m B u c h a n a n R ecord. G. W . NOBLE


roiansr cs-. s o z l g l c e s . 500 MEN’S SUITS

From $5.00 to $10.00. TERMS. S1.50 PER YEAR PAYABI.T. IN ADVANCE. Best Values in Berrien County. SlfEPJISIHS RUTESI0BM1 OH APPLfC&TIQH. VOLUME XXIV. BUCHANAN. BEBRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. APRIL IT, 1890. NUMBER 12- The suits from $8.00 to$10.00j.arp aJLwool anil fast colors. OFFICE—IaRecord BuUding,OakStrcet THE rARSON’S MISTAKE. “He wishes to join a fraternity at young man whose manners and charac­ Proposals of Marriage. college, and he—” ter are distasteful to me, Frances. En­ When a -boasts of the offers of- lir lHOMAS burke. “Y ou need not go on; I am perfectly courage no further intimacy with him.” marriage which she has received; it is Plow Shoes! PlowShoes! Business Directory. aware of his wishes. He w ill join no “ Mother!” fair to conclude that men who made He was a happy daddy, fraternity. Your father and you were “Good-night, dear.” IHlarions that ho had u them were utterly mistaken , in her SABBATH SERVICES. Darling UtUc one. graduated with honor, and you belong­ “You must hear me, mother.” character, or sbe would have remained CERVICES a te Held every Sabbath At 10:30 “ That will do. I wish to be ajone.” Said wife: ’’It must be christened.’’ ed to no sucb rediculous organizations, unsought. Nothing can excuse this be­ 0 o'clock a . a., at the Church of the ‘‘ larger The girl flung out her firms like an Hope also. Sabbath School services immediate^ To her advice lie listened— I believe.” trayal of the most sacred confidence angry child, saying,— Neater Dress Shees, $2. y after the morning meeting. Prayer and. confer- It should at onco be done. “I should not call them ridiculous, man ever reposes in woman; and the tace meeting every Thursday evening. A cordial mother. They belong to the confedcra- “It is I who am alone. Y ou drive 1 tvitatioula extended to all. girl whose vanity leads her to com­ R o se & E l l s w o r t h have opened and H e straightway called a preacher— tive spirit of the times. Everythirg is me from you!” And she left the room. To be found only at placed on sale a very attractive display of A simple, white-haired teacher mit such a fault stamps herself as done now by clubs, associations and There was absolute calm in the Lati­ an ignoble creature, unworthy o f the O.O.F.—Bnchanan Lodge Ho- 15 holds its Dress Goods. They have all the novelties Of doctrines pure and mild, guilds. The one Jerry wishes to join mer household for weeks. Han Lyons [ , regular meeting, at. Odd, Fellows Hall,, on of the New York market, and each line Who smiling kindly, blandly, love and respect which she has rejected. Bach Tuesday evenings is the most important in the college. never .came to the house'again, and ills She gains nothing by such boasts. a NOBLE S, contains all of the very latest colorings. In a manner very handy The best men in bis class belong to it. name, was not mentioned even by the W. Took np the little child. No woman, need tell of a proposal Jjt Jo A. M.—Buchanan lodge No. bS holds a We have Dress Goods for everyone, and in Really„dear, you are making a mistake. continually chattering Clara. Jerry 0 .regularmeetingJlondayeveniagon orbefore some makes have the best bargains we ever through the terrible fear that other stie fu ll moon in eaeti month. Said he : “ This little baby. It would keep the boy out of much never spoke again of the fraternity nor had. When grown to nianliood. may be people should think she had never had . COME AND SEE. temptation.” of the rooms that he had planned. He one. The old saw which says “there' OP II.—Buchanan Grange N o 4Q meets on. A man o f worldwide fame. “Nonsense! I have no patience with did not, however, bring his friends to P . the second, and fourth Saturday o f each Ladies should look at our half wool Di­ In rearing him be careful, never swam a goose so gray but it nonth, at 3 o’clock r. u . these new-fangled notions about Cod­ his mother’s little parlor; and laughed could find its mate” Is perennially ap­ agonal goods, manufactured to sell for 25e; In training him be prayerful. _ somewhat grimly when she urged him The Young M an H id Go In . dling boys. My brothers at Jerry’s age plicable, says a writer in Bazar. Prob­ i o.U. W.—Buchanan LodgeNo.OS hOidslts our price 10c. 6-4 Cashmere at 12.11c, Please toll me now liis name.” to do it. A . renlsr meeting the 1 st anct 3d Tuesday even­ learned their lessons in the attic. - If ably the woman does not Jive who lias I was riding across town, an evening “There’s Something about hoys you ing o f each month. Onr 0-4 Cashmere at 25 cents is very The father, loudly laughing they did not know them they had a not had more than One opportunity to or two ago on a street car It was Could n ot refrain from chaffing caning either at school or at home. don’t understand,” "he said. change her state and condition; and raining, and the car was filled with IV A- R-—Win. Perrott Post No.93. Regular soft and nice. All the new colors. The minister so old. Mrs. Latimer smiled. A s if a woman DT. meeting on the first and third. Saturday And see what men they made! But if she is at all pretty, brilliant, sweet people. I stood on the rear platform, veu<»g or each month. Visiting comraaesnl- Cried he: 'The child will never, the boys of this generation! They must of her keen insgtit and judgment could mannered, or fascinating in any way, the only other passenger , outside, being Our all Wool Henriettas, Serges and I’m sure, make the endeavor vays welcome. be ’coaxed to do their simple duty. not read those transparent, immature it goes without saying that she has a tall, broad shouldered, handsome Cloth Suiting, every shade made, at 37}2’e. To be a warrior bold,” minds! OMAN’S RELIEF CORPS, Wm -Perrott Post The best goods for the money ever shown. POWDER Why, the boy came to me yesterday had repeated opportunity, and there young man with a blonde mustache, No- 81- Meetings held regularly, in Grange “N or will it bo a banker, asking to have a room on the third Noblet wag engaged hv The Age,and and the conductor. At Broadway a first and third Saturday of each month, is no need of asserting a self-evident E Nov hustle, strive, and hanker floor fitted up for his own use. His she read with contempt his crude, spruce young fellow, nicely dressed, At 3Qc yon can buy Henriettas, Serges Absolutely Pure. fact. -W e have, however, known very i l KNIGHT, M. !>., {Homoeopathic.! For things men love so well. camera find lathe and foils and all his slashing articles; hut there was no plain women without an allurement stepped on the platform and was just , Ofiice and residence first door south o f and Plaids, in almost endless variety, and Thispowfier never varies. A marvel o f purity doubt of their popularity. Everybody MrtougnBros. ii agein Works. they are the same goods you have always strength and wholeeomenes$. More economical ’Twill never wear long trousers, other jim-cracks must go into it—‘so from the feminine point of view, about to push his wav into the crowd than the- ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in congratulated Mr. Latimer on this paid To cents for. NOr Join with yonng enrousors— that he could invite his friends there.’ ” through some inscrutable attraction ed car, when the handsome young man R& HENDERSON & BRADLEY, Physicians Competition with the multitude o£ low test, short Because—it’s name isNeH.” brilliant access to his staff, and the and Surgeons. Office in Opera House Block. weightalnmor phosphate powders. S old o n ly in “An excellent idea!” exclaimed Mr. receive as many of the eventful ques­ with the blonde mustache touched Residence No SO Front St., one door West of Perry c a m . R oyal Bakiko Powdeii Co.) 1Q6 Wall St., Latimer, with an amused laugh. “I paper nearly doubled its subscription tions , to answer as if they had been him on the shoulder and said pleas­ Fox's. Caiis answered all hours o f day or night. Beautiful English, French and.German N .Y . 19-15 goods at Toe and §1, All of the Eiffel will order the room repapered to-mor­ list. beauties of captivating address. I t is antly: One always in the office.‘ R. Henderson and \V. J. When Hugh mentioned the fact in Bradley. ' shades, Old Pink, Old Bose, Amethyst,- row.” a little difficult, then, to ses why a cir­ ‘‘Stay out here, please.” A WORLD OLD STORY. “You do not suppose that I consent­ his mother’s room one evening, sue “ What do you mean, sir?” fiercely Heliotrope, Mahogany, Belindcn Grays, W H Y i Y O U R I jWEH cumstance that may and does happen /V L. BAILEY, Homeopathic. Physician and Empire Green, Geranium Green, and other ed to such a thing, Joseph ?” Mrs. Lati­ said,— to any is to be regarded as such a demanded the Spruce young fellow, I X , Surgeon. Office and residence in IrahoJTs BY REBECCA HARDING DAYIS. “I am sorry for the the public taste, block, Buchanan, Mich. shades. We have them all, and the trim­ mer replied, actually growing pale in feather in the cap, find should be so turning around. mings to go with them. her excitement. “I will keep my boy then. Twenty-liye years ago such nourishing to personal vanity, particu­ IVlien be saw the man he was talk­ M. WILSON, Dentist. Office, first door north Mr. Joseph Latimer was the owner under my-own eye. Ho can bring his colloquial touch-and-go talk would not larly as it does not at all follow that ing to, bis face fell and he seemed i a, o f the Bank. Charges reasonable and satis- Tda n ffl have SICE HEADACHES, FAINS and editor of a daily journal in one of companions to this room. They shall be tolerated in a leading article.” much disconcerted. The handsome guaranteed. Onr Novelty Patterns are great sellers 3DT TUB SIDE, DYSPEPSIA, FOOTS AFFE. one is very lovely in body and soul be­ this season. They are very stylish and a M T E , feel listless andimable to getthrouph onr large inland cities. When his son always be welcome. I will do wliat I “And if you read an article oi those cause an individual who has after all, young man Smiled and replied: S . MEAD, Manufacturer o f Lumber. Cus your daily work or social enjoyments. Life Hugh married lie took him into part­ can to entertain and amuse them. Why days now it would seem stilted even to “Well, I’d like to have you in my lady can buy one of these patterns with w U l be c, burden t o y o n . probably seen but little of one chooses , ton Sawing promptly attended to on short the knowledge that it cannot be duplicated. nership and made him managing editor should Jerry wisli to go off alone with you. The world changes its base with company for a little while, and beside, M notice. Bnchanan. Mich. to fancy so. On the contrary, all the We only have one pattern of each color. . of the paper, which by that time had them? I f they are doing nothing to be each generation. It may go backward, presumption should really be the other if you Stay out here, you will save me II. 31. Brodrieb, M. D, become a very valuable property. ashamed of they would not wish to go but it does change its base.” way; for the girl Who has allowed mat­ the trouble of making a speech in the Checks and Plaids are very desirable. m ® M § u m is Gradually Mr. Latimer gave