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Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1897


Mount Vernon Democratic Banner January 28, 1897

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Recommended Citation "Mount Vernon Democratic Banner January 28, 1897" (1897). Mount Vernon Banner Historic Newspaper 1897. 28.

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SHERIFF’8 SALE. y of the skin of some animal. These crosses not only had the rough bark stiil John A. Murphy MfllMJilEt BITES. left on them, but, to make them more TO HTOJIJSIC. vs. Minnie Hart, et al. painful to carry, were in addition stud­ Knox Common Pleas. New York Physicians Teat ItY virtue of order of sale In partition Is- Some of Their Practices ded with rude spikes and pieces of flint, sued out of the Court of Common Pleas which at every step pierced the bare of Knox County. Ohio, and to me directed. I Horrible in Extreme. Hound Treatment. will offer for sale at the door of the Court shoulders of the unflinching penitents. House, In Mt. Vernon, Knox county, on The Same Every man also carried a heavy S iturday, the 20th day of February, 1897, Walk On Thorns an«l Car thong of plaited rawhide, with which he Society Tike Nt. Cecelia to Between the hours of 1 p. m. and 3 p. m. of lashed himself at almost every step. As said day, the following described lands and ry Heavy Crosses. He Formed. tenements, to-wlt: Old Sarsaparilla. the procession passed me I noticed the Being all of lot thirty-seven (37) excepting blood was streaming from gashei in the □S feet off of the East side of said lot In the Melody, or Sound Vibrations, The absolutely pure city of Mount Vernon. Ohio, the said fie feet The Stif Tort it re Inflict (Ml is Iiidescriba back and shoulders of almost every man having been sold by lfennls Murphy and That’s Ayer’s. The same old Sarsaparilla as it Scientists Say, are Beneficial wife to James Andrews -see deed book itt, ble and is Considered a Penance By from the horrible blows inflicted by the page 9, Knox County, Ohio, deed records. These Barbaric Religionists—Story Nervous Disorders, and Absolutely Saul lot 37 being designated on the original was made and sold by Dr. J. C. Ayer, years already blood-soaked cowhides. But plat of said town, now city. For better de­ 50 as Given By One of the Eye Wit Relieves Insomnia—To Follow Eng scription see deed Issik fil page 302 of Knox these brave creatures did not wince. On BAKING POWDER County, Ohio, deed records. nesses. laud’s Lead. Appraised at (4110.00. ago. In the laboratory, it is different. There, they went, still lashing themselves at Terms of sale—-Cash. JUSTUS D. SMOOTS. short intervals—their bare feet implant ROYAL—the most celebrated of all Sheriff, Knox County, Ohio. modern appliances lend speed to skill and ex- [N-w Y »rk Herald.] ed at every step among the prickly pear [N. Y. World.] L. B. Houck Attorney for Plaintiff. Preparations are under way in this the baking powders in the world—cel­ Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Jan. 6. 1897. perience. But the sarsaparilla is the same old Of all the forms of religious fanaticism leaves, whose slightest touch is torture the most peculiar and horrible has been to a sensitive skin. *■ city for an important experiment in ebrated for its great SHERIFF’S SALE. sarsaparilla that made tha record — 50 years of discovered inono of the valleys in the What these men must have suffered medical treatment by sound vibrations leavening strength and The power of music to soothe ia so uni­ Southern part of New Mexico. Here at this time I do not. think any words purity. It makes your Ocorge W. Carter, W hy don’t we better it? Well, we’re much thia barbaric religion—strangely allied, can portray. Some of their rites after­ versally known as to have found expres­ J vs. cares. I.vdia A. Carter, et al. as it is, to Christianity—is practiced by ward were madder, more daring, but I sion in an adage. Recently it haa been cakes, biscuit, bread, Knox Common Pleas. in scientifically determined that music has 5 "■BY virtue of order of sale In partition is- the condition of the Bishop and the raspberry: a set of self torturers, or, as they term do not tnink anything could riiave ex­ etc., healthful, it assures sued out of the Court of Common Pleas themselves, “Self-Purifiers.” ceeded the agony of this slow, silent also the power to heal. of Knox County, Ohio, and to me directed, I you against alum and all will offer for sale at the do«W of the Court “Doubtless/’ he said, “God might have made a These people are as peculiar in ap­ march, the flint-studded cross pressing Several years ago the St. Cecelia So­ House, In Mt. Vernon, Knox County, on better berry. But doubtless, also, He never did.” pearance as they are in manner, and upon their shoulders from above and ciety was organized in London for forms of adulteration Saturday, the Cth Day of February, 1897, custom. Tall, slender, usually emaciat the maddening prickly pear pressing practical test of the effect of music that go with the cheap Between the hours of I p. m. and 3 p. ra. of upon certain forms of nervous disorder said day, the following described lands and W hy don’t we better the sarsaparilla? We can’t. ed, with the wild, roving eyes and from beneath into the soles of their feet, tenements, to-wlt: Its membership was made up of promi­ brands. The East halves of lots numbered twenty- quick, jerky movements Hiat often be­ while they inflicted upon themselves the eight (281 and twenty-nine (29) In John S. We are using the that cured the additional pain of heavy blows from the nent physicians and skilled musicians— Braddock's addition to the city of Mt. Ver­ same old plant token insanity, these men—half savage, non. Knox County. Ohio. as they are—have yet a sort of majesty rawhide lash. I don’t think I ever came the former to direct and the latter to F ROYAL RAKING ROWOCR CO., NCW YORK. Appraised al •4uiw. Terms of Sale—Cash. Indians and the Spaniards. It has not bc^n bettered. and innate dignity about them that will as near fainting before—nor have I execute. The success of the experiment JUSTUS D. SMOOTS. is a matter of history. Sheriff Knox County, Ohio, at first impress a stranger involuntarily since. I have been in hospitals and D. E. Sapp. Attorney for Plaintiff. And since ice make sarsaparilla compound out dissecting rooms and other grewsome Gradually the idea has been develop­ liever in musical medicine, so to npeak. A well near Idaho Fall, Idaho, struck Mt. Vernon, Ohio, Jan. 0, 1897. with a sense of awe, almost reverence, places, but nothing ever affected me ed among medical men here that a simi­ ‘I am ready to go into this medico- water at adepth of 142 feeet, after going of sarsaparilla plant, we see no way of improve­ for them. through 98 feet of lava. Shut in on every side, either by deep, like the agonizing, self-inflicted march lar aid to the treatment of nervous trou­ musical work with might and main,” LEGAL NOTICE. Hood’s Sarsaparilla purifies the bio od ment. Of course, if we were making some secret almost impassible ravines, or by a burn­ of those fanatics. As they passed me I bles was possible. Several prominent he said yesterday. “The scheme is a overcomes that tired feeling, creates an JACOB LEMMElt. residing at Macomb, Mc- ing sandy desert, these “Self-Purifieis’ regretted from the depths of my soul physicians have taken the matter up, splendid one. When I left my home in •* Donough county. Ill., Peter Lemmer, re­ appetite, and gives refreshing sleep. siding at Harrisonville, Cass county. Mo.. chemical compound, we might...... But we’re have lived an isolated life for geaear that I had come, aud would for the mo­ and plans are under discussion which London three years ago the Su Cecelia George Lemmer. residing at Maple Ridge, promise the speedy organization of an Arenac county, Michigan, and Edward Schu­ tious, marrying and intermarrying ment have given anything to flee from was doing excellent work. My lather A joint meeting of the Northwestern man. whose residence is unknown, will take not. We’re making the same old sarsaparilla to the sight of it, but in a few minutes I felt American St. Cecelia. is a physician and I am a musician. To­ Ohio and the Ohio Central Electric notice that on the 23rd day of December, among themselves, until they have all Medical Societies was held at Marion, isvfi. Ell A. Wolfe, as assignee in trust for grown strangely alike, and, still more stronger and decided, as I had gone thus Recent remarkably successful experi­ gether we have studied this Bcience of the benefit of the creditors of Catharine cure the same old diseases. You can. tell it’s the Friday, a large number of physicians Ma)»es Schuman, filed his petition in the strangely unlike the rest of the world. far, to stay and see the whole thing. ments by Profs. Tarchanoff.of St Peters­ sound vibration as an active medical being present. Probate Court. Knox County, Ohio, against burg; Mosso.of Turin, and Tere, of Paris, agent. As a result I am now ready and the above named parties and others, praying same old sarsaparilla because it works the In appearance they betray evidence of The long procession of men, old and for an order, directing him to sell the fol­ young, finally reached the knoll—which have rekindled interest in souud vibra­ anxious to co-operate in a practical ap­ lowing described real estate, for the purpose Spanish as well as Indian descent, and Without A Rival. of paying the debts of Catharine Mapes same old cures. It’s the sovereign blood purifier, was covered even more thickly than the tion as a medical agent, and a practical plication of the theory here.” this is carried out in their strange relig­ As a positive cure for sprains,bruises, Schnman, who assigned the following des­ path with prickly pear leaves, and also application of the science as now pro­ The disciples of Tarchanoff laugh at cribed real estate to the salil Ell A. Wolfe: ion, which eeems a mixture ot Christian and pains of all kinds, Salvation Oil Being the West half of lot No. (3*) In the and — it's Ayer's. other varieties of cacti. Upon the top posed has met with cordial approval the manner in which music has been First quarter. Sixth township, and Eleventh fanaticism of the Middle ages and In­ has no equal. Mrs. Frank Juif, 518 range, U. S. M. lands In said county .estimat­ of this knoll they all laid their crosses in here. tested in the hospitals of this country. ed to contain (50) acres more or less, saving dian superstition and stoicism. Gratiot Ave., Detroit, Mich., writes: a pile, then joining hands, commenced Foremost among the scientific men They assert—and profess a perfect will­ and excepting therefrom, 14M acres sold to This sect numbers between seven ar.d “I used Salvation Oil in my family the German Lutheran church, and Casper dancing about them, singing, or rather interested in this movement is Dr. Fred­ ingness to prove it—that brass bands Beam. Said real estate estimated to con­ eight hundred persons, but their native and can say it has no rival as a lini­ tain acres more or less. chanting, the most weird incantation I erick Peterson, a neurologist, of No. GO equipped with battered instruments m Said parties are required to answer on or valley is so inaccessible that they have ment; it certainly cures pains. K I before the 16th day of February. 1897, or not touched by outside influence, ever heard. The words were a mixture West Fiftieth street. He consented yes­ the hands oi patients will aggravate judgment may be taken against them. been sprained my ankle and it cured me ELI A. WOLFE. being beyond the reach and almost the of Indian and a sort of degenerate terday to explain for The World the rather than cure mental disorders. Assignee-Plaintiff. Spanish, aud their bodies swayed to and principles of the new treatment. One of Prof. Tarchanofl’s latest ex­ and since then I have always used it L. B. HOUCK and J. W. M'CARBON. knowledge of the modern missionary, for any pains and bruises.” Salvation Attorneys for Assignee. and, with but one or two adventurous fro with the rythm of the tune, which I am not as yet in a position to an­ periments illustrates the fact that the seemed to rise and tall at regular inter­ nounce the actual organization of the proposed mission will have to select Oil is sold for only 25 cents. No other —THE— exceptions,to the modem traveler. Con­ JUST LOOK AT THIS! vals. Finally they seemed to work medico-musical society,” said he, “but th'-ir musical instruments as well as remedy will do the work as promptly. sequently in customs and in religion Sold bv Ladies’ Shoes, sizes 2, 2 1-2, 3, 3 1-2, former price they are almost exactly what their fore- themselves into kind of a frenzy, and there is every pnispect that tne coming thpir music with scientific care. Craft & Taugher. East Stde Public Square. C. I. & L R’l $2 and $3, now 75 cts. fatheis were 200 years ago. loosening their hands and untying the year will see it in operation. In tills experiment the ergograph, a Schedule in effect May They are supposed to be descendants rawhide thongs from about their waists, “Four years ago, when the theory of wonderful little contrivance, the inven­ Complaint is made in Philadelphia, 17,18M. Ladies’ Rubbers at 18 cents a pair. of the daring Spanish adventurers who commenced belaboring themselves sound vibration as a remedial agent in tion of Prof. Moseo, was used. This, ap­ that high school pupils have to cany Misses’ and Children’s Rubbers at 10 cents and 15 came to the New World with the con­ again. certain forms of sickness was in its in­ plied to the muscles of the hand and around a weight of 15 pounds in books. outh Bound. THE BEST WASH BLUE IN USE. “It was about noon when they reached fancy,the St. Cecelia Club was organized arm, induces extreme fatigue, Ahich at cents a Pair. querors in the seventeenth cen’ury, and Central Time •28 t38 I |8 perhaps of the priests who followed in the knoll, and from that time until after London. Its purpose was to test the the same time it measures. Ladies’ Fancy Slippers at very low prices. sunset they seemed to become more and effect of music upon the sick, and its The subject of Prof. Tarchanofl’s test Watch Your Liver... f M the merican all lue their train. On the original maternal A. M. P. M. A. M. A B B membership was recruited from the first submitted his hand to the ergograph. Cleveland.... Lv 8 lb 8 I'D 1 40 side they are of Indian extraction .being more frantic. If one of them paused Half the disease in the world is due j Also many other bargains at is not poisonous or injurious io health Hudson ...... 1 9 10 9 05 2 35 for an instant in his mad dance his com­ ranks of science and society. Then the real experiment began. A to disordered livers. SMITH’S Akron ...... 9 36 9 33 (Ml or fabrics. It is the delight of the laund­ descended from the Indian wives the Orrville...... 10 33 10 38 01 ress, aids in bleaching’ and givns the Spani irds took to themselves in Mexico. panions would strike him with their whips Later Prof. Tarchanoff made his ex­ lively air was rendered by a ekilled Millersburg ...... 11 14 11 16 42 Vannatta’s Shoe Store, washing a rich and elegant huo. Be­ Many of these Spaniards returned to and goad him on to renewed energy periments, and there now remains no harpist seated near the subject. Almost Killbuck ...... II 2*i 11 29 5*> ware of imitations. Ask your grocer for the and frenzy, and all that time neither a doubt as to the accuracy of his theory. instantly the tired muscles regained Brink Haven.... 11 W 11 56 25 5 45 Spain with the conquerors, but. others Bile Beans Danville -...... 12 02 (12 06 35 5 54 If. C. PARKER, Manager. AMERICAN BALL BLUE remained in their new home and in­ cry nor even a moan escaped from the am ardently in favor of the organiza­ their full vigor. Fatigue vanished as it Gambier ...... 12 20 12 26 55 6 12 lips of one of them. tion of a club iu this city, to be model­ by magic. are the best corrective known for a’l ■, 12 3» 12 40 10 6 25 133 SOUTH MAIN STREET. and bo sure you get the genuine grafted their religious customs and tra­ liver troubles, including biliousness, ’ Mt. Verno11 j article, which has a red stripe in the “When it became really dark—twi­ led after the St. Cecelia. Again the experiment was repeated, a 12 48 1.12 45 15 6 30 ditions upon the barbaric Indian forms constipation, sick headache and dizzi- ( Centerburg...... 1 12 6 42 6 57 middle of tho package. 1 17 of worship. The result of the mingling light in that section is of very short dur­ “Sound vibrations iu music certainly mandolin being used instead of a harp, ness. , Sunbury ...... 1 34 1 34 7 00 7 20 and with the same invigorating effect Wes'erville...... 1 52 1 52 7 19 7 38 of the two is plainly to be seen in the re­ ation—they suddenly ceased both their act in a narked way upon certain forms 25c. per bottle at the Jrur. store Columbus .....Ar 2 15 2 15 7 45 8 05 ligious rites of their descendants, who chanting and dancing, and, each one of disease. For example, cases of in­ But when a ’cello was substituted for the drinking a mouthful oi wine from a skin lighter instruments, the subject's fati­ Cincinnati 6 00 6 40 When You Go To live lives of the grossest immorality and somnia,no matter how severe are invari­ P. M. A M. typical Indian cruelty during fifty-one pouch or canteen hung at his waist,they ably relieved. Music also acts with sur­ gued arm became almost powerless and Mrs. Phoebe Johnston has sued Chas. all retired a short distance from the his vitality decreased to a marked ex­ Mack, Sr., a leading dry goods merchant North Bound. weeks of the year, then during the re­ prising effect upon mild forms of in­ FALL AND WINTER GOODS maining week do penance for their sins knoll and flung themselves upon the sanity, particularly in that form known tent. of Gallipolis, for $2,000 damages tor Central Time *3 *27 t35 t7 ground and, I suppose, their physical So it will be seen that the science of having been, it is alleged, accused of by the most barbarous methods of self- as melancholia. taking a bundle. A M. P. M. A M. P. M. ) S torture ever invented by man or devil. exhaustion allowed them to sleep in “In short, there are great forces in medico-sound vibration demands dis­ Cincinnati.... Lv 8 00 8 00 In Latest Shades and Patterns, It is seldom that a white man has the spite of their wounds. We, too, camped music which can be utilized for the re­ crimination in the selection of instru­ Columbus.... Lv 11 45 12 35 6 00 5 00 opportunity of witnessing their rites oi where we were, that we might see the lief of disease and human suffering. ments, as well as of melodies. Westerville...... 12 ll!» 1 (X> 6 27 5 28 FOR YUUR. rites the next day. When the proposed Medico-Musical Sunbury ...... 15 25 fl 26 6 44 5 46 self-torture and so-called purification. “All this will be readily understood by Centerburg...... 12 42 1 51 7 01 6 08 But last year a Georgian , Mrs. J. B, At sunrise we were aroused by the any one who stops to think. We all know Society is formed the theories of Tar­ Mt. Veruo j £* 1 08 2 20 7 2» 6 35 Quality all That Could, he Desired. recommencement of their chant, which, how lively music dispels despondency. chanoff and his scientific coadjutors will 1 13 L 2 25 7 33 II « Montgomery, being in New Mexico on Gambier...... 