The I. O. O. F. Encampment. Unity i Iui> Course. A BIG DOCKET. The encampment of the I. (). <>. F. The course which will be given by the next Tuesday and Wednesday will Unity Club this year will consist in the THE CIRCUIT COURT WILL OPEN bring a large number of c;uiton> in main of the following: Two lecturers D. A. TINKER & CO., this city. There will also be a num-on three Sheakespearean plays, by ber of noted men here. Some tine Jamos Kay Applebee, of Boston. One Hundred aud Tlilrty <»«•» I'lu- drills may be expected. The program Edwin WTaldo Emerson, of Boston, The Leading Hatters and Furnishers, .Tlay Term Had But Ninety-Eight-- in the main will be as follows: son of Ralph Waldo Emerson, will de- The mills of Justice Will Have to On Tuesday morning the grand en liver two lectures on Art. • .rind Rapidly to Complete tlie List campmeat will assemble in the Macca A lecture, illustrated by electricity, Are now ready with all the new styles of Twenty-One Criminal CU»PM—Slxty- bee Hall where they will be welcome* will be given by Dr. Harold Wilson, of Formal Correct Stiff and Fedora Hats, Qoli andYacthCap^ i.iuiu issue* oi Fact—One Uane or Detroit, on the subject, "The relation by the Mayor, . \V. B. Walker F'ancy Colored Shirts—Earl & Wilson and Law—Fourteen <'liany sending a postal card to G. P. Coler, Ann Arbor road ho drank the wine while s not conducive to church extension, Shoe Sale Saturday! THIS WEEK 56 South University ave. so tar as membership is concerned. still in the possession of the Lake Shore, Ladies'Dongola Kid Hand Welt or whether he had transferred the wine Shoes any toe. Button or Lace TO the possession of the Ann Arbor road Keal Kstate E Under the heading, "What the wild all sizes and widths, 84 shoes and then as agent of the Lake Shore The following is a list of the rea'waves say," the Grasa Lake News, notes at $:t 2~t ioad he surrounded the contents of that estate transfers in this County for thethe sermon of the clergy. Those 'wild Ladles'$3.50 Hand Turned Shoe any toe button or lace % 7">THE CUMMINGSAND CLIPPIER. task of ten year old wine, or whether weekending September 28, as reported waves" will be apt to surge up and carry the News man off his feet yet. Ladies' Dongola Hand Welt all as a Lake Shore employee he drank the by the Washtenaw Abstract Co., office sizes and widths, button and wine before it had been delivered to in Lawrence building, corner of Fourth lace any toe *:i.2f> Saturday... J?M c It i Mi OPERA HOUSE. the other road, or whether as agent of and Ann-sts., Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ladies' DongolaGoodyear Welt FEED SAVERS, the Ann Arbor road he had received Melvina itooney, by sheriff to Thursday Night. October 3. shoes button or lace narrow John R. Miner, Ann Arbor....$ square and razor toe a good $:i the wine from himself as agent of the The special engagement of Mr. shoe at a V.5 Elizabeth B. A. Rath bone to Car- lay Clement at the Grand Opera : ; : : : : : For the Fanner. Lake Shore and then as agent of the rie Rose, Ann Arbor (100 Ann Arbor road and with the wine in House this evening, promisies to be eo. Belcher to Benj. Simons, Are the best and cheapest. We have these Feed Cutters the possession of the latter road it had one of the events of the season. Mr. Augusta 800 Clement is a young man of decided from $4.00 up. mysteriously disappeared. Here is aBenj. S. Simons to Wm. C. and ability and unusual dramatic power. question that will puzzle some of the at- Annie U, Ayres, Augusta 1200 and though his career upon the stage FANCY SILKS! Agricultural Imp lenient s, tornies. We think that it would even Peter Powell to Chas. C. Wells, las been comparatively brief, he has Manchester 1250 •i:> pieces Fancy Silks Blue, BrownAls. o a Full Line of puzzle the Adi ian Press man. •onquered everything in sight up toGreen. G-avnet, Yellow, etc., on Black Buggies, Wagons and Timo- Wm A. Gosmer to Godfrey H. late. The most influential critics of grounds. Just received and are very BOO.n FOR Illl: ART SCHOOL. Kader, Bridgewater 400 lie larger Eastern cities have com- desirable for waists and trimmings 8 thy Seed. Katherine E. Jones to Lois T. A. piled him most favorably with Irving, 75c price on them would be the proper « nlire .Tlanagcmeut in the Hands Of McLaughlin, Ann Arbor 40 Sooth and other Illustrious stars liv- thing. Saturday the price will be 50c. Francis Paulus. Benj. N. Marhle to Gottlob Paul, ng and dead. When lie appears here Si ice the organization of the Ann Manchester 350 Mr. Clemeni will Impersonate the HENRY RICHARDS, Arbor Art School it has been the pur-Mary Miner to Luther C. Bene- character of a titled German botanist, nose of its officers to put the school up- dict, Manchester 1100 in the charming southern comedy Saturday and Monday, Oct. 5 to 7. Corner Detroit, and Catherine Sts., M. W. Bush to .Tas. Taylor, Chel- "The Xew Dominion." on a good, substantial basis, then to sea 70* give it into the hands of some compe- Telephone 163. Ann Arbor, Mich. .las. Taylor to Jennie M. Beach, Mack & Co's. Art Department. tent, enthusiastic person who could car- Chelsea TSU Awarde* 2nd Floor, ry the work forward to a still larger Thos. Koper et al to Mary Koper, Highest Honors—World'* Fair. success. We think the proper one has Dexter village N. E. Balluma native of Damascus and a medical student will attend in Every Lady in the City is Invited to Attend appeard in the person of Francis l'au- Nelson Rice to Emmett F. Pyle. DR full Oriental Costume t lie sale of Tui- lus, and we take great pleasure in plac- York ...., ish and Damastien genuine silk and ing the future management in his Ova Conklin to Kate Babcock, embroideries and draperies all made rut: :atids. This arrangement affords op- Sylvan 500 by hand of Turkish and Damastien la- John E. Vannatta to Thos. Birk- dies, He will have one custume in the portunities to art students never before morning and a different one in the offered in the art school. ett, Dexter i";l*i<

LAKE VESSELS SUNK. A five-year-old son of Lon Robidou GRAND OPERA HOUSE! tried to board a moving train at Mus- SeieiMl J riirt l>e«troyert in Collisions and kegon and was ground to death be- LADIES IP by Heavy Storms. neath the wheels. Do you like a Oup of • The steamer Kershaw and consorts The seventh annual reunion of the GOOD £ Thursday, Oct. 3rd Moonlight and Kent ivere driven Muskegron Valley Soldiers and Sailnrs' ashore near Marquette. The Kershaw association was held at Newaygo with FURNITURE If so, send this advertisement and 15 Special engagement of struck a reef and soon broke in two a large attendance. cents instamj s and we will send you amidships, the forward portion poing m to pieces. The two schooners went Chas. Willett, a Lake Shore brake- a U lb. sample of the best T i ~ hi,000. She was bound August Wyhne, Buechel Bros, and every set. fi||}P INCOMES made by getting to Duluth with coal. The Corsica was Matt Miller, saloonists at Center Line, orders for our ADMISSION, 35c, 50c and 15c. oadlv damaged and returned to the Oakland county, have been arrested Student Tables, Rockers, Book Shelves, Dining Chairs, celebratel d Teas, Coffees, Baking Pow- Reserved Beats on Bale ft< w a£ts Jewelery "Soo" after the collision. for keeping open on Sundays. * der and Spices. Work for all. 8H Store. The steamer E. C. Pope arrived at Side Boards, Book Cases, etc.., in all the latest styles. > lbs. of Fine Teas by mail or express the "Soo"' having on board the crew of The corner stones of two new Bap- ^ for $2.00; charges paid. Headquar- the schooner C. A. King, of Detroit, tist churches, one in the east end and All kinds of Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Art Squares and "* ters in U. S. for Pure Teas, Coffees, which had been picked up off Point Au the other in the southwestern part of Draperies in the newest patterns. 