PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, ous touching the resources of the coun try. They made no allowance lor the eflec MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. O T JOHN T.QIIiMAN, Editor* E LS. produced by tbo incessant progress ol ever' _H MISCELLANEOUS?" published at No. 1LICIJ ANCE BIKE* I, by and BROCKS!EPER’S PATENT 62* experimental science, tbe incessant el" PAPER BOX MANUFACTORY. HKADLEV, MOl'LTON k ROGERS forts of man to on In life. MOUNT ZIRCON N • A. FOSTER A CO. every get Thu. "lIUUsE • saw that the debt Gas Wholuali Dkalkrb m AT TUB THE yrew, and foraot that oth Regulator! J. J3. DAILY Ihi Portland Daily PRaesispablishedatfS.OO er things grew as well as the debt. Libby, PRESS, Anaajr for the tale of the Roe- MANUFACTURER OF Calibrat'd Mt. Zircon Mineral Sprnet per year. I^XCI.UblVEulator in I’ortland No. 102 Inutile turret, Flour, Grain and 6 three cent^. up Provisions, -Milton Plantation, He., CALORIC POWER hinifle copies .txirs. Edwar.i Shaw Sole This now 88 Agent article Paper Boxes, Commercial atreet, Thcmaa Block, la 1*hk M ai m k .StiTi Pkkshis published every Thure* The for f.vor will tave now opened to tbe ted no Organ of the British on Captain public So percent, to the consum- Ol every description, such as public, pain ei2.0ti annum, in advance; 92.26 Navy BOBRRT will be tot. s day raoru.:;g,at per er o.er any gas burner now In use: 24,000 hate been BRALKT, ) .pared uuii to meet the wain if within -ix months; and be Semmes. Shoe Boxes, Jeadrv Boxes, Druggist Boxes, e.«. and render paid 92.60,if payment told in New England since January las This is not MO0LTVK, PORTLAND, ME. plea,aut and Interesting to the Collar Boxes. Shelf Boxes, CoDcbological Boxes, A. G. ROGBUB. j of delayed beyond year. a regulator to he affixed to the ) stay gueata. And also aa usual, 1 alt JOB PRINTING The following letter and editorial comment meter, all euch have PowderBoxes, Card Cases, Boxes, 4c. j OFFICE, fatted, but is attached Cigar 1_(hoard cheaper than other summe r immediately under eacbburu _ maySdtf any Kateaof are and er and is a 144 House iu New taBglaud. Advertising: taken from the Nautical Magazine tip, part of, and an ornament to, the gas Middle St., (Up Stairs) Portland, Me. fixture ittelf. t he For case* of Dyspepsia, Kidney Grai One inch ol apace in of column, constitute# of the ldritisli particular ahilenest and tteadi- Juneld3m Complaint, length Naval Chronicle, the organ ness oi the el, Stone in th« Bladder, and other* I a ‘'SyllARS." light produced —because of the exact W. W. CARR & rimila-, wai N. A. CO., rant a oure tbe use of tbe water, FOSTER & The aud remarks foi proper combustion—astonishes all who have seen open and tor a Business taken the Fruit Store by splendid sees ; (JO., •1.60 square daily flrpt week; 76 cents per week uavy. questions speak Day Evening, Thorough Haring formerly occupied t and rides. At the per it, while of the Education. Located ery short dbtanoe of four mile I • • alter: three insertions or less, 91.00; eve* thepositirefact ohtaluieg imprornl IS 1$5(). continuing themselves. show what is thought by Dana & Co. can be seen Hum ford Fabs, he in New other alter drat 60 They expense neeri only be inreatigated <*. SAWYER. largest Lni tj day week, cents. it"Wf,**‘reduced land. Horae* and oflicers 01 the action o tlu» office to ensure the confidence of the most Hanson Middle No. 161. Carriage* to let. Good Trou i Half square, three insoriions or loss 76 one houorable British Block, St., Proprietors, oecte; skeptical. The is a Vo. 9 fibbing in stream* and ponds A new road wa week, 91.00; 60 cents per week after. regilator perfect ‘tell tale” on Exchange Semmes aud ol those who the exact amount Scholarships good in of the United States Fish and (Street, built to the House last Jure, the arrest Under head of Ampsimksts, ¥2.00 Captain supporl of gas ui'ed N o pressure attain* d any part Salt, making ensl per square per the Gas ,no Principal has had 20 years is always Are prepared to offer to the trade a and well er than to any other Mountain House coacl w»*ok throe insertions or by Company affects it in experience; large Daily ; Pox leM, *1,60. him: disadvantageously on the