1 24 2 40 7 47 0 55 a pleasure trip with a party, heard from as ths day wore on, became louder and Every soldier will testify to the inspiring then receive the first thorough test in Danville...... 1 42 f 2 59 8 00 7 15 As iii.‘d X-Cnt Sa«, the Indian guides almost incredible sto­ wilder than ever. With the blood of influence of music in war. This,scientifi­ this country. Brink Haven ... I 51 3 09 8 12 7 25 STYLE AND FIT CORRECT, Several years ago a similar effort was Killbuck...... 2 22 3 41 8 42 P. M. ries of the self-inflicted punishment oi the day before scarcely dried upon their cally considered, means simply that M iiletsburg...... 2 34 3 55 8 53 I Ar. this strange sect. bodies they commenced again their sound vibrations act directly upon the made on a much smaller scale than the Orrville ...... 3 25 4 65 9 52 Do not forget the one proposed. Two or three physicians Akron...... 4 20 I. 6 05 LlO 36 Determined to see for herself whether flaggellations. the nerves. Hudson...... 4 45 C 30 11 02 At Live and Let Live Prices there was any truth in these stories— On this second day (Friday) these ‘Tarchanoff clearly demonstrates the combined to test the medical efficacy of 5 45 7 30 12 10 fanatics were wildest, most frenzied of fact that a lively melody touches excito- music, and some interesting facts were P, M. A. M. P. M- particularly as the Indians said it was almost time for the rites of “Purification” all. Temporarily they were undoubted­ motor nerves, increasing the vitality oi demonstrated before the experimenters DRESDEN BRANCH SAP SPILES. 114 Mis 113 j for that year to occur—she induced her ly lunatics. Their eyes rolled and the hearer. Melancholy music, on the abandoned the project. Curious experi­ V. K. SIP E, ments were made at that time among P M. husband to bribe one of the Indians to gleamed; they foamed at the mouth. contrary, acts upon the inhibitory ner- ^old at H. M Green s Dai g Store Lv...Millersburg.. .Ar ..... t 6 05 guide them to the valley inhabited by Many of them after screaming and ges­ es, decreasing vitality and ingendering the insane patients on Randall’s Island. 0 “ .... Killbuck...... •• ...... 5 30 Maple Sugar Time is <• —Merchant Tailor and Gents’ F urnisher— ticulating most frantically, flung them- Four hundred women were congre­ Daniel Hyde and James Doniphan, 33, Ar....Trinway...... 2 25 the etrange^ect. The Indian was at first mental depression. runaway lads from Hirtemouth, were 50 Ar....Zmeaville.. ..Ly ...... t i oo 124 SOUTH MAIN STREET. at Hand. very reluctant, as the other Iudian tribes eelves upon the pile of cactus and either There in a nutshell you have the gated in the main hall of the asylum I | P. M captured at Springfield, Salurda^juuL. seem to stand in a sort of awe cf this fell into a cataleptic 6tate or rolled science of sound vibration as applied to and subjected to a single strain of piano sent back home. * Bans Dally, t Dally except Bunday, f Flag among the cacti, seeming to enjoy the music for half an hour. The general el stop. 1 meals. one, but love of gold finally proved medical treatment. It is for the appli­ Cv/~ Where no lime is given trains do notetop stronger than awe, and he consented to agony. It was more like a scene from cation of this science that an organiza feet was to raise the pulse and create Nos. 2 and 3 carry Parlor Cara between Cleve­ restlessness. land and Cincinnati, Fare 25 cents between conduct them to the desired spot. Dante’s inferno than anything to which tion such as the proposed society is all Cleveland and Columbns, or intermediate sta' I can compare it. Individual tests showed odd results lions; 50 cents between ClevelandandCincinnati, ,’ES The couple found the journey more esential.” or intermediate stations. Sooth of Columbus. perilous than they had anticipated, but That night they again each drank a In the case of a patient afflicted with Noa. 27 and 48, carry Veetibnled Sleeping Cars WE WAST TO IMPRESS IPOS YOUR MADS Dr. Peterson would say little as to the X* Rays between Cleveland andCincinnati. -OF— having started, determined not to turn mouthful of wine, but I noticed when work already done towards forming ati melancholia the playing of "Home, RNo- 27 has a Local Veatibuled Sleeper between THE FACT THAT WE HAVE NOW IN STOCK they left the knoll that many of them— Sweet Home,” invariably brought her to Of severest trial and test prove Columbns and Cleveland, and i nn be occupied back, and finally reached the “Valley of organization, but he frankly admitted In regard to Hood's Sarsaparilla by passengers after 9:00 p the East end of A COMPLETE LINE OF the older men especially—were so weak her knees in an ecstasy of devotion the Union Depot. the Purifiers,” as the Indians call it. that he had considered the project and No. 28 has a Local Vesti bn led Sleeper between Women and children are exempt from from the loss of blood and faint from had consulted with several friends on Music acted on another case, one oi st, Greatest Merit Cleveland and Columbus. This Sleeper arrives at French, English, Scotchand German lack of food they could scarcely crawl. acute mama, to elevate the pulse from Secured by a peculiar Combina- j Columbus at 2:15 a. m. and is set at the Fast end ALL KINDS, punishment, and remain at home dur­ the matter. His idea is to draw to­ 1 of Union Depot. Passengers can occupy their “Consequently next morning only 78 to 106, although the patient betrayed tion, Proportion and Process borths until 7:00 a m. ing this week. The menjetire alone to gether a number of scientific and mu­ unknown to others — which No. *28 will stop to let off passengers South of about half the men were able to return no outward sign of excitement. naturally and actually produces Mt. Vernon. IV r/n caves or conceal themselves in the ra­ sical persons who will go into hospital For any information address vines on Monday of Holy Week to fast to their self-torture at the knoll—the work. The records show that the results oi J E. Hannioan, others lay stiff and apparently uncon­ these experiments were beneficial d, Greatest Cures Ass’l Gen’i Pass. Agent, and otherwise prepare themselves for I regard music not as a curative, but AND A HANDSOMER LINE OF PIECE CLOTHS scious where they had flung themselves every case. Several of the patients, 2 Shown by thousands of honest, Or, the active tortures of the latter part of as a remedial agent,” explained the voluntary testimonials — which C. F. DALY. HAS NEVER GRACED OUR TABLE8. the night before. Those who were left, deed, showed marked improvement. naturally and actually produce Gen’i Pass. Agent. Cleveland,Ohio the week. These commence on Thure doctor. “Its scientific application will however, continued their rites with un­ Although Dr. Peterson will not go It’s a settled fact that we have more than double tne variety of day, and are begun by a march from assist medicine—not take its place. I abated ardor, each one seeming to de­ into details of the conferences held with d, Greatest Sales all other tailoring establishments combined can show, consenqent- their “Holy Tent”(or church) to a knoll am in favor of organizing as a musical BALTIMORE A.\D OHIO K. R light in the fiendish tortures he could friends on the subject of the proposed Atccording to the statements of ty we cannot fail to please you with something both STYLISH some distance from the principal vif mission and of confining our work to the 3 druggists all over the country. TIME TABLE AND DESIRABLE. lage. invent for himself. Some of them bit Medico-Musical Mission, it is under­ In these three points Hood's ..4 hospitals.” SarsapariHa is peculiar to itself. At Prices to Suit the limes. The party managed to secure a posi their hands and wrists until their teeth stood that several well-known society In Effect 30, 1805. CHAS. X DERM ODY Dr. George W. Jacoby, the alienist, of tion near the path from the “Holy met; others crushed the cactus leaves in people have promised co-oj>eration. An No. G63 Madison avenue, is another be­ EAST BOUND. L Tent” to the knoll, and within eight of their mouths. I shudder now to think other week, it is expected, will find the of it. I am sure the penitents them­ liever in the remedial efficacy of music. project well advanced. STATIONS. 8 16 1 46 4 MAX MYERS, the latter—though themselves concealed selves could not have been more glad He has not as yet identified himself with Hoods from view—and what they witnessed (Central Time ) a ni a ni Ipm the proposed Musical Mission, but Dr. 10 15 f6 00' there Mrs. Montgomery tells in these than I when that third dreadful day was R. J. Elliott, of Bellefontaine, has dis­ Lv. Chicago...... 301 W. Gambier St. Peterson confidently expects to secure Sarsaparilla p in p m words: over. covered what it costs to steal hogs. Is the best—It is the One True Blood Purifier. “ Fostoria...... 4 63 3 19 his co-operation. Christmas Eve he took four from Brain Also all kinds of Hard and Soft Coa “After watching impatiently for some “Early the next morning—Sunday— »uly nil Titus, and for so doing has been fined Hood’s Pills with Hood's Sarsaparilla. LvSandusky...... (3 35 a m a m time I saw a procession of 150 men the women came, singing merrily and I have not as yet been asked to assist $25 and costs, $72 in all. Lv Mansfield...... 6 50 5 33 4 23'10 05 clearing away the cactus from the path organizing this proposed Medico- “ Mt Vernon.-...... 7 45 6 45 5 21(11 22 winding slowly along the path, which SHERIFF’S SALE. with long brushes, made from the Musical Society,” explained Dr. Jacoby The total number of southern cotton had evidently been strewn the night $100 Reward, $100. ' a m boughs of young trees. They brought yestesday, “but in a general way my mills last year was 43-5. Of these 12 Lv Cincinnati ...... John D. Ewing before with freshly gathered leaves ot the The reader of this paper will be have been “crossed out” and merged am) pm vs. prickly pear—a sort of cactus growing food and wine for the men, and oint ympathies are entirely with the under­ into oilier concerns, and three were Isaac Temple et aL pleased to learn that there is at least one 8 30 7 40 •6 00 12 10 Knox Common Pleas. in that section, whose leaves are covered ment to dress their wounds. Most oi taking. burned, reducing the number to 420. To p ni Y virtue of an order of sale issued out the men devoured the food ravenously dreaded disease that science has been this number however, 55 new mills Ar. Columbus...... 8 45 8 25i 2 15 of the Court of Common Pleas of Knox with the sharpest thorns, which, when “There is no longer any doubt that able to cure in all its stages, and that is * Bcounty. Ohio, and to me directed. I will offer but some of them were too feeble to do were added during the year, making the 1 p ra touched, becomes imbedded in the flesh music acts remedially in nervous dis­ total now 475. “ Zanesville...... 9 11 7 02i 1 12 for sale at the door of the Court House, in more than sip a little wine—home Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the a m Mt. Vernon. Knox county, on —toward a knoll some distance away eases. I do not think, however, that {Eatlern Time.) 11 101 5 30 made stuff, of course—and these would only positive cure known to the medical Throughout the Solomou group of is­ Ar. Wheeling...... 1 15 Saturday, the 13th day of Febrnary, 1857, which seemed to be their objective music will effect a cure in any case fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu lands one constantly sees human skulls p m not have been able to return to the vil where medicine fails. But as an aid to “ Pittsburgh...... 7 50 4 2C) 8 25 Between the hours of 1 p. m. and 3 p. m. of point. I noticed that they were almost tional disease, requires a constitutional hung up either in or outside the houses, said day. the following described lands and lage had it not been for the assistance oi but it is from New Georgia and the ad­ a m am tenemehts.-to-wit: nude, and each one seemed to be stoop­ medicine I regard music scientifically treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure ia taken “ Washington D C 11 55 11 20 6 35 Situated in the township of Jefferson, ing beneath the weight of an apparently the women. applied as invaluable. jacent islands that head-hunting i9 car­ “ Baltimore...... 1 00 12 45 7 55 county of Knox, and State of Ohio, and “The penance of these men was over internally, acting directly on the blood ried on to its fullest extent. Among the “ Philadelphia...... 4 05 3 55! 1C 40 known as being the west half of lot No. heavy burden borne upon his shoul It will give me great pleasure to co­ nine (9). of the third (8) quarter, of the they had completely wiped out their and mucous surfaces of the system natives it appears to be a perfect pas­ 1 P ni ninth (9) township, and tenth (III) range. ders. operate with other physicians in organ­ sion. “ New York...... 6 30 6 52112 50 United States Military lands district, sub­ sins of the past year aud now had carte thereby destroying the foundation of the ject to sale at Zanesville. Ohio, containing “As they came nearer I saw that the izing for this work, but it strikes me A Russian army lieutenant, who wai WEST BOUND. fifty (50) acres more or less. blanche to live and sin as they liked for disease, and giving the patient strengtl Also fourteen (14) acres and one hundred burden was a heavy cross, rudely made that the movement will depend for suc­ by building up the constitution and as visiting the Cathedral at Mantz, under STATIONS. 3 | 47 17 the next 12 months. and fortv four poles off of the east end of of the trunks of two young mesquite cess largely upon its musical backers. sisting nature in doing its work. The took to climb to the highest point of th< ’ lot No. twenty (20), in the third (3) quarter. “Later in the day those who were spire, which is 324 feet from the ground 'sulern Time) p m p mj p m a m of the ninth (9) township, and tenth (10) trees, tied together with thongs evident The Musical Art Society and individual proprietors have so much faith in its Vashington DC 8 05 4 20 1 range. United States Military land district, able gathered at the Holy Tent for the by means of a ladder left by some work subject to sale at Zanesville, Ohio, contain­ musicians of recognized skill should be curative powers, that they offer One men. On reaching the top, he topplet a in ing in all sixty-four acres and one hundred great feast and celebration of the year Wheeling...... 7 35 10 15 3 45 , and forty-four poles. dJIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllU: invited to join the work.” Hundred Dollars for any case that it over .and fell into the interior tower, a a m Appraised at fctM.uu. —strange burlesque of our Christian Mindful of the importance of first- fails to cure. Send for list of vesti distance of 80 feet, and died in a fev >n«svill«—...... 9 42 12 29 6 13 Terms of sale—Cash. Easter. We stood near the door and minutes. Newark...... —• 10 32 1 3) 7 16 JUSTUS D. SMOOTS. class musical support, the promoters of m on i ills. Address, Sheriff. Knox County. Ohio. watched the revelry until near evening, p m D. F. & J. D. Ewing, Attorneys for Plain ayer s the scheme have not been idle. It is F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, 0 John V. Perrine, a New Carlisle farm Columbus.... - 11 25 4 10 tiff. J ’ I er, assigned Friday to Oscar Martir when the feast turned into a drunken by Druggists, 75c. Jlnciunati...... - 5 40 Mt. Vernon. Ohio Jan. 13. 1897. said that at least a dozen men and wo­ No statement made. a tn P ra'i-...... I Sarsaparilla | spree. Men and women drank and men prominent in the musical world Mt Vernon... 11 17 ? 20, 8 06 9 10 sang and danced—though very differ Cycling appears to have become as Executor's Notice. stand ready to co-operate. popular on the continent as it is in p tn = Is the original Sarsaparilla, the = ently from that weird dance on the hill Mansfield..... 12 12 5 30 9 11 10 24 MfOTICE is hereby given that the under- Orton Bradley is one of those who this country. In Paris, Vienna and in = standard of the world. Others = tandusky...... 5 40 5 40 12 15 "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES.” signed has been appointed and qualified Then we crept away, for the frolic was does not hesitate to express his enthusi­ St.Petersburg the world seems literally p nt I I 1 .... Executor of the estate of = have imitated the remedy. = growing coarser and more indecent to be on “the go,” and tven Madrid can ostnria ... 1 54 5 55 11 13 ... KATE F. BENEDICT. astic interest in the plan. He is a pian­ GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF sTliey can’t imitate the record: = every minute, and we did not want to boast of one of the best cycling clubs in RHestore fulol, regularo d’s a ni | a m ... late of Knox County. Ohio, deceased, by the ist, a protege of Albert Morris Bagby 9 0q 7 00 7 O0 ... Probate Court of said county. Europe. of the bowels, do not irri­ Chicago.... January 14,1897. lose all respect for the men whose cour­ and a regular performer at the morning tate or inflame, but leave LEWIS B. HOUCK. age and stoicism we had so admiirreed Probably the largest quantity of lim *11 the delicate digestive or- Pill! ly {Stop on flignal. JDaily ex.Sunday 150 Years of Cures | Executor. the day before by seeing them m Imuussiicc.ales given by Mr. Bagby at the beansare raised in Pniladelphia county ganism in perfect condition. Try them. 25 cet J. Van Smith, Gen’i 8upt. L. B. Houck and J. W. McCarkon. Attor Prepared only by C. 1. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mi nevs for Executor. SiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiimiiiiiiiiinir? beasts of themselves at a savage reverell."jWaaldld suddeuly of paralysis. > ——aamsfSiS. NO. 5, MONUMENT SQUARE. Mrs- Spencer L. Beach has returned o her Isaac Ansman, ol West Union, was hnrue in Crown Poin*, Ind. alter a short FROM 4,000 TO 5,000 PAIRS OF BOOTS AND SHOES sentenced to the penitentiary for 15 visit with her niolber, .Mrs. Coauer, and Take them home. Try them on. Feel of months for stealing wheat. other friends in this place. Will be sold during the next 20 days at a price that will save everybody from 50c to $1.50 home telephone call no. as. Mr Joho D. McKee, of Plymouth, is £ them. Look at them. Compare them. Have The Wellington Milling company was visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs. SV.D. sold at public auction to James H. McKee on each pair. Shelley, of Jersey City, N. J., for $5,000. Mr. and Mrs. J. Buell, of Manstield, have > them examined. Then if you conclude that they MOUNT YEM OS. OHIO. moved to this place, and Mr. Buell will > William Menocks, a 12-year-old pick­ work for Morris Hagerty WE DO DO WIIAT WE PROM- Mrs. Veitcli, of Cambridge, O , is the | are not a bargain return to us (unsoiled) and get THURSDAY MQRNXIG.... JAN. 28.1W pocket of Manchester, was sentenced to guest of Mrs Mary C. Hill. SIZES 2 1-2 AND 3 LADIES' $3 SHOES AT $1.49. . ISE TO DO . the Boys’ Industrial Home at Iencas Charles Trunsdell, of Cardington, is visit­ ter. ing his grandparents and other friends in I your money. Probably the Advance agent of pros­ this vicinity. perity has b en detained by the floods At Trombley, an oil derrick fell on A mother's meeting was held at the E. F. GARRETT, Mgr. Sehnebly Store. in Spain. top of a saloon and almost completely home of Mrs. Daniel Struble on Tuesday TWENT demolished the building; fortunately no fternoon, followed by a called meeting of ...... ■ ■ ■ one was in it the SV. C. T. U. A 8pk< l.