Y, ' $ ! li i! ~ASSACHUSIgI'TS INSTI'flYI'E OF TF~HNOL~Y. : 2: ?1t PRESIDENT'S REPORT ~i~ ~{~i POR THE ~i ,/~ i ~ !!iil ~ z i~!~! Year ending Sept. 30, 1876. !i :i~!ii! i,!: i ~ BOBTON: PaEas oir x. A. I~lb1OM~N. 1877. ii.:. ~..... k. ? ; "t MASSACHUSEttS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. PRESIDENT'S REPORT FOR THE Year ending Sept. 30~ 1876. '}!, BOSTON : PRESS OF A. A. KINGMAN. 1877. L ...... Extracts from Acts of the General Court of Massachusetts, in relation to the l~Iassachusetts Institute of Technology. Act of Incorporation. "William B. Rogers [and others named], their associates and successors, are hereby made a body corporate, by the name of the MASSACHU- S~X'TS I~STITUT~ OF TECH~OLOOY, for the purpose of instituting and maintaining a Society of Arts, a Museum of Arts, and a School of Industrial Science, and a,ding generally, by suitable means, the advancement, development, and practical application of sciences in connection with arts, agriculture, manufactures, and commerce." Chapter 183, Acts and Resolves of 1861. Grant of P~lic Lands. "When the Massachusetts Institute of Technology shall have been duly organized, located, and established, ...... there shall be appropriated and ~paid to its treasurer, each year, on the warrant of the Governor, for its endowment, support, and maintenance, one third part of the annual interest or income which may be received from the fund created under and by virtue of the 13Oth chapter of the Acts of the 87th Congress, at the second session thereof, approved July 2, 1862 [giving Public Lands to the States in aid of instrut~tion in Agriculture, the Mechanic Arts, and Military Science and Tactics] .....
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