4 Extracts, Baking Powder and Spices. Barques, Lake Quron, after their boat the city, were laid at Jackson. •4 Beautiful Panel (size 14x28 inches) FRED. W, BUSS had foundered. The crew consisted of The annual meeting of the State I cheerfully solicit a call from you. 4 FREE to all Patrons. For full Capt. James Glenn, four men and a Horticultural society was held in con- 4 particulars, address THE LEADING HARNESS-MAKER woman. The King was bound from nection with the Grand Traverse fair. Toledo to liay City with coal, when The fruit exhibits were very fine. Successor to FRED. THEURER. she encountered the northwester. This Gratiot county capitalists are again 52 S. flain & 4 W. Liberty Sts. We offer the public a large assortment was Capt. Glenn's first trip in the : The Great American lea Co., King. He had recently purchased her, agitating the building of a railroad MARTIN HALLER, Ann Arbor, Mich of and lost everything, as he had no in- from Lansing to Ithaca, by the way of < 31 & 33 Vesey Street, DeWitt, St. Johns and Maple Rapids. 1 < P. 0. Box 289. NEW YORK. Harness surance. Passenger Elevator. Telei hone 148. '.;Theschooner Elma is reported as hav- SanilaC Centre, will soon have an- Blankets ing been driven upon the Picture rocks other llouring mill in the place of the on Lake Superior in a terrific gale and one recently burned. It is to cost Robes all on board, nine in number, including gti,00O. of which citizens gave 31,000 as ONLY $20 ONLY Whips Capt. .lohn Thurston's wife and child, a bonus. were drowned. The Elma was one of President Brennan, of the Port And all other Trappings at lowest three schooners in tow of the steamer Huron & Lexington railroad, has been pi-ices. Birkhead. Of the others the C. B. neii anchored oft' Whitefish Point, unsuccessful in interesting Capital in but it is feared she vill be pounded to his project and has about abandoned Big 4 Mileage 1REPAIRING CHEAPLY AND NEATLY DONE pieces. The crew was taken off by life the work. savers. The third of the tow, the Com- Joseph Bushway, aged HO, of Detroit, ACCEPTED FOB PASSAGE BY All outstanding accounts due to Mr. modore, found shelter at TOE 5LEEVE3 ARE FINISHED OFF WITH THE LATEST —-^ DETROIT, MICH. writing which you prefer to sell. Address *Muf*u-* yoang men and women to tr.r.i-uiD tbemselven I* became a total loss. She was owned 2The business men of Port Huron and iod«pei.d«ncc, nave money and arcumulilc wealth, Bu«ineia, by Abram Smith, of Algonac. Sarnia are tired of the alleged shabby ShcdbADti, Pei.rnan- hip, Knp'.i.-li and Mechanical I'rwing The Hawks Nursery Co., • •••••••.• ••••••••••• MI • • • • X>«j srLitif nts. Tbrron-h lyitrm of counting houtt actual bosi- treatment the Grand Trunk railway tni. tik'n"« T'iiT--r«ic'r Bulldinc. Illustrated Catalogue Srte W. i\ JEWELL, Pr«»'t. F. R. SPENCEB, Ste y. Rochester, N. Y. Two of the crew of the schooner has given them and will work to se- John Raber were drowned in Lake cure a competing line. )Z7&Z3 ANN Michigan when the vessel grounded While riding his bicycle after dark near Whiting, Ind. Wm. Spields, 5QNE DOOR WEST OF NASSAU" keeper at Squaw island, reports in Tecumseh Rev. Hudson, pastor of the Baptist church struck Miss Wood- YORK CITY__£?. O J a decomposed body being washed r ashore there in the gale and it is sup- ward at a crosswalk, injuring her so MADB OF FOREIGN WOOLEVS ndSftUt FAMOUS MILLS OFLEEDS,HUDa posed to be one of the crew of the lost severely that she died. ^ERSFIELD, CLIVEDF.N, WESTMINSTER, BANN0CKBURN AND GALASHIELS,! /COMPRISING THB LATEST COLORINGS AND ©ESIGNS IN CtAT DIAGONAX8. Chicora. The furniture from some The Union Music hall at Allegan ESTABLISHED TN 1SS4 vessel washed ashore near ' South ^WHIPCORDS, CASSIMERES, WORSTEDS, BEDFORD CORDS, TWEEDS. SCOTCH was gutted by fire, which was caused CHEVIOTS, PLAIN AND MIXED VICUNAS AND ALL OTHER FASHIONABLE GOODS.' Haven by the storm, indicating a by cigarettes. The loss on the hall is wreck. The excursion steamer Puri- 81.000: on TripD's drug stock and J. G. » _^ALL SEAMS SEWED WITH SILK. EDGES CORDED. FLAT BRAIDED OR CO*J> tan with 45 passengers left Chicago in Stein's grocery. SI,'-00. •STITCH. OUR CELEBRATED CYLINDER-FITTED TROUSERS, WHICH IS ALSO the gale and came near sharing the A GUARANTEE AGAINST BAGGING AT THE KNEE,' WILL CONSTITUTB ONE OF* STUDENTS! fate of the Chicora. The Puritan Walter H. Palmer, aged 3U. of De- MTHS FEATURES OF THB DCNBAVEN BVIX. THB LIKINGS AMD TRIMMINGS reached St. Joseph after an awful troit, committed suicide by jumping W.TBB ENTIM SUIT ARE FIRST-LASS./ ~~ % voyage, but was unable to enter the into the Detroit river, from the Wind- harbor and after being tossed about sor dock. Despondency because his V, OUR BOOK OP STYLES AND SELF-MEASUR*MENT BMWTr, EXPLAINING W"i? like a cockle shell for sometime it was wife was suing for a divorce. jIlMPLB WAY HOW TO MEASURB YOURSBLR^BlTHiM WTTH SAMPLES. «»>• A />

TPllttPII '«« tlir Toucli.i- acorn- A DEE? WATERWAY. I r>l\J)ll*K nion nymptoin of liernmn- HERE AND I LllULII He Joints. Khemutism can Prominent Mfon Who Want a D**ep Chan- be mired only l>> < ur- nel Through the Lakes. Ing its catise, preventing the formation aof tin's paper. of Commissioner:* lavestigatinu: the In these times when backs are lame. dustrial world, organized to aid the when almost every other one we meet lias 50 cento » box; 6 boxeo, I3.5Q. Massacres Causes the British I.ion to commerce of the great lakes by open- now and then, or all the time, a back that Dr. Whitehall Ue;j. Co., South Brni, Intl ing a deep waterway to the sea. aches or pains—"a weak back," "a bad Growl and the Pigtails Bow Very Low. There were present at the opening hack," a back that makes their life a mis- CONFIDENT! | session about :i00 delegates and 300ery to bear — and still fhey go on day by THE POPULAR ROUTE visitors. (len. K. C. O'Brien, president day in pain ami suffering. Now 'tis the Havana ID I>anger. of the New York Dock commission, easiest thing in the world to give this TO Chicago Tribune special: Armed presided as temporary chairman. The played out back "a blow " that will settle parties of revolutionists are already in address of the international president, it, and put in its place a new one equal to the province of Matanzas and actually (). A. Howland, of Toronto, was fol-any. It's just like this: hit at the canst-; GRAND RAPIDS Of the good behavior of the within 7"> miles of the city of Havana. lowed by a number of interesting- most backaches come from kidney disor- AND Of greater importance is the reported papers bearing upon the subject, by ders. Reach the kidneys, start their advance into the province of Matanzas. members from the various states in- jclogged-up fibres in operation; when this Clifford Piano that we guaran- If, as it if said, they have quantities terested and from all parts of Canada. is done you can say good-bye to backache. WESTERN MICHIGAN. of arms and munitions there concealed The important subject of lake levels Here is a case from Battle Creek: Mr. IS THE and if they are really advancing in received considerable attention, and ;Josiah M. Shoup lives at 51 Broad Street, t6e everyone we sell. It's not force, the is not far off. The the Chicago drainage canal was re- jhe was a member of the Battle Creek po- D. L. & N. west end of the island will soon be the garded by many as a menace to lake | lice force for many years. As a member scene of an uprising. When this fact commerce. The nominating commit- ' of the force he served the city well, but DETROIT, LANSING & NORTHERN. a little "left-handed" eruaran- develops the formidable nature of the tee gave Ohio and Michigan additional the rough weather he was often subjected revolution will be come