aud attends to his and Brv ant's Block, 821-2 the h ast; lias all recomim ud it because spot, business; prom- *elooted «tock of S°® Pood station of the Grand Truni Exchange St., HrhoiiL Notice*, 91.76 first week, Companies as per square believe our aiic ! gives entire satisfaction to ises, during the past 12 years, uo pains shall be i LutherDan., ) Portland, Kailway to tbe House, Sl,uu per square alter; three *1 “We could scarcely ears, consumers, hence their iu*.rtkns or 26; in __ l'ost less, number of consumers are tho ftoture. Five hundred references of Woodbury Dana. Office address, Mt Zircon, Me. half a three can believe our when wi increased Retail price •pared J and Fruit! square, insertions, 91.00; one w.ek, hardly yet eyes, the tirst class busiues* men, with others of this John A. S. Dana ) Foreign Domestic D w PORTLAND, WE. SOceutseach. Tne article will be adjusted for con many MdillC. 7> ABBOTT, Proprietor. •1.26. learned that a natal was with a will testify to the Mt. P officer busy sumacs but a few moments city, practical utility, capacious- Juneldtf WbolMBie md Kutaii Zircon, July ». 18M. Advertisement* inserted in tho Mains Statu immediately (requiring __ J>90d6w. list which the name of a aud if uot suited will ness and completeness of my systems and manner PnuaH < which has a subscription (to time) bo taken off free of ex- large circulation in every part of of teaching, aud citizens of other cities have testified S.race dm, L.»bi.i the for 50 ceuta British Admiral was affixed, with his own] pense. •T. Smitli cto State, per square*in addition to the to the same. Diplomas will be awarded for thor- Oo., ••rmoua, C.uar, Serd, CbbIIm, Nea-Nidc Sbcvi for ecch insertion. lor others for the of EDWARD House, Attention i* Invited rates, cauvassiug purpose pre- SHAW, ough courses. Able Assistants secured. Bartlett’s MANUFACTUBKRSOF Mur., Dmin reepeahu, to oar unrivalled Legal Noticx* Syrap, Honey, at ssuai rates. senting a sword to Captain (semmes. There it l(f2 Miildle Street, vp stain. Plan, the founder of Commercial Colleges, strictly Coc.u Mat* FI.., IMKPSWELL NECK, facllltiee for executinf in Transient ad v-rtieeAent# must be forin ad* paid no for taste or of We Lave this Edward Shaw adhered to as regards not Certain times Uitr.a, Mat* all kind.. vaace accounting obliquity vision day appointed sole copying. Leather Card Dale., CA8C vender aud tor I'atent will be devotod to Commercial Law elucidations.— Belting, BAY. Bijsins#-* and here are some the answers ol agent Brocksieper’s Regula- Clothing. Oll.e., Raida., Tebscca, 0_ THE Nones*, in reading oolumns. 12 cent# questions, Come all who have a business BEST STYLE OF THE tor in Portland: all orders lor the goods must be failed to be taught Loob Sai-dlae., elegant »ud AMT, per line lor one insertion. No lose than fifty which will serve to the in a fait aud I Bolt Leather Bid, ud Sides, Cl.are. 7hif commodious Ho- charge place subject made him. hand-writing will guarantee to you success. Strip,, Fancy Candle, ef all tel, situated on cento lor eaoh insertion. through dcerl.tlaa. tbe ol But let uot the officer of volunteers HULL & Applications solicited for Accountants. Separate in extremity light GOODELL. LEATHEU octsdtr Harpsweil Keck, about half a min Erory description of CF^Ailoonununications intended for the struction given. Students can enter time. TP'UJilXOS, fc-, be ow paper suppose that such a measure was that of the any Sep- the well-known Mansion should be directed to the Kdit >r JV«**,f* and Below we certificates ot the arate rooms for Ladies. Tuition reasonable. Intri- Hanaon’s 144 qftke give high estimation Bloch, Middle 8t.. Portland, “»»»• just been completed afte, these of a busine** character to the I'ullitkert. royal navy. of the in other where it is cate accounts adjusted. Ladies and Gentlemen that the Ol u M Regulator places now in Or at the Uea.gu, 11akdi.no, Arehitect and ‘Carlisle. use: desire to take or a or a course. Card Clothing Lewiston. IRA under his UF'Jub Printing ot every executed lessons, full, separate Manufactory, superintendence, and will be BOOK AND JOB description in either H. SI. WINN, Agent, open for PRINTING. wiindisyatoh. “‘Sir:—I see by the Morning Host that Dover. July 18,1861. | Book-Keeping. Navigation. Commercial Brxwxk, (jnld3m, D F. Novae company Messrs. Hull Law, Civil En- No. 11 certain officers of her If Ooodell:—The Directors of the j Phonography, Higher Mathematics, Union °" »ft»r Msjesty’s navy propose Dove*- Gas gineering, Native Business St., the. rasrlk ef Light Corny any, after a full and thorough Surveying, Writing. 