Portland Daily Press: April 18,1866

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Portland Daily Press: April 18,1866 Maine State Library Digital Maine Portland Daily Press, 1866 Portland Daily Press 4-18-1866 Portland Daily Press: April 18,1866 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalmaine.com/pdp_1866 Recommended Citation "Portland Daily Press: April 18,1866" (1866). Portland Daily Press, 1866. 90. https://digitalmaine.com/pdp_1866/90 This Text is brought to you for free and open access by the Portland Daily Press at Digital Maine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Portland Daily Press, 1866 by an authorized administrator of Digital Maine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. PORTLAND DAILY """* 1 !-■■■■ — "" — PRESS. ■ ■ ■ ■ « I—■■ " —I———I——. sMoMisuea J«,u> 33, inn-:. v«i. s. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY APRIL ■■ 1866. Term, — 1 ’ . : ..... MORNING, taeff —L--J1LJ! — 18, -1 I, per jjjii _ annum, in advance. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS is published every day, (Sunday excepted,)at 82 Exchange Street, Business Cards. Business Notices. N. A. Miscellaneous, For Portland, Foster, Proprietor. Sale and to Let. For Sale and to Let. Terms : —Eight Dollars a year in advance. Miscellaneous. AUG. F. YORK, D issolution. s T E A.: m THE MAINE STATE PRESS, is published at the daily same at Choice Oil for Sale. HOUSE TO place every Thursday morning $2.U0 a year, Merchant Tailor, Lands LET! press, in invariably advance. 104 MIDDLE PORTLAND. heretofore between the LARGE brick within five minutes PORTLAND. ST., copartnership existing REFINED subscribers offer lor sole five thousand acres House, walk EASTMAN BROTHERS isthis'lar dissolved mutual con- SOAPS! of the of the Post four lam now prepared to exhibit my entire Spring and THEundersigned by A Office, containing parlors, three Have received an entire new lot of Rates of Advertising.—One inch ol in of said rooms, juvt space, Summer Importations of Fine Woolens; also several sent, The bushiest partnership will be Bet- Bitting dining room, eight chamber* with ward length ol column, constitute a “square.” tied the two at the old stand. Best Oil Lands in robe and stables lor two lilies of choice American Fancy Goods, made ex- by junior partners Canada West, closets, large garden, horues, Wednesday Morning, 1866. *1.50 per square daily first week; 75 cents per THE©. C. located in a section ol April 18, pressly for Merchant Tailors* use. HKBSEY, Situated in Botbwell and respectable the city upon a *•»-.-- tveek alter; three insertions, or less, continu- JON. II. 7.1'AT HI: amted vicinity, Wide street. $1.00; Cutting attended to. FLETOHEIt, GORE, maps, of our lands lor sale or to w»Jl The lease is for three years, at compar- Rich Dress Goods! ing other day after first 50 cents. personally aplG—d6m be sent lease, low Th* every week, FRANKLIN FOX. any address on ol two dollars, atively rent, and is now bringing to the present daily uw of lAt Pnti >1 bug,, i*,. three or solicit the receipt showing Halt square, insertions less, 75 cents; one 1866. attention of the trade and the situation ol our lessee a net rent To April 2, lands. &c. profit of $1*2.83 monthly. any totf circalahoa all tko othir daitit, ,a week, $1.00; 50 cents per week alter. A. C. DENISON & WOULDconsumers to their Standard Brands of one of M, CO., Parties wishing to buy lands to stock desiriug such for a boarding house or private res- Under head of per will Companies DeLaines and “Amusements,” $2.00 square ^th be liberally dealt with. idence the good will for above term wul be sold. week; three insertions or STEAM REPINED Ginghams, Trrmg — per less, $1.50. Copartnership. SOAPS, For further particulars and circular address, with None need apply except respectable Ad- $3,00 per year In adranrr. “Si'Ecial $1.25 first inser- dress parties. Flue, Medium end Notices,” per square Manufacturers, The undersigned have this day formed a partner- stamp enclosed to pay return postage, lock box 1521 Post Office, Me. Heavy Brows and Bleached tion, and 25 ct*. per square for each in- Paper -viz:- Portland^ subsequent under the name of ELLIS & d3t* hall a first 15 cts. ship ANDREWS, CO., B” Head inn Matter on ail Four Pane*. sertion; square, $1.00 insertion, Office 151 Commercial EXTRA, Box 143 Canada »P17_ _ each insertion. Street, BothweU, West. subsequent FLETCHER & FAMILY, Office in Exchange mh7dtf Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State CO., Building. COTTONS 1 UP The Naval Station. Press” (which has a large circulation in every par- STAIRS. Andwill continue the same business heretofore car- NO. I, House Lot for Sale. Proposed ol' the for for first insertion* aplB tf ried on FLETCHER & at No. House for Sale. LINEN DAMASK Slate) $1.00 per square by