up bis off alone.” “ I shall not change mine,” Mrs. Lati­ ters to come to such a pass as a pro­ car.” Graduate o f the St, Louis, Mo., Homoeopathic active interest in The Age to his son, Mr. Latimer never replied to his wife mer said calmly. College, and Member o f the Royal College of Cashmere Ombra, the new goods with cloth posal which she cannot accept, has Tbe spruce young man stayed out­ PnysK-ians o f Ontario, Diseases o£ Women and finish, made to take the place of SattineS, who came, however, eyery evening to when her bands trembled and she grew There was a knock at the door. Mrs. proved herself vain, selfish and stupid. side until Seven th avenue was reached, children a specialty. at-Soe and 35. W e have a very large as­ his house, to consult with him. pale. But Hugh was not so consider­ Latimer noticed that her husband went It is not to her credit that she has ever when he jumped off the car with a CONSULTATION FREE. sortment. m W M H U s S * One day,, when the future policy of ate. quickly to open it, glancing at Hugh let things arrive at the open offer and gruff: Office over Treat & Godfrey’s hardware store. the paper upon an important interstate with a controlled excitement in his Residence in John Graham's house, Front street. WiH cure you, drive the FOISON1 out ot “Jerry will never learn to walk unless the humiliation of defeat for the one “ Good-uight.” Djy or night calls promptly attended to. It would please us to have every lady ' - ~------’ unsandweH, question was to he decided, Hugh found you let him stand alone, mother. You face. who is ready to love her better than all “ Good-night,” pleasantly replied he They cost only 85 cents a box ana may save look at our Dress Goods. If she buys a his father waiting in the hail for him. have had seventeen years to instill Francis entered, and close behind her the rest o f the world beside. I t is she of tbe blonde mustache. dress from us she will know that she has y ou r life . Can: b e h a d a t any- D ru g Store. He beckoned him into the library. was Dan Lyons. Even in her astonish­ »*BewareofCoDNTEEEElTsniadelnSt.LonIs.*C» good principles into him. Now let him who really should feel the humiliation, I turned to him and asked what he the latest style, and -we honestly think we "W e shall not be interrupted here.” try them,” ment the thought flashed into Mrs, meant. He laughed and said. have the best stock ever shown in this But haying been so unwise, so negli­ F o r i But the sweet, decided voice of a Mrs. Latimer rose. Latimer’s mind that he was really a gent, so blind, so what you please, “If he had gone into the car I would city. woman called from the stairs,— manly, handsome fellow. ■AJXD- „I have decided. I have refused to silence is the . only reparation she can have said, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, look P erfumes t h e B reath. A sk for it; . ‘‘Bring Hugh up to my room, dear. allow Jerry to use the room or to join “ What—I do not understand, Fran­ make, the only balm to his wound she out for your valuables. This man is a It is too cold for me in the library.” the fraternity. There must be some­ ces” she said as she rose. can apply, the only salve to her own pickpocket.’ He knew what my speech r m S L -W a m . I K . FLEM1MG BROS., - Pittsburgh. Pa. The young man gave an impatient thing wrong in the companions whom “This is my husband, mother. 1 conscience. If she cannot give love, would be, and he remained outside, Havlngrecently erected an Rose & Ellsworth, shrug. he cannot receiye in his mother’s pres­ married him two months ago. I could she can at least do him this friendly you see,” "I have very litt’e time, and it will ence,” she said with haughty severity. not have your blessing, so I —oh, mam­ act of apparent forgetfulness. After The handsome young man with the Improved Brick and Tiling Eiln South Bend, Ind. DIX & WLKINSON, take so long to explain the matter to Hugh nodded good-humoredly. ma, I loved him! I did not want to all, the affair is not interesting to oth­ blonde mustache was one of Inspector mother” “Very well, mother, he is your son, find a man like father to marry, as you er people: It concerns two alone o f all Byrnes’ best men, and spruce young Ik I am now prepared to furnish the "Yes, yes,” said Mr. Latimer, “ But not mine.’ W hat is it, Bobert?” as a found for me, but just Han—Han!” the world; and the proposal, being a man was a thief. don’t he impatient with her, Hugh; she servant knocked at the door. The words tumbled over each other mistake, should be ignored as com­ used to consult with me about every “Mr. Lyons’ cards, sir. For Mrs. as Fan cried and laughed and dragged pletely as though .it had never been It W as Recorded. point in the paper when it started, and Latimer and Miss Frances.” her husband and mother together. made. the'market affords. Alt her interest is just as keen now.” “Hugh’s wife is in the parlor, dear,” “Two months ago?” During a recent sea voyage the BUT A D SELL REAL ESTATE. “It was h little six by ten weekly said Mr. Latimer. Bo not go down. “It is all right, my dear—all right,” mate of the brig Y., who usually “kept FIEST-CIiASS TILLSG sheet then, full of stories and riddles,” You need not he bored with these said Mr. Latimer, “Old Father Johns Tlie Need of Good Country Roads. the log,” -was found unable to attend grumbled the young man as he entered young people; she will play duenna.” married them. He says he knew you College professors, engineers, and to duty, because of inebriation, and the rangingin sire from two to eightinches. MONEY TO LOAN. the cheery little room,, with its warm “Bored!” Mrs. Latimer groaned as would relent when you learned to ap­ magazine writers are directing public work was done by the captain, whose ^ “ Callandsee my brick and get prices J . L . i large or smaU sums, atlow rates, on Improved crimson drapery and bright wood fixe, she rose, “You use the right word, in­ preciate Han.” attention to th e subject of country last entry was “The mate was drank known in the house as “mother’s cor­ “ 1 hope you maybe happy, Frances,” HEHKT BLODGETT. farms only. deed. But if I go down young Lyons highways, and the Vanderbilt Univer­ all day.” On the following day, NtCiMlS, M IC II., ner,” and gave his mother a hearty hug Will not stay.” * Mrs. Latimer said at last. the mate having recovered from the COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING. sity, Tennessee, has gone so far as to and kiss. She was a slender, daintily The father and son glanced at each She kissed her with lips that were provide for the free instruction in road effects of his indulgence, resumed his Wishes to call the attention of the dressed Woman, with her white hair other. . cold as ice. Then she turned and gave former attention to the “ log” 'entrles, 50y engineering of one person from each, readers of the R ecord to the fact BERRIEN SPRINGS MICH curling a little on her forehead, a soft “Han Lyons is a very worthy, honor­ her hand to Lyons without a word, county in that state. The Baltimore when he discovered his superior’s rec­ color on her ckeeks and a certain gleam “But she did giye it,” Hugh told his that he is prepared to supply all con­ able fellow, mother,” said Hugh. “He Sun, which is agitating the question ord, and immediately remonstra(«*>l of command in her friendly brown is reckoned among tlie strongest young Wife that night, ‘■She acted like in Maryland, points out that the pow­ with that officer, asking: templating building or using eyes. lawyers at the bar.’’ a thoroughbred, poor little mother 1 er requiring to draw a wagon weigh­ “What was the need,sir, of. making The Latimer children were all proud “Very probably,” said his mother, Dan Wanted to joke it off, but I got ing, with its load, one ton on a level, that entry?” of their mother’s beauty and charm • with chilly brevity. them out of the room as soon as. I macadamized road of broken stone is “Wasn’t it true?” demanded the com­ and they were as fond of her as they “And really, my dear,” ventured her could, to give her time to recover. mander, in a stern voice. L5V1 of-Your ffiejS* sixty-fi ve pounds, which is increased In any manner, from a large stock, had been when they were children, she husband, “there is no better family in When they were gone she turned to me. to two hundred pounds on a common “Yes,” replied the delinquent, but I TROUBLED WITH being, as Hugh often said, “ the most the city than the Lyons. And Haniel “My child run away £o be married!: dirt road. Prof. Ely, of Johns Hop­ don’t see any necessity for making at prices that defy competition. motherly o f mothers.” is not dependent on his profession; he My modest, innocent Fan! Is it my kins University, estimates that poor record of it there.” "Is Clara with you, Hugh?” has means.” fault? Did I drive her to it?” roads cost the fanner* an average, $15 “Well,” rejoined the captain, “as it DR OSTRANDER "Y es; she is in the parlor with “That may he.” “And just then as ill luck would have per horse, and Prof. Jenks, of Knox was true, it had better.stand; it had HE HAS IF SO, TRY Francis. Are you not going down, “And he is quite an active member it, Jerry came in, his face red, and a College, Illinois, argues that with good better stand.” ot Detroit lias opened a Dental office in the mother.?” of St. Jude’s church.” silly leer in his eyes. He began to hic­ At tbe close of the following day, Redden block, where he is prepared to do all KEPHART’S permanent roads freight could often be kinds o f Dental work in a first class manner. “Presently. I must take part in this “W hat is all this tom e? I am not cough. It’s the second time l ’ye caught hauled ten miies on wagons cheaper when the captain examined the log­ 4- infallible p o u rp a rler first.” curious about his creed or bank ac­ the boy drunk this winter.- He’s in a than it could be taken one mile on a book, he was astonished and provoked, Teeth Extracted Without Pain. “ Oh, very well.” count.” bad set, you know. Mother stood up dirt road to a railroad station, unload­ finding entered therein “ The captain She seated herself beside her little straight, looking at him, as gastly as was sober all day.” Summoning his FROM §1.25 UP. “It is just this to you, mother,” said ed, put on tbe cars, and carried it to EINE GOLD FILLINGS A SPECIALTY. 3tcljtng pile work-table near the fire. Hugh,” bluntly, “the man has loved though she had been dealt her death its destination. Of tbe social influences subordinate offender, he fiercely de­ Artificial Teeth made on Rubber, Celluloid, And, for the quality, they are cheaper "Go on, boys, I am all attention,” Frances for years, and I think she is blow. I think she wholly forgot Fan’s of good roads, he says that “a large manded : Gold, Platinum or AXnmimtm, at reasonable nodding and smiling brightly at them. - interested in him. There is. actually' marriage in Mils horror. “ Why did you make that entry?” prices. than you can bny at any other yard 4- C u re -f part of tbe mental inspiration of- the The tfro men began their consulta­ no objection to him ; yet you persistent­ ““ Is this my fault?’ she said. ‘Have farmers depends on their ability to at­ “ Why, sir,” said the-mate, “ it was ALL WORK WARRANTED. in the State. W e mean this, em­ rrics. 