1> to July. to present a sword to Captain Semmes, in Commercial Arithmetic. Card JOU% T. KOUEltNA prepared ftiroUh The Mouse la the largest e«;ab examination aud test of "Brocksieper Gas Regula- Correspondence, tO.' i.hment, construct- Oar of the one to the. ac- have ordered Marking, (and teaching trcm and y of » ■« Eetabluhment U Aimisbed with place which, according tor,” me to purchase one hundred printed copies forJ!,,e l“rl>0*> ttutkl. any Wat- ♦hr ^in Morning, August 15, 1864. Text Books will Oomraiseion Merchants, STEAK e?ioXPuf*ering I lace on the coast Monday count of one ofdiis he threw into the dollars ,worlh of the same, which I have this I be avoided please call, or address ENGINES and BOILERS, of Maine. It tesituated in proved oflicers, day the AND WHOLMALH I'SALRRS IN the oentie ol a dense done, and hav.-* also received for said the Principal. R. N. BROWN. grove ol old trees, with ave- sea that it not become the of bis company of rariou. aiiea and patters*, nues aod vistas might trophy exclusive for raid in and for tne Portland. Oct.2.1868. oc29 eodAeowly opening to the waters ofth, agency goods city of but a few Bar victor. Dover. Yours, Provisions & yards distant on either side. MODERN MACH I The Public Debt of truly, Flour, Groceries, Stan Pipe ini futira, lilt (taris?. Nearly NEB Y, England. “As a volunteer officer, desirous of JONAS D. Shftiu, PiUejkh. surrounded by the *ea. and ftbundantly being TOWNSEND, 126 No. 01 Commercial instructed in the code of aud Dover Gas Lt. Co. Exchange Street. 126 Street, ■*" » *P»ctous and haau- honor, looking bup. Light Uoubk Work of all and tiral verandah, ,h,e And oar collection BY descriptions, all extending over three hundred and of T. B. MACULAY. to the naval service as kinds of work in test on respectfully perhaps Certificate from the fitter of C Baa. PORTLAND. ME. required building thirty three sides of the building, with wWe gas the Mills, etc., at Tt" Bogeni. } FORTiriCATlGVe. and the highest authority on the subject, 1 would Mass. M. taoronghly ren.ilnted hid., and corridors in the Lowell, Hugh 3?hinney, so _ juntldSm interior, that visitors can enjoy the most com Die e Book, and like to ask one or two questions: 1. Had Lowbll, Mass IronStair* and other ** On the 15th of December, 1692, the House July 11.1864. inform his frinds and former customers Architectural Work. protection from tbe nummor beat. Fancy Types after surrendered Messrs. H*ll k Hood ell:—An of Common, resolved itself iolh a Captain Semmes, having experience of many WOULDthat he has taken the Store No. 126 The steamboat wharl aud boat # Committee in the Exchange ~\V hole and Houses, Stores, and other fitted landings are on the his to throw liis sword into years gas fitting business has often suggested Street, when* he intends to on the sale, Retail. buildings, with bal (be Will boar Ihvorable of aud Means. was ship, any right carry Gas aud Steam in the best KMlidt, s,ep, from the Mouse. comparison with Ut eatnhllek Way. It proposed to to me the value of an manner. Atnnle J theses? Of it is a great improvement whereby facilities are at haud for ana meet in the raise course very unpleasant the of Stove mid Furnace Business, boating li.hing On the city ±11,000,000 by way of loan; the proposi- pressure gas might be regulated at the join* ** * Sn* for a man to his but is of In connection with the above is an iron *r,Tel •’•ech. where the luxury of tion was thing give up sword; consumption. Mauy and fruitless attempts have In all its branches. S of all of the L. Foundry, can approved. COVES, kinds, DAVIS, with a ai.