\l. dispatch from Paris SV. £. Brumbaugh and Will Struble were nounces that Baroness Hirsh will give Mrs. Mary Fessler died at Piqua from io Mansfield last Tuesday. E. P. GARRETT, Manager Sehnebly Stock. the terrible burns which she sustained Rev-C. A. Cutler is in Amity, conducting $400,000 to build a hospital for con­ Sunday night as the result of the over­ a series of revival meetings- sumptive children on the Riviera. turning of a lamp. Mr. Samuel D. C- sner has returned to N. B.—250 Pairs Men’s and Boys’ FULL STOCK Kip Boots at $1.25 to $2.25. bis home in Zanesville, after a two weeks’ Ax enterprising young physician of J. J. Conners, a Big Four brak entail visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David living at Bellefontaine, fell from his Comer. » Warsaw, III., has built a private tele­ train in a snowstorm at Versailles, Ohio, Mias Cora Galleber, of Mt. Vernon, spent Mr. Wm. Haun is poorly. SHERIFF’S SALE. phone line connecting his office with and was severely injured. Sunday in this place. Mr Lew Reynolds is quite sick at th* There will be preaching service at the Caves. the houses of all his country patients. i. U Waight The heavy gale of wind in Wood Presbyterian church on Sundays January Solomon Tri • ble died January 18 Fun- vs. 31st and February 7 ■ ■ I ■ ■■ ■ years, died at his home at the age of 45 guests of tbeir sister. Mrs. G Swingle. matt, for several days. One road wagon. Lime. Louisville and . ■ It lias been revealed through official years. He was prominent in Knight Two sets single harness. Mr«. Alice Roderlieifer and Mrs. Dr. Mrs. Newell ia suffering from tbe effects One bay horse. correspondence sent to the Senate by Templary. Sanderson were the guests of Mrs. 3. 3. of a fail received .-everal weeks ago Terms of sale -Cash. Simmon*, Thursday. Mrs. Emma AlcArtor has returned borne JUSTUS D. SMOOTS. Portland Cement. the State department that Secretary Attorney Philip Handrehan, of Win­ Mr. I Puweleou, «f Columbus, spent after a visit of several weeks with her Sheriff. Knox Countv. Ohio. chester, was thrown from his bug \V. U McEnaov, Attorney for Plaintiff. Gresham was the originator of the plan Sunday with bis family. mother, Mrs Janies Reed. Mt. Vernon, O.. Ja.nuary 20. lt»7. for a peace treaty between this country during a runaway and kicked by the Mr. and Mre.Crit Purdy, of Wolf Creek, Mr. Niel Cullison was at East Union, Co- Hair ami Calcined Plaster. Building horse. He was severely, but not "fatal ■l>ent Sunday with Daniel Black. sh< cton county, on business for a few days & SPERRY. and Great Britain. ly, injured. Mr. Robert Cunningham s(>ent Saturday last week- DIVORCE SDTICB. Blocks and Slate, Shingles, Lath Mr. and Mrs. Eavid Bowman visited g^jEORGE W. ASHEOCK. residence un- at Danville, calling ou bis friends. wM known, will take notice that cn the 16th and All Kinds of Dressed Lumber. A Canadian bride has introduced re Representatives of a Cleveland com Mr. Elmer Greer and wife, of Greersville, friends io Mt. Vernon last week. Marritd. 1 uesrtay, January id, at the dav of December. Alice E. Ashlock Bled cently a new feature in wedding cere­ pany are securing the right of way for spent Sunday as the gues’s of W. A her petition in the Court of Common Pleas. an electric line directly east from War­ Barnes home of Mrs. Sarah Davis. Mr. Emery Knox countv. Ohio, praving for a divorce monies. She appeared in church with Mr Geo. White, of ihie place, received Davis of Martinsburg, and Miss Juda from the said George W. Ashlock on the Leave Orders at ... . LOWEST PRICES ON EARTH. ren to Orwell, Andover and probably Weaver, of Hunt’s Station, Rev. L. G. grounds of willful absence and failure to her pet canary fastened to her shoulder Greenville, Fa. word Saturday of the death of his father, provide, and asking that alimony be charged DEVER'S Drug Store or B. A 0. Ex­ who lesides about three miles north of Walker officiating on defendant's real and personal property, press Office. WE ARE CUTTING PRICES IN TWO. The greatest list of Bargains ever offered by a golden chain, and the moment the Ex-Councilman Janies iL. Betz and town. Interment was on Monday at this and that said cause will he for hearing on organ sounded the bird burst into song. brother, C. A. Betz, were found guilty place. PIPESVILLE. and after six weeks from date of this publi­ 309-311 West Gambler Street, Mr R. G. Simons, of Pleasant Valley, cation. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. in Mt. Vernon. by a jury in Common Pleas Court at was tbegueat of his daughter, Saturday. December 24.1S96. Antoooisky, the Russian sculptor, Gallipolis, of accepting and secluding Horse Bung A way-Number of People AIJCE E. ASHLOCK. By S. R. Gotshall, her Attorney. has just finished the busts of the Czar stolen property. Sick -IJttle Daughter of Fills Wil­ and Czarina. These works are designed S. C. Kilgore, charged with disturbing MT. LIBERTY. son Injured. AI)MmSTKATOR}T\OTICE. CLOAKft. BLACK H1LKH. HAHBUBGEDGIXtt. to ornament the private apartments of a church social at Waverly and beating Two Prominent Citizens Come to Quite a number are suffering from the effects of 'a grip|ie. OTICE is hereby given that the under- A big line of Cloaks at the following $1 00 Groe Grain now...... $ 59 5c Edging now...... 2c their majesties. That of the Czar is Magistrate Corbitt, was taken to Park Blows but are Separated Before a -4-w signed has been appointed and qualified 6Yc now...... 3Jc ersburg for trial. There was an exciting time on Market Administrator de bonis non with the will CLEARANCE SALE reduction: 1 10 “ now...... 69 bronze, while Czarina is represented Mortality Ensued-Novel Lawsuit. stieet, Saturday. The driving horse of Mrs. annexed, of the estate of 81c now...... 5c Purdy became frightened and after passing $16 00 Rough Jackets at...... $9 89 1 25 Bengaline now...... 89 white marble. Charles Scott, who fractured the skull Miss Olive Robertson rj»ent Sunday B. W. COCHRAN. 10c “ now...... 6c of a man at Terre Haute, Ind., last fall with frieuds in Centerburg. all thr-m -n on the s’reet was stopped hy n late of Knox County. Ohio, deceased, by the 12 00 ... 6 98 1 25 Armour now...... 89 15c ’* now...... 10c was arrested at Portsmouth by detec The peace of our quiet village was some­ brave boy jtut in tune to save tlie occu­ l*robate Court of said county. 10 00 ... 6 98 I 50 Faille now...... 79 20c “ now...... 12Jc It is said that the State of Maine what disturbed Thursday evening when pants' lives. January 5th. 1SW7. tives, but broke front them, swam the LEWIS B. HOUCK. 9 00 1 50 Peau de Soie now...... 99 All Hamburgs at a reduction. gives official employment to a photo­ two of our moat prominent citizens came Mr. L Ross, the Misses Gaunter and Earl Administrator. ... 5 98 river and escaped. to blows. The interference of bystanders Black spent ruuday with Mita Mamie grapher who devotes his time to secur­ L. B. Houck and J. W. McCarbob, 8 75 ... 4 98 1 50 Satin Luxor now...... 89 Game Warden Michael Bauer, of stopped tbe affray before any damage of Wrigur. Attorneys for Administrator. ♦ w ♦ ♦ ♦ w ♦ ing enticing views of the sporting re. no’* was indicted on either party. J. R. Reboot, who has been attending 6 50 ... 3 98 2 25 Princeea new...... 1 39 Wayne couDty. has caused the arrest of school near Mt. Vereuon, spent Sunday Notice of Appointment of Assignee. 5 50 Plain Jackets at.. ... 2 98 1 75 Guinet now...... 1 29 gions of the Pine Tree State and distrib­ several farmers for killing rabbits out of The ineedngs at the A. C. church con­ Men’s Patent Leather Shoes, $4 and $5, tinue with considerable interest. wi h his (larent*. rUAHE undersigned hat been duly appoint- for $2.00. 4 50 .... 2 48 2 00 “ now...... 1 39 uting them broadcast throughout the season within the past two weeks, who Thera was a novel lawsuit in 'Squire Jackson Frost was caught in a cellar here Jl ed aud qualified as assignee iu trust BILHALIME8. 1 75 Ada now...... 1 29 the Union as advertisements. were fined $25 each. Wright's court last week. Tbe r'quire and Monday night He crept in at the window. for the benefit of tbe creditors of Men’s Tan Shoes, $3 and $4, for $2.00. 3 50 .... 1 98 th* main witness each |>o9sessed but one He says he is married and live* near Akron, CATHARINE MAPES SCHUMAN. 2 00 .... 99 12jc grade now...... 10c leg. the constable bad one eye and ihe de­ lie was fined $1 and costs and allowed to Argentina’s torpedo-boat destroyer penter, w^oee home is in Cleveland, was fendant was r.ear-sigbted. It was decided proceed on his journey. All p?rsous knowing themselves to be in­ Ladies’ Fine Kid Button, $3 aud $4 for 15c grade now...... 12Jc Entre Rios has just reached Buenos struck by a train and hurled high in the at defendant's cost. Tbe community ap­ Tbe little daughter of Ellis Wilson met debted to said assignor will make imme­ $2.00. proves the decision. with a very painful accident while at diate payment, and creditors will ptesent j NAPKINS. Ayres from England, having made tiie air. receiving internal injuries that are school Her shoulder was dislocated, as a tbeir clritns, duly authenticated, to the nn- Misses’ Shoes, $1.50, for 75 Cents. MCE CUBTAINH. run from the Island of St. Vincent, a pf a t Thurs­ east of Mt. Vernon, were vi»iting Miss aches and nervous trouble. 2 25 for...... _ 1 69 day. Mand Mendenhall during tbe week. 3 50 now. one or more foreign tongues vastly in. E. Clark, the proprietor of l^ike Ridge A number of our farmers attended the These are symptoms in which 2 00 for...... 1 49 TOWELS at the Lewiston Reservoir. Mies Ivadell Poland, who has been at 2 75 now. creased a young man’s cliam ea of secur. Centerburg for the past few weeks, leturi eJ Farmers' Institute at Mt. Vernon last week, delay means danger. An ex­ 50 for...... 1 19 and report it to be the best institute held at 6 00 now.. That were ing remunerative employment. The five-year-old daughter of George to her home at this place 8atU’day. amination will disclose any de­ 00 for...... 79 McPeck, of White Sulphur, while play­ Mias Emily Disney, who has been very ill that place. 6 50 now.. 25c now...... 21c ing near a stove, caught her dress in the for ihepsst few weexs, is slightly improved Mrs. B Ransom, who has been quite sick, fects in vision. We make Ex­ 75 for...... 59 The Russian Academy of Science has is rei«»rted but very little better. 20c now...... *.....17c fire and was fatally burned before her at this writing. amination Free. We get the 15c nowv...... 12jc elected Professor Simon Newcomb, the John Pickering, of Miller township, has Pio'racied meeting closed at this place mother could extinguish the flames. rented the Fishburn f*im, one mile north­ last Monday night. praise of people for the relief 121c now...... 10c distinguished astronomer of Washing­ The police committee of the Newark east of the Five Corners and expects to The people of this place were shocker! to we have brought them. It is a decent thing; it is BLAXKETM. move his family there the first of April. bear the sad news of tbe death of Miss PORTIEBRE& ton, an honorary member of that body. Council is hot after Mayor Barrowe. It Myrtle Lybarger. Miss Lybarger was well decent to the taste, is Professor Newcomb’s portrait is hung in claims that he had not turned all the known iu this community, as a young lady FRED A CLOUGH, Damask and Chenille Portierres. Cut Irom Men’s Outairie Wool the observatory at Pulkowa, tho Russian tines received over. He said that the BLADENSBURG. of a pure Christian character. A number DEVER’S c $10 00 Chenille...... $5 98 $8 00 to...... 6 W fines not returned had not been paid front this place attended her funeral* at Mt. Government having, in 1897, ordered 5 yet. Death of Samuel Fowls, One of the Vernon last Sunday. OPTICIAN. 6 50 “ 4 98 7 50 to...... 75 SliirtM that it be painted for the collection of Pioneers of Knox County—Scarlet Cold wave struck this place last Sunday. 6 00 “ 3 98 7 00 to...... 5 50 Theomoineter registered 15° below zero portraits of famous astronomers. The Tiffin Woolen Mills, which have Fever and Whooping Cough. Reduced from l>een idle for the past summer, resumed Monday morning. ISlianiiiiii:: Tonic 4 00 “ 2 98 6 00 to...... 4 98 Scarlet fever and whooping cough have 3 00 “ ...... -...... 1 98 4 00 to...... 3 48 00 to...... 69c Henry, of Plesa, has sent an Monday, the full force of hands being made their appearance near our village. employed. John Shortle, of LaPorte, HARNESS SHOP. For Constipation,as it cures 4 50 to...... 3 98 appeal to every English woman married George Mercer and wife, of Corning, are Tbe Prisoner of Z-mla -----o----- Ind., has been secured to superintend visiting tbe former's parents here. only one thing. For sale 5 00 to...... 4 39 to a German in the German Empire. One of the most notable dramatic even's the plant. Mr. Austin Neely attended court at New­ w w w w w. at pever’s Drug Store Eiadiea’ and Children’^ 5 75 to...... 4 89 The Princess wishes to collect from her ark last week on the Melick divorce case. of the entire year in Columbus will be tbe (LOAK1NGS. The police of Delaware are searching Chas, and Thos Potterfield took a load presentation of “The Prisoner of Zenda,’’ where you will also find a 3 25 to...... 2 89 fellow-countrywomen a sum of money 60 feet West of the Post- OoMMaiiierM. for Rov Owen, a colored youth 18 years of cattle to Pittsburg last week, and report at the New Great Southern Theatre, on 2 00 to...... $•■'. 00 Brown Astrakhan now...... $2 50 to buy a handsome present to give old, who, it is charged, criminally as­ a good market. office on Vine street, C. W. Thursday, F.-iiay and Saturday nigh's, 1 25 to...... 3 50 Fancy “ now...... 2 89 Queen Victoria on the occasion of the saulted the six-year-old daughter of Samuel Fowls, an octogenarian, and one Ilger has opened a HARNESS Fall Line of Piteal M^icioes A lot of Children’s and Misses’ Gossa 3 50 Black “ now...... 2 99 Sadie Mayo. The girl is in a critical of the pioneers of this county, died on the with Saturday matinee, January 28, mere that were $1.25, reduced to 39c. close of the sixtieth year of her reign. 22d. and was interred in our city cemetery 29, and 30tb, by Daniel Frohmait's SHOP, and as he has a very] —o— 1 00 Plain Beaver now...... 79 condition. $1 50 and $2 00 Ladies’, reduced 2 50 “ •* now...... 1 99 According to the New York Tribune, the 23d, by the side of his wife, who pre­ tahn’ed company frrm the Lyce^-i New nml fresh; also Loyd Sheen, infant son of Mr. and ceded him somewhat over a year ago. He low rent, can 3 25 “ now...... 2 89 hundreds of Englishwomen have re­ leaves a large family who have the sympa­ Theatre, New York. “The Prisoner of FRESH STOCK OF to:...... * 69 DREftN GOODS. Mrs. G. W. Sheen, of 150 West King $2 50 to $4 00 Ladies’, reduced to.. 98 sponded to the appeal, and the sum avenue, Columbus, was frightfully thy of tbe entire neighborhood Zenda” is a dramatization of Anthony DRUGS at the LOWEST Miss Pearl Scott, who has been confined Hope’s celebrated romance of the same 4 50 “ “ .. 2 98 Large line Dress Goods that sold for collected is likely to be a large one. burned about the body by its clothing to her room for the past five months, is on MAKE AND REPAIR HAR­ PRICES. catching fire while standing before an the road to recovery. name, which, upon its first appearance in 6 50 “ “ ..3 98 85c now...... 69c HOSE. open grate. P. Donnabey has started a confide-ce book form about three years ago, was hailed 75c now...... 43c Dkte< tives detailed to look after shop, NESS CHEAPER 10 00 “ “ .. 5 98 1 lot Ladies’ Hose, Mere 25c, now...124c lifters, pickjiockets and “professionals ’ The mysterious death of Mr. and Mrs. canning factory. The sales are not latge as the greatest piece of fiction since the 60c now...... 42c owing to the scarcity of material. days of the elder Dumas. The adaptation Ed Dever, 1 lot Ladies' Hose, were 25c, now... 9c of that class always look to see if their Frank McDaniel’s eight-month-old A great deal of sickness in this locality. Than any estab.ishment in 50c now...... 39c z of the story for the stage by Edward Rose is suspects are wearing gloves, says the child is reported from Clay Lick, in the ------o------Mt. Vernon. 2G Public Square, Wret Side, Tel- 39c now...... 29e Eastern part of Licking county. The a triumph of dramatization. Mr Frohotan cpbone 263. IXDEBWEAB, New York Times. A "professional,” it babe was found dead in bed without HOWARD. has given tbe drama a magnificent stage Try him and be convinced. 30c now...... 23c GALLOOKS and GI IHPN. is declared, never works with his gloves apparent cause. setting, and the production will be given in A lot of Underwe r that sold for 19c 20c now...... 15c 1 set Guimpe, were 25c to $2.50 per on. A detective caught sight of one of William McMahon, of Neva da, was Mr. and Mrs. George McNabb Enter­ Columbus intact just as it was originally to 50c, now 11c. these men whom he knew in one of the arrested by revenue officers on the tain for Mt. Vernon Friends—Dealh produced and played for an entire season at A liberal reduction on all Under­ yard, now 21c per yard. of the Child of Chas. Wade. shopping streets the other day, followed charge of illicit distilling. He is a sa­ the Lyceum Theatre in New York city. A wear. SwImn Curtain Qooeen formed for the purpose of 25c to.*...... erecting thirty new dwellings as soon as es for their happiness and success through ciHt'smmD 8 00 Miak Muffs now...... 4 98 ...... 19c adjourning last spring, arranged for a liXe- 5 00 Monkey Muffs now...... 2 98 28c to...... 21c the weather will permit. Plans and es­ A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all Unclaimed Mail Matter. 50c to...... “social session" at Columbus, this win­ timates are now being prepared. 5 00 Astrakhan Muffs now...... 2 98 ...... 42c at the social on Saturday evening. Followii g is tbe list of unclaimed mail 60c to...... 49c DKAFERY NII.IaH. ter, it was little dreamed that it would Mr Charles Wade otnied his youngest 2 50 Seal Muffs now...... 1 69 Paul Giese, of Fremont, a 14-year-old child last week. I.s mother It as been dead matter remaining in the Mt. Vernon Poat- bring out a big game of Republican lad, while on his way to school, attempt­ shoot eight mop*Its. Mr. Wade has the office for the week ending last Monday: 1 00 Muffs now...... 58 50c, 60c and 75c Silk all go at 39c. politics. The "social session" was held ed to cross the Lako Erie and Western sympathy of bis friends. George Bucher, W. V. Chambers, F. M. 25c Muffs now...... 19 last Friday, and in addition to the sol- track by crawling under a car. The Choren, Mrs. Newell Dowda, Thomas Her­ LONDON, CANADA, TABLE LINENS. car started and the boy was caught and AMITY. rick, Mrs. M.C. Looll, Charles Mendenhall. ons other prominent people were pres­ dragged. He lived about an hour. Mrs. Louisa Majors, James Perrin, Richard We have been selling Table Linens at ent. At the banquet Gov. Bushnell Speriv. Packages: R ll.Sheenan. luulieft’ Caliuo Wrapperiu Mayor Zimmerman, of Waahington IIBBOIB. Special Prices for a week. We now put J presided, and among the speakers was Play to be Given for the Benefit of Chas. E. Cbitchfiilp, C. H., sentenced Dick Collopy, for many the Ladle*’ Aid Society—Protracted Postmaster. 