5Qc. 4 $l» Postpaid tion but under restraint. Mrs. Lati­ ly freeze him out of the house. Why ? I made his home so hateful to him tend churcb, lectures, concerts, and so­ true, was it not?” phatically. A large lot of Hemlock HEtiSY KEPHflRT, Pbarmaclsb mer interrupted: them with incessant It may be a question of poor liltle that—’ cial gatherings at a distance;'and real­ “ Of course it was true, but am I not BERRIEN SPRINGS, - - MICH. questions. Fan’s happiness. What reason have “ I caught the little brute to take him ly good roads, by enabling them to go sober every day?” said the now enrag­ Nor in a l& Ooflegi ate piece stuff for sale at retail, at whole­ “I am shamefully ignorant upon this you?” ' away, but she stopped me. much more easily, would doubtless ed captain. For Sale by M. E. BARTHORE. matter; Hugh,” she said at last. “In­ Mrs. Latimer’s eyes flashed, but she “ Go, Hugh. Leave me with my boy,” raise the whole intellectual tone of the “Well,” replied tbe mate, “but, as it’s INSTITUTES* sale prices. deed, I have n ot helped you at all on controlled herself and was silent for a she said; so I left her in her misery.” farming community, besides keeping true, it had better stand ; it had better Benton Harhor, Mich. The A ge this winter, as I should have moment. Then she said, slowly,— “There is no reason why she should within the healthful influence o f the stand;” whereupon he turned on his clone.^ W hat with managing the house, “I simply do not like the man He be miserable,” said the practical Clara. heel and left the captain’ s presence, SCHOOL. GEORGIA PINE farm many' who are now forced into and 'taking Fratfces into society and is not the kind of person I wish Fran­ “Dan Lyons will be as good and loving the towns.” but had not taken many steps when he Review term fo r Teachers and others will com­ -AND- Mind wandering cured. Books Teamed overlooking Jerry at college, I have ces to marry. It is a case of Doctor a husband to Fan as woman ever had, felt a current of air caused by a rapid­ mence July ith, and close August loth. in one readiiig. Testimonials from aU Daily classes in all branches for First, Second parts of tho globe. Prospectus P0S2? lost le in ot on home and- foreign poli­ Fell, I suppose. Your father, when lie And as for Jerry, the boy does not take ly moving marline-spike passing in and Third Grade Certificates. _.,fsee, sent oir Hoolication to Prof* tics.” • came to visit me, was grave and tender to scampishness nor liquor- naturally ; Reading for Pleasure. dangerous proximity to one of bis ac- S i A , IiciBCtcs, 237 Fifth A x e. IS ew York. SPECIAL FEATURES: “I keep Clara in ignorance of both,” and courteous. This young man is but your mother provided no safety Intemperate readers absorb mental coustic organs, having been hurried by Course in Physical and; Chemical Experiments said Hugh. “A foul muddle every­ flippant; he is forever making puns. valve for his young blood. - Shuttles to the angry captain. for pnblic schools. stimulants for • their own pleasure where, I tell her, Women had better The chatter between him and Frances run her children Into tlie mold of the alone; they talk in everything but Course in Book-Keeping, especially adapted for KIDNEY public schools. keep from it.” ^ wearies me beyond endurance. I sup­ last generation, and it can’t be done! give out nothing. Books are their Ready to Retire. Course in Kindergarting with actual work. BLOOD ‘‘Ob, Clara!” The*color rose to Mrs. pose he is a type of your modern young She will not see that while right and condiments—the seasoning of prosaic Tasmania is a healthy country.- The re FINE LOCATION. NEW BUILDINGS, LIVER Latimer's cheek. She was silent a man.” • wrong remain the same since thebe- LAKESIDE SUMMER RESORT. CALL AND SEE ME. $1.00 A BOTTLE, SIX FOR $ 5 . lives—and they live with the charac­ are only about a hundred thousand Tuition:—So per term o f 6 weeks. Board. $3 moment. “Pray do not decide on this “Precisely,.mammy, and Fan belongs ginning of the. world,"tastes, habits, ters of fiction rather than those of re­ per week. Room, 25cts. per week. people in the colony, yet it boasts more matter, Joseph, until I have looked to the same generation. After all, it manner change every thirty years. Do ality, judging the latter by unreal tban six hundred •octogenarians. In G. J. EBGCUMBE, A.M .,Pk.D. J, L. REDDICK, JTlL XiAMBERTv the general medical director of into it a little. Y our father used to is for Fan he comes a-wooing, not you. you think she will ever see it? ” 3«f Principal. ^ the Equitable Bife insurance Company, said : standards in consequence. Beading too this connection a good story is told. "Thera is no doubt that the whole tendency of say, Hugh, ‘“ Give me Susan’s intui­ You may have father. Dad is perfec­ “I do not know. Poor mother! she life insurance now is toward liberality. There aro much has worse results than reading A hoary-headed couple was observed tions before any man’s reasonings.” comparatively few attempts to work anv great tion, you know; but we cannot all be does like her own way,” he replied, re­ too little. Action may and does ac­ one day on a steamer hound for Mel­ scheme o f fraud upoxius, but we have to be on the “Ah, mother, you like to put your membering the Noblet affair. watch. Two years ago amanwantedto insure for like him.” company ignorance, but idleness is the bourne. “Alt,” said the -old man, avery large amount. Isnspectedthatho had kid* little Ungers into every pie!” said Hugh, “Frances w ill hardly engage herself While the young peoplev.discussed ------— ------— was result of living upon the brain of oth­ “We’ve had our share of life! I’m Dr. J. T. SALTER with a short, annoyed laugh. to a man who is repugnant to me. I her Mrs. Latimer alone faced the ques­ few ers. The reading debauchee neither one hundred and forty-six, and my ______ide, and stuck in­ .Mrs. Latimer shot a keen glance at tion which comes to every man and Would inform the citizens o f Buchanan and sur­ surance companies to the extent of $300,000.” think that closes the matter. acts or thinks. The endeavor of read­ missus here is one hundred and-forty- rounding country- that aU who; want his ,kWa TaioMt al vfaan rian uonf. rtf thO appllCatlOUS • him. The joke jarred on her. As she “Oh,‘of course,” said Hugh. “Will woman of middle age:— ______r. Eambert, “and ers shpulcl be to benefit others by what two, and we’re going across to Victoria I have saved the entire expense of this medical de-de­ sat there every day listening to the you walk down street with me, father? “ Why am I alien to these children? they remember and think about it. As To cure Biliousness, Sick Headache,. Consti­ partment£artment by thereiection alone o f applicants who to die. Y ou can’ t die in Tasmania.” ad diseased kidneys, and. who died within two family consultations, she always liked The night is very pleasant.” Who is to blame?” they indulge in vivands, so should* they pation, Malaria,Liver Complaints, take ears after I .rejected, them.”—New Y ork Suit, to' remember Madame de Maintenon ; Mrs.-Latimfir did not go down to the the safe and certain remedy, i’eb’y 3S, J90. offer them. To read just for the sake Lifting a River. PAI SUBDUER stitching at her seam in the council of parlor when the two men left her. She of reading, without putting into ac­ SMITH’S -AND- 0/ Rejected because of Kid­ the king, speaking the decisive word perfectly understood the cold disap­ Some Railroad Eacts. tion any truths required, without A triumph of engineering is reported vi hich controlled the destinies of from California in the lifting of Feath­ ney disease, and almost proval in their faces as they bade her A steel rail-lasts, with average wear, learning to sift and weigh opinions of rO always niisusycctcil. er river, a fast flowing stream,.-fifty 16% France. But her-son just now had good-night. about IS years. , different minds, without becoming spoken to her as a child who must be feet and carry it for more than a mile, “They think I. have no right to con­ The cost of railroads in the United critical as to form and manner of dif­ Want to pat y<.o u r- amused. in an artificial bed, at that height LIVER pm trol the lives of my own children,” she States has been $9,000,000,00.0. ferent writers, without getting at any S e l f l a : first-rate above its old channel. It has been-ac­ U se th e S3IAJL3) S ize (JOlittle Beansto the Made or endersedby himself, can obtain tbem at “Hugh!” said, the bitter tears creeping down There are GO miles of snow sheds on facts that may be made useful to daily bottle). THEY ARE THE MOST CONVENIENT. any o f the eontlttioM for Only the other day she was teaching her cheeks. “A s i f I did not give them complished in a little less than a year. Life Insurance Examination give the Central Pacific railroad. < occupations, is an idle waste of time, €»YS,3't£«

a \

ADDITIONAL LOCALS R e v . T h o m a s Ch a r m e r s was called What is known as the south park in PBAOTS AND PHYSIC. The slot machine points a good B u c h a n a n R ecord. to the Pastorate o f Central Christian moral: That every man should pay Buy Where You Can Buy Dowagiac has been purchased of the There is often more joy in the chase A s t r a w stack on F . W. Howe’s church o f this city four months ago. his own weigh. Michigan Central railroad company by than in the possession of the game. Cheapest. farm standing near the barn was During this time the church has ap­ JOHN C. HOLMES, Editor. parently enjoyed “a season of great Fred E. Lee, the new mayor of that Miles’ Nervo a n d Liver Pills. burned last week. A boy was having prosperity. The congregations have city, who will sell a portion of the An important discovery. They act a frolic sliding down the side o f the -■raa-sr THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1890. consequently increased and, although ground for business blocks and retain on the liver, stomach and bowels When Baby was dele, wo gave her Castoria. only the regular weekly services have stack, and it was thought the friction the remainder for an opera house. It through the nerves. A new principle. When she was a Child, she eried lor Castoria, been held, there hat e been about fifty They speedily care biliousness, bad o f the hoy’s pants in going down the is the most important real estate deal When she became Miss, .she clung to Castoria. Ingalls says Clevelanflism is the shin additions to the membership.—Colum ­ taste, torpid liver, piles and constipa­ side o f the stack caused the fire, until When she had Children, die gave them Castoria- Manufacturers’ Sale Room bus, O., State Journal. in the history of the city. tion. Splendid for men, women and v o f Bnchananism set up and stuffed. it was learned that he had matches. Irving Latimer is beginning to real­ children. Smallest, mildest, surest. It took a lively fight to save the barn The latest in railroad rumors at St. 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples free, at Peach trees ate blossoming full in ize what life imprisonment means. from burning. Joseph is to the effect that a large eat­ W, H. Keeler’s Drug Store. . 