apparent. representation on the executive com- j to laid the foundation of kidney disorder, With armed forces on both sides of mittee by naming- Ryersoo Ritchie, of , DOING WEST. Havana it would require not 80,000, which has troubled him very much. Here tee "with a string to it," but Cleveland, and lion. Don. M. Dickin- is what he says about it: Detroit Lv. 1 l»p mi ew but .")00,OUO Spanish troops to keep the son, of Detroit as members. Various Plymouth... " 8 25 I 48 | 6 4:1 revolutionists in check, (leu. .Murune:: "About three years ago, while on theSouth Lynn. s 4tj t <; routes and plans for a Seep water police force, I contracted from exposure a HoweJl June, ' U 11 7 ssi .in absolute agreement to take Campos is at once hiding the truth of channel from the lakes to the Atlantic Uoweil. :: defeat and disaster and creating a be- were discussed, but no was taken kidney trouble, which has since given me Lansing ' 10 24 : 36 lief in the immense power of his to indorse any of them, as it was theno end of trouble. The pain was right Grand Ledge. ' H' .V. 1 5R iw troops. It is safe to say the rebels through my kidneys and across the small Brand Rapids ' 13 :s-i p rn r> \>n ill) 45 back the piano and refilnd your general sentiment that a thorough in- Ionia 11 48 M m •1 if> p ID 18 on have 25,000 men under arms at the vestigation should first be made by of my back; if sitting down and I wanted luinti 11 4?;i 111 -i i;> p in iv u*» present time, and their forces are to stand up, I had to arise very slowly and Howard oily.. A r.r 1 a) p m| 11 4i y m competent civil engineers, and the STATIONS. GOING EAST. money if you can find any fault growing daily. resolutions adopted urged prompt and gently to avoid increasing the pain; I had thorough investigations by commis- such tired-out feelings all the time, and I Howard <-51 y I.v. 5 .Vi a in 4 10 pm Letters received at Tampa, Flu., state sioners representing both the United was steadily getting worse. About two Ionia " : m 1 :V> p 111 6 0» . whatever with it. That shows that a constitutional convention was months ago, hearing of Doan's Kidney Grand Rapids " 7 \. G. i". A., district court tlie jury in the trial ol tangled. The ticket named was as 85 llouadiKi k Itldu.. « hlra(». CLEV LAND the 21 Cubans charged with violation follows: For secretary of state, Hora- ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO. of neutrality laws, returned a verdict l- tio C. King, of Kings county; comp- $2 50 £ of not guilty."' The verdict was re- troller, John B. Judson, of Fulton; ANDREW E. GIBSON, lUU SOLE FACTORS. ceived with tumultuous applause. state treasurer, D. C. Dow, of Scho- Washington: John Sowers, sugar haiie: attorney, Norton Chase, of ^ VIA "C. BUFFAL& B. LIKE.O" planter at Sagna, Cuba, who was ex- ATTORNEY AT LAW. .'Draifni'/ni' »life op nlng of nnvigat on Albany: state engineer, Russell Stuart, irl 51 S. MAIN ST. iled on short notice by Gen. Campos, M 1** - MsjfiiiiSi'Mi sirr -wheel s.eel steBier of Onondaga; judge of court of appeals, Stiiie ol Ohio' and- State ol New York." will demand heavy indemnity through John G. Teller, of Auburn. So. 10 It. Huron St. the state department. John Repko, lllliiili MICH. DAtl.V TIME TABLE. ARBOR, - Ml CIIIGA N. hotelkeeper at Havana, who was given -INDAY IM I.t FED. a similar dose, wants $!i0,000. Uoth Irish-Americans Give Hot Talk. are Americans. Chicago was the scene of a conven- Lv. rieve'and. 6 30 p. M. | LT. Buffalo. flSOP.j*. tion held by Irishman who burn with P11CHIGAN Ar. Buffalo, 7:30 A. >I. | LT. 1 veland " M.\. M- patriotism and with a desire for the CF.XTRAL STANDABD TIME CHINESE INSULT FOREIQNERS. ! freedom of their native land. There Taka rhe ' C. & B Line" stennn rH rd esjni m was a large number of the prominent "Tlit yiuff.i" Ffll.s Emtte," -refreshing ni'ht's rest when eurouteto Bvi'uW, 1 REMEMBER:—We Make the Ann Arbor Organs. 1 Com lisaionera Investigating Massacres Irish of the country present and the Niagara Fall*, Toronto, \<-\v W7fc, and Christians Threatened. BoMou. All.aii>, 1,(100 Islands, sw 107 addresses were redhotanti-iiritish. It other EasU rn or Caiiadiau point. A dispatch from Foo Chow, China, seemed to be the universal sentiment says that the whole Ku Cheng commis- that force alone could ever win for )i'.«i. massacre is disgusted with Chinese of- Ex-Congressman John F. Finerty, of Chicago, was made chairman of the THA1MS AT ANN UCIIIilt. W. F. HERMAN, T. F. NETH>;A:S ficial duplicity. All the members feel Gen'l. Pass. Agt. Gen.). Manager. that unless they are more strongly convention and his speech was very C supported than now they had better tiery. He urped the organization of 7(ding Effect May 19, 1S J5. Cleveland, Ohio. return to Foo Chow. The British con- Irish military companies wherever sul, R. \V. Mansfield, has been grossly there are Irish, to be ready to strike insulted. The Chinese officials are against the oppressor — England — GOING EAST. »••••»•••••••••»••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• openly furious towards Christians for when the call came. O' Donovan Rossa, giving to the foreign consuls the the famous Fenian, also delivered an R'. .ii I &. E.\ press :i :i0 P. M. WURSTER & KIRN. names of the murderers. The prefect, insurrectionary address. Want you to call w&tn you are in need oJ a it is reported, threatens vengeance N. y. & Boston Special S 00 upon the departure of the commission. . Fust Eastern 10 Highest Quality of AIL The total destruction of the Christians' THE MARKETS. Atlantic E.\ 7 47 u work is probable. Prompter, stronger LIVE STOCK. CARRIAGE OR BUGGY action is needed. Detroit Night Ex 5 4 New York— Cattle Steep Lambs Hogs Or any other sort of a vehicle. Tkeir work Bestgrades....$4 9Ji5 10 Si 2> 94 ._ (4 tO Hong Kong: Obstruction of the in- Grand Rapidb Ex 11 05 Lower grades ,SSM 50 2 00 :i 50 4 50 SPEAKER FOR ITSELF. quiry by foreign consuls into the Ku- Chicago— Cheng massacre on Aug. 1 is still being Best grades 4 75 %n 00 3 75 4 75 4 30 GOING WEST BEI'AIMXG NEATLY LOSS Lower grades..a 2-)84 '.0 400 kept up by Chinese officials. Forty 2 00 3 00 AT MODERATE RATES. men suspected of complicity in the Buffalo — Mull & Express 8 43 A. n riots have been liberated by the local Best grades. ...r> 00 »8 2'. 3 50 4 3J 4 50 Q>jumbia Lower grades.. 2 :$> H 5'J 2 00 3 00 4 00 Boston, N. Y. A. Chicago 7 'JO authorities without the consent of the Detroit- . Horse Shoeing . consuls. Mr. Mansfield, the British Best grades 4 Ti i\ 7~> 3 00 :i 9) 4 10 North Shore Ltd 0 25 consul at Ku-('heng. has been insulted Lower grades. 2 0Js!,4 u 1 50 250 3 S3 BY EXPERIENCED RAJTB8. by Chinese soldiers. Cincinnati— Fast Western Ex 2 00 p. H. Best grades 4 .'>0 }o 00 8 as 4 00 4 40 WE <;l ARWTKK ALL OIK MOHK Grand Rpds & Kal F. v 15 57 ** Bicycles Sanghai: Failing the entire com- Lower grades. .3 2ii4 25 2 0J 3 U0 4 10 pliance of the central government with Cleveland — Chicago-Night Express 10 28 the British demands, it is understood [Jest grades 4 tj) to 03 3 00 4 10 4 30 Lower grades .2 2.) 'A:i ) 4 0C that a fleet of 14 British warships will 1 75 3 0J Pacific E.v 12 15 21,23 and 25 N. 4th Ave.. Ann Arbor, Mich make a demonstration before Nankin. l'ittsburg— Best grades 5 00 ih 10 320 4 00 4 40 The British demand is that within 14 C.W. EUGGI.ES. H.W H/Yhrt, The Standard for All. Lower grades..2 25 '4 tii 1 7.i 3 00 4 10 days an edict must be issued degard- GBAIN, ETC. G.V kT. A., Chicago. /n't., Ann Arbo; ing the viceroy of Sze-Chuen or other- VVhe-.'.t. Corn, Oats, wise the British admiral commanding No. 2 red No 2 mix No. 2 white OHIO CENTRAL LINES. will act. New York (W y8 1' 38 *&M 24 >ti»24!-i Chicago tfcj ..»;.'< 3Hi 31^ 21« [22 Berlin: German men-of-war in far •Detroit B!i '/BS^ 34 ffl34M 1824 E. R. EGGLE5T0N, H. D. T. <£ O. C. By—K. d M. By, east waters have been ordered to I Toledo 8:i cB8'/i 34