-ortment of sea-baihing at all time, of or is it a of tIre of lionor from time to time been made to at newest and most large Patterns, to which the beeujoj.d the tide Such was the of it, not, part etiquette place regulators approved patterns, At a short dmanoe on the origin that debt which the meter. has shown attention ol Machinist:,, northeast, across aa arm tiiat ho should do so? If it (heu 1 would Experience that all such at- Millwright*.and Ship-Build- of the sea is Orr'a has since become the Ire, have ers is invited-and all kinds ot Island, celebrated Mrs Beech- greatest prodigy that tempts proved failures 1 have also seen and Bookseller, Stationer, Castings furnished er s by Business and submit to these gallant officers that it is to Furnaces and at short notice. 8towe well known novel. Professional ever the and couiouuded used in mv bu-iness nearly all the so-called improve- Ranges, AND MAMUFACTUBXU OF The Cards, perplexed sagacity 8>a side Mouse is accessible land the of Captain Winslow that the sword should be ments in burners, wherein that which vom have ac- Tin and Hollow jy Orders lor Machine Patterns by from pride statesmen aud philosophers. At Ware. Jobbing, and Brunswick, hfteeu miles distant, one ol |Of every variety, aad 2. When a man surrenders Iris complished has been attempted, but always failed. verging*, promptly executed. by tbe Asset rtyie coot, in the of presented. KF*Second hand Stoves or taken in ex- Premium Account ocfidtf every stage giowth that debt, it has After a careful examination and a thorough test of bought, Paged Books. ;u<‘ br d*‘ly steamboat from does he not surrender himself for new. tr,VA:ln.,.fcKeSU,.e'I oitluod the been wise that ship, witb.it? Gas are change through inside pstissti^ ^ amou? th«“• seriously asserted, by men, your Regulators—which attached immedi- PAPER HANGINGS. it)and. of the “BO“* PRINTED AT SHORTEST And has he a right, after having done so, to ately uuder each burner as a of the fixture— Stoves, Ranges. Iukxacss. and Tin War* s i v « E Biy. NOTICE. bankruptcy aud ruin were at hand. Yet still part gas No. 33 R’S from the make his own ? l am convinced that a repaired at short notice, In a faithful manner. Exchange Street, Portland, Me. coming Kennebec and other the debt weut on escape fully your improvement is de- nu>hArof Hitbt growing, aud still bankrupt- cided parts interior, can lease the railroad at Brnna- “I ask a third Does the sueoess, the light is improved in brightness and juneldtl and might question: Grateful __ wick, proceod bv to cy and ruin were as remote as ever. Wbeu m i*s sa* for former patrouage, he hopes strict SEWING stage Uarpawell, or ooutin- of taken from illuminating power, while the expense ed to by MACHINES! possession sixty chronometers, the consumer is full attention to business, anil fair to receive a CHAS. J the great contest with Louis XXV. was ter- 30 per cent The combustion is dealing, SCHUMACHER^ dowu and'back defenceless merchant ships, constitute a naval hence the must be as a generous share of public favor. Bill-Heads Rated minated by the peace of Utrecht, the Naliou perfeet, improvement adopted WOODMAN, TUVB * twhieVday** aad Cat la the Neat- hero ? I trust that these gallant matter of economy, as well as the luxury of a good may 23d tf CO., T. owed about aud that debt was uow-a-days Fresco and Banner JOBS 8MITB, $50,000,000; officers will in their till and steady light. I cheerfully recommend it to the Painter, jy4tf Proprietor. est Manner. considered not the pause designs they AGENTS, merely by rude multitude, trade and to all consumers of gas No. l t*t Micidle have answered all these satisfacto- Street, Nok. .... not merely by fox-hunting squires and coffee- questions Yours, Ac., H. R. BARKER. ALDRICHS PATENT >4 Bad 44 Middle btre.l. rily. I am. &e., jy28 dtf Gas Fitter, 8 Central Street. PORTLAND, MR. BRADLEY'S house oratois, but by acute and profound W Needles and HOTEL, “‘An Officer ok Voi.vntkkrs.’” ater Elevator ! I3T* Work executed in every part of the State. Trimmings always oifcaad. thinkers, a. au incumberance which would r mehlltf the Never- The Celebrated Indian Doctor, combining more good and lets bad juneltf American and BLANKS AND BANK permanently cripple body politic. AI*ATENqualities than any oti er fixture in use for house European Plans, CHKCK8,' theleas trade flourished, wealth increased, the FOR MATERIALS FOR THE NAVY. wells. Don’t fail to tee it before A CAttD. Of every ex seated la the you buy any pump RUFU8 Cor, of Commercial ft India Sta. deairiptlon best style. Nation became richer. Then came the war £)ROPOSALS Joseph. Saukabasm, °fn!