12yl of Boots and Shoes. His face is pinched, his eye leaden and Do not get into the habit of laugh­ the vicinity of Elkhart. ing house is to he built near the depot Machine poetry is not always writ­ and noon trains will stop twenty min­ lustreless and he moves like a machine. ing at elderly people. It is not only Hikes Denocrat has a great deal to ten on the typewriter by any means. unladylike, but it is vulgar. ]Sfo trouble about traveling west­ utes for dinner. A special feature of To an old acquaintance Sunday he said: W e Can. Save You Money! say against the republican party about ■ She T ells H er Friends, ward now . A $7.50 rate is advertised the new eating house is that a crowbar ‘It’s a slow, lingering death; it’s hell paying taxes to support monopolistic Gentlemen:—The Zoa-Pbora which will be furnished at a small charge upon earth.” It is not common for between Chicago and Denver, and $35 manufactures, yet keeps standing at with each sandwich and toothpicks you sent me some time ago, greatly such fellows to appreciate that fact so LOOK AT SOME OP OUR PKICES. between Chicago and San Francisco, the head of its local page, the offer of will be tree.—Palladium benefitted me, so much so that I have CENTRAL the democratic Niles council to pay $ 2- well as Latimer appears to. been visiting some who £ Know need it, and telling them about it. I used to So many acres of potatoes have been r NiadathTalfs s * Ladies’ Kid, Goat or Calf, button, for There is serious talk once more of 000 of the people’s taxes to any monop­ Why is it that this “ tariff-ridden live in Michigan until 5 years ago, and Cuba breaking away from the control land” continues to receive the millions washed away by the recent rains and $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. olistic manufacturing concern that will I know the reputation of Zoa Phora Ladies’ bright Dongolia Kid, button, of Spain, in which case she will either in increasing numbers from Europe? floods in the south that the Michigan settle in that city, and seems to think The immigration statistics for the past there. That is bow I came to send so $1.75, $8.00, $2.25. far for it. I now know its worth by become an independent state or one of it a pretty nice thing. The most of three months show the largest arrivals product is in demand down there at iltlfl Ladies’ French Dongolia Kid, button, my own experience. I live near the the United States. ever recorded. One hearing the Demo­ good prices, it is said as high as 70 flexible sole, patent tip or plain toe, opera the Democrat’s rantings about monop­ Normal School here and room a great toe, or New York or common sense last, cratic groanings over” the robber tariff,” cents a bushel. One Big Rapids firm many lady students. I learn of a great olistic manufactories is the same kind “the over-taxed” and “mortgaged B. G, D, E, EE width, §2.50, $2.75, §8.00. Thursday Mrs. Cornelia L. IVashburn have shipped 7,000 bushels already and many who need just such a friend as of bosh as this. farmers” would naturally expect to see E very p air warranted■. began suit for $5,000 in Bloomington, are looking out for more to send.—De­ Zoa-Phora. I never lose an oppor­ E A S T . Ladies’ French Dongolia Kid, hand thru, outgoing ships loaded with down trod­ opera toe, New York or common sense troit Tribune. tunity to recommend it to them, be­ LEAVE BUCHANAN. III., against eight saloon-keepers, or E d i t o r D. B. C o o k , of the Hiles den working men seeking free trade last, B, O, D, E, EE width, §3.00, §3.50, lands to grow up with the country. cause, you see, I believe it will do all owners of buildings in which are Mirror, is the owner of a silver headed A tough looking burglar was caught that you claim for it. Mail, No. 4...... 11:02 ATM §4,00- Every pair warranted. The working man comes in the steer­ Kalamazoo Accommodation, No. 10__ 8 :03 P. M saloons, on the ground that her hus­ Yours respectfully, Night Express, No. 12,...... 12:33 A. M Ladies’ bright Dongolia Kid, Oxford toe, cane which was made o f live oak from age, and goes back only on a visits and in Middleville Monday. Men employed 75c, §1-00, §1.25, §1.50, §1.75, §2.00. Mrs. N . H utchinson, band lost his employment by frequent­ the famous old frigate “Constitution.” then in a state-room.—Chicago Inter on the construction train found a full Ladies’ Opera Toe Slippers, 50c, 75c, 80S S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Gal. WEST. » 43 P S ing the saloons. It formerly belonged to Gen. Cass and Ocean. kit of burglar’s tools, together with a §1.00, §1.25, $1.50. a ------— ------■ P. S.—Petroleum Balm is good, too. LEAVE BUCHANAN. Large stock of Misses’ and Children’s was presented to the Hon. Thomas . The constable was notified A box of it cured my son of a Salt Kalamazoo Accommodation, No. 13 7:51 A. M, A Bad Penny Returns. Mail, No. 1 1 ...,...... 4:33 P. M. Shoes, opera toe, common sense heel and Manuel Romero, a Cuban traveling Fitzgerald, of Hiles. After the death at once of the find and the articles were ltlieum sore of a year’s standing.—12 3 Evening Express, No. 7...... 3:19 A.M . spring heel. Oswego Has., April 10.—Mrs. Griffith y in this country, says that the masses in of Mr. F., about 1S59, his widow pre­ left as they were as a decoy to find the A . P. Peacock, Local Agent. in Men’s Shoes we carry a large line. and her daughter of Hiles, Midi., If the finery upon your hack is not O. W. Ruqqi.es G .P & T. A. Cuba are almost to a man in favor of man. Along in the evening the man Men’s B Calf, congress, lace and button, sented it to the editor of the Mirror, alleged to be the noted old Mrs.Bender paid for be careful where you wear it. for $1.25, §1,50 aiul §1.75. annexation to the United States, but with therequestthathe carry it, which and Kate Bender, were released today appeared and was at once taken into Marvelous Endurance. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. Men’s F. Calf, congress, lace and button, on habeas corpus proceedings brought custody. On searching him a ladies’ for §2,00, §2.50, §3.00, §8.50. the “classes,” the aristocratic and he has done ever since. The vast amount of labor performed First publication April 17,1890. wealthy descendants of the Castilisns, by their attorney. They introduced gold Watch was found concealed on his TATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Berrien—ss. Men’s Dongolia, congress, lace and but the aflidavits of the matron o f the by the heart in keeping all portions of S Ia the matter of the estate of Stella J. Smith, ton, for §2,50, §3.00, §3.50. Can they make money at are in favor of home ruin A t r a m p printer by the name of person. The fellow would say nothing the boby supplied with blood is not Eugene E. Smith and Hattie Smith, minors. Men’s Kangaroo, congress, lace and but­ Michigan penal institute showing that Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of an present prices ? Lewis took revenge for being discharg­ Mrs.- Griffith was confined there for concerning himself, but the officers' are generally known.' It beats 100,000 order granted to the undersigned Newton -E, ton, for $3.50, §4.00, §5.00, hand sewed. Samuel J. Randall, a democratic ed from the Hastings Democrat, by manslaughter at the time the Bender confident that they have got one of a times, and forces the blood at the rate Smith, Guardian of the estate of said minors, by Large line of Boys’ and Youths’ Shoes. of 16S miles a day, which is 2,000,000,- the Hon. Judge o f Probate for the County of Ber­ Men’s Brogans and Plow Shoes for §1.00, YES! representative in congress from a entering that office Thursdaynight and crimes were committed. Affidavits bad gang that has been working in rien, on the 24th day of March, A. D. 1890, there were also introduced proving an alibi 000 times and 5,150,SS0 in a life time. Will be sold at public vendne, to the highest bid­ §1.25, §1.50, HOW? strongly republican district in Pennsyl­ dumping all the type that was .set for Middleville for a long time. No wonder there are so many H ear t der, at the front steps of the Court House,lit the for the daughter. County Attorney County o f Berrien, in said State, on Friday the By keeping the soil rich. vania, continuously since 1S63, died in the paper and several cases besides Morrison introduced testimony of a F ailures. The first symptoms are thirtieth day of May, A. 1). 1890, at eleven Come and see us. We are gi ving away ■Washington Sunday morning, aged 62 upon the floor and then pouring a keg Mr. Stewart, who swore positively shortness of breath when exercising, o’clock in the forenoon of that day, (subject to all an Oil Painting 22x36 with a 4}

rnma or tue present, and recalling xhe record foonis, aud a reauing room witiiaccOtajnnaa-v A superb typo of womanhood is Mrs. Ge­ THE LAST OF A GREAT GROUP. of the: centuries since they lived and loved tions for a library of 5,000 volumes. Thethird’ 4 T H B .. THE JUBILEE OF 10YE . nevieve Morgan Mulligan. One hesitates and suffered, the immortal dead can afford floor contains the ladies’ parlor, six class where to fix his admiration in her case, his Statesman Gladstone and His Flans for a to pass all things by with a smile tolerantyet rooms, a hall for tho literary society of tho allegiance compelled equally by her beauty, Perfect library. Monument to Gen. Grant protesting, for their fate was only that o f all association,, and a promenade corridor 16 feet A NOVEL CELEBRATION TO BEGIN her intellectuality and that subtle charm of M r; Gladstone, the; noted English states­ -J k l U D - who rendered Florence illustrious—living she Dr.Talmage says: manner that subjugates even apart from the man, is the last of a group Of great men in MAY t AT THE CITY OF FLORENCE. persecuted them, in the grave she1 honored To the innumerable readers of THE LADIES’ other attributes. She is a poet, on artist, a whose hands for years rested the fate of Eu­ them as little less than gods. HOME JOURNAL 1 send greeting. There arc philosopher, and yet womanly past question, rope. Disraeli, is dead, Gortschakoff is no F r e d C. Dayton. many things to be said and said right away. It W ill Commemorate tUe Unhappy At* with a tender, fascinating womanliness. more, and Andrassyhas also joined the silent With the utmost freedom I shall say them. Throughout the state and in metropolitan majority, while Bismarck has ceased to shape Please to gather under the light of my evening tacjhmeut of Dante and, Beatrice,, and TH E COMPOSER SAINT-SAENS. lamp, and let us look over nil the matters per­ society everywhere Mrs. Mulligan has queen­ a nation’s policy; but the “grand old m an," W ill Bo Keplete -with Features of an taining to your prosperity and happiness. You Can Subscribe to Both at Once. ed it royally, and yetis nowhere more irre­ Do Is Fee Insane; Folthor IXus He Been T. DeWITT TALMAGE, Extremoly Interesting Character. sistible than When in a poem of a tea gown Assassinated^ she dispenses tea a la Russe in her genuine “M ay God take me to himself, after I have M . S ain t-S aen s h a s b een d iscovered. H o is Word-pictures of striking beauty HOW IS THIS? YOU ASK. Samovar to the friends who love to flock written o f Beatrice such things as were never tho