better hai Mr. Cleveland found a cause AIIIIITIOMI, LOCALS. Personals. firaiigers'c School of l)»ue protected by all means; its members Dr.V.C.Vaughan returned last Thurs" are American citi/.ens, and therefore, marriel Saturday evening at Jack- Eat During: Hot Wcatlicr llr. >l;iriiir, day from a two weeKS trip to Colorado- Koval BreaklUKt Food, It Pleanes die entitled to the protection of the son, Mich., to Eliza J. Freeman. They fW~ Fifiten Cents per Tear additional to ••>"<'<- will reside here. QUEEN VICTORIA USES PROPRIETARY; Mrs. J. D. Stimson, has returned tin Palutc. outtidtof WatMtnav County. Vmeriean government. But while the from her summer outing at Bay View. A phosphate nerve and brain invigor- Fifty Cents additional to Foreign countries. welfare of "the great syndicate" is A petition will ba presented to the MEDICINES. ating food without the heating proper- ruarded. demands for reparation of the Attorney General Maynard was in ties of oatmeal, etc., requiring the life Bnitrtd at Ann Arbor Poslofftce as Second- ;ouncil next Monday night asking that the city over Sunday visiting- his par-and strength of many pounds of choice Class Matter. njurici inflicted upjn Mr. and Mrs. ^atherine-st. be opened between Divi- ents. wheat to obtain one package. Well Waller by France anl upon the Amer- sion and State-sts. Mr. I. B. Bent, with H. Randall, is ' people like it, and the sick can eat it THURSDAY, OCTOBEK3, 1895. can Protestant missionaries in China And What is More They Cure back from his summer vacation in thewhen nothing else will agree with must not be neglected.—Inter Ocean. The regular meeting of the Woman's east. them. Saves labor, time and fuel. Drink Auxiliary will take place next Monday Her, Too. Mrs. J. W. Johnston and daughter, Dr. Martin's Nervine Coffee. For sale THE BEG1&TEH requests all of its at 3 p. m. in the Y. M. C. A. rooms, Miss Ida are home from a weeks visit in by Stimson, State Street. 26 friends, wfio have business at the Probate THE result of municipal ownership of over Tinker's store. It is hoped every Mil ford. street railways in Glasgow, Scotland, is member will make an effort to attend. Dr Martin L. Belser now has an office Receiver's Sale. Court, to be sure and i-eguest the Judqt or a strong argument in favor of such OTHER (I!O»\HI HKAUS I SK down town. He has rooms over the Notice is hereby given that on Mon- Probate or Probate Btqieter to send their ownership in all cities. A little over a Dr. and Mrs. E. C. L. Miller arrived First National Bank. day, October ]4th, J895, at 2 o'clock in year ago the city of Glasgow under- Till; »I ALSO AND «ET « lil.I.. printing to THE BE&ISTBB. Bea- in Ann Arbor yesterday, from their old George Clarken has moved into the the afternoon of that day, at the South :ook to run the roads. New and better DeForest house which he recently pur- entrance to the Court House in the City tenable rates only are charocd. cars were put on, the employees were home in Watson, Mo. They sail on chased on X. Division-st. of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, uniformed and given better pay, and the 12th from New York for India, People Have High Example* In I »li»s ;he fare reduced to one cent. It Munson Bliss, of Kansas City, Mo., is Michigan, I shall sell at public vendue was prophesied that the result would where they go as medical missionaries. Tin »f II. in. (II, • visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrst.o the highest bidder, provided such WHILE yearning for the good of all be a heavy financial loss, but the re- Calvin Bliss, and other relatives and bid equals or exceeds ten thousand dol- Mr. A. R. Kent has decided toent?r lars f* 10,000),all and singular, the stock, mankind, the Free-Trader will try to sult has been otherwise. During the friends. materials, machinery, and ap plianees. first eleven months of the new manage- the ministry of the M. E. church. He There never was a time when patent Mrs. H. Hasbrouck, of Marshall, who reduce the wages of his own help to the ment, the gross receipts exceeded the composing the plant of the R egister European standard. !ias been assigned to a charge at Madi- or proprietary medicines were so popu- has been visiting at the home of Moses I Publishing Company, including stock. gross expenditures by $118,000. This son Lake, Minnesota. Mr. Kent will lar and so widely used by everybody as Seabolt for several days returned home I copyrights and material on hand, now profit was net, interest, renewal of Tuesday. THERE is a striking resemblance be- eave tomorrow for his new field of la-at present. j situated in Hamilton Block in the said tracks, machinery, etc, being included Miss Junghans and Miss Palmer, of City of Ann Arbor, consisting of press- tween the attacks of old on the aboli- in the item of gross expenditures. The bor. Years of experience havedemonstrat Manchester, were in the city last t'ri- es, cases, typu, stands, galleys, impos- tionists and those of to-day on the up old company which had operated the ed the gieat benefit cf these remedies I ing stones, furniture, material and flx- cars began a vigorous competition with The fire department was called to 76 day visiting friends. They rode over holders of Protection. "Leave well They cure; hence it is not a matter o on their bicycles. i tures and appliances of every name and a line of omnibuses, but in spite of E. Washington-st. at 1:00 a. m. Monday : description constituting said plant, and enough alone: don't disturb the .coun- wonder to learn through the most di* Clay Greene has rented the house on everything, the new management was morning. Only a slight blaze occured. which can be now seen and inspected try by agitation: the people need re- successful in making the profit shown rect and reliable official sources, that Packard-st. formerly occupied by Fred The fire was soon extinguished before i in said Hamilton Block. pose." &c., &c, were the pries then as above. It is expected that hereafter in her recent illness, Queen Victoria, \J. Brown, of the Times. He will bring a still better showing will be made.— much damage was caused. An explo- his family here from Detroit. Said sale is made in pursuance of an the great Queen of England used and sion of hot air in the building while the order cf the Circuit Court for the Ex. was greatly benefited by such a remedy. Don't County of Washtenaw in Chancery, firemen were at work threw Edwards, THE rumor is current among the THE street car line in Ann Arbor Other crowned heads have undoubtedly let an agent have the last picture you made and entered October 2nd, 1805, in woolen and worsted trades that 50 per would do well to profit by this example. one of the firemen, against the wall and have of some friend and run the risk of cause of Wilfred B. Phillips. Receiver, done the same. Thus we see that the . vs. Selby A. Moran, et al. cent, of those mills will be closed with- At present we will suppose it is barely slightly bruised him. losing it. Wi will make you Crayon wisest, those with the best opportunity Portraits of any size and ac prices tq WILFBKD B. PHILLIPS. in H() days. So keen is the competition paping expenses. By reducing its fare Ann Arbor had only two saloon rows to judge, and rich in unlimited resourc- suit. You will find ouc work superi£>ij Receiver of the Register Publishing of the foreign manufacturers that our to one cent at least fifteen times as Tuesday night. In neither case was es, are convinced of the curative quali- to that you get from agent. Company. own people can neither .secure orders many people would ride. One-third of an\one seriously hurt, though at first it ties of these medicines. With ability I'. Berry man. THOMPSON & HARRIMAN, (i K. Jl uion-st. 8.3 Solicitors for Receiver. in advauue nor compete with the prices these would, as now, pay running ex- was thought that the young man who to procure the best medical talent in ruling for foreign goods. If such a con- penses, while the other two-thirds was knocked down with a billard cue in the world, this renowned Queen prefer- dition unfortunately proves to be true, would make a handsome profit. Polhemus'saloon had his scull fractured red a genuine remedy which had cured it will be a remarkable result of tlu It proved only a flesh wound. It was so many people, whose testimonials she '•benefit" of free raw material. IT is estimated by those who are in a mere chance that the blow did not had read. position to know whereof they speak, prove more serious. Among all those which rare genius, Ix the coming State campaigns voters that two hundred thousand Americans A prominent Ann Arbor business after long years of study and experi- should sec that the candidates are nave visited Europe this summer. man who has the reputation of being ment, has discovered, there is none srmnd for Protection to Home Industry During the earlier part of the season one of the shrewdest advertisers in the equal to Dr. Greene s Nervura blood The candidate for office who is not every passenger steamer leaving for an and nerve remedy. oval, outspoken and earnest in support European port was crowded to its ut- city decided one day recently to have Kings, queens, noble and peasant, the of this principle when ho is socking a most capacity, and berths were being made a careful canvass of a certain por- high as well as the low, alike employ nomination will be lukewarm or openly engaged two or three months in ad- tion of the city. At each house was and are cured by this grand remedy, es- hostile when he is elected. Hoist the vance. Just now the tide has turned, asked what papers were taken. In the pecially at this season of the year, when banner of Protection, Ii is the sign and it is the west bound steamers that district covered it was found that THE the blood and nerves requiro this pur- and promise of approaching victory. are crowded with returning tourists. REGISTER was ahead of all others. ifying and invigorating medicine. Let The righteous cause of Protection to Some, one has figured that these two The five years' subscription to THE others follow these illustrious examp- Home Industries has always won when hundred thousand travelers will leave REGISTER for the best five pound les. Don't make any mistake. Take it was presented clearly and intelli in Europe at least $100,000,000, not crock of butter, was captured by J. F. Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve gently to the American people. counting the 30,000,000 paid to the Avery, of 18 Church-st. The judges remedy. It is this you need. It is this steamship companies. There is no ques- pronounced the sample offered the best which will surely make you well and tion but that Americans are the great- OUB readers will recall easily the <•<»! they had ever seen. According to strong. est travelers on the earth, and, as a their system of marking it stood 01 tendon of the Democractie press a few Mrs. Charles H. Heaton, residing at consequence, they are better informco points out of a possible hundred, It is years ago that the Tariff had no effec l-i'S State Street, Montpelier, Vt., is of about the world in general than are the seldom that any butter stands above 87 upon wages. They ridiculed tba idei the very highest social position, She people of any other nation. Compar- pel' cent. that the Imposition of customs duties on says: imported goods could effect the wage atively few Europeans visit th's The Homoeopathic school now has its •'Two years ago we had a terrible ex- ;if American workingmen, and especial country, and the ignorance of the aver- faculty completed, Dr. M H. Parmalee, perience with La Grippe, and by over- ly of those engaged in employment age Englishman or Frenchman regard- of Toledo, Ohio, having accepted the work in taking care of my children and nnt Protected by the.Tariff. It is some ing the Uuited States is something position of non-resident professor of the results of the disease 1 was left in a thing amusing now to note the anxietx which appals and amazes the travellin obstetrics and gynaecology. Dr. Par very exhasted condition, in fact was of the Democratic Tariff. This is a case American. Such stories as that of the nalee is a graduate of the Hahnemann nearly prostrated. I was so weak that it which consistency would greatly add Englishman who thought he could Mod. Coll. of Chicago. He has a great upon the least excitement 1 would feel to a faithful memory. It is really em- leave New York in the morning, spend •eputation through Indiana and Ohio, nauseated. 1 was as near nervous pros- barrassing for the zealous Democratic the forenoon in San Francisco, drop in on a friend in ('hicago in the afternoon and it is believed that he wiil draw a tration as anyone could be. editor to discover from day to day just arge number of students from these whoie he is at. The Burlington llaw- and return to New York for supper are "Someone recommended Dr. Greene's probably apochryphal, but it is true states. Nervura blood and nerve remedy to me EVERYBODY ATTEND keye. that very few Kuropeans have any idea The following is from the Ann Arbor and I immediately began its use. I am THE REPUBLICANS are quite willing to of the size and importance of this correspondence of yesterday's Detroit happy to say it completely coured me. have eoraparisions made of the opera- country. — K.\. Tribune: I think it is the best medicine I ever tion of the Gorman and McKinley Tar- A committee from four leading col know of lor any form of nervous or U'ge fraternities met here tonight to chronic disease. I have recommended iffs. 8uch comparisons, fairly and imiami lH><<-iih» I lie Ti*a m [> (luestlo n arrange for the organization of a De- it to many and shall do so upon every properly conducted, vindicate Protec- troit branch of the University of Mich- Great The public meeting of the Anti- tion. But the friends of Protection occasion." Tramp Society hai been adjourned igan Alumni association. The four should challenge the comparison with fraternities loading in the movement If you are nervous,weak, tired, sleep- riday evening Oct. 4 at 8 p. m. in the great protective era of 18(il-!).'! and and the members of the committee are less, if you have headache, indigestion, the council room of the court house. as follows: Psi Upsilon, Duane Stuart, the l-Yeo-Trade period which preeeed- kidney or liver complaint, poor plood All citizens are invited to come. It is Gaylord Gillis: Delta Kappa Epsilon, i-d it. We invite Americans who are in John Condon, Harrv Nichol: Alpha and weak nerves, you can surely regain Opening especially desired that all women inter- qucstof the whole truth and nothing but Delta Phi, J. D. Richards. Two lead- your health and be as well as you ever e ted in this question may he present the truth to make that comparison for ing members of each fraternity residing were by taking Dr. Greene's Nervura in Detroit will take immediate charge themselves! Let them not wade blood and nerve remedy. BETROTHAL SHOPPINO. of the matter in that city. through statistics, which are useful in The strengthening and curative pow- Iheir way, hut visit the manufacturing An Expedition That the Whole Family The following appeared in last Satur- ers of this remedy are wonderful. Use eities. towns and hamlets. Let them Knter Into anil Kniov* day's Daily Courier: it and you will be made well and strong- apeak with old inhabitants and learn One of the Interesting functions of One year ago the proprietor of the It is the discovery