* *•-:- m* ■*., 4. w*. V ,T.- # The Republican Journal. VOLUME 92. NO. 8._BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1920. FIVE CENTS

Chums of the most public spirited citizens have ; The Valentine Costume THE CHURCHES The News of Belfast. Mrs. W. J. Bailey arrived from College offered to assist the Post when it has Party. I Tuesday, called by the funeral of her PERSONAL been definitely decided what will be done. musical entitled grandson, Harold W. Bailey. Thf bright comedy \ The Post intends to do what it can for The valentine costume party and East- First Parish (Unitarian). Minister, Rev. The Daughters of will have a at yeterans Hiram P. Farrow has been in Rock- Chums” will be presented i er sales at service at The of :Ue itself and not depend entirely upon its the Armory Tues ay after- A. E. Wilson. Preaching 10.45 rehearsal in Memorial Hall Thursday af- Daughters Veterans will hold land and the Theater on Thursday even- vicinity past week on busi- olonial j friends to furnish the money necessary noon and evening under the auspices of a. m.; church school at noon. Sermon ternoon. their meeting Wednesday evening, Feb. ness. 1 26th. Rehearsals are now the instead bruary to carry out the project. Providing the Universalist League with Mr. Charles subject, next Sunday morning: “The In- 25th, of the 18th, as the hall is *" and those who have seen i Tarratine Tribe of Red Men are giving for Arthur Id daily, voters of Maine act favorably on the $100 Bradbury assistant, were novel, pretty spirational Value of Great Lives.” All let that evening. Rondeau, local superintendent it to be the best of dances each Wednesday evening for the ! of the Saco ", production Bonus Bill at the recent special and profitable. The hall w^s unique in are cordially invited. Valley Canning Cc., has re- The caste is passed school building fund. The Dickey-Knowlton Real Estate ver given in Belfast. members of its red heart decorations relieved with turned from a visit with relatives in ■' session of tbe legislature, the have sold for 0f four women and eleven men People’s Methodist Church, Rev. Company Mrs. William H. Auburn. j the local Post have voted to subscribe, small evergreen trees and Easter lilies. As Washington’s birthday comes next chorus of over twenty-five Charles W. Martin, pastor; parsonage, Smalley her residence on the corner of the according to their ability, between 25 and The stage and curtain was an immense Sunday the public schools will observe of the is laid in No. 7 Court St.; telephone, 213.11. Sun- Peach and High streets to Clarence M. Robie Marriner has returned to Colby I he scene play 100 cent of their bonus. valentine and on the latter were the their usual next per program Monday. Knowlton. The tenants will College after a week’s vacation with his room of Tom Raymond whose words “Be Valentine.” Red hearts day morning preaching, 10.45; Sunday remain Tickets for the play may be secured of My there for the Mr. and Mrs. Fred William Luce. Mr. Luce school, 12.00 M. Evening service at 7.30. Ralph son of Mr. and present. parents, A. Marriner Ef •led by cast or of the in from three to O’Connell, only members of the of members abundance, ranging of Belmont. of the Frank D. Hazel- Prayer meeting this, Thursday, evening Mrs. Charles is critically ill Mrs. •Vljutant Legion. They are also on sale at Wm. L. eighteen inches were used on balcony, O’Connell, Albert C. Burgess has sold to the American Legion for at 7.30. with pneumonia and at a late Wed- I ,r of Luce’s music store and at the City Nat- lockers, tables and stage. report their occupants, Charles R. Coombs, Sergt-Maj. Wa ter L. Anderson, who The no fit the is given. ■ nesday there was hopes of recovery. Horace has play ional Bank. Already there is a big de- Those in charge of the tables were as Rev. William Vaughan of the East E. McDonald and Harding & been spending a furlough with rela- the big inter-collegiate tives l,-rs upon mand for seats and the committee expect follows: Fancy work, Mrs. J. G. Paul, Belfast Trinity Reformed Church, occu- The Seaside Spiritual Society will hold Rackliffe, the three brick stores on Main in Belfast, writes of his arrival at the one event of the college T. street. San to fill the Colonial Theater to its capacity Mrs. L. Shales and Mrs. A. W. Morse; pied the pulpit of theUniversalist Church a in Red Men’s hall These stores were Francisco, Calif. has meeting Friday formerly A iioh every other activity Mrs. S. A. RackJifT and Mrs. F. last for Rev. C. known as the block. on Thursday afternoon and evening, Feb. aprons, Sunday morning Geooge evening at 7.30 o’clock with Annette Allyn Mrs. A. ,dary. The success of the crew G. George Quimby has received 26th. Tickets are exchangable for re- Mixer; food, Mrs. S. G. Swift and Boorn, who was ill with the prevailing Conyers of Malden, the condition and leader- Pettingill Mass., Two blasts of the fire whistle were' news of the safe arrival at Bahia, S. A., i-on served seats Feb. M rs. H. P. BlodgeU; balloons and novel- epidemic. Mrs. Boorn was also confined Tuesday morning, 24th, j speaker and message bearer, present. at 8.30 m. of her and mi’s room Dick Morris, given p. Sunday for a chimney daughter husband, Mr. and i mate, at the box office of the Colonial. Re- ties, Mrs. Elijah Ritchie and Mrs. John to her bed, ill with the same trouble. who fire in the Thorndike residence at the Mrs. Harold H. Jr. ved by Mr. Herbert Light afternoon F. Chapman. Considering the weather The A. T. W. H. Club gave a pretty Hollingshead, member the matinee Thursday corner of and Cross streets. lie a success. Mr. Light has season and valentine party to the Spring The big at admission price—no reserved seats. and there was a large attendance The First Baptist Church, Rev* George enjoyable Miss Louise Hazeltine, who left here oc- department responded but there en seen on several public and sales. C. Sabbath services of piano pupils of Mrs. C. E. Read in the quickly some time has arrived at good Sauer, pastor. was ago, Tsingtao, and has won Universalist vestry last very slight damage reported. Belfast many At 8 80 p. m. there was scarcely a va- worship 10.45 and 7.30. Bible school at Friday evening. China, and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ii will be pleased and interest- A SECOND LETTER Endeavor at 6.30. Games were played and refreshments OPEN cant seat in the hall and the floor was 12 o’clock. Christian Owing to the illness of Dr. Bristol of j Richard E. Shaw. She made the trip on im in the role, served. leading well filled with those in costume, with Mid-week service, Thursday, 7.30. The the State Board of Health, who was to the Empress of Amsterdam. scene shows a typical col- was last even- mug the younger element very much in evi- vestry well tilled Thursday The harbor is comparatively free from address the meeting, the Waldo County with a of who ought To the Citizens of Freedom, group boys dence. Mrs. Mabel McWhirter as a ing. This week there will be distribution northeast Medical Association did not meet last UNITED STATES CIVIL SERVICE the ice, Sunday night’s gale very .!> ing, discussing possibilities was considered by many the of Forward movement literature for Friday at the O’Connell restau- Montville and Knox. Spanish materially assisting in breaking up and evening EXAMINATIONS race. Of course there is while Mrs. The brief address rant. ng belle of the ball, Charles everybody. pastor’s j out much of the floating ice. The date of meeting will be an- none other than carrying and Captain Bradbury in overalls and jumper with will be “The Challenge of the Home j nounced later. the mechanical trades A letter in last week’s issue of The The tug Walter Ross has been doing good For following .. who is himself a prominent broad-brimmed straw hat, kept the audi- Land.” On Sunday at the morning wor- the inner and similar in the Engineer De- the work in clearing harbor. cooked in real Italian positions of the Legion, is taking part. Journal set forth the financial needs of ence guessing until the unmasking. Prac- ship, the theme will be “God’s Man in Spaghetti, style Mrs. G. B. partment at large and the Quartermaster the villain makes a as by Marsano, was one of the Uluiii that Freedom One in re- tically every couple on the floor were the School of Trouble.” At the evening Last Friday was observed Valentine S. the Ser- Academy. question cards that Corps, U. Army, Lighthouse 11 the Captain is sure to as he of when the tor an address on in the schools and all were principal drawing called about matter has conscious her presence, with worship pa gives day public and various other branches of the com- gard to this subsequently 300 people to Memorial Hall vice, every elfort into it. The Mrs. Basil R. Allen in similar she "The Message of the Stars.” Though happy as preparations had been in evi- Wednesday dress, Feb. 11th. Government Service in Portland, Maine, n- there with all the pep of a been raised by several interested. Free- a week or more. evening, Mrs. Marsano was j collided with all who came her way. the severe storm of last Sunday prevent- dence for The teach- and will be held on 1920: also the chairman of the committee and vicinity, April f, production. No Belfast play dom Academy has in the past been very McKeen’s orchestra was in costume ed many from attending the services of ers acted as postmasters and also came without Bert Davis the supper was under the auspices of the Asst. Marine Steam Engineer, black- complete fortunate in obtaining special legislative and the Universalist choir, consisting of worship of this church, all services were in for their share of the old Saints’ and are at St. Francis Church. A very smith, Carpenter, Electrician, Engine- ..lies Hammons, they that of meet- Miss Katherine E. Mrs. Basil R. maintained with encouraging attendance. favors. pleasant grants; why cannot method Brier, dance with music Marine Marine. .ii their new roles. The oppor- by McKeen’s orchestra man, Foreman, Fireman, the deficit in current expenses con- Allen, Frank R. Keene and John Parker, At the evening service there were 44 ■ ing M. Robinson was these two stars is worth Frank returned Monday held during the evening by the Oiler, Mason, Master, Mate, Stationary seeing tinue? There are several reasons. were also en masque. There were vocal present. This church invites strangers but there is from Boston accompanied by his daugh- younger people. Fireman, Surveyman. ..f admission alone, The current discussed in the selections by the choir, solo by Mrs. Allen in the city and those without church expenses ter, Olive M., the 14-year old girl enticed the of other favorites. Harold and a duet Miss Brier and Mr. Herbert home to its various services. all An Positions in Lighthouse Service, previous letter included only teaching by Nearly there William Collins. Evening with Mrs. Bosson. is Lambert of the crew by Henry She to be filed with the Secre- Captain co and the like. with Mrs. Cecil Clay, pianist. the classes in the Bible school are or- The Belfast Teachers’ Club had an applications ts, heating, janitor Spe- Light, was located by the police at Collins’ open rong part. Mr. McKeen sings The attraction of the ganized classes with and enthusias- last tary, Board of Civil Service Examiners, cial grants from State funds for repairs, special evening large brother’s home in Danvers. Collins had meeting Friday night in the Gram- Rest of the World Go By” in was the excellent solo Doris tic members mar schcol Office of Lighthouse Inspector, Portland, improvements and additions to equip- dancing by dp. not been located late building with Mrs. George C. I excellent manner. The play Wednesday. Me. Asst. Lighthouse Keeper (Form 1025 ment have been comparatively easy to C., the 14-year-old daughter of Mrs. Mary Bosson, Jr., as a special guest. At the some North Congregational Church. 11,t is enlivened by songs, obtain. Aid for routine C. Sweatt of this who is spending The unfavorable freight conditions are short business with Miss Grace required). meeting current, city, The storm of last Sunday prevented many meeting i.d some as duets. Most of the the winter in Belfast. Her business in direction. The A. Lord Positions at N. H.: school expenses has not been so easy to numbers, from but those effecting every presiding, Mrs. S. A. Parker, re- Portsmouth, a chorus that can people attending church, supported by and there is no assurance that in the “The and “Back to Na- local shoe factory has been unable to re- signed as chairman of the entertainment get Shepherdess” who were present at the North Asst. Marine Steam Engineer, Marine well as execute several clever Congre- future it will be even possible to obtain ture,” were most intricate, particularly ceive their usual stock of leather, etc., committee. She reported that the plans Marine Oiler is far to gational Church felt amply repaid for Fireman, Mate, The chorus superior should the toe of the latter. Her cos- and are also hel 1 in their or- had been made to a historic such aid. And it is right th3t it dancing braving the elements. The Rev. up shipping give pageant will not be assembled for on the in Maine as pastor, Applicants :n stage part be so. tumes, appropriate to the sentiment of ders. The grocery men are feeling the commemorating the 300th of A. C. Elliott, took as the subject of his anniversary examination, but will be rated on their sional shows. the were Miss Doris lack of the of The routine school needs amount to solos, very pretty. “The Socialism of Jesus.” It supplies. landing the Pilgrims. The pageant and v mond s sister is taKen by Miss discourse, physical ability, training, experience, about $4,500. $500 of this comes from has always been a favorite in Belfast and will be given for the schoolhouse fund. in the of Miss j was strong meat for strong men; the kind The past week has furnished a variety general fitness as shown by their applica- vter part Dolly. the State $750 now shows wonderful improvement since Miss Esther F. Evans was elected chair- regular “academy aid;’’ j of thought to make men sit up and take of with a tions and corroborative evidence. Full -,s been popular when* weather, Saturday beautiful always more comes from State funds as studying at the New England Conserva- man and the following members of the directly j notice. Social were touched winter and a information the is in local plays. Her questions day Sunday decidedly un- concerning examination, appeared sn agricultural subsidy. Freedom sends tory of music and with private Italian committee, Miss Mary Houston, Miss her upon, and discussed in the light of Chris- comfortable one. Thursday gave us a and the required application blanx can be .dways clever and pleasing teachers in She was the re- Mrs. C. A all its high school students to the Acad- [ Boston. tian Towards the close of Margaret Mitchell, Townsend local her an immediate fav- teaching. the variety of wind and weather, when the secured Loin the secretary of the makes of two beautiful and Miss Grace E. Walton. After a emy; practically all Montville students cipient bouquets. sermon the awful ot for- board Port- ju is Miss Katherine j peril Bolshevism, the thermometer went the lowest and also of civil service examiners at played by and half of their Miss Olive a. former of mal introduction Mrs. Bosson extended a those in Knox get high | Morse, pupil “Socialism of was Miss on the the Devil,” pictured in the highest for the week—6 to 38 above land, Me., or from the Secretary of the Drier, always popular school education there. All these towns Miss danced very and most cordial invitation for all to Sweatt, gracefnlly and the terrible menace zero. present First Civil Custom- .m-s her training and nat- graphic language, Servie District, y previous and the others that send students get cleverly thesolo dance, "Miss Columbia,” visit her at her summer home at Little in this j of this “Philosophy of Hell” must have house, Boston, Mass., with whom the :iv to the best auvantage in a Willis Parsons Deer Isle. Then came a State aid on their tuition payments up to costume. She also is general favorite stirred the souls of of Dover, State Com- most delightful he has its serious side also, those present. Every application should be filed not later than play The sums Free- and now a teacher of the art. The pro- missioner of Inland Fish and Game journey to the lands “East of Suez” un- $500. State received by : man in Belfast to have heard it and laws, March 1920. i ne between Miss Brier and Mr. ought 15, dom and Montville half that receiv- gram closed with the audience singing war in Belfast to a der the direction of Mrs. with Z. plus may on some future as Tuesday investigate Bosson, v;ii be one of the strongest in the perhaps occasion, ed by Knox total America, while Miss Morse and a large charge brought against Warden Lyle Bes D. Hartshorn operating the balopticon, at her best $1,250. there were requests made for the sermon HAROLD W. BAILEY. v, ,.iy. Miss Brier sings a on of and In other over half the current l number of children formed tableau sey Thorndike for discriminate!}’ en- showing post cards of India kindly • In three she is words, to be repeated. songs. supported now come or the center floor. General closed forcing the game laws. A re- loaned by Miss Avis M. Morison. Mrs. running expenses directly dancing The Men’s Forum. Storms are fine Sunday fourth is a solo, 1 Harold of East horns while the a was also Bosson has hundred Wesley Bailey Milli- indirectly from State funds. If the total pleasant evening. for and quest made for his removal. of photos of this far must be heard to be enjoyed things testing men, prove what nocket died igs expenses and total State aid, special Mr. Parsons has reserved his decision in country collected in her three visits to Sunday morning, Feb. 15th, to be they are made of—grit or jelly. There t ac ting seen appreciated. the case. but did not to need them in at the grants and all, are considered, the pro- must be men of India, expect Eastern Maine General Hospital in Mitchell is a new comer CAPT. ALEXANDER N. SNOW many grit and purpose in Margaret of State is still greater. her visit with us. Only the full text of portion money : for the of the following an operation for ab- .1 Her reputation and popularity Belfast, despite inclemency Mrs. Altana E. Dutch Mrs. Bangor, And this estimate is based on the hope weather last entertained an Bosson’s paper could give an ade- has however preceded her. Capt. Alexander N. Snow of East Bel- Sunday morning a goodly scess on the brain. He was born in Bel- .ger that come eight-table whist party at her home on quate idea of the vivid she the towns will to the adequate number of men attended the Men’s Forum pen pictures very fortunate in securing fast died at his home Feb. 14th after a fast Jan. of as in the High street last Thursday as a benefit to draws and the she 11, 1901, the elder son of Fred support the school outlined short illness with trouble. He at the North Congregational apt poetic quotations ii for this play. Miss Mitchell kidney Church, the fund the Emma White so W. and Rennie Heat- previous letter. The present year, more where the Barker Tent, gracefully reads of the country com- (White) Bailey. 'he of the friend of was born in Brooksville, Nov. 4, 1852, subject, “Bolshevism,” was D. part Jennie, than three-fourths of the routine running of V., is raising for their expenses in paratively few have the privilege of see- tended the Belfast schools until his par- the son of Joshu and Lizzie (Snowman) considered. Dr. W. L. president .mud. Although she does not West, attending the State Convention to be the ents moved to East Millinocket about 9 expenses are coming from State funds. of the and ing. Nothing escapes eyes of this : part she is on the Snow. He was a steamboat captain and forum, presided, introduced held spoken In view of these the school offi- in Augusta next . The first I delightful globe trotter and she seems to years ago. Since then he has graduated facts, lived in brooksville until nine ! the topic of the hour. He handled the 1 !i of the time and lias several years ago were won Mr. and from the Millinocket schools and from cers can hardly go before the, legislature in prizes by Mrs. Merle take genuine pleasure in sharing with all ..les to her as an when he bought his late residence in East subject masterly fashion and by his display ability to ask which the 1 \ R. Whitcomb, while the consolation went her friends these unusual of the Ricker Classical Institute. He was a aid for a school in ;1 trenchant criticism the weak- advantages Miss Mitchell sings three songs Belfast. Since coming here he has won exposed to Mrs. Albert ! man most towns concerned are not. interest- ! C.- Mosman. Refresh- travel. For over an hour she described young of exemplary character. enough the and esteem of and ness and fallacy of Bolshevist:- reason- all for several encores. Mrs. respect neighbors | ments were served after the A her visits at His parents also one ed to share their quota of rather less than An animated discussion game. Singapore, “the second survive, brother, itee plays the part of Mrs. friends. He is survived by his widow, ing. followed in most Everard half the Even were to do enjoyable evening was reported. doorway of the world’s wide tell- Allen Bailey of East Millinocket. expense. they two Herbert E. Snow of which many of the men took part. It trade,” j with Mr. Hugh Young as Mr. by sons, Capt. The arrived on so, the could be ex- ing of its cathedral, churches, ! family with the remains legislature hardly Staten now oil the coast of Flori- was quite evident from the views ex- clubs, At the opening cf the third j■ Island, The friendly little are pected to be interested in such a pine grosbeaks shops, hotels, parks and Deautiful tropi- ; Tuesday morning and the funeral takes proposi- da in the U. S. who was pressed that Bolshevism had scant hive Morse will give an exhi- service, reachep sym- not only fed by B Ifast bird lovers, but cal also its crowds place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James tion. , from the men gardens, cosmopolitan several new and only by radio messages; by P' pathy present. 