Anrljratrr Lennting Ijrralh Baresd of Ctrcalattons Y
9AT,nBcrM ,i^ ..... ... iDatu4»Bt»r Ettntitts Vnrald THE WEATHER AVBBAOIl DAILY CIBCCLATION Foraoast of U. 8. Weathef Banna, bond staff, aaslatediby A. M. Tenney far the Month of Jnno, 1888 Bartforo of SprlngiSeld College, recently rC' Generally fair and oontliitied' ANUTTOWN CAMP WOODSTOCK turned from a year of study at warm tonight and Sunday, except' Geneva, Switzerland. The camp la WE GIVE 5 , 5 1 3 Iccal thunder shotvers Sunday aft Ifr. and Mri. C. F. Alexander wiU located in a community for a week's Member of the Audit ernoon. leave on Saturday for Rocheater, N. CLOSES AUGUST 9 ■stay, campera reporting each morn anrljratrr lEnnting Ijrralh Baresd of Ctrcalattons Y. to ayend the wedding of Joaeph ing at 10 o'clock and returning home Baoonda, a brother of Mra. Alex at the cIosQ of the evening program, Morninings feature craft work, in ander. Mr. Emonda la to marry TRADING (Claaolfied Advertising on Page 8.) (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTE Mtaa Margaret Embley. door games,, nature study, checker VOL. U V ., NO. 248. MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1935. Specialty Instructors in Va tournaments, etb.; afternoons are Th« J.W H ALC CO STAMPS Mr. and Mra. Scott Simon of given over to organized gamea Manchester Conn-, Henry street have returned from' rious Fields Invited to leagues, hare and hound chases, New York City, where they went to treasure h\inta and awimming and see their daughter, Mias Janet evenings feature camp fires, story SENATE ADOPTS Simon, sail on Wedneaday on the S. j Visit Camp This Month.
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