*wer DOW*'1 u*e work* so easily that a DURHAM, be in Portland lrom thia date for two ebnd old can draw Manufacturer and of the Austrian and the debt rose Navv Dspaetmcn*. tight years’ with it. It is low Whuk-salc House is si nated succession, it DR. S. C. directly opposite Bleeai op EqripauutT and RxcacmNO, WILLweek*, lie Dow live* iu Cape Elizabeth, just priced; leaves nothing in the water to injure it; Dealer in FERNALD, be Grand Trunk to I'SO.OOU.UOO. Pamphleteers, historians and it Kanroai Depot, and head Bxilroad. and other 1864 over the Bridge, where he cau be consulted pa- does not freefte; it is It is not to >1 Boston Corporation Work, dose July ISth, by simple; likely uud Portland steamers' Wharf. with orators pronounced that now, at all events, tients. get out of order. I he bucko has no valve and B RITA'NNIA prompts see aad IdeUty. SEALED PROPOSALS to furnish materials for the Connected with this House is a Irst class the case was Vet the ol in- The following are sone of the numerous testimo- empties itself. \ ou have well all or cov- desperate. sigus Navy, for the year euding 80th June, 1864, will be re- your open —AMD— BEJiTlST, Jjstor and Dining Hali. nials o! hi* cure* ered at pleasure, and is just such a lixture as No. 17B MlUdl creasing prosperity, signs that could neither ceived at the tSurvwu of Equipment and Recruiting, simple Street. BRADLEY, Jr., a CO.. Proprietors. ItKXl'KB. 8. 1849 every man needs who values water for «Thi«-• be counterfeited nor until the thirteenth day of August next, at ten o'clock July pure family "'•"'•r.if Jr. r. H. tired POLICIES. BILLS OF concealed, ought to have To WHOM it MAY com;urn.—This will use. Plated Binancut...Dr*. Baoom and Bauua, ley. lira£.BJHrC* LADING, A. M when tile bids will be opened, without regard to cer*ify Ware, June lid 6 m TIME TABLES, aad all aorta el LEGAL satisfied obsefvant and men that a that I had a very severe attack of the Rheumatism &F*Drawer* and Town and for Portland, May Si, 1S*3. reflecting any accidental detention of mails or other cause*. County Rights Ah. 218 Fore street, Portland tf DOCUMENTS, of short sot Ms. of iu I tried various mean* to cure but it talc debt £S0,090,0U0 was less to the England The material* and articles embraced iu the classes my hip. it, by Maine. worse and worse for about three when BOYNTON A Atlantic which was governed by Pelham than a debt luuued are particularly described in the printed sched- grew months, HIGGINS, Dr. J. U. UEAI.D House, 1 applied to Dr. Joseph 6aukaba»in. one of the Pe- 13 aud 15 Warren Market, Portland. Portlaud, May 17th, 1864. maylTdtl of had been to ule, any of which will )>e furnished to such as desire SCAHBORO' £50,000,000 the England which nobscot tribe of Indian*, who cured me jyIAd3m disposed of hi* entire interest la BEACH. to offer, '-n application to the commandant# of the re- entirely hi* hmu, IU ill kilh If was Oxford. Soon war broke and in a short time, and 1 have Merer been HAVISOOOiceto Dr.S.C Itprti, rikfUtU, governed by spective yards, or to the nary agent nearest thereto, very KKRNALD.wouWohcer.uliy troubled with it since, and I feel it due to him and M G. WEBB & recoonunend him to hi* former h**® Put la forth, and, under the energetic and prodigal and those of ail the yards upon application to the Bu- CV patients and the pah. „H,lJI?.?011'l'ehl'ln‘! enlarged and up superior etyle. to the to lecommcud him as a *afe and s. KaRfALD, from long is reiiti.-d will admiui-tration of the first William the reau. lhis division into classes l«eing for the conve- community BLOOD, JJ'. eaperienoe. prepar- throughout open for tbe sea- Pitt, tfkiliful BENJAMIN SNOW. ed to insert Artificial Teeth on the• Vulcaaite *'->n on nience of dealers on each, such portiou* only will be physician. 8ucce*»or to ilaa* debt rapidly swelled to £140,000,000. As soon George Anderson, Wholesale Dealers in end ell other method* knows to the profession furnished as arc actually required for bids The com ,_ Jane as Flour, Portland. May *5.13(18 Monday, 13, 1844, Bronzed the first intoxication of was over, * Camden, August 16. 