of Dr. Greene the the up-to-date betrothal is, however, the lorn them and from personal observa- Ann Arbor Daily Courier entered most successful specialist in curing ner- shopping expedition, where the two into a contract with the Detroit tion what changes have taken place. mothers and fathers-in-law to be, with Evening Journal to publish for one vous and chronic diseases. He can be As living water rushed forth when Mo- their respective son and daughter, go year a daily paper here in Ann consulted by all at his office, :i"> West Nearly *40,Q00 ses smote the rocks, so under the bene- Arbor. That contract has been faith- 14th St., New York City, free, person- out on an appointed morning and bring fully and well fulfilled. It has not worth of Boots, ficent influence of Protection the field, home a broom, a carving knife and proven profiitablo, consequently with ally or by letter. the forest and the mine yielded bounti- fork, a salt cellar, a Bible, a brass door- this issue the Daily Courier ceases to bo Shoes and Slippers fully and spread prosperity throughout knocker, a candlo-sti.k ;n> a the gevernment of|r00m. As every one of these are re- benefit of this great Bargain \ cnezuela," but great syndicates have ceived, thanks should be immediately monster sweet pumpkin, just the sort to equal rights with poor citizens. If the rendered in the bride's hand-writing work up into such pies as we used to hvery one should improve this welfare of a United States syndicate and at once, and recently has been is- eat when we were boys. The third chance. that has claims in Venezuela is sued the edict that gooj form com- was a specimen of cucumber. The seed New! jeopardized by British action it is the mands the bride to addre?s ail her own came from California, and the sample duty of Mr. Cleveland's administration ' V invitations r.:. i personally now in our office is over four feet long. superintend their posting, sealing the to protect it. Come in and see it. We simply wish tuan- envelope flaps with white wax, show- nounce that we have Yet it would have been mope chival- SEE BILLS ing the impress of her lnitls's alone, According; 10 Iwreeley: purchased the Drug rous, and would have appealed more wreathed with tiny orange b .:.«mi. '•{»'« West." Bat before you Store of Bassett A- strongly to the Americanism of the peo- go, This seal is a little souvenir that falls write to i'\ [, Whitney, G. P.& T. A.. Mason. We want to For Great Cut in Prices! to (he share of her mother, just as her C X. By., St. Paul, Minn., for printed ple, bad Mr. Cleveland and bisSeere- see you. We feel tarv of state been active tirst in the white silk wedding stockinet are given matter descriptive of the North-wvst sure we can please matterof Mr Waller, who isdispossess- to her youngest sister e»d from her country, which offers so many induce- private purse she is exp°aed to send a ments to new settlers and investors. you. d of all his worldly goods and forcibly fee to the cook who bakes her weeding separated from a sick wife, whose cake. George R. Kelly sells Wood. CHICAGO ™T%PR.CESE health is Further endangered by affec- Tadella I , y All Write. [••<„• W. G. PALMER, Ph. C. tionate anxiety for her husband, and < ard <>i Thank*. sale at Mntnmery's Drag Store, Wash- lawlessly Imprisoned by a usurping Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tubbs and fam- ington Mock. {Formerly nith K. E. Culkin*.) body of French soldiers. It would ily wish to thank their friends (or their No. 1G SOI Til STATIC ST. have pleased the American many expressions of sympathy during Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder people • their recent bereavement. WorM's Fair Mis-heist Award. No. 10 N. Wain St., Ann Arbor. THE AXX ARBOR REGISTER: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3 1895.

Campus. The Women's League and Students' Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report PropoNal* lor Christian Association receptions will The Regents met last Wednesday. be held this and Friday afternoons, The Choral Union has already had from 4 to G o'clock, at Newberry hall. Dark in hp7pnt,M. AfV 7w- • t ' Plne' "r and cedar- *Mines o{ precious a meeting. These receptions are very informal and Ave he bid? to h. L ', University metals and coal. Delightful and health- ncfudc o e foot o^nJ 1 '?. and tO ful climate' Adapted to live stock The U. of M. Daily put in an appear- every college woman is cordially invit- Baking 9 Same and di g Thi

The steamer Montana, of the West- MICHIGAN MENTION. ern Transit line, struck the bank in The Store! 'ortage lake canal at Houghton and ost her rudder and shoe. She imme- BKIEF ITEMS ABOUT MICHIGAN diately filled and sank. She was u PEOPLE AND THINGS. oaded with flour from Duluth to Buf- 5. alo. p A diphtheria epidemic is raging at BAZAAR SALE, SATURDAY, OCT. State Taxes ai Apportioned to the Varloui Wolverine with fatal results. Two hildren died within 24 hours and four Counties by Auditor-General Turner more cannot recover. Over 100 chil- are. Much Higher Than Formerly—Leg- dren have been exposed and schools DEAD and churches have been closed for a islature of 1893 Blamed for It. The Poorest Man on Earth me. SPECIAL" SALE The general merchandise establish- CAN BE CVRBD OF IN Apportionment of State Taxes. ment of Reader Bros. & Hunter at Scottville has burned. Loss $2,500. Auditor-General Turner has com- There is no insurance, the last policy pleted the apportionment of the state of $1,000 having been canceled the day GLASSWARE! x for 1S'.)5 among th : 84 counties of before. The building was an old land- The Tobacco Habit e state. The total taxis $3,013,919..12 mark. BY OUIi METHOD. ml is large when compared with the The 8-year-old daughter of Harrison Some of the Many Things in Glass: ax of $1,089,135.89 in 1894 and $1,931,- Blodgett, at Belding, was fatally 14.69 in 181KS. In explanation of this burned, while attempting to heat a We Offer You a Remedy,Tliat Will Free Every Slave to Tobacco in Ten Days. Glass Hotels different Fine glass tumblers. (act is pointed out that the owing cloth to wrap her head in. The sizes 10c per doz fiOc o the current expenses of the legisla- cloth caught fire; her clothing was all Pitchers 10c Butter dishes.per doz. ure the state tax is greater for odd burned off and the body was horribly Square cheese or bread Jelly bowls. nan for even years. Then various burned. Salt and pepper, per easons are given for the increase in Fire destroyed the home, barn, crops plates We lie amount of the tax this year. It is and machinery of Fred Zimmerie, near Butter dishes 10c dox 5c hown that the legislature of 1893 Niles. The loss is §2,500 with no in- Jelly stands 10c Square nappies, per ailed to incorporate tax clauses in surance. The family had a narrow READ THE STRONGEST ENDORSEMENT EVER 10c doz Sc ome of its appropriation bills and escape from cremation, escaping in P icicle dishes. hese appropriations had to be paid their night clothes, and they are now Tumbler, per dojn 2,*c nd the deficiency made up by the leg- destitute. Pickle dishes, per doz. ~>c slature of 1895." The legislature of ' GIVEN ANY REMEDY. Large Decorate Lamp complete 7 inches decorated 893 even neglected to provide for the MuskdgOn is in an uncomfortable dome shade only i)Hc payment of its own expenses in the position financially, owing to a special general purpose bill. The total defici- paving- tax levied in 1892, having been Night Lump complete only 10c ncy made up by this year's legislature declared invalid by Judge Russell. It s 87(10,509.39. The care for the insane is feared a special sewer tax is in the ausedan increase in that appropriation same position. If so the city is out if over $100,000, and new institutions about 850,000. UNITED STATES HEALTH REPORTS lso made a heavy draft on the tax, Christian Goedecke, who resides he Xewberry asylum alone receiving west of Tawas City, was riding home l>l IK I VI. ENDORSEMENT. JIM! 19, 1893, PAGE 10, HACK & COMPANY. 