in the small of the frequent back back, out the remnant of their days hopeless and often desire with to pass water, pains inability burning helpless invalids, unless they freely use Warner's in the red or white deposits in the bladder, Safe Kidney and Liver Cure as directed. mine; aching pains under the shoulders all these Tneso are facts of medical science and they can indicate kidney and liver disorders, and they not be disputed. are not presented as eventually paralyze the organs, produce prolap They reasons why Warner's Safe Kidney sus, breaking down of the nervous system, can imaginary and Liver Cure and Warner's Safe Pells cers, ulcers, abscesses, and tumors [Seepage 19]. and Warner's Safe Nervine should be Extreme nervous unrest, unusual appearance and freely used by American women. These spe color of the discharges, altered character of the cifics have absolute power over all diseases of the breasts, unaccountable stomach disorders, a con kidneys, liver, urinary and generative organs, and stant pain, now dull and heavy and now sharp and exert that power in perfect harmony with the severe in the small of the back, soreness, nausea, laws of nature, and that is the reason why they dizziness, a sensation as if a great weight was tug are unrivalled for all female disorders. [Page (.] ging at the bowels, inability for "n ordinary eSertion, constant languor these th___.c_! indicate [See ai-ticle on Dropsy mid also testimonials for other tho*" universal consequence of diseased blood fall eases or Female Diseases. J ing yf the reproductive organ. [See pages 23-24.] The kidney and liver acids mfiame the mucous An Unexpected and Most Happy Release. membranes, produce ulcers, leueorrheea, painful Anderson, S. C, June 14, IS 82.I had suppressed or profuse floods, thereby weakening been confined to the house for a long time, aud the organs and producing falling, retrocession was likely to remain so for another prolonged and the many nameless ills known as female season, had I not used Warner's Safe Kidney complaints. The inactivity of the liver fills and Liver Cure, which fully restored me to the blood with bile, the bowels are always ,1th. constipated, headaches are constant, the frequent efforts to bowels produce fruitless empty the (/%*/, -VHiJUJ-^P.Sty^Az-Qzz/ and displacement of piles, hemorrhoids, fistulae, Postmistress. the reproductive organs. [Read page 1 1]. Thousands of women die eveiy year of albumin Has Not Felt So Strong in Eighteen Years. uria pregnancy. The weight and pressure,- during 1 they" 182. in St. Mo. , I have been in '.he abdecen compresses the kidneys ; Lons, M..y 30, delicate health for a great but become violently inflamed, acute Bright's disease very many years, Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Ccre made .'oralbuminuria) often comes on suddenly, convul me the picture of health for eighteen years I have sions ensue, and before motherhood is accomplished ; not felt for one hour as and as I do death blights the double hope Kidney and liver healthy strong case puzzled the doctors. poisons have an especial affinity for the nerve now. My centers, and the universal nervousness of Ameri can women, especially in the maternal period, ^J>^Zp$. S&MWtvA*' points unmistakably to universal kidney and liver weakness. [Read third paragraph, page 2]. 2-111 Morgan Street.

co~a- Dr. Thompson says': Rnght's disease has no symptoms of ... own, out produces the symptoms of the

Enigma No. 6. English Literature. i 2My 25. 189. 15. 182. 43. 4. 155. 31. 78. 21. I 190. 19. 176. 152. 16 is an English author I am composed of 1 93 letters. 102. 150. 17. 21. 7. 133. 1 My 73. 48. 135. 18. 9. 165. 30. 26. 23. W53. 3.-Mv,22. 170. 14. 1. 13. 192. 38. 6. 158. 66 is an English poem. 50. 29. 70. 40. 143. 20. 191. 149. 88. THEY ARE THE GREATEST REMEDIES EVER DISCOVERED.

Dropsy, Chronic Dyspepsia, Headache, Etc. Her Nervous System was AM Broken Down. Hartford, Conn., June 16, 1883. Twenty Erie, Pa., Aug. 4, 1881. One year ago bottles of Warner's Sake Kidney and Liver last November I was severely attacked with pneu Cure, Safe Tonio Bitters and Safe Pills monia. My stomach and bowels were so weak removed my dropsical bloat, cured my distressing that I could not eat. My back and limbs were headaches and chronic dyspepsia. [See page (..] so limp that I could not stand or walk without great effort and not unfrequently would fall; circulation of blood poor and much loss ZAHJzt^OiJ very of albumen, all symptoms indicating trouble 5 South Prospect Street. with the kidneys. I suffered no acute pain, but worse in the indiscribable anguish in Rescued and Restored from a Dying Bed. sickening every nerve in my system. A lady recommended North March 1883. My wife Bend, Wis., 3, Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. 1 has been a sufferer more or lea9fpr many years, took four bottles, and I can eat any food I wish. until she was completely prostrated and felt and my bowels do not trouble me at all. she was dying. She has used four bottles of War ner' s Safei Kidney and Liver Cure, and she believes that but for it she would have been dead 'H'a/rAzZcJ -z^WcMZA*-^ before now. Rescued From a Very Precarious Condition. {jt^lULnA- Rev. [J Qp){sZvZ

An Unrivaled Specific for Female Diseases.

Harrisburg, Pa., July 11, 1883 One of 235 Superior Street. my daughters, aged 19, had been suffering for several years from excessive catamenia which Not Understand Her Case. The Doctors Could were so enormous as to prostrate her. The 1882. Mo. March I have been disease induced some other complaint about the St. Louis, , 3, doctors an invalid for the last eight years ; the kidneys, causing her the most severe pains, no I consulted gave me up. Abouteight months ago matter in what position she reclined. Her screams inflammation of I was taken with a very serious were terrible and almost continuous. The attend the bladder and terrible pains in the region of my ing physicians resorted in vain to every means in great deal kidneys. My urine was mixed with a their power to give her relief. They wished to brick-dust f mucous> matter and precipitated a resort to the use of instruments, which my daugh brownish color sediment ; my skin was of a dirty ter objected to. She finally consented, but happily, prostrated rough and swelled up ; I was entirely before the operation, we resorted to Warner's of the and not abl^to leave my bed. None many Safe Kidney and Liver Cure with perfectly I took doctors seamed to understand my case. satisfactory results. and eight bottles of Warner's Safe Kidney to Liver Cure regularly and according directions, gained thirty-five pounds, and am in perfect V&^ Vw^ health again, **\ y / tf //

z/mj-szy/&/&(U*<^^v ; ' ' Star." the Firm Morgan & Propr's of the Fashionable Dressmaker, 2*50 Cjtoptnut Street. Of Smith, Rid. digestive organs. It is incurable except aH_er' Safe moggst disorders of the head, liear^luEgs and , by

5. 61. 123. 30. 104. 184. 75. 172. 88. 132. 8. 28. 173. 41. 98, |23. . 52. 160. 36. 181. My 47.. -166. 97. 118. 54. 121. 96 68. 177, 05. 133. 92. 188."32. 63. 24. 49. 114. 51. 140. 92. is the title of an Engl__C comedy. 3. 168:7, 89. 10. 57. 93. 158. 42. 178. 10b. early 119. 27. 6. 45. 128. 98. 53. 107. 11. 131. 88. 141 is ah extract from my sefcond. G.-^My 6*4. 117. 187 is an English author of the sixteenth 19& 37. 186. 100. 1?4. -My 67. 179. 134. century. from 84, 59. is a we-JHuiown translator 110. 10 7.My82. 93. 47. 127. 6& 146. 167. 76. 3A 99. the Latin. u WARNER1S SAFE PILLS ARE PUT UP IN SMALL WHITE V1AL3-

IMPOSED UPON. Her Heart Disease Originated in Her Liver. tW DO NOT BE _jg| August 1881. For some Boston, Mass., 17, : To our Patrons When you go to a drug years past my wife has been gradually losing gist and ask for Warner's Safe Kidney and flesh and strength. Her heart was svmpathetic- Liver Cure, do not take any cheaper, untried ally and the circulation impeded the affected, by substitute. Our Safe Kidney and Liver Cure hardening of her liver, until she became thor for liver is the only Standard Specific kidney, and oughly broken down and wretched. Six bottles of urinary diseases of man and woman, and while it Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure appear safe and other be Disease," is effective, any may very to have cured her. [See "Heart p. 17]. Lattimore'" injurious. [See Dr. statement, page 6.J It has cost $1,500,000. to establish this business, and owing to its phenomenal success-g_phenon_enal because the public for the first time has been by us put in possession of the only real specific for kid I ney, liver, female and urinary diseases unscrupu Treasurer Wade Button Co. lous persons have tried toforce upon the public nos trums which were never before claimed to be and Often Overwhelmed with Dreadful Paroxysms. which they know are NOT specifics for these uni we know our rights I have been made versal disorders. But under St. Louis, Mo. , June 7,1882. the law and shall prosecute infringement. miserable for many years. I suffered untold agony every Read the persona! statement of the In my back ; at times I was not able to urinate for following senior of the Ann : 48 hours ; frequently I would be overcome with such serious paroxysms of pain that I was not able TO THE PUBLIC. wherever was for to leave the place I nours. Three years ago - was hopelessly sick and doomed Sometimes would confined to bed for to "as n prominent physician said, of a serious I be my death, doctors' doctors' disease. When prescriptions did me weeks. The skill seemed to afford ma no Kidney no good, I began to use the remedv I named relief. I had given up all hope of getting relieved WARNER'S SAFE RID.\EY AMD LIVER CURE, when a lady friend told me of Warner's Safe and ill three months was a well man and have been tf this day. Continued trial of the medicine with prom Kidney and Liver Cure and Safe Pills and I iuent and critical cases in iVew York, Boston, Phila took to the wishes of who them, contrary my son, delphia and elsewhere, after the ingredients vero is a physician, and I was entirely cured scientifically perfected, proved that this Remedy was a Specific for every form of Kidney, Bright's, Liver and L'l-inary diseases of man and woman. The bent physicians gladly used and commended it, as they told me there was no other trustworthy specific for these diseases. When thus perfected and Wife of Andrew Carlisle, of Campbell, Carlisle & Barry, proved to be of absolute worth, and then only, we Galvanized Iron Works. began the manufacture and sale of WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES, all of which are mode after the most approved scientific and the high repute which of the Heart and Rheumatism Cured. formula;, Oropsy titey have won as safe, specific and effective, shall be cost.* Lawrence, Kansas, July 6, 1883.- My wife sustained at whatever has been suffering terrible pair (producing spasms) around the region of her heart and the whole left side. The attending physician }_x'onounced her case