1 he gen- are me, introducing Harry they given the benefit of bathing, of Then she went ; C. Robertson, 1 Belmont avenue, to iay, eral consensus picturesque people. Miss Morse is not a stran- Snow of by a step son and of opinion being that it ops. Norfolk, Va.; etc. The birds found open water at the the Straits of Malacca to Pen- ; at 2 p. in., Rev. George C MRS. MARY A. PENDLETON. was to the of through Thursday, in Belfast and everyone a step-daughter, Edward W. Skelton of contrary genius American corner of and Grove public Congress streets, ang, the miniature of across Sauer officiating. New and Mrs. Edith Skelton Snow institutions and stands self-condemned Singapore; seeing her again. Other mem- )fork where a hydrant was leaking and came the Indian Ocean to the Mary widow of the late William common Ceylon Island, c are taken Earle Bra- Ann, of Staten Island. One brother also sur- before the judgment of the civ- | crew by every day for some time. The deep a veritable Garden of Eden. Mrs. Bosson J. Pendleton, died Feb. 14tb at the home ilized world. The men ROONQUIST-PATTERSON. Ben Parker and Theo- vives, John Snow of Saxtons River, Vt. enjoyed the free- snow the recent Casey, of storms spoiled their said she agreed entirely with the old of her granddaughter, Mrs. Nettie Cham- The funeral took at his late home dom of the meeting and voted to bring mhall. place pleasure. Friends living nearby sunk a hymn that here A occurred berlain Dutch, on Congress where each another man next “every prospect pleases,” quiet wedding at the Uni- to in detail all that street, Monday at 11 a. m. Rev. Wm. Vaughan Sunday. near the j possible give Now, large pan spot and tilled it with as she thinks it is the most beautiful bit i versalist in Waterville Mon- she had lived for the past fourteen years, men of wake parsonage such a huge success wher- oiliciaied, and his son, his step-son, Ar- Belfast, up and join the water. Much to the of all the play since here from surprise of nature she h d ever beheld, but took day noon, when Miss Leota Abbie Pat- coming Lynn, Mass. thur E. Stantial and John W. Hill were parade to the Men’s Forum. Come where been given. It abounds with birds came and bathed as usual, but decided of Mrs. Pendleton was born in of vital exceptions to that “only man is ; terson Belfast became the bride ot clever dramatic Northport, bearers. The remains were taken to questions importance are being to the human of “first rases, songs, clung thought vile” as men of all classes are John of that The Rev. Jan. 28, 1829, the daughter of David and Brooksville for interment. discussed in an orderly and unusually Roonquist city. bits of pathos, and—love intelligent come, first served,” as the early birds Kina ana Ann Bird. When a considerate, then to Calcutta, C. A. Knickerbocker performed the cere- and Mary (Brainard' manner. Any man in Belfast is welcome I Certainly! Dolly -, stood on the rim of the pan and fought and to the double young girl she married Mr. Pendleton and will be a Delhi, Amber, Jeypore, Bombay mony, ring service being used. mot be told, it must be seen to given hearing. Topic next others less fortunate. and the greater part, of their life SARAH E. CROCKETT. Fort Said, she journeyed with her little The sister of the bride, Mrs. Earl F. The whole is a winner together Sunday, “Ought the Kaiser to be Pun- play group of interested listeners. While her Hammons of was spent on Federal street in this city. ished.” B. O. Norton has male arrangements I Belfast, was present at the j ong list of successful productions Sarah of She was a most devoted mot tier E., widow of George W. Crock- which will enable him to transfer his descriptions people and buildings were i wedding The bride wore a becoming I. Belfast by local talent will be wife, In view ot the weather conditions and sister. To the children of the neigh- ett, died Feb. 12th at the home of her business to the commodious for- pleasing she was at her best among the ! gown of castor clotn with Georgette by the addition of College which prevailed last Sunday it was deem- building borhood she was known as sister, Mrs. Luella Nickerson, on the tropical flowers and in the wonderful trimmings to match. Mr. and Mrs. “grandma” ; ed advisable lo postpone the lecture on merly occupied by the Read Garage, the ; Curtis road in Swanville. Mrs. Crock- mountain scenery. At the close she was Roonquist will make their home in Wat- and her presence in the home circle was Shakspeare’s “Tempest” at the North United Laundry and the W. U. Tel. Co., ; | the iirst play that lias been ett was born in [ I a | _ a East the given rising vote of thanks for her erville, where the will be blessing and benediction to her last Belfast, daugh- Congregational Church. The pastor has j and will take possession March 1. Mr. j groom engaged the American Legion and it | ter of Elisha and Hannah (Smart) then all Miss in the Federal days. She was ill only a short time. Par- to it Norton will use the space occu- kindness, adjourned to Baking System, which ve the of in j promised give next evening when it formerly 1j support everyone j sons. Her was 77 2 months Lord’s class room for a social when will soon After the death of her husband she went ag.* years, ! is the pied by the United Laundry as a store hour, begin business in the Clukey -iid the surrounding towns. The I| and hoped only “Tempest” will be ; to live with her children in Mass. 16 days. She w*as beloved and re- both above and below. pop corn in approved Maine style was block on Silver street. The bride has rmed to the is Lynn, within. All High school students and The present tel- | Auxiliary Legion j She spected by all who knew her. Since the served. The room was in Valentine at- been in the National Bank ! is survived by three sons, George W. those the course in at the i egraph office will be used as a show employed City ilie responsibility for its success death of taking English I of B. N. her husband she had lived the a tire with red hearts galore, red shaded ! of Belfast since graduating from the B. Post. The ; Lynn, Lycurgus of Gloversville, evening school are cordially invited lo room, large plate glass window taking proceeds from the greater of the time etc. The next 1 H. S. Y., and Frank B of Of her fath- part with relatives in attend. the place of the windows now there. An lights, meeting of the The groom is a native of Sweden 0 be aside to start the Lynn. Those who attended the lecture put build- Prospect and Portland. At the latter Club will be held March and has lived in er’s family of eleven children only two on entrance for autos will be made on I Friday evening, ! this country since the The purposes to have Coleridge’s “Ancient Mariner” are High Legion place she was a member of the Univer- 12th, when a farce will be age of 14 years. remain, Frederick Augustus Bird of looking forward to a time next St., and a slip will be built so that auto- given. j of its own in the near future salist church. She good Northport and Mrs. Flora Annette is survived by three mobiles can be taken to the floor 1 the ex-service men and Sunday evening at 7.30. upper their sisters, Mrs. Nickerson and Mrs. Cora of the Whitehead of Belfast. The funeral was Morning worship at North Congrega- under their own power. An archway j Auxiliary may enjoy its ] Parsons of Swanville and Mrs. Edith 8 ! held at her late home Tuesday at 2 p. m tional Church next at 10.45. will be cut through the rear wall of the iges. The American Legion of West Sunday Rev. Arthur E. Wilson of the Unitarian Libby Winterport. main a direct -out the nation is doing big things, Special sermon by the pastor, subject: building making passage church officiated and Messrs. William from the front entrance = others is the task of developing “God’s Great Detective”; also a talk to way to the gar- and Elmer S. W’hitehead, Fred M. and There was a very interesting the children. age on Beaver St. It is expected that [ cent Americanism so urgently meeting Strangers cordially invited. Altana E. Dutch were bearers. at the I. O. O. F. hall last even- Come these changes will be \ at this time. To forward this Friday and bring your children. We want completed April ing when four candidates were admitted to first. Mr. Norton will use his ! ue Legion intends to make its meet you and get acquainted. Church building ! MIN Mb LFORA GREGORY. to membership in Waldo Lodge. The school at 12.00 noon. at the foot of Main St. for stor- Community center where every- general members are active this and The United | 'ill be welcome to its social func- very .year age purposes. Laundry, S. The remains of Minnie Leora, wife of enthusiastic meetings are being held each A. Parker, manager, was closed Satur- | Belfast needs such an institution, William arrived here week. At the next School Fund Mr. Parker > Gregory, day night. will devote his J the hope of the Frank D. Hazel- Friday meeting, Friday Building $48,097 and were placed in the receiving tomb in evening, Feb the time for the present in ! t that it can raise sufficient funds 20th, initiatory degree to Data. soliciting acreage Grove Cemetery to await interment in will be worked on three candidates. for corn and beans for the Saco | a Home of which the city will be Valley Waldo. She was the daughter of Eugene The Western Union The Home will also furnish a Canning Company. j W. and Clara E. (Gay) Bryant of Received since the last repori the fol- office will move to what is f- r veterans of the World War who W’aldo, The men’s committee will serve the commonly where she was born Feb. 22, 1879. She at the of lowing subscriptions: known as the “Corner” store in the the surrounding towns or who supper meeting Aurora Rebekah died in Middleboro, Mass., Feb. 9th after I. O. O. Pythian Block as soon as the ere as strangers. Already several Lodge, F., Tuesday, Feb. 24th, William A. Mason $200 necessary | a short illness with pneumonia. at 6.30 m. can be made. The other tenant p. Mr. and Mrs Chas. P. Hazeltine 200 repairs of the the Read In Memoriam for Lida Crawford building, Garage, was closed some weeks Staples 100 ago. THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Fred Howard 100 Charles H. Walden Estate 100 VIVIAN GLADYS LESLIE Fred W Brown and Family 100 MARTIN Mabel Normand Hamlin Burkett 50 WITH IN VITAGRAPH’S Miss Elizabeth Kelley 50 HARRISON FORD IN ROSE MELVILLE’S Miss Juliett A. Wiggin 25 Leslie a Paramount Artcraft Play H. Elms 25 “SIS HOPKINS” W. L. West 25 WAIT he Ruth Dinsmore 25 Third Kiss** Fred A riot of fun and E. Ellis 25 or 1 laughter. Do not buy SUIT COAT tfhtful bit of entertainment- A sparkling play of New York cab- Samuel Adams 25 in Investment in in five arets and the Great West. Miss Annie L. Barr 25 until have seen our NEW Character-Building acts. you LAST STORY Mrs. Lillian Billings McDonald 25 Next to last episode Mrs. Harriet F. Horne 25 Spring line. Every piece of $300 Mrs. Harriet A. Campaign tmedy pictorial life “PERILS OF THUNDER MOUNTAIN” “SPUES AND SADDLES" Bray 25 Austin J. Fernald 25 spring merchandise new and Mrs. Ada V. Wiley 25 fresh from the factory. Miss Bertha A. Wiley 25 Belfast Scouts Arthur E. Wilson 25 Watch for our opening. Boy J. F. Sheldon 25 William R. Howard 25 Truly, OF AMERICA Frank W. Twombly 25 Walter A. Decrow 25 0OLONIAL THEATRp William 15 to 1920 25 21, Matinee Daily at 2.30. Evening 7.00 and 8.00 Vaughan 1 DAVIS SAMPLE S0OP February We again appeal to all those who have The Scout Movement is non-military, non-sectarian, non-political not yet subscribed to kindly pass in their and non-racial. It is not a charitable but an educational in- SPECIAL Owing the increased cost of operating this the CLARK’S CORNER, HIGH STREET. institution, theatre, following prices § subscriptions at once and save us the time stitution maintained by far-sighted mothers, fathers and others who ** int0 effect of NOTICE g° February 23rd-Matinee, 15c.; Evening, 20c.; Children, 11c. soliciting. recognize the pitfalls which threaten the boys who make companions of Matinee and Evening. Can we not put this amount over the others whose moral, intellectual and physical future have not been mat- the _____'_ top coming week? Belfast will then ters of parental consideration.; tsattf** have done a great stunt. It shows what TUESDAY It takes the at the time of life when he is beset with the new MONDAY WEDNESDAY kind of men and women Belfast is com- 150 boy and of adolescence and diverts his to posed of, and what can be accomplished bewildering experiences thoughts wholesome and worth-while the environ- OLIVE THOMAS THE SPECIAL PLAY WILLIAM RUSSELL when we undertake to do things in real activities—supplying required earnest. Girls Wanted ment and incentives that lead a boy to become a better man—a better citizen. IN to work on pants and coats. Steady In a different kind of a piay, “THE LIFE LINE” The regular meeting of Primrose Chap- work and good pay for experienced and “SACRED SILENCE” ter, O. E. S., will be held on Friday {inexperienced. Good pay while you Answer the Call “The Bride” DON’T MISS THIS I Spite evening. There will be degree work, learn. Apply to the pant shop to the Every contribution to the Boy Scout Campaign is an investment in followed by a chafing-dish lunch. manager, Mrs. Estelle Walker. Apply at PEARL WHITE in a cause that insures Send SENNETT COMEDY the coat shop to Ralph Chiuchiolo. Phon character-building, promoting good citizenship. your contribution to the Treasurer of Boy Scout Campaign, Belfast, Me. VOO A-VIL COMEDY MUTT AND JEFF “The Black Secret” David Moody of Swanville, a student 373. 4tf in the Belfast High school, is home sick tirith a bad cold. R, & G. CLOTHING MfG. CO The Republican than half a million homes had been de- Journal stroyed and in the year she has rebuilt TERRIBLE 60,000 of these and 90,000 more are near- 1920 ECZEMA Thursday, Feb. 19, Belfast, ing completion. During the war 1,100 of I her bridges were destroyed and already PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY ' more than half of these have been thor- The Republican journal Pub. Co. FOR 10YEARS oughly rebuilt. France, bled white, hav- ing one-third the population of the United World’s Tire has done this while we have filled The States, A. I. BROWN. Editor. No Trace Of The Disease Largest Factory the air with voices and Since “Fruit-a-tives” played politics. Advertising Terms. For one square, Taking Hover, JNew Hampshire. Our war debt is about (16,000,000,000- one inch length in column, 50 cents for 30x3,30x31 and 31x4'inchTires “Id to be If we one dollar tick of the Building one week and 35 cents for each subsequent 1906,1 began troubledwith pay every insertion. Eczema. Mv arms and legs were watch, 507 years will elapse before the SUBSCRIPTION Terms. In advance, bandaged most of the time; and last dollar of the debt will be paid, and #2.00 a year, tl.00 for six months; 50 cents sometimes I could squeeze the pus besides this we snail have to pay the in- for three months. out of my hands, were so bad. terest which this will that they year require Owners of small cars can the same About 3 months’ I chanced to we enjoy QUOTATION. ago, pay (7,522 for every second during read an ad. of ‘Fruit-a-tives’ and the year. We have loaned (10,000,000,- high relative value in Goodyear Tires that towards one’s in “It contributes greatly ‘Sootha Salva’, which was told of 000 more to European powers. If they moral and intellectual health to be utmost satisfaction to owners of a person cured of Weeping Eczema were to pay a dollar every 817 gives big into habits of second, brought companionship these remedies. with individuals unlike himself who care by years would pass before the principal costly motor carriages. little for his pursuits and whose sphere After using two boxes of FFuit-tirlives’ would be paid and their interest charge and abilities he must out of himself to and one box ‘Sootha-SalvaI am go of for their debts to us now calls for more can take of that tremendous a pprec ia te. ”—Ha wthorne. They advantage entirely free of Eczema”. than a million dollars a day. Common Dr. E. N. amount care OLZENDAM, D.V.M. business prudence would seem to suggest of equipment,skill and AIR SERVICE. employed 50c. a 6 for trial size 25c. box, $2.50, that we stop feeding aud financing Eur- to build At dealers or from FRUIT-A-TIVES by Goodyear tires of extraordinary Aviation, as far as the government is ope and ceaae to waste public funds at Limited, OGDENSBURG, N. Y. involved, has been a go-as-you-please home. worth in the 30x3-, 30x3!/2-, and 31x4- raid on the public treasury. The leaders THE CANDLE SHINETH Senator said in the inch sizes. in the raid are the War Department, the King, Democrat, For some time it has been thought that Navy Department and the Post Office Senate, January 28, 1919, that “in the Co). House had been relegated to that can secure these tires Department, while trailing along in line War Department there has been such in- They without waiting, political obscurity from which he emerged defensible waste that it ought to bring are the Coast Guard Service and the For- the enormous only a few years ago. Events seem to and despite demand, because, est Patrol. Every one of these have before a court-martial some officials, about the time of show, however, that into other courts some who have been in addition to its been and are now spending money with- larger sizes, Goodyear builds his disappearance he was appointed Min- connected with extravagance and waste out that wholesome restraint which an of a in the world’s ister of Illumination and was given the in the War average 20,0d0 day should be put on public servants. About Department.” task of lighting the presidential candle tire to a billion and a half dollars have been ap- largest factory devoted the three under a bushel, in order that at the psy- “Let’s get ours” seems to be a motto propriated in the last three years for moment be on a sizes mentioned. chological it might put now in most everybody’s hat. aviation and when the armistice was pasted candlestick to give light to all the Demo- signed it is said that we had only 72 cratic house. When that moment seemed If you own a Ford, servicable planes on the fighting lines The Waldo County Centennial Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell, about to have arrived, this former mentor and only one of these was a first class Committee. or other car one of these to whom Odyssus intrusted the. care of any using sizes, go fighting machine. We had here at home his house and the education of Tele- to the nearest Service Station a few hundred acres of aviation fields Ralph I. Morse of Belfast, chairman, Goodyear machus, gave a dinner. There were pres- and here and in various parts of Europe, has appointed the following committees ent Viscount Grey, the British Ambas- Dealer for Goodyear Tires and Goodyear lu,000 air flivers about as like a first class to assist in the Maine Centennial Cele- sador; Mr. Dodge, a Wall Street financier Tourist machine as a Ford is like a Packard. It bration: Heavy Tubes. who is said to be pro-British in sentiment; was stated on the floor of the Senate a BELFAST—Albion P. Fred E. Mr. Pulitzer, owner of the New York Goodhue, few days ago that nearly all of these Ellis, Willis L. Pearson, Charles A. Towns- World, and its editor, Mr. Cobb, and Mr. Leo C. Herrick, Evelyn P. planes were obsolete and that we did not end, Frost, Curtis, owner of the Saturday Evening Annie L. Barr, Katherine Brier, Cleora now have a single fast pursuit air plane. Post and the Philadelphia Public Ledger. Read, Maude E. Barker. This statement was not questioned by F. Mrs. The above mentioned newspapers have BELMONT—J. Hall, Alice Morse, anyone. This, with the exception of Mrs. F. A. E. R. Howard, R. E. always endorsed whatever the President Marriner, several new millionaires, is all we have Beckwith. has said and approved whatever he has to show for the expenditure of nearly $1,- Brooks—Mrs. Vesta Higgins, Dr. E. done. Pitiless publicity, open covenants, A. O. W. Mrs. Emma 500,000,000. A bill is now before Con- Kilgore, Lane, breaking the heart of the world and all Huxford, A. R. Pilley. gress which provides for an Air Depart- the other shibboleth emanating from the Burnham—F. A. McAllister, E. W. Tourist Tubes are ment which shall alone carry on and be W. G. John 30x3% Goodyear Double-Cure Goodyear Heavy thick, strong tubes that White House have rolled as sweet Crawford, Edmonds, Hall, they reinforce casings Why risk a with a responsible for such service as it may G. E. Gilmore. Fabric, All-Weather Tread. iwU““ properly. good casing morsels under their tongues. Whether cheap tube? Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes cost little more to and M. have authority perform give Frankfort—F. Nickerson, R. D- than tubes of less merit. 