500 yards Fancy Ribbon that did ( the knife in a little deeper on some $i oo quality now...... 89c Boss Hanna. The latter got bis Sena- years the hero of the “Red Onion” sa­ Meeting Still Going On. at 10c to 40c all go at 5 c per yard. numbers. I 75 quality now...... 69c torship bootn pretty well launched. loon, to pay a fine of $50 and costs, and Mr. John Porter is home from Shelby, The members of the Legislature in at­ stand committed in Wilmington Work- Ohio. house until fine and costs are paid. O. P. Edgar and wife, of Akron, are vieit- WCOIIWARU OPEBA HULSE CREAM - ALE tendance w’ere quite generally opposed Ing friends in Amity*. to the calling of an extra session of the Fire at Edgerton entirely destroyed The protracted meeting is a ill going on, GRANT A STEVENS Managers. 101! legislature. Gov. Bushnell is still as the Farnham block. The ground tfoor and so is (he dancing. Is brewed from tlie very best A A0 1 MALT, was occupied by the store of Campbell M’sa Maud Reed has come home. Wednesday Ercuing, February 3. close-mouthed as a clam regarding Felter, and the upper ones as lodge The young people are rehearsing a play THE CHOICEST HOPS, AAD ABSOI.ITELV Now iS- the accepted what are bis intentions in the Senator- to be given in tbe near future for the bene­ time to feed your rooms. Tbe building was insured for fit of tbe Ladies* Aid Society. Hogs ship matter, and they will probably not $9,000 and the contents were all insur­ The Matchless Fun Makec FIRE SPRING WATER. It is a perfectly on be known until he receives from Sher­ ed. AW, GREERSVILLE. I man his resignation as Senator. Ware Broa., of Washington C. H HOYT’S Scribner’s Condition Miitnre. dealers iu stationery, wall paper, etc., Sam Ilice Narrowly Escaped Serious BUT A REASONABLE REDUCTION ON ALL At the last election Isaac B. Allen, a made an assignment. They were sued Injury—S. W. Hyatt in Chicago Ex­ PURE, WHOLESOME, Is a sure, safe guard in on an account for $4*50 by Humphrey colored man, was chosen through ‘•in­ hibiting a Patent. A BUNCH OF KEYS, preventing Hog Chol­ Joues and concluded to assign. The as 31 advertence" (the expression used by the sets and liabilities are about $2,500 Tbe revival meetings here still continue (OR. THE HOTEI-) era. Will put your S UNDERWEAR, each. with a fair attendance Republicans,) as one of the Governor’s 8 W Hyatt is at Chicago thia week at NUTRITIOUS and stock in an excellent Council of Massachusetts, an ancient County Commissioners of Wyandotte tending the cycle show. He is exhibiting a ADA BOTBSER, AS TEDDY, and highly honorable office in that county granted Probate Judge Bowers a bicycle improvement that Le recently had condition for fattening. patented. ASSISTED BY THE state. Every effort was made by the contract to index the records of the Good for your horses FANCY SHIRTS, Probate Court. Prosecuting Attorney Sam Rice had a narrow escape front get Shining Lights of Farce Comedy, blue blooded Republicans to have him ting badly hurt on Tuesday of last week IN AN AVALANCHE OF and cattle. Meek brought suit and secured an in while helping to operate a grindir g mill at DELICIOUS DRINK, resign, but Mr. Allen stood linn and junction restraining tbe Judge from Noah Greer a. Ilia overcoat was caught by 5 pound package for And last week be was inducted into office. carrying out the contract the cog gearing, and he was being rapidly Wit, Hnmoi’, Mirth and MeloOj! 60e. 10 pound package Mr. Allen, however, has had his eyes drewn in. He pulled back with all his With a very pleasant and most agree­ Roy Owen, the colored youth, who is nt’ghl and got loose, but uot until a large A SUCCESSION OF SURPRISES for $1.00. Woolen Hosiery, etc. opened to the duplicity of the Republi­ charged with having criminally assault­ piece wbs lorn from his coat. IN UP TO BATE able Hop aftertaste. It is the cans and will hardly be found voting ed the six-year old daughter of Sadie Mrs Mathias Hess, who has lteen at Bell­ Give it a trial—will do the work. Mayo, was brought last week from Hil- ville tor rutue lime having a cancer treated, Our Drug and Sundry line ia complete that ticket hereafter. At an eniancipa liatd’s, and arraigned l>efore Mayor returned home recently and is greatly im­ Novelties and Musical Gems. tion celebration of bis race held in Bos­ proved iu health Give us a call—our motto is to please. R. C. Mitchell, Son & Co., Carpenter of Delaware and bound to the Jay McKown left here tbe first of last HEALTHIEST AND BEST Court in the9um of $1,000. Reserved Seat Sale at Green’b Drug XO. 11 SOUTH MAIN. ton the other day, Mr. Allen played the week to look npa location for a barbershop (The Ke Pl«* Ultra) I iconclast with the monuments of praise S. W. Hyatt weut to Mansfield on Tues­ Store. Prices, 25, 35, 50 cents. & C. W. Hummer, who conducts a shoe day of last week SCRIBNER & CO.. commonly raised to the memory of store at Lisbon for his mother-in-law, Adam Strang recently purchased a 60- No. 20 N. Main St. Lincoln by declaring be was forced to Mrs. C. B. Hilischnian, ol Warren, was acre farm of At m. Kuhn, situated about AininiSTKATOR S NOTICE. Of all Winter Drinks. On draught at issue the emancipation proclamation, arrested and jailed charged by Mrs three miles East of here Hibechman with having forged a state­ Bun Hyatt returned from Fredericksburg MRS. C. H. REYNOLDS CASH SALE AT MAGWALT'S. HEADACHE, and censured him for not doing it be­ ment to Cady, Iveson «k Co., of Cleve­ the first of last week. I^w Feeler and Peter Kelley attended annexed, of the estate of fore he did. He also told how the Re­ land, in order to obtain a stock of literary socte’v at Jimtown school, last Fri­ Of Crestline, Ohio, Recommends I will commence an an­ POOR SIGHT, publicans had attempted to bribe him goods. day night PETER LUCAS. .s, late of Knox County. Ohio, deceased, by the The Ml. Venioii Wright’s Celery Capsules. nual sale Wednesday, Jan­ to resign bis p<*t as councilor, winding fi. C. Kilgore was arrested at Marietta Sira. J. E Riddle is quite poorly at this Probate Court of said county. AERVOISAESS, on a fugitive warrant from West Vir- writing and with little hopes i f her recov- January 21st, ltW. “Crsstlixk, O., Apr. 23,1896. uary 20th, and continue it up with this sweeping bit of truth tell­ e»y. L. B. HOUCK. 6 to 12 Vine St, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. MISCILAR INEQUALITIES nia. While drunk, it is said, he attend­ Administrator. To Thb Wright Mrdical Co., until further notice. Goods ing: ...... , ed a church social at Waverly, kicking L. B. Hovck and J. W. McCarron. Columbia, O. Amd all defects of vision requiring cor­ “The slaves of \ lrgmia were owned MILLWOOD. Attorneys for Administrator. over the dining tables and causing a Gents—I have purchased a box of sold strictly for cash. Goods rection by the use of glasses, suc­ by Massachusetts money, and the only riot. C. P. Corbett, the town magistrate, reaeon the people did not keep the Death of Solomon Trimble—Quite a F. J. D’ARCEY, MANAGER Wright’s Celery Capsules from Albert cessfully treated hy specially ground was assaulted and seriously injured ^uSnisfitliousBoticr H. Kinsey, Druggist, and used them for charged will be at rt gular slaves iu Massachusetts then was be­ about the head. Stir Over tbe Proposition to Divide OTICE is hereby given that the under- glasses, at cause the law did not allow them to I Union Township -ipned has been appointed and qualified Sick Headache and Constipation. I can prices only. I will include The c«6e of Jancoln Diven agains* Administrator de Itonfs non with the will truly say that one box of your Capsules YOUKU A CLARK'S, have been successful in smashing four * The Millwood Silver Club sutprised Mr. annexed of the estate of $20,000 Republican slates, and I propose to the Big Four railway has been settled have done me more gd than anything worth of Dry Goods by a confession of judgment for $1,000. and Mre. James F Smith Thursday eve­ CYNTHIA BEERS ehe I have ever tried. Yours very truly Successors to F. F. Ward & Co., 102 South smash others, for I am tired of this ning wi'h drum* and banne s R H Ham­ late of Knox County. Ohio, deceased, by the Agents for Mt. Vernon and adjacent town: in this sale. Main Street. hvnociisy of the white man toward the While employed as a passenger brake- mond Joined with them and an enjoyable Prol*ate Court of said county. Mrs. H. C. Reynolds. man some years ago Diven lost a leg by January 23d 1897. J. S. Ringwalt, colored nisi). The Republican party is evening was spent J. W. MtCARRON. no longer the party of freedom. It is jumping from a train. He was given a Mr. Thomas Neff is on tbe sick list. Administrator. Selling agent of standard Do you want wall paper? If so take uow the party of monopoly, cipital aurl verdict for $15,000 by a jury, but the Mr. G orge McKee is improving. L. B. Hor,.K and J. W. McCabron. 7 . Circuit Court set it aside. Mrs. Moses Lepley is on the sick list. Attorneys for Administrator. at Clough A Co.’s? patterns. a lvantage of Beam’s cash clearing sale. greed." \

MB unable to determine whether the finance SOCIETY SCINTILLATIONS. era and that no attention should be paid to should seek to compel Curtis, as execu- 1 testimonials. tor, to repay into the estate, with interest, 1 committee waa to settle by accepting tbe EWNS TRiil STILL 01. TUI WHO DEWS Visitors Here and Elsewhere—Sun­ NHITSJjWkllli An excellent paper by F. L. Buchanan on FGR &N &CCOUHTIHG money which he has paid out of tbe in­ NfflmiJEIER DEID. $87.50 accrued interest, or whether they dry Items of Gossip. “Political Partisanship” was read byT. R. come from the property to support Mrs. should deluct from thia amount the $30 Woodward, the widow, during the last six­ which the bank had incurred in having a The Monday Club met at tbe Parish Simmons. Of tbe many good things said n Executor of Doctor Eflorl to Adopt Plans Mon­ Newark (ourl Eugaged in Am Found in hema of 111 ought Out at tlie Farm­ A teen or seventeen yeans ” new eet of bonds made. He was informed House January twenty-fifth lor the study were that charity and forebearance ought to tlie Hearing. Minor Mention. of El z ibeth Bar:ett Browning. Miss Rus­ ers’ Institute ~ be exercised in heated political campaigns, Woodward day Aiglit Failed. that the matter rested entirely with the dis­ sell ready a piper ®i ‘. Lives of the. Brown- and that conversion should be made by MR. KOOBt,' ANeWEB. cretion of the committee. He then asked to b« excused from acting on that committee. inga -Genius wedded toGenius.’’ Mias Baker reason and argumeut-not by abuse and Wm. M. Koons has filed an answer to the Opinion Wenerasl That Hc- The Odds and Finis Col­ l ien told of "Mrs. Browning's Social aud Several Prominent opprobrious epithets. Suit it* Brought Agaiust suit brought agaiust himself and GeorgeS. Opinion That Present The Solicitor thought that tbe committee Harter by John Scarbrough, to foreclose a should be instructed to settle by deducting Will be Acquitted. lected Here. Political Sympathies. ’ and Miss Baldwin Ohio Agriculturists, The closing lecture of the session was Henry F. Curti*. Council i« Done gave a pipet ou her “Drama of Exile'’ and given by Mr. Williams on ‘What Induce­ mortgage held against tbe plant for in­ the $30 olairn of tbe bank from tbe $87.50 "Portuguess Sonueta.” Miss Mulhune ments Does the Farm Hold out to the debtedness incurred under the old Mirror accrued interest. Brakeman Badly Mail if led at Hunt's— mad a the time allotted to current events Who Treat (uforiuiugljr and Entertain­ Young Men?” This was one of the most Mt. Vernon Electric Railway Sued regime. The answer alleges that Mr Koons With the Matter and That it W ill Bo City Clerk Chase stated that if any error Several Days Have Been Consumed Several Falls on the lee—A Big Rat very interesting by giving a list of the best ingly of Subjects of Importance, able and interesting talks of the session. For Damages—John L. Johnson was proprietor ol the plant for a month Left For Consideration of Future had been made in lithographing the ori­ in Proving the Good Character of Hunt North of Ihe City—I’tlcaGrocer books of the last year by American authors Making the Institute One of the Most Space f >rbids doing justice to the speaker. Files a Suit for Damages-Suit to previous to the time when Mr. Scarbrough Couneilmaitic Bodies—Mr. l’ogardus ginal bonds which required this new set of the Defendant—His Wife and Family obtained his mortgage. It is alto set forth bonds, no one had mads any statement of Assigns to W. H. Thompson, of This and commenting on them. Tbe club will Successful Ever Held in Knox County In speaking of present low pi ices of farm Test Liability of Property—Will of Makes a Statement in the Dowds Af­ are Present With Him iu the Court be entertained next Monday by Mrs. Frank products, of hundreds of bushels of corn, that the consideration for the purchase was it. If the mistake was made by him, be The Officers for Next Year. fair. Room. City—David Lewis Loses an Eye. L. Beam, of First lligb street. potatoes and apples being sold at a loss — J. A. Davis in Probate Court. tbe payment to the American Type Fvun- should pay it and not the city. also of hurdr’ds of bnsl.t Is of fr jit go’ng to dry, of Chicago, the sum of $516, the sur­ Mr. Ransom explained that at the time of About fifteen y< ling ladies and gentlemen render of Mr. Koons’ individual mortgage signing the bonds, great haste was required The trial of P. B- Evans, the Utica black­ — Re.ail price: Butter, 16; eggs, 13. WEDNESDAY MORNING was'eby having no market, and of thebaid One of the most important suits insti­ There was one thing more apparent at the of this city, comp wing the Pieaseria Club times, and he ftll sure that brighter times of $335 and a claitr cf $14. and the owner­ st ssion of the City Council Monday evening and that in one or two of Mr. Chase's signa­ smith, who shot aud killed James Arring­ — Prof. Whipple has been appointed cho­ Owing to the inclemency of the weather, tuted in the courts of Knox connty in many were pleasantly entertained last Friday the attendance. Wednesday forenoon, at w< u'd toon come, gladden the hearts of the ship of the A. N. Kellog Co. mortgage of than all the rest. That was the death of tures the final "e”was not plain. This was all ton while the latter was pieser.t at hia rister of the Gay street M. E. choir, to suc­ years was filed in the Clerk’s office late last e\ening at die home of Miss Mary Kings- the Farmers’ Institute was i.ot large. young men on the farm end induce them to $205, making a total of $1,070. the proposed Eastern district sewer. The the objection that the purchasers had made. house with a belliug purty last June, was ceed La Rue Marlin Saturday by Selwyn N. Owen, of Colum­ buy.wistof tbe city. Games of varioua T. F. Longnecker, of Day’on, was the hold on to the farm. He contrasted farm­ bus. former Chief Justice of the Supreme committee having the matter in charge The matter was discussed further, but noth­ commenced in the courts at Newark last — Mr. Carey E. Wolfe, of l’ipesrllle, is kinds were indulged in nnttl the hour of first speaker, his topic being "Plant Food ing with the mercantile busintss and some Court of Ohio; Wellington Stillwell, of SUIT FOB DAMAGES, made a report recommending the combined ing definite was done aud adjournment was week and is still continuing. an agent of the Bassm. and is authotifrd ten, whin a taffy pull was in order. After and Plant Growth.” In treating of the of tbe professions, showing that agriculture Millersburg, and Critcbfield & Graham, of Joseph E. Henwood, by hia attorneys system for the main sewer and the separate taken for one week. Last June William Latham and Mias t > receive subscriptions. the taffy pull games were resumed and it growth cf plants and roots, he nrged that bolds out greater inducements than the this city, as attorneys for Erlin Gay Wood­ W. L. McElroy and Critcbfield y in many communities, a bell­ Mrr. F. A.Clough, resigned. many happy remembrances of a delightful would insure success: otherwise, book county offic-rs, high freight rates.'and Electric Railway Co., by reason of being in a passive slate, but the opinion was pret- Turns Out to Be »n Eccentric Hermit ing party gatherel at the Evans- mother, Minnie T Woodward- Living Ylouc iu the WimmIh. evening spent with Miss Kingsbury. knowledge would do little good In culti­ large fees for professional service®, was by struck by an electric car August 15, 1896, y general that the matter is dead so far as home and proceeded to make the night -- James McGiheny, an emploje of the C. The defend »nts named in tbe petition Last week there appeared on the journal- A.1C. shops, caught his right hand in a vating plants, care shi uhl be taken not to legislation. In order to do this, pledges are Henry L. Curtis, in bis own right, and while he was attempting to make the Co­ the present council is concerned. hideous with bells, guns and all manner of A most enjoyable meeting of tbe Social disturb the roots, and tbe bes-t way to apply must be made by the candidates before the shocton avenue crossing in a buzpy. The iatio horizon a wonderful tale of tbe strange instruments for creating a noise. Mr. buffing wheel last Thursday badly lacerat­ as executor and trus’ee t f the estate of and terrible doings of an alleged wild man ing it. 8cience Club was held at the home of Mr. manure is to haul it directly to the field as nomination aud election, and by having in­ Henry B. Curtu; Uarry I) Critcbfield, as petition alleges that on the above date Tbe following members were present: EvaD.s ordered them to leave, which they J.M. Ewalt, Flatt Gambier s’reel, Monday in and near Danville, in tbe eastern part of refused to do. He then secured a shot gnn — A meeting will be held at the Parish 8<>bn as made. dependent tickets. Other inducements to administrator with the will annexed of E. owing to the negligence of the railway com] Messrs Bogsrdue, Meyers, West, Coe, Mc- eveuiug. Russia was the topic under dis­ the county. The story, with considerable House Thursday evening at 7 o’clock of G. G. WilliAtns', of Gustavus, Trumbull yoitng men on the farm are that be has G. Woodward: Chailotte L. Parke, Sarah L. party, his buggy was struck aud carried a Feely, Larimore, Ransom. and, aa he claims, fired it toward ihegrtE. A. cussion. A well written paper on the dirtance of 249 teel; that he was thrown out embellishing found ita way into tbe Repub­ persona interested in tbe organization of an county, first lecmre was. ‘ The Best Way to fewer hours of work than merchant or Woodward and Minnie T. Woodward. After the minutes of the previous meet to scare the rioters. off. One of the loads "Geography of Russia,” prepared by Mrs. and dragged a distance of 100 feet, crushing lican, of thia city. On the face it was ao athletic club. Buy Commercial Fertilizer!’.'’ He thought clerk; that prosperity will come in time; The petition is a very voluminous docu­ ing were read and adopted, the Mayor re­ struck Jamea Arrington in the groin, caus­ Barite-, was lend. Mis Gardner described they were of value if one had a thorough that fanning is healthful; that intelligent the toes of his left foot, spraining his left ported $3 collected in fines and licenses. improbable that many refused to believe it. — The Women's Christian Association ment, covering twenty one type written ing his death in several hours. Evaos was "The Penal Colonies of Russia ” " The Pies- knowledge of fertilizers and of each kind farming earns more money and brings in ankle and bruising and cutting the left side The Solicitor stated that in reference to which skepticism waa only increased by the will hold their regular meeting at the home pag'S. It starts out by reciting the death indicted for manslaughter. ent Czsr and His Reforms," was tbe subject of soil; also experiments were necessary. more cash returns; that the thinking farm­ of his bead, by reason of which injuries he the bond matter, he had communicated with fact that the paper publishing it hid its au­ of Mis. W. M. Koons, Wednesday. Febru­ of E. G. Woodward, in 1879. who was sur­ At the trial there has been some conflict­ of an entertaining talk by Mis J. M. Ewalt. Sometimes the cost of getting a larger crop er will crowd out the unthinking farmer, was prevented from performing any rnanua] the Fourth National Bank, of Uolnmbus, thenticity behind a date line. ary 3, at 2:30 p. m. vived by Guy Woodward, the father of the It appears, however,on investigation that ing testimony. The claim was made by the At the close of the pre gram daiuty refresh­ by their use was greater than the profit. and above all the farm is the best place to labor for a period of three weeks, wherefore and they were now willing to pay the plaintiffs io this action, Mr®. Parke, and there was perha|>s an excuse for the story defense that Arrington died from an over­ — “Chug" Dalrymple son 'Squire 3. D. ments were served. His experience told him that he could save grow noble men and women. he asks damages in tbe sum of $1000. $87.50 accrued interest aue the city. How­ a widow; and that Guy Woodward died in becoming prevalent, but none for ita publi­ dose of anaesthetics administered by physi­ Dalrymple, was thrown fiom a toboggan about $10 per ton in buying the raw mater­ Mr. Longnecker, B. Ransom and S. Doup For his second cause of action he relate* ever, they asked the city to pay the $30 In­ 1889. cs! ion. The account aa published stated cians, although their claim was not clearly while coasting on Cemetery Hill Tuesday The Gambier Street Card Club went to ials and mixing them at home, instead of followed with some well timed and appro­ damages done to bis hat and clothing in the curred in procuring a new set of bonds. He It also r,cites tbe death of Henry B. that this monster was eight fret high aud established- They also set up the defense night and slightly injured. Howard on Wednesday evening and were bnying them ready-made. He gave a tabla priate remarks. sum of $10; the buggy was hjured to the asked to have the matter referred to the fi­ Cortis, of whose will Henry L. Curtis is the etill growing, and that he feasted on mutton that Arrington fired as he did as a matter — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oakley, of Toledo, entertained by Mr and Mrs. George Mc­ showing how thia saving could be accom­ A resolution of thanks was passed, thank­ extent of $40; injuries to his harness, $8: nance committee. which was dona upon of protection against mob violence, and execroor and trustee. and bad school boys. He lived in a cabin are the parents of a eon, b >rn Thursday- Nabb in a most pleasant roanre-. Cards plished. ing the lecturers for their useful instruction by reason of tbe injuries to his horse, $50, motion of Mr. McFeeiy. that the victim was pretent and a trans­ It is stated that by the will of E. G. in the woods on the widow McElroy farm Mrs. Oakley is a daughter of Mr. and Mta* and dancing were the chief features of Afier Mr. Williams' lecture the President, and good work. making a total in all of $1,108. Tbe Solicitor also stated that the holders gressor, not having j»ermission from Evans Woodwaid his executors were Io sell all which he had fitted up with Ute pelts of the J. G Stevenson, of this city. amusement until the return of the midnight J. H. Bone, appointed E. Bartlett, Jacob This closed the work of one of the most of the water works extension and improve­ to be within his premises. train when the merry crowd came back to his real estate, except the homestead, on sheep he had devoured- When pursued he — The case brought against Frank J. Ash and J. Morton as a committee to nom­ beneficial, interesting and enthusiastic WILL OF J. A. DAVIS. ment bonds had requested that Council au­ The last few daye have been devoted to East Gambier street, and the Woodward easily outdistanced the fleetest horse and D'Arcey in ’Squire Blair's Court, by the lheir homes tn this city. An elegant sup­ inate officers for tbe ensuing year. farmers’ institutes ever held in Knox thorize the Mayor to attach bis signature proving the character of tbe defendant. A Opera House block, at the corner of Main The will of Jonas Abraham Davis, of even Burgess McElroy’s jack rabbit was Blooher Bros., was dismissed last week per was served. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. COUnty. to these bonds. This was not done for fear and Vine stree's, and apply the proceeds to Amity, was filed for probate Saturday. AU slow in comparison. In fact, he was a reg­ number of witnesses have been examined, owing to the failure of the prosecuting wit­ Tbs attendance was large. J. H. Palm, his property, both real and personal, ia that the bonds were not legal, but at tbe 11 of whom were uniformly favorable to the dis barge of his debts and to complete ular up-to date specimen of the most ap Miss Ella F. Pyle, of East High street, of Richland county, talked on "How Can SILENT MAJORITY'. time of their issuance there was some ques­ ness to snpiar. certain improvements then in progress on given to his wife, Elizabeth Ann Davis. At proved bogey man. Evans. The opinion is that he will be entertained tbe Gambier Street Card Club We Cheaply Renovate Our Worn Soils?” her death, hie second son. Albert Davis, is tion as to who should sign them, and tbe acquitted. — Clyde Weaver and Miss Jessie Bran- Tuesday evening at progressive euchre. Mrs the Opera House block. The will also di­ Laat fall there appeared aud took up He said that if enough manure is not pro­ DRAKE. to become possessed of all his property discussion on tbe matter finally resulted in yan, clerks formerly in the employ of rected that tbe care and cu-tody of the abode within this old deserted cabin a queer Irvine Forbing was awarded tbe ladies' duced on tbe farm then something else Mrs. Margaret Drake, aged 91 years, an the President and Clerk lasing authorized to Browning & Sperry, will accompany Mr Opera House block should remain with his la caae he dies, the property is to be sold for acting specimen of man. He was apparent­ K. T. REUNION TONIGHT. s utvenir. a silver button book: and a silver- must be done, as turning under clover, old and respected citizen, died at her home the bei.efit of his children. John A. sign them. Ou motion of Mr. Thayer, tbe Browning when he opens his store, which executors during the life of his widow, and ly industrious and worked among the sur­ mounted whisk broom was won on tbe plowing under green crops and using com­ on North Main street shortly after five Wright is named as executor. Tbe will was Mayor was authorized to affix his signature Program of the Exercises to Be Held he will do soon. in the event of her death should so remain rounding farmers. He was a sort of a her­ gentlemen's side by Mr C. H. Grant. mercial fertilizers, though he bad not real­ o’clock Monday morning, of pneumonia- executed March 23,1891, and witnessed by to the bonds whenever they should be pre­ in Masonic Temple. — Fred W. Betz, of Cincinnati, Postof until his children should arrive at the age mit and preferred to live alone and unmo­ ized much benefit from the use of the lat­ At the time of her death she was perhaps Wm. M. Edgat, and John A. Wright. sented to him. Below is given the program of the exer- bee Inspector, was in the city Monday and A bob-sled party consisting of fiiteen mer­ of 21 years, and until ali tbe liabilities of lested. His erratic ways excited some fear ter. the oldest resident c f the city. She was tes of the fifty-third annual reunion of inspected the accounts of the local ofllce. ry young Jadies and gentlemen, drove to bis esiate should be settled and paid: and among the neighbors and stories were soon T- L. Garber, of Richland county, in bis born iD Brooks county, Vs , October 16, DAMAGES AND JVDGMBBT. The committee having the matter of the Clinton Commandery, K. T-, to be held ibis Everything was found to be correct and the the home of Larue Martin, north of Fred­ after the death of his widow the business in circulation. They were undoubtedly short paper on "Insurance," was positive 1805, and when quite young removed with John L. Johnston bdJ Emma A. Johns­ plans for the sewer in Eastern district No. 2 Wednesday) evening in their asylum in accounts exceptionally well kept. ericktown, Tuesday evening. They spent a we have a safe insurance at much cheaper block was to go to his two children. The ton, through Blair & Ewalt, their attorneys, under consideration, made a report as fol­ exaggerated and in this state they came to pleasant evening aud returned to the city her parents, WilPam and Nancy Fresh­ this city. At the conclusion of the pro­ — Charles Qessling, a pupil at the Boner ratek in the co-operative farmers’ compa­ executors named were William McClelland have filed a suit agaiDSt W. M. Swank, lows: the Republican in this city. Once within gram a fine banquet will be served after at midnight. water, to Knox county, locating in the school house, was severely burned about nies, than in the old line companies. and Henry L. Curtis, but the former de­ Andrew Bechtel and C. 8. Swank, to re­ Mt. Vernon, 0.. Jan. 25,1897. that literary workshop, the abnormal im­ which the large ball room will be thrown eastern part. Later she removed to Holmes To the City Council:—We, the under- the face by a kerosene explosion last week. Mr., Williams’ next paper was “Farming clined tbe appointment and the latter be­ cover $68.77, and damages in the sum ot agination of the editor d’d the rest. And open and a program of eighteen numbers Mr. J. W. Hulse has gone to St. Louis on county and 1822 was married to David came the sole executor. igned committee, to whom was referred there you are. • He threw some kerosene into the stove and on Paper,” in which be said that the cost as Drake, of Loudonville. In 18*2 she re. $50. According to the petition, on Decem­ the matter pertaining to tbe plans and sys­ danced. the flames badly burned liia face- business. • well as the receipts of farm products must Tbe petition does not charge that any ber 7, 1896, Brubaker & Shira secured a tem to be adopted by the Council for East­ There are many ideas advanced as to the Kit Kat Galop...... Kershaw Mrs. W. U. Cole, of Columbus, is the moved to Berlin township, this county, re­ cause of the man's peculiarities. A promi­ — Monroe Grange, No 847, will give a be known in ostler to obtain a knowledge nt mey was appropriated by Mr. Curtis to judgment in the coart of defendant, W. M. ern district Bewer No. 2, respectfully sub­ Solid Four Orchestra. guest of relatives in the city. maining there until 1883 when she removed bis own use. but that he made unauthor­ mit the following and recommend its adop­ nent citizen of Danville, In conversation Sally in Oar Alley...... English Ballad play at the Valley Grove school house ou of the profit and loss of each product of the to this city, where she has since resided. Swank, a justice of the j»eace for Berlin Mr. U. 0. Stevens, of Newark, ®i>ent Sun­ ized expenditures on behalf of the Wood­ tion: with the Banner over the telephone, was Will M. Coup. tbe Wooster road, on Saturday evening farm. In this way lie could tell which township, against plaintiff, which with 1— That the main sewer be constructed Piano Solo...... Selected day with bis brothers in this city. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. S. A- ward estate, the principal items being the positive that it was the long lost advance January 30, 1897, entitled "Ten Nights in a crop paid best. McIntire, four grandchildren, J. W.. and P- costs amounted to$6s 77,and that on Decem­ in the combined plans of one 8,15,20 and 24 agent of prosperity, while there are others Mrs. Belle Critcbfield. M isa Nellie Taugher ia visiting her sister Mrs. T. B. Shaffer gave an excellent essay Opera House improvement and the support ber 19 said judgment and costs were paid to incb«ewer pipe. who insist that the man voted for Mark Protestations...... -...... Homer A. Norris Bsr Room.” All are invited to attend. 8. Keiser and Margaret sdU Dorthy Me' 2— That the laterals be constructed on the Vocal Solo, with Violin obligato. Mrs. P. J. D'Arcey, of Tiffin, Ohio. on * Queen of Horae,” in which she eulo­ of Mrs. Woodward. said W. M. Swank, according to his de­ Hanna for President laat fall and when — The cold wave that struck this city Mrs. E. Howell has gone to Goshen. Ind., Intire. Two great grandchildren, Lydia and The petition goes on in detail teciting the separate plan, of 8 inch sewer pipe, except that gentleman was declared eleeted and Mias Mary Bone. gized woman’s mission; presented the Harvey Keiser, slso sutvive her The mand. On December 26, while the $68.77 on Brown street, which is to be of one 12 Eleven O'clock...... Winstein Friday has begun to abate. During i‘a to visit her daughter, Mrs. Dairy Wallace. filing of accounts by Mr. Curtis, a9 execu­ inch sewer pipe. the full realization of what lie had done prevalence the thermometer stood from 12 bright and happy side of tbe farmer’s wife, tuneral services were held at the home Wed­ was still in tbe hands of the justice, the buret upon him, he attempted to atone by Solid Four Orchestra. Mr. Fred Woodb idge, of Newark, was and told of the mother's influence and du­ tor, in the Probate Court, of his handling plaintiff filed a motion to set off said sum 3— That the house c inflections be of one 6 this method of penance. ocal Solo...... Selected to 15 degrees below zero. On Wednesday the guest of Mr. Sieve Fredericks, Sunday. nesday afternoon at 1:30, and interment was of the estate, to which over ten pages of the inch sewer pipe. e Miss Jessie Jennings. morning the thermometer registered 4 de­ ties, that have made the g-eat men and made in Mound View, after appropriate of money in lien of a homestead, which 4 —Also that the plans, specifications and Old Time Ballads...... Solos and'Quartet Mr. Carl Mitchell, a prominent yonng at­ petition are devoted, and in which it is profiles presented by tbe City Engineer be Great Southern, Columbus. grees. heroes of the world, and on what depends services by Rev. W. C. Endley. motion eaid justice refused to file and con­ Mrs. Margaret C. Vaughan. torney of Toledo, Is in the city, the guest of the safety, glory aud welfare of the repub­ claimed that be improperly gave himself sider. Therefore, suit is brought against made to conform with this report. Musicians and music lovers in Columbus Miss Mabel Mitchell. Mr. John Coup. — The ice at Lake Hiawatha Park is ten friends. A. Cabsil, Mr. George B. Kelley. lic.- • LYBABGER. credit for various sums of money and neg­ W. M. Swank, and Andrew Bechtel and are on the qui vive over tbe announcement i-iches thick. The snow has been cleaned Mr. and Mrs. Silas Parr were called to lected to charge himself, in other instances, a City Engineer. Guitar Accompaniment by Mrs. Critcbfield. Mr. Longnecker followed with a talk on The old proverb that death loves a shin­ C. 8 Swank, his bondsmen, to recover the L. F West, that the sensational pianist Mertinus Si- Whistling Solo...... Polka off by teams and plows and the surface Butler, Friday, to attend the funeral of a Tha New and Old in Grain, Fruit and ning mark was again exemplified in the with money received at different times. It original $63 77 together with $50 damages. E. J. McFeely, eveking. who has proven the musical Miss Elizabeth Harper. smoothed with ice planes. As soon as tbe relative. receut death of Myrtle Alice Lybarger. is also contended in the petition that Mr. A. C. Collins, and "fad" of the Eastern musical season, Burlington March...... -...... Arthur l’ryon Vegetables.” He emphasized that great W. P. Booardcs, weather becomes milder tbe skating will be Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Pickard entertained a Curtis is properly chargeable with the full M’DONALD DIVORCE. is to play at the beautiful new Southern Solid Four Orchestra. care should be taken in tbe selection of Miss Lybarger was the daughter of Mr. and F. C. Larimore. first class. few friends wi'h a six o’clock dinner Fri­ value of certain real estate, which, it is al­ seed. Experiments told him that in plant­ Mrs. Michael Lybarger, of North West Mina McDonald has been granted a di­ Mr. McFeely moved that the report be Fireproof Theatre Monday evening, Feb­ day evening. leged, was sold for much less than its real — The divorce suit of Ora T. Bayes vs ing corn from teed with two ears on a stalk, atn.-et, this city, where she has always made vorce from Clyde McDonald on the grounds adopted. ruary 8th. Much has been said and read of A Thousand Miles a Week. Mr. Theron Bishop, of Norwalk. Ohio value. It ia claimed that at the time of fil­ Je-sie IUyes was filed. The husband in time he could grow stalks with three her home until about seven months ago. of neglect of duty. The custody end care Mr. Merer? called attention to the fact the poetical and powerful pianist this sea­ Captain W. W. Peabody, Vice-President charges adultery in his petition to the Court. visited his uncle, Mr. L. P. Bishop, East ing his final account that instead of the son. He is a very fortunate young man in ears and so on, but found that as much if At that time she went to live with a mar­ of the minor child, Howard R. McDonald, that the report was not signed by Mr. Coe, andGen’l Manager of the B. A 0. S. W.< Tbe d-fendant was Miss Jessie George, of Front street, last week. not more corn was produced from stalks ried Sister, Mrs- T. A. Wilson, of McAllister less than $1,000, with which he had himself is confided to the mother snd she is given that be has fallen into that prize so coveted Mr.aud Mrs. J. B. Beardslee are home as Chairman of tbe sewer committee, and by European artists—but so seldom attain­ traveled last year, in his private car, the Ml. Vernon.