celebrated composer, whoso latest work, about her in her picturesque home near Lex­ as drawn by the famous Preacher WE WILL EXPLAIN. y e t w ritten , o f w om a n .” “ Ascanio," is how the talk and admiration of ington. There is something almost infantile Six centuries ago this year Baute uttered in his new department—• music loving Paris. Soon after the first pub­ in the rounded fairness of her face and the that passionate cry of love and anguish. H e lic representation of tho opera Saint-Saens The Weekly Mail and Express has agreed with soft abandonment of ripply hair that makes “ " — ■ was then at the beginning of his wonderful disappeared, and the rumor spread abroad Under My Study Lamp the Grant Monument Association that the entire her infinitely lovable. She is the wife of revenue of the paper from yearly subscriptions of that the composer, always erratic, had lost Judge James H . Mulligan, a prominent law­ two dollars each will be tamed over to riicFnxn h is m in d an d been In the APRIL for the erection of a Nauoxai. Moxdsient to yer and statesman, and a near relative of p la ce d in a lu n atic General Ulysses S- Grant at Bivcreide Bark, New John Morgan, the noted Kentucky cavalry York City. In other -words, if you send Two asylum. Investiga­ leader. Dollars to the Weekly H ail and Extkess yon tion showed th is Miss Rosalie Stewart has hod a clean “ walk will receive the paper for ayoar, and yonr money story to bo untrue, will be p a id over to the Gkaxi Monument Fund. over’’ to her position as a belle. She num­ You will thus receive a full equivalent for yonr and another one,, bers victims at her chariot wheels by the H o m e money in a first-class weekly newspaper and at cquallysensational, score, and the fame of her young beauty is the same time yon will be helping to forward a was started to the noble and worthy cause. The Weekly Mail and widespread. Her father is Dr, J. Q. A. THE Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. effect that he had Express has further evidenced its earnestness and Stewart, a distinguished physician aud super­ wide by 30 long. On the fourth floor are ad­ sincerity in this work by subscribing TEN been made away intendent of the Feeble Minded institute of THOUSAND DOLLARS to the Monument Fund. .with by relatives, ditional class rooms, committee and Other The following letters are self-explanatory: the state. There is a certain dash and “chic” office rooms, a students’ room and the Camera jwho desired to en- LETTER rjlOlIEX-GOYERXOn COItNELL. about her beauty, and especially is she fair club quarters. I ® ; ter into the enjoy- New Y oke, N ov, 28,188B. to see when garbed in the quaint empire The last named is an entirely new feature f j f i r ment of his fortune. gowns she much affects—her Greek profile in Proprietor of the H ail and Expbess: H is absence fur­ iu Y . M. C. A , building, and the Cincinnati It gives me pleasure to assure yon that tbe mem­ strong relief and her violet eyes upturned. association is the first in tho country to pro­ bers o f the Grant Monument Association appre­ nished the French ciate, approve and accept your generous offer to Mrs. May Viley Jones is that most danger­ vide a special department tor amateur photo­ Topics discussed by the great Preacher in this issue are: M. SAtXT-SAEXS capital with ample ous thing, a lovely widow. Y et, as beautiful aid, through the medium o f the Weekly Mail and gossip and. food for graphers. Three rooms, eacli 16x24 feet, Express, in the erection of the erand memorial at May Viley, of "Woodford county, this dainty have been assigned to the Camera club. They WISE WORDS TO MOTHERS,- Riverside Park in honor of the illustrious soldier surmises during a fortnight. Then it devel­ bit of femininity began her career of con­ and patriot, Ulysses S. Grant. . ore on the north side of the budding, and pro­ SGI GLADSTONE IN HIS LIBRARY. oped that he had quietly taken advantage of quest. W hile Ho more than a schoolgirl she THE CHILD OF A MODERN ROCKER. Alonzo B. Cornell, his “inalienable rights to life, ifjerty and the vided with fine gallery skylights. Each room as his admirers love to call him, still remains Chairman Executive Committee o f the Grant married J. Lawrence Jones, commonwealth’s will have n. complete dark room attached, and t h e c r a d l e o f m y b o y h o o d Monument Association. . pursuit of happiness" to retire to a small attorney ill the Lexington district, who died active, interesting and picturesque. Al­ ^ J . Austrian village, where; he could carry on his there are in all twenty-six feet of light space though over SO years of age be continues to LETTER IflOlX MBS. GRANT. some years ago. Her second matrimonial for finishing pictures. Every facility and en­ MOTHER’S FACE AT THE CRADLE. DANTE. musical work uninterrupted and undisturbed. venture was with R . B McFeiran, a wealthy undertake and accomplish anam ountof work New Y o r k . Nov. 88,1839. The rumor that Saint-Saens liau. gone crazy couragement possible is extended to the great which would break down many a younger EGGS of OUR W ORLDLY SUCCESS or FAILURE. The arrangemems made between the Weekly career, in the flower of his young manhood, Louisvillian, from whom she obtained a di- Mail ana Express ana the Grant Monument Asso­ seems particularly absurd in view of the fol­ army of amateurs, whom the inauguration of man. His latest literary offering is an arti­ a noble of Florence, the author of “ Vita ciation meets my hearty approval. The offer of lowing letter, written by lnni recently to bis this novel feature will attract Above this cle in The Nineteenth Century on “Books, and Felicia H olt contributes a good article entitled tae IVeOK/y Hail and Express is patriotic, and Nuova,” the favorite of the people. Y et all friend, Gallet, the libr-^tist of “Ascanio,” floor, in the attic, are the laundry rooms and the best way of housing them.” The shelves, Should it ue responded to promptly by tlie citi­ seem ed d u st an d ashes, a n d he asked fo r d eath zens ol America the monument will speedily he from Dieppe,, a French seaside resort: janitor's quarters. lie says, must he fixed ; the cases, or a large “CONFIDENTIAL W ITH FATHERS.” 'ff —death that should follow quickly upon the bunt; at the very site snaaested by my husband, “I see very, very pretty American women Below the mam floor is the mezzanine or part of them, should have their sides against ana selected by me as me last resting place o f his completion of the last task that devotion and On the sands. I can foresee the day when half floor, containing the locker boxes for the the wall; and thus, projecting into the room For Girls of fair complexion, brunettes and blondes, a ^ precious remains, the spot wnere 1 hope my re­ genius could perform in honor of the hopeless there will be no pretty women in the world members who use the gymnasium. There are for a convenient distance, they should he mains win no ucsidclue. and wnere oiu children loved one untimely called from eanb. striking article by Ruth Ashmore, describing the most watt; \vi,n aiu saying, -aiere uni;/ {/hall be his. except in America. One understands why 1,000 of these boxes. On this floor, aiso,is the twice the depth needed for a single lino of B eatrice w a s d ea d . tomb.'"- Julia Dent Grant. these people have no need o f art.” visitors’ gallery of the gymnasium and the hooks, and should hold two lines, one facing becoming and inexpensive Spring Suits and Gowns, In. that brief sentence is sounded the key ANOTHER LETTER PROSt GOV. CORNELL. And one can also understand that a man bio)’cle storage room, with sixty stalls for the each way, as shown in the diagram. note of the great Florentine’s anguish and Grant Monument Association, capable o f displaying such excellent common rolling steeds. The entrance to tills depart­ ambition. Beatrice Portiuari had been the On the News Stands io cents a copy. fjr N e w Y ork, Dec. 18,188!). sense in his utterances need never fear incar­ ment is directly from Seventh street, and the Dear Sir—It gives me prol'Onnd satisfaction to love of his youth and the star of his adora­ ceration in a lunatic asylum for cause. quarters are 32x34 feet. ‘ Below this is the acknowledge receipt of yonr esteemed fnvor ot this date inclosing check from the AYeckly Mail and tion during manhood's earlier years. She semi-basement. Here is the gymnasium The L a d i e s ’ H o m e J o u r n a l is the handsomest periodical was a star indeed to the gifted Italian, for ho Express for ten thousand dollars, paauble to proper, 44 feet wide by feet long. The the order of the Grant Monument Associytion, as w orsh iped h e r a fa r , an d sh e becam e th e w ife BLUE^RASOiAUTIES. ceiling is 22 feet high. Thisroom is to befit­ jin tlie world for ladies and the family. It has a circulation yP a contribution toward the erection o f the Grant of another, This he could endure, but in the ted up with the latest improved and most ap­ j of nearly half a million copies among the best people. pT- memorial at tho Riverside Park, in the city of sudden, announcement of her demise lay tor­ New York. DAISY FITZHUGH'S GLOWING DE­ proved appliances for physical culture, in­ Such a contribution coming at this time, is ture. Ho mote might the gallant hut re­ cluding a running track of thirty laps to the As an experiment, and to introduce the J o u r n a l into \K doubly valuable. It will Stimulate tlie renewed spectful admirer view from a distance the SCRIPTION OF THEIR CHARMS. mile. This floor also contains a howling alley efforts recently entered npon to complete the fund j your family, itis offered on trial from now to July ist, \K necessary to construct what we confidently be­ queenly form of his ideal woman as she 50 feet long; a lavatory anti bathrooms, occu­ HOW TO HOUSE BOOKS. sought the solace of priestly counsel in the lieve will he the ^grandest personal memorial in pying a space 20x50 feet; aswimming tank, Twelve inches is a fair depth for two rows i 8go, on receipt of only 25 cts. Silver or Stamps. IK Christendom, faithfully and cordially yours, vast and superb cathedral of Santa M aria del Women Who Are of Lovely Presence and MISS ROSALIE STEWART. 15x50 feet. The remainder of this basement, Of octavos. The projections should each have Alonzo B. Cornell Flore, or strayed in meditative mood along Aristocratic Descent—Portraits and Fen Chairman Executive committee. voice after a brief, unhappy marital experi­ 25x50 feet, is devoted to engine and boiler attached to them an end piece, that is, a shal­ the wooded banks of the broad and placid To Col. Elliott F. Shepard. Sketches of Graceful Matrons and Maid­ ence. She is a “miracle of loveliness, all rcoms. elevator machinery, etc. low and extremely light adhering bookcase, CURTIS PUBLISHING CO., P hiladelphia , P a . j g Amo. Yet solace came with sorrow. Be­ e n s P a ir to S ee. graced, summed up and closed in little.” She The present hope of the management of the which both increases the accommodation and Will yon not help in this work by subscribing at fore Ins distracted mental gaze there rose the least Tivo Dollars to the Grant- Monument Fund? is not tall, and her figure is of a rounded association is to have ‘ he building ready for presents a face of books. The wall spaces vision, white and pure and beautiful, of her to slenderness. Her face is tinted like a bit of occupancy by the arrival of cold weather. between the projections ought also to bo whom ho had rendered homage. Freed from THE GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Dresdou china, with a fluff of brown gold G e o . S . M c D o w e l l . turned to account for shallow bookcases so earthly dross and human weakness, she seem­ The weekly issne of the Mail and Express is not hail- about it. She delights in filling her lux­ far as they are not occupied by windows. ed to beckon her lover to the lofty heights of a mere re hash o f the daily of the same name, the urious Blue Grass home with gay company, By the adoption of his plan M r. Gladstone endeavor and endurance, and from that vis­ THE TELEGRAPH OF TODAY. 