30x3sice in water- the above newspaper men are pro-British 30x3% Goodyear Single-Cure S'! ^76^ $OQQ M. L. J. Mrs. F. L. 1 Messrs. Baser, maniels, nurieson and a Walton, D., Lord, Fabric, Anti-Skid Tread___ A. £ proof bag Jj-— we cannot state but we feel safe in saying Mrs. Alma T. Kingsbury. few lesser lights a little more time to at- Tyler, that they have been pro-Wilson. A short FREEDOM—I. P. Griflies, Mrs. D. W. tend to their own business. time after the dinner the World and the Dodge, Mrs. Reuben Sibley, Gustavus After all the expenditure which has Dr. A. M. Small. Public Ledger put the candle in the can- Bellows, been made we are informed by the pro- dlestick and enlightened the faithful that Islesboro—M. R. Trimm, George A. ponents of the bill that an appropriation Warren, L. F. Pendleton, Harold D. Pen- Mr. Wilson would not be a candidate for of $54,000,000 will be needed for new dleton, Leslie E. Smith. a third term and that Mr. Hoover is the and lor general Jackson—H. G. Cates, M. C. Pease, construction $44,000,000 heir apparent. C. Ricker, J H. McKinley, M. S. Hatch. expenses will be required before an Air KNOX—Jeremiah Wehb, O. B. Wood- Department can begin and for one year CUT IT OUT. bury, Mrs. Cora Vose, Miss Belle Shibles, carry on the work of making our air The of the P. W. Berry. and newspapers United States service what it should be, doubtless LIBERTY—Edwin Martin, Miss Ella are asked to curtail the use of other and larger appropriations will be print Greeley, Mrs. Ruby Hoit, Mrs. Meda Le^ paper. The asking comes to us needed in succeeding years. through man, Mrs. Mary A. Ordway. government propaganda The place Lincoi.nville—Caroline W. A great country liKe the United States Aldrich, where curtailment should hegin is in O. Mathews, Abbie E. True, Ernest Car- should never be without readily available Thomas. Washington, D. C. Almost every day a ver, Josephine means of defense. If attacked, air planes senator or representative asks for and is MONROE—B. H. Webber, A. L,. Ricker. will be one of the first needs and it must E. C. Dickey, O. B. Dow, F. A. Tasker. granted leave to print a speech. This; ROYAL be admitted that it will be wise to pro-, MONTVILLE—Milton M. Wentworth, looks like a trifling matter but in one in- and I [ Mrs. Ella F. Howes, Leon L. Wiggin, vide for ample up-to-date military stance the edition of a single speech re- John H. Wentworth, Mrs. Bina Berry. and naval aeronautic equipment and quired 48 tons of print paper and the MORRILL—Dr T. N. Pearson, Rev. skilled operators. What the future of most of the speeches were carried by Nathan Hunt, S. W. Shibles, Mrs. D. O. LILY commercial aeronautics will be nobody Mrs. R. T. Cross. mail free of cost 10 the sender. The tax Bowen, knows, but the possibilities are great. I j NORTHPORT—Mason I. Mrs. adyers pay for the paper, the labor and Stevens, This fact is generally realized by all the Annie Harkness, Frank McCabe, Mrs. the transmission of such documents, in nations of the earth. Hattie L. Whiting, Mr!. Joel P. Wood. progressive France, which not more than one man in a hun- PALERMO—II. L. G, E. Os- NOTICE poor as she is, is already paying a sub- ! Pinkham, dred has any interest whatever. We good, R. M. Trask, W. W. Turner, W. P. sidy to encourage ventures into aviation ; have before us 36 printed pages sent out | Sinclair. for commercial purposes. She pays 1000 The proprietor of this store is by the Railroad Administration, in which PROSPECT—C. H. Gray, F. L. Ward, francs a year on the salary of every W. S. Percy R. A Harri- hereby authorized us to sell the effort is made to convince us that Killman, Mills, by aviator employed by a private concern man. government management has vindicated the above flour on the following and pays one-fourth the price of every SEARSMONT—A L. McCorrison, Mrs. its efficiency. Almost every deparment G. T James Charles guarantee! air plane bought and used ior commercial Kelso, Googins, and bureau in Washington is booming it- Cunningham, J. G. Packard. purposes. England, Japan and Italy are self at public expense. Carloads of paper SEARSPort—S. L. Fairchild, M. I). He will deliver you a sack or appropriating money for the promotion F. P are wasted every day while the editor of I. Mortland, M. F. Parker, -J Nich- barrel. of both defensive and commercial air ols, James E. Wentworth. The Journal does nearly all his writing service. This country must do the same Stockton Springs—Lincoln L. Gard- After have used 25 on the reverse side of which you pounds ; paper has Miss Alice Miss or lose step with safety and progress. ner, May Hichborn, of What been some the if do not con- other used for sort of propaganda. Mary Hichborn, Mrs. C. A. Gardner, flour, you None of these countries are phonograf spending I- Mrs. Essey Crosby. sider it well worth the price you iarge sums of money, as sums are men- ENGLAND READS THE TRUTH SWANVILLE—J. W. Nickerson, Mrs. have paid, he will take back the tioned in these days, but they are mak- H. F. M. Phillips, L. B. Nickerson, H. dares this test? ing a start with a view to future develop- i Viscount Grey, who has been in this P. White, Mrs. F. J. Webb. balance of the flour [and refund 1 ment along sensible lines. Here in country for several months awaiting Thorndike—Peter Harmon, F. S. you the full price paid, charging Hogan, N. V. Cornforth, Mrs. Dora Phil- America Secretary Baker, Secretary recognition as accredited Ambassador you for the 25 brook, James T. Cole. nothing pounds you ask some one about the Edison Tone-T est re- Daniels, and P. M. G. Burleson insist on from England, finally returned to his Troy—Wilmot L. Gray, Mrs. George used. DIDcital last in Colonial Theatre. The as I home and soon after his arrival given September doing business they have been doing there Wood, Miss Carrie Weymouth, Mrs. wrote a letter startled audience heara Marie Morrisey’s voice flood the it and each has asked for special appro- ; to the London Times in Bertha F. H. Williston, Mrs. Clarence FEDERAL MILLING CO., priations for that purpose, which aggre- which he made statements which com- Whitney. packed house. It then heard tfe New Edison* match gate about $100,000,000. They have pletely take the wind out of Mr. Wil- UNITY—G. H. Varney, E. M. Scule, LOCKPORT, N. Y. that voice, even unto its finest variation of shading and F. A. Whitten, F. A. Bartlett, C. B. demonstrated their unlitness and we son’s politico-diplomatic sails. In stating Mitchell. feeling. Anyone who was present will tell you: have had too much too much the feeling of our people in regard to the A. A. HOWES 8C CO., boasting, WALDO—Edward Evans, F. E. Little- Agents. waste and too little to show for the money League of Nations he says: field, C. H. Smith, Mrs. Ruth L. Paul, spent. Air service, if it ever is to be- “A conservative feeling exists in the Mrs. Isa Wentworth. The art of the artist and United States for traditional living come a source of satisfaction and utility, policy, WlNTERPORT—Miss Mildred C. Haley, and one of those traditions, conse- Mr. H. F. Mrs. C. R. That’s “I Want must be put in charge of some man who Lougee, Lougee, Right, Say its RE=CREATION the New crated by the advice of Washington, is Mrs. T. G. Fellows, Mrs. Ellery Bowden. by least business instincts and also has at to abstain from foreign and particularly Edison can not be told has some acquired knowledge of busi- from European entanglements. Even for apart. nations which Me A, White "If You Have An ness. It has been demonstrated that two have been used to European J. Says alliances, the league of nations is felt to Automobile It is no idle that you can Case, Hem- lawyers and an editor proved to be lack- ] Keep Rat-Snap." phrase enjoy Middleton, be of a new something departure. This to The in these essential A Take a cup to regulate your bowels pel, Matzenauer, Spalding—in your home. New Edison ing qualifications. is still more true for the United States, “If I knew about RAT-SWAP last win- purify your blood and make you strong all that the' artist can except his submarine diver could not have made a which has hitherto held aloof from all ter, would have saved $120. My car was brings great bring, physical bo you can withstand an attack of grippe in the a It is the of the men outside alliances. The league of nations garage for few weeks during bad presence. phonographic triumph age. greater failure than these made in if it happens to tome along this winter. is not merely a plunge into the unknown, weather; when I went to take it out, it the management of air service. The It’s one great vegetable laxative and but a plunge into something which its found that rats had eaten great holes in won’t cost you but a few cents to find :t country will, we think, approve of the historical advice and traditions have hith- two new tires. Got them later with out. Children like it. establishment of an independent air de- erto positively disapproved. Hence this RAT-SNAP.” Three sizes, 25c, 50c, desire for some and reserva- $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by A. A. partment but will demand that the ap- qualification tion.” Howes & Co., Hall-Ellis Co., and City “The with a Soul” propriation therefor shall be a modest Drug Store. Phonograph What he says about the voting power one and that the man appointed to spend in the League is as follows: Come in and hear this wonder for yourself—the Three Million the money shall have an ample fund of For Sale “It must not be supposed that in the Dollar that RE-CREATES the very soul of music- practical and scientific knowledge con- Phonograph United States there is any tendency to in cerning the work to be done. grudge the fact that Canada and the HUMPHREYS* A JUMPER SLEIGH good condi- other self-governing dominions of the The full list of I>r. Humphreys* Remedies for tion, with meat or fish box, if de- FRED D. JONES, Belfast, Maine British empire have votes, but any per- internal and external use, meets the needs of son with the smallest understanding of families for nearly every ailment from Infancy sired. L. A, 1ITGOMB, *The instrument used in [last September’s Tone-Test is the regular model which sells for $285. It is an audiences must realize the to old age—described iu Dr. Humphreys’ Manual public feeling exact duplicate of the Model which Mr. Edison after Three moiled free. 81 Cedar Street, Belfast. Laboratory perfected spending Million Dol- VICTIMS created by the statement that the United lars in experiments. States, with several million more English- PARTIAL LIST speaking citizens than there are in the <•. FOR whole of the British empire, should have Home 1. Fevers. Congestions. Inflammations Employment one vote while the empire RESCUED only E^itish 2. Worms. Worm Fever “CAN YOU BRAID YOUR HAIR?” has six votes.” 3. Colic. Crying Wakefulness of Infanta' ! If so, you can obtain pleasant, easy and Kidney, liver, bladder an'5 uric p.rid 4. Diarrhea of Childreu and adults well-paid work making braided rugs for Our allies in the late war are 7. Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis settling us right in your own home. When writ- troubles are most dangerous be- 8. Toothache. Faceache Neuralgia down to real business. Japan, always for further particulars, send a small cause their 0. Headache. Sick Headache, ing of insidious attacks. Vertigo of braid- is now feverishly industrious. The lO. Stomach sample mat to show the quality Heed the first busy, Dyspepsia,Indigestion.Weak v.’an;L,s they p- 13. Croup. Hoarse Cough. Laryngitis ing and sewing you are capable of doing. same may be said of Belgium. Italy is that they need attention cy let ti'iilfc 14. Eczema, Eruptions, P1NKHAM ASSOCIATES, INC., working over time. England is busy in 15. Rheumatism, Lumbago 302 Washington Ave., Portland, Me. 10. Fever and getting her manufactures upon the mar- Adue. Malaria 6m49 Plies, Blind, Bleeding. Internal, External and in kets of the world tucking her co- 10. Catarrh. Influenza, Cold in Head lonial chickens safely under her wings. 20. Whooplnd Coudh 21. Asthma, Oppressed .Difficult Dr. A. M. For Sale which at one time seemed to have Breathing Lothrop TO LET France 27. Disorders of the Kidneys For Sale lost has gone to work. Within one 30. Urinary Incontinence all, 34. second nand The world s standard remedy for thea® Sore Throat. Quinsy Low price parlor A LARGE FRONT SLEEPING ROOM. year after the armistice was signed she ^7. DENTIST tiisorders, will often v/ard off these dis- Grip. Grippe. La Grippe It is heated and Singer Sewing Machine filled in cubic of comfortably furnished, eases and Sirergthen tha body against had, 74,000,000 yards For sale by druggists and kitchen stoves, everywhere. Theatre lighted. Apply at the in condition at reasonable further attacks. Three sizfts, all druggists. trenches and rebuilt 93 per cent of her Colonial Building good price Humphreys homf.o. medicine eo„ WAYSIDE TEA HOUSE. Apply at Journal Office. 2tf Loox for the nuns Cold Medal on every hox 27tf railroads which bad been destroyed. More Corner William and Ann Streets New York TELEPHONE 336-3 J. AUSTIN McKEEN. and accept no imitation Waldo Pomona Transfers in Real land and buildings in Belfast. I Grange. Estate Wood, do.; Elizabeth N. Platt, et al., Philadelphia, I Clayton Platt, South Orange, N. J., to HEN NEURALGIA j Pa., to Evelyn Hollingsworth, Hyde Waldo Pomona was entertain- The following transfers of real Evelyn Hollingsworth, Hyde Grange estate Park, Park, Mass.; land and buildings in Isles- ed Honesty were recorded in Waldo Mass.; land and buildings in Islesboro. ; ATTACKS NERVES by Grange, Morrill, Tuesday, County Registry boro. Feb. 3rd. It was a winter’s of deeds for the week Feb. Roscoe T. Cross, Morrill, to Fred S. typical day ending 121 1920. Rockland-Rockport Lime Company, there was a attendance of en- J. A. Adams, to C. A. land in Morrill. and large Unity, Adams Bryant, do.; Rockland, to Rockland-Rockport Lime scatters thusiastic patrons. do.; land in Unity. The Belfast Savings Bank, Belfast, to loan’s Liniment Corporation, do.; land in Northport. the congestion and The forenoon exercises consisted of the Edward C. Pike, Searsport, to A ! lbert Dexter T. Clements, do.; land and build- usual business routine and the conferring P. Colcord, do.; land in Searsport. ings in Belfast. SOU! H relieves puun MONTVILLE. of the fifth degree upon a class of six. Rose F. Pomeroy, Burnham, to Gc rge Mary Edna Wood, et als., Valhalla, N. The noon recess was satisfactorily passed E. Reynolds, do.; land in Burnham. Y., to Frederick R. Poor, Belfast; land W. B. Morse, who had a shock about «. •;!(•, without rubbing, will applied in the dining hall and the enjoyment of Clara A. Morison, Belfast, to Edgar I. and buildings in Belfast. two weeks ago, died Feb. 9th. .. immediately and rest and the social hour. Mrs. v- t' the nerves.. Ella Thompson has been spending Liniment is effective at 2 all of very in Grange reconvened o’clock, a few days with her niece, Mrs. Elwin .\:e: 11a! \ * pains, strains, bruises, the officers present. Opened by singing Adams. Lt jt Hits, sore muscles, lumba- America. A fine address of welcome was Too ltL. sciatica, rheumatic Much Frank | twinges. Cunningham, wno has been Lecturer of a big bottle always on hand given by Zoda Weymouth, .| working at Citypoint, came home quite use. Druggists everywhere. very enthusiastically Honesty Grange; sick with the mumps. c, $1.40. responded to by Lester Wilson of River- N. S. Donahue, County Agent, brought side Grange, followed by solo by Frances mayabse“oduttiru‘ Appetite I O. M. Wilbur, Poultry Specialist from Paul, who responded to an encore. At When the skin is sallow or the 8 yellow, the Extension Department, University of the census 13 granges reported. As four eyes dull, the head aches or sleep broken H. Maine, to Rev. Elwin A. Dinslow's Feb. of the officers-elect were unable to be and the back or there 3rd and they selected a pen of 12 of his present at the installation Past Pomona unrefreshing, aches, I barred Plymouth Rock pullets and put assist- W is a Master Edmund Brewster and his pain under the right shoulder blade—it I them with his pedigreed barred Plymouth G. Rock cockerels | ants very gracefully installed R., 8 is an indication that the is 2 for registered breeders. body being poi- The “The of this .m State and District Ceres, Flora and L. A. S into their re- University says: object ■ sonectby poorly digested and imperfectly elim- 8 work is to improve the quality of stock Conventions spective offices. in inated general and to increase the egg pro- the 3 food-waste. It is a wise to take 8 The topic: “Considering present thing duction of the county as a whole by the to the of the or March 25 condition and future outlook of apple recommending people Thursday, is it county the eggs and day-old chicks from I market in this and foreign countries, selected pens of some of the best breed- ! ATE CONVENTION and orchardists to advisable for farmers I ers in the county.” in- Beecham’s ublican State Convention for ! give their trees additional care and [ 1920 will be held at the Audi- taken J ! crease their planting,” was then ? angor, Maine, on Thursday, by M. I. Stev- at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, up, and most ably opened CASTORIA and one who has i.ip purpose of nominating six ens, a noted orchardist, Pills for electors and For Infants and Children of President 1 made orcharding pay. He was assured I to relieve these lent of the United States; (2) two symptoms by that a few days’ spraying in his large In Use For Over 30 Years "iir delegates-at-large, and four S to remove the causes I. He some helping to attend the Republican Nat- orchards paid him SI,000. gave Always bears Sold by drthroughout the I;i biiit-t. UK the tuition to be held in the city of good advice U> young men just | | of n the State of on Tues- Signature Illinois, out as farmers to start with an orchard. > eighth day of June, 1920; (3) A lively discussion followed, par- State committee; (4) a district very brothers Wilson, \ tor each congressional district; ticipated in by Harding, y committee for each county; Morse, Paul, Stevens, Clements, W. M. nulating and adopting a dec- Aborn, Jimmie Woodbury and Lester f or platform, in sup- principles, wisdom and truth were ich the Republicans of Maine Merrithew. Wit, to the electors of Maine in the certainly dealt with in good oratorical mpaign and the September elec- measure to a very appreciative audience. aiso (7) any other transacting The exercises were then turned over to it may properly come before ntion. the host grange and the followi ig pro- Now All You Good s Three Fellows, f of representation will be as gram presented: Tableaux, Epochs; ich city, town and plantation recitation by Gladys Achorn, “Pelang;” \ ;tled to one delegate, and for 1 recitation, Stella Berry, “Bobby Shafto;” Come Fill Your •tes cast for the Republican Up Pipes the or Governor in 191b an ad- comic monologue that brought down i- legate and for a fraction of 40 house, “A Friend of John Barleycorn,” ess of 75 votes an additional by Lester Merrithew; comic dialogue, “Farm for reading by Ruth Dow, > must be elected subsequent Sale;” !«* of this call in order to be j “Darby and Joan.” participate in the convention. A rising vote of thanks was given Uommittee will be in session Honesty Grange for the courtesies of the room of the Auditorium \ in the forenoon of the day of^ "day. ion to receive the credentials j Closed in form. ijates. The next Pomona meeting will be with .- iiing before the convention J Riverside Grange, Belfast, March 2nd. ommittee will hold a public1; the Bangor House, Bangor, Address of welcome by Cora Wilson; lock, at which meeting all response by Delbert Paul. Topic: “Should others interested in the the grange advocate increased pay for 1 success of the Republican j 'school teachers in view of the present ivi opportunity to make suii- in the State and r ..nd assisf in formulating and shortage of teachers ..;i ai.itioii of principles, or nation.” Opened by Mrs. P. W. Berry, j to the con veil- 1 to be presented superintendent of schools. iib aiion. amendment and G. E. 1). I

.■*r.s ... Maine who are opposed \ < le Democratic party Cdtarrhai Deafness Cannot Be Cured 1111■ with the purposes and •-ft.: lican party, wilnout by local applications, as they cannot | ,M.si pt.iitical affiliations, are j reach the diseased portion of the ear. > ami urged to assist in cure catarrhal There is only one way to | The Velvet tin -•s from the several cities, I deafness, and that is by a constitutional .iU lions, to participate in remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused j is twice as big s of this convention, of the mucous by an inflamed condition j as shown here lion of ttie rapidity and en- lining of the Eustachian Tube. When] which the women of the l this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling ; in .janizing and the spirit j sound or imperfect hearing, and when it j : ,• co-operating with Repub- i is entirely closed, Deafness is the result. ■ ■ s, the Republican Stale* Unless the inflammation can be reduced s e s that one or two auxil- and this tube restored to its normal con- oc -ent by the women of j diton, hearing will be destroyed forever. State to he are caused Republican Many cases of deafness by F ever men are “Tom” and “Bill” to each ion other, in Bangor, March 25, catarrh, which is an inflamed condition or t.ne mucous surraces. llalPs Catarrh 1 its when are If ever pubi can State Committee. Medicine acts thru the blood on the good pipes a-going. good RANK .1 HAM, Chairman mucous surfaces of the system K K. Secretary their best, ’tis when Velvet’s in tha DYER, We will give One Hundred Dollars for pipes go Feb 3, 1D20 that can- any case of Catarrhal Deafness bov/1. not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Medicine. rtionment of Delegates Circulars tree. All Druggists, 75c. WALDO COUNTY F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. 11 Morrill 1 i For Velvet is a mighty friendly smoke. 1 Northport l ! CAPT. JAMES P. BUTMAN. |^4 3 Palermo 2 j is the leaf that 1 Kentucky Burley Nature made Prospect 1 | Capt. James i’. Butman was born Feb. 1 Searsmont 2 I the son of Capt. William and for Wholesome and 1 Searsport 3 18, 1848, j pipes. hearty, honest as He 1 Stockton Springs 3 i Margaret A. Butman of Searsport. j the And Velvet is that same 1 Swanville 1 ! first went to sea in 1868, going as sailor j day. good Burley leaf, Thorndike 2 Incubators on the bark Clara, commanded by Capt. 1 Troy 2 j j to mellow middle his lirst brought age. 1 Unity 3 David Nickels. This, voyage, and Brooders | months. Be- 3 Waldo 1 j covered two years and five 3 Winterport 4 fore it ended he had become second mate j seasons For Larger Hatches—Stronger Chicks 54 xFor eight long Velvet “meditates” in County, and then mate. Then for two years he To keep them “COMFY” alter hatching went as mate in the bark Investigator, j wooden off rawness 1 DISTRICT hogsheads, throwing the of The result of 15 years* experience. Produces great- CONVENTION commanded James Fori In by Capt. est efficiency at minimum expense. Worth while im- : or the 3d District Republicai-i 1878 he took charge of the vessel, The ! in the wood” Out provements such as “egg trays cannot slip out/’ to be held at the Auditorium “young” tobacco—truly “ageing and from then until March Homeward Bound, incorporated. Thursday, 25, at 10 Velvet calm and These devices will please. You will like the Queen. M., was issued 1880 he was in the North Atlantic trade. comes—cool, generous—the tobacco through Fred Get our now. of Moderately priced. prices, Augusta as chairman and After 1880 he voyaged mainly to the Nature made and J'erkins of Waterville as sec- good, kept good made better. Kendall & Portland, Maine Far last, commanding such ships as the Whitney We have every need the farmer needs. states that the convention is C. D. Bryant, the Elizabeth, the William for the purpose of selecting H. Connor, the Henry B. Hyde, the Gov- t delegates and two alternates ernor Kobie, the Abner Coburn and the 'iie Republican National con- E. B. Sutton. Cliicago, June 8, 1920, and to were considered ! '"V other business that may Some of these voyages ! -me before the convention. remarkably quick trips; such as that of ; of representation will as be the C. D. Bryant from New York to ach city, town and plantation thence to Iloilo in the Philip- • tied to one delegate, and for Hong Kong, /Les cast for the Republican pines, and back to New York in one ‘or governor in 1916 an addi- that 1 hundred and nine days; of the Henry gate, and for a fraction of 40 “Fowls not fed any beef scrap or other animal protein laid 90 B. from New York to San Fran- | only eggs xcess of 75 votes an Hyde Velvet’s sweetness is the sweetness of their as additional good j during pullet year compared with 137 eggs from beef scrap hens.’* cisco, thence to Liverpool, and back to in the delegation of any city, New York in ten months and fourteen tobacco, not “put on'*’ like “frosting” on a cake. Its utation only can be filled a by and that of the Governor Portland Meat days; Robie « 'he county in which tlie va- PORTLAND MEAT SCRAP Scrap mildness comes from natural not from „ llDrcrBLLr Little if 1 s from New York to Hong Kong, thence to ageing, having ispracticaJiyali scrap. any ls;___ pork meat scrap is in it’s composition. Manila, and back to New York in nine the life baked out. Its fragrance is true tobacco fra- PORTLAND is safo to use. Never gets MOTHERS ONLY KNEW months and seven days rancid. Has very high procein value. It is said that the B. not a Your dealer sells this old established re- of Children Suffer fiotn Worms Henry Hyde, grance, perfume. And Velvet makes an A which Butman liable brand- icir Mothers Do ,\ot Know Capt. commanded in have a 24 page memo h.ncklet we will be was the finest American Number One Roll one. ”j« V\ iiat the Trouble Is. 18911-91, sailing cigarette. glad t> n.