bottles and to she - - .50 faithfully according directions, Warner's Safe Tonic Bitters, small size, was made a perfectly healthy person once more. Warner's Safe Pills, ------.25 It also cured me of from which I Rheumatism, The proprietors will promptly send tc the near had. been for over years. cannot. severely suffering thirty est express office of all places where -they be obtained of local dealers, prepaid, any of the sum of C3A- 7t>d i94/r~U*W above Safe Remedies amounting to the price. $ 5 . 00 or upwards upon receipt of the above Veterinary bui&eon. , Money may be sent at ouv risk in Registered Lat It_fj?"FoR Directions how to take Warner's ter, P 0. Order, or by Diaft on New York. The Sake Remedies, see wrapper around each bottle medicines will not be forwarded C. 0. D. ' ' and read labels cai efully. Special TREAT Address all letters to ' ' MENT CIRCULARS will be mailed, on appli H. H. WARNER & CO., N.Y..TJ.S.A. cation, to any full post office address. Rochester,

women. uey and Liver Cure. Warner's Safe Pills arc the best. Warner's Safe Nervine is invaluable for all

111.33. 74, 14. 71. 143. 162. 27. 83. 157. 109. 56. 102. 81 117. 93. 147. 169. 62. 138. 148. 4. 56. 110. 150 115. are three persons frequently grouped together. 37. 133. 105. 96, 173. 143. 91. 18. 135. 13. 148. 159. 66. 25.158. 46.98. 8.My 35. 139. 81. 145. 95. 164. 57. 25. 156. 171. 34. 128. 85. 193. 94. 185. 47. 126, 88. 136. 175. 106. 79. 53. 121. 87. 60. 174. 11. 61. writer 109 Is an e-rtract from a 152. 129. 163. 46. 68. 116. 142. 58. 153. 27. whose identity is a mystery.

-.r_.. ,".* *i_ ,.,- -iTTi-vrTTTTVTTn TTTn a Snfa rPr_ri./ Tti+torS WARNER'S SAFE TONIC BITTERSTHE BEST IN THE WORLD. SI

THE CAUSE OF ALL RHEUMATISM. Did they tell you whence these concretions originated ? ' ' Yes, sir. After I had pressed them pretty closely and had studied the case told me these -Imperfect action of the human kidneys occa myself, they concretions were uric and lithic acid deposits the sions form of Rheumatism. The virulent every accumulation in the blood of the waste elements which impurities which should pass out of the blood the kidneys and liver should have removed from the through the kidneys and urinary channels remain system. When I found this out I saw at once the futility of baths and lotions and liniments, and in the system. have a strong affinity for ' ' They addressed myself to restoring my kidneys to order. joints and fibrous and deposit them the tissues, Had you ever suspected that they were the seat of selves in them as uric aud lithic acid concretions, the disease ? ' ' No, sir, for I had never had any pain in them and producing the intense agony so common to that supposed they were all right. I soon learned to the disease. In this opinion a large number of lead contrary, however, hut in a few weeks I got them in ing medical authorities concur. fSee page 22]. flue working order, and very soon thereafter threw Rheumatism left me These kidney poisons also have a strong affinity away my crutches, my entirely, for that was the trouble which for thirty years pur for the nerve and centers, weakening eventually sued me, and I have not had an ache or pain since ago." destroying their vigor, and producing Sciatica, then, and that is six months What was which restored your to and when severe colds are contracted, Inflam it, Mr, Hill, kidneys health ? Rheumatism comes through ' ' matory on, raging Yes, ves, I ought not to have forgotten to tell you tho system like a flaming fire. This form is that, for it is the key to the whole problem of my long- continued After all and mineral especially dangerous because it so often attacks misery. the doctors springs had failed to me, I began to use Warner's the heart or brain and produces instant death. help Safe Kidney anq Liver Cube, of Rochester, N. Y ,and Whatever form Rheumatism assumes, it origi when I had used less than a dozen bottles I threw away wooden legs and never expect to use them again. nates in tho kidneys, and to remove the effects my I regard that remedy, sir, its the only remedy in the persistent and vigorous assault must be made a world gotten up on scientific principles for the cure of on the diseased kidneys, for in this way only can rheumatic and kidney diseases, and I make opportun ities to praise it to the but even the most ex this great end be accomplished. There is no world, travagant praise cannot express the gratitude I feel for Rheumatism without and in '' kidney disorder, what it has done for me. nearly every case of pronounced kidney disease there will be more or less rheumatic pains. It is St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 22, 1881.For thirty evidence Rheumatism not pro no that the does years I have been more or less troubled with kidneys because there is no pain in ceed from the Rheumatic Gout, and in November, 1880, I... a person carried the kidneys, for may be arvvay was unable to walk without crutches. Warner's without warning by acute and chronic Rheuma Safe Kidney and Liver Cure so far restored and other developments of tism, kidney disorder, me that I threw my crutches aside, and have since never suspect from sensations that and yet his had no occasion to use them. there is any trouble whatever in those organs. Apropos of the above, read the following reporter's had in with Hon. Brit-ton A Hill. interview, May, 1883, Hon of St. Louis, candidate for vice-president on the Green back ticket in 1880. corner Street, and candi Good morning, Mr. Hill. Attorney-at-Law, Third, Pine, '' ' ' date for vice-president on the Greenback ticket, 1880. Good morning, sir; have a chair. Thanks, but I can stay only a few minutes. I came Rheumatism. to ask you a few questions. The Philosophical Cure for ' ' ' ' Only sir sit down and proceed. Very well, ; Jan. 1882.I am subject After the campaign of 1880, I remember you were Dayton, Ohio, 3, and Rheu compelled to use crutches, and I see now that you have to periodical attacks of kidney disorder, your Whm, was the entirely recovered of lameness. matism always follows. But I invariably resort ask it trouble, sir, if I ? and Liver Cure ' ' may to Warner's Safe Kidney yes. For over 30 years I was the victim of Oh, yes, them." time "it fetches There is noth a very painful affliction, which, after the heavy work and every that philosophical cure of the campaign,developed so rapidly and painfully ing like it, in my opinion, as a walk for a time without I was unable to long my for Rheumatism. 9* crutches. My feet and knee joints were swelled up /J terribly and the greatest agony attended every effort <^Zecfi //10-diii-izvz at locomotion. step 1 made hurt me as would May- Every Proprietor Bechel House, and Chautauqua House, of a nail bones. The disorder made Roberts' the driving into my Nitro-glycerine Man ville and with serious inroads upon my general health also, and in N.Y., Company, Pennsylvania Oil Regions. damp, wet weather, I was a poor miserable sufferer, I ufacturing '' can assure you. Cured. Could physicians afford you no relief? Rheumatism and Nervousness Wholly " I visited the best springs in the country, and consult Sept. 1881.For the ed the most skilful doctors, but at the best they only Middlebury, Vt., 3, suffered from Rheuma afforded me . temporary relief, for the disease would past three years I have return upon me with redoubled fury. The physicians various tism and nervousness. I tried remedies, told tne that I was suffering from a blood disorder, and Kid until began Warner's Safe thaf. lameness would disappear If this disorder but not I using my Saeh Ner could be removed. When I pressed them {or fuller ney and Liver Cure and Warner's that the of the feet permanent relief. particulars, they told me dwelling vine did I experience any and Joints:was caused by the deposition of hard, flinty and when concretions in the fibrous tissue of the joints, J?* - an effort was made to move, these foreign bodies, ^HojUi

74. 5. 160. 44. 120. 77. 108. 87 is a series of 9. 9.35. f. 102. 150. 83. 108. 161. forth in attractive fpnn My 22. 125. works in which history is set 59. 77. 39. 182. 67. 15. 114. 8. 42. 72. 173 163.122. 11Mv65. 116. 103. 90. 130. 43. is a biographical work. 105. 123. 194. 6. >89. 144 is the title of an essay 10 124. author. My 80. 137. 58. 35. 41. 2. 62. 112. by an American 23 DO NOT LET ANY UNSCRUPULOUS DEALER DECEIVE YOU.