—Lima, Ohio, Daily Gazette, having ore ear. He had ako tried strains Avenue, Columbus. Recently the Wilson charged, that he was properly chargeable $500 alimony. be wanted to hear from him l>efore tbe re­ Ohio, just 54.419 miles. Tbe record was from New Yolk and are stopping at their with over $24,000. Much of this is attrib­ ed— uuiversal favor in America. It nteana Jan. 21, 1897. of corn for size, but grew com that ma­ family becime afflicted with an epidemic port was adopted. untold dollars to tbe lucky artist who can kept by C. A. Tonay, who has been in the North Main street home. CITY VS COMMISSIONERS. — John A. Feeny, living in Bellaire, a tured too late. He remarked that experi­ of typhoid fever and two young sons died uted to the alleged unauthorized improve­ Mr. McFeely stated that it had been im- win it. Captaiu'a private office for eleven years, and brakeman on northbound B Jfc O. freight Mr. John Sanderson Is in Delaware at the of the disease. At the present time Mr. and ments made to the Woodward Opera House An entry has been filed by the Commis­ Sieveking’s program will include that ment stations were a safeguard between powible to see Mr. Coe in order to get his most beautiful of all of Beethoven's Sona­ who accompanies him on bis travels. He No. 23. had the little finger of his right bedside of his father, who is not expected to the farmer and unscrupulous salesmen, Mrs. Wilson are confined to their rooms. block. sioners in the suit of the city to recover recover from a stroke of paralysis. their share of the bridge fund. The court signature, but that he knew that there tas, the “Moonlight” Sonata; also compos - keeps a daily record of the car’s movements, hand pinched between the bumpers at this that going into new varieties and forsaking Miss Lybarger contracted the disease and It is claiinel, also, that a loan made to would be no trouble about that, as Mr. Ore tions of Chopin, Mendelssohn, Schumann, and can show at just what point on the place Sunday night. Dr. Russell amputated Mr. Desault B. Kirk will entertain tbe the old was like a lottery, and that in died last Thursday. Her remains were Mr. Woodwaid of $15,000 by Miss Emma ordered that tbe city amend its petition and others—a wonderful program. The within thirty days, setting forth the date would sign Ihe report as soon as he had an road tbe Captain was at any time during the the injured member. North End Whist Club this evening at his changing toeds great care and discretion brought to this city on the ev.-ning train Bi idge, and afterwards transferred to the thing which musicians are taking apecim or dates upon which the city demanded Its opportunity. satisfaction in these hard limes ia tbe past ten years while onton hia car. In 1889 home, corner Sugar and Gay streets. should be exercised . and taken to tbe home of her parents. The late Henry B. Curtis, and which bore inter­ — The Ashley Times of last week con­ Miss Nellie Becker und Walter Schleiter, share of tbe bridge fund collected nnder Mr. Meyers had heard that Mr. Coe was prices, which, through a lucky foresight, the car, with the Captain, traveled 59,850 B. A. Disney read a paper on "Taxes.” funeral occured Sunday afternoon. After est at the rate of 8 per cent., should have are on the popular scale. Sieveking was tains an article detailing the plan « f East­ of Pittsburg, have returned home after a the levy for the years 1894 and 1895, also preparing another report to be presented to miler: in 1890, 43,940 miles: in 1891, 46.6S2 He showed that taxes can be much reduced services at the Presbyterian church by Rev- been replaced at 6 per cent, interest, aud for engaged months ago (before it was* well ern capitalists to build an electric road stating what portion of the bridge fund was Council. known that he would make an American miles; in 1894, 60,311 miles, and in 1895, pleasant visit with Mra.C. F. Baldwin. by reducing salaries of county, State and Wilour interment was made in Mound not doing so, it is sought to charge the de­ from Mt. Vernon to Richwood. The ca)>- Miss Bertha Ley da. after an enjoyable in the county treasury a time of the The question of adoption was put to a hit) for the leading feature for the debut of 230 miles. This record is hardly equalled by national officers, abolishing free railroad View. Miss Lybarger was 22 years of age fendant, Henry L. Curtis, with the differ­ Miss Lillian Miller, Columbus' most beauti­ italisls propose to construct the road and visit with Miss Lina Armentrout, left-for vote and declared carried. Mr. Meyers then any railroad man in tbe West, and is equal passes—in short by returning to pure and and is survived by her parents, two sisters ence of 2 per cent, in the matter of interest commencement of this suit. ful soprano, who has just returned from two accept half their pay in stock her home in Beaver Falls, Penn., Satur­ raised the point of order that as the adop­ to going twice around the worid every year simple ways of the primitive days of tbe and a brother. making an amount of $4,925. yeais’ study with the celebrated teacher, and half way back again. — Jay Davis, a Utica grocer, made an NEW CASES. tion of the report contemplated an expen­ Shakespeare, in London. Hia manager has day. republic. He spoke of the great expense It is also stated that Mr. Curtis made ap­ assignment last week to W. 11. Thompson, Hon Wm. M. Harper, who was here the Lewis B. Houck brings foreclosure pro­ diture of money, it required at least seven since tried to cancel, but cannot. So, popu­ CARTER. plication to the Probate court for an order of this city. The assets ate estimated at incurred by criminal esses resulting from ceedings against Emma Platz, William affirmative votes, the vote on adoption lar prices will prevail at his Columbus ap­ past week to attend the social session of tbe to sell the Opera House block and home* pearance only, viz: 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 $1,000 and the liabilities are unknown. The the sale and use of intoxicating liquors. Mrs. Mary Carter died at the home of Platz and Fred Izen to recover $323.63 due being five to two. Mr. Bogard us reconsid­ Legislature, returned to Washington, D. C , stead property for the purpose of paying The scale for Sieveking in every other city assignment Is being rapidiy adjusted and He severely condemned the abuse of the Capt. M M. Murphy, on 8outh Main street, ered his former decision and declared the has been just double this scale. Seats can Monday’ evening. the debts of the es’a’e. and after the order on promissory note secured by mortgage on WOODWARD OPERA Mr. Davis will resume business at an early franking privilege, of legislators drawing at one o’clock Saturday afternoon at the ad­ West half of lot 43 in Danville Houck A motion lost. be secured for out-of-town applicants by Tbe Kokosiug Club gave a most enjoya­ vanced age of 91 years. Her maiden name had been obtained and the appraisement addressing H. M. Butler, 5 Hosier Block day- ble dance in the armory Tbn-sday evening l«y for services not rendered, and of many McCarron for plaintiff. Mr. McFeely then offered a motion to re­ other crying evils of the times. Mr. Dis­ was Shul>, and she was born in Columbia made that he resigned as executor sdu that Columbus. Ohio, on and after February 5th. GRANT &8TEVENS — Managers — The Home Building and Loan Com­ which was participated in by over twenty consider, but the point was raised by Mr. ney’s remarks were warmly applauded. county, Md., June 22, 1805 She was mar­ Harry D. Critcbfield was appointed admin­ LIABILITY OF PBOPERTY. Myers that as Mr. Feely had voted for the pany met Monday evening and elected di­ couples. Prof. A, King, of Mansfield, fur­ istrator of the Woodward estate; that after­ LOCAL GRAIN MARKET. WEDNESDAY EVENING. ried to Alexander Carter June 23, 1831, at El zabeth E Doty has begun suit against adoption of the report, and the motion was rectors for three years, as follows: E. E nished music- Frederick, Va-, and resided near Winchester, wards the Opera House block was offered at Henry L. Curtis, trustee of Henry B. Cur. Cards have been received announcing the The first exercise of the eventDg session lost, that only those voting in the negative MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1. Cunningham and IVm. Banning, re-electrd; V*., until 1837, when they removed to Knox public sale and purchased by Mr tie, in which she seeks to have the liability marriage of Ross Samuel Wallace, a former was a lecture by Mr. Williams on ‘ Winter could move for a reconsideration. While A. D- Bunn, elected to fill the vacancy county At the time of her death and for executor of Henry B. Curl is, for $20 (XX). of property established. She alleges that ern Elevator «k Mill Co. emyloye of the bridge works, in this city* Evenings and Leisure Hours.” He urged this point was being discussed the motion caused by the death of John D. Thompson several years prior thereto she has resided The petition charges that Mr. Curtis re­ she recovered a judgment of $122.18 and Wheat ...... 85 Officers wi 1 be elected Wednesday night. to M isa Florence Gertrude Magill, at Me that agricultural education and agricultur­ was withdrawn. Corn...... 17 al science are essential to good farming; with her neice, Mrs. M M. Murphy. The signed as executor for the purpose of buy­ costs against Charles Winterbotham and — General Passenger Agent Scull, of the nomonie, Wis. They will live in Fair­ ing tbe property It is claimed that tbe Oats...... THE AMERICAN TRAGEDIAN. that every farmer ought to have a good li­ funeral occurred Monday afternoon, after Wm. Flanigan, for injuries to plaintiff MR. BOGARDUS’ STATEMENT. B 40. railroad, recently estimated the in­ banks, Wis. Opera House block was worth $40,000. Taylor’sDiadem Flour...... $1 40 brary, but not confined to agriculture; that services at the home by Rev. C. J. Rase. throngh tbe selling of intoxicants to her President Bogardus called Mr. Ransom to “ Beat Flour...... 1.30 MR. WALkER WH1TESIRB, auguration travel would be nearly double There ia a well defined rnmor to tbe ef. In conclusion the petition avers that the hnsband, Thomas Doty. She claims that feet that Dr. N. R. Eastman, of Bellville, he should take good periodicals, and that the Chair and read the following written Bran, per ton...... $ 10.00 what It was tour years ago. The improve­ WADE. funds with which Mr. Curtia, as executor of the liquors were sold on tbe premites own­ ...... 10.00 In a dramatization of Bulwer Lytton's well known in this city, will lead to tbe al­ games, amusements and recreations of the statement to the Council. Shorts, per ton...... ments that have been made on the B. Sc The one-year old daughter of Charles E. G. Woodward, is properly chargeable, ed by defendant and as the judgment has In some remarks that I made in a former Cash paid for wheat. O within the past year will enable him to tar in the immediate future, a bride in tbe right kind were productive of good. Wade, of Howard, died last week and was Mr. J. M. Durbin gave an essay on ‘‘I’eD together with the interest thereon, are never been paid, asks that the property be meeting of the City Council. I charged Mr. easily handle fifty per cent, more people person of Miss Schuler, a most accomplished interred in 8t. John's cemetery Friday, Dowds with acting as agent for a party Pictures of Farm Life.” ample to pay the deb’s of the estate. held liable for tbe same. F. V. Owen for Card of Thanks EUGENE ARAM, than ever before. and charming young lady of Bellville. near this city. The child's mother died It is asked that II D. Cri'chfield, as admin­ plaintiff and Critcbfield & Devin for de doing business with the city while he wsa Miss Rowena Fowler's class in music The exercises of tbe evening were con­ serving the city as treasurer. I did this upon We desire to thank our friends and — Miss Minnie Dalrymple, daughter of last May aud was interred in the same cem­ istrator of the es a'e of E. G. Woodward, be fendant. By Paul Kester and Walker gave a most entertaining musicale Saturday cluded with a talk from Mr Longnecker his statement, that he was so acting. In neighbors for the kindness and sym­ ’8quire 8 D. Dalrymple, met with a pain­ etery. enjoined from selling tbe east half of in. conversation with him since that time, he afternoon. Those principatiug were, Flora on "Education Against Learning.” In pathy they extended us during our be­ Whiteside. ful accident Thursday morning while com­ lots 21 and 22 and also lot 371 in Shaw’s ad­ PROBATE NEWS. has explained the relation in such n way as Passmore, Edenia Kent, Lucile Campbell, speaking of and contrasting the common to relieve himself of any suspicion of im­ reavement over the death of our daugh­ TRIMBLE. dition; aid it is prayed that the sale of the W. D. Barnes, assignee of W. D. Perkins ing down town from her home in the North schools with high schools and colleges, he proper motives. It is more pleasant to ter and grand children. Gertrude Murphy, Bessie Vance, Edith Solomon Trimble, aged 54 year®, one of has filed hia inventory. Real estate is ap­ end. She slipped on the icy |>aven>ent near knew that many graduates were so deficient Opera House block be set aside and tbe deed praised $1,230, and the personal property at speak well of a man than it is tn charge Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lybarger. Stoy le, Gertrude Sellers and Nellie Stoyle. the best known and bishly respected citi­ him with wrong doing- And so I am glad Pleasant street and fell, injuring her spine. in the common tchool studies, as to dis­ nullified, aud that the accounts of H. L $180. Prices—35, 50, 75 and $1.00. She was removed to her home and has since A meat enjoyable dance was given In the zens of Howard, died January 19, and was Cu/tis, as exeentor of the will of E. G J. W. Phillips appointed administrator of to say that I know of no intentional wrong Double Duty. qualify them as teachers of these studies. that Mr. Dowds has done in connection winter pavilion at Lake Hiawatha Park buried on Thursday, in the Millwood cem­ Woodward, be declared fraudulent and void J F. Cochran, giving $2,500 bond with John been under a physician s care. He favored township supervision, and rais­ with tbe bond sale. Your dollar will do double duty if you Seats on Sale at Green’s Drug Store. Thursday evening by a number rf yonng etery. and be set aside; that Mr. Curtis be require 1 N. Bechtol, H- L. Arnold and C. G. Swank visit the closing sale of Schnebly shoe Sale opens Wednesday. — E. E- Cunningham, the venerable ing the standard of the common schools; as sureties. people from this city. Excellent music was to account foi all moneys received by him stock. buitding and loan man. is confined to his rendered and after dancing until a late hour was convinced that too many changes of J S- Vance, guardian and trustee of MISCELLANEOUS. GABDNEB. as such executor, and for rents and profits Thomas H. Vauce, has filed bis petition to home as the result cf a fall on the icy pave­ teechere did much harm, and that the priv­ Mr. Meyers moved that during >he future Coffee! Coffee! tbe merry* crowd returned to tbe city on a received from the Opera House block since sell land. R*port of appraisement received ment. As he was coming to his office special car. ilege of furnishing pupils free text books Mis N. A. Gardner, aged 52 years, died at and approved. life of the present Council, the finance com­ $1 will buy six pounds first class roast Thursday morning, he fell In front of the at the home ot her son in-law, John Cole­ the sale; he be charged and held liable to Third partial account files! by Alben mittee be instructed to pay the bills for cual The annual reception of Rev. and Mrs. G- was greatly abused. ed coffee. Cali and see it at Warner W. Swetland residence on North Main street man, ou North Norton street, Tuesday the Woodward estate for the fall value of Moreland, guardian of Angeline Fadely. of the Solicitor, Clerk and Mayor. The Millers. F. Smythe, in the Parish house Monday THURSDAY MORNING First partial account of Ollie Wisner, ad­ and fractured three ribs. He was removed morning, of cancer. Deceased was one of the property sold in the proceedings to fore­ motion was declared lost, Mr. Larimore evening, was a decidedly pleasant and en­ ministrator of A C Wisner, has been filed. to his office and later to his home, where The forenoon exercises were opened with the old st and most h'ghly respec’el of close the mortgage given by Mr. Woodward voting against >. joyable affair throughout. A pleasant sur­ Clinton M. Rice assignee of Michael Now is the time to buy yourself n he has since been confined. prayer by Rev. J. H. Hamilton, after which citizens. She is survived by three children, to Henry B. Curtis, lees the amount of the Smitbhisler has reported his inability to Mr. Larimore s.ated that tbe bond matter lamp, elegant line and prices ’ never so prise to the guests was the rendition of a Mr. Longnecker gave a lecture on ‘‘The note secured by the mortgage, together with sell land and an order to reappraise and eell — A big rat hunt terminated Thursday Richard and Ida Gardner, and M*s. Cole­ had been cansing some trouble and he low. Stop at E. O. Arnold’s, and you little farce written by Mr. 8mythe and pre­ Grape and How to Care for it.” He won Id the interest on the balance from the day of has been issued. will be surprised how nice and bow night at the residence of Janies ltaktr, man. The funeral takes place Thursday L. B. Houck has been appointed admiuis sented by Miss Mary Clarke, Miss Dolly let two vines grow at fi’st to find out tbe sale; that be be required to account for all cheap. Get one of those elegant center north of the city. Two sides contested, afternoon, after short services at the home trator of Peter Lucas, giving $1,000 bond LOCAL NOTICES. Cooper and Miss Saidee Stevens. It waa a stronger, then take out the weaker. He money, for which, it is alleged, he improp' draft lamps and you will never use any and the hunt covered a period of about two by Rev F. A. Wilber. with Judson Vincent and I. C. Lynde as clever little satire on an existing social evil practiced cutting back so as to have tbe erly gave himself credit in the several ac­ a t reties. other kind. Save your eyes by a good weeks. The hunters under command of Hustle! Bustle! and Bustle! and was well received. The guests were vines equally distributed; cultivating so as counts, together with the interest thereon Ellen Albert appointed administrator of steady light Judson McManis were the victors, having CROWE. Samuel Albert, bond $2,000 with F. O. E. O. Arnold. served with coffee and sandwiches. to get the vines nearer the ground, and not front the time tbe credits were giver,; that Is the motto at closing sale of Schnebly captured 629 of the rodents, while the side Levering, W. H- Thompson, and F. V. shoe stock. Everybody seem anxious to have them grow too high, and removing the Mrs. Anna Crowe, sged 70 years, died he be held liable for alleged unauthorized Owen as sureties. Appraisers. Worthington captained by Lewis Porter captured 593. save a dollar. Monuments. suckers. He thought three sprayings suffi very suddenly at her home in Gambier. bank loans of $5,500 aud all interest paid Shipley, Jacob Yonng and C. A. Bope. The winning side was given a royal oyster AMUSEMENTS. Ellen C. Whiteside appointed guardian of cient, sometimes two would do. In his Monday evening of heart failure. The thereon, together with the interest on the Superior workmanship and lowest Biip)>er by the vanquished hunters, in Laura E. Whiteside, with $ A. R. The 0. K. La tin dry. prices. 