-.;l you on receipt of <>ur acul* ship ever built, and that a painting of PGkiiLAiND KliNDLKIMi CO:vir worms are: Constipation, sour that ship is in the Smithsonian Institute, Portland, Maine deranged stomach, swollen up- Washington, D, C. As good old Velvet Joe says: dletisive breath, liard and full After fo'lowing the sea for occasional gripings and pains nearly forty navel, pale face of leaden tint, years, he retired in 1907 and had dwelt y and “Fill heart with dull, twitching eyelids, in Searsport ever since. yo’ friendly thoughts, llie nose, itching of the rectum, Capt. liutman was married July 15, '■ousti, grinding of the teeth, Yo’ mouth with friendly smoke— nnts 1884, to Miss Anna E. Colson of Sears- SAVING! sticking out on the tongue, DEPOSITS "7 slow Mrs. Butman ‘ring sleep, fever. port. survives him, as do An’ let the old world IN THE N. 502 wag.” Roberts, Asylum Street, also three of his children, namely: Mar- h used Dr. True’s Elixir for garet E., James P. and William Gordon baby girl when site was sick, LARGEST and OLDEST ts wrote to Dr. J. F. True & Co.: Butman, but Gladys went before him, *' National Bank in Kennebec County begin to draw interest Kiri is cured of iter worms.” passing away Sept. 4, 1914. " later from the first of each month. Money on deposit one full letter Iwrote: “Baby On Feb. i 24, 1889, he joined the First month receives interest from that time. I think it was your me icine s The Congregational Church of Elixir, Family Laxative Searsport. This is a fact to bear in mind when you have a small or "is that He became deacon Expeller) helped her.” July 25, 1909. large amount of surplus money. ui is ill start giving Dr. True’s He has made his record—on the "nee. Dr. sea, in Buy True’s Elixir at his home "its town, in his home Mail a at once. Three sizes. church—a -the tobacco Banking by Specialty. record of quiet yet very efficient service. friendly i He died Jan. 1920. I 1 clren Cry 30, Five days later at his home First National Granite Bank 1 FOR FLETCHER'S occurred his funeral, and his comrades of the sea laid his l-ASTO R I A remains to OF MAINE rest in the Gordon Cemetery. AUGUSTA, finds one of the tenements afire, and from 1 years we have maintained a smaller ad* of a young 1 ticipants, results in the flight the of a woman he believes mission price than most other city in crazy ravings any captain who mistakenly believes himself is in the house. She is rescued and but we must now change. Chil- IS THIS YOUR CASE? Missy Maine, guilty of murder. How his innocence is tells Oliver that Bawlf has left to join his dren's tickets will be matinee and 11c. established is revealed in a most dramatic "What You Should Do—Most Success- wife. And then comes the realization to evening. Adults, matinee, 15c; evening, climax—a climax which is tense and ex- ful and both love has entered their lives to which include the 10 cent AMAZING HAS that per SUCCESS Economical 20c; prices this BEEN Treatment. citing. It is a powerful picture, stay. war t’ax. with adven- Do you have a feeling of general _ “Sacred Silence”—it throbs ture and pathos and generates love and ■weakness day in and out? Is your Leslie, Olive Thomas, Monday Gladys Friday valor—the valor that makes a man give appetite poor? Does your food fail how Olive the The A glimpse of young college girls Thomas, charming young all to protect a woman’s honor. to strengthen you and your to live is with detail in Follies’ who has to a de- BY refreshing captured ACHIEVED provided Ziegfeld girl, is FAMOUS sleep vital and spectacular TANLaI refresh? Do you find it hard to do Vitagraph’s new picture, “The Golden the motion picture public by has a gree. storm, ft or to bear what should be easy? Shower.” This production, with Gladys charming role in her newest picture and The fifth episode of The Black Secret Facts About Tanlac in the will be shown as with her an Have your ordinary duties and cares Leslie stellar role, pleasing personality provides will also be shown Wednesday. Tan'ac, the Celebrated Medicine which has be become great tasks and burdens? the feature attraction on Friday. hour’s entertainment that is both enjoy- Sixteen millhn bottles sold in five The picture presents some of the com- able and refreshing. The play is nicely Accomplishing Remarkable Results in the If so, take Hood’s HAS the MAN TAKEN years. Unit Sarsaparilla— mencement exercises, the reception and named “The Spite and it is a CENSUS this medicine Bride,” States and great revitalizes the dances given by the girls, and lifts the Selznick picture. YOU? At present rate of sales grand total Canada, will now be sold in Belfa blood, and tone to all the gives vigor curtain also on the interesting drama of Also on Monday, Vod-a-Vil, Outing will reach 20,000,000 bottles by end Read & Will you help the census enumerators? by Hills. Remarkable Sales Record organs and functions, and is un- the struggle by some young women to Chester and Rolin comedy. of the present year. for those who are in de- earn their way through college. It is the earnest desire of District Sixteen equalled any modern laboratories at Million Bottle? Phenomenal and “The Golden Shower” also the Large and Unpr gree debilitated or run down. Do not portrays "The Life Line,” Tuesday Supervisor to find all the people in the events and customs on life on the Great Dayton, Ohio, occupy 60,000 square cedented. delay treatment—begin it today. district. The more that can be found in White before prohibition somewhat The wonderful Paramount Artcraft To rouse the torpid liver and regu- Way, Belfast the will feet of floor space. dampened the mad revels of that region. special ‘‘The Life Line,” a Mack Sen- the better showing city late the bowels take Hood’s Pills. of doubled It then offers the contrast of conditions nett comedy, and “Mutt and .Jeff” will make. The fewer found the greater our Capacity plant recently Tanlac, the celebrated medicine which has been aco They are purely vegetable. doubtless be a card. We care of busi- and drama of the great West. big drawing disadvantage. Every person having the to take rapidly Increasing such remarkable quote the following from Screen Opinions plishing results throughout the Uni: Also on Friday the next to the last at heartshould ness Present 36,000 bot- “The interest of this community capacity States and Colonial Theatre episode “Perils of Thunder Mountain.” regarding Life Line”: Canada, and which has been having a phenoi There is so much life to this picture help to the extent of letting headquar- tles daily, nal sale wherever it has been will now that it is an acceptable offering for all ters know, if he or she has been over- Branch plant recently established in introduced, be "The Latest Photoplays Now Bei-.g Pro- "Sis classes of motion looked. If thinks he has been in Belfast Hopkins,” Saturday picture audiences. The anyone Canada, with a capacity of 8,000 bot- by Read & Hills, the amazing success achieved jected at This Cosy Theatre, “Sis Hopkins”—Mabel Normand! From story is swiftly moving and never lags. overlooked in the enumeration just drop this a line to J. tles daily. medicine in five time is not and now on admirers of Excitement and tense situations are nu- Capt. Orrin Dickey, Belfast, only years’ only phenomet Matinee Evening. Goldwyn’s unique broken merous and work well into the or if have not time to write Demand for preparation has but comedienne will never disassociate one develop- Maine, you unprecedented. ment of the plot. Comedy and pathos just call 316-3. Help put Belfast where all world’s records for same length of Vivian from the other. Mabel Normand bids The of the Martin, Thursday come in for their share and the whole it belongs when the census returns are discovery Tanlac, of its fair to score the greatest hit of her lively time, and is constantly increasing. beginning manuij A delightful bit of entertainment is assemblage of the material makes it a published. ture, the of career. indorsed through the daily establishment the large and modern laborab 1 offered Thursday when Vivian Martin, noteworthy offering. No star is featured Publicly Completely sinking her own personality at more supported by Harrison appears in in the but is a star in men of prominence through- Dayton, Ohio, occupying than (50,000 feet of il Ford, into that of the Hoosier hoyden, she cast, every player ANNABELLE B. CARTER. press by the Paramount Artcraft “The Third his or her own and do their utmost in- reads play, achieves a feat of acting like nothing she right out the United States and Canada, space, more like fiction than facts from latter 1 Kiss.” The story of the play follows: to give a perfect performance. Pauline has ever done. Mabel Normand is the Annabelle B. Carter died at the Waldo cluding supreme court judges, mayors commercial Rupert Bawlf, who has given up every- Jack Holt and Lewis have history. character already known in every city, Starke, Cody to the of the factories County Hospital at 11 p. m., Feb 14th. of leading cities, lawyers, doctors, thing help people town and hamlet of America through the the leading roles. Tully Marshall, Noah Sixteen and finds in the little girl and Seena Owen have roles She entered the only the state and of- Million Bottles Sold in Five Years slums, factory success of the stage play in which Rose Beery strong Hospital Friday bankers, government a very and before and The Missy good assistant, Melville made millions a score handle them well. locale of the before, ill with a complication educators and well- laugh of seriously cials, prominent on Jong he is in love with the little girl. To story is purely English and has beeu very Although placed the market but little more than i years ago. Miss Melville, who assisted of diseases of long standing. She was known ministers of the Gospel. save him from scandal that his work Miss Normand in finely staged. Charles Whittaker is re- over costuming the part, born in the of John and coast and years ago, sixteen million bottles have been sold, might go on, and because Cynthia Bawlf sponsible for this adaptation of George Belfast, daughter Now sold from coast to declared that the screen “Sis Hopkins” its sales was once the one woman for Oliver R. Sims’ Elizabeth Carter. She had al- record has never been in the him, promises to be even funnier than it was “Romany Rye.” (Crosby) from Gulf to Great Lakes, throughout probably equaled Cloyne decides to marry Missy. He then as a nationally successful stage play. ways lived here with the exception of the United States and Canada, tory of the drug trade in America. learns that she is the real owner of the Also on Saturday will be shown the about 11 years of her married life in and is factory in which she worked, and that William Russell, Wednesday Tanlac is purely vegetable From coast to coast and from Gulf to the Great last of the “Spurs and Saddles” series. Thorndike. For many years she was Lakj she was to better the conditions most beneficial roots trying William Russell, the new and popular employed in the shoe factory. Her age composed of the Tanlac is known and honored. Millions her Their married life is have taken it J among help. Fox star, will come to this theatre in the was 08 years She was a devout Spirit- and herbs known to science. Formula a official but Oliver finds New Prices In Effect have it the just plain affair, Monday near future in the most dramatic role of ualist and was also a medium pronounced greatest medicine of all time, prominent with all national and state that Missy is soon the most of I Because of the cost career. complies occupying increased of film, his The story, which concerns conducting the meetings and officiating matter where you the United wh< -i his He for a of United States go throughout States, thoughts. leaves business j labor, coal, transportation, and the many army life during peace time, was at the of those of that faith. pure food health laws j adapted funerals or and when he returns he learns that other a East, West, North Tanlac is a trip necessities used in operating from the highly successful stage play, The funeral was held at the Coombs un- 1 and Canada. South, household word both Missy and Bawlf have disappeared. theatre, we find it necessary to make a “The Deserter.” A four cornered now affair, dertaking parlor Wednesday at 2 p. m., Absolute merit for un- is the most talked of He ir.Lo the he increase in responsible unquestionably widely medi isCfrantic. Going slums, slight prices. For over two leading to the slaying of one of the par- Mrs. Ella Staples officiating. precedented success. in the world today. this is the Briefly, record of the truly marvelous med: 1 which will now be placed within the reach of one ’’ every “The Best WORLD S RECORD a Apex Saiesman Is An Apex Owner! only few weeks’ time it will be placed on sale in practi BY TANLAC every large city, town, village and hamlet throughout BROKEN entire section.

Over Four Million Bottles Sold in 1919— tiie Fifth Year LEADlM MM Fills OF of Its History.

Tanlac Isas brought a new romance to the commercial world. It. is the story of AlEllIGA TELL OF an acceptance and appreciation of merit SALIj never before attained by a proprietary medicine. Staid business men to whom the actual figures of the production of Communications From Prominent Dealers All Over America Tanlac have been presented have scouted of Success of them until the proof was shown. The Unprecedented Tanlac. production of Tanlac now stands at the rate of almost four million bottles per year. The exact figures are 3,992,800. The following are extracts trom letters "and The sale of a million bottles in telegrams the first dealers all over the l mted Slates and nine months, which far exceeded prominent Canada telli« any of the renjsruable growth record ever made by a proprietary medi- plain, cold figures and developmei' I cine, now seems insignificant. Tanlac throughout America. OVER 17.000 BOITLES A DAY. lenn Fort ■ Memphis, j u- Worth, Tc Tanlac oui sales bou«llt ‘"“J The sale for the first ten weeks of last Since we have handled ju-» l"aye distribute bottles. uas Ij of lanlac year amounted to over One Million bot- amounted to 3by,o(H April ibottles and find car er we an of over one our month and we sold live have ever hand tles, average hundred twelfth j hadHad ,, j alone. any!limy to do with thousand bottles per week, which is at the loads during that month DRUC, CO. MAXWELL CLARK ( rate of more than seven thousand bottles HESSiG-ELLIS j DRUG per and the total sales for the day, 1919, °nt fifth of Tanlac liistor was more i w Can., Dec. I, year Nashville, Term. We loronto>have sold than four million bottles. It seems 14o,328 bottles of almost we have Our books show that bought since, accepting the agency. incredible, but these are actual figures carloads of and disposed of over fifteen inis shows an and such is the record established by this average of eigh Tanlae bottle^, m t!:is inunedi- san(i bottles per wonderful medicine. <180,000 I month. ate territory, setting a record as the M MAN “One firm alone,’’ said Mr. G. F. Wil- BROTHE sale by us in a given time of any the international largest lis, distributor of Tan- in the history of out proprietary medicine ... lac, “has given orders for a total of 150,- Atlanta, business. ... gladly give our 000 bottles within exponent eighteen months’ lime. no ellort on lauiac. 1 hese sales were made with We took the agency ii (i The firm I refer tc is the Spurlock Neal and our part and without a single complaint ll.Jlo, have sohf lodate lild.iti Co. of Nashville, Term. Mr. C. S. Mar- at from anv of our patrons or sub-agencies wholesale. Anuunt very satis!, tin, president .of this great firm, who is SPURLOCK-NE&L CO. EAMAK-RaNKIN also of the Southern DRUG president Drug Job- C. S. MARTIN, bers’ association, will verify this state- Vice-President and GeiTl Mgr. .» ment. Birmingham, Since we began iiandlmg I'm; tanlac is the result of many years of have sold I7U.472 bottles m our te; arduous study by Mr. Cooper and his Tenn VVe have Knoxville, found it the largest sc principal chemist. In fact the two of most satisfac- have in Experience with Tanlae proprietary medieii ,■., them have carefully watched its and develop- tory. Have handled it two years j DUSTER NURTHINGK tv DRl ment from the of the beginning experi have sold over 110,100 bottles since tak- mental to its stage present state of effici- ing tne agency. So Seattle, \V ency. remarkable have been the KUHLMAN-C1IAMBLISS CO. Since we tT- accepted the wholesai results obtained from this medicine that tilbuting agency for in I doubt if Tanlac tins seriously either of these men tort on March Dallas, Texas. 14, 1D13, we have so realize the immensity of their success. j bit bottles handled Tanlae since January of the preparation. Like many other great discifveries, it has We have and have sold to date bot- STEWART & HOLMES DRl ■ required time to prove its far-reaching 1, 1917, 196,408 ‘Hello, Dear, Of Course I Can Go With You— effects.” tles. Our dealings with Mr. Willis highly satisfactory. TAN LAC lO BE SOLI) GRE1NER-KELLY DRUG CO. Retails 700 Bottles OVER ENTlKE S'I Ai In only a lew weeks’ My Has Finished The of Tanlac in One Day Jacksonville, Fla. time Ta Apex will be Cleaning!” been Tanlae sixteen placed on sale in Have handling practic Ga. Atlanta, months and have sold at retail in our two every Mr. G. F. large city, town, village Willis, Jacksonville stores approximately 20,000 is all Fourth Nat’l Bank Bldg., hamlet in the State. “My cleaning done in a few minutes now with my The bottles. Account very satisfactory in Apex. Apex Atlanta, Ga. A number of agencies already h does it so much easier and cleaner every respect. Cannot speak too highly than I could before I had it. for me Dear Sir: Replying to your inquiry we Stop of proprietors. been established in a very limited on out—I’ll are pleased to advise that we are now your way be all ready.” BETTES PHARMACY, INC. but it is desired by the selling Tanlac at the rate of considerably manufactui more than week. that the distribution be made n\ The woman who has an cleaner saves 2,000 bottles per Apex hours of time for recreation—she one On Saturday alone we sold through Houston, Texas. complete and far-reaching. keeps young by herself more time for the club and social our eleven Atlanta stores approximately We began handling Tanlae November, giving affairs. The Druggists and dealers who art cleaner her a new 700 bottles at retail direct to customers. 1916, and have disposed of about 167,040 gives of ease and terested should write or conception housekeeping enjoyment. Have had the exclusive agency since bottles. Has been a most satisfactory telegrapi. September, 1915, and have sold over account and we are enthusiastic in our ; Willis, Fourth National Bank lilt 75,000 bottles support. Atlanta, Ga. JACOBS PHARMACY CO. SOUTHERN DRUG CO. J Phone or write us to send an out Apex for you to try. No cost or obligation. Court, within and for the county of Waldo and ! State of Maine. PiiOBAIt NOTICES I late of Bel- lour Uiend who owns an cleaner is Estate of SARAH J. SEEK NS, Second Hand Good Apex really sincere when she says. fast, deceased. Herbert L. Siskins appointed I am out “1 couldn t house without To all persons interested in either ot the executor February 10, A. P. 1920. closing my stock keep my Apex cleaner.” antique and second hand estates hereinafter named: Estate of ELLEN E. I10UL1EK, late of goods <-f invite anyone interested to call At meiest we Belfast, deceased Frank A Cushman youi suggestion shall send out a new same gladly brand Apex for you At a Probate Court held at Belfast, in and Montville appointed executor February 10, A. inspect at 23 Washington to on for the ot try your own rugs and furnishings. With the cleaner in County Waldo, on the second Tues- D. 1920. f SARAH FLETCllER, Full market price printed at Belfast, in said County, that they Belfast, deceased. Sewell B Fletcher of Bel- Until have tiied at a to at fast executor February 10, A. D. Honest treatment you it, please don t pass on how much it will may appear Probate Court be held appointed judgment help1 ttie Probate Office in said Belfast on the second 1920. you. of A. D. at ten Tuesday March, 1920, o’clock Dated at Belfast, in said County, this seven- H. E. TASKER, in the forenoon, and be heard thereon if they teenth day of Fehruary. A. D. 1920. see cause. CHARLES E. JOHNSON. Register. Tasker’s Stabl MARTIN L, MITCHELL, late of Belfast. Will and petition for probaie thereof and that Gardiner, Maine If you like the and want to letters testamentary issue to Carrie W. Mitch- For Sale Apex keep it, you ell. she being the executrix named therein. 1910 Packard. 7 passenger Touring Car. Application that no bond be required from the can it on Old in but not so old in miles. buy easy monthly payments. Only executrix of said will is contained in the peti- years, Housekeeper a small amount down. tion of probate thereof. 1912 Buick Roadster, model 28. Old in RUBIE HAZEL REED, minor of Brooxs. all ways, but far from “down and Wantec of Margie F. Reed, for out.” Look them over. Petition guardian, n a small family. For particulars license to sell certain real estate situated in READ GARAGE & MACHINE CO., to MRS. WM. H. Monroe. QITIMBY Belfast, Maine. 8 Tel. 97 25 Court Sti WILLIAM B. MORSE, late of Montville, deceased. Will and petition for probate there- of and that letters testamentary issue to FIVE ACRE FARM Rachel A. Morse. Presented by said Rachel WANTED P enobscot she the executrix named A. Morse, being FOR SALE To board and care for in comfortable Bay that no bond be therein. Application required Two and one-half miles from ciD man or children. Best the executrix of said will is contained in home aged woman, from grass land; some wood, small new the of thereof. Application of care and references. Address petition probate henhouse, good cellar; live minutes presented in vacation on the 12th day of Feb- A. B., care Journal Office. ElectricCo. to $100 worth lumber; v ruary, A. D. 1920. school; pf sacrifice pr ce. Dickey-Knowlton BOWDEN. ELLERY Estate Co., Belfast, Maine. Judge of Baid Court. Young men A true copy of the original. Attest: For Railway Mail Clerks, $110 month CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Register. Experience unnece»sary. For free par- SALESMEN WANTED ticulars examinations, write R. Terry to solicit orders for lubricating oils, \. Notice is hereby given that the following (former Government Examiner' 883 Con- and paints. Soiary or commission A appointments have been made by the Probate tinental Bldg., Washington, D. C. THE TODD'OIL & FAINT (JO.. CleveU' Non=Partisan Business < \ Partisanism has no in place business, and WE NEVER permit the k first appearance of it in our store. t? For Years the All Twenty Central looks alike to and money us, YOUR money is as good as the > best. " g H us the name of a Maine Power Has FAIR house-the house of a Built § o^T TTAh^h^eAaTnedior Company DEAL. The entire SQUARE community knows that we live up to fel and every promise stand squarely behind every sale we make. WE Its NEVER CUT but we Business On This PRICES, DO buy bargains that we can pass to our Principle. $ along customers at prices that cannot be duplicated in this town. Need we say more? Better come now. jp Yours truly, |§ To give every customer the most it BERT L. DAVIS, I can afford to for each dollar that it re- BELFAST’S LARGE8T CLOTHING 8TORE I ceives rather than to take all the dollars | TELEPHONE 223-6 N in it can get from its customers and give as little as possible in return. The News ot Belfast Miss Belle Keating entertained a few There is now only one inmate in the of her friends last Friday evening. Auc- county jail, Emery Larrabee of Monroe. tion was This is unusual enjoyed and delicious refresh- at this season of the year. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ments served. The Boston Sunday papers did not t ey Knowlton Real Estate Co. offer The Belfast Band, J. Lee Patterson reach Camden until 4 p. m, and arrived farm for sale, also incubator and director, will give a concert and confetti here late Monday afternoon. The New articles. ball in the Armory Friday evening, York Sunday papers came on the Monday March This like v aov. of forelady wanted. 19th. Other features of interest morning train. principle, any other, has suffered more or less from the dif- will be added to the Colonial Theatre publishes picture program. E. C. Holbrook of Brooks, very well ficulties of am for the week. practical but there has been and is a constant Thursday, Feb. 12th, Lincoln’s birthday, and favorably known here, died operation, effort * w. Davis calls attention to his shoe Monday, was not publicly observed. The usual the result of a severe shock. He was in on .ring business. the part of the Company to find ways of to it. -ep reference to the day was made in all the Belfast Feb. 11th to attend a meeting and adhering Belfast Boy Scouts advertise their schools and the patriotic bodies had special called at The Journal office as usual. r of Feb. 15th to 21st. niipaign programs at their regular meetings. Central Maine Power Co. adver- The Sons of Veterans Auxiliary will have a > heir preferred stock, electric sewing Mr. O. E. Frost has been ill the past Washington’s Birthday supper at 6 o’clock lie, Eden washing machine and week with pneumonia at his home on next Monday evening to which the Sons Ap eaner. Northport avenue and is under the care are invited. This will be fol- L. Davis publishes an adv. in re- of Mrs. Lulu C. Hills, R. N. Mrs. Frost lowed by a Washington’s Birthday pro- A his clothing store. has also been ill with a severe cold. gram. striking example of this is the effort which has been made to main- Davis Sample Shop gives notice of A Mrs. pleasant evening was spent Monday tain s pring goods, Grace C. Pillsbury entertained the the pre-war rates the war and the since the at the last of a series of public card par- through through period ■idv. of the Board of Registration, Saturday Auction Club at her home on ties at the St. Francis chapel. The prizes e wanted to board and care for. Northport avenue last Thursday evening. armistice was The has vast sums were won by Mrs. Willard A. signed. company expended of money and Tuttle at the Timm shoe store ad- Supper was served at 7p. followed by Johnson, m., S. C. Marsano and Mrs. George W. Wil- a -s shoes for $3.49. the game. Mrs. Maine Hills and Miss great deal of time and on the of ley. Coffee and cake were served. thought question securing economies of Oarage & Machine Co. advertise Belle Keating were guests. Mrs. Morris out autoes for sale and wood L. won the a of The North Church Guild will which would enable it to g list, Slugg prize, pack cards. meet operation continue its old rates, although a dollar with Mrs. Clyde B. Holmes next Monday Ralph I. the Waldo Pythian Building Association offer Morse, Esq., Coun- evening. Mis. B. O. Norton ana Misses only purchases about half as much labor and material as it would before ty chairman of the Maine drawers, cases, shelving, etc., at Centennial Maude and Clara Steward will be assist- M Corner Drug Store. committee, has appointed a fine list of ant hostesses. Mrs. S. S. L. Shute will the war. We believe that the results of to follow this assistants in trying principle have Belfast and all of the towns read a paper on “Interviews with Famous in the county to collect relics, etc., for People.” placed the Company in high favor among its customers and forms one of Havford is at the the celebration. The list of the com- Tapley Hospi- E. H. mittees are on the Emery of the Maine Civic League ere he was recently operated on prin'ed second page in the reasons our securities outrank all was in Belfast Monday and in- principal why others in in pendicitis.£ fie is doing well. this issue. Tuesday popularity vestigating several complaints that have Maine. k Smith is ill at his home on Bay- POOR’S Mills. The storm and bad been received at the department in Au- reet. He“recently returned from roads prevented the High school students gusta against gambling places and de- laving been as an engineer in the from attending school last Monday. vices alleged to be in operation in this «nt service. Charles McKinley of Camden is visiting city. One of the places investigated was his sister, Mrs. Jane Cole, for a few days. raided some time ago by State Detective on L Taylor of Augusta, director ... Mrs. W. S. Wentworth has had an- Tarbox of Augusta. •peration department of the Cen- other ill turn and will enter Tapley’s hos- ;inp Power Company, is making a Herbert Light of New who has pital soon for an operation.Helen Pay- York, he motors, etc., in this city. He the leading role in the College Chums to son visited her young friends at Mr. and We would like to tell you more of the and of the Preferred even the oldest devices in use be given here Feb. 26th, is one of the sur- Company Mrs. Arthur Thompson’s from Friday "e in the best of condition. He is vivors of the being rescued until Tuesday. ...Cassius Hamilton met Lusitania, stock which it is to Maine investors and will do so if will by Thomas Kennedy of the local from the Water. President Roberts of offering you fill with quite a mishap recently. While Colby and Harold Weeks of Fairfield getting his ice one of the cold days he out the attached coupon. both recommend Mr, Light very highly promise of an early spring was re- accidently slipped into the water, but in the play as given in Waterville and 1 Saturday from Asliville, N. C., fortunately Arthur Higgins was near by Fairfield. See article on another page a friend and rendered him assistance....A little very encouragingly says: in this issue. rds and robins have been with us son came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. *ks and large docks of song birds Delbert Rolerson Tuesday, Feb. 10th While there is a general epidemic of Mrs. at liering for their trip north. The Lucy Blood was with them last bad colds, especially among the children, week. st. say that it is early for inigra- This week they have Miss Nellie and several well developed cases of therefore promises an early Brown. pneumonia, Dr. O. S. Vicxery of the -COUPON-- local board of health says he reported 15 The Omnibus Bill which has passed cases to the State Board last Saturday Central Maine A. Coombs is building for W. H. the House will carry a for Wm. Central Maine Power pension and has received a few since. While the Company, Corporation of 214 State Street, H. Durham of this obtained bv city, j patients seem very ill at the beginning a power boat to be entered in Congressman John A. Peters under cir- Maine. their recovery is rapid and they are seen Augusta, or Boat show to be held in Boston cumstances showing efficiency and quick on the street while currently reported ill. Power Plesae send me, without informa* latter part of March. She is 30 work in his office at Washington. The Co. obligation, and 8 feet beam and will have tion about Central Maine Power 7 g papers in Mr. Durham’s case were re- i The H. L. Whitten Company will close Company : a 30-horse Frisbee power engine, ceived Feb. Kith. On the same day Mr. ! out their line of groceries by March 1st. Percent Cumulative Preferred Stock as an in- s are handsome and the finished Peters introduced a special bill in behalf j The Whitten Brothers came here from Augusta, Maine. vestment. will be a credit to Mr. Coombs. of > Mr. Durham which was immediately Union 15 years ago and opened this busi- printed and to Boy Scout Campaign. This is referred the Committee ness in the double store in Hayford block, NAME. the next the 11th. On that Mr. but D. President. it week and in common with ail day, day j several years ago F. L. Whitten Harvey Eaton, Peters appeared before the Committee : ADDRESS. of the country they will make a withdraw to enter the firm of Swan & and a favorable report was obtained ! and H. Walter r at least $300 for their summer Sibley L. Whitten will join him S. Wyman, Treasurer. which was filed in the A little from each friend, and House February ! next month. The Belfast Candy Com- 12th and the Bill ! dy is fond of these bright and Special included in the pany has leased the Hayford block stores Omnibus Bill various and will move little chaps in uniform that mean carrying pensions their manufacturing and which will the will make their task pleasant immediately pass House j wholesale business there. They will use and will doubtless at;.1 be passed by the Sen- the basements for bottling their light easy. ate in short order. drinks, one store for the manufacturing National Geographic Magazine of of candy and they other for handling the The following letter received from the 'IB, had a picture of the American goods. They own their building on State Department of Health, a Red Cross rest camp in France, Augusta, j Pleasant street, but need more room for under date of p’eb. 9th will be read with i u.cture is almost as distinct as a their increasing business and new ma- satisfaction: graph and the relatives of Herbert j chinery. Belfast Water u Collins, son of Mr. and Mrs. District, Stay J. Collins of this city, have Belfast, Maine. Awake America! The long lecture Dr. u/.ed him among the boys standing Gentlemen: Analysisof sample of water | anticipated by Lincoln Mc- NOTICE from Connell of was ne for sandwiches, etc. He had your public supply which you sent j Atlanta, Ga., given in me on 3rd shows this water to the Universalist church even- We want to start the real estate a mnt home a picture since he en- February j Wednesday spring selling with be in normal condition for season ing, Feb. 11th. seat was e service and the family has had this of Every taken larger and better line of properties than we ever before the year. There was no chemical or bac- I and the lecture was all and more than of these prints framed. Private carried, as we shall undoubtedly have more customers teriological evidence of contact of this promised. The Universalist choir fur- was killed in action Oct. 10, 1918. and do more water nished a selection at the business during 1920 than has ever been with pollution of any Kind. This | opening and at Journal makes a careful done in one If always shows that you are efficiently operating ] the close of the program. Dr. McCon- year. you have any real estate to sell "unary of the transfers of real estate nell has won a your chlorinator and there should be no ; place in the hearts of our come in and talk it over, and claim deeds re- warranty quit cause for disease among its users, as long people and no entertainment course will in the Waldo County Registry, as this water remains in its present con- be complete without him. His first s a is made to omit ROY C. onally request dition. Very truly yours, thought was a warning against the wave FISH, " the but of late ndhe of sliing notices, P. C. McGouldink, spiritualism spreading over our coun- E. A. Strout been of Representing Farm noted. From our records Birector try. He preached a doctrine of sound Their Medicine Chest For 20 Years Agency, In we find of real estate ROOM ODD FELLOWS that 211 pieces common sense, and while some of his 2, BUILDING, BELFAST, MAINE. been sold to customers outside of Rev. laxative on the Arthur E. Wilson returned home statements are startling he argues con- and does more than any The thousands of letters ! and of these 96 have been out last from a visit is characteristic of market today. unty, Thursday very pleasant vincingly for them with the most com- me I was 01 folks after they pass the allotted from users have convinced right, e State. Customers of the latter in Bangor. He is one of the State’s best of as a monplace illustrations and stories. He “three score years and ten,” to look and that the user Nature’s Remedy uorne from east and known on and bird even he have north, south, authorities birds lore. can convulse his audience with laughter back over the days that are gone family medicine, though may TO THE and The ITand live them over. used it for twenty-five years, never has VOTERS COTTAGE of the former many from the Commercial of Feb. 12th devoted a and in the next breath touch a serious thoughtfully a to increase the dose. n of Maine, Aroostook county. column to a most appreciative notice of strain that the I find myself, at seventy-one, frequently staggers thoughtful. No medicine and the re- OF THE CITY OF BELFAST his address and in “Seldom drifting back a quarter of a century, when My knowledge of FOR SALE AT SWAN LAKE said closing: one escapes his wholesome criticisms. its use in own and Unitarian Alliance met last Thurs- I see in the little drug store I owned sults of my family You ^re notified that the has a an address myself hereby BOARD Five room speaker delivered along While not in the least a pessimist he at making and selling a among my friends, before I ever offered it cottage, with stable, in good afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Bolivar, Mo., to have faith in OF REGISTRATION will be in session to re- more and novel and attractive to my friends and for sale, caused me great condition for sale at a pleasing states that the American people are vegetable compound vise and correct the VOTING LISTS of the bargain. Lot of man, about 40 being present. Af- 1 was then known as Nature’s from the very first. lines. And, Mr. Wilson’s discourse when customers—what only BemtUy land 50 by 70 feet. to brief business Mrs. Elmer too, dreaming they think they will ever for Liver City of Belfast on the five secular days prior to ! Apply meeting Dr. Lewis* Medicine Stomach, And now as I find myself nearing the age j glowed with interest in the subject, with again return to the conditions that and Bowel the eighth day of March, A D. 1929. Said Board DICK.E Y-K.NO WLTON Sherman read some short items of pre- Complaints. when I must bow to the inevitable and go j spirituality, and with literary culture. The vailed before the World War. America to is to of Registration will be in session from nine in REALT'ESTATE »s intelligence and a fine account For many years while I was perfecting my another life, my greatest pleasure CO., Bird Conservation Club has had the sit each and read the letters that each the forenoon to one o’clock in the ~w7 >■ Bangor has been awakened to her real condition formula I studied and investigated day afternoon, j Maine. Lincoln Memorial recently dedi- as or older Belfast, few who have the sub- laxatives and cathartics on the market and mail brings from people old and from three to five o'clock in the afternoon, speakers brought and Dr. McConnell will certainly do his nsed at Washington. Following t ■ is, became convinced that their main fault than I, who tell of having Nature’s and from se en to nine o’clock in the after* ject of their work to them in a more in- part to her awake. the for fifteen and years, Arthur E. Wilson read the great keep During past was not that they did not act on the bowels, Remedy ten, twenty noon, on the first four of said to receive he now and their children and days, j teresting and won the well- he has in >*'but that their action was too violent and and they 1 Abraham it in a fashion, year spoken thirty-nine States evidence the of voters Lincoln,” giving deserved and and the of the user; grandchildren have been benefitted by it. touching qualifications applause appreciation of his in the Union on this subject. He drastic, upset system therein and to revise and correct the and forceful manner which permit- paid which was due to that were voting FORELADY audience.” The News of the same the.fact they It is a consoling thought, my friends, for : Daily his respects to the their some lists, and on,the last one of said secular days* uer hearers to form mental photo- schools, colleges, not thorough enough in action, a man at my age to feel that aside from *' date said: “Rev. A. F. Wilson of Belfast on the upper or small intes- to verify the correctness of said lists and to s of every dramatic scene in this churches, homes, society, politics, dress, simply acting his own success, one fces done something gave an address while others would act only on the satisfac- and close its records of said ses- WANTED lu interesting before the both in condemning and in tines, for his fellow man. My greatest complete up 'erpiece of John Drinkwater’s. The commending. lower or and that they Bird Conservation Club at large intestines, tion, my greatest happiness todav, i3 the sions. And on the last of said si cutar days, at Bangor the While a severe critic he uses only the almost a habit re- to take charge of Cloth meeting of the Alliance will be on invariably produced knowledge that tonight more than one five o’clock in the afternoon, certified copies stitching room *IC Public Library Wednesday afternoon at 3 constructive methods. The next doses. will take a employing ten to afternoon of Feb. the enter- in the quiring augmented million people Nature's Remedy of said lists shall be delivered to the twelve hands. 26th, o’clock. si voting Mr. Wilson’s bject was Birds course will be at the Colonial I believed a to (NR Tablet) and be better, healthier, nt to be a musical Theatre, that preparation produce will# Clerk of said City of Belfast and a receipt Must be a first class stitcher and special program, in handled it must first tone the happier people for it, I hope you will. fully Poetry. He March when the the best effect liver, taken that on last of said .‘lace of to be announced interestingly Friday, 5th, Metropoli- be one therefor, except the competent to take full meeting and his of various then act on the stomach and entire alimen- of them. charge. ! readings poems illus- tan Singers will present a ora- the days devoted to registration and on the last of tie pulpit on Sunday, Feb. 22nd. concert, tary system. If this was accomplished, In making state trative of his subject were given.” torio a but said devoted to the records as above, the application, experience finely and operatic program. medicine would produce mild, days in thorough elimination of the waste without sessions of the Board shall close at five o’clock full, giving references and salary ex- the usual sickening sensations, and make in the afternoon, but no name shall be added pected. the user feel better at once. to or stricken from said list after five o’clock Address After experimenting with hundreds of in the afternoon of the last of said davs de- 117, HAPPY different compounds, I at last perfected the A. H. LEWIS MEDICINE CO., voted to registration as above. Care of Republican Journal that is now known as Natam’s Publishing CHILDHOOD formula FRED S. JACKSON, Chairman pro tem. which I believe further St. Louis. Mo. Co., Belfast, Maine. NEW Remedy, truly goes Board of of the of Childhood Registration City Belfast, days are to the Belfast, Maine, Feb, 17, 1920.—2w8 happy days robust City Drug Store—Read & -Iill3, Proprietors child; they are intended to be days of growth WATCH Wall Shoe Repairing NEXT WEEK FOR Out Neatly and promptly done. Closing Price List It interest Over Darby’s pool room, op- may you. Paper sewn READ GARAGE & MACHINE CO., MiaswN posite Steam Laundry. Belfast, Maine. to a child that 10,000 rolls received brings is not thriving, power that sustains F. W. DAVIS. and in stock. Prices strength substance that determines growth. Scott’a WANTED Incubator is concentrated FOR SALE tonic-nourishment which is assimi- —Barber 'hand ^ readily chairs, mirror, stoves, lated Live carved chairs All the and transmuted into strength. Poultry. antique bedstead, tables, drug drawers, cases, shelving 10c to 50c Roll Give Scott’s and miscellaneous second-hand foods for AUTOMOBILE and electric light fixtures at the Old Cor- per Emulsion to growing children often. S boats for Sale. sale cheap. i ner Drug Store, so-called. The store ia Theegelaaivc grade of FOR SALE. Five passenger in excel- being refitted for the immediate use Yours cod-liver oil used in Scott’. EumUoa is the famous DICKEY-KNOWLTON of truly, in and condition. Has been run the Western Union InhOTatarS?”8?; iniade Norway refined in our own American lent about 10,000 Telegraph Co. Apply laboratories. It is a guarantee of and R. J. MAYO. REAL ESTATE purity palatabiity unsurpassed. CO., miles. Act quickly as owner is leaving at once to M R. Knowlton for particulars- FRED JONE8 Scott ft D, Bowne. Bloomfield, N. J. Tel. 339-3 tf7 2w8 IWta [Belfast, Maine. town. Apply at 13 Congress street. PYTHIAN BUILDING ASSO. ISLESBORO. rotary; Hattie Pendleton, treasurer; Hilda Williams, conductress; Louetta McLeod, LOWDEN CUTS associate conductress; Myrtie Gilkey’s Harbor is frozen over and no Pendleton, owing chaplain; Gladys Giikey, marshal; Marion steamboats are running to Belfast ~ Kimball, organist; Lavena Keller, Adah; to the ice in the tay. TAXES THIRD i walmei* Zoa Coombs, Ruth; Mafcel Elwell, Esther; CasHe Mrs. and family have Sylvirus Dodge Eugenia Rowling, Martha; Hazel Pendle- returned home from Portland. News has ton, Electa; Ethel Hooper, warder; John been received of Capt. Dodge’s arrival in IN TWO YEARS Munroe, sentinel. A very sumptuous Norfolk, Va. supper was served in the dining room at Mr. is ill with in- Stop Charles A. Pendleton 6 30 p. m. The retiring matron, Mrs. Illinois Executive Shows That Pendle- flenza at his mother’s; Mrs. Cora Lu a Hatch, presented the installing of- ton. fut a Business Methods More Than He came home last Thursday ficer with a $3.00 gold piece, and Miss few on Counteract Prices. days’ visit, being in Rockland Coombs presented the installing marshal, High business. Mrs Helen G^ilkey, with a box of Page & Shaw’s The has been a this! The annual installation of officers of candy. past year A RECORD OF ACHIEVEMENTS Lone Star Chapter, No 33, O. E S., was prosperous one, having made many new held at Masonic hall Tuesday evening, members; also purchasing some very handsome and January 27, with about 160 mt inter- and expensive regalias. Executive Departments Consolidated visitors present. Miss Nellie G. Coom! r, ”i Lost My Best Customers Thru Kata,” At first signs of a cold or —Business Men Put in Office- past matron, was the installing olfii er. grip Writes J. Adams. Sound Financial Policy Ap- Miss Coombs installed in a very easy aid “Used to have the busiest Restaurant take plied to State graceful manner, being as usual letter in town until news spread that the kitch- Affairs. perfect in Mrs. Helen Gil- every detail.