2 5 ITZE-A-IRa matter thrown together without regard to the among whom she herself is the animating says a room 40x20, with bookcases nine feet order or sequence o f things; it is a live, independ­ ion rose the aspiration so gloriously to bo ful­ Spirit. .The Recent Fast Semiia— Tournament and high, will accommodate 20,000 volumes. The ent, fearless, progressive journal, with an individ, fille d . ualtty anda being o f its own. It is skilifnliy and One of the greatest toasts and beauties the the Olliers to Follow. portrait of the ex-premier, given herewith, Dante did write of Beatrice “such things as carefully edited with a view of makingit jnst what state has ever known is Miss Maggie B , Clay, shows him as he appears at the present time, it claims to be. were never yet written o f woman.’* The pur- Telegraphy is a different thing today Horn of Bourbon county. Wherever she may be, what it was a little more than fifty years ago seated in his library and enjoying the • com­ THE MODEL HOME HEWSPAPER. on promenade, iu church, in ball room or op­ when Professor Morse flashed that first mes­ panionship of liis silent friends the hooks. This extensive experience with, thousands o f SUBSCRIPTION RATES. era box, eyes turn to her and linger, under sage over the wires — “What hath God the subt le magnetism of her beauty. patients enables me to cure every curable ease. One Copy, one year...... S2 00 wrought?” The expert of half a Century ‘The Growth of the Odd Fellows. Those afflicted with diseases of the Lungs, Throat, One Copy, six months...... 1 00 To doubt her fairness were to want an eye; back would find tho “ plug” of the present Daily, per year...... O Oo The Independent Order of Odd Fellows is Heart. Liver. Kidneys, Neryes. Brain, or suffering To doubt her pureness were to want a heart far his superior. In fact, tlie old timer would REMITTANCES should he made hy Express now over three score and ten years of age. from Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Debility, Youthiul And those who know her best say that the hardly bo more- at lionm in a modern tele- money order, Post-office order, registered letter or pureness aud sweetness of her character, un­ On Jan. 1-, 1SS9, it contained 053,787 mem­ Indiscretions, Cancers, Old Sores, Tnmors, Fils, bank draff, payable lo the order o f the Mail and & bers, while Manchester Unity could muster any Chronic Ailment, are invited to call and ex­ Express. When thus made they will he at our tainted through the adulation of a lifetime, risk. is the crowning glory to her charm. She has 088,492, making a total of 1,341.279. amine my'record o f cases cmiED, when hope of LIBERAL cash commissions given to agents held queenly sway in the state’s gay capital Men often build better than they know, cure has been abandoned. Candid in my exam­ formaking..up Clubs Special circulars to agents and among those whose deeds live after them inations, reasonable in my charges, and never stating commission sent on application. in Louisville and at many fashionable re­ SPECIMEN COPIES FREE. Address all sorts, and has said “Nay, nay! ’ to as long a in grateful memory must be included Thomas encourage without a surety of success, letters THE WEEKLY MAIL AND EXPRESS, train of sighing swains as ever maiden lured W ildey, founder of Kaymoxd, Feb. 28, lSSS. £3 Park Row, N ew York City. to desperation. Exdaimcd the other day a the order of Odd D r. JP. S . B rew er;—I received your last box of stranger in Paris, as he caught a glimpse of Follow s in the medicine all right. I think I am much better MRS. J. G. HUBBELL. Miss Clav from a car window: “Tell me United States. An Than I was a week ago, I commenced to gain ’SHA D ILAN D ,” H er ’prentice ban’ Englishman by strength as soon as I got the chills and fever brok­ The most Extensive She tried on man. birth, 'he emigrated en up. I don’ t have those nervous spells any Purr B red And then she made the lassies 01 to America in 1817, more. I don’ t cough and raise as much as I did sings Bobby Burns of Madam Nature. He when 34 years of what I do raise looks pretty had, hut no blood, LIVE STOCK doubtless would have said more specifically age. April 26,1819, OLD AND NEW TIME INSTRUMENTS. H F just clear corruption. I have not vomited up my Establishment had his information ranged so far: The upper smaller figures represent the present he and four others I: food for about a week. My victuals begin to taste in the W orld, She made the Blue Grass lassies 0 1 key and sounder; the large figure the old Morse organized W a s li- ?/ natural. I have a splendid appetite. N e w importations Beautiful women are a staple of Kentucky. receiver. ington lodge No. 1 constantly arriving; BEATMCS.’ Mas. A. S’. Berdan, Raymond, Dak. unequalled c o lla c ­ One takes it as a foregone conclusion, and graph office than would a taker of daguerreo­ at Baltimore. It pose abode with him. through decades of ex­ tions; superior qual­ feels an aggrieved surprise at any deviation types in a photograph gallery. Methods, sys­ was given to Mr. ify ; choicest breed­ ile, of persecution, of wanderings, and from, D R. F. B. BREW ER, from the generally accepted law—fine women, tems, routine—all have changed marvelously Wildey to see the in g; opportunity of comparing different breeds. the glorious pinnacle of achievement he was fine horses, fine whisky, a traditional Ken­ seed he had sown Th o m a s w i l d e y . 'YS--’, '' 135 Chicago A v e ., E v a n s t o n , L et, enabled to look down upon a world that in fifty years. Breeders anil Importers of tucky trinity, even though the linking of the W hatthenextlialf century of progress will spring up into a mighty tree, for ho did not hailed him master of love’s loftiest imagery Will be at Niles, Mich, Bond House, on Tuesday, the 27th of May. Clydesdales, Standard Bred Trotters, three may be all hut a profanation! do for telegraphy no one can tell. Itm ayrele- d ie u n til 1SG1. Y e t . since th e d a te o f h is de­ and language. Y et to ward the end he wore Percherons. Carriage Horses, Y et the focusing of all these goodly things gate it to the pigeon holefor hack number in­ cease the order has gone on with greater French. Drafts, Saddle Horses, the scars of conflict, and of him in his old age is found best in one wide, fertile spot—the ventions, of it may simplify the art so that strides than ever before iu its history, and English Shires, Welsh Ponies, it is sung: Belgian Drafts, Iceland Ponies, Blue Grass region. So, at any rate, her peo­ any child who can read and write may send the meeting of the sovereign grand lodge, to No dream his life was, but a fight; Suffolks, * Shetland Ponies, ple think. An unhandsome Blue Grass wom­ his own messages to the most distant climes. take place in Topeka, Ivan., Sept. 15 next, Could any Beatrice see French Coachers, Holstein-Fricsian an is a n a n om aly. But, at the moment, just after the dose of will have many matters of importance to Cleveland Bays, Cattle, A lover iu th a t anchorite? Hackneys, Devon Cattle, Last autumn, when a golden glory was the New York city fast sending tournament, consider and legislate upon. T o th at cold Ghibeline's gloom y sight t y t j k l L t Al so , D ealers j x R e a l E state. over all the landscape and the perennial verd­ and with other contests arranged for early Manchester Unity, referred to above, is "Who could have guessed the visions came m N o other Establishment in the World O f beauty, veiled with heavenly light, ure of the fields was intensified by a brilliant dates at Now Orleans and in Canada, one not somewhat older than the independent order, offers sucli Ailvantag s to the UNACQUAINTED WITH THE GEOGRAPHY OP THE COUNTRY, W ILL OBTAIN Iu circles o f eternal Sam e? sprinkling of shed leaves, delegates from the an expert is slightly puzzled to surmise along that has grown so powerful in the United P u rc h a s e r. Pan-American congress visited Lexington, MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF A . banished man, without a country, Dante MRS. M AY VILEY JONES. w hat Iines fnrther improvement can be made. States since the days of W ildey. A t London, Prices low. Terms easy. Visitors welcome. The New York tourney displayed in use the in the Eighteenth, century, several societies Correspondence Solicited. Circulars free. died in IS21 at Bavenna, and on the monu­ quickly, who is that beautiful woman?” On POWELL BROTHERS, of mechanics and laborers, calling themselves ment above his grave was placed an inscrip­ being told he fell hack in his seat and ex­ finest appliances of tho day, with the best Springboro, Cresvford Co., Pa. “Ancient and Honorable Loyal Odd Fellows,” tion written by himself: claimed, with fervent emphasis: “Her face men and women operators of the east manip­ reorganized as the “ Union Order of Odd Fel­ The rights of Monarchy, the Heavens, the stream is simply heavenly 1’’ ulating the instruments. The dash and ex­ lows.” A schism arose in 1S13 by reason of of Fire, the Pit, The contrast between the rose leaf fairness actness with which they rattled off tho test attempts to abolish the convivial feature of In vision seen, Isangasfaras to theFatesseeraed of her face and her eyes, which have caught messages was equaled only by the accuracy fit; the meetings, and then was formed the widely the starry black of midnight, gives a rare and legibility with which M r. Taltavall, the But since m y soul, an alien here, hath flown to influential body now known as Manchester type to her loveliness. The whiteness of her receiver, “ took” them. Both the senders and nohlerwars, receiver made records which it will be the U n ity . And, happier now, hath gone to seek its Maker, brow is intensified by the dusky, soft hair honorable ambition of those who engage in But it is to America thatmostforeignlands ’ m id the stars, above it, while the irregularity of nose and Here am I, Dante, shut, exiled from the ancestral month is just enough to lend the ensemble the future contests elsewhere to equal, and, look for charters and authority, and the or­ shore, that touch that beauty needs—to win. if possible, surpass. But they will have to do ganizations now existing in Germany, Switz­ erland, Australia, South America and the Whom Florence, the of alt least loving mother, M is Rnth Stanton has that indefinable