1662. t, aad Colored victory luundaut and navy agent of each tat ion will, iu addi- No. 317 Congress Street, E. Labels, This will that I was afflicted for over Portland, \. U GU.NR1SON. men of theory and men of business almost tion to the achedu e of classes at their own yards, have certify thirty \0. 81 COMMERCIAL STREET, c!0‘*,‘ with a Scrofulous Humor in and I 1)1 For that the fatal a copy of the schedule# of the other yards for examina- year* my leg Signor Anderson's Hoop Skirt Depot, trSusienTvbdtonr* Apothecaries, Merchants, aad Fancy Dealers, unanimously pronounced day to four or five siciaus and no rel ef S*tb‘^u tion only, from which it may be judged whether it will applied ph> got apU PORTLAND, MK. dtf \VOOli AM) (ot up la the beet etyle of tha an. had now arrived. The on band a isOAL really only statesman, be desirable to make for of the classes uutil 1 fell in with Joseph baukabasin, and he gave, constantly complete assort- application auy KEEPSmi nt of indeed, active or speculative, who did not of those yards. me one bottle of medicine and cured me soil has CHEAP FOR CASH ! Ocean House troubled me none since. daughter Hannah wa- & Re-Opened! share in the general delusion, was Edmund Offers must be made for the whole of the class at any My BURGESS, FOBES, CO., afflicted with a and and HOOP yard upon one of the printed schedules, or in strict con- Cough Spitting of Blood, SKIRTS, Maaii'rAOTL'KaitR or Weddintr Burke. David Hutne, undoubtedly one of of lehioh. The und*r«ignrd bavin* leftaed for O therewith, or will not be considered by taking his mediciue wa* cured. every size and made of the best materials ,m°™TAIN, hkzilton. thu ards, formity they In length, sdgae tbi® wt. * the most economists of his and warranted to luai, old company lf.hioii. lo- -j'1 'ablirlipd Wau riua place profound political computing the classes, the price stated in the column of 8YLVASUS COOMB8. give perfect satisfaction. Also on White Notes Of Inritation, baud Japan. Lead, Zinc, Paints, Johns, diamond, wlhs- MeharniDfljr •ituaunl o» (lie outer resiling Cants, Lists rutus A tronni HOUSE, PRESS provemeut increasing, accomi>auieu by guaranty, of Tartar, FOR FLAT ROOFS. cultivation marts too small for the which is hereinafter given, and a’so by a certificate signed 187 Commercial Street, Granite Block. CAMDEN. Printing Other has oat of Soper' Improved Calarta extending, AVtc and SItllt, 13 and by the collector of internal revenue for tiie district in Coffee Spice 16 Union street, for crowd of and harbors insuffi- Show Them to Their Custoners. Charles Blake. \ HLRSEY, The Engines motive power, end Is furnished with buyers sellers; which he resides that he has a license to deal in the arti- Portland, Me. Aut*nt, Subacriber* take pleeaure in an- cient to contain the artificial rivers Henry A. Joued, PORTLAND. Jau^ dtf No. njunoing -o their friendaand improred and ooetly Presses— and shippiug; cles which he proposes to furnish; or by an affidavit sign- Coffee and J Id Union Street. ail mtcreMcU Cylinder Platan— • Spices fut up'or the trade, with K. W. iu a drat cia»* from the chief inland seals of to ed hv himself and sworn to before some magistrate au- Also, any Oage. ) liuding aeu-aide Uot«l accom- the most celebrated make re. We have ia joining industry address, in all variety ot packages, and warranted m°dat joiiM.tbat their eoa- thorizad to administer such oath, that he i# a manufac- juneldtf r—— new and «p*ciou* Mo- staat use one the cheif streets better at _ of HOE’S LARGE seaports; lighted; represented. le* «i*i be op- in Juue. 11 CYLINDER turer of, or regular dealer in, the articles he offer* to sup- ALBERT WEBB * nearly contains ail the uu>d- houses better richer wares Codec roasted aud ground for the trade at CO„ PRESSES, of oF furnished; and has a snort convenience capable throwing SAOO Skssts exposed ply, license a* such manufacturer or dealer. notice. comfort!ISreDl1 and. ever> tor the & JOHN LYNCH -DIAL BBS Of- and accommodation an oae Jor sale in statelier shops; carriages rolling Those Only whose offer* may be accepted, will be noti- Clothing Goods,