^ en was infested with rats; lost a lot of key made a very pleasing and graceful mv best custo ners until I tried RAT- Gov. Frank O. Lowden’s great rec- marshal. The following ollicers were in- '■NA Haven't s pest in the place now. COLD TABLETS ord as war executive of Illinois has stalled: Kestaurauts should use RAT SNAP.V JANES Lelia Fairfield, worthy matron; made him of Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and one the leading candi- John Rini- GUARANTEED Hooper, worthypalron; Louise guaranteed A. A. dates for the Republican nomination by Howes & Co., Hall- ba 11, associate matron; Helen Gilk y, sec- Lins Co., and City Drug Store. for president. It is a story of admin- istrative achievements. Every pledge to tile people has been redeemed. Despite high prices and unsettled conditions due to the war, Gov. Low- Walmer Castle. den, by the practical application of the numerous historical for cannon near the upper of tht business methods to the management part structures which the British bastions. The entrance from the land- of the state’s affairs, reduced the tax cherish because in them, they ward side was by a drawbridge anc I'Tluid Praehn rate in Illinois 33 per cent in two AMONG Xet Contents feel, is visibly incorporated strong niaehicolated gateway. Within years. His friends are certain that he the of not the least each castle was a well. The bastion can do for the nation what he has prestige England, and is Walmer walls were 20 feet thick below and 11 CASTORIA picturesque interesting done for Illinois in the matter of good For Infants and Children. castle, on the coast of Kent, the ofli- feet above. Their architect was government and lower taxes if he Is prob- ciai home of the lord warden of the one Steven von given the opportunity. ably Haschenperg The When Governor Lowden assumed of- Cinque ports. garrison of Walnter consisted ol me lord waraensmp is an older anu a lieutenant, two ter Mothers fice as executive of Illinois in Janu- captain, porters, Know That more picturesque monument than Wal- gunners and four soldiers. ary,. 1917, the state treasury was prac- mer castle. The office of lord war- Less than a later we read tically bankrupt. There was only $550 century den is far more ancient than his of Walmer castle as much and Genuine Castoria to the credit of the general fund, decayed dwelling. About that office are threatened the sea at per wjien outstanding bills had been paid. gath- by high tides; iJH: i j alcohol-a ered the" earliest activities out of moreover, rain drives into the rooms One of his first official acts was to iSlf ;! Avertable PrcparationtorAs -j which the British navy grew, writes and houses, the is Always abolish many political jobs by com- powder gate decayed Martin in Life. The 5 To 7 Minutes For Tea bining the work of 125 different de- Conway Country “with loose stones hanging over." and present functions of the lord warden so forth. It was partments and bureaus into nine com- presumably patched Bears the Steep tea 5 to 7 minutes never not be of executive value as the Civil war the castles pact central departments. Gov. Low- may any up. During more than 7. Don’t let it stand. Serve contributing to national defense, hut, changed hands more than once. Wal- den also had the state adopt a budget 1 Thereby Promoting Digestion immediately as long as there is a lord warden liv- mer was Parliament system which he thought would be a besieged by troops : andRcstContains at small of \» Cheerfulness Thus you will get All the model for other commonwealths. He ing Walmer, the beginnings ir. 1648, and held out for a month be- good: the navy in a remote past remain vis- fore surrendering. It was “much All the wholesome harmlessness, placed business men and trained ex- £ memorialized. Such a memorial with the hut the isresss IVithout the harmful tannic acid perts in charge of each of these de- ibly spoiled granades,” Is more efficient than of stone partments with results to any Rile repairs were only estimated to cost jitciptafimewmfaam; OF COURSE. YOU MUST HAVE gratifying 5#d \ that the ingenuity of man could raise. £300. The castles continued to be ol; Bumpkin the taxpayers. Senna I GOOD TEA TO BEGIN WITH more the I The cost or the Nothing vividly brings past military importance throughout the' Rochelle Salts conducting state Seed I Into the present or enforces on living seventeenth j Anise government was reduced hundreds of century. peppermint / THE men the amount of their indebtedness Additions Lord Wardens. | Bicarbonate Sofa I thousands of dollars a year while the by Seed I to those from whom descend thau norm RESTFUL quality of service to the public showed they The first lord warden to make Wal- Clarified Sugar 1 a ceremonial ytodergrren a marked improvement. The effects living recurrently per- mer castle his residence was the duke Flavor._< TEA formed in accordance with an ancient of a business administration in the of Dorset, appointed in 1708 and again Ahcip^emedyfcr 3419 and unbroken tradition. in stale were manifest in a short time. 1727. About 1730 he made various 7 Constipation and Diarrhoea.; is the fastest selling tea in Eastern Maine. No one knows when the lord war- &;■» Tlie state gradually built up a cash alterations and additions to the old i and Feverishness Your dealer has the sealed packets, denship was founded or by what fe balance and was able to discount its structure to provide the necessary ac- ^oss of Sleepfi | —all types. Prices right. earliest stages it came into being. Ne- bills. commodation for a household, further *£;■ rcsultinC ii.ercfronHrjnfancy. Thurston and Kingsbury Co., Bangor, Me. cessity enforced the defense of the $£ | As a practical illustration of what considerable additions were made by Your dealer also sells and recommends southeastern coast of England, and to farSimile good government means it is officially Mr. Pitt, the earl of Liverpool, and j ‘S‘i§ Signature T and K Coffee and I and K Extracts that end the small maritime forces of estimated that Illinois will have a Earl Granville. Apart from certain! :§=5'5 aUrt&z the little along it had to he co- cash balance of $9,877,225 on hand ports chambers belonging to the original ordinated. The original live ports the cestaubGomp-ww. July 1, 1920, in spite of a reduction of military work and since merely adapt- Bt-I were Romney. Hythe. Dover NEW YOggi 33 per cent in the tax rate. This is Hastings, ed to the uses of domestic service, the 'i to these others were what Gov. Loudon's business adminis- and Sandwich; oldest parts of the existing mansion as well as inland localities tration has done for Illinois. added, are the chambers built by the duke of iplltHptt0 which had to contribute financial aid. In addition to these things Gov. Dorset. Buck’s view, dated 1735, the extended Louden succeeded in accomplishing Ultimately jurisdiction shows tlie general aspect of this build- round the coast from Seaford in Sus- these concrete results: ing. It is raised over the central mass sex to near in Kent. on Margate of the castle and follows the outlines of Began work the state’s $00,090,- Exact Copy Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. of the Ports. 000 j >od roads system. Two hundred importance Cinque of its walls. There is nothing remark- the Middle down miles of good road were built last year. Throughout Ages able about the architecture or the dec- One thousand miles will be completed to the time of Henry VII the Cinque oration of the rooms. A small central in 1920. ports thus enlarged and organized had hall, a long passage leading through it, -— to furnish the crown with all Tuesday of Match, A. D. at ten o’clock ^ Authorized the beginning of work on nearly with others branching off as con- 1920, in t c forenoon, end be heard thereon if AN the men needed for naval they UNUSUAL the ships and venience dictated—these are the ele- last link of the state’s system of see cause waterways, which will connect the purposes. The oldest existing charter ments of the plan. The plain stone HATTIE M. COHN late of Thorn- dates from Edward I, Hut it refers to wall is sash-win- FORTH, Great Lakes with the Mississippi river. pierced by oblong dike, di e- -d Peti'ion that John E. Corn- older documents as far back as the dows obtained needed tax reforms for tlie and the crest of the wall is fort h of Knox or b< me other suitable person people. time of Edward the Confessor. Duties battlemented. may b appoint, d cdministrator of said es- OPPORTUNITY tate. Pre- ented by John E. Cornforth and and corresponding privileges went on The duke of Dorset’s additions were Reorganized the state’s penal and heir at law of said deceased. Mien an organization on accumulating. mainly on the sea front, which re- charitable institutions a humane AND E. STAPLES, late of Belfast, de- To select for could not exist without a head, but his J^ARY gifts anniversaries, weddings and show- basis. mains much as he left it. I believe ceased. I’eliti that Addie L. Carson of Bel- ollice was of correspondingly gradual the was his—a fast or some other suitable person may be ap- ers for the bride to a em- Brought about a constitutional con- drawing-room pleasant, be, from beautiful line ot growth. Ac one time it was an ollice chamber—but Lord Granville pointed administratrix of said estate. Pre- vention for which is now in sunny Illinois, sented by Walter C Gordon, son and heir at broidered at from of great power and importance. It added to it. Mr. Pitt built the rooms linens, prices ranging session forming a new basic law for law of said deceased. was generally coupled with the gover- over the southern the state. rampart. Finally, Carriage MARY JOHNSOtf HATGH, late of Islea- norship of Dover castle. The lord in Lord a deceased. Petition Friends of Gov. Louden believe that 1868. Granville added story boro, that Belle M. Hatch 50 Cents to $35.00 warden was admiral of the ports. He of said I lesb. ro or some other suitable person actions louder than and containing thirteen rooms over the speak words, may be app-.i. ted administratrix of said es- had his court of chancery at Dover. gate-house bastion. He also built the A large line of beautiful hand-made ORIEN FAL they point to ins public record as evi- tate. Presented by Belle 1V1. Hatch, daughter He still retains the duty of appointing toner. The stone came from at iw dence that he is the type of man need- employed and heir ! of said deceased. LACES in silk and linen. the judge of the admiralty court of the the demolition of ed for in this critical Sandown castle. He Painting E1HEL E. CALL, late of Troy, deceased. president period as well as the Petition that Am i-j R. Getcht ll of said of tlie Cinque ports justices added to the drawing-room, as an ax- Troy Our stock is received directly from Peking, China, and has found country’s history. or some Other suitat le person may be of the peace in the same areas; but the little room in which it is as- appoint- a ready sale at reasonable prices. cove, ed administratrix of said estate. Presented bis most functions have be- Ait orders will be important serted that Nelson and Pitt used 14 by Annie R. Getchell, daughter and heir at law come monumental and AMY L. WILSON, decorative, pic- confer. promptly attended of said deceased turesque, not, however, as aforesaid, There is nothing stately or impres- SARAH ELLEN McDONaLD, late of Bel- SUE M. PARTRIDGE. PROGRESSIVE PARTY Will unimportant. sive about the aspect of the interior, to. fast, deceased. and petition for probate thereof and that letters testamentarj’ issue to The maritime activity which led to but the CHIEFS BACK LOWDEN irregularity of the plan adds to Frances J Dyer. Presented by Frances J. the discovery of America and the be- the^ffect of domestic comfort and pri- Dyer, she being the xecutrix named therein. ginnings of a world commerce neces- vacy which pervades the house. One BENJAMIN WENTWORTH, late of Waldo, made a in British deceased. Will and petition for probate there- SENATOR sarily great change can easily understand how successive STATE OF MAINE McCORMICK, HAROLD & of and that letters testamentary issue to naval affairs. Local levies of ships families have become attached to it. Ellingwood SS. 1920. Notice of foreclosure. Haley 5, ICKES AND OTHERS PUSH Martha A. Wentworth, she being the executrix WALDO, February and sailors were bound to be replaced there are several Im- named Presented Martha Taken this fifth day of February, A. D. 1920, r[ Externally quite therein. by A.^Went- Eugene L. Reynolds of Unity, ILLINOISAN IN RACE. Over Banks’ oq execution dated 19, 1920, issued on sooner or later by something in the pressive points of view, those Garage. worth, Application that no bond be required January WHEREASthe County of Waldo and State of Maim* chiefly a rendered by the Supreme Judicial nature of a national The from the executrix of said will is contained in judgment by his mortgage deed dated the 15th day navy. change which command the massive and pre- Court, for the of Waldo, at the term The closest friends of the late Col. the|petition for probate thereof. County May, A. L). 1017, and recorded in the Wald. is already apparent in the days of walls from thereof begun and held on the first Tuesday of cipitous rising the moat. VIVIE L. ROWE, late of deceased. County Registry of Deeds in Book 325, Page Theodore Roosevelt and former lead- VIII, and from that time the Morrill, January, A. D. 1920, to wit, on the tenth day of Henry One of the walls, pulled down on the Will and petition for probate thereof and that 413, conveyed to one Jedediah W. Morrill, ers of the in Illi- v A, D. 1920, in favor of Eberezer Cobb Progressive party importance of the Cinque ports as the occasion of letters issue to John S. Rowe. January, certain lot or parcel of land situated in sai Queen Victoria’s visit to testamentary of Searsmont, in the County of Waldo and nois and other states of the middle nation’s naval base declined and with Presented, by John S. Rowe, he being the Unity, bounded and described as follows: make a new was soon State of Maine, against Adele M. Buzzell dining-room, executor named therein. that no Lying on the westerly side of the Old Stag West are enthusiastically supporting it the of the lord warden. It is Application of in the of Waldo and power afterward rebuilt. when Searsmont, County Road from to West Gov. Talleyrand bond required from the executor of said Lading Unity Village Tr«>> Frank O. Lowden’s candidacy for that the erection of Wal- jbe State of Maine, for one hundred seventy-one and hounded and noteworthy he visited Walmer insisted on Piano will is contained in the petition for northerly, westerly southerly sleeping Expert probate dollars and fifty-nine cents, debt or damage, the Tuning land of B. L Republican nomination for presi- mer castle dates from this It thereof by Ralph Pillsbury, and easterly period. in Pitt’s room. and sixteen dollars and sixty-six cents, costa dent. United said Stage Road, containing one-fourth acr States Senator Medill was built in the of VIII IVORY D. WHITE, late o£ Morrill, deceas- with fifteen cents additional reign Henry LLOYD of suit, together more or less, with the buildngs thereon. McCormick is one of the most active with other the D.McKEEN, ed. Will and petition for probate thereof and for said execution, and will be sold at public along castles round Camel-Hair And whereas the said Jedediah W, Morri workers in Gov. Lowden’s Belting. that letters testamentary issue to Forest L. auction at the office of Dunton & Morse, Bel- behalf, both coast, such as the neighboring Deal 172 6 thereafterwards on the 11th day of November used on In the High Street, Belfast, aine White and Charles W. they being the fast. to the bidder, on the tenth ! in and in Belting machinery White, Maine, highest A, D 1919, for a valuable consideration to Inn Washington Chicago. and Sandown and the remote Lindis- therein. Presented Forest at ten o’clock in the I Russian fields is Phone 126-4 46tf executors|named by day of March,A. D 1920, Fred A. of in said Cou: Other former petroleum made of L. White and paid by Myrick Troy, Progressives who are farne on island in Northumber- Charles W. White. Application forenoon, the 'following described real estate Holy camel’s which is ty of Waldo, the present holder and owner hair, said to resist that no bond be by the executors of and all the title and interest which the fighting for Lowden in the present land. Previously the coast bad been required right, said mortgage and debt thereby secured,trau.- greases better than rubber, or Providence Insurance Co. said will is contained in the petition for pro- said Adele M Buzzell has and had in and to campaign are: Harold L. Ickes, form- cotton, Washington ferred ana assigned said mortgage and debt protected by a succession of earth- bate thereof. the same on the fifteenth of A. leather. day August, the'said Fred A. his heirs or er chairman of the Rhode Island. Myrick, assigi national committee works, the Great and Little Bulwarke, Providence, SAMUEL G. late of 1919. at 4.c0 o’clock in the afternoon, the | DIXON, Lower'Merion, D, said assignment is recorded in said C< unty f of the Assets December 31. 1919. in ihe time when the same was attached on the writ Progressive party; Congress- for instance, within the parish of YVal- | State of Pennsylnvania, deceased. Au- Waldo Registry of Deeds, in Book 328, Pat' Poor Worm! Kea 1 thenticated of will and that in the same to wit:—A certain lot or par man Ira C. ‘Copley of Aurora ; B. F. estate.$ lOO.Ol'O 00 copy petition said sui', 101. mer. They had embrasures for guns, of with the buildings thereon, situ- Harris Heck—My wife contradicts me con- Stocks and bonos. 6,882,423 19 will may be allowed, filed and recorded in the cel land, And whereas the condition of said of ; Frank H. Funk a of mortgage Champaign and were connected communication < Probate Court for said Waldo ated in said and being part lot by Cash in ffice and bank. 9G9.083 75 County and that Searsmont, has been broken. Now, therefore, reasi-i of tinually. bounded and de- by Bloomington, Progressive party trenches. Agent’s balance. 1 40 letters testamentary issue to Fannie G. No 84 in the first divisior, of the breach of the wife acts as 171.169 Dixon, condition thereof, 1, tr> Peck—My if my ideas she the executrix scribed as follows, to wit:—Beginning at a candidate for governor of Illinois in Built VIII. Hills receivable. 29,!»2 0fl being named therein. Pre- said Fred A .Myrick, holder and owner of said by Henry weren’t worth sented the said Fannie G. stake and st«»ne in the line of land owned by H. Porter discussing.—Boston Interest and rents. 62 663 00 by Dixon aforesaid. mortgage, claim a foreclosure 1912; George of Cldcago, The Kentish castles built Luthur Hart and Dexter Heal; thence south- by Henry Transcript. All other assets. 1,280,078 40 JAMES H. CLARK, late of Bel fast,'deceas- Dated Troy, Maine, January 30 A. D, 19rd one mortgage and debt thereby secured to the said White we have lost a true and faithful to her out of the .personal estate of said de- thousand nine.hundred and twenty. The fol- hred A. his heirs or For ceased. Myrick, assigns, the pres- member. Rats. matters been “for the ent lowing having presented holder and owner of said niongage and Disease among farm animals don’t action thereupon hereinafter indicated, it is MARIE L. ANDREWS, late of Belfast, de- debt, which is Resolved, That we, the members of just assignment recorded in said happen. Rats are carriers of dangerous KMfOIDS hereby ordered, th-.t notice thereof be given ceased. Petition by Edith Emma Clark and Waldo County Registry of Deeds, in Book 328 Honesty Grange, extend our heartfelt plagues—hog cholera, foot and mouth pleasant to take, neutralize tO'Sll persons interested by causing a copy of Flora Berry, interested as legatees under the WHAT7 NONSENSE Rage 101. this order to be once a week for will of said Marie L. Andrews, that John R. And whereas the sympathy to the family. disease and that terrible of all scourges— published To condition of said mortgage aciditu and restore three weeks before t he second Dun ton be trustee under said suffer with Piles! Your grandparents has been Bubonic Farmers help successively may appointed broken. Now therefore, by reason Resolved, That as a token of our re- plague. should throw of in The Re- will. used SALVE. normal digestion. Tuesday March, A. D. 1920, MEADER’S Good for all of the breach of the condition thereof, 1, 11. around premises RAT-SNAP. “It’s sure a skin spect, our charter be draped publican Journai, newspaper published and ELLERY BOWDEN. diseases. Costs but 25c. Samples said Fred A. Myrick, holder and owner ot said thirty days, and safe.” Three MADE BY SCOTT & BOWNE at sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. printed Belfast, in said County, that they of said Court. free at A. A. Howes & mortgage, claim a foreclosure of said that a copy of these resolutions be sent Judge Co.’s, Belfast, mortgage Sold and guaranteed by A. A. Howes & MAKERS OP SCOTTS EMULSION may appear at a Probate Court to be held at A true of the Maine. Dated A. I9-3a copy original. Attest: No other place to get it. There Troy, Maine, January 30, D. 1920. the Probate Office in on the to the sorrowing family, a copy be placed Co., Hall-EUis Co., and City Drug Store said Belfast second CHAS. E. NO 3w7 FRED A, MYRICK. JOHNSON, Register. IS SUBSTITUTE. j BLACKSMITH’S MANILA CARNIVAL BIG RHEUMATISM SON MAY BE ATTRACTION OF FAR EAST Mustarlne Subdue* the Inflamma- tion and Eases the Soreness Quicker Than Anything PRESIDENT Else on Earth. IN the orchard ydu PICk the kind of

Pay only 30 cents and get a big box of Lowden of Illinois, Is Governor Begyrs Mustarlne, which the original you want. In the mustard plaster and is made of strong, apples market you Republican Candi- mustard—no substitutes are Leading real^ yellow date, Had Humble Start It’s known as the quickest pain killer on earth, for in hundreds of Instances take what the dealer has. We want it stops headache, neuralgia, toothache, earache and backache in 5 minutes. It’s a sure, speedy remedy—none bet- ter for bronchitis, pleurisy, lumbago, THE PICK OF non over many obstacles and to draw the Inflammation from THE WHEAT for sore feet there is nothing so good, ?3urou get real action with Mustarlne—it goes after the pain and kills it right off n Schoolmaster at Fifteen—Worked the reel. Yes, It burns, but it wonrt blis- and Law ter—it doesn’t give agonizing pain a slap ay Through College on the wrist. It does give it a good healthy School—From Law to Politics punch In the jaw—it kills pam. Ask for and get Mustarlne always In the yellow William His box. Tell —Farming Big Interest.