pos­ phenomenal work if they get ahead of the Hawaiian Islands acknowledge the supremacy bore. session, ‘Te beaute du diable.” The youth, record made by the first prize man, B. R. of the Grand lodge of the United States. Now, precisely six centuries after the cul­ the freshness and the gay spontaneity of her Pollock, Jr., of Hartford, Conn. mination of Dante's private woes and the nature lead her a charm as great as that she O f his second and winning trial a specta­ beginning of his public greatness, the city of owes to gray bine eyes, ripe lips, a healthy tor wrote: “ He nodded to the timer, and his A Demand lor Female Tribunals. band began to flutter like tlie wing of a fly. his birth, that cast him out when alive, and English glow anil a nose “ tip tilted like a Cross saddle riding already has a rival in a vainly begged his ashes through the years flower.” She is one of the six handsome Its motion was so rapid that its outlines be­ new agitation for the extension of woman’s came indistinct. Tiny blue sparks flew from daughters—and a favorite one—of Maj. H. liberty in an entirely different direction. A T Stanton, the “ poet laureate of Kentucky the point of contact between the key and. the county court judge recently decided “ that the THE WORLD’S BEST circuit. The rattle of the sounders became the author of, the immortal poem, ‘‘The fact of three lady’s tailor made dresses being Moneyless Man.” scores of other rhythmic almost as one unbroken sound. The city an inch or so uneven in the seams was a m at­ operators watched the countryman's quiver­ l i Bolton S t'S O Shoe lo s s HEY ROBINSON. efforts and several excellent novels, besides ter of no consequence,” and that $2 was a suf­ being identified as editor for many years, un­ ing hand with envy. The audience burst into ficient allowance for alterations. Now there Has no equal for Style, PitandWear. Positively the Blue Grass capital. M aj. H. C. McDowell, the best, shoe in America lo r the money* Bo not b6 til its discontinuance, with The Kentucky cheers when the judges announced that Pol­ whose home is old historic Ashland, just out­ is a demand for female tribunals before which deceived.______Seastamp______on bottom______of each_hoe.Take sho Yeoman, the Democratic organ of the capi­ lock had sent 260 words in five minutes.” no other- Every pair warranted. Stylish and ride the city, and whoso wife is the grand­ disputes of - this nature m ay he settled intelli­ eanalto any S o shoe in the market. Por sale Dj daughter of the immortal Henry Clay, ten­ ta l. gently and satisfactorily. THE CHISAGO, ROCK ISLBHD & PACIFIC RAILWAY, T ie most superb physique in Lexington be­ How a Lawyer Cleared His Client. For Sale by J. K. WOODS. dered the distinguished guests magnificent The recent death at San Diego, Cal., of Including- main lines, branches and extensions East and W est of tbe southern hospitality. longs to Miss Lucy Lee H ill. She is a verita- THE OLD BAND. Missouri Kiver. The Direct Route t o and from Chicago, Joliet, Ottawa, fae Kentucky thoroughbred, with grace and Col. John Van Arman, a noted criminal law­ To give the Blue Grass welcome a more Peoria, La Salle, Moline, Hock Island, in ILLINOIS—Davenport, Muscatine, yer of Chicago, brings to mind a sensational Ottumwa, Oskadoosa, Des Moines,Winterset, Audubon,Harlan, and Council characteristic coloring, and to grant the for­ It's mighty good to git hack to the old townshore, scenedn a court room of which ha was the cen-' Considerin’ I’ve b’en away twenty year and more, Bluffs, in IOWA—Minneapolis and St. Paul, in MINNESOTA—Watertown eigners as comprehensive an idea as possible tral figure some years ago. A prisoner he de­ Bence I moved then to Kansas of course 1 see a of the glories of the delectable section of —— ------.«,------— i— ,—,— ------~ i __.i -H o r to n ,T o p 6 H & i fended was charged with killing several peo- change, Hutchinson, W icbita, Belleville, Abilene, Caldwell, in w a n s a s —P o n d country, a sisterhood of local beauties was "plo by means of poisoned biscuits. Some A-comin’ back and notice things that’s new to me Creek, Kingfisher, Fort Reno, in the INDIAN TERRITORY—and Colorado bidden to grace the scene. The Pan-Ameri­ of tho biscuits and cakes supposed to contain and strange, Springs, Denver, Pueblo, in COnOEADO. FREE Reclining Chair Cars to cans to a man surrendered with a fervor and Especially at evenin’, when yer nCw hand fellers deadly ingredients were offered by the state dispatch that would have taken the breath meet in evidence after expert witnesses had sworn vast areas of rich farming and grazing lands, affording the best facilities away from any but a bevy of Kentucky girls In fancy uniforms and all, and play out on the that they contained poison. During M r. Van Of intercommunication to all towns and cities east and west, northwest inured to conquest. One delegate who could street— and southwest of Chicago, and Pacific and transoceanic Seaports. Arman’s speech to the jury oh. behalf of his * * * What’s come of old Bill Lindsay and the not talk English, but whose enthusiasm chafed client, to demonstrate as practically as possi­ Sax-horn fellers—say? i to find an outlet, consoled himself with gestic­ IVSAGIWGENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS ,TRAINS, ble the truth of his assertion that the food I want to hear the old band play. ulations, and the one utterance suitableto the was harmless, he picked up anil devoured occasion at his command—“Mammoth cave What’s come of Eastman and Nat Snow, and FITS!When I say Core 1 3 o not mean merely to three or four of the biscuits; The audience stop them for a time, and then have them xe« —beautiful women l” . where’s War Barnett at? Des M oines, Council Biuffs, and Omaha, w ith Free Reclining Chair Car to looked on in horror, but the lawyer kept And Nate and Bony Meek, Bill Hart, Sam Kicli’son turn again. 1 MEAN A RADICAL CURE. THE CAMPANILE. 'Amidst the fairest women of the state, Mrs. North Platte, Neb., and between Chicago and Colorado Springs, Denver, X have made the disease of talking, and when he sat down an hour later and that and Pueblo, via St. Joseph, or Kansas City and Topeka. Splendid Dining j , G. Hubbell, not unsuggestive of Troy’s succeeding from Ravenna, is engaged in pre­ seemed as well as before he made his novel dir brother of him played the dram as twicet as Hotels (furnishing meals at seasonable hours) w est of Missouri River. Helen, stands out,, like her, “a daughter of PITS, EBZEEPfinro* paring for a novel commemoration, of her luncheon. The prisoner wosacquitted. big as Jim? California Excursions daily, with CHOICE OF ROUTES to and from Salt Lake, Ogden, Portland, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. The DIRECT great poet’s unfortunate attachment. Mod­ the; gods, divinely tall, and most divinely And old Hi Kerns, tho carpenter—say, what’s be­ F A ixraG sidnsrEs-s* fair." She is imperial witii the physique of a come of him? LINE to and from Pike’s Peakj, Manitou, Carden of the Gods, the Sanitari­ ern times have seen nothing like the coming Two Noted Women at Odds. ums, aud Scenic Grandeurs of Colorado. A life-long study. I w arran t m y remedy te celebration. divinity and the rieh coloring of a Greuze. I make no doubt yer new band now’s a compe- Cure the worst eases. Because others have Now it is said that Mrs. Kendal, the Eng­ It is called a ‘love jubilee, and will be an Her complexion; m tint and texture is like tenter hand, VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE failed is noreasonfornotnowreceivingaeure. lish actress, and Adelina Patti, the opera Send atonfce fo r a treatise and a Fr e e B ottle animated page from the chronicles of Boc­ the heart of a rose, while her sumptuous hair, And plays their music more by note than what ringer, are on bad terms. A t any rate they they play by hand, Solid Express Trains daily between Cbicag of my I nfallible R em edy. Give Express caccio and the bright legends of the trouba­ when unbound, fails about her in a veritable with THRQUGH Reclining Chair Cars C~ SUSS MAGGIE CLAY. are using harsh talk about each other while And stylisher and grander times; hut somehow— and Post Office. It costs yoa nothing for a d ou rs. Kansas City. Through Chair Car and £ . ______. . trial, and it Will cure yon. Address Vigor in every pose and the prettiest little foot in America, as witness the following: Says anyway and Sioux Falls, via Hock Island. The Favorite Line to Pipestone, W ater- Imagine the glad City of Flowers,, divided I want to hear tbe old band play. H .C . R O O lr.K !.© ., 183P£ABLSr,fi0*Yoa8 in the world! Her dancing is the poetry of Patti: “Mrs. Kendal makes a trade mark of town, Sioux Falls, and the Summer Resorts aud Hunting and Fishing by the Arno and shadowed by the Apen­ motion, and her conversation has the charm­ G rounds o f th e N orth w est. her goodness, and is singularly without wo­ Sich times os “John Brown’s Body’’ and “ Sweet THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities to ing brightness and vivacity of the typical nines, given over to the joyous abandon of manly charity.” Replies the latter: “I wish Alice,” don’t you know? travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St. southern girl. Her costumes are “chic” and that it was in the power of Mine, Patti to And “ The Camels is A-comin’,” and “John Ander­ Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth; Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. the moment; her stately dames and dark stunning, generally conceived in her own ver­ make a trade mark of her goodness. W hat son, Hy Jo;” For Tickets,' ' ' Maps, " Folders, " or desired - • - informatid- - '' a,- apply to any Ticket eyed maidens in the costumes of the days of satile bram, and admired and copied ad in­ Office in the United States or Canada, or address has.Mine. Patti or Mme. Snooks or any one And adozent others of ’em—“ Number Nine” and the Medici, escorted by gallants in trunk hose finitum. She has been a reigning; belle in “Number’Leven” H u m p h r e y s with dagger in belt and sword at side; a court Washington, Louisville, Nashville, Okl Point, else got to do with m y being a good woman?” Was favorites that fairly made a feller dream o’ E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Baltimore, and holds her own magnificently Dr. HuMrnnEVB’ SrEcmcs are scientifically and of love sitting at the Politeamb; nightly heaven. General M anager. - CHICAGO, ILL.. Gen’I Ticket & Rosa Agent carefully prepared prescriptions; nsed lor many w h erev er she m a y chance t o b e . tableaux vivants reproducing the principal A Suggestion to Camera Clubs. And when the boys ’u’d saranade, I’ve laid so still - - ’ ...... ’ — icttcowitli...... — D a i s y F it z h u g i i. In England amateur photography is being scenes o f the “V ita Nnova,” and in the TTfBzi inbed VIHATiS GOING ON O n e o f t h c , palace an exhibition, o f the great works of put to a novel hut excellent use. The various I’ve even heerd the locus’ blossoms droppin’ on rORUANY, ISEJSXXel-j These Specifics cure without drugging, purg­ _ csc o p es i n ing or reducing the system,end arc in tact and CINCINNATI Y. M. C. A. camera clubs of tho kingdom are engaged in tlie shed, the world’s greatest women. It may indeed When “Lily Dale” er“ Hazel Dell” bad sobbed and : the world. C deed the sovereign rem edies ofMiekVorld. be called “a grand demonstration in honor making photographic surveys of their dis­ ‘ uncqnakd, and to Introdaceour died away— _ superior goods vre will Be&dFT.EE LIST of rumen-AL NOS. cubes. trices. o f the tender passion.” New Building to lie Erected This Slimmer tricts. Succeeding generations, therefore, toOKE PERSON in each locality, I want to hear the old band play. asabove^ Only those who write 1 F ev ers, Congestion, inflammation... .2 5 The “ court of love” will he modeled on the at a Cost of @100,000. w ill be able to see what England looked like 2 W orm s, Worm Fever, Worm Colic.. 