No Other Remedy has Such Power Over It. One of the Legacies of the Late War. 1881. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. I have been 1882. 27, Erih, Pa., May 4, I suffered with the afflicted for a number of years with Rheumatic pains of Rheumatism from September, 1865 to troubles. My condition was bad. I suf very May, 1880, and during the time I was often con fered distressing pains across in fact I my back, fined to my bed for several weeks. After having was generally run down. Warner's Safe Kid tried numerous remedies without success, on May ney and Liver Cure relieved me when 1 fully 10, 1880, I began to use Warner's Safe Kid had received no benofit from other prescribed ney and Liver Cure, and in a little over two months I was cured, and have ever since been a well man. [Seepage 20]. Wife of S. H. Marston, D. D District Secretary Amer ican Baptist Missionary Society.

Man' Saved the Life of a Well Known Railroad I certify that I have been intimately acquainted with Wallace Warner for over years, that 1881. B. twenty during N. Y. Over ' ' Hobnellsville, , July 7, the time of which he speaks. from September, 1866, " a yearago I was prostrated with kidney disease and to May, 1880, he suffered severely "with the pains of ' ' contracted in the Rheumatism for which I was treated doctors Rheumatism, military service, and ly " ' ' that to-day he is a well man, as he says. In vain. For four weeks was flat on back and I my JAMES M. WELLS, helpless as an infant. Warner's Safe Kidney Vice-Principal of the Rochester (N.Y.) Free Academy. and Liver Cure saved my life and cured my Rheumatism. For other cases of Rheumatism, see Kidney, Bright's and Liver testimonials.

Opinions of Physicians. Of the doctors in the various cities of the United States who have certified over their own signatures to the state ment that uric and lithic acid in the blood is the cause of rheumatism, are a large number of Chi Company. Asst. Superintendent Pullman Palace Car cago, Boston and St. Louis physicians, among them being the following : [See page 30. ] Rheumatic Like a Barometer. Body is Very Dr. Adolph Uhlemeyer, Dr. Wm. Webb, Dr. John M. Whit- Paris, 111., June S3, 1882. My Rheumatism Frank, Dr. Edwin T. Webster, Dr. Benjamin F. more. DrsWilliam T. Richardson. Dr. Robert T. Atkin was always more severe before a chartgo of weather son, Dr. Thos. F. Humbold, Dr. William M. McPheeters, (from clear to foul weather). Before I was aware Dr. William Johnson, Dr. Isaac N. Love, Dr. Clark that I had kidney disease I had transient pains all Whittier, Dr. J. T. Hodgen, Dr. Thomas F. Dunigan, DV. Nicholas Guhman. Dr. Antonio Prietts. Dr. Charles _>ver but have me, they entirely disappeared, H. Goodman, Dr. Daniel Kuhn, Dr. Henry Newland, ind to-day I am a walking advertisement of the Dr. William S. Wortman, Dr. George T: Pitzer, Dr. virtues of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Henry F. Ahlbrandt. Dr. Elijah T. Tracer, Dr. Carl Dr. Dai-id B. Dr. Benjamin R. withoutwhich I should have since been Spinzig, Martin, Taylor, Sure, long Dr. James L. Logan. Dr. A. Heacock, Dr. Henry Kirch- lead. ner. Dr. John J. Kane, Dr. Henry F. W. Kruse, Dr. William C. Glasgow, Dr. JerenMah 8. B. Alleyr.e, Dr. Thomas S. Comstock, Dr. Charles H. Hughes, Dr Fred erick Kolbenheyer, Dr. Joseph Heitzig, Dr. Edward A. bounty Physician. DeCaihol. Dr. Bernard Roemer, Dr. James M. Clopton, Dr. Charles^. Ware, Dr. Alphonso Jaminet, Dr. Jas. L. Kent, Dr William S. Barker, Dr. Solomon C. Mar Suffered at Changes of Weather. Greatly tin, Dr. Rudolph Studhatter, Dr. Louis P. Ehrmann, Kansas City, Mo., June 22, 1882.War- Dr. John A. King, Dr. Simeon E Oarlock, Dr. Theodore Dr. John E. Dr. Ernest F Dr. ster's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has banished Foy, Faber, Hoffman, Herman Nagle, Dr. Adolph Wislizenus. Dr. James L. Rheumatism out of my system, with which I have Pirtle, Dr. Edward Rose. Dr. William H. Graysn, Dr. _eensuffering a great many years. The pain Hugo M. Starkloff, Dr. Robert II. Swander, Dr. Wm. ivas N. Brennan, Dr Temple S. Hovne, Dr. Lyman Ware principally located in my arm __nd shoulder, Dr. 0harles W. Hemstead, Dr. William J. Hawkes, Dr. ind quite I was not frequently ablo to move my T. C. Duncan, Dr. William R. Griswold, Dr. Lyman inn at all. At every change of the weather I Bedford, Dr. A. B Westcott, Dr. J. B. Bell, Dr. Charles M. Dr. W. II. Dr. Alfred H. suffered greatly, and the pain would move from Clark. Woodbury, Hiatt, Dr. Herman Hahn, Dr. Calvin M. Fitch, Dr. John D. arms to and ny my legs, all over my body. I M. Carr, Dr. A. P. Lighthill, Dr. John B. Foley, Dr. aave taken a great deal of medicine internally Fred. J. Garbit, Dr. M. L. Chamberlain, Dr. Alfred N. md rubbed myself with gallons f liniment Blodgett, Di. John C Sharp, Dr. Charles W.Stevens, Dr. Henry W. Dr. timothy H. Smith, Dr. without getting much relief therefrom. Last Bradford, Charles M. Newell. Dr. William A. bunn, Dr. J. F. when sufferings were Aaren winter, my very great I Perry , Dr. John Burke. Dr Michael F. Gavin, Dr. oegaa Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Young, Dr. Elisha S. Rowland, Dr. Otis Gray Randall, Dr. Stephen C. Martin, Dr.-Oeorge F. Bigelow, Dr. O. Dure, and have had no Rheumatism since. W. Dow. Dr. Morris P. Wheeler, pr. Robert W. Newell, Dr. Franklin F. Patch, Dr. Darius Wilson, Dr. William F. Cornell, Dr. Henrv Sohl. Dr. Kathaniel Bownes, Dr. William K. Ripley, Dr. George C. Shattuck, Dr. Wm. Ingalls, Dr. J. P. Oliver, Dr. Joseph F. Gould. Dr."Wil son Atwood, Dr. A. Fernald, Dr. JTrancis II. Brown iVholesale Cijar Business. and Dr. Hamilton Osgood. [Seepage SO].

disease f_Mthe cause of Kidney Nervous Prostration, Dyspeptic troubles originate lit Liver nrid Kldneyi.

12.My 55. 119. 1*34. 75. 31. 113. 49. 10.. 13(5. Enigma No. 7 English PoeSry. 12. 140. 16. 6. 82. 145 is the name of an Ameri I am composed of 299 letters. can essayist. 1.My 98. 6. 51. 27. 2. 19. 39. 3,8. 34V29' * "Whole is a i..a?im My bya distinguished Englishait. 273. 60. 299. 97. 21. 287. 68. 4,0. 112. 281. BE SURE YOU ALWAYS GET EXACTLY WHAT YOU ASK FOR.