■..iv. Frank O. Lowden of Illinois, f the prominent candidates for Flour nomina- This is the It,publican presidential season of the year when | development of resources of the archi- the tion success In life by grit and Philippines become the playground pelago as that which is offered the for the ,vork. Son of a village black- entire orient It is carnival visitor at the carnival city. lULlto ureed and and we go right to the fields to season in onfronted by the privations of Manila. In the evenings the carnival becomes get it. In ieveloped country, enjoying only 1908 the first Philippine carnival the center of Philippine and oriental Spread INFLUENZA' as he was held on historic Wallace Field in advantages could earn by social activity. A huge open air audi- KILL THE COLD AT The big WILLIAM TELL mill is work and sacrifice—it was Manila in February, when the climate torium serves for itting the elaborate .nightly ONCE WITH right in the heart of the richest of the islands is at its kind of beginning to promise best, and each balls, and on its mammoth floor thou- wheat-growing country in the bant future. But by determina- succeeding year there has been a larg- sands of couples swing together to the HILLS world. iinbition and ability Lowden lev- er and more elaborate celebration. strains of music furnished by the fa- The ^ ihe obstacles that rose about him 1920, or Victory Carnival, will be mous Constabulary and other military We the greatest event of its sort ever held no go into the fields themselves aide success look his way. bands. Probably at other place In cascaraEHuinine anywhere in the Far East. and ,-nior Lowden was born near the world will one see an equally im- pick just what we want— There are commercial and the -e. Minn., on January 26, 1861. govern- pressive cosmopolitan spectacle. very best of the season’s ment exhibits in connection with the H 'tiler was Lorenzo Lowden. who The Manila visitor who can plan his crop. and on no other village blacksmith shop. The carnival, occasion is it trip to arrive at the Pearl of the Orient Standard cold remedy for 20 years \ —in tablet form—safe, sure, no possible to gain at once such a com- for carnival time well i- iis left .Sunrise when Frank was may deem him- a cold in 24 And see L opiates—break up you the result in a idea of the and in big- old. out of the prehensive production self fortunate. hours—relieves grip 3 days. years harely back if it ger loaf and a more v Money fails. The delicious class at the school which Lo- genuine box has a Red k flavor when you bake with iielped to build, and moved to top with Mr. Hill’s picture. WILLIAM TELL. Iowa. There the elder How Would You Like to Harvest Two v county, Crops At All Drug Store* i, took up funning. The boy of Corn a Year as They Do in the Philippines? Better tell your grocer—WILLIAM TELL too. but did more. He made THE See how aie tor nimselt and demanded BE SI PROOF much better it is. i really atton. So well did he succeed Given by a Belfast Citizen. S fifteen he was master of the WAN-WHITTE N COMPANY school, saving his few dollars Doan’s Kidney Pills were used—they ■ lege. At twenty he entered the brought benefit. -ay of Iowa. By outside work ; The story was told to Belfast residents. enough money to complete Time has strengthened the evidence. arse—at the head of his class. Has proven the result, lasting. The is home he went to Chicago. He want- testimony testimony. The proof convincing. a lawyer. By the same pro- It can be investigated by Belfast resi- af work and sacrifice that hud dents. a him thus far Lowden work- I. iW. Cross, retired farmer, 57 Miller way through the Union college St., says: “I suffered considerably from a Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance lame and Co., The completing a two-year course aching back. I had been troubled Lumber Mutual Tire Insurance t o. this off and on for For Sale MONTPEL1EK ear—again at the head of his way about year and a half. Cheap j of The attacks were often so severe Boston, Mass. Assets December 31, 1913, 1 was compelled to lay off from work. I One lull blooded Hudson Jersey bull, 7 •amt more years of hard work, Real Assets December 31, 1919. read of Doan’s Kidney Pills and got some months old. Out of estate.$ 50.000 I’O with Briggsey’s Betty No. Cash in -ed greater rewards than at the Store. office and bank. 410,954 31 r°"nS- m.'I.$1,403.615 68 City Drug They cured my 312306. A c ash in othee arid banks mg man had before known. In By Rosetta Raleigh Oxford No. (rents’ balance and bills receivable 240.'645 47 153,070 42 back in a short time.” All Agent's oth.r assets. 51 balance. 40 717 iz e was married to Miss Florence 148414. Reg. in American Jersey Cattle 3,516 LASTING RESULTS. IAn‘er«st.12*873 83 n. of one of Club of New York Solid Gross All other daughter America’s twelve City. color, assets.$705,116 29 assets. 30,090 65 Nearly years later, Mr. Cross Deduct r business men. Four children black items not admitted.. 90 ‘T have the same tongue and switch. For sale by 102,728 jsaid; high regard for Gross 70 been to assets.$1,640,397 horn them, a son and Doan’s Kidney Pills now as when I W. B. Deduce items not gave ROLLINS, Admitted assets.$602,387 39 admitted. 129,480 68 daughters. ! niyT former statement, recommending this 3w6 Camden, Maine Liabilities December 31, 1919. Admitted !<*n began to take an active in- medicine. The cure they made for me at Net assets.$1,510,917 02 unpaid losses .$ 00 in He : time has remained permanent.” 18,332 Liabilities December 31. 1919 politics. was a delegate ; STATE OF MAINE Unearned premiums. 218,398 86 All Net e national convention that in Price fiOc. at aii dealers. Don’t COUNTY OF KS. other liabilities’ 73 997 90 unpaid losses.$ 26,090 01 simply WALDO. Unearn d ask. for a Surplus over all liabilities .290 658 63 premiums. 379 592 90 nominated McKinley and Roose- kidney remedy—get Doan’s February 6, 1920. All other this sixth ot liabilities.’ 11*049 47 I Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Cross Taken day February, on execu- 1'otir years later he was a can- Total liabilities Surplus over ail liabilities. 64 had. Foster-Milburn Company, Mfgrs.. tion dated the nineteenth day of January, and surplus. $602,387 39 1,094*184 hofnre the Republican guberna- 1920, issued on a judgment rendered by the 3*7 Buffalo, NY. _ 1 l>tal iiobiiiiies and ■ 02 iivention, but a combination Supreme Judicial Court, for the County of surpiun.$1 510,917 term thereof and 3w7 Yutes-Deneen forces defeated No, reader, this corn was not grown shortage. Other important Philippine Waldo, atjthe begun held on the first Tuesday of ‘Jauuary. 1920. to wit, on American Surety Company by oue of our local farmers! It wasn’t crops are hemp, sugar cane, eocoanuts, Lowden took the stump and the tenth day of January, 1920, iu favor of The ami Lum- of New New York. The Lumberman’s Mutual ins. elect his successful rival, grown in the United States, even. It coffee, tapioca pineapples. Marine Hardware Company, a corporation of York, Co., ber is also an Mass., against The Point S. Deneeu. was grown in the faroflf Philippine Is- important industry. Peabody, Sandy Ship- Assets December 1919. Mansfield, Ohio. a 31, There are hundreds of thousands of building! Corporation, corporation duly or- /ears later he was elected to lands Two fine Assets December by Filipino schoolboys. ganized and existing under the laws of Maine, Real 60 31, 1919. acres of land estate..$ 4.500.0C0 s from lying idle in the Philip- its of R«al the Thirteenth Illinois crops of corn a year are produced in and having place business at Sandy Stocks and bonds. 6 156,689 69 estate,.* 65,495 31 pines, which have a greater area of Maine, for two thousand dol- Cash in office Mortgage loans He retired voluntarily after the Islands. Point, fifty-two and bank 1,222.898 44 247,150 00 lars and debt or blocks and 1 fertile land than in twenty-six cents, damage, Agents’ bilance, in bonds. a half terms. On Japan—this spite premiums 838,790 50 quitting | The are some won- and eleven dollars and fifteen costs course Cash in office and Philippines doing of the fact that the of the cents, of of collection. 1,352.215 74 bank. 201 554 97 he went to his farm population and will be sold at auction Agent's near j derful in the line. suit, public on the Interest and rents. 38,413 85 balance.91 865 02 things agricultural Philippines is' 11,000.000 while that of in Interest and 111., and devoted himself to premises said iSandy Point, to the highest All other assets. 147.560 04 rents. *9 555 Hi The Philippine government has fine ag-1 Japan is around There is bidder, on the twenty-seventh day of All other assets. hat one of 55,000,000. March, ’gQ^ the finest proper- at ten o’clock in the ricultural schools throughout the is- every reason to believe that some 1920, forenoon, the follow- Gross assets.$1^,417,777 76 its kind in the day Gn ss state. ing described real estate and ail the right, title I Deduct items not admitted. 634,382 17 assets.$1,454,912 14 lands, and the Philippine legislature, tlie Philippines will have a population Deduct hile in 1904 he had been and interest wh'ch the said The Sandy Point items not admitted 15 121 08 of is each as as that of j composed entirely Filipinos, large Japan today. The Shipbuilding Corporation has and had in and to Admitted 59 .member of the Republican na- assets.$12,783,395 Admitted year making larger and larger appro- Filipinos are the only Christian people Now '.he same on the twenty-fourth day of October, assets. .$1 439,791 06 me mitt ee from Liabilities Illinois, on 1919, at four o'clock in the afternoon, the time December 31, 1919. Liabilities priations for this important work. in tlie orient, and their young men are Buy | December 31, 1919. served until 1912. In 1916 when the same was attached on the writ in the ! Net The food of the islands is and to Net unpaid losses.$ 1.426.199 06 unpaid losses. 00 staple rice, working night day prepare same suit, to wit.— .5 87,371 -I the gubernatorial primary Unearned premiums. 3,967.078 88 Unearned but corn is coming right along in popu- themselves for the of “A certain lot or parcel of land situated in premiums.628,28180 responsibility All other liabilities. 1.108.033 83 AH other nominated for that office. He that of Stockton known as liabilities. 39 246 18 lar favor. Its use was given great im- citizenship in the Philippine part Sandy Point, Cash Permanent fund ■*' Republic, Be for the rush of capital.. 00 ted and took his seat j ready :n the of W'aldo and State of 5,000,000 200 000 00 the fol- in the last County Maine, over over petus year because of a rice | which they believe to be near at hand. Surplus all liabilities. 1,282,083 82 Surplus all liabilities. 484,891 38 January to begin what has bounded and described as follows, to wit:—On work. I have a the east by the Penobscot River; on the south one of the most constructive spring Totai liabilities and 59 Total liabilities and surplus... 439 1 the road kadi ig ?o the steamb at whaif; n surplus.$12,783,395 $1 791 06 y 3w7 3w7 ■'vssful administrations record- Rice Terraces Are World’s of the west by the road leading to Perkins’ mill 'he history of the state. Masterpieces good assortment young and n the north by land now or formerly of Alexander Black, excepting and reserving two 1'. the chief events of Govern- Traders and Maryland Casually lots previously conveyed by Benjamin f. Rice Mechanics Insurance Co., Company, ‘ien’s and sound dratt horses at life, are as follows: to Emery Marden and Charles Sbute; a being Lowell, Mass. Baltimore, Maryland. Horn, Minn. part of the premises conveyed to said Sunrise, Benja- Assets that will beat the min F. Rice by Samuel M. Smart by his deed Assets December 31, 1919. Moved to Hardin county, la. prices December 31, 1919. of January 16, 1864. recorded with Waldo Real estate.$ 06 Graduated from Mortgage loans.$ 16,593 00 1,663,356 University County Deeds, Book 123, Page 126, meaning Collateral loans. 50 cost of Stocks and bonds. 357,563 00 16,936 high living. and intending to convey hereby all the land Stocks and bonds. yg 376 344 Cash in office and bank. 98 77 east of the road leading to Perkins’ Mill which 35,379 Cash in office and bank. —Graduated from law school. Agents’ balances. 21,685 72 1,166'097 27 came to Elizabeth R. Hamilton, Margaret S Agent’s balance.' 3,430,415 95 Married to Interest.. 2.20162 Miss Florenc® Darling and Walter C. Rice as the heirs of Bills receivable. 3 473 yg W. L. WEST, Belfast. All other assets. 30 Benjamin F. Rice formerly of Stockton.” 1,976 Interest and rents. 116 606 94 WILLARD M. BERRY, Deputy Sheriff All other Entered law partnership of Gros assets.$435;399 62 assets.3261368 47 Estabrook & Davis. Appoint- Liabilities December 31. 1919. Gross assets. $22,100.044 04 it' HOUSEHOLD iiant colonel, first Infantry, Deduct items not admitted 409,997 48 Net unpaid 21 National Guard. For Sale losses.$ 10,734 Unearned premiums.,. 258.089 17 FURNITURE j Admitted assets. $21,690,046 56 —Defeated for Republican nom- All other liabilities. 5.733 78 over all Liabilities December 1919. ; for governor. Surplus liabilities. 160,842 46 31, Double Runner Net unpaid losses.$ 8,958.421 14 Elected to congress. INSURANCE Grocery Pung Total liabilities and surplus.$435,399 62 Unearned prem urns.. 6 696,146 17 Retired from in first-class condition, All other congress. includes wearing musical instru- & liabilities. 1,880,874 76 apparel, Agents-James Pattee Son, Bellast, Me. o Elected Cash capital. 000,000 00 governor of Illinois. ments, pictures, in fact, everything under ltf H. L. WHITTEN CO. 3w7 Surplus over all litbililies. 49 your roof. 2,164,604 Total PHONE MAINE CENTRAL RAILROAD liabilities and surplus.$21,690 046 56 tOWDEN SPONSORS US OR DROP US A POSTAL The Ridgeley Protective Association, 3*7 and we will quote you the lowest rates Worcester, Mass. GOOD obtainable in good reliable companies. ROADS MOVE BELFAST AND BURNHAM BRANCH Assets December 3i, 1919. We also write dwellings, stocks of mer- Stocks and 006 50 Notice chandise, public buildings,business blocks, On and after July 1, 1919, trains con- bonds.$446 Special Cash in offioe and bank 94,405 81 Ois and practically every form of insurance. necting at Burnham and Waterville with EXECUTIVE STARTS Interest a> d rents. 8,881 52 We wish to inform the TRY US. WE’LL USE YOU RIGHT. through trains for and from Bangor, Wa- public that we CONSTRUCTION OF are business all 4,800 Portland and will doing ttie time and if you terville, Boston, tud Gross assets.$549,293 83 wish MILES OF HIGHWAY.' to buy or sell real estate of any kind Dickey=Know!ton Real Estate Co., daily, except Sunday, as follows: Deduct items not admitted. 47,655 53 we would be pleased to talk with vou. Maine. 6tf FROM BELFAST E. A. STROUT Farm r the direction of Gov. Frank Pythian Block, Belfast, Admitted assets.$501,638 30 Agency, Illinois a.m. p.m. ROY C. Local '"'den, has begun the con- Liabilities December 31, 1919. FISH, Manager, mi depart, 6.45 1.10 of a system of 4,800 miles Belfast, Room 2, Odd Fellows’ Citypoint, 76.50 tl-15 Net unpaid loes-s j.$102,548 05 Block, Belfast, Me. d roads at a cost of Unearned tf i7 $87,000,000. 77.01 71.26 premiums.{.. 98.443 17 when will Schedule of Prices Waldo, Ali other completed, cause au- 7.14 1.42 liabilities..... 24.5^6 61 Brooks, Cash capital. 100 000 1)0 ilists and farmers to rejoice, 77.29 71.57 For 1920 Knox, Surplus over all liabilities 176,104 47 mndred miles of good roads were i Thorndike, 7.36 2.10 list year and have 7.45 2.20 Total liabilities and plans been the 1920 we Unity, surplus.$50 1 638 30 Dr. M. Beginning year have made C. 3*7 for 1 lie construction of more Winnecook, 77.57 72.22 Stephenson a new schedule for all of our piece work- 1 i'OO miles this Burnham, arrive, 8.05 2.40 year. When the a of This is photograph the Ifugao igorrot rice terraces, which are among ers with a great increase. All stitchers 12.40 5.40 is Illinois will Bangor, completed have the most remarkable of their kind in the world. are one of the Eastern Insurance They many can be of Clinton, 8.29 5.17 Casualty Company, DENTIST lie finest of hard roads positive making good money systems marvelous sights for the tourivt to see in the Philippine Islands and are to be c8.39 3.21 ■ Come at once and seqjire your position. Fairfield, boston, Mass. country. found In the Ifugao district of the Mountain province, Northern Luzon. Water ville, 8.45 3.33 Assets voters of the state a 5.55 December 31, 1919 MASONIC 1EMPLE ROOM 3 approved The height of these terraces, which are held up by stone walls, Is from 4 Portland, 11.45 ■ 0,(100 bond issue for 3.30 9.20 a.m. Stocks and bjnds .$136.052 35 good roads, to 18 feet, averaging 8 feet high. It is estimated there are 12,121 miles of Bell Pants Boston, p. m., Factory CaBh in office and bank 30,261 66 Telephone 223-3 'dh the federal government ap- stone walls TO BELFAST eight-foot ip the Ifugao terraces, which is approximately half Agent’s balance. 1,545 13 liation sum the available for the distance around the world. BRIDGE ST., BELFAST, ME. a.m. a.m. Interest accrued on bonds. 1,921 99 hard line, surfaced highways These terraces are skillfully irrigated by water brought in troughs along Boston, 2.45 9.00 Gross assets.$169,781 13 eon fixed at $87,000,000. the precipitous mountain sides over long distances. p.m. SALVAGE Portland, 7.15 12.40 Deduct items not admitted. 7,404 98 Mrs. Brenninger, of [New York a.m. Turn your trash into cash Admitted assets.$162,376 16 by sellin Says About Rat Poison. W aterville, 7.00 10.30 3.30 your old rags, rubbers, Liabilities December 31, 1919. iron, papers, mag Bangor, 6.40 12.40 1.45 azines, bags, burlaps, metals and all waste « "d that From to the Home preparations kill rats, but Foundry Fairfield, 7.06 10.48 73.47 Net unpaid losses.$ 14,^06 63 material to SAM '* Unearned premiums.. 14.771 62 FREEDMAN, SN AP is the only one that prevents Clinton, 7.17 10.58 3.58 Tel. All other liabilities. 7.269 55 229-4. 16 Cross St, Belfast. Burnham, leave, 8.40 11.15 4.15 a ■cable odors after killing. Also like 'Save Money Guying Direct Cash capital. 1( 0 000 0.) Drop line and I will call promptly and Winnecook, 78.50 711.25 74.25 over all the •SAP because it comes in handy Surplus liabilities.. 2c,528 35 pay you highest market prices. Unity, 9.07 12.00 4.35 no with other mixing food. You Thorndike, 9.25 12.30 4.44 Total liabilities and surplus.$162 376 15 llilve to dirty your hands, it’s the Ideal Maine Ranges Bought at highest market prices Knox, 79.32 712.45 74.51 3w7 ■nr household use.” try RAT- j 9.45 1.42 5.05 Albert E. Ship us vour accumulations. Brooks, Andrews Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $100 Sold Waldo, 79.55 71.56 75.15 ■ Consignments held seven and iranteed by A. A. Howes & NOYES STOVE CO., Waterville | days Co., if o ur valuation is unsatisfactory Citypoint. 710.05 72.15 75.25 S PILLS tllis and City Store. we Co., Drug AGENTS return your furs and PAY ALL Belfast, ariive, 10.10 2.25 5.35 CHICHESTERTHE DIAMOND BRAND. A Real Estate-Timberlands EXPENSES. Ladle*! Aak yonr Drnnlii for A\ 7Flag station. Oh|.«he*.ter a DluondBrud//Vi j cStops to leave passengers. PU1* in Red and Hold metalUcVlXf Children HENRY O. IRIRCY, CAMEL j boxes, sealed with Blue Ribbon. WITH Ory HIGGINS* Fare from Take bo other. toot ▼ CHAPIN FARM AGENCY I Belfast to Boston, $7.61. Boy of FOR FLETCHER’S M. L. Gen’l Pass. Dronfliit. Askrfor Clfl-CireS-TER 4 Belfast. Morrill. PORTLAND RENDERING Harris, Agt. DIAMOND BRAND PILL8,foTl« ( CO., known as Best, C afest, Reliable HOC MS 6-7 ODD i D. C. Douglass, yean Always FELLOWS’ BLOCK ^ASTORIA I Portland, Maine. General Manager, Portland, Maine. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVFAnVHERk Telephone 16-12 tf30 ST OCKT ONSPR1NGS BROOKS.