1H5.000. The auditor-general says with his sister when they were fired JOHN KOCH. BAZAAR. W. C. MACK. hat these deficencies having been at, the ball taking effect in the back ared for the tax for ISOti will drop to of his head and causing a slight wound. "In the interest of the masses, for whom these reports about the normal figure—$2,000,000. Alfred Johnson, attorney, was ar- The tax of '95 is apportioned to the rested on suspicion. are compiled, the United States Health Reports have examined counties as follows: Alcona i 4.101 5;! Keweenaw 7,87178 Wm. O. Lowden, ex-prosecuting at- and investigated many preparations having for their object AUrer 6.520 62 Lake 4.131 28 torney of Barry county, recently or- Allegan 4!M'i H Lapeer 87.388 24 dained a Baptist minister, who fled the cure of the tobacco habit, but among them all we have no \lpena ltf.,'4'96 Leelauau 8.733 15 Antrim 8.28H (58 Lenawee 79.582 9» from Hastings after securing $1,200 on Arenac 3.518 0» Livingston ... 42.208 72 forged paper, has been arrested at hesitancy in giving the editorial and official endorsement of Baraga f..S4i 28 Luce 5,267 56 Carrington, N. D., and Gov. Rich has Barry 39.757 91 Mackinac .... 5.469 84 these Reports to the remedy known as '* Uflde SdfVl'fi Bay .... 72.333 38 Macomb 49.16.1 04 issued a requisition. Benzie n.S5 Osooda 2.6,9 86 near White Pigeon. They did not like Gd Traverse. rJ3.i6.i8 Otsego 6.061 14 Gratiot 27.1)40 57 Ottawa 40.392 iiO the restraint of home. ic when we endorse the same, and stamp it as the crowning" Hillsdale.... 38.136M Presquelsle... 4.12183 A wild woman was captured near achievement of the nineteenth century, in the way of destroying a Houghton . . lOri.236 45 Roscommon ... 3.946 38 Huron 22,018 41 Satclnaw 99,034 35 Alpena. The tattered remains of an Khain 55,929 64 Saailac S3.0M08 old wrapper was her only clothing and habit as disgusting as it is common, (FOR ONLY $1.00.) Ionia 50.558 09 Sehoolcraft.. 9.8+2 she had made a nest among the roots Iosco. 13,435 80 .Shiawassee.. 45.H06 28 For Sale byj Iron 13.455 36 St. Clalr 5;;.9l7 85 of a large stump under which she had Isabella lti,:«K)49 St. Joseph... 52.741 9.i burrowed. She had evidently been Isle Royal... -JS8 51 Tuscoia 21,665 72 living on roots and berries for some Jackson .. 82.065 59 Van Buren.. 40.081 51 Kalumazeo 71,539 41 Wasnteuaw . 81.940 time. A. JS. MUMMERY, a. 9,79, 8 47 Wayne 503.28159 Wexford 10.920 86 The steamer Grade Barker, Capt. Kent 131,297 72 W. E. Chryselis, used in the ferry busi- Total »3,0i:i.919 J2 WASHINGTON BLOCK, ANN ARBOR, MICH. ness across Little Traverse bay, be- tween Petoskey and Harbor Springs, Steamer Mark Hopkins Sunk la Collision was burned to the water's edge at The steainer Mark Hopkins was sunk Harbor Springs. Loss, $4,000, with no near Nine-Mile point. Hay lake channel, insurance. Thought to be the work of in a collision with the steainer Vander- an incendiary. Great Free Exhibition! bilt. The Hopkins was ore laden and down bound. The crew escaped unin- The Michigan University regents jured. The Vanderbilt was but little have directed their attorneys to man damaged. The Hopkins was built at damns the auditor-general for one per Grand Haven in 1.172, was owned by cent of the land grant. The Univer- GEO. R. KELLY At the Fair G rounds. We have decided to E. C. Secor, of St. Hair; commanded sity has always received 7 per cent, by Capt. S.' A. Lyon and valued ai but the legal rate is now 0, neverthe- exhibit that 19th century wonder the STEEL $50,000. less the regents think they are entitled to the full 7 per cent. SELLS RANGE MAJESTIC. We will bake de- PENINSULAR STATE NEWS. Wm. C. Denney has been returned from Indiana to Manistee. where he is 1 licious biscuits in three minuets by the watch. Bronson voted in favor of electric charged with having secured $10,000 . from the Manistee National bank in In Large These we will serve with coffee and cream 18H2 under false pretenses. Hillsdale, Charlotte will have a bicycle factory Sturgis, Saginaw and Grand Kapids or Small free to all who call. In addition to this attrac- next season. banks are also said to have been E. C. Williams, of Grass Lake, lost "worked" by Denney. Quantity. tion we will give away to the best guesser his home by tire. Michigan's county jails have been a Jennings Bros, barn burned near Mecca for hobos during winter for one of our ^ Oxford. liOSs Sl,f>00. some years, but Attorney-General Delivered Jewish citizens of l'ort Huron are Maynard has found an old law which Promptly. going to erect a synagogue. distinctly provides that manual labor must be provided if possible, for all Andrew Pierce, aged 35, was killed prisoners in county jails. An effort $53«°° Ranges Free! by a falling tret near South Haven. will be made to put the law into effect. At a Everyone has a chance to guess. Carleton got scared at her recent tire The annual conference and camp and will purchase afire fighting equip- meeting of the Seventh Day Advent- Moderate ment. ists of Michigan aud Ohio, which was Rate. Emmett Gillinore, aged 2">, suicided in session three weeks at Lansing has with strychnine at North Adams. No closed. It was a success in every way. cause known. Despite the disagreeable weather the attendance was very large, and 100 (ieo. Horton was arrested at Atlas, converts were baptized in the Grand charged with assaulting his daughter river. Josie, aged 7. EBERBACH HARDWARE CO, Mrs. Enos Larkins, in jail at Monroe Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bliss, of Ann together with her husband, both being Arbor, have celebrated their sixtieth charged with the murder of Mrs. Mer- wedding anniversary. rill, near Petersburg, has made another confession to the effect that they had St. Joseph's Catholic church at No. 33 E. HURON ST. planned the murder six weeks before Wyandotte held a silver jubilee, with it was committed and that Larkins Bishop Foley of Detroit in attendance. choked the old Jady to death in the Lapeer county boasts of the oldest woods and they then burned the. body. ONE-HALF BLOCK WEST OF MAIN ST., NOS. 9 AND IIW. LIBERTY ST. woman in the state, Mrs. Nancy .Sulli- van, who was born in Ireland in 1783. In reply to an inquiry from the state board of auditors Attorney-General John Iilummer, aged 27, suicided by Maynard has prepared an opinion to shooting near Saginaw. He was a the effect that the board must begin SIGN WRITING ALL OKDBBS PROMPTLY F1LLK1). Special Bargains In cripple and this made him despondent. suit to recover excess salaries drawn A fire near Hillman cost John Ham- by the former state officer" when it CO was reported that the constitutional KALSOMINING ONLY >- ilton ST.000 in house, barns and horses. No insurance. It leaves him destitute. amendments increasing their salaries Furniture For had carried, but which proved to have PAINTING FJRST-CLASS The Fifteenth Michigan Infantry been carried by fraudulent election meet in annual reunion at Deertield, returns being made. PAPER HANGING WORK. on the anniversary of the battle of Corinth. A bell costing $200, the funds for FRESCOING AND INTERIOR DECORATING which were contributed by Sunday MODERATE RATES Miners and others about Negaunee school children in .Michigan, was cast Students Rooms! m need not starve din-ing' the coming it the American Bell foundry at C9 winter. The potato crop is a record Northville and was dedicated to the We have carefully selected an assortment breaker. memory of the recently deceased While crossing the race track at Arthur Ninde Potts, five-year-old son VET ARMSTRONG, of Chamber Suits, Couches, Rockers, j Bancroft, Benjamin De Freeze, aged of Dr Potts, of the Michigan Christian Chairs, Study Tables, Book Shelves, 70. was run over by a team and fatally Advocate. The bell will be sent to Cor. Summit and N. 5th Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. Carpets, Draperies, etc. SuiiabJe for injured. the M. E. mission at Aligarh, India. Commissioner of Labor Morse, of Students' Rooms. I Michigan lias been made president of The Democratic campaign in Ohio the National Association of Factory was opened at Columbus with a big If you want your room to look very at- Inspectors. parade and two big- meetings. Ex-Gov. ; ampbell made the principal address. tractive call and see what we are offering Work on the new bicycle factory of for little money, L. Marr .fe Co., at Saginaw, is progress- A sensation was created at Washing- BROOMS ! BROOilS ! BROOMS ! ing, and wheels will be turned out ton by the military arrest of Maj. this winter. Armes. l\ S. A., retired, on an order Beauty, Durability and Low Prices from Lieut.