THE CAUSE AND CURE OF DROPSY. Relieved of Forty Pounds of Dropsy Waterl Dropsy is catised by some inflammation pro Manchester, N. H., Dec. 11, 1881. Abouta ducing an obstruction to the flow of urine through year ago I was taken sick. My complaint baflled the kidneys und bladder. It is a common symp the skill of mj physicians. At last my symptoms Bright' tomof liver, kidney and s disease, and in its developed into that terrible complaint, Dropsy, marked types is often mistaken, in diagnoses of which has been pronounced incurable. I was female complaints, for tumors, abscessos, etc. bloated from head to foot, my heart pained me, In this disease the lungs, bowels, legs, brain taul my pulse was irregular, and -I was unable to dammed- heart are filled and surrounded with the breathe except in short convulsive gasps. At last up water, and death is then'always imminent. I grew so bad I had to bo tapped, and had eleven Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and quarts of water taken from me. I began to fill Safe Pills always uso the latter also in this up again, and in three weeks time was tapped condition effectually remove the obstruction again and the same amount taken from me. I without resort to tapping, restore the flow of began to fill up again, and the physicians gave up water, and reinvigorate the exhausted vital forces. all Iwpe of my recovery. After I had taken three bottles of Warner's Safe Kidney and Lives Frightful and Famous Case of Heart Dropsy. Cuee I was able to get out of doors, the first time in five poinds. I East St. LOuis, III., May 23, 1S82.About months. I then weighed 171 have taken ten bottles and am cured. I four years ago I was attacked with Dropsy, pro entirely now weigh 139 and am able to work duced by obstruction of the kidneys. My abdo pounds, men, legs and feet were swollen up to twice their regular size, and a great deal of water gathered around my heart. Three of the best German physicians in St. Louis, Mo., said they could not cure me, but advised me to go to Hot Springs. At Hot Springs, tho doctor pronounced my case E_^~For other cases of Dropsy, see Kidney, Bright's, Liver and Female Disease arjicles und testimonials. Dropsy of the heart, and that neither the springs nor his skill could cure me. After going from THE BLADDER AND ITS DISEASES. one place to another to try changes of air, I was brought home a great deal worse. I was not able Inflammation of the Bladder (called Cystites) is to pass my water in three or four days ; my whole caused usually by neglect to void urino regularly, body puffed up frightfully, and I feared I should by violent blows, horseback riding, etc. ; by suffocate. Doctors and everybody had given up use of catheter and other instru hus- improper the hope. It was then, last summer, that my ments-, by disorders of irregular life and habits, land insisted that I try Warner's Safe Kidney and the imprudent use of mineral remedies for and Liver Cure. After finishing fifteen bottles such disorders, stony deposits in tho bladder, I felt like a new born perso. All traces of stricture, enlargement of tho prostate gland, by water in system have and the clothes my left, paralysis of the etc. child bearing, bladder, , etc. which I formerly wore aro six and eight inches Symptoms. Dull, obscure pain, deep-seated too wide for me now. / am perfectly well again, and gnawing uneasiness in tho legion of the and it astonishes the doctors and the public that Bladder, which soon extends to the neighboring I was cured. I would sooner lose $10,000 than organs ; slight chills, alternating with heat the opportunity to buy your valuable remedy. flashes, somewhat frequent desire to urinate, the water passing in thick mucous drops, accom panied by violet straining, distressing spasm, and a painful scalding sensation in the urethra. The Heims' Wife of Ferd.H. Heim, Brewing So. entire rpgion is tender and even a sheet is a bur den. The legs aro drawn up and the body bent Cured of Deafness and Dropsy. Secondary forward to avoid muscular strain over the abdo I contracted Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 6,1881. men. The pain in the region increases in inten a while in the caused or of kidney difficulty army, by sity, the slightest movement of the bowels riding continually, which has troubled me for the the body increasing it. It is temporarily relieved of flatulence and past twenty years, in the shape by urination. Thero is a disagreeable bearing ago dropsical bloat. Between five and six years down sensation. As the disease progresses, pass deaf. spine I gradually became entirely My age of water is more difficult, the bladder is ter went to the eye and ear was also affected. I ribly distended and becomes exquisitely tender no relief. infirmary at Boston but experienced and painful. Sometimes the urine will escape in About two months ago I began using Warner's drops at other times none what involuntarily, ' Cure and the effect Safe Kidney and Liver ever naturally passes. It is dark, heavy, dis was was almost magical. My kidney difficulty colored with blood and mucous, and this settles and the relieved, my hearing gradually returned, in the vessel in a glutinous mass. In the latter disappeared. dropsical bloat entirely stages all these symptoms are intensified, the pulse becomes hard, quick and wiry, the skin hot and dry, the tongue is furred and coated, the con- appetite disappears, there is urgent thirst, Formerly with Dr. E. G. Cutter of Boston. K,_dneyflisorder. Disordered Kidneys often produce heart disease. Pneumonia Is a secondary effect of

Is' Christopher 82. 20. 84. 61 ftn extract from 290. 14. 259. 65. 293. 26. 246. 80. 131.77. Marlowe. 154. 85. 41. 297. 113. 284. 7.^3. 291 is an 8.-J_ty 44. 253. 86. 3. 13. 10. 267. 67. 114. 52. extract from Sir Walter Rhleigh. 84 WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE IS AN INVALUABLE NERVE TONIC.

frequent use of the stant constipation, and the nervous system being ing and spasms, and necessary. Tho pain is usually unstrung by the intense local suffering, the catheter is begins and reappears as patient is very restless, tho heart is oppressed, severest when urination unusual nausea and vomiting come on ; the surface of the bladder fills up. Cold, exposure, accompanied aggravate It is o.t 'n the body, at list, is covered with cold clammy exercise it. and sweat, the mind wanders, hiccups set in, tho with loss of sexual desire, by hemorrhoids, rupture. The consti strength rapidly declines, the extremities become falling of the bowels and and the loss very cold, and the patient dies insensible. tutional disturbance is very marked, excessive. There is no dis Various Forms. Following are the diseases oi! flesh is sometimes It prevails much as a growing out of Inflammation : 1. Suppuration ease more to be dreaded. it should bo and Abscess, producing thick and h^avy walls of secret disease, and yet promptly becomes chronic. War the bladder. This form is especially character taken in hand before it and Liver Cure has ized by frequent chill rigors and fever. 2. ner's Safe Kidxey over diseases of the Bladder. It Gangrene, especially in the old and infirm. It special power action of tho cuts frequently attends typhoid fever and follows corrects the irregular kidneys, preserves the child-birth. The distinctive symptoms of morti off the supply of poisoned pus, and prevents the fication are involuntary discharge of the bowels water in its natural condition and and escape of urine into the abdomen through tho accumulation in it of matters that inflame ' with ulcer-eaten walls of the Bladder. This causes irritate tho bladder and urethra. Taken Safe it has won some of its terrible agony and death in a short time. 3. Warner's Pills, in cure of cases that the best usually resulting from protracted proudest laurels the Ulceration, ' ' pronounced "incurable. inflammation of the bladder, stricture and physicians have enlargement of the prostate, kidney disease, stone in the Bladder. Dr. Gross says cases of Hopes their Virtues may be Universally Known. ulcerations are rpre and almost always accom Clifton Springs, K. Y., March 17, 1882. panied with inflammation of the kidneys, ure Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and Balloch's p. 25]. thra, etc. [See J. E. testimonial, Pills, for catarrh of the bladder, has proved Catarrh of the Bladder is generally a most satisfactory. I was sensible of relief from continued use has been marked symptom of a more dangerous disease, [see the first, and its Cross, below] and is peculiar in its chronic by steady improvement. form, its acuta form corresponds -with sup purative inflammation of the Bladder to the Rev. later years of life, is commoner in winter than in cold than warm climates, summer, He Took it as Directed and Was Fully Cured. in males than in females, and it is some Pall June 1882.Last times epidemic. It is always dependent upon River, Mass., 26, I was troubled with inflammation of the of or upon a spring some obstruction to the flow urine, six- bladder and was obliged to get up five or diseased condition of the urinary organs, as stric times the night to urinate, retention of ture of urethra, calculus, and enlargement of during those' urine accompanied, with sediment in urine, the prostate gland. The Bladder in dis pain, etc. I took ten bottles of Warner's Safe Kid eases never being entirely emptied, the remaining ney ajjd Liver Cure and three bottles of War water decomposes and produces the mucous. Its ner's Safe which cured me. distinguishing characteristic is a vast amount of Pills, an opaque ropy, tenacious, glairy, white, phlegm like matter which, on the urine cooling, settles to the bottom. The urine becomes muddy, offens fcrULj&rtr/ ive, alkaline, and is filled with matter.

Treatment. -This pus and nauseating matter, and Retail dealers Grouard, Smith & Co. , Wholesale a great "comes in gen- says Dr. Gross, authority, in Taper Hangings, 3 _ North Main St. " eralfrom the kidneys, which are often seriously mischief," Well." involved in the the Catarrh being gen Directly to the Point: "I am Now erally a secondary symptom of disease of the kid IIiohmond, Ind., March 9, 1882.I have used unless are restored to natural action o* neys, and they several bottles Warner's Safe Kidney and Kidney and Liver by Warner's Safe Cure, Liver Cure with a view to correct a tendency to the Cutarrh must terminate disastrously. The inflammation of the bladder. J. am now well. urine is voided frequently and in small quan with more or less difficulty, generally in tity, Rev.

it. Kidney poi-on has cspCcial afii".Uy for tho nerves. One may have Kid'iey disease and not suspect 3-rMy 83. 15. 90. 286. 32. 5. 294. 70. 132. 6.My 71. 177. 105. 12. 58. 272. 92. 276. 59. 282. 147. 24. 179. 8. 62. 54. 168. 11. 6g. 258. 269. 101. 270, 275. 16. 66. 243. 106. 238. 255.' 37. 107. 277. 149. 25. 127. 91 is an extract 50. 261. 104. 236. 134 is an extract fromRobert from Edmund Spenser. Burns. 4 43. 9. 100. 225. 152. 45. 108. 292. 161. 6.My 124. 72. 214. 120. 280. 89. 102. 18. 147. My 78.' 266. 133. 28. 56. 17. 250. 31. 122. 116. 87. 296. 110. 2*8. 164. 01. 23. 126. 264. 99. 288. 63. 233. 151. 57. 148. 1. 53. 109. 49. 116. 257. 140. \60. 22. 171. 64. 103. 268. 111. 30. 88. 289. 163 is an extract from Thomas 157. 46. 74. 121. 262. is an extract from Henrj Gray Kjrke AVhite.