2 ~ 5- If Yin Have to us at once can make sure of 3 Crying C o lic, otTcething of Infants .2 5 plan which obtained when good K ing Rene The plans for the new Y . M. C. A . building in theNineteenth century. Theidca does not The new band maybe beats it, but tbe old band’s tho chimce.’Allyouhavetodoin whatlsaid— - Tctumisto show our goods to 4 itim-Then, of Children or Adults.,.. .2 5 reigned in Provence and the troubadours of the Cincinnati association have been com­ seem a bad one for adoption in America. O Q ^SW im ri 1P M OR DGLD thosewho call—your neighbors 5 D ysentery, GripiugIBilloii.s Colic__ .2 5 It alius ipeared to kind o’ chord with somepin’ in EYE, , and those around you. Thebe- ii C h olera M o rb u s, Vomiting,.,...... , 2 5 flourished beneath his gentle rale. Ladies, pleted by the architect, and os soon as the my head; BR©£2CMSTIS [ThroatAfiectica glntiiBg o f this advertisement 9 Coughs, Cold. Bronchitis...... 2 5 The recent labor conference at Berlin had AYEMOR0 ehowstho small endof thetele- 8 N cnralgia, Toothache.Faceache__ .2 5 noted for both beanty and intellect, w ill sit 1 ” specifications are drawn contracts will be let?. And, wliilso I’m no musicianer, when my blame MRS. GENEVIEVE MORGAN MU LUG AN. •cope. Tho following cut gives the appearance of itrcduced to !> H e a d a c h e s , SiclcHeadache, Vertigo .2 5 in judgment on the literary productions of The present quarters are at Sixth and' Elm among its attendants one day the ex-chancel­ eyes is jes SCROFULA 1W tist'iiiS' ofHe± 1 0 Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach...... those who record in prose or verse their golden shower. The contour of her face is- streets, lint this property will be sold. The’ lor of Germany. Tlie aged statesman had no Nigh drowned out,5imd mem’ty squares her jaws 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods. m Or any Disease where the Throat rttulJjitnfjs a Wfifttes, "too ivofuse - -Periods.. - praises o f honorable affection—love, friend­ slightly Romanesque. Another charm be­ new building will stand on the northwest cou­ sympathy with the affair, but visited the and sort o’ says”" 1 3 Croup, Cough, Difficulthrenihlng.,.. arc Xnflmneil, Lade ofSiren gift or Rvtw niout the fifflelhpart oCitsbulkJt i s . CTnayaouWosimtoU m ship and chivalry- To those whose efforts longing to her is a rich mezzo-soprano voice. rier of Seventh and Walnut streets, two meeting simply as a matter of duty. His Sho won’t ner never will fergit, I want te jes turn 1 1 g a it liU ouin, Erysipelas, Eruptions. .2 5 2*010tr, yon can be velltveil and Cured by scone,as large as Is easy to carry. We willalsosbow>ouhowyon 15 Rheum atism , Rheumatic Fains.... .2 5 are deemed the most worthy, floral crowns Both as Miss Laura Davidson and since her squares from the government building. - The 'actions were characteristic: He entered ab- - in canmake from S 3 t o S l O a day et least, from tho s tart,with­ 1 6 F e v e r ancl A g u e . Chilis,M alaria.... .5 0 marriageshe has been one of the most beau­ rhptly, gruffly said, “I am Bismarck,” looked And take and light right out o’ here and git back out experience. Better write at once. We Payall express charges 1 7 P iles, Bllndor Bleeding---- ...... 5 0 , , and the honor of first choosing partners for old dwelling houses that occupied the site Address, H.HALLETT & CQ„ B o xSSO.T outland, lU lRE 1 0 C a ta rrh , Influenza, Coldintheiiead- - 5 0 ’ tiful and popular society women in central on awhile and then retired to some more con­ westag’in— . ' the closing ball and banquet will be accorded. have been removed to make way for the new And stay there, when. I-git there, where I never 2 0 W h oopin g C ough, Violent Coughs. .5 0 K e n tu ck y . genial place. 2 4 GeneralDebilitytPhyslealWeakness .5 0 The tableaux vivants are to be on a scale structure* which will front 100 feet on W al­ haf to say— " SCOTT'S 27 Kidney Disease ------.5 0 worthy the theme, the time and the city. Her face it was the fairest nut street with a depth of 73>£ feet on Sev­ I want to hear tbe old band play. ; 28 Nervous D ebility ...... 1 . 0 0 That e’er the sun shone on. The German emperor-has taken a hand at 3 0 U rin a ry W ea k n ess, Wetting Bed. ..50 Mediaeval chronicles .have been ransacked for enth. Its cost will be $100,000, of which §70,- —James Whitcomb Riley in The Century. ■? 32 Diseases o f theHeart,Palpltatlonl»00 the purpose of securing absolute accuracy in One; m ight venture to say all this, and more 000 has already been pledged. It is expected the regulation of duelling in tho army. Here­ the matters of costuming, scenery and sur­ if possible, of Miss Lily Robinson and yet that with the money realized from the sale of after, before swords are drawn, the offender Haw’s This? E M U L S i Q M Sold by Druggists; or sent postpaid on receipt OF of price. DR. Humphreys’ Manual, (Ml pages) roundings. In the exhibition of wometfs scarcely be voted hyperbolical, since few love­ the present property and additional subscrip­ and the offended must get the sanction of two offer Oner Hundred .Dollars* re­ richly bound in cloth and gold, mailed free. work the choicest gems, that Europe can fur­ lier faces could be fancied than her own. She tions in sight, the association will move into colonels. In all save extreme cases the father ward for any ease that cannot be cured F u el COD LIWSR OiL- Humphreys’ 3IedicineCo.109FultnnSt.NY. nish are to be included. is the granddaughter of Governor Robinson* the new building free of -debt. In the accom­ of a fam ily will not be allowed to fight. Prac­ by taking H all’s Catarrh Cure. Altogether it w ill be a great and notable one of the old granite pillars of .the common* plishment of this improvement in life the tically duelling will be permitted only where F. J. CIIEHEY & CO., Proprietor, W ith HyDopliospbites, SPECIFICS. event, but if, in the mysterious beyond, it is wealth, and a daughter of Gen. James F< association is mainly indebted tOi the ener­ personal violence, without subsequent apol­ Robinson. Her father Was brigadier general Toledo. O. ■ - - PAL AT A BLE- AS H! ILK. : permitted to retain some measure of earthly getic: work of Secretary George T. Howser, ogy, is proved, or in case of an insult offered Ask fo r Scotl’n iZintdsion. azid let no cx-. in the late war; and has always been promt*' to a lad y. We, tbe undersigned, have known F . feeling, thejm ited spirits of Hants and Be­ who went to Cincinnati Tive years ago from .planation, o»* solicitation iinjace yous to nently identified with the history of the state. J,’ Cheney for the last 15 years, and be­ atrice must lo o k down upon the fair Valley Chicago, where he is also well known for ac­ ucceftt a substitute...... ESTABLISHED 1883. and. fairer town with something of cynicism H e is the most conspicuous turfman in Keni- tivity in Y . M. C. A . labors. . ' The Voracious Black Bass. lieve him perfectly honorable in all Sold l»j all D ruggists. a n d rep roach . tucky, being president of the Kentucky asso-, Tho new building will be built of stone and The project of introducing the American business transactions, ‘and financially There, as of yore, towers the Campanile, ciation. He was also predecessor of the late pressed brick, with dressed-stone finish. The black bass into British waters is again bring able to carry out any obligations made S C O T T & BGF/XE,CiVanals ts j H.Y*- NfW HOMf SEWING MACHINE ft ORANGE- MASS'- 'W illiam Cassias Goodloe as internal revenue by tlieir firm. ’ essfegt -NEW- and humbly near its bam still spreads the flat entrance from W alnut street is IS feet wide mooted.. The only drawback seems to- be 28 UNION SQUARE,NY. jJJiHFnjjj gravestone on which the great poet rested in collector of the Seventh district. His daugh* and leadsby granite steps to the main floor, what the English papers term the “ Yankee West & Truay, Wholesale Druggists; VfilS^lLL- ^ =,-y\TLANTA.e«-is-5.cAL.^ ter is a rich “ brune’* beauty—a “nut- browrfj upon which is the secretary’s room, on assem­ voracity” of the boss, who, on taking up new Toledo. Ohio. ‘ st.l o u is . m o . g g a K g g g g d a i. u v s .t e x , thetuno'noWso gray and old and gone to . FOK THE BEST watch, the Woman he loved sweep by with m aid," with delicately chiseled features an® bly hall, 45x07 feet, with seating accom­ quarters, at once proceeds to exterminate tho Walding.Einnan &Marvin, Wholesaler her attendants toward the cathedral door. dusky hair, that clusters about her brow and* modation for 500 in the auditorium and 250 older residents and make the stream wholly - ‘ Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. WALLACE RILEY, Agent. temples and the nape of the shapely neck in. AMEBIC ANFILE CO. There laughs the Arno in itseternal’youth of in the gallery; a lecture- room, 25x33 feet; h is ow n. ■E* H._Van Hoesen, Cashier ‘Toledo Ha- strength and power, and there swarm the tenderest lovelocks. ' In her manner lurks a a reception hall, lGxSS feet, and associa­ - The largest fortune ever accumulated in . . tional Hank, Toledo,- Ohio. ■ JOB PRINTING, PAWTUCKET, R . I. people gay and laughing and impetuous as sort of coquettish defiance, which adds a- tion offices, toilet rooms, coat rooms, etc. one of the learned profesrions is said to be Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter­ THE YANKEE BLADE were their far off ancestors, who a t the dusk piqnancy to her riante loveliness and make3 The second Boor, from, which entrance is had thatyhf Sir W illiam Gull, the noted English nally, acting directly upon the blood Mono of the Oldest and Best and thoCbeapesi hajled Dante friend'and ntthedawn thrust her as witching a maid as was evsr man’s un- to the gallery of the assembly hall, contains CALL AT THE' {Feebly Family Story" Paper In -America. physician who died recently. Sir William SS.riF cpnttnns o f -fascinating stories every week PATENT PROCESS FILES I I RASPS hint from the gate. Viewing -thus the p*Po- I d o i n g ,______...... members’ parlors, general hall, recreation | and mucous surfaces of the system. left behind linn £344,000, and-the entire sum Price, f 2.00 a year. O n o y e a r o n t r ia l to n ew I Price, 15c per Jjottle. Sold by, all Drug­ ®•UOO*. Scnd BtampTor sample whs earned in the active practice of medicine; gists. RECORD OFFICE. Ropy. . Potter * potter. Publisher*, 89 Hawley fit. CAPACITY 1,200 DOZES (ER DAY, _____ - v T . . , ------