-Gen. Schofield, acting sec- BEST EVER MANUFAC1UREI). While playing foot ball at Olivet retary of war for the day. Maj. Armes are combined in our new assortment. Prentis Hates, a college boy from IV- says the arrest was due to a personal ALSO BRUSHES AND SCRUB BROOHS. toskey, broke his collarbone. The in- in&rrel of '.'."i years' standing between jury is serious. lien. Schofield and himself, A Chance for Everybody to Get Their Brooms at Moderate Rates Michael Lorenz, carpenter, was iu- Keeent advices state that the Japan- BUY A HOME-MADE AND HAND-MADE ARTICLE. HENNE&STANGER. Itantly killed at the Delta Lumber ese have captured Changua and Tai- Co. mill at Detroit, by being struck by nan-Ku from the Formosan rebels after THEY ARE THE BEST. a flying board. severe fighting. The Japanese at last UNO A POSTAl WHEN IN NEED OH ANY HHOO1IS, accounts were marching on Anpig, John W. Root, a vegetable peddler, where the rebels are concentrated. ALL ORDERS PROHPTLY FILLED. ONE-HALF BLOCK W. OF MAIN ST., NOS, 9 AND II W. LIBERTY ST. of Bedford, was fined 811.80 by Justice 1'he Japanese army in Formosa, which Bidwell at Battle Creek, for kissing a numbers G0,000 men will have to be married woman. reinforced as the troops are worn out. S. JT. BEARDSLEY. Manufacturer, 28 Spring Street. Ann Arber. Mich. THE ANN* ARBOR REGISTER: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1895.

«'. C. T. I. The Board <>! l»nlilli< Work-.

for God, and Home and Native Land. [OFFICIAL. ] PINEOLA COUGH BALSAM Edited by Mrs. A. E. Van Valkeaburg. Office of the Board of Public Works I Is excellent for all throat Inflammation!! apd §CHLENKER for asthma. Con- What's the matter with Tadella Pens '. Press Superintendent. Ann Arbor, September -5th. 1895. j sumptives will in- One week from today the W. ('. T. U. Regular session. variably derive meet in the Young' Woman's Christian benefit from Its Called to order by President Clark. use, ;i-. it Quickly Association rooms over the post office. iliates tlu* cough, renders exportor- FAIR NOTES. Present, Pres. Clark, Bull is, Ross. atlon easy, assist - The minutes of the last regular meet- in^' nature in re- 5JOUES Two hundred "Fair Numbers" of the storing wasted Onion Signal tied with white ribbons ing were read and approved. t issues. There AND is a large per- and having suitable scripture motto Mr. Bullis moved that the walks in centage of those wlii tsuppese their carde attached were distributed on the front of the property of Mrs. Lukin* on runoH to tie con- Best i For Thin Children. fair ground, during the fair, by Mrs. sumption who are only suffering from a the east side of Church, White on the chronic cold or deep seated cough, often ag- U/OF{CD Children are always thin and pale when they do not Charles Worden, Supt. of Temperance east side of N. State and Dr. Georg on gravated by catarrh. I-\ r catarrh use Klv's Cream Halm. Both remedies are pleasant to OVER ONE assimilate enough fat. This seems strange, perhaps, Literature of the local W. C. T. I". the north side of E Williams in the use. Cream Halm. f>()c. per bottle; Pineola The members of the W. C. T. U. Balsam,25c. at Druggist*. In quantities of but it is literally true. Unless there is a healthy as- judgment of the Board be advisable to KM will deliver on receipt of amount similation of fat food the blood becomes depleted, wish to extend their thanks to Corner lay over until next spring, providing ELY BKOTBERS, .Vi Warren St., New York. Ball for the donation of his tent for that the above walks are kept in repair tissues waste away, vitality becomes low and the body their use during the fair and for the until such time and the Board so languishes for the need of proper nourishment. moving and setting up of the same, also recommends to the Council. to other parties who rendered kindly Yeas—Pres. Clark, Bullis, Ross—3. assistance. The Nays—None. Scott's Emulsion The high board fence around the is useful to children, especially in two wa)rs. It is Cod- place where intoxicants were sold on Mr. Bullis moved that Dr. Conrad t'.ie fair ground was doubtless intended Georg be allowed to connect with the Standard! liver Oil emulsionized, thus being easily assimilated and tj hide from view whatever was notMain St. sub-lateral of the Liberty St. rendered palatable, with the Hypophosphites of Lime clean and attractive at the fair. sewer under the supervision of the Have you bought a Dictionary'/ and Soda added to tone up the nervous system and No fence has ever' yet been plumbing inspector. If not. nourish the bones. This combination of these potent built around our homes and our dear Yeas—Pres. Clark, Bullis, Ross- 3. STOVES nutrients is just what thin children need to give them ones, high enough to shut out the wily Nays—None. flesh, color and vitality. Almost all children like it. serpent of intemperance, and it is Mr. Ross moved that the plumbing -A.\J}- equally true, that none will ever be inspector be authorized to dig' up all Don't be persuaded to accept a substitute / built around the saloon high enough to connections with the sewers where the shut in its shame and degradation and Wait! Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 5Oc. and £1. same has not passed inspection. HARDWARE. sin. Yeas—Pres. Clark. Bullis, Ross—3. Until you can examine The word "boycott'' is not in the Nays—None. io West Liberty Street. curriculum of the W. C. T. U. OurMr. Bullis ;inoved that the Board complete national motto is "We wage recommend to the Council that they The our peaceful war. for God, and home be empowered to purchase one car load "GEORGE'S" and native land." In God's time and of swamp oak plank at $18 per M. way, we know the right will surely pre- Yeas Pres. Clark, Bullis. Ross 8. vail. Nays—None. Standard •- Wfc. WAN I TUU IU IKY CONVENTION NOTES. Mr. Boss moved that the plans and LIVERY In difference to a time-honored cus- estimates of the engineer for the con- tom the general officers of the national EVERYTHING PSSFBCTiaE NEW. GOLDEN SCEPTRE struction of sheds for tools be submitted Dictionary W. C. T. U. announce the fact alread y SMOKING TOBACCO- to the Council. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS. All thetaUt In the world will not convince you so will known, that the twenty-second BOquickly as a trial that it is almost Perfec- Yeas L'res. Clark, Bullis, Ran 3. tion. We will send on pecei fc of 10 cetitsu, an Dual convention of the organization £jk COUPES, HACKS, Simple t> any :i dress. Prices of Golden vill be held in .Music Hall Baltimore, Nays—None. TriE BEST ON EARTH ! CARRIAGES BRAND NEW Sceptre, 1 lb., $l.S0; 1-4 Mi., 40 cents,, postage paiil. CATALOGUE FREE. .Mel.. Oct. 18 to 23, 1895, and issue their Mr. Builis moved that Mr. EtoSB be ;m