"f-zthe. MS. . .aTiXtJUJiTV- PJnfa-c-oa. __LT>i.jf__j_lclH. .Pjscpps1 and THERE ARE ONLY FIVE OK WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES. 25

Thorough Restoration of a Physical Wreck, Is Having a Good Effect, as it Always Does. New Bedford, Mass., June3 iJ, 1882. Prev Geneva, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1881.Warner's ious to February, 1881, for the preceding five Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is having a good or six years, I had been failing in health with effect on my inflammation of the bladder inflammation of the bladder, mucus deposits in the urine, heartburn, flatulency, dimness of vision, together with constant pain in my right kidney. Author, Member Genesee M. E. Conference. I had also periodical attacks of gravel. I was a complete nervous wreck. During the winter of A Just and Discriminating Endorsement. -1880 and 1881 my weight ran down to 120 Elgin, 111., July 22, 1881,-1 Ifave been a pounds. At this time an ulcer formed in my great sufferer from inflammation of the bladder, bladder and broke, the discharge from which Warner' but on using s Safe Kidney and Liver averaged a pint a day for.threemonths r more. Cure found immediate and great relief, In February, 1881, I began to use Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. After I had taken twelve bottles the ulcer in my bladder was Hon. dried up, the pain in my back ceased, my sight the heartburn returned, disappeared, the gravel Ex-Sheriff Cook Co., and State Railroad Commissioner was a thing of the past, and in a month from the began time I taking it I commenced work, and A Common Disorder among Professional Men. have not lost a from that time to day the present. Chittenango, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1882.I have strength and appetite have I now My returned, been told by all the doctors that I have consulted weigli 145 pounds, and give all the credit to (and I have conferred with several) that the en Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. largement of the prostate gland could not be reduced, but I am happy to say that in my case they are mistaken. I am really amazed and delighted with the result of the use of Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and Safe Pills. 30 Cedar Street, Janitor City Library. Rev. j Wanted Some One to Put Him out of Misery. 02/itiv^i N. 1881. Warsaw, Y., June 13, Three years Pastor M. E, Church. rgo I caught a severe cold which left me with in flammation of the bladder and of the prostate THE STOMACH AND ITS DISEASES. gland. I think the whole coating of my blad der must have passed from me, and my urine Prof. J. Milner Fothergill, M. D., member of the has been so thick with mucous that it could Royal College of Physicians, London, frankly not be drawn through a catheter. My suf admits that, until within the past ten years, little fering was an agony so intense that I wished I has been known concerning Dyspepsia, its varieties might die, and the doctor says that in the frenzy or modes of treatment. He states that it is a of my suffering I have repeatedly begged him to disease peculiarly common in America, and this kill me. The use of the catheter was imper is an undoubted fact. [See Liver article]. ative, but even then I could only pass this Process of Digestion. The saliva in the the gastric juice in coi-rupt urine after intense straining, which mouth, the stomach, and the pancreatic juice and the bile in the caused excruciating pain, frequently making mo duodenum, ore rush wildly absut when in tho barn and the fluids, under control of nervous energy, con cerned in digestion. saliva changes starch endeavor to find relief by dashing my head The into grape sugar the gastric juice digests albumi against a beam. At this time my faithful doctor ; the told me that there could be no harm in trying nous food ; the pancreatic juice and bile the substances. When the food passes "Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure,which, fatty the as it had produced some remarkable cures for dudenum or second stomach, the nutritious ele others, might, he thought, help me. And that is ments are absorbed into the blood, the waste passes off through the and is urged exactly what it has done. It has changed my bowels, along urine from a thick-mucous substance of the con by the cathartic bile of the liver mixed with it. of the white and sistency of an egg, of disagree Forms of Dyspepsia. There are several vari able to a fluid of natural odor and odor, color, eties of Indigestion : gastric catarrh, hi which the consistency. It has increased my strength till I solid food is covered with a tenacious mucous and am able to do a full work for a man of 73 day's is then indigestible and must be vomited ; gastric and it has enabled me to urinate without years, ul"er, and gastric cancer, which make all mechan tho use of a case is regarded here as catheter. My ical effort of the stomach painfully distressing ; miraculous. j gastric flatulency, the development of wind ; gas tric diarrhoea, the food being hurried through <0Oz<+-ZZztz<^c/ the alimentary canal too fast ; and constipation,

Torpid Liver is the fa.her of Kidney poiaon produce- paralysis and apoplexy. distressing dyspepsia. 7.Ky 178. 138. 47. 241. 35. 155. 129. 170. 8.Mv 190. 274. 79. 166. 110. 137. 128. 204. 265. 76. 232. 135. 94. 182. 256. 194. 57. 173.142. 254. 36. 247. 197. 208. 252. 33. 165. 228. 141. 48. 183. 153. 68. 278. K2. 221. 130. 41. 240. 216. 184. 249. 200. 95. 191.283. 237. 115. is an extract from Robert Southey. 9. 235. 75. 196. 234. i3 an extract from Sir Waller Scott. My 96. 123. 139. 227. 193. 230. 119. 26 WARNER'S SAFE PILLS ARE HARMLESS AND EFFECTIVE.

a veiy obstinate feature, which must be overcome there is almost no case which four or five dozen or Dyspepsia cannot be cured. boitles will not, with after prudence, permanent.1 v Dr. Fothergill enumerates the following forms cure. Thi'se remedies are prepared to fit th> of secondary indigestion : Dyspepsia produced by new and aeoepted theories of stomach, liver an I overwork, in which the flesh disappears ; cardiac, kilney disorders, and they are specifics of th or heart Dyspepsia, caused by disorders of the highest power over all primary or secondary circulation and indicated often by weak pulse, diseases of these organs. palpitation, etc. ; sympathetic Dyspepsia, result [See also articles on Hoart, Kidney and Liver diseases!. of liver or brain disorders, and indicated by great mental depression, despondency, etc. ; Dyspepsia Like it for Dyspepsia. produced congested ovaries in indicated Nothing Secondary by women, I Leavenworth, Kan. , July 5, 1882. hi by cough, palpitation, right side faceache,''pain used Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cu...: under the breasts, and general stomach irritations ; for Dyspepsia with favorable results. and JPyspepsia from blood poisoning. Then again, if tltere is constitutional weakness in any organ, the overtaxation of strength will bring on dis ^^^*fe^ dyspeptic complicated with tressing derangements, Major and Paymaster U. S. A. " '' disorders of tho weak spot. [Seepage 11]. Symptoms.These various forms of mal-nutri- A Very Safe and Also Excellent Appetizer. tion number thousands as their victims. The New Bedford, Mass., June 80, 1882. I hav.. leading symptoms of Dyspepsia are heartburn, used Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cl-rv. sour stomach, water-brash, belching of food and as an appetizer, and found it to be very excellent. wind, sense of weight in pit of stomach, pressure ^n. on the heart sometimes producing palpitation and JTU/Lcu^z tfo^ekzr-L broken beats lumps in throat like an apple core ; ; Firm of Sanders & Barrows, Clothing Hoa.,-. vomiting of solid foods, followed by diarrhoea, seat," "itching at the piles; intermittent sharp Enlargement of the Spleen, and Dyspepsia. pain at pit of stomach, caused usually by ulcere, Richmond, Va., April 2t>, 1883. Suffering and relieved only by vomiting ; constant pain, with Dyspepsia for many years, since taking caused by cancer, and nob relieved by vomiting ; Warner's Safe Kidney and Lives Cure ir.7

oi; nausea ; constipation ; considerable collection of food agrees with me. I had enlargement 1 ho phlegm, in tho throat ; cankered sore throat ; spleen, which is entirely cured with my kiju >

coated and furred tongue ; skin eruptions ; hot, trouble. ^ &*-' mouth burning taste of in the morning ; head "&t_-^Try d. <<**+ ache, either in forehead, temples, back of the eyes, or general, followed by dizziness and extreme ner Spells. vous irritability ; great mental distress ; depres Vertigo, Convulsions and Fainting sion of spirits, and the imagining of ills of all Chillioothe, O., June 21, 1882. About " mind," disagreeable sorts. Peace of says Foth three years ago I was suddenly attacked with ' ' ergill, is absolutely impossible to the unfortunate vertigo, and laid unconscious for something over " dyspeptic. [See Dr. J. W. Smith's testimonial]. one hour.. The doctor pronounced it acute Dys Treatment. Now, nerve force at the basis pepsia. For about two years and a half I contin of the proper action of all physical organs. Par ued to suffer with these periodical spells of vertigo, alyze the nerve and actiqn ceases. It is a well fainting away, having a severe chill, and with tho established fact of medical science that the uric most horrible condition of mind, from which only acid i kidney) poison aad the biliary (liver) poison a dyspeptic can suffer. I spent about $500 in my attack the nerve centers first, and when they have efforts to effect a cure, and had the very best of mastered them, the system easily gives way. Dr. medical attendance. I tried all the remedies Fothergill tells us that proper digestion depends recommended, but without success, "ntil about months ago was on nerve vitality, and it is held that seven -tenths three I induced to try Warner's of the cases of Dyspepsia originate in preceding Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Tho first three disturbance of the kidneys and liver, which or four doses gave me relief, but I found it greatly impairs the nerve force. Torpid liver pro created nausea. I reduced the dose, but it acted duces torpid kidneys (sosay3 Dr. Geo. Johnson), the same way. I then tried it in milk according and perfect digestion is impossible under such to directions and it agreed with me. I /used circumstances. In treating this disease, use tho three bottles. Since that I can eat almost any Safe Pills freely until habitual constipation is thing without distress, and have gained almost 20 overcome ; do not overload the stomach ; avoid pounds, and feel like a new man. rich, fat foods, and do not make too generous use of solids. Take Warner's Safe Kidney and &tt4*%*. Liver Cure (as directed on the labels) and Insurance Agen..