Mrs. Isabelle Boody, who has been se- Mrs. Fannie is slowly recover- Bridges riously ill, is gaining slowly at this writ- ing. ing. Mrs. Levi S. Griffin, who was ill last Mr. Cecil Crockett, who has employ- week, is now improving ment in Unity, spent the week-end in town. Mrs. F. A. Patterson is steadily gaining now and is about the house. Mrs. Manter Murphy has been confined to the house for several weeks with rheu- Joseph Staples had the great misfor- matism. is the record of suc- tune to lose a valuable horse last Thurs- proud Mr. Eben as ONE Miller has employment cess that to belongs only day. pressman in the Waterman pant shop here in the The moving pictures were reported as village. JOHNSON’S being remarkably good last Saturday Miss Mima Moore, who has employ- night. ment in Bangor, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Seth Moore. Anodyne LINIMENT George Clark left town Wednesday of

— Mrs. Grant and of Ban- A doctor’s famous prescription internal last week after a visit with relatives and Hervey family a few and external use—for Coughs, Colds, Sore friends. gor spent days with his brother, H. Grant and last week. Throat, Grippe, Bronchitis, Tonsilitis. Percy family WISH John who has been on a trip Cramps, Chills, Sprains, Strains, etc. A Soffoyer, Seth Moore has bought what is known to Boston and R. returned sale. sure and satisfying anodyne that I Providence, L, as the McAndlass farm in West Brooks, last * soothes, heals, and stops pain. Friday. and has moved there. He will continue The Current Events Club met Wednes- his blacksmith work in the village. day with Mrs Horace M. Griffin, the There was the usual attendance at the subject being ‘‘Travels m this Country.” Crockett Theatre Saturday night and a SEARSPORT. fine five reel The Sealed Envel- The Good Fairies Mrs. Hannah Woodward of North Lu- picture, ope, was shown, a western picture and \ bec arrived last week for an indefinite Steamer Ripogenus, Captain Saunders, current events. sailed Monday for Norfolk, Va. tarry with her cousin, Mrs. William Clifton P. Roberts, who has been se- Mrs. Avery. I. H. Havener and daughter Mary riously ill with influenza in Portland Some Favored V spent the week-end in Bucksport. S. B. Merrithew, the collector of taxes, where he was a student at Shaw’s Busi- Offered Rev. T. H. Martin spent Tuesday and has entirely broken the record i y turning ness College, arrived home last week and Wednesday of last week in Bangor. over to the treasury, $16,507.37 against a is' gaining slowly. total tax commitment of Mrs. Alfred Closson has been confined $16,473.99. B. H. S. played Clinton a rather one- in the Dim to her home for several with a sided of hall Ones, / days was game basket ball at Union Long Mrs. A. P. Coose, wbo called to severe cold. last grip the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Thursday night with a score of B. H. Edward S. 55 and Clinton 9. Warren of Bucksport was in Stinson of Boston, on account of illness Tonight (Thursday) town attend B. H. S. plays B. A. A. at Union hail. Friday to the funeral ser- several weeks ago, returned Feb. 9th ac- One IVish vices of his father, Abner Warren. companied by the daughter. Lyon’s orchestra of Waterville played Ago, for two A very well-attended meeting of the dances here at Union hall Tues- The store at Cape Jelhson erected by and Congregational Guild was held last week day Wednesday nights of last week, J. W. Lawrence and at present owned by with Mrs. H. R. at the and is certainly one of the best two-piece Young parsonage. Mr. Roland has been leased Grey, recently orchestras ever here. They are due here Miss Anne Whittier of Boston arrived to parties who will conduct a store and in again Feb. 23 with five pieces of music. '* / • in * \ Searsport Saturday, called here by the connection have a billiard table. •. ** * •mu' » death of her Albert T. uncle, Capt. Whit- MOORE-MANK. tier. Mrs. George M. Houghton of Bangor arrived Feb. to attend the The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist Tuesday, 10th, annual dinner of the Current Events Club, Walter R. Moore of Dixmont and Miss Church will meet today in the Service of which she is still a member and is the Laura May Mank of this city were mar- Rooms, with Mrs. Shepard Shute as guest of Mrs. Everett Staples. ried Sunday evening, Feb. 15th, at the hostess. residence of the officiating clergyman, Mrs. Milton Goodere of Brownville Miss Virginia Rhoeda of the Bangor Rev. William Vaughan of East Belfast. came on Wednesday morning’s to The double service was used and Insane Hospital staff was in town last train, ring the be present at the current Events Club bride wore a of wool week on business. While here she was stylish gown gray dinner. She still retains her the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Stinson. membership embroidered in the same tone and carried in as when a the Club, resident of the a shower bouquet of bride roses. She A very pleasant meeting of the Wo- TODAY place. She returned in the afternoen. wore a black picture hat with pink fac- mans’ Club was held on Friday afternoon ing. were attended the bride’s at the home of Mrs. Wilbur R. The Leap Year Party at Denslow Hall They by Blodgett. mother, Mrs. Lena and by Mrs. Dainty refreshments of last Thursday evening was a great suc- Mank, sandwiches, hot Lillian Gardner, with whom she had chocolate, macaroons and cookies were cess. There was a good attendance, the made her home for the past eight years. served by the hostess assisted Mrs. music was pleasing, the decorations fine, The by She graduated from the B. H. S. in 1916. ages-old desire of W. J. Carver and Mi-s Florence Colcord. and the young ladies who managed the The groom is one of Dixmont’s most pros- and Mrs. floor acquitted themselves with honors. Capt. Joseph Sweetser left perous young farmers. They were storm- the Housewife—to have last Wednesday for New York, where Mrs. J. H. Gerrish returned from Ban- stayed in Belfast until Tuesday morning Sweetser will Capt. take command of a gor Friday night where she had been when they escaped their young friends steamer for San passenger Pedro, Calif. caring for a typhoid case and being quite by taking the train at Citypoiut en route her hardest household Capt. Sweetser will take the steamer to ill, feared an attack of the same disease, for their home in Dixmont. the west coast by’the canal route, return- but fortunately it proved to be only over- ing to New York overiand. During his tired and cold so that at this writing, MRS. C. H. TIBBETTS. tasks lightened—would absence Mrs. Sweetser will be the guest Monday, she is feeling more comfortable. in New of friends York. Mrs. A. M. Tibbetts, wife of C. H. The Board of Health is distributing an her wish for an Many Searsport people were pained to Tibbetts of Argentine, Kan., former resi- prompt the important circular on guarding against hear of death of Mrs. Roy McKusick, dents of Searsport, died suddenly of which occurred last week in the influenza. It is intended it shall Unionville, reach heart trouble Feb. 8th, aged 75 years. where her husband is of every household and each and Conn., principal She is survived by her husband and one every person is requested to read and the High school. Mrs. McKusick is re- E. Tibbetts of its directions and thus assist in son, Charles the home ad- membered in as Miss Edna Jen- practice Searsport dress, and one son, H. L. Nason of Sears- who held the preventing an epidemic of the dread dis- kins, position of assistant port, Maine, by her former marriage. in the school several She ease. High years ago. Charles E. Tibbetts is an employe of the leaves besides her husband, a daughter, Little Arthur Morrison, who returned Metropolitan Street Railway Co. of Kan- four old. Eden years from Boston with his father, W. H. Mor- sas City, Mo. Tile funeral was held Friends of Mrs. Daniel Goodell and rison, Feb. 7th, has been ill ever since, in the M. E. Church, of which she had daughter Danzy of and contracted the influenza while Allston, Mass., I having been a member for 21 years The burial of will be interested formerly Searsport, away the latter part of the week. His was at Maple Hill Cemetery in Argen- to know that Miss took Danzy recently j sister, little Marg, was seized with the tine, Kan. part in a minstrel show given for three same trouble, presumably caught from nights in the hall of the Brighton him. At are High this writ'ng, Monday, both MARRIED. school for the building fund of the Brign- improving. ton-Allston Post, American Legion. Miss MOORE-MaNK. In Feb. Washing Danzy is an accomplished toe-dancer and Those wedded to the terpsichorean art Belfast, 15, Rev. William Walter R. has appeared in public many times. will be interested in the following an- by Vaughan, Moore of Dixmout and Miss Laura The White Elephant Auction Club was nouncement by J. H. Ward well. This, May Mank of Belfast. entertained on Wednesday afternoon at i Thursday, evening there will be a dance the home of Mrs. C. N. Meyers. Owing ! in Denslow Hall with music by McKeen’s ROONQUIST-PATTERSON. In Water- to bad travelling and illness of members | orchestra of Belfast; March 4th, there will vilie, Feb. 16, John Roonquist of Water- ville and Miss Leota A Patterson of Bel- Machine but tw’o tables were filled for the game, be one with the same music; March 17th, fast. but those present greatly enjoyed the there will be a St. Patrick’s Day dance afternoon. The highest score was made with music by Hall’s orchestra of Bangor. by Mrs. Wm. Parse, who received a box died’ The interrupted R. F. D. service has of chocolates. The consolation, a cake been resumed and the carriers with BAILEY. In Feb. of soap, went to Mrs. H. G. Curtis. along Bangor, 15, Harold all are pronounced in their opinion of East Fancy cakes and Russian tea were served. others, Bailey Millinocket, formerly of that we have had enough snow. The aged 19 1 month arid 1 The guests, besides those mentioned, were Belfast, years, drivers were obliged to resort to all sorts Is the Modern Good Mrs. F. 8. Smith, Mrs. A. B. Pendleton, day. Electricity Fairy. of devices to their and Mrs. Lila Blee, Mrs. B. F. Colcord, Mrs. get through trips CARTER. In Belfast, Feb. 14, Anna- Wm. Goodell. two nights Truman Lathrop was obliged bel B Carter, aged 58 years. to remain at the Ferry. Raymond Smith CaSS. In Feb Mrs. The death of Abner Warren, one of the Swanville, 12, tried making his rounds on horseback. Jennie 66 3 We Offer You An Eden Machine oldest citizens of the town, occurred at Cass, aged years, months and Washing Truman Lathrop came in from his Tues- 2 days his home on Warren street Wednesday, day trip just in time sort his mail and CROCKETT. In Feb. Feb. 11th. Mr. Warren was born in Swanville, 12, the one. Easiest of Terms. start on the Mrs. E. On Searsport in 1834, and nearly of his life Wednesday Sarah Crockett, aged 77 years, 2 months and 16 days. was spent here, where for many years he Last Saturday being exceedingly mild Ellis. In East Belfast, Feb. followed the trade of ship calker. He brought out a lot of bees which have in- 13, Roscoe M. 68 9 months married Miss Mason of Searsport, whom fested the attic of Mrs. Grace Williams Ellis, aged years, survived. and 16 days. he During the latter years of i Britto’s house and forgetting that one FERNALD. In Bangor, Feb. Mrs. Not Us About a FREE Trial ? his life when advancing age and infirmi- mild day does not make a 12, Why summer, they Telephone j Velzora W. Fernald of Belfast, aged 71 ties confined him to his home, he was soon lay dead in the snow. They liter- years. faithfully cared for by Miss Fannie Wil- I covered for a dis- ally everything quite Gregory. In son. He is survived one Middleboro, Mass., Feb. by son, Edward I tance in front of the house among other Warren of Funeral services 9, Mrs. William Gregory, formerly of Bucksport. j things the new white sleigh of little aged 40 11 months and 18 ■ were held from his late home Friday at George Hopkins, Jr., who, with his Waldo, years, 10 a. N. F. Atwood of days. m., Rev, the mother was calling on Mrs. Britto. The Penobscot Electric Methodist church The bear- PARTRIDGE. In Hampden, Feb. 16, officiating. results were very disastrous to the white Bay Company Adelia H. Partridge, widow of ers were George Sargent, Albert Kane, corduroy and white wool robe of the Capt. Thomas P. aged 87 yearr. Fred Perkins and Antonio Croce. The sleigh. Partridge, remains were in the PENDLETON. In Belfast. Feb. 14, Mrs placed receiving The Parent-Teach rs’ Association held tomb in Elmwood cemetery. Mary A. Pendleton, agen 91 years and 17 [ a meeting last evening in the High The community was saddened Thurs- days. School room Oscar the princi- Snow. In day night by the news of the death by Smith, Belfast, Feb. 14, Capt. pal, delivered an address. In the near Alex N. 67 3 pneumonia iu a hospital in Norfolk, Va., Snow, aged years, months future Mr. Smith will his ex- of Capt. Albert T. Whittier of this town. speak upon and 10 days. perience as a Y. M. C. A. secretary in the W The tidings came as a great shock to his arren. In Searsport, Feb. 11, Ab- transport service for the benefit of the ner 86 relatives and friends, as they had no in- Warren, aged years. association. Possessed of a good voice timation of his illness until that morning, Whittier. In Norfolk, Va., Feb. 12, and a trained with a STIBEi being speaker great Albert T. Whittier of THIS when a letter was received from him Capt. Searsport, fund of anecdotes his that he was ill and would gathered during aged 67 years. Sf saying have to numerous voyages in the perilous sub- give up his command. Capt. Whittier marine Mr. Smitn should attract a had arrived in Norfolk about five weeks days, BELFAST PRICE CURRENT. Beat the H. C,L. good house. Let all who are in any way before, from Genoa, Italy, in command Corrected Weekly for The Journal. FOR interested in the schools attend this ad- Come in and see if size is not WOMEN your new schooner which of the Virginia Dare, PRODUCE MARKET PAID PRODUCER dress and thus help the good work. in the shoes we are selling at was launched last summer in Richmond, per bbl., $20 00a25 00 Capt. Whittier taking her on her maiden Apples, Hay, ROSCOE M. ELLIS. $3 00a4 00 Hides, 28 trip. He was in port at Norfolk await- WHO LIKE 10 20a22 $3.49 ing orders when taken ill His brother, Beans, pea, Lamb, Roscoe M. Ellis, a highly respected y. e., 10 Lambskinsl 00a 1 50 Capt. Frank Whittier of South Berwick Beans, Yours truly, citizen, died at his home on the North Butter, 58a 60 20 who was sent for at once, arrived just Mutton, Searsport road in East Belfast Feb. 13th. eef, sides, 15a 16 2 50 after his death. Capt. Whittier was Potatoes, TO SEW He had been ill many years with pulmo- f. q., 15 Round 20 B. L. TUTTLE born in Searsport 67 years ago, the son of eef, Hog, nary tuberculosis. He was a tool sharp- 36 10 00a 12 00 Benjamin and Miriam (Eames) Whittier. heese, Straw, ener and worked in the Kelley Axe Fac- hicken, 35 26a32 He was the second of four sons, but one Turkey, tory in his early years. He was born in alf Skins, 65 2 of whom now survives, Capt. Frank Tallow, Swanville April 27, 1851, the son of Zen- 35 22 We an Whittier of Berwick. Capt. Whittier uck, Veal, have ideal electric sewing machine. A as and Mary (Nicholas! Ellis, and had *' 56 60 sewing married Miss Caro Ridley of Searsport, ggs, Wool, unwashed, lived in Belfast about 40 years. His 30 8 00 W COOK machine that is no than a Fowl, hard, L. can be who survives him. He had followed the Wood, longer typewriter—that wife, formerly Miss Sarah Crosby, died Geese, 32 Wood, soft, 6 50 sea ever since his youth, and on many carried from room and many years ago. His only son, Raymond to room, upstairs down—and be long voyages was accompanied by his RETAIL PRICE RETAIL MARKET put R. Ellis, four grandchildren and a broth- on wife. He was a man of quiet tastes, a Undertaker away a closet shelf. er, Andrew H. survive. The fu- Beef, corned, 35a38 Lime, 2 20 great reader and home-lover. He will be Ellis, neral was held at his late home Monday Butter, salt, 18a24 Oats, 1 10 sincerely mourned by a wide circle of at 2 p. m., Rev. William Vaughan offici- Corn, 1 84 Oat Meal, 8 friends. He leaves besides his widow A full machine with a head of The bearers were Messrs. Joseph Cracked corn, 1 69 Onions, 10 sized, high grade recog- and three Mrs. J. H. ating. Licensed Embalmer brother, nieces, Edward W. William R. Corn meal, 1 69 Oil, 23a24 Duncan of Miss Miriam Whit- Ross, Davis, kerosene, nized and an electric motor that will hum Searsport, Mason and Russell B. Cheese, 45 13 quality merrily tier of and Miss Anne Stephenson. Pollock, License 377. Hampton, Va., Cotton seed, 4 20 Pork, 29 its duties and never tire. A foot Whittier of and two through control gives Boston, nephews, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Crocker of Nan- Cranberries, 15 Rye meal, 8 any Charles Whittier of and Thom- Maine. Tel. 61-3 Cearsport tucket, who have been staying in Belfast Clover seed, OOaOO Shorts, 2 80 Belfast, speed from one stitch at a time to hundred a minute. as T. Whittier of New York. Private eight this winter, have taken possession of the Flour, 13 50a 17 00 Sugar, 19a 24 funeral services held from his late were Ephraim Richards place in Searsmont, H. G. seed, 5 75 Salt, T. I., 1 30 home on Union street Tuesday at 2 p. which they bought a few months ago. Lard, 29 Sweet potatoes, 10 The low price and cost will m., the officiating clergyman being Rev. BREEDING COCKERELS operating surprise you. C. H. McElhiney of Skowhegan, assisted I have for sale a limited by Rev. T. H. Martin of the Congrega- number of We will be to choice White Wyandotte breeding cock- glad demonstrate it upon tional church. The remains were placed request. erels from trap-nested stock that have 20 in the receiving tomb in Elmwood ceme- years of the best of line I tery to await interment in the breeding. feel spring. ■££5 sure PE RiJ-NAl that a bird from this heavy laying i strain would satisfaction. MRS. VELZORA W. FERNALD. > give My price $5.00 to $10.00 each. Have also some Free from fine ; Central Maine Power Entirely exhibition cockerels winning at the Ban j Co. Velzora W., widow of the late Lewis O. Catarrh of the Stomach gor Poultry Show this first and best Fernald of Eelfast, died Feb. 12th in the Gave year, ( cockerel in the show. State Hospital in Bangor, where she had “Peruna has positively done for me what imiuy doctors foiled to Phone or write E. L. COLCORD, been several years. She was 71 years old do. I have been time and again Maine MRS. JENNIE C. CASS. and her death was caused by an intestinal Relief compelled to take to my bed for Belfast, days old. Two brothers and a half-sis- trouble. She was born in Deer the days. The first bottle of Peruna ter survive her, William Carter of North Isle, gave relief and while I always Jennie C., widow of Olin Cass of SURETY daughter of Seth and Deborah North Searsport, Ed A. Carter of Hawthorne, (Babbidge) so keep it in the house for emerg- Do You Want Searsport, died Feb. 12th at the home of Webb. One Arthur V. Webb of encies, I consider myself entirely Mass., and Mrs. Emma Moulton. The brother, Tyler Page of where she survives her. Her remains free from catarrh of the stomach, Swanville, was funeral waa'held at her,late home Sunday, BONDS Oceanville, the trouble from which I suf« for his arrived here to be Warm? caring mother, who was seriously Monday and were placed in Writes fered for so long, before taking ill. Mrs. Cass was apparently recover- Why ask your friends to take the risk* the receiving tomb in Grove Cemetery. this remedy." ONE CAST IRON WOOD STOVE, ing from pneumonia when she died sud- Let the National Surety Co. bond yoa' The funeral will be held at the time of 2 feet wood. For Children Mr. M. VanBuren, Engineer, G. Liquid or Tablet Form burning junk your denly of heart failure. She was the Cry the interment as her relatives are unable or sale at CHARLES S. Local Aient, R. & L Ry., 17 Highland St., Grand Sold Everywhere camp any place. For daughter of Asa and Susan (Clark) Car- FOR FLETCHER’S TAYLOR, to be present now. Rapids, Mich. Your Dealer 8 READ'S Belfast. _Aik GARAGE, ter and was 66 years, 3 months and 2 CASTORIA Hayford Block, Belfast, Maine,