407 West Vine St. WALKKB WllITMlDE opinion, the best varieties for home use and funeral services occur Thursday, when Ihe payments of interest: that he also be charg­ which Fr«d Phillip? won the prize forest­ McIntire and Frank Moore are sroeties. Best work in the city. Reasonable Warner W. Miller, Prop. The forthcoming production of the new market are the Concotd, Worden, Clinton, remains will be taken to Newark for inter­ ed and held liable for tbe amount that J. W. McCarron appointed administrator When skating you go. ing more oysters than any other two per­ prices. Telephone 181. poetic drama "Eugene Aram," hy Mr. Woodruff Red. Brighton and Niagara. ment. of (Cynthia Beers, giving $500 bond with L. Now or Never It Is high you should know, T might have been saved by funding the $15, B Houck and Geo B Bunn as sureties. B. H. Lee A 8ox. That for a'Cough or a Cold X sons present. Walker Whiteside at tbe Woodward Opera The next talk was by Mr. Williams on 000 indebtedness at lower rate of interest; There is nothing that Is sold X Demurrer of the Provident Life and Trust Is the time to shoe yourself and family Can beat “Frog m Your Throat.” X — Tbe annual meeting of the stockhold­ House next Monday night will undoubted­ “Farm Poultry.” He would raise thorough that the whole amount with which he shall Co. to the answer of Mary A. Cvlopy to the Largest line of Sterling Silver Novel at 55c on the dollar at Schnebly’s old ers of the Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark ly call forth a large audience. bred fowls—poultry that would answer t Lloyd R<>s«, aged 12, only son of Soloman be properly chargeable be, by order of the petition of E. I. Mendenhall, in his prayer ties at Clough e, on short notice. They will please you, when you take liefley, was running near Hunts Station Treasurer—G R Martin. Collins, who has been confined to bis home aud again offered at public auction the tion to tbe rule of tbe Richland county your pictures to Beam’s to l»e franicd.You U p-to-D ait Richter started to climb from tbe train to "Tbe Bunch of Keys” is such a favorite. Executive Committee—W. W. Walkey.G Courts, wherein it is made a part of tbe Money. They are not door keys or truuk keys, but a 8. Penfield, W. W. Ransom. East High street, is somewhat in proved. building was sold for $20,600, being about get good mats, good frames and the the engine. He slipped and fell between records preventing the acceptance of attor­ work done promptly. To be found anywhere. bevy of handsome girls by the name of Mr. Longnecker'a last lecture was on "A Hon. Wm. Welsh, who was reported as $1 400 more Ilian two thiids of the appraise­ neys as bondsmen. Upon vote the recom If you nave money to invest I can the first car and the engine, one pair of "Keys,” who have been willed by their dangers ttsly ill, is improved. , ment, and being tbe highest and beet bid mendation failed adoption. secure you first mortgage loans on Knox trucks passing over both legs below the knees uncle property and real estate which con- Study in Tree Fruits." He urged that care Fresh Oysters should be taken not to make mistakes in se­ — Clinton M. Rice on Tuesday filed a ofi'ered for the property. The matter of a law library was indefi county real estate, not only as safe as The train was stopiied. and the injured consis's of a hotel; in order to de- ide which nitely postponed, and the proposition to Government bonds, but at double their one shall have the hotel the uncle resorts to lecting new varieties. He spoke of orchards remonstrance with tbe B> ard of Elections ( "We do not care to go into details, but Receiv ed daily. Everything else wan was taken to his home in Newark hold a banquet was taken up and discussed rate of interest. P. B. Chase. season at Warner W. Miller's. Doctors D M Smith and C. H. Srimoon a novel but not overpleasing test. That the containing trees distributed by "Johnny signed by a number of voters of Union ( when tbe propar time arrives there ill be Remarks were made by Col. Cooper, who MISSES MfWtiB & HEMOM, were called It was found necessary to first drummer arriving at the hotel shall township, protesting against the proposed ; no difficulty whatever in making a perfect concluded with a motion to appoint a cim pick out the one he considers the homeliest Appleseed.” Hecaulioned farmers to be Having dissolved partnership, we ask >4u>t Vine Street. amputate the right leg rear tbe knee and careful in buying of agents they did not division of the township into three votirg ly satisfactory showing and in justification mittee of five to make preparations for the the h ft leg near the ankle Me. Richter is a and she will be the lucky one to get the same. The committee was appointed an all who have accounts with us to kindly Do not fail to call and see our line hotel. Many new singing and dancing know; told of the devices practiced to ob­ precincts. The principal objection was the ' of every act performed by Mr. Curtia It is call and settle as soon as possible. young roan 23 years of a»re He has novelties will be introduced, among them consists of W. E. Grant, H. H..Cassil. F. O before you buy your Holiday presents. vigorous constitution and will in all pro­ tain testimonials from leading fruit grow- cost of making the ebang j rather surprising that the Woodward heirs Levering, H. C. Devin and R. M. Greer. Browning & Sperry Clough A Co. bability recover from bis awful injury the famous Acme Quartette. 1*1 OTHERS Father of Ten Daughters. Novel Way to Trap Rabbits HOME DYE1XG MADE EASY. A HALT CALLED. A * recovering from [New York Hun.] Select a very cold winter night wiih the illness at­ When the editor of an agricultural enow on the ground, build a good roar­ tending child- H AN'DSOME €01.0 ltS THAT NEVER paper published the fact that there was ing fire in the woods, say four ftet Protest Against ihe Sale of Wal- birth, or who suf- FA l)E. f/fer from the ef- a farmer in New England who was ll-e across, then go bonre The rabbits will bonding Canal. l fects of disorders, happy father of seven daughters, he see the fire, or follow the smell of ti e derangements Hurd Times Increased (lie Sale of and displace­ thought he had found the man who smoke, and all come out ami sit around The Ml. Yi-riion, Coshocton and ments of the wo­ held the record in that line. But the the fire to get warm. They will finally Diamond Dyes-IJIack for Cotton, Wheeling Railway Claims to manly organs, item came under the eyes of Ezra Perry, hill asleep, and the fire will go out; but Wool and Silk That Does Not will find relief Have n Hight in It. permanent cure in Dr. Pierce’s formerly of Rehoboth, but now of Attle­ it has melted the snow, which has Crock-Makes Old Cloaks, Gowns Favorite Prescription. Taken during boro, and Mr. Perry lost no time in formed pools of water around the sleep­ and Suits Look Like New. pregnancy, the ‘’Prescription” The State Board of Public- YVoiks and the 0ns Cass from the Third N. Y. Cav- writing to the editor that he could go ing rabbits. The extreme cold will “It is real y marvelous,’’ said a Main HAKES CHILDBIRTH EASY S ate Canal Commiaaion will probably be the fanner referred to at least one bet­ freeze this water and the rabbits’ hair street druggist, “how the hard times ei joined from a-llnis; the Walhonding iry and one from the 5th by preparing the system for parturition, ter. The editor answered Mr. Perry’s will be imbedded in the ice. Next thus assisting Nature and shortening have increased the sale of diamond canal, as they have advertised to do on ’labor.” The painful ordeal of chihU letter, and congratulated him on carry­ morning when they wake up they find dyes? Ladies buy one package as an January 23. The sale under the law must Michigan Cavalry. byrth is rob tied of its terrors, and the ing off the palm in the daughter com­ themselves frozen fast in the ice, and experiment, and find the dye so easy to be made at public outcry, and at the last dangers thereof greatly lessened, to both petition, saying that there was prob­ you can go al mg and pick them up. use that they color all their old cloth­ joint meeting of the board, Mr. Perkins, ot Five Hundred Thousand Veterans mother und child. The period of confine­ the State B >ard, anil Mr. Cracken, of the ably no other man in New England who This is considered by many great sport. ing, and come out with new gowns, ment is also greatly shortened, the State Canal Commission, were deputized to Living and a Great Many have mother strengthened and built up, and an could boast of being the father of eight cloaks and suits for the whole family. abundant secretion of nourishment for daughters. When the editor received Ministers from nearly all charges at­ make the ssle. This Affliction. The diamond dyes blacks seem espec­ But a gentleman walked into ibe office of the child promoted. If Mr. Perry's next letter, which he did by tended the convention of the Dioeese of We believe the best way to North east Ohio in Warren Thursday. ially popular. I often sell half a dozen Mr. Perkins Friday morning and servel on THE MARRIED WOMAN return mail, it gave him a surprise, for be delicate, run-down, or overworked, it Bishop W. A. Leonard and Aruhdeacon packages to one customer.” him as an officer of the board a formal pr »- From the Acic*, -Vrttltrtfon, h'ich. Contracted in the War. worries her husband as well as herself. Mr. Perry wrote that he was the father Lewis F. Cole, of Pittsburg, addressed Diamond dyes are put up for every test against the sale of ihe proj-erty. The TJput. Chas. M. Paush-r, a carpenter and beat our ’96 record is to beat the assemblage. grower. h:is lived iu O.taw t Cunniy, SVBJEXT or IXTEHKST This is the proper time to build up her of 10 daughters, not eight, and that all color, with special dyes for cotton and protest sets forth that on September 12.1S82, Jtichigan, for thirty years, and in. B-.uft strength and cure those weaknesses, or D1KKS. of them were living. Following up this Marion Cremen* and Edmond Henry, are so simple and easy to use that even the Ml. Vernon, Cosh »clon and Wheeling River eleven ycur-< past. He serv-d in the it day by day. That is why ailments, which are the cause of her two alleged members of the gang of Railroad company secured from the state War of th- Ueiitliioii is Cviiipaiiy D, Third trouble. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip­ statement, Mr. Perry added that he a child can dye a perfect color with New York Cavalrv. aud w .s u good soldier. II. D. IinonltoH, Fifth Mlelilgaa Cate* tion dispels aches and pains, melancholy also had two stalwart sons living, and outlaws that has been raiding the lower under the law the right to build its track He Was found bv tin- jJoeniuQ Stm reporter airy, Telia of the EtfTect* of end of Mason County, were caught at them, one that will not fadt, crock, or rii 'ig«*l in bnildhvxa house a short distance Army Life. we commenced .January 1st and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep that two others were buried in the family on the bertne bank of the canal, the com­ and makes a new woman of her. Gallipolis Friday night They were wash out, equal to the handsomest pany entering into bond to mtintain the from Hass River. lie h-ft his work and in t'roir. Ihe .Veus. ituekegon, hfieh. graveyard. taken to Point Pleasant and lodged in resneu )i no inquiry in reference to Dr. There are few pleasanter drives in this Mrs. Abkam T.voh. of Lor>aiuf,JeJJrerionCo.,hf. shade made by the professional dyer. wa’er in the canal sufficient to meet the re­ . ■ ■■ 1 o Pale l‘«sij.le, said : K. writes: ** I had been jail. part of the country than the one along ths with such a bargain list as suffering from ulceration Frog Hunting in Holland. quirements of the users of water along the “ About fi -r .trs ago 1 contracted rheu­ South Grand river road, running between and falling of the womb, Grand Master General J. C. Whittak­ ca' al. with whom theSta’e Board of Public matism. l.o ■ ‘t not know. 1 would get Grand llavcu aud Bass River, a little ham­ forseveralyears, or since Frog bunting is now prohibited by through my ••• : during the er days, trheo the rivh uutvuiual physicians around here The dedication was followed by speech­ way I g-r rny rle» p was i.y taking laudanum ana they gave me up and however, continue their amphibious ment to the wearer should receive pains­ enter into bond to the slate in the sum of colors are beginning to give to the said there was no help occupation in Holland, and from Sas- es and music in the afternoon, and later taking care, and if its color is faded or s mi? o It -r opt ue. A year ago »his f;Ul 1 woodlands along the route. On the eleventh Lr me. by a banquet, social session and ball. I50/-00, which bond was made and is still was aim ist he! »and in the winter I be­ ot this month a representative of the Horn- At last, almost discour­ van-Gent have recently sent in one-half Hall’s Hair Renewer^bhould be ap­ in effec'. The protest is signed by G. A. came entirely so. 1 h. i ro i>e helped up and ing Srvt took this trip to interview a eeriaiu aged. I began taking I)r. down in a chair, end conll not get to bed alone. Mr. II. B. Knowlton, a tariner living about Ladies and Misses Jackets Pierce’s Favorite Pre­ day as many as 20,000 frogs’ legs on ice Joseph Dininger, employed at the plied. Jones as president of the company. He Through the hips end back I was paralysed, scription and took five Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, at Newark, u mile sway, about his cure from rlieunto- bottles. It is three years to Paris. These delicacies fetch be­ claims, of course, that ilie sale cannot be or felt as if I was. 1 had no feeling in that tistn. since and I have not had caught his right arm in the cogs of a made unless it is will) the rights of bis com­ region of the body. The puhi in n.y feet wu> Mr. Knowlton is a mun fifty-one years ot tween two pence and three pence so great that I coaid hardly step «>n them. any return of the trouble. rattling machine, sustaining injuries pany, fully understood by the purchaser. age, and served three yean* in the wor, being — I feel very grateful, and apiece, an«T some of the hunters find which required its amputation at the T uring the reign of Queen Elizabeth, I was what you won! I call co aplf-dy used a memher of Cotupuuy F, Fifth Miehigtui Regardless of Cost. In fact, owe you my life. Mas Lyon. To a Press reporter the protestors said the up. My usual weight was nho-it 16U pounds, for I do not think I should have t>ecu alive now the calling very remunerative. shoulder. the extension of the Eng.ish commerce Cavalry He has lived in Allendale, Ot­ tra< k of the company bad never been laid and I had lost ilcsli until 1 weighed only a*»out tawa County, Mich., since the n-helhou, and If I had uottakeu your medidue.** resulted in a remarkeble development 13 > pounds. I h id been doctoring-i ni u ing on the properly, but that was not ihe fault is one of the sul*tautial furuu-rs of the eouu- of the English language, and by asso­ all kinds of mtlicines. hut th y did m» no | ty, his ferm, which contains one hundred LAIIIHS' AM) GEATM' I X- Fred Bowen, ft collector for the coni- ciation with foreign nations thousands ol the company. They had started to build go>d. The il.M'iors told me I ••on! i not be ! and rcibly ejected from the , erty. lie was working iu the field wh«n ap- DERWEAR. Youngstown, has disappeared, and, it were brought into common use. up. I wits e rn d -TPly discount" *d. 1 proached hv the reporter, hut kindly invited is said, is short in his accounts. The ^lANDY CATHARTIC properly by the agents of the xtate. From “ Lost March I heard of a h i ih-r of [ew- . him into his huniLsome brick house, and th's it appears that the state has at some sons being l»«dpeug..i 1 wo il l iV time, at leas', not admired the rights of j ccived from taking Dr. YYilliauia’ Pink Pills, EXCDUSIVJE STYES $200. try th;:n sw a lost resort. I did not hive any said : “ti was in tiie army for lhn e years, anil SS8 the company in the ptop°rty. filith tlvii t'i-y w mid while there J contracted the rheumatism. DRESS VATTKKYS. The crown jewels of the Shah of Persia The pro’e t was filed with Attorney prrcihvd a b»: of A. J. White, t'i* dr tggist, After coming out I was lame and aore a good awl. ta'ti.ig t’irni for three diiya. I began to areworth many millions. Among them Gemral Monneti, who will investigate the | deal of the time, but was not sick enough to is the sister diamond to the Kuh-i Nhr fc-i h •tier. The or< j u > oveoi nt I noticel go to bed. At first I was not very bad, but as (Mountain of Lighi). It is a huge dia­ claim.—Columbus Press wo-in inv fc ‘t. I co ild step l>e»t”-a:id with time wmton 1 bet-unie worse. About a yeai Yield WOOL. RL1XKETS. mond an inch and a half long and an inch CURtCOnSTIPATIOM The Labor a greu doil l-ss pi: i. By toe t; ne 1 had j ago 1 was .o laid that 1 had to give up tny Attorney General Monnett has advised fi iis'ied lit? thirl «»ov I could wilk natural work on the farm. 1 had doctored with doctors broad, but not very bright, and could ALL the State Canal Comm iasion and the State ifid wit'io it p-in. Previous to rh it it had | and taken -i great deal of medicine, aud had he- PRIXTS, GIVGIi niS AND pardonally he mistaken for glass. It t ik -n in • tw • i y m:!tu.t» to walk sisty rods. DRUGGISTS j of getting Bo-ird of Public Works to proceed with the | come kind of discouraged. Nothing seemed dates from 3000 B. C., and is called the By th • tiin • i n»d fi i s i’-d U*i »g t le tbir I box to help me, and finally 1 went to the drug IDCAT IITDT V P TIIDIUTCrn to cure aov rase of constipation. Cascarets are the Ideal Loxa-i sale of the Walhonding cvnal without re t ntim.'eic-s in my '.w'^uHi :rps hud entirely j store of A. J. White aud asked him if he MUSLINS. Darya-i-Nur, or Sea of Light. • gone, and by toe ti n- I h>id used the fourth ftDuUuUiuuI uUflltrtli 1 LiLiU Rerrr it ip or rrlpe.bnt ranse easy natnrnl results. Sam-i 1095 Meals gard to the prote»t fr on the Mt. Vernon, , had anything to kill or cure me. He said pie and booklet free. Ad. STERLING RKMEDY CO.. Chicago, Montreal. Can.. orXen York. __ su.j box my r'a n n t -.u in i prse;icail v «li>s aI?i he had Dr. Piuk Pills for Pale Mr. Summerfield Tippett, aged 66, Cosh'cton and Wheeling railroad company, while walking on a railroad track near confronts some one in every petrel. 1 bi v • r “•»’.’nm“n h«d tn.e. .p..i.ll.s. to all j People, and he thought if I Mould take them SILK DRESS PATTERNS. home each year. Whoever the tC which is noted above. On January 23 my alSieted fricit 1-. and i icy I* «ve b--en hone- ] tliey would help- me. 1 purchased a box Shawnee, was struck by a Columbus, fire I. 1 gladly re-o-u ueud tuem to all persons “PUT ON MY HAT.” William Mercer, of Peebles, got judg­ work devolves upon should Mes-rs. l.ybarger, of the Board of Public and la-fore taking all of them 1 felt better, Shawnee and Hocking train, and died afiiictc 1 a* I .v is." and 1 knew they had helped me. I contin­ ment in the Common Pleas Court for know about Works, and Mr. McCracken, of the S ate To rn i ir .| th- a’lore statement Mr. Paus- SILK WAIST PATTERNS. an hour and a half afterwards. The Latest Device to Drive One to the ued taking the pills, and for the past throe $5,000 damages against the C., P. and Canal Cummistion, will proceed to sell the ler m :d • o tin k f • months 1 hare not felt the rheumatism. 1 Verge of Insanity. C’i is. M. I’ut«’ -. of Allendal" township. V. Railroad. His foot was cut off by a property on the ground. would advise any one who baa the rheuma­ [Chicago Tribune ] train in May. 1893, while he was em­ O t'i -v.i C i.i ity. 'Iie.ii:"i i. la’iag ^y me duly tism to try ilie Pink Pitta, and 1 am confident SILK SHIRT PATTERNS. j vom. d pi*"s t’i’t the f iregot ig st itemeut, WHY SUFFER The newest thing on the street fakir's ployed as section hand. He sued for they will help them.” NONESUCH In a $25,(CO amage mit nt I.