Rheumatism is always caused by dlsordored Kidneys. Kidney disease increases 250 per cent, every derffdr.

245. 125. 219. 295. 226. 136. 244. 178. 159. 11.My 4. 155. 203. 171. 224. 143.111. 231. 198. 211. 219. 45. 225. 145. 174. 175. 55. 181. 251. 52. 253. 43. 167. 78. 127. 68. 178. 207. 70. 195. 213. 180. is an extract from John Keats. 21. 137. 185. 40. 146. 66. 47. 260. 239. 199. 10.My 279. 7. 42. 109. 81. 202. 53. 138. 242. 77. 121. 85. 141. 206. 91, 215. 135. 75. f62. 176. 87. 120. 102. 69. 24. 218. 89. 205. 189. 187. 132. 55. 193. 290. 134. 17. 76. 55, 140. 64. 298. 212. 99. 150. 27. 13. 67. 108. 32. 126. 253. 107. 220. 179. 84. 186. 269. is an 152. 210. is an extract from Robert Browning. extract from Henry Wad.iv. orth Longfellow. ONLY OUR SAFE DIABETES CURE CAN CURE DIABETES. 27

Dyspepsia Caused by Kidney Disorders. SWEET AND INSIPID DIABETES. Sopt. 1881. For about Lockinoton, O., 20, There aro five distinctive characteristics of years I have suffered inexpressible torture thirty Diabetes: 1. Excessive flow of urine. 2. Un with Dyspepsia. I did not eat in an entire day quenchable thirst. 3. The presence of Sugar in as much as I now eat at a single meal, and at the urine. 4. An unappeasable appetite. 5. times my stomach rejected all food and drink. I General emaciation and loss of vital nervous consulted our best physicians, but found no relief. energy. [See article on the Liver], I tried remedy after remedy, spending hundreds Symptoms. Sugar or Mellitus says of dollars, but continued to grow worse. By Diabetes, Dr. member of Col generous use of Warner's Safe Kidney and William Morgan, the Royal lege of develops Liveh. Cure, however, I was entirely cured. Surgeons, England, very slowly, and is fully seated before its real character,is known. Among the earliest symptoms are the " " following: Indefinable laziness, loss of muscu lar and nervous fatigue on the slightest Farmer. power, exertion, numbness in the thighs, aching pain in the dimness of dyspepsia (for Periodic Attacks of Stomach Inflammation. loins, vision, which it is often mistaken), slight increase R. I. June 1883. Ten years ago Bristol, , 13, of thirst, clammy condition of tho mouth, I was very sick with Gastric (stomach) fever. I especially during conversation, furred tongue, was left with a tendency to periodic attacks of bleeding gums and loosening and premature decay gastritis for three long years, and during that of the teeth, a craving for food and general nervous time I visited tho best physicians of New York, unrest. The urine is of pale straw color ; is very Providence and Boston. I also made a trip to abundant, does not deposit any sediment on cool Europe ; but, after constant treatment from the ing, and is aromatic to the smell and sweet to the most eminent physicians, I was not cured. Tre taste. Sugar urine always ranges from 1080 to mendous pains week would rack me for two eveiy 1060 in gravity, and the amount passed exceeds or three days and leave me weak and discouraged. 2 quarts every 24 hours. The more urine is The simplest food distressed me, and my life was passed, the lighter color it becomes. The amount without faith miserable. Last winter I began passed is not diminished by a cutting off of pota celebrated Safe Kid to use Warner's jus'Jy tions, and the system, under the cnscaut drain, ney and Thj pains in stom ema.-: Liver Cure. my soon becomes terribly .,_i worn out.

then __icl_cKtion ach, through to my back, were constant, The thirst is a permanei. . of Diabetes. " dry." and eveiy week were paroxysmal. I noticed a One duinks ami drcnita and is ever Boils, lessening of pain and diminishing of frequency loss of virility, emaciation, cramps in the legs, almost from the first. I have to-day taken about dropsical swelling of the ankles, constipation, eight bottles, and I am truly astonished at the re lung disorders, cataract, eczema, carbuncles and sults, because everything else had failed. gangrene are accompanying symptoms of the last stages convulsions and death. sZ< preceding coma, Insipid Diabetes. Insipid Diabetes differs from Sugar Diabetes in that there is a constant fferreshoff (Steam Yacht) Manufacturing Company. discharge of insipid, instead of sweet water, and while the general symptoms are the same, they are Consumption of tho lungs is often but an not quite so intense as in Sugar Diabetes, though effect of Kidney and Liver disorder. The blood the disease resists treatment very obstinately. poison deposits pus and phlegm in tho throat The specific gravity of tho water is from 1005 to and lungs, and the irritation causes coughing aud 1015, and it is very abundant. abundant raising of inflammatory matter. [See Cause. Some authorities hold that Sugat testimonials of W. C. Beach and E. D. Thomas, Diabetes arises from an excessive formation of and read Kidney and Liver diseases articles]. sugar in the liver [see article cm Liver], others Thousands of persons haVe been cured of secon from malassimilation of food. Sugar Diabetes, dary Consumption by Warner's Safe Kidney however, follows injuries to the head, epilepsy, and Liver Cure and Safe Pills. Try them. pneumonia, whooping cough, fermented state of the blood, sudden mental shocks of jsy or rage, or ice water Cout is caused by uric and lithic acid, but exposure to cold damp, drinking Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure and when overheated, chronic abscesses, suppression natural flow of etc. Safe Pills cure it when everything else fails. of blood, etc. ,

Kidneys be n:r:ch diseased and give no pain. Kidney disease has fcw or no symptoms of its own. The may

13.My 232. 38. 118. 90. 16. 241. 222. 144. Enigma No. 8.For Those Who Cast Their 229. 156. 158. 6. 80. 157. 25. 19. 217. 9. 173. First Vote in 1884. 95. 172. 101. 198. 31. 191. 50. 293. 20. 263. My 2. 22. 68. 77. 84. 3. 110. 14 (or 83). 20. 91. 3. 44. 168. 18. 236. 61. 97. 160. 169. 283. 11. 75. 50. 81. 70. 32. 45. 85. 71. 9. 16. 94. 175. 62. 166. 100. il. 221. 149. 122. 104. 153. 108 is a man and an authority invoked, which is an extract from John utreenleaf Whittier. suggest that the 58. 53. 24. 80. 107. 99. 28. 13.My 123. 165. 92. 216. 164. 285. 72. 184. 78. 60 can make and unmake laws, as it is 30. 214. 74. 201. 271. 299. 197. 42. 10. 204. absolute in its decrees. This republic is 45. 211. 167. 209. 205. 152. 73. is an extract from 105. 66. 20. 65. 37. 72. 62. 74. 92. 46. 79. Thomas liailey Aliiicn. I. 13. 61. 8. 59. 98. 104. 88. 40. 95. 17. 48. My wholeis an extract from Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 88 STATE YOUR CASE BY MAIL.WE GIVE ADVICE FREE.