HERSEY, CO., OLEINE, and The of ia a and 50 cents for each inser- 159 Commercial St. TTie and*halfHouse 97 city Philadelphia making vigor- per square subsequent story No. Clark St. to tion. JON. H. CHEMICAL OLIVE, wllh over 2500 a license from the Judge of Pro IIONNELL & FLETCHER, feet of land. PURSUANTIhe TABLE ous effort to secure the establishment of a JOB exe- GREELY, FRANKLIN of undersigned offer for sale a lot of land COVERS—Every PRINTING, of every description, FOX. CRANE’S PATENT, M Enquire G. W. WOODMAN, aount 48 Variety. leet, fronting on the side ol Shui- naval a dock and a fresh cuted with dispatch; and all business pertaining to April 2, 1866. apl4d3w Middie St northerly a a*w un or station, Including dry the Commission SODA, AND AMERICAN. CASTILE, fli.r31-d3w_56 -1 ** — **> OtHce or Paper promptly transacted on applica- Merchants, sZXSSnhSlrjit water basin for Ironclads, at League island— tion as above. And Wholesale Dealers in Ali of SUPERIOR in WOOLEN 000D8, for Wear. QUALITIES, packages suita- FOB SALE Spring a Dissolution of ble f r the trade JO"Ph point on the Delaware river about six miles Copartnership. and lamily use. 1ST THE UPPER UU.IUTIFUI. aTTLia Groceries, Flour. Pork. Lard, Fish, Ac., direct our PART OP THE CITT, bZXSZS&Z Importing chemicals, and using only the SARAH from Chestnut In the The I KABLE first T/x„, BLANCHARD. street, city proper. No, 62 Commercial Street, firm of STEELE & HAYES is dissolved by best materials, and as our goods are manufactured elans brick House, replete American Print*, to to 26 Cent*. Business Cards. rpUE under ihe AL)KSwith all the modern has BLANCHARD, Guardian. has ME. X mutual consent; either ol the subscribers and personal supervision of our senior partner, improvements; been city bought the at a cost of PORTLAND, who bunt but a low and is April 17—d3w^^*^ White ALL WOOL FLANNEL SS rente. island, $300,- the firm of HAYES & DOUGLASS are authorized has had thirty practical in the years, in all respect.a very de- years experience sirable A few more at those 000, to J. B. DONNELL, (apl4d&wtf) JUSTUS GREELY. business, we therefore assure hoiiau in a first rate location. aU Untn Arm* ShemU lor intending give It to the General Gov- to settle the business of the late firm. the public with con- 1.40. A. N. NOYES & dencc that we can and will Possession may be bad about tbe flint of June SON, EDEN STEELE, furnish the next. For Sale. ernment, as an inducement to locate a For terms, &t\, apply to A complete and g neral aeeortment of HOUSE- great JED WARD M. PATTEN & THOMAS R. HAYES. KEEPING CO., Best Goods at A two UOOlM) at the lowest market prinet. naval station, with its No. 36 Exchange Street, April 11,1866. the Lowest Prices! JOHN C. PROCTER, Im atory Home and Lot on Casoo Street. Industries and expendi- “d 101 on 129 April 5,1806.—dtf .. Alder St. Middle Street. tures, there. There are Commission Merchants Having recently enlarged and erected NEW Lime Street Enquire at 111 ho5*e some disadvantages PORTLAND MAINE, The subscribers have formed a un- Exchange St.apl7dti copartnership WORKS, containg all the modem wo fcl4dtl EASTMAN BROTHERS. about the not —AND— der tlie name and of HAYES & DOUG- Improvement#, location, least the that Manufacturers of and Dealers in style are enabled to ftirolth a of of fact, and will continue the nod supply Soap* the Lease & Fixtures For Sale. Island is LASS, Crockery Beat to the for Sale League two feet and be- at the old stand oi Qualiiica, adapted demand, for Ex- four-tenths AUCTIONEERS, Glass Ware Haziness, and Domestic —OF. THE- hast long. Winches in with IMPORTANT DECISION!It Steele & Hayes. port Cousompiioa. two diameter, low high water mark. The cost of 18 EXCHANGE STREET. ABOILKR18flues, with front and grain bars. dredging FURNACES, RANGES, THOMAS R. HAYES, IRA Augusta, .House. WIXS, Anal, channels and lifting the island out of water is Office and Parlor Cash advances on consignments. Sales promptly ROBERT DOUGLASS. LEA THE <g GORE’S No. 11 Union Street, Portland Mo. Civil Bill Constitutional!! Cooking, Storei, settled. April 11, 1866.—dtf Mar 36—eodffw. Rights estimated at $900,000. And WORKERS OS' HEAVY IRON. EDWARD M. PATTEN. STEPHEN W. PATTEN. The undersigned being compelled (on ac- Now if League island is really the best and oouut ol ill to Hotel Valuable Mill For Sale. Portland. April 9,18(56. Notice. STEAM REFINED SOAPS I health) relinquish burf- Property station on the Atlantic Copartnership ness, offers for Bale the lea e cheapest coast, PUMPS, LEAD SHEET and BOLD BT ALL THE I and a portion interest in a Saw Mill PRICES nobody PIPE, LEAD, Jof the liXiures ol and Store. Will bo Bold GREATLY REDUCED I all kinds of Tin, Copper and Sheet eaid house. A*at agreat can reasonably object to its occupation the CHAU.
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