< pan 1 y mid" hv bi i t.iis ll’.h day of October, A. 11. B. Knowlton, of Allendale. Ottawa stand is the little wooden man who $15’,000. ______W. G Cuitis against the Morris Coal £>., WJ5, i - tr t •• County, Michigan, being l>y uie duly sworn, TOWELS. XAPKIXS AND Aches anti Pains, When a Simple MINCE MEAT Company, claiming that he has been « G. V.T tXTY, Xatarg Pttblie, deposes that the fact* set forth in the fore­ stands patiently all day long on a little M -isk -"oil Co., Michigan. Remedy Will Cure Yon in n Save The Children. poniarently dit-abled frt m foul air in | going statement,' imide by him thia 11th day TABLE LIXEVS. wooden platform, holding a lever bal­ of October, A. D., lt©5. are true. Few Minutes. It’s a labor-saver—a woman-ear- mines of the company, the attorney for j When children are attacked with r. WItbout the long aud weary­ J. Mo’ynmv: is a t.t m rixty-six years ot age JIkkry G. Warty. anced on a wire axle between his knees, defendant moved the case he taken ( y Pubiie, cough, cold and croup, Dr. Bull’s ing peeling, chopping, boiling, and has lived tt";ir River for twenty-five All manner of aches and pains, exter­ waiting for somebody to put on his hat seeding and mixing, a woman can — froM the jury. The motion was sus­ y-trs. H- is on;* of the «u'«tantia) farmers Muskegon Co., Michigan. Cough Syrup will prove a quick and ..uickly make mince pie, fruit pud- ,a tained at.d ihe C» urt oidtnd the jury of O:tiw.) C.» i ity, nil w en seen by the re- Dr. Williams’,Pink Pills ore un unfailing In fact, everything in the Dry Goods nal and internal, yield to the healing for him. His humble request to “Put • ding, or frnlt cake that will be the de- ia no-ter h id j nt finished digging p-Haloes. specific for such discuses as locomotor ataxia, sure cure. Mr. Elmer E. Baker, light of her household. Since None 1 to return a veidict for defendant. and soothing qualities of Lightning Hot on my hat” is stamped on the little, Such Is sold everywhere there Is no I 11" said: "I hae® In! rheumatism for partial parulyaia,'St. Vitus’ dance, aciatiea, and Notion line at astonishing bai gains platform, and ihe whole thing painted Blandon, Pa., writes: ‘‘We have inoreneedofmaklngyourown mince City Engineer Howell, of Zanesville, i about forty y?ar<. My left l<>g wis paralyzed, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the Drops, whether of sciatic, neuralgic or meatthanofmaklngyourownyeast. [ who marie an assault on W. O. Munson, | “or felt ’ it a i.1l I hti vd severe pains in after effect of la grippe, Hilpitation of the a vivid red. Two little black beads of used Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup for cough, Try one package—10 cents. the back. I e mid warecly do any work on heart, pale and sallow complexion*, that tired for 30 days. rheumatic origin. Toothache, earache, Take no substitutes. of the Evening Press, liecause of a criti­ the farm. Li-t winter I heyui taking Dr. feeling resulting from nerroa* prostration, all sweat mark the spot where his eyes are cold and croup, and found it the best Send roar odilreM, naming this paper, i faceache and headache can all be easily we will .end roa free . book. "Mrs. Pop- cism of the conduct of his office, has Williams’ Pi ik P tls for Pale P"ople, and diseases resulting from vitiated humors in the cough medicine and cure for these kins’ Thanksgiving,•' bv one < tthe moat J been indicted lor assault with intent to after I lnd taken f» ir hox"s the pain in my blood, such as scrofula, chronic arysipelaa, and quickly cured by the use of this supposed to be located, also a black line [ popular humorous writer* of the day. affections. We never run out of it, MEBRELL-^OULE co., wound. back was entirely gone, and my leg was a etc. They are also a specific for troubles pe­ indicates the position for the mouth. great deal lieRor. I have bm-n better this culiar to females, such as suppressions, ir­ wonderful remedy. It also cures corns, Syracuse, M. V. bunions, chilblains and frost bites. The whole figure and features are but always keep it on hand.” Dr. meeting of the teacher summer than I hav b«*eii in ten year*, and regularities and all forms of weakness. In Bull’s Cough Syrup is sold everywhere in the public schools of Springfield have done more work on the farm than I men thev effect a radical cure in all c NIX.ON & Co. Lightning Hot Drops is certainly a roughly carved out and have about as have before fur ten years. I have recom­ arising from mental worry, overwork or for 25 cents. Insist on having it. President Martin, of the School Board mended the medicine toother people afflicted eecses of whatever nature. grand thing to have in the house. It is much expression as a clothespin. But, requested ea«-h lo donate half of his or PUBLIC SQUARE. if you place the little lead hat on the ■ Sold bv with the rheuinati-m.” These pills are manufactured by the Dr. a pleasant remedy to use, and is won­ Craft & Taugber. Ea*t_ Side Public Square. h< r salary for this month to help pay A. J. White, the druggist and keeper of Williatna’ Medicine Compuny, Schenectad, derfully effective in all the minor ills of front part of the lever and press sudden­ Eigl teen property holders on Wash­ the board’s floating dept, amounting to the general store at Bas« River, said to the N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the ly on the other end, trying to flip that The stockholders of the Falls Manu­ $30,W0. No action was taken. reporter that he knew Mr. Molyneux and firm’s trade-mark and wrapper at 50 cents man and beast. It is always ready for facturing Company, of Chagrin Falls, ington street Delphas, have commenced several other- imd been grea’iv brined by a box or six l«oxes for PJ.jO, and are never external and internal use, and when hat onto the little red head, which may has leased its extensive sadiron plant to proceedings against the Northern Ohio The retail grocers of Belli fm taine taking Dr. Williams* Pink Pills for Pale sold in bulk. They may be had of all drug- Railroad for appropriating that through- have organized as the Retail Gr< cere' People, and that the testimony given was true, j gists. sweetened % little folks like it. And it catch it six times running and fail sixty the Ferrosteel Company, a large stove and range manufacturing concern, fora fare for its main tracks. Two former Association. afiords 6uch a quick and complete re­ times, and in the meantime get your cases were di-posed of. a jury in the knuckles smartly rapped with the hat term of years. The plant will be en­ PRUrSSSlOYAL CARDS. lease from the pain and misery of larged and put in operation by Februa­ Probate Court giving judgment in the on a “foul fly” (if there be such a thing) sums of $650 and $400. wounds and acuto disorders and all ry L sorts of aches and pains that after we you can readily observe that the expres­ have once got acquainted with its work sion on that little wooden face is very Watson Huffman, a school teacher W. E. GRAN T, changeable, and seems to grin in de­ in ni< e tow i ship, Daike county, v as Blooming ITTOBNEY-AT-LAW. we buy it again and again. Brielly fined $75 and costs l»y Judge Clark for FFICE Room No. 2, Woodward Opera The Celebrated Specialist, of the Prance Medical Institnte, will be at the CIRTIS MOlSE, IT. moniacal glee at each failure and CASTORIA House Bdildiug, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. speaking, Lightning Hot Drops pre­ exhi» iiing and selling obsc«-ne literature O VERSOS, WEDSESDAY, Jll. 27, from 9 a. o. to 5 p. w. One hay Only. vents or cures all disorders of the black and blue spot raised on the to his scholais. Health . . oct31 tf stomach and bowels. back of your hand. There is a certain For Infants and Children. knack about it, just as there was with The domestic tastes of the princes'1 of A SUCCESSFUL SPECIALtS? FOR 20 YEARS. Lightning Hot Drops kills any ache fr«- Wales have a most natural origin. Her W. M. ROOM, His long experience, remarkable skill and universal success for the past twenty the tiddle-df-wmks, which were so pop­ ilail* years in Ohio, entitles him to the fnll confidence of the afflicted. or pain, external or internal. StgUtON SIMM father, in early’ manhood, was a poor ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW ular a tew vc*rs ago. It is a fascinating vtwpa. r>D F—R ^as no superior in diagnosing and treating diseases >and defor- Lightning Hot Drops heals any kind ef younger son, and lived almost in seclu FFICE ow Knox County Savings « I 1MI WL. mities. Medical and Surgical diseases, A cute and Chronic Catarrh, of flesh wound, old sores, etc. little fellow and calculated to become sion with his wile and children. Herr Bank, lISCR. TI >NS, EX nS-E^. AM) LOUD DIS-ASE5. II Morris* English Stable Liniment strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. machinery; the first to put up seeds in you havo any of tho following symptoms consult us l»eforo it is too l uo. Are tou ner­ SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. Cares Lameness, ‘'uts. Bruises, Scratches, Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac from butte, a black object that turned out to vous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under Office—West side of Main etreet,four doors Galls. Sweeney, Spavins, Splint, Curb, etc. your own druggist, who will guarantee a little packages; the first to manufacture A French doctor says that persons them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the heart, liashful. dreams and Hrlce, 3Oc. per bottle. cure. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. be Jim, who gave his master a frantic who attain their 30th year without suf­ losses, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn north ot Public Square, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Sterling Romedy Co., Chicago orNew York welcome and then proudly started With cut nails. fering fcorn any serious disease, are like­ expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack energy an t strength, tired morn­ Telephone No. 74. Morris* English Worm Powder Now they are out with a method of ings. restless nights, changeable moods, weak manhood, stunted organs and prema­ Residence—East Gambier street. Tele­ Warranted to core any case of Worms in Horses, him to inspect the band. ly—all things being equal—*.o live till ture decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat etc. phone 73 29eept87 Cattle, Sheep or Dogs, also Pin Worms in Colts well curing dyspepsia by resting the stom­ they are at lea3t 73 years of age. I’rlce, 5Oe. per box. Elmer II. Worley, son of a Single handed, Jim had taken care of YOU HAVE SEMINAL WEAKNESS! known Portsmouth merchant, died ach. This remedy is known as the OCR NEW METHOD THEATMENT alone can Craft’s Distemper and Cough Cure from a ruptured blood vessel in the those sheep for 30 days, driving them to Sir Arthur Sullivan composes an op­ cure you, and make a man of you. Under its influ­ A Specific for Distemper, Coughs, Colds, Heaves, Shaker Digestive Cordial. It supplies ence the brain becomes active, the blood purified DR. GEORGE R. BUNN, Pink Eye, and all Catarrhal diseases of horses. brain. fresh pastures each day. Each stray era score in two months, and the first Price, 3Oc. 81.00 per bottle. food in an artificially digested firm and reward is usualy a!>out $11,000 for the so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear; pHYSICIAN AND 8URGEON, Just try a 10c box of Cascarets, the band that he met he had chased into tho nerves becomo strong as steel, so that nervous­ Wells* Hoosier Poultry Powder at the same time aids the digestion of first year alone. Sir Arthur is believed ness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; Room 3, Roger*' Block, 111 South Main Makes Hens Lay, cures Cholera, Gapes and finets liver and bowel regulator eve his drove, until he had become the to draw about $203,000 a year for his the eyes becomo bright, the face full nnd clear, Boup, and keeps poultry healthy. other foods in the stomach. In other energy returns to the body, and the moral, physical Street, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Ice, 23c. i»er package. made. king herder of the bunchgrass country. comic operas alone. and sexual systems are invigorated; all drains All professional calls by day or night words, by the use of the Shaker Diges­ cease-no more vital waste from the system. The Every renoe-’y guarantied satisfactory or money The enrollment in the Newark schools Hard word had agreed with him, and promptly responded to. June refunded. Oar new book, "The Horse: His Diseases tive Cordial, a dyspeptic virtually gets One of the greatest lead prospects ever various organs become natural and manly. Yon and Treatment," mailed ijee. according to I)r. J. C. llartzler’s report he was as fat as a possum in persimmon feel yourself a man and know marriage cannot be’ Wells Medlclije t'o.. Laf»jrUe, Intk is now 2,787, larger than it has ever been along without the use cf other food discovered in the mineral district was ! a failure. Wo invito all the afflicted to consult us time. He was too smart to go hungry, confidentially and free of chargo. Don't let quacks For sale by. E D. Taylor & Co., before. until it is restored to its natural strength struck at a depth of 10 feet in Duen- and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars. and had picked out the fat of the flock eweg, Mo., the other day. Solid chunks He vn.t care you or no pay. KNOX COUNTY Pharmacy. Cascarets stimulate liver, kidneys and and vigor. A tingle 10 cent bottle will whenever he wanted to make a meal. of lead, weighing 75 to 100 pounds each, HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? DRUGGISTS bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe oft-times give marked relief. Get a bot­ are being taken out. Jim is gone now, but his memory is re­ SY’PHILIS is the most prevalent and most serious TEACHERS’ tle from your druggist and try it. BI.OO.i disease. It saps the very life blood of the Maggie Irwin, was allowed $1,000 spected by every wool puller in Uma In 1801 there were only 28n,000 per victim and unless entirelyeradicated from the sys­ HKUEDIT kRY BLOOD DI^ \' KXAMIXATIOXS. mt vkrnon ohio damages against Willard F. Ellis, of Lo­ tilla county. sons in the limits of the United States tem will affect tho offspring. Beware of Mercury. . , , Mott’s Nerveriiie Pills Laxol is the best medicine for chil­ It only suppresses the symptoms-our NEW ME i MOD positively cures it for ever. gan, for breach of promise. She sued who spoke German as a mother tongue; Y'O ^N.i OR IDULE-AGED MAN—You've led a gay life, or indulged in the follies 1896-97. The great for $5,000. The case only occupied ta­ Builds Up the System. dren. Doctors recommend it in place now over 7,000,000 of our people, Ger- i>f you;!i. Self-aliuso or later excesses have broken down j-‘>tir system. Y'> 1 f.«cl the remedy for symi>t<-ins stealing <.ver you. Menially, physically and sexual!v von are n>>t the man nervous pros- li ours. Dayton, O., Jan. 4, 1897.—I have of castor oil. , mans or descendants of Germans, read you used to be or should be. Lustful practices reap rich harvests. Will you heed the Meetings for the Examination of Sell all the Patent Medlelnea ! and speak that language. | danger signals. tration and found Hood’s Saraspanlla the best med­ I Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are yon contemplating marriage? Teachers will be held at ths all nervous A Ilousohotil Necessity. kA fit D Several days ago James B. Emery, I HU' n , Hasyour blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our X>-;r Method chool oom Advertised In thia Paper. icine that I can obtain for building up Sheep will eat mu’h forage left hy Treatment will cure you. What it has done for others it will do for you. Consultation S R , diseases of the Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won­ Chief of Police at Middletown, sent a ______generative or- derful medical discovery of the age, pleas­ the system and the indigestion. We other animals and do much to shift for Free. Xo matter who has treated you, write for &n honest opinion Free of Charge. description of C. L. Shields and E. F. themselves. They do want some care Charges reasonable. BooksTree —"The Golden Monitor” iillnstrated>. on Diseases of BEFORE AND AFTER USING. ganc of eithci ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently have taken several bottles with good re H'ignier to Newark, the men being I Men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed. Book on "Diseases ot Women" Fn-e. Central Building, Mt. Vernon, sex, such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, though, a dry place to sleep and a shel­ «A N0 NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No medicine sent C.O 0. cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, suits. We have given it tr our children wa ited at Middletown for obtaining ter front rain and snow. Cold does not No names on boxes or envelopes. Everything confidential. Question list and cost of Treat- lost Manhood, Impoteney, Nightly Emis cure hwdacbe, fever habitual constipa­ and they are now looking well and eat go xls under false pretenses. Both were bother them much if they are kept dry. | ment. FREE. The Second Satirday »f Eierj Isith, sions, Youthful Errors, Mental worry, ex­ tion and biliousness. Please buy and try a arrested. cessive use of Tobacco or Opium, which box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 2a, 50 cents Sold and sleep much better than before taking EXCEPT JAKCABY AMD JULY. PATENTS. lead to Consumption and Insanity. $1.00 and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. it. Mrs. Whitehead, 1507 N. Main St.. Many schemes have been devised fur DRS. KENNEDY & KERCAN,‘"'c?£^S ‘;;'E per box by mail; 6 boxes for $5.00. a universal language, of which “Vol- olicitors and attorneys MOTTS CHEMiCAL CO., Prop s, Cleveland, Ohio. While riding a colt Hurber Curl, son apuk ” is among the latest. About the —YOB— Hood’s Pills are the favorite calhsitic Til fu­ S ! Sold by Ed. Dever Weal Sii’e Public Square. of Lewis Curl, of Bellefontain. wa« llall* beginning of this century an 'enthusiast r.f&r.or* proposed a universal language, of which • Pupils’ Examinations thrown by the animal becoming frighten­ When In doubt what to use tot a. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS ed. He struck on his head, inflicting a Among thc> bizarre articles offered it the numerals should represent the ' Nervous Debility, Loss of Power, Impoteney, Atrophy,Varicocele and The first Saturday of April and Mav. Ex­ serious wound in the forehead. for sale recently at the Hotel Druot, wa­ sounds. aminations will commence at 8:30 o'clock a. AND PATENT LAW CASES. MTJEVLAS A CO., TY« tu- other weaknesses, from any cause, ft child’s heart immersed m ajar of dml'.j I« n use Sexine Pills. Drains checked m. Address all communications to the spirits, and although 97 years had paas- tifLC.ire every The Bushmen, r f low grade Hotten­ and full vigor quickly restored. Clerk of Board of Examiners. RCRRIDGR A C»., DEALERtIN Sf wrifper. If ne»leei» CLEVELAND, OHIO. and even a portion of the aortic an h. dailt every that of th® higher apes. It consi-tscfj vrippd Bold by H. M. GREEN’S Drug Store. lOoetyl L. B. Hunck, Clerk, With Associated offices In Washingtor Curtis Ware house, Lower Main street was in a perfect state of preservation. of hissing, clicking and grunting sounds. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. and Foreign Countria* Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Telephone 89.