Longer Incurable. Dr. Roberts, a celebrated authority, says : The Sugar Diabetes is No " Physiological data would lead us to look for N. Jan. 1882.One of the " Rochester, Y., 25, the seat of primary Diabetes in tho liver itseJf, most prominent physicians in this city found 22 " or in some part of or nervous system the brain grains of sugar to the fluid ounce of my urine, liver." "connected with the He also says that Sugar Diabetes. He pronouncing my disease in cases marked altera long standing there is prescribed a course of diet as the only thing he tions in the kidneys and that most probably could do fo-r me, which gave rw relief, but the the immediate cause ef Insipid Diabet.-i is the disease came on again. I was advised twelve dilatation the Utile blood vessels Vie of of kidneys, months ago to try Warner's Safe Diabetes the loss muscular power ova- so that of them, Cure. After using five bottles I found myself there is an escape water constantly. involuntary of cured. I also took Warner's Safe Pills, which Tliese in are paralyzed. In Dia know own vessels, short, greatly aided my recovery. I from my betes kidneys are Mellitus, also, the similarly experience that these remedies will not only relieve involved. [See article on Bright's Disease]. the severest cases of Diabetes, but that if the Prevalence. Diabetes Mellitus has a duration directions relative to diet are strictly adhered to of from one to three years. It is most fatal and tho remedies persevered in, they will entirely between the ages of twenty-five and sixty-five, and is much intensified during the active procre- ative period of both sexes. It is of frequent ^^2\jZ2z*s~z>^y occurrence among literary men, lawyers, minis ters, business men, and any class which overtaxes Art Dealer and Publisher of Dewey's Fruit Plates. its digestive and nervous force. It is a very unmanageable complaint, says Dr. Roberts, and They are Indispens ble to the Human F__.rily. generally resists successful treatment. Syracuse, N. Y., June 21, 1882.-1 have Treatment. Beyond dietary rules, physicians been cured of a severe case of Sugar Diabetes by offer little or no to the patient. But help Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure and Safe Pills. Warner's Sa_ Diabetes Cure is a positive I do not think there is any such word as fail specific for both forms of Diabetes, and it when the medicine is taken according to direc has won its proudest laurels among those whom tions. I had not been well for several years ; I the schoolmen have pronounced incurable. It had been troi:;d ...I with dizziness, pain in the ts a pure vegetable compound which seeks out back of my neck, headache, crick in the back, ih e hidden cause, restores tone and vigor to the and at times felt very weak, but d.d not think nervous system, prevents the undue formation of at the time that I had or ever would have any sugar in the liver, perfects the impaired digestion organic disease. Sometime last January I was and aids the proper assimilation of food, and taken very severely ; I told a physician my symp restores to the weakened and paralyzed blood toms and that I had such an unendurable th'rst and vessels of the kidneys the muscular penoer to reg was passing a large quantity of urine ; he said per ulate the separation and flow of urine. When haps the latter was good for me, and gave me a pre these primary symptoms are removed, the con scription ; but I continued to grow worse, and con stitutional disorders disappear. [See page 7]. sulted several physicians, one of whom made an Diet. -Absolute attention must be given to the examination of my urine, and pronounced my diet rules and regulations wrapped around each disease Sugar Diabetes. I asked him if it was and to ensure the most effective work at bottle, curable, and from his answer I considered my case least one Safe Pill must be taken night every doubtful. Having heard of your remedies and not neglect during treatment. Do this disease a the benefits received from the use of the Safe single for is impossible unless hour, recovery Kidney. and Liver Cure and Safe Pills by Dr. prompt measures are taken and the patient does S. G. Martin of this city, I visited him, and he what the peculiarities of the disease precisely advised me to try your Safe Diabetes Cure. demand. Always ask for Safe Diabetes Cure. About this time I was passing nine pints of urine per day. I continued the medicine until I had Benefitted the Wife of the Postmaster. am taken two dozen bottles, when I was, as I Annapolis, Md., May 5, 1882. My wife has to-day, entirely cured, and am in as good health been affected with Diabetes for several years and as I ever have been. I consider the Safe Rem has taken a good deal of Warner's Safe Dia edies indispensable to the human family, betes Cure, and has been much benefited by it.

z/ Postmaste r. Insurance Agent, 26 Warren St.

Keep your Kidneys all rifdit if you would live lor.j; Kidney poisoned blood provokes many to suicide

96. 55. 67 and must be sustained by the dc- enemies have predicted as the future of our country. 34. 78. 102. 57. clared agency, for 87. 100. 44. 12. 33. 51. 42. Therefore, young Americans, 15. 103. 50. 36 95V '32. 63. 73. 112. 56. 76. 3C. 79. 25. 36. 29. 57. 7. 66. 21. 57. 17. 106. 26. 74. 97. 62. 29. 86. 45. 82. 104. 12. i'j:. )8. 66. 100. 19. 69. 86. 39. 42. 33. 1 4. 5. 83. 86. 19. 6. 13. 107. 9S. 64. 87. ?0. cen we sLall not only escape the just condem 37. 31. 100. 41. 89. 109. 14. 102. 40. 60. nation contained in the whole, to be found m 19. 71. 95. 47. 109. 69. 4. 35. 49. 32. 10. Lieber's Political Ethics (Vol. II), but we shall 27, 102. 27. 54. 96. 64. 9. 36. 55. or the cer- realize what it is to be 44. 6. 93. 102. 63. tain political 23. 81. 38. 76. 53. II. which our 47. 12. 10. 4. 43. 8. 13. 35. 92. 36. 7. 18. Be Sure You Get the GENUINE Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure,J_at MANY DOCTORS PRESCRIBE WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES.

Restored the Colonel to Perfect Health. Youngstown, O., Aug. 6, 1881.Dr. J. A. Grant, of Ottawa, Canada, told mo I had Sugar Diabetes. I lost 35 pounds of flesh and suffered greatly, but Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure restored me to perfect health.

Col Vt-ZtZe^C C^C^Z-e.

Relieved of Several Years of Severe Suffering. Hamilton, O., Sept. 3, 1881. Kidney and liver disease and Sugar Diabetes have caused me suffering for several years, but Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure had an immediate and satisfac tory effect, /~l

Wonderfully Helped and Expects a Cure. Sublette, 111., July 24, 1883.My daughter has been very ill with Sugar Diabetes. [She had all the symptoms described in page 27. J Sho has taken several bottles of Warner's Safe Dia betes Cure and Safe Pills, following all the TnG ABOVE CUT OF A SAFE IN OUTLIKE, AND A picture diet miles, strictly. Her thirst is gone, her appe oy a Xegho gathering Herbs, is used IN OUR tite is natural, her flesh healthful, her bowels regular standing advertisement regular, and she is able to resume ordinary nearly all the 8000 newspapers of the United duties. States.

He is More than a New Man He is a Boy. June 1882. About two Pastor Baptist Church. Detroit, Mich., 17, years ago I we; completely "used up"I did not Passed Fifteen Pints of Water Every 24 Hours, have sufficient strength to walk out of doors with Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1831.I have out exhaustiou ; my Heart was giving me such trouble that I feared death from that source might been treated by noted physicians for Diabetes, intervene at moment while left arm was and two of the best in the city told my friends any ; my helpless in fact paralyzed. I I could not live two months. My health was perfectly nearly tried all the best doctors in the and several completely undermined. I wasted away unti 1 1 city prominent physicians in other parts of the coun had a lean and hungry look, and at that besides numerous medicinal time passed fifteen pints of urine in twenty-four try, visiting springs, with if even I was so fortu hours. lam now well and strong, weigh 100 only temporary relief, nate as to get that. I began to use Warner's pounds, have done a very hard summer's work, Safe Kidney and Liver and tho time and thanks to your invaluable Safe Diabetes Cure, by eight bottles were consumed I was more than a can bid defiance to doctors and Cure, disease. " " new man I wcio a boy 1 I am ridden of my Heart Disease. I commend it enthusiastically.

'^lczZ? C^Ziz^azt Jz4/aa^ZZZzz^ 30 Kellogg Street. ^) 1:..". East Congress Street-. [See article on Disorders of Childhood, page IT]. [See article on Heart Disease, page IT].

t&~ Six persons in ten have a torpid I.lver. iinest cures are of cases doctors have fSven up. -./rj j

7. 36. 72. 23. 62. 67. 87, 91 would have Enigma No. 9. Scriptural, for Children. My been benefitted by Warner's Safe Tonic Bitters. I consist of 96 letters. 8.My 25. 60. 92. 38. 23. 57. 69. 6 was the 1. My 15. 23. 12. 41 if written astwo words son of Hachaliah. would sound queerly. 9.My 5. 18. 29. 92, 46. 29. 52. 61 wrote one 3. ef- My 3. 60. 80. 40 was a country conquered the books of the Bible. by a king of Assyria. 10. 90. 12. 51. 91. 75. 50. 82. 18 were the 3. My My 49. 30. 31. 19. 25 was in the territory circumstances of Dives. of the tribe of was Manasseh. 11 My 81. 43. 31. 85. 83. 72. 89. 47. 71 4. My 2. 4. 53. 68. 21. 22 is called "a Mount a people to which an unpleasant epithet was ' ' of the East. applied. E>. My 29. 14. 24. 59. 63. 70. 65 receives its 12.My 64. 66. 29. 30. 55. 32. 11. 27. 73. 74. supnly from heaven. 44 is not the first book in the Bible. 6. My 23. 1. 31. 7. 29. 92. 57 was not a poli 13.My 67. 87. 75. 44. 62. 31. 52. 36. 46. tician. 62. 86 will furnish tho answer to this enigma.

Vnn' JSTBe anrfl + >,a rLTT-MTTTTCn?. Tr.--PT.Qv'g Sit-fa Tnnin 'R.ttArg 80 OUR SAFE KIDNEY* AND LIVER CURS DISSOLVES GRAVEL.

M. Haver. The World Moves ! The New York State Med M. D. ; Albany, N. Y.; M. W. Wingato, D., hill, Mass.; Alfred Walton. M. D., Wilmington Del. ; ical Association [allopathic] at its last meeting, at F Werner M. D., Black River Falls, Wis. ; E. J. Wil permit St. Mo. ; H. C. Winger, M. I). , Albany, rescinded the code of ethics so as to liamson, M. D. , Louis, and many,others. their members to counsel with physicians of other Harrisburg, Pa., The Safe Remedies are all compounded by careful schools authorized by the State. For this action, the after successful scientific formulas; they American Medical Association [National allopathic] chemists, are composed of simple harmless vegetable ele at its last meeting, In St. Paul, Minnesota, cut off from and are so uniformly successful in cases its membership the delegates from the New York State ments, they unadvertised remedies cannot reach that Association. Ex-Surgeon General William A. Ham which regular thousands of physicians regard them, as one enthusi of New says he considers the new mond, York, ' ' ' astic and distinguished doctor once exclaimed, 'a god medical code absurd, unscientific, narrow illogical, ' ' ' ' '' send to the profession, for the cure of hitherto incur minded, visionary and futile. But then, he adds, I able diseases. think the old code was worse, and that no code could '' The New York State Association has only legalized be any better. The old code prevented physicians what the best of its members for years have done, and from publicly or privately commending any advertised the time is not far distant when Warner's Safe Reme remedies, mineral springs, health resorts, etc., and fee ' ' " dies will be commended and prescribed by every new code re-affirms the prohibition. Pretty soon, openly conscientious physician. The world moves I exclaims General Hammond, with spirit, "they will want to prevent me giving a certificate of good char are a few among the many physician. cook!" [Following acter to And this is the view the best my from whom we have received letters during the past few physicians take of the restrictions of the code of ethics. montlis. ] the prominent physicians known to H. H. Among It is Purely Vegetable and Can Hurt No One. "Warner who ignore its provisions with respect & Co, Nr_w Bedford, Mass., June 20, 1882. I hftve remedial to the use and commendation of usod'WARNER' proprietary s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure in agencies, are the following : consider a rny practice with good results. I it safe Ex-Surgeon Qen'l Wm. A. Hammond, New York remedy. of New city ; Prof. Alfred L. Loomis, M. D,. Univ. N. Y. ,

. Univ. of Md. Yo'rk city ; Rrof William T. Howard, M. D. , , Alexander B. M. D. Belle- Baltimore Md. ; Prof. Mott, , Pk X vue New York Prof. Martin L. College, city ; James, 92 Purchase Street. William M. D. , Med. Col., Va., Richmond, Va. ; Prof. Thompson Lusk, M. D., Bellevue Med. Col., New York A Specific for Female and Bright's Diseases. late U. Marine city; E. J. Doerinc;, M.__D. , Chicago, S. Pa. 1882. In Hospital ; Puff. Horatio C. Wood, M. D ,Univ. of Pa.. Phil West Philadelphia, , July 5, College Warner' pro adelphia, Pa ; Prof. John T. Metcalf, M. D. , s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure the and New Y-rk Prof. Physicians Surgeons, city; Henry much needed. I have New fession have an article C. Houghton, M. D. , N. Y. Ophthalmic Hospital, D. to -rated cases of Bright's Disease and York city ; J. Marion Sims, M. D. , New York city ; successfully and others. sex are subject W. Bliss, M. D. , Washington, D. C. , many diseases to wnich the female recommend it as an in And the following regular physicians not only com with it, and I cheerfully Liver and Bladder mend but use Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure valuable remedy for Kidney,


difficulties. _ _? and other of the Safe Resiedies, personally or in y, / . // their practice regularly: Surgeon Post 50 G. A. R. Wm. N. Anderson, Portage, Utah : John Atwater, M.D., Chicago, m.'; J. H. Connelly, M.D., Pittsburg, Pa; Discarded Prejudice and Cured His Patient. J. S. Carter, M. D., Erie, Pa. ; E. Gover Cox, M.. D. , R. M. 1 About Baltimore, Md. ; M. Cassady, D., Thomasville, Gloucester City, 1ST. J. , May 16, 882. Ga. John L. M. D. N. Y. A. M. Em- ; Clark, , Waterloo, ; the last of December, 1881, a gentleman put Cole, M. D., Peninsula, O. ; Wm. D. Emerson, M. D., self under from Albuminuria Haverhill, Mass. ; J. J. Goodyear, M. D., Groton, N.Y. my charge, suffering Gilbert M. Richard (Bright's I prescribed our usual remedies J, A. I). , Columbus, Ga. ; Gab/di Disease); D. Gloucester City. N. J. A. M. ner, M. , J. ; Higgins, without effect. I did not think he could recover.

D. , Springfield, 111. ; Theodore R. Hornblower, M. D., made mind to throw all J. A. W. M. About this time I up my Ph.D. .Jersey City Heights, N. ; Hendricks, prejudice Warner's B..West Philadelphia.Pa. ; S.P. Jones, M. D. Marinette, aside and try the celebrated Wis. M. D. Ga. N. C. ; T. Jones, , Albany, ; Murphv, Safe Kidney and Liver Cure in this case, and M. D., Marion, N. C. ; F. A. McMannus, M. D., Balti did, with titis result : the man is at least twenty more, Md. ; John W. Mapes, M. D. , Paris, 111. ; C. N. M. D. pounds heavier. I analyzed his urine about two Moore, M. D. , Springfield. 111. ; B. H. Mars, , St. Mo. : C. M.D. Kan. Rufus urine. Louis, Onyette, .Wyandotte, ; weeks ago ; found but a slight cloud in the A. W. Peacock, M. D. , Jersev City, N.J. ; A.Ramsay M. D., Albia, Iowa; A. D. Smith, M. D., Manchester, N. II. -z-j. W.gmith.M. D. (forDierly of Detroit), Rochester, N.": ; C. L. Spencer,. M. D., New Bedford, Mass. ; T. B.Taylor, M. >.. Indianapolis. Ind. ; Wm. J.Warren,

Cure. Etidney acid produces ismir stomach and heartburn. Sick headache yields to Safe Kidney and Liver

14. My 93. 53. 40. 53. 77. 39. 62. 32. 27. 18.My 3. 54. 31. 72. 80. 88. 78. 44. 13. 84. 26, 52. 78 wrote a book of the Bible. 96. 6. 88. 31. 54. 51. 42 is a requisite of 15.My 9. 14. 48. 29. 65. 84. 71. 38. 28. 53. Christianity. 34. 54. 53. 31. 66 a name much to be desired 19.My 8.37. 24. 64. 38. 95. 23. 79. 86. 84. bv a nation. 80. 96. 87. 48. 23. 30. 52. 73. 76 is more 1.My 10. 64. 85. 53. 77. 23. 84. 61. 34. 2. honored in the breach than in the observance. 20. 88. 32. 17. 45. 63. 32 wore three writers of biblical Mv 31. 30. 45. 93. 29. 7.9. 45. 4. 39. isaproyrb. poems. 58. 37. 1. 31. 3i. 78. 46. 80. 82 SI. 59 Shar- 17.My 83. 68. 34. 55. 93. 62. 32. 27. 20. My 16, 94, 86, 70, 54, 86, 33, 17, acterises much of old testament history. 35. 31. 82. 79. 56 is a fiction conveying scrip- HEREAFTER A PRIVATE STAMP WILL BE ON ALE OUR BOTTLES. 31

The After-Effects of Dreadful Yellow Fever. THE WARNER SERIES OF PRIZES. Albany, Ga., Feb. 8, 1883. I used Warner's In Mr. of Safe Kidney and Liver Cure in the case of January, 1881, Wamor, founder my Wanior son for diseused kidneys, following hemmorhagic Obsorvatory, costing $73, 000, senior of II. H. Warner & offered yellow fever, with perfect success. Co., a comet prizo of $200. gold for each American or Canadian dis covery of a telescopic unexpected comet. The previous year he gave $500. for tho same object. In 1882, he renewed the $200. gold prize for eometary discoveries, in Great Britain and tho Always Prescribed with Satisfactory Results. United States and Canada, and $200. gold for each Peninsula, Ohio, May 31, 1S83.Have pre meteoric stone containing fossil rex-Jains, and $50. scribed Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure toreacn meteoric stone without organic and Safe JTervine and remains seen to ran in Canada or the Diabetes Cure in my United States professional practice with the best of results. during the year. Of these prizes, 81,500. have been awarded to Profs. Swift, Schaeberle, Barnard, and to Lewis Boss, director Dudley Observatory, Albany, for the special Comet Prize

>lalaria Is a liver n___l Kidney disease always. You can MH'ured if you will follow all directions.

No. of Words. Enigma, 10, be worn on one's sleeve. My 19 is indispens I My and 2 is a great discovery of the microscope. able to a thinker. My 25. 3. 4. 21 is true of 5 and and My 12 are much snii^bt for by profes the whale, but not of the elephant. My 7 sional labor- men. My 10 U what saving 8 alone provokes the love of certain animals. machinery does. My 16. 6. II. 23. 24 greatly My 9. 13. 17. 18. 22 are among the 15 char influenced Carlyle's style and manner. My 1. acteristics of English sentences. My whole is *> 26. to pamphlet. the end inclusive, is an assertion and composed of two sentences of this a contradiction. My 